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Hmm…this kitty met herself coming and going it seems. Welcome back to the
OWBC by PetTech!
This is the house that Steph built.  I’m very proud of it. It only has one bedroom
though. I’m not sure what I was thinking at the time, because I’m sure at some point I will
end up with kids. It happened in Fire Valley, it will happen here too.
Yes, I’m still my bathing suit. Look, I used to never be able to have pools on lots
without there being some type of gravitational vortex that would pull the ladder and diving
board into the sky. Since I have a new video card that’s not a problem anymore. And I am
enjoying every minute of it I can before winter hits my lot.
See what I mean? Anyway, back to why you are all here, the next update on
my progress with the OWBC. I’ve been keeping the sections short until I was more
certain of how many slides I could upload. Expect longer updates from here on out.
Ahh, the Trueheart family. When you were here last Tess, the founder, was
turned into a vampire by the countess, Little Oscar here was born, the older kids got into
private school and Joe still hadn’t been abducted by aliens. There have been four
gnomenappings and returns in total and several of the flamingo army have been kick and
set up right (mostly Ralph and Walter).
Oh, did I mention that Tess’s Tiki hut is up to rank six? I think I forgot that in part
Oscar is so late in coming into the family that his older siblings will have moved
to college just about the time he becomes a teen. That means that he will need to get most
of his skilling done as a child if he wants scholarships.
Ok Joe, when you are ready.
Very nice! Definitely better facial structure for the men of this family. That’s ok
we're not doing a prettiacy.
Life goes on for the family. It occurs to me that Brian’s preferred hobby is
fitness. I really should get him started on building some body points. My little genius here
is seven days away from having to leave for college. He has scholarships (so far) in
charisma, cleaning, creativity, logic and being a straight A student. Yes, body points and
topless PJ’s are needed.
The rest of the family either play don’t wake the llama…
sleep through the afternoon…
or work on their pool skills with a friend from school. That layer of frost has to
be bad for the felt and slate on that pool table, but there just isn’t room in the house for it
yet. I will have to remodel at some point.
So, you know how I’ve been saying that Joe has been in front of the telescope
since the night he moved in?
Prepare for swearing in three…two…
one! %$#$% &^^%$$%^ *&^%& $#$@!!!!
The one night that Joe doesn’t spend in front of the scope and look what
happens! I swear the Pollination Techs are out to get me! Joe has five days before
becoming an elder so the odds of him having our first alien spawn is very low within the
remaining time. Just who did they take you ask?
Shy little Odell. She is a romance sim! She didn’t want to be probulated! Well, not
by you morons! And she can’t give me alien babies in the future! *shakes fist at sky* Who
exactly is running things up there!? George Bush!?
All yelling aside, at least she can claim the alien abduction scholarship. And
maybe now that they have the right address, they might come back again.
She was less than thrilled by the whole event. However, this is legal abduction
number two for me (I’ve owned the game since it came out) despite their slight mix up on
who to take.
Odell, whined about using the scope the next night so I broke down and bought
the family a chess table. She seemed much more comfortable inside.
The two knowledge influenced sims were there to welcome her back. I say
influenced because while Olive rolled knowledge as a primary, Tess got it as a secondary.
Those worry hands on Olive suggest to me that she’s a bit shy like her sister as well.
Speaking of secondary aspirations, Joe got his too. If you are not familiar with
Joe Carr, here’s a little history. He has three, count ‘em three, nice points that he never
uses. I’ve had Joe pick fights on community lots in other neighborhoods for no reason at
all. And if your sims ever spy on him with the telescope… watch out! So what did Joe roll?
Grilled Cheese, of course! Must have been all the cosmic radiation that cooked (grilled?)
his brain.
And now for something completely different…
By special request and my own curiosity, I now give you the Lothario/Goth
wedding of the century. Being held after dark for obvious reasons. Here we see the happy
couple preparing to exchange vows before all their guests.
In attendance were Tess Trueheart who showed up dressed as a bride because I
forgot to change her formal wear. Mortimer Goth and Darren Dreamer are seated in the
second row. In the third row we have Maxi Buckle (who invited herself) and Dina Callente.
Young Alexander and Mary Sue Pleasant were distracted by the chess table and BBP (who
also invited himself) didn’t make it to the back yard in time for the event. Also, you will note
if you look carefully, one of the resident ghosts out for the evening.
Cassandra, “I Cassandra Goth take you to be my lawful husband for all eternity. You can
move in here and we will have lots and lots of babies to cuddle and feed.”
Don, “Err, NO!”
Cassandra, “What? What do you mean no?”
Don, “Just no. I’m not willing to help you increase the gene pool. I can’t… I won’t do it.”
Cassandra, “You mean you are dumping me? Now? In front of all these people? Do you
realize that you are embarrassing me? And my father?”
Don, “Sorry, four eyes. There’s no way I’d ever marry you. See ya!”
Tess, “What just happened? Cassie’s such a nice girl to be dumped like that.”
Mortimer, “He did not just walk out on my daughter! Does he realize how much I spent on
food alone?”
Everyone else, “Don sucks!”
“He…he dumped me! He dumped me? How could he dump me?”
While Cassie was attended by the shrink, the rest of the wedding went to heck in
a hand basket. Watch and see.
First Dreamer was scared out of his wits by the wandering ghost.
BBP, “Why couldn’t she scare me? I like seeing ghosts. Hey vampire lady! Turn around I
want to complement you on your dress. Are you the bride tonight? Whose the nut acting
like a gorilla over there. I got here late. Anybody?”
A few sim minutes later, Maxi starts a fight with Mortimer over him resenting her
spying on him.
Maxi, “You will be spied upon by me and like it! You hear me you old coot!”
Do you see Tess getting in line for the slap fest?
Morty, not to be outdone returned the slaps just as quickly.
Morty, “How dare you crash my daughter’s wedding! And stop watching me prune my
Maxi, “You did not just hit me back!”
This went back and forth for a bit until…
Tess jumped in to get her own piece of the pick on Morty action.
Tess, “I told you old man, to stay away from my family! How dare you be present at an
event I was invited to.”
I think Maxi was looking for his heart while his back was turned. During
Tess’s rant Cassie started to head inside…
when the ghost took the moment to pounce. Cassie wet herself and started
BBP, “Again with the scaring of a non-knowledge sim! Over here lady! Why won’t anybody
talk to me?”
Mortimer made an attempt to escape the slap fest but Tess was right on his
Tess, “Just you wait Mortimer Goth. I have such big plans for your decrepit old corpse!”
Mortimer, “Lady you are really crazy.”
Maxi, “You did not just call her crazy! I’m so gonna kick your butt from here to Stangetown!
Tess, “Hiss!”
Finally the “Slap Mortimer Goth” contest ended when he decided to go in for
some coffee. I think Maxi won.
The party of course was a disaster but didn’t end until Maxi was scared by the
same ghost.
And so went the tragic tale of Cassandra Goth’s wedding. Oh, and no one ever
spoke with BBP!
Now back to your regularly scheduled program, the OWBC.
Joe finally got promoted to mad scientist. It wasn’t his LTW and he won’t age up
in platinum. I would really like to see the lab where he works. Just look at his coat!
Mortimer stopped by just to pick up something and run off with it. This is the first
sim to steal Bob that wasn’t invited onto the lot.
After the sun came up he returned to steal the paper. You see that Bob is still
Joe was out tending the yard when Mortimer made his snatch and run on the
Joe, “Hey! Come back with yesterdays paper! I was going to recycle that you idiot!”
Same day. Same Mortimer. This is how I like my neighborhoods to be. MOAR
Still the same day. Still the same Mortimer. Can anybody guess who I plan to
turn into a zombie?
Odell’s encounter with the Poli Techs seems to have made her braver. This
wasn’t a date. She was just saying goodbye.
Lea (tlhs0) stopped by to say hi. She apparently doesn’t need a coat. And I’m surprised
that BBP wasn’t trailing after her. At home, they are always together.
Odell, your brother is cuter than you. But you are my favorite. Go get Bob back for
me now.
Joe’s big day finally arrived and Tess had to sleep though it.
Well, at least he can wear that down at the club and fit in. Joe aged up in green
aspiration since all he wanted was for the kids to get scholarships and to play marco polo.
No one was ready to apply for more money and they don’t own a pool.
I sent Joe down to open up the club for a bit. This is the face you get when you
don’t want to talk about grilled cheese with Joe. Way to earn those stars Joe!
Despite Joe’s hissy fit, the club was rockin’ that night. Cassandra came in to
drown her sorrows (or maybe herself). In the background sumstling, we have Brandi
Broke, Komei Tellerman, Daniel Pleasant and Brandon Lillard.
Tess’s Tiki Hut is up to rank seven now. Thls0 came in for the first time and
joined the poker game.
And what is Tess up to while Joe is working? Writing a novel and trying to get
the last two body points she needs for her promotion to Hand of Poseidon (cue ominous
ocean sounds). We need that novel for the family scrapbook challenge.
Generally my bad apple Olive, takes pretty good care of herself. On this
afternoon she came home from school and passed out in the kitchen. I had Joe turn on
the stereo to wake her and she got up and went to bed. Kids, this is what happens when
you stay up all night playing a silly game!
Tess is now a Protector of Whales. Really EA, is this the best work outfit you
could come up with for this career level. I can hear the discussion now.
EA head, “We need a work out fit for the level nine oceanographer career”
Design Team, “How about a wet suit. We could add the hula girl head band to make it
look exotic.”
EA head, “Sounds good to me.”
More signs of Olive’s mental fragility. Poor, poor Ralph. He takes the brunt of
these attacks because he is right by the bathroom. She always sets him back up when she’s
done, which is nice.
She has taken to using the espresso machine now. She does get to bed from time
to time, but this is how she stays awake in between.
This young lady named Kari Mendoza came home with Brian and promptly
gnomenapped Bob AND kicked Ralph and Phil! Not to worry though, ever vigilant Odell
went and got Bob back that night. I’ve shown you plenty of pictures of that by now I’m
There is some advantage to Olive staying up late at night. At least I know I won’t
have to worry about logic points when she goes to college. She didn’t get any aspiration
points for this which irritates me a bit. Hello? Knowledge sim!
I wanted a picture of the typewriter doodad floating over Tess’s head as proof
she wrote her novel, but it didn’t sell well. So instead you get a dark picture of the delivery
guy bring the book to the door.
The next day Brian set out for college as he was only a day away from growing
up. Tess even crawled out of her coffin to say goodbye. Odell is talking to the ants in the ant
farm on the desk.
Finally, Oscar gets his moment in the sun. Make a wish!
Very nice! And since Oscar is a clone of Brian what does he roll for aspiration?
Fortune, of course! He will be getting new clothes which you will see in a moment.
Odell did manage to go on a home supervised date with Oliver Pons. Things
were going well until I managed to accidentally click the “shoo sim” option and abruptly
ended the date. She still got a love note out of it.
Tess did top her career ladder and become “The Hand of Poseidon” (cue
ominous ocean sounds). She is now perm-plat. Once again EA fails by recycling an outfit
from the Adventurer track.
EA Head, “How do we make this work? The players will notice.”
EA Design Team, “We will take off the helmet. The players won’t notice.”
*rolls eyes* They had the opportunity to make some cool outfits here but instead
cheesed out!
Tess, even with only opening the club at night has gotten it up to rank eight. I
love venues! They are so easy to run. As you can see Candi stopped in to play a few hands
with Tess and one of Betty Delightful’s two moms.
This is as good a place as any to stop. I will be posting an heir poll and the
following shots detail the kids for you. Yes, Olive is a possible choice. Just remember that I
only get eight commands a day with her and can’t view her panels ever!
Brian Trueheart- first born. Aries 6/9/8/3/3. Asp/LTW: Fortune/City Planner. Hobby: Fitness
Brian is super-smart and very driven by his fortune wants. He tends to like fit, creative
Odell Trueheart- oldest of twins. Virgo 10/1/8/10/3. Asp/LTW: Romance/20 simultaneous
lovers (will be re-rolling no matter what). Hobby: Games TurnOns/Offs: Blondes, Black
hair/Face paint
Odell was abducted by aliens. She loves games of all types and has already maxed her
enthusiasm in that area. She doesn’t act quite as shy as she should and has a thing for guys
with black hair.
Olive Trueheart- second of twins. Bad Apple. Asp/LTW: Knowledge/World Class Ballet
Dancer (I peeked just for you). Hobby: Sports
I don’t know much about Olive since I can’t peek at her panels. She seems shy and very
neat and playful. She didn’t get many aspiration points in her teen years and I’m hoping
that she has been wanting to go to college just like everyone else.
Oscar Trueheart- youngest. Aries 6/9/8/3/3 (clone of Brian). Asp/LTW: Fortune/Hall of
Famer. Hobby: Fitness Turn ons/offs: glasses, cleaning/swim suits
Oscar is the youngest child. As you can see he is also a cutie! I only got to play him as a
teen for about five days so he didn't have too much happen for me to report except he
beats Joe at pool all the time.
Hmm…how did that happen I wonder? *shifty eyes* Hey don’t’ blame me. BBP’s
write up for his simself said to monsterize him. I assume he would be ok with an alien baby
and the two family sims in the house will have someone to take care of.
Well, that’s all for now. Go pick your favorite kid to be heir in the challenge heir
thread back at and when part four comes out we will meet up with the kids at
Sim State University and find out what BBP’s little surprise package looks like!
Thanks for reading!

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OWBC Part Three

  • 1.
  • 2. Hmm…this kitty met herself coming and going it seems. Welcome back to the OWBC by PetTech!
  • 3. This is the house that Steph built.  I’m very proud of it. It only has one bedroom though. I’m not sure what I was thinking at the time, because I’m sure at some point I will end up with kids. It happened in Fire Valley, it will happen here too.
  • 4. Yes, I’m still my bathing suit. Look, I used to never be able to have pools on lots without there being some type of gravitational vortex that would pull the ladder and diving board into the sky. Since I have a new video card that’s not a problem anymore. And I am enjoying every minute of it I can before winter hits my lot.
  • 5. See what I mean? Anyway, back to why you are all here, the next update on my progress with the OWBC. I’ve been keeping the sections short until I was more certain of how many slides I could upload. Expect longer updates from here on out.
  • 6. Ahh, the Trueheart family. When you were here last Tess, the founder, was turned into a vampire by the countess, Little Oscar here was born, the older kids got into private school and Joe still hadn’t been abducted by aliens. There have been four gnomenappings and returns in total and several of the flamingo army have been kick and set up right (mostly Ralph and Walter). Oh, did I mention that Tess’s Tiki hut is up to rank six? I think I forgot that in part two.
  • 7. Oscar is so late in coming into the family that his older siblings will have moved to college just about the time he becomes a teen. That means that he will need to get most of his skilling done as a child if he wants scholarships. Ok Joe, when you are ready.
  • 8. Very nice! Definitely better facial structure for the men of this family. That’s ok we're not doing a prettiacy.
  • 9. Life goes on for the family. It occurs to me that Brian’s preferred hobby is fitness. I really should get him started on building some body points. My little genius here is seven days away from having to leave for college. He has scholarships (so far) in charisma, cleaning, creativity, logic and being a straight A student. Yes, body points and topless PJ’s are needed.
  • 10. The rest of the family either play don’t wake the llama…
  • 11. sleep through the afternoon…
  • 12. or work on their pool skills with a friend from school. That layer of frost has to be bad for the felt and slate on that pool table, but there just isn’t room in the house for it yet. I will have to remodel at some point.
  • 13. So, you know how I’ve been saying that Joe has been in front of the telescope since the night he moved in?
  • 14. Prepare for swearing in three…two…
  • 15. one! %$#$% &^^%$$%^ *&^%& $#$@!!!! The one night that Joe doesn’t spend in front of the scope and look what happens! I swear the Pollination Techs are out to get me! Joe has five days before becoming an elder so the odds of him having our first alien spawn is very low within the remaining time. Just who did they take you ask?
  • 16. Shy little Odell. She is a romance sim! She didn’t want to be probulated! Well, not by you morons! And she can’t give me alien babies in the future! *shakes fist at sky* Who exactly is running things up there!? George Bush!? All yelling aside, at least she can claim the alien abduction scholarship. And maybe now that they have the right address, they might come back again.
  • 17. She was less than thrilled by the whole event. However, this is legal abduction number two for me (I’ve owned the game since it came out) despite their slight mix up on who to take. Odell, whined about using the scope the next night so I broke down and bought the family a chess table. She seemed much more comfortable inside.
  • 18. The two knowledge influenced sims were there to welcome her back. I say influenced because while Olive rolled knowledge as a primary, Tess got it as a secondary. Those worry hands on Olive suggest to me that she’s a bit shy like her sister as well.
  • 19. Speaking of secondary aspirations, Joe got his too. If you are not familiar with Joe Carr, here’s a little history. He has three, count ‘em three, nice points that he never uses. I’ve had Joe pick fights on community lots in other neighborhoods for no reason at all. And if your sims ever spy on him with the telescope… watch out! So what did Joe roll? Grilled Cheese, of course! Must have been all the cosmic radiation that cooked (grilled?) his brain. And now for something completely different…
  • 20. By special request and my own curiosity, I now give you the Lothario/Goth wedding of the century. Being held after dark for obvious reasons. Here we see the happy couple preparing to exchange vows before all their guests.
  • 21. In attendance were Tess Trueheart who showed up dressed as a bride because I forgot to change her formal wear. Mortimer Goth and Darren Dreamer are seated in the second row. In the third row we have Maxi Buckle (who invited herself) and Dina Callente. Young Alexander and Mary Sue Pleasant were distracted by the chess table and BBP (who also invited himself) didn’t make it to the back yard in time for the event. Also, you will note if you look carefully, one of the resident ghosts out for the evening.
  • 22. Cassandra, “I Cassandra Goth take you to be my lawful husband for all eternity. You can move in here and we will have lots and lots of babies to cuddle and feed.”
  • 23. Don, “Err, NO!” Cassandra, “What? What do you mean no?” Don, “Just no. I’m not willing to help you increase the gene pool. I can’t… I won’t do it.” Cassandra, “You mean you are dumping me? Now? In front of all these people? Do you realize that you are embarrassing me? And my father?”
  • 24. Don, “Sorry, four eyes. There’s no way I’d ever marry you. See ya!”
  • 25. Tess, “What just happened? Cassie’s such a nice girl to be dumped like that.” Mortimer, “He did not just walk out on my daughter! Does he realize how much I spent on food alone?” Everyone else, “Don sucks!”
  • 26. “He…he dumped me! He dumped me? How could he dump me?” While Cassie was attended by the shrink, the rest of the wedding went to heck in a hand basket. Watch and see.
  • 27. First Dreamer was scared out of his wits by the wandering ghost. BBP, “Why couldn’t she scare me? I like seeing ghosts. Hey vampire lady! Turn around I want to complement you on your dress. Are you the bride tonight? Whose the nut acting like a gorilla over there. I got here late. Anybody?”
  • 28. A few sim minutes later, Maxi starts a fight with Mortimer over him resenting her spying on him. Maxi, “You will be spied upon by me and like it! You hear me you old coot!” Do you see Tess getting in line for the slap fest?
  • 29. Morty, not to be outdone returned the slaps just as quickly. Morty, “How dare you crash my daughter’s wedding! And stop watching me prune my roses!” Maxi, “You did not just hit me back!” This went back and forth for a bit until…
  • 30. Tess jumped in to get her own piece of the pick on Morty action. Tess, “I told you old man, to stay away from my family! How dare you be present at an event I was invited to.” I think Maxi was looking for his heart while his back was turned. During Tess’s rant Cassie started to head inside…
  • 31. when the ghost took the moment to pounce. Cassie wet herself and started crying. BBP, “Again with the scaring of a non-knowledge sim! Over here lady! Why won’t anybody talk to me?”
  • 32. Mortimer made an attempt to escape the slap fest but Tess was right on his tail. Tess, “Just you wait Mortimer Goth. I have such big plans for your decrepit old corpse!” Mortimer, “Lady you are really crazy.”
  • 33. Maxi, “You did not just call her crazy! I’m so gonna kick your butt from here to Stangetown! Tess, “Hiss!” Finally the “Slap Mortimer Goth” contest ended when he decided to go in for some coffee. I think Maxi won.
  • 34. The party of course was a disaster but didn’t end until Maxi was scared by the same ghost. And so went the tragic tale of Cassandra Goth’s wedding. Oh, and no one ever spoke with BBP! Now back to your regularly scheduled program, the OWBC.
  • 35. Joe finally got promoted to mad scientist. It wasn’t his LTW and he won’t age up in platinum. I would really like to see the lab where he works. Just look at his coat!
  • 36. Mortimer stopped by just to pick up something and run off with it. This is the first sim to steal Bob that wasn’t invited onto the lot.
  • 37. After the sun came up he returned to steal the paper. You see that Bob is still missing?
  • 38. Joe was out tending the yard when Mortimer made his snatch and run on the paper. Joe, “Hey! Come back with yesterdays paper! I was going to recycle that you idiot!”
  • 39. Same day. Same Mortimer. This is how I like my neighborhoods to be. MOAR Fight!
  • 40. Still the same day. Still the same Mortimer. Can anybody guess who I plan to turn into a zombie?
  • 41. Odell’s encounter with the Poli Techs seems to have made her braver. This wasn’t a date. She was just saying goodbye.
  • 42. Lea (tlhs0) stopped by to say hi. She apparently doesn’t need a coat. And I’m surprised that BBP wasn’t trailing after her. At home, they are always together.
  • 43. Odell, your brother is cuter than you. But you are my favorite. Go get Bob back for me now.
  • 44. Joe’s big day finally arrived and Tess had to sleep though it.
  • 45. Well, at least he can wear that down at the club and fit in. Joe aged up in green aspiration since all he wanted was for the kids to get scholarships and to play marco polo. No one was ready to apply for more money and they don’t own a pool.
  • 46. I sent Joe down to open up the club for a bit. This is the face you get when you don’t want to talk about grilled cheese with Joe. Way to earn those stars Joe!
  • 47. Despite Joe’s hissy fit, the club was rockin’ that night. Cassandra came in to drown her sorrows (or maybe herself). In the background sumstling, we have Brandi Broke, Komei Tellerman, Daniel Pleasant and Brandon Lillard.
  • 48. Tess’s Tiki Hut is up to rank seven now. Thls0 came in for the first time and joined the poker game.
  • 49. And what is Tess up to while Joe is working? Writing a novel and trying to get the last two body points she needs for her promotion to Hand of Poseidon (cue ominous ocean sounds). We need that novel for the family scrapbook challenge.
  • 50. Generally my bad apple Olive, takes pretty good care of herself. On this afternoon she came home from school and passed out in the kitchen. I had Joe turn on the stereo to wake her and she got up and went to bed. Kids, this is what happens when you stay up all night playing a silly game!
  • 51. Tess is now a Protector of Whales. Really EA, is this the best work outfit you could come up with for this career level. I can hear the discussion now. EA head, “We need a work out fit for the level nine oceanographer career” Design Team, “How about a wet suit. We could add the hula girl head band to make it look exotic.” EA head, “Sounds good to me.”
  • 52. More signs of Olive’s mental fragility. Poor, poor Ralph. He takes the brunt of these attacks because he is right by the bathroom. She always sets him back up when she’s done, which is nice.
  • 53. She has taken to using the espresso machine now. She does get to bed from time to time, but this is how she stays awake in between.
  • 54. This young lady named Kari Mendoza came home with Brian and promptly gnomenapped Bob AND kicked Ralph and Phil! Not to worry though, ever vigilant Odell went and got Bob back that night. I’ve shown you plenty of pictures of that by now I’m sure.
  • 55. There is some advantage to Olive staying up late at night. At least I know I won’t have to worry about logic points when she goes to college. She didn’t get any aspiration points for this which irritates me a bit. Hello? Knowledge sim!
  • 56. I wanted a picture of the typewriter doodad floating over Tess’s head as proof she wrote her novel, but it didn’t sell well. So instead you get a dark picture of the delivery guy bring the book to the door.
  • 57. The next day Brian set out for college as he was only a day away from growing up. Tess even crawled out of her coffin to say goodbye. Odell is talking to the ants in the ant farm on the desk.
  • 58. Finally, Oscar gets his moment in the sun. Make a wish!
  • 59. Very nice! And since Oscar is a clone of Brian what does he roll for aspiration? Fortune, of course! He will be getting new clothes which you will see in a moment.
  • 60. Odell did manage to go on a home supervised date with Oliver Pons. Things were going well until I managed to accidentally click the “shoo sim” option and abruptly ended the date. She still got a love note out of it.
  • 61. Tess did top her career ladder and become “The Hand of Poseidon” (cue ominous ocean sounds). She is now perm-plat. Once again EA fails by recycling an outfit from the Adventurer track. EA Head, “How do we make this work? The players will notice.” EA Design Team, “We will take off the helmet. The players won’t notice.” *rolls eyes* They had the opportunity to make some cool outfits here but instead cheesed out!
  • 62. Tess, even with only opening the club at night has gotten it up to rank eight. I love venues! They are so easy to run. As you can see Candi stopped in to play a few hands with Tess and one of Betty Delightful’s two moms. This is as good a place as any to stop. I will be posting an heir poll and the following shots detail the kids for you. Yes, Olive is a possible choice. Just remember that I only get eight commands a day with her and can’t view her panels ever!
  • 63. Brian Trueheart- first born. Aries 6/9/8/3/3. Asp/LTW: Fortune/City Planner. Hobby: Fitness Brian is super-smart and very driven by his fortune wants. He tends to like fit, creative ladies.
  • 64. Odell Trueheart- oldest of twins. Virgo 10/1/8/10/3. Asp/LTW: Romance/20 simultaneous lovers (will be re-rolling no matter what). Hobby: Games TurnOns/Offs: Blondes, Black hair/Face paint Odell was abducted by aliens. She loves games of all types and has already maxed her enthusiasm in that area. She doesn’t act quite as shy as she should and has a thing for guys with black hair.
  • 65. Olive Trueheart- second of twins. Bad Apple. Asp/LTW: Knowledge/World Class Ballet Dancer (I peeked just for you). Hobby: Sports I don’t know much about Olive since I can’t peek at her panels. She seems shy and very neat and playful. She didn’t get many aspiration points in her teen years and I’m hoping that she has been wanting to go to college just like everyone else.
  • 66. Oscar Trueheart- youngest. Aries 6/9/8/3/3 (clone of Brian). Asp/LTW: Fortune/Hall of Famer. Hobby: Fitness Turn ons/offs: glasses, cleaning/swim suits Oscar is the youngest child. As you can see he is also a cutie! I only got to play him as a teen for about five days so he didn't have too much happen for me to report except he beats Joe at pool all the time.
  • 67. Hmm…how did that happen I wonder? *shifty eyes* Hey don’t’ blame me. BBP’s write up for his simself said to monsterize him. I assume he would be ok with an alien baby and the two family sims in the house will have someone to take care of. Well, that’s all for now. Go pick your favorite kid to be heir in the challenge heir thread back at and when part four comes out we will meet up with the kids at Sim State University and find out what BBP’s little surprise package looks like! Thanks for reading!