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package employeeType.employee;
public abstract class Employee {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private char middleInitial;
private boolean fulltime;
private char gender;
private int employeeNum;
public Employee(String firstName, String lastName, char middleInitial,
char gender, int employeeNum, boolean fulltime) {
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
this.middleInitial = middleInitial;
this.fulltime = fulltime;
this.gender = gender;
this.employeeNum = employeeNum;
public int getEmployeeNumber() {
return this.employeeNum;
public void setEmployeeNumber(int empNum) {
this.employeeNum = empNum;
public String getFirstName() {
return firstName;
String getLastName() {
return lastName;
char getMiddleInitial() {
return middleInitial;
public char getGender() {
return gender;
public void setFirstName(String fn) {
this.firstName = fn;
public void setLastName(String ln) {
this.lastName = ln;
public void setMiddleI(char m) {
this.middleInitial = m;
public void setGender(char g) {
this.gender = g;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if (obj instanceof Employee) {
Employee employee = (Employee) obj;
if (employee.getEmployeeNumber() == this.getEmployeeNumber())
return true;
return false;
} else
return false;
public String toString() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return getEmployeeNumber() + " " + getFirstName() + " "
+ getLastName() + " Gender:" + getGender() + " Status:"
+ ((fulltime) ? "Full Time" : "Part Time");
public abstract double calculateWeeklyPay();
public abstract void annualRaise();
public abstract double holidayBonus();
public abstract void resetWeek();
package employeeType.subTypes;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import employeeType.employee.Employee;
public class HourlyEmployee extends Employee {
private double wage;
private double hoursWorked;
public HourlyEmployee(String firstName, String lastName,
char middleInitial, char gender, int employeeNum, boolean fulltime,
double wage) {
super(firstName, lastName, middleInitial, gender, employeeNum, fulltime);
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
this.wage = wage;
this.hoursWorked = 0.0d;
public void increaseHours(double hours) {
if (hours > 0)
this.hoursWorked += hours;
System.out.println("Error! Invalid hours");
public String toString() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return super.toString() + " Wage: " + wage + " Hours Worked: "
+ hoursWorked;
public double calculateWeeklyPay() {
double pay;
if (hoursWorked > 40) {
pay = (40 * wage) + (2 * (hoursWorked - 40) * wage);
} else {
pay = wage * hoursWorked;
return pay;
public void annualRaise() {
DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("#.##");
wage = Double.valueOf(decimalFormat.format(wage * 0.05));
public double holidayBonus() {
return 40 * wage;
public void resetWeek() {
this.hoursWorked = 0;
package employeeType.subTypes;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import employeeType.employee.Employee;
public class SalaryEmployee extends Employee {
double salary;
public SalaryEmployee(String firstName, String lastName,
char middleInitial, char gender, int employeeNum, boolean fulltime,
double s) {
super(firstName, lastName, middleInitial, gender, employeeNum, fulltime);
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
this.salary = s;
public String toString() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return super.toString() + " Salary:" + salary;
public double calculateWeeklyPay() {
return salary / 52.00d;
public void annualRaise() {
DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("#.##");
salary = Double.valueOf(decimalFormat.format(salary * 0.06));
public double holidayBonus() {
return salary * 0.03;
public void resetWeek() {
package employeeType.subTypes;
import employeeType.employee.Employee;
public class CommissionEmployee extends Employee {
double sales;
double rate;
public CommissionEmployee(String firstName, String lastName,
char middleInitial, char gender, int employeeNum, boolean fulltime,
double r) {
super(firstName, lastName, middleInitial, gender, employeeNum, fulltime);
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
this.rate = r;
this.sales = 0.0d;
public String toString() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return super.toString() + " Rate: " + rate + " Sales: " + sales;
public void increaseSales(double sales) {
if (sales > 0)
this.sales += sales;
System.out.println("Error! Not valid sales");
public double calculateWeeklyPay() {
return sales * rate / 100;
public void annualRaise() {
this.rate += 0.02;
public double holidayBonus() {
return 0.00d;
public void resetWeek() {
this.sales = 0.0d;
import employeeType.employee.Employee;
import employeeType.subTypes.CommissionEmployee;
import employeeType.subTypes.HourlyEmployee;
import employeeType.subTypes.SalaryEmployee;
public class EmployeeManager {
Employee[] employees;
final int employeeMax = 10;
int currentEmployees;
public EmployeeManager() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
employees = new Employee[employeeMax];
this.currentEmployees = 0;
* Takes an int representing the type of Employee to be added (1 – Hourly, 2
* – Salary, 3 – Commission) as well as the required data to create that
* Employee. If one of these values is not passed output the line, “Invalid
* Employee Type, None Added”, and exit the method. If an Employee with the
* given Employee Number already exists do not add the Employee and output
* the line, “Duplicate Not Added”, and exit the method. If the array is at
* maximum capacity do not add the new Employee, and output the line,
* "Cannot add more Employees".
public void addEmployee(int input, String firstName, String lastName,
char middleInitial, char gender, int employeeNum, boolean fulltime,
double wage) {
switch (input) {
case 1: {
HourlyEmployee employee = new HourlyEmployee(firstName, lastName,
middleInitial, gender, employeeNum, fulltime, wage);
for (int i = 0; i < employees.length; i++) {
if (employees[i].getEmployeeNumber() == employeeNum) {
System.out.println("Duplicate Not Added");
if (currentEmployees == employeeMax) {
System.out.println("Cannot add more Employees");
employees[currentEmployees] = employee;
case 2: {
SalaryEmployee employee = new SalaryEmployee(firstName, lastName,
middleInitial, gender, employeeNum, fulltime, wage);
for (int i = 0; i < employees.length; i++) {
if (employees[i].getEmployeeNumber() == employeeNum) {
System.out.println("Duplicate Not Added");
if (currentEmployees == employeeMax) {
System.out.println("Cannot add more Employees");
employees[currentEmployees] = employee;
case 3: {
CommissionEmployee employee = new CommissionEmployee(firstName,
lastName, middleInitial, gender, employeeNum, fulltime,
for (int i = 0; i < employees.length; i++) {
if (employees[i].getEmployeeNumber() == employeeNum) {
System.out.println("Duplicate Not Added");
if (currentEmployees == employeeMax) {
System.out.println("Cannot add more Employees");
employees[currentEmployees] = employee;
System.out.println("Invalid Employee Type, None Added");
// Removes an Employee located at the given index from the Employee array.
public void removeEmployee(int index) {
employees[index] = null;
// Lists all the current Employees. Outputs there are none if there are
// none.
public void listAll() {
if (currentEmployees == 0)
else {
for (int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) {
if (employees[i] != null)
// Lists all the current HourlyEmployees. Outputs there are none if there
// are none.
public void listHourly() {
if (currentEmployees == 0)
else {
for (int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) {
if (employees[i] != null) {
if (employees[i] instanceof HourlyEmployee)
// Lists all the current SalaryEmployees. Outputs there are none if there
// are none.
public void listSalary() {
if (currentEmployees == 0)
else {
for (int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) {
if (employees[i] != null) {
if (employees[i] instanceof SalaryEmployee)
// Lists all the current CommissionEmployees. Outputs there are none if
// there are none.
public void listCommission() {
if (currentEmployees == 0)
else {
for (int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) {
if (employees[i] != null) {
if (employees[i] instanceof CommissionEmployee)
public void resetWeek() {
for (int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) {
if (employees[i] != null) {
public double calculatePayout() {
double payOut = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) {
if (employees[i] != null) {
payOut += employees[i].calculateWeeklyPay();
return payOut;
public int getIndex(int employeeNum) {
for (int i = 0; i < employees.length; i++) {
if (employees[i].getEmployeeNumber() == employeeNum) {
return i;
return -1;
public void annualRaises() {
for (int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) {
if (employees[i] != null) {
public double holidayBonuses() {
double holiBonus = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) {
if (employees[i] != null) {
holiBonus += employees[i].holidayBonus();
return holiBonus;
// Increase the hours worked of the Employee at the given index by the given
// double amount.
public void increaseHours(int index, double amount) {
if (employees[index] != null
&& employees[index] instanceof HourlyEmployee) {
HourlyEmployee employee = (HourlyEmployee) employees[index];
// Increase the sales of the Employee at the given index by the given double
// amount.
public void increaseSales(int index, double amount) {
if (employees[index] != null
&& employees[index] instanceof CommissionEmployee) {
CommissionEmployee employee = (CommissionEmployee) employees[index];
import java.util.Scanner;
public class EmployeeDriver {
static Scanner in = new Scanner(;
public static int menu(String... options) {
int choice;
for (int line = 0; line < options.length; line++)
System.out.printf("%d. %s ", line + 1, options[line]);
do {
System.out.print("Enter Choice: ");
choice = in.nextInt();
} while (!(choice > 0 && choice <= options.length));
return choice;
public static void main(String args[]) {
int mainInput;// Input for main menu
int subInput1;// Input for submenu
int subInput2;// Input for sub-submenu
int en; // Inputting an employee number
int index;
double amount;
EmployeeManager em = new EmployeeManager(); // The EmployeManager object
// Main control loop, keep coming back to the
// Main menu after each selection is finished
do {
// This is the main menu. Displays menu
// and asks for a choice, validaties that
// what is entered is a valid choice
System.out.println("  Main Menu ");
mainInput = menu("Employee Submenu", "Add Employee",
"Remove Employee", "Calculate Weekly Payout",
"Calculate Bonus", "Annual Raises", "Reset Week", "Quit");
// Perform the correct action based upon Main menu input
switch (mainInput) {
// Employee Submenu
case 1:
do {
subInput1 = menu("Hourly Employees", "Salary Employee",
"Comission Employees", "Back");
switch (subInput1) {
case 1:
do {
subInput2 = menu("Add Hours", "Back");
if (subInput2 == 1) {
System.out.println("Employee Number: ");
en = in.nextInt();
index = em.getIndex(en);
if (index != -1) {
System.out.print("Enter Hours: ");
amount = in.nextDouble();
em.increaseHours(index, amount);
} else {
System.out.println("Employee not found!");
} while (subInput2 != 2);
case 2:
subInput2 = menu("Back");
case 3:
do {
subInput2 = menu("Add Sales", "Back");
if (subInput2 == 1) {
System.out.println("Employee Number: ");
en = in.nextInt();
index = em.getIndex(en);
if (index != -1) {
System.out.print("Enter Sales: ");
amount = in.nextDouble();
em.increaseSales(index, amount);
} else {
System.out.println("Employee not found!");
} while (subInput2 != 2);
} while (subInput1 != 4);
// Add Employee
case 2:
String fn,
char mi,
boolean ft = true;
subInput1 = menu("Hourly", "Salary", "Commission");
System.out.print("Enter Last Name: ");
ln =;
System.out.print("Enter First Name: ");
fn =;
System.out.print("Enter Middle Initial: ");
mi =;
System.out.print("Enter Gender: ");
g =;
System.out.print("Enter Employee Number: ");
en = in.nextInt();
System.out.print("Full Time? (y/n): ");
f =;
if (f == 'n' || f == 'N') {
ft = false;
if (subInput1 == 1) {
System.out.print("Enter wage: ");
} else if (subInput1 == 2) {
System.out.print("Enter salary: ");
} else {
System.out.print("Enter rate: ");
amount = in.nextDouble();
em.addEmployee(subInput1, fn, ln, mi, g, en, ft, amount);
// Remove Employee
case 3:
System.out.print("Enter Employee Number to Remove: ");
en = in.nextInt();
index = em.getIndex(en);
// Calculate Weekly Payout
case 4:
System.out.printf("Total weekly payout is %.2f ",
// Calculate Bonus
case 5:
amount = em.holidayBonuses();
System.out.printf("Total holiday bonus payout is %.2f ",
// Apply Annual Raises
case 6:
System.out.println("Annual Raises applied.");
// Reset the weeks values
case 7:
System.out.println("Weekly values reset.");
// Exit
case 8:
.println(" Thank you for using the Employee Manager! ");
} while (mainInput != 8);
package employeeType.employee;
public abstract class Employee {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private char middleInitial;
private boolean fulltime;
private char gender;
private int employeeNum;
public Employee(String firstName, String lastName, char middleInitial,
char gender, int employeeNum, boolean fulltime) {
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
this.middleInitial = middleInitial;
this.fulltime = fulltime;
this.gender = gender;
this.employeeNum = employeeNum;
public int getEmployeeNumber() {
return this.employeeNum;
public void setEmployeeNumber(int empNum) {
this.employeeNum = empNum;
public String getFirstName() {
return firstName;
String getLastName() {
return lastName;
char getMiddleInitial() {
return middleInitial;
public char getGender() {
return gender;
public void setFirstName(String fn) {
this.firstName = fn;
public void setLastName(String ln) {
this.lastName = ln;
public void setMiddleI(char m) {
this.middleInitial = m;
public void setGender(char g) {
this.gender = g;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if (obj instanceof Employee) {
Employee employee = (Employee) obj;
if (employee.getEmployeeNumber() == this.getEmployeeNumber())
return true;
return false;
} else
return false;
public String toString() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return getEmployeeNumber() + " " + getFirstName() + " "
+ getLastName() + " Gender:" + getGender() + " Status:"
+ ((fulltime) ? "Full Time" : "Part Time");
public abstract double calculateWeeklyPay();
public abstract void annualRaise();
public abstract double holidayBonus();
public abstract void resetWeek();
package employeeType.subTypes;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import employeeType.employee.Employee;
public class HourlyEmployee extends Employee {
private double wage;
private double hoursWorked;
public HourlyEmployee(String firstName, String lastName,
char middleInitial, char gender, int employeeNum, boolean fulltime,
double wage) {
super(firstName, lastName, middleInitial, gender, employeeNum, fulltime);
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
this.wage = wage;
this.hoursWorked = 0.0d;
public void increaseHours(double hours) {
if (hours > 0)
this.hoursWorked += hours;
System.out.println("Error! Invalid hours");
public String toString() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return super.toString() + " Wage: " + wage + " Hours Worked: "
+ hoursWorked;
public double calculateWeeklyPay() {
double pay;
if (hoursWorked > 40) {
pay = (40 * wage) + (2 * (hoursWorked - 40) * wage);
} else {
pay = wage * hoursWorked;
return pay;
public void annualRaise() {
DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("#.##");
wage = Double.valueOf(decimalFormat.format(wage * 0.05));
public double holidayBonus() {
return 40 * wage;
public void resetWeek() {
this.hoursWorked = 0;
package employeeType.subTypes;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import employeeType.employee.Employee;
public class SalaryEmployee extends Employee {
double salary;
public SalaryEmployee(String firstName, String lastName,
char middleInitial, char gender, int employeeNum, boolean fulltime,
double s) {
super(firstName, lastName, middleInitial, gender, employeeNum, fulltime);
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
this.salary = s;
public String toString() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return super.toString() + " Salary:" + salary;
public double calculateWeeklyPay() {
return salary / 52.00d;
public void annualRaise() {
DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("#.##");
salary = Double.valueOf(decimalFormat.format(salary * 0.06));
public double holidayBonus() {
return salary * 0.03;
public void resetWeek() {
package employeeType.subTypes;
import employeeType.employee.Employee;
public class CommissionEmployee extends Employee {
double sales;
double rate;
public CommissionEmployee(String firstName, String lastName,
char middleInitial, char gender, int employeeNum, boolean fulltime,
double r) {
super(firstName, lastName, middleInitial, gender, employeeNum, fulltime);
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
this.rate = r;
this.sales = 0.0d;
public String toString() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return super.toString() + " Rate: " + rate + " Sales: " + sales;
public void increaseSales(double sales) {
if (sales > 0)
this.sales += sales;
System.out.println("Error! Not valid sales");
public double calculateWeeklyPay() {
return sales * rate / 100;
public void annualRaise() {
this.rate += 0.02;
public double holidayBonus() {
return 0.00d;
public void resetWeek() {
this.sales = 0.0d;
import employeeType.employee.Employee;
import employeeType.subTypes.CommissionEmployee;
import employeeType.subTypes.HourlyEmployee;
import employeeType.subTypes.SalaryEmployee;
public class EmployeeManager {
Employee[] employees;
final int employeeMax = 10;
int currentEmployees;
public EmployeeManager() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
employees = new Employee[employeeMax];
this.currentEmployees = 0;
* Takes an int representing the type of Employee to be added (1 – Hourly, 2
* – Salary, 3 – Commission) as well as the required data to create that
* Employee. If one of these values is not passed output the line, “Invalid
* Employee Type, None Added”, and exit the method. If an Employee with the
* given Employee Number already exists do not add the Employee and output
* the line, “Duplicate Not Added”, and exit the method. If the array is at
* maximum capacity do not add the new Employee, and output the line,
* "Cannot add more Employees".
public void addEmployee(int input, String firstName, String lastName,
char middleInitial, char gender, int employeeNum, boolean fulltime,
double wage) {
switch (input) {
case 1: {
HourlyEmployee employee = new HourlyEmployee(firstName, lastName,
middleInitial, gender, employeeNum, fulltime, wage);
for (int i = 0; i < employees.length; i++) {
if (employees[i].getEmployeeNumber() == employeeNum) {
System.out.println("Duplicate Not Added");
if (currentEmployees == employeeMax) {
System.out.println("Cannot add more Employees");
employees[currentEmployees] = employee;
case 2: {
SalaryEmployee employee = new SalaryEmployee(firstName, lastName,
middleInitial, gender, employeeNum, fulltime, wage);
for (int i = 0; i < employees.length; i++) {
if (employees[i].getEmployeeNumber() == employeeNum) {
System.out.println("Duplicate Not Added");
if (currentEmployees == employeeMax) {
System.out.println("Cannot add more Employees");
employees[currentEmployees] = employee;
case 3: {
CommissionEmployee employee = new CommissionEmployee(firstName,
lastName, middleInitial, gender, employeeNum, fulltime,
for (int i = 0; i < employees.length; i++) {
if (employees[i].getEmployeeNumber() == employeeNum) {
System.out.println("Duplicate Not Added");
if (currentEmployees == employeeMax) {
System.out.println("Cannot add more Employees");
employees[currentEmployees] = employee;
System.out.println("Invalid Employee Type, None Added");
// Removes an Employee located at the given index from the Employee array.
public void removeEmployee(int index) {
employees[index] = null;
// Lists all the current Employees. Outputs there are none if there are
// none.
public void listAll() {
if (currentEmployees == 0)
else {
for (int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) {
if (employees[i] != null)
// Lists all the current HourlyEmployees. Outputs there are none if there
// are none.
public void listHourly() {
if (currentEmployees == 0)
else {
for (int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) {
if (employees[i] != null) {
if (employees[i] instanceof HourlyEmployee)
// Lists all the current SalaryEmployees. Outputs there are none if there
// are none.
public void listSalary() {
if (currentEmployees == 0)
else {
for (int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) {
if (employees[i] != null) {
if (employees[i] instanceof SalaryEmployee)
// Lists all the current CommissionEmployees. Outputs there are none if
// there are none.
public void listCommission() {
if (currentEmployees == 0)
else {
for (int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) {
if (employees[i] != null) {
if (employees[i] instanceof CommissionEmployee)
public void resetWeek() {
for (int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) {
if (employees[i] != null) {
public double calculatePayout() {
double payOut = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) {
if (employees[i] != null) {
payOut += employees[i].calculateWeeklyPay();
return payOut;
public int getIndex(int employeeNum) {
for (int i = 0; i < employees.length; i++) {
if (employees[i].getEmployeeNumber() == employeeNum) {
return i;
return -1;
public void annualRaises() {
for (int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) {
if (employees[i] != null) {
public double holidayBonuses() {
double holiBonus = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) {
if (employees[i] != null) {
holiBonus += employees[i].holidayBonus();
return holiBonus;
// Increase the hours worked of the Employee at the given index by the given
// double amount.
public void increaseHours(int index, double amount) {
if (employees[index] != null
&& employees[index] instanceof HourlyEmployee) {
HourlyEmployee employee = (HourlyEmployee) employees[index];
// Increase the sales of the Employee at the given index by the given double
// amount.
public void increaseSales(int index, double amount) {
if (employees[index] != null
&& employees[index] instanceof CommissionEmployee) {
CommissionEmployee employee = (CommissionEmployee) employees[index];
import java.util.Scanner;
public class EmployeeDriver {
static Scanner in = new Scanner(;
public static int menu(String... options) {
int choice;
for (int line = 0; line < options.length; line++)
System.out.printf("%d. %s ", line + 1, options[line]);
do {
System.out.print("Enter Choice: ");
choice = in.nextInt();
} while (!(choice > 0 && choice <= options.length));
return choice;
public static void main(String args[]) {
int mainInput;// Input for main menu
int subInput1;// Input for submenu
int subInput2;// Input for sub-submenu
int en; // Inputting an employee number
int index;
double amount;
EmployeeManager em = new EmployeeManager(); // The EmployeManager object
// Main control loop, keep coming back to the
// Main menu after each selection is finished
do {
// This is the main menu. Displays menu
// and asks for a choice, validaties that
// what is entered is a valid choice
System.out.println("  Main Menu ");
mainInput = menu("Employee Submenu", "Add Employee",
"Remove Employee", "Calculate Weekly Payout",
"Calculate Bonus", "Annual Raises", "Reset Week", "Quit");
// Perform the correct action based upon Main menu input
switch (mainInput) {
// Employee Submenu
case 1:
do {
subInput1 = menu("Hourly Employees", "Salary Employee",
"Comission Employees", "Back");
switch (subInput1) {
case 1:
do {
subInput2 = menu("Add Hours", "Back");
if (subInput2 == 1) {
System.out.println("Employee Number: ");
en = in.nextInt();
index = em.getIndex(en);
if (index != -1) {
System.out.print("Enter Hours: ");
amount = in.nextDouble();
em.increaseHours(index, amount);
} else {
System.out.println("Employee not found!");
} while (subInput2 != 2);
case 2:
subInput2 = menu("Back");
case 3:
do {
subInput2 = menu("Add Sales", "Back");
if (subInput2 == 1) {
System.out.println("Employee Number: ");
en = in.nextInt();
index = em.getIndex(en);
if (index != -1) {
System.out.print("Enter Sales: ");
amount = in.nextDouble();
em.increaseSales(index, amount);
} else {
System.out.println("Employee not found!");
} while (subInput2 != 2);
} while (subInput1 != 4);
// Add Employee
case 2:
String fn,
char mi,
boolean ft = true;
subInput1 = menu("Hourly", "Salary", "Commission");
System.out.print("Enter Last Name: ");
ln =;
System.out.print("Enter First Name: ");
fn =;
System.out.print("Enter Middle Initial: ");
mi =;
System.out.print("Enter Gender: ");
g =;
System.out.print("Enter Employee Number: ");
en = in.nextInt();
System.out.print("Full Time? (y/n): ");
f =;
if (f == 'n' || f == 'N') {
ft = false;
if (subInput1 == 1) {
System.out.print("Enter wage: ");
} else if (subInput1 == 2) {
System.out.print("Enter salary: ");
} else {
System.out.print("Enter rate: ");
amount = in.nextDouble();
em.addEmployee(subInput1, fn, ln, mi, g, en, ft, amount);
// Remove Employee
case 3:
System.out.print("Enter Employee Number to Remove: ");
en = in.nextInt();
index = em.getIndex(en);
// Calculate Weekly Payout
case 4:
System.out.printf("Total weekly payout is %.2f ",
// Calculate Bonus
case 5:
amount = em.holidayBonuses();
System.out.printf("Total holiday bonus payout is %.2f ",
// Apply Annual Raises
case 6:
System.out.println("Annual Raises applied.");
// Reset the weeks values
case 7:
System.out.println("Weekly values reset.");
// Exit
case 8:
.println(" Thank you for using the Employee Manager! ");
} while (mainInput != 8);

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  • 1. package employeeType.employee; public abstract class Employee { private String firstName; private String lastName; private char middleInitial; private boolean fulltime; private char gender; private int employeeNum; public Employee(String firstName, String lastName, char middleInitial, char gender, int employeeNum, boolean fulltime) { super(); this.firstName = firstName; this.lastName = lastName; this.middleInitial = middleInitial; this.fulltime = fulltime; this.gender = gender; this.employeeNum = employeeNum; } public int getEmployeeNumber() { return this.employeeNum; } public void setEmployeeNumber(int empNum) { this.employeeNum = empNum; } public String getFirstName() { return firstName; } String getLastName() { return lastName; } char getMiddleInitial() { return middleInitial; } public char getGender() { return gender;
  • 2. } public void setFirstName(String fn) { this.firstName = fn; } public void setLastName(String ln) { this.lastName = ln; } public void setMiddleI(char m) { this.middleInitial = m; } public void setGender(char g) { this.gender = g; } public boolean equals(Object obj) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if (obj instanceof Employee) { Employee employee = (Employee) obj; if (employee.getEmployeeNumber() == this.getEmployeeNumber()) return true; else return false; } else return false; } public String toString() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return getEmployeeNumber() + " " + getFirstName() + " " + getLastName() + " Gender:" + getGender() + " Status:" + ((fulltime) ? "Full Time" : "Part Time"); } public abstract double calculateWeeklyPay(); public abstract void annualRaise(); public abstract double holidayBonus(); public abstract void resetWeek(); } package employeeType.subTypes;
  • 3. import java.text.DecimalFormat; import employeeType.employee.Employee; public class HourlyEmployee extends Employee { private double wage; private double hoursWorked; public HourlyEmployee(String firstName, String lastName, char middleInitial, char gender, int employeeNum, boolean fulltime, double wage) { super(firstName, lastName, middleInitial, gender, employeeNum, fulltime); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub this.wage = wage; this.hoursWorked = 0.0d; } public void increaseHours(double hours) { if (hours > 0) this.hoursWorked += hours; else System.out.println("Error! Invalid hours"); } public String toString() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return super.toString() + " Wage: " + wage + " Hours Worked: " + hoursWorked; } public double calculateWeeklyPay() { double pay; if (hoursWorked > 40) { pay = (40 * wage) + (2 * (hoursWorked - 40) * wage); } else { pay = wage * hoursWorked; } return pay; } public void annualRaise() { DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("#.##"); wage = Double.valueOf(decimalFormat.format(wage * 0.05));
  • 4. } public double holidayBonus() { return 40 * wage; } public void resetWeek() { this.hoursWorked = 0; } } package employeeType.subTypes; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import employeeType.employee.Employee; public class SalaryEmployee extends Employee { double salary; public SalaryEmployee(String firstName, String lastName, char middleInitial, char gender, int employeeNum, boolean fulltime, double s) { super(firstName, lastName, middleInitial, gender, employeeNum, fulltime); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub this.salary = s; } public String toString() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return super.toString() + " Salary:" + salary; } public double calculateWeeklyPay() { return salary / 52.00d; } public void annualRaise() { DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("#.##"); salary = Double.valueOf(decimalFormat.format(salary * 0.06)); } public double holidayBonus() { return salary * 0.03; } public void resetWeek() { }
  • 5. } package employeeType.subTypes; import employeeType.employee.Employee; public class CommissionEmployee extends Employee { double sales; double rate; public CommissionEmployee(String firstName, String lastName, char middleInitial, char gender, int employeeNum, boolean fulltime, double r) { super(firstName, lastName, middleInitial, gender, employeeNum, fulltime); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub this.rate = r; this.sales = 0.0d; } public String toString() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return super.toString() + " Rate: " + rate + " Sales: " + sales; } public void increaseSales(double sales) { if (sales > 0) this.sales += sales; else System.out.println("Error! Not valid sales"); } public double calculateWeeklyPay() { return sales * rate / 100; } public void annualRaise() { this.rate += 0.02; } public double holidayBonus() { return 0.00d; } public void resetWeek() { this.sales = 0.0d; }
  • 6. } import employeeType.employee.Employee; import employeeType.subTypes.CommissionEmployee; import employeeType.subTypes.HourlyEmployee; import employeeType.subTypes.SalaryEmployee; public class EmployeeManager { Employee[] employees; final int employeeMax = 10; int currentEmployees; public EmployeeManager() { // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub employees = new Employee[employeeMax]; this.currentEmployees = 0; } /* * Takes an int representing the type of Employee to be added (1 – Hourly, 2 * – Salary, 3 – Commission) as well as the required data to create that * Employee. If one of these values is not passed output the line, “Invalid * Employee Type, None Added”, and exit the method. If an Employee with the * given Employee Number already exists do not add the Employee and output * the line, “Duplicate Not Added”, and exit the method. If the array is at * maximum capacity do not add the new Employee, and output the line, * "Cannot add more Employees". */ public void addEmployee(int input, String firstName, String lastName, char middleInitial, char gender, int employeeNum, boolean fulltime, double wage) { switch (input) { case 1: { HourlyEmployee employee = new HourlyEmployee(firstName, lastName, middleInitial, gender, employeeNum, fulltime, wage); for (int i = 0; i < employees.length; i++) { if (employees[i].getEmployeeNumber() == employeeNum) { System.out.println("Duplicate Not Added"); return; }
  • 7. } if (currentEmployees == employeeMax) { System.out.println("Cannot add more Employees"); return; } employees[currentEmployees] = employee; currentEmployees++; break; } case 2: { SalaryEmployee employee = new SalaryEmployee(firstName, lastName, middleInitial, gender, employeeNum, fulltime, wage); for (int i = 0; i < employees.length; i++) { if (employees[i].getEmployeeNumber() == employeeNum) { System.out.println("Duplicate Not Added"); return; } } if (currentEmployees == employeeMax) { System.out.println("Cannot add more Employees"); return; } employees[currentEmployees] = employee; currentEmployees++; break; } case 3: { CommissionEmployee employee = new CommissionEmployee(firstName, lastName, middleInitial, gender, employeeNum, fulltime, wage); for (int i = 0; i < employees.length; i++) { if (employees[i].getEmployeeNumber() == employeeNum) { System.out.println("Duplicate Not Added"); return; } }
  • 8. if (currentEmployees == employeeMax) { System.out.println("Cannot add more Employees"); return; } employees[currentEmployees] = employee; currentEmployees++; break; } default: System.out.println("Invalid Employee Type, None Added"); break; } } // Removes an Employee located at the given index from the Employee array. public void removeEmployee(int index) { employees[index] = null; } // Lists all the current Employees. Outputs there are none if there are // none. public void listAll() { if (currentEmployees == 0) System.out.println("none"); else { for (int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) { if (employees[i] != null) System.out.println(employees[i].toString()); } } } // Lists all the current HourlyEmployees. Outputs there are none if there // are none. public void listHourly() { if (currentEmployees == 0) System.out.println("none"); else { for (int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) {
  • 9. if (employees[i] != null) { if (employees[i] instanceof HourlyEmployee) System.out.println(employees[i].toString()); } } } } // Lists all the current SalaryEmployees. Outputs there are none if there // are none. public void listSalary() { if (currentEmployees == 0) System.out.println("none"); else { for (int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) { if (employees[i] != null) { if (employees[i] instanceof SalaryEmployee) System.out.println(employees[i].toString()); } } } } // Lists all the current CommissionEmployees. Outputs there are none if // there are none. public void listCommission() { if (currentEmployees == 0) System.out.println("none"); else { for (int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) { if (employees[i] != null) { if (employees[i] instanceof CommissionEmployee) System.out.println(employees[i].toString()); } } } } public void resetWeek() {
  • 10. for (int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) { if (employees[i] != null) { employees[i].resetWeek(); } } } public double calculatePayout() { double payOut = 0; for (int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) { if (employees[i] != null) { payOut += employees[i].calculateWeeklyPay(); } } return payOut; } public int getIndex(int employeeNum) { for (int i = 0; i < employees.length; i++) { if (employees[i].getEmployeeNumber() == employeeNum) { return i; } } return -1; } public void annualRaises() { for (int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) { if (employees[i] != null) { employees[i].annualRaise(); } } } public double holidayBonuses() { double holiBonus = 0; for (int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) { if (employees[i] != null) { holiBonus += employees[i].holidayBonus(); }
  • 11. } return holiBonus; } // Increase the hours worked of the Employee at the given index by the given // double amount. public void increaseHours(int index, double amount) { if (employees[index] != null && employees[index] instanceof HourlyEmployee) { HourlyEmployee employee = (HourlyEmployee) employees[index]; employee.increaseHours(amount); } } // Increase the sales of the Employee at the given index by the given double // amount. public void increaseSales(int index, double amount) { if (employees[index] != null && employees[index] instanceof CommissionEmployee) { CommissionEmployee employee = (CommissionEmployee) employees[index]; employee.increaseSales(amount); } } } import java.util.Scanner; public class EmployeeDriver { static Scanner in = new Scanner(; public static int menu(String... options) { int choice; for (int line = 0; line < options.length; line++) System.out.printf("%d. %s ", line + 1, options[line]); do { System.out.print("Enter Choice: "); choice = in.nextInt(); } while (!(choice > 0 && choice <= options.length)); return choice; } public static void main(String args[]) {
  • 12. int mainInput;// Input for main menu int subInput1;// Input for submenu int subInput2;// Input for sub-submenu int en; // Inputting an employee number int index; double amount; EmployeeManager em = new EmployeeManager(); // The EmployeManager object // Main control loop, keep coming back to the // Main menu after each selection is finished do { // This is the main menu. Displays menu // and asks for a choice, validaties that // what is entered is a valid choice System.out.println(" Main Menu "); em.listAll(); mainInput = menu("Employee Submenu", "Add Employee", "Remove Employee", "Calculate Weekly Payout", "Calculate Bonus", "Annual Raises", "Reset Week", "Quit"); // Perform the correct action based upon Main menu input switch (mainInput) { // Employee Submenu case 1: do { subInput1 = menu("Hourly Employees", "Salary Employee", "Comission Employees", "Back"); switch (subInput1) { case 1: em.listHourly(); do { subInput2 = menu("Add Hours", "Back"); if (subInput2 == 1) { System.out.println("Employee Number: "); en = in.nextInt(); index = em.getIndex(en); if (index != -1) { System.out.print("Enter Hours: ");
  • 13. amount = in.nextDouble(); em.increaseHours(index, amount); } else { System.out.println("Employee not found!"); } } } while (subInput2 != 2); break; case 2: em.listSalary(); subInput2 = menu("Back"); break; case 3: em.listCommission(); do { subInput2 = menu("Add Sales", "Back"); if (subInput2 == 1) { System.out.println("Employee Number: "); en = in.nextInt(); index = em.getIndex(en); if (index != -1) { System.out.print("Enter Sales: "); amount = in.nextDouble(); em.increaseSales(index, amount); } else { System.out.println("Employee not found!"); } } } while (subInput2 != 2); break; } } while (subInput1 != 4); break; // Add Employee case 2: String fn,
  • 14. ln; char mi, g, f; boolean ft = true; subInput1 = menu("Hourly", "Salary", "Commission"); System.out.print("Enter Last Name: "); ln =; System.out.print("Enter First Name: "); fn =; System.out.print("Enter Middle Initial: "); mi =; System.out.print("Enter Gender: "); g =; System.out.print("Enter Employee Number: "); en = in.nextInt(); System.out.print("Full Time? (y/n): "); f =; if (f == 'n' || f == 'N') { ft = false; } if (subInput1 == 1) { System.out.print("Enter wage: "); } else if (subInput1 == 2) { System.out.print("Enter salary: "); } else { System.out.print("Enter rate: "); } amount = in.nextDouble(); em.addEmployee(subInput1, fn, ln, mi, g, en, ft, amount); break; // Remove Employee case 3: System.out.print("Enter Employee Number to Remove: "); en = in.nextInt(); index = em.getIndex(en);
  • 15. em.removeEmployee(index); break; // Calculate Weekly Payout case 4: System.out.printf("Total weekly payout is %.2f ", em.calculatePayout()); break; // Calculate Bonus case 5: amount = em.holidayBonuses(); System.out.printf("Total holiday bonus payout is %.2f ", amount); break; // Apply Annual Raises case 6: em.annualRaises(); System.out.println("Annual Raises applied."); break; // Reset the weeks values case 7: em.resetWeek(); System.out.println("Weekly values reset."); break; // Exit case 8: System.out .println(" Thank you for using the Employee Manager! "); } } while (mainInput != 8); } } Solution package employeeType.employee; public abstract class Employee {
  • 16. private String firstName; private String lastName; private char middleInitial; private boolean fulltime; private char gender; private int employeeNum; public Employee(String firstName, String lastName, char middleInitial, char gender, int employeeNum, boolean fulltime) { super(); this.firstName = firstName; this.lastName = lastName; this.middleInitial = middleInitial; this.fulltime = fulltime; this.gender = gender; this.employeeNum = employeeNum; } public int getEmployeeNumber() { return this.employeeNum; } public void setEmployeeNumber(int empNum) { this.employeeNum = empNum; } public String getFirstName() { return firstName; } String getLastName() { return lastName; } char getMiddleInitial() { return middleInitial; } public char getGender() { return gender; } public void setFirstName(String fn) { this.firstName = fn;
  • 17. } public void setLastName(String ln) { this.lastName = ln; } public void setMiddleI(char m) { this.middleInitial = m; } public void setGender(char g) { this.gender = g; } public boolean equals(Object obj) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if (obj instanceof Employee) { Employee employee = (Employee) obj; if (employee.getEmployeeNumber() == this.getEmployeeNumber()) return true; else return false; } else return false; } public String toString() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return getEmployeeNumber() + " " + getFirstName() + " " + getLastName() + " Gender:" + getGender() + " Status:" + ((fulltime) ? "Full Time" : "Part Time"); } public abstract double calculateWeeklyPay(); public abstract void annualRaise(); public abstract double holidayBonus(); public abstract void resetWeek(); } package employeeType.subTypes; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import employeeType.employee.Employee; public class HourlyEmployee extends Employee {
  • 18. private double wage; private double hoursWorked; public HourlyEmployee(String firstName, String lastName, char middleInitial, char gender, int employeeNum, boolean fulltime, double wage) { super(firstName, lastName, middleInitial, gender, employeeNum, fulltime); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub this.wage = wage; this.hoursWorked = 0.0d; } public void increaseHours(double hours) { if (hours > 0) this.hoursWorked += hours; else System.out.println("Error! Invalid hours"); } public String toString() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return super.toString() + " Wage: " + wage + " Hours Worked: " + hoursWorked; } public double calculateWeeklyPay() { double pay; if (hoursWorked > 40) { pay = (40 * wage) + (2 * (hoursWorked - 40) * wage); } else { pay = wage * hoursWorked; } return pay; } public void annualRaise() { DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("#.##"); wage = Double.valueOf(decimalFormat.format(wage * 0.05)); } public double holidayBonus() { return 40 * wage;
  • 19. } public void resetWeek() { this.hoursWorked = 0; } } package employeeType.subTypes; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import employeeType.employee.Employee; public class SalaryEmployee extends Employee { double salary; public SalaryEmployee(String firstName, String lastName, char middleInitial, char gender, int employeeNum, boolean fulltime, double s) { super(firstName, lastName, middleInitial, gender, employeeNum, fulltime); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub this.salary = s; } public String toString() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return super.toString() + " Salary:" + salary; } public double calculateWeeklyPay() { return salary / 52.00d; } public void annualRaise() { DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("#.##"); salary = Double.valueOf(decimalFormat.format(salary * 0.06)); } public double holidayBonus() { return salary * 0.03; } public void resetWeek() { } } package employeeType.subTypes; import employeeType.employee.Employee;
  • 20. public class CommissionEmployee extends Employee { double sales; double rate; public CommissionEmployee(String firstName, String lastName, char middleInitial, char gender, int employeeNum, boolean fulltime, double r) { super(firstName, lastName, middleInitial, gender, employeeNum, fulltime); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub this.rate = r; this.sales = 0.0d; } public String toString() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return super.toString() + " Rate: " + rate + " Sales: " + sales; } public void increaseSales(double sales) { if (sales > 0) this.sales += sales; else System.out.println("Error! Not valid sales"); } public double calculateWeeklyPay() { return sales * rate / 100; } public void annualRaise() { this.rate += 0.02; } public double holidayBonus() { return 0.00d; } public void resetWeek() { this.sales = 0.0d; } } import employeeType.employee.Employee; import employeeType.subTypes.CommissionEmployee;
  • 21. import employeeType.subTypes.HourlyEmployee; import employeeType.subTypes.SalaryEmployee; public class EmployeeManager { Employee[] employees; final int employeeMax = 10; int currentEmployees; public EmployeeManager() { // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub employees = new Employee[employeeMax]; this.currentEmployees = 0; } /* * Takes an int representing the type of Employee to be added (1 – Hourly, 2 * – Salary, 3 – Commission) as well as the required data to create that * Employee. If one of these values is not passed output the line, “Invalid * Employee Type, None Added”, and exit the method. If an Employee with the * given Employee Number already exists do not add the Employee and output * the line, “Duplicate Not Added”, and exit the method. If the array is at * maximum capacity do not add the new Employee, and output the line, * "Cannot add more Employees". */ public void addEmployee(int input, String firstName, String lastName, char middleInitial, char gender, int employeeNum, boolean fulltime, double wage) { switch (input) { case 1: { HourlyEmployee employee = new HourlyEmployee(firstName, lastName, middleInitial, gender, employeeNum, fulltime, wage); for (int i = 0; i < employees.length; i++) { if (employees[i].getEmployeeNumber() == employeeNum) { System.out.println("Duplicate Not Added"); return; } } if (currentEmployees == employeeMax) { System.out.println("Cannot add more Employees");
  • 22. return; } employees[currentEmployees] = employee; currentEmployees++; break; } case 2: { SalaryEmployee employee = new SalaryEmployee(firstName, lastName, middleInitial, gender, employeeNum, fulltime, wage); for (int i = 0; i < employees.length; i++) { if (employees[i].getEmployeeNumber() == employeeNum) { System.out.println("Duplicate Not Added"); return; } } if (currentEmployees == employeeMax) { System.out.println("Cannot add more Employees"); return; } employees[currentEmployees] = employee; currentEmployees++; break; } case 3: { CommissionEmployee employee = new CommissionEmployee(firstName, lastName, middleInitial, gender, employeeNum, fulltime, wage); for (int i = 0; i < employees.length; i++) { if (employees[i].getEmployeeNumber() == employeeNum) { System.out.println("Duplicate Not Added"); return; } } if (currentEmployees == employeeMax) { System.out.println("Cannot add more Employees"); return;
  • 23. } employees[currentEmployees] = employee; currentEmployees++; break; } default: System.out.println("Invalid Employee Type, None Added"); break; } } // Removes an Employee located at the given index from the Employee array. public void removeEmployee(int index) { employees[index] = null; } // Lists all the current Employees. Outputs there are none if there are // none. public void listAll() { if (currentEmployees == 0) System.out.println("none"); else { for (int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) { if (employees[i] != null) System.out.println(employees[i].toString()); } } } // Lists all the current HourlyEmployees. Outputs there are none if there // are none. public void listHourly() { if (currentEmployees == 0) System.out.println("none"); else { for (int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) { if (employees[i] != null) { if (employees[i] instanceof HourlyEmployee) System.out.println(employees[i].toString());
  • 24. } } } } // Lists all the current SalaryEmployees. Outputs there are none if there // are none. public void listSalary() { if (currentEmployees == 0) System.out.println("none"); else { for (int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) { if (employees[i] != null) { if (employees[i] instanceof SalaryEmployee) System.out.println(employees[i].toString()); } } } } // Lists all the current CommissionEmployees. Outputs there are none if // there are none. public void listCommission() { if (currentEmployees == 0) System.out.println("none"); else { for (int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) { if (employees[i] != null) { if (employees[i] instanceof CommissionEmployee) System.out.println(employees[i].toString()); } } } } public void resetWeek() { for (int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) { if (employees[i] != null) { employees[i].resetWeek();
  • 25. } } } public double calculatePayout() { double payOut = 0; for (int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) { if (employees[i] != null) { payOut += employees[i].calculateWeeklyPay(); } } return payOut; } public int getIndex(int employeeNum) { for (int i = 0; i < employees.length; i++) { if (employees[i].getEmployeeNumber() == employeeNum) { return i; } } return -1; } public void annualRaises() { for (int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) { if (employees[i] != null) { employees[i].annualRaise(); } } } public double holidayBonuses() { double holiBonus = 0; for (int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) { if (employees[i] != null) { holiBonus += employees[i].holidayBonus(); } } return holiBonus; }
  • 26. // Increase the hours worked of the Employee at the given index by the given // double amount. public void increaseHours(int index, double amount) { if (employees[index] != null && employees[index] instanceof HourlyEmployee) { HourlyEmployee employee = (HourlyEmployee) employees[index]; employee.increaseHours(amount); } } // Increase the sales of the Employee at the given index by the given double // amount. public void increaseSales(int index, double amount) { if (employees[index] != null && employees[index] instanceof CommissionEmployee) { CommissionEmployee employee = (CommissionEmployee) employees[index]; employee.increaseSales(amount); } } } import java.util.Scanner; public class EmployeeDriver { static Scanner in = new Scanner(; public static int menu(String... options) { int choice; for (int line = 0; line < options.length; line++) System.out.printf("%d. %s ", line + 1, options[line]); do { System.out.print("Enter Choice: "); choice = in.nextInt(); } while (!(choice > 0 && choice <= options.length)); return choice; } public static void main(String args[]) { int mainInput;// Input for main menu int subInput1;// Input for submenu int subInput2;// Input for sub-submenu
  • 27. int en; // Inputting an employee number int index; double amount; EmployeeManager em = new EmployeeManager(); // The EmployeManager object // Main control loop, keep coming back to the // Main menu after each selection is finished do { // This is the main menu. Displays menu // and asks for a choice, validaties that // what is entered is a valid choice System.out.println(" Main Menu "); em.listAll(); mainInput = menu("Employee Submenu", "Add Employee", "Remove Employee", "Calculate Weekly Payout", "Calculate Bonus", "Annual Raises", "Reset Week", "Quit"); // Perform the correct action based upon Main menu input switch (mainInput) { // Employee Submenu case 1: do { subInput1 = menu("Hourly Employees", "Salary Employee", "Comission Employees", "Back"); switch (subInput1) { case 1: em.listHourly(); do { subInput2 = menu("Add Hours", "Back"); if (subInput2 == 1) { System.out.println("Employee Number: "); en = in.nextInt(); index = em.getIndex(en); if (index != -1) { System.out.print("Enter Hours: "); amount = in.nextDouble(); em.increaseHours(index, amount); } else {
  • 28. System.out.println("Employee not found!"); } } } while (subInput2 != 2); break; case 2: em.listSalary(); subInput2 = menu("Back"); break; case 3: em.listCommission(); do { subInput2 = menu("Add Sales", "Back"); if (subInput2 == 1) { System.out.println("Employee Number: "); en = in.nextInt(); index = em.getIndex(en); if (index != -1) { System.out.print("Enter Sales: "); amount = in.nextDouble(); em.increaseSales(index, amount); } else { System.out.println("Employee not found!"); } } } while (subInput2 != 2); break; } } while (subInput1 != 4); break; // Add Employee case 2: String fn, ln; char mi, g,
  • 29. f; boolean ft = true; subInput1 = menu("Hourly", "Salary", "Commission"); System.out.print("Enter Last Name: "); ln =; System.out.print("Enter First Name: "); fn =; System.out.print("Enter Middle Initial: "); mi =; System.out.print("Enter Gender: "); g =; System.out.print("Enter Employee Number: "); en = in.nextInt(); System.out.print("Full Time? (y/n): "); f =; if (f == 'n' || f == 'N') { ft = false; } if (subInput1 == 1) { System.out.print("Enter wage: "); } else if (subInput1 == 2) { System.out.print("Enter salary: "); } else { System.out.print("Enter rate: "); } amount = in.nextDouble(); em.addEmployee(subInput1, fn, ln, mi, g, en, ft, amount); break; // Remove Employee case 3: System.out.print("Enter Employee Number to Remove: "); en = in.nextInt(); index = em.getIndex(en); em.removeEmployee(index); break; // Calculate Weekly Payout
  • 30. case 4: System.out.printf("Total weekly payout is %.2f ", em.calculatePayout()); break; // Calculate Bonus case 5: amount = em.holidayBonuses(); System.out.printf("Total holiday bonus payout is %.2f ", amount); break; // Apply Annual Raises case 6: em.annualRaises(); System.out.println("Annual Raises applied."); break; // Reset the weeks values case 7: em.resetWeek(); System.out.println("Weekly values reset."); break; // Exit case 8: System.out .println(" Thank you for using the Employee Manager! "); } } while (mainInput != 8); } }