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FeedJournal Basic                          6/22/2010 at 2:39:05 PM - 6/23/2010 at 5:17:34 AM                                          

A C- for Prof. Fish
by Gershom Gorenberg (Hija                 students, every last one of them, hate      seeing a class full of students more
del Zion para Israel - Daughter            to use their minds,                         interested in tough questions than
of Zion for Israel)                        [s]tudent evaluations, by their very        easy answers. But the thought does
                                           nature, can only recognize, and by          creep into the very edge of my
Submitted at 6/22/2010 2:39:05 PM          recognizing encourage, assembly-            consciousness that prejudice can
 Gershom Gorenberg?                        line teaching that delivers a nicely        blind you to the character of the
 Prof. Stanley Fish has a regular          packaged product that can be                people sitting right in front of you.
online column in the New York              assessed as easily and immediately           In any case, Stanley, I’d like to see a
Times on education society. His latest     as one assesses the quality of a            rewrite by five p.m. next Monday.
post is intended as a critique of right-
wing efforts to treat universities as
businesses, and specifically of of a
                                             This defamation of an entire
                                           population is unnecessary for Fish’s
                                                                                       See if you can make your argument
                                                                                       without slipping into stereotypes.
                                                                                        Hija del Zion para Israel Support
proposed “reform” (“deform” would
be a better term) of the Texas A&M
college system.
                                           argument. It is insupportable
                                           generalization, and a tangent. It
                                           shows sloppy thinking.
                                                                                       • yom haatzmaut 2 israel's 60...
                                                                                       • Antwerp: “Islam is a completely
                                                                                                                                  State of
 Criticizing free-market attempts to
hijack higher education is a good
idea. Fish, however, ruins his
                                            It also shows quite a lot of bitterness.
                                           Honestly, I feel sorry for Prof. Fish.
                                           Judging from what he writes, he
                                                                                       intolerant system” — Winds Of
                                                                                       Jihad By SheikYerMami Barnard
                                                                                       himself was unhappy about the
argument with a needless, grumpy           didn’t get the kind of classmates I had     incident: “Isn’t it appalling that an      by Daniel Greenfield @ the
rant against students.                     as an undergrad at UC Santa Cruz,           intellectual wants to give a lecture in    Sultan Knish blog (Hija del Zion
 Students, Fish says, all students, the    who loved pulling apart what Prof.          the year 2010, and needs police            para Israel - Daughter of Zion
whole awful lot of them,                   Neu presented in his intro to moral         protection? Actually, this is my best      for Israel)
…like everything neatly laid out; they     philosophy and who kept on arguing          lecture ever....
                                                                                                                                  Submitted at 6/22/2010 7:39:00 PM
want to know exactly where they are;       about Socrates, Hume and Sartre for         • Israel Denounces Castro With these
they don’t welcome the introduction        many hours after class. Nor, it seems,      outrageous comments, Fidel Castro           This week Turkish forces invaded
of multiple perspectives, especially       has had the pleasure of working with        shames his old-time companions and         Iraq and its warplanes bombed 7
when no master perspective                 students like the ones I had last           the ideals he always pretended to          Kurdish villages killing a teenage girl
reconciles them; they want the             semester at Columbia’s journalism           serve. Che Guevara must be spinning        and wounding her mother and 3 year
answers.                                   school, who took deep pleasure in           in his grave,” Israeli Foreign Ministry    old sister. A week ago Iran had done
 Good teaching, he says, sometimes         discussing the multiple perspectives        spokesman...                               the same things, killing a 14 year old
requires “the deliberate inducing of       shown by different writers dealing                                                     girl and a 45 year old woman. There
confusion, the withholding of clarity,     with the same events.                       Original post source                       are no shouts of protest. No
the refusal to provide answers.” But        It has to be tough, spending your                                                              TURKEY’S page 2
because those shallow, callow              whole career teaching and never

Five-year-old Ukrainian boy slaughtered by
Muslim shouting "Allahu akbar"
by Robert (Hija del Zion para              bird up there.”                             reportedly hiding in the loft.             item 27, lesson 8 Lecturer: Rav
Israel - Daughter of Zion for               When the youngster glanced upward            He allegedly confessed to the crime,     Michael LaitmanDate: 2010-03-
Israel)                                    the maniac plunged a knife into his         telling police that he was ordered to      11Audio: ENG 5.51MB ...
                                           throat, Pravda said.                        kill the boy by spirits.                   • Kurt Adler Polonaise Hand-Blown
Submitted at 6/22/2010 3:20:48 PM           The June 18 killing has threatened to      “The man screamed Allahu Akbar             Hand-Painted Menorah “The
  Five-year-old Ukrainian boy              ignite tension in the town of               (Arabic for ‘God is great’) when           Christmas Light of Joy”, Christmas
slaughtered by Muslim shouting             Dneprovka, in Ukraine’s Crimea              killing the boy, “said a shocked local.    Ornament European glass collectible
“Allahu akbar” And authorities are         region, after it emerged that the 27-       “The kid was slaughtered like a            ornaments made in Poland and
worried that this horrific slaughter       year-old knifeman was a suspected           goat.”                                     created in age-old traditionPolonaise
will “ignite tension” — instead of         Muslim fanatic, the Russian online            Other residents of the town said that    Menorah-the Light of JoyMade in
calling upon the Muslim community          newspaper reported.                         the man had serious mental health          PolandGlassMouth-blown glass,
to renounce once and for all any and        The victim’s three-year-old sister         issues.                                    meticulously sculpted in fine detail
all teachings involving any kind of        Lena Shemyakina and her five-year-            Of course. They always do.               and h...
violence against Infidels. “Ukrainian      old friend were among a group of              Posted by Robert on June 22, 2010        • Bern: Gym hall for Muslim women
Boy, 5, Slaughtered ‘Like a Goat’ by       young children who witnessed the            3:20 PM                                    Bern: Gym hall for Muslim
Religious Fanatic,” from NewsCore,         horrifying attack.                          | 7 Comments                               womenThe Swiss Islamic Central
June 22 (thanks to DJM):                    Viktor’s mother, named only as               Print this entry                         Council is making headlines recently.
 A 5-year-old Ukrainian boy was            Angelina, heard their screams and ran       | Email this entry                         See also Switzerland: Young
slaughtered by an alleged religious        out of the house to find her child          | Digg this                                converts could pose national security
fanatic as he played in a sandpit with     lying in a pool of blood.                   |                              threat----------By the end of April, ...
his friends, Pravda reported Tuesday.       Police arrested the prime suspect,         |
 The stranger strolled up to little        named by Pravda as Server                     Hija del Zion para Israel Support        Original post source
Viktor Shemyakin before pointing to        Ibragimov, three hours later at his         Israel
a tree and saying: “Look, there is a       parents’ house, where he was                • Part 2: Beit Shaar Ha-Kavanot,
2                                                                                                                                           FeedJournal Basic
continued from page 1
worldwide demonstrations. The              with the attacks.                         blind eye to everything Turkey does.       Israel (though of course they oppose
Obama administration and the media          The hypocrisy here is rather pungent     Even when Erdogan openly                   collective punishment) such
did not deliver any lectures on            as bus bombings were a common tool        threatened to ethnically cleanse           “luminaries” as Ken Loach, John
disproportionate force. Not even           of the Hamas terrorist organization,      Armenians again, if they complained        Berger, Iain Banks, Eve Ensler and
when Erdogan vowed to drown the            which is closely supported by             about Turkey’s original genocide of        Danny Glover might give a thought
Kurdish rebels“in their own blood”.        Erdogan. As a radical Islamist,           their people, in the presence of UK        for her, and for what an actual
 Instead Ambassador James J. Jeffrey       Erdogan’s ties to terrorism run deep.     Prime Minister Gordon Brown. Nor           totalitarian regime that occupies the
slavishly rushed to assure Turkey’s        Not only was he personally jailed, but    did Brown raise the subject with           lands of other people and suppresses
Thug in Chief Erdogan that the PKK         Erdogan and his AKP party are tied        Erdogan. Unlike when Israeli soldiers      their identities looks like.
was also America’s enemy and               up with Yassin Qadi, a Saudi              board a Turkish boat sent to aid            But of course that would require
promised to “urgently” review any          businessman who was marked by the         Hamas, are stabbed and beaten and          integrity, which is in rather short
request for help against them. No          US Treasury as a “ Specially              defend themselves, then the British        supply among those folks. That is the
such help was offered to the Kurds,        Designated Global Terrorist“who           government quickly demanded                same reason why human rights has
whose villages were being bombed           funneled millions of dollars to Osama     answers from Israel. That is because       become a sham. Why genocide could
from the sky using planes sold to          bin Laden. Cuneyt Zapsu, a co-            like every Islamist regime, Turkey         go on in the Sudan, while human
Turkey by the United States. Despite       founder of the AKP party and an           gets a free pass to do whatever it         rights groups panhandling for
the fact that Iraqi Kurds, unlike          Erdogan advisor, meanwhile only           likes, whether it’s occupying Cyprus,      donations in Saudi Arabia, have
Turkey, supported the US liberation        passed along 300,000 dollars to Al        invading Iraq and bombing villages         focused mainly on raving and ranting
of Iraq. Because that’s what friends       Queda, through Qadi.                      there, or imprisoning 12 year olds for     against Israel. It’s why the Human
of the United States get from the            Meanwhile in a country where            singing folk songs. And Turkey’s           Rights Council at the UN features
Obama Administration. A kick in the        members of a Kurdish youth choir as       pipeline power doesn’t hurt either, as     such notable defenders of human
face. And what our enemies get is a        young as 12 were arrested and faced       Europe finds itself on the wrong end       rights as Saudi Arabia, Cuba and
slobbering kiss on the cheek.              years in prison for singing a Kurdish     of energy based hydraulic despotism.       Russia. And why Erdogan feels free
 The PKK is a terrorist organization,      folk song, that also happens to be the     Germany may keep Turkey out of            to conduct a state of terror at home,
but it is not our enemy and it does not    anthem of the anthem of Iraq’s            the EU, not that Europe would have         and even invade Iraq, because he
have anything to do with us. Any           Kurdistan Regional Government at          survived more than a decade of a           knows that he will never be held
reason for providing aid to Turkey         the San Francisco International Music     state of affairs in which a Muslim         accountable for it.
against the PKK ended with the Cold        Festival in 2007– Al Queda openly         population in the tens of millions,         Hija del Zion para Israel Support
War. Especially considering Turkey’s       publishes its own magazine, “Kaide”       half of whom earns 20 dollars a            Israel
shakedown of the US during the             out of an office in the middle of         month suddenly had access to every         • temporary marriage The apologists
Kosovo operation and its refusal to        Istanbul. This is no accident. Erdogan    country in the EU. But the                 never refer to the fact that there are
support US forces in the liberation of     claims there’s no such thing as           apologetics being penned for Turkey        over a quarter of a million street
Iraq. The United States has no reason      Islamic terrorism, just as he claimed     in the Western media claiming that         children in Iran who do not officially
to provide military assistance to a        that there’s no such thing as genocide    Turkey’s move to the Islamist camp         exist. They have no identity, no birth
regime that is not willing to do the       by Muslims, when he welcomed              is the act of a spurned EU lover, have     certificates. They are born and ...
same.                                      Sudan’s mass murdering leader,            it wrong. This was a long range and        • Obama uses Roger Cohen to
  While the US has consistently            Omar Hassan al-Bashir, who is             well financed effort accomplished by       threaten Netanyahu Obama uses
backed Turkey against the PKK– the         wanted for crimes against humanity.       the same Saudis who funded Al              Roger Cohen to threaten Netanyahu
Turkish regime has in response             What Erdogan has done is legitimize       Queda. Turkey once made the                Just when you thought that the
accused the US of supporting the           Muslim terrorism and genocide. Even       transition from Imperialism to             Obama administration's handling of
PKK in order to divide Turkey.             as he rants about Kurdish attacks on      Fascism. Now it is going from              diplomacy could not be any more
Ankara knows very well that this is a      Turkey.                                   Fascism to Islamism.                       am...
lie, but it is part of a domestic           It’s understandable why Erdogan and       Meanwhile European humanitarians          • Ancient Text Unearthed in a
campaign aimed at demonizing the           his regime would be worried about         and American liberals will continue        Hidden City in Israel The Elah
US. Just as the chairman of the ruling     the Kurds. Turkey occupies and rules      vocally denouncing Israel for every        Fortress, overlooking the valley of
AKP Islamist party, Hüseyin Çelik,         over 12 million of them. And those        talking point sent their way by            Elah, where the bible says that David
has accused Israel of being behind the     are the official statistics of a regime   Hamas. But suppose they spare a            and Goliath fought on Sunday
PKK bombing in ?skenderun (legally         which at one time actually                glance for 12 million Kurds living         November 2, 2008. Archaeologists
Syrian territory, in practice occupied     criminalized any attempt to list          under Erdogan’s oppression. Or its         have discovered what they say is the
Kurdistan) in order to continue the        separate Kurdish populations.             Armenians who dare not lift their          old...
regime’s campaign of hateful               Suggesting that the real numbers may      heads. Or the continuing occupation
incitement. (This is particularly ironic   be far higher. But the real question is   of Cyprus. Or perhaps the ongoing          Original post source
as Turkey is actually using Israeli        why we should care. Erdogan and the       imprisonment of Leyla Zana, who on
drone s against the Kurdish rebels,        AKP are pushing Turkey on an anti-        becoming the first woman elected to
and Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu            American path. Meanwhile the Kurds        the Turkish parliament was sentenced
helped Turkey capture PKK leader           are vital to stabilizing Iraq. Which      to ten years in jail for taking her oath
Abdullah Ocalan.) Further exploiting       suggests that perhaps we should be        in Kurdish. Despite winning the
the more recent Istanbul bus bombing       focusing more on the rights of the        Sakharov Prize and being nominated
for all it’s worth, Erdogan accused        Kurds, than the demands of the            twice for the Nobel Peace Prize, Zana
everyone from the media to his own         Turks.                                    is still in jail today. Perhaps in
political opposition of being tied up       But the US and Europe have turned a      between declaring boycotts against

Overnight music video (with bonus)
by Carl in Jerusalem (Hija del             Solomon.                                  AM                                         for Jeans, Jackets, Vests, Hats,
Zion para Israel - Daughter of              Let’s go to the videotape.                Hija del Zion para Israel Support         Backpacks, Scrapboo...
Zion for Israel)                            And the second is Shloime Dachs          Israel                                     • Rabash, Shlavei Hasulam, article
                                           with his son Dovid (who looks to be a     • UK: Al-Qaeda operatives want to          "Make yourself a Rav and buy
Submitted at 6/22/2010 5:12:00 PM          little older than 11 – I’d guess 12 or    kill us, but we must protect them UK:      yourself a friend – 2", lesson
 Overnight music video (with bonus)        13).                                      Al-Qaeda operatives want to kill us,       3(evening) Lecturer: Rav Michael
The other song that boy wonder              Let’s go to the videotape.               but we must protect them                   LaitmanDate: 2010-06-14Video:
Yonatan Sheinfeld sang at the               By the way, if you can make out the      ...                                        ENG 27.43MB Audio: ENG 4.89MB
wedding I attended on Monday night         words (unfortunately with the crowd       • Jerusalem Flag Embroidered Patch         ...
was Anovim. Unfortunately, I haven’t       noise it’s sometimes difficult),          Israel Iron-On Jewish Emblem Iron-
been able to find Sheinfeld singing it.    they’re stunning. They talk about the     On or Sew to Any GarmentPatch is           Original post source
So here are two other versions. The        Messiah’s arrival. It should only         3.5-inches wide x 2.5-inches tallTop
first is the 4th grade choir at Yeshiva    happen speedily and in our times.         Quality, Detailed EmbroideryIroned-
Torah Vodaas led by Yehoshua                posted by Carl in Jerusalem @ 3:12       on Patches Will Not Come OffPerfect
FeedJournal Basic                                                                                                                                                 3

                                                                                                                              Uproar in
                                                                                                                              Israel over top
                                                                                                                              secret prisoner
                                                                                                                              by paraisrael (Hija del Zion
                                                                                                                              para Israel - Daughter of Zion
                                                                                                                              for Israel)
                                                                                                                              Submitted at 6/22/2010 3:15:09 PM

                                                                                                                               by looking4poetry
                                                                                                                                Uproar in Israel over top secret
                                                                                                                                JERUSALEM: Speculation was
                                                                                                                              widespread in Israel last night over
                                                                                                                              the identity of a mysterious prisoner
                                                                                                                              being held for unspecified crimes in
                                                                                                                              the maximum security Ayalon jail.
                                                                                                                               Read more on Brisbane Times
                                                                                                                                Uproar in Israel over top secret
                                                                                                                                JERUSALEM: Speculation was
Jews repeatedly attacked regularly                                                                                            widespread in Israel last night over
                                                                                                                              the identity of a mysterious prisoner
                                                                                                                              being held for unspecified crimes in
in city of Anne Frank                                                                                                         the maximum security Ayalon jail.
                                                                                                                                Read more on Sydney Morning
by NoahDavidSimon (Hija del            youths giving the Hitler salute. The      organizations smugly pass one                Herald
Zion para Israel - Daughter of         footage was recorded with a hidden        condemnatory resolution after                  Hija del Zion para Israel Support
Zion for Israel)                       camera. The rabbi and two school          another against Israel while the             Israel
                                       children went to various                  Obama administration either joins in         • The Israel Conference™ Features
Submitted at 6/22/2010 6:23:00 PM      neighbourhoods in Amsterdam last          or demurs with a wink. This is               over $200 Billion in Revenues and
 In the land of Anne Frank:            week and were confronted not only         something new in the world, this             Investment Capital from Industry
 Anti-Semitism has gotten so ugly in   by Hitler salutes but also by verbal      almost complete segregation of Israel        Lions of Israel … by Nationaal
The Netherlands that Jews walking      abuse.                                    in the community of nations….There           Archief The Israel Conference™
along Amsterdam’s street are being       An earlier radio broadcast by the       is a chilling familiarity in all this. One   Features over 0 Billion in Revenues
harassed by young Muslims who yell     Jewish Broadcasting Organisation          of the world’s oldest stories is playing     and Investment Capital from Industry
insults or give Nazi salutes.          showed that the situation is equally      out before our eyes: The Jews are            Lions of Israel ... The Israel
 Last Sunday, a Dutch TV channel       serious in some other parts of the        being scapegoated again.”                    Conference™ featured an array of
aired a secretly recorded video that   Netherlands, including the city of        (Thanks to readers Sam and John.)            over 60 CEOs spe...
showed a rabbi enduring such           Rotterdam.                                via Posted via             •    Growing rift within US
harassment, according to a Dutch        Here’s the Rabbi walking through         web from noahdavidsimon’s                    administration over Israel The issue
news report.                           Amsterdam, to be greeted with shouts      posterous                                    of illegal Israeli settlements in
 To fight such anti-Semitism, Acting   of “Jew” and a Nazi salute::               Hija del Zion para Israel Support           occupied East Jerusalem has strained
Amsterdam Mayor Lodewijk Asscher        is alleged:                              Israel                                       ties between Israel and the US,
has hit upon a novel crime-fighting     Here’s a still (“Jood” is Dutch for      • Ha’Ari Ashkenazi Synagogue                 although officials have said there is
idea: “Decoy Jews.”                    Jew):                                     Image taken on 2008-08-17 21:01:25           no serious tensio...
 Dutch police “already use people       Another clip:                            by upyernoz....                              •    Israel Kamakawiwo’ole’-
posing as pensioners and gay men in     Shelby Steele on the renewed Jew-        • Chief Rabbi Lau speaks on                  Somewhere over the rainbow lyrics
an effort to catch muggers and gay-    hatred:                                   Holocaust Remembrance Day Chief              Ok, this ones for Gabby Ooooo
bashers,” noted DutchNews. So the        Rock bands now find moral               Rabbi Israel Meir Lau, Chairman of           oooooo oooooo Somewhere over the
use of “decoy Jews” represents a new   imprimatur in canceling their summer      the Yad Vashem Council, speaks on            rainbow Way up high And the dreams
variation of an old crime-fighting     tour stops in Israel …. A                 Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes'               that you dreamed of Once in a lullaby
tactic…. A country of 16.3 million,    demonstrator at an anti-Israel rally in   Remembrance Day in Jerusalem at              Somewhere over the rainbow Blue ...
The Netherlands’ Muslim population     New York carries a sign depicting the     Yad Vashem during the Central ...
numbers 945,000 or 5.8%.               skull and crossbones drawn over the       • Maimo Yom Hazikaron Assembly
 More on Rabbi Lody van de Kamp’s      word ‘Israel.’ White House                5770 (1/9)...
walk through Amsterdam:                correspondent Helen Thomas, in one
  A TV programme broadcast on          of the ugliest incarnations of this       Original post source
Sunday by the Jewish Broadcasting      voice, calls on Jews to move back to
Organisation showed rabbi Lody van     Poland. And of course the United
de Kamp confronted by Moroccan         Nations and other international
4                                                                                                                                       FeedJournal Basic
                                                                                                                           Part 2: Preface to the
Saudi Vice, episode 30: A great way                                                                                        Sulam Commentary,
                                                                                                                           item 68, Lesson 22
to start a marriage                                                                                                        by Bnei-Baruch (Hija del Zion
by Elder of Ziyon (Hija del Zion                                                                                           para Israel - Daughter of Zion
para Israel - Daughter of Zion                                                                                             for Israel)
for Israel)
                                                                                                                           Submitted at 6/22/2010 3:00:00 PM
Submitted at 6/22/2010 6:18:00 PM                                                                                           Lecturer: Rav Michael Laitman
 A young man in the town of Al Jouf,                                                                                       Date: 2010-06-23
Saudi Arabia, apparently had some                                                                                           Video: ENG 28.25MB
compromising pictures of a young                                                                                            Audio: ENG 5.04MB
lady. It is unclear how he came to                                                                                          Hija del Zion para Israel Support
gain these photos – at times, men                                                                                          Israel
cajole women to take pictures of                                                                                           • How To Attend a Jewish Funeral
themselves and send them over email;                                                                                       Funerals are stressful enough without
other times men take the pictures                                                                                          having to wonder if you’re doing and
themselves during an illicit                                                                                               saying the right thing. So here’s a
relationship.                                                                                                              primer for Jewish funerals. ...
 As is often the case, the man                                                                                             • Shiloh Musings: Catholic father
                                       unfortunately doesn’t mention how          Judaism....
attempted to blackmail this woman,                                                                                         baptizes Jewish daughter and defies
                                       ecstatic the woman must be to have a       • Camera: Gun-running Bishop in
threatening to expose these pictures                                                                                       court order As a man who made a
                                       chance to spend the rest of her life       Flotilla Retired Archbishop Hilarion
unless she does what he wanted.                                                                                            child with a gentile this issue comes
                                       with a man who tried to blackmail          Capucci joined the Free Gaza
 The courageous young woman called                                                                                         close to my heart, but I understand
                                       her, nor whether he already has a wife     Movement's aid Flotilla to the Gaza
up our heroes at the Muttawa, also                                                                                         that in the end a human being grows
                                       or three. However, we can be sure          Strip on the Mavi Marmara. To
known as the Hai’a, otherwise known                                                                                        up and makes his own decisions. We
                                       that the Commission is very happy          Reuters he said: "Our trip to Gaza
as the Commission for the Promotion                                                                                        should have more faith in our kids...
                                       over its new role as a matchmaker,         was a trip of love and God was with
of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, to                                                                                       • Biden’s message of reassurance
                                       and will attempt to convince other         us. ...
take appropriate action against this                                                                                       Biden's message of reassurance
                                       young women of the advantages of           • Israels Heat Wave Israels heat
blackmailer.                                                                                                               Some comments from Shmuel Rosner
                                       marrying those who had heretofore          wave on Saturday March 8
 The Hai’a jumped into action,                                                                                             on Biden's speech (I guess he didn't
                                       just been using them.                      2008.Israeli people at Nitzanim
meeting the young man and                                                                                                  wait for the questions). I'm sticking
                                        Good job!                                 Beach enjoining the warm weather.
interrogating him.                                                                                                         my com...
                                        Hija del Zion para Israel Support         All photos by Rafael Ben-Ari/
 But instead of arresting him, they
                                       Israel                                     Chameleons Eye            ...
arranged a different kind of                                                                                               Original post source
                                       • Judaism 101: Part 1 of 4 The first
punishment: the young man and lady
                                       video of this series explores the topics   Original post source
are now going to get married.
                                       of who is a Jew and what is
 The article in the Saudi Gazette

Ripping the UN Human No One Ever Wins:
Rights Council for its Lebanon In The Summer Of
                       Hezbollah Institutional Use)
double standards                                                                  by paraisrael (Hija del Zion
                                                                                  para Israel - Daughter of Zion
by Robert (Hija del Zion para          homosexuality is part of a broader
Israel - Daughter of Zion for          sexual ethic. But u...                     for Israel)
Israel)                                • The Nazi Connection to Islamic           Submitted at 6/22/2010 7:20:08 PM
                                       Terrorism: Adolf Hitler and Haj
Submitted at 6/22/2010 2:55:16 PM      Amin al-Husseini Product                    No One Ever Wins: Lebanon In The
  Ripping the UN Human Rights          DescriptionThis is the remarkable          Summer Of Hezbollah Institutional
Council for its double standards       story of Haj Amin al-Husseini, who         Use)
  The great Hillel Neuer of UN Watch   in many ways was as big a Nazi              Rating:(out of reviews)
(thanks to Steven).                    villain as Hitler, and to understand his    List Price:
  Posted by Robert on June 22, 2010    influence on the Middle East is to          Price: $ 50.00                          correspondents seem to relish the
2:55 PM                                understand t...                              The last post on war: Thoughts,        citing of non-binding findings in
| No Comments                          • Basics of Biblical Hebrew                wishes, duty… a poem                     international law that disfavor Israel -
  Print this entry                     Grammar: Second Edition ISBN13:             Image by FlickrJunkie                   - like the ICJs advisory opinion on
| Email this entry                     9780310270201Condition: USED -               Find More Israel Lebanon War           the security fence in 2004. They are
| Digg this                            LIKE NEWNotes: Product                     Products                                 much ...
|                          DescriptionBasics of Biblical               Hija del Zion para Israel Support       • Breaking the Makhoul Gag:
|                                      Hebrew, today's best-selling               Israel                                   Alleged Hezbollah Agent is Maronite
  Hija del Zion para Israel Support    introductory Hebrew grammar, has           • Hezbollah’s Nasrallah Linked to        Cousin of Samir Geagea Rechavia
Israel                                 just gotten better with additional,        Incoming Lebanese Ship Yasser            Berman has done it again. He was
• Context, Fairness, and Gays When     linguis...                                 Kashlak, organizer of another flotilla   the first journalist/blogger to break
it comes to issues like "don't ask,                                               which will be leaving from Beirut,       the story of the Ameer Makhoul
don't tell," part of the problem is    Original post source                       has been found to be a friend of         arrest and his secret detention. Now,
missing context. As Robert Knight                                                 Hezbollah's Secretary General Hassan     he’s broken the gag again by
notes, the moral case against                                                     Nasrallah.      Related posts:Iran,      revealing the ...
                                                                                  Hezbollah, and A...
                                                                                  • For Reuters, only Israel is subject
                                                                                  to international law Reuters
FeedJournal Basic                                                                                                                                             5

                                                                                   Wedding season
                                                                                   by Carl in Jerusalem (Hija del         .Blessing for the home Product
                                                                                   Zion para Israel - Daughter of         DescriptionHandmade 3D Art print
                                                                                   Zion for Israel)                       by Reuven Mas...
                                                                                                                          • EU: Anti-Israel protests EU: Anti-
                                                                                   Submitted at 6/22/2010 9:27:00 PM      Israel protestsPictures and videos
                                                                                    Wedding season revisited I went to    from anti-Israel protests.This article
                                                                                   two more weddings last night, came     was prepared by the Islam in
                                                                                   home and promptly fell asleep in       E u r o p e          b l o g         -
                                                                                   front of the computer.                 islamineurope.blogspot.comSpainPari
                                                                                    Sorry about that.                     sOsloDenmarkBrusselsAthensBelfast
                                                                                    posted by Carl in Jerusalem @ 7:27    St...
                                                                                   AM                                     • Part 1: The Book of Zohar –
                                                                                    Hija del Zion para Israel Support     Selections, chapter “Vayikra”, item
                                                                                   Israel                                 323, lesson 14 Lecturer: Rav Michael
                                                                                   • 3d Judaica Art Home Blessing –       LaitmanDate: 2010-05-27Text: ENG
                                                                                   Sights of Israel 3D handcrafted        0.47MB...
                                                                                   Decoupage Judaic ArtArtist - Reuven
                                                                                   MaselShipped with Frame designed       Original post source
                                                                                   to enhance 3D effectMuseum Quality

                                                                                   Arab minority in Israel
                                                                                   gets more radical
                                                                                   by israel (Hija del Zion para
                                                                                   Israel - Daughter of Zion for
                                                                                   Submitted at 6/22/2010 5:57:00 PM

                                                                                    By Benjamin Birnbaum While
                                                                                   confronting threats abroad, Israel
                                                                                   faces a challenge closer to home —
                                                                                   the increasing radicalization of its
                                                                                   Arab minority, according…
                                                                                    Hija del Zion para Israel Support

Piracy                                                                             Israel
                                                                                   • Language of the Heart Parashat
                                                                                   VaYigashBereishit 44:18 "...May
by Yaakov Kirschen (Hija del             Israel                                    your servant say something into the
Zion para Israel - Daughter of           • Letters: Israel’s right to defend the   ear of my master."With these words     Tzip...
Zion for Israel)                         nation against terrorism While there      Yehudah began his request to Yosef.    • Letter from the Hotel Zamenhof On
                                         was in-depth coverage of the              He wanted to ask for amnesty, and      Being Shocked, Shocked to Learn
Submitted at 6/22/2010 8:00:00 PM        legitimacy of Israel's right to defend    therefore he wante...                  That Israel Is Not a Liberal Utopia
 The lawless “wild west” of 20th         its citizens in your reports, comment     • Biden won’t meet Lieberman;          Gershom Gorenberg My new column
century Hollywood movies has been        and letters, little was said about        Netanyahu silent Biden won't meet      is up at the American Prospect:
translated into the 21 century. The      Mahmoud al-Mabhouh. Al-Mabhouh            Lieberman; Netanyahu silent            Meyer Landsman lives in the Hotel
Somali Pirates are the outlaws raiding   was a senior mem...                       Joe Biden will meet with everyone      Zamenhof. Landsman is the hero...
stagecoaches. The Flotilla battles are   • Anti-Israel protests over flotilla      who's anyone while he's here.
becoming like the American range         attack intensify Thousands gather         Binyamin Netanyahu. Ehud Barak.        Original post source
wars between farmers and cattlemen.      around the world to demonstrate
“Why can’t the Farmer and the            against Israel's attack on Gaza aid
Cowman just be friends?” goes the        flotilla...
frustrated refrain of the peace-loving   • TeFILLIN | phylacteries"And you
audience.* * * Meanwhile, the world      shall bind them as a sign on your arm
media shields us from seeing the         ..." (Deuteronomy 6:8) COMPLETE
massive world-wide assault on            VIDEO ON
modern society and its freedoms by       ......
ferocious, totalitarian Islamism.-Dry
Bones- Israel’s Political Comic Strip    Original post source
Since 1973
 Hija del Zion para Israel Support
6                                                                                                                                       FeedJournal Basic

Adviser to Israel’s Netanyahu Part 4: Writings of Rabash, Shlavey
questions Mideast peace       ha Sulam, article "Make yourself a
                              Rav and buy yourself a friend – 1"
effort, new I…                by Bnei-Baruch (Hija del Zion                                                                conscious about distributing my
by israel (Hija del Zion para                                                     para Israel - Daughter of Zion           written impressions of life here in
Israel - Daughter of Zion for                                                     for Israel)                              Israel.      Even after moving
Israel)                                                                                                                    experiences last year on Yom
                                                                                  Submitted at 6/22/2010 3:00:00 PM        HaZikaron and Y...
Submitted at 6/22/2010 4:58:00 PM                                                  Lecturer: Rav Michael Laitman           • A Revolution of the Mind: Radical
 By Janine Zacharia JERUSALEM —                                                   Date: 2010-06-23                         Enlightenment and the Intellectual
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin                                                    Video: ENG 39.21MB                      Origins of Modern Democracy
Netanyahu’s national security adviser                                              Audio: ENG 7MB                          Product DescriptionDemocracy, free
said Tuesday that the push for                                                     Hija del Zion para Israel Support       thought and expression, religious
Palestinian statehood has w…                                                      Israel                                   tolerance, individual liberty, political
 Hija del Zion para Israel Support                                                • Small Fortress, Terezin, Czech         self-determination of peoples, sexual
Israel                                                                            Republic Image taken on 2004-10-18       and racial equality--these values have
• Anat Kamm’s Alleged National                                                    13:19:41 by Emmanuel Dyan....            firmly en...
Security Threat When the Shin Bet                                                 • Yom HaZikaron and Yom
removed the gag order against Anat                                                Haatzmaut, 5770 Despite some             Original post source
Kamm recently and released a new         advanced learning site of     requests, I have generally felt self-
indictment, it accused her of harming    • Remember this picture? Remember
the security of the State of Israel by
stealing documents whose contents
                                         this picture?                    This
                                         picture was taken on September 30,
                                         2000, the Eve of Rosh HaShanna, the
                                                                                  Israel: Spy Satellite Is
• How to Affix a Mezuzah Animated
video demonstrating how to affix a
Mezuzah on your doorpost according
                                         Jewish New Year. On September 30,
                                         2000, The Ne...                          Launched
to Jewish law. Produced by               Original post source                     by israel (Hija del Zion para, the more                                                      Israel - Daughter of Zion for
Part 3: Introduction to The Study                                                 Submitted at 6/22/2010 7:45:00 PM

                                                                                   By DINA KRAFT Israel launched a
of the Ten Sefirot (Rav Yehuda                                                    spy satellite into orbit Tuesday night
                                                                                  from an air force base near the center
Ashlag), Item 76, Lesson 18                                                       of the country. The new satellite,
                                                                                  known as Ofek-9…
by Bnei-Baruch (Hija del Zion            Independence...                           Hija del Zion para Israel Support
para Israel - Daughter of Zion           • Shofar III Excerpt from world          Israel
for Israel)                              premiere of Shofar III, composed by      • Tere Bin from Dehli Heights Rabbi
                                         Alvin Curran for shofar, keyboard,       Shergill Brought To you by
Submitted at 6/22/2010 3:00:00 PM        electronics, bullroarer, corrugated
 Lecturer: Rav Michael Laitman           tube, and percussion, performed by       • Denmark: Wrong ‘murderer’ being        participation in 1967, 73 wars Al
Date: 2010-06-23                         Curran ...                               targeted Denmark: Wrong 'murderer'       Quds has an article about a new book
 Video: ENG 44.23MB                      • Sterling Silver Jerusalem Cross        being targetedSee also: Sweden:          written by former Algerian defense
 Audio: ENG 7.88MB                       Charm Product DescriptionThis is a       Muslim community fears violence          minister Major General Khalid Nizar
 Hija del Zion para Israel Support       beautiful new Sterling Silver            after attack on elderly                  where he details Algeria's
Israel                                   Jerusalem Cross Charm. It is a great     coupleWednesday before Easter,           participation in aiding the Egyptian
• Today is the third anniversary of      gift for yourself or a loved one and     Ahmad Akileh (20) of Denmark got a       army from 1967 to 1971, a...
Hamas’ bloody coup Palestinian           makes the perfect addition to any        shock. Sev...
Arabs love anniversaries of what they    jewelry collection. Style-Cha...         • Algeria reveals the extent of its      Original post source
consider their defeats. They annually
celebrate the anniversaries of the       Original post source
Balfour Declaration, of the UN
Partition resolution, of Israel's

The Secret Arms Deal between Israel and
Apartheid South Africa – Th…
by israel (Hija del Zion para            Israel                                                                            And Animals… Liberal
Israel - Daughter of Zion for            • Dribble The initial dangerous clash                                             multiculturalists insist that Islam is
Israel)                                  between Israel and the Obama                                                      the same as other major world
                                         administration has become ongoing                                                 religions. As usual, they are full of
Submitted at 6/22/2010 8:22:00 PM        posturing by both Bibi Netanyahu                                                  shit...     The leader of the Iranian
 Benjamin Netanyahu & Mahmoud            and Washington. It has taken on the                                               Revolution in 1989, Ayatollah
Ahmadinejad (AP Photo 2) , about a       quality of a game . . . with us as the                                            Ruhollah Kho...
secret deal between Israel and South     g...
Africa, has created controversy          • 100215-N-0696M-459 Image taken         • Ayatollah Khomeini Book Of             Original post source
around the world but has la…             on 2010-02-15 17:28:45 by Chairman       Rules For Having Sex With Children
 Hija del Zion para Israel Support       of the Joint Chiefs of Staff....
FeedJournal Basic                                                                7

Part 1: The Book of Zohar –
Selections, chapter
"Vayetze", item 88, lesson 7
by Bnei-Baruch (Hija del Zion            transplant and YOU might be a
para Israel - Daughter of Zion           match.Since tissue type is inherited,
for Israel)                              Zack...
                                         • Olney Kehilah Torah Mantle – In
Submitted at 6/22/2010 3:00:00 PM        progress Image taken on 2007-09-16
 Lecturer: Rav Michael Laitman           13:17:34 by Carly & Art....
Date: 2010-06-23                         • Rudy: We Must Remain on Offense
 Video: ENG 55.68MB                      Against Islamic Terrorism Mayor
 Audio: ENG 9.92MB                       Rudy Giuliani tells Fox News why
 Hija del Zion para Israel Support       Benazir Bhutto's assassination
Israel                                   underscores the need to stay on
• Bone Marrow Transplant needed          offense in the Terrorists' War on
for YU Student Yeshiva College           Us....
student Zack is 20 years old and was
recently diagnosed with leukemia. He     Original post source
is in need of a bone marrow

by NoahDavidSimon (Hija del              people. When Justin I a...
Zion para Israel - Daughter of           • Turkey: Two-day-old girl murdered
Zion for Israel)                         in honor killing Turkey: Two-day-old
                                         girl murdered in honor killing
Submitted at 6/22/2010 2:55:00 PM        ...
 via           • D’var Torah – Sh’mini: Your Body
Posted via web from                      is a Temple by Joe Rooks Rapport
noahdavidsimon’s posterous               (Originally published in Ten Minutes
 Hija del Zion para Israel Support       of Torah and Reform Voices of
Israel                                   Torah)Once upon a time in a parallel
• This Day, April 1, In Jewish           universe that has yet to emerge, just
History April 1 In Jewish History527:    one......
Byzantine Emperor Justin I names his
nephew Justinian I as co-ruler and       Original post source
successor to the throne. This was a
“lose-lose” proposition for the Jewish

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Para israel23062010

  • 1. FeedJournal Basic 6/22/2010 at 2:39:05 PM - 6/23/2010 at 5:17:34 AM A C- for Prof. Fish by Gershom Gorenberg (Hija students, every last one of them, hate seeing a class full of students more del Zion para Israel - Daughter to use their minds, interested in tough questions than of Zion for Israel) [s]tudent evaluations, by their very easy answers. But the thought does nature, can only recognize, and by creep into the very edge of my Submitted at 6/22/2010 2:39:05 PM recognizing encourage, assembly- consciousness that prejudice can Gershom Gorenberg? line teaching that delivers a nicely blind you to the character of the Prof. Stanley Fish has a regular packaged product that can be people sitting right in front of you. online column in the New York assessed as easily and immediately In any case, Stanley, I’d like to see a Times on education society. His latest as one assesses the quality of a rewrite by five p.m. next Monday. post is intended as a critique of right- wing efforts to treat universities as businesses, and specifically of of a hamburger. This defamation of an entire population is unnecessary for Fish’s See if you can make your argument without slipping into stereotypes. Hija del Zion para Israel Support Turkey’s proposed “reform” (“deform” would be a better term) of the Texas A&M college system. argument. It is insupportable generalization, and a tangent. It shows sloppy thinking. Israel • yom haatzmaut 2 israel's 60... • Antwerp: “Islam is a completely State of Criticizing free-market attempts to hijack higher education is a good idea. Fish, however, ruins his It also shows quite a lot of bitterness. Honestly, I feel sorry for Prof. Fish. Judging from what he writes, he intolerant system” — Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami Barnard himself was unhappy about the Terror argument with a needless, grumpy didn’t get the kind of classmates I had incident: “Isn’t it appalling that an by Daniel Greenfield @ the rant against students. as an undergrad at UC Santa Cruz, intellectual wants to give a lecture in Sultan Knish blog (Hija del Zion Students, Fish says, all students, the who loved pulling apart what Prof. the year 2010, and needs police para Israel - Daughter of Zion whole awful lot of them, Neu presented in his intro to moral protection? Actually, this is my best for Israel) …like everything neatly laid out; they philosophy and who kept on arguing lecture ever.... Submitted at 6/22/2010 7:39:00 PM want to know exactly where they are; about Socrates, Hume and Sartre for • Israel Denounces Castro With these they don’t welcome the introduction many hours after class. Nor, it seems, outrageous comments, Fidel Castro This week Turkish forces invaded of multiple perspectives, especially has had the pleasure of working with shames his old-time companions and Iraq and its warplanes bombed 7 when no master perspective students like the ones I had last the ideals he always pretended to Kurdish villages killing a teenage girl reconciles them; they want the semester at Columbia’s journalism serve. Che Guevara must be spinning and wounding her mother and 3 year answers. school, who took deep pleasure in in his grave,” Israeli Foreign Ministry old sister. A week ago Iran had done Good teaching, he says, sometimes discussing the multiple perspectives spokesman... the same things, killing a 14 year old requires “the deliberate inducing of shown by different writers dealing girl and a 45 year old woman. There confusion, the withholding of clarity, with the same events. Original post source are no shouts of protest. No the refusal to provide answers.” But It has to be tough, spending your TURKEY’S page 2 because those shallow, callow whole career teaching and never Five-year-old Ukrainian boy slaughtered by Muslim shouting "Allahu akbar" by Robert (Hija del Zion para bird up there.” reportedly hiding in the loft. item 27, lesson 8 Lecturer: Rav Israel - Daughter of Zion for When the youngster glanced upward He allegedly confessed to the crime, Michael LaitmanDate: 2010-03- Israel) the maniac plunged a knife into his telling police that he was ordered to 11Audio: ENG 5.51MB ... throat, Pravda said. kill the boy by spirits. • Kurt Adler Polonaise Hand-Blown Submitted at 6/22/2010 3:20:48 PM The June 18 killing has threatened to “The man screamed Allahu Akbar Hand-Painted Menorah “The Five-year-old Ukrainian boy ignite tension in the town of (Arabic for ‘God is great’) when Christmas Light of Joy”, Christmas slaughtered by Muslim shouting Dneprovka, in Ukraine’s Crimea killing the boy, “said a shocked local. Ornament European glass collectible “Allahu akbar” And authorities are region, after it emerged that the 27- “The kid was slaughtered like a ornaments made in Poland and worried that this horrific slaughter year-old knifeman was a suspected goat.” created in age-old traditionPolonaise will “ignite tension” — instead of Muslim fanatic, the Russian online Other residents of the town said that Menorah-the Light of JoyMade in calling upon the Muslim community newspaper reported. the man had serious mental health PolandGlassMouth-blown glass, to renounce once and for all any and The victim’s three-year-old sister issues. meticulously sculpted in fine detail all teachings involving any kind of Lena Shemyakina and her five-year- Of course. They always do. and h... violence against Infidels. “Ukrainian old friend were among a group of Posted by Robert on June 22, 2010 • Bern: Gym hall for Muslim women Boy, 5, Slaughtered ‘Like a Goat’ by young children who witnessed the 3:20 PM Bern: Gym hall for Muslim Religious Fanatic,” from NewsCore, horrifying attack. | 7 Comments womenThe Swiss Islamic Central June 22 (thanks to DJM): Viktor’s mother, named only as Print this entry Council is making headlines recently. A 5-year-old Ukrainian boy was Angelina, heard their screams and ran | Email this entry See also Switzerland: Young slaughtered by an alleged religious out of the house to find her child | Digg this converts could pose national security fanatic as he played in a sandpit with lying in a pool of blood. | threat----------By the end of April, ... his friends, Pravda reported Tuesday. Police arrested the prime suspect, | The stranger strolled up to little named by Pravda as Server Hija del Zion para Israel Support Original post source Viktor Shemyakin before pointing to Ibragimov, three hours later at his Israel a tree and saying: “Look, there is a parents’ house, where he was • Part 2: Beit Shaar Ha-Kavanot,
  • 2. 2 FeedJournal Basic TURKEY’S continued from page 1 worldwide demonstrations. The with the attacks. blind eye to everything Turkey does. Israel (though of course they oppose Obama administration and the media The hypocrisy here is rather pungent Even when Erdogan openly collective punishment) such did not deliver any lectures on as bus bombings were a common tool threatened to ethnically cleanse “luminaries” as Ken Loach, John disproportionate force. Not even of the Hamas terrorist organization, Armenians again, if they complained Berger, Iain Banks, Eve Ensler and when Erdogan vowed to drown the which is closely supported by about Turkey’s original genocide of Danny Glover might give a thought Kurdish rebels“in their own blood”. Erdogan. As a radical Islamist, their people, in the presence of UK for her, and for what an actual Instead Ambassador James J. Jeffrey Erdogan’s ties to terrorism run deep. Prime Minister Gordon Brown. Nor totalitarian regime that occupies the slavishly rushed to assure Turkey’s Not only was he personally jailed, but did Brown raise the subject with lands of other people and suppresses Thug in Chief Erdogan that the PKK Erdogan and his AKP party are tied Erdogan. Unlike when Israeli soldiers their identities looks like. was also America’s enemy and up with Yassin Qadi, a Saudi board a Turkish boat sent to aid But of course that would require promised to “urgently” review any businessman who was marked by the Hamas, are stabbed and beaten and integrity, which is in rather short request for help against them. No US Treasury as a “ Specially defend themselves, then the British supply among those folks. That is the such help was offered to the Kurds, Designated Global Terrorist“who government quickly demanded same reason why human rights has whose villages were being bombed funneled millions of dollars to Osama answers from Israel. That is because become a sham. Why genocide could from the sky using planes sold to bin Laden. Cuneyt Zapsu, a co- like every Islamist regime, Turkey go on in the Sudan, while human Turkey by the United States. Despite founder of the AKP party and an gets a free pass to do whatever it rights groups panhandling for the fact that Iraqi Kurds, unlike Erdogan advisor, meanwhile only likes, whether it’s occupying Cyprus, donations in Saudi Arabia, have Turkey, supported the US liberation passed along 300,000 dollars to Al invading Iraq and bombing villages focused mainly on raving and ranting of Iraq. Because that’s what friends Queda, through Qadi. there, or imprisoning 12 year olds for against Israel. It’s why the Human of the United States get from the Meanwhile in a country where singing folk songs. And Turkey’s Rights Council at the UN features Obama Administration. A kick in the members of a Kurdish youth choir as pipeline power doesn’t hurt either, as such notable defenders of human face. And what our enemies get is a young as 12 were arrested and faced Europe finds itself on the wrong end rights as Saudi Arabia, Cuba and slobbering kiss on the cheek. years in prison for singing a Kurdish of energy based hydraulic despotism. Russia. And why Erdogan feels free The PKK is a terrorist organization, folk song, that also happens to be the Germany may keep Turkey out of to conduct a state of terror at home, but it is not our enemy and it does not anthem of the anthem of Iraq’s the EU, not that Europe would have and even invade Iraq, because he have anything to do with us. Any Kurdistan Regional Government at survived more than a decade of a knows that he will never be held reason for providing aid to Turkey the San Francisco International Music state of affairs in which a Muslim accountable for it. against the PKK ended with the Cold Festival in 2007– Al Queda openly population in the tens of millions, Hija del Zion para Israel Support War. Especially considering Turkey’s publishes its own magazine, “Kaide” half of whom earns 20 dollars a Israel shakedown of the US during the out of an office in the middle of month suddenly had access to every • temporary marriage The apologists Kosovo operation and its refusal to Istanbul. This is no accident. Erdogan country in the EU. But the never refer to the fact that there are support US forces in the liberation of claims there’s no such thing as apologetics being penned for Turkey over a quarter of a million street Iraq. The United States has no reason Islamic terrorism, just as he claimed in the Western media claiming that children in Iran who do not officially to provide military assistance to a that there’s no such thing as genocide Turkey’s move to the Islamist camp exist. They have no identity, no birth regime that is not willing to do the by Muslims, when he welcomed is the act of a spurned EU lover, have certificates. They are born and ... same. Sudan’s mass murdering leader, it wrong. This was a long range and • Obama uses Roger Cohen to While the US has consistently Omar Hassan al-Bashir, who is well financed effort accomplished by threaten Netanyahu Obama uses backed Turkey against the PKK– the wanted for crimes against humanity. the same Saudis who funded Al Roger Cohen to threaten Netanyahu Turkish regime has in response What Erdogan has done is legitimize Queda. Turkey once made the Just when you thought that the accused the US of supporting the Muslim terrorism and genocide. Even transition from Imperialism to Obama administration's handling of PKK in order to divide Turkey. as he rants about Kurdish attacks on Fascism. Now it is going from diplomacy could not be any more Ankara knows very well that this is a Turkey. Fascism to Islamism. am... lie, but it is part of a domestic It’s understandable why Erdogan and Meanwhile European humanitarians • Ancient Text Unearthed in a campaign aimed at demonizing the his regime would be worried about and American liberals will continue Hidden City in Israel The Elah US. Just as the chairman of the ruling the Kurds. Turkey occupies and rules vocally denouncing Israel for every Fortress, overlooking the valley of AKP Islamist party, Hüseyin Çelik, over 12 million of them. And those talking point sent their way by Elah, where the bible says that David has accused Israel of being behind the are the official statistics of a regime Hamas. But suppose they spare a and Goliath fought on Sunday PKK bombing in ?skenderun (legally which at one time actually glance for 12 million Kurds living November 2, 2008. Archaeologists Syrian territory, in practice occupied criminalized any attempt to list under Erdogan’s oppression. Or its have discovered what they say is the Kurdistan) in order to continue the separate Kurdish populations. Armenians who dare not lift their old... regime’s campaign of hateful Suggesting that the real numbers may heads. Or the continuing occupation incitement. (This is particularly ironic be far higher. But the real question is of Cyprus. Or perhaps the ongoing Original post source as Turkey is actually using Israeli why we should care. Erdogan and the imprisonment of Leyla Zana, who on drone s against the Kurdish rebels, AKP are pushing Turkey on an anti- becoming the first woman elected to and Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu American path. Meanwhile the Kurds the Turkish parliament was sentenced helped Turkey capture PKK leader are vital to stabilizing Iraq. Which to ten years in jail for taking her oath Abdullah Ocalan.) Further exploiting suggests that perhaps we should be in Kurdish. Despite winning the the more recent Istanbul bus bombing focusing more on the rights of the Sakharov Prize and being nominated for all it’s worth, Erdogan accused Kurds, than the demands of the twice for the Nobel Peace Prize, Zana everyone from the media to his own Turks. is still in jail today. Perhaps in political opposition of being tied up But the US and Europe have turned a between declaring boycotts against Overnight music video (with bonus) by Carl in Jerusalem (Hija del Solomon. AM for Jeans, Jackets, Vests, Hats, Zion para Israel - Daughter of Let’s go to the videotape. Hija del Zion para Israel Support Backpacks, Scrapboo... Zion for Israel) And the second is Shloime Dachs Israel • Rabash, Shlavei Hasulam, article with his son Dovid (who looks to be a • UK: Al-Qaeda operatives want to "Make yourself a Rav and buy Submitted at 6/22/2010 5:12:00 PM little older than 11 – I’d guess 12 or kill us, but we must protect them UK: yourself a friend – 2", lesson Overnight music video (with bonus) 13). Al-Qaeda operatives want to kill us, 3(evening) Lecturer: Rav Michael The other song that boy wonder Let’s go to the videotape. but we must protect them LaitmanDate: 2010-06-14Video: Yonatan Sheinfeld sang at the By the way, if you can make out the ... ENG 27.43MB Audio: ENG 4.89MB wedding I attended on Monday night words (unfortunately with the crowd • Jerusalem Flag Embroidered Patch ... was Anovim. Unfortunately, I haven’t noise it’s sometimes difficult), Israel Iron-On Jewish Emblem Iron- been able to find Sheinfeld singing it. they’re stunning. They talk about the On or Sew to Any GarmentPatch is Original post source So here are two other versions. The Messiah’s arrival. It should only 3.5-inches wide x 2.5-inches tallTop first is the 4th grade choir at Yeshiva happen speedily and in our times. Quality, Detailed EmbroideryIroned- Torah Vodaas led by Yehoshua posted by Carl in Jerusalem @ 3:12 on Patches Will Not Come OffPerfect
  • 3. FeedJournal Basic 3 Uproar in Israel over top secret prisoner by paraisrael (Hija del Zion para Israel - Daughter of Zion for Israel) Submitted at 6/22/2010 3:15:09 PM by looking4poetry Uproar in Israel over top secret prisoner JERUSALEM: Speculation was widespread in Israel last night over the identity of a mysterious prisoner being held for unspecified crimes in the maximum security Ayalon jail. Read more on Brisbane Times Uproar in Israel over top secret prisoner JERUSALEM: Speculation was Jews repeatedly attacked regularly widespread in Israel last night over the identity of a mysterious prisoner being held for unspecified crimes in in city of Anne Frank the maximum security Ayalon jail. Read more on Sydney Morning by NoahDavidSimon (Hija del youths giving the Hitler salute. The organizations smugly pass one Herald Zion para Israel - Daughter of footage was recorded with a hidden condemnatory resolution after Hija del Zion para Israel Support Zion for Israel) camera. The rabbi and two school another against Israel while the Israel children went to various Obama administration either joins in • The Israel Conference™ Features Submitted at 6/22/2010 6:23:00 PM neighbourhoods in Amsterdam last or demurs with a wink. This is over $200 Billion in Revenues and In the land of Anne Frank: week and were confronted not only something new in the world, this Investment Capital from Industry Anti-Semitism has gotten so ugly in by Hitler salutes but also by verbal almost complete segregation of Israel Lions of Israel … by Nationaal The Netherlands that Jews walking abuse. in the community of nations….There Archief The Israel Conference™ along Amsterdam’s street are being An earlier radio broadcast by the is a chilling familiarity in all this. One Features over 0 Billion in Revenues harassed by young Muslims who yell Jewish Broadcasting Organisation of the world’s oldest stories is playing and Investment Capital from Industry insults or give Nazi salutes. showed that the situation is equally out before our eyes: The Jews are Lions of Israel ... The Israel Last Sunday, a Dutch TV channel serious in some other parts of the being scapegoated again.” Conference™ featured an array of aired a secretly recorded video that Netherlands, including the city of (Thanks to readers Sam and John.) over 60 CEOs spe... showed a rabbi enduring such Rotterdam. via Posted via • Growing rift within US harassment, according to a Dutch Here’s the Rabbi walking through web from noahdavidsimon’s administration over Israel The issue news report. Amsterdam, to be greeted with shouts posterous of illegal Israeli settlements in To fight such anti-Semitism, Acting of “Jew” and a Nazi salute:: Hija del Zion para Israel Support occupied East Jerusalem has strained Amsterdam Mayor Lodewijk Asscher is alleged: Israel ties between Israel and the US, has hit upon a novel crime-fighting Here’s a still (“Jood” is Dutch for • Ha’Ari Ashkenazi Synagogue although officials have said there is idea: “Decoy Jews.” Jew): Image taken on 2008-08-17 21:01:25 no serious tensio... Dutch police “already use people Another clip: by upyernoz.... • Israel Kamakawiwo’ole’- posing as pensioners and gay men in Shelby Steele on the renewed Jew- • Chief Rabbi Lau speaks on Somewhere over the rainbow lyrics an effort to catch muggers and gay- hatred: Holocaust Remembrance Day Chief Ok, this ones for Gabby Ooooo bashers,” noted DutchNews. So the Rock bands now find moral Rabbi Israel Meir Lau, Chairman of oooooo oooooo Somewhere over the use of “decoy Jews” represents a new imprimatur in canceling their summer the Yad Vashem Council, speaks on rainbow Way up high And the dreams variation of an old crime-fighting tour stops in Israel …. A Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' that you dreamed of Once in a lullaby tactic…. A country of 16.3 million, demonstrator at an anti-Israel rally in Remembrance Day in Jerusalem at Somewhere over the rainbow Blue ... The Netherlands’ Muslim population New York carries a sign depicting the Yad Vashem during the Central ... numbers 945,000 or 5.8%. skull and crossbones drawn over the • Maimo Yom Hazikaron Assembly More on Rabbi Lody van de Kamp’s word ‘Israel.’ White House 5770 (1/9)... walk through Amsterdam: correspondent Helen Thomas, in one A TV programme broadcast on of the ugliest incarnations of this Original post source Sunday by the Jewish Broadcasting voice, calls on Jews to move back to Organisation showed rabbi Lody van Poland. And of course the United de Kamp confronted by Moroccan Nations and other international
  • 4. 4 FeedJournal Basic Part 2: Preface to the Saudi Vice, episode 30: A great way Sulam Commentary, item 68, Lesson 22 to start a marriage by Bnei-Baruch (Hija del Zion by Elder of Ziyon (Hija del Zion para Israel - Daughter of Zion para Israel - Daughter of Zion for Israel) for Israel) Submitted at 6/22/2010 3:00:00 PM Submitted at 6/22/2010 6:18:00 PM Lecturer: Rav Michael Laitman A young man in the town of Al Jouf, Date: 2010-06-23 Saudi Arabia, apparently had some Video: ENG 28.25MB compromising pictures of a young Audio: ENG 5.04MB lady. It is unclear how he came to Hija del Zion para Israel Support gain these photos – at times, men Israel cajole women to take pictures of • How To Attend a Jewish Funeral themselves and send them over email; Funerals are stressful enough without other times men take the pictures having to wonder if you’re doing and themselves during an illicit saying the right thing. So here’s a relationship. primer for Jewish funerals. ... As is often the case, the man • Shiloh Musings: Catholic father unfortunately doesn’t mention how Judaism.... attempted to blackmail this woman, baptizes Jewish daughter and defies ecstatic the woman must be to have a • Camera: Gun-running Bishop in threatening to expose these pictures court order As a man who made a chance to spend the rest of her life Flotilla Retired Archbishop Hilarion unless she does what he wanted. child with a gentile this issue comes with a man who tried to blackmail Capucci joined the Free Gaza The courageous young woman called close to my heart, but I understand her, nor whether he already has a wife Movement's aid Flotilla to the Gaza up our heroes at the Muttawa, also that in the end a human being grows or three. However, we can be sure Strip on the Mavi Marmara. To known as the Hai’a, otherwise known up and makes his own decisions. We that the Commission is very happy Reuters he said: "Our trip to Gaza as the Commission for the Promotion should have more faith in our kids... over its new role as a matchmaker, was a trip of love and God was with of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, to • Biden’s message of reassurance and will attempt to convince other us. ... take appropriate action against this Biden's message of reassurance young women of the advantages of • Israels Heat Wave Israels heat blackmailer. Some comments from Shmuel Rosner marrying those who had heretofore wave on Saturday March 8 The Hai’a jumped into action, on Biden's speech (I guess he didn't just been using them. 2008.Israeli people at Nitzanim meeting the young man and wait for the questions). I'm sticking Good job! Beach enjoining the warm weather. interrogating him. my com... Hija del Zion para Israel Support All photos by Rafael Ben-Ari/ But instead of arresting him, they Israel Chameleons Eye ... arranged a different kind of Original post source • Judaism 101: Part 1 of 4 The first punishment: the young man and lady video of this series explores the topics Original post source are now going to get married. of who is a Jew and what is The article in the Saudi Gazette Ripping the UN Human No One Ever Wins: Rights Council for its Lebanon In The Summer Of Hezbollah Institutional Use) double standards by paraisrael (Hija del Zion para Israel - Daughter of Zion by Robert (Hija del Zion para homosexuality is part of a broader Israel - Daughter of Zion for sexual ethic. But u... for Israel) Israel) • The Nazi Connection to Islamic Submitted at 6/22/2010 7:20:08 PM Terrorism: Adolf Hitler and Haj Submitted at 6/22/2010 2:55:16 PM Amin al-Husseini Product No One Ever Wins: Lebanon In The Ripping the UN Human Rights DescriptionThis is the remarkable Summer Of Hezbollah Institutional Council for its double standards story of Haj Amin al-Husseini, who Use) The great Hillel Neuer of UN Watch in many ways was as big a Nazi Rating:(out of reviews) (thanks to Steven). villain as Hitler, and to understand his List Price: Posted by Robert on June 22, 2010 influence on the Middle East is to Price: $ 50.00 correspondents seem to relish the 2:55 PM understand t... The last post on war: Thoughts, citing of non-binding findings in | No Comments • Basics of Biblical Hebrew wishes, duty… a poem international law that disfavor Israel - Print this entry Grammar: Second Edition ISBN13: Image by FlickrJunkie - like the ICJs advisory opinion on | Email this entry 9780310270201Condition: USED - Find More Israel Lebanon War the security fence in 2004. They are | Digg this LIKE NEWNotes: Product Products much ... | DescriptionBasics of Biblical Hija del Zion para Israel Support • Breaking the Makhoul Gag: | Hebrew, today's best-selling Israel Alleged Hezbollah Agent is Maronite Hija del Zion para Israel Support introductory Hebrew grammar, has • Hezbollah’s Nasrallah Linked to Cousin of Samir Geagea Rechavia Israel just gotten better with additional, Incoming Lebanese Ship Yasser Berman has done it again. He was • Context, Fairness, and Gays When linguis... Kashlak, organizer of another flotilla the first journalist/blogger to break it comes to issues like "don't ask, which will be leaving from Beirut, the story of the Ameer Makhoul don't tell," part of the problem is Original post source has been found to be a friend of arrest and his secret detention. Now, missing context. As Robert Knight Hezbollah's Secretary General Hassan he’s broken the gag again by notes, the moral case against Nasrallah. Related posts:Iran, revealing the ... Hezbollah, and A... • For Reuters, only Israel is subject to international law Reuters
  • 5. FeedJournal Basic 5 Wedding season revisited by Carl in Jerusalem (Hija del .Blessing for the home Product Zion para Israel - Daughter of DescriptionHandmade 3D Art print Zion for Israel) by Reuven Mas... • EU: Anti-Israel protests EU: Anti- Submitted at 6/22/2010 9:27:00 PM Israel protestsPictures and videos Wedding season revisited I went to from anti-Israel protests.This article two more weddings last night, came was prepared by the Islam in home and promptly fell asleep in E u r o p e b l o g - front of the computer. islamineurope.blogspot.comSpainPari Sorry about that. sOsloDenmarkBrusselsAthensBelfast posted by Carl in Jerusalem @ 7:27 St... AM • Part 1: The Book of Zohar – Hija del Zion para Israel Support Selections, chapter “Vayikra”, item Israel 323, lesson 14 Lecturer: Rav Michael • 3d Judaica Art Home Blessing – LaitmanDate: 2010-05-27Text: ENG Sights of Israel 3D handcrafted 0.47MB... Decoupage Judaic ArtArtist - Reuven MaselShipped with Frame designed Original post source to enhance 3D effectMuseum Quality Arab minority in Israel gets more radical by israel (Hija del Zion para Israel - Daughter of Zion for Israel) Submitted at 6/22/2010 5:57:00 PM By Benjamin Birnbaum While confronting threats abroad, Israel faces a challenge closer to home — the increasing radicalization of its Arab minority, according… Hija del Zion para Israel Support Piracy Israel • Language of the Heart Parashat VaYigashBereishit 44:18 "...May by Yaakov Kirschen (Hija del Israel your servant say something into the Zion para Israel - Daughter of • Letters: Israel’s right to defend the ear of my master."With these words Tzip... Zion for Israel) nation against terrorism While there Yehudah began his request to Yosef. • Letter from the Hotel Zamenhof On was in-depth coverage of the He wanted to ask for amnesty, and Being Shocked, Shocked to Learn Submitted at 6/22/2010 8:00:00 PM legitimacy of Israel's right to defend therefore he wante... That Israel Is Not a Liberal Utopia The lawless “wild west” of 20th its citizens in your reports, comment • Biden won’t meet Lieberman; Gershom Gorenberg My new column century Hollywood movies has been and letters, little was said about Netanyahu silent Biden won't meet is up at the American Prospect: translated into the 21 century. The Mahmoud al-Mabhouh. Al-Mabhouh Lieberman; Netanyahu silent Meyer Landsman lives in the Hotel Somali Pirates are the outlaws raiding was a senior mem... Joe Biden will meet with everyone Zamenhof. Landsman is the hero... stagecoaches. The Flotilla battles are • Anti-Israel protests over flotilla who's anyone while he's here. becoming like the American range attack intensify Thousands gather Binyamin Netanyahu. Ehud Barak. Original post source wars between farmers and cattlemen. around the world to demonstrate “Why can’t the Farmer and the against Israel's attack on Gaza aid Cowman just be friends?” goes the flotilla... frustrated refrain of the peace-loving • TeFILLIN | phylacteries"And you audience.* * * Meanwhile, the world shall bind them as a sign on your arm media shields us from seeing the ..." (Deuteronomy 6:8) COMPLETE massive world-wide assault on VIDEO ON modern society and its freedoms by ...... ferocious, totalitarian Islamism.-Dry Bones- Israel’s Political Comic Strip Original post source Since 1973 Hija del Zion para Israel Support
  • 6. 6 FeedJournal Basic Adviser to Israel’s Netanyahu Part 4: Writings of Rabash, Shlavey questions Mideast peace ha Sulam, article "Make yourself a Rav and buy yourself a friend – 1" effort, new I… by Bnei-Baruch (Hija del Zion conscious about distributing my by israel (Hija del Zion para para Israel - Daughter of Zion written impressions of life here in Israel - Daughter of Zion for for Israel) Israel. Even after moving Israel) experiences last year on Yom Submitted at 6/22/2010 3:00:00 PM HaZikaron and Y... Submitted at 6/22/2010 4:58:00 PM Lecturer: Rav Michael Laitman • A Revolution of the Mind: Radical By Janine Zacharia JERUSALEM — Date: 2010-06-23 Enlightenment and the Intellectual Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Video: ENG 39.21MB Origins of Modern Democracy Netanyahu’s national security adviser Audio: ENG 7MB Product DescriptionDemocracy, free said Tuesday that the push for Hija del Zion para Israel Support thought and expression, religious Palestinian statehood has w… Israel tolerance, individual liberty, political Hija del Zion para Israel Support • Small Fortress, Terezin, Czech self-determination of peoples, sexual Israel Republic Image taken on 2004-10-18 and racial equality--these values have • Anat Kamm’s Alleged National 13:19:41 by Emmanuel Dyan.... firmly en... Security Threat When the Shin Bet • Yom HaZikaron and Yom removed the gag order against Anat Haatzmaut, 5770 Despite some Original post source Kamm recently and released a new advanced learning site of requests, I have generally felt self- indictment, it accused her of harming • Remember this picture? Remember the security of the State of Israel by stealing documents whose contents wou... this picture? This picture was taken on September 30, 2000, the Eve of Rosh HaShanna, the Israel: Spy Satellite Is • How to Affix a Mezuzah Animated video demonstrating how to affix a Mezuzah on your doorpost according Jewish New Year. On September 30, 2000, The Ne... Launched to Jewish law. Produced by Original post source by israel (Hija del Zion para, the more Israel - Daughter of Zion for Israel) Part 3: Introduction to The Study Submitted at 6/22/2010 7:45:00 PM By DINA KRAFT Israel launched a of the Ten Sefirot (Rav Yehuda spy satellite into orbit Tuesday night from an air force base near the center Ashlag), Item 76, Lesson 18 of the country. The new satellite, known as Ofek-9… by Bnei-Baruch (Hija del Zion Independence... Hija del Zion para Israel Support para Israel - Daughter of Zion • Shofar III Excerpt from world Israel for Israel) premiere of Shofar III, composed by • Tere Bin from Dehli Heights Rabbi Alvin Curran for shofar, keyboard, Shergill Brought To you by Submitted at 6/22/2010 3:00:00 PM electronics, bullroarer, corrugated Lecturer: Rav Michael Laitman tube, and percussion, performed by • Denmark: Wrong ‘murderer’ being participation in 1967, 73 wars Al Date: 2010-06-23 Curran ... targeted Denmark: Wrong 'murderer' Quds has an article about a new book Video: ENG 44.23MB • Sterling Silver Jerusalem Cross being targetedSee also: Sweden: written by former Algerian defense Audio: ENG 7.88MB Charm Product DescriptionThis is a Muslim community fears violence minister Major General Khalid Nizar Hija del Zion para Israel Support beautiful new Sterling Silver after attack on elderly where he details Algeria's Israel Jerusalem Cross Charm. It is a great coupleWednesday before Easter, participation in aiding the Egyptian • Today is the third anniversary of gift for yourself or a loved one and Ahmad Akileh (20) of Denmark got a army from 1967 to 1971, a... Hamas’ bloody coup Palestinian makes the perfect addition to any shock. Sev... Arabs love anniversaries of what they jewelry collection. Style-Cha... • Algeria reveals the extent of its Original post source consider their defeats. They annually celebrate the anniversaries of the Original post source Balfour Declaration, of the UN Partition resolution, of Israel's The Secret Arms Deal between Israel and Apartheid South Africa – Th… by israel (Hija del Zion para Israel And Animals… Liberal Israel - Daughter of Zion for • Dribble The initial dangerous clash multiculturalists insist that Islam is Israel) between Israel and the Obama the same as other major world administration has become ongoing religions. As usual, they are full of Submitted at 6/22/2010 8:22:00 PM posturing by both Bibi Netanyahu shit... The leader of the Iranian Benjamin Netanyahu & Mahmoud and Washington. It has taken on the Revolution in 1989, Ayatollah Ahmadinejad (AP Photo 2) , about a quality of a game . . . with us as the Ruhollah Kho... secret deal between Israel and South g... Africa, has created controversy • 100215-N-0696M-459 Image taken • Ayatollah Khomeini Book Of Original post source around the world but has la… on 2010-02-15 17:28:45 by Chairman Rules For Having Sex With Children Hija del Zion para Israel Support of the Joint Chiefs of Staff....
  • 7. FeedJournal Basic 7 Part 1: The Book of Zohar – Selections, chapter "Vayetze", item 88, lesson 7 by Bnei-Baruch (Hija del Zion transplant and YOU might be a para Israel - Daughter of Zion match.Since tissue type is inherited, for Israel) Zack... • Olney Kehilah Torah Mantle – In Submitted at 6/22/2010 3:00:00 PM progress Image taken on 2007-09-16 Lecturer: Rav Michael Laitman 13:17:34 by Carly & Art.... Date: 2010-06-23 • Rudy: We Must Remain on Offense Video: ENG 55.68MB Against Islamic Terrorism Mayor Audio: ENG 9.92MB Rudy Giuliani tells Fox News why Hija del Zion para Israel Support Benazir Bhutto's assassination Israel underscores the need to stay on • Bone Marrow Transplant needed offense in the Terrorists' War on for YU Student Yeshiva College Us.... student Zack is 20 years old and was recently diagnosed with leukemia. He Original post source is in need of a bone marrow UNHRC by NoahDavidSimon (Hija del people. When Justin I a... Zion para Israel - Daughter of • Turkey: Two-day-old girl murdered Zion for Israel) in honor killing Turkey: Two-day-old girl murdered in honor killing Submitted at 6/22/2010 2:55:00 PM ... via • D’var Torah – Sh’mini: Your Body Posted via web from is a Temple by Joe Rooks Rapport noahdavidsimon’s posterous (Originally published in Ten Minutes Hija del Zion para Israel Support of Torah and Reform Voices of Israel Torah)Once upon a time in a parallel • This Day, April 1, In Jewish universe that has yet to emerge, just History April 1 In Jewish History527: one...... Byzantine Emperor Justin I names his nephew Justinian I as co-ruler and Original post source successor to the throne. This was a “lose-lose” proposition for the Jewish