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BACK TO                                                     Heritage Elementary

                        SCHOOL!                                                       “Dream, Believe, Achieve”
                                                                                          -Author Unknown

                    Welcome to Third Grade!
       Hello from Mrs. Eubanks                           Be safe in knowing that no matter what the
 My name is Melanie Eubanks and this is my third year    day holds, your child will be taken care of in
 of teaching third grade at Heritage Elementary.         my classroom. I make a sincere effort to
 Before coming to Heritage, I had the joy of working     make sure that each child learns and has fun
 with preschool, third, and fifth grade students.        while doing it.

 I am a graduate of Athens State University where I      Parent/Teacher Communication
 graduated with Summa Cum Laude honors. At Athens
 State, I received my B.S. in Elementary Education. I    In a couple of weeks, you will begin receiving our weekly
 hope to return to school very soon to obtain my         class newsletter. “The Eubanks Enquirer” will keep you
 Masters in Elementary Education.                        informed of classroom and school happenings. I will
                                                         give your child a paper copy the first time it is sent
                                                         out. I will then begin sending it via e-mail. I ask that
 I absolutely love teaching, and I could see myself
                                                         you please print out the newsletter and place it in your
 doing nothing else. I feel very blessed to be
                                                         child’s binder in the newsletter sleeve. Please sign the
 employed here at Heritage Elementary. Last year, I      bottom of the newsletter so that I know you have
 had an amazing year with my students. It was            viewed it.
 amazing to watch the students grow in knowledge. I
 also look forward to working with your child. I         Students will bring a “B.U.G” binder home every day.
 promise to work hard to ensure your child gets the      This binder needs to stay in the child’s backpack and
 quality education that he/she deserves.                 travel between home and school every day. More
                                                         information about the “B.U.G” binder can be found on
                                                         page 7.
 I look forward to working with you to help your child
 succeed not only this year, but for the rest of
                                                         Graded paper folders will go home each Thursday
 his/her life.                                           (unless otherwise stated). On the inside cover is a

About Third Grade                                        sheet titled “This Week’s Work.” Please sign this
                                                         document, so I will know that you have seen your child’s
                                                         work. Please help your child get into the habit of
                                                         bringing his/her folder back on Fridays. Also, please
Third grade is an awesome and exciting year.             return ALL graded papers. I must keep these on file.
However, third grade will also be a                      Students will receive a sticker on their charts when
challenging year. Your child will be                     folders are brought back signed the next day (more
                                                         information about incentive charts can be found on
introduced to new math concepts, cursive
                                                         page 6).
handwriting, more detailed language and
grammar skills, hands-on science                         Listserv is a great way for you to stay informed about
experiments, and independent reading.                    school events and important information. The principal
                                                         sends information via Listserv every week. To sign up,
I believe that third grade is a year of                  go to the school website and click on “Listserv.” Follow
growing independence.                                    the directions.

                                                         E-mails are sent out very often! Be sure I have your e-
                                                         mail address for class news.
Back To School Parent Newsletter - Page 2
                                                         There will be several reading activities happening
  Feel free to e-mail me anytime as I check e-           throughout each week.
  mail at school and home very frequently. If
  your child has special needs or concerns, you              •   A story for the reader will be assigned weekly
                                                                 (most often with a vocabulary list). Skills that
  may want to e-mail me as soon as possible to let
                                                                 accompany the story will be taught and
  me know. Help me ensure your child’s success
                                                                 practiced throughout the week. Some
  through positive communication.
                                                                 assignments will accompany these stories as
                                                                 homework. Students will be responsible for
  Mrs. Eubanks’ Contact Information:                             reading their weekly story, writing vocabulary
  E-mail:                         sentences, and studying their vocabulary
  Phone: 256-772-2075                                            during the week. The story of the week and
                                                                 vocabulary list will be noted on the weekly
                                                                 newsletter. Vocabulary tests will be given on
                                                                 Fridays. Comprehension tests will be given on

                                                             •   Sustained silent reading will happen daily. This
                                                                 may or may not be Accelerated Reading (AR);
Classroom Subjects                                               however, it will be encouraged. We will begin
                                                                 working on AR goals after the students have
Spelling                                                         taken the STAR reading assessment.
 A spelling pretest will be given on Monday.                     Students will keep an Accelerated Reading Log
Students scoring 100% will not be required to                    in their binders. The log will give you more
take the post-assessment given on Friday.                        information on your child’s reading range and
However, students who compact out will still be                  AR goal. Students will have the whole nine
                                                                 week period to meet their AR goal. AR tests
required to participate in certain spelling concept
                                                                 will not count against the students’ reading
lessons during the week. Please do not have your
                                                                 grades; however, rewards will be given to
child study for the pretest. The pretest is
                                                                 those students who meet their goals. We will
used to assess PRIOR knowledge.                                  chart their progress in the classroom. The
 English/Writing                                                 key is to motivate your child to read.
 Your child will engage in several writing activities,
                                                             •   The STAR reading assessment will be given
 use correct punctuation, develop dictionary skills,
                                                                 periodically during the year to evaluate
 correctly use nouns, verbs, adjectives, and                     progress and set optimal reading levels for
 pronouns in written and oral speech, etc.                       students.

 Skill mastery will be assessed from writing                 •   Small group instruction will be the primary
 products and unit tests.                                        reading strategy taught daily. Small group
                                                                 instruction addresses individual needs and
Reading                                                          allows me to focus more on my students’
Your child will be given the opportunity and                     strengths and weaknesses in reading. While I
instruction to improve silent and oral reading, as               am working with my small groups, the rest of
                                                                 the class will be peer-discussing literature,
well as strengthen their comprehension through
                                                                 doing reading activities from the class reader,
our AR program, chapter books and Harcourt
                                                                 writing, applying language skills, or utilizing
Reading Series. Students will be given time in                   technology.
class to read silently from his/her AR book.
Reading strategies based on the Alabama Reading              •   Guided Reading will target specific reading
Initiative will be taught and reinforced during the              strategies that improve student
year, so that your child will continue to improve                comprehension.
his/her comprehension and oral reading.
Back To School Parent Newsletter - Page 3
•   Fluency is assessed in third grade through the
    use of DIBELS. Students at the 3rd grade
    level should be able to read 110 words fluently     Math will be taught as a skill-building/review
    by the end of the year. Therefore, fluency          process using the Everyday Math and AMSTI
    will be addressed weekly by read-alouds,            programs. Hands-on materials will assist daily
    poetry, and practice DIBELS fluency passages.       activities that are practical (i.e. calendar,
                                                        money, and elapsed time). There will be written
•   Reading Logs – Students should read                 assignments and homework.
    approximately 15-20 minutes a night. The only
    way a child can improve their reading skills is     Students are expected to have already
    by practicing. The practice should be fun!
                                                        memorized the basic addition and subtraction
    Some strategies for making reading fun might
                                                        facts. During third grade, students should
    include whole family reading, read to a
                                                        learn and memorize multiplication and division
    big/little brother or sister, read to a friend or
    stuffed animal, take turns reading with Mom         facts through the 9’s; however, we will study
    or Dad, read something besides books – cereal       through the 12’s. PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT
    boxes, comics, newspaper, recipes, game             WILL BE ESSENTIAL with reinforcement of
    instructions, etc.                                  all new and on-going skills. There will be a
                                                        weekly multiplication test given on Fridays.
•   Students will be given a reading log at the         Please see the weekly newsletters for the date
    beginning of the year. I will e-mail you a blank    the multiplication tests will begin.
    copy, and again, I ask that you print out
    several copies to place in the reading log          Students will also be asked to write about daily
    section of your child’s binder. The reading log
                                                        math experiences in a school-kept math journal.
    should always be in your child’s binder in the
    reading log sleeve. Students will answer ANY        Social Studies
    three questions on their reading log using the
    books they are reading. Students should not         We will be learning about communities around
    answer the same questions each week as they         the world as well as a study of Native
    need to work on all of the skills listed on the     Americans, geography skills, map and globe
    reading log. The reading log does ask for           skills, American history and government, and
    parents to take 5-10 minutes to discuss and         good citizenship. Research, note taking, and
    record your student’s thoughts (only on one         the writing process will also be taught within
    question). I understand that you all have busy      this area.
    schedules; however, if you are unable to fill in
    this section, your child can complete it            Science
    himself/herself. Students should only use
                                                        Our science curriculum is enhanced with
    their weekly story out of the class reader one
                                                        AMSTI (Alabama Math and Science Technology
    night a week when answering the questions.
    The other two nights should come from
                                                        Initiative) kits that we receive through UAH
    reading material within their reading level. The    and FOSS. Each classroom kit is packed with
    reading log will count as a reading grade.          enough materials to last approximately six to
    Reading logs will be due on Fridays. I will         eight weeks. The kits include: Plant Growth and
    periodically check your student’s reading log       Development, Earth Materials, The Human
    during the week to make sure it is being            Body, and Chemical Testing.
    completed. Also, I will conference with
    students often to discuss their reading logs.       Health will be taught throughout the year in
    We will do examples together in class before
    students are given the assignment to complete

•   Book reports may be assigned during the year.
    Book reports will be assigned two weeks prior
    to the due date.
Back To School Parent Newsletter - Page 4

 Cursive Handwriting                                Homework promotes self-responsibility,
                                                    establishes organizational skills, and provides
Cursive handwriting instruction will begin          parents with information as to what knowledge
                                                    their child is mastering. You should expect that
immediately. Hand and paper position, posture,
                                                    your child will have some type of homework most
and letter formation will be practiced and
                                                    every day. The only time homework will be
rehearsed daily. Grading of an S (satisfactory)
                                                    assigned on Fridays is if your child has makeup
or N (non-satisfactory) will be based on
                                                    work or projects that he/she needs to complete.
improvement in legibility, neatness, slant, and
application. However, we will not begin writing     You will always find the homework assignments
assignments in full cursive until we have learned   written in the assignment notebook that is kept in
the proper formation of all upper and lower         the “B.U.G” binder. I encourage you to set up with
case letters.                                       your child a scheduled time for homework each
                                                    day. Students should be able to do most
                                                    assignments independently, but do help if it is
                                                    completely necessary. If you notice that your
Specials                                            child is having trouble with a concept, please send
                                                    an email or jot a note to me on the assignment.

                                                    Projects are periodically assigned and the due
Physical Education                                  date is given at that time. You should find your
Physical Education is required for 30 minutes on    child’s homework worksheets in his/her “B.U.G”
a daily basis. For your child’s safety, please      binder in the back pocket. If your child fails to
                                                    complete his/her homework at home, he/she will
have him or her wear appropriate shoes and
                                                    receive a warning on his/her “Work
clothing to school.
                                                    Study/Character Calendar”, complete the
                                                    homework assignment during recess, and lose 5
                                                    points on his/her homework grade for each
Library class will be scheduled once a week for     missing assignment. Please refrain from bringing
30 minutes. Each student will have the              homework to school for your child.
opportunity to visit the library on an open
schedule as class time allows.                      Word Banks on Graded
Art/Music                                           Assignments
                                                    If a word bank is provided on an assignment,
Art/Music will be provided on a rotating basis.
                                                    your child is expected to spell the words
For example, students will have art first
                                                    correctly. If your child chooses not to utilize
semester and music second semester.
                                                    the word bank provided, points (usually 2) will
Computer Lab                                        be deducted from his/her grade.
Technology is incorporated across the
                                                    If a word bank isn’t provided, your child is
curriculum. Students have computer class once
                                                    encouraged to spell the words to the best of
a week for 30 minutes. Students will use
                                                    his/her ability. Your child will not be penalized
computers to practice keyboarding skills, work
                                                    if a word bank isn’t provided. However, he/she
on Success Maker, research, take Accelerated
                                                    must spell the word so that it makes sense and
Reader and STAR tests, and publish their
                                                    is identifiable by the teacher and student. If
writing. We will be doing a technology project
                                                    neither the teacher nor the child can read the
this year and you will be invited to view your
                                                    word, the answer will be marked wrong.
student’s technology project.
Back To School Parent Newsletter - Page 5

Classroom Rules and                                 CHILD’S WORK STUDY/CHARACTER CALENDAR in
                                                    the space provided if he/she failed to show
Discipline                                          acceptable character during the day. Praise your
                                                    child for showing acceptable character and encourage
Discipline is necessary for the welfare of the      him/her to accept responsibility for his/her actions
                                                    otherwise. Please keep ALL “Work Study/Character
students as well as the entire school.
                                                    Calendars” in your child’s binder throughout the
Therefore, we will act in accordance with the
                                                    school year.
guidelines set by the school. I am firm, yet       Consequences
fair, about following classroom/school rules.
The rules will be posted and consistently
                                                    For each negative work study or character
followed throughout the school year. Please
                                                    behavior, students will receive a check on
discuss the rules and consequences with
                                                    their Work Study/Character Calendars.
your child. Your child should be encouraged
to follow the rules at all times. Students will
be taught the meaning of all rules during the                    No
first weeks of school. Rules will be practiced      Great Day                        Positive Reinforcement
and role played for a clear understanding. Our        First
classroom rules are:                                 Offense                                Warning
1. I was not listening and/or not following          Offense                      Student will lose 5 minutes
   directions.                                                                    of recess OR free time.
2. I was not truthful.
3. I was disturbing others.
4. I was not keeping my hands, feet, and                                            Student will complete
   other objects to myself.                                                       “Behavior Reflection Form”
5. I was not respecting others, school, and/
   or my property.
6. I was not working and playing safely.
                                                      Third                        Parent will be notified by
7. I did not complete my assignments on              Offense                        phone, email, or note.
8. I was not walking in the building.                                             Student will lose 10 minutes
                                                                                    of recess OR free time.
Your child will receive a monthly “Work
                                                                                  Student will earn 10 minutes
Study/Character Calendar”. This                                                      in any of the following:
document breaks down our classroom
Work Study/Character Calendar                                                           - isolation in buddy
rules into 21 statements that will help                                                   teacher’s room.
make you more aware of your child’s                                                 - isolation in lunchroom.
behavior at school. If your child
chooses to break a classroom rule, you
                                                  *If misbehavior continues, detention will be implemented
will see a circle around a check mark,
                                                  and parent will be notified.
and a number written beside the check
mark for a particular day. Please join
                                                  Detention will be held on the following Wednesday from
me in helping maintain an effective
Back To School Parent Newsletter - Page 6
                                                       In our classroom, students will sit in groups. Many times during
                                                       the year, students will be asked to work cooperatively with their
                                                       groups. It is very important that students learn how to work
Work Study/Character Calendar
                                                       together and socialize.
Each day a student does not sign his/her “Work
Study/Character Calendar,” he/she will receive a       Each group will be given a letter. For example, group A, group B,
money stamp.                                           etc. Each day, the groups will start out with two marbles. These
                                                       marbles will be shown by two dots on the classroom board. The
                                                       groups can earn more marbles; however, they can also lose
At the end of each day, I or a student will draw to    marbles.
see how much money the students will earn for not
having their calendars signed. The money amounts       After the students leave at the end of the day, I will place the
                                                       number of marbles earned in each group’s box.
will range from 5 cents to 25 cents.
                                                       At the end of each semester, I will work with the students to
On Fridays, students will be given the opportunity     divide the marbles up within their group. Students will be
to trade in their money for items in our Classroom     allowed to take home the marbles that they have earned.
Store. On Thursday night, students should total        Class
their money and write the amount down. Students
who have signed their “Work Study/ Character           “Bucket Fillers”
                                                        After reading a story entitled Have You Filled a Bucket
Calendar” during the week will not be able to visit    Today, students will realize that we all carry an invisible
the Classroom Store until the following week.          bucket around. This bucket is full of our feelings.
                                                       When we are saddened by the events of our life or
                                                       negative words from a peer, our bucket is empty. When
Students may choose to save their money if they
                                                       I or other students see a classmate being kind to
would like.                                            others or doing a good deed, the class will receive one
                                                       or more “warm fuzzies” to place in the bucket.
By having this type of reward, students learn money    However, if students display a negative action such as
                                                       bullying or saying something inappropriate, they will lose
amounts, how to add and subtract money, how to
                                                       one or more “warm fuzzies” from the bucket. Our goal
save money, and how to do what many of them            is to work as a team and to display good character.
already do well…spend money.                          Once the bucket is full, the class will earn a reward.

Stickers                                               Grading Procedures
When students display good character or good
                                                        Grades in each subject will be taken from daily work
behavior throughout the day, they will receive
                                                       samples, tests, projects, teacher observation, rubrics,
stickers that will be placed on their individual       checklists, etc. Letter and number grades will be used to
incentive charts. Students will also earn stickers     indicate your child’s progress. The Madison City School
when they return signed Graded Paper Folders,          System has adopted the following grading scale for all
Character Calendars, permission slips, report cards,   students:
etc. (if they are returned the following day).
                                                                 100-90                                 A
When a student’s incentive chart has been filled,
they will be rewarded with one of the following                 89 – 80                                 B
            • Buddy Lunch with friend or                        79 – 70                                 C
            • Homework pass                                      69-65                                  D
            • Five small marbles
            • One large marble
                                                              64 – below                                F
6. Snack/Volunteer Calendar Sleeve ~ The names of
                                   Back To School Parentstudents whose parents have volunteered to bring in snacks
                                                         Newsletter - Page 7
                                                                on Fridays will be listed on the calendar. Also, if you are the
                                                                reading or craft volunteer for the month, your name will be
 PROGRESS REPORTS/                                              on the calendar.

 REPORT CARDS                                                   7. Reading Tab ~ Students will write their vocabulary words
                                                                and definitions on a sheet of paper and place their work
A progress report with your child’s academic                    behind this tab.
average will be sent home every three weeks. A
report card will also come home at the end of the               8. Reading Log Sleeve ~ Your child should complete any
nine-week grading period. Look for the exact                    three nights of the reading log. The reading log will be
dates for the reports to be sent home in the                    checked often to make sure that it is being completed and
weekly newsletter. Please sign the progress                     your child is keeping it in his/her binder.
report and report card and send them back the
                                                                9. AR Information Sleeve ~ An Accelerated Reading Log
next school day.
                                                                will be kept in this sleeve. This log with give you information
                                                                on your child’s AR goal and reading range. Students will use
B.U.G BINDER                                                    this log to keep up with how many points they have earned.

The B.U.G Binder will be used to help keep us
                                                                10. Language Tab ~ Behind this section you will find your
organized, and it will assist with things running               child’s “Daily Proofreading” exercises. Also, practice
smoothly in our classroom. Listed below is a brief              activities for language will be found here.
description of what is found in your child’s
“B.U.G” binder.                                                 11. Editing Information Sleeve ~ Students will use the
1. Messages from School Pocket ~ The first pocket               Editing Symbols sheet that is included in this sleeve to
to the left of the binder is for important notes. This          correct their “Daily Proofreading.”
includes the monthly lunch calendar, work done in class
that will not be graded, any notes from the office, and         12. Assignment Notebook ~ Your child will write his/her
other communication that does not need to be                    assignments on his/her homework book each day. Please
returned to school. Please check this pocket daily and          purchase an assignment planner from the PTA. I will assist
remove all material so that it is empty and ready to be         a great deal with getting students prepared for their
used the next day.                                              nightly assignment. It is your child’s responsibility to follow
                                                                my instructions, so that he/she has the correct homework
2. Zipper Money/Note Pouch ~ Please place all money             assignment, and all of the material required to complete
sent to the classroom for pictures, PTA membership,             homework goes home with him/her. Please check your
book orders, field trips, lunch, etc. in the zipper pouch.      child’s assignment notebook daily to make certain all work
*Remember: All checks sent to Heritage should have a            listed has been completed before going to bed at night.
valid driver’s license number written on them.
                                                                13. Math Reference Sheets Sleeve ~ Students may refer
3. Sign and Return Sleeve ~ This section will hold              to the math reference sheets to help them complete their
forms that will need to be signed and sent back to              math homework assignments.
school. Ex. Report Cards, Progress Reports, Field Trip
Forms, Notes from Teacher, etc.                                 14. Multiplication Information Sleeve ~ Students should
                                                                study the multiplication chart that is included in this
4. Newsletter Sleeve ~ This sleeve will house                   section. Also, we will use this section to record when your
classroom newsletters. The newsletter is entitled               child has mastered each multiplication fact. Your child will
“The Eubanks Enquirer.” The newsletter will keep you            work toward earning a Multiplication Sundae.
updated on classroom happenings and important dates.
                                                                15. Work Study/Character Calendar Tab ~ Please
5. Schedule Sleeve ~ Once the schedule has been                 remember to check your child’s “Work
finalized, students will receive a copy to keep in their        Study/Character Calendar” daily.
Back To School Parent Newsletter - Page 8

                                                         Parent Volunteers
 16. Homework Pocket ~ Any practice                    Students love having visitors read to them, as well as
 worksheets or information about projects that         help with various activities. Please let me know if you
 have been assigned will be found in this section.     have any special talents or ideas that you would like to
 Please check this nightly.                            share.

                                                       Also, if you would like to help with parties, chaperone

Policies and Procedures                                field trips, or volunteer in any way, please complete
                                                       the Parent Roundup form and return it to me as soon
 Illness                                               as possible. Our room mother will be getting in
                                                       contact with you about bringing small snacks on
If you feel your child is not well, but you want
                                                       Fridays and having a parent come in and read or make
him/her to try coming to school, please don’t say
                                                       a craft with the students once a month. Anything
to your child, “If you are not feeling well by         that you do will be greatly appreciated!
lunch you can come home”. Your child will watch
the clock and conveniently become ill at that          Student Numbers
time. Instead, please send me a note, and I’ll
                                                       Each student will be assigned a number. I would
make sure that the proper precautions are taken
                                                       like for your child to write the number on all of
for the benefit of your child.
                                                       his/her homework and class assignments in the
Early Check Outs/Late Arrivals                         upper right hand corner of his/her paper. This
                                                       number system will help me identify student work
If you will be checking your child out early, please
                                                       when they forget to write their names, and it will
send me a note, so that I may have your child’s
                                                       also help me speed up the filing process.
assignment(s) ready upon your arrival. When
checking your child out early, please go to the        Classroom Helpers
office first (not the classroom). The secretary
                                                       Children need to have responsibilities in order to
will then call our classroom to notify me of your
                                                       become responsible adults. Throughout the
arrival (this is less distracting to the class).
                                                       school year, students will have important jobs
When entering school late, this same procedure
                                                       that will contribute to the operation of our
must be followed; please note that it is important
                                                       classroom. Students will rotate jobs weekly.
for your child to arrive on time. This will teach
your child that being on time is important and will    Birthdays
prove to be an important life-time skill.              Birthdays are special times. If you would like to
                                                       celebrate your child’s birthday by bringing special
                                                       treats to school, please send me a note in
Any time your child’s mode of transportation           advance. Before sending or bringing in treats,
changes, please notify me by email, phone or a         please see and follow the Nutritional Guidelines
written note.                                          that you will receive. You may bring the treats
PTA                                                    during our lunch period. There are ____
                                                       students in our class. Please make sure your child
I would like to encourage you to join the Heritage
                                                       brings enough treats for all of the students.
Elementary School Parent Teacher Association
(PTA). Membership in the PTA is an excellent           Students will also receive a coupon from me for a
way to be involved in your child’s education.          free ice cream treat from the cafeteria (to be
Please take the time to join at Open House or the      used on or after their birthday).
first week of school, if possible. Prizes or
incentives are usually given for the classes in        If your child has a dairy allergy, he/she will
each grade level obtaining 100% membership             receive another small special gift.
first. I urge both parents to join if possible.
Back To School Parent Newsletter - Page 9

                                                           Classroom library rules:
 Students will be allowed to have a snack. If you              1. Find a book that you want to read.
 would like your child to participate, please pack a           2. Place the index card that contains the
 nutritious snack for your child to enjoy each day.                book’s title and author in your number’s
  Book Orders                                                      checkout sleeve.
                                                               3. Please do not get books wet.
 Book orders will be sent home periodically. The due
                                                               4. Please do not “dog ear” any pages. Use a
 date will be found in the newsletter. This is an
                                                                   bookmark to keep your place.
 excellent way for you to purchase quality books at
                                                               5. Return the book to the check-in box within
 discounted prices. Also, with the bonus points that
                                                                   a week.
 I receive, I am able to stock our classroom library
                                                               6. Be sure to write in the date when the book
 with some of the students’ favorite books. Please                 was returned.
 complete the form thoroughly and return it along
                                                               7. Take responsibility for any damage that you
 with your check (made payable to Heritage                         may have done to the book.
 Elementary) on or before the due date.                        *If your child loses a book or damages it beyond
                                                               repair, I ask that you or the child please replace
Field Trips                                                    it.
Third grade field trips this year may include the
    • YMCA swimming lessons
                                                                 Student of the Week
    • Botanical Gardens
    • Cathedral Caverns                                          Assignment:
                                                               Any items brought to school will be returned the same day they
Parents will be asked to attend trips where extra              are sent. However the items are the responsibility of the
help is needed. If we participate in the YMCA                  student. Listed below is everything your child needs to do
swimming program this year, then I will need a                 during their special week. The “Student of the Week” bag
                                                               contains most of the items needed to complete each activity.
few parents to swap out days to accompany us.
                                                               The bag will come home with your child on the Friday before
                                                               their week. VERY IMPORTANT: PLEASE RETURN THE BAG
If students bring money or other items on a field              BY THE NEXT FRIDAY. It is very important for each child to
trip, they will be responsible for these.                      know he/she is special. During your child’s special week he/she
                                                               may share anything about him/herself. This can be pictures of
                                                               family members, special occasions, special toys, awards, etc.
                                                                   •   Students/families should take our pet rock, Buggy, on
Classroom Library                                                      an adventure. The rock will be in the bag. The
                                                                       adventure could be going to the grocery store, taking a
 I am very proud of our classroom library                              walk, reading a book to our pet rock, or anything you
 collection. Most of the books were either bought                      can think of to do with the rock. Students will write a
 by family members or myself. Many of the books                        story about their adventures with Buggy.
 were my husband’s when he was younger. Also,          While your child is the Student of the Week, each day of the week will
 several of my previous students donated books to      consist of an exciting event or activity to honor him or her.
 the classroom library.
                                                           •      Monday: “The _____ Times” - Your child should bring at
                                                                 least one photo of him- or herself to school. Also, he/she
 Students are more than welcome to check out                     should complete “The _____ Times” in the binder and return
 books from our classroom library. However, once                 it to school by Monday. The photograph may be attached to
 the books are checked out, that book becomes                    the questionnaire.
 the responsibility of the student.
                                                           •     Tuesday: Favorite Book – The student should bring one of his
                                                                 or her books to read to the class. Students can read the book
 I have created a procedure students must follow
                                                                 aloud to the class (if it can be read in less than 10 minutes) or
 in order to help us all keep our classroom library              give a book-talk if the book is longer.
 organized and complete.
Back To School Parent Newsletter – Page 10

    •       Wednesday: Estimation Jar - Students should fill or
            partially fill the estimation jar that is included in the           Parent Night
            “Student of the Week” bag. The jar should be returned to
            school on Wednesday. The student of the week should count
            the number of items before bringing the jar to school. Just        You are all invited to attend Heritage’s Parent
            a hint, it may be a good idea to write the number down             Night on ____________ at ____ p.m. On this
            somewhere, so your child doesn’t forget. Items could               night, you will be able to tour our classroom, and
            include: toy cars, rice, beans, Q-tips, game pieces, cotton
                                                                               I will be discussing classroom procedures and
            balls, beads, baseball cards, marbles, etc. PLEASE NO
            LIQUIDS. Edible items will no longer be edible due to the          plans for the year. Also, I will be answering
            germs in the estimation jar.                                       questions that you may have. I look forward to
    •       Thursday: Parent Letter (Optional) - Parents will write a          seeing all of you!
            letter to the class telling us how special your child is to you.
            Send the letter in a sealed envelope to school with your
            child, and I will read the letter to the class at class meeting.    Box Tops and Campbell’s Soup Labels
            The content of the letter is up to you, but you may want to
            choose from the following ideas: Describe special or funny
            stories about your child for the class to hear, write a silly or   Please remember to save Box Tops and Campbell’s
            serious poem about your child, tell us some neat things we
                                                                               Soup Labels. The school uses the proceeds to
            may not know about your child, send silly or special pictures
            with a letter describing the pictures, or write a short story      purchase equipment and supplies.
            with your child as the main character.

                                                                                Student Work
    •       Friday: “Buggy Story” – Students will share the story that
            they have written about their adventures with Buggy. The
            student will be recognized by his or her classmates and            This year students will be responsible for
            presented with a "Student of the Week" certificate.                completing homework assignments and projects.
                                                                               I am not at all against parents helping children. I
    •       Some games will be packed into the bag. Please try to play at
                                                                               believe that one-on-one time is essential to
            least one game with your child during their special week!
                                                                               student learning. Parents are encouraged to help
    •       Before returning the bag, please complete an inventory             their child; however, please refrain from
            sheet.                                                             completing your child’s assignment for them.

    •       We will all make a Buggy Jr. at the end of the year! 

Reminders                                                                      Closing Statements

School Supplies Needed                                                         These first weeks of school will be a period of
                                                                               adjustment for all of us. The students will be
        •    4 small glue sticks
        •    1 box of 24 crayons                                               settling in, learning school and classroom rules,
        •    1 box of colored pencils with sharpener                           and getting to know their classmates. They will
        •    1 gross (144) of #2 pencils                                       also be learning to be comfortable with me as
        •    1 spiral notebook                                                 their teacher. Schedules seem to change
        •    1 composition notebook
                                                                               somewhat during the first few weeks of school,
        •    1 graphing notebook
                                                                               so I will send one home as soon as it is finalized.
        •    5 packs of wide-ruled loose leaf paper
        •    1 pack of dry erase markers with                                   Please be patient and supportive so that we may
              eraser                                                           smooth out all of the rough places, such as
        •    10 pocket folders with prongs                                     transportation, scheduling, etc.
        •    Zipper supply pouch
        •    one - 1 1/2 inch 3 ring binder (white with
             clear pocket on front) with 5 divider
Open House Packet
Be sure to complete all the forms and
assessments sent home in the Open House
Back To School Parent Newsletter – Page 11

    •   Hello from Mrs. Eubanks
    •   About Third Grade
    •   Parent/Teacher Communication                                                  •       “B.U.G” Binder
                                         •       Classroom Rules and Discipline       •       Policies and
                                                     o Work Study/Character                   Procedures
                                         •       Consequences

    •   Parent/Teacher Communication,
                                                                                          •       Policies and
    •   Classroom Subjects                   •       Rewards                                      continued
                                                        o Individual                      •       Student of the
                                                        o Group                                   Week
                                                        o Class                                   Assignment
                                             •       Grading Procedures

    •   Classroom Subjects, continued
    •   Classroom Subjects information

                                                                                              •    Student of the
                                                 •    Progress Reports/Report Cards
                                                 •    “B.U.G” Binder
    •   Classroom Subjects, continued                                                              Assignment,
    •   Special Classes                                                                            continued
    •   Word Banks                                                                            •    Reminders

                                   Please detach and return

I have read and understand the information in the Parent Handbook
provided by Mrs. Eubanks.

           Signature _____________________ Date _________

Parent(s) Comments and/or Questions

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Parent Letter

  • 1. BACK TO Heritage Elementary School SCHOOL! “Dream, Believe, Achieve” -Author Unknown Welcome to Third Grade! Hello from Mrs. Eubanks Be safe in knowing that no matter what the My name is Melanie Eubanks and this is my third year day holds, your child will be taken care of in of teaching third grade at Heritage Elementary. my classroom. I make a sincere effort to Before coming to Heritage, I had the joy of working make sure that each child learns and has fun with preschool, third, and fifth grade students. while doing it. I am a graduate of Athens State University where I Parent/Teacher Communication graduated with Summa Cum Laude honors. At Athens State, I received my B.S. in Elementary Education. I In a couple of weeks, you will begin receiving our weekly hope to return to school very soon to obtain my class newsletter. “The Eubanks Enquirer” will keep you Masters in Elementary Education. informed of classroom and school happenings. I will give your child a paper copy the first time it is sent out. I will then begin sending it via e-mail. I ask that I absolutely love teaching, and I could see myself you please print out the newsletter and place it in your doing nothing else. I feel very blessed to be child’s binder in the newsletter sleeve. Please sign the employed here at Heritage Elementary. Last year, I bottom of the newsletter so that I know you have had an amazing year with my students. It was viewed it. amazing to watch the students grow in knowledge. I also look forward to working with your child. I Students will bring a “B.U.G” binder home every day. promise to work hard to ensure your child gets the This binder needs to stay in the child’s backpack and quality education that he/she deserves. travel between home and school every day. More information about the “B.U.G” binder can be found on page 7. I look forward to working with you to help your child succeed not only this year, but for the rest of Graded paper folders will go home each Thursday his/her life. (unless otherwise stated). On the inside cover is a About Third Grade sheet titled “This Week’s Work.” Please sign this document, so I will know that you have seen your child’s work. Please help your child get into the habit of bringing his/her folder back on Fridays. Also, please Third grade is an awesome and exciting year. return ALL graded papers. I must keep these on file. However, third grade will also be a Students will receive a sticker on their charts when challenging year. Your child will be folders are brought back signed the next day (more information about incentive charts can be found on introduced to new math concepts, cursive page 6). handwriting, more detailed language and grammar skills, hands-on science Listserv is a great way for you to stay informed about experiments, and independent reading. school events and important information. The principal sends information via Listserv every week. To sign up, I believe that third grade is a year of go to the school website and click on “Listserv.” Follow growing independence. the directions. E-mails are sent out very often! Be sure I have your e- mail address for class news.
  • 2. Back To School Parent Newsletter - Page 2 7 There will be several reading activities happening Feel free to e-mail me anytime as I check e- throughout each week. mail at school and home very frequently. If your child has special needs or concerns, you • A story for the reader will be assigned weekly (most often with a vocabulary list). Skills that may want to e-mail me as soon as possible to let accompany the story will be taught and me know. Help me ensure your child’s success practiced throughout the week. Some through positive communication. assignments will accompany these stories as homework. Students will be responsible for Mrs. Eubanks’ Contact Information: reading their weekly story, writing vocabulary E-mail: sentences, and studying their vocabulary Phone: 256-772-2075 during the week. The story of the week and vocabulary list will be noted on the weekly newsletter. Vocabulary tests will be given on Fridays. Comprehension tests will be given on Fridays. • Sustained silent reading will happen daily. This may or may not be Accelerated Reading (AR); Classroom Subjects however, it will be encouraged. We will begin working on AR goals after the students have Spelling taken the STAR reading assessment. A spelling pretest will be given on Monday. Students will keep an Accelerated Reading Log Students scoring 100% will not be required to in their binders. The log will give you more take the post-assessment given on Friday. information on your child’s reading range and However, students who compact out will still be AR goal. Students will have the whole nine week period to meet their AR goal. AR tests required to participate in certain spelling concept will not count against the students’ reading lessons during the week. Please do not have your grades; however, rewards will be given to child study for the pretest. The pretest is those students who meet their goals. We will used to assess PRIOR knowledge. chart their progress in the classroom. The English/Writing key is to motivate your child to read. Your child will engage in several writing activities, • The STAR reading assessment will be given use correct punctuation, develop dictionary skills, periodically during the year to evaluate correctly use nouns, verbs, adjectives, and progress and set optimal reading levels for pronouns in written and oral speech, etc. students. Skill mastery will be assessed from writing • Small group instruction will be the primary products and unit tests. reading strategy taught daily. Small group instruction addresses individual needs and Reading allows me to focus more on my students’ Your child will be given the opportunity and strengths and weaknesses in reading. While I instruction to improve silent and oral reading, as am working with my small groups, the rest of the class will be peer-discussing literature, well as strengthen their comprehension through doing reading activities from the class reader, our AR program, chapter books and Harcourt writing, applying language skills, or utilizing Reading Series. Students will be given time in technology. class to read silently from his/her AR book. Reading strategies based on the Alabama Reading • Guided Reading will target specific reading Initiative will be taught and reinforced during the strategies that improve student year, so that your child will continue to improve comprehension. his/her comprehension and oral reading.
  • 3. Back To School Parent Newsletter - Page 3 • Fluency is assessed in third grade through the Math use of DIBELS. Students at the 3rd grade level should be able to read 110 words fluently Math will be taught as a skill-building/review by the end of the year. Therefore, fluency process using the Everyday Math and AMSTI will be addressed weekly by read-alouds, programs. Hands-on materials will assist daily poetry, and practice DIBELS fluency passages. activities that are practical (i.e. calendar, money, and elapsed time). There will be written • Reading Logs – Students should read assignments and homework. approximately 15-20 minutes a night. The only way a child can improve their reading skills is Students are expected to have already by practicing. The practice should be fun! memorized the basic addition and subtraction Some strategies for making reading fun might facts. During third grade, students should include whole family reading, read to a learn and memorize multiplication and division big/little brother or sister, read to a friend or stuffed animal, take turns reading with Mom facts through the 9’s; however, we will study or Dad, read something besides books – cereal through the 12’s. PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT boxes, comics, newspaper, recipes, game WILL BE ESSENTIAL with reinforcement of instructions, etc. all new and on-going skills. There will be a weekly multiplication test given on Fridays. • Students will be given a reading log at the Please see the weekly newsletters for the date beginning of the year. I will e-mail you a blank the multiplication tests will begin. copy, and again, I ask that you print out several copies to place in the reading log Students will also be asked to write about daily section of your child’s binder. The reading log math experiences in a school-kept math journal. should always be in your child’s binder in the reading log sleeve. Students will answer ANY Social Studies three questions on their reading log using the books they are reading. Students should not We will be learning about communities around answer the same questions each week as they the world as well as a study of Native need to work on all of the skills listed on the Americans, geography skills, map and globe reading log. The reading log does ask for skills, American history and government, and parents to take 5-10 minutes to discuss and good citizenship. Research, note taking, and record your student’s thoughts (only on one the writing process will also be taught within question). I understand that you all have busy this area. schedules; however, if you are unable to fill in this section, your child can complete it Science himself/herself. Students should only use Our science curriculum is enhanced with their weekly story out of the class reader one AMSTI (Alabama Math and Science Technology night a week when answering the questions. The other two nights should come from Initiative) kits that we receive through UAH reading material within their reading level. The and FOSS. Each classroom kit is packed with reading log will count as a reading grade. enough materials to last approximately six to Reading logs will be due on Fridays. I will eight weeks. The kits include: Plant Growth and periodically check your student’s reading log Development, Earth Materials, The Human during the week to make sure it is being Body, and Chemical Testing. completed. Also, I will conference with students often to discuss their reading logs. Health will be taught throughout the year in We will do examples together in class before P.E. students are given the assignment to complete independently. • Book reports may be assigned during the year. Book reports will be assigned two weeks prior to the due date.
  • 4. Back To School Parent Newsletter - Page 4 Homework Cursive Handwriting Homework promotes self-responsibility, establishes organizational skills, and provides Cursive handwriting instruction will begin parents with information as to what knowledge their child is mastering. You should expect that immediately. Hand and paper position, posture, your child will have some type of homework most and letter formation will be practiced and every day. The only time homework will be rehearsed daily. Grading of an S (satisfactory) assigned on Fridays is if your child has makeup or N (non-satisfactory) will be based on work or projects that he/she needs to complete. improvement in legibility, neatness, slant, and application. However, we will not begin writing You will always find the homework assignments assignments in full cursive until we have learned written in the assignment notebook that is kept in the proper formation of all upper and lower the “B.U.G” binder. I encourage you to set up with case letters. your child a scheduled time for homework each day. Students should be able to do most assignments independently, but do help if it is completely necessary. If you notice that your Specials child is having trouble with a concept, please send an email or jot a note to me on the assignment. Projects are periodically assigned and the due Physical Education date is given at that time. You should find your Physical Education is required for 30 minutes on child’s homework worksheets in his/her “B.U.G” a daily basis. For your child’s safety, please binder in the back pocket. If your child fails to complete his/her homework at home, he/she will have him or her wear appropriate shoes and receive a warning on his/her “Work clothing to school. Study/Character Calendar”, complete the homework assignment during recess, and lose 5 Library points on his/her homework grade for each Library class will be scheduled once a week for missing assignment. Please refrain from bringing 30 minutes. Each student will have the homework to school for your child. opportunity to visit the library on an open schedule as class time allows. Word Banks on Graded Art/Music Assignments If a word bank is provided on an assignment, Art/Music will be provided on a rotating basis. your child is expected to spell the words For example, students will have art first correctly. If your child chooses not to utilize semester and music second semester. the word bank provided, points (usually 2) will Computer Lab be deducted from his/her grade. Technology is incorporated across the If a word bank isn’t provided, your child is curriculum. Students have computer class once encouraged to spell the words to the best of a week for 30 minutes. Students will use his/her ability. Your child will not be penalized computers to practice keyboarding skills, work if a word bank isn’t provided. However, he/she on Success Maker, research, take Accelerated must spell the word so that it makes sense and Reader and STAR tests, and publish their is identifiable by the teacher and student. If writing. We will be doing a technology project neither the teacher nor the child can read the this year and you will be invited to view your word, the answer will be marked wrong. student’s technology project.
  • 5. Back To School Parent Newsletter - Page 5 Classroom Rules and CHILD’S WORK STUDY/CHARACTER CALENDAR in the space provided if he/she failed to show Discipline acceptable character during the day. Praise your child for showing acceptable character and encourage Discipline is necessary for the welfare of the him/her to accept responsibility for his/her actions otherwise. Please keep ALL “Work Study/Character students as well as the entire school. Calendars” in your child’s binder throughout the Therefore, we will act in accordance with the school year. guidelines set by the school. I am firm, yet Consequences fair, about following classroom/school rules. The rules will be posted and consistently For each negative work study or character followed throughout the school year. Please behavior, students will receive a check on discuss the rules and consequences with their Work Study/Character Calendars. your child. Your child should be encouraged to follow the rules at all times. Students will be taught the meaning of all rules during the No first weeks of school. Rules will be practiced Great Day Positive Reinforcement and role played for a clear understanding. Our First classroom rules are: Offense Warning Second 1. I was not listening and/or not following Offense Student will lose 5 minutes directions. of recess OR free time. 2. I was not truthful. AND 3. I was disturbing others. 4. I was not keeping my hands, feet, and Student will complete other objects to myself. “Behavior Reflection Form” 5. I was not respecting others, school, and/ or my property. 6. I was not working and playing safely. Third Parent will be notified by 7. I did not complete my assignments on Offense phone, email, or note. time. 8. I was not walking in the building. Student will lose 10 minutes of recess OR free time. Your child will receive a monthly “Work Student will earn 10 minutes Study/Character Calendar”. This in any of the following: document breaks down our classroom Work Study/Character Calendar - isolation in buddy rules into 21 statements that will help teacher’s room. make you more aware of your child’s - isolation in lunchroom. behavior at school. If your child chooses to break a classroom rule, you *If misbehavior continues, detention will be implemented will see a circle around a check mark, and parent will be notified. and a number written beside the check mark for a particular day. Please join Detention will be held on the following Wednesday from me in helping maintain an effective 2:45-3:15. classroom by INITIALLING YOUR
  • 6. Back To School Parent Newsletter - Page 6 Group Rewards Marbles In our classroom, students will sit in groups. Many times during Individual the year, students will be asked to work cooperatively with their groups. It is very important that students learn how to work Work Study/Character Calendar together and socialize. Each day a student does not sign his/her “Work Study/Character Calendar,” he/she will receive a Each group will be given a letter. For example, group A, group B, money stamp. etc. Each day, the groups will start out with two marbles. These marbles will be shown by two dots on the classroom board. The groups can earn more marbles; however, they can also lose At the end of each day, I or a student will draw to marbles. see how much money the students will earn for not having their calendars signed. The money amounts After the students leave at the end of the day, I will place the number of marbles earned in each group’s box. will range from 5 cents to 25 cents. At the end of each semester, I will work with the students to On Fridays, students will be given the opportunity divide the marbles up within their group. Students will be to trade in their money for items in our Classroom allowed to take home the marbles that they have earned. Store. On Thursday night, students should total Class their money and write the amount down. Students who have signed their “Work Study/ Character “Bucket Fillers” After reading a story entitled Have You Filled a Bucket Calendar” during the week will not be able to visit Today, students will realize that we all carry an invisible the Classroom Store until the following week. bucket around. This bucket is full of our feelings. When we are saddened by the events of our life or negative words from a peer, our bucket is empty. When Students may choose to save their money if they I or other students see a classmate being kind to would like. others or doing a good deed, the class will receive one or more “warm fuzzies” to place in the bucket. By having this type of reward, students learn money However, if students display a negative action such as bullying or saying something inappropriate, they will lose amounts, how to add and subtract money, how to one or more “warm fuzzies” from the bucket. Our goal save money, and how to do what many of them is to work as a team and to display good character. already do well…spend money.  Once the bucket is full, the class will earn a reward. Stickers Grading Procedures When students display good character or good Grades in each subject will be taken from daily work behavior throughout the day, they will receive samples, tests, projects, teacher observation, rubrics, stickers that will be placed on their individual checklists, etc. Letter and number grades will be used to incentive charts. Students will also earn stickers indicate your child’s progress. The Madison City School when they return signed Graded Paper Folders, System has adopted the following grading scale for all Character Calendars, permission slips, report cards, students: etc. (if they are returned the following day). 100-90 A When a student’s incentive chart has been filled, they will be rewarded with one of the following 89 – 80 B rewards: • Buddy Lunch with friend or 79 – 70 C administrator • Homework pass 69-65 D • Five small marbles • One large marble 64 – below F
  • 7. 6. Snack/Volunteer Calendar Sleeve ~ The names of Back To School Parentstudents whose parents have volunteered to bring in snacks Newsletter - Page 7 on Fridays will be listed on the calendar. Also, if you are the reading or craft volunteer for the month, your name will be PROGRESS REPORTS/ on the calendar. REPORT CARDS 7. Reading Tab ~ Students will write their vocabulary words and definitions on a sheet of paper and place their work A progress report with your child’s academic behind this tab. average will be sent home every three weeks. A report card will also come home at the end of the 8. Reading Log Sleeve ~ Your child should complete any nine-week grading period. Look for the exact three nights of the reading log. The reading log will be dates for the reports to be sent home in the checked often to make sure that it is being completed and weekly newsletter. Please sign the progress your child is keeping it in his/her binder. report and report card and send them back the 9. AR Information Sleeve ~ An Accelerated Reading Log next school day. will be kept in this sleeve. This log with give you information on your child’s AR goal and reading range. Students will use B.U.G BINDER this log to keep up with how many points they have earned. The B.U.G Binder will be used to help keep us 10. Language Tab ~ Behind this section you will find your organized, and it will assist with things running child’s “Daily Proofreading” exercises. Also, practice smoothly in our classroom. Listed below is a brief activities for language will be found here. description of what is found in your child’s “B.U.G” binder. 11. Editing Information Sleeve ~ Students will use the 1. Messages from School Pocket ~ The first pocket Editing Symbols sheet that is included in this sleeve to to the left of the binder is for important notes. This correct their “Daily Proofreading.” includes the monthly lunch calendar, work done in class that will not be graded, any notes from the office, and 12. Assignment Notebook ~ Your child will write his/her other communication that does not need to be assignments on his/her homework book each day. Please returned to school. Please check this pocket daily and purchase an assignment planner from the PTA. I will assist remove all material so that it is empty and ready to be a great deal with getting students prepared for their used the next day. nightly assignment. It is your child’s responsibility to follow my instructions, so that he/she has the correct homework 2. Zipper Money/Note Pouch ~ Please place all money assignment, and all of the material required to complete sent to the classroom for pictures, PTA membership, homework goes home with him/her. Please check your book orders, field trips, lunch, etc. in the zipper pouch. child’s assignment notebook daily to make certain all work *Remember: All checks sent to Heritage should have a listed has been completed before going to bed at night. valid driver’s license number written on them. 13. Math Reference Sheets Sleeve ~ Students may refer 3. Sign and Return Sleeve ~ This section will hold to the math reference sheets to help them complete their forms that will need to be signed and sent back to math homework assignments. school. Ex. Report Cards, Progress Reports, Field Trip Forms, Notes from Teacher, etc. 14. Multiplication Information Sleeve ~ Students should study the multiplication chart that is included in this 4. Newsletter Sleeve ~ This sleeve will house section. Also, we will use this section to record when your classroom newsletters. The newsletter is entitled child has mastered each multiplication fact. Your child will “The Eubanks Enquirer.” The newsletter will keep you work toward earning a Multiplication Sundae. updated on classroom happenings and important dates. 15. Work Study/Character Calendar Tab ~ Please 5. Schedule Sleeve ~ Once the schedule has been remember to check your child’s “Work finalized, students will receive a copy to keep in their Study/Character Calendar” daily. binders.
  • 8. Back To School Parent Newsletter - Page 8 Parent Volunteers 16. Homework Pocket ~ Any practice Students love having visitors read to them, as well as worksheets or information about projects that help with various activities. Please let me know if you have been assigned will be found in this section. have any special talents or ideas that you would like to Please check this nightly. share. Also, if you would like to help with parties, chaperone Policies and Procedures field trips, or volunteer in any way, please complete the Parent Roundup form and return it to me as soon Illness as possible. Our room mother will be getting in contact with you about bringing small snacks on If you feel your child is not well, but you want Fridays and having a parent come in and read or make him/her to try coming to school, please don’t say a craft with the students once a month. Anything to your child, “If you are not feeling well by that you do will be greatly appreciated! lunch you can come home”. Your child will watch the clock and conveniently become ill at that Student Numbers time. Instead, please send me a note, and I’ll Each student will be assigned a number. I would make sure that the proper precautions are taken like for your child to write the number on all of for the benefit of your child. his/her homework and class assignments in the Early Check Outs/Late Arrivals upper right hand corner of his/her paper. This number system will help me identify student work If you will be checking your child out early, please when they forget to write their names, and it will send me a note, so that I may have your child’s also help me speed up the filing process. assignment(s) ready upon your arrival. When checking your child out early, please go to the Classroom Helpers office first (not the classroom). The secretary Children need to have responsibilities in order to will then call our classroom to notify me of your become responsible adults. Throughout the arrival (this is less distracting to the class). school year, students will have important jobs When entering school late, this same procedure that will contribute to the operation of our must be followed; please note that it is important classroom. Students will rotate jobs weekly. for your child to arrive on time. This will teach your child that being on time is important and will Birthdays prove to be an important life-time skill. Birthdays are special times. If you would like to celebrate your child’s birthday by bringing special Transportation treats to school, please send me a note in Any time your child’s mode of transportation advance. Before sending or bringing in treats, changes, please notify me by email, phone or a please see and follow the Nutritional Guidelines written note. that you will receive. You may bring the treats PTA during our lunch period. There are ____ students in our class. Please make sure your child I would like to encourage you to join the Heritage brings enough treats for all of the students. Elementary School Parent Teacher Association (PTA). Membership in the PTA is an excellent Students will also receive a coupon from me for a way to be involved in your child’s education. free ice cream treat from the cafeteria (to be Please take the time to join at Open House or the used on or after their birthday). first week of school, if possible. Prizes or incentives are usually given for the classes in If your child has a dairy allergy, he/she will each grade level obtaining 100% membership receive another small special gift. first. I urge both parents to join if possible.
  • 9. Back To School Parent Newsletter - Page 9 Snacks Classroom library rules: Students will be allowed to have a snack. If you 1. Find a book that you want to read. would like your child to participate, please pack a 2. Place the index card that contains the nutritious snack for your child to enjoy each day. book’s title and author in your number’s Book Orders checkout sleeve. 3. Please do not get books wet. Book orders will be sent home periodically. The due 4. Please do not “dog ear” any pages. Use a date will be found in the newsletter. This is an bookmark to keep your place. excellent way for you to purchase quality books at 5. Return the book to the check-in box within discounted prices. Also, with the bonus points that a week. I receive, I am able to stock our classroom library 6. Be sure to write in the date when the book with some of the students’ favorite books. Please was returned. complete the form thoroughly and return it along 7. Take responsibility for any damage that you with your check (made payable to Heritage may have done to the book. Elementary) on or before the due date. *If your child loses a book or damages it beyond repair, I ask that you or the child please replace Field Trips it. Third grade field trips this year may include the following: • YMCA swimming lessons Student of the Week • Botanical Gardens • Cathedral Caverns Assignment: Any items brought to school will be returned the same day they Parents will be asked to attend trips where extra are sent. However the items are the responsibility of the help is needed. If we participate in the YMCA student. Listed below is everything your child needs to do swimming program this year, then I will need a during their special week. The “Student of the Week” bag contains most of the items needed to complete each activity. few parents to swap out days to accompany us. The bag will come home with your child on the Friday before their week. VERY IMPORTANT: PLEASE RETURN THE BAG If students bring money or other items on a field BY THE NEXT FRIDAY. It is very important for each child to trip, they will be responsible for these. know he/she is special. During your child’s special week he/she may share anything about him/herself. This can be pictures of family members, special occasions, special toys, awards, etc. • Students/families should take our pet rock, Buggy, on Classroom Library an adventure. The rock will be in the bag. The adventure could be going to the grocery store, taking a I am very proud of our classroom library walk, reading a book to our pet rock, or anything you collection. Most of the books were either bought can think of to do with the rock. Students will write a by family members or myself. Many of the books story about their adventures with Buggy. were my husband’s when he was younger. Also, While your child is the Student of the Week, each day of the week will several of my previous students donated books to consist of an exciting event or activity to honor him or her. the classroom library. • Monday: “The _____ Times” - Your child should bring at least one photo of him- or herself to school. Also, he/she Students are more than welcome to check out should complete “The _____ Times” in the binder and return books from our classroom library. However, once it to school by Monday. The photograph may be attached to the books are checked out, that book becomes the questionnaire. the responsibility of the student. • Tuesday: Favorite Book – The student should bring one of his or her books to read to the class. Students can read the book I have created a procedure students must follow aloud to the class (if it can be read in less than 10 minutes) or in order to help us all keep our classroom library give a book-talk if the book is longer. organized and complete.
  • 10. Back To School Parent Newsletter – Page 10 • Wednesday: Estimation Jar - Students should fill or partially fill the estimation jar that is included in the Parent Night “Student of the Week” bag. The jar should be returned to school on Wednesday. The student of the week should count the number of items before bringing the jar to school. Just You are all invited to attend Heritage’s Parent a hint, it may be a good idea to write the number down Night on ____________ at ____ p.m. On this somewhere, so your child doesn’t forget. Items could night, you will be able to tour our classroom, and include: toy cars, rice, beans, Q-tips, game pieces, cotton I will be discussing classroom procedures and balls, beads, baseball cards, marbles, etc. PLEASE NO LIQUIDS. Edible items will no longer be edible due to the plans for the year. Also, I will be answering germs in the estimation jar. questions that you may have. I look forward to • Thursday: Parent Letter (Optional) - Parents will write a seeing all of you! letter to the class telling us how special your child is to you. Send the letter in a sealed envelope to school with your child, and I will read the letter to the class at class meeting. Box Tops and Campbell’s Soup Labels The content of the letter is up to you, but you may want to choose from the following ideas: Describe special or funny stories about your child for the class to hear, write a silly or Please remember to save Box Tops and Campbell’s serious poem about your child, tell us some neat things we Soup Labels. The school uses the proceeds to may not know about your child, send silly or special pictures with a letter describing the pictures, or write a short story purchase equipment and supplies. with your child as the main character. Student Work • Friday: “Buggy Story” – Students will share the story that they have written about their adventures with Buggy. The student will be recognized by his or her classmates and This year students will be responsible for presented with a "Student of the Week" certificate. completing homework assignments and projects. I am not at all against parents helping children. I • Some games will be packed into the bag. Please try to play at believe that one-on-one time is essential to least one game with your child during their special week! student learning. Parents are encouraged to help • Before returning the bag, please complete an inventory their child; however, please refrain from sheet. completing your child’s assignment for them. • We will all make a Buggy Jr. at the end of the year!  Reminders Closing Statements School Supplies Needed These first weeks of school will be a period of adjustment for all of us. The students will be • 4 small glue sticks • 1 box of 24 crayons settling in, learning school and classroom rules, • 1 box of colored pencils with sharpener and getting to know their classmates. They will • 1 gross (144) of #2 pencils also be learning to be comfortable with me as • 1 spiral notebook their teacher. Schedules seem to change • 1 composition notebook somewhat during the first few weeks of school, • 1 graphing notebook so I will send one home as soon as it is finalized. • 5 packs of wide-ruled loose leaf paper • 1 pack of dry erase markers with Please be patient and supportive so that we may eraser smooth out all of the rough places, such as • 10 pocket folders with prongs transportation, scheduling, etc. • Zipper supply pouch • one - 1 1/2 inch 3 ring binder (white with clear pocket on front) with 5 divider tabs. Open House Packet Be sure to complete all the forms and assessments sent home in the Open House packet
  • 11. Back To School Parent Newsletter – Page 11 • Hello from Mrs. Eubanks • About Third Grade • Parent/Teacher Communication • “B.U.G” Binder • Classroom Rules and Discipline • Policies and o Work Study/Character Procedures Calendar • Consequences • Parent/Teacher Communication, • Policies and continued Procedures, • Classroom Subjects • Rewards continued o Individual • Student of the o Group Week o Class Assignment • Grading Procedures • Classroom Subjects, continued • Classroom Subjects information • Student of the • Progress Reports/Report Cards Week • “B.U.G” Binder • Classroom Subjects, continued Assignment, • Special Classes continued • Word Banks • Reminders Please detach and return I have read and understand the information in the Parent Handbook provided by Mrs. Eubanks. Signature _____________________ Date _________ Parent(s) Comments and/or Questions _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________