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Study Guide for Spousonomics
The two types of work the author say apply to relationships:
Administrative work, Emotional work
Chapter 1
Adam Smith and The Wealth of Nations and Specialization and
Division of Labor
David Ricardo and Comparative Advantage
Keeping score
Consumption complimentaries
Market failure
Pareto Efficiency
Incentive Compatibility
Chapter 2
Loss Aversion
Compounding losses
Endowment Effect
Status Quo Bias
Passive Decision Making
Chapter 3
Supply and Demand
Market noise
Opaque Markets
Rational Addiction
Coordination Failure
Chapter 4
Moral Hazard
Getting Invested
Perverse Incentive
Chapter 5
Pro-social motivation
Nagging verses Trusting
Tit for Tat
Chapter 6
Opportunity costs
Decision making biases
Thinking at the Margin
Sunk Costs
Inequity Aversion
The Israeli – Palestinian Conflict
By Kyle Wilson
Let it be said first off that this conflict has traces that go back
to biblical times and that there is no way to cover the entirety or
the complexity of the conflict.
To vaguely give background, the modern beginnings of what we
know as the Israeli-palestenian conflict today, we’ll start with
the Ottoman Empire in the late 19th century when they ruled
over palestine. During this era jew and christians and muslims
lived side by side without many issues.
During this time the Austro-Hungarian empire was coming apart
at the seams with ten different nations wanting their own
separate states.
This all was fueled by the golden age of nationalism and social
Darwinism and it would lead to extreme palestinian nationalism
as well as Zionism – Jewish nationalism and desire for each
groups to have their own homelands.
Beginnings Continued
WWI saw lots of conflict in the mid east and when the conflict
concluded the British empire took control of Palestine with the
1918- Britain gains control of Palestine from the ashes of the
Ottoman empire under the British Mandate of Palestine.
From 1918-1948 the British govern over the Jews and Muslims
living in this area.
1927-First Intercommunal acts of violence when British give
land east of Jordan River (Now known as Jordan) to Emir
Abdullah to create Hashemite Kingdom. Violence erupts on Tel-
Aviv border on May-Day leaving scores of Jews and Muslims
dead. Second eruption of violence occurs in 1929.
1936- Violence and riots erupt when British kill Sheikh Izz Al-
Den Al Qassam, arabs revolt. Rioting lasts until 1939 when
British ban most land sales to Jews.
The Modern Conflict
1947- General UN Assembly recommends partition of British
Mandate into two separate states; one for Jews and one for
Arabs. Fighting Breaks out soon after.
1948- Israeli War of Independence takes place as British Troops
leave Palestine. All surrounding Arab Armies attempt to drive
the Israelites into the Mediterranean but they are able to fend
off the Arab armies. Meanwhile Jordan takes control over the
West Bank with the tacit agreement of Israel and Egypt
establishes control over the Gaza Strip. Control of Jerusalem is
split between Israel in the west and Jordan in the East.
The Modern Conflict
1948-1967- Continued skirmishes and border clashes between
Israel and its Arab neighbors.
1967- Six Day War: Israel launches an assault against Arab
forces arrayed for strike along Israeli borders. Israel captures
the Sinai peninsula, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights, West Bank, and
East Jerusalem. They triple the size of their territory in 6 days.
They do eventually give much of it back.
UN Security Counsel Passes Resolution 242 which calls for
withdrawal of IDF(Israeli Defense Force) from captured
The Modern Conflict
1973- Yom Kippur War- Egyptian and Syrian forces launch a
surprise attack on IDF forces in Sinai Peninsula and the Golan
Heights. This was a three week war in which Israeli force
successfully held their ground against these two aggressors.
Un Security Council passes Resolution 338 which called for
immediate cease-fire.
4 July 1976 Israeli commandos rescue Jewish hostages aboard
an AirFrance Airbus in Uganda being held by Palestinian
1978/1981- Camp David accords were held between US
president Jimmy Carter, President Anwar Sadat of Egypt, and
Prime Minister Menachem Begin of Israel. Israel agrees to hand
back the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt in return for peace and
normalization. This was significant because it was the first time
an Arab country signed a peace treaty with Israel and thus
accepted the state’s existence. Signing the Camp David accord
made Sadat unpopular among Egyptians as well as Arabs living
outside Egypt. Egypt was then expelled from the Arab League
as a reaction to the peace agreement. In 1980, Egypt and Israel
establish diplomatic relations. This led directly to the
assassination of Anwar Sadat on October 6, 1981, by 3 soldiers
of the Egyptian Army.
The Modern Conflict
June 6, 1982: Israel invades Lebanon to set up a security zone
in Southern Lebanon in order to block Hezbollah (a Lebanese
Shi’a Muslim group whose name means “Party of God”) forces
from launching attacks on Northern Israeli communities from
Lebanon. The Israeli Army reaches Beirut and succeeds in
driving out Yasser Arafat’s Palestine Liberation Organization
(PLO). Arafat moves his organization to Tunisia.
1987 first “intafada" starts; this means uprising or riot in arabic.
This marked a period of violent bloodshed with thousands being
killed on both sides. This eventually led to the Oslo Accords
where the Israeli Prime Minister, Yessar Arafat, and Bill
Clinton were able to largely make peace between the Arabs and
the Israelis at least for a while.
The Modern Conflict
Ultimately the Oslo Accords fail due to the palestinians not
being able to come up with their own solutions or agree to
proposed solutions by the U.S. Mediator. As a result PLO
headquarters are moved to Tunisia and eventually the Israeli
Prime Minister at the time, is assassinated. In 2000 the 2nd
Intafada starts and lasts until 2005.
2007 HAMAS and radical islamic forces take over Gaza and use
it as a launch pad for attacks, mortar strikes, and rocket fire.
The Israelis invade in 2008 with Operation Cast Lead which
lasts until 2009 with thousands of casualties and billions of
dollars of damage.
Since this time there have been many different instances of
rocket fire, mortar strikes, and countless small border clashes in
Gaza. Hamas remains a thorn in Israels side.
The Current Situation
Currently there is a blockade of Gaza, the Israelis have a naval
blockade encircling Gaza from the sea, and the Egyptians are
cooperating with IDF Forces by maintaining the ground
blockade. This is an effort to maintain quiet in the area as best
as possible and to control who and what gets in and out.
The Israelis are working with the palestinian authority in the
westbank where they are attempting to use economic means to
bring a complete close to the conflict. There are many Israeli
settlements on the West Bank and there is continued
construction of said settlements that continues to cause
controversy. The U.S. is attempting to mediate between the two
parties. Whether a freeze in settlement building, a large land
return to the palestinians, or a stop to all movement in the
future is unknown. However progress in the West Bank is
starting to come about.
As of Now
As of now progress in the West Bank is delicate but it looks as
if things could still turn out in favor of peace. Public views in
both Palestinian and Israeli citizenry are increasingly becoming
willing to look for solutions for a lasting peace.
The story is quite different in Gaza and the situation is still very
volitile and chaotic. There seems to be no possibility of peace
anytime soon.
There are outside factors on the situation such as ISIS, the
Syrian Civil War, Iran and the threats made towards Israel, and
other non-state actors that have denounced Israel and their right
to Exist.
The Mid-East is in a great time of turmoil and the situation is
very delicate and tense.
What Could Be Done
What are possible solutions to the Isreali – Palestinian Conflict
that perhaps have been talked about or not yet mentioned at all?
Is it possible that a decent aggrement on territory can be made
on the West Bank so as to create a lasting peace there?
Is there a solution to the situation in Gaza other than a brutal
military campaign to rid Gaza of Hamas?
Do you ever see feasability in a lasting peace in the area?
Maps – West Bank Settlements
Maps – Israel and Surrounding Area
Yemen civil war and Saudi Arabia
Fares Huraibi
The current AND THE ex
After the Arab spring in Yemen president Ali Saleh resigned
and give his authority to his deputy the vice president Hadi.
Hadi got the support of the people even the Houthi that he will
guarantee everybody justice and early election after Ali ruled
the country for 33 years.
The ex- president kept his silence but putting his tribes men
into the republic guard and head leaders of the army; giving
difficulties to Hadi to demolish the corrupt system.
The beginning of the militia
The Houthis militia had a problem with government since the
The government had seven wars and continuingly with the
The militia is a part of Shiat in Yemen were they represent 10%
of the population. The dividing the people by their region and
Houthis movement want to get back to the old monarch regime,
where they used to related to the king.
The rebellion
The Houthi movement rebellion started in the 2002 by Hussain
Al-Houthie, he died in the third war and the surrender of the
His brother Abdulmalek, became the head of the militia, giving
speech as the head of Hezbollah in Lebanon, same way same
word, and same gestures.
Abdulmalek lost 3 wars, didn’t last a month, however in the 7th
he successfully with his militia and other tribes who sold their
loyalty to march to the capital.
Saudi Arabia & coalition
Yemen government who managed to escape to Riyadh, working
with GCC country agreed on fighting the militia seeing them as
a threat to the region, putting Iranian supporter in the back door
of Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia supported the Yemeni army who is loyal to the
government, with technological military gear, Patriot missile
which could use to intercept ballistic missile.
Saudi Arabia and UAE, are rebuilding what left after liberating
Aden, as well as other cities in Sothern Yemen.
Saudi Arabia has other frontier in the border of Yemen with
militia, as well constantly firing Scud+ Iranian type of missile
into Saudi cities: all intercepted.
The dividing in the country
When the militia surrounded the president in the republic
palace; as well as the other part of the government, giving
higher authority to the tribes man of the capital and its
surrounded land.
The president escaped from Sanaa to Aden where he fine peace
and shelter by his people, and after that to Saudi Arabia.
The president organized a loyal army from Saudi Arabia, since
the GCC were the backbone of the economy in Yemen , In the
GCC more than 2 million, half of them in Saudi Arabia, the
other half in more than 4 GCC.
The southern part of the country stopped the invasion of the
militia into the south, and the dividing problem before the war
was intense, it got bigger however, after the liberation in the
This consider the second war since the unification North Yemen
and South Yemen.
Un and the international community
The Security council in the UN supported the Yemeni president
legitimacy, however the UN envoy in Sana’a always took a side
with the militia, and giving peace resolution that the rebels keep
50% of the governmental seats+ the Parliament, While 50% of
the other seats will be for the southerner and 30% for women.
On the international community USA, UK, France, China, and
Russia support the legitimacy of the president.
According to WFP, more than 14 million, which is 50% of the
population on the brink of famine.
The war increased the problem where the people in rural area
cant receive humanitarian nor buy food.
The trade even got worse, which lead to a worst situation in the
Arab’s poorest country. Export minimized only on the liberated
area, while import of food nearly disapperaed.
UN trying their best with the Coalition and the Yemeni
government in Riyadh, as well as the militia in the capital to
coordinate how to reach the humanitarian aid to rural area.
During the Arab spring the people felt that the country was not
safe and decided to leave the country.
Most of the people who left the country were in from the non –
supporter majority cities such as Taiz, Aden and most of the
southern region, as well in the middle. An enormous refugees
number left Aden to Djibouti and Somalia, but the larger
percentage left to Oman, Saudi Arabia, and other who find a
way to Europe and USA. More than 200,000 left the country.
Do you think the intervention in Yemen by the Arab Saudi-led
coalition was just?
Do you think that the world might face a new form of Al-Qaida
if the technological equipment fell into the wrong hand?
After the war do you think that the country will be separated
Why famine is ignored by the international community and
other regional countries?
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
"UNHCR Yemen." UNHCR Yemen. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct.
"UN Security Council Voices Support for Legitimacy of Yemeni
President - CCTV News - English." UN Security
Council Voices Support for Legitimacy of Yemeni President -
CCTV News - English. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct.
"Yemen Emergency | WFP | United Nations World Food
Programme - Fighting Hunger Worldwide." Yemen Emergency |
WFP | United Nations World Food Programme - Fighting
Hunger Worldwide. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2016.

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Study Guide for SpousonomicsIntroThe two types of work the.docx

  • 1. Study Guide for Spousonomics Intro The two types of work the author say apply to relationships: Administrative work, Emotional work Chapter 1 Adam Smith and The Wealth of Nations and Specialization and Division of Labor David Ricardo and Comparative Advantage Keeping score Consumption complimentaries Market failure Pareto Efficiency Incentive Compatibility Chapter 2 Loss Aversion Compounding losses Endowment Effect
  • 2. Status Quo Bias Passive Decision Making Limerence Chapter 3 Supply and Demand Market noise Opaque Markets Transparency Rational Addiction Coordination Failure Signaling Chapter 4 Moral Hazard Getting Invested Perverse Incentive
  • 3. Chapter 5 Pro-social motivation Nagging verses Trusting Tit for Tat Chapter 6 Opportunity costs Decision making biases Thinking at the Margin Sunk Costs Inequity Aversion The Israeli – Palestinian Conflict By Kyle Wilson Beginnings: Let it be said first off that this conflict has traces that go back to biblical times and that there is no way to cover the entirety or the complexity of the conflict. To vaguely give background, the modern beginnings of what we know as the Israeli-palestenian conflict today, we’ll start with
  • 4. the Ottoman Empire in the late 19th century when they ruled over palestine. During this era jew and christians and muslims lived side by side without many issues. During this time the Austro-Hungarian empire was coming apart at the seams with ten different nations wanting their own separate states. This all was fueled by the golden age of nationalism and social Darwinism and it would lead to extreme palestinian nationalism as well as Zionism – Jewish nationalism and desire for each groups to have their own homelands. Beginnings Continued WWI saw lots of conflict in the mid east and when the conflict concluded the British empire took control of Palestine with the 1918- Britain gains control of Palestine from the ashes of the Ottoman empire under the British Mandate of Palestine. From 1918-1948 the British govern over the Jews and Muslims living in this area. 1927-First Intercommunal acts of violence when British give land east of Jordan River (Now known as Jordan) to Emir Abdullah to create Hashemite Kingdom. Violence erupts on Tel- Aviv border on May-Day leaving scores of Jews and Muslims dead. Second eruption of violence occurs in 1929. 1936- Violence and riots erupt when British kill Sheikh Izz Al- Den Al Qassam, arabs revolt. Rioting lasts until 1939 when British ban most land sales to Jews. The Modern Conflict 1947- General UN Assembly recommends partition of British Mandate into two separate states; one for Jews and one for Arabs. Fighting Breaks out soon after. 1948- Israeli War of Independence takes place as British Troops leave Palestine. All surrounding Arab Armies attempt to drive
  • 5. the Israelites into the Mediterranean but they are able to fend off the Arab armies. Meanwhile Jordan takes control over the West Bank with the tacit agreement of Israel and Egypt establishes control over the Gaza Strip. Control of Jerusalem is split between Israel in the west and Jordan in the East. The Modern Conflict 1948-1967- Continued skirmishes and border clashes between Israel and its Arab neighbors. 1967- Six Day War: Israel launches an assault against Arab forces arrayed for strike along Israeli borders. Israel captures the Sinai peninsula, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights, West Bank, and East Jerusalem. They triple the size of their territory in 6 days. They do eventually give much of it back. UN Security Counsel Passes Resolution 242 which calls for withdrawal of IDF(Israeli Defense Force) from captured territory. The Modern Conflict 1973- Yom Kippur War- Egyptian and Syrian forces launch a surprise attack on IDF forces in Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights. This was a three week war in which Israeli force successfully held their ground against these two aggressors. Un Security Council passes Resolution 338 which called for immediate cease-fire. 4 July 1976 Israeli commandos rescue Jewish hostages aboard an AirFrance Airbus in Uganda being held by Palestinian terrorist. 1978/1981- Camp David accords were held between US president Jimmy Carter, President Anwar Sadat of Egypt, and Prime Minister Menachem Begin of Israel. Israel agrees to hand back the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt in return for peace and normalization. This was significant because it was the first time an Arab country signed a peace treaty with Israel and thus
  • 6. accepted the state’s existence. Signing the Camp David accord made Sadat unpopular among Egyptians as well as Arabs living outside Egypt. Egypt was then expelled from the Arab League as a reaction to the peace agreement. In 1980, Egypt and Israel establish diplomatic relations. This led directly to the assassination of Anwar Sadat on October 6, 1981, by 3 soldiers of the Egyptian Army. The Modern Conflict June 6, 1982: Israel invades Lebanon to set up a security zone in Southern Lebanon in order to block Hezbollah (a Lebanese Shi’a Muslim group whose name means “Party of God”) forces from launching attacks on Northern Israeli communities from Lebanon. The Israeli Army reaches Beirut and succeeds in driving out Yasser Arafat’s Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Arafat moves his organization to Tunisia. 1987 first “intafada" starts; this means uprising or riot in arabic. This marked a period of violent bloodshed with thousands being killed on both sides. This eventually led to the Oslo Accords where the Israeli Prime Minister, Yessar Arafat, and Bill Clinton were able to largely make peace between the Arabs and the Israelis at least for a while. The Modern Conflict Ultimately the Oslo Accords fail due to the palestinians not being able to come up with their own solutions or agree to proposed solutions by the U.S. Mediator. As a result PLO headquarters are moved to Tunisia and eventually the Israeli Prime Minister at the time, is assassinated. In 2000 the 2nd Intafada starts and lasts until 2005. 2007 HAMAS and radical islamic forces take over Gaza and use it as a launch pad for attacks, mortar strikes, and rocket fire. The Israelis invade in 2008 with Operation Cast Lead which
  • 7. lasts until 2009 with thousands of casualties and billions of dollars of damage. Since this time there have been many different instances of rocket fire, mortar strikes, and countless small border clashes in Gaza. Hamas remains a thorn in Israels side. The Current Situation Currently there is a blockade of Gaza, the Israelis have a naval blockade encircling Gaza from the sea, and the Egyptians are cooperating with IDF Forces by maintaining the ground blockade. This is an effort to maintain quiet in the area as best as possible and to control who and what gets in and out. The Israelis are working with the palestinian authority in the westbank where they are attempting to use economic means to bring a complete close to the conflict. There are many Israeli settlements on the West Bank and there is continued construction of said settlements that continues to cause controversy. The U.S. is attempting to mediate between the two parties. Whether a freeze in settlement building, a large land return to the palestinians, or a stop to all movement in the future is unknown. However progress in the West Bank is starting to come about. As of Now As of now progress in the West Bank is delicate but it looks as if things could still turn out in favor of peace. Public views in both Palestinian and Israeli citizenry are increasingly becoming willing to look for solutions for a lasting peace. The story is quite different in Gaza and the situation is still very volitile and chaotic. There seems to be no possibility of peace anytime soon. There are outside factors on the situation such as ISIS, the Syrian Civil War, Iran and the threats made towards Israel, and other non-state actors that have denounced Israel and their right
  • 8. to Exist. The Mid-East is in a great time of turmoil and the situation is very delicate and tense. What Could Be Done What are possible solutions to the Isreali – Palestinian Conflict that perhaps have been talked about or not yet mentioned at all? Is it possible that a decent aggrement on territory can be made on the West Bank so as to create a lasting peace there? Is there a solution to the situation in Gaza other than a brutal military campaign to rid Gaza of Hamas? Do you ever see feasability in a lasting peace in the area? Maps – West Bank Settlements Maps – Israel and Surrounding Area Sources palestinian_conflict.html#.WBQLCpMrKRs ntswb93.jpg .jpg
  • 9. f Yemen civil war and Saudi Arabia BY Fares Huraibi The current AND THE ex After the Arab spring in Yemen president Ali Saleh resigned and give his authority to his deputy the vice president Hadi. Hadi got the support of the people even the Houthi that he will guarantee everybody justice and early election after Ali ruled the country for 33 years. The ex- president kept his silence but putting his tribes men into the republic guard and head leaders of the army; giving difficulties to Hadi to demolish the corrupt system. The beginning of the militia The Houthis militia had a problem with government since the 2002. The government had seven wars and continuingly with the militia. The militia is a part of Shiat in Yemen were they represent 10% of the population. The dividing the people by their region and
  • 10. tribes. Houthis movement want to get back to the old monarch regime, where they used to related to the king. The rebellion The Houthi movement rebellion started in the 2002 by Hussain Al-Houthie, he died in the third war and the surrender of the group. His brother Abdulmalek, became the head of the militia, giving speech as the head of Hezbollah in Lebanon, same way same word, and same gestures. Abdulmalek lost 3 wars, didn’t last a month, however in the 7th he successfully with his militia and other tribes who sold their loyalty to march to the capital. Saudi Arabia & coalition Yemen government who managed to escape to Riyadh, working with GCC country agreed on fighting the militia seeing them as a threat to the region, putting Iranian supporter in the back door of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia supported the Yemeni army who is loyal to the government, with technological military gear, Patriot missile which could use to intercept ballistic missile. Saudi Arabia and UAE, are rebuilding what left after liberating Aden, as well as other cities in Sothern Yemen. Saudi Arabia has other frontier in the border of Yemen with militia, as well constantly firing Scud+ Iranian type of missile into Saudi cities: all intercepted. The dividing in the country When the militia surrounded the president in the republic palace; as well as the other part of the government, giving
  • 11. higher authority to the tribes man of the capital and its surrounded land. The president escaped from Sanaa to Aden where he fine peace and shelter by his people, and after that to Saudi Arabia. The president organized a loyal army from Saudi Arabia, since the GCC were the backbone of the economy in Yemen , In the GCC more than 2 million, half of them in Saudi Arabia, the other half in more than 4 GCC. The southern part of the country stopped the invasion of the militia into the south, and the dividing problem before the war was intense, it got bigger however, after the liberation in the south. This consider the second war since the unification North Yemen and South Yemen. Un and the international community The Security council in the UN supported the Yemeni president legitimacy, however the UN envoy in Sana’a always took a side with the militia, and giving peace resolution that the rebels keep 50% of the governmental seats+ the Parliament, While 50% of the other seats will be for the southerner and 30% for women. On the international community USA, UK, France, China, and Russia support the legitimacy of the president. Famine According to WFP, more than 14 million, which is 50% of the population on the brink of famine. The war increased the problem where the people in rural area cant receive humanitarian nor buy food. The trade even got worse, which lead to a worst situation in the Arab’s poorest country. Export minimized only on the liberated area, while import of food nearly disapperaed. UN trying their best with the Coalition and the Yemeni government in Riyadh, as well as the militia in the capital to
  • 12. coordinate how to reach the humanitarian aid to rural area. Refugees During the Arab spring the people felt that the country was not safe and decided to leave the country. Most of the people who left the country were in from the non – supporter majority cities such as Taiz, Aden and most of the southern region, as well in the middle. An enormous refugees number left Aden to Djibouti and Somalia, but the larger percentage left to Oman, Saudi Arabia, and other who find a way to Europe and USA. More than 200,000 left the country. question Do you think the intervention in Yemen by the Arab Saudi-led coalition was just? Do you think that the world might face a new form of Al-Qaida if the technological equipment fell into the wrong hand? After the war do you think that the country will be separated again? Why famine is ignored by the international community and other regional countries? resources United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). "UNHCR Yemen." UNHCR Yemen. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2016. "UN Security Council Voices Support for Legitimacy of Yemeni President - CCTV News - English." UN Security Council Voices Support for Legitimacy of Yemeni President - CCTV News - English. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2016. "Yemen Emergency | WFP | United Nations World Food Programme - Fighting Hunger Worldwide." Yemen Emergency |
  • 13. WFP | United Nations World Food Programme - Fighting Hunger Worldwide. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2016.