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FeedJournal Basic                           7/6/2010 at 8:57:32 PM - 7/7/2010 at 11:20:15 AM                                         

The ‘trick’ of Camp David | Rachel Shabi
by Rachel Shabi (Hija del Zion             those talks created a political vacuum,    the creation of an aid economy in the      resisting and fighting for our rights.”
para Israel - Daughter of Zion             clearing a space for extremism on          occupied Palestinian territories.           He says talks should be premised on
for Israel)                                both sides. Developments after Camp        Palestinians, who place no less            the Israeli acceptance of basic tenets,
                                           David read like a chronicle of misery:     emphasis on education, economy and         upheld by UN resolutions and
Submitted at 7/7/2010 1:36:22 AM           the violent second Palestinian intifada    good business than do their Israeli        international law: “When Israel is
 Palestinians feel they were deceived      followed by Israel’s brutal military       neighbours, are now ashamed to point       ready to accept our rights, we are
by a PR exercise. Now aid carries          reoccupation of the West Bank; the         out that they are among the most aid-      ready to negotiate on how to
disruptive caveats and the peace           continued expansion of Jewish              dependent societies.                       implement that decision.”
process is just a circus                   settlements and infrastructure in the       There is no good reason for this: it is   • Comments on this article are set to
 If there are Palestinian textbooks on     West Bank, along with the increase in      absolutely a decision made by the          remain open for 24 hours from the
the failure of the Camp David talks        stifling roadblocks and checkpoints        international community, to allay          time of publication but may be closed
with Israel in 2000, they ought to         and the construction of Israeli’s          some of the more devastating               overnight
carry diagrams illustrating the use of     choking separation barrier; the            consequences of Israel’s occupation        • Israel
smoke-and-mirrors tactics. In this         devastating split between Palestinian      while refusing to push for a political     • Middle East
case, the confusing burst of smoke         parties Fatah and Hamas, and Israel’s      agreement. Now the aid carries its         • Palestinian territories
used by the Israeli side to such           deadly, three-week pounding of the         own disruptive caveats: for instance,      • Hamas
spectacular effect was the “generous       Gaza strip in late 2008.                   USAID feeds funds into swathes of
offer” made by then Israeli prime           Ghassan Khatib, media director for        the Palestinian NGO sector, but only        Rachel Shabi
minster, Ehud Barak – a now                the Palestinian Authority, says:           on condition that documents are   © Guardian News &
mythically impressive peace proposal       “Much of the deterioration witnessed       signed to assure that the organisations    Media Limited 2010 | Use of this
which Palestinian president Yasser         in the decade that followed can be         to be funded are Hamas-free.               content is subject to our Terms &
Arafat, it is claimed, both stubbornly     attributed to the miscalculation that      Observers say that civil society           Conditions| More Feeds
and stupidly refused.                      led to Camp David.” In common with         organisations and grassroots groups,         Hija del Zion para Israel Support
  By this narration, the deal was          other analysts he says that                pre-Oslo, were far better able to take     Israel
intended to give back almost all of        Palestinians were strong-armed into        care of Palestinians than the              • Settlements are a blockade to peace
the 22% of historic Palestine that         the “all or nothing” negotiations at       mushrooming, internationally               | Seth Freedman No Israeli words can
Palestinians have already agreed to        Camp David, despite repeatedly             dependent and politically                  speak as loudly as the action of a
accept as their state. And this            advising US mediators that the             compromised NGO economy that               large-scale pull-out from illegal West
airbrushed account has held sway           situation was not ripe for such talks.     currently powers Palestine.                Bank settlementsThere are plenty of
ever since; although patiently taken       As a consequence, there is now little       And despite Israeli and international     thorns in the side of the peace
apart many times, it is still treated as   faith in the international community       efforts to thwart Hamas, the party’s       process, but none as sharp and
rigid fact within Israel and among its     as independent arbitrators.                position on negotiations has traction      intrac...
rightist supporters.                        Lack of trust is compounded by the        in the decade-long shadows of the          • Camp David 10 years on | Petra
 A decade on, this spin factor has         fact that, since Camp David,               collapsed Camp David summit.               Marquardt-Bigman The failure of the
endowed a key Camp David legacy:           international intervention in the          Mahmoud Ramahi, senior Hamas               Middle East peace summit in 2000
the perception among Palestinians          Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been      representative and the general             discredited Israel's peace camp but it
that talks undertaken by them in good      focused on the journey – getting talks     secretary of the Palestinian legislative   is still the blueprint for agreementThe
faith are primarily designed to make       to resume – rather than the                council, says that the Palestinian         deep disappointment I felt when the
them look bad. Ask Palestinians in         destination. This endless talks circuit,   Authority’s position – financially         news came that the talks at Camp ...
the West Bank about the disastrous         the status of which shifts from            blackmailed by the international           • Diaspora homecomings can
summit and the words “trap”, “trick”       moribund to resuscitated and limping,      community into appearing at endless,       backfire | Khaled Diab A return to an
and “public relations exercise for         is viewed as a distracting sideshow, a     futile negotiating tables with Israel –    ancestral homeland is a dream that's
Israel” keep coming up. According to       profiteering circus. As the                is proof of how Camp David                 long inspired diasporas – often with
this view, the rejection of Barak’s        independent Palestinian MP Mustafa         “infected policy” within the               troubling resultsThe Zionist vision of
manifestly unacceptable offer was          Barghouti puts it: “The peace process      Palestinian frame.                         a "return" to the promised land has
deployed by Israel as both proof that      became a business and a substitute for     “We accept ‘67 borders,” he says.          been both a dream come true and a
there is “no one to talk to” and           peace.”                                    “But when we saw this proposal at          ni...
justification for a subsequent hardline     A toxic, humiliating consequence of       Camp David, the people understood
approach.                                  those peace process years that began       that Israel doesn’t want to give us        Original post source
 Analysts observe that the failure of      with the 1993 Oslo accords has been        anything and that we have to keep

Moroccan Lemon Vegetable Salad
by Kosher Food                   your meals all week long.                                                             for their membership and vi...
(Hija del Zion para Israel -                 Photo © 2010 Giora Shimoni,                                                         • Rebranding and Renaming iSrael
Daughter of Zion for Israel)               licensed to, Inc                                                            Rebranding and Renaming iSrael
                                             Hija del Zion para Israel Support                                                   The Knesset approved a bill changing
Submitted at 7/6/2010 9:12:50 PM           Israel                                                                                the name of the Jewish state from
 This Moroccan Lemon Vegetable             • Penn and Teller get scared, show                                                    Israel to iSrael, effective
Salad is tasty, healthy and easy to        that terrorism works Penn and Teller                                                  immediately. "We learned from the
prepare. Just cut up cabbage, carrots,     get scared, show that terrorism works                                                 iPad, iPhone and iTouch that the ...
bell peppers, and celery. Dress with       ...
lots of lemon juice and a bit of oil,      • Recovering and Living With                                                          Original post source
salt and pepper. If you make this at       Holocaust Years Posted By Ann              Eilati) Many times, Jewish
the beginning of the week, you’ll          RabinowitzShalom Kaplan aka                Genealogical Societies (JGS) provide
have a low-fat, low-carb side dish for     Shalom Eilati (Courtesy of Shalom          important and rewarding programs
2                                                                                                                                               FeedJournal Basic

Objectiveless in Iraq and Afghanistan
by Daniel Greenfield @ the                                                                                                        unworkable in reality without turning
Sultan Knish blog (Hija del Zion                                                                                                  into a vast multi-generational colonial
para Israel - Daughter of Zion                                                                                                    project on the British model. And
for Israel)                                                                                                                       such a project would change us, as
                                                                                                                                  much as it would change them. And
Submitted at 7/6/2010 9:18:00 PM                                                                                                  that is the twist in the hook. Because
  The dominant question on                                                                                                        the war we are fighting has already
everyone’s mind is when are we                                                                                                    changed us. It has imported Islamic
going to get out. Out of Iraq and out                                                                                             and Middle Eastern culture in a way
of Afghanistan. Liberals who voted                                                                                                that we are mostly not aware of. That
for Obama with the certainty that                                                                                                 is the flip side of all such efforts, that
both wars were the product of some                                                                                                they change the conquerors almost as
evil plot hatched by Cheney in the                                                                                                much as the conquered.
White House subbasement are                                                                                                        Colonialism is not an American
confused and frustrated as to why the                                                                                             project. On the other hand destroying
US hasn’t just pulled out. Of course                                                                                              the ability of our enemies to harm us,
those are the same people who were                                                                                                is. And a strategy that hinges on
never troubled by Taliban atrocities                                                                                              keeping the Islamists out by
or Saddam’s rape rooms, and aren’t                                                                                                reconstructing their countries plays to
going to be too bothered when the                                                                                                 their strengths, while exposing our
Iranian puppet Mahdi Army and the           infrastructure and winning the hearts      of it is fixable.                          weaknesses. We don’t need multi-
Taliban come back in for a bloody           and minds of the population. In 1939,        For one thing our goals are              generational nation building projects
takeover. And if they do, George            the conventional wisdom was that if        completely detached from reality.          to stop them. We had the Taliban on
Galloway or Robert Fisk will be by          only an isolationist America had           Creating stable working governments        the run in the first wave of attacks,
shortly to explain to them that it’s just   agreed to stay on in Europe, the           is a long and painful process. Even in     and we removed Saddam with very
the oppressors getting exactly what         whole mess of WW2 would have               the United States, it took a long time     few casualties. Our mistake was
they deserve.                               never happened. But while that             to get to the Constitution, and we had     trying to step in and take over their
 The Obama Administration has no            conventional wisdom might not be           to discard a previous system as            jobs. Our strength is not running
commitment to either war. Much of           wrong, it ignores the fact that we         unworkable. And that was in a              backward third world countries, it’s
the Administration from the top on          don’t know what would have                 country which had a tradition of           making it clear that if they pose a
down, shares Jeremiah Wright’s              happened if the US had made the            working local governments. While           threat to us, we will destroy enough
assessment of the last ten years, as a      kind of investment that Wilson             we’re dealing with regions where the       of them to end that threat. It’s hard to
case of the chickens coming home to         wanted. Or the kind of investment we       only form of power is either tribal or     build WMD’s or invade your
roost. But it’s also concerned enough       did make after WW2, maintaining            tyrannical, usually some combination       neighbors when you lack basic
about its popularity to underwrite a        bases for generations, and become the      of both. Despite all the horrors of post   infrastructure. And tribal leaders who
year or two of bloody battles between       permanent guarantors of European           WW2 Europe, we were still dealing          support the Taliban should know that
Allied forces and the Islamic               security. History would probably           with countries that had been               we will bomb them without regard for
insurgents in both countries, just in       have turned out differently, but           reasonably functional and understood       the collateral damage. It’s crude. It’s
order to time a Mission                     there’s no way of knowing exactly          how democratic systems of                  blunt. And it creates a stalemate that
Accomplished pullout before the next        how.                                       government worked, and were our            favors us.
Presidential election. This brand of         In 1948 the conventional wisdom           equals in most areas. That is again not     Beyond that our real war was not in
amoral cynicism is in some ways             certainly said that we had to save         the case in Iraq and Afghanistan,          Afghanistan, which was a staging
worse than that of a Galloway or a          Western Europe by rebuilding it in         where we are not rebuilding, so much       ground for the Islamist proxies of oil
Buchanan, since unlike the Bush             order to keep the Commies out              as trying to recreate them into shapes     rich Middle Eastern states and the
Administration, Barry, Biden and Jim        (except for the conventional wisdom        that we find acceptable. And without       Pakistani intelligence service. We’ve
Jones are not fighting a war they           coming from the left, which                an extensive colonial project, that is     been suckered into fighting a proxy
believe in. They’re sending troops          demanded that we get our imperialist       simply not going to happen.                war, while the emissaries of the real
into battle for a cause they don’t          asses out and let the “people’s              But none of that even matters            enemy in Saudi Arabia take meetings
believe in, to boost a reelection           parties” who had resisted the fascist      anymore. As a former resident of the       at the White House, and advise us on
campaign.                                   beast claim their right to rule). And so   Muslim world, Obama understands            how we can lose. The enemy is being
 And so what started out as two             we did just that. We saved Western         these things himself already. He’s         armed and funded with our money.
straightforward wars to rout a brutal       Europe from the Commies– only to           simply pandering to the Americans          The money that we send overseas in
Islamist gang, capture Al Queda             hand it over to the Islamists,             who don’t, and throwing away the           exchange for oil that was ours to
terrorists, and remove a tyrant,            rampaging into the senescent               lives of American soldiers, in order to    begin with, before a bunch of
morphed into nation building                remnants of what had once been great       withdraw on a high note. Obama             burnoosed thugs seized it and used it
exercises in the Bush era, and have         nations, who had forgotten how to          doesn’t expect to break the Taliban,       to fund their own terror armies. For
now become completely detached              stand up for themselves. But is it         only to demonstrate enough resolve         every billion that we spend, all they
from any strategic goal, but that of        typical enough of the FDR-                 so they’ll cut a deal that will avoid      have to do is spend a few thousand to
“Re-Elect Obama-Biden in 2012. It’s         Eisenhower era that the people in          any mobs chasing after departing           keep us on the ropes.
straightforward enough to see that the      charge could never comprehend that a       embassy helicopters. He’s deluded on        The same thing goes for the Shiite
more the real goals drift away from         nanny state turns men and women            that note, because where the Taliban       side of the equation, where Jimmy
that of defeating the enemy, the            into children. And that protecting         might have cut such a deal with            Carter’s support for the Ayatollah has
harder it will be to achieve it. The        others too much weakens them so that       McCain, they won’t with Obama,             culminated in the ascension of the
military is essentially a blunt tool. It    they are unable to protect themselves.     who is just too weak to be taken           Revolutionary Guard to the de facto
is best used for blunt objectives. You       What implications does this have for      seriously. Obama’s outreach to the         rulers of Iran, with an Allah sent
can only apply so much finesse with a       Iraq and Afghanistan? Once again we        Taliban turned Karzai into a loose         mission to expand and confront the
hammer, until you either break what         repeated the same mistake we made          cannon, further destabilizing the          Great Satan. The bulk of our troubles
you’re trying to fix, or render the         in Vietnam, cultivating tame useless       network of tribal alliances, and           in Iraq come from Tehran. Our
hammer unusable. But for the last 7         armies of soldiers who won’t stand         making it even more impossible to          passivity in that regard has
years we’ve been trying to use a            and fight, because they know               get the job done.                          emboldened Iran to push on into
hammer with finesse, and the body           Americans will do the real fighting         But what is the job anyway? As a          Afghanistan. Iran is now regularly
count has climbed horrifically as a         for them. We’ve schizophrenically          blunt tool, the military was never a       carrying out ambushes in Iraq,
result.                                     tried to set up or back governments        good choice for winning the hearts         whether of US troops, American
 The problem is that we’ve never            whose only real agenda is stashing         and minds of the population. Nor           backpackers or Kurdish guerrillas.
gotten over WW2 and its nation              away the dollars we’ve injected into       should that have been the goal in the      And treating this as a problem that we
building aftermath as a victory             their economy with our nation              first place. The leftover ideas from       can solve with more Iraqi
condition. And so we shifted from           building efforts. And we have no idea      WW2 about nation building might
winning wars, to rebuilding                 how to fix any of that, because none       seem fine in theory, but are virtually           OBJECTIVELESS page 6
FeedJournal Basic                                                                                                                                                      3

Soldier indicted for killing ‘Palestinian’ in
Operation Cast Lead
by Carl in Jerusalem (Hija del                                                                                                   killed the Hajiji women, while the
Zion para Israel - Daughter of                                                                                                   IDF investigation showed no tank fire
Zion for Israel)                                                                                                                 in the vicinity. However, the
                                                                                                                                 investigation did uncover a Givati
Submitted at 7/7/2010 12:28:00 AM                                                                                                soldier who admitted firing at a
  Soldier indicted for killing                                                                                                   woman who he feared endangered his
‘Palestinian’ in Operation Cast Lead                                                                                             life. While the military police cannot
The IDF’s Military Advocate General                                                                                              identify the specific woman that the
took a number of disciplinary actions                                                                                            soldier allegedly shot and killed, the
against IDF soldiers on Tuesday for                                                                                              MAG decided nevertheless to press
incidents that occurred during                                                                                                   manslaughter charges against the
Operation Cast Lead. In one of them,                                                                                             soldier.
an IDF soldier has been indicted for                                                                                              A senior IDF officer said Tuesday
killing a ‘Palestinian’ woman.                                                                                                   that the Israeli penal code allows for
 The Military Advocate General has                                                                                               charging a suspect with
decided to indict a number of officers                                                                                           manslaughter, without a specific body
and soldiers for their conduct during                                                                                            being accounted for.
the operation. In one case, an IDF                                                                                                And the fact that the IDF released
officer at the rank of Lieutenant                                                                                                this news two hours before Prime
Colonel was summoned to a                                                                                                        Minister Netanyahu’s meeting with
disciplinary hearing for having                                                                                                  President Obama? I’m sure that was
deviated from military directives                                                                                                all a coincidence….
pertaining to the prohibition on the                                                                                              posted by Carl in Jerusalem @ 10:28
use of civilians for operational                                                                                                 AM
activity. In a second case, the Military                                                                                          Hija del Zion para Israel Support
Advocate General indicted an IDF                                                                                                 Israel
Staff Sergeant for manslaughter. In a                                                                                            • Israel reserves right to stop
third case, the Military Advocate           Nations fact finding mission on the         At a certain point, one of the IDF       Lebanon-Gaza flotilla by wallyg
General ordered a criminal                  Gaza conflict (i.e. the “Goldstone         soldiers from the Givati Brigade          Israel reserves right to stop Lebanon-
investigation following his review of       Report”) was published in September        opened fire at a woman who was            Gaza flotilla Israeli Ambassador to
a field investigation in order to clarify   2009, presenting 30 specific incidents     marching together with the group. A       the United Nations Gabriela Shalev
the circumstances of a specific             related to the IDF, most of which          mother and daughter – 35-year-old         addresses a United Nations Security
incident. In a fourth case, disciplinary    were already familiar to the IDF and       Majda Abu Hajiji and her 64-year-old      Council meeting in New York,
action was taken against an IDF             were in various stages of examination      mother Salama were killed in the          January 6, 20...
Captain for his failed professional         prior to the report’s publication.         incident, although it is not clear        • Turkish filmmaker takes aim at
judgment in authorizing an attack            Read the whole thing.                     which of them died from the Givati        U.S. and Israel Turkish filmmaker
against a terror operative.                  JPost adds:                               soldier’s fire. The incident was later    takes aim at U.S. and Israel Israel
…                                            IDF Military Advocate General Maj.        thoroughly investigated by B’Tselem       may not like it, but a popular Turkish
 Lt. Gen. Ashkenazi ordered an              -Gen. Avichai Mandelblit decided           and mentioned in the Goldstone            television and film franchise which
examination of IDF conduct, and the         Tuesday to charge a soldier with           Report.                                   once depicted a Jewish doctor
ethical aspects thereof, in full            manslaughter for allegedly shooting         During a military probe shortly          stealing organs from Muslim
confidence of the moral justness of         and killing a Palestinian woman            following the incident, one soldier       prisoners ...
the IDF, its officers and soldiers, as      during Operation Cast Lead in the          was picked out as responsible for         • Helen Thomas, Israel and the
well as of the IDF’s ability to             Gaza Strip last year.                      opening fire at the group of civilians.   Palestinians – Helen
examine any incident, to draw the            The incident took place on January 4       The IDF said on Tuesday that dozens      Thomas, Israel and the Palestinians
necessary conclusions, and to take          in Juhar a-Dik, near Gaza City, when       of Palestinians, soldiers and IDF         The veteran journalist was pilloried
legal action as necessary. More than        a group of about 30 Palestinian            officers were interrogated and that       for her remark about Israel, but
150 incidents have been examined            civilians, including women and             “gaps were discovered between the         where's the uproar over such
and nearly 50 investigations have           children, approached an Israeli            description provided by the               comments directed a...              ...
been launched by the Military Police        military position. The group,              Palestinians to the soldiers’
Criminal Investigations Division            according to several eyewitness            testimonies.”        According to         Original post source
since the operation’s conclusion.           accounts, was waving white flags.          Palestinian testimonies, tank fire
Furthermore, the report of the United

The 1967 borders are not defensible
by Carl in Jerusalem (Hija del              needed to retain in order to have          retain the Jordan Valley and the high     Gorenberg? Prof. Stanley Fish has a
Zion para Israel - Daughter of              defensible borders. The study was          ground of Judea and Samaria.              regular online column in the New
Zion for Israel)                            completed within a few weeks after          In any event, going back to the 1949     York Times on education society. His
                                            the war. I am reproducing part of the      armistice lines (the 1967 border) is      latest post is intended as a critique of
Submitted at 7/6/2010 11:15:00 PM           map that accompanied that report           suicidal. Even if the result of not       right-wing efforts to treat universities
 The 1967 borders are not defensible        below (I wasn’t able to include the        going back to the 1967 border is that     as b...
Rick Richman was hoping that                parts of Sinai that the report             any ‘Palestinian state’ looks like        • Nationwide alert issued for 17
President Obama would be asked              recommended that Israel maintain in        Swiss cheese.                             Afghan military men AWOL from
about the Bush letter on Tuesday.           the screen shot, but there’s a link         posted by Carl in Jerusalem @ 9:15       Texas Air Force Base Nationwide
Unfortunately, that did not happen, at      below that includes the full map). As      AM                                        alert issued for 17 Afghan military
least in public.                            you can see, it does not leave a whole      Hija del Zion para Israel Support        men AWOL from Texas Air Force
 As is widely known, after the Six          lot of room for a ‘Palestinian state,’     Israel                                    B              a           s           e
Day War, President Johnson                  which is fine because there was no         • Siouxsie and the Banshees – israel      .            .           .
commissioned a study of the Joint           such thing as ‘Palestinians’ then (the     live 1983 Siouxsie and the Banshees
Chiefs of Staff to determine on a           PLO was founded in 1964 and did not        with Robert Smith - israel live 1983      Original post source
military basis only what territory that     have significant support).                 royal albert hall...
Israel liberated during that war it          Note that the video calls for Israel to   • A C- for Prof. Fish Gershom
4                                                                                                                                            FeedJournal Basic

EU: Seeking to combat homegrown terrorism
by Esther (Hija del Zion para             countries they attack, where they           After the London attacks, European       terrorism that ultimately violate
Israel - Daughter of Zion for             grew up and went to school. Most           Union member states decided to join       human rights, in the long run, feed
Israel)                                   come from secular immigrant                forces on the issue; Spain with its       the grievances and the sense of
                                          families and are brought up without        large Moroccan population is, for         injustice that can fuel radicalization.”
Submitted at 7/7/2010 2:12:00 AM          religious zeal.                            example, to devise a model on how         ( more)
 EU: Seeking to combat homegrown           They seem well integrated into            such training can best be done.            Source: DW-World
terrorism                                 society – until they come into contact     “The Spaniards have the                    Hija del Zion para Israel Support
  Five years after the London             with Islamist extremists. Some of          responsibility for expertise on the       Israel
bombings, in which 52 people died,        these homegrown terrorists do not          training of imams and passing it          • Denmark: European children
homegrown terror remains a concern        even have a Muslim background and          along to the other countries,” said       fighting for PKK, claims former ROJ
across Europe. More dialogue and a        only convert to Islam when they            Magnus Ranstorp of the Swedish            TV chief Denmark: European
coordinated strategy is how EU            become adults.                             Defense College in Stockholm.             children fighting for PKK, claims
countries hope to tackle the problem.      Some argue that the crucial lesson         In Britain, the authorities are also     former ROJ TV chiefDanish
 Homegrown terrorism is a relatively      learned in the wake of the London          working together with mosques and         newspaper Berlingske Tidende
new term – and a new phenomenon.          and Madrid attacks was that efforts to     Muslim communities to prevent the         continues to publish more
But Europe has learned through            foster closer cooperation with             radicalization of young men. The          information about ROJ TV and the
experience that it is a danger from       Muslims in European countries need         British government has initiated a        PKK. Their most recent report rev...
within that cannot be ignored.            to be stepped up.                          program with more than 260 publicly       • EU: Terrorism financing ring
 Five years ago, on July 7, 2005, four    “It’s essential that we work with          funded projects aimed at reaching out     arrested EU: Terrorism financing ring
bomb attacks on the London transport      those parts of society where trends        to the Muslim population. Mentoring       arrested On 11 May, five alleged
system left 56 dead and countless         toward radicalization can occur,” says     schemes are one aspect.                   key organisers were arrested as a
wounded. One year earlier, the            Ole Schroeder, a parliamentary state       (…)                                       result of judicial investigations and
Madrid attacks claimed the lives of       secretary in the German Interior            Some argue that if a person is not       police operations. The investigation
191 people.                               Ministry. “For instance we have to         susceptible to extremist ideologies, he   started in 2007 in Italy in...
 This article was prepared by the         directly work with mosques or with         or she won’t turn to terrorism.           • EU: Benefits restriction on terror
Islam in          Europe blog –           groups close to radical Islamists.”        Among those who subscribe to this         suspects’ wives ruled illegal EU:                 The best protection, Schroeder says,      line of thought is Judith Sunderland      Benefits restriction on terror suspects'
 In Germany, the so-called Sauerland      is to ensure that Muslim communities       of Human Rights Watch.                    wives ruled illegalRestrictions on the
terror cell had devised attacks on        in European countries are not               Her group says that banning minarets     payment of welfare benefits to wives
airports that were only prevented         susceptible to extremist tendencies.       or the burqa only leads to further        of terror suspects imposed by Ed
because the group’s plans were            The German government has tried to         radicalization. Terror suspects, they     Balls when he was a Treasury
uncovered shortly before they             take a step in this direction by           say, must never be treated with           minister have bee...
intended to carry them out.               founding a forum on Islam aimed at         disrespect to the rule of law – as has
 Homegrown terrorism is different         creating a dialogue with Germany’s         been the case in several western          Original post source
from attacks like those in the United     Muslim population on shared societal       counties.
States on September 11, 2001. The         values.                                    (…)
perpetrators come from the very           (…)                                        “Measures that are taken to counter

by Chana Rubin, RD (Hija del              (species) DN-114 001(strain), a                                                       Considering their possible benefits,
Zion para Israel - Daughter of            probiotic that may help support the                                                  probiotics are a low-risk intervention.
Zion for Israel)                          immune system.                                                                       They’re worth a try as long as you do
                                           Another yogurt product contains                                                     your homework and find the right
Submitted at 7/6/2010 10:00:00 PM         Bifidobacterium (genus) animalis                                                     product (and the correct dose) for
 They’re added to yogurt, snack bars,     (species) DN-173-010 (strain), a                                                     what ails you.
water, baby food and pizza crust.         probiotic that may help relieve                                                       For additional information about
You’ll find them in chewing gum,          constipation.                                                                        probiotics, try these websites:
fruit juice, lozenges and toothpaste.      What’s it supposed to do?                                                  
They’re even in dog food.                   Different strains of probiotics                                                    diet-medications/probiotics
 Are probiotics just another “health      provide different benefits. Targets for                                     
food” gimmick? What are they and          probiotic influence include digestive                                       
what do they do? Should you add           function (traveler’s and antibiotic                                                   Hija del Zion para Israel Support
them to your diet?                        related diarrhea, irritable bowel                                                    Israel
                                                                                     adequate amount of probiotic for
 Although they don’t have a legal         syndrome, lactose digestion, colic),                                                 • Salt II Most of the salt we eat
                                                                                     therapeutic benefit. The minimum
definition in the US, the World           oral health, allergies, eczema, vaginal                                              comes from processed food liked
                                                                                     dose must be the dose shown to have
Health Organization defines               and respiratory infections, and even                                                 canned and "instant" soup, sauces and
                                                                                     a health benefit in controlled studies.
probiotics as “Live microorganisms,       brain function.                                                                      salad dressing, canned fish, frozen
                                                                                      Are probiotics for everyone?
which when administered in adequate        Is there scientific research to back up                                             foods, noodle and macaroni mixes
                                                                                      Check with your physician before
amounts, confer a health                  the claims?                                                                          and the all-time kosher kitchen
                                                                                     giving probiotics to infants, the
benefit on the host.”                      The most important question to ask                                                  favor...
                                                                                     elderly and anyone with a seriously
“Live organisms” can also be              is whether the claim made for the                                                    • Salt I Once again, New York City
                                                                                     compromised immune system.
described as “friendly or beneficial      product is true. Has it been tested on                                               is making nutrition news. First it was
                                                                                     Terminally ill cancer patients and
bacteria”. They’ve been around for        humans and shown to have a benefit?                                                  a city-wide ban on trans fat. Now
                                                                                     people whose conditions have the
thousands of years in fermented foods     Search the web or call the company                                                   they're trying to get us to eat less salt.
                                                                                     potential for leaky bowels (including
like yogurt and kefir. But because the    for details that may not be on the                                                   New York's "National Salt Reduction
                                                                                     acute pancreatitis) should not take
science of probiotics is just emerging,   package. Check for articles published                                                Initiative" aims to r...
there are still a lot of unknowns. In     in scientific journals. Some products                                                • Too Much of a Good Thing Can
                                                                                      In Israel, there are a number of
typical fashion, the marketplace is       have their own website with links to                                                 you eat too many vegetables?
                                                                                     kosher yogurt products containing
often ahead of the science. Products      clinical studies.                                                                    Apparently so. I've written about
                                                                                     probiotics. In the US, similar
containing probiotics are all the rage.    How much probiotic is in a serving                                                  orthorexia nervosa – a condition
                                                                                     products may or may not be kosher.
But not all of them are effective or      size or a dose? What is the expiration                                               where a person sets severe rules about
                                                                                     Many yogurts in the US contain non-
worth your money.                         date of the product?                                                                 food and restricts his or her eating to
                                                                                     kosher gelatin, so check the labels. I
 Here’s what you should know:              It doesn’t matter if a probiotic is                                                 the point of becomi...
                                                                                     found one probiotic supplement in the
  The full name of the probiotic,         added to food or if it’s in supplement
                                                                                     US with kosher certification, though
including genus, species and strain       form. What’s important is whether                                                    Original post source
                                                                                     most seemed to be non-kosher, due to
 For instance, a popular yogurt drink     reliable research substantiates the
                                                                                     their gelatin-based capsules.
contains Lactobacillus (genus) casei      health claim and whether there’s an
FeedJournal Basic                                                                                                                                                     5
Hamas top dog: "This is our plan for this stage – to liberate the West Bank
and Gaza, without recognizing Israel’s right to a single inch of land, and
without giving up the Right of Return for a single Palestinian refugee"
by Robert (Hija del Zion para              on a single inch of land.                 presence in Gaza, we must finish off
Israel - Daughter of Zion for               This is our plan for this stage – to     the remnants of that occupation, and
Israel)                                    liberate the West Bank and Gaza,          move on to the West Bank.
                                           without recognizing Israel’s right to a     Posted by Robert on July 6, 2010
Submitted at 7/6/2010 8:57:32 PM           single inch of land, and without          8:57 PM
 Hamas top dog: “This is our plan for      giving up the Right of Return for a       | No Comments
this stage – to liberate the West Bank     single Palestinian refugee.                 Print this entry
and Gaza, without recognizing              [...]                                     | Email this entry
Israel’s right to a single inch of land,    Our plan for this stage is to liberate   | Digg this
and without giving up the Right of         any inch of Palestinian land, and to      |
Return for a single Palestinian
refugee” But deep down, they really,
                                           establish a state on it. Our ultimate
                                           plan is [to have] Palestine in its
                                                                                       Hija del Zion para Israel Support         Le Chaim
really, want peace! “Hamas Leader
Mahmoud Al-Zahhar: Our Plan Is to
                                           entirety. I say this loud and clear so
                                           that nobody will accuse me of
                                                                                     • Israel’s Latest Violation Every time      Menorah Judaica
Establish a Palestinian State Without
Recognizing Israel and Without
                                           employing political tactics. We will
                                           not recognize the Israeli enemy.
                                                                                     Israel's right-wing government
                                                                                     engages in yet another outrageous           – judaica
Giving Up the Right of Return,” from        As for the issue of a referendum –       violation of international legal norms,     by paraisrael (Hija del Zion
MEMRITV, June 15:                          [the Palestinian Authority] is ready to   it is easy to think, "No way are they       para Israel - Daughter of Zion
 Following are excerpts from an            impose its position on people by          going ...      ...                          for Israel)
interview with Hamas leader                force. Whoever wants to hold a            • Shir Lamaalot por BenYâHmín en
Mahmoud Al-Zahhar, which aired on          referendum, and believes that he can      Tu Bishvat Zamerando (cantando) la          Submitted at 7/6/2010 11:05:36 PM
Future News TV on June 15, 2010:           get all of Palestine for the              Tehil·láh 121 en el Arvít del 15 de         Le Chaim Menorah Judaica
 Mahmoud Al-Zahhar: We have                Palestinians, can hold a referendum,      Shevát del 5769....
liberated Gaza, but have we                but will not give up the platform of      • Resolution 194 To give an idea of         • Le Chaim Menorah Judaica
recognized Israel? Have we given up        resistance, and the plan to liberate      how Efraim Karsh uses real facts to
our lands occupied in 1948? We             Palestine in its entirety. This is        turn Arab propaganda that has                Menorah: Le Chaim
demand the liberation of the West          unequivocal.                              become conventional wisdom on its            This Hanukkah has extraordinary
Bank, and the establishment of a state     [...]                                     head in his book Palestine Betrayed,        details, it puts the Festive in Festival
in the West Bank and Gaza, with             If we could liberate the Negev now,      here is what he writes about UN             of Lights. Toast the holiday with this
Jerusalem as its capital – but without     we would continue [our military           Genera...                                   fun Menorah.
recognizing [Israel]. This is the key –    activity], but our capabilities dictate                                                Made of heavy aluminum and
without recognizing the Israeli enemy      that after we got rid of the Israeli      Original post source                        measures 11L x 6.5H x 1.5D
                                                                                                                                  Hanukkah, referred to as the

You don’t say: Hezbullah                                                                                                          Rating:(out of reviews)
                                                                                                                                  List Price:
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operatives on US – Mexico border                                                                                                  Hija del Zion para Israel Support
                                                                                                                                 • Rounded Menorah, Polished Resin
by Carl in Jerusalem (Hija del                                                       guilty in 2005 for supplying
                                                                                                                                 by Judaica, Chanukah – judaica
Zion para Israel - Daughter of                                                       information to the terror organization
Zion for Israel)                                                                                                                 Rounded Menorah, Polished Resin by
                                                                                     after he was smuggled in the US
                                                                                                                                 Judaica, Chanukah Rounded
                                                                                     through Mexico, and lived in
Submitted at 7/7/2010 1:20:00 AM                                                                                                 Menorah, Polished Resin by Judaica,
                                                                                     Dearborne, Michigan.
                                                                                                                                 Chanukah Rounded Menorah made
 You don’t say: Hezbullah operatives                                                  I’ve discussed this problem several
                                                                                                                                 out of Polished ResinEach piece of
on US – Mexico border                                                                times before going back as far as
                                                                                                                                 this menorah can be moved around
Representative Sue Myrick (R-NC)                                                     2006, also here and here.
has demanded an investigation into a                                                  Just think: If all the illegal aliens in
                                                                                                                                 • Menorah: Dove Blue/White by
Fox News report that a Hezbullah                                                     the US are granted amnesty, any
                                                                                                                                 Judaica by Heather Goldminc –
terror cell is operating among drug        administrator for intelligence at the     Hezbullah operative who are already
                                                                                                                                 judaica Menorah: Dove Blue/White
smugglers on the border between the        Drug Enforcement Administration,          in the US would automatically have
                                                                                                                                 by Judaica by Heather Goldminc
United States and Mexico.                  testifying at a House Oversight and       the legal right to stay. What could go
                                                                                                                                 Menorah: Dove Blue/White by
 The Republican representative             Government Reform subcommittee in         wrong?
                                                                                                                                 Judaica by Heather Goldminc Blue /
referenced several incidents that show     March this year, that some drug            posted by Carl in Jerusalem @ 11:20
                                                                                                                                 White Star of David Menorah
evidence of Hizbullah’s efforts to         smugglers in the US-Mexico region         AM
                                                                                                                                 Designed by Heather Goldminc A
infiltrate the US region with the aid      have had relationships with Hizbullah      Hija del Zion para Israel Support
                                                                                                                                 simple menorah w...
of Mexican drug cartel gangs.              between the 1980s and 1990s.              Israel
                                                                                                                                 • Judaica Gift – Glass Menorah with
“It is vital we know what is               “There are numerous reports of            • Iran to Israel Sign up for a FREE
                                                                                                                                 Blessing – judaica Judaica Gift -
happening on our border, especially        cocaine proceeds entering the coffers     t r i p     t o       I s r a e l     a t
                                                                                                                                 Glass Menorah with Blessing
as crime and violence continue to rise     of Islamic Radical Groups such as An
                                                                                                                                 Rating: (out of reviews)            List
there and as terrorist plots and threats   Hezbollah and Hamas,” Fox News            unexpected applicant shows up at the
                                                                                                                                 Price: Price: $ 45.00 Hanukkah
are increasing inside the US,” quoted      quoted Placido when he testified to       Taglit-Birthright Israel office.
                                                                                                                                 Snack Plate, Happy Hanukkah
the Fox News report.                       the subcommittee. Placido labeled         Cartoon by http...
                                                                                                                                 Judaica Hanukkah Snack Plate, ...
  Myrick cited the warming                 the proceeds as “easy revenue” that       • Imam misunderstands Islam, pleads
relationship between Iran and              could potentially be used to fund         guilty in New York bomb plot Imam
Venzuela as proof that Hizbullah           terrorism.                                misunderstands Islam, pleads guilty
members may be collaborating with           Fox News also cited a 2006 House         in New York bomb plot
Latin American drug cartels, who           Homeland Security Committee report        ...
may be utilizing Hizbullah’s ability to    which details incidents of Hizbullah      • Jewish Civilization: Art and
dig underground tunnels for drug           operatives who were apprehended           Architecture Jewish Art and
smuggling and in turn, providing           when trying to access the US through      Architecture pictures...
funding, document forging and false        Mexico. The report mentions
identities.                                Mahmoud Youssef Kourani, a                Original post source
 The Fox News report referenced            Hizbullah member who pleaded
Anthony Placido, assistant
6                                                                                                                                             FeedJournal Basic
OBJECTIVELESS                                                                                                                    Koch: ‘They’re nuts if
continued from page 2
                                                                                                                                 they think that she’s
reconstruction is exactly the wrong         in the Middle East.                       • Holocaust – 1/59"Holocaust"
thing to do.                                 The same Kuwaitis who enlisted           (1978) mini-series. Directed by            dumb; she’s very smart’
 The terrorists are the sharp end of an     American PR firms to sell us on Gulf      Marvin Chomsky. With James                 by Carl in Jerusalem (Hija del
oil spear being plunged into our            War #1, enlisted more PR experts to       Woods, Meryl Streep and Michael            Zion para Israel - Daughter of
bellies. And we’re choosing to replay       portray Guantanamo Bay as a gulag         Moriarty. Holocaust follows the            Zion for Israel)
the same Cold War strategy we used          and force the release of the Kuwaiti      tragedy and triumph of the Weiss ...
against the USSR, that required us to       12. The Saudis whom we protected in       • Part 1: The Book of Zohar –              Submitted at 7/7/2010 2:30:00 AM
fight a long global cold war for two        that same war, went on funding Jihadi     Selections, chapter "Chayei Sarah",         Koch: ‘They’re nuts if they think that
generations, and several botched hot        mosques and just plain Jihadis.           item 81, lesson 3 Lecturer: Rav            she’s dumb; she’s very smart’ I read
wars against Communist proxies.             Beyond the Middle East, the               Michael LaitmanDate: 2010-03-              all the time that Sarah Palin is a dumb
And in the process we’re selling out        Pakistani ISI service which we used       09Text: ENG 0.28MB...                      hick who could never win an election.
our real allies and putting our faith in    to fund the Afghan resistance, helped     • Castro’s lash against Israel a           Not according to former New York
Muslim dictatorships, including the         build the Taliban, and it’s still         calculated move BY MYRIAM                  Mayor Ed Koch, who by the way
same ones funding the terror                playing a complicated double game,        MARQUEZ ``The hatred felt by the           gives President Obama a grade that’s
networks, to see us through. It’s bad       complicated further by internal           state of Israel against the Palestinians   a bit below a ’solid B+.’
strategy as we pay in blood, cash and       rivalries in both countries. Trying to    is such that they would not hesitate to     Let’s go to the videotape (Hat Tip:
oil, while they just pay in cash.           sort through this mess, just tangles us   send the one-and-a-half million            Jammie Wearing Fool).
 Instead of thinking of innovative new      in it even further. The only way is to    men,...         ...                          Koch says he wouldn’t vote for
ways to dress up the same old nation        decisively cut the Gordian Knot, to                                                  Palin. But what if she were running
building hearts and minds strategies,       end the games and make it clear how       Original post source                       against Obama? Hmmm.
it’s time to confront the real source of    we will respond to terrorism. Unless                                                  posted by Carl in Jerusalem @ 12:30
the problem. Bluntly and forcefully.        we do that, we’ll continue to be stuck                                               PM
For too long our Muslim allies have         in the same objectiveless limbo,                                                      Hija del Zion para Israel Support
been playing both sides, soliciting our     fighting hosts of ghosts and shadows,                                                Israel
protection, while they nurture and          rather than striking at the real enemy.                                              • Israel Transfers Fatah Refugees to
feed the terrorists who are killing us.      Hija del Zion para Israel Support                                                   West Bank Fatah refugees in Israel
This double game is business as usual       Israel                                                                               are being transferred to Jericho in
                                                                                                                                 Erez crossing on Monday August 4,

Why Israel cannot make peace with                                                                                                2008. The Defense Ministry and the
                                                                                                                                 Palestinian Authority decided late
                                                                                                                                 Monday morning to tr...

the ‘Palestinian Authority’                                                                                                      • PA mourns death of Neturei Karta
                                                                                                                                 leader Ma'an Arabic says that the PA
                                                                                                                                 sent a high-level delegation to the
by Carl in Jerusalem (Hija del                                                        knows just the opposite.                   funeral of Moshe Hirsch, the Neturei
Zion para Israel - Daughter of                                                         Read the whole thing.                     Karta leader who did everything he
Zion for Israel)                                                                       posted by Carl in Jerusalem @ 8:15        could to destroy Israel while claiming
                                                                                      AM                                         that the Torah demands ...
Submitted at 7/6/2010 10:15:00 PM                                                      Hija del Zion para Israel Support         • Jewish Games Kosherland Board
 Why Israel cannot make peace with                                                    Israel                                     Game A great beginner's game. 2 or
the ‘Palestinian Authority’ Barry                                                     • did Bibi agree to more Jerusalem         more players, ages 4-7. Product
Rubin explains thy it’s not likely that                                               Freezes?'Moderate' 'Palestinian'           DescriptionBased on the popular
Israel will make peace with the ‘                                                     President Mahmoud Abbas Abu                CandyLand board game, KosherLand
Palestinian Authority’ anytime soon.                                                  Mazen has a lot to smile about these       is a first board game for a Jewish
 So what if the PA failed? Would                                                      days. Here are some more details of        child. Travel through KosherTown -
conventional wisdom in Washington                                                     what was in that letter that apparently    ...
switch to saying that Israel had no                                                   went from President Obama to Abu ...
real alternative for peace and thus US                                                • Video: Fox News interviews Mike          Original post source
policy should back Israel or would                                                    Pence on Gaza Video: Fox News
the PA merely find some new                                                           interviews Mike Pence on Gaza
gimmick? Even if it succeeded in                                                      Here's a Fox News interview with
creating a marvelous stable,                                                          Congressman Mike Pence (R-Ind)
                                             Why should Israel give up territory
prosperous, democratic (does that                                                     regarding the possibility of the US...
                                            and security to the PA merely
mean elections that Hamas might                                                       • Children: When we die as martyrs
                                            because it prosecutes corrupt leaders
win?) entity, would that mean it was                                                  Palestinian children sing about their
                                            (don’t hold your breath) and is more
ready to make a real and lasting peace                                                future: "When we get martyred we
                                            prosperous? What it needs to know is
with Israel? Not necessarily. Because                                                 will go to Paradise" and "I am willing
                                            that the conflict won’t continue, that
the issue is not whether there is more                                                to sacrifice my blood for my
                                            there won’t be cross-border raids, that
money or less corruption but whether                                                  country."This martyrdom
                                            Hamas won’t take over and that
there is a Palestinian readiness to end                                               indoctrination song with its catchy
                                            Palestine won’t invite in Syrian or
the conflict, teach their people to give                                              m...
                                            Iranian military forces, to cite some
up their dream of getting all of Israel,
provide security guarantees and be                                                    Original post source
                                             And of course, Israel doesn’t ‘know’
willing to resettle refugees in the state
                                            any of those things. If anything, it
of Palestine.

Video: Netanyahu – Obama ‘press availability’
by Carl in Jerusalem (Hija del              House.                                    be standardized Austria: Muslim            TTV.
Zion para Israel - Daughter of               You can find a summary here. Let’s       prison chaplains to be standardized
Zion for Israel)                            go to the videotape (a little more than   Following an agreement reached             • Telefon Tel Aviv – Sound In a
                                            22 minutes) (Hat Tip: Lance K).           between the justice minister, Claudia      Dark Room soft & sexy...
Submitted at 7/6/2010 9:43:00 PM             posted by Carl in Jerusalem @ 7:43       Bandion-Ortner and the president of
 Video: Netanyahu – Obama ‘press            AM                                        the Islamic Religious Community,           Original post source
availability’ Here’s video of the            Hija del Zion para Israel Support        Anas Scha...
Netanyahu – Obama ‘press                    Israel                                    • The Birds • Telefon Tel Aviv Good
availability’ on Tuesday at the White       • Austria: Muslim prison chaplains to     flight Charles! thanks for inspirations
FeedJournal Basic                                                                                                                                            7

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Obama warms to Israel Cheese Borekas
by paraisrael (Hija del Zion                                                      by Kosher Food
para Israel - Daughter of Zion                                                    (Hija del Zion para Israel -
for Israel)                                                                       Daughter of Zion for Israel)
Submitted at 7/6/2010 11:15:16 PM                                                 Submitted at 7/6/2010 9:34:07 PM

 by Amir Farshad Ebrahimi                                                          Want to entice your kids to turn off
 Obama warms to Israel                                                            the screens this summer? Try giving
 US President Barack Obama says he                                                them dinner duty. They can make
is hoping for direct Middle East peace                                            these easy Cheese Borekas, as well as
talks to start before the end of                                                  Israeli Salad, for a nice summer
September, and denied a rift with        Obama visited the Holocaust History      family dinner. Just stock your home
Israel.                                  Museum in Yad Vashem ....                with frozen puff pastry and shredded
 Read more on Brisbane Times             • Israel News by Amir Farshad            mozzarella cheese, and then step
 Israel army not amused as troops        Ebrahimi Obama, Israel's Netanyahu       aside and let the kids get to work.
                                         hold fence-mending talks President                                               May 21, 2010LOUISE HALL/
dance on patrol                                                                   This is a win-win situation as the
                                         Barack Obama hosted Israeli Prime                                                SMHMuslim females desecrating the
 JERUSALEM (AFP) – A bunch of                                                     children will feel proud and you will
                                         Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the                                               flag: For and against: Female
bored Israeli troops may have to face                                             enjoy a night off.
                                         White House on Tuesday, seeking to                                               subjugation or ignoring the rights of
the music over a YouTube clip                                                     …
                                         show th...                                                                       women? Rev...
showing them doing a flash mob-                                                    Read Full Post
                                         • Travel Ancient Egypt & Israel On                                               • Journalistic bias, Islam’s death
style dance in full combat gear while                                              Hija del Zion para Israel Support
                                         An Unforgettable Adventure | about                                               penalty for apostasy, Hamas-linked
on patrol in the West Bank city of                                                Israel
                                         israel travel                                               CAIR, and the freedom of speech
Hebron.                                                                           • Oh, good: Pakistan stages show of
                                         Please Subscribe: Join                                               Journalistic bias, Islam's death
 Read more on AFP via Yahoo!                                                      force with nuclear-capable missiles
                                         an unforgettable Egypt & Israel Trip:                                            penalty for apostasy, Hamas-linked
Canada News                                                                       Oh, good: Pakistan stages show of
                                         Walk in the Footsteps of Gods, Kings                                             CAIR, and the freedom of speech
 Hija del Zion para Israel Support                                                force with nuclear-capable missiles
                                         & Christ in the Holy Land of Egypt &                                             ...
Israel                                                                            ...
• Barack Obama at Yad Vashem,            Israe...                                 • Nile vows to continue fight against
                                                                                                                          Original post source
Israel On July 23rd, 2008 Barack                                                  the burqa Nile vows to continue fight
                                                                                  against the burqaby sheikyermami on

Part 2: The Book of Zohar – Selections, chapter
"Vayetze", item 331, lesson 19
by Bnei-Baruch (Hija del Zion             Hija del Zion para Israel Support       oil spill... ...                        • Wind of Change In Israel, tens of
para Israel - Daughter of Zion           Israel                                   • From Slavery to Freedom by Mark       thousands of Arab Bedouin fear that
for Israel)                              • Israel will stop boat from reaching    PelavinAssociate Director,              the Israeli government wants to seize
                                         Gaza: minister | Reuters UPDATE 2-       RAC(Originally published on             land they say belongs to them and to
Submitted at 7/7/2010 12:24:11 AM        BP's cap funneling oil to the surface-   RACblog)Three very interesting - and    put an end to their traditional
 Lecturer: Rav Michael Laitman           Coast Guard McDonald's recalls 13.3      very different - stories in my inbox    nomadic lifestyle. The ...
Date: 2010-07-07                         million "Shrek" drinking glasses         this morning remind me of the power
Text: ENG 0.33MB                         UPDATE 1-BP aims to stop 90 pct of       of the story of......                   Original post source
8                                                                                                                                        FeedJournal Basic
Maccabi Tel Aviv FC                                                                  continued from page 7
                                                                                     cucumbers, and bell peppers topped      • The Correct Picture – Kabbalah

Home Replica Soccer                                                                  with olive oil, lemon juice and salt.
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Jersey 09/10                                                                         carrots, cabbage and even avocado if
                                                                                      Photo © 2010 Giora Shimoni,
                                                                                                                             • EU: Muslims go to mosque less
                                                                                                                             often EU: Muslims go to mosque less
                                                                                                                             oftenThe call to prayer reverberates
by paraisrael (Hija del Zion                                                         licensed to, Inc              off the walls in the Islamic Cultural
para Israel - Daughter of Zion                                                        Hija del Zion para Israel Support      Center in Madrid, Spain's largest
for Israel)                                                                          Israel                                  mosque. The sun sparkles on the
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Love Not Terror | about israel travel I   on 2008-06-19 13:30:09 by
wish Israelis and Palestians did this     zeevveez....
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another like in the Gaza flotilla
convoy fiasco. Coming soon... Israel

Ja1/4dische Aspekte Jung-Wiens
Im Kulturkontext Des Afin de
Sia]clea (Conditio Judaica) (v. 52)
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para Israel - Daughter of Zion            Price: $ 146.99 ...
for Israel)                               • Georg Hermann: Deutsch-Ja1/
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Submitted at 7/6/2010 11:10:13 PM         1871–1943 (Conditio Judaica) Georg
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Kulturkontext Des Afin de Sia]clea        Schriftsteller Und Journalist, 1871--
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Para israel07072010

  • 1. FeedJournal Basic 7/6/2010 at 8:57:32 PM - 7/7/2010 at 11:20:15 AM The ‘trick’ of Camp David | Rachel Shabi by Rachel Shabi (Hija del Zion those talks created a political vacuum, the creation of an aid economy in the resisting and fighting for our rights.” para Israel - Daughter of Zion clearing a space for extremism on occupied Palestinian territories. He says talks should be premised on for Israel) both sides. Developments after Camp Palestinians, who place no less the Israeli acceptance of basic tenets, David read like a chronicle of misery: emphasis on education, economy and upheld by UN resolutions and Submitted at 7/7/2010 1:36:22 AM the violent second Palestinian intifada good business than do their Israeli international law: “When Israel is Palestinians feel they were deceived followed by Israel’s brutal military neighbours, are now ashamed to point ready to accept our rights, we are by a PR exercise. Now aid carries reoccupation of the West Bank; the out that they are among the most aid- ready to negotiate on how to disruptive caveats and the peace continued expansion of Jewish dependent societies. implement that decision.” process is just a circus settlements and infrastructure in the There is no good reason for this: it is • Comments on this article are set to If there are Palestinian textbooks on West Bank, along with the increase in absolutely a decision made by the remain open for 24 hours from the the failure of the Camp David talks stifling roadblocks and checkpoints international community, to allay time of publication but may be closed with Israel in 2000, they ought to and the construction of Israeli’s some of the more devastating overnight carry diagrams illustrating the use of choking separation barrier; the consequences of Israel’s occupation • Israel smoke-and-mirrors tactics. In this devastating split between Palestinian while refusing to push for a political • Middle East case, the confusing burst of smoke parties Fatah and Hamas, and Israel’s agreement. Now the aid carries its • Palestinian territories used by the Israeli side to such deadly, three-week pounding of the own disruptive caveats: for instance, • Hamas spectacular effect was the “generous Gaza strip in late 2008. USAID feeds funds into swathes of offer” made by then Israeli prime Ghassan Khatib, media director for the Palestinian NGO sector, but only Rachel Shabi minster, Ehud Barak – a now the Palestinian Authority, says: on condition that documents are© Guardian News & mythically impressive peace proposal “Much of the deterioration witnessed signed to assure that the organisations Media Limited 2010 | Use of this which Palestinian president Yasser in the decade that followed can be to be funded are Hamas-free. content is subject to our Terms & Arafat, it is claimed, both stubbornly attributed to the miscalculation that Observers say that civil society Conditions| More Feeds and stupidly refused. led to Camp David.” In common with organisations and grassroots groups, Hija del Zion para Israel Support By this narration, the deal was other analysts he says that pre-Oslo, were far better able to take Israel intended to give back almost all of Palestinians were strong-armed into care of Palestinians than the • Settlements are a blockade to peace the 22% of historic Palestine that the “all or nothing” negotiations at mushrooming, internationally | Seth Freedman No Israeli words can Palestinians have already agreed to Camp David, despite repeatedly dependent and politically speak as loudly as the action of a accept as their state. And this advising US mediators that the compromised NGO economy that large-scale pull-out from illegal West airbrushed account has held sway situation was not ripe for such talks. currently powers Palestine. Bank settlementsThere are plenty of ever since; although patiently taken As a consequence, there is now little And despite Israeli and international thorns in the side of the peace apart many times, it is still treated as faith in the international community efforts to thwart Hamas, the party’s process, but none as sharp and rigid fact within Israel and among its as independent arbitrators. position on negotiations has traction intrac... rightist supporters. Lack of trust is compounded by the in the decade-long shadows of the • Camp David 10 years on | Petra A decade on, this spin factor has fact that, since Camp David, collapsed Camp David summit. Marquardt-Bigman The failure of the endowed a key Camp David legacy: international intervention in the Mahmoud Ramahi, senior Hamas Middle East peace summit in 2000 the perception among Palestinians Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been representative and the general discredited Israel's peace camp but it that talks undertaken by them in good focused on the journey – getting talks secretary of the Palestinian legislative is still the blueprint for agreementThe faith are primarily designed to make to resume – rather than the council, says that the Palestinian deep disappointment I felt when the them look bad. Ask Palestinians in destination. This endless talks circuit, Authority’s position – financially news came that the talks at Camp ... the West Bank about the disastrous the status of which shifts from blackmailed by the international • Diaspora homecomings can summit and the words “trap”, “trick” moribund to resuscitated and limping, community into appearing at endless, backfire | Khaled Diab A return to an and “public relations exercise for is viewed as a distracting sideshow, a futile negotiating tables with Israel – ancestral homeland is a dream that's Israel” keep coming up. According to profiteering circus. As the is proof of how Camp David long inspired diasporas – often with this view, the rejection of Barak’s independent Palestinian MP Mustafa “infected policy” within the troubling resultsThe Zionist vision of manifestly unacceptable offer was Barghouti puts it: “The peace process Palestinian frame. a "return" to the promised land has deployed by Israel as both proof that became a business and a substitute for “We accept ‘67 borders,” he says. been both a dream come true and a there is “no one to talk to” and peace.” “But when we saw this proposal at ni... justification for a subsequent hardline A toxic, humiliating consequence of Camp David, the people understood approach. those peace process years that began that Israel doesn’t want to give us Original post source Analysts observe that the failure of with the 1993 Oslo accords has been anything and that we have to keep Moroccan Lemon Vegetable Salad by Kosher Food your meals all week long. for their membership and vi... (Hija del Zion para Israel - Photo © 2010 Giora Shimoni, • Rebranding and Renaming iSrael Daughter of Zion for Israel) licensed to, Inc Rebranding and Renaming iSrael Hija del Zion para Israel Support The Knesset approved a bill changing Submitted at 7/6/2010 9:12:50 PM Israel the name of the Jewish state from This Moroccan Lemon Vegetable • Penn and Teller get scared, show Israel to iSrael, effective Salad is tasty, healthy and easy to that terrorism works Penn and Teller immediately. "We learned from the prepare. Just cut up cabbage, carrots, get scared, show that terrorism works iPad, iPhone and iTouch that the ... bell peppers, and celery. Dress with ... lots of lemon juice and a bit of oil, • Recovering and Living With Original post source salt and pepper. If you make this at Holocaust Years Posted By Ann Eilati) Many times, Jewish the beginning of the week, you’ll RabinowitzShalom Kaplan aka Genealogical Societies (JGS) provide have a low-fat, low-carb side dish for Shalom Eilati (Courtesy of Shalom important and rewarding programs
  • 2. 2 FeedJournal Basic Objectiveless in Iraq and Afghanistan by Daniel Greenfield @ the unworkable in reality without turning Sultan Knish blog (Hija del Zion into a vast multi-generational colonial para Israel - Daughter of Zion project on the British model. And for Israel) such a project would change us, as much as it would change them. And Submitted at 7/6/2010 9:18:00 PM that is the twist in the hook. Because The dominant question on the war we are fighting has already everyone’s mind is when are we changed us. It has imported Islamic going to get out. Out of Iraq and out and Middle Eastern culture in a way of Afghanistan. Liberals who voted that we are mostly not aware of. That for Obama with the certainty that is the flip side of all such efforts, that both wars were the product of some they change the conquerors almost as evil plot hatched by Cheney in the much as the conquered. White House subbasement are Colonialism is not an American confused and frustrated as to why the project. On the other hand destroying US hasn’t just pulled out. Of course the ability of our enemies to harm us, those are the same people who were is. And a strategy that hinges on never troubled by Taliban atrocities keeping the Islamists out by or Saddam’s rape rooms, and aren’t reconstructing their countries plays to going to be too bothered when the their strengths, while exposing our Iranian puppet Mahdi Army and the infrastructure and winning the hearts of it is fixable. weaknesses. We don’t need multi- Taliban come back in for a bloody and minds of the population. In 1939, For one thing our goals are generational nation building projects takeover. And if they do, George the conventional wisdom was that if completely detached from reality. to stop them. We had the Taliban on Galloway or Robert Fisk will be by only an isolationist America had Creating stable working governments the run in the first wave of attacks, shortly to explain to them that it’s just agreed to stay on in Europe, the is a long and painful process. Even in and we removed Saddam with very the oppressors getting exactly what whole mess of WW2 would have the United States, it took a long time few casualties. Our mistake was they deserve. never happened. But while that to get to the Constitution, and we had trying to step in and take over their The Obama Administration has no conventional wisdom might not be to discard a previous system as jobs. Our strength is not running commitment to either war. Much of wrong, it ignores the fact that we unworkable. And that was in a backward third world countries, it’s the Administration from the top on don’t know what would have country which had a tradition of making it clear that if they pose a down, shares Jeremiah Wright’s happened if the US had made the working local governments. While threat to us, we will destroy enough assessment of the last ten years, as a kind of investment that Wilson we’re dealing with regions where the of them to end that threat. It’s hard to case of the chickens coming home to wanted. Or the kind of investment we only form of power is either tribal or build WMD’s or invade your roost. But it’s also concerned enough did make after WW2, maintaining tyrannical, usually some combination neighbors when you lack basic about its popularity to underwrite a bases for generations, and become the of both. Despite all the horrors of post infrastructure. And tribal leaders who year or two of bloody battles between permanent guarantors of European WW2 Europe, we were still dealing support the Taliban should know that Allied forces and the Islamic security. History would probably with countries that had been we will bomb them without regard for insurgents in both countries, just in have turned out differently, but reasonably functional and understood the collateral damage. It’s crude. It’s order to time a Mission there’s no way of knowing exactly how democratic systems of blunt. And it creates a stalemate that Accomplished pullout before the next how. government worked, and were our favors us. Presidential election. This brand of In 1948 the conventional wisdom equals in most areas. That is again not Beyond that our real war was not in amoral cynicism is in some ways certainly said that we had to save the case in Iraq and Afghanistan, Afghanistan, which was a staging worse than that of a Galloway or a Western Europe by rebuilding it in where we are not rebuilding, so much ground for the Islamist proxies of oil Buchanan, since unlike the Bush order to keep the Commies out as trying to recreate them into shapes rich Middle Eastern states and the Administration, Barry, Biden and Jim (except for the conventional wisdom that we find acceptable. And without Pakistani intelligence service. We’ve Jones are not fighting a war they coming from the left, which an extensive colonial project, that is been suckered into fighting a proxy believe in. They’re sending troops demanded that we get our imperialist simply not going to happen. war, while the emissaries of the real into battle for a cause they don’t asses out and let the “people’s But none of that even matters enemy in Saudi Arabia take meetings believe in, to boost a reelection parties” who had resisted the fascist anymore. As a former resident of the at the White House, and advise us on campaign. beast claim their right to rule). And so Muslim world, Obama understands how we can lose. The enemy is being And so what started out as two we did just that. We saved Western these things himself already. He’s armed and funded with our money. straightforward wars to rout a brutal Europe from the Commies– only to simply pandering to the Americans The money that we send overseas in Islamist gang, capture Al Queda hand it over to the Islamists, who don’t, and throwing away the exchange for oil that was ours to terrorists, and remove a tyrant, rampaging into the senescent lives of American soldiers, in order to begin with, before a bunch of morphed into nation building remnants of what had once been great withdraw on a high note. Obama burnoosed thugs seized it and used it exercises in the Bush era, and have nations, who had forgotten how to doesn’t expect to break the Taliban, to fund their own terror armies. For now become completely detached stand up for themselves. But is it only to demonstrate enough resolve every billion that we spend, all they from any strategic goal, but that of typical enough of the FDR- so they’ll cut a deal that will avoid have to do is spend a few thousand to “Re-Elect Obama-Biden in 2012. It’s Eisenhower era that the people in any mobs chasing after departing keep us on the ropes. straightforward enough to see that the charge could never comprehend that a embassy helicopters. He’s deluded on The same thing goes for the Shiite more the real goals drift away from nanny state turns men and women that note, because where the Taliban side of the equation, where Jimmy that of defeating the enemy, the into children. And that protecting might have cut such a deal with Carter’s support for the Ayatollah has harder it will be to achieve it. The others too much weakens them so that McCain, they won’t with Obama, culminated in the ascension of the military is essentially a blunt tool. It they are unable to protect themselves. who is just too weak to be taken Revolutionary Guard to the de facto is best used for blunt objectives. You What implications does this have for seriously. Obama’s outreach to the rulers of Iran, with an Allah sent can only apply so much finesse with a Iraq and Afghanistan? Once again we Taliban turned Karzai into a loose mission to expand and confront the hammer, until you either break what repeated the same mistake we made cannon, further destabilizing the Great Satan. The bulk of our troubles you’re trying to fix, or render the in Vietnam, cultivating tame useless network of tribal alliances, and in Iraq come from Tehran. Our hammer unusable. But for the last 7 armies of soldiers who won’t stand making it even more impossible to passivity in that regard has years we’ve been trying to use a and fight, because they know get the job done. emboldened Iran to push on into hammer with finesse, and the body Americans will do the real fighting But what is the job anyway? As a Afghanistan. Iran is now regularly count has climbed horrifically as a for them. We’ve schizophrenically blunt tool, the military was never a carrying out ambushes in Iraq, result. tried to set up or back governments good choice for winning the hearts whether of US troops, American The problem is that we’ve never whose only real agenda is stashing and minds of the population. Nor backpackers or Kurdish guerrillas. gotten over WW2 and its nation away the dollars we’ve injected into should that have been the goal in the And treating this as a problem that we building aftermath as a victory their economy with our nation first place. The leftover ideas from can solve with more Iraqi condition. And so we shifted from building efforts. And we have no idea WW2 about nation building might winning wars, to rebuilding how to fix any of that, because none seem fine in theory, but are virtually OBJECTIVELESS page 6
  • 3. FeedJournal Basic 3 Soldier indicted for killing ‘Palestinian’ in Operation Cast Lead by Carl in Jerusalem (Hija del killed the Hajiji women, while the Zion para Israel - Daughter of IDF investigation showed no tank fire Zion for Israel) in the vicinity. However, the investigation did uncover a Givati Submitted at 7/7/2010 12:28:00 AM soldier who admitted firing at a Soldier indicted for killing woman who he feared endangered his ‘Palestinian’ in Operation Cast Lead life. While the military police cannot The IDF’s Military Advocate General identify the specific woman that the took a number of disciplinary actions soldier allegedly shot and killed, the against IDF soldiers on Tuesday for MAG decided nevertheless to press incidents that occurred during manslaughter charges against the Operation Cast Lead. In one of them, soldier. an IDF soldier has been indicted for A senior IDF officer said Tuesday killing a ‘Palestinian’ woman. that the Israeli penal code allows for The Military Advocate General has charging a suspect with decided to indict a number of officers manslaughter, without a specific body and soldiers for their conduct during being accounted for. the operation. In one case, an IDF And the fact that the IDF released officer at the rank of Lieutenant this news two hours before Prime Colonel was summoned to a Minister Netanyahu’s meeting with disciplinary hearing for having President Obama? I’m sure that was deviated from military directives all a coincidence…. pertaining to the prohibition on the posted by Carl in Jerusalem @ 10:28 use of civilians for operational AM activity. In a second case, the Military Hija del Zion para Israel Support Advocate General indicted an IDF Israel Staff Sergeant for manslaughter. In a • Israel reserves right to stop third case, the Military Advocate Nations fact finding mission on the At a certain point, one of the IDF Lebanon-Gaza flotilla by wallyg General ordered a criminal Gaza conflict (i.e. the “Goldstone soldiers from the Givati Brigade Israel reserves right to stop Lebanon- investigation following his review of Report”) was published in September opened fire at a woman who was Gaza flotilla Israeli Ambassador to a field investigation in order to clarify 2009, presenting 30 specific incidents marching together with the group. A the United Nations Gabriela Shalev the circumstances of a specific related to the IDF, most of which mother and daughter – 35-year-old addresses a United Nations Security incident. In a fourth case, disciplinary were already familiar to the IDF and Majda Abu Hajiji and her 64-year-old Council meeting in New York, action was taken against an IDF were in various stages of examination mother Salama were killed in the January 6, 20... Captain for his failed professional prior to the report’s publication. incident, although it is not clear • Turkish filmmaker takes aim at judgment in authorizing an attack Read the whole thing. which of them died from the Givati U.S. and Israel Turkish filmmaker against a terror operative. JPost adds: soldier’s fire. The incident was later takes aim at U.S. and Israel Israel … IDF Military Advocate General Maj. thoroughly investigated by B’Tselem may not like it, but a popular Turkish Lt. Gen. Ashkenazi ordered an -Gen. Avichai Mandelblit decided and mentioned in the Goldstone television and film franchise which examination of IDF conduct, and the Tuesday to charge a soldier with Report. once depicted a Jewish doctor ethical aspects thereof, in full manslaughter for allegedly shooting During a military probe shortly stealing organs from Muslim confidence of the moral justness of and killing a Palestinian woman following the incident, one soldier prisoners ... the IDF, its officers and soldiers, as during Operation Cast Lead in the was picked out as responsible for • Helen Thomas, Israel and the well as of the IDF’s ability to Gaza Strip last year. opening fire at the group of civilians. Palestinians – Helen examine any incident, to draw the The incident took place on January 4 The IDF said on Tuesday that dozens Thomas, Israel and the Palestinians necessary conclusions, and to take in Juhar a-Dik, near Gaza City, when of Palestinians, soldiers and IDF The veteran journalist was pilloried legal action as necessary. More than a group of about 30 Palestinian officers were interrogated and that for her remark about Israel, but 150 incidents have been examined civilians, including women and “gaps were discovered between the where's the uproar over such and nearly 50 investigations have children, approached an Israeli description provided by the comments directed a... ... been launched by the Military Police military position. The group, Palestinians to the soldiers’ Criminal Investigations Division according to several eyewitness testimonies.” According to Original post source since the operation’s conclusion. accounts, was waving white flags. Palestinian testimonies, tank fire Furthermore, the report of the United The 1967 borders are not defensible by Carl in Jerusalem (Hija del needed to retain in order to have retain the Jordan Valley and the high Gorenberg? Prof. Stanley Fish has a Zion para Israel - Daughter of defensible borders. The study was ground of Judea and Samaria. regular online column in the New Zion for Israel) completed within a few weeks after In any event, going back to the 1949 York Times on education society. His the war. I am reproducing part of the armistice lines (the 1967 border) is latest post is intended as a critique of Submitted at 7/6/2010 11:15:00 PM map that accompanied that report suicidal. Even if the result of not right-wing efforts to treat universities The 1967 borders are not defensible below (I wasn’t able to include the going back to the 1967 border is that as b... Rick Richman was hoping that parts of Sinai that the report any ‘Palestinian state’ looks like • Nationwide alert issued for 17 President Obama would be asked recommended that Israel maintain in Swiss cheese. Afghan military men AWOL from about the Bush letter on Tuesday. the screen shot, but there’s a link posted by Carl in Jerusalem @ 9:15 Texas Air Force Base Nationwide Unfortunately, that did not happen, at below that includes the full map). As AM alert issued for 17 Afghan military least in public. you can see, it does not leave a whole Hija del Zion para Israel Support men AWOL from Texas Air Force As is widely known, after the Six lot of room for a ‘Palestinian state,’ Israel B a s e Day War, President Johnson which is fine because there was no • Siouxsie and the Banshees – israel . . . commissioned a study of the Joint such thing as ‘Palestinians’ then (the live 1983 Siouxsie and the Banshees Chiefs of Staff to determine on a PLO was founded in 1964 and did not with Robert Smith - israel live 1983 Original post source military basis only what territory that have significant support). royal albert hall... Israel liberated during that war it Note that the video calls for Israel to • A C- for Prof. Fish Gershom
  • 4. 4 FeedJournal Basic EU: Seeking to combat homegrown terrorism by Esther (Hija del Zion para countries they attack, where they After the London attacks, European terrorism that ultimately violate Israel - Daughter of Zion for grew up and went to school. Most Union member states decided to join human rights, in the long run, feed Israel) come from secular immigrant forces on the issue; Spain with its the grievances and the sense of families and are brought up without large Moroccan population is, for injustice that can fuel radicalization.” Submitted at 7/7/2010 2:12:00 AM religious zeal. example, to devise a model on how ( more) EU: Seeking to combat homegrown They seem well integrated into such training can best be done. Source: DW-World terrorism society – until they come into contact “The Spaniards have the Hija del Zion para Israel Support Five years after the London with Islamist extremists. Some of responsibility for expertise on the Israel bombings, in which 52 people died, these homegrown terrorists do not training of imams and passing it • Denmark: European children homegrown terror remains a concern even have a Muslim background and along to the other countries,” said fighting for PKK, claims former ROJ across Europe. More dialogue and a only convert to Islam when they Magnus Ranstorp of the Swedish TV chief Denmark: European coordinated strategy is how EU become adults. Defense College in Stockholm. children fighting for PKK, claims countries hope to tackle the problem. Some argue that the crucial lesson In Britain, the authorities are also former ROJ TV chiefDanish Homegrown terrorism is a relatively learned in the wake of the London working together with mosques and newspaper Berlingske Tidende new term – and a new phenomenon. and Madrid attacks was that efforts to Muslim communities to prevent the continues to publish more But Europe has learned through foster closer cooperation with radicalization of young men. The information about ROJ TV and the experience that it is a danger from Muslims in European countries need British government has initiated a PKK. Their most recent report rev... within that cannot be ignored. to be stepped up. program with more than 260 publicly • EU: Terrorism financing ring Five years ago, on July 7, 2005, four “It’s essential that we work with funded projects aimed at reaching out arrested EU: Terrorism financing ring bomb attacks on the London transport those parts of society where trends to the Muslim population. Mentoring arrested On 11 May, five alleged system left 56 dead and countless toward radicalization can occur,” says schemes are one aspect. key organisers were arrested as a wounded. One year earlier, the Ole Schroeder, a parliamentary state (…) result of judicial investigations and Madrid attacks claimed the lives of secretary in the German Interior Some argue that if a person is not police operations. The investigation 191 people. Ministry. “For instance we have to susceptible to extremist ideologies, he started in 2007 in Italy in... This article was prepared by the directly work with mosques or with or she won’t turn to terrorism. • EU: Benefits restriction on terror Islam in Europe blog – groups close to radical Islamists.” Among those who subscribe to this suspects’ wives ruled illegal EU: The best protection, Schroeder says, line of thought is Judith Sunderland Benefits restriction on terror suspects' In Germany, the so-called Sauerland is to ensure that Muslim communities of Human Rights Watch. wives ruled illegalRestrictions on the terror cell had devised attacks on in European countries are not Her group says that banning minarets payment of welfare benefits to wives airports that were only prevented susceptible to extremist tendencies. or the burqa only leads to further of terror suspects imposed by Ed because the group’s plans were The German government has tried to radicalization. Terror suspects, they Balls when he was a Treasury uncovered shortly before they take a step in this direction by say, must never be treated with minister have bee... intended to carry them out. founding a forum on Islam aimed at disrespect to the rule of law – as has Homegrown terrorism is different creating a dialogue with Germany’s been the case in several western Original post source from attacks like those in the United Muslim population on shared societal counties. States on September 11, 2001. The values. (…) perpetrators come from the very (…) “Measures that are taken to counter Probiotics by Chana Rubin, RD (Hija del (species) DN-114 001(strain), a Considering their possible benefits, Zion para Israel - Daughter of probiotic that may help support the probiotics are a low-risk intervention. Zion for Israel) immune system. They’re worth a try as long as you do Another yogurt product contains your homework and find the right Submitted at 7/6/2010 10:00:00 PM Bifidobacterium (genus) animalis product (and the correct dose) for They’re added to yogurt, snack bars, (species) DN-173-010 (strain), a what ails you. water, baby food and pizza crust. probiotic that may help relieve For additional information about You’ll find them in chewing gum, constipation. probiotics, try these websites: fruit juice, lozenges and toothpaste. What’s it supposed to do? They’re even in dog food. Different strains of probiotics diet-medications/probiotics Are probiotics just another “health provide different benefits. Targets for food” gimmick? What are they and probiotic influence include digestive what do they do? Should you add function (traveler’s and antibiotic Hija del Zion para Israel Support them to your diet? related diarrhea, irritable bowel Israel adequate amount of probiotic for Although they don’t have a legal syndrome, lactose digestion, colic), • Salt II Most of the salt we eat therapeutic benefit. The minimum definition in the US, the World oral health, allergies, eczema, vaginal comes from processed food liked dose must be the dose shown to have Health Organization defines and respiratory infections, and even canned and "instant" soup, sauces and a health benefit in controlled studies. probiotics as “Live microorganisms, brain function. salad dressing, canned fish, frozen Are probiotics for everyone? which when administered in adequate Is there scientific research to back up foods, noodle and macaroni mixes Check with your physician before amounts, confer a health the claims? and the all-time kosher kitchen giving probiotics to infants, the benefit on the host.” The most important question to ask favor... elderly and anyone with a seriously “Live organisms” can also be is whether the claim made for the • Salt I Once again, New York City compromised immune system. described as “friendly or beneficial product is true. Has it been tested on is making nutrition news. First it was Terminally ill cancer patients and bacteria”. They’ve been around for humans and shown to have a benefit? a city-wide ban on trans fat. Now people whose conditions have the thousands of years in fermented foods Search the web or call the company they're trying to get us to eat less salt. potential for leaky bowels (including like yogurt and kefir. But because the for details that may not be on the New York's "National Salt Reduction acute pancreatitis) should not take science of probiotics is just emerging, package. Check for articles published Initiative" aims to r... probiotics. there are still a lot of unknowns. In in scientific journals. Some products • Too Much of a Good Thing Can In Israel, there are a number of typical fashion, the marketplace is have their own website with links to you eat too many vegetables? kosher yogurt products containing often ahead of the science. Products clinical studies. Apparently so. I've written about probiotics. In the US, similar containing probiotics are all the rage. How much probiotic is in a serving orthorexia nervosa – a condition products may or may not be kosher. But not all of them are effective or size or a dose? What is the expiration where a person sets severe rules about Many yogurts in the US contain non- worth your money. date of the product? food and restricts his or her eating to kosher gelatin, so check the labels. I Here’s what you should know: It doesn’t matter if a probiotic is the point of becomi... found one probiotic supplement in the The full name of the probiotic, added to food or if it’s in supplement US with kosher certification, though including genus, species and strain form. What’s important is whether Original post source most seemed to be non-kosher, due to For instance, a popular yogurt drink reliable research substantiates the their gelatin-based capsules. contains Lactobacillus (genus) casei health claim and whether there’s an
  • 5. FeedJournal Basic 5 Hamas top dog: "This is our plan for this stage – to liberate the West Bank and Gaza, without recognizing Israel’s right to a single inch of land, and without giving up the Right of Return for a single Palestinian refugee" by Robert (Hija del Zion para on a single inch of land. presence in Gaza, we must finish off Israel - Daughter of Zion for This is our plan for this stage – to the remnants of that occupation, and Israel) liberate the West Bank and Gaza, move on to the West Bank. without recognizing Israel’s right to a Posted by Robert on July 6, 2010 Submitted at 7/6/2010 8:57:32 PM single inch of land, and without 8:57 PM Hamas top dog: “This is our plan for giving up the Right of Return for a | No Comments this stage – to liberate the West Bank single Palestinian refugee. Print this entry and Gaza, without recognizing [...] | Email this entry Israel’s right to a single inch of land, Our plan for this stage is to liberate | Digg this and without giving up the Right of any inch of Palestinian land, and to | Return for a single Palestinian refugee” But deep down, they really, establish a state on it. Our ultimate plan is [to have] Palestine in its | Hija del Zion para Israel Support Le Chaim really, want peace! “Hamas Leader Mahmoud Al-Zahhar: Our Plan Is to entirety. I say this loud and clear so that nobody will accuse me of Israel • Israel’s Latest Violation Every time Menorah Judaica Establish a Palestinian State Without Recognizing Israel and Without employing political tactics. We will not recognize the Israeli enemy. Israel's right-wing government engages in yet another outrageous – judaica Giving Up the Right of Return,” from As for the issue of a referendum – violation of international legal norms, by paraisrael (Hija del Zion MEMRITV, June 15: [the Palestinian Authority] is ready to it is easy to think, "No way are they para Israel - Daughter of Zion Following are excerpts from an impose its position on people by going ... ... for Israel) interview with Hamas leader force. Whoever wants to hold a • Shir Lamaalot por BenYâHmín en Mahmoud Al-Zahhar, which aired on referendum, and believes that he can Tu Bishvat Zamerando (cantando) la Submitted at 7/6/2010 11:05:36 PM Future News TV on June 15, 2010: get all of Palestine for the Tehil·láh 121 en el Arvít del 15 de Le Chaim Menorah Judaica Mahmoud Al-Zahhar: We have Palestinians, can hold a referendum, Shevát del 5769.... liberated Gaza, but have we but will not give up the platform of • Resolution 194 To give an idea of • Le Chaim Menorah Judaica recognized Israel? Have we given up resistance, and the plan to liberate how Efraim Karsh uses real facts to our lands occupied in 1948? We Palestine in its entirety. This is turn Arab propaganda that has Menorah: Le Chaim demand the liberation of the West unequivocal. become conventional wisdom on its This Hanukkah has extraordinary Bank, and the establishment of a state [...] head in his book Palestine Betrayed, details, it puts the Festive in Festival in the West Bank and Gaza, with If we could liberate the Negev now, here is what he writes about UN of Lights. Toast the holiday with this Jerusalem as its capital – but without we would continue [our military Genera... fun Menorah. recognizing [Israel]. This is the key – activity], but our capabilities dictate Made of heavy aluminum and without recognizing the Israeli enemy that after we got rid of the Israeli Original post source measures 11L x 6.5H x 1.5D Hanukkah, referred to as the You don’t say: Hezbullah Rating:(out of reviews) List Price: Price: $ 44.00 operatives on US – Mexico border Hija del Zion para Israel Support Israel • Rounded Menorah, Polished Resin by Carl in Jerusalem (Hija del guilty in 2005 for supplying by Judaica, Chanukah – judaica Zion para Israel - Daughter of information to the terror organization Zion for Israel) Rounded Menorah, Polished Resin by after he was smuggled in the US Judaica, Chanukah Rounded through Mexico, and lived in Submitted at 7/7/2010 1:20:00 AM Menorah, Polished Resin by Judaica, Dearborne, Michigan. Chanukah Rounded Menorah made You don’t say: Hezbullah operatives I’ve discussed this problem several out of Polished ResinEach piece of on US – Mexico border times before going back as far as this menorah can be moved around Representative Sue Myrick (R-NC) 2006, also here and here. s... has demanded an investigation into a Just think: If all the illegal aliens in • Menorah: Dove Blue/White by Fox News report that a Hezbullah the US are granted amnesty, any Judaica by Heather Goldminc – terror cell is operating among drug administrator for intelligence at the Hezbullah operative who are already judaica Menorah: Dove Blue/White smugglers on the border between the Drug Enforcement Administration, in the US would automatically have by Judaica by Heather Goldminc United States and Mexico. testifying at a House Oversight and the legal right to stay. What could go Menorah: Dove Blue/White by The Republican representative Government Reform subcommittee in wrong? Judaica by Heather Goldminc Blue / referenced several incidents that show March this year, that some drug posted by Carl in Jerusalem @ 11:20 White Star of David Menorah evidence of Hizbullah’s efforts to smugglers in the US-Mexico region AM Designed by Heather Goldminc A infiltrate the US region with the aid have had relationships with Hizbullah Hija del Zion para Israel Support simple menorah w... of Mexican drug cartel gangs. between the 1980s and 1990s. Israel • Judaica Gift – Glass Menorah with “It is vital we know what is “There are numerous reports of • Iran to Israel Sign up for a FREE Blessing – judaica Judaica Gift - happening on our border, especially cocaine proceeds entering the coffers t r i p t o I s r a e l a t Glass Menorah with Blessing as crime and violence continue to rise of Islamic Radical Groups such as An Rating: (out of reviews) List there and as terrorist plots and threats Hezbollah and Hamas,” Fox News unexpected applicant shows up at the Price: Price: $ 45.00 Hanukkah are increasing inside the US,” quoted quoted Placido when he testified to Taglit-Birthright Israel office. Snack Plate, Happy Hanukkah the Fox News report. the subcommittee. Placido labeled Cartoon by http... Judaica Hanukkah Snack Plate, ... Myrick cited the warming the proceeds as “easy revenue” that • Imam misunderstands Islam, pleads relationship between Iran and could potentially be used to fund guilty in New York bomb plot Imam Venzuela as proof that Hizbullah terrorism. misunderstands Islam, pleads guilty members may be collaborating with Fox News also cited a 2006 House in New York bomb plot Latin American drug cartels, who Homeland Security Committee report ... may be utilizing Hizbullah’s ability to which details incidents of Hizbullah • Jewish Civilization: Art and dig underground tunnels for drug operatives who were apprehended Architecture Jewish Art and smuggling and in turn, providing when trying to access the US through Architecture pictures... funding, document forging and false Mexico. The report mentions identities. Mahmoud Youssef Kourani, a Original post source The Fox News report referenced Hizbullah member who pleaded Anthony Placido, assistant
  • 6. 6 FeedJournal Basic OBJECTIVELESS Koch: ‘They’re nuts if continued from page 2 they think that she’s reconstruction is exactly the wrong in the Middle East. • Holocaust – 1/59"Holocaust" thing to do. The same Kuwaitis who enlisted (1978) mini-series. Directed by dumb; she’s very smart’ The terrorists are the sharp end of an American PR firms to sell us on Gulf Marvin Chomsky. With James by Carl in Jerusalem (Hija del oil spear being plunged into our War #1, enlisted more PR experts to Woods, Meryl Streep and Michael Zion para Israel - Daughter of bellies. And we’re choosing to replay portray Guantanamo Bay as a gulag Moriarty. Holocaust follows the Zion for Israel) the same Cold War strategy we used and force the release of the Kuwaiti tragedy and triumph of the Weiss ... against the USSR, that required us to 12. The Saudis whom we protected in • Part 1: The Book of Zohar – Submitted at 7/7/2010 2:30:00 AM fight a long global cold war for two that same war, went on funding Jihadi Selections, chapter "Chayei Sarah", Koch: ‘They’re nuts if they think that generations, and several botched hot mosques and just plain Jihadis. item 81, lesson 3 Lecturer: Rav she’s dumb; she’s very smart’ I read wars against Communist proxies. Beyond the Middle East, the Michael LaitmanDate: 2010-03- all the time that Sarah Palin is a dumb And in the process we’re selling out Pakistani ISI service which we used 09Text: ENG 0.28MB... hick who could never win an election. our real allies and putting our faith in to fund the Afghan resistance, helped • Castro’s lash against Israel a Not according to former New York Muslim dictatorships, including the build the Taliban, and it’s still calculated move BY MYRIAM Mayor Ed Koch, who by the way same ones funding the terror playing a complicated double game, MARQUEZ ``The hatred felt by the gives President Obama a grade that’s networks, to see us through. It’s bad complicated further by internal state of Israel against the Palestinians a bit below a ’solid B+.’ strategy as we pay in blood, cash and rivalries in both countries. Trying to is such that they would not hesitate to Let’s go to the videotape (Hat Tip: oil, while they just pay in cash. sort through this mess, just tangles us send the one-and-a-half million Jammie Wearing Fool). Instead of thinking of innovative new in it even further. The only way is to men,... ... Koch says he wouldn’t vote for ways to dress up the same old nation decisively cut the Gordian Knot, to Palin. But what if she were running building hearts and minds strategies, end the games and make it clear how Original post source against Obama? Hmmm. it’s time to confront the real source of we will respond to terrorism. Unless posted by Carl in Jerusalem @ 12:30 the problem. Bluntly and forcefully. we do that, we’ll continue to be stuck PM For too long our Muslim allies have in the same objectiveless limbo, Hija del Zion para Israel Support been playing both sides, soliciting our fighting hosts of ghosts and shadows, Israel protection, while they nurture and rather than striking at the real enemy. • Israel Transfers Fatah Refugees to feed the terrorists who are killing us. Hija del Zion para Israel Support West Bank Fatah refugees in Israel This double game is business as usual Israel are being transferred to Jericho in Erez crossing on Monday August 4, Why Israel cannot make peace with 2008. The Defense Ministry and the Palestinian Authority decided late Monday morning to tr... the ‘Palestinian Authority’ • PA mourns death of Neturei Karta leader Ma'an Arabic says that the PA sent a high-level delegation to the by Carl in Jerusalem (Hija del knows just the opposite. funeral of Moshe Hirsch, the Neturei Zion para Israel - Daughter of Read the whole thing. Karta leader who did everything he Zion for Israel) posted by Carl in Jerusalem @ 8:15 could to destroy Israel while claiming AM that the Torah demands ... Submitted at 7/6/2010 10:15:00 PM Hija del Zion para Israel Support • Jewish Games Kosherland Board Why Israel cannot make peace with Israel Game A great beginner's game. 2 or the ‘Palestinian Authority’ Barry • did Bibi agree to more Jerusalem more players, ages 4-7. Product Rubin explains thy it’s not likely that Freezes?'Moderate' 'Palestinian' DescriptionBased on the popular Israel will make peace with the ‘ President Mahmoud Abbas Abu CandyLand board game, KosherLand Palestinian Authority’ anytime soon. Mazen has a lot to smile about these is a first board game for a Jewish So what if the PA failed? Would days. Here are some more details of child. Travel through KosherTown - conventional wisdom in Washington what was in that letter that apparently ... switch to saying that Israel had no went from President Obama to Abu ... real alternative for peace and thus US • Video: Fox News interviews Mike Original post source policy should back Israel or would Pence on Gaza Video: Fox News the PA merely find some new interviews Mike Pence on Gaza gimmick? Even if it succeeded in Here's a Fox News interview with creating a marvelous stable, Congressman Mike Pence (R-Ind) Why should Israel give up territory prosperous, democratic (does that regarding the possibility of the US... and security to the PA merely mean elections that Hamas might • Children: When we die as martyrs because it prosecutes corrupt leaders win?) entity, would that mean it was Palestinian children sing about their (don’t hold your breath) and is more ready to make a real and lasting peace future: "When we get martyred we prosperous? What it needs to know is with Israel? Not necessarily. Because will go to Paradise" and "I am willing that the conflict won’t continue, that the issue is not whether there is more to sacrifice my blood for my there won’t be cross-border raids, that money or less corruption but whether country."This martyrdom Hamas won’t take over and that there is a Palestinian readiness to end indoctrination song with its catchy Palestine won’t invite in Syrian or the conflict, teach their people to give m... Iranian military forces, to cite some up their dream of getting all of Israel, examples. provide security guarantees and be Original post source And of course, Israel doesn’t ‘know’ willing to resettle refugees in the state any of those things. If anything, it of Palestine. Video: Netanyahu – Obama ‘press availability’ by Carl in Jerusalem (Hija del House. be standardized Austria: Muslim TTV. Zion para Israel - Daughter of You can find a summary here. Let’s prison chaplains to be standardized Zion for Israel) go to the videotape (a little more than Following an agreement reached • Telefon Tel Aviv – Sound In a 22 minutes) (Hat Tip: Lance K). between the justice minister, Claudia Dark Room soft & sexy... Submitted at 7/6/2010 9:43:00 PM posted by Carl in Jerusalem @ 7:43 Bandion-Ortner and the president of Video: Netanyahu – Obama ‘press AM the Islamic Religious Community, Original post source availability’ Here’s video of the Hija del Zion para Israel Support Anas Scha... Netanyahu – Obama ‘press Israel • The Birds • Telefon Tel Aviv Good availability’ on Tuesday at the White • Austria: Muslim prison chaplains to flight Charles! thanks for inspirations
  • 7. FeedJournal Basic 7 14Kt Yellow Gold 7.5 mm X 7 mm Judaica Star of David Pendant by paraisrael (Hija del Zion Pink Sapphire Star of David Judaica para Israel - Daughter of Zion Pendant CandyGem 925 Sterling for Israel) Silver Lab Created Round Pink Sapphire Star Shape PendantGem Submitted at 7/6/2010 11:35:10 PM Type: Pink Sapphire Gem ... 14Kt Yellow Gold 7.5 mm X 7 mm Judaica Star of David Pendant • CandyGem 925 Sterling Silver Lab Created Round Opal Star of David Magen David Judaica Pendant Refreshing • The classic is made in 14Kt. yellow gold Jewish star, symbolizing Gods rule over the universe in all six CandyGem 925 Sterling Silver Lab Created Round Opal Star of David Magen David Judaica Pendant Israeli directions. • A Judaica Star of David pendant is a sentimental journey you can hold in Approx Wgt 0.38gms. Size 7.5mm X 7mm Finish Satin Availability In CandyGem 925 Sterling Silver Genuine Round Opal Star Shape Pendant Gem Type: Opal Gem Salads by Kosher Food your hand. Stock Shipping Usually in 24 to 72 Shape: Round C... (Hija del Zion para Israel - • This pendant is 7.5 mm X 7 mm in hours. Free Standard Shipping!. • Spiritual Jewelry- Judaica Jewelry Daughter of Zion for Israel) size. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!. 30- – Star of David – Oxidized, Pendant Day Return Policy Sku # TLR16970 with CZs, Silver Spiritual Jewelry- Submitted at 7/6/2010 9:23:46 PM 14Kt. Yellow Gold. Judaica Star of Rating:(out of reviews) Judaica Jewelry - Star of David - My family eats Israeli Salad almost David Pendant. A Judaica Star of List Price: $ 149.00 Oxidized, Pendant with CZs, Silver every day in the summer as it is easy David pendant is a sentimental Price: $ 49.00 Star of David Oxidized with Cubic to prepare, inexpensive, healthy, journey you can hold in your hand, to Hija del Zion para Israel Support Zirconis - Sterling Silver Rating: tasty, and complements a variety of relive precious memories, for a Israel (out of reviews) ... main dishes. Classic Israeli Salad lifetime. The classic is made in 14Kt. • CandyGem 925 Sterling Silver consists of finely diced tomatoes, yellow gold Jewish star, symbolizing Created Round Pink Sapphire Star of Gods rule over the universe in all six David Judaica Pendant CandyGem REFRESHING page 8 directions. Gold Yellow 14Kt. 925 Sterling Silver Created Round Obama warms to Israel Cheese Borekas by paraisrael (Hija del Zion by Kosher Food para Israel - Daughter of Zion (Hija del Zion para Israel - for Israel) Daughter of Zion for Israel) Submitted at 7/6/2010 11:15:16 PM Submitted at 7/6/2010 9:34:07 PM by Amir Farshad Ebrahimi Want to entice your kids to turn off Obama warms to Israel the screens this summer? Try giving US President Barack Obama says he them dinner duty. They can make is hoping for direct Middle East peace these easy Cheese Borekas, as well as talks to start before the end of Israeli Salad, for a nice summer September, and denied a rift with Obama visited the Holocaust History family dinner. Just stock your home Israel. Museum in Yad Vashem .... with frozen puff pastry and shredded Read more on Brisbane Times • Israel News by Amir Farshad mozzarella cheese, and then step Israel army not amused as troops Ebrahimi Obama, Israel's Netanyahu aside and let the kids get to work. hold fence-mending talks President May 21, 2010LOUISE HALL/ dance on patrol This is a win-win situation as the Barack Obama hosted Israeli Prime SMHMuslim females desecrating the JERUSALEM (AFP) – A bunch of children will feel proud and you will Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the flag: For and against: Female bored Israeli troops may have to face enjoy a night off. White House on Tuesday, seeking to subjugation or ignoring the rights of the music over a YouTube clip … show th... women? Rev... showing them doing a flash mob- Read Full Post • Travel Ancient Egypt & Israel On • Journalistic bias, Islam’s death style dance in full combat gear while Hija del Zion para Israel Support An Unforgettable Adventure | about penalty for apostasy, Hamas-linked on patrol in the West Bank city of Israel israel travel CAIR, and the freedom of speech Hebron. • Oh, good: Pakistan stages show of Please Subscribe: Join Journalistic bias, Islam's death Read more on AFP via Yahoo! force with nuclear-capable missiles an unforgettable Egypt & Israel Trip: penalty for apostasy, Hamas-linked Canada News Oh, good: Pakistan stages show of Walk in the Footsteps of Gods, Kings CAIR, and the freedom of speech Hija del Zion para Israel Support force with nuclear-capable missiles & Christ in the Holy Land of Egypt & ... Israel ... • Barack Obama at Yad Vashem, Israe... • Nile vows to continue fight against Original post source Israel On July 23rd, 2008 Barack the burqa Nile vows to continue fight against the burqaby sheikyermami on Part 2: The Book of Zohar – Selections, chapter "Vayetze", item 331, lesson 19 by Bnei-Baruch (Hija del Zion Hija del Zion para Israel Support oil spill... ... • Wind of Change In Israel, tens of para Israel - Daughter of Zion Israel • From Slavery to Freedom by Mark thousands of Arab Bedouin fear that for Israel) • Israel will stop boat from reaching PelavinAssociate Director, the Israeli government wants to seize Gaza: minister | Reuters UPDATE 2- RAC(Originally published on land they say belongs to them and to Submitted at 7/7/2010 12:24:11 AM BP's cap funneling oil to the surface- RACblog)Three very interesting - and put an end to their traditional Lecturer: Rav Michael Laitman Coast Guard McDonald's recalls 13.3 very different - stories in my inbox nomadic lifestyle. The ... Date: 2010-07-07 million "Shrek" drinking glasses this morning remind me of the power Text: ENG 0.33MB UPDATE 1-BP aims to stop 90 pct of of the story of...... Original post source
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