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From the president

Dear JVMI Partner and Friend,

With all that is going on around the world today, people are desperate to understand what is going
on in the Middle East in the light of biblical prophecy. We need to make sense of it all. People who
have never before asked questions about the times in which we live are reading everything they can
that is relative to the 2012 Mayan prophecies and what the Bible actually says about the Last Days
                                                                                                           Where in the
                                                                                                             World is
and Israel. They’re asking, “Where is Israel in regard to these tumultuous times?” “What happens if
the U.S. stops supporting Israel?” “Are we living in the Tribulation?” “Will the world end in 2012?”        Jonathan
In response to some of these inquiries, we have dedicated this issue of our magazine to deal with
the subject of Israel at the dawn of a new decade.
Unquestionably, Israel is the focal point of all the controversy. One of the greatest threats Israel
is now facing is Iran’s threat to wipe the country off the map with nuclear weapons. And there is
the menace of continuing negativity against Israel around the world. The U.S. faces a great deal of
pressure to back away from Israel and support the Palestinians or risk losing their support in the
ongoing coalition against international terrorism.                                                           Ethiopia Medical Outreach
                                                                                                               Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Many, if not most, of these nations are terrorist nations themselves that have a horrifying record of
human rights abuse and persecution of their Jewish and Christian populations. They want to see a                  April 23 - May 2
world without Israel and the United States on the globe.

The Bible is crystal clear that God has given the Land of Israel to the Children of Israel, and we must
stand behind them, for they are “the apple of His eye.” We must stand with Israel, and as Believers,
                                                                                                              Please remember
we must make our voices heard on this issue.                                                                 to pray for Jonathan
Our citizenship is not of this world, but of the world to come. Now is the time to return to the Lord,
                                                                                                                 as he travels
to get our lives in order, to draw closer to Yeshua (Jesus), and to educate ourselves about the Land          around the world.
of the Bible—Israel—and the pivotal role she plays in all of our lives. Our priority must be that His
Kingdom come, His will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

In this issue, in addition to my own article on the State of Israel’s current situation, we’ll hear from
our friends, Bill Koenig, author and president of Koenig’s International News (,
a daily news service with readers in 50 states and 79 countries; and our own Rabbi/Pastor Jack
Zimmerman, an integral figure in our JVMI Speakers Bureau and frequent panelist on our monthly
JVMI webcasts. Jack is a treasure trove of knowledge on the subject of Israel, the Middle East, and
the signs of the times.

This month we also have the distinct pleasure of announcing that our television program, Jewish
Voice with Jonathan Bernis, is now airing on the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) at 5:00 a.m.
Pacific time and 8:00 a.m. Eastern time every Tuesday. Be sure to tune in and please let TBN know
that you are blessed to see our program on their network.

               I thank you for your partnership in the Gospel. Your prayer and financial support is
                vital and enables us to reach out to the Jewish People and to the Nations with God’s
                 love. My pledge to you remains: We will go through every door that the Lord opens
                  to us to bring His light into the darkness of this troubled world.

                  Shalom in Yeshua,

                                  Jonathan Bernis
                                    President & CEO
                                     Jewish Voice Ministries International

                                           2 | Jewish Voice Today March/april 2010               
    Proclaiming Messiah to the World

       Jewish Voice Today

                                                2 s h a lo m !
       Volume 44 | number 2
         march/april 2010
                                                  From the president
       adar/nisan/iyar 5770                         By Jonathan Bernis

                                                4 about this issue
             publisher                              By Sarah Weiner
           Jonathan bernis

        senior manaGinG                         5 up Front
             editor                               israel

           sarah Weiner                             By Jonathan Bernis

          senior Writer
                                                8 G u e s t au t h o r
         mary ellen breitwiser
                                                  Could benjamin netanyahu be the israeli
   senior GraphiC desiGners                       prime minister Who signs the daniel 9:27
          Jennifer Carrell                        Covenant?
         lavinia matesan
                                                    By Bill Koenig

                                               10 G u e s t au t h o r
            p.O. Box 81439                        the historical significance of israel

      phoenix, aZ 85069-1439 USa                    By Jack Zimmerman
              602-97l-850l                   14 s p e C i a l i n t e r e s t
    Jewish Voice ministries Canada
                                                    By Jonathan Bernis
              p.O. Box 476
       Maple ridge, Bc V2X 3p2
            0ll-602-97l-850l                   20 J V t i n t e l l i G e n C e r e p o r t
                                                  news from israel and around the World
      Jewish Voice ministries uK
             p.O. Box 628
                                               22 h e b r e W l e s s o n

      Borehamwood, UK WD6 9aT
           00-l-602-97l-850l                      israel ain’t Just a land near egypt
                                                    By Kevin Geoffrey
       address ChanGes &
     other CorrespondenCe:                     23 s t e Wa r d s h i p Co r n e r
           p.O. Box 31998
                                                  the treasure principle
       phoenix, aZ 85046-1998
                                                    By Bill Mustard

     JeWish VoiCe ministries                   24   propheCy & truth behind the
           international                            neWs

       board oF direCtors
                                                    how about the ‘israelification’ of all airports?
        rabbi Jonathan Bernis
                                                    By Jan Markell
             Dr. larry Bates
          Elliot Klayman, Esq.
       Mrs. Madelaine lindvall                 26   h e a d q ua r t e r s r e p o r t
          Mr. James Mueller                         By andy Freeman, program Director
             Mr. roger West
         Dr. Michael Maiden                    27   resourCes
    Dorothy (Dotti) Naomi Solomon                                              March/april 2010   Jewish Voice Today | 3

                                                about this issue
                                                                                                         srael. For those who embrace the Bible
                                                                                                         as the Word of God, this ancient Land is
Full-color                                                                                               beloved, transcendent, holy…a precious

Photograph                                                                                          trust of the descendants of Abraham, Isaac,
                                                                                                    and Jacob. For many others, it’s a Land of

                                                                                                    contention and strife, considered disputed
                                                                                                    (at best) or occupied territory.
                                                                                                          With a total landmass smaller than the
                                                                                                    state of New Jersey and ranking approxi-
                                                                                                    mately 150 in size comparison in the world,
                                                                                                    one should wonder why the miniscule State
                                                                                                    of Israel garners such an inordinate amount
                                                                                                    of world attention. Israel is often front-page
                                                                                                    news and the focal point of major news and
                                                              media broadcasts, as well as the target of polarizing debates from town hall to
                                                              world forums.
                                                                   Israel is indeed a Land of contradictions.
                                                                   The only nation on earth where legitimate spoils of war—of defensive
                                                              war—have been returned to the aggressor and what remains is referred to as
                                                              occupied territory; Israel continues to be castigated by much of the world for
                                                              merely existing among her enemies as a tiny bastion of progressive democracy

                                                              in the massive Arab Middle East.
                                                                   Yet she steadily provides the world with a vastly inordinate measure of
                                                              medical and scientific advances in research and development, and is a first-

O Comfort
                                                              responder when there is a major disaster anywhere in the world, such as the
                                                              devastating January 2010 Haiti earthquake—when Israel sent massive resourc-
                                                              es, even providing the only operating room in Port-au-Prince in the initial days.

My People
                                                                   According to Genesis 15:18, God gave the land of Canaan to Abraham,
                                                              Isaac, and Jacob and their descendants—from the river of Egypt unto the great
                                                              river, the river Euphrates—as their promised, covenant Land. He also warned
                                                              them not to divide it, nor allow the worship of foreign gods to defile it (Joel
                                                              3:2; Zechariah 12-14; Numbers 33:52-56).
                                                                   Israel was temporarily scattered to the four corners of the earth for her
                                                              disobedience and suffered horrific curses described in Deuteronomy 28 for
                                                              nearly two thousand years. God promises, however, in Leviticus 26:44 that He
                                                              will not break covenant with Israel, nor utterly destroy her—by His Name. The
Photos from the                                               miracle of 1948 saw the beginning of restoration with the remarkable rebirth
                                                              of the State of Israel—not due to the Jewish People earning any special favor
JVMI 2009 Gondar,                                             through repentance, but that God’s Name would be sanctified through keeping

Ethiopia Outreach                                             His Word.
                                                                   “Therefore say to the house of Israel, ‘Thus is what the Sovereign LORD says: It
                                                              is not for your sake, O house of Israel, that I am going to do these things, but for the
the black Jews of ethiopia’s highlands                        sake of my holy name…’” (Ezekiel 36:22 NIV).
recited this prayer for generations: “dear                         From that moment, until this day, the tiny State of Israel has suffered
lord, we have been separated from our                         repeated attacks—without provocation. The Arab nations seeking her destruc-
people and our land for too long. please                      tion have been open, vocal, and consistent with their proclamations of hatred
take us home to israel!” those left behind                    and planned destruction for Israel. “We will drive the Jews into the sea…” was
following the 1980s airlifts suffer from                      the declaration in 1948 when Arab nations attacked the fledgling State on
desperately extreme poverty. let your heart                   every border, creating an Arab refugee tragedy that exists to this day. (See arti-
be stirred with God’s own cry to “Comfort,                    cle by Rabbi Jack Zimmerman, The Historical Significance of Israel.)
o comfort my people” as you meet the beta                          A powerful deception grips the minds and hearts of those who align
israel of Gondar within these pages. this 80-                 themselves against Israel. Adonai says: “...whoever touches you [Israel] touches
page, soft-cover book measures 8.5” x 11”—                    the apple of his eye” (Zechariah 2:8 NIV). From the fallacious concept of the
suitable for coffee table display. see what                   very name and people group, “Palestinian,” to vilifying the Israelis—the vic-
your support has done among the poorest                       tims of continual violence—as the aggressors, a perverse and dangerous lie has
of the poor Jewish people of ethiopia.                        been plied, setting Israel in the cross hairs of government, church, university,
Order #8660 | $40.00                                          and nations.
                                                                  With this issue, we hope to arm you with truth and understanding that will
                                                              help you stand firm for Israel, firm for Adonai and His Word.                                                                                                                —Sarah

                                                   4 | Jewish Voice Today March/april 2010                       
                                                                                                                              up Front

                  By Jonathan Bernis

The Lord had said to Abram, “Leave your country,
your people and your father’s household and go
to the land I will show you. I will make you into a
great nation and I will bless you; I will make your
name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless
those who bless you, and whoever curses you I
will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed
through you.”
                            —God, Genesis 12:1-3

      he day-to-day and often, moment-       He knows the future, and the Scriptures         God Loves both jew and arab
      to-moment situation in Israel is a     teach us that He turns the hearts of kings      God loves Jewish People and Arabs equal-
      complex problem for those of us in     (Proverbs 21:1). Although the United            ly. For those of us who support Israel, we
Jewish ministry. To call the atmosphere      States has historically stood with Israel, a    must remember that God is not “against”
tense is a massive understatement.           shift has taken place aloft the winds of        the Arabs, nor does He hate them. The
Rumors of war haunt the shadows of           change in America, making clear some-           Lord loves all of His creation and wants
nearly every conversation. Whispers of a     thing that has been true for longer than        none to perish. Yeshua (Jesus) died for all
major call-up of reserve forces for addi-    we care to believe: Israel’s destiny rests in   people, Jew and Arab alike, and desires all
tional training and preparation were         her own hands.                                  to find everlasting life. We must pray faith-
becoming commonplace when I was              The Bible is the Jewish People’s                fully for the Lord to touch, heal, and reveal
there just a few months ago. Threats of                                                      Himself to Israelis, Palestinians, Muslims,
renewed terrorist attacks haunt the          Land deed to Israel.                            and even Islamic terrorists. We need to
dreams of every parent.                          There is little peace today in Jerusa-      intercede for every man, woman, boy, and
    Many within the Israeli intelligence     lem and Israel. Jewish Voice and other          girl on the earth to be saved. This is the
community believe that Iran is just          Messianic and humanitarian groups               only way true peace and understanding can
months, and possibly even weeks away         inside Israel are gathering support and         ever be found.
from finishing their first nuclear weapon.   formulating contingency plans for what
Fear of the Iranian madman Mahmoud           may be coming. If the worst does happen,        God Gave the Land to israeL
Ahmadinejad with a nuclear weapon is         we must be prepared to help in whatever         God gave the Land to the descendants of
almost palpable. For beloved Israel, Iran    way is needed.                                  Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Regardless of
and its president pose a very dangerous          How are we to comprehend all that is        what the United Nations decides or
threat to the survival of Jewish People—     happening there when we are constantly          decided over half a century ago, hundreds
possibly the greatest threat since the       barraged with biased reports coming             of Scriptures in the Bible are clear that the
Holocaust.                                   from most major media outlets? There            Land was given to the Children of Israel by
    The Middle East is at a crossroads,      are no easy answers, but we can consider
but God is not surprised by these events.    some biblical perspectives:                                    Co n t i n u e d o n pa G e 6                                                                                 March/april 2010   Jewish Voice Today | 5
Co n t i n u e d F r o m pa G e 5

God as an everlasting inheritance.
Hundreds of Scriptures beginning with
                                                   For beloved Israel, Iran and its president pose a very
Genesis chapters 12 and 15 make this truth
crystal clear. Regardless of what any
                                                   dangerous threat to the survival of Jewish People—
government decides, this is the bottom
line—the Bible is the Jewish People’s Land         possibly the greatest threat since the Holocaust.
deed to Israel. God said it and that settles it.
     As Christians, we must believe, accept,       Islamic world.” To supporters of Israel he        as one mourns for an only child, and grieve
and set ourselves in agreement with what           warns, “Anybody who recognizes Israel will        bitterly for him as one grieves for a first-
the Scriptures teach. God, in His sovereign-       burn in the fire of the Islamic nation’s          born son. On that day the weeping in Jeru-
ty, gave this Land to the Jewish People, and       fury.”                                            salem will be great, like the weeping of
who are we to question His decision? While              The fact that Iran has enriched nuclear      Hadad Rimmon in the plain of Megiddo”
this does not mean that we should con-             material and missiles capable of delivering       (Zechariah 12:10-11).
done all that Israel does, we must under-          nuclear warheads to any destination in                 Jerusalem will be filled with descen-
stand that this is an unconditional promise        Israel only serves to heighten the serious-       dants of David when Yeshua returns—an
in God’s Word and support this divine              ness of the threat.                               impossibility before Israel was re-estab-
decision. The psalmist said, “He who                                                                 lished in 1948 and highly implausible
watches over Israel will neither slumber           Although the United States has                    before Jerusalem was recaptured by Israeli
nor sleep” (Psalm 121:4).                          historically stood with Israel, a                 forces in 1967.
                                                                                                          There will be no peace until the Prince
in iran’s cross hairs                              shift has taken place aloft the                   of Peace establishes true peace. Most Chris-
Currently, Israel’s greatest threat is Iran, a     winds of change in America,                       tians are familiar with the exhortation to
country of nearly 70 million people, of                                                              “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem” (Psalm
whom seven in ten are under the age of             making clear something that has                   122:6). How do we pray? How can there
thirty. Statistics released from the CIA and       been true for longer than we care                 ever be peace? The Bible says many will say
the U.N. say that one in five Iranians lives                                                         “peace, peace,” and there will be no peace.
below poverty level, and five million sur-         to believe: Israel’s destiny rests in             The word peace in Hebrew is shalom and lit-
vive on less than two dollars a day. Around        her own hands.                                    erally means “to bring to completion.”
seven percent of the population can be                                                               God has a plan for this Land and this Peo-
classified as radicals, who are bound                   Clearly, Israel’s future hangs in the bal-   ple. It will come to pass in spite of the
together by a common cause.                        ance. Yet, she will survive. God has pre-         threats that are directed toward her. Ulti-
     Despite our government’s agenda to            served the Jewish People not only because         mately, this plan includes the return of
try and convince us to the contrary, funda-        of His love for them, but because Israel          Yeshua (Jesus) to the Mount of Olives in
mental Islam is committed to world domi-           plays a vital role in the return of His Son.      Jerusalem.
nation. Anyone who is not a Muslim is an           Dozens of Bible passages testify to the                It has been said that Israel is God’s
infidel. They are committed to Jihad, Holy         important role of the Jewish People in the        timepiece. If that is true, the hour must be
War. For nearly a decade now, one of their         last days of planet earth. Yeshua himself         growing late. Are we fast approaching the
immediate goals is the destruction of Israel.      said:                                             time of completion, when all Israel will be
We don’t need to speculate about this. It               “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill        saved? “For I do not desire, brethren, that
was announced by Iran’s supreme leader,            the prophets and stone those sent to you,         you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest
Ayatollah Ali Khomeini, “It is the mission         how often I have longed to gather your            you should be wise in your own opinion,
of the Islamic Republic of Iran to erase Isra-     children together, as a hen gathers her           that blindness in part has happened to Isra-
el from the map of the region.”                    chicks under her wings, but you were not          el until the fullness of the Gentiles has
     Iran’s President Ahmadinejad has stat-        willing. Look, your house is left to you des-     come in. And so all Israel will be saved”
ed very publicly, “We don’t shy away from          olate. For I tell you, you will not see me        (Romans 11:25-26 NKJV).
declaring that Islam is ready to rule the          again until you say, ‘Blessed is He who
                                                   comes in the name of the Lord’” (Matthew
world…. We must believe in the fact that
Islam is not confined to geographical bor-         23:37-39).
                                                                                                     We must pray for God’s plan to be
ders, ethnic groups, and nations. It’s a uni-           Clearly, Messiah was speaking to Jew-        fulfilled in this troubled Land, for
                                                   ish People who lived in the city of Jerusa-
versal ideology that leads the world to jus-
tice…. We must prepare ourselves to rule           lem. Today, most continue to reject and
                                                                                                     the Messiah to be revealed in the
the world.”                                        deny Him. Tomorrow, they will see Him             hearts of Jews and “Palestinians”
                                                   coming in power and glory as affirmed by
     On Israel, his stand is unwavering: He
has promised the world a Middle East with-         the Prophet Zechariah: “And I will pour out
                                                                                                     alike, and for His plan to be brought
out Israel. In his 2005 “World Without             on the house of David and the inhabitants         to completion, culminating in the
                                                   of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplica-
Zionism” speech, with reference to Israel,
he spoke of Iran’s mandate to “eliminate           tion. They will look on me, the one they
                                                                                                     Lord’s return to the earth. Only then
this disgraceful stain [Israel] from the           have pierced, and they will mourn for him         will true peace be realized.
6 | Jewish Voice Today March/april 2010                                                                         

      Norway                                                Finland


      Denmark                                         Lithuania

       Neth.                           Poland
                  Lux.          Czech Rep.
                                          Slovakia            Ukraine
                                 Austria                          Mold.                                                         Kazakhstan
                  Switz.                 Hungary
                                 Slovenia                  Romania
      France                              Bos. &
 in                                     Albania Mace.                                          Georgia                                       Kyrgyzstan
                                                                                             Armenia Azerb.                    Uzbekistan
                                                    Greece                                                           Turkmenistan       Tajikistan
                                                                                                                                                                  C    h i         n a
                                    Malta                             Cyprus          Syria
                                                                          Israel                                    Iran      Afghanistan

      Algeria                                                                                              Kuwait                                         Nepal
                                       Libya                                                                                      Pakistan
                                                                  Egypt                                         Qatar                                                 Bangladesh
                                                                                                Saudi Arabia                                                                       Burma
                                                                                                                                                  India                                                Lao
Mali                Niger                Chad
                                                                                      Eritrea        Yemen                                                                               Thailan
 ina Faso                                                                                          Dijbouti

                                                    Suppose Iran one day gives
                         Cameroon Central African Republic                                                    Somalia                                      Sri Lanka
Equatorial Guinea                                                          Uganda
ome & Principe
                               Congo                                                                                                                      Equator
                          Gabon              Rwanda
                                   Dem. Rep.
                                    of Congo
                                                   nuclear devices to terrorists.


                                                 Could anyone within range

                                 Namibia                    Zimbabwe                                                       Mauritius

                                                            of Iran’s missiles
                                                      Botswana                                                                                        Tropic of Capricorn
                                                                                                                                                                                           (adapted from the New York times)


                                                                    feel safe?
                                             South Africa
G u e s t au t h o r

                                               Could Benjamin                                             No Israeli politician is
                                               Netanyahu                                                  better known. No
                                                                                                          Israeli leader is a
                                               Be the Israeli                                             stronger defender of
                                               Prime Minister                                             his nation’s threats.
                                                                                                               Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may be the leader

                                               Who signs
                                                                                                          who agrees to the final biblical peace deal spoken of in Daniel
                                                                                                          9:27—“He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In
                                                                                                          the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offer-
                                                                                                          ing. And on a wing [of the temple] he will set up an abomination

                                               the Daniel 9:27                                            that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out
                                                                                                          on him.”
                                                                                                               No Israeli politician is better known. No Israeli leader is a

                                                                                                          stronger defender of his nation’s threats.
                                                                                                               In his policy speech at the Begin-Sadat Center at Bar-Ilan Uni-
                                                                                                          versity on June 14, 2009, Netanyahu was superb, clever, reason-
                                                                                                          able and strategic. He attempted a very delicate political balancing
                                                                                                          act—which, for the most part, seemed to succeed. He calmed the
                                                                                         By Bill Koenig   Kadima Party and the Labor Party with his statement that he favors
                                                                                                          a Palestinian state, but he offered very challenging contingencies
                                                                                                          that must first be satisfied.
                                                                                                               He satisfied Israel’s right-wing political parties on the state-
                                                                                                          ment of a unified (not divided) Jerusalem.
                                                                                                               Members of the Likud Party who don’t want to see any of
                                                                                                          Israel’s biblical land given to the Palestinians were disgruntled
                                                                                                          about the talk of a Palestinian state, but they appeared satisfied
                                                                                                          that Netanyahu’s requirements for the Palestinians are all but
                                                                                                          impossible for them to meet.
                                                                                                               He also enjoined Israel’s concerns and the moderate Arabs’
                                                                                                          concerns about a nuclear Iran. This was a good strategy.
                                                                                                               He said:
                                                                                                               • If we receive this guarantee regarding demilitarization
                                                                                                          and Israel’s security needs, and if the Palestinians recognize Israel
                                                                                                          as the state of the Jewish people, then we will be ready in a future
                                                                                                          peace agreement to reach a solution where a demilitarized Pales-
                                                                                                          tinian state exists alongside the Jewish state.
                                                                                                               • If the Palestinians turn toward peace—in fighting terror,
                                                                                                          in strengthening governance and the rule of law, in educating their
(photo CourtesY:

                                                                                                          children for peace and in stopping incitement against Israel—we
                                                                                                          will do our part in making every effort to facilitate freedom of
                                                                                                          movement and access and to enable them to develop their econo-
                                                                                                               • Above all else, the Palestinians must decide between the
                                                                                                          path of peace and the path of Hamas. The Palestinian Authority
                                                                                                          will have to establish the rule of law in Gaza and overcome Hamas.
                                                                                                          Israel will not sit at the negotiating table with terrorists who seek
                                               8 | Jewish Voice Today March/april 2010                                                       
its destruction.                                   has to get Israel to comply with Arab and       12-14).
      Netanyahu addressed 140 Israeli              international demands. He answered:                  We realize that Israel will eventually
ambassadors and heads of delegations that          “Under American law, the United States can      agree to a final seven-year peace plan and
were in Jerusalem on Dec. 28, 2009, for the        withhold support on loan guarantees to          that the false messiah will sponsor a peace
first-ever series of high-level briefings. He      Israel.”                                        plan that will be confirmed by the nations
once again emphasized his conditions to a               Israel’s Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz   (Daniel 9:27).
peace deal:                                        quickly reacted, saying, “Israel had no              The false messiah will come forward at
      • Palestinian acceptance of Israel as        intention of making use of the U.S. loan        the midway point to stop sacrifices on the
a Jewish state.                                    guarantees in the near future, as it had man-   Temple Mount in Jerusalem (Daniel 9:26-
      • Demilitarization of any future Pal-        aged to raise enough funds on its own.”         27, Daniel 11:31, and Matthew 24:15). The
estinian state.                                         Mitchell’s remarks came shortly after      Great Tribulation will begin at that point
      Netanyahu said, “Recognizing Israel as       Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Michael          and last for 42 months (Revelation 11:2,
a Jewish state is necessary for any agree-         Oren rejected Washington’s attempt to           Revelation 12:6, Daniel 7:25, Revelation
ment with the Palestinians that would lead         place a firm two-year deadline on the peace     12:14).
to an end to the conflict. We want an end to       process.                                             During the final 42 months, the Jews
the conflict,” he said. “That means the Pal-            “In the past, attempts to impose time      will mourn for the one they pierced (Zecha-
estinians must stop attempts to use a Pales-       frameworks have not proved either realiz-       riah 12:10). They will not see the Messiah
tinian state as a jumping-off point for fur-       able or helpful,” Oren told The Jerusalem       until they say, “Blessed is he who comes in
ther claims against Israel. No claim to flood      Post. Previous deadlines have only increased    the name of the Lord!” (Matthew 23: 39)
Israel with refugees, which would mean the         the Palestinians’ refusal to meet their peace        God will make Jerusalem a burden-
end of the Jewish state; and no irredentist        obligations, confident that Israel would be     some stone (Zechariah 12:3), and He will
claims to the Negev, Galilee or Israeli citi-      forced to comply regardless in order to         destroy all the nations that come against
zens, which would mean the dissolution of          meet the timetable.                             Jerusalem (Zechariah 12:9). At the end of
the Jewish state.”                                      Senator John McCain (Republican-Ari-       the 42 months, there will be final battle for
      Ha’aretz reported: Netanyahu said the        zona) told a Jerusalem press conference on      the city of Jerusalem—the battle of Arma-
situation in Lebanon, and the rearming of          Sunday, Jan. 10, that he expects President      geddon (Zechariah 12-14).
Hezbollah despite Security Council Resolu-         Barack Obama to explicitly announce that             We must continue to pray for the peace
tion 1701 prohibiting just that, proved that       his Administration is not planning to alter     of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6)—a peace that
agreements on paper were ineffective.              America’s policy regarding financial aid to     will only occur when Yeshua returns to
                                                   Israel.                                         Jerusalem to begin His 1,000-year millen-
Netanyahu said, “recognizing                            Senator Joe Lieberman (Independent         nial reign.
                                                                                                        Even so, come, Lord Jesus! (Rev. 22:20)
Israel as a Jewish state is                        Democrat-Connecticut) stated at the same
                                                   press conference that even if Obama tried
necessary for any agreement with                   to use U.S. financial aid as leverage, Con-
                                                                                                                       eye to eye
the Palestinians that would lead                   gress would never approve such a measure.
                                                                                                                       It is 271 miles long and 81 miles wide at its
to an end to the conflict. We want                 The Bible’s road map—the ultimate
                                                                                                                       widest point. It makes up less than one
                                                                                                                       percent of the land of the Middle East. “It” is
an end to the conflict.”                           plan
                                                                                                                       Israel, and many world leaders believe this
                                                        God gave the land of Canaan to Abra-
                                                                                                                       nation is the key to peace. In this book, Bill
     “I am doubtful that anyone can do this        ham, Isaac and Jacob and their descendants
                                                                                                                       Koenig provides conclusive evidence that
except a real Israeli presence, Israeli forces,”   when He said, “On that day the Lord made
                                                                                                                       the U.S. and the world are on a collision
he said, intimating that in any future agree-      a covenant with Abram and said, ‘To your
                                                                                                                       course with God over Israel’s covenant land.
ment with the Palestinians, Israeli forces—        descendants I give this land, from the river
                                                                                                                       Order #8635 | $15.00 +3.95 S&H
not international ones—would have to be            of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates—
on the eastern border of a future Palestinian      the land of the Kenites, Kenizzites, Kad-
                                                                                                   Bill Koenig is the president of Koenig’s International
state to prevent it from importing arms and        monites, Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaites,       News ( The daily news service has
staging attacks against Israel.                    Amorites, Canaanites, Gergashites and           readers in 50 states and 79 countries. Bill co-authored
                                                   Jebusites” (Genesis 15:18).                     Israel: The Blessing or the Curse in 2001 and Eye to Eye:
Obama Admin threatens to withhold                       The Promised Land is not to be divid-      Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel in 2007. he is a
aid to Israel                                      ed; and the Bible said, “I will gather all      graduate of arizona State University with a B.S. in
                                                                                                   communications. Bill and his wife, claudia, reside in the
     American President Barack Obama’s             nations and bring them down to the Valley       Washington, D.c. area where he is a White house
Middle East envoy, George Mitchell, threat-        of Jehoshaphat. There I will enter into judg-   correspondent. he writes a weekly
ened in the first week of January to with-         ment against them concerning my inheri-         12-page news report called
hold financial aid to Israel if they did not       tance, my people Israel, for they scattered     “Koenig’s Eye View from the White
accept demanded concessions to get the             my people among the nations and divided         house” that focuses on world news
                                                                                                   that is biblically relevant and White
stalled peace process back on track.               up my land” (Joel 3:2). And that there will     house news from a christian
     In an interview with Charlie Rose,            be consequences to those who attempt to         perspective. Bill plans to release a
Mitchell was asked what leverage the U.S.          divide the land of Israel (see Zechariah        new book in 2010.                                                                                           March/april 2010   Jewish Voice Today | 9
G u e s t au t h o r

By JacK Zimmerman
C                                              Scores of otherwise rationally
        an you be fooled? How easy would                                                        Israel remains: “If Israel would stop
        it be for someone to “pull the wool                                                     occupying the West Bank and Gaza,
        over your eyes?” In April 1998,        thinking people have been led to                 Palestinians wouldn’t have to deploy
thousands of people were taken in by a         believe that in the tumultuous                   rockets and suicide bombers to defend
promotional campaign devised by fast-                                                           themselves from Israeli aggression.”
food giant, Burger King. In a full page USA    region of the Middle east, Israel is                   “Israeli aggression” has nothing to do
Today advertisement, the restaurant            occupying Palestinian Land and                   with Arab terrorism. On Sunday morning,
announced an addition to their menu—the                                                         February 22, 1948, in anticipation of Isra-
“Left-Handed Whopper.” According to the        inflicting the same aggression,                  el’s independence, a triple truck bomb was
ad, the new Whopper had the same               fear and hurt against Palestinians               detonated by Arab terrorists on Jerusalem’s
ingredients as the regular whopper, except                                                      Ben Yehuda Street. Fifty-four people were
that the lettuce, hamburger, etc., had all     that the Nazis inflicted against                 killed and hundreds wounded. This event
been rotated 180 degrees to benefit the 32     Jews in the Holocaust.                           took place 19 years before Israel even had a
million left-handed Americans who wanted                                                        presence in the West Bank or Gaza.
to eat Whoppers just like everyone else.       people have been led to believe that in the            Arab terrorism is caused not by the
     The following day, thousands of left-     tumultuous region of the Middle East, Isra-      “desperation” of “occupation,” but by the
handed folks came in to Burger King to         el is occupying Palestinian land and inflict-    very thought of a Jewish State.
request the new Whopper. There were also       ing the same aggression, fear, and hurt                For years, western leaders have held
thousands of right-handed folks in line        against Palestinians that the Nazis inflicted    summits, peace conferences, and made
right behind them—requesting the original      against Jews in the Holocaust. These people      diplomatic visits in an effort to bring about
“right-handed” Whopper, and insisting it       insist the claims against Israel are true, but   peace between Arabs and Jews in the
not be discontinued. We did mention this       they never bother to check the validity of       Middle East. Many have tried; all have
happened in April 1998? That would be          those claims. Do they actually line up with      failed. They have used what they thought
April Fool’s Day, 1998. The whole thing        the facts? Not so much. Popular claims           were common sense approaches.
was a hoax, yet by the thousands, people       made against Israel in the name of Palestin-           Yet, as recently as one year ago, some
were taken in—never giving it a second         ian Independence could fill a small library,     of the bloodiest conflicts in the region have
thought.                                       but what about the history-based facts,          taken place. In response to unrelenting
     Which just goes to show you that          actual photographs, authentic documents          rocket attacks from the Gaza strip, Israel
scores of otherwise rationally thinking        and other indisputable evidence that favors      unleashed massive air attacks against
people can be led to believe almost            Israel? I’ll borrow the phrase of a popular      militant Hamas forces. More than 1,200
anything, if it’s presented convincingly       news network that claims, “We Report—            Palestinians died. Currently there is a
enough.                                        You Decide.”                                     ceasefire, but in the Middle East, everyone
     Scores of otherwise rationally thinking         The number-one popular claim against       knows that a ceasefire is tenuous at best—a

10 | Jewish Voice Today March/april 2010                                                                   
time for Arab forces to regroup and rearm.       the return of Jesus will bring peace to the       Roman emperor Hadrian changed the
     Hamas will continue to attack Israel        region and to the world.                          name of the city of Jerusalem to Aelia
and no one will say a word, yet the moment             And then, of course, there is the side of   Capitolina, and he changed the name of
Israel responds, it will be the target of        those who favor the Palestinian cause. They       Israel to Syria-Palestina. Palestina was the
worldwide condemnation. And just as has          claim: “It is shocking how the Israelis           Roman word for “Philistine.” And knowing
been done throughout every ceasefire,            continue their propaganda of being under          that the Philistines were Israel’s fiercest
Hamas and other terrorist groups will use        constant rocket fire.” “What about the sea,       enemy from history until then, Hadrian
this time to acquire even greater numbers        air, and land attacks? And the occupation         wanted to degrade the Jews by naming their
of rockets so they can attack Israel even        over the last 60 years?” “Israel is occupying     country after their worst rivals.
harder the next time. This is no secret.         Palestinian land.” Ask anyone, if someone
Hamas leaders themselves have publicly           invades your land, won’t you fight back any       Now, today’s Palestinians are
said this is their agenda during a ceasefire.    way you can?                                      also what are known as Muslims.
                                                       “Israel is a terrorist country.” “Hamas
The Arabs asked for land—for the                 is the oppressed party fighting for their         Muslims follow the religion of
Jews to leave—they were given                    rights and land. Israel is a bully operating      Islam. It is one of the fastest
                                                 on the blind Jewish, ‘We are the Chosen
100 percent of what they asked                   People’ ideology. They are no different           growing religions today. In fact,
for in that region—so why are                    from the Nazis. Our U.S. tax dollars are          one out of every five people on
                                                 supporting this terror. Write your
they attacking the Jews on their                 representatives and demand that they cut          this planet follows the religion
borders in Israel-proper?                        funding to Israel.”                               of Islam.
                                                       You can see how passionate the
     How do the conflicts start? Why do          arguments are on both sides. Both sides say            One of the claims made to the land
they continue? Who’s really to blame?            the land belongs to them. Obviously one           today by Palestinians is that they are the
     In 2005, Israel pulled out of Gaza. That    of the two sides is wrong. Is there a way to      descendants of the original Philistines;
means, all Jewish citizens left entire towns,    find out who is right? Of course there is. Of     therefore, they were in the land first—
beautiful homes, and businesses to give the      two things we can be certain, history and         before the Jews. “It’s our land, you Jewish
Arabs a completely Jew-free Gaza. (The           the Bible, the Word of God. Neither of            People,” was their mantra, “and you can’t
Nazis called it judenrein—”free of all Jews”.)   them lie. But if you don’t know your history,     have it back. We want it for ourselves!”
The Jews became refugees in Israel. Since        it’s easy to believe the lie.                          Now that might be looked at as a fairly
that time, Hamas has launched more than                                                            convincing argument, except for several
6,000 rockets at Israel. Why? The Arabs          There has never been a sovereign                  major flaws, including this one in Amos 1:8
asked for land—for the Jews to leave—they
were given 100 percent of what they asked
                                                 land called Palestine. Jerusalem                  that says God Himself would cause the
                                                                                                   Philistines to become extinct. When God
for in that region—so why are they               has never been their capital.                     makes a promise, He keeps it. God made
attacking the Jews on their borders in Israel-
                                                 There has never been a Palestin-                  the promise, and God kept the promise.
                                                                                                   Because 600 years before the religion of
     Did you see this reported on your           ian language. There has been no                   Islam came to be, the Philistines were gone
evening news? It seems the media only
comes on the scene when Israel fires back
                                                 Palestinian culture, nor has there                for good.
                                                                                                        The point is, if you say that you descend
to defend itself—painting Israel as the          ever been a Palestinian people.                   from a particular people group and that
aggressor. What would the U.S. do if Mexico                                                        group was long ago made extinct, it’s kind
declared we had no right to exist and started         Let me make the truth easy for you to        of tough to have descendants from an
shooting rockets into our country? We            uncover. First let’s look at the word             extinct group of people. It simply is not
would likely take strong military action         Palestinian itself. What is the origin of that    there. But if the Palestinians didn’t come
against Mexico until the attacks stopped.        word? One of the popular and often-told           from the Philistines, where did they come
We would not wait for four years. That’s         stories in Jewish history is where the Roman      from?
exactly what Israel is forced to do and yet      Emperor Titus and his army came into                   The facts are these—there has never
they get criticized for trying to protect        Jerusalem and destroyed the Second                been a sovereign land called Palestine.
themselves. We wouldn’t allow anyone to          Temple. About three years later, the Roman        Jerusalem has never been their capital.
shoot at us. Why should they?                    army came up Mount Masada where there             There has never been a Palestinian
     Indeed, the reason that there’s no          was a Jewish community that was trying to         language. There has been no Palestinian
peace in the Middle East is because every        avoid the Romans.                                 culture, nor has there ever been a Palestinian
time things are peaceful, Hamas starts                Rather than being killed by the              people. But don’t believe me as a Jew
attacking and initiating violence. Israel has    Romans, they all took their own lives. Many       because I say it. I’m only quoting the
never been the one to start aggression.          of us know about Masada. But there is a           Palestinian leaders who say it themselves.
Here’s the definition of a ceasefire: Israel     later story that many of us do not know                Something that surprises many
ceases, and the Arabs continue to fire. Only     and it happened in the year 132. Then             involves a Dutch newspaper called Trouw                                                                                      March/april 2010   Jewish Voice Today | 11
Co n t i n u e d F r o m pa G e 11

that published an interview in 1977 with
Palestine Liberation Organization leader
                                                 Both sides say the land belongs
Zuheir      Mohsen       (1936-1979).      His   to them. Obviously one of the
comments were as follows. “The Palestinian
people do not exist. The creation of a           two sides is wrong. Is there a
Palestinian state is only a means of
continuing our struggle against the state of
                                                 way to find out who is right? Of
Israel for our Arab unity.                       course there is. Of two things
     “In reality there is no difference
between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians        we can be certain, history and
and Lebanese. It is only for political and
tactical reasons that we speak today about
                                                 the Bible, the Word of God.
the existence of a Palestinian people. Since     Neither of them lie. But if you
Arab national interests demand that we
posit the existence of a distinct ‘Palestinian   don’t know your history, it’s
people’ to oppose Zionism.” (See http://             easy to believe the lie.
Trouw Interview.)
     This is shocking! The Palestinians          him. And then Allah said to the Israelites,        up at that time.
themselves admit that the whole idea of a        ‘Dwell you Israelites in the land of Israel              While many Jews did flee the city of
Palestinian people is a lie!                     and when the promise of the hereafter              Jerusalem for their lives, they didn’t leave
     Now, today’s Palestinians are also what     comes to be fulfilled, Allah shall assemble        Israel. They simply migrated to another
are known as Muslims. Muslims follow the         the Israelites all together in the land of Isra-   city in Israel where they could live in safety.
religion of Islam. It is one of the fastest      el.’”                                              That town was called Yavneh, the place
growing religions today. In fact, one out of           It’s in their holy book! Why aren’t they     where rabbinic commentaries come from,
every five people on this planet follows the     following it? Well, those comments were            writings of the Rabbis, even the Talmud,
religion of Islam. Their prophet is Moham-       made by their prophet Mohammed when                and the fact that we have those great works
med. Their holy book is known as the             he was receiving revelations in a cave             today proves that the Jewish People never
Koran, which they fully believe is the           during the time he was living in the city of       left.
inspired word of their god, who they call        Mecca. But, when he got kicked out of
Allah. In the Koran, it says that the Muslims    Mecca and later moved to Medina and                Unfortunately, so many people
were the original inhabitants of the Land        started preaching on the streets that he was
that we refer to as Israel.                      God’s holy prophet and apostle, people             never go back to study history.
                                                 were inclined to go and take a look.               Instead they reason that the
The Muslim holy book,                                  When people started listening to
                                                                                                    Arabs must be right or they
                                                 Mohammed, the Jews said, “Wait a minute!
the Koran, says that Israel                      He’s not quoting Torah. He’s a false               wouldn’t be so willing to sacrifice
belongs to the Jews.                             prophet.” The Christians said, “He’s not
                                                                                                    their sons and daughters.
                                                 talking about Jesus. He’s a false prophet!”
     Their Koran says that Allah promised        And after the Jews and Christians rejected
the Land to them through Abraham and his         Mohammed’s message, all of a sudden,                    Who came to take over Israel next?
son, Ishmael. Muslims believe that               Allah’s comments in the Koran about the            After the Romans were there for a while
Abraham and Ishmael were Muslim as well          Jews and Christians weren’t so nice                and then the Byzantines, the Muslims
and so they say that the Land, according to      anymore.                                           invaded it. They actually made a deal with
their god, is rightfully theirs.                       In fact, there’s a comment in there that     the Jews, saying, “You Jews help us defeat
     Not only that, Muslims and even many        says, “Do not take the Jews or Christians as       the Persians, and when we start ruling here,
Christians believe that since the Land was       friends, for in the hereafter, they will be        we’ll let you back into Jerusalem.” As we
promised to Abraham’s descendants, both          among the losers.”                                 Jewish people say, “Such a deal.” So we did
sides have a legitimate claim to it.                   You don’t need a land dispute to justify     it. We helped them out. We came back into
     Now just a side note here. Before we get    your hatred—your god is already doing              Jerusalem, and at first, Jewish People were
to that claim, did you know that the Mus-        that for you. But if you are a Palestinian,        treated fairly well. It didn’t last long,
lim holy book, the Koran, says that Israel       you do need and you will use revisionist           because when you don’t believe in the
belongs to the Jews? That’s right. Chapters      history such as this claim from the Arab           Muslim prophet, you are known as a
in the Koran are known as surahs. If you go      lands. Today’s Arab Muslims say that when          dhimmi, an Arab word that refers to “its
to surah 17:102-203 from the Koran, it says:     Rome invaded Jerusalem, every last Jew left        non-Islamic population that live in Islamic-
“Pharaoh sought to scare the Israelites out      Israel and effectively deserted the Holy           conquered lands.” You’re a second-class
of the land of Israel but Allah drowned          Land. Therefore, any claim that Jewish             citizen!
Pharaoh together with all who were with          People say they have to the Land was given              After a while, Jewish People were
12 | Jewish Voice Today March/april 2010                                                                        
Previous Page:
                                                                                                  MaP of land biblically mandated to Israel
                                                                                                  This Page (Clockwise from Left):
                                                                                                  IshMaeL—told to leave Israel (CourtesY: wikipedia);
                                                                                                  PaLesTInIan youTh (CourtesY:;
                                                                                                  deCLaraTIon of The esTabLIshMenT of The
                                                                                                  sTaTe of IsraeL—May 14, 1948 (CourtesY: wikipedia);
                                                                                                  hadrIan—roman emperor in 132 changed name
                                                                                                  of Israel to Palestine (CourtesY:

persecuted and forced to wear yellow              Here’s your land, Jordan.” The Arabs felt       Ishmael. The Bible does promise that
badges in the shape of the Star of David so       they got short changed and massive Arab         Ishmael would also become a great nation,
that they could be distinguished from             rioting against Jews broke out in Israel. The   but that nation would not be Israel. These
Muslims. Sound familiar? This is 1,000            Jews were claiming it was their land, and       are the words of the very Word of God
years before the Holocaust when Hitler            the Arabs saw this as a threat to their         itself. Of that there is no dispute.
would again force Jews to wear such badges.       sovereign claim.                                     Think about it, Ishmael was to have his
Where do you think he got the idea?                                                               own land. If God’s intent was to have Ish-
      Muslim rule over Israel lasted until        If God’s intent was to have                     mael share the Land, then why did God
around 1100 when the Crusades came in                                                             kick Ishmael out and tell him he would
from the East. Muslims would later regain
                                                  Ishmael share the Land, then why                have to set up shop elsewhere? Clearly the
control and again be kicked out by the            did God kick Ishmael out and tell               Land belongs to those who descended
Ottoman Turks that ruled until 1918. Arab                                                         from the Twelve Tribes—the Jews. The Lord
Muslims lost a lot of their glory long ago
                                                  him he would have to set up shop                spoke to the prophet Jeremiah, saying:
when their empire fell. In their effort to        elsewhere?
regain that glory, they have tried changing                                                                “The time is coming,” declares
history by throwing in violence and protests           It’s good to see what the biblical view        the LORD, “when I will make a new
to convince the world that they got short-        of the Land is. Just as Muslims have their          covenant with the house of Israel
changed along the way.                            holy book, we Christians and Jews have              and with the house of Judah. It will
      Unfortunately, so many people never         ours, the Bible. Like the Koran, the Bible          not be like the covenant I made with
go back to study history. Instead they            says that Abraham’s descendants would               their forefathers when I took them
reason that the Arabs must be right or they       inherit the Land through Isaac and Jacob—           by the hand to lead them out of
wouldn’t be so willing to sacrifice their         not Ishmael.                                        Egypt, because they broke my
sons and daughters.                                                                                   covenant, though I was a husband to
      Today Palestinians claim that what                  Abraham fell facedown; he                   them,” declares the LORD. “This is
happened to them next was a travesty, and            laughed and said to himself, “Will a             the covenant I will make with the
it’s another key reason they believe Israel          son be born to a man a hundred                   house of Israel after that time,”
belongs to them. The vast empire of Great            years old? Will Sarah bear a child at            declares the LORD. “I will put my
Britain wanted to add Israel to its collection.      the age of ninety?” And Abraham                  law in their minds and write it on
In order to do that, Britain needed to defeat        said to God, “If only Ishmael might              their hearts. I will be their God, and
those Ottoman Turks who were ruling                  live under your blessing!” Then God              they will be my people.”
Israel, but they couldn’t do it without help         said, “Yes, but your wife Sarah will                              —Jeremiah 31:31-33
from the Arabs. They knew the Arabs                  bear you a son, and you will call him
wanted to have their own homeland, so                Isaac. I will establish my covenant               Clearly the Bible says that though
they made a deal.                                    with him as an everlasting covenant          Israel broke covenant with God, He did not
      They promised if the Arabs would help          for his descendants after him.”              cast them out as His Covenant People. He
them defeat the Ottoman Turks, they’d give                        —Genesis 17:17-19 NIV           simply extended a new covenant to them in
the Arabs their very own land. So the Arabs                                                       order that their blessings would remain
helped, believing that “the Land” would be            So the Land Covenant made with God          intact. God’s covenant promises are eternal.
Israel. Wrong! In the end, Britain said,          and Abraham would extend from Abraham
“Thanks for your help in our victory, Arabs.      through Isaac and Jacob, but not through                         Co n t i n u e d o n pa G e 18                                                                                        March/april 2010   Jewish Voice Today | 13
Passover                                By Jonathan Bernis

The LORD said to Moses and Aaron in Egypt, “This
month is to be for you the first month, the first month
of your year. Tell the whole community of Israel that on
the tenth day of this month each man is to take a lamb
for his family, one for each household…. The animals
you choose must be year-old males without defect….
Take care of them until the fourteenth day of the month,
when all the people of the community of Israel must
slaughter them at twilight. Then they are to take some
of the blood and put it on the sides and tops of the
doorframes of the houses where they eat the lambs…
and when I see the blood, I will pass over you….”
                                 —exodus 12:1-3; 5-7; 13
speCial interest

        assover is a holiday rich with revela-   branches in front of Him and celebrated as                  Passover begins
        tion and insight into the character      He passed, riding on a donkey to show that                   at sunset on
        and nature of the God of Israel. It      He was coming in humility and peace.
clearly illustrates that He not only can save       For four days, the Passover lamb was to                 Monday, March 29
and redeem people, but does. Indeed, it is a     be kept in public view so that anyone who
momentous event for all mankind. Bibli-          wished to examine the animal could do so,
cally speaking, it is by far the most signifi-   ensuring that it was without defect as com-
                                                                                                 Special Magazine Off
cant holiday of the year, for it is the Pass-
over that marks the beginning of God’s
redemptive plan for mankind.
                                                 manded. Meanwhile, the Pharisees and
                                                 Sadducees were trying desperately to find
                                                 fault with Yeshua, but could not do so. In
                                                                                                 Passover resources
   To non-Jews, Passover is probably the         fact, Pontius Pilate, who agreed to have the
best known of the biblical Feasts. Any           Messiah executed, washed his hands in
Christian who has even a moderate com-           front of the crowd and told them, “I am
prehension of the Old Testament will cer-        innocent of this man’s blood. It is your
tainly understand the connection between         responsibility” (Matthew 27:24).
Passover and the sacrificial death of the           There are many parallels between the
Messiah.                                         death of Yeshua and the sacrifice of the
   Most remember how Moses asked Pha-            Passover lamb. For example, the blood
raoh to free the Israelites, who had become      stains on the Savior’s head, hands and feet
slaves in Egypt. When the Egyptian leader        matched the blood placed on the door-
refused to listen, God sent a number of          frame of every Israelite house in Egypt.
plagues on the land of Egypt, including an       Another is that it was forbidden for any of
infestation of frogs, swarms of locusts,         the Passover lamb’s bones to be broken            Messianic Passover Seder Kit
blood, hail, and darkness. The Egyptians         (Exodus 12:46) and, similarly, none of            Make passover a family tradition! celebrate
suffered terribly, but Pharaoh remained          Messiah’s bones were broken, although             this ancient, yet timeless, biblical tradition
adamant in his opposition to let the Israel-     Roman soldiers did break the legs of the          with Jonathan Bernis and his family. Kit
ites leave Egypt.                                two thieves who were crucified on either          includes Messianic passover 2 DVD set,
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that every Hebrew family was to sacrifice a      according to some Bible historians, the           candle holders, and Matzah cover.
lamb without defect. After the lamb had          Passover lamb was sacrificed about 3 p.m.,
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been killed, its blood was to be placed on       the same time when Yeshua cried out in a
the top and two sides of the doorframe of        loud voice and died (Matthew 27:45-50).
their house. At midnight on the specified           Although Yeshua was without sin, it
day, the Lord struck down every firstborn        pleased God to bruise Him and to lay upon
child in Egypt who lived in a house that         Him the iniquity of us all (Isaiah 53). Yesh-
was not marked with the blood of a lamb.         ua said, “I am the door; if anyone enters by
The houses belonging to the Israelites were      Me, he will be saved” (John 10:9 NKJV).
passed over; thus the name of Passover was       Why? Because He is the Passover Lamb who
set aside to commemorate this great occa-        has shed His blood in order that we may
sion in the history of Israel—the event that     apply it to the doorposts of our heart, and
finally brought their freedom.                   the Angel of Death passes over.

                                                                                                  Blow Out Sale!
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ance from Egypt. One passage that was            for mankind.
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lamb had taken. Crowds placed palm               power of God unto salvation!                                                                                    March/april 2010   Jewish Voice Today | 15
Countries eligible to sit Countries not eligible to
    on the United Nations     sit on the United Nations
    Security Council:         Security Council:
Afghanistan                Gambia                     Pakistan
Albania                    Georgia                    Palau
Algeria                    Germany                    Panama
Andorra                    Ghana                      Papua New Guinea
Angola                     Greece                     Paraguay
Antigua and Barbuda        Grenada                    Peru
Argentina                  Guatemala                  Philippines
Armenia                    Guinea                     Poland
Australia                  Guinea-Bissau              Portugal
Austria                    Guyana                     Qatar
Azerbaijan                 Haiti                      Republic of Korea
Bahamas                    Honduras                   Romania
Bahrain                    Hungary                    Russian Federation
Bangladesh                 Iceland                    Rwanda
Barbados                   India                      St. Kitts and Nevis
Belarus                    Indonesia                  St. Lucia
Belgium                    Iran                       St. Vincent and the
Belize                     Iraq                          Grenadines
Benin                      Ireland                    Samoa
Bhutan                     Italy                      San Marina
Bolivia                    Jamaica                    São Tomé and Principe
Bosnia and Herzegovina     Japan                      Saudi Arabia
Botswana                   Jordan                     Senegal
Brazil                     Kazakhstan                 Seychelles
Brunei Darussalam          Kenya                      Sierra Leone
Bulgaria                   Kiribati                   Singapore
Burkina Faso               Kuwait                     Slovakia
Burundi                    Kyrgyzstan                 Slovenia
Cambodia                   Laos                       Solomon Islands
Cameroon                   Latvia                     Somalia
Canada                     Lebanon                    South Africa
Cape Verde                 Lesotho                    Spain                                                             Israel
Central African Republic   Liberia                    Sri Lanka
Chad                       Libya                      Sudan
Chile                      Liechtenstein              Suriname
China                      Lithuania                  Swaziland
Colombia                   Luxembourg                 Sweden
Comoro Islands             Madagascar                 Syria
Congo                      Malawi                     Tajikistan
Costa Rica                 Malaysia                   Tanzania
Côte d’Ivoire              Maldives                   Thailand
Croatia                    Mali                       The Former Yugoslav
Cuba                       Malta                         Republic of Macedonia
Cyprus                     Marshall Islands           Togo
Czech Republic             Mauritania                 Tonga
Democratic People’s        Mauritius                  Trinidad and Tobago
     Republic of Korea     Mexico                     Tunisia
Democratic Republic        Micronesia                 Turkey
     of the Congo          Moldova                    Turkmenistan
Denmark                    Monaco                     Uganda
Djibouti                   Mongolia                   Ukraine
Dominica                   Morocco                    United Arab Emirates
Dominican Republic         Mozambique                 United Kingdom
Ecuador                    Myanmar                    United States
Egypt                      Namibia                    Uruguay
EI Salvador                Nauru                      Uzbekistan
Equatorial Guinea          Nepal                      Vanuatu
Eritrea                    Netherlands                Venezuela
Estonia                    New Zealand                Viet Nam
Ethiopia                   Nicaragua                  Yemen
Fiji                       Niger                      Yugoslavia
Finland                    Nigeria                    Zambia
France                     Norway                     Zimbabwe
Gabon                      Oman

From peacekeeping to democracy-building, from Kosovo to Namibia to East            group. UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has called for an end to this injustice
                                                                                                                                                                     The New York Times

Timor, the UN is indispensable—and worthy of America’s engagement and              and “the normalization of Israel’s status within the United Nations.” As a
support.                                                                           temporary measure, Israel has sought acceptance in the West European and
                                                                                   Others Group (WEOG), which includes not only the democracies of Western
But unfair treatment of one country, Israel, mars the UN’s noble mission. Of
                                                                                   Europe but also Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States. The
all 188 member countries, only Israel—in a glaring example of inequality—is
                                                                                   U.S., Australia, Canada and Norway have supported Israel’s admission to
ineligible to serve on the Security Council, the world body’s key deliberative
                                                                                   WEOG, but the 15-member European Union refuses to act.
                                                                                   Without membership in a regional group, Israel can never be elected to serve
To be eligible, a country must belong to one of the five regional groups. Israel
                                                                                   on the Security Council or, for that matter, on the other most important bodies
should be part of the Asian bloc, but Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia and others have
                                                                                   of the UN system.
shamefully prevented its entry for decades.
Of all UN members only Israel is denied the right to belong to any regional              What should you do? Make yourself heard!
  16 | Jewish Voice Today March/april 2010                                                                                     
Ethiopia    Medical Outreach
                                                                             Addis Ababa
                                                  April 23 - May 2
                                            You can help Jewish Voice bring healing, hope, and the
                                                   promise of eternal life to the Remnant of israel
                                                              scattered to the corners of the earth.

                                          These precious, ancient people have been abandoned by
                                          the world...but not by the lord, and not by Jewish Voice!

                                               Your kindness is their relief. Yeshua is their hope.

                                                                                    We neeD YoU!
                                                       Medical Professionals, Dental Professionals,
                                                     Optical Professionals, Administrative, Security,
                                                        Intercessors, Prayer & Financial Supporters

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                                                         hotel, meals, and ground transport in Ethiopia
                                                         Land Package: $1,400: includes hotel, meals,
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                                                              For more information, contact Melissa:
                                                     or 602-971-8501

                     GIVE to support these critical outreaches!
Together we will make an eternal difference in the lives of these impoverished Jewish People!

  Please call Jewish Voice: 602-971-8501/Events or e-mail:
Israel - Jewish Voice Today - Mar-Apr 2010
Israel - Jewish Voice Today - Mar-Apr 2010
Israel - Jewish Voice Today - Mar-Apr 2010
Israel - Jewish Voice Today - Mar-Apr 2010
Israel - Jewish Voice Today - Mar-Apr 2010
Israel - Jewish Voice Today - Mar-Apr 2010
Israel - Jewish Voice Today - Mar-Apr 2010
Israel - Jewish Voice Today - Mar-Apr 2010
Israel - Jewish Voice Today - Mar-Apr 2010
Israel - Jewish Voice Today - Mar-Apr 2010
Israel - Jewish Voice Today - Mar-Apr 2010

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Israel - Jewish Voice Today - Mar-Apr 2010

  • 1.
  • 2. From the president Shalom! Dear JVMI Partner and Friend, With all that is going on around the world today, people are desperate to understand what is going on in the Middle East in the light of biblical prophecy. We need to make sense of it all. People who have never before asked questions about the times in which we live are reading everything they can that is relative to the 2012 Mayan prophecies and what the Bible actually says about the Last Days Where in the World is and Israel. They’re asking, “Where is Israel in regard to these tumultuous times?” “What happens if the U.S. stops supporting Israel?” “Are we living in the Tribulation?” “Will the world end in 2012?” Jonathan In response to some of these inquiries, we have dedicated this issue of our magazine to deal with the subject of Israel at the dawn of a new decade. Bernis? Unquestionably, Israel is the focal point of all the controversy. One of the greatest threats Israel is now facing is Iran’s threat to wipe the country off the map with nuclear weapons. And there is the menace of continuing negativity against Israel around the world. The U.S. faces a great deal of pressure to back away from Israel and support the Palestinians or risk losing their support in the ongoing coalition against international terrorism. Ethiopia Medical Outreach Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Many, if not most, of these nations are terrorist nations themselves that have a horrifying record of human rights abuse and persecution of their Jewish and Christian populations. They want to see a April 23 - May 2 world without Israel and the United States on the globe. The Bible is crystal clear that God has given the Land of Israel to the Children of Israel, and we must stand behind them, for they are “the apple of His eye.” We must stand with Israel, and as Believers, Please remember we must make our voices heard on this issue. to pray for Jonathan Our citizenship is not of this world, but of the world to come. Now is the time to return to the Lord, as he travels to get our lives in order, to draw closer to Yeshua (Jesus), and to educate ourselves about the Land around the world. of the Bible—Israel—and the pivotal role she plays in all of our lives. Our priority must be that His Kingdom come, His will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. In this issue, in addition to my own article on the State of Israel’s current situation, we’ll hear from our friends, Bill Koenig, author and president of Koenig’s International News (, a daily news service with readers in 50 states and 79 countries; and our own Rabbi/Pastor Jack Zimmerman, an integral figure in our JVMI Speakers Bureau and frequent panelist on our monthly JVMI webcasts. Jack is a treasure trove of knowledge on the subject of Israel, the Middle East, and the signs of the times. This month we also have the distinct pleasure of announcing that our television program, Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis, is now airing on the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) at 5:00 a.m. Pacific time and 8:00 a.m. Eastern time every Tuesday. Be sure to tune in and please let TBN know that you are blessed to see our program on their network. I thank you for your partnership in the Gospel. Your prayer and financial support is vital and enables us to reach out to the Jewish People and to the Nations with God’s love. My pledge to you remains: We will go through every door that the Lord opens to us to bring His light into the darkness of this troubled world. Shalom in Yeshua, Jonathan Bernis President & CEO Jewish Voice Ministries International 2 | Jewish Voice Today March/april 2010
  • 3. contents Proclaiming Messiah to the World Jewish Voice Today 5 2 s h a lo m ! Volume 44 | number 2 march/april 2010 From the president adar/nisan/iyar 5770 By Jonathan Bernis 4 about this issue publisher By Sarah Weiner Jonathan bernis senior manaGinG 5 up Front editor israel 8 sarah Weiner By Jonathan Bernis senior Writer 8 G u e s t au t h o r mary ellen breitwiser Could benjamin netanyahu be the israeli senior GraphiC desiGners prime minister Who signs the daniel 9:27 Jennifer Carrell Covenant? lavinia matesan By Bill Koenig usa 10 G u e s t au t h o r p.O. Box 81439 the historical significance of israel 10 phoenix, aZ 85069-1439 USa By Jack Zimmerman 602-97l-850l 14 s p e C i a l i n t e r e s t Jewish Voice ministries Canada passover By Jonathan Bernis p.O. Box 476 Maple ridge, Bc V2X 3p2 0ll-602-97l-850l 20 J V t i n t e l l i G e n C e r e p o r t news from israel and around the World Jewish Voice ministries uK p.O. Box 628 22 h e b r e W l e s s o n 14 Borehamwood, UK WD6 9aT 00-l-602-97l-850l israel ain’t Just a land near egypt By Kevin Geoffrey address ChanGes & other CorrespondenCe: 23 s t e Wa r d s h i p Co r n e r p.O. Box 31998 the treasure principle phoenix, aZ 85046-1998 By Bill Mustard JeWish VoiCe ministries 24 propheCy & truth behind the international neWs 24 board oF direCtors how about the ‘israelification’ of all airports? rabbi Jonathan Bernis By Jan Markell Dr. larry Bates Elliot Klayman, Esq. Mrs. Madelaine lindvall 26 h e a d q ua r t e r s r e p o r t Mr. James Mueller By andy Freeman, program Director Mr. roger West Dr. Michael Maiden 27 resourCes Dorothy (Dotti) Naomi Solomon March/april 2010 Jewish Voice Today | 3
  • 4. Beautiful I about this issue srael. For those who embrace the Bible as the Word of God, this ancient Land is Full-color beloved, transcendent, holy…a precious Photograph trust of the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. For many others, it’s a Land of Book contention and strife, considered disputed (at best) or occupied territory. With a total landmass smaller than the state of New Jersey and ranking approxi- mately 150 in size comparison in the world, one should wonder why the miniscule State of Israel garners such an inordinate amount of world attention. Israel is often front-page news and the focal point of major news and media broadcasts, as well as the target of polarizing debates from town hall to world forums. Israel is indeed a Land of contradictions. The only nation on earth where legitimate spoils of war—of defensive war—have been returned to the aggressor and what remains is referred to as occupied territory; Israel continues to be castigated by much of the world for merely existing among her enemies as a tiny bastion of progressive democracy Comfort, in the massive Arab Middle East. Yet she steadily provides the world with a vastly inordinate measure of medical and scientific advances in research and development, and is a first- O Comfort responder when there is a major disaster anywhere in the world, such as the devastating January 2010 Haiti earthquake—when Israel sent massive resourc- es, even providing the only operating room in Port-au-Prince in the initial days. My People According to Genesis 15:18, God gave the land of Canaan to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and their descendants—from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates—as their promised, covenant Land. He also warned them not to divide it, nor allow the worship of foreign gods to defile it (Joel 3:2; Zechariah 12-14; Numbers 33:52-56). Israel was temporarily scattered to the four corners of the earth for her disobedience and suffered horrific curses described in Deuteronomy 28 for nearly two thousand years. God promises, however, in Leviticus 26:44 that He will not break covenant with Israel, nor utterly destroy her—by His Name. The Photos from the miracle of 1948 saw the beginning of restoration with the remarkable rebirth of the State of Israel—not due to the Jewish People earning any special favor JVMI 2009 Gondar, through repentance, but that God’s Name would be sanctified through keeping Ethiopia Outreach His Word. “Therefore say to the house of Israel, ‘Thus is what the Sovereign LORD says: It is not for your sake, O house of Israel, that I am going to do these things, but for the the black Jews of ethiopia’s highlands sake of my holy name…’” (Ezekiel 36:22 NIV). recited this prayer for generations: “dear From that moment, until this day, the tiny State of Israel has suffered lord, we have been separated from our repeated attacks—without provocation. The Arab nations seeking her destruc- people and our land for too long. please tion have been open, vocal, and consistent with their proclamations of hatred take us home to israel!” those left behind and planned destruction for Israel. “We will drive the Jews into the sea…” was following the 1980s airlifts suffer from the declaration in 1948 when Arab nations attacked the fledgling State on desperately extreme poverty. let your heart every border, creating an Arab refugee tragedy that exists to this day. (See arti- be stirred with God’s own cry to “Comfort, cle by Rabbi Jack Zimmerman, The Historical Significance of Israel.) o comfort my people” as you meet the beta A powerful deception grips the minds and hearts of those who align israel of Gondar within these pages. this 80- themselves against Israel. Adonai says: “...whoever touches you [Israel] touches page, soft-cover book measures 8.5” x 11”— the apple of his eye” (Zechariah 2:8 NIV). From the fallacious concept of the suitable for coffee table display. see what very name and people group, “Palestinian,” to vilifying the Israelis—the vic- your support has done among the poorest tims of continual violence—as the aggressors, a perverse and dangerous lie has of the poor Jewish people of ethiopia. been plied, setting Israel in the cross hairs of government, church, university, Order #8660 | $40.00 and nations. With this issue, we hope to arm you with truth and understanding that will help you stand firm for Israel, firm for Adonai and His Word. —Sarah 4 | Jewish Voice Today March/april 2010
  • 5. ISrAeL up Front By Jonathan Bernis The Lord had said to Abram, “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” —God, Genesis 12:1-3 T he day-to-day and often, moment- He knows the future, and the Scriptures God Loves both jew and arab to-moment situation in Israel is a teach us that He turns the hearts of kings God loves Jewish People and Arabs equal- complex problem for those of us in (Proverbs 21:1). Although the United ly. For those of us who support Israel, we Jewish ministry. To call the atmosphere States has historically stood with Israel, a must remember that God is not “against” tense is a massive understatement. shift has taken place aloft the winds of the Arabs, nor does He hate them. The Rumors of war haunt the shadows of change in America, making clear some- Lord loves all of His creation and wants nearly every conversation. Whispers of a thing that has been true for longer than none to perish. Yeshua (Jesus) died for all major call-up of reserve forces for addi- we care to believe: Israel’s destiny rests in people, Jew and Arab alike, and desires all tional training and preparation were her own hands. to find everlasting life. We must pray faith- becoming commonplace when I was The Bible is the Jewish People’s fully for the Lord to touch, heal, and reveal there just a few months ago. Threats of Himself to Israelis, Palestinians, Muslims, renewed terrorist attacks haunt the Land deed to Israel. and even Islamic terrorists. We need to dreams of every parent. There is little peace today in Jerusa- intercede for every man, woman, boy, and Many within the Israeli intelligence lem and Israel. Jewish Voice and other girl on the earth to be saved. This is the community believe that Iran is just Messianic and humanitarian groups only way true peace and understanding can months, and possibly even weeks away inside Israel are gathering support and ever be found. from finishing their first nuclear weapon. formulating contingency plans for what Fear of the Iranian madman Mahmoud may be coming. If the worst does happen, God Gave the Land to israeL Ahmadinejad with a nuclear weapon is we must be prepared to help in whatever God gave the Land to the descendants of almost palpable. For beloved Israel, Iran way is needed. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Regardless of and its president pose a very dangerous How are we to comprehend all that is what the United Nations decides or threat to the survival of Jewish People— happening there when we are constantly decided over half a century ago, hundreds possibly the greatest threat since the barraged with biased reports coming of Scriptures in the Bible are clear that the Holocaust. from most major media outlets? There Land was given to the Children of Israel by The Middle East is at a crossroads, are no easy answers, but we can consider but God is not surprised by these events. some biblical perspectives: Co n t i n u e d o n pa G e 6 March/april 2010 Jewish Voice Today | 5
  • 6. Co n t i n u e d F r o m pa G e 5 God as an everlasting inheritance. Hundreds of Scriptures beginning with For beloved Israel, Iran and its president pose a very Genesis chapters 12 and 15 make this truth crystal clear. Regardless of what any dangerous threat to the survival of Jewish People— government decides, this is the bottom line—the Bible is the Jewish People’s Land possibly the greatest threat since the Holocaust. deed to Israel. God said it and that settles it. As Christians, we must believe, accept, Islamic world.” To supporters of Israel he as one mourns for an only child, and grieve and set ourselves in agreement with what warns, “Anybody who recognizes Israel will bitterly for him as one grieves for a first- the Scriptures teach. God, in His sovereign- burn in the fire of the Islamic nation’s born son. On that day the weeping in Jeru- ty, gave this Land to the Jewish People, and fury.” salem will be great, like the weeping of who are we to question His decision? While The fact that Iran has enriched nuclear Hadad Rimmon in the plain of Megiddo” this does not mean that we should con- material and missiles capable of delivering (Zechariah 12:10-11). done all that Israel does, we must under- nuclear warheads to any destination in Jerusalem will be filled with descen- stand that this is an unconditional promise Israel only serves to heighten the serious- dants of David when Yeshua returns—an in God’s Word and support this divine ness of the threat. impossibility before Israel was re-estab- decision. The psalmist said, “He who lished in 1948 and highly implausible watches over Israel will neither slumber Although the United States has before Jerusalem was recaptured by Israeli nor sleep” (Psalm 121:4). historically stood with Israel, a forces in 1967. There will be no peace until the Prince in iran’s cross hairs shift has taken place aloft the of Peace establishes true peace. Most Chris- Currently, Israel’s greatest threat is Iran, a winds of change in America, tians are familiar with the exhortation to country of nearly 70 million people, of “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem” (Psalm whom seven in ten are under the age of making clear something that has 122:6). How do we pray? How can there thirty. Statistics released from the CIA and been true for longer than we care ever be peace? The Bible says many will say the U.N. say that one in five Iranians lives “peace, peace,” and there will be no peace. below poverty level, and five million sur- to believe: Israel’s destiny rests in The word peace in Hebrew is shalom and lit- vive on less than two dollars a day. Around her own hands. erally means “to bring to completion.” seven percent of the population can be God has a plan for this Land and this Peo- classified as radicals, who are bound Clearly, Israel’s future hangs in the bal- ple. It will come to pass in spite of the together by a common cause. ance. Yet, she will survive. God has pre- threats that are directed toward her. Ulti- Despite our government’s agenda to served the Jewish People not only because mately, this plan includes the return of try and convince us to the contrary, funda- of His love for them, but because Israel Yeshua (Jesus) to the Mount of Olives in mental Islam is committed to world domi- plays a vital role in the return of His Son. Jerusalem. nation. Anyone who is not a Muslim is an Dozens of Bible passages testify to the It has been said that Israel is God’s infidel. They are committed to Jihad, Holy important role of the Jewish People in the timepiece. If that is true, the hour must be War. For nearly a decade now, one of their last days of planet earth. Yeshua himself growing late. Are we fast approaching the immediate goals is the destruction of Israel. said: time of completion, when all Israel will be We don’t need to speculate about this. It “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill saved? “For I do not desire, brethren, that was announced by Iran’s supreme leader, the prophets and stone those sent to you, you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest Ayatollah Ali Khomeini, “It is the mission how often I have longed to gather your you should be wise in your own opinion, of the Islamic Republic of Iran to erase Isra- children together, as a hen gathers her that blindness in part has happened to Isra- el from the map of the region.” chicks under her wings, but you were not el until the fullness of the Gentiles has Iran’s President Ahmadinejad has stat- willing. Look, your house is left to you des- come in. And so all Israel will be saved” ed very publicly, “We don’t shy away from olate. For I tell you, you will not see me (Romans 11:25-26 NKJV). declaring that Islam is ready to rule the again until you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord’” (Matthew world…. We must believe in the fact that Islam is not confined to geographical bor- 23:37-39). We must pray for God’s plan to be ders, ethnic groups, and nations. It’s a uni- Clearly, Messiah was speaking to Jew- fulfilled in this troubled Land, for ish People who lived in the city of Jerusa- versal ideology that leads the world to jus- tice…. We must prepare ourselves to rule lem. Today, most continue to reject and the Messiah to be revealed in the the world.” deny Him. Tomorrow, they will see Him hearts of Jews and “Palestinians” coming in power and glory as affirmed by On Israel, his stand is unwavering: He has promised the world a Middle East with- the Prophet Zechariah: “And I will pour out alike, and for His plan to be brought out Israel. In his 2005 “World Without on the house of David and the inhabitants to completion, culminating in the of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplica- Zionism” speech, with reference to Israel, he spoke of Iran’s mandate to “eliminate tion. They will look on me, the one they Lord’s return to the earth. Only then this disgraceful stain [Israel] from the have pierced, and they will mourn for him will true peace be realized. 6 | Jewish Voice Today March/april 2010
  • 7. Sweden Norway Finland Estonia Latvia Denmark Lithuania Neth. Poland Belarus Germany Bel. Lux. Czech Rep. Slovakia Ukraine Austria Mold. Kazakhstan Switz. Hungary Slovenia Romania Italy Croatia France Bos. & Serb. Herz. Mont. Bulgaria in Albania Mace. Georgia Kyrgyzstan Armenia Azerb. Uzbekistan Greece Turkmenistan Tajikistan Turkey C h i n a Malta Cyprus Syria Lebanon Tunisia Israel Iran Afghanistan Iraq Jordan Algeria Kuwait Nepal Bhutan Libya Pakistan Egypt Qatar Bangladesh U.A.E. Saudi Arabia Burma India Lao Oman Mali Niger Chad Eritrea Yemen Thailan Sudan ina Faso Dijbouti Benin Nigeria Togo Ethiopia Suppose Iran one day gives hana Cameroon Central African Republic Somalia Sri Lanka Equatorial Guinea Uganda Kenya ome & Principe Congo Equator Gabon Rwanda Dem. Rep. of Congo nuclear devices to terrorists. Burundi Tanzania Could anyone within range Angola Malawi Zambia Namibia Zimbabwe Mauritius of Iran’s missiles Mozambique Botswana Tropic of Capricorn (adapted from the New York times) Madagascar feel safe? Swaziland Lesotho South Africa
  • 8. G u e s t au t h o r Could Benjamin No Israeli politician is Netanyahu better known. No Israeli leader is a Be the Israeli stronger defender of Prime Minister his nation’s threats. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may be the leader Who signs who agrees to the final biblical peace deal spoken of in Daniel 9:27—“He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offer- ing. And on a wing [of the temple] he will set up an abomination the Daniel 9:27 that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.” No Israeli politician is better known. No Israeli leader is a Covenant? stronger defender of his nation’s threats. In his policy speech at the Begin-Sadat Center at Bar-Ilan Uni- versity on June 14, 2009, Netanyahu was superb, clever, reason- able and strategic. He attempted a very delicate political balancing act—which, for the most part, seemed to succeed. He calmed the By Bill Koenig Kadima Party and the Labor Party with his statement that he favors a Palestinian state, but he offered very challenging contingencies that must first be satisfied. He satisfied Israel’s right-wing political parties on the state- ment of a unified (not divided) Jerusalem. Members of the Likud Party who don’t want to see any of Israel’s biblical land given to the Palestinians were disgruntled about the talk of a Palestinian state, but they appeared satisfied that Netanyahu’s requirements for the Palestinians are all but impossible for them to meet. He also enjoined Israel’s concerns and the moderate Arabs’ concerns about a nuclear Iran. This was a good strategy. He said: • If we receive this guarantee regarding demilitarization and Israel’s security needs, and if the Palestinians recognize Israel as the state of the Jewish people, then we will be ready in a future peace agreement to reach a solution where a demilitarized Pales- tinian state exists alongside the Jewish state. • If the Palestinians turn toward peace—in fighting terror, in strengthening governance and the rule of law, in educating their (photo CourtesY: children for peace and in stopping incitement against Israel—we will do our part in making every effort to facilitate freedom of movement and access and to enable them to develop their econo- my. • Above all else, the Palestinians must decide between the path of peace and the path of Hamas. The Palestinian Authority will have to establish the rule of law in Gaza and overcome Hamas. Israel will not sit at the negotiating table with terrorists who seek 8 | Jewish Voice Today March/april 2010
  • 9. its destruction. has to get Israel to comply with Arab and 12-14). Netanyahu addressed 140 Israeli international demands. He answered: We realize that Israel will eventually ambassadors and heads of delegations that “Under American law, the United States can agree to a final seven-year peace plan and were in Jerusalem on Dec. 28, 2009, for the withhold support on loan guarantees to that the false messiah will sponsor a peace first-ever series of high-level briefings. He Israel.” plan that will be confirmed by the nations once again emphasized his conditions to a Israel’s Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz (Daniel 9:27). peace deal: quickly reacted, saying, “Israel had no The false messiah will come forward at • Palestinian acceptance of Israel as intention of making use of the U.S. loan the midway point to stop sacrifices on the a Jewish state. guarantees in the near future, as it had man- Temple Mount in Jerusalem (Daniel 9:26- • Demilitarization of any future Pal- aged to raise enough funds on its own.” 27, Daniel 11:31, and Matthew 24:15). The estinian state. Mitchell’s remarks came shortly after Great Tribulation will begin at that point Netanyahu said, “Recognizing Israel as Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Michael and last for 42 months (Revelation 11:2, a Jewish state is necessary for any agree- Oren rejected Washington’s attempt to Revelation 12:6, Daniel 7:25, Revelation ment with the Palestinians that would lead place a firm two-year deadline on the peace 12:14). to an end to the conflict. We want an end to process. During the final 42 months, the Jews the conflict,” he said. “That means the Pal- “In the past, attempts to impose time will mourn for the one they pierced (Zecha- estinians must stop attempts to use a Pales- frameworks have not proved either realiz- riah 12:10). They will not see the Messiah tinian state as a jumping-off point for fur- able or helpful,” Oren told The Jerusalem until they say, “Blessed is he who comes in ther claims against Israel. No claim to flood Post. Previous deadlines have only increased the name of the Lord!” (Matthew 23: 39) Israel with refugees, which would mean the the Palestinians’ refusal to meet their peace God will make Jerusalem a burden- end of the Jewish state; and no irredentist obligations, confident that Israel would be some stone (Zechariah 12:3), and He will claims to the Negev, Galilee or Israeli citi- forced to comply regardless in order to destroy all the nations that come against zens, which would mean the dissolution of meet the timetable. Jerusalem (Zechariah 12:9). At the end of the Jewish state.” Senator John McCain (Republican-Ari- the 42 months, there will be final battle for Ha’aretz reported: Netanyahu said the zona) told a Jerusalem press conference on the city of Jerusalem—the battle of Arma- situation in Lebanon, and the rearming of Sunday, Jan. 10, that he expects President geddon (Zechariah 12-14). Hezbollah despite Security Council Resolu- Barack Obama to explicitly announce that We must continue to pray for the peace tion 1701 prohibiting just that, proved that his Administration is not planning to alter of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6)—a peace that agreements on paper were ineffective. America’s policy regarding financial aid to will only occur when Yeshua returns to Israel. Jerusalem to begin His 1,000-year millen- Netanyahu said, “recognizing Senator Joe Lieberman (Independent nial reign. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! (Rev. 22:20) Israel as a Jewish state is Democrat-Connecticut) stated at the same press conference that even if Obama tried necessary for any agreement with to use U.S. financial aid as leverage, Con- eye to eye the Palestinians that would lead gress would never approve such a measure. It is 271 miles long and 81 miles wide at its to an end to the conflict. We want The Bible’s road map—the ultimate widest point. It makes up less than one percent of the land of the Middle East. “It” is an end to the conflict.” plan Israel, and many world leaders believe this God gave the land of Canaan to Abra- nation is the key to peace. In this book, Bill “I am doubtful that anyone can do this ham, Isaac and Jacob and their descendants Koenig provides conclusive evidence that except a real Israeli presence, Israeli forces,” when He said, “On that day the Lord made the U.S. and the world are on a collision he said, intimating that in any future agree- a covenant with Abram and said, ‘To your course with God over Israel’s covenant land. ment with the Palestinians, Israeli forces— descendants I give this land, from the river Order #8635 | $15.00 +3.95 S&H not international ones—would have to be of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates— on the eastern border of a future Palestinian the land of the Kenites, Kenizzites, Kad- Bill Koenig is the president of Koenig’s International state to prevent it from importing arms and monites, Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaites, News ( The daily news service has staging attacks against Israel. Amorites, Canaanites, Gergashites and readers in 50 states and 79 countries. Bill co-authored Jebusites” (Genesis 15:18). Israel: The Blessing or the Curse in 2001 and Eye to Eye: Obama Admin threatens to withhold The Promised Land is not to be divid- Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel in 2007. he is a aid to Israel ed; and the Bible said, “I will gather all graduate of arizona State University with a B.S. in communications. Bill and his wife, claudia, reside in the American President Barack Obama’s nations and bring them down to the Valley Washington, D.c. area where he is a White house Middle East envoy, George Mitchell, threat- of Jehoshaphat. There I will enter into judg- correspondent. he writes a weekly ened in the first week of January to with- ment against them concerning my inheri- 12-page news report called hold financial aid to Israel if they did not tance, my people Israel, for they scattered “Koenig’s Eye View from the White accept demanded concessions to get the my people among the nations and divided house” that focuses on world news that is biblically relevant and White stalled peace process back on track. up my land” (Joel 3:2). And that there will house news from a christian In an interview with Charlie Rose, be consequences to those who attempt to perspective. Bill plans to release a Mitchell was asked what leverage the U.S. divide the land of Israel (see Zechariah new book in 2010. March/april 2010 Jewish Voice Today | 9
  • 10. G u e s t au t h o r The Historical Significance By JacK Zimmerman of Israel C Scores of otherwise rationally an you be fooled? How easy would Israel remains: “If Israel would stop it be for someone to “pull the wool occupying the West Bank and Gaza, over your eyes?” In April 1998, thinking people have been led to Palestinians wouldn’t have to deploy thousands of people were taken in by a believe that in the tumultuous rockets and suicide bombers to defend promotional campaign devised by fast- themselves from Israeli aggression.” food giant, Burger King. In a full page USA region of the Middle east, Israel is “Israeli aggression” has nothing to do Today advertisement, the restaurant occupying Palestinian Land and with Arab terrorism. On Sunday morning, announced an addition to their menu—the February 22, 1948, in anticipation of Isra- “Left-Handed Whopper.” According to the inflicting the same aggression, el’s independence, a triple truck bomb was ad, the new Whopper had the same fear and hurt against Palestinians detonated by Arab terrorists on Jerusalem’s ingredients as the regular whopper, except Ben Yehuda Street. Fifty-four people were that the lettuce, hamburger, etc., had all that the Nazis inflicted against killed and hundreds wounded. This event been rotated 180 degrees to benefit the 32 Jews in the Holocaust. took place 19 years before Israel even had a million left-handed Americans who wanted presence in the West Bank or Gaza. to eat Whoppers just like everyone else. people have been led to believe that in the Arab terrorism is caused not by the The following day, thousands of left- tumultuous region of the Middle East, Isra- “desperation” of “occupation,” but by the handed folks came in to Burger King to el is occupying Palestinian land and inflict- very thought of a Jewish State. request the new Whopper. There were also ing the same aggression, fear, and hurt For years, western leaders have held thousands of right-handed folks in line against Palestinians that the Nazis inflicted summits, peace conferences, and made right behind them—requesting the original against Jews in the Holocaust. These people diplomatic visits in an effort to bring about “right-handed” Whopper, and insisting it insist the claims against Israel are true, but peace between Arabs and Jews in the not be discontinued. We did mention this they never bother to check the validity of Middle East. Many have tried; all have happened in April 1998? That would be those claims. Do they actually line up with failed. They have used what they thought April Fool’s Day, 1998. The whole thing the facts? Not so much. Popular claims were common sense approaches. was a hoax, yet by the thousands, people made against Israel in the name of Palestin- Yet, as recently as one year ago, some were taken in—never giving it a second ian Independence could fill a small library, of the bloodiest conflicts in the region have thought. but what about the history-based facts, taken place. In response to unrelenting Which just goes to show you that actual photographs, authentic documents rocket attacks from the Gaza strip, Israel scores of otherwise rationally thinking and other indisputable evidence that favors unleashed massive air attacks against people can be led to believe almost Israel? I’ll borrow the phrase of a popular militant Hamas forces. More than 1,200 anything, if it’s presented convincingly news network that claims, “We Report— Palestinians died. Currently there is a enough. You Decide.” ceasefire, but in the Middle East, everyone Scores of otherwise rationally thinking The number-one popular claim against knows that a ceasefire is tenuous at best—a 10 | Jewish Voice Today March/april 2010
  • 11. time for Arab forces to regroup and rearm. the return of Jesus will bring peace to the Roman emperor Hadrian changed the Hamas will continue to attack Israel region and to the world. name of the city of Jerusalem to Aelia and no one will say a word, yet the moment And then, of course, there is the side of Capitolina, and he changed the name of Israel responds, it will be the target of those who favor the Palestinian cause. They Israel to Syria-Palestina. Palestina was the worldwide condemnation. And just as has claim: “It is shocking how the Israelis Roman word for “Philistine.” And knowing been done throughout every ceasefire, continue their propaganda of being under that the Philistines were Israel’s fiercest Hamas and other terrorist groups will use constant rocket fire.” “What about the sea, enemy from history until then, Hadrian this time to acquire even greater numbers air, and land attacks? And the occupation wanted to degrade the Jews by naming their of rockets so they can attack Israel even over the last 60 years?” “Israel is occupying country after their worst rivals. harder the next time. This is no secret. Palestinian land.” Ask anyone, if someone Hamas leaders themselves have publicly invades your land, won’t you fight back any Now, today’s Palestinians are said this is their agenda during a ceasefire. way you can? also what are known as Muslims. “Israel is a terrorist country.” “Hamas The Arabs asked for land—for the is the oppressed party fighting for their Muslims follow the religion of Jews to leave—they were given rights and land. Israel is a bully operating Islam. It is one of the fastest on the blind Jewish, ‘We are the Chosen 100 percent of what they asked People’ ideology. They are no different growing religions today. In fact, for in that region—so why are from the Nazis. Our U.S. tax dollars are one out of every five people on supporting this terror. Write your they attacking the Jews on their representatives and demand that they cut this planet follows the religion borders in Israel-proper? funding to Israel.” of Islam. You can see how passionate the How do the conflicts start? Why do arguments are on both sides. Both sides say One of the claims made to the land they continue? Who’s really to blame? the land belongs to them. Obviously one today by Palestinians is that they are the In 2005, Israel pulled out of Gaza. That of the two sides is wrong. Is there a way to descendants of the original Philistines; means, all Jewish citizens left entire towns, find out who is right? Of course there is. Of therefore, they were in the land first— beautiful homes, and businesses to give the two things we can be certain, history and before the Jews. “It’s our land, you Jewish Arabs a completely Jew-free Gaza. (The the Bible, the Word of God. Neither of People,” was their mantra, “and you can’t Nazis called it judenrein—”free of all Jews”.) them lie. But if you don’t know your history, have it back. We want it for ourselves!” The Jews became refugees in Israel. Since it’s easy to believe the lie. Now that might be looked at as a fairly that time, Hamas has launched more than convincing argument, except for several 6,000 rockets at Israel. Why? The Arabs There has never been a sovereign major flaws, including this one in Amos 1:8 asked for land—for the Jews to leave—they were given 100 percent of what they asked land called Palestine. Jerusalem that says God Himself would cause the Philistines to become extinct. When God for in that region—so why are they has never been their capital. makes a promise, He keeps it. God made attacking the Jews on their borders in Israel- proper? There has never been a Palestin- the promise, and God kept the promise. Because 600 years before the religion of Did you see this reported on your ian language. There has been no Islam came to be, the Philistines were gone evening news? It seems the media only comes on the scene when Israel fires back Palestinian culture, nor has there for good. The point is, if you say that you descend to defend itself—painting Israel as the ever been a Palestinian people. from a particular people group and that aggressor. What would the U.S. do if Mexico group was long ago made extinct, it’s kind declared we had no right to exist and started Let me make the truth easy for you to of tough to have descendants from an shooting rockets into our country? We uncover. First let’s look at the word extinct group of people. It simply is not would likely take strong military action Palestinian itself. What is the origin of that there. But if the Palestinians didn’t come against Mexico until the attacks stopped. word? One of the popular and often-told from the Philistines, where did they come We would not wait for four years. That’s stories in Jewish history is where the Roman from? exactly what Israel is forced to do and yet Emperor Titus and his army came into The facts are these—there has never they get criticized for trying to protect Jerusalem and destroyed the Second been a sovereign land called Palestine. themselves. We wouldn’t allow anyone to Temple. About three years later, the Roman Jerusalem has never been their capital. shoot at us. Why should they? army came up Mount Masada where there There has never been a Palestinian Indeed, the reason that there’s no was a Jewish community that was trying to language. There has been no Palestinian peace in the Middle East is because every avoid the Romans. culture, nor has there ever been a Palestinian time things are peaceful, Hamas starts Rather than being killed by the people. But don’t believe me as a Jew attacking and initiating violence. Israel has Romans, they all took their own lives. Many because I say it. I’m only quoting the never been the one to start aggression. of us know about Masada. But there is a Palestinian leaders who say it themselves. Here’s the definition of a ceasefire: Israel later story that many of us do not know Something that surprises many ceases, and the Arabs continue to fire. Only and it happened in the year 132. Then involves a Dutch newspaper called Trouw March/april 2010 Jewish Voice Today | 11
  • 12. Co n t i n u e d F r o m pa G e 11 that published an interview in 1977 with Palestine Liberation Organization leader Both sides say the land belongs Zuheir Mohsen (1936-1979). His to them. Obviously one of the comments were as follows. “The Palestinian people do not exist. The creation of a two sides is wrong. Is there a Palestinian state is only a means of continuing our struggle against the state of way to find out who is right? Of Israel for our Arab unity. course there is. Of two things “In reality there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians we can be certain, history and and Lebanese. It is only for political and tactical reasons that we speak today about the Bible, the Word of God. the existence of a Palestinian people. Since Neither of them lie. But if you Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct ‘Palestinian don’t know your history, it’s people’ to oppose Zionism.” (See http:// easy to believe the lie. Trouw Interview.) This is shocking! The Palestinians him. And then Allah said to the Israelites, up at that time. themselves admit that the whole idea of a ‘Dwell you Israelites in the land of Israel While many Jews did flee the city of Palestinian people is a lie! and when the promise of the hereafter Jerusalem for their lives, they didn’t leave Now, today’s Palestinians are also what comes to be fulfilled, Allah shall assemble Israel. They simply migrated to another are known as Muslims. Muslims follow the the Israelites all together in the land of Isra- city in Israel where they could live in safety. religion of Islam. It is one of the fastest el.’” That town was called Yavneh, the place growing religions today. In fact, one out of It’s in their holy book! Why aren’t they where rabbinic commentaries come from, every five people on this planet follows the following it? Well, those comments were writings of the Rabbis, even the Talmud, religion of Islam. Their prophet is Moham- made by their prophet Mohammed when and the fact that we have those great works med. Their holy book is known as the he was receiving revelations in a cave today proves that the Jewish People never Koran, which they fully believe is the during the time he was living in the city of left. inspired word of their god, who they call Mecca. But, when he got kicked out of Allah. In the Koran, it says that the Muslims Mecca and later moved to Medina and Unfortunately, so many people were the original inhabitants of the Land started preaching on the streets that he was that we refer to as Israel. God’s holy prophet and apostle, people never go back to study history. were inclined to go and take a look. Instead they reason that the The Muslim holy book, When people started listening to Arabs must be right or they Mohammed, the Jews said, “Wait a minute! the Koran, says that Israel He’s not quoting Torah. He’s a false wouldn’t be so willing to sacrifice belongs to the Jews. prophet.” The Christians said, “He’s not their sons and daughters. talking about Jesus. He’s a false prophet!” Their Koran says that Allah promised And after the Jews and Christians rejected the Land to them through Abraham and his Mohammed’s message, all of a sudden, Who came to take over Israel next? son, Ishmael. Muslims believe that Allah’s comments in the Koran about the After the Romans were there for a while Abraham and Ishmael were Muslim as well Jews and Christians weren’t so nice and then the Byzantines, the Muslims and so they say that the Land, according to anymore. invaded it. They actually made a deal with their god, is rightfully theirs. In fact, there’s a comment in there that the Jews, saying, “You Jews help us defeat Not only that, Muslims and even many says, “Do not take the Jews or Christians as the Persians, and when we start ruling here, Christians believe that since the Land was friends, for in the hereafter, they will be we’ll let you back into Jerusalem.” As we promised to Abraham’s descendants, both among the losers.” Jewish people say, “Such a deal.” So we did sides have a legitimate claim to it. You don’t need a land dispute to justify it. We helped them out. We came back into Now just a side note here. Before we get your hatred—your god is already doing Jerusalem, and at first, Jewish People were to that claim, did you know that the Mus- that for you. But if you are a Palestinian, treated fairly well. It didn’t last long, lim holy book, the Koran, says that Israel you do need and you will use revisionist because when you don’t believe in the belongs to the Jews? That’s right. Chapters history such as this claim from the Arab Muslim prophet, you are known as a in the Koran are known as surahs. If you go lands. Today’s Arab Muslims say that when dhimmi, an Arab word that refers to “its to surah 17:102-203 from the Koran, it says: Rome invaded Jerusalem, every last Jew left non-Islamic population that live in Islamic- “Pharaoh sought to scare the Israelites out Israel and effectively deserted the Holy conquered lands.” You’re a second-class of the land of Israel but Allah drowned Land. Therefore, any claim that Jewish citizen! Pharaoh together with all who were with People say they have to the Land was given After a while, Jewish People were 12 | Jewish Voice Today March/april 2010
  • 13. Previous Page: MaP of land biblically mandated to Israel This Page (Clockwise from Left): IshMaeL—told to leave Israel (CourtesY: wikipedia); PaLesTInIan youTh (CourtesY:; deCLaraTIon of The esTabLIshMenT of The sTaTe of IsraeL—May 14, 1948 (CourtesY: wikipedia); hadrIan—roman emperor in 132 changed name of Israel to Palestine (CourtesY: persecuted and forced to wear yellow Here’s your land, Jordan.” The Arabs felt Ishmael. The Bible does promise that badges in the shape of the Star of David so they got short changed and massive Arab Ishmael would also become a great nation, that they could be distinguished from rioting against Jews broke out in Israel. The but that nation would not be Israel. These Muslims. Sound familiar? This is 1,000 Jews were claiming it was their land, and are the words of the very Word of God years before the Holocaust when Hitler the Arabs saw this as a threat to their itself. Of that there is no dispute. would again force Jews to wear such badges. sovereign claim. Think about it, Ishmael was to have his Where do you think he got the idea? own land. If God’s intent was to have Ish- Muslim rule over Israel lasted until If God’s intent was to have mael share the Land, then why did God around 1100 when the Crusades came in kick Ishmael out and tell him he would from the East. Muslims would later regain Ishmael share the Land, then why have to set up shop elsewhere? Clearly the control and again be kicked out by the did God kick Ishmael out and tell Land belongs to those who descended Ottoman Turks that ruled until 1918. Arab from the Twelve Tribes—the Jews. The Lord Muslims lost a lot of their glory long ago him he would have to set up shop spoke to the prophet Jeremiah, saying: when their empire fell. In their effort to elsewhere? regain that glory, they have tried changing “The time is coming,” declares history by throwing in violence and protests It’s good to see what the biblical view the LORD, “when I will make a new to convince the world that they got short- of the Land is. Just as Muslims have their covenant with the house of Israel changed along the way. holy book, we Christians and Jews have and with the house of Judah. It will Unfortunately, so many people never ours, the Bible. Like the Koran, the Bible not be like the covenant I made with go back to study history. Instead they says that Abraham’s descendants would their forefathers when I took them reason that the Arabs must be right or they inherit the Land through Isaac and Jacob— by the hand to lead them out of wouldn’t be so willing to sacrifice their not Ishmael. Egypt, because they broke my sons and daughters. covenant, though I was a husband to Today Palestinians claim that what Abraham fell facedown; he them,” declares the LORD. “This is happened to them next was a travesty, and laughed and said to himself, “Will a the covenant I will make with the it’s another key reason they believe Israel son be born to a man a hundred house of Israel after that time,” belongs to them. The vast empire of Great years old? Will Sarah bear a child at declares the LORD. “I will put my Britain wanted to add Israel to its collection. the age of ninety?” And Abraham law in their minds and write it on In order to do that, Britain needed to defeat said to God, “If only Ishmael might their hearts. I will be their God, and those Ottoman Turks who were ruling live under your blessing!” Then God they will be my people.” Israel, but they couldn’t do it without help said, “Yes, but your wife Sarah will —Jeremiah 31:31-33 from the Arabs. They knew the Arabs bear you a son, and you will call him wanted to have their own homeland, so Isaac. I will establish my covenant Clearly the Bible says that though they made a deal. with him as an everlasting covenant Israel broke covenant with God, He did not They promised if the Arabs would help for his descendants after him.” cast them out as His Covenant People. He them defeat the Ottoman Turks, they’d give —Genesis 17:17-19 NIV simply extended a new covenant to them in the Arabs their very own land. So the Arabs order that their blessings would remain helped, believing that “the Land” would be So the Land Covenant made with God intact. God’s covenant promises are eternal. Israel. Wrong! In the end, Britain said, and Abraham would extend from Abraham “Thanks for your help in our victory, Arabs. through Isaac and Jacob, but not through Co n t i n u e d o n pa G e 18 March/april 2010 Jewish Voice Today | 13
  • 14. Passover By Jonathan Bernis The LORD said to Moses and Aaron in Egypt, “This month is to be for you the first month, the first month of your year. Tell the whole community of Israel that on the tenth day of this month each man is to take a lamb for his family, one for each household…. The animals you choose must be year-old males without defect…. Take care of them until the fourteenth day of the month, when all the people of the community of Israel must slaughter them at twilight. Then they are to take some of the blood and put it on the sides and tops of the doorframes of the houses where they eat the lambs… and when I see the blood, I will pass over you….” —exodus 12:1-3; 5-7; 13
  • 15. speCial interest P assover is a holiday rich with revela- branches in front of Him and celebrated as Passover begins tion and insight into the character He passed, riding on a donkey to show that at sunset on and nature of the God of Israel. It He was coming in humility and peace. clearly illustrates that He not only can save For four days, the Passover lamb was to Monday, March 29 and redeem people, but does. Indeed, it is a be kept in public view so that anyone who momentous event for all mankind. Bibli- wished to examine the animal could do so, er! cally speaking, it is by far the most signifi- ensuring that it was without defect as com- Special Magazine Off cant holiday of the year, for it is the Pass- over that marks the beginning of God’s redemptive plan for mankind. manded. Meanwhile, the Pharisees and Sadducees were trying desperately to find fault with Yeshua, but could not do so. In Passover resources To non-Jews, Passover is probably the fact, Pontius Pilate, who agreed to have the best known of the biblical Feasts. Any Messiah executed, washed his hands in Christian who has even a moderate com- front of the crowd and told them, “I am prehension of the Old Testament will cer- innocent of this man’s blood. It is your tainly understand the connection between responsibility” (Matthew 27:24). Passover and the sacrificial death of the There are many parallels between the Messiah. death of Yeshua and the sacrifice of the Most remember how Moses asked Pha- Passover lamb. For example, the blood raoh to free the Israelites, who had become stains on the Savior’s head, hands and feet slaves in Egypt. When the Egyptian leader matched the blood placed on the door- refused to listen, God sent a number of frame of every Israelite house in Egypt. plagues on the land of Egypt, including an Another is that it was forbidden for any of infestation of frogs, swarms of locusts, the Passover lamb’s bones to be broken Messianic Passover Seder Kit blood, hail, and darkness. The Egyptians (Exodus 12:46) and, similarly, none of Make passover a family tradition! celebrate suffered terribly, but Pharaoh remained Messiah’s bones were broken, although this ancient, yet timeless, biblical tradition adamant in his opposition to let the Israel- Roman soldiers did break the legs of the with Jonathan Bernis and his family. Kit ites leave Egypt. two thieves who were crucified on either includes Messianic passover 2 DVD set, Finally, God gave instructions to Moses side of Him (John 19:31-37). Additionally, haggadah, Seder plate, Kiddush cup, 2 that every Hebrew family was to sacrifice a according to some Bible historians, the candle holders, and Matzah cover. lamb without defect. After the lamb had Passover lamb was sacrificed about 3 p.m., Order #3130 | $70.00* been killed, its blood was to be placed on the same time when Yeshua cried out in a the top and two sides of the doorframe of loud voice and died (Matthew 27:45-50). their house. At midnight on the specified Although Yeshua was without sin, it day, the Lord struck down every firstborn pleased God to bruise Him and to lay upon child in Egypt who lived in a house that Him the iniquity of us all (Isaiah 53). Yesh- was not marked with the blood of a lamb. ua said, “I am the door; if anyone enters by The houses belonging to the Israelites were Me, he will be saved” (John 10:9 NKJV). passed over; thus the name of Passover was Why? Because He is the Passover Lamb who set aside to commemorate this great occa- has shed His blood in order that we may sion in the history of Israel—the event that apply it to the doorposts of our heart, and finally brought their freedom. the Angel of Death passes over. Blow Out Sale! God commanded that all future genera- The Passover service takes us through the tions sacrifice the Passover lamb in spring- story of the deliverance of the Hebrew chil- time on the 14th of Aviv. The festival always dren by the hand and grace of God. This Messianic Passover 2 dVd Set Follow along as Jonathan Bernis leads his included a public sacrifice of a national deliverance is not only out of the land of family through the elements of the Seder, Passover lamb. As the lamb was led to its Egypt, but also from death—by the blood rich with prophetic meaning. Get the 2 DVD death, crowds of people would line the of the Passover Lamb. As you celebrate set and your own Messianic passover streets of Jerusalem, singing joyously as Passover, you will see this great miracle and they remembered their ancestors’ deliver- gain a greater understanding of God’s love haggadah! Order #9600C | SPeCIAL PrICe OF $5.00* ance from Egypt. One passage that was for mankind. sung came from Psalm 118: “O Lord, save Yeshua (Jesus) is the Jewish Messiah. He us; O Lord, grant us success. Blessed is he is the Passover Lamb, given to the Jewish Messianic Passover Haggadah who comes in the name of the Lord” (Psalm People from God and to the world through The perfect complement to the Seder! 118:25-26). His atonement. When God sees the blood Order #9402 | $5.00* It was during Passover week that Jesus applied to the doorposts of our heart, the Order #9402S | 4 FOr $15.00* made His final entrance into Jerusalem, fol- Angel of Death will pass over. This is the lowing the same route that the Passover declaration of Passover: the grace and * SHIPPING & HANdLING (S&H) FeeS APPLy. lamb had taken. Crowds placed palm power of God unto salvation! March/april 2010 Jewish Voice Today | 15
  • 16. Countries eligible to sit Countries not eligible to on the United Nations sit on the United Nations Security Council: Security Council: Afghanistan Gambia Pakistan Albania Georgia Palau Algeria Germany Panama Andorra Ghana Papua New Guinea Angola Greece Paraguay Antigua and Barbuda Grenada Peru Argentina Guatemala Philippines Armenia Guinea Poland Australia Guinea-Bissau Portugal Austria Guyana Qatar Azerbaijan Haiti Republic of Korea Bahamas Honduras Romania Bahrain Hungary Russian Federation Bangladesh Iceland Rwanda Barbados India St. Kitts and Nevis Belarus Indonesia St. Lucia Belgium Iran St. Vincent and the Belize Iraq Grenadines Benin Ireland Samoa Bhutan Italy San Marina Bolivia Jamaica São Tomé and Principe Bosnia and Herzegovina Japan Saudi Arabia Botswana Jordan Senegal Brazil Kazakhstan Seychelles Brunei Darussalam Kenya Sierra Leone Bulgaria Kiribati Singapore Burkina Faso Kuwait Slovakia Burundi Kyrgyzstan Slovenia Cambodia Laos Solomon Islands Cameroon Latvia Somalia Canada Lebanon South Africa Cape Verde Lesotho Spain Israel Central African Republic Liberia Sri Lanka Chad Libya Sudan Chile Liechtenstein Suriname China Lithuania Swaziland Colombia Luxembourg Sweden Comoro Islands Madagascar Syria Congo Malawi Tajikistan Costa Rica Malaysia Tanzania Côte d’Ivoire Maldives Thailand Croatia Mali The Former Yugoslav Cuba Malta Republic of Macedonia Cyprus Marshall Islands Togo Czech Republic Mauritania Tonga Democratic People’s Mauritius Trinidad and Tobago Republic of Korea Mexico Tunisia Democratic Republic Micronesia Turkey of the Congo Moldova Turkmenistan Denmark Monaco Uganda Djibouti Mongolia Ukraine Dominica Morocco United Arab Emirates Dominican Republic Mozambique United Kingdom Ecuador Myanmar United States Egypt Namibia Uruguay EI Salvador Nauru Uzbekistan Equatorial Guinea Nepal Vanuatu Eritrea Netherlands Venezuela Estonia New Zealand Viet Nam Ethiopia Nicaragua Yemen Fiji Niger Yugoslavia Finland Nigeria Zambia France Norway Zimbabwe Gabon Oman From peacekeeping to democracy-building, from Kosovo to Namibia to East group. UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has called for an end to this injustice The New York Times Timor, the UN is indispensable—and worthy of America’s engagement and and “the normalization of Israel’s status within the United Nations.” As a support. temporary measure, Israel has sought acceptance in the West European and Others Group (WEOG), which includes not only the democracies of Western But unfair treatment of one country, Israel, mars the UN’s noble mission. Of Europe but also Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States. The all 188 member countries, only Israel—in a glaring example of inequality—is U.S., Australia, Canada and Norway have supported Israel’s admission to ineligible to serve on the Security Council, the world body’s key deliberative WEOG, but the 15-member European Union refuses to act. group. Without membership in a regional group, Israel can never be elected to serve To be eligible, a country must belong to one of the five regional groups. Israel on the Security Council or, for that matter, on the other most important bodies should be part of the Asian bloc, but Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia and others have of the UN system. shamefully prevented its entry for decades. Of all UN members only Israel is denied the right to belong to any regional What should you do? Make yourself heard! 16 | Jewish Voice Today March/april 2010
  • 17. Ethiopia Medical Outreach Addis Ababa April 23 - May 2 You can help Jewish Voice bring healing, hope, and the promise of eternal life to the Remnant of israel scattered to the corners of the earth. These precious, ancient people have been abandoned by the world...but not by the lord, and not by Jewish Voice! Your kindness is their relief. Yeshua is their hope. We neeD YoU! Medical Professionals, Dental Professionals, Optical Professionals, Administrative, Security, Intercessors, Prayer & Financial Supporters Full Package: $2,675: includes airfare from Washington Dulles, hotel, meals, and ground transport in Ethiopia Land Package: $1,400: includes hotel, meals, and ground transport in Ethiopia For more information, contact Melissa: or 602-971-8501 GIVE to support these critical outreaches! Together we will make an eternal difference in the lives of these impoverished Jewish People! Please call Jewish Voice: 602-971-8501/Events or e-mail: