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Step 1: Select only ONE of the following two options:
Option 1: Design a system safety program plan for one of your
own organization’s work systems, or for an organization with
which you are familiar.
Option 2: Design a system safety program plan for a bulk tank
railcar off-loading facility for hydrocarbon products that has the
following features:
1. one railcar switch located next to an interstate highway,
2. capacity to off-load liquid hydrocarbon products,
3. two 500,000 gallon bulk liquid storage tanks for liquid
hydrocarbon products,
4. two diaphragm pumps with piping between the off-loading
station and the bulk liquid storage tanks,
5. one off-loading station (single-sided) that is elevated 12 feet
from the ground, and
6. one switch engine for staging railcars at the off-loading
station and at railcar storage tracks.
Step 2: Then, using the CSU APA style example paper as a
formatting guide (including title page, abstract, body, and
reference page) linked here, include the following:
Design a minimum of a seven page system safety program plan
with a minimum of five scholarly sources (books and articles,
and at least one from the CSU Online Library) using the
following level one headings:
1. Defined Objectives
2. System Description
3. Hazard Identification
4. Hazard Analysis
5. Risk Evaluation
6. Hazard Controls
7. Verification of Controls
8. Risk Acceptance
9. Safety Control Structure Diagram (see these instructions in
the paragraph below)
10. Planned Periodic System Review
Design a safety control structure diagram for your work system,
and embed it within your system safety program plan as the
content for your ninth level one heading. Use Figure 6.2 on
page 193 in your textbook of an ammonia fill station as an
example. Notice that the designed controls within this example
structure are the level indicators, control valves, and relief
The Lively Arts, Spring 2020
Dance Paper: due in section Feb. 12
Required Performance: Philadanco, 7:30, FAC Concert Hall,
FREE with TLA pass
Assignment: Discuss the performance of Philadanco in an essay
relying on the terms, concepts, and history explored during our
classes on dance, and in the Minton essay. Please also remember
to include objective observations (Perception), subjective
observations (Response), and interpretations of the
performance, or some aspect of the performance.
Take good notes! You will be amazed how quickly details fade
from your memory. Either take notes during the concert (no
laptops or phones are allowed in the concert hall, so use a
notebook), or jot down all your impressions and observations
right after the show. Otherwise, your write-up will be vague and
Please be aware: This is a professional dance company on a
national tour. The audience will be composed of all kinds of
people from all over the Pioneer Valley (meaning: not just
Lively Arts students). Please be conscientious about practicing
good concert behavior. No phones whatsoever (we have had
students get kicked out by FAC ushers for using their phones
during shows). Don’t talk during the show. Don’t get up and
leave in the middle of the show (unless it’s an emergency
obviously). If you take notes, use pen and paper (not a computer
or tablet or whatever). Etc.
Actual Requirements: This essay does NOT have to be a
standard “five paragraph essay.” In fact you may structure this
assignment in any way you like, so long as it follows the rules
below. You could write it as though it were a short story—you
could create a character and tell a story about them in which
they experience this art. Or, you could write a review of the
exhibit as though you are a newspaper critic. You could write in
the form of a dialogue or screenplay. Feel free to explore these
installations in writing however you like, so long as your paper
adheres to the following standards:
· it needs to have a clear structure, with a meaningful flow of
ideas from one section to another. Please do not write in the
“stream-of-consciousness” style. Spend some time thinking
about the craft of your writing. To do this well, it helps to begin
with some notes—what will the skeleton of your paper be? How
will it all hang together? Is there a main image or argument or
theme you want your reader to come away with? Start with that,
and let the rest of your ideas follow in a coherent way.
· It needs to spend some time actually describing the works,
using specific language. Don’t be vague! Don’t just say “the art
was nice” or “the art made me feel peaceful/mad/whatever.”
What do you mean when you say these things? Be specific!
· Related to the previous rule: your paper needs to somehow
spend time on each of the three modes of encountering art that
are explained in the TLA Guide. You need to describe what you
saw and heard (Perception), explore your own reactions to what
you saw/heard (Response), and come up with some “bigger
picture” things to say about those reactions (Interpretation).
· In addition, your paper needs to engage with some larger ideas
from this class. We’ve already talked and read quite a bit about
art, thoughts/thinking, the history of ideas, ways of being in the
world, art and culture, politics, etc. What are some things
you’ve learned or thought about during this class that you can
apply to these artworks in some way? Talking about art (I mean,
talking about art in a way that is interesting) means discussing
your own feelings AS WELL AS bigger picture ideas. Your
paper must do both, in some way.
Other required nuts-and-bolts:
· A minimum of three pages, 12 pt font, double spaced (roughly
800-1,000 words)
· spell-checked and read for errors and clarity—do not turn in
something covered with obvious typos!! No excuses!! Also I
suggest reading your paper out loud, because it helps you notice
confusing or awkward sentences you’d miss otherwise.
· Give this piece of writing a title. Have fun with your titles!
Don’t just call it “Paper #1,” What is your write-up really
about? What’s your theme or point? What’s a creative title that
can encompass the stuff you say in your paper?
The questions or things to think about listed below are intended
to help you to organize your thoughts, but you do not have to
answer them. They are just some additional tips in case you feel
bewildered or overwhelmed during the performance. If you
choose to take notes during the performance, please do so
discreetly (using paper and pen, not a laptop or phone) so as not
to distract other audience members.
Things to Think About or Notice
· How many people are on stage during each piece?
· How is the performance as a whole structured—are there
individual pieces or is it one long piece? How many people are
on stage at any given time?
· What kinds of relationships between dancers do you notice? Is
everyone dancing alone? Are there paired dances (“duets”)?
Group dances? If a group is dancing together, is each individual
doing the same movements or are they all doing different stuff?
· Do I recognize any of the gestures the dancers use? Do I see
high-fives, hugs, dance steps I recognize, or pantomimed
“conversations” I can follow?
· Does the dance remind me of anything or make me think of
· Does anything I see impress me? For example, are there any
moments of sheer physical strength or dexterity that amaze me?
· Does there seem to be a narrative to a given dance (meaning:
is the dance somehow telling a story)? If so, what is that
narrative, and how is it conveyed using solely body movement?
· Or, does the dance seem to be more abstract, without a clear
storyline? If a dance is abstract, what feelings or impressions
does it convey, and how? What might I be meant to take away
from this dance, or feel during it?
· What is going on with the lighting, the costumes, or any props
that are present? What roles do each of these aspects play, in
creating the dance performance as a whole?
· What kinds of relationships do I notice between the dance
movements and the music that is playing? What is the music
Integration of Mobile Apps into Education
Student Name
Columbia Southern University
Sample Research Paper
This is the running head. The words “Running head:”
should only appear on the title page. On all
subsequent pages, the header should consist of the
title in all capital letters. Be sure that the title within
the running head is 50 characters or less including
Paper Format
-Times New Roman 12 pt.
ault Tab)
This paper explores the importance of mobility that is expected
in every area of life today.
Students assume that their particular schools’ websites and
learning management systems will be
available on their mobile devices. Schools need to consider how
mobile applications (apps) can
be used within their academic and social realms. The cost and
positive effects will need to be
researched by each institution to discover if mobile apps would
be effective tools to use. A
variety of apps are already available for use as is the technology
for schools to create their own
apps. Geographic locating, instructional, scheduling,
administrative, and e-learning options can
provide additional and more productive learning experiences for
students. Educators and
academic institutions do not need to be left behind in the use of
mobile applications to facilitate
learning and further assist their students in their educational
This is the running head.
Center the word
Abstract. Not Boldface.
The abstract should be between 150-250 words. There is a
subtle difference between an abstract
and an introduction. The introduction introduces the topic,
often in creative ways and with
background information. The abstract summarizes the paper in
a very structured way. You will often
find statements in the abstract that you were taught to never
write in an introduction… “This paper
explores…,” or “This paper defines…,” or even “The articles
examine…” The abstract basically lets the
readers know what is in the paper so they can decide whether it
will be useful to read the entire
paper, or if they should keep looking for an article that better
suits their needs. Abstracts are
typically found in academic journals, so you have to imagine
that the paper you are writing for class
right now might end up in an academic journal someday!
Do not
Integration of Mobile Apps into Education
Technology has become an important element in almost every
aspect of people’s lives. It
has been integrated into the educational process over and over
again throughout the years and
has given newer and better tools to help facilitate learning. One
such tool, the Internet, has given
the area of distance education digital steroids that have
propelled online learning into a major
league status. In keeping up with emerging technologies,
schools are now hoping to incorporate
mobile learning into both their traditional and distance classes.
Universities are creating mobile
apps to allow students to participate in their classwork in and
out of the classroom (Olavsrud,
2011). The question for educators becomes whether mobile apps
are valid and valuable tools or
are just unneeded additions to their curriculums.
Pros of the Issue
Today people on their phones, email on their phones, shop on
their phones, and look for
the best gas prices on their phones. Anything someone can do
on his or her computer, he or she
can do on his or her phone. In most professions, it would be
difficult to succeed without a
mobile device. It allows for more efficient work. To facilitate
learning, one might ask why not
access and use all that mobile technology has to offer.
Kukulska-Hulme and Traxler (as cited in
Zawacki-Richter, Brown, & Delport, 2009) state that mobile
technologies can “open up new
opportunities for independent investigations, practical
fieldwork, professional updating, and on-
the-spot access to knowledge. They can also provide the
mechanism for improved individual
learner support and guidance, and for more efficient course
administration and management"
(para. 14).
Center the full title of the
document. Not Boldface.
When paraphrasing information, text citations
should include the author(s) and the year of
publication. If no year is available, use n.d. for
no date within the parentheses.
When using information from someone who is quoted within the
source but is not the author of the
source, this is called a secondary source. Here is an example of
how to cite a secondary source. Notice
that Kukulska-Hulme and Traxler are not listed on the reference
page because they are quoted within the
text by Zawacki-Richter, Brown, and Delport. Since this is a
direct quote a page or paragraph number must
be included to show where the quoted information is found and
will come at the end of the quote if the
author(s) and date are at the beginning of the sentence.
This is a level one heading.
Centered, Boldface.
Mobile applications (apps) can be used with campus maps and
GPS location to help
students navigate across campuses as well as access school
directories and event schedules,
Additionally, students can research schools’ libraries and other
facilities, find reference
information, practice needed skills, submit assignments, and
access grades. (Engebretson, 2010).
Campus groups can use apps to send mass messages and conduct
anonymous polling.
“Professors are able to utilize apps to send attendance reports,
send automatic emails to absent
students, and have class or group discussion forums”
(Engebretson, 2010, para. 3). General
educational apps from various authors can be downloaded by
students and can be very
beneficial. Apps in English Language Arts; Mathematics;
Science; History and Geography;
Language Development; Art, Music, and Creativity; Reference,
Productivity, and Collaboration;
and Accessibility could all play significant rolls in many
educational venues (Apple, 2012).
Cons of the Issue
As with any improvement to a system, there are difficulties and
obstacles to overcome.
One issue that surrounds using mobile apps in education is that
educators are trying to fit the
apps into the traditional, centuries’ old version of teaching
(Olavsrud, 2011). This is like fitting
a square peg into a round hole, and less tech-savvy educators
would rather not have to deal with
yet another technological advancement. Within learning
institutions, having apps that are usable
on a variety of systems is also an obstacle (Olavsrud, 2011).
Students and educators are using
varying devices and systems, and apps need to be able to work
efficiently across all these
systems. Long writing assignments are also difficult to
accomplish through an app on a phone or
tablet. Although shorter discussion forums work well, most
would agree that essays and any
kind of creative design are too complex to work out on a mobile
device. Security issues also
have to be recognized and dealt with especially “compliance
with the Family Educational Rights
Direct quotations require the listing
of the author(s), year of publication,
and the page or paragraph number.
If a quote is not a complete thought and
is used as part of sentence, the quote
will NOT begin with a capital letter.
and Privacy Act (FERPA) pertaining to student records”
(Olavsrud, 2011, p. 22). Quillen (2011)
also tells us that there are not many apps out there that have
“content designed to fit the face-to-
face classroom” (p. 16). Most apps designed to run on hand-
held devices do not let teachers
monitor student progress or save student data.
My Position on the Issue
As an educator, I want to use anything that will benefit my
students. Looking at the
overwhelming advantages of mobile apps and their potential use
within academia, I believe they
will become an important asset to education. I would like for
my GED students to be able to use
mobile apps to help them succeed in their test preparation.
There are not any adult basic
education apps, but there are some apps for basic subjects that
could be integrated into our
curriculum. My students might work harder and more often if
they could pull out their mobile
devices while waiting in the doctor’s office or in the car line
and work on skills they need to
build in order to pass the GED exam. Whether for GED, K-12,
or higher education, mobile apps
can be an unparalleled resource for educators and learners alike.
If someone were marketing a fantastic new brand of sneakers,
he or she would study
demographics and put ads in places where the population is
more apt to purchase the sneakers. If
someone running a restaurant was going to add a new sandwich
to the menu, he or she would
add something people really liked to eat. Why is education any
different? We need to take
education to where the students are. Among 18 to 24 year olds
in America, 67 percent own a
smartphone (Lytle, 2012). Students want to have access to their
technology no matter where
they are. Giving them access to their classes on their mobile
devices just makes sense.
The world of mobile applications is the new frontier (Quillen,
2011). As educators
explore it, they will find even better ways to use apps to
facilitate learning. As educators begin
This is another way to cite a direct
quote when using the author’s
name within the sentence.
Academic writing does not include 1st
person (I, me, my) unless the
assignment requires personal opinions.
to deal with those pesky obstacles they encounter, they will
learn how to overcome them. Some
inventive software has already been developed by LanSchool
Technologies (Quillen, 2011). To
combat the issues involving teachers not being able to access
data from student’s work on apps, a
certification procedure has been implemented for apps. Apps
qualifying for certification give
codes to teachers for them to be able to access student progress
and usage (Quillen, 2011).
Mobile apps can transform how students learn. As Mike
Pennington so succinctly says
(as cited in Walker, 2012), “Schools need to embrace mobile
technology and mobile learning.
Students live in this world. These devices belong in the
classroom” (para.3). Whether it is
allowing college students to save money by not having to buy
expensive $100 scientific
calculators (because the app is only $1.99!) or letting GED
students practice basic algebra, apps
can be unparalleled learning resources. It is predicted that in
the next five years, smart phones or
tablets will be in the hands of every student in the United States
(Walker, 2012). Because of this,
using mobile apps in education seems to be inevitable.
If a quote is a complete thought,
it will begin with a capital letter.
Apple. (2012). iPad in education. Retrieved from
Engebretson, J. (2010, February 3). Universities log on to hand-
held mobile apps. Retrieved from
Lytle, R. (2012, September 21). 5 apps college students should
use this school year. U.S. News &
World Report. Retrieved from
Olavsrud, T. (2011, June 20). Colleges deploying mobile
learning apps. Retrieved from
Quillen, I. (2011). Mobile apps for education evolving.
Education Week, 04(02), 16-17.
Retrieved from
Walker, T. (2012). Get smart! Using mobile apps to improve
your teaching. NEA Today
Magazine. Retrieved from
Zawicki-Richter, O., Brown, T., & Delport, R. (2009). Mobile
learning: From single project
status into the mainstream? European Journal of Open, Distance
and E-Learning.
Retrieved from ERIC database.
The word “References” should
be centered at the top of the
page and is not boldface.
This is an example of a reference list. All text citations must
have a corresponding entry on the reference list.
It is formatted with a hanging indent and double-spacing.

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  • 1. Paper details Step 1: Select only ONE of the following two options: Option 1: Design a system safety program plan for one of your own organization’s work systems, or for an organization with which you are familiar. Option 2: Design a system safety program plan for a bulk tank railcar off-loading facility for hydrocarbon products that has the following features: 1. one railcar switch located next to an interstate highway, 2. capacity to off-load liquid hydrocarbon products, 3. two 500,000 gallon bulk liquid storage tanks for liquid hydrocarbon products, 4. two diaphragm pumps with piping between the off-loading station and the bulk liquid storage tanks, 5. one off-loading station (single-sided) that is elevated 12 feet from the ground, and 6. one switch engine for staging railcars at the off-loading station and at railcar storage tracks. Step 2: Then, using the CSU APA style example paper as a formatting guide (including title page, abstract, body, and reference page) linked here, include the following: Design a minimum of a seven page system safety program plan with a minimum of five scholarly sources (books and articles, and at least one from the CSU Online Library) using the following level one headings: 1. Defined Objectives 2. System Description 3. Hazard Identification 4. Hazard Analysis 5. Risk Evaluation 6. Hazard Controls 7. Verification of Controls 8. Risk Acceptance 9. Safety Control Structure Diagram (see these instructions in
  • 2. the paragraph below) 10. Planned Periodic System Review Design a safety control structure diagram for your work system, and embed it within your system safety program plan as the content for your ninth level one heading. Use Figure 6.2 on page 193 in your textbook of an ammonia fill station as an example. Notice that the designed controls within this example structure are the level indicators, control valves, and relief valves. The Lively Arts, Spring 2020 Dance Paper: due in section Feb. 12 Required Performance: Philadanco, 7:30, FAC Concert Hall, FREE with TLA pass Assignment: Discuss the performance of Philadanco in an essay relying on the terms, concepts, and history explored during our classes on dance, and in the Minton essay. Please also remember to include objective observations (Perception), subjective observations (Response), and interpretations of the performance, or some aspect of the performance. Take good notes! You will be amazed how quickly details fade from your memory. Either take notes during the concert (no laptops or phones are allowed in the concert hall, so use a notebook), or jot down all your impressions and observations right after the show. Otherwise, your write-up will be vague and awkward. Please be aware: This is a professional dance company on a national tour. The audience will be composed of all kinds of people from all over the Pioneer Valley (meaning: not just Lively Arts students). Please be conscientious about practicing good concert behavior. No phones whatsoever (we have had students get kicked out by FAC ushers for using their phones
  • 3. during shows). Don’t talk during the show. Don’t get up and leave in the middle of the show (unless it’s an emergency obviously). If you take notes, use pen and paper (not a computer or tablet or whatever). Etc. Actual Requirements: This essay does NOT have to be a standard “five paragraph essay.” In fact you may structure this assignment in any way you like, so long as it follows the rules below. You could write it as though it were a short story—you could create a character and tell a story about them in which they experience this art. Or, you could write a review of the exhibit as though you are a newspaper critic. You could write in the form of a dialogue or screenplay. Feel free to explore these installations in writing however you like, so long as your paper adheres to the following standards: · it needs to have a clear structure, with a meaningful flow of ideas from one section to another. Please do not write in the “stream-of-consciousness” style. Spend some time thinking about the craft of your writing. To do this well, it helps to begin with some notes—what will the skeleton of your paper be? How will it all hang together? Is there a main image or argument or theme you want your reader to come away with? Start with that, and let the rest of your ideas follow in a coherent way. · It needs to spend some time actually describing the works, using specific language. Don’t be vague! Don’t just say “the art was nice” or “the art made me feel peaceful/mad/whatever.” What do you mean when you say these things? Be specific! · Related to the previous rule: your paper needs to somehow spend time on each of the three modes of encountering art that are explained in the TLA Guide. You need to describe what you saw and heard (Perception), explore your own reactions to what you saw/heard (Response), and come up with some “bigger picture” things to say about those reactions (Interpretation).
  • 4. · In addition, your paper needs to engage with some larger ideas from this class. We’ve already talked and read quite a bit about art, thoughts/thinking, the history of ideas, ways of being in the world, art and culture, politics, etc. What are some things you’ve learned or thought about during this class that you can apply to these artworks in some way? Talking about art (I mean, talking about art in a way that is interesting) means discussing your own feelings AS WELL AS bigger picture ideas. Your paper must do both, in some way. Other required nuts-and-bolts: · A minimum of three pages, 12 pt font, double spaced (roughly 800-1,000 words) · spell-checked and read for errors and clarity—do not turn in something covered with obvious typos!! No excuses!! Also I suggest reading your paper out loud, because it helps you notice confusing or awkward sentences you’d miss otherwise. · Give this piece of writing a title. Have fun with your titles! Don’t just call it “Paper #1,” What is your write-up really about? What’s your theme or point? What’s a creative title that can encompass the stuff you say in your paper? The questions or things to think about listed below are intended to help you to organize your thoughts, but you do not have to answer them. They are just some additional tips in case you feel bewildered or overwhelmed during the performance. If you choose to take notes during the performance, please do so discreetly (using paper and pen, not a laptop or phone) so as not to distract other audience members. Things to Think About or Notice · How many people are on stage during each piece? · How is the performance as a whole structured—are there individual pieces or is it one long piece? How many people are
  • 5. on stage at any given time? · What kinds of relationships between dancers do you notice? Is everyone dancing alone? Are there paired dances (“duets”)? Group dances? If a group is dancing together, is each individual doing the same movements or are they all doing different stuff? · Do I recognize any of the gestures the dancers use? Do I see high-fives, hugs, dance steps I recognize, or pantomimed “conversations” I can follow? · Does the dance remind me of anything or make me think of anything? · Does anything I see impress me? For example, are there any moments of sheer physical strength or dexterity that amaze me? · Does there seem to be a narrative to a given dance (meaning: is the dance somehow telling a story)? If so, what is that narrative, and how is it conveyed using solely body movement? · Or, does the dance seem to be more abstract, without a clear storyline? If a dance is abstract, what feelings or impressions does it convey, and how? What might I be meant to take away from this dance, or feel during it? · What is going on with the lighting, the costumes, or any props that are present? What roles do each of these aspects play, in creating the dance performance as a whole? · What kinds of relationships do I notice between the dance movements and the music that is playing? What is the music like? Running head: INTEGRATION OF MOBILE APPS INTO EDUCATION 1
  • 6. Integration of Mobile Apps into Education Student Name Columbia Southern University Sample Research Paper This is the running head. The words “Running head:” should only appear on the title page. On all subsequent pages, the header should consist of the title in all capital letters. Be sure that the title within the running head is 50 characters or less including spaces. Paper Format
  • 7. -Times New Roman 12 pt. ault Tab) INTEGRATION OF MOBILE APPS INTO EDUCATION 2 Abstract This paper explores the importance of mobility that is expected in every area of life today. Students assume that their particular schools’ websites and learning management systems will be available on their mobile devices. Schools need to consider how mobile applications (apps) can be used within their academic and social realms. The cost and positive effects will need to be researched by each institution to discover if mobile apps would be effective tools to use. A variety of apps are already available for use as is the technology for schools to create their own apps. Geographic locating, instructional, scheduling, administrative, and e-learning options can provide additional and more productive learning experiences for
  • 8. students. Educators and academic institutions do not need to be left behind in the use of mobile applications to facilitate learning and further assist their students in their educational pursuits. This is the running head. Center the word Abstract. Not Boldface. The abstract should be between 150-250 words. There is a subtle difference between an abstract and an introduction. The introduction introduces the topic, often in creative ways and with background information. The abstract summarizes the paper in a very structured way. You will often
  • 9. find statements in the abstract that you were taught to never write in an introduction… “This paper explores…,” or “This paper defines…,” or even “The articles examine…” The abstract basically lets the readers know what is in the paper so they can decide whether it will be useful to read the entire paper, or if they should keep looking for an article that better suits their needs. Abstracts are typically found in academic journals, so you have to imagine that the paper you are writing for class right now might end up in an academic journal someday! Do not indent the first line. INTEGRATION OF MOBILE APPS INTO EDUCATION 3
  • 10. Integration of Mobile Apps into Education Technology has become an important element in almost every aspect of people’s lives. It has been integrated into the educational process over and over again throughout the years and has given newer and better tools to help facilitate learning. One such tool, the Internet, has given the area of distance education digital steroids that have propelled online learning into a major league status. In keeping up with emerging technologies, schools are now hoping to incorporate mobile learning into both their traditional and distance classes. Universities are creating mobile apps to allow students to participate in their classwork in and out of the classroom (Olavsrud, 2011). The question for educators becomes whether mobile apps are valid and valuable tools or are just unneeded additions to their curriculums. Pros of the Issue Today people on their phones, email on their phones, shop on their phones, and look for the best gas prices on their phones. Anything someone can do on his or her computer, he or she
  • 11. can do on his or her phone. In most professions, it would be difficult to succeed without a mobile device. It allows for more efficient work. To facilitate learning, one might ask why not access and use all that mobile technology has to offer. Kukulska-Hulme and Traxler (as cited in Zawacki-Richter, Brown, & Delport, 2009) state that mobile technologies can “open up new opportunities for independent investigations, practical fieldwork, professional updating, and on- the-spot access to knowledge. They can also provide the mechanism for improved individual learner support and guidance, and for more efficient course administration and management" (para. 14). Center the full title of the document. Not Boldface. When paraphrasing information, text citations should include the author(s) and the year of publication. If no year is available, use n.d. for no date within the parentheses. When using information from someone who is quoted within the
  • 12. source but is not the author of the source, this is called a secondary source. Here is an example of how to cite a secondary source. Notice that Kukulska-Hulme and Traxler are not listed on the reference page because they are quoted within the text by Zawacki-Richter, Brown, and Delport. Since this is a direct quote a page or paragraph number must be included to show where the quoted information is found and will come at the end of the quote if the author(s) and date are at the beginning of the sentence. This is a level one heading. Centered, Boldface. INTEGRATION OF MOBILE APPS INTO EDUCATION 4 Mobile applications (apps) can be used with campus maps and GPS location to help students navigate across campuses as well as access school directories and event schedules, Additionally, students can research schools’ libraries and other facilities, find reference information, practice needed skills, submit assignments, and access grades. (Engebretson, 2010). Campus groups can use apps to send mass messages and conduct
  • 13. anonymous polling. “Professors are able to utilize apps to send attendance reports, send automatic emails to absent students, and have class or group discussion forums” (Engebretson, 2010, para. 3). General educational apps from various authors can be downloaded by students and can be very beneficial. Apps in English Language Arts; Mathematics; Science; History and Geography; Language Development; Art, Music, and Creativity; Reference, Productivity, and Collaboration; and Accessibility could all play significant rolls in many educational venues (Apple, 2012). Cons of the Issue As with any improvement to a system, there are difficulties and obstacles to overcome. One issue that surrounds using mobile apps in education is that educators are trying to fit the apps into the traditional, centuries’ old version of teaching (Olavsrud, 2011). This is like fitting a square peg into a round hole, and less tech-savvy educators would rather not have to deal with yet another technological advancement. Within learning institutions, having apps that are usable
  • 14. on a variety of systems is also an obstacle (Olavsrud, 2011). Students and educators are using varying devices and systems, and apps need to be able to work efficiently across all these systems. Long writing assignments are also difficult to accomplish through an app on a phone or tablet. Although shorter discussion forums work well, most would agree that essays and any kind of creative design are too complex to work out on a mobile device. Security issues also have to be recognized and dealt with especially “compliance with the Family Educational Rights Direct quotations require the listing of the author(s), year of publication, and the page or paragraph number. If a quote is not a complete thought and is used as part of sentence, the quote will NOT begin with a capital letter. INTEGRATION OF MOBILE APPS INTO EDUCATION 5 and Privacy Act (FERPA) pertaining to student records” (Olavsrud, 2011, p. 22). Quillen (2011)
  • 15. also tells us that there are not many apps out there that have “content designed to fit the face-to- face classroom” (p. 16). Most apps designed to run on hand- held devices do not let teachers monitor student progress or save student data. My Position on the Issue As an educator, I want to use anything that will benefit my students. Looking at the overwhelming advantages of mobile apps and their potential use within academia, I believe they will become an important asset to education. I would like for my GED students to be able to use mobile apps to help them succeed in their test preparation. There are not any adult basic education apps, but there are some apps for basic subjects that could be integrated into our curriculum. My students might work harder and more often if they could pull out their mobile devices while waiting in the doctor’s office or in the car line and work on skills they need to build in order to pass the GED exam. Whether for GED, K-12, or higher education, mobile apps can be an unparalleled resource for educators and learners alike.
  • 16. If someone were marketing a fantastic new brand of sneakers, he or she would study demographics and put ads in places where the population is more apt to purchase the sneakers. If someone running a restaurant was going to add a new sandwich to the menu, he or she would add something people really liked to eat. Why is education any different? We need to take education to where the students are. Among 18 to 24 year olds in America, 67 percent own a smartphone (Lytle, 2012). Students want to have access to their technology no matter where they are. Giving them access to their classes on their mobile devices just makes sense. The world of mobile applications is the new frontier (Quillen, 2011). As educators explore it, they will find even better ways to use apps to facilitate learning. As educators begin This is another way to cite a direct quote when using the author’s name within the sentence. Academic writing does not include 1st person (I, me, my) unless the assignment requires personal opinions.
  • 17. INTEGRATION OF MOBILE APPS INTO EDUCATION 6 to deal with those pesky obstacles they encounter, they will learn how to overcome them. Some inventive software has already been developed by LanSchool Technologies (Quillen, 2011). To combat the issues involving teachers not being able to access data from student’s work on apps, a certification procedure has been implemented for apps. Apps qualifying for certification give codes to teachers for them to be able to access student progress and usage (Quillen, 2011). Mobile apps can transform how students learn. As Mike Pennington so succinctly says (as cited in Walker, 2012), “Schools need to embrace mobile technology and mobile learning. Students live in this world. These devices belong in the classroom” (para.3). Whether it is allowing college students to save money by not having to buy expensive $100 scientific calculators (because the app is only $1.99!) or letting GED students practice basic algebra, apps
  • 18. can be unparalleled learning resources. It is predicted that in the next five years, smart phones or tablets will be in the hands of every student in the United States (Walker, 2012). Because of this, using mobile apps in education seems to be inevitable. If a quote is a complete thought, it will begin with a capital letter. INTEGRATION OF MOBILE APPS INTO EDUCATION 7 References Apple. (2012). iPad in education. Retrieved from books-and-more/ Engebretson, J. (2010, February 3). Universities log on to hand- held mobile apps. Retrieved from
  • 19. learning/universities-hand-held-mobile- apps-0203/index1.html Lytle, R. (2012, September 21). 5 apps college students should use this school year. U.S. News & World Report. Retrieved from colleges/articles/2012/09/21/5-apps-college-students-should- use-this-school-year Olavsrud, T. (2011, June 20). Colleges deploying mobile learning apps. Retrieved from learning-apps.html Quillen, I. (2011). Mobile apps for education evolving. Education Week, 04(02), 16-17. Retrieved from Walker, T. (2012). Get smart! Using mobile apps to improve your teaching. NEA Today Magazine. Retrieved from Zawicki-Richter, O., Brown, T., & Delport, R. (2009). Mobile learning: From single project status into the mainstream? European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning.
  • 20. Retrieved from ERIC database. The word “References” should be centered at the top of the page and is not boldface. This is an example of a reference list. All text citations must have a corresponding entry on the reference list. It is formatted with a hanging indent and double-spacing.