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New species fraud
– Are SIPPs vulnerable?

      A simple way to help trustees sleep at night…

              Discretion is the better part of valour,
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 Olympic Airlines: is the PPF entry regime too strict?

  Private third-party pension sponsorship in the UK
            – a chance for better social stewardship

                              Tighter grip over ETVs
Private third-party pension sponsorship
in the UK- a chance for better social stewardship
                                his article follows up on a case study article that   underpin the existing scheme options over the next
                                appeared in the March issue of PMI news. This         five years. With the benefits being staggered
                                time as well as highlighting some of the              between 20-25 years into the future from this, the
                        background case we looked at, I will focus on what            sooner money is invested the greater the impact it
                        can be achieved for other stakeholders in society.            has on his targets (see graph 2).
                           The original case study aimed to demonstrate                   The savings that George would need to set aside in
                        what can be made possible with innovation to create           a vehicle of his choice, assuming the same 5.75% net
                        potential outcomes that are more affordable and               of charges could be achieved are just £227 per month.
                        potentially two to four times greater for a consumer          He will maintain full access to his savings and only use
                        than using traditional pension schemes in isolation.          them to repay the sponsorship if the target returns are
                           As a reminder, George aged 42 had identified               achieved. It is also more affordable and, from
                        that to have a realistic chance of reaching his defined       George’s point of view, less risk as he has two
                        aspiration of having a pension of £37,500 p.a. in             investments working rather than just one.
                        20 years he needed to have a minimum pension                      George has been made aware that a private 3PPs
                        fund of £625,000, based on a 6% withdrawal rate               solution may be suitable as an addition to existing
                        being sustainable post retirement.                            pension provision, but it should not be seen as a
                           His existing pension fund of £100,000 growing              total replacement of responsibility to save. From a
                        at 5.75% p.a. net of charges was projected to reach           sponsor’s perspective, repayment of original
                        £305,920 Leaving a saving gap of some £319,080                sponsorship in the future allows them to redistribute
                        (shown in Graph 1).                                           that capital to the next generation. If anything, it
                            The cost to bridge that savings gap would require         would be reasonable to assume that the biggest risk
                        future funding of some £720 per month, currently              would be to deny them the opportunity of
                        11% of George’s salary. He is unableunwilling to             combining more than one strategy to lower overall
                        commit to this for a number of reasons including              risk. Thus Private 3PPS is designed to help people
                        affordability, losing access and perceived views that         meet a defined aspiration which they may have been
                        pensions provide bad overall value. Even the latest           either unwilling or unable to reach with conventional
                        automatic enrolment efforts would not be enough               solutions in isolation. A mixed solution could
                        to reach his targets.                                         increase the willingness to save through a range of
                           Conversely a private third party pension                   vehicles and it is hard to see the case where a bad
                        sponsorship (3PPS) available to him for the next five         outcome for George or a similar client could arise by
                        years could help him achieve his defined aspirations.         having more set aside for the future than would
                           The sponsorship solution secures George’s ability          otherwise be the case.
                        to make a total of £275,000 in contributions to

34 PMI NEWS SEPT 2012                                                                                                   WWW.PENSIONS-PMI.ORG.UK
Private 3PPS is designed to help people meet a defined
                                                            aspiration which they may have been either unwilling or
                                                            unable to reach with conventional solutions in isolation

Pensions and tax reliefs –                                     “We've got a shot at really pulling together to
responsibility to provide good value                        turn upside down the way we approach the
Having a solution that helps an individual meet their       challenges we are facing in the world and look at
defined aspirations is excellent from one prospective.      them in a brand new entrepreneurial way. Never has
Philanthropic sponsorship that allows individuals to        there been a more exciting time for all of us to
use allowances they may not have utilised without           explore this great next frontier where the boundaries
the help of sponsorship needs to be balanced with           between work and purpose are merging into one,            Pierre Coussey
                                                            where doing good, really is good for business.”           Chartered MCSI
social responsibility. It is a bit like most of the
                                                                                                                      APFSdip IMC
population having an ISA allowance when we know             Source - Richard Branson                                  Director of Pensions &
the vast majority cannot afford to fully utilise it. This                                                             Investment Strategy

is even more vital during difficult times of austerity.     Support for the SME sector and                            Wealth Connection Ltd

    A good social sponsor will typically aim to invest      innovation when investing
in the host nation over a number of years in order to       Scalability of sponsorship solutions depends on long
boost economic growth and repay the government              term projects that are feasible to a sponsor and
the tax breaks in the shortest possible period. After       provide a return on investment over a long duration.
this has been achieved they may look further afield         Mapping demographic trends helps to identify areas
as any other global investor may. Thus a 3PPS               of demand. A good source for basic trends can be
sponsor ideally will be tax aware and make specific         found in the document Population Trends at
commitments in its style of investment both in initial
years and be aware of tax receipts for the host                 The right innovation, particularly home made in
country throughout the lifetime of the individual           the UK, can create a merger of benefits for the short
being sponsored.                                            term economics if combined with things that can
    Table 1 aims to demonstrate how the effects of          also help a sponsor reach longer term objectives.
tax relief and reinvestment of newly created pension           Like most investors the sponsor will employ a
funds in areas that a country needs investment can          longer term strategic asset allocation policy. But they
be very socially beneficial from a fiscal point of view.    will be matching this to a total investment cycle that
The example would be typical at a micro level for, say,     can be ten to 20 years ahead to match the returns
                                                            required to meet a clients aspirations.

a group of 15-25 people like George benefiting from
a single year’s sponsorship. The same ratios would
apply to a scaled up level of sponsorship across many
thousand individuals if not tens of thousands.
                                                            Graph 1
    As well as the first year effect, the same
investment cycle takes place with each subsequent
year. Thus 3PPS solutions with scale could effectively
repay the exchequer in excess of tax reliefs granted
typically within 12-18 months. The more important
factor, however, comes from the long term increase
in wealth that would not otherwise exist. This also
helps with long term balancing of the books and a
natural redistribution amongst different generations.
The great thing about a UK registered pension
scheme is the ability for HM Revenue and Customs
(HMRC) to clearly know what is held and that this
will potentially be available to help tax receipts in the
future. Innovation such as this that creates pension
funds that would not otherwise exist means there
should be less dependency on the state.

WWW.PENSIONS-PMI.ORG.UK                                                                                                        PMI NEWS SEPT 2012 35
A good social sponsor will typically                   the requirements on thermal efficiencies of buildings,
                                                                                 with regulations coming into place next year in the
                          aim to invest in the host nation over
                                                                                 residential sectors and further regulation set for
                          a number of years in order to boost                    2016, which effectively means all new build property
                          economic growth and repay the                          will need to be passive/zero carbon.
                                                                                    One such innovation that has been selected by a
                          government the tax breaks in the                       sponsor is investing in a particular technology also
                          shortest possible period                               known as Insulated Concrete Formwork (ICF) to create
                                                                                 low or zero energy buildings for the future. A critical
                                                                                 price/supply barrier has effectively been met whereby
                                                                                 building with this technology can be done at no extra
                            This longer term investment avoids much of the
                                                                                 cost in comparison to traditional brick and block or
                        short term nature that has blighted much of the
                                                                                 timber frame.
                        financial sector, and allows for much reduced
                                                                                      The key factors that helped them identify this as
                        volatility. In this way investment into the source of
                                                                                 a future long term base to investments included:
                        UK PLC investment, such as via private equity, can be
                                                                                 I the period of carbon payback for production of
                        made. The long term nature of investing can mean            the blocks being just one year’s use
                        companies and assisting them in their growth stages      I structural aspects - the system components have
                        rather than short term stock market sentiment-              adequate strength to resist the loads associated
                        driven investment or even removal of investment due         with installation
                        to external factors outside a company’s control.         I thermal insulation - the system contributes to the
                            “The best companies view sustainability not only        overall thermal performance of the wall
                        as a chance to contribute to social goals, but also as      construction
                        a powerful source of competitive advantage.”             I condensation - walls, openings and junctions with

                        Source - Supply Chain Management Review                     other elements will adequately limit the risk of
                                                                                    surface and internal condensation
                            Investing in companies that have the right ethos
                                                                                 I behaviour in relation to fire - walls will provide
                        of not just today’s customer, but also those investing
                                                                                    adequate fire performance, provided the system is
                        for tomorrow’s consumer, can give added confidence
                                                                                    used in conjunction with suitable materials
                        in long term viability.                                  I sound insulation - separating and internal walls
                            Another core area for growth investment is in the       with the minimum concrete core density and
                        area of infrastructure and property; however this may       detailing provides sufficient sound resistance
                        not be as simple as bricks and mortar. There may be      I durability - the system components are durable
                        many reports on the desperate need for investment           and backed by large institutions who provide the
                        in the UK, but looking behind the scenes can bring          materials and backing to the technology
                        about new opportunities. In the construction
                        industry, as an example, new regulation is changing

                            Graph 2


36 PMI NEWS SEPT 2012                                                                                              WWW.PENSIONS-PMI.ORG.UK
As well as growth sectors during a phase of                   The right innovation, particularly
accumulation, this needs to be a technology that can
                                                              home made in the UK, can create a
be applied to longer term income-producing sectors in
need of investment and having a demographic demand.           merger of benefits for the short
    Investment into zero energy nursing homes is another      term economics if combined with
area that has good social payback as well as the lower
financial cost of utilities.                                  things that can also help a sponsor
    At the other end of the spectrum this technology          reach longer term objectives
can be applied to new school buildings, giving better
learning environments. Children are our future so
adding benefits to the education sector allows some
                                                           targets can be met. The real breakthrough with this type
form of payback today. On the ground research is
                                                           of technology is being able to deliver the zero energy
                                                           building today at an identical cost to a traditional one.
    “A brand new school building that is not boiling hot
                                                           The price equilibrium is such that being green does not
in summer and cold & noisy in winter would be one of
                                                           have to be a luxury choice.
the greatest things to improve my pupils education,
                                                              Innovation can create dilemmas such as what will
teaching them about how the science works would also
                                                           happen if you can increase the supply of new zero
be very rewarding ” Marco Dias – trimary teacher
                                                           energy social homes? Do you then need to find a
Leybourne School
                                                           political acceptable way of equalising the benefits
    Reinvestment into the education sector in a number
                                                           systems so that different families have the same net
of ways is giving real chances to shape tomorrows’
                                                           benefits? Do these demand a higher rental premium?
pioneers’ of industry. Helping the construction industry
                                                           Whatever the answer, probably a blend of the two, this
has some of the highest payback of new jobs and offer
                                                           effectively creates a spiral of lowering social benefit
chances for apprenticeships in new trades and skills.
                                                           costs allowing further government support for this form
    This also gets us looking at those not in employment
                                                           of building. Key decision makers, be this in local
and great things can be done in the area of social
                                                           government or housing associations, need to embrace
housing sector. Once again excellent long term investor
                                                           new technology and support these type of SME
information can be gleaned from publications such as
                                                           businesses on.
the and their Estimating
                                                              Finally are these some of the next areas for sustainable
Housing Need study published in November 2010.
                                                           income yield for tomorrow’s retiree, and perhaps enough
    The liquidity issue for banks has increased the gap
                                                           to support a sustainable income yield? [I]
between supply and demand and governments have
recognised the need with softer planning requirements
where certain environmental or energy conservation

Table 1

                     Summary of tax     Summary of         Summary of           Summary of            Summary of         NET tax position
                     relief issued by   projected          projected 20%        20% Income Tax        55% death          for HMRC
                     HMRC to            Infrastructure     tax to be paid       collected at          duty charges       assuming an
                     Individuals for    Investment for     by UK SME’s          maturity via          on income          investor’s own
                     sponsored          Zero Carbon        & Suppliers to       pensions in           drawdown           savings grow
                     pension            Project            Construction         payment for           assets             at a net rate
                     contributions                         Industry             20 years              (zero growth)      of 5.75%p.a.

             3PPS     £476,000           £2,700,000         £540,000                                                      +£64,000

    Extra Pension                                                                 £387,000                                +£451,000

    Death Duties                                                                                       £1,061,000         +£1,512,000

WWW.PENSIONS-PMI.ORG.UK                                                                                                  PMI NEWS SEPT 2012 37
update             NAO REPORT ON DC PENSIONS
Renewed scrutiny of DC                                         The principles and features cover areas frequently
The introduction of automatic enrolment has placed in      highlighted but where current practice is mixed e.g.
sharp relief the importance of high-quality defined        transparency of costs, charges, investment strategies,
contribution (DC) schemes. Unsurprisingly, there is also   retirement processes and communication with
a heightened interest in the role regulation can play in   members as well as areas less frequently discussed
positively influencing outcomes. The National Audit        e.g. clarity of accountability, protection of assets, and
Office (NAO) recently published a report on the                                                                        Bill Galvin
                                                           effective management of conflicts of interest. Whilst
                                                                                                                       Chief Executive
regulation of DC schemes and, later in the year            many schemes are already well-placed to exhibit the         The Pensions
Parliament’s Work & Pensions Select Committee will         principles and features, their presence across the          Regulator
carry out an enquiry into governance and best practice     different segments of the DC landscape is not universal.
in workplace pensions. We welcome these reviews as
they help us to look at our work and our approach          Regulatory architecture
from an outside perspective. There has also been a         The NAO report also made three recommendations to
considerable amount of media interest in costs and         Government relating to setting objectives, assessing
charges in DC pensions, and value for money in             risks, and measuring performance. It does not propose
annuity provision.                                         a single regulator for workplace pensions – though
   These are clearly important areas of consumer           there was significant comment and speculation
interest. The most important test is how the industry      following the report’s publication. There is already a
responds to this increasing interest in DC outcomes.       considerable degree of coordination between the
We are monitoring developments closely.                    regulator, Financial Services Authority (FSA),
                                                           Department for Work and Pensions and Her Majesty’s
                                                                                                                          Trends in
Recommendations                                            Treasury, and our principles and features are a                provision in
The recent NAO report was a measured and carefully         significant step towards a more integrated approach.           large employers
written review of the regulator’s work on DC               Regulatory authorities working closely together in a
                                                                                                                          – who are
regulation and the wider regulatory architecture. It       joined-up way is key.
recognised the achievements of the regulator in                                                                           knowledgeable
accurately assessing risks to DC members, our overall      Costs and charges                                              and engaged on
risk-based approach to regulation, and our work on         We’ve seen some prominent headlines recently critical
                                                                                                                          behalf of their
encouraging good administration.                           of the industry’s approach to costs and charges.
    The NAO report had three recommendations for           Although evidence points to these becoming more                employees –
the regulator – including that we should look to           competitive as automatic enrolment approaches,                 may not be the
strengthen performance measurement in relation to          trends in provision in large employers – who are
                                                                                                                          best indicators
economic outcomes for members. The long-term               knowledgeable and engaged on behalf of their
nature of pension saving, identifying objective            employees – may not be the best indicators of the              of the shape
benchmarks, and the wide range of factors beyond           shape of provision among smaller, less-engaged                 of provision
the control of regulation mean this is not                 employers. We emphasise the importance of
                                                                                                                          among smaller,
straightforward. Nevertheless we accept the NAO’s          transparency and value for money in our principles
challenge to accelerate development of performance         and features; and our communications to employers              less-engaged
measures linked more directly to actual economic           will encourage them to choose value for money                  employers
outcomes for members.                                      schemes. The FSA's work with financial advisers and
                                                           the National Association of Pension Funds’ proposed
Principles and features for good DC                        code of practice are important interventions, and we
pensions                                                   will monitor how the industry responds.
Shorter-term performance measures will be based upon
the presence of our principles and features for the        Next steps
governance of good DC schemes, which are helping to        The industry has shown broad support for our work
set the agenda for automatic enrolment. Our goal is        so far. We intend to consult on our approach to
that all schemes are designed and run in the best          regulating workplace DC pensions next year,
interests of members. We’ve discussed these                including how the presence of our principles and
characteristics with providers and industry stakeholders   features can be demonstrated across the different
and there is a broad consensus around them.                segments of the DC landscape. [I]

WWW.PENSIONS-PMI.ORG.UK                                                                                                          PMI NEWS SEPT 2012 41
update             TRUST, CONFIDENCE AND KAY
A long term approach to investment across all aspects of the pensions
industry can ony be in a member’s best interests

    f you were asked to find a pension saver who          welcome Kay’s proposal to reduce the pressure for
    spends their time and energy fixating on changes      short-term decision-making by asset managers that
    to their pot every three months, you’d expect to be   arise from excessively frequent reporting of financial
choosing from a pretty shallow pool. So one might         and investment performance, including quarterly
                                                                                                                     Paul Todd is
wonder how the investment industry arrived at an          reporting by companies.                                    Head of Investment
                                                               At NEST we’re seeking to maximise pots over           Policy
investment chain that has embedded just this sort of
                                                          the long term, but not at all costs. Delivering            NEST
short-termism and one which is too often misaligned
                                                          consistently good outcomes generation after
from long-term interests of end users whose
                                                          generation cannot be about chancing short-term
investment horizons are likely to be decades, rather      performance. This would inevitably create ‘unlucky’
than years, and almost certainly not months.              cohorts and widely dispersed outcomes between
     As a predominantly long-term investor – the          generations and would do nothing to support the
average age of NEST’s target membership is mid 30s        re-building of the public’s fragile trust in financial
– we fully endorse Professor John Kay’s independent       institutions over the decades to come.
review examining investment in UK equity markets               We’re deeply supportive of a culture in which
and its impact on the long-term performance and           business and finance can work together to create
governance of UK quoted companies.                        high-performing companies and earn returns for
     We’re firmly of the belief that now has to be a      savers on a sustainable basis. While some reporting
golden opportunity for many in the investment world       around NEST’s investment strategy has focused on
to re-focus on long-term performance and on               the proportion of equities being lower than
contributing to building profitable and sustainable       traditional 100% offering for those who start saving
companies and equity markets.                             with NEST in their twenties, the reality is we are           The ultimate
     With public trust in financial institutions at a     a strong advocate of providing broad access to the
particularly low ebb, automatic enrolment and the         benefits of global capital and share ownership. Our          owners and
way in which pension schemes invest money on              investment objective is all about significantly              beneficiaries of
behalf of their members represents a huge and             outperforming inflation and equity is a crucial
potentially once in a life-time opportunity to re-build                                                                UK equity
                                                          element to our successful delivery of this goal -
that trust. As Kay and others make clear, trust is a      it’s just not the only thing we focus on.                    markets will
crucial factor in many ways throughout the chain of            We agree with Professor Kay that promoting
investment participants.
                                                                                                                       increasingly be
                                                          good governance and stewardship is central to the
     Our members put their trust in NEST to invest        functioning of UK equity markets and were pleased            hard-working
their money in a proper manner and, as asset holders      to see proposals aimed at diminishing the current            members of the
on their behalf, we expect our underlying asset           trading and transactional cultures that encourage
managers to manage members’ money in way that is          asset buyers to act like short-term tenants rather
                                                                                                                       public saving for
aligned to their best interests. Our fund managers        than long-term owners.                                       their retirements
know they have a responsibility to NEST and accept             The ultimate owners and beneficiaries of UK
that they are also accountable to our members. A          equity markets will increasingly be hard-working
significant part of our role is ensuring the alignment    members of the public saving for their retirements.
of interests along all parts of the investment chain -    They should be recognised as the true motivation for
from the individual contributing to a pension for the     good and effective stewardship. Making real a greater
first time in Newcastle, to the equity trader operating   alignment between the time horizons of all in the
out of New York.                                          investment chain and final owners has to be a priority
     Asset holders and pension providers play an          if we’re serious about re-building trust and confidence.
essential role in the investment chain as the legal       The challenge now is working together to implement
owners of shares with a direct relationship with          genuine long-termism and in doing so deliver better
pension savers. We would like to see additional           outcomes for pension savers into the future. [I]
investigation into their role. Small to medium-sized
pension funds may warrant particular attention as in
general they will outsource much of the decision-
making to asset managers and investment consultants.
     As a long-term investor looking to build long-
term sustainable relationships with its partners, we

WWW.PENSIONS-PMI.ORG.UK                                                                                                        PMI NEWS SEPT 2012 43

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Pages from pmi news sept 2012

  • 1. [ PMI [ news S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 2 New species fraud – Are SIPPs vulnerable? Plus: A simple way to help trustees sleep at night… Discretion is the better part of valour, particularly where trustees are concerned Olympic Airlines: is the PPF entry regime too strict? Private third-party pension sponsorship in the UK – a chance for better social stewardship Tighter grip over ETVs
  • 2. Private third-party pension sponsorship in the UK- a chance for better social stewardship T his article follows up on a case study article that underpin the existing scheme options over the next appeared in the March issue of PMI news. This five years. With the benefits being staggered time as well as highlighting some of the between 20-25 years into the future from this, the background case we looked at, I will focus on what sooner money is invested the greater the impact it can be achieved for other stakeholders in society. has on his targets (see graph 2). The original case study aimed to demonstrate The savings that George would need to set aside in what can be made possible with innovation to create a vehicle of his choice, assuming the same 5.75% net potential outcomes that are more affordable and of charges could be achieved are just £227 per month. potentially two to four times greater for a consumer He will maintain full access to his savings and only use than using traditional pension schemes in isolation. them to repay the sponsorship if the target returns are As a reminder, George aged 42 had identified achieved. It is also more affordable and, from that to have a realistic chance of reaching his defined George’s point of view, less risk as he has two aspiration of having a pension of £37,500 p.a. in investments working rather than just one. 20 years he needed to have a minimum pension George has been made aware that a private 3PPs fund of £625,000, based on a 6% withdrawal rate solution may be suitable as an addition to existing being sustainable post retirement. pension provision, but it should not be seen as a His existing pension fund of £100,000 growing total replacement of responsibility to save. From a at 5.75% p.a. net of charges was projected to reach sponsor’s perspective, repayment of original £305,920 Leaving a saving gap of some £319,080 sponsorship in the future allows them to redistribute (shown in Graph 1). that capital to the next generation. If anything, it The cost to bridge that savings gap would require would be reasonable to assume that the biggest risk future funding of some £720 per month, currently would be to deny them the opportunity of 11% of George’s salary. He is unableunwilling to combining more than one strategy to lower overall commit to this for a number of reasons including risk. Thus Private 3PPS is designed to help people affordability, losing access and perceived views that meet a defined aspiration which they may have been pensions provide bad overall value. Even the latest either unwilling or unable to reach with conventional automatic enrolment efforts would not be enough solutions in isolation. A mixed solution could to reach his targets. increase the willingness to save through a range of Conversely a private third party pension vehicles and it is hard to see the case where a bad sponsorship (3PPS) available to him for the next five outcome for George or a similar client could arise by years could help him achieve his defined aspirations. having more set aside for the future than would The sponsorship solution secures George’s ability otherwise be the case. to make a total of £275,000 in contributions to 34 PMI NEWS SEPT 2012 WWW.PENSIONS-PMI.ORG.UK
  • 3. Private 3PPS is designed to help people meet a defined aspiration which they may have been either unwilling or unable to reach with conventional solutions in isolation Pensions and tax reliefs – “We've got a shot at really pulling together to responsibility to provide good value turn upside down the way we approach the Having a solution that helps an individual meet their challenges we are facing in the world and look at defined aspirations is excellent from one prospective. them in a brand new entrepreneurial way. Never has Philanthropic sponsorship that allows individuals to there been a more exciting time for all of us to use allowances they may not have utilised without explore this great next frontier where the boundaries the help of sponsorship needs to be balanced with between work and purpose are merging into one, Pierre Coussey where doing good, really is good for business.” Chartered MCSI social responsibility. It is a bit like most of the APFSdip IMC population having an ISA allowance when we know Source - Richard Branson Director of Pensions & the vast majority cannot afford to fully utilise it. This Investment Strategy is even more vital during difficult times of austerity. Support for the SME sector and Wealth Connection Ltd A good social sponsor will typically aim to invest innovation when investing in the host nation over a number of years in order to Scalability of sponsorship solutions depends on long boost economic growth and repay the government term projects that are feasible to a sponsor and the tax breaks in the shortest possible period. After provide a return on investment over a long duration. this has been achieved they may look further afield Mapping demographic trends helps to identify areas as any other global investor may. Thus a 3PPS of demand. A good source for basic trends can be sponsor ideally will be tax aware and make specific found in the document Population Trends at commitments in its style of investment both in initial years and be aware of tax receipts for the host The right innovation, particularly home made in country throughout the lifetime of the individual the UK, can create a merger of benefits for the short being sponsored. term economics if combined with things that can Table 1 aims to demonstrate how the effects of also help a sponsor reach longer term objectives. tax relief and reinvestment of newly created pension Like most investors the sponsor will employ a funds in areas that a country needs investment can longer term strategic asset allocation policy. But they be very socially beneficial from a fiscal point of view. will be matching this to a total investment cycle that The example would be typical at a micro level for, say, can be ten to 20 years ahead to match the returns required to meet a clients aspirations. M a group of 15-25 people like George benefiting from a single year’s sponsorship. The same ratios would apply to a scaled up level of sponsorship across many thousand individuals if not tens of thousands. Graph 1 As well as the first year effect, the same investment cycle takes place with each subsequent year. Thus 3PPS solutions with scale could effectively repay the exchequer in excess of tax reliefs granted typically within 12-18 months. The more important factor, however, comes from the long term increase in wealth that would not otherwise exist. This also helps with long term balancing of the books and a natural redistribution amongst different generations. The great thing about a UK registered pension scheme is the ability for HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to clearly know what is held and that this will potentially be available to help tax receipts in the future. Innovation such as this that creates pension funds that would not otherwise exist means there should be less dependency on the state. WWW.PENSIONS-PMI.ORG.UK PMI NEWS SEPT 2012 35
  • 4. A good social sponsor will typically the requirements on thermal efficiencies of buildings, with regulations coming into place next year in the aim to invest in the host nation over residential sectors and further regulation set for a number of years in order to boost 2016, which effectively means all new build property economic growth and repay the will need to be passive/zero carbon. One such innovation that has been selected by a government the tax breaks in the sponsor is investing in a particular technology also shortest possible period known as Insulated Concrete Formwork (ICF) to create low or zero energy buildings for the future. A critical price/supply barrier has effectively been met whereby building with this technology can be done at no extra This longer term investment avoids much of the cost in comparison to traditional brick and block or short term nature that has blighted much of the timber frame. financial sector, and allows for much reduced The key factors that helped them identify this as volatility. In this way investment into the source of a future long term base to investments included: UK PLC investment, such as via private equity, can be I the period of carbon payback for production of made. The long term nature of investing can mean the blocks being just one year’s use companies and assisting them in their growth stages I structural aspects - the system components have rather than short term stock market sentiment- adequate strength to resist the loads associated driven investment or even removal of investment due with installation to external factors outside a company’s control. I thermal insulation - the system contributes to the “The best companies view sustainability not only overall thermal performance of the wall as a chance to contribute to social goals, but also as construction a powerful source of competitive advantage.” I condensation - walls, openings and junctions with Source - Supply Chain Management Review other elements will adequately limit the risk of surface and internal condensation Investing in companies that have the right ethos I behaviour in relation to fire - walls will provide of not just today’s customer, but also those investing adequate fire performance, provided the system is for tomorrow’s consumer, can give added confidence used in conjunction with suitable materials in long term viability. I sound insulation - separating and internal walls Another core area for growth investment is in the with the minimum concrete core density and area of infrastructure and property; however this may detailing provides sufficient sound resistance not be as simple as bricks and mortar. There may be I durability - the system components are durable many reports on the desperate need for investment and backed by large institutions who provide the in the UK, but looking behind the scenes can bring materials and backing to the technology about new opportunities. In the construction industry, as an example, new regulation is changing Graph 2 [I] 36 PMI NEWS SEPT 2012 WWW.PENSIONS-PMI.ORG.UK
  • 5. As well as growth sectors during a phase of The right innovation, particularly accumulation, this needs to be a technology that can home made in the UK, can create a be applied to longer term income-producing sectors in need of investment and having a demographic demand. merger of benefits for the short Investment into zero energy nursing homes is another term economics if combined with area that has good social payback as well as the lower financial cost of utilities. things that can also help a sponsor At the other end of the spectrum this technology reach longer term objectives can be applied to new school buildings, giving better learning environments. Children are our future so adding benefits to the education sector allows some targets can be met. The real breakthrough with this type form of payback today. On the ground research is of technology is being able to deliver the zero energy important building today at an identical cost to a traditional one. “A brand new school building that is not boiling hot The price equilibrium is such that being green does not in summer and cold & noisy in winter would be one of have to be a luxury choice. the greatest things to improve my pupils education, Innovation can create dilemmas such as what will teaching them about how the science works would also happen if you can increase the supply of new zero be very rewarding ” Marco Dias – trimary teacher energy social homes? Do you then need to find a Leybourne School political acceptable way of equalising the benefits Reinvestment into the education sector in a number systems so that different families have the same net of ways is giving real chances to shape tomorrows’ benefits? Do these demand a higher rental premium? pioneers’ of industry. Helping the construction industry Whatever the answer, probably a blend of the two, this has some of the highest payback of new jobs and offer effectively creates a spiral of lowering social benefit chances for apprenticeships in new trades and skills. costs allowing further government support for this form This also gets us looking at those not in employment of building. Key decision makers, be this in local and great things can be done in the area of social government or housing associations, need to embrace housing sector. Once again excellent long term investor new technology and support these type of SME information can be gleaned from publications such as businesses on. the and their Estimating Finally are these some of the next areas for sustainable Housing Need study published in November 2010. income yield for tomorrow’s retiree, and perhaps enough The liquidity issue for banks has increased the gap to support a sustainable income yield? [I] between supply and demand and governments have recognised the need with softer planning requirements where certain environmental or energy conservation Table 1 Summary of tax Summary of Summary of Summary of Summary of NET tax position relief issued by projected projected 20% 20% Income Tax 55% death for HMRC HMRC to Infrastructure tax to be paid collected at duty charges assuming an Individuals for Investment for by UK SME’s maturity via on income investor’s own sponsored Zero Carbon & Suppliers to pensions in drawdown savings grow pension Project Construction payment for assets at a net rate contributions Industry 20 years (zero growth) of 5.75%p.a. 3PPS £476,000 £2,700,000 £540,000 +£64,000 Extra Pension £387,000 +£451,000 Death Duties £1,061,000 +£1,512,000 WWW.PENSIONS-PMI.ORG.UK PMI NEWS SEPT 2012 37
  • 6. regulator update NAO REPORT ON DC PENSIONS Renewed scrutiny of DC The principles and features cover areas frequently The introduction of automatic enrolment has placed in highlighted but where current practice is mixed e.g. sharp relief the importance of high-quality defined transparency of costs, charges, investment strategies, contribution (DC) schemes. Unsurprisingly, there is also retirement processes and communication with a heightened interest in the role regulation can play in members as well as areas less frequently discussed positively influencing outcomes. The National Audit e.g. clarity of accountability, protection of assets, and Office (NAO) recently published a report on the Bill Galvin effective management of conflicts of interest. Whilst Chief Executive regulation of DC schemes and, later in the year many schemes are already well-placed to exhibit the The Pensions Parliament’s Work & Pensions Select Committee will principles and features, their presence across the Regulator carry out an enquiry into governance and best practice different segments of the DC landscape is not universal. in workplace pensions. We welcome these reviews as they help us to look at our work and our approach Regulatory architecture from an outside perspective. There has also been a The NAO report also made three recommendations to considerable amount of media interest in costs and Government relating to setting objectives, assessing charges in DC pensions, and value for money in risks, and measuring performance. It does not propose annuity provision. a single regulator for workplace pensions – though These are clearly important areas of consumer there was significant comment and speculation interest. The most important test is how the industry following the report’s publication. There is already a responds to this increasing interest in DC outcomes. considerable degree of coordination between the We are monitoring developments closely. regulator, Financial Services Authority (FSA), Department for Work and Pensions and Her Majesty’s Trends in Recommendations Treasury, and our principles and features are a provision in The recent NAO report was a measured and carefully significant step towards a more integrated approach. large employers written review of the regulator’s work on DC Regulatory authorities working closely together in a – who are regulation and the wider regulatory architecture. It joined-up way is key. recognised the achievements of the regulator in knowledgeable accurately assessing risks to DC members, our overall Costs and charges and engaged on risk-based approach to regulation, and our work on We’ve seen some prominent headlines recently critical behalf of their encouraging good administration. of the industry’s approach to costs and charges. The NAO report had three recommendations for Although evidence points to these becoming more employees – the regulator – including that we should look to competitive as automatic enrolment approaches, may not be the strengthen performance measurement in relation to trends in provision in large employers – who are best indicators economic outcomes for members. The long-term knowledgeable and engaged on behalf of their nature of pension saving, identifying objective employees – may not be the best indicators of the of the shape benchmarks, and the wide range of factors beyond shape of provision among smaller, less-engaged of provision the control of regulation mean this is not employers. We emphasise the importance of among smaller, straightforward. Nevertheless we accept the NAO’s transparency and value for money in our principles challenge to accelerate development of performance and features; and our communications to employers less-engaged measures linked more directly to actual economic will encourage them to choose value for money employers outcomes for members. schemes. The FSA's work with financial advisers and the National Association of Pension Funds’ proposed Principles and features for good DC code of practice are important interventions, and we pensions will monitor how the industry responds. Shorter-term performance measures will be based upon the presence of our principles and features for the Next steps governance of good DC schemes, which are helping to The industry has shown broad support for our work set the agenda for automatic enrolment. Our goal is so far. We intend to consult on our approach to that all schemes are designed and run in the best regulating workplace DC pensions next year, interests of members. We’ve discussed these including how the presence of our principles and characteristics with providers and industry stakeholders features can be demonstrated across the different and there is a broad consensus around them. segments of the DC landscape. [I] WWW.PENSIONS-PMI.ORG.UK PMI NEWS SEPT 2012 41
  • 7. NEST update TRUST, CONFIDENCE AND KAY A long term approach to investment across all aspects of the pensions industry can ony be in a member’s best interests I f you were asked to find a pension saver who welcome Kay’s proposal to reduce the pressure for spends their time and energy fixating on changes short-term decision-making by asset managers that to their pot every three months, you’d expect to be arise from excessively frequent reporting of financial choosing from a pretty shallow pool. So one might and investment performance, including quarterly Paul Todd is wonder how the investment industry arrived at an reporting by companies. Head of Investment At NEST we’re seeking to maximise pots over Policy investment chain that has embedded just this sort of the long term, but not at all costs. Delivering NEST short-termism and one which is too often misaligned consistently good outcomes generation after from long-term interests of end users whose generation cannot be about chancing short-term investment horizons are likely to be decades, rather performance. This would inevitably create ‘unlucky’ than years, and almost certainly not months. cohorts and widely dispersed outcomes between As a predominantly long-term investor – the generations and would do nothing to support the average age of NEST’s target membership is mid 30s re-building of the public’s fragile trust in financial – we fully endorse Professor John Kay’s independent institutions over the decades to come. review examining investment in UK equity markets We’re deeply supportive of a culture in which and its impact on the long-term performance and business and finance can work together to create governance of UK quoted companies. high-performing companies and earn returns for We’re firmly of the belief that now has to be a savers on a sustainable basis. While some reporting golden opportunity for many in the investment world around NEST’s investment strategy has focused on to re-focus on long-term performance and on the proportion of equities being lower than contributing to building profitable and sustainable traditional 100% offering for those who start saving companies and equity markets. with NEST in their twenties, the reality is we are The ultimate With public trust in financial institutions at a a strong advocate of providing broad access to the particularly low ebb, automatic enrolment and the benefits of global capital and share ownership. Our owners and way in which pension schemes invest money on investment objective is all about significantly beneficiaries of behalf of their members represents a huge and outperforming inflation and equity is a crucial potentially once in a life-time opportunity to re-build UK equity element to our successful delivery of this goal - that trust. As Kay and others make clear, trust is a it’s just not the only thing we focus on. markets will crucial factor in many ways throughout the chain of We agree with Professor Kay that promoting investment participants. increasingly be good governance and stewardship is central to the Our members put their trust in NEST to invest functioning of UK equity markets and were pleased hard-working their money in a proper manner and, as asset holders to see proposals aimed at diminishing the current members of the on their behalf, we expect our underlying asset trading and transactional cultures that encourage managers to manage members’ money in way that is asset buyers to act like short-term tenants rather public saving for aligned to their best interests. Our fund managers than long-term owners. their retirements know they have a responsibility to NEST and accept The ultimate owners and beneficiaries of UK that they are also accountable to our members. A equity markets will increasingly be hard-working significant part of our role is ensuring the alignment members of the public saving for their retirements. of interests along all parts of the investment chain - They should be recognised as the true motivation for from the individual contributing to a pension for the good and effective stewardship. Making real a greater first time in Newcastle, to the equity trader operating alignment between the time horizons of all in the out of New York. investment chain and final owners has to be a priority Asset holders and pension providers play an if we’re serious about re-building trust and confidence. essential role in the investment chain as the legal The challenge now is working together to implement owners of shares with a direct relationship with genuine long-termism and in doing so deliver better pension savers. We would like to see additional outcomes for pension savers into the future. [I] investigation into their role. Small to medium-sized pension funds may warrant particular attention as in general they will outsource much of the decision- making to asset managers and investment consultants. As a long-term investor looking to build long- term sustainable relationships with its partners, we WWW.PENSIONS-PMI.ORG.UK PMI NEWS SEPT 2012 43