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Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar Disorder:
A Field Trial of the MONARCA System
Jakob E. Bardram, Mads Frost,
Károly Szántó
The Pervasive Interaction Technology Laboratory
IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Maria Faurholt-Jepsen, Maj Vinberg
and Lars Vedel Kessing
Psychiatric Center Copenhagen,
University Hospital of Copenhagen, Denmark
An increasing number of pervasive healthcare systems are be-
ing designed, that allow people to monitor and get feedback
on their health and wellness. To address the challenges of
self-management of mental illnesses, we have developed the
MONARCA system – a personal monitoring system for bipo-
lar patients. We conducted a 14 week field trial in which
12 patients used the system, and we report findings focus-
ing on their experiences. The results were positive; compared
to using paper-based forms, the adherence to self-assessment
improved; the system was considered very easy to use; and
the perceived usefulness of the system was high. Based on
this study, the paper discusses three HCI questions related to
the design of personal health technologies; how to design for
disease awareness and self-treatment, how to ensure adher-
ence to personal health technologies, and the roles of different
types of technology platforms.
Author Keywords
Bipolar disorder; mental health; personal health systems;
mobile application
ACM Classification Keywords
H.5.m. Information Interfaces and Presentation (e.g. HCI):
According to WHO, mental illness is one of the most pressing
healthcare concerns worldwide [34]. Bipolar disorder in par-
ticular, has a community lifetime prevalence of 4% [16] and
is associated with high morbidity and disability [25]. Per-
sonal health technologies hold promise for helping bipolar
patients to monitor their mood patterns and symptoms, rec-
ognize so-called ‘early warning signs’, and to handle medica-
tion. Health technologies can – based on subjective and ob-
jective sensor input – provide timely feedback to the patient
and thereby increase their awareness of the disease. Smart-
phones are a promising platform for such personal feedback
systems due to their ubiquitous availability and connectivity.
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CHI 2013, April 27–May 2, 2013, Paris, France.
Copyright 2013 ACM 978-1-4503-1899-0/13/04...$15.00.
Consequently, a number of personal monitoring and feedback
systems have been suggested for the management of a wide
range of health-related conditions. In general, these types of
systems help users by enabling them to monitor and visual-
ize their behavior, keeping them informed about their physi-
cal state, reminding them to perform specific tasks, providing
feedback on the effectiveness of their behavior, and recom-
mending healthier behavior or actions.
However, introducing new technology for patients with psy-
chiatric disorders, who often have a low coping ability, may
be stressful for them and introduce a high cognitive load.
Unfortunately, mentally ill patients tend to be socially chal-
lenged as well, having a larger tendency for unemployment
and alcohol or substance abuse [14]. As such, designing for
this group of users is challenging, and the introduction of new
technology may not be well adopted and used. Hence, a core
research question is to what degree systems for mentally ill
patients can be designed, to what degree such technologies
will be adopted and used, and how it will lead to new ways
for the patients and clinicians to treat this group of patients,
compared to the existing approaches.
In this study, we examined the use of a personal health moni-
toring and feedback system for patients suffering from bipolar
disorder, called the MONARCA system [1]. The system lets
patients enter self-assessment data, it collects sensor data, it
provides feedback on the data collected, and helps them man-
age their medicine. The study is based on a 14 week field
trial of the system. The main objective of this study was to
establish the feasibility and usefulness of the system by look-
ing into whether; (i) it is sufficiently stable for general use;
(ii) the usability of the system, focusing especially on investi-
gating if it is as easy to use as the currently used paper-based
self-assessment forms; (iii) the general usefulness of the sys-
tem in terms of helping bipolar disorder patients cope with
their disease; and (iv) the system – if used on a daily basis by
bipolar patients – will be useful to them in the future.
The results of this study are used in a discussion of the
broader implications for design of personal health technolo-
gies by addressing three questions; (i) how to design for dis-
ease awareness and self-treatment; (ii) how to ensure adher-
ence to using personal health technologies, and (iii) what are
the roles of different types of technology platforms.
Bipolar disorder is a mental illness characterized by recurring
episodes of both depression and mania. Treatment of bipo-
Session: Mental Health CHI 2013: Changing Perspectives,
Paris, France
lar disorder aims to reduce symptoms and prevent episodes
through a combination of (i) pharmacotherapy where mood is
stabilized, and symptoms are controlled, using a customized
and difficult to determine combination of several drugs like
antidepressants, antipsychotics, and mood stabilizers; (ii)
psychoeducation where patients are taught about the com-
plexities of bipolar disorder, causes of recurrence of episodes,
and how to manage their illness, and (iii) psychotherapy
where patients are coached to be aware of their symptoms
and find practical ways to prevent episodes through action-
able behavioral and lifestyle choices, such as routine, sleep,
and social activity.
However, patients’ decreased recognition and insight into the
illness and poor adherence to medication [15] are major chal-
lenges which increase the risk of recurrence in bipolar disor-
der. Therefore, continuous mood tracking and graphing [30],
recognizing and controlling so-called Early Warning Signs
(EWS), activity logging, and medication compliance training
are core ingredients in cognitive behavioral training (CBT)
for the experienced, but not yet stable bipolar disorder pa-
tient [2].
Paper-based mood charting forms are frequently applied, but
possess significant limitations; they are inconvenient to fill
out, are highly subjective, and they are filled out inconsis-
tently due to forgetfulness or symptoms. Research has shown
that paper-based charting suffers from a range of problems [4,
23, 32]: low adherence rates, unreliable retrospective comple-
tion of diaries, and time intensive data entry.
Various electronic monitoring systems have been presented
for patients with bipolar disorder including self-monitoring
of medication, mood, sleep, life events, weight, and men-
strual data. PC-based [33, 4] Web-based, SMS-based [5],
and mobile phone [23, 27] solutions exist, which have been
shown to make data reporting easier for patients, thereby re-
ducing data inconsistency and increasing adherence rates. So
far none of these monitoring systems have included combined
self-monitoring and objective system recording of the disor-
der, and none of them have built-in mechanisms for providing
historical data visualization or personal feedback directly to
the patient on the phone.
Personal Health Technologies
Recently, several research projects have investigated the use
of personal technology to encourage healthy behavior. Per-
sonal health technologies can be grouped into three broad cat-
The first set of systems can be labeled ‘wellness’ applica-
tions, which seek to ‘persuade’ users to make healthy behav-
ior change such as increased physical activity [20, 7], healthy
eating habits [26], or better sleep [3]. For example, Fish’n
Steps [20] and UbiFit Garden [7] seek to encourage physical
activity; the Time to Eat! iPhone application is a persuasive
game encouraging healthy eating habits [26]. Lately, systems
like the BeWell application have proposed a more compre-
hensive Smartphone-based approach that can track activities
that impact physical, social, and mental wellbeing – namely,
sleep, physical activity, and social interactions – and provides
intelligent feedback to promote better health [17].
The second category comprises systems targeted manage-
ment of chronic somatic diseases like diabetes [21], chronic
kidney disease [31], and asthma [18].
The third category contains systems which address issues
of mental health and illness such as stress [12] and depres-
sion [29, 6], and more general-purpose mobile phone sys-
tems for mood charting [23, 24]. Two systems of particu-
lar relevance to our study are the Mobile Mood Diary [23]
and Mobilyze! [6]. The Mobile Mood Diary uses a mobile
phone to allow patients to report mood, energy, and sleep
levels, which can then be accessed on a website. The study
showed increased patient adherence to mood charting using
the phone as compared to using paper-based forms. Mobi-
lyze! is a mobile phone application using machine learning
models to predict patients moods, emotions, cognitive/moti-
vational states, activities, environmental contexts, and social
contexts, based on phone sensor data like GPS, ambient light,
recent calls, etc. The website contains graphs illustrating pa-
tients self-reported states, as well as didactic tools, that teach
patients behavioral activation concepts. The feedback mech-
anism uses telephone calls and emails from a clinician in or-
der to promote adherence. A small feasibility study showed,
among other things, that accuracy rates of up to 91% were
achieved when predicting categorical contextual states (e.g.,
location), but that for states rated on scales, especially mood,
predictive capability was poor. The study showed, however,
that patients were satisfied with the phone application and it
improved on their self-reported depressive symptoms.
The MONARCA system belongs to this third category. In
some ways, it is similar to the Mobile Mood Diary and Mobi-
lyze! systems, but the MONARCA system is targeted to bipo-
lar disorder, rather than uni-polar depression. The MONAR-
CA system also seeks to provide direct and timely feedback
to the patient by visualizing self-assessment data and objec-
tively sensed data directly on the phone. Moreover, rather
than having clinicians phone or email patients, the MONAR-
CA system has a built-in trigger and notification feature. The
system is thus designed to scale better, organizationally, since
the feedback mechanisms are not tied solely to a human actor
(i.e. clinician).
The MONARCA system was designed in a user-centered par-
ticipatory design process [13] involving a group of three psy-
chiatrists and seven patients suffering form bipolar disorder.
Specifically, we used the Patient-Clinician-Designer (PCD)
Framework [22], which outlines how key principles of user-
centered design – including user focus, active user involve-
ment, evolutionary systems development, prototyping, and
usability champions – can be applied in the context of de-
signing for mental illness. Through the PCD process, patients
and clinicians were instrumental in making decisions about
system features through collaborative design workshops and
iterative prototyping. Three-hour workshops were held every
other week for six months. The designers led each work-
shop by facilitating discussion about particular design goals
and issues, system features and functionality, and feedback
on mockups and prototypes of the system.
Session: Mental Health CHI 2013: Changing Perspectives,
Paris, France
The final design of the MONARCA system1 contains 5 fea-
tures that are targeted specifically to help bipolar patient man-
age their illness: (i) self-assessment of self-reported data like
mood, sleep, and alcohol; (ii) activity monitoring in terms of
sampling sensor data from the phone; (iii) historical overview
of self-assessment and sensed data; (iv) coaching & self-
treatment based on customizable triggers and detection of
early warning signs (EWS); and (v) data sharing between the
patient and the clinician.
The overall approach is that self-assessment and review of
various parameters can support bipolar illness management.
For example, patients and their clinicians can use the data to
determine adherence to medications, investigate illness pat-
terns and identify early warning signs for upcoming affec-
tive episodes, or test potentially beneficial behavior changes.
Through monitoring and feedback, the MONARCA system
may be able to help patients implement effective short-term
responses to warning signs and preventative long-term habits.
Similar to other personal health technologies, the design of
the MONARCA system employs a mobile phone application
as the main component. Using a mobile phone was an obvi-
ous design choice since they were already used extensively
by all patients.
Android Phone Application
Figure 1 shows the 5 main screens of the MONARCA An-
droid application; (i) inputting self-assessment data, (ii) his-
toric data visualizations, (iii) prescribed medicine; (iv) ac-
tivated ‘triggers’ and suggestions for ‘actions to take’; and
(v) a screen for various settings, such as an alarm reminding
the patients to enter their self-assessment data. In addition to
collecting ‘subjective’ self-reported data, the application also
collects ‘objective’ sensor data.
Subjective and Objective Data Sampling
A significant part of the design process was spent on design-
ing the self-assessment form. First of all, it was important
that relevant data for bipolar disorder patients were collected.
As discussed in [22], there is a tradeoff between the clini-
cians’ need to collect clinically relevant and ‘objective’ data,
and the patients’ need for collecting more personalized data.
Second, significant effort has been put into designing the self-
assessment form on the phone application, so that it is as
simple and short as possible. A core requirement from the
patients involved in the design process, was that the list of
self-reported items should be kept to a minimum and that self-
assessment should be done quickly.
Based on thorough design discussions, the final version of
the MONARCA self-assessment form contains a minimum
set of things to monitor, which can be divided into a set of
mandatory self-assessment items, which is absolutely crucial
for clinicians to collect over time in the treatment of a bipolar
patient, and a set of optional self-assessment items, which
supplement the mandatory ones.
1The design of the MONARCA system and its technical
tation has been presented in [1], where many more technical
can be found. This section provides an overview of the system
sign and its core features.
Figure 1. The MONARCA Android application user interface.
The mandatory self-assessment items are:
• Mood measured on a 7-point HAMD scale spanning from
highly depressed (-3) to highly manic (+3). As a mood-
disorder illness, self-reported mood is the main data pa-
rameter to follow for bipolar disorder patients.
• Sleep indicated in half-hour intervals. Significant clinical
evidence shows a direct link between the mood of a bipo-
lar patient and the amount of sleep (sleep increases during
depressed periods, and decreases during manic periods).
• Subjective Activity on a 7-point scale spanning from totally
inactive (-3) to highly active (+3). Bipolar disorder patients
report themselves to be more active during manic periods
and less active during depressed periods, and self-reported
activity level is, like sleep, a very good indicator of the state
of the illness.
• Medicine Adherence by specifying whether prescribed
medicine has been taken as prescribed, have been taken
with modification, or not taken at all. Since medical treat-
ment of bipolar disorder is very effective and can signifi-
cantly help stabilize the patient’s mood, keeping track of
medicine adherence is core to medical treatment.
The optional self-assessment items include:
• Universal Warning Signs, which are signs that a psychiatric
clinic can set up for all its patients. Such signs can e.g.
include experience of so-called ‘mixed mood’, ‘cognitive
problems’, or ‘irritability’.
• Early Warning Signs (EWS), are personal signs that are tai-
lored specifically to each patient, and inform them of things
to look out for. For example, if a patient begins to sleep in
the living room, rather than the bed room, this is a sign for
him that a manic phase is under way.
• Alcohol, as measured in number of drinks. For some bipo-
lar patients, alcohol and drug abuse can be associated with
their illness.
Session: Mental Health CHI 2013: Changing Perspectives,
Paris, France
• Stress measured on a 6-point scale from 0 to 5. Self-
perceived stress can be a significant trigger of a depressive
period, and for some patients monitoring their stress level
is important.
• Note, a free text entry done with an on-screen keyboard.
This can be used to associate a note to the data entered or
for entering more generic comments for this day.
On a daily basis, an alarm on the phone reminds the patient to
report self-assessment data for that day. Only data for the cur-
rent day can be entered and the system does not allow patients
to revise earlier entries.
In addition to self-assessment data, the phone samples be-
havioral data via sensors in the phone. This includes physical
activity data as measured by the accelerometer, and social ac-
tivity as measured by the number of in- and outgoing phone
calls and text messages. This sensor sampling is aggregated
into two simple figures reflecting the level of physical and so-
cial activity on a given day, and is visualized as simple graphs
on the data visualization screen.
Feedback Mechanisms – Visualization and Triggers
The visualization screen (Figure 1(ii)) is designed to be the
main feedback mechanism to the patient. This screen is
shown when the patient has entered his or her self-assessment
data. The graph visualization display is designed to be very
simple, while giving an overview of the self-assessment and
sensed data. The phone only shows data for the past 14 days,
whereas longer periods of data can be seen on the website.
Figure 2. Website - Patient Data Visualization, showing the
mood and
sleep graphs.
The second feedback mechanism is the automatic trigger fea-
ture. A ‘trigger’ consists of a set of rules that apply to any
self-assessment data being entered. For example, a trigger
can be set up to trigger if the patient reports that he has been
sleeping less that 6 hours, 3 days in a row. So-called ‘actions-
to-take’ can be associated with a trigger. Actions-to-take are
simple behavioral suggestions to a patient in different situa-
tions. For example, in case the patient sleeps to little, he or
she can try using sleeping pills, or make sure to sleep in a cold
and dark room. Triggers and actions-to-take are personalized
to each patient.
When a trigger is activated, a notification is posted using An-
droid’s notification mechanism. The trigger is then displayed
as an item in the notification view on the Android phone (typ-
ically in the top pull-down curtain). When clicking the no-
tification, the patient is taken to the Actions-to-Take screen
(Figure 1(iv)), which lists all active triggers and their associ-
ated actions-to-take.
Automatic triggers are designed to play a core role in con-
tinuous and automatic feedback to the the patient, since they
consistently track patterns over time and can warn both the
patient and the psychiatrist about things to be aware of.
The MONARCA system can also be accessed via a website,
which is designed to be used by patients and clinicians. Pa-
tients can see and update their personal data as shown in Fig-
ure 2, manage personal triggers and early warning signs, and
configure the system. Clinicians are shown a dashboard that
provides an overview of their patients and how they are doing
on the core parameters of mood, activity, sleep, and medicine
adherence for the last 4 days. From this dashboard, they can
access detailed data on each patient and customize the system
according to the needs of each individual patient, including
Clinical trials of inventions for mental health are very re-
source consuming, and often a staged evaluation strategy in-
vestigating both clinical and HCI issues can be more benefi-
cial and informative [8, 23]. Hence, the MONARCA system
was deployed in a single-arm feasibility trial that tested feasi-
bility rather than efficacy. The study ran from May to August
2011, a total of 14 weeks. The study design was approved by
the Danish National Committee on Health Research Ethics
and the security and data handling was approved by the Dan-
ish Data Protection Agency, ensuring that everything was
done according to standards. Informed consent was obtained
from all patients.
The main objective of this study was to gauge the feasibil-
ity of the system as used by patients suffering from bipolar
disorder. This was done by focusing on the following four
Q1 – Is the system sufficiently stable for general use?
Q2 – How usable is the system and is it better than existing
approaches for self-assessment and data collection?
Q3 – What is the usefulness of the system in terms of helping
bipolar disorder patients in coping with their disease?
Q4 – Will this system – if used on a daily basis by bipolar
patients – be useful to them in the future?
An important part of the study was to investigate the useful-
ness of the system during the trial (Q3) and the perceived
usefulness in the future (Q4), and as such the study aimed
at establishing the benefit for bipolar patients in managing
their disease. As such, the goal of this study was to establish
the feasibility of the system, and if this study was positive,
to move into a clinical trial afterwards. Thus, the focus was
on the patients using the system, and not the clinicians or the
system used in treatment.
Session: Mental Health CHI 2013: Changing Perspectives,
Paris, France
Trial Setup and Participant Recruitment
The study had three inclusion criteria: the patients should be;
(i) between 18 and 65 years, (ii) able to use a mobile phone
and a website; (iii) stable patients. No exclusion criteria were
set up. Potential patients were referred to the study by doctors
in the Affective Disorder Clinic at a university hospital. The
doctor associated with the MONARCA study initially phoned
each patient, introduced the project, and asked if they would
be interested in participating. If so, they would meet with the
doctor and a technician at the clinic, during which they were
further informed of the project. If the patient was still inter-
ested in participating, an informed consent form was signed
by the patient and the doctor. The patient then got a thorough
introduction to the MONARCA system, received a printed
user guide, and was issued a standard HTC Desire Smart-
phone. They were additionally helped to insert their SIM
card, set up 3G internet, and transfer relevant content such
as contacts. No compensation was paid to the patients, but
they were reimbursed for their 3G internet subscription.
The patients received contact information (phone + email) for
the MONARCA doctor and technician, whom the patients
could contact if they had any questions or problems with the
system. The MONARCA doctor would oversee the data on a
daily basis and could contact the patients by phone if needed.
The patients were still treated by their own doctor – who also
had access to the patient’s data via the website – but given
that this was a feasibility study, the system was not fully inte-
grated into the usual treatment at the hospital, as it would not
be ethically sound to do this with an untested system. The
MONARCA doctor would not engage in any treatment of the
patients, but would notify the patient’s doctor if necessary.
In order to answer the four questions above, we applied sev-
eral methods. First, adherence to self-assessment was mea-
sured in two ways. Adherence to the paper-based forms was
gauged by collecting and analyzing the paper-based mood
assessment forms, used by the participants in 62 days from
March to May 2011 (i.e., just prior to the launch of the MO-
NARCA system). Adherence to the MONARCA system was
measured by the number of daily self-assessments extracted
from the system database. Second, we measured the usability
of the MONARCA system by applying the IBM Computer
System Usability Questionnaire (CSUQ) [19] online. Third,
we issued an online questionnaire asking questions about the
usefulness of the system during the trial period. Fourth, an
online questionnaire containing the same questions, but now
in future tense, was issued to investigate the perceived use-
fulness of the system in the future. There is a significant cor-
relation between users’ perceived usefulness of a system, and
its actual future usefulness [9], and this analysis can hence
be used to gauge the potential of the MONARCA system in
a future clinical deployment. Fifth, we did semi-structured
follow-up interviews with all participants at the end of the
Participant Characteristics
28 patients were contacted initially, whereof 17 were inter-
ested and came to the clinic for further interviews. 14 patients
were enrolled in the trial, of which 2 dropped out; one in week
2 because she wanted to go back to her iPhone, and one in
week 7 due to a lack of time. Thus, a total of 12 bipolar pa-
tients participated in the field trial. The left column of Table 1
shows the list of participants and their demographic back-
grounds. We were able to recruit a very diverse set of patients
of different gender (5 male, 7 female); age (20–51 years); IT
skills; and mobile phone experience. All participants were
selected among stable patients having initial HAMD mood
scores in the range of −1 to +1.
Figure 3 shows the use of the system during the trial period,
including the number of phones reporting self-assessment
(‘Subjective’) data as well as sensor (‘Objective’) data on a
daily basis. The graph illustrates that phones were deployed
during May, and usage peaked in mid June to mid August,
and that almost all 12 phones reported data on a daily basis.
During August, we experienced an error in the Android Mar-
ket that locked the application. This was not discovered until
the trial was over, and based on post-trial interviews, this er-
ror seems to explain the decline in use during August.
Adherence Results
Table 1 shows the rate of self-assessment when using both the
paper-based forms as well as the MONARCA system. From
this table we can observe several things.
First, on average, the length of the paper-based and phone-
based trials are comparable (62 and 69 days), with some
variation in the system trial. If the phone is working (i.e.,
charged), the application will sample objective data. On aver-
age, sampling was done 63 out of 69 days and the application
was hence running 92% of the trial period.
Second, we can compare the adherence to self-assessment us-
ing the paper-based forms and the MONARCA system. In
the paper-based forms, we count the number of days that
any information is noted on the paper – irrespective of the
level of detail. When using paper-based forms, the raw ad-
herence percentage is 58%, which is similar to what was
found in the Mobile Mood Diary study [23]. But, if not
counting the four participants who did not fill in their self-
assessment at all (P48;P63;P67;P70), the average adherence
is 87%. The general adherence percentage when using the
MONARCA system is 80% for all of the involved 12 par-
ticipants. If we only take into consideration the days where
the system was actually working (63 instead of 69), the ad-
herence rate is 87%. Hence, the adherence rate for the paper-
based and phone-based systems are comparable if only count-
ing the days where data can be recorded and only involv-
ing participants who also reported data on their paper-based
forms. However, the interviews revealed that paper-based
forms were subject to significant retrofitting and we will dis-
cuss this further in the Discussion section below.
Third, looking specifically at the four mandatory self-assess-
ment parameters of mood, sleep, activity, and medicine we
see that all patients have high compliance scores (3.76 out
of 4.00 is 94%), which is very positive since acquiring this
data is a core goal of the system. On the paper-based self-
assessment form, only 3 out of these four parameters can be
Session: Mental Health CHI 2013: Changing Perspectives,
Paris, France
P48 m 29 4 iPhone 15 -1 Student 0 n/a n/a 65 50 57 76 87 4.00
P49 f 50 4 Nokia 20 0 Unemployed 59 95 2.88 40 26 38 65 68
3.80 1
P55 m 29 2 Nokia 13 0 Shipping 59 95 2.97 99 60 60 60 100
3.87 0
P57 f 35 4 SonyE. 15 0 Accountant 62 100 3.00 90 76 86 84 88
4.00 0
P58 f 34 2 Samsung 10 0 Teacher 43 69 2.04 98 96 97 97 98
3.31 6
P59 f 38 4 Nokia 13 -1 Unemployed 43 69 2.77 98 74 92 75 80
3.77 0
P61 f 34 4 iPhone 14 0 Self-employed 59 95 2.34 68 64 68 94
94 3.56 1
P63 f 20 5 HTC 9 0 Student 0 n/a n/a 22 8 14 36 57 3.38 0
P64 f 51 2 Nokia 14 1 Pensioner 59 95 2.22 77 77 77 100 100
3.87 15
P66 m 45 4 SonyE. 12 0 Student 50 80 3.00 70 61 69 87 88 3.80
P67 m 37 5 iPhone 15 1 Ph.D. student 0 n/a n/a 53 46 52 86 88
3.78 11
P70 m 37 4 iPhone 15 -1 Musician 0 n/a n/a 49 47 49 95 95 4.00
Avr. 36 14 36 87 2.65 69 57 63 80 87 3.76 7
Table 1. Participation in the MONARCA trial study. From left:
participation ID; demographic data; and data from the normal
paper-based self-
assessment forms, and usage data for the 14 weeks trial study of
the MONARCA system.
CSUQ item Description avg. sd.
OVERALL Overall satisfaction 2.60 1.01
SYSUSE System usefulness 1.93 0.42
INFOQUAL Information quality 3.32 1.10
INTERQUAL Interface quality 2.71 0.93
Table 2. The CSUQ usability results on a Likert scale from 1–7:
1=Highly agree; 7=Highly disagree.
reported (activity is missing), and we see a slightly lower de-
gree of compliance (2.65 out of 3.00 is 88%).
Finally, looking at the use of the website, it is quite evident
that this is not used by most of the participants. P66, P64 and
P67 show moderate use. The extensive use by P66 is due to
this patient being interested in the data visualization, where
he accessed the website constantly, just to look at the graphs.
System Usability
Table 2 shows the usability scores as measured by the IBM
Computer System Usability Questionnaire (CSUQ) on a 7-
point Likert scale from ‘Strongly Agree’ (1) to ‘Strongly Dis-
agree’ (7). From these scores we can conclude that the overall
usability of the system is good (OVERALL = 2.60) and the
users found the system very useful (SYSUSE = 1.93). This
reflects a low score in simplicity, comfortability and learn-
ability, and efficiency. The information quality score is lower
(INFOQUAL = 3.25) which can be ascribed to problems with
the error messages of the system, which scored 5.33, and did
not help users fix the problems they may have experienced.
Finally, the system scores well in interface quality in general
(INTERQUAL = 2.86), but the study showed that it did not
have all the functions and capabilities that patients expected.
System Perceived
Usefulness Usefulness
avg. sd. avg. sd.
Disease Mgmt. 3.16 1.55 2.16 1.02
Self-assessment 2.21 1.06 1.73 0.72
Visualization 2.22 1.39 1.66 0.78
Alarms 2.34 1.44 2.13 1.88
Triggers 3.59 1.31 2.71 1.02
Early Warning Signs 3.44 1.18 2.36 0.78
Actions to take 3.25 1.52 2.34 0.88
Medication 4.30 1.50 3.17 1.51
Website 3.00 1.70 2.63 1.76
Table 3. Questionnaire results on ‘System Usefulness’ as used
in the trial
period and ‘Perceived Usefulness’ in the future. Users reported
on a 1–7
point Liket scale on the question of “The MONARCA system is
for ...”: 1=Highly agree; 7=Highly disagree.
This was also mentioned in the interviews, and we will return
to this in the discussion below.
Usefulness and Perceived Usefulness
In the usefulness questionnaire we asked 38 questions di-
vided into 10 categories, using the 7-point Likert scale. The
categories and average scores are shown in Table 3. The
usefulness of the system for disease management during the
trial scored 3.16. This means that patients agree (though not
strongly) that MONARCA helped them in managing their
bipolar disorder. This category addressed wether the patients
became better at managing their disease (2.92), wether they
were made more aware of their disease (2.50), the specific
usefulness of the application for disease management (3.33),
the usefulness of the website (4.33), and if the application
Session: Mental Health CHI 2013: Changing Perspectives,
Paris, France
Figure 3. The usage of the MONARCA system during the trial
period, showing the number of phones reporting subjective self-
assessment data and
objective sensor data on a daily basis.
made them change their lifestyle (4.00). Hence, a clear in-
dication was that the system as such, did not have an effect
on changing lifestyle, but more on disease management and
awareness. When asking the same questions, but on perceived
future usefulness, the patients generally agreed that the sys-
tem would help them cultivate better disease management
and awareness. Even the question on whether the system
would make patients change their lifestyle scored relatively
well (2.67). Hence, patients think that this system – if used
in the future – would also assist in changing their lifestyle.
The questionnaire also inquired about more specific aspects
of the MONARCA system. Table 3 shows that the features
of ‘self-assessment’, ‘visualization’, and ‘alarms’ were found
to be the most useful features now and in the future. Hence,
the patients found it very useful to be reminded to enter self-
assessment data and see a temporal visualization of it. More-
over, the use of visualizations is perceived as the most useful
feature of the system in future use. Features like ‘triggers’,
‘early warning signs’ and ‘actions to take’ are found to be
useful, though less useful compared to the self-assessment
functionality. Managing medication in the MONARCA sys-
tem was found not to be useful. The usefulness of the website
seems to be rather low and as shown in Table 1, it was not ac-
cessed by many patients.
Personal health technologies hold promises for both clinical
and qualitative improvements of the healthcare model of the
Western world. Even though this study did not provide un-
equivocal clinical evidence that the MONARCA system had
any effect (positive or negative) on the patients’ disease, the
field trial has shown that the system is definitely feasible to
use for the management of bipolar disorder. To be success-
ful, a core requirement for such systems is that they are easy
to use and are perceived as useful by patients. As such, the
design of personal health technologies is a highly important
topic for human-computer interaction.
Based on the insights from this trial test of the MONARCA
system, combined with existing human-computer interaction
studies of the design and use of personal health technologies,
we have identified three core questions, which have to be ad-
dressed in the design of personal health technologies:
1. How to design for disease awareness and self-treatment?
2. How to ensure adherence to using personal health tech-
3. What are the roles of different types of technology plat-
This section discusses these core human-computer interaction
design questions for personal health technologies in greater
Designing for Disease Awareness and Self-treatment
As described in the Background section, continuous mood
tracking, recognizing and controlling early warning signs, ac-
tivity logging, and medication compliance training are core
ingredients in cognitive behavioral training (CBT) for bipolar
disorder patients [30, 2].
The field trial indicates that this kind of disease awareness and
self-treatment was supported by the MONARCA system. The
usability and usefulness scores show that the patients found
the system very usable and useful in disease management,
which was also reflected in the interviews:
“I am surprised how much I like it! [...] [MONAR-
CA] is filled with substance and I have really benefited
from it in relation to my illness. I have never used the
[paper-based] mood charts that much, and I have never
had much awareness about my [data] history [...] so I
have been extremely happy with it, and I really think it
is great.” [P70]
This quote also hints at the main reason behind the usefulness
of the system, as P70 argues that the awareness of the historic
data is highly useful. P70 continues;
“What I saw [in the trial] is that it helped me keep on
track. I try to keep track of the triggers [early warning
signs], and my history – and in that way it has helped
me enormously. Previously, I went into periods where I
encountered random mood swings, up and down, and I
did not have any history [data] to relate to, so it kind
of surprised me. But now I can actually follow how I’m
doing – also back in time – and what caused it. It has
really been great, and I think I have been able to keep
track of myself.” [P70]
This insight is also reflected in the study data. Table 3 shows
that patients found the ability to enter self-assessment data
and later to review them in the visualization to be the most
useful features of the system.
In the design of the MONARCA system, several visualiza-
tion techniques and metaphors were discussed. Similar to
other personal health systems that use fishes and flowers as
metaphors, we were looking for an appropriate metaphor for
bipolar disorder. Many attempts were tried, including using
metaphors like a scale, an equalizer, a river, a volcano, a dart
board, and a radar, but we always had the case that some
Session: Mental Health CHI 2013: Changing Perspectives,
Paris, France
patients prefered one visualization, and others hated it – as
put by P67 one day; “I do not want my disease reduced to
a game!” In order to avoid problems, we designed the MO-
NARCA system using a neutral graph visualization metaphor,
but it seems that there is a need for allowing patients to use
different visualizations. In general, it seems that support for
tailorability and personalization of what self-assessment data
to collect and how to visualize it, is important in the design
of these types of systems.
Features like ‘triggers’, ‘early warning signs’ and ‘actions to
take’ are also found to be useful for maintaining an awareness
of the development of the disease, and to react if something
change. The perceived usefulness of these features in the fu-
ture is even higher.
The medicine overview was, however, not found to be partic-
ularly useful. In the interviews, patients explained that the
overview was fine, but it did not increase their awareness
of their medication. The patients wanted to be able to ad-
just their medication themselves; something they are allowed
to do by the psychiatrist in order to fine-tune their medicine
intake according to changes in mood and other symptoms.
Also, the level of detail in the self-reporting on medicine in-
take was too coarse-grained; they could basically just specify
if they took the prescribed amount of a drug, not if they took
more or less.
In summary, the MONARCA system seems to be successful
in providing the self-assessment and awareness of core dis-
ease parameters – except medication – which clinical studies
have shown to have a positive effect on CBT treatment of
bipolar patients.
Ensuring Adherence to Technology Use
As mentioned before, we saw that entering self-assessment
data and using the system on a daily basis is core in build-
ing clinically beneficial disease awareness and self-treatment
skills. This obviously then requires that the patient enters this
data on a regular basis, and thus the whole complexity of ‘ad-
herence’ becomes important in the design of personal health
The adherence rate of 87% in the MONARCA system is
higher than the 65% adherence found in the Mobile Mood Di-
ary system [23], which, however, was tested in a much longer
period and may suffer from long-term effects that we did not
encounter. We found that the adherence rate for the system
was comparable to the paper-based forms. But several pa-
tients reported in the interviews that they actually retrofitted
their paper-based self-assessment. As P49 said: “The pa-
per is more inaccurate – I sometimes put in data for several
days at once, because I forget it”. And P58 stated that: “I
used to fill out the paper for the whole week just before meet-
ing with my doctor”. This verifies the findings in the eval-
uation of the Mobile Mood Diary system, as well as other
research, which has shown that paper-based charting suffers
from a range of problems [4]: low adherence rates, unreliable
retrospective completion of diaries, and time intensive data
entry [32]. Note also, that in MONARCA, the patients can
only fill in self-assessment scores on the current day; there is
no way to report data back in time. As such, the MONARCA
system provides much more valid day-by-day self-assessment
In the field trial, all patients reported that it is much easier
to use the phone based self-assessment approach rather than
using paper charts. As P49 explained:
“It is much easier to use the phone than the paper. I
have the phone with me at all times, and I don’t have to
worry about the paper getting lost. It is very convenient
that you can enter data when you experience things in-
stead of having to recall it all when you fill in the paper”.
An important factor in ensuring adherence to using the tech-
nology seems to be related to the ‘alarm’ feature. Initially, we
feared that the alarm would be too obtrusive for the patients,
but the evaluation showed that the patients found it very use-
ful in reminding them to fill in the the self-assessment once a
day. As P49 continues:
“I have to have this alarm on, otherwise I forget to fill in
my self-assessment — I often forgot it using the paper. I
could use a normal alarm, but I think it is nicer to have
it as a part of the system”. [P49]
In sum, ensuring adherence to the use of personal health tech-
nologies is core to their success. Based on our findings, ad-
herence can be ensured by designing for simple and limited
data input and using a reminder mechanism, like the alarm
feature in the MONARCA system.
Technology Platforms for Personal Health Systems
This study showed that using a Smartphone that is always
with the patient, ensures better adherence compared to paper-
based charts. In this section we will discuss the applicability
of different technology platforms for personal health systems,
focusing specifically on the web and Smartphone platforms.
Several personal health systems rely on using web sites for
treatment of mental disorders [28, 11] and have reported good
results. However, the MONARCA study showed that only a
few patients accessed the website. Information on medicine,
warning signs, triggers, and general actions-to-take are con-
figured for each patient together with the doctor at the clinic,
but once this has been set up, the patients reported that there
was little need to go trough the trouble of logging into the
website; the settings seldomly needed to be changed and most
of the data collected is available on the phone. As explained
by P61:
“I logged on to the website the same evening I got the
phone, but I didn’t do anything there since my warning
signs and triggers were already there. I have actually
not visited it since, as I haven’t had the need to alter
anything, and I don’t feel like I have enough data yet to
actually go back and explore it.” [P61]
The usability scores (Table 2) show that the website scored
lower than the rest of the system. The patients stated that it is
partly because they did not have any real use for it, but also
because they feel the design could be better. P57 states that
“compared to the phone, the website feels more disease-like,
and not that personal.”
Session: Mental Health CHI 2013: Changing Perspectives,
Paris, France
Turning to the Smartphone as a technology platform, the trial
clearly indicates that this platform is well-suited to personal
health systems. As argued by P49, “it is much easier to use
the phone than the paper – I have the phone with me at all
times”. Studies show that Smartphones are within close dis-
tance to a user 90% of the time [10], and the fact that a Smart-
phone is a personal device which is always with the patient,
makes it a good platform for these kind of systems.
This general finding is in line with other recent studies of per-
sonal health systems. For example, the Mobile Mood Diary
study showed that a mobile phone was very useful for self-
reporting of data and systems like the UbiFit Garden, Fishn
Steps, BeWell, and Mobilize! have shown that Smartphones
are useful for sensor data collection and visualization.
In contrast to the Mobile Mood Diary, however, the trial of the
MONARCA system showed that text entry on the phone was
not used. This again highlights that the design of personal
health systems should take great care to limit the amount of
self-reported data needed. However, during the interviews
it became apparent that patients were not always satisfied
with the current set of items; a fact that is also reflected in
the mediocre score in the CSUQ information quality (INFO-
QUAL) score in Table 2. Given that bipolar disorder is an
individual and diverse disease, it is important to be able to
set up and track individual items other than the early warn-
ing signs. As argued by P67: “I need to keep track of energy
level and coffee”, and P70: “I feel there should be an anxiety
item in the self-assessment, as it is important to me. I think
all patients have different items that are important to them
This paper has reported one a 14 week field deployment and
study of the MONARCA system, used by 12 patients. The
MONARCA system helps patients suffering from bipolar dis-
order to do daily self-assessment and to get timely feedback
on how they are doing using through visualization and feed-
back mechanisms. In the trial, we studied different aspects,
including how the system was used and adopted as compared
to the existing paper-based self-assessment forms, the usabil-
ity of the system, and the usefulness of the system for the
patients in managing their illness. The results were positive;
compared to using paper-based forms, the adherence to self-
assessment improved; the system was considered very easy
to use; and the perceived usefulness of the system was high.
As such, we can conclude that it is possible to design and de-
ploy pervasive monitoring systems for mental illness such as
bipolar disorder.
Based on the trial of the MONARCA system, we have dis-
cussed three core questions to address in the design of per-
sonal health technologies: (i) how to design for disease
awareness and self-treatment; (ii) how to ensure adherence
to using personal health technologies; and (iii) what is the
role of different types of technology platforms. The presented
trial of the MONARCA system showed that the system pro-
moted disease awareness through self-assessment and tem-
poral data visualization, adherence via the reminder system
and the use of a Smartphone technology platform which is
always with the patient. As a personal device, however, per-
sonal health systems should allow for personalization both in
terms of what data to collect (self-reported and sensor-based)
as well as how to visualize this data.
We would like to thank the CHI reviewers, whose dili-
gent reviews significantly improved the paper. The MO-
NARCA project is funded as a STREP project under
the FP7 European Framework program. More informa-
tion can be found at and
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Session: Mental Health CHI 2013: Changing Perspectives,
Paris, France
Mental Health Smartphone Apps: Review and Evidence-Based
Recommendations for Future Developments
David Bakker1, B Psych (Hons); Nikolaos Kazantzis1,2, PhD;
Debra Rickwood3, BA (Hons), PhD; Nikki Rickard4,
BBSc(Hons), PhD(Psych)
1School of Psychology and Monash Institute of Cognitive and
Clinical Neurosciences, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and
Health Sciences, Monash
University, Clayton, Australia
2Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Research Unit, School of
Psychological Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and
Health Sciences, Monash University,
Clayton, Australia
3Psychology Department, Faculty of Health, University of
Canberra, Canberra, Australia
4Centre for Positive Psychology, Melbourne Graduate School of
Education, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia
Corresponding Author:
David Bakker, B Psych (Hons)
School of Psychology and Monash Institute of Cognitive and
Clinical Neurosciences
Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences
Monash University
18 Innovation Walk
Wellington Road
Clayton, 3800
Phone: 61 3 9905 4301
Fax: 61 3 9905 4302
Email: [email protected]
Background: The number of mental health apps (MHapps)
developed and now available to smartphone users has increased
recent years. MHapps and other technology-based solutions
have the potential to play an important part in the future of
health care; however, there is no single guide for the
development of evidence-based MHapps. Many currently
available MHapps
lack features that would greatly improve their functionality, or
include features that are not optimized. Furthermore, MHapp
developers rarely conduct or publish trial-based experimental
validation of their apps. Indeed, a previous systematic review
revealed a complete lack of trial-based evidence for many of the
hundreds of MHapps available.
Objective: To guide future MHapp development, a set of clear,
practical, evidence-based recommendations is presented for
MHapp developers to create better, more rigorous apps.
Methods: A literature review was conducted, scrutinizing
research across diverse fields, including mental health
preventative health, mobile health, and mobile app design.
Results: Sixteen recommendations were formulated. Evidence
for each recommendation is discussed, and guidance on how
these recommendations might be integrated into the overall
design of an MHapp is offered. Each recommendation is rated
on the
basis of the strength of associated evidence. It is important to
design an MHapp using a behavioral plan and interactive
that encourages the user to engage with the app; thus, it may not
be possible to incorporate all 16 recommendations into a single
Conclusions: Randomized controlled trials are required to
validate future MHapps and the principles upon which they are
designed, and to further investigate the recommendations
presented in this review. Effective MHapps are required to help
mental health problems and to ease the burden on health
(JMIR Mental Health 2016;3(1):e7) doi:10.2196/mental.4984
mobile phones; mental health; smartphones; apps; mobile apps;
depression; anxiety; cognitive behavior therapy; cognitive
behavioral therapy; clinical psychology
JMIR Mental Health 2016 | vol. 3 | iss. 1 | e7 |
(page number not for citation purposes)
mailto:[email protected]
A smartphone is an advanced mobile phone that functions as a
handheld computer capable of running software apps. Within
the last decade, smartphones have been integrated into the
personal, social, and occupational routines of a substantial
proportion of the global population. Over half of the population
in the United States owns a smartphone and 83% of these users
do not leave their homes without it [1]. Average users check
their phones as often as 150 times a day [2], which reflects how
smartphone apps can generate, reward, and maintain strong
habits involving their use [3,4]. Apps are also capable of
implementing behavior change interventions [5], which may
improve users’ physical health [6], such as through promotion
of physical exercise [7].
Over recent years, numerous mental health apps (MHapps) have
been developed and made available to smartphone users. These
apps aim to improve mental health and well-being, ranging from
guiding mental illness recovery to encouraging beneficial habits
that improve emotional health [8]. The demand for MHapps is
strong, as evidenced by a recent public survey that found that
76% of 525 respondents would be interested in using their
mobile phone for self-management and self-monitoring of
mental health if the service were free [9].
MHapps and other technology-based solutions have the
to play an important part in the future of mental health care
making mental health support more accessible and reducing
barriers to help seeking [11]. Innovative solutions to
self-management of mental health issues are particularly
valuable, given that only a small fraction of people suffering
from mood or anxiety problems seek professional help [12].
Even when people are aware of their problems and are open to
seeking help, support is not always easily accessible,
geographically, financially, or socially [13].
Smartphones are not constrained by geography and are usually
used privately by one individual. This means that smartphone
apps can be extremely flexible and attractive to users,
empowered by the confidentiality of their engagement. Seeking
help by downloading and using an MHapp is well suited to the
needs of young adults and other users with a high need for
autonomy [14]. Users also prefer self-help support materials if
they are delivered via a familiar medium [15], such as a
smartphone. Smartphones apps are almost always accessible to
users, so they can be used in any context and in almost any
environment [16]. Using these apps, users can remind
themselves throughout the day of ongoing goals and
and be rewarded when they achieve goals [17].
However, many MHapps have not capitalized on the strengths
and capabilities of smartphones. Design principles that have led
to the huge success of many physical health and social
networking apps have not been utilized in the MHapp field.
Furthermore, evidence-based guidelines that have been
developed for other self-help mental health interventions have
not been applied to many MHapps. For example, many available
MHapps target specific disorders and label their users with a
diagnosis. Much research has suggested that this labeling
can be harmful and stigmatizing [18].
There also appears to be a lack of appreciation for experimental
validation among MHapp developers. Donker et al [8] revealed
that there is a complete lack of experimental evidence for many
of the hundreds of MHapps available. Their systematic review
identified only 5 apps that had supporting evidence from
randomized controlled trials (RCTs). A search of the Apple and
Google app stores as of January 2014 reveals that none of these
RCT-supported apps is currently available to consumers.
For a mental health intervention to be effective, there must be
a process of rigorous experimental testing to guide development
[19]. Appropriate theories of engagement and implementation
should also be consulted when introducing an evidence-based
intervention to the public [20]. However, such research is
currently lacking. A series of recommended principles based
on evidence and substantiated theories would be valuable in
guiding the development of future MHapps and future RCTs.
A review of the literature highlights the numerous ways by
which the design, validation, and overall efficacy of MHapps
could be improved.
This review aims to provide a set of clear, sound, and practical
recommendations that MHapp developers can follow to create
better, more rigorous apps. As such, this review covers work
from a number of different research fields, including mental
health interventions, preventative health, mobile health, and
mobile app design. A review of currently available MHapps
was also necessary to gain a clearer idea of where improvements
can be made.
Databases such as PsycInfo, Scopus, and ProQuest were
consulted for peer-reviewed sources. Search terms included (but
were not restricted to) “mhealth,” “anxiety,” “depression,"
seeking,” “self-help,” “self-guided,” “smartphones,” and
“gamification.” Articles published between March 1975 and
March 2015 were considered for inclusion. Meta-analyses and
systematic reviews were sought for each relevant area of
investigation. Several synoptic texts were also consulted to
guide foundational understanding of theoretical concepts
to mobile apps and product design [3,5]. Sources were excluded
from the review if they did not relate directly to mental health
or computerized health interventions. Because this was not a
systematic review, and as such was not based on a single search
of the literature, the specific number of articles found and
excluded was not tracked. Furthermore, multiple searches were
used to explore the concepts and formulate the
presented. The lead author (DB) conducted these searches and
formulated the basic recommendations. The secondary authors
provided individual feedback on the review, suggested sources,
and guided further searches that the lead author undertook.
Most research into mobile health has focused on validating
single entrepreneurial apps, rather than pursuing rigorous RCTs
to validate principles that can guide development of future apps
[21]. Because of the infancy of the field, the recommendations
presented in the results of this review have not been rigorously
validated by RCTs in an MHapp setting. Instead, each
recommendation should be treated as a guide for both
JMIR Mental Health 2016 | vol. 3 | iss. 1 | e7 |
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development of MHapps and future research. Each
recommendation could well be the target of a future RCT.
Currently Available Apps
The recommendations explored in this review should be
considered in the context of the existing range of MHapps
available. The suggested recommendations are as follows: (1)
cognitive behavioural therapy based; (2) address both anxiety
and low mood; (3) designed for use by nonclinical populations;
(4) automated tailoring; (5) reporting of thoughts, feelings, or
behaviors; (6) recommend activities; (7) mental health
information; (8) real-time engagement; (9) activities explicitly
linked to specific reported mood problems; (10) encourage
nontechnology-based activities; (11) gamification and intrinsic
motivation to engage; (12) log of past app use; (13) reminders
to engage; (14) simple and intuitive interface and interactions;
(15) links to crisis support services; (16) experimental trials to
establish efficacy. This is a recommended direction for future
research. To demonstrate the necessity of such a future review
or some form of accreditation system to ensure the quality of
health care apps [22], the lead author conducted a brief
of the range of currently available MHapps via a series of
preliminary searches of the iTunes App Store. The search terms
used included “anxiety,” “depression,” “low mood,” “mental
health,” “therapy,” “relaxation,” and “self-help.” Inspection and
use of the apps found in these searches revealed some major
gaps in their capabilities when compared with the
recommendations of this review. Table 1 compares a selection
of these apps across the recommended features discussed in this
The recommendations formulated by this review of the literature
are summarized in the following section. Recommendations
1-7 have been chiefly extrapolated from the mental health
literature, and Recommendations 8-14 have origins in research
on user engagement and designing apps for behavior change.
Recommendations 15 and 16 are recommendations specifically
related to MHapps.
It may not be possible to build every single listed
recommendation into a single app. Rather, this list has been
compiled based on the available evidence to guide decisions
when embarking on an MHapp development project. Many
currently available MHapps lack features that would greatly
improve their functionality, or include features that are not
optimized. Thus, the purpose of this review is to collate a list
of easily followed recommendations to be used by developers
when creating future MHapps.
Some of these recommendations will be relevant to informing
both the interface design and the marketing of MHapps. It is
important to note that the marketing of an app is tied to the way
that users will interact with it [23], in the same way that
pretherapy expectations can influence engagement motivation
and hopefulness [24]. For example, if a user downloads an app
because its description on the app store lists “relaxation,” the
user will plan to use the app for relaxation purposes. When app
design is mentioned in the recommendations, this is inclusive
of an app’s marketing.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Based
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of collaborative,
individualized, psychological treatment that is recognized as
the most supported approach to generate behavioral, cognitive,
and emotional adaption to a wide range of common
psychological problems [25]. The efficacy of CBT has been
supported by a comprehensive review of 106 meta-analyses
across different clinical groups [26]. Other meta-analyses have
found strong support for CBT as an effective treatment for a
huge range of psychological disorders, including depression
[27,28], generalized anxiety disorder [29], social anxiety [30],
health anxiety [31], panic disorder [32], posttraumatic stress
disorder [33], obsessive-compulsive disorder [34], phobias, and
anxiety disorders overall [35]. Meta-analytic evidence for CBT
also extends to anger expression problems [36], insomnia [37],
pathological gambling [38], hoarding disorder [39], irritable
bowel syndrome [40], psychosis prevention [41], and
occupational stress [42].
Although CBT’s most researched application is as a therapeutic
technique delivered collaboratively by a trained clinician, its
principles have also been used as the foundation of many
self-help support measures. Using technology is a cost-effective
way to enhance the efficiency of CBT treatment [43,44], and
research has already demonstrated that CBT-based
self-administered computerized interventions are successful for
improving depression and anxiety symptomatology in adults.
A meta-analysis of 49 RCTs revealed a significant medium
effect size (g=0.77, 95% CI 0.59-0.95) for computerized CBT
(CCBT) for depression and anxiety [45]. Another meta-analysis
of 22 RCTs found an even greater effect size (g=0.88, 95% CI
0.76-0.99) [46]. Similar findings for CCBT’s efficacy have
emerged from meta-analyses that have focused on anxiety [47],
depression [48], and its use with young people [49]. CCBT
interventions can be administered by a mobile device and still
retain their therapeutic validity [50]. RCTs have established the
efficacy of CBT-based interventions delivered via smartphone
apps that reduce depression [50], chronic pain [51], and social
anxiety disorder [52]. CBT-based features can also be appealing
to users. In an analysis of features used on a smartphone app
for smoking cessation, 8 of the top 10 used features were CBT
based [53], such as progress tracking and journaling (see the
“Reporting of Thoughts, Feelings, or Behaviors” section).
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Table 1. Currently available iOS apps compared across
recommended features.
Recommended featureaApp
✘✘✘✘✔✘✘✘✔✘✘✔✘✘✔✔Behavioral Experiments
c✔✔✔✘✔✔✔✔✘✘✘✘DBT Diary Card and Skills Coach
✘✘✔✘✘✘✔✘✘✘✔✘✘✘✘✘Depression Prevention
✘✘✘✘✔✘✘✘✘✘✘✔✘✘✔✔iCouch CBT
✘✔✔✘✘✘✘✘✔✘✔✔✘✔✔✘In Hand
c✔✘✘✘✘✔e✘✔✘✔✘✘Moody Me
✘✘✘✘✔✘✘✘✘✘✘✔✘✘✔✔Pocket CBT
✘✔✔✘✔✔✘✘✘✘✘✔✔✔✔✔Smiling Mind
✘✘✔✘✔✘✘✘✔✔✔✔✘✔✘✔Stress & Anxiety Companion
✘✘✔✘✘✘✔✘✔✔✔✘✘✔✔✔What’s Up?
aSee the “Currently Available Apps” section for the 16
bNot using automated processes.
cDefault is for reminders to be off.
dOnly because there are separate apps for separate problems, so
each app recommends activities for that target problem.
eAccessible via forums
fIncludes separate iCounselor: Depression; iCounselor: Anger;
and iCounselor: Anxiety apps.
Although primarily applied in clinical contexts, CBT is also
fundamentally a prevention technique acting to prevent
psychological problems from precipitating or maintaining
clinical disorders [54-56]. This means that CBT-based MHapps
have the potential to be effective for managing both clinical and
subclinical psychological problems [57], provided that such
apps avoid using CBT-based techniques that are used for very
specific clinical psychological problems, are marketed
and employ well-designed interfaces.
To ensure that an MHapp is indeed CBT based, it is important
to keep the core principles of CBT in mind. Mennin et al [58]
summarize the unifying factors that underlie all CBT
into three change principles: context engagement, attention
change, and cognitive change. Context engagement involves
training clients in a way that promotes more adaptive
learning, which involves having them learn cues for threats and
rewards that are more reasonable and lead to better functioning
than existing cues. This includes CBT techniques that aim to
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recondition maladaptive associations, such as exposure and
behavioral activation. The app SuperBetter [59] prescribes
“power-ups” that may incorporate these techniques. Attention
change is the ability to focus attention adaptively on relevant,
nondistressing stimuli. This includes therapeutic processes such
as attention training, acceptance or tolerance training, and
mindfulness. These techniques are employed in Smiling Mind
[60], and can be seen in the meditations displayed in Figure 1.
Finally, cognitive change is the ability to change one’s
perspective on an event, which then affects the emotional
significance and meaning of that event [61]. This includes
metacognitive awareness and cognitive distancing, which are
promoted through therapeutic processes such as decentering or
defusion and cognitive reframing or reappraisal. An example
of this can be found in using the Thoughts tool in MoodKit [62],
as seen in Figure 2. If these three change principles are being
employed to some degree by an intervention, then it can claim
to be based on CBT’s core principles.
To employ these change principles effectively, a therapist and
client must develop a relationship that involves collaborative
empiricism (CE) [63]. CE refers to shared work between client
and practitioner to embed a hypothesis testing approach into
interventions [64]. CE empowers clients to explore their
behaviors and beliefs outside of therapy sessions using
between-session (homework) interventions [65]. A meta-
of studies that compared therapy with and without homework
found an effect size of d=0.48 in favor of using between-session
activities [66]. In the context of CBT-based MHapps, CE may
refer to how the app interacts with the user to complete
therapeutic tasks, and whether it does it in a collaborative,
experimentation-based way. This would ideally involve
encouraging users to develop their own hypotheses about what
may happen as a result of using the app or participating in
activities (see the “Recommend Activities” section). An app
that embraces CE is Behavioral Experiments-CBT [67], which
affords users the ability to predict the outcomes of any
behavioral experiments they participate in. Behavioral
experiments are CBT-based challenges that individuals perform
to challenge their own beliefs about the negative outcomes of
various situations [68]. This process of comparing predictions
with actual outcomes can challenge unhelpful beliefs [69].
Self-determination theory (SDT) can aid in understanding CE’s
benefits in CBT [64]. SDT emphasizes the effects of autonomy
and mastery on intrinsic motivation [70]. Intrinsic motivation
is the “prototypic manifestation of the human tendency toward
learning and creativity” [71]. Autonomy feeds this motivation
by affording individuals opportunities for self-direction and
choice [72], and fostering self-efficacy [73]. Self-efficacy and
a feeling of competency lead to a feeling of mastery, which is
an intrinsic reward and motivator in itself [74]. CE and
between-session activities promote autonomy and provide
opportunities for development of competence in behavioral,
emotional, or cognitive self-management. SDT can inform
MHapps on how to best engage users in CBT-based
interventions (ie, by intrinsically motivating them). Users will
be more motivated to engage with apps and products that
encourage autonomy, emphasize user choice, and allow
opportunities for building mastery. For example, SuperBetter
[59] employs SDT-based, game-based principles to intrinsically
motivate users to engage with the app and experience the
well-being-promoting effects of mastery (see the “Gamification
and Intrinsic Motivation to Engage” section).
Figure 1. Screenshot of Smiling Mind displaying meditations.
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Figure 2. Screenshot of MoodKit displaying thought checker.
Address Both Anxiety and Low Mood
Emotional disorders (eg, anxiety and depression) are by far the
most common psychological conditions in the community, with
an estimated 20.9% of US citizens experiencing a major
depressive episode and 33.7% suffering from an anxiety
at some point throughout their lives [75]. Emotional disorders
are also the most treatable [76], but help seeking for sufferers
is very low [77]. There is strong supportive evidence for CCBT
as an effective therapy for reducing symptoms of the most
common anxiety disorders and depression [45,46].
There is an extremely high comorbidity between anxiety and
depression [78], with 85% of people diagnosed with depression
problems also suffering significant anxiety and 90% of people
diagnosed with anxiety disorders suffering significant
[79]. In Australia, 25% of all general practice patients have
comorbid depression and anxiety [80]; whereas in Great Britain,
half of all mental illness cases are mixed anxiety and depression
[81]. These two diagnoses share a few major underlying factors
[82]. This raises two important considerations for MHapp
self-help interventions. First, interventions designed for one
disorder are likely to have some efficacy for other emotional
disorders, and second, interventions that target shared
factors across emotional disorders will be more efficacious.
Transdiagnostic CBT (TCBT) is an effective therapeutic
approach that targets the common underlying factors shared by
different psychological disorders. A meta-analysis of RCTs
found a large effect size (standardized mean difference = −0.79,
95% CI −1.30 to −0.27) for TCBT across different anxiety
disorders [83]. Furthermore, TCBT has been found to be
successful in treating depression [25]. Barlow et al’s [84]
Unified Protocol (UP) is a recent TCBT treatment that focuses
on monitoring and adjusting maladaptive cognitive, behavioral,
and emotional reactions that underlie depression and anxiety
disorders. The UP has yielded very promising results across
various emotional disorders, reducing psychopathology [85]
and improving psychological well-being [86]. It is important to
note that TCBT protocols do not imply that all emotional
disorders can be treated effectively with the exact same
techniques [87]. The basic structure for treating different
problems may be relatively uniform, but tailoring of
interventions is still essential (see the “Automated Tailoring”
section), and the structure of TCBT affords flexibility. For
example, the UP consists of four core modules that are designed
to (1) increase present-focused emotional awareness, (2)
cognitive flexibility, (3) aid identification and prevention of
patterns of emotion avoidance and maladaptive emotion-driven
behaviors, and (4) promote emotion-focused exposure [88].
This enables a prescriptive approach, whereby certain modules
can be focused on more than others, depending on the needs of
the client or user [88]. An Internet-delivered TCBT intervention
called the Wellbeing Program used a structure of 8 lessons,
focusing on areas such as psychoeducation, thought-monitoring
strategies, behavioral activation, and graded exposure [57]. A
clinician guided users through the program and tailored the
delivery of each lesson to the user’s needs. An RCT supported
the efficacy of this intervention across depression and anxiety
disorders [57]. Although the Wellbeing Program was guided
by a clinician and not via automated processes, many other
self-guided CBT interventions use a transdiagnostic approach
to maximize efficiency and adaptability [89], particularly in an
automated Internet-delivered context [90].
Despite the success of TCBT, many MHapps are designed for
the treatment of specific disorders. Some apps are marketed for
anxiety and others for depression. Few apps acknowledge that
the underlying CBT principles guiding self-help interventions
for anxiety and mood problems are very similar; thus,
broadening the target group of the app can be beneficial for all
users. Combining treatments for both anxiety and depression
into a single app would also reduce the commitment required
for engagement. Users could consolidate their investment within
a single app, instead of dividing their effort and time engaging
with 2 separate apps (one for anxiety and the other for
Designed for Use by Nonclinical Populations
Many apps have been designed for use with populations who
have been diagnosed with a specific clinical disorder, from
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depression (eg, Optimism [91]) and anxiety (eg, SAM [92]) to
eating disorders (eg, Recovery Record [93]) and borderline
personality disorder (eg, DBT [Dialectical Behavior Therapy]
Diary Card and Skills Coach [94]). Some of these clinical
diagnosis apps are known to be effective for interventions [8],
but they do not capitalize on one of the major advantages of
smartphones: high accessibility. Smartphones are interwoven
into the routines of millions of people all over the world, the
majority of whom have not been diagnosed with a clinical
psychological disorder but do experience unpleasant
psychological distress from time to time. Targeting a specific
clinical population with an MHapp automatically excludes the
majority of smartphone owners from using that app. By
an MHapp built for a population interested in the prevention of
emotional mental health problems increases the number of
eligible and willing users. A meta-regression of 34 studies
that self-help interventions were significantly more effective
when recruitment occurred in nonclinical settings (effect size
I2=0.66) than in clinical settings (effect size I2=0.22) [48]. The
field would therefore benefit from more MHapps with
preventative applications that are widely marketable, rigorous,
and effective.
An MHapp market saturated with clinical diagnosis apps also
has the potential to be harmful for help seekers. Users who are
experiencing low-level symptoms of a disorder may feel labeled
by an app that assumes that they have a clinical diagnosis [95].
Self-stigma from this labeling can be harmful, lowering
self-esteem and self-efficacy [96]. Initiatives that acknowledge
the continuum of mental health and the importance of well-
promotion may reduce stigma and increase help seeking for
mental health problems [97]. Programs such as Opening Minds
[98] aim to reduce mental illness stigma by adopting a
nonjudgmental, nondiagnostic, and nonclinical CBT-based
stance to mental health problems. MHapps that focus on
nonclinical mental health, psychological well-being, or coping
abilities may therefore avoid the harmful effects of labeling
mental illness [99].
CBT is built on the foundation that mental health is a continuum
[89] and that supporting individuals in coping with nonclinical
psychological distress can prevent symptoms from reaching
clinical significance [100]. Furthermore, CBT-based support
can help prevent relapse [101], expand an individual’s coping
skills repertoire [102], and assist individuals experiencing
psychological distress to avoid developing a clinical disorder
[103]. Building a CBT-based MHapp that acknowledges the
continuum of mental health can be used by both clinical and
nonclinical populations.
CBT treatment adopts a formulation-based approach rather than
a diagnosis-based approach [54,104]; as such, a diagnosis is not
necessary for support to be given. Formulation involves
exploring the predisposing, precipitating, perpetuating, and
protective factors connected to a psychological problem, and
then building these factors into a causal model [105].
Conversely, diagnosis relies on detection of symptoms and
fulfillment of criteria statistically linked to a particular disorder
[106]. In many cases, a formal diagnostic label is not important
for informing real-world treatment, and it does not specify the
causal factors contributing to an individual’s unique
psychological problems. Formulation is much more useful
because it can inform exactly which precipitating and
perpetuating factors are contributing to an individual’s unique
psychological problem, and which psychological techniques
can produce optimal solutions [107]. Hofmann [108] proposed
a cognitive behavioral approach for classifying clinical
psychological problems that avoids diagnostic labeling, which
is better at informing CBT-based support because it is based on
formulation. MHapp developers are encouraged to explore
formulation-based approaches to CBT to inform the
development of CBT-based MHapps.
Designing MHapps for nonclinical support may mean adopting
a preventative framework. There are generally three types of
preventative intervention: universal (ie, delivered to everyone
in the community), selective (ie, delivered to at-risk groups),
and indicated (ie, delivered to individuals with preclinical
symptoms) [109]. The flexibility of MHapps means that a single
app could theoretically adapt to any of these three intervention
models, providing a universal intervention as default, and
tailoring to a selective or indicated approach if a user’s
suggest that they are at risk of a certain condition.
Some mobile interventions that have been validated and trialed
experimentally were built for personal digital assistants (PDAs)
and not for modern smartphones [7,110]. This severely limits
their nonclinical use and introduces other barriers to routine
engagement that are not experienced by smartphone apps.
However, evidence and principles from PDA-based studies
should be considered when designing smartphone apps.
Automated Tailoring
An advantage of eHealth interventions over other self-help
interventions is their capacity for tailoring [90,111]. Tailoring
in this context refers to the adjustment of technology-delivered
self-help programs to suit the user’s needs, characteristics, and
comorbidities or case formulation [112]. Tailored CCBT
interventions have been shown to be more efficacious than rigid
self-help interventions across a range of depressive and anxiety
disorders [112-115].
Formulation-based tailoring improves the functionality of an
intervention and provides targeted solutions to a user’s
psychological problems. There is a large range of different
self-help mental health interventions available, and selecting
the right intervention can be a challenging and overwhelming
process [15]. The complexity of choices can be simplified or
reduced by building an app capable of automated tailoring,
which combines elements of a large number of different
interventions and deploys them strategically depending on the
needs of individual users. A review of currently available
MHapps reveals, however, that many apps aim to provide a
service but do not service a need [116]. For example, many apps
provide guided meditation, but do not guide users toward
meditation when they are feeling anxious. With tailoring, the
app can recommend users specific solutions to their specific
Automated tailoring requires the collection of data to identify
the needs of users and develop a functional analysis or case
JMIR Mental Health 2016 | vol. 3 | iss. 1 | e7 |
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formulation. This can be achieved in three main ways. First,
self-report measures can be deployed to elicit in-depth
about symptoms and characteristics. Second, data from a user’s
self-monitoring (see “Reporting of Thoughts, Feelings, and
Behaviors” section) can be used to predict the types of
interventions that are well suited to an individual user. Third,
an app’s behavioral usage data can be used to predict which
features of that app a user is using most. If these second and
third data sources are correctly utilized, tailoring can be carried
out seamlessly, without any additional input from the user,
which decreases users’ required effort to use the app and
increases app functionality [3].
CBT includes a very wide range of evidence-based techniques
that may be selectively employed by an MHapp depending on
automated tailoring data. For example, if data sources suggest
that the user is experiencing significant physiological arousal,
rather than overwhelming worry or other anxiety-related
problems, CBT techniques such as breathing relaxation may be
recommended over others, based on the available evidence
[117]. Ideally, these therapeutic techniques would be employed
by the MHapp that actually performs the automated tailoring,
but restrictions may mean that the MHapp must rely on referring
users to other apps. This is not ideal, as it may disrupt the
engagement with the MHapp. However, if necessary, any
referrals should be based on a thorough review of the other
existing apps and their supporting evidence [116].
Reporting of Thoughts, Feelings, or Behaviors
Clients who record their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
as part of a CBT-based intervention are able to reflect on their
reports and exercise self-monitoring [118]. Self-monitoring is
a core feature of many evidence-based psychological
techniques, including CBT [119,120], mindfulness exercises
[121], emotion-focused therapy [122], DBT [123], and
acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) [124].
Self-monitoring can be used to restructure maladaptive anxiety
responses [125,126], challenge perpetuating factors of
depression [127], and sufficiently treat a small but significant
proportion of posttraumatic stress disorder sufferers [128,129].
Self-monitoring is particularly suitable for CBT-based
interventions that aim to change behavior, with
self-monitoring-only treatment conditions showing benefits for
problem drinking [130] and sleep hygiene [131]. Furthermore,
self-monitoring is a feature of successful weight loss
interventions [132]. Encouraging MHapp users to report their
thoughts, feelings, or behaviors in an objective way should
therefore help promote accurate, beneficial self-monitoring.
Self-monitoring of mood can boost overall emotional
self-awareness (ESA) [133], which can in turn lead to
improvements in emotional self-regulation [134]. Emotional
self-regulation is valuable for individuals in preventing distress
from spiraling out of control and thereby culminating in clinical
problems [135]. Poor emotional awareness is a common
underlying factor for both anxiety and depression [136]. The
ability to differentiate and understand personal emotions, an
integral process in ESA, is positively related to adaptive
regulation of emotions [137] and positive mental health
outcomes [138]. Self-reflection and insight correlate positively
with levels of positive affect and the use of cognitive
and negatively with levels of negative affect and the use of
expressive suppression [139]. Explicit emotion labeling shares
neurocognitive mechanisms with implicit emotion regulation
ability, suggesting that increasing ESA through practicing
labeling of personal emotions will lead to improvements in
emotional regulation and adaptation [140].
Some self-monitoring interventions are limited by problems
related to recall biases. Self-reflection at the end of a day or in
a time and place removed from normal stressors can be
inaccurate [141]. One of the benefits of MHapps is that
smartphones are capable of ecological momentary assessment
(EMA) and experience sampling methods (ESM), which involve
measuring experiences and behavior in real time [142]. MHapp
users can record self-monitoring data on their smartphones
they are participating in their usual daily routines, undergoing
challenges, or directly experiencing stressors [143]. This can
help reduce bias in self-monitoring [141], thereby improving
the accuracy of users’ reflections.
Increasing ESA should lead to greater help seeking, because
factors preventing help seeking include low emotional
competence [144] and low self-awareness [77]. Using
technology for self-monitoring can increase help seeking,
particularly if there is a capacity to contact health professionals
built in to the service [145] (see the “Links to Crisis Support
Services” section).
Self-monitoring via traditional means might also be less
for very busy individuals who do not have the time to complete
monitoring entries [118]. MHapps can reduce monitoring
demands by automating some parts of the monitoring process,
such as shifting the burden of some of the more administrative
parts of self-monitoring (eg, entering dates and times,
monitoring entries) from the user to the smartphone [5]. Using
smartphone apps also allows for more frequent and broader
opportunities for recording reflections, such as while waiting
or traveling on public transport.
Keeping all self-reports structured and objective can help users
report quickly and in a format that facilitates data analysis by
the MHapp. It may also reduce some of the barriers to
self-monitoring: for instance, some depressed clients may find
the demands of open-ended self-monitoring overwhelming,
whereas perfectionistic or obsessive clients may spend too much
time and effort on their monitoring [146]. MHapps with highly
structured reporting in a simple interface (see “Simple and
Intuitive Interface and Interactions” section) may be able to
remedy this by limiting the amount of information necessary
for logs, simplifying the monitoring process, reducing the
demands on users, and increasing engagement in the app [5].
Several studies support the efficacy of using app-based
interventions to increase ESA. Morris et al [147] developed an
app that prompted users to report their moods several times a
day. Users reported increases in their ESA, and upon reflection
of their ratings, some were able to recognize patterns of
dysfunction and interrupt these patterns through modification
of routines. Kauer et al [133] used a mobile phone
self-monitoring program to prompt users to report their
emotional state several times throughout the day. Participants
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who reported on their emotional state showed increased ESA
and decreased depressive symptoms compared with controls.
Both of these monitoring systems were, however, quite simple
and offered little constructive feedback to users about their
mood history. They were also trialed on small samples of
individuals who had reported psychological distress. There is,
therefore, a need to further investigate the impact of
smartphone-based mood reporting on ESA and associated
health outcomes, using an app that gives better feedback and is
relevant to nonclinical users.
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Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
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Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
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Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
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Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
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Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
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Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
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Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
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Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
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Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
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Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
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Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
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Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
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Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
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Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx
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Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar DisorderA Fi.docx

  • 1. Designing Mobile Health Technology for Bipolar Disorder: A Field Trial of the MONARCA System Jakob E. Bardram, Mads Frost, Károly Szántó The Pervasive Interaction Technology Laboratory IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark {bardram,madsf,ksza} Maria Faurholt-Jepsen, Maj Vinberg and Lars Vedel Kessing Psychiatric Center Copenhagen, University Hospital of Copenhagen, Denmark <firstname.lastname> ABSTRACT An increasing number of pervasive healthcare systems are be- ing designed, that allow people to monitor and get feedback on their health and wellness. To address the challenges of self-management of mental illnesses, we have developed the MONARCA system – a personal monitoring system for bipo- lar patients. We conducted a 14 week field trial in which 12 patients used the system, and we report findings focus- ing on their experiences. The results were positive; compared to using paper-based forms, the adherence to self-assessment improved; the system was considered very easy to use; and the perceived usefulness of the system was high. Based on this study, the paper discusses three HCI questions related to the design of personal health technologies; how to design for
  • 2. disease awareness and self-treatment, how to ensure adher- ence to personal health technologies, and the roles of different types of technology platforms. Author Keywords Bipolar disorder; mental health; personal health systems; mobile application ACM Classification Keywords H.5.m. Information Interfaces and Presentation (e.g. HCI): Miscellaneous INTRODUCTION According to WHO, mental illness is one of the most pressing healthcare concerns worldwide [34]. Bipolar disorder in par- ticular, has a community lifetime prevalence of 4% [16] and is associated with high morbidity and disability [25]. Per- sonal health technologies hold promise for helping bipolar patients to monitor their mood patterns and symptoms, rec- ognize so-called ‘early warning signs’, and to handle medica- tion. Health technologies can – based on subjective and ob- jective sensor input – provide timely feedback to the patient and thereby increase their awareness of the disease. Smart- phones are a promising platform for such personal feedback systems due to their ubiquitous availability and connectivity. Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific
  • 3. permission and/or a fee. CHI 2013, April 27–May 2, 2013, Paris, France. Copyright 2013 ACM 978-1-4503-1899-0/13/04...$15.00. Consequently, a number of personal monitoring and feedback systems have been suggested for the management of a wide range of health-related conditions. In general, these types of systems help users by enabling them to monitor and visual- ize their behavior, keeping them informed about their physi- cal state, reminding them to perform specific tasks, providing feedback on the effectiveness of their behavior, and recom- mending healthier behavior or actions. However, introducing new technology for patients with psy- chiatric disorders, who often have a low coping ability, may be stressful for them and introduce a high cognitive load. Unfortunately, mentally ill patients tend to be socially chal- lenged as well, having a larger tendency for unemployment and alcohol or substance abuse [14]. As such, designing for this group of users is challenging, and the introduction of new technology may not be well adopted and used. Hence, a core research question is to what degree systems for mentally ill patients can be designed, to what degree such technologies will be adopted and used, and how it will lead to new ways for the patients and clinicians to treat this group of patients, compared to the existing approaches. In this study, we examined the use of a personal health moni- toring and feedback system for patients suffering from bipolar disorder, called the MONARCA system [1]. The system lets patients enter self-assessment data, it collects sensor data, it provides feedback on the data collected, and helps them man- age their medicine. The study is based on a 14 week field trial of the system. The main objective of this study was to establish the feasibility and usefulness of the system by look- ing into whether; (i) it is sufficiently stable for general use;
  • 4. (ii) the usability of the system, focusing especially on investi- gating if it is as easy to use as the currently used paper-based self-assessment forms; (iii) the general usefulness of the sys- tem in terms of helping bipolar disorder patients cope with their disease; and (iv) the system – if used on a daily basis by bipolar patients – will be useful to them in the future. The results of this study are used in a discussion of the broader implications for design of personal health technolo- gies by addressing three questions; (i) how to design for dis- ease awareness and self-treatment; (ii) how to ensure adher- ence to using personal health technologies, and (iii) what are the roles of different types of technology platforms. BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORK Bipolar disorder is a mental illness characterized by recurring episodes of both depression and mania. Treatment of bipo- Session: Mental Health CHI 2013: Changing Perspectives, Paris, France 2627 lar disorder aims to reduce symptoms and prevent episodes through a combination of (i) pharmacotherapy where mood is stabilized, and symptoms are controlled, using a customized and difficult to determine combination of several drugs like antidepressants, antipsychotics, and mood stabilizers; (ii) psychoeducation where patients are taught about the com- plexities of bipolar disorder, causes of recurrence of episodes, and how to manage their illness, and (iii) psychotherapy where patients are coached to be aware of their symptoms and find practical ways to prevent episodes through action- able behavioral and lifestyle choices, such as routine, sleep,
  • 5. and social activity. However, patients’ decreased recognition and insight into the illness and poor adherence to medication [15] are major chal- lenges which increase the risk of recurrence in bipolar disor- der. Therefore, continuous mood tracking and graphing [30], recognizing and controlling so-called Early Warning Signs (EWS), activity logging, and medication compliance training are core ingredients in cognitive behavioral training (CBT) for the experienced, but not yet stable bipolar disorder pa- tient [2]. Paper-based mood charting forms are frequently applied, but possess significant limitations; they are inconvenient to fill out, are highly subjective, and they are filled out inconsis- tently due to forgetfulness or symptoms. Research has shown that paper-based charting suffers from a range of problems [4, 23, 32]: low adherence rates, unreliable retrospective comple- tion of diaries, and time intensive data entry. Various electronic monitoring systems have been presented for patients with bipolar disorder including self-monitoring of medication, mood, sleep, life events, weight, and men- strual data. PC-based [33, 4] Web-based, SMS-based [5], and mobile phone [23, 27] solutions exist, which have been shown to make data reporting easier for patients, thereby re- ducing data inconsistency and increasing adherence rates. So far none of these monitoring systems have included combined self-monitoring and objective system recording of the disor- der, and none of them have built-in mechanisms for providing historical data visualization or personal feedback directly to the patient on the phone. Personal Health Technologies Recently, several research projects have investigated the use of personal technology to encourage healthy behavior. Per- sonal health technologies can be grouped into three broad cat-
  • 6. egories. The first set of systems can be labeled ‘wellness’ applica- tions, which seek to ‘persuade’ users to make healthy behav- ior change such as increased physical activity [20, 7], healthy eating habits [26], or better sleep [3]. For example, Fish’n Steps [20] and UbiFit Garden [7] seek to encourage physical activity; the Time to Eat! iPhone application is a persuasive game encouraging healthy eating habits [26]. Lately, systems like the BeWell application have proposed a more compre- hensive Smartphone-based approach that can track activities that impact physical, social, and mental wellbeing – namely, sleep, physical activity, and social interactions – and provides intelligent feedback to promote better health [17]. The second category comprises systems targeted manage- ment of chronic somatic diseases like diabetes [21], chronic kidney disease [31], and asthma [18]. The third category contains systems which address issues of mental health and illness such as stress [12] and depres- sion [29, 6], and more general-purpose mobile phone sys- tems for mood charting [23, 24]. Two systems of particu- lar relevance to our study are the Mobile Mood Diary [23] and Mobilyze! [6]. The Mobile Mood Diary uses a mobile phone to allow patients to report mood, energy, and sleep levels, which can then be accessed on a website. The study showed increased patient adherence to mood charting using the phone as compared to using paper-based forms. Mobi- lyze! is a mobile phone application using machine learning models to predict patients moods, emotions, cognitive/moti- vational states, activities, environmental contexts, and social contexts, based on phone sensor data like GPS, ambient light, recent calls, etc. The website contains graphs illustrating pa- tients self-reported states, as well as didactic tools, that teach patients behavioral activation concepts. The feedback mech-
  • 7. anism uses telephone calls and emails from a clinician in or- der to promote adherence. A small feasibility study showed, among other things, that accuracy rates of up to 91% were achieved when predicting categorical contextual states (e.g., location), but that for states rated on scales, especially mood, predictive capability was poor. The study showed, however, that patients were satisfied with the phone application and it improved on their self-reported depressive symptoms. The MONARCA system belongs to this third category. In some ways, it is similar to the Mobile Mood Diary and Mobi- lyze! systems, but the MONARCA system is targeted to bipo- lar disorder, rather than uni-polar depression. The MONAR- CA system also seeks to provide direct and timely feedback to the patient by visualizing self-assessment data and objec- tively sensed data directly on the phone. Moreover, rather than having clinicians phone or email patients, the MONAR- CA system has a built-in trigger and notification feature. The system is thus designed to scale better, organizationally, since the feedback mechanisms are not tied solely to a human actor (i.e. clinician). THE MONARCA SYSTEM The MONARCA system was designed in a user-centered par- ticipatory design process [13] involving a group of three psy- chiatrists and seven patients suffering form bipolar disorder. Specifically, we used the Patient-Clinician-Designer (PCD) Framework [22], which outlines how key principles of user- centered design – including user focus, active user involve- ment, evolutionary systems development, prototyping, and usability champions – can be applied in the context of de- signing for mental illness. Through the PCD process, patients and clinicians were instrumental in making decisions about system features through collaborative design workshops and iterative prototyping. Three-hour workshops were held every other week for six months. The designers led each work-
  • 8. shop by facilitating discussion about particular design goals and issues, system features and functionality, and feedback on mockups and prototypes of the system. Session: Mental Health CHI 2013: Changing Perspectives, Paris, France 2628 The final design of the MONARCA system1 contains 5 fea- tures that are targeted specifically to help bipolar patient man- age their illness: (i) self-assessment of self-reported data like mood, sleep, and alcohol; (ii) activity monitoring in terms of sampling sensor data from the phone; (iii) historical overview of self-assessment and sensed data; (iv) coaching & self- treatment based on customizable triggers and detection of early warning signs (EWS); and (v) data sharing between the patient and the clinician. The overall approach is that self-assessment and review of various parameters can support bipolar illness management. For example, patients and their clinicians can use the data to determine adherence to medications, investigate illness pat- terns and identify early warning signs for upcoming affec- tive episodes, or test potentially beneficial behavior changes. Through monitoring and feedback, the MONARCA system may be able to help patients implement effective short-term responses to warning signs and preventative long-term habits. Similar to other personal health technologies, the design of the MONARCA system employs a mobile phone application as the main component. Using a mobile phone was an obvi- ous design choice since they were already used extensively by all patients.
  • 9. Android Phone Application Figure 1 shows the 5 main screens of the MONARCA An- droid application; (i) inputting self-assessment data, (ii) his- toric data visualizations, (iii) prescribed medicine; (iv) ac- tivated ‘triggers’ and suggestions for ‘actions to take’; and (v) a screen for various settings, such as an alarm reminding the patients to enter their self-assessment data. In addition to collecting ‘subjective’ self-reported data, the application also collects ‘objective’ sensor data. Subjective and Objective Data Sampling A significant part of the design process was spent on design- ing the self-assessment form. First of all, it was important that relevant data for bipolar disorder patients were collected. As discussed in [22], there is a tradeoff between the clini- cians’ need to collect clinically relevant and ‘objective’ data, and the patients’ need for collecting more personalized data. Second, significant effort has been put into designing the self- assessment form on the phone application, so that it is as simple and short as possible. A core requirement from the patients involved in the design process, was that the list of self-reported items should be kept to a minimum and that self- assessment should be done quickly. Based on thorough design discussions, the final version of the MONARCA self-assessment form contains a minimum set of things to monitor, which can be divided into a set of mandatory self-assessment items, which is absolutely crucial for clinicians to collect over time in the treatment of a bipolar patient, and a set of optional self-assessment items, which supplement the mandatory ones. 1The design of the MONARCA system and its technical implemen- tation has been presented in [1], where many more technical
  • 10. details can be found. This section provides an overview of the system de- sign and its core features. Figure 1. The MONARCA Android application user interface. The mandatory self-assessment items are: • Mood measured on a 7-point HAMD scale spanning from highly depressed (-3) to highly manic (+3). As a mood- disorder illness, self-reported mood is the main data pa- rameter to follow for bipolar disorder patients. • Sleep indicated in half-hour intervals. Significant clinical evidence shows a direct link between the mood of a bipo- lar patient and the amount of sleep (sleep increases during depressed periods, and decreases during manic periods). • Subjective Activity on a 7-point scale spanning from totally inactive (-3) to highly active (+3). Bipolar disorder patients report themselves to be more active during manic periods and less active during depressed periods, and self-reported activity level is, like sleep, a very good indicator of the state of the illness. • Medicine Adherence by specifying whether prescribed medicine has been taken as prescribed, have been taken with modification, or not taken at all. Since medical treat- ment of bipolar disorder is very effective and can signifi- cantly help stabilize the patient’s mood, keeping track of medicine adherence is core to medical treatment. The optional self-assessment items include: • Universal Warning Signs, which are signs that a psychiatric
  • 11. clinic can set up for all its patients. Such signs can e.g. include experience of so-called ‘mixed mood’, ‘cognitive problems’, or ‘irritability’. • Early Warning Signs (EWS), are personal signs that are tai- lored specifically to each patient, and inform them of things to look out for. For example, if a patient begins to sleep in the living room, rather than the bed room, this is a sign for him that a manic phase is under way. • Alcohol, as measured in number of drinks. For some bipo- lar patients, alcohol and drug abuse can be associated with their illness. Session: Mental Health CHI 2013: Changing Perspectives, Paris, France 2629 • Stress measured on a 6-point scale from 0 to 5. Self- perceived stress can be a significant trigger of a depressive period, and for some patients monitoring their stress level is important. • Note, a free text entry done with an on-screen keyboard. This can be used to associate a note to the data entered or for entering more generic comments for this day. On a daily basis, an alarm on the phone reminds the patient to report self-assessment data for that day. Only data for the cur- rent day can be entered and the system does not allow patients to revise earlier entries. In addition to self-assessment data, the phone samples be-
  • 12. havioral data via sensors in the phone. This includes physical activity data as measured by the accelerometer, and social ac- tivity as measured by the number of in- and outgoing phone calls and text messages. This sensor sampling is aggregated into two simple figures reflecting the level of physical and so- cial activity on a given day, and is visualized as simple graphs on the data visualization screen. Feedback Mechanisms – Visualization and Triggers The visualization screen (Figure 1(ii)) is designed to be the main feedback mechanism to the patient. This screen is shown when the patient has entered his or her self-assessment data. The graph visualization display is designed to be very simple, while giving an overview of the self-assessment and sensed data. The phone only shows data for the past 14 days, whereas longer periods of data can be seen on the website. Figure 2. Website - Patient Data Visualization, showing the mood and sleep graphs. The second feedback mechanism is the automatic trigger fea- ture. A ‘trigger’ consists of a set of rules that apply to any self-assessment data being entered. For example, a trigger can be set up to trigger if the patient reports that he has been sleeping less that 6 hours, 3 days in a row. So-called ‘actions- to-take’ can be associated with a trigger. Actions-to-take are simple behavioral suggestions to a patient in different situa- tions. For example, in case the patient sleeps to little, he or she can try using sleeping pills, or make sure to sleep in a cold and dark room. Triggers and actions-to-take are personalized to each patient. When a trigger is activated, a notification is posted using An- droid’s notification mechanism. The trigger is then displayed as an item in the notification view on the Android phone (typ-
  • 13. ically in the top pull-down curtain). When clicking the no- tification, the patient is taken to the Actions-to-Take screen (Figure 1(iv)), which lists all active triggers and their associ- ated actions-to-take. Automatic triggers are designed to play a core role in con- tinuous and automatic feedback to the the patient, since they consistently track patterns over time and can warn both the patient and the psychiatrist about things to be aware of. Website The MONARCA system can also be accessed via a website, which is designed to be used by patients and clinicians. Pa- tients can see and update their personal data as shown in Fig- ure 2, manage personal triggers and early warning signs, and configure the system. Clinicians are shown a dashboard that provides an overview of their patients and how they are doing on the core parameters of mood, activity, sleep, and medicine adherence for the last 4 days. From this dashboard, they can access detailed data on each patient and customize the system according to the needs of each individual patient, including medication. FIELD TRIAL OF MONARCA Clinical trials of inventions for mental health are very re- source consuming, and often a staged evaluation strategy in- vestigating both clinical and HCI issues can be more benefi- cial and informative [8, 23]. Hence, the MONARCA system was deployed in a single-arm feasibility trial that tested feasi- bility rather than efficacy. The study ran from May to August 2011, a total of 14 weeks. The study design was approved by the Danish National Committee on Health Research Ethics and the security and data handling was approved by the Dan- ish Data Protection Agency, ensuring that everything was done according to standards. Informed consent was obtained from all patients.
  • 14. The main objective of this study was to gauge the feasibil- ity of the system as used by patients suffering from bipolar disorder. This was done by focusing on the following four questions: Q1 – Is the system sufficiently stable for general use? Q2 – How usable is the system and is it better than existing approaches for self-assessment and data collection? Q3 – What is the usefulness of the system in terms of helping bipolar disorder patients in coping with their disease? Q4 – Will this system – if used on a daily basis by bipolar patients – be useful to them in the future? An important part of the study was to investigate the useful- ness of the system during the trial (Q3) and the perceived usefulness in the future (Q4), and as such the study aimed at establishing the benefit for bipolar patients in managing their disease. As such, the goal of this study was to establish the feasibility of the system, and if this study was positive, to move into a clinical trial afterwards. Thus, the focus was on the patients using the system, and not the clinicians or the system used in treatment. Session: Mental Health CHI 2013: Changing Perspectives, Paris, France 2630 Trial Setup and Participant Recruitment The study had three inclusion criteria: the patients should be; (i) between 18 and 65 years, (ii) able to use a mobile phone
  • 15. and a website; (iii) stable patients. No exclusion criteria were set up. Potential patients were referred to the study by doctors in the Affective Disorder Clinic at a university hospital. The doctor associated with the MONARCA study initially phoned each patient, introduced the project, and asked if they would be interested in participating. If so, they would meet with the doctor and a technician at the clinic, during which they were further informed of the project. If the patient was still inter- ested in participating, an informed consent form was signed by the patient and the doctor. The patient then got a thorough introduction to the MONARCA system, received a printed user guide, and was issued a standard HTC Desire Smart- phone. They were additionally helped to insert their SIM card, set up 3G internet, and transfer relevant content such as contacts. No compensation was paid to the patients, but they were reimbursed for their 3G internet subscription. The patients received contact information (phone + email) for the MONARCA doctor and technician, whom the patients could contact if they had any questions or problems with the system. The MONARCA doctor would oversee the data on a daily basis and could contact the patients by phone if needed. The patients were still treated by their own doctor – who also had access to the patient’s data via the website – but given that this was a feasibility study, the system was not fully inte- grated into the usual treatment at the hospital, as it would not be ethically sound to do this with an untested system. The MONARCA doctor would not engage in any treatment of the patients, but would notify the patient’s doctor if necessary. Methods In order to answer the four questions above, we applied sev- eral methods. First, adherence to self-assessment was mea- sured in two ways. Adherence to the paper-based forms was gauged by collecting and analyzing the paper-based mood assessment forms, used by the participants in 62 days from
  • 16. March to May 2011 (i.e., just prior to the launch of the MO- NARCA system). Adherence to the MONARCA system was measured by the number of daily self-assessments extracted from the system database. Second, we measured the usability of the MONARCA system by applying the IBM Computer System Usability Questionnaire (CSUQ) [19] online. Third, we issued an online questionnaire asking questions about the usefulness of the system during the trial period. Fourth, an online questionnaire containing the same questions, but now in future tense, was issued to investigate the perceived use- fulness of the system in the future. There is a significant cor- relation between users’ perceived usefulness of a system, and its actual future usefulness [9], and this analysis can hence be used to gauge the potential of the MONARCA system in a future clinical deployment. Fifth, we did semi-structured follow-up interviews with all participants at the end of the trial. RESULTS Participant Characteristics 28 patients were contacted initially, whereof 17 were inter- ested and came to the clinic for further interviews. 14 patients were enrolled in the trial, of which 2 dropped out; one in week 2 because she wanted to go back to her iPhone, and one in week 7 due to a lack of time. Thus, a total of 12 bipolar pa- tients participated in the field trial. The left column of Table 1 shows the list of participants and their demographic back- grounds. We were able to recruit a very diverse set of patients of different gender (5 male, 7 female); age (20–51 years); IT skills; and mobile phone experience. All participants were selected among stable patients having initial HAMD mood scores in the range of −1 to +1. Participation Figure 3 shows the use of the system during the trial period, including the number of phones reporting self-assessment
  • 17. (‘Subjective’) data as well as sensor (‘Objective’) data on a daily basis. The graph illustrates that phones were deployed during May, and usage peaked in mid June to mid August, and that almost all 12 phones reported data on a daily basis. During August, we experienced an error in the Android Mar- ket that locked the application. This was not discovered until the trial was over, and based on post-trial interviews, this er- ror seems to explain the decline in use during August. Adherence Results Table 1 shows the rate of self-assessment when using both the paper-based forms as well as the MONARCA system. From this table we can observe several things. First, on average, the length of the paper-based and phone- based trials are comparable (62 and 69 days), with some variation in the system trial. If the phone is working (i.e., charged), the application will sample objective data. On aver- age, sampling was done 63 out of 69 days and the application was hence running 92% of the trial period. Second, we can compare the adherence to self-assessment us- ing the paper-based forms and the MONARCA system. In the paper-based forms, we count the number of days that any information is noted on the paper – irrespective of the level of detail. When using paper-based forms, the raw ad- herence percentage is 58%, which is similar to what was found in the Mobile Mood Diary study [23]. But, if not counting the four participants who did not fill in their self- assessment at all (P48;P63;P67;P70), the average adherence is 87%. The general adherence percentage when using the MONARCA system is 80% for all of the involved 12 par- ticipants. If we only take into consideration the days where the system was actually working (63 instead of 69), the ad- herence rate is 87%. Hence, the adherence rate for the paper- based and phone-based systems are comparable if only count-
  • 18. ing the days where data can be recorded and only involv- ing participants who also reported data on their paper-based forms. However, the interviews revealed that paper-based forms were subject to significant retrofitting and we will dis- cuss this further in the Discussion section below. Third, looking specifically at the four mandatory self-assess- ment parameters of mood, sleep, activity, and medicine we see that all patients have high compliance scores (3.76 out of 4.00 is 94%), which is very positive since acquiring this data is a core goal of the system. On the paper-based self- assessment form, only 3 out of these four parameters can be Session: Mental Health CHI 2013: Changing Perspectives, Paris, France 2631 P ar ti ci pa nt G en de r A
  • 24. im ar y sc or es # vi si ts to w eb si te P48 m 29 4 iPhone 15 -1 Student 0 n/a n/a 65 50 57 76 87 4.00 0 P49 f 50 4 Nokia 20 0 Unemployed 59 95 2.88 40 26 38 65 68 3.80 1 P55 m 29 2 Nokia 13 0 Shipping 59 95 2.97 99 60 60 60 100 3.87 0 P57 f 35 4 SonyE. 15 0 Accountant 62 100 3.00 90 76 86 84 88 4.00 0 P58 f 34 2 Samsung 10 0 Teacher 43 69 2.04 98 96 97 97 98 3.31 6 P59 f 38 4 Nokia 13 -1 Unemployed 43 69 2.77 98 74 92 75 80 3.77 0 P61 f 34 4 iPhone 14 0 Self-employed 59 95 2.34 68 64 68 94
  • 25. 94 3.56 1 P63 f 20 5 HTC 9 0 Student 0 n/a n/a 22 8 14 36 57 3.38 0 P64 f 51 2 Nokia 14 1 Pensioner 59 95 2.22 77 77 77 100 100 3.87 15 P66 m 45 4 SonyE. 12 0 Student 50 80 3.00 70 61 69 87 88 3.80 51 P67 m 37 5 iPhone 15 1 Ph.D. student 0 n/a n/a 53 46 52 86 88 3.78 11 P70 m 37 4 iPhone 15 -1 Musician 0 n/a n/a 49 47 49 95 95 4.00 2 Avr. 36 14 36 87 2.65 69 57 63 80 87 3.76 7 Table 1. Participation in the MONARCA trial study. From left: participation ID; demographic data; and data from the normal paper-based self- assessment forms, and usage data for the 14 weeks trial study of the MONARCA system. CSUQ item Description avg. sd. OVERALL Overall satisfaction 2.60 1.01 SYSUSE System usefulness 1.93 0.42 INFOQUAL Information quality 3.32 1.10 INTERQUAL Interface quality 2.71 0.93 Table 2. The CSUQ usability results on a Likert scale from 1–7: 1=Highly agree; 7=Highly disagree. reported (activity is missing), and we see a slightly lower de- gree of compliance (2.65 out of 3.00 is 88%). Finally, looking at the use of the website, it is quite evident that this is not used by most of the participants. P66, P64 and P67 show moderate use. The extensive use by P66 is due to this patient being interested in the data visualization, where he accessed the website constantly, just to look at the graphs.
  • 26. System Usability Table 2 shows the usability scores as measured by the IBM Computer System Usability Questionnaire (CSUQ) on a 7- point Likert scale from ‘Strongly Agree’ (1) to ‘Strongly Dis- agree’ (7). From these scores we can conclude that the overall usability of the system is good (OVERALL = 2.60) and the users found the system very useful (SYSUSE = 1.93). This reflects a low score in simplicity, comfortability and learn- ability, and efficiency. The information quality score is lower (INFOQUAL = 3.25) which can be ascribed to problems with the error messages of the system, which scored 5.33, and did not help users fix the problems they may have experienced. Finally, the system scores well in interface quality in general (INTERQUAL = 2.86), but the study showed that it did not have all the functions and capabilities that patients expected. System Perceived Usefulness Usefulness avg. sd. avg. sd. Disease Mgmt. 3.16 1.55 2.16 1.02 Self-assessment 2.21 1.06 1.73 0.72 Visualization 2.22 1.39 1.66 0.78 Alarms 2.34 1.44 2.13 1.88 Triggers 3.59 1.31 2.71 1.02 Early Warning Signs 3.44 1.18 2.36 0.78 Actions to take 3.25 1.52 2.34 0.88 Medication 4.30 1.50 3.17 1.51 Website 3.00 1.70 2.63 1.76 Table 3. Questionnaire results on ‘System Usefulness’ as used in the trial period and ‘Perceived Usefulness’ in the future. Users reported on a 1–7 point Liket scale on the question of “The MONARCA system is useful
  • 27. for ...”: 1=Highly agree; 7=Highly disagree. This was also mentioned in the interviews, and we will return to this in the discussion below. Usefulness and Perceived Usefulness In the usefulness questionnaire we asked 38 questions di- vided into 10 categories, using the 7-point Likert scale. The categories and average scores are shown in Table 3. The usefulness of the system for disease management during the trial scored 3.16. This means that patients agree (though not strongly) that MONARCA helped them in managing their bipolar disorder. This category addressed wether the patients became better at managing their disease (2.92), wether they were made more aware of their disease (2.50), the specific usefulness of the application for disease management (3.33), the usefulness of the website (4.33), and if the application Session: Mental Health CHI 2013: Changing Perspectives, Paris, France 2632 Figure 3. The usage of the MONARCA system during the trial period, showing the number of phones reporting subjective self- assessment data and objective sensor data on a daily basis. made them change their lifestyle (4.00). Hence, a clear in- dication was that the system as such, did not have an effect on changing lifestyle, but more on disease management and awareness. When asking the same questions, but on perceived future usefulness, the patients generally agreed that the sys- tem would help them cultivate better disease management
  • 28. and awareness. Even the question on whether the system would make patients change their lifestyle scored relatively well (2.67). Hence, patients think that this system – if used in the future – would also assist in changing their lifestyle. The questionnaire also inquired about more specific aspects of the MONARCA system. Table 3 shows that the features of ‘self-assessment’, ‘visualization’, and ‘alarms’ were found to be the most useful features now and in the future. Hence, the patients found it very useful to be reminded to enter self- assessment data and see a temporal visualization of it. More- over, the use of visualizations is perceived as the most useful feature of the system in future use. Features like ‘triggers’, ‘early warning signs’ and ‘actions to take’ are found to be useful, though less useful compared to the self-assessment functionality. Managing medication in the MONARCA sys- tem was found not to be useful. The usefulness of the website seems to be rather low and as shown in Table 1, it was not ac- cessed by many patients. DISCUSSION Personal health technologies hold promises for both clinical and qualitative improvements of the healthcare model of the Western world. Even though this study did not provide un- equivocal clinical evidence that the MONARCA system had any effect (positive or negative) on the patients’ disease, the field trial has shown that the system is definitely feasible to use for the management of bipolar disorder. To be success- ful, a core requirement for such systems is that they are easy to use and are perceived as useful by patients. As such, the design of personal health technologies is a highly important topic for human-computer interaction. Based on the insights from this trial test of the MONARCA system, combined with existing human-computer interaction studies of the design and use of personal health technologies, we have identified three core questions, which have to be ad-
  • 29. dressed in the design of personal health technologies: 1. How to design for disease awareness and self-treatment? 2. How to ensure adherence to using personal health tech- nologies? 3. What are the roles of different types of technology plat- forms? This section discusses these core human-computer interaction design questions for personal health technologies in greater detail. Designing for Disease Awareness and Self-treatment As described in the Background section, continuous mood tracking, recognizing and controlling early warning signs, ac- tivity logging, and medication compliance training are core ingredients in cognitive behavioral training (CBT) for bipolar disorder patients [30, 2]. The field trial indicates that this kind of disease awareness and self-treatment was supported by the MONARCA system. The usability and usefulness scores show that the patients found the system very usable and useful in disease management, which was also reflected in the interviews: “I am surprised how much I like it! [...] [MONAR- CA] is filled with substance and I have really benefited from it in relation to my illness. I have never used the [paper-based] mood charts that much, and I have never had much awareness about my [data] history [...] so I have been extremely happy with it, and I really think it is great.” [P70] This quote also hints at the main reason behind the usefulness of the system, as P70 argues that the awareness of the historic
  • 30. data is highly useful. P70 continues; “What I saw [in the trial] is that it helped me keep on track. I try to keep track of the triggers [early warning signs], and my history – and in that way it has helped me enormously. Previously, I went into periods where I encountered random mood swings, up and down, and I did not have any history [data] to relate to, so it kind of surprised me. But now I can actually follow how I’m doing – also back in time – and what caused it. It has really been great, and I think I have been able to keep track of myself.” [P70] This insight is also reflected in the study data. Table 3 shows that patients found the ability to enter self-assessment data and later to review them in the visualization to be the most useful features of the system. In the design of the MONARCA system, several visualiza- tion techniques and metaphors were discussed. Similar to other personal health systems that use fishes and flowers as metaphors, we were looking for an appropriate metaphor for bipolar disorder. Many attempts were tried, including using metaphors like a scale, an equalizer, a river, a volcano, a dart board, and a radar, but we always had the case that some Session: Mental Health CHI 2013: Changing Perspectives, Paris, France 2633 patients prefered one visualization, and others hated it – as put by P67 one day; “I do not want my disease reduced to a game!” In order to avoid problems, we designed the MO-
  • 31. NARCA system using a neutral graph visualization metaphor, but it seems that there is a need for allowing patients to use different visualizations. In general, it seems that support for tailorability and personalization of what self-assessment data to collect and how to visualize it, is important in the design of these types of systems. Features like ‘triggers’, ‘early warning signs’ and ‘actions to take’ are also found to be useful for maintaining an awareness of the development of the disease, and to react if something change. The perceived usefulness of these features in the fu- ture is even higher. The medicine overview was, however, not found to be partic- ularly useful. In the interviews, patients explained that the overview was fine, but it did not increase their awareness of their medication. The patients wanted to be able to ad- just their medication themselves; something they are allowed to do by the psychiatrist in order to fine-tune their medicine intake according to changes in mood and other symptoms. Also, the level of detail in the self-reporting on medicine in- take was too coarse-grained; they could basically just specify if they took the prescribed amount of a drug, not if they took more or less. In summary, the MONARCA system seems to be successful in providing the self-assessment and awareness of core dis- ease parameters – except medication – which clinical studies have shown to have a positive effect on CBT treatment of bipolar patients. Ensuring Adherence to Technology Use As mentioned before, we saw that entering self-assessment data and using the system on a daily basis is core in build- ing clinically beneficial disease awareness and self-treatment skills. This obviously then requires that the patient enters this data on a regular basis, and thus the whole complexity of ‘ad-
  • 32. herence’ becomes important in the design of personal health technologies. The adherence rate of 87% in the MONARCA system is higher than the 65% adherence found in the Mobile Mood Di- ary system [23], which, however, was tested in a much longer period and may suffer from long-term effects that we did not encounter. We found that the adherence rate for the system was comparable to the paper-based forms. But several pa- tients reported in the interviews that they actually retrofitted their paper-based self-assessment. As P49 said: “The pa- per is more inaccurate – I sometimes put in data for several days at once, because I forget it”. And P58 stated that: “I used to fill out the paper for the whole week just before meet- ing with my doctor”. This verifies the findings in the eval- uation of the Mobile Mood Diary system, as well as other research, which has shown that paper-based charting suffers from a range of problems [4]: low adherence rates, unreliable retrospective completion of diaries, and time intensive data entry [32]. Note also, that in MONARCA, the patients can only fill in self-assessment scores on the current day; there is no way to report data back in time. As such, the MONARCA system provides much more valid day-by-day self-assessment data. In the field trial, all patients reported that it is much easier to use the phone based self-assessment approach rather than using paper charts. As P49 explained: “It is much easier to use the phone than the paper. I have the phone with me at all times, and I don’t have to worry about the paper getting lost. It is very convenient that you can enter data when you experience things in- stead of having to recall it all when you fill in the paper”. [P49]
  • 33. An important factor in ensuring adherence to using the tech- nology seems to be related to the ‘alarm’ feature. Initially, we feared that the alarm would be too obtrusive for the patients, but the evaluation showed that the patients found it very use- ful in reminding them to fill in the the self-assessment once a day. As P49 continues: “I have to have this alarm on, otherwise I forget to fill in my self-assessment — I often forgot it using the paper. I could use a normal alarm, but I think it is nicer to have it as a part of the system”. [P49] In sum, ensuring adherence to the use of personal health tech- nologies is core to their success. Based on our findings, ad- herence can be ensured by designing for simple and limited data input and using a reminder mechanism, like the alarm feature in the MONARCA system. Technology Platforms for Personal Health Systems This study showed that using a Smartphone that is always with the patient, ensures better adherence compared to paper- based charts. In this section we will discuss the applicability of different technology platforms for personal health systems, focusing specifically on the web and Smartphone platforms. Several personal health systems rely on using web sites for treatment of mental disorders [28, 11] and have reported good results. However, the MONARCA study showed that only a few patients accessed the website. Information on medicine, warning signs, triggers, and general actions-to-take are con- figured for each patient together with the doctor at the clinic, but once this has been set up, the patients reported that there was little need to go trough the trouble of logging into the website; the settings seldomly needed to be changed and most of the data collected is available on the phone. As explained
  • 34. by P61: “I logged on to the website the same evening I got the phone, but I didn’t do anything there since my warning signs and triggers were already there. I have actually not visited it since, as I haven’t had the need to alter anything, and I don’t feel like I have enough data yet to actually go back and explore it.” [P61] The usability scores (Table 2) show that the website scored lower than the rest of the system. The patients stated that it is partly because they did not have any real use for it, but also because they feel the design could be better. P57 states that “compared to the phone, the website feels more disease-like, and not that personal.” Session: Mental Health CHI 2013: Changing Perspectives, Paris, France 2634 Turning to the Smartphone as a technology platform, the trial clearly indicates that this platform is well-suited to personal health systems. As argued by P49, “it is much easier to use the phone than the paper – I have the phone with me at all times”. Studies show that Smartphones are within close dis- tance to a user 90% of the time [10], and the fact that a Smart- phone is a personal device which is always with the patient, makes it a good platform for these kind of systems. This general finding is in line with other recent studies of per- sonal health systems. For example, the Mobile Mood Diary study showed that a mobile phone was very useful for self- reporting of data and systems like the UbiFit Garden, Fishn
  • 35. Steps, BeWell, and Mobilize! have shown that Smartphones are useful for sensor data collection and visualization. In contrast to the Mobile Mood Diary, however, the trial of the MONARCA system showed that text entry on the phone was not used. This again highlights that the design of personal health systems should take great care to limit the amount of self-reported data needed. However, during the interviews it became apparent that patients were not always satisfied with the current set of items; a fact that is also reflected in the mediocre score in the CSUQ information quality (INFO- QUAL) score in Table 2. Given that bipolar disorder is an individual and diverse disease, it is important to be able to set up and track individual items other than the early warn- ing signs. As argued by P67: “I need to keep track of energy level and coffee”, and P70: “I feel there should be an anxiety item in the self-assessment, as it is important to me. I think all patients have different items that are important to them personally.” CONCLUSION This paper has reported one a 14 week field deployment and study of the MONARCA system, used by 12 patients. The MONARCA system helps patients suffering from bipolar dis- order to do daily self-assessment and to get timely feedback on how they are doing using through visualization and feed- back mechanisms. In the trial, we studied different aspects, including how the system was used and adopted as compared to the existing paper-based self-assessment forms, the usabil- ity of the system, and the usefulness of the system for the patients in managing their illness. The results were positive; compared to using paper-based forms, the adherence to self- assessment improved; the system was considered very easy to use; and the perceived usefulness of the system was high. As such, we can conclude that it is possible to design and de- ploy pervasive monitoring systems for mental illness such as
  • 36. bipolar disorder. Based on the trial of the MONARCA system, we have dis- cussed three core questions to address in the design of per- sonal health technologies: (i) how to design for disease awareness and self-treatment; (ii) how to ensure adherence to using personal health technologies; and (iii) what is the role of different types of technology platforms. The presented trial of the MONARCA system showed that the system pro- moted disease awareness through self-assessment and tem- poral data visualization, adherence via the reminder system and the use of a Smartphone technology platform which is always with the patient. As a personal device, however, per- sonal health systems should allow for personalization both in terms of what data to collect (self-reported and sensor-based) as well as how to visualize this data. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to thank the CHI reviewers, whose dili- gent reviews significantly improved the paper. The MO- NARCA project is funded as a STREP project under the FP7 European Framework program. More informa- tion can be found at and REFERENCES 1. J. E. Bardram, M. Frost, K. Szántó, and G. Marcu. The monarca self-assessment system: a persuasive personal monitoring system for bipolar patients. In Proc. ACM SIGHIT International Health Informatics Symposium, IHI ’12, pages 21–30, New York, NY, USA, 2012. ACM. 2. M. R. Basco and A. J. Rush. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Bipolar Disorder. The Guilford Press, 2nd
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  • 42. 2636 Review Mental Health Smartphone Apps: Review and Evidence-Based Recommendations for Future Developments David Bakker1, B Psych (Hons); Nikolaos Kazantzis1,2, PhD; Debra Rickwood3, BA (Hons), PhD; Nikki Rickard4, BBSc(Hons), PhD(Psych) 1School of Psychology and Monash Institute of Cognitive and Clinical Neurosciences, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash University, Clayton, Australia 2Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Research Unit, School of Psychological Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash University, Clayton, Australia 3Psychology Department, Faculty of Health, University of Canberra, Canberra, Australia 4Centre for Positive Psychology, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia Corresponding Author: David Bakker, B Psych (Hons) School of Psychology and Monash Institute of Cognitive and Clinical Neurosciences Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Monash University 18 Innovation Walk Wellington Road Clayton, 3800
  • 43. Australia Phone: 61 3 9905 4301 Fax: 61 3 9905 4302 Email: [email protected] Abstract Background: The number of mental health apps (MHapps) developed and now available to smartphone users has increased in recent years. MHapps and other technology-based solutions have the potential to play an important part in the future of mental health care; however, there is no single guide for the development of evidence-based MHapps. Many currently available MHapps lack features that would greatly improve their functionality, or include features that are not optimized. Furthermore, MHapp developers rarely conduct or publish trial-based experimental validation of their apps. Indeed, a previous systematic review revealed a complete lack of trial-based evidence for many of the hundreds of MHapps available. Objective: To guide future MHapp development, a set of clear, practical, evidence-based recommendations is presented for MHapp developers to create better, more rigorous apps. Methods: A literature review was conducted, scrutinizing research across diverse fields, including mental health interventions, preventative health, mobile health, and mobile app design. Results: Sixteen recommendations were formulated. Evidence for each recommendation is discussed, and guidance on how these recommendations might be integrated into the overall design of an MHapp is offered. Each recommendation is rated on the basis of the strength of associated evidence. It is important to design an MHapp using a behavioral plan and interactive framework
  • 44. that encourages the user to engage with the app; thus, it may not be possible to incorporate all 16 recommendations into a single MHapp. Conclusions: Randomized controlled trials are required to validate future MHapps and the principles upon which they are designed, and to further investigate the recommendations presented in this review. Effective MHapps are required to help prevent mental health problems and to ease the burden on health systems. (JMIR Mental Health 2016;3(1):e7) doi:10.2196/mental.4984 KEYWORDS mobile phones; mental health; smartphones; apps; mobile apps; depression; anxiety; cognitive behavior therapy; cognitive behavioral therapy; clinical psychology JMIR Mental Health 2016 | vol. 3 | iss. 1 | e7 | p.1 (page number not for citation purposes) Bakker et alJMIR MENTAL HEALTH XSL•FO RenderX mailto:[email protected] Introduction A smartphone is an advanced mobile phone that functions as a
  • 45. handheld computer capable of running software apps. Within the last decade, smartphones have been integrated into the personal, social, and occupational routines of a substantial proportion of the global population. Over half of the population in the United States owns a smartphone and 83% of these users do not leave their homes without it [1]. Average users check their phones as often as 150 times a day [2], which reflects how smartphone apps can generate, reward, and maintain strong habits involving their use [3,4]. Apps are also capable of implementing behavior change interventions [5], which may improve users’ physical health [6], such as through promotion of physical exercise [7]. Over recent years, numerous mental health apps (MHapps) have been developed and made available to smartphone users. These apps aim to improve mental health and well-being, ranging from guiding mental illness recovery to encouraging beneficial habits that improve emotional health [8]. The demand for MHapps is strong, as evidenced by a recent public survey that found that 76% of 525 respondents would be interested in using their mobile phone for self-management and self-monitoring of mental health if the service were free [9]. MHapps and other technology-based solutions have the potential to play an important part in the future of mental health care [10], making mental health support more accessible and reducing barriers to help seeking [11]. Innovative solutions to self-management of mental health issues are particularly valuable, given that only a small fraction of people suffering from mood or anxiety problems seek professional help [12]. Even when people are aware of their problems and are open to seeking help, support is not always easily accessible, geographically, financially, or socially [13].
  • 46. Smartphones are not constrained by geography and are usually used privately by one individual. This means that smartphone apps can be extremely flexible and attractive to users, empowered by the confidentiality of their engagement. Seeking help by downloading and using an MHapp is well suited to the needs of young adults and other users with a high need for autonomy [14]. Users also prefer self-help support materials if they are delivered via a familiar medium [15], such as a personal smartphone. Smartphones apps are almost always accessible to users, so they can be used in any context and in almost any environment [16]. Using these apps, users can remind themselves throughout the day of ongoing goals and motivations, and be rewarded when they achieve goals [17]. However, many MHapps have not capitalized on the strengths and capabilities of smartphones. Design principles that have led to the huge success of many physical health and social networking apps have not been utilized in the MHapp field. Furthermore, evidence-based guidelines that have been developed for other self-help mental health interventions have not been applied to many MHapps. For example, many available MHapps target specific disorders and label their users with a diagnosis. Much research has suggested that this labeling process can be harmful and stigmatizing [18]. There also appears to be a lack of appreciation for experimental validation among MHapp developers. Donker et al [8] revealed that there is a complete lack of experimental evidence for many of the hundreds of MHapps available. Their systematic review identified only 5 apps that had supporting evidence from randomized controlled trials (RCTs). A search of the Apple and Google app stores as of January 2014 reveals that none of these RCT-supported apps is currently available to consumers.
  • 47. For a mental health intervention to be effective, there must be a process of rigorous experimental testing to guide development [19]. Appropriate theories of engagement and implementation should also be consulted when introducing an evidence-based intervention to the public [20]. However, such research is currently lacking. A series of recommended principles based on evidence and substantiated theories would be valuable in guiding the development of future MHapps and future RCTs. A review of the literature highlights the numerous ways by which the design, validation, and overall efficacy of MHapps could be improved. Methods This review aims to provide a set of clear, sound, and practical recommendations that MHapp developers can follow to create better, more rigorous apps. As such, this review covers work from a number of different research fields, including mental health interventions, preventative health, mobile health, and mobile app design. A review of currently available MHapps was also necessary to gain a clearer idea of where improvements can be made. Databases such as PsycInfo, Scopus, and ProQuest were consulted for peer-reviewed sources. Search terms included (but were not restricted to) “mhealth,” “anxiety,” “depression," “help seeking,” “self-help,” “self-guided,” “smartphones,” and “gamification.” Articles published between March 1975 and March 2015 were considered for inclusion. Meta-analyses and systematic reviews were sought for each relevant area of investigation. Several synoptic texts were also consulted to guide foundational understanding of theoretical concepts relating to mobile apps and product design [3,5]. Sources were excluded
  • 48. from the review if they did not relate directly to mental health or computerized health interventions. Because this was not a systematic review, and as such was not based on a single search of the literature, the specific number of articles found and excluded was not tracked. Furthermore, multiple searches were used to explore the concepts and formulate the recommendations presented. The lead author (DB) conducted these searches and formulated the basic recommendations. The secondary authors provided individual feedback on the review, suggested sources, and guided further searches that the lead author undertook. Most research into mobile health has focused on validating single entrepreneurial apps, rather than pursuing rigorous RCTs to validate principles that can guide development of future apps [21]. Because of the infancy of the field, the recommendations presented in the results of this review have not been rigorously validated by RCTs in an MHapp setting. Instead, each recommendation should be treated as a guide for both JMIR Mental Health 2016 | vol. 3 | iss. 1 | e7 | p.2 (page number not for citation purposes) Bakker et alJMIR MENTAL HEALTH XSL•FO RenderX development of MHapps and future research. Each recommendation could well be the target of a future RCT.
  • 49. Currently Available Apps The recommendations explored in this review should be considered in the context of the existing range of MHapps available. The suggested recommendations are as follows: (1) cognitive behavioural therapy based; (2) address both anxiety and low mood; (3) designed for use by nonclinical populations; (4) automated tailoring; (5) reporting of thoughts, feelings, or behaviors; (6) recommend activities; (7) mental health information; (8) real-time engagement; (9) activities explicitly linked to specific reported mood problems; (10) encourage nontechnology-based activities; (11) gamification and intrinsic motivation to engage; (12) log of past app use; (13) reminders to engage; (14) simple and intuitive interface and interactions; (15) links to crisis support services; (16) experimental trials to establish efficacy. This is a recommended direction for future research. To demonstrate the necessity of such a future review or some form of accreditation system to ensure the quality of health care apps [22], the lead author conducted a brief overview of the range of currently available MHapps via a series of preliminary searches of the iTunes App Store. The search terms used included “anxiety,” “depression,” “low mood,” “mental health,” “therapy,” “relaxation,” and “self-help.” Inspection and use of the apps found in these searches revealed some major gaps in their capabilities when compared with the recommendations of this review. Table 1 compares a selection of these apps across the recommended features discussed in this review. Results The recommendations formulated by this review of the literature are summarized in the following section. Recommendations 1-7 have been chiefly extrapolated from the mental health literature, and Recommendations 8-14 have origins in research on user engagement and designing apps for behavior change.
  • 50. Recommendations 15 and 16 are recommendations specifically related to MHapps. It may not be possible to build every single listed recommendation into a single app. Rather, this list has been compiled based on the available evidence to guide decisions when embarking on an MHapp development project. Many currently available MHapps lack features that would greatly improve their functionality, or include features that are not optimized. Thus, the purpose of this review is to collate a list of easily followed recommendations to be used by developers when creating future MHapps. Some of these recommendations will be relevant to informing both the interface design and the marketing of MHapps. It is important to note that the marketing of an app is tied to the way that users will interact with it [23], in the same way that pretherapy expectations can influence engagement motivation and hopefulness [24]. For example, if a user downloads an app because its description on the app store lists “relaxation,” the user will plan to use the app for relaxation purposes. When app design is mentioned in the recommendations, this is inclusive of an app’s marketing. Recommendations Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Based Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of collaborative, individualized, psychological treatment that is recognized as the most supported approach to generate behavioral, cognitive, and emotional adaption to a wide range of common psychological problems [25]. The efficacy of CBT has been supported by a comprehensive review of 106 meta-analyses across different clinical groups [26]. Other meta-analyses have found strong support for CBT as an effective treatment for a
  • 51. huge range of psychological disorders, including depression [27,28], generalized anxiety disorder [29], social anxiety [30], health anxiety [31], panic disorder [32], posttraumatic stress disorder [33], obsessive-compulsive disorder [34], phobias, and anxiety disorders overall [35]. Meta-analytic evidence for CBT also extends to anger expression problems [36], insomnia [37], pathological gambling [38], hoarding disorder [39], irritable bowel syndrome [40], psychosis prevention [41], and occupational stress [42]. Although CBT’s most researched application is as a therapeutic technique delivered collaboratively by a trained clinician, its principles have also been used as the foundation of many self-help support measures. Using technology is a cost-effective way to enhance the efficiency of CBT treatment [43,44], and research has already demonstrated that CBT-based self-administered computerized interventions are successful for improving depression and anxiety symptomatology in adults. A meta-analysis of 49 RCTs revealed a significant medium effect size (g=0.77, 95% CI 0.59-0.95) for computerized CBT (CCBT) for depression and anxiety [45]. Another meta-analysis of 22 RCTs found an even greater effect size (g=0.88, 95% CI 0.76-0.99) [46]. Similar findings for CCBT’s efficacy have emerged from meta-analyses that have focused on anxiety [47], depression [48], and its use with young people [49]. CCBT interventions can be administered by a mobile device and still retain their therapeutic validity [50]. RCTs have established the efficacy of CBT-based interventions delivered via smartphone apps that reduce depression [50], chronic pain [51], and social anxiety disorder [52]. CBT-based features can also be appealing to users. In an analysis of features used on a smartphone app for smoking cessation, 8 of the top 10 used features were CBT based [53], such as progress tracking and journaling (see the “Reporting of Thoughts, Feelings, or Behaviors” section). JMIR Mental Health 2016 | vol. 3 | iss. 1 | e7 |
  • 52. p.3 (page number not for citation purposes) Bakker et alJMIR MENTAL HEALTH XSL•FO RenderX Table 1. Currently available iOS apps compared across recommended features. Recommended featureaApp 16151413121110987654321 ✘✘✔✘✔✘✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ b✘✘✔AnxietyCoach ✘✘✘✘✔✘✘✘✔✘✘✔✘✘✔✔Behavioral Experiments ✘✔✔✔ c✘✘✘✘✔✘✘✘✘✔✘✘Breathe ✘✘✘✔ c✔✔✔✘✔✔✔✔✘✘✘✘DBT Diary Card and Skills Coach ✘✘✔✘✘✘✔✘✘✘✔✘✘✘✘✘Depression Prevention ✘✘✘✔✔✔✘✘✘✔✔✘✔ b✔✔✘Happify ✘✘✘✔✔✔✔✘✘✘✔✘✘✔✔✘HealthyHabits
  • 53. ✘✔✔✔ c✔✘✔✔✔✔✔✔✘✔✔✔HealthyMinds ✘✔✘✔✔✘✘✘✘✔✘✔✘✔✘✘HIAF ✘✘✘✘✔✘✘✘✘✘✘✔✘✘✔✔iCouch CBT ✘✘✔✘✘✘✔✔ d✔✘✔✔✘✘✘✔iCounselorf ✘✘✔✔✔✘✘✘✘✘✘✔✘✔✘✘iMoodJournal ✘✔✔✘✘✘✘✘✔✘✔✔✘✔✔✘In Hand ✘✘✘✘✘✘✔✔✔✔✔✔✘✘✘✔MindShift ✘✘✘✔ c✔✘✔✔✔✘✔✔✘✘✔✔MoodKit ✘✘✘✔ c✔✘✘✘✘✘✘✔✘✔✘✘Moodlytics ✘✘✔✔ c✔✘✘✘✘✔e✘✔✘✔✘✘Moody Me ✘✘✔✘✔✘✔✔✔✘✔✔✘✔✘✔Pacifica ✘✘✘✘✔✘✘✘✘✘✘✔✘✘✔✔Pocket CBT ✘✘✔✘✔✘✔✔✔✔✔✔✘✘✘✔SAM ✘✔✔✘✔✔✘✘✘✘✘✔✔✔✔✔Smiling Mind ✘✘✔✘✔✘✘✘✔✔✔✔✘✔✘✔Stress & Anxiety Companion
  • 54. ✘✘✘✔✔✔✔✔✘✘✔✘✔ b✔✔✘SuperBetter ✘✘✘✘✘✘✘✘✘✔✘✘✘✔✔✘ThinkHappy ✘✘✔✘✘✘✔✘✔✔✔✘✘✔✔✔What’s Up? ✘✘✔✔ c✘✔✔✘✘✔✔✘✔✔✔WorkOut ✘✔✔✔✘✘✘✘✔✘✘✘✘✔✘✔WorryTime aSee the “Currently Available Apps” section for the 16 recommendations. bNot using automated processes. cDefault is for reminders to be off. dOnly because there are separate apps for separate problems, so each app recommends activities for that target problem. eAccessible via forums fIncludes separate iCounselor: Depression; iCounselor: Anger; and iCounselor: Anxiety apps. Although primarily applied in clinical contexts, CBT is also fundamentally a prevention technique acting to prevent psychological problems from precipitating or maintaining clinical disorders [54-56]. This means that CBT-based MHapps have the potential to be effective for managing both clinical and subclinical psychological problems [57], provided that such apps avoid using CBT-based techniques that are used for very specific clinical psychological problems, are marketed correctly, and employ well-designed interfaces. To ensure that an MHapp is indeed CBT based, it is important to keep the core principles of CBT in mind. Mennin et al [58] summarize the unifying factors that underlie all CBT
  • 55. approaches into three change principles: context engagement, attention change, and cognitive change. Context engagement involves training clients in a way that promotes more adaptive associative learning, which involves having them learn cues for threats and rewards that are more reasonable and lead to better functioning than existing cues. This includes CBT techniques that aim to JMIR Mental Health 2016 | vol. 3 | iss. 1 | e7 | p.4 (page number not for citation purposes) Bakker et alJMIR MENTAL HEALTH XSL•FO RenderX recondition maladaptive associations, such as exposure and behavioral activation. The app SuperBetter [59] prescribes “power-ups” that may incorporate these techniques. Attention change is the ability to focus attention adaptively on relevant, nondistressing stimuli. This includes therapeutic processes such as attention training, acceptance or tolerance training, and mindfulness. These techniques are employed in Smiling Mind [60], and can be seen in the meditations displayed in Figure 1. Finally, cognitive change is the ability to change one’s perspective on an event, which then affects the emotional significance and meaning of that event [61]. This includes metacognitive awareness and cognitive distancing, which are promoted through therapeutic processes such as decentering or defusion and cognitive reframing or reappraisal. An example
  • 56. of this can be found in using the Thoughts tool in MoodKit [62], as seen in Figure 2. If these three change principles are being employed to some degree by an intervention, then it can claim to be based on CBT’s core principles. To employ these change principles effectively, a therapist and client must develop a relationship that involves collaborative empiricism (CE) [63]. CE refers to shared work between client and practitioner to embed a hypothesis testing approach into interventions [64]. CE empowers clients to explore their behaviors and beliefs outside of therapy sessions using between-session (homework) interventions [65]. A meta- analysis of studies that compared therapy with and without homework found an effect size of d=0.48 in favor of using between-session activities [66]. In the context of CBT-based MHapps, CE may refer to how the app interacts with the user to complete therapeutic tasks, and whether it does it in a collaborative, experimentation-based way. This would ideally involve encouraging users to develop their own hypotheses about what may happen as a result of using the app or participating in certain activities (see the “Recommend Activities” section). An app that embraces CE is Behavioral Experiments-CBT [67], which affords users the ability to predict the outcomes of any behavioral experiments they participate in. Behavioral experiments are CBT-based challenges that individuals perform to challenge their own beliefs about the negative outcomes of various situations [68]. This process of comparing predictions with actual outcomes can challenge unhelpful beliefs [69]. Self-determination theory (SDT) can aid in understanding CE’s benefits in CBT [64]. SDT emphasizes the effects of autonomy and mastery on intrinsic motivation [70]. Intrinsic motivation is the “prototypic manifestation of the human tendency toward
  • 57. learning and creativity” [71]. Autonomy feeds this motivation by affording individuals opportunities for self-direction and choice [72], and fostering self-efficacy [73]. Self-efficacy and a feeling of competency lead to a feeling of mastery, which is an intrinsic reward and motivator in itself [74]. CE and between-session activities promote autonomy and provide opportunities for development of competence in behavioral, emotional, or cognitive self-management. SDT can inform MHapps on how to best engage users in CBT-based interventions (ie, by intrinsically motivating them). Users will be more motivated to engage with apps and products that encourage autonomy, emphasize user choice, and allow opportunities for building mastery. For example, SuperBetter [59] employs SDT-based, game-based principles to intrinsically motivate users to engage with the app and experience the well-being-promoting effects of mastery (see the “Gamification and Intrinsic Motivation to Engage” section). Figure 1. Screenshot of Smiling Mind displaying meditations. JMIR Mental Health 2016 | vol. 3 | iss. 1 | e7 | p.5 (page number not for citation purposes) Bakker et alJMIR MENTAL HEALTH XSL•FO RenderX Figure 2. Screenshot of MoodKit displaying thought checker. Address Both Anxiety and Low Mood
  • 58. Emotional disorders (eg, anxiety and depression) are by far the most common psychological conditions in the community, with an estimated 20.9% of US citizens experiencing a major depressive episode and 33.7% suffering from an anxiety disorder at some point throughout their lives [75]. Emotional disorders are also the most treatable [76], but help seeking for sufferers is very low [77]. There is strong supportive evidence for CCBT as an effective therapy for reducing symptoms of the most common anxiety disorders and depression [45,46]. There is an extremely high comorbidity between anxiety and depression [78], with 85% of people diagnosed with depression problems also suffering significant anxiety and 90% of people diagnosed with anxiety disorders suffering significant depression [79]. In Australia, 25% of all general practice patients have comorbid depression and anxiety [80]; whereas in Great Britain, half of all mental illness cases are mixed anxiety and depression [81]. These two diagnoses share a few major underlying factors [82]. This raises two important considerations for MHapp self-help interventions. First, interventions designed for one disorder are likely to have some efficacy for other emotional disorders, and second, interventions that target shared underlying factors across emotional disorders will be more efficacious. Transdiagnostic CBT (TCBT) is an effective therapeutic approach that targets the common underlying factors shared by different psychological disorders. A meta-analysis of RCTs found a large effect size (standardized mean difference = −0.79, 95% CI −1.30 to −0.27) for TCBT across different anxiety disorders [83]. Furthermore, TCBT has been found to be successful in treating depression [25]. Barlow et al’s [84] Unified Protocol (UP) is a recent TCBT treatment that focuses on monitoring and adjusting maladaptive cognitive, behavioral,
  • 59. and emotional reactions that underlie depression and anxiety disorders. The UP has yielded very promising results across various emotional disorders, reducing psychopathology [85] and improving psychological well-being [86]. It is important to note that TCBT protocols do not imply that all emotional disorders can be treated effectively with the exact same techniques [87]. The basic structure for treating different clinical problems may be relatively uniform, but tailoring of interventions is still essential (see the “Automated Tailoring” section), and the structure of TCBT affords flexibility. For example, the UP consists of four core modules that are designed to (1) increase present-focused emotional awareness, (2) increase cognitive flexibility, (3) aid identification and prevention of patterns of emotion avoidance and maladaptive emotion-driven behaviors, and (4) promote emotion-focused exposure [88]. This enables a prescriptive approach, whereby certain modules can be focused on more than others, depending on the needs of the client or user [88]. An Internet-delivered TCBT intervention called the Wellbeing Program used a structure of 8 lessons, focusing on areas such as psychoeducation, thought-monitoring strategies, behavioral activation, and graded exposure [57]. A clinician guided users through the program and tailored the delivery of each lesson to the user’s needs. An RCT supported the efficacy of this intervention across depression and anxiety disorders [57]. Although the Wellbeing Program was guided by a clinician and not via automated processes, many other self-guided CBT interventions use a transdiagnostic approach to maximize efficiency and adaptability [89], particularly in an automated Internet-delivered context [90]. Despite the success of TCBT, many MHapps are designed for the treatment of specific disorders. Some apps are marketed for anxiety and others for depression. Few apps acknowledge that
  • 60. the underlying CBT principles guiding self-help interventions for anxiety and mood problems are very similar; thus, broadening the target group of the app can be beneficial for all users. Combining treatments for both anxiety and depression into a single app would also reduce the commitment required for engagement. Users could consolidate their investment within a single app, instead of dividing their effort and time engaging with 2 separate apps (one for anxiety and the other for depression). Designed for Use by Nonclinical Populations Many apps have been designed for use with populations who have been diagnosed with a specific clinical disorder, from JMIR Mental Health 2016 | vol. 3 | iss. 1 | e7 | p.6 (page number not for citation purposes) Bakker et alJMIR MENTAL HEALTH XSL•FO RenderX depression (eg, Optimism [91]) and anxiety (eg, SAM [92]) to eating disorders (eg, Recovery Record [93]) and borderline personality disorder (eg, DBT [Dialectical Behavior Therapy] Diary Card and Skills Coach [94]). Some of these clinical diagnosis apps are known to be effective for interventions [8], but they do not capitalize on one of the major advantages of smartphones: high accessibility. Smartphones are interwoven into the routines of millions of people all over the world, the majority of whom have not been diagnosed with a clinical
  • 61. psychological disorder but do experience unpleasant psychological distress from time to time. Targeting a specific clinical population with an MHapp automatically excludes the majority of smartphone owners from using that app. By contrast, an MHapp built for a population interested in the prevention of emotional mental health problems increases the number of eligible and willing users. A meta-regression of 34 studies found that self-help interventions were significantly more effective when recruitment occurred in nonclinical settings (effect size I2=0.66) than in clinical settings (effect size I2=0.22) [48]. The field would therefore benefit from more MHapps with preventative applications that are widely marketable, rigorous, and effective. An MHapp market saturated with clinical diagnosis apps also has the potential to be harmful for help seekers. Users who are experiencing low-level symptoms of a disorder may feel labeled by an app that assumes that they have a clinical diagnosis [95]. Self-stigma from this labeling can be harmful, lowering self-esteem and self-efficacy [96]. Initiatives that acknowledge the continuum of mental health and the importance of well- being promotion may reduce stigma and increase help seeking for mental health problems [97]. Programs such as Opening Minds [98] aim to reduce mental illness stigma by adopting a nonjudgmental, nondiagnostic, and nonclinical CBT-based stance to mental health problems. MHapps that focus on nonclinical mental health, psychological well-being, or coping abilities may therefore avoid the harmful effects of labeling mental illness [99]. CBT is built on the foundation that mental health is a continuum [89] and that supporting individuals in coping with nonclinical psychological distress can prevent symptoms from reaching
  • 62. clinical significance [100]. Furthermore, CBT-based support can help prevent relapse [101], expand an individual’s coping skills repertoire [102], and assist individuals experiencing psychological distress to avoid developing a clinical disorder [103]. Building a CBT-based MHapp that acknowledges the continuum of mental health can be used by both clinical and nonclinical populations. CBT treatment adopts a formulation-based approach rather than a diagnosis-based approach [54,104]; as such, a diagnosis is not necessary for support to be given. Formulation involves exploring the predisposing, precipitating, perpetuating, and protective factors connected to a psychological problem, and then building these factors into a causal model [105]. Conversely, diagnosis relies on detection of symptoms and fulfillment of criteria statistically linked to a particular disorder [106]. In many cases, a formal diagnostic label is not important for informing real-world treatment, and it does not specify the causal factors contributing to an individual’s unique psychological problems. Formulation is much more useful because it can inform exactly which precipitating and perpetuating factors are contributing to an individual’s unique psychological problem, and which psychological techniques can produce optimal solutions [107]. Hofmann [108] proposed a cognitive behavioral approach for classifying clinical psychological problems that avoids diagnostic labeling, which is better at informing CBT-based support because it is based on formulation. MHapp developers are encouraged to explore formulation-based approaches to CBT to inform the development of CBT-based MHapps. Designing MHapps for nonclinical support may mean adopting a preventative framework. There are generally three types of preventative intervention: universal (ie, delivered to everyone in the community), selective (ie, delivered to at-risk groups),
  • 63. and indicated (ie, delivered to individuals with preclinical symptoms) [109]. The flexibility of MHapps means that a single app could theoretically adapt to any of these three intervention models, providing a universal intervention as default, and tailoring to a selective or indicated approach if a user’s responses suggest that they are at risk of a certain condition. Some mobile interventions that have been validated and trialed experimentally were built for personal digital assistants (PDAs) and not for modern smartphones [7,110]. This severely limits their nonclinical use and introduces other barriers to routine engagement that are not experienced by smartphone apps. However, evidence and principles from PDA-based studies should be considered when designing smartphone apps. Automated Tailoring An advantage of eHealth interventions over other self-help interventions is their capacity for tailoring [90,111]. Tailoring in this context refers to the adjustment of technology-delivered self-help programs to suit the user’s needs, characteristics, and comorbidities or case formulation [112]. Tailored CCBT interventions have been shown to be more efficacious than rigid self-help interventions across a range of depressive and anxiety disorders [112-115]. Formulation-based tailoring improves the functionality of an intervention and provides targeted solutions to a user’s psychological problems. There is a large range of different self-help mental health interventions available, and selecting the right intervention can be a challenging and overwhelming process [15]. The complexity of choices can be simplified or reduced by building an app capable of automated tailoring, which combines elements of a large number of different interventions and deploys them strategically depending on the needs of individual users. A review of currently available
  • 64. MHapps reveals, however, that many apps aim to provide a service but do not service a need [116]. For example, many apps provide guided meditation, but do not guide users toward meditation when they are feeling anxious. With tailoring, the app can recommend users specific solutions to their specific problems. Automated tailoring requires the collection of data to identify the needs of users and develop a functional analysis or case JMIR Mental Health 2016 | vol. 3 | iss. 1 | e7 | p.7 (page number not for citation purposes) Bakker et alJMIR MENTAL HEALTH XSL•FO RenderX formulation. This can be achieved in three main ways. First, self-report measures can be deployed to elicit in-depth responses about symptoms and characteristics. Second, data from a user’s self-monitoring (see “Reporting of Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors” section) can be used to predict the types of interventions that are well suited to an individual user. Third, an app’s behavioral usage data can be used to predict which features of that app a user is using most. If these second and third data sources are correctly utilized, tailoring can be carried out seamlessly, without any additional input from the user, which decreases users’ required effort to use the app and thereby
  • 65. increases app functionality [3]. CBT includes a very wide range of evidence-based techniques that may be selectively employed by an MHapp depending on automated tailoring data. For example, if data sources suggest that the user is experiencing significant physiological arousal, rather than overwhelming worry or other anxiety-related problems, CBT techniques such as breathing relaxation may be recommended over others, based on the available evidence [117]. Ideally, these therapeutic techniques would be employed by the MHapp that actually performs the automated tailoring, but restrictions may mean that the MHapp must rely on referring users to other apps. This is not ideal, as it may disrupt the user’s engagement with the MHapp. However, if necessary, any referrals should be based on a thorough review of the other existing apps and their supporting evidence [116]. Reporting of Thoughts, Feelings, or Behaviors Clients who record their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors as part of a CBT-based intervention are able to reflect on their reports and exercise self-monitoring [118]. Self-monitoring is a core feature of many evidence-based psychological therapeutic techniques, including CBT [119,120], mindfulness exercises [121], emotion-focused therapy [122], DBT [123], and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) [124]. Self-monitoring can be used to restructure maladaptive anxiety responses [125,126], challenge perpetuating factors of depression [127], and sufficiently treat a small but significant proportion of posttraumatic stress disorder sufferers [128,129]. Self-monitoring is particularly suitable for CBT-based interventions that aim to change behavior, with self-monitoring-only treatment conditions showing benefits for problem drinking [130] and sleep hygiene [131]. Furthermore,
  • 66. self-monitoring is a feature of successful weight loss interventions [132]. Encouraging MHapp users to report their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors in an objective way should therefore help promote accurate, beneficial self-monitoring. Self-monitoring of mood can boost overall emotional self-awareness (ESA) [133], which can in turn lead to improvements in emotional self-regulation [134]. Emotional self-regulation is valuable for individuals in preventing distress from spiraling out of control and thereby culminating in clinical problems [135]. Poor emotional awareness is a common underlying factor for both anxiety and depression [136]. The ability to differentiate and understand personal emotions, an integral process in ESA, is positively related to adaptive regulation of emotions [137] and positive mental health outcomes [138]. Self-reflection and insight correlate positively with levels of positive affect and the use of cognitive reappraisal, and negatively with levels of negative affect and the use of expressive suppression [139]. Explicit emotion labeling shares neurocognitive mechanisms with implicit emotion regulation ability, suggesting that increasing ESA through practicing labeling of personal emotions will lead to improvements in emotional regulation and adaptation [140]. Some self-monitoring interventions are limited by problems related to recall biases. Self-reflection at the end of a day or in a time and place removed from normal stressors can be inaccurate [141]. One of the benefits of MHapps is that smartphones are capable of ecological momentary assessment (EMA) and experience sampling methods (ESM), which involve measuring experiences and behavior in real time [142]. MHapp users can record self-monitoring data on their smartphones while they are participating in their usual daily routines, undergoing
  • 67. challenges, or directly experiencing stressors [143]. This can help reduce bias in self-monitoring [141], thereby improving the accuracy of users’ reflections. Increasing ESA should lead to greater help seeking, because factors preventing help seeking include low emotional competence [144] and low self-awareness [77]. Using technology for self-monitoring can increase help seeking, particularly if there is a capacity to contact health professionals built in to the service [145] (see the “Links to Crisis Support Services” section). Self-monitoring via traditional means might also be less effective for very busy individuals who do not have the time to complete monitoring entries [118]. MHapps can reduce monitoring demands by automating some parts of the monitoring process, such as shifting the burden of some of the more administrative parts of self-monitoring (eg, entering dates and times, formatting monitoring entries) from the user to the smartphone [5]. Using smartphone apps also allows for more frequent and broader opportunities for recording reflections, such as while waiting or traveling on public transport. Keeping all self-reports structured and objective can help users report quickly and in a format that facilitates data analysis by the MHapp. It may also reduce some of the barriers to self-monitoring: for instance, some depressed clients may find the demands of open-ended self-monitoring overwhelming, whereas perfectionistic or obsessive clients may spend too much time and effort on their monitoring [146]. MHapps with highly structured reporting in a simple interface (see “Simple and Intuitive Interface and Interactions” section) may be able to remedy this by limiting the amount of information necessary for logs, simplifying the monitoring process, reducing the
  • 68. demands on users, and increasing engagement in the app [5]. Several studies support the efficacy of using app-based interventions to increase ESA. Morris et al [147] developed an app that prompted users to report their moods several times a day. Users reported increases in their ESA, and upon reflection of their ratings, some were able to recognize patterns of dysfunction and interrupt these patterns through modification of routines. Kauer et al [133] used a mobile phone self-monitoring program to prompt users to report their emotional state several times throughout the day. Participants JMIR Mental Health 2016 | vol. 3 | iss. 1 | e7 | p.8 (page number not for citation purposes) Bakker et alJMIR MENTAL HEALTH XSL•FO RenderX who reported on their emotional state showed increased ESA and decreased depressive symptoms compared with controls. Both of these monitoring systems were, however, quite simple and offered little constructive feedback to users about their mood history. They were also trialed on small samples of individuals who had reported psychological distress. There is, therefore, a need to further investigate the impact of smartphone-based mood reporting on ESA and associated mental health outcomes, using an app that gives better feedback and is relevant to nonclinical users.