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Oral Communication Reflection
Back on Tuesday, September 19, I (along with the rest of the class,) gave my first speech in Oral
Communication Class. It was our first speech assigned/presented in class, and its topic, Self
Introduction. Some people may find it challenging, but I see it as a very simple subject to talk about.
Who knows more about you than yourself? No one! So why do people find it so hard to talk about? I
had a funny feeling that the day the order of our speeches were assigned that I'd be the first person to
give their speech. Sure enough, I was the first person to give their speech. I'm genuinely glad that I
was first because I was able to "get it out of the way" and not have to stress on it. Giving a speech in
front of my peers is nowhere near as nerve racking or terrifying as I thought it would be, but upon
giving my speech, I would like to reflect on how I felt the day of my speech (in terms of confidence
levels,) some verbal and delivery skills which I used well/not as well, some improvements that
could of been put in place for my speech, and who in the class I believe gave the best speech among
us all. First off, how I felt on the day of our first speech. I'm not going to say that I was 100%
confident in myself and not nervous at all, because that's simply not true, but all in all I felt pretty
good and I wasn't really that nervous. Since I'm used to speaking in front of people, I wasn't nervous
about talking in front of my peers but forgetting what I'm talking about in my speech since I'm used
to memorizing and not just speaking out in front of people. The only thing I could think of which I
could do to make me less nervous than what I was on the day of my speech would be to go practice
more in front of people who aren't my friends. Otherwise, I believe I used my skill of performing in
theatre and transposed it into my speech so I wouldn't be nervous upon giving my speech. In
speaking of skills, the next topic I'd like to address is some skills which I used well/not so well.
Some verbal skills I believe I used well (in the content) would be connecting to the audience with
funny little examples of a side topic I was talking about. An example of this would be when I said as
red head, I could either be Peter Pan at
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Body Piercing: Reclamation, Enhancement, And Self-Expression
In America the practice of body piercing is everywhere, especially among young people, who are
getting several parts of their bodies pierced either as an affirmation of their personal individuality, as
a means of sexual gratification or stimulation, a reclamation of their bodies from physical or
emotional trauma, or for as a means of adornment. Whatever the reason, it's widespread. Body
piercing is the piercing of the ears, nose, septum, cheeks, lip, tongue, nipples, navel, clitoris, labia,
penis, and scrotum. Says California State University anthropologist James Myers, Ph.D. body
piercing is "possibly as old as genus Homo." (Todd, Richard, p.1) Body piercing studios are popping
up all over the country in a response to the growing ... Show more content on ...
Of course, the reason for body piercing also carries other connotations such as rites of passage and
sexual gratification. Still, the body piercing movement is gaining momentum throughout America.
It's not at all uncommon to see pierced navels and noses anymore, even in largely conservative
regions like Indiana. And young people are feeling the need to be individuality–minded in the fast
paced nineties. It's a conscious effort to repudiate the conservative mindset of their parent's
generation by differing from that which is said to be normal in our society. This is where piercing
comes in. When the piercing movement first started to gain momentum in the eighties it was
frowned upon as a method of body ornamentation practiced only by "deviants". This is partially due
to the popularity of piercing in gay and Sado–Masochist circles (Leo, John p.2). But now piercing is
done for different reasons. Many teenagers get pierced during their college years, mainly because
they are away from their homes and therefore don't have to worry about parental reaction. Indeed,
some piercers say that piercing is becoming part of the college experience (Howard, Dylan, p.1).
Many young people enjoy piercings in body parts other than their ears, especially in the nose and
navel, and increasingly, the lips or tongue. Body piercing, when done correctly, is also
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Commection In Art Appreciation
In Art Appreciation, chapter two mentions the purposes and functions of art. The functions of art
that are mentioned are: delight, commentary, worship/ritual, commemoration, persuasion, and self–
expression. The function that stood out to me was commentary because this function of art allows
the artist to be expressive in his/hers work of art. Commentary is expressions of opinions rendered
as an art form to communicate with the viewers. Viewers also have a connection with the artists and
the artists work. Commentary can be about and event, person, or opinion. The first art work I chose
was a piece done from Diego Rivera in which Diego's interest at the time of the art work was about
Cubism. Diego Rivera's painting, Portrait of Adolfo Maugard, oil on canvas relates to Commentary
as one of the functions of Art. In figure one of the art work, the main focus of the painting appears to
be the person he painted and what surrounds the person. Rivera's portrait was of Adolfo Best
Maugard. Although the focus appears to be Maugard, the painting is not one point perspective. What
surrounds Maugard is also important in the work as the surrounding expresses perhaps a certain time
in which Rivera wanted to show. There is straight and perpendicular lines that create an overpass
where Maugard is standing. Figure one Diego uses modern colors like: red, orange, yellow, green,
and blue/gray. The geometric shapes for the the buildings, ferris wheel, and the train. He also uses a
light tone of
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Graffit-Self Expression or Vandalism
"A painting tells a story on paper, and graffiti tells a story too," said Steve, a 22–year–old
Vancouver–based street artist who asked that his name not be published. "People just don 't see past
where [the story is being told]."
Societal conceptions of urban graffiti are all over the map. While some view graffiti as the
flourishing of urban art and expression, others view it as a sign of generational decay or a lack of
respect for others ' property. After all, the people forced to view the graffiti didn 't ask to see public
displays of expression. According to the City of Calgary website, "Graffiti is an eyesore that ruins
the natural and architectural beauty of a city." But has the city ever considered a difference between
racist ... Show more content on ...
The movement has essentially grown into art through the intention of the artists themselves. Since
the movement has grown, street artists have become famous worldwide. The most dynamic artists
were featured in MOCA 's exhibit, but one among them received his own section: British street artist
Banksy, one of the most notorious (in a good way) artists of the moment, seems to come from a
different place than many young street artists. His goal isn 't to gain fame, or infamy for that matter,
but to awaken the world to the ironic injustices that plague our society and our culture. He 's actually
gone to extreme measures to keep his true identity unknown to this point, further proving that he 's
not in it for the fame. His art beautifully depicts the hard truths of our culture in a uniquely
contemporary way, and his murals, often placed on public property, are well thought out and
planned. In Banksy 's 2010 documentary, Exit Through the Gift Shop, art collector Wendy Asher
praises the success of his first commercial art show: "Everyone I told about it bought something.
Like people who have Picassos and, you know, Mondreans . . . I mean, serious collections."
Whether Asher 's art collectors bought Banksy 's pieces only for the controversial appeal or for the
quality of the piece itself, the fact that the art show was a success indicates the value of street art.
Banksy 's section at Art in the Streets generated quite a buzz from museum–goers. I won 't
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Self Expression In Othello
The third and final sub–topic that will be analysed is the fact that language is a medium of self–
expression. According to Damascelli (2012) "The important or predominant personality of one
character over the others can be brought out in several ways for example through the use of
soliloquies. In the play Othello Iago uses soliloquies to reveal and express his malicious intentions.
Iago is not the only character in Othello that uses language and language devices to express himself
effectively. At the beginning of the play Othello speaks in verse and this is an indication of his state
of mind being healthy but as the play progresses Othello uses prose to express himself. When
Othello moves from verse to prose it shows us that there is a degeneration of ... Show more content
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Another clear example from the play Othello in regards to self–expression is Iago. Iago's expresses
himself through telling lies and keeping hidden agendas that only he himself and we the
audience/reader is aware of. Maguire also states that through Iago's interaction and manipulation of
Othello we become complicit in his acts because he distorts the boundaries of the world portrayed
on stage and the actual world people lived in. When looking at A Clockwork Orange it is important
to remember that Alex is a teenager and that Nadsat is only used by him and other teenagers like his
droogs. Thus Nadsat is the teenager argot/slang. Alex uses this argot/slang to express himself;
through this use of slang it becomes clear that he finds sense of freedom that he is only able to find
in a few other activities. When Alex undergoes the Lodovico treatment he stops using Nadsat
language and starts using regular English. This change in language indicates how Alex undergoes
the process of dehumanisation through his loss of free
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Achievement of Self-Expression Through Concealment in...
How does the dramatic monologue achieve self expression through concealment? Discuss with
reference to any three Browning poems.
When discussing the poetic form of dramatic monologue it is rare that it is not associated with and
its usage attributed to the poet Robert Browning. Robert Browning has been considered the master
of the dramatic monologue. Although some critics are sceptical of his invention of the form, for
dramatic monologue is evidenced in poetry preceding Browning, it is believed that his extensive and
varied use of the dramatic monologue has significantly contributed to the form and has had an
enormous impact on modern poetry. "The dramatic monologues of Robert Browning represent the
most significant use of the form in ... Show more content on ...
In the process it casts doubts on what the Duke is saying. Instead what is revealed is the structure of
domination that underlies his speech. The reader becomes the 'eavesdropper' who happens to
overhear what the Duke is saying, but whose confidence is vital for the poet. Thus, the dramatic
monologue, as created by Browning demands not only 'gaze' at the duke, but also 'introspection'.
Throughout the poem, Fra Lippo Lippi, Browning seems to be engaging in a dialogue with the
Church regarding celibacy–both in the artistic and sexual sense. The main theme concerns art, the
strict sense in which the church views artistic pursuits and products is similar to the way it requires
priests to live celibate lives. While the church's main argument is that art should be presented as
something "higher" than the base representation of the human form, this denies the essential
humanity of the subject, God's people. Along these same lines, the way the church frowns upon
sexual, lustful activity on the part of its clergy by demanding celibacy is exactly the same request as
for the artist. Both demands of the church, artistic and sexual are idealized conceptions of how
humans should be represented and both, according to the narrator of the poem, are entirely
unrealistic and misguided.
The whole of the poem is a criticism on mandatory celibacy, which is told through the metaphor of
art. Art
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Self-Expression In Kate Chopin's The Awakening
For this long work essay, the story I chose to write about is Kate Chopin's "The Awakening". I chose
this story because I feel like I can relate to it personally, which makes a story a lot more interesting
to read to me. Also, I chose this story because I feel like it is timeless, and one that should be
important for readers for years to come. The protagonist of this story is Edna Pontellier, and the
story tells of all the struggles and other things she faces as a woman back in her time. Edna is a very
complex character, whose true feelings and her actions ultimately lead to her self–inflicted death.
One important theme throughout this story was the theme of self–expression. I found this theme to
be important because it really shows and defines Edna as a character. ... Show more content on ...
Edna's journey of finding her true self, and finding ways to define her feelings eventually lead to an
eye–opening experience for her, that was full of emotions she had kept in for such a long period of
time because of her personal situation.
In the beginning of Kate Chopin's "The Awakening", you can clearly tell just how Mrs. Edna
Pontellier is truly seen, by her husband. Among the first paragraphs, when Edna returns from a
beach day, Mr. Pontellier comments on her obvious sunburn and his reaction to this was described as
"looking at his wife as one looks at a valuable piece of personal property which has suffered some
damage" (Chopin). I feel as if this was just a sneak peek in to what lead Edna to "go off the deep
end" as some would say. It gives us, the
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Hector 's Influence On Self Expression
Pertinent Information about the Student: Hector struggles with self–expression, following directions,
and completing given tasks. Hector engages in behaviors such as yelling and appears to need to get
the "last word" in after being given a directive he does not wish to comply with. Hector may engage
in disruptive behavior because he does not have mastery of the necessary basic academic skills.
Hector appears to have an inability to stop and think before acting, which may be influencing some
of his disruptive behaviors. Hector might have low self–esteem, resulting from possible impairments
in his social interactions. Hector may engage in disruptive behaviors to obtain attention. Hector may
find the disruptive behavior rewarding, as it gives him the attention he appears to crave.
As of 12/26/09, Hector has received 20 referrals to the principal's office for behaviors such as
insubordination (refusal to follow staff member's directives and instructions) and verbal aggression,
during his time at the ABC School District. As of 12/26/09, Hector has missed five days of school
for the 2009–2010 school year, and two days for the 2008–2009 school year, which were due to a
suspension out of school.
Hector has been a student at the ABC School District since the 2008–2009 school year. Prior to that,
Hector attended XYZ School District, where he displayed similar behaviors in school.
Hector has a medical diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and has been
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I Stand Here Ironing: Character Analysis of Emily Essay
The short story "I Stand Here Ironing" (1961) by Tillie Olsen is a touching narration of a mother
trying to understand and at the same time justifying her daughter's conduct. Frye interprets the story
as a "meditation of a mother reconstructing her daughter's past in an attempt to express present
behavior" (Frye 287). An unnamed person has brought attention and concern to her mother
expressing, "'She's a youngster who needs help and whom I'm deeply interested in helping'" (Olsen
290). Emily is a nineteen–year–old complex girl who is atypical, both physically and in personality.
Emily's upbringing is plagued with difficulties. She is the first–born of a young mother and the
eldest of five brothers and sisters. As a baby, she is ... Show more content on ...
She is self–conscious about her appearance. She constantly compares herself with other girls and
even expresses envy. She suffers while says, "'If I had that cooper hair,' 'If I had that skin....'" (Olsen
294). In spite of her suffering, it is almost shocking how Emily behaves extraordinary well even in
stressful situations. When she is left at nursery school, she acts unexpectedly contrary to most kids
her age. "'She did not clutch and implore "don't go Mommy" like the other children'" (Olsen 291).
She prefers to stay at home but even while trying to convince her mother to let her stay, she does it
subtly, "'Never a direct protest, never rebellion'" (Olsen 292). Does Emily behave well by choice?
Her mother is worried and wonders, "What in me demanded that goodness in her? And what was the
cost, the cost to her of such goodness?" (Olsen 292).
It is difficult to understand, even surprising, how she neither shows nor expresses being upset even
though she experiences plenty of justifiable situations. She acts calm when she is left alone at night,
when under normal circumstances it would be upsetting to any other kid. She is collected while
confronting unfair situations and Olsen makes it extraordinary easy to visualize when Emily's
mother recalls, "Susan telling jokes and riddles to company for applause while Emily sat silent (to
say to me later: that was my riddle, Mother, I told it to Susan)" (Olsen 294). She has the right to get
angry and to express it
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Life Without Self Expression By Ayn Rand 's Anthem
Life without self–expression is a life without living, but in Ayn Rand's novel, Anthem, she shows the
possible outcome of exactly what life would be like without the right to express yourself. The novel
is set in the far future at which humans have given up there individualism rights for the better of
mankind. The government is one of collectivism and socialistic rule who enforces the thought that
no person is in fact a person, but that they are people. In the article 'Themes of Anthem", the author
writes about Rand's philosophy on collectivism is that it "Holds that the individual has no rights,
that his life and work belong to the group and that the group may sacrifice him at its own whim to
its own interests." The main character, a twenty–old year old man given the name Equality 7–2521
is stuck in the new profound life and must battle with his own need for self–expression to remain
loyal to all men. Through his battle, Rand shows the theme of individuality through the character
development of Equality 7–2521 by using scenes and plot devices to lead him to his ultimate self–
"We are nothing. Mankind is all" (Rand 7). This is the thinking of the main character of the novel,
Equality 7–2521, who regularly refers to himself as we throughout the novel. It is not his own
thought, but one that had been planted in his head since the day he left the Home of the Infants.
Equality 7–2521 only knows a life of conformity. As stated in Concept of Individualism in Ayn
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The Yellow Wallpaper Essay : Importance Of Identity And...
The Importance of Identity and Self Expression in The Yellow Wallpaper
In the article "'Too Terribly Good to Be Printed': Charlotte Gilman's 'The Yellow Wallpaper,'"
Conrad Shumaker explains the genius of "The Yellow Wallpaper" and how its themes reflect the
patriarchal society of the time period. Shumaker identifies one theme as the detriment of
suppressing the narrator's sense of self and that "by trying to ignore and repress her imagination, in
short, John eventually brings about the very circumstance he wants to prevent" (590). John confines
his wife in a yellow "nursery" in order to "cure" her of her illness, banning her from writing and
discouraging her imagination. His plan backfires when her mind, unable to find a proper outlet,
latches onto the yellow wallpaper that eventually drives her to madness. Another theme that
Shumaker points out is that the dynamic of a domineering husband and an obedient wife is a cage
that the narrator is desperately trying to free herself from. John constantly dismisses the narrator's
opinions and thoughts and insists that he knows what is best for her. Shumaker points out that the
husband, a representation of the patriarchal society, is clearly depicted as the villain and that he
"attempts to 'cure' her through purely physical means, only to find he has destroyed her in the
process" (592). At the end of the story, because of her confinement and inability to express herself,
the narrator fully descends into insanity, "escaping" the
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Paper Questions
2.4.2 Conceptions and Past Paper Questions
Norton & Irvin (2007) found that a considerable number of students who have difficulties
understanding fractions, negative numbers and ratios also struggle with solving algebraic problems.
Conception 1,2 and 3 are predominant in the GCSE foundation syllabus and in post primary
mathematics in general. It is evident upon research into examiner reports that students have
difficulties relating to these conceptions.
Below is an example of a question found in the 2014 Maths GCSE foundation exam.
Figure 1 (GCSE Math Jun 14 Foundation Tier Unit 2 Q.18)
The Chief examiner reported, 'Many candidates did not understand the meaning of 'Write an
equation in terms of w' and as a result lost all ... Show more content on ...
2.6 Creating an App
2.6.1 The Chosen Software
The first consideration for the app was the software needed to create it. As the developer does not
have advanced knowledge or expertise on coding, the software programme needed to match their
skills appropriately. Luterbach and The second point to consider was the desired outcome. The
overall aim of this project was to create an engaging user– centred app, which highlighted two of the
misconceptions in GCSE algebra.
The software programme chosen enabled interactive elements and testing features to enhance
students learning and knowledge.
2.6.2 Using an app to teach algebra
"Technology is essential in teaching and learning mathematics; it influences the mathematics that is
taught and enhances students' learning."(McGehee & Griffith, 2000). Similar to McGehee and
Griffith, Ghosh (2012, cited Drijvers, 2016) believes that the integration of technology and ICT has
suggested a positive impact on the achievement of students in the general algebraic education but in
particular solving word problems.
The most recent phenomenon has been the
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Expression of Self-worth in Homer’s Iliad
Expression of Self–worth in Homer's Iliad
The story of the Trojan War as played out in the Iliad is perhaps most gripping for the focus on the
role of the individual; the soul is struck by the very concept of a decade–long war and a city–state
razed to the ground for one man's crime and one woman's beauty. As such, the dynamic between
Helen, Paris, and the Trojan people they have doomed is a fascinating one. For while Prince Paris is
hated by all of Troy, his right to keep Helen is challenged by none. This is seen mostly clearly in
Book III, after Paris has been spirited away to safety by the goddess Aphrodite; the book ends with
Trojans and Greeks alike united in scorn for Paris and his consort. In Book VII, however, at the war
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No more of your hot insistence–it repels me.
You must have something better than this to say.
But if you are serious, speaking from the heart, the gods themselves have blotted out your senses.
Now I say this to our stallion–breaking Trojans,
I say No, straight out–I won't give up the woman!
But those treasures that I once hauled home from Argos,
I'll return them all and add from my own stores." (7.408–418)
The importance of this speech lies less in the words than in the manner they are presented and
received. Paris delivers his reply, not as a rogue prince, but as "fair–haired Helen's lord" (7.409);
before he has even spoken, Homer has reminded the reader of his claim. Paris is again "magnificent"
(7.408), and yet the contrast in meaning between the usages here and in Book III is enormous.
Where before the appellation carried a subtext of cutting mockery, here it is wholly sincere. Clearly,
the prince's course of action is foolish–the reader knows full well the fate of Troy–and yet there is
something superhuman about Paris' defiance now. He is magnificent in his self–worth, in his
unwillingness to sacrifice his property, and thus his honor, no matter the price in blood. In placing
Helen above the lives of his brothers and his people, he is refusing to subordinate his honor to
In this linking of self to
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Self Expression In The Awakening
The plot of The Awakening by Mary Chopin shows Mrs. Pontellier's journey to self–expression and
personal happiness. Mrs. Pontellier has a moment of awakening, when she realizes that the way that
she lives her life does not make her personally happy, and spends the rest of the novel trying to
change her life for the better relentless of how the rest of the society will react to her decisions. This
tension between outward conformity and the inward questioning present in the plot of The
Awakening helps demonstrate Edna's journey of self–expression.
Mrs. Pontellier and Madame Ratignolle's discussion that they have at their beach house opens
Edna's journey towards self–expression. At this moment, Edna realises the source of her frustration
and ... Show more content on ...
Society considers the Pontellier's as one of the more wealthier families, so having a maid that could
be responsible for doing Mrs. Pontellier's duties, while she focuses on her passions could have been
an option. Judging from the way Mr. Pontellier carries himself and how he brands himself, he likes
to follow tradition and does not like to stand out. Demonstrated from this passage from the
novel,"Mr. Pontellier had been a rather courteous husband so long as he met certain tacit
submissiveness in his wife. But her new and unexpected line of conduct completely bewildered him.
Then her absolute disregard for her duties as a wife angered him," even with his background, he
could have Edna, not do her chores, but would rather stay humble and have her do the work like the
rest of the ladies mentioned in the novel (Chopin 108). Focusing back on Edna's hobbies, she starts
to focus on painting, which gives her an outlet of self–expression. The novel states that while she
was painting, "she was working with great energy and interest, without accomplishing anything,
however, which satisfied her even in the smallest degree"(Chopin 109). Mrs. Pontellier starts to be
more openly self–indulgent by this part of the novel and she does not care if people disagree with
the way that she handles herself, which testifies that through contrast in habitual behavior, Mrs.
Pontellier is showing
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Why Do Art Programs Improve Children's Self-Expression?
As a member of society, children can exercise their right to freedom of self–expression; both
verbally and non–verbally. Some children have issues, expressing themselves, which can cause them
to shut–down or display aggressive behaviors. As an alternative, children are allotted the
opportunity; to instead, engage in creative arts to express their feelings. By including art programs
such as art, music, and dance at schools, educators can help the children develop higher levels of
self–awareness, self–efficacy, self–expression, emotional stability, reduce negative emotions and
aggressive behaviors (Rebollo, 2009). As a form of dynamic storytelling, creative art programs have
been recommended and offered at some social institutions which have included schools, healthcare
facilities, prisons, and some community centers (Rebollo, 2009). I firmly believe that the
educational system should mandate all public schools to include art, music, and dance activities in
the curriculum. This scarcity led me to ask the following questions: Why is there a lack of public
funding for programs that can help improve a child's well–being and quality of life? And Why are
the public schools in urban and low–income neighborhoods the first target? ... Show more content
on ...
These subjects have been deemed considerably prevailed in a competitive global economy (See,
2015). Brazenly, some government officials have described the arts to be nothing more than, a
"luxurious add–on that the government can't afford" (Gregory, 2017, pg.1). Seemingly, education
has classified that some subject matter, while others do not; even if it strengthens ties to peers, the
community and help children become more committed to their work (Gregory, 2017). Art, music,
and dance have been deemed effective and help improve collaboration, motor, and spatial language
skills (Gregory,
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Sense Of Self : Expression Of Murder
Aaron Espinosa
English 221
Dr. Charles S. Adams Sense of Self: Expression of Murder
The definition of what exactly is poetry is subjective and can only be defined by the poet or author
that created it. The topics and themes of poetry usually revolve around on what the author finds
most important to express or talk about in the society or country they live in. For the British and
American Writers, there were many intricate subjects to express about in the Romanticism Period.
Romanticism was the artistic, literary, and intellectual movement that originated in Europe at the
end of the 18th century and basically revolutionized both Europe and America. Romanticism is
basically the countermovement to the Enlightenment, which meant new ideals was being
emphasized such as pure raw emotion and sensing over reason and intellect, artists being the center
figures rather than scientists, and the use of imagination as a gateway to spiritual and emotional
truths for individuals. The poetry being created reflected these ideas and lead to new beliefs and
values for societies. However, besides the love and intimacy for nature, knowing and expressing a
human's sense of self was one of the most important values to embody for the Romantic poets. For
them, it meant being an individual who opposes society's beliefs and simply expressing how you
felt. American writers such as Emerson strongly believed in this value and reflected it in his works
such as Self–Reliance, The Poet or Nature.
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Music Has Been A Form Of Self Expression
Keala Uchoa Ms.Hallabrin As English December 8th,2015 Research Paper For thousands of years,
music has been a form of self–expression that has united groups of people through its historical and
traditional meaning. In the 1980's, a new, more diverse genre took over the music industry by
storm., Hip–Hop/Rap. This contemporary genre has raised much controversy over the years from
parents, educators, and conservatives. These groups worry that Rap music glorifies negative lifestyle
choices such as drugs, violence, sex and gangs; and those lyrics' influence on youth. Since music is
more apart of youth's life than ever, these concerns are questioning the limitations on Rap's explicit
content. However, Rap serves as a positive outlet for self–expression without limits, allowing artists
to freely communicate their journeys and struggles. In addition, Rap sheds light on current
political/social issues in a relatable, digestible way; allowing youth to be more conscious and
involved in society & its struggles; resulting in improved race relations and narrowing the gap
between the rich and poor. Since the beginning of written language, poetry has been a form of
literacy "in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of
distinctive style and rhythm" (google definitions?). As poetry has evolved into Rap (Rhythm and
Poetry), it has become a popular, widely used way to express one's emotions and personal struggles.
Rap cannot be
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Music As A Form Of Self-Expression. You Would Be Hard Pressed
Music as a form of self–expression You would be hard pressed to find a more expressive form of
self–expression than what can be offered through music. Despite there only being 21 different notes
that can be played in our modern understanding of music performance, we can convey all ranges of
emotions through this unique medium. Music can help make us feel elation for our favorite sports
team beating their rivals, cope with a harrowing loss of a loved one, or simply enjoy the passage of
time throughout the day. As such a capable instrument for expression, it is not surprising that there
are seemingly endless genres of music that are available for anyone to listen to. As music has
evolved along with culture, genres have expanded upon ... Show more content on ...
Despite the messages of aggressive and occasionally self–harming behavior that can be found in an
aggressive genre, such as Metal, it has been found that the majority of listeners report feeling more
relaxed after listening to music of their choosing (McFerran et at.). This discovery not only confirms
that the genre that is selected has a connection to a listener's personality, it also eludes that by
listening to music that matches with one's personality is done as a self–regulatory measure. This
leads me to ask the question: Are musical preferences refined by our personalities rather than our
general enjoyment of a particular sound or musical theme? Why are listeners drawn to Metal music?
Metal music has traditionally contained themes that encourage rebellious actions, anti–religious
attitudes, and a relatively negative worldview that can be attributed to lower levels of self–esteem.
Listeners of Metal music are drawn to these themes as they often exhibit personalities that are
complimentary to these themes (Swami et al.). While this partially answers the previously proposed
question, it does not clarify if listeners are predetermined to be drawn to the music as a result of
their personality or as a result of the genre being complimentary to their own emotions.
Furthermore, this does not necessarily reflect the views of every fan of Metal music, as even though
Swami's study was centered around
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Self-Expression in Theodore Roethke's Elegy for Jane Essay
Self–Expression in Theodore Roethke's Elegy for Jane
Theodore Roethke demonstrates an abiding honesty toward the facts of his experience. Roethke,
who was one of America's teaching poets before his death, was self–absorbed, and his poetry derives
much of its imaginative strength from his quest for that communion joining self and creation (Mills
527–28). In "Elegy for Jane," one of his most successful poems, he blends his grief for his student
Jane Bannick with his childhood memories, his students' experiences, and his role as teacher.
Childhood memories of his father's greenhouse, field, and stand of virgin timber in Michigan's
Saginaw Valley characterize Roethke's poetry. The poet's memories provide a fund to draw from for
the ... Show more content on ...
However, the poet's grief may be the result of a mix of reality and imagination.
The teacher–poet could be imagining how he would feel at the death of another of his students. At
the University of Washington, as at his other teaching posts, he enjoyed popularity with his students
and frequently formed close relationships with them; however, this was not true in the case of Jane
Bannick. Seager reveals that the poet had not known Jane very well. She was his student for only
one quarter. In addition to the grief that he felt at Jane's tragic death, his emotions may have been
stirred by the experiences of Lois Lamb, another of his students. Lamb, who fell from a horse the
previous summer, described the fall and her fears to her teacher in detail (193). Seager also mentions
that Roethke and Lamb conducted a series of `experiments' with a flock of turkeys at the Pinel
Sanitarium during Roethke's 1949–50 hospitalization for manic–depressive illness (187). These
visits indicate that Roethke was closer to Lamb than to Bannick. It would seem that his relationship
with Lamb would be more likely to create an awareness in the poet of the intense grief that would
result at the tragic severing of an exceptionally close teacher–student bond.
Roethke finally expresses his loss––and perhaps an imagined loss––in terms of a unique human
relationship: "neither father nor lover." As a
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Tattoo Self Expression
Tattoos can be a great form of self expression, if picked appropriately. "Young Adults Should Not
Use Tattoos for Self Expression," by Lizzie A Encino addresses how tattoos should be illegal for
everyone under the age of 21. Encino argues how 18 year olds aren't yet mature enough to make
such an permanent decision. She then touches on how tattoos can negatively affect adolescents job
opportunities because employees may see them as unprofessional. She mentions how tattoos can be
extremely painful, costly, and potentially ruin one's image overall if done at a cheap place. Another
reason is because tattoo parlors can accidently use a previously used needle and spread deadly
diseases. I believe that tattoos should be illegal to those under the ... Show more content on ...
Now that high school is over, it's time to go on to college and get a job. As for using tattoos as a
form of self expression, most adolescents forget to think about how their future occupation may
require them to hide them at all times. The career path legal teens choose will play a major role in
the number of tattoos they can have or must cover everyday at work. In the article, "Tattoos No
Longer A Kiss of Death in the Workplace," Rachel Hennessey touches on how tattoos are now
allowed, but must be covered depending on the job occupation. Even though teens believe that they
can convey their live visually on their bodies through tattoos, they miss the part when they must
confide to society. Since we're humans, we automatically judge others without even thinking about.
In our society, if you don't look the part, you won't get or keep the part. If i were to get a sleeve full
of tattoos at the age of 18, then want to work at Kaiser Permanente five years from now. I'd need to
consider whether it was worth it to spend thousands on those tattoos to have to end up covering
them for the rest of my life at work. It's like why didn't I just wait and think before making such a
permanent decision. One has to confide to society to get paid, so will you regret attempting to
express yourself if one lives in a fixated country. To conclude, I believe that tattoos should be illegal
to those under the age of 21 for three main reasons: the lack of
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Art As A Form Of Self-Expression
Is art a form of self–expression from the artist to their audience? Self–expression is defined as, "the
expression of one's feelings, thoughts, or ideas, especially in writing, art, music, or dance." (English
Oxford Dictionary). The source of inspiration for art is unknown for certain, but it is commonly
believed that it comes from inside the artist, based on their life lessons and experiences. If the
inspiration comes from within, then artists are expressing themselves through their art, thus art is
self–expression. There are innumerous forms of art, from writing to dancing; singing to creating a
drawing, public speaking and everything in–between. A person who is whistling is expressing how
they are feeling through the notes that they hit. Someone who is drawing can use darker colors, such
as browns and blacks to give off an eerie tone. Does that mean that all art is self–expression? No,
not all art is self–expression, maybe it isn't self–expression at all. This leads to the debate over
whether art is self–expression if the inspiration comes from an outside source, rather than from
within. When an artist attempts to express their self–feelings through their art, a special emotion is
evoked if the art comes from deep within. There is a distinguishable difference between art that
comes from within and art that is inspired by an outside source. Plato believes that artists are
"possessed" by someone or something, rather than their inspiration coming from inside. This means
that art would not be self–expressional, as it isn't coming from within the artist's mind, but rather an
exterior source. In Plato's book, Ion, Socrates explains to Ion, that: "...speaking well about Homer;
it's a divine power that moves you, as a 'Magnetic' stone moves iron rings." (Plato, Ion, 18). In this
analogy, Socrates is attempting to explain to Ion that his ability to be well–versed in the study of
Homer is not due to his own inspiration and aspirations, but rather because of a divine power that
gives him this ability. In the text, Plato talked about how Ion would light up when talking about
Homer, showing that he may be 'possessed' by Homer. Ion is drawn in towards Homer as a fish is to
the hook with bait on it.
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The Importance Of Self-Expression And Diversity
Ralph Waldo Emerson's argument can still be applied in today's society because self–expression and
diversity are highly valued even now. As the world continues to become more interconnected
through a single platform, it presents opportunities to express personality more effectively.
According to ProCon Organization, an educational non–profit institution with a professional
research team states that "social media can help disarm social stigmas". Famous internet sites, such
as Twitter and Instagram, are used for presenting avant–garde styles with peculiar outfit choices
challenging stereotypes embedded in cultures over thousands of years. Emerson passionately
preached about going against tradition during his time and it has evidently survived to this day.
People explore and dabble with individuality through technology nonstop. Proving that self–
dependence is a key component to being true to oneself. Furthermore, as the renowned newspaper,
the HuffPost states in an article, "[the internet helps] to share...ideas that typically involve some sort
of creative expression". In order to achieve this, the average person needs to have a state of mind
that is unique and build upon it through these outlets. Many people use inspiration gained from
others to help open and listen to their minds consequently following what they believe is the right
way to dress and act according to themselves. Inspiration being the key word because the point is
not to mimic or imitate others, but to gain
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Form Of Self-Expression In Poetry
During the early 19th century the most sought after form of self–expression was poetry. Although
some people view poetry as merely ink on paper, enthusiast and writers viewed it as a way to
express one's ideas, feelings and views on the world. The Romantic Era saw the debut of a variety of
poets whose works are now considered to be exemplars of what great poetry should be like.
However, as time passed, the popularity of poetry as a form of self–expression have faded and the
new form of self–expression via musical lyric has taken their place. Music, much like poetry, is the
artist's way of conveying their ideas and views on the world. Many themes and social issues
commented on in 19th century poetry has transcended both time and place and found its way into
today's music.
John Clare, born July 13, 1793, in Helpston, England is among the poets of the Romantic Era whose
work is highly regarded. Unlike other poets such as Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley who
came from wealthy backgrounds, Clare was considered a 'peasant poet'. Nonetheless, this
background made his poems all the more relatable for his readers. Throughout his life–time Clare
published multiple poems that were given much praise. However, after the release of his second
volume of poems which did not do as well, Clare began to suffer from fears and delusions that him
to be admitted into a private asylum in the year 1837.
During his time in the asylum Clare suffered from feelings of depression and isolation
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Pornography : An Art, Immoral, And An Expression Of Self
Pornography has created mixed feelings between groups of people. It is seen as an art, immoral, and
an expression of self. Many different genres or categories of porn including; hard and soft core,
lesbian/ gay, role playing, and racial just to name a few. Not only has the industry grown incredibly
over the last decade, the controversy has also grown. I wish to cover both side of the issue in order
to allow both sides an opportunity to shine.
Pro Pornography Strip clubs, gentlemen's clubs, chip and dale, movies, and online videos are all
examples of pornography. It is more and more common and much easier to find. According to
Sound Vision, a site dedicated to helping youth, states that there are over four million pornography
websites around which in turn represents twelve percent of all websites. That being said Facebook,
Twitter, and Google are everyday sites that pornographic images can be found. It has been thought
that pornography allows individuals to express themselves sexually. They can comfortably engage in
sexual contact with another and also make a profit from it. They can show off their body no matter
the size because there are new viewers, fetishes, and ideas daily. Some might say that expressing
one's self sexually may increase self–esteem, and overall create a happy bodily image. Where
greater self–esteem is found you can in turn find happier, more confident individuals. The ethical
egoist might say that if a person enjoys the act of pornography then it is in
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The Lack Of Self-Expression In George Orwell's 1984
Thirty–three years ago, the unpleasantry that novelist George Orwell dreamt of never became the
reality he predicted it would in 1949. The year 1984 was supposed to take society on an absolute
turn for the worst, becoming a global dystopia in which everyone lived under the regulation and
dominance of one of three totalitarian superstates. Orwell wrote of this future in his book 1984,
creating the fictional universe of Oceania in which the lives of Winston Smith and the other
characters in Oceania seemed genuinely real, especially by use of various literary devices. Motifs
such as the linguistic concept of Newspeak and the majority of society's convergence of feelings
towards the Party and Big Brother appear multiple times throughout the pages of the novel. Through
such recurring ideas, a major theme stands out – the lack of self–expression. Living under an
authoritarian and oppressive government, party members such as Winston are forced to follow the
socialist policies of Ingsoc. In the book it is written that, "The two aims of the Party are to conquer
the whole surface of the earth and to extinguish once and for all the possibility of dependent
thought" (Orwell 193). If everyone were to give into the Party, self–expression would be entirely
eliminated because everyone and everything would be censored. With such motives made clear,
Winston along with a minority realize the absurdity in the Party's ways. Nevertheless, many more
others do not, loving Big Brother and embracing
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Music Is The Nationalthem For Self-Expression
Music is the national anthem for self–expression. From songwriting to the making of the rythym its
a perfect way to express yourself. Todays music is all about what people want to hear and whats
catchy,but that is not music thats people trying to gain fans and get recognition. Music is supposed
to come from your heart, that's when you will find real music. If you are artistic and creative then
making music might be a hobby for you. you don't have to be the best singer or songwriter because
you dont even have to share your work with others. you could write music for your own personal
satisfaction. if you do get your music heard by others keep in mind that theres always gonna be
someone who dislikes your music. Most apparent musicians
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The Problem Of Self-Expression In 1984 By George Orwell
Many people in a censored society desire to show their individualistic nature, but "until they become
conscious they will never rebel, and until they rebel they cannot become conscious" (Orwell70). In
George Orwell's 1984 he shows the authority a government can have on one's life even when all
they want is self–expression. Many are too frightened to rebel, yet when one does it impacts his life
forever. Even though the society of "1984" by George Orwell claims to be complete and total
censorship, the problem of wanting more self–expression is still evident which is shown through
indirect characterization, symbolism, and themes.
George Orwell 1984 utilizes components of indirect characterization to inform the reader on how
much ... Show more content on ...
The reality of this is evident through the Big Brothers slogan. Through the whole book you come
across the slogan "war is peace freedom is slavery ignorance is strength" (Orwell4). This quote
suggest the values and views Big Brother has on the government and why the government does the
things is does. Another example is the symbolistic nature of the paper weight shows how relevant
knowing the past helps you become more individualistic. One Winston receives the paper weight he
sees the symbolistic nature of the past "[by] the level of craftsmanship required" (the glass
paperweight symbol analysis). This is just one example of how the government has dropped its
standards for its own sake. In addition the paper weight support's the symbolistic nature of Winston's
thoughts. Winston and Julia have a room above Goldstein's shop which Winston sees as a "separate
world, frozen in time" (the glass paper weight analysis). This evidence shows hoe Winston and Julia
are able to do and fell what they like only in that room due to the lack of "supervision" of Big
Brother. The symbolistic nature of the slogan and the glass paper weight are both great examples on
the want for the past and the need for individualism. George Orwell educates his readers by
employing themes in order to portray the immense control a totalitarianism government has, and
how much people want self–expression with in that governments.
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The Expression Of Thoughts Of Self Harm By F4
This incident presents several demands for works and is complex as a result of what was disclosed
by F4. The expression of thoughts of self–harm by F4 put the facilitators in the very difficult
position of having to not focus on an individual and to stay focused on the group as a whole. Though
it is assumed that this is a difficult task for social workers in a general sense, I am of the opinion that
when a potentially serious and/or a complex issue arise that it increases the difficulty. The group
member that disclosed the thought of self–harm felt safe and connected, which is why she was able
to disclose such intimate thoughts with the group. The fact that F4 was able to share such
information is a positive reflection on the mutual aid of this group, though it may have been too
much too soon or not appropriate, because of the nature of the disclosure. This is not to imply that it
was easy for her to disclose what she did and it clearly was not easy for the group to hear this
information. The disclosure of thoughts of self–harm by F4, which she felt was a result of the stress
she was under, is the first demand for work to be examined. Self–harm is not to be confused with
suicidal behavior; "self–harmers say that inflicting pain on themselves does make them feel better
and it is used to make life more manageable (Thornton, 2015, p. 189)." This disclosure is complex
as she comfortable with disclosing the thought of using self–harm to cope with the stress, which is
the intent
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Self-destructive Self-expression in The Yellow Wallpaper
Self–destructive Self–expression in The Yellow Wallpaper
In "The Yellow Wallpaper", a story by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, the conflict centers around the
protagonist's inability to maintain her sanity in a society that does not recognize her as an individual.
Her husband and brother both exert their own will over hers, forcing her to conform to their pre–set
impression an appropriate code of behavior for a sick woman. She has been given a "schedule
prescription for each hour in the day; [John] takes all care from me" (155). This code of behavior
involves virtually no exertion of her own free–will. Rather, she is expected to passively accept the
fact that her own ideas are mere fancy, and only the opinions of the men in her life ... Show more
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The wallpaper takes on immediate significance when it is introduced to the story, simply because its
characteristics are described with such detail. At this point, the paper seems to represent all that is
the opposite of the woman, and she is repulsed by it. "I never saw a worse paper in my life,"(l56)
writes the woman. Whereas she is a sweet, dutiful wife to her husband, and her behavior carefully
conforms to what society expects of her, she is disgusted by the paper's poor condition, its faded,
soured color, and its pattern, "One of those sprawling flamboyant patterns committing every artistic
sin"(156). Her mild–mannered behavior, evident in the opening scenes, carefully conforms with
what society expects of her; therefore, this vague description of the pattern of the wallpaper seems
to be an inversion of the woman's personality.
However, closer analysis proves that her reasons for hating the paper are illogical, and reveal a
hypocrisy in the way she views the structure of society. The idea of an artistic "sin", implies that
artists are supposed to follow a specific set of rules. This is not true. There are many schools of
artistic thought, but artists are continually challenging those traditions and developing new ones. An
artistic sin, then, would be an original technique, but to call originality in art sinful goes against the
nature of art. Similarly, the woman feels that she is required to
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Accomplishment Of Self-Expression In The Film Billy Elliot
The accomplishment of self–expression is an apprehensive experience that will bring forth a sense
of contentment from the obtainment of a personal reward. The revelation of an individuals true
identity is a daunting act without a sense of support but when succeeded it will bring a return that is
untouchable. This is evident midway through the film 'Billy Elliot' in the character Michael when he
comfortably dresses up in female clothing in front of Billy only. Daldry's uses mise en scene to
highlight to the audience Michael's casualness with his surrounding and him self. The use of the
mirror is purposeful for its reflection of whats on the other side and in the framing it foreshadows
the real Michael within the mirror. It further symbolises
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Divine Self Expression Essay
lovely here now is grandiose of our spiritual potential and make our human experience a reflection
of our divine nature because now we have actual freedom of choice we're able to take spiritual
wisdom and insight and apply it to our lives in really practical ways because we have this amazing
power to choose.
Finally were able to exercise free will because that is the divine gift we've all been given and so we
can now fully engage in creation through choice, and so this is the most incredible exciting time to
be incarnated. we should all congratulate ourselves that we chose to come onto this planet right now
because nice incarnation has never been this good server truly limited by ourselves we employ those
limitations upon ourselves they are just perceived limitations at this point beautiful experience.
Never has it been available to us before ever throughout human history it's remarkable it's an
amazing opportunity that all of us have right now why are so few spiritual seekers infinitely
abundant results because that is not really happening for all students of consciousness is it so why
not if we have such opportunity available if divine self–expression is now you know totally
available to all of us why is it not happening why are you still going to jobs that are just ok we don't
really like them we're going to tolerate them right.
We're tolerating lives that are centered on getting the bills paid maybe saving for retirement and it
ourselves did not incline 8 especially
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Duality In George Orwell'sShooting An Elephant, And The...
There are countless stories about politicians who are against gay marriage being caught doing
inappropriate things with people of their same sex. Unfortunately, this level of hypocrisy is all too
common in American politics. People stylize themselves as something in public but secretly might
have a different opinion in private. This duality in human expression extends to regular normal
people as well. Human expression is split between the public and private self because of the
different comfort levels you have in private versus in public and to take a stance that is beneficial to
Part of the reason why humans express themselves differently based on what environment they are
in is because of the comfort they feel. In George Orwell's essay "Shooting an Elephant", Orwell had
to secretly support the Burmese instead of openly expressing his opinions that the British were
oppressors because he was a member of the British army while in a foreign country. He was not
comfortable with the environment he was in, so the public self he expressed became pro–
imperialism and supportive of the British. This matched the socially accepted norm for British
soldiers, which was to put their own country ahead of any other considerations. If he was in a
different position, where he was not a British soldier, his public self would have matched with his
private self's opinion about the evils the British Empire were committing in Burma. His natural
instinct was to go with the expression that would make life easier for him in the army. On a more
personal scale, the level of comfort affecting your private and public self can be seen in the
behaviors one exhibits at home versus in public. At home, there is a sense of familiarity and comfort
that allows your private self to come out. I express my opinions and language freely at home where I
am most comfortable, while in public I have to carefully consider what expressions I allow to be
seen so that I stay within the socially accepted norms. Comfort is one of the key reasons why
humans express a difference between their public and private selves, as they try to be a part of
society while expressing themselves in acceptable ways.
Duality in human expression is also brought forth
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Personal Note On Self Expression
Self–expression Your studies have brought you to the point where you can actually exercise
dominion over your affairs. We must not overlook the importance Holmes attributes to actually
doing something to express this knowledge. While it is important that you know what to do, it is
essential that you actually do it. Therefore, what you do must be an expression of you. It must be
like you, for you to like doing it, and continue with it. It is important to your success that you are
able to do what you like, but it is essential that you like what you do. I realize that most people are
not doing what they'd like to do. They are doing what they have to do. They are doing the work that
has to be done, rather than the work they'd like to get done. I know only one remedy to this: "If the
labor is mean, let him by his thinking and character make it liberal. Whatever he knows and thinks,
whatever in his apprehension is worth doing, that let him communicate, or men will never know and
honor him aright." R. W. Emerson, Spiritual Laws It is possible that we are in the right place, at the
right time in our life, doing the right thing in the right way, and we don't realize it. It is possible that
our dissatisfaction with our labor is only a matter of not pausing to appreciate and enjoy the fruits of
our labor. It is possible that the lack of recognition and praise that could accompany our work is due
to our own lack of appreciation. It may be unlikely, but it is possible that the
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The Idea Of Self-Expression Of Graffiti And Pop Culture
You've probably seen some type of graffiti art before; most likely in a large city like New York City.
Whether it be on bridges, public transit property, buildings, or walls, graffiti is an art form that is
available at your exposure. It is intended to be seen by the public eye and this type of art arises
curiosity amongst viewers. Graffiti can be seen as its own subculture. This culture initiated about 30
years ago in New York City, and the grand appreciation for this art has helped it become a global
phenomenon. The use of graffiti can date all the way back to Ancient Greece, but modern graffiti
didn't originate until 1960 when artists tagged their names on cars. It wasn't until the 1980s that hip
hop became a part of graffiti, which ultimately ... Show more content on ...
The program was founded by Jane Golden in 1984 and the program has almost 4,000 murals in
total. The mural arts program is intended to help educate and uplift people, targeting young kids
with hopes of them wanting to become successful in their futures. In Jane Golden's book,
Philadelhphia Murals and the Stories They Tell, she believes that when the program started, the
murals would help, " learn about discipline and responsibility. Many had limited options. We
hoped they would come out of the program with a sense of their own identities and values so they
could go on to live normal lives and not end up dead or in jail" (35). Not only are adults that view
the murals targeted, but children are as well, in order for them to become educated on important
topics in the world. One "reward" of these murals is to help the community come together and
appreciate the stories of the artists and to educate people on different topics. People can relate to the
murals and the reasoning behind the art. In addition, this program has actually helped with
employment has over 200 paid job positions. Graffiti artists, and even regular people (doesn't
necessarily have to be a well–known artist) can sign up to work on the murals and get paid. It is still
a form of graffiti since it is done on walls of buildings and
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Self-Expression In Literature
To me, self–expression is one of the most valuable things humans are able to experience. Being
allowed to freely put your thoughts and feelings out into the world is such an incredible gift that
many people seem to ignore or take for granted. Whether it be painting a picture to showcase your
sentiments, writing a blogpost about something you're interested in, or dancing to music just
because it feels good, expressing yourself creatively is an amazing thing that we are capable of
doing, as we are able to beautifully and imaginatively portray our inner thoughts and emotions for
ourselves and for others to see. The arts, such as literature, drawing, and music, has always played a
very important role in my life, and has helped shaped me into the person I am today. Throughout my
entire student career, English Language and Literature has always been my favorite subject. The
shelves in my bedroom are filled with books that I've read and reread ever since 7th grade, as I was
an avid reader growing up and would buy a new novel almost every week for me to enjoy. Reading
has always been a favorite hobby of mine because being completely captivated with a story and
feeling as if you were experiencing the events in the book yourself is incredibly fascinating to me.
Moreover, I always enjoyed English class in school because the books we would be assigned to read
were always very interesting, and I loved to write my thoughts and feelings about them. In middle
school I even dreamt about
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Why Do School Uniforms Increase Self-Expression?
Though the simplicity of school uniforms limit self–expression, they increase the overall quality of a
student's education. More schools, both public and private, are adopting uniforms in order to reduce
crime and decrease the amount of distractions in the learning environment. Uniforms can oftentimes
be costly and eliminate the amount of leeway students have when it comes to personalizing their
appearance. However, uniforms better the school experience for a majority of students who wear
Over the years, clothing with ties to gangs have become more prevalent in schools. Students can
indicate their affiliation by simply wearing a certain color. This makes rival gang members much
easier to pick out, and therefore much easier to target and fight on school grounds. Because schools
cannot and will not ban an entire color, nothing is stopping their students from continuing to
showcase their loyalty to their group and physically assaulting enemies. Uniforms have proven to be
an effective solution to this problem. A case study in Long Island, California exhibited how not just
schools, but the community as a whole benefited from the decision to require students to wear
uniforms. The crime rate dropped by 91 percent, school suspensions dropped by 90 percent, and
incidents of vandalism were reduced by 69 percent (Public School). Though the study took place in
1995, schools continue to find that uniforms contribute to a safer environment. An increase of
schools, from 11.8% in 2000 to 20.4% in 2014, adopted uniforms for safety purposes (Digest).
Although it is important to follow school dress codes for various purposes, the policies bring a bad
along with their good intentions when being enforced. When teachers or administrators have to cut
into class time to call out a pupil for wearing an illegal article of clothing, it takes away from the
time allotted for the lesson. That individual loses even more valuable learning time if they are asked
to go change or call home for a new set of clothes. Tom Robertson, Lewis and Clark Middle
School's Vice Principal, said it is common for children to have to spend part of their school day in
his office because of dress code violations. "They have to wait in the office until
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Tattoos : Self Expression Or Approval?
Tattoos: Self Expression or Approval? Ink that is normally used on paper is submerged into layers of
my skin. While staring at the permanent feature, I wonder was this a way of me expressing myself
using my body, or the approval of myself and others? At the age of fourteen, preteen girls are
normally focused on buying the latest purses or shoes, but that was not the case for me. Throughout
my first year of high school my mind was solely set on getting a tattoo. Being so young, my mother
was very hesitant to allow me to permanently ink my skin. However, when I was ten, I went against
my mother's word by getting my second hole on my ears pierced even after she advised against it.
Knowing my determination in getting the things I want, she made a deal with me. The deal being
that I had to take a full year to consider the tattoo and if I was still fixed on it she would allow me.
As the year passed, I had only one idea in mind that never changed. I wanted the tattoo to be
meaningful and something I would not regret. The idea of this being permanent, unchangeable, and
forever on my skin for the rest of my life was fearful. Growing up my mother had sayings for my
brother and I that was written in every text and inscribed in every card. "Stay Sweet", two words
that have been engraved in my head since before I could speak. It was clear, without hesitation, that
I was ready to have these words also engraved in my skin. Almost four years later and I wonder
what did this small form of
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Body Piercing: Reclamation, Enhancement, and...
Body Piercing:
Reclamation, Enhancement, and Self–Expression
Jason C. Hillman
In America the practice of body piercing is everywhere, especially among young people. who are
getting several parts of their bodies pierced either as an affirmation of their personal individuality, as
a means of sexual gratification or stimulation, a reclamation of their bodies from physical or
emotional trauma, or for as a means of adornment. Whateverthe reason, it's widespread. Body
piercing is the piercing of the ears, nose, septum, cheeks, lip, tongue, nipples, navel, clitoris, labia,
penis, and scrotum. Says California State University anthropologist James Myers, Ph.D. body
piercing is "possibly as old as genus Homo." (Todd, Richard, p.1) Body ... Show more content on ...
Most accomplished piercers stress the importance of stringent cleanliness in the piercing
environment. All piercing needles are used once and thrown away, usually into biohazard buckets,
which are then removed by companies experienced in the disposal of medical waste. Materials
which must be reused are autoclaved between each use (an autoclave is a device used to sterilize
medical equipment) andthe autoclaves themselves are evaluated quarterly for efficiency (Alexander,
p.2). There is also the organization known as the Association of Professional Piercers (A.P.P.), which
helps keep the practice of body piercing safe.
For many, the motivation behind body piercing is highly sexual. Says one piercer with the A.P.P.,
"the act of piercing carries in and of itself a heady sexual component". (Alexander, p.1) This is one
primary reason behind nipple and genital piercings. When the nipples or genitals are pierced the
entire are becomes more sensitive. This is a delight for some piercees. Indeed, genital piercing in
America was incubated in gay Sado–Masochistic circles. a 1985 survey of Piercing Fans
International Quarterly (a popular piercing magazine published by the Gauntlet, America's first
major body piercing studio) subscribers stated that 57 percent of its subscribers engaged in
dominant–submissive play, which is itself the signature practice of Sado–Masochism (Wattenberg,
Daniel, p.1). Interestingly enough, a third of the people surveyed also reported having
... Get more on ...
Dieting Is The Outer Expression Of Our Self
Dieting is a behavior most women will do for at least once in a lifetime. Just as British sociologist,
David Gauntlett, has mentioned in his book, "the body is the outer expression of our self, to be
improved and worked upon" (113). We are somehow bounded by society's standards of beauty, to
the extent that it could affect out self–esteem. While it is all about a bony body figure nowadays, I
have no choice but to fall into this unrealistic mainstream. I used to think I am simply 'not so skinny'
until this summer, when my parents and friends keep on telling me I look fat. It started to pressure
me to think that others constantly judge me by my body figure. I was then determined to lose
weight, but the next question is –what are the lifestyle changes I should make to achieve this goal?
Looking back on my dietary habits and lifestyle during the past year, when I gained fifteen pounds; I
figured out there were three major factors that had led to my weight gain – food choices, eating
habits and a sedentary lifestyle. First of all, I would say I am hardly omnivorous – vegetables and
fruits are hardly included in my diet. Meat, fast food, soft drinks, fried food, snacks, are what
dominated in my diet. These unhealthy food choices are usually with almost zero nutritional value,
and would only lead to an excess of calories intake. Secondly, I have irregular mealtimes, and I tend
to eat quickly. A research at Northwestern University stated that "eating at irregular times –when the
... Get more on ...

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Oral Communication Reflection

  • 1. Oral Communication Reflection Back on Tuesday, September 19, I (along with the rest of the class,) gave my first speech in Oral Communication Class. It was our first speech assigned/presented in class, and its topic, Self Introduction. Some people may find it challenging, but I see it as a very simple subject to talk about. Who knows more about you than yourself? No one! So why do people find it so hard to talk about? I had a funny feeling that the day the order of our speeches were assigned that I'd be the first person to give their speech. Sure enough, I was the first person to give their speech. I'm genuinely glad that I was first because I was able to "get it out of the way" and not have to stress on it. Giving a speech in front of my peers is nowhere near as nerve racking or terrifying as I thought it would be, but upon giving my speech, I would like to reflect on how I felt the day of my speech (in terms of confidence levels,) some verbal and delivery skills which I used well/not as well, some improvements that could of been put in place for my speech, and who in the class I believe gave the best speech among us all. First off, how I felt on the day of our first speech. I'm not going to say that I was 100% confident in myself and not nervous at all, because that's simply not true, but all in all I felt pretty good and I wasn't really that nervous. Since I'm used to speaking in front of people, I wasn't nervous about talking in front of my peers but forgetting what I'm talking about in my speech since I'm used to memorizing and not just speaking out in front of people. The only thing I could think of which I could do to make me less nervous than what I was on the day of my speech would be to go practice more in front of people who aren't my friends. Otherwise, I believe I used my skill of performing in theatre and transposed it into my speech so I wouldn't be nervous upon giving my speech. In speaking of skills, the next topic I'd like to address is some skills which I used well/not so well. Some verbal skills I believe I used well (in the content) would be connecting to the audience with funny little examples of a side topic I was talking about. An example of this would be when I said as red head, I could either be Peter Pan at ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Body Piercing: Reclamation, Enhancement, And Self-Expression In America the practice of body piercing is everywhere, especially among young people, who are getting several parts of their bodies pierced either as an affirmation of their personal individuality, as a means of sexual gratification or stimulation, a reclamation of their bodies from physical or emotional trauma, or for as a means of adornment. Whatever the reason, it's widespread. Body piercing is the piercing of the ears, nose, septum, cheeks, lip, tongue, nipples, navel, clitoris, labia, penis, and scrotum. Says California State University anthropologist James Myers, Ph.D. body piercing is "possibly as old as genus Homo." (Todd, Richard, p.1) Body piercing studios are popping up all over the country in a response to the growing ... Show more content on ... Of course, the reason for body piercing also carries other connotations such as rites of passage and sexual gratification. Still, the body piercing movement is gaining momentum throughout America. It's not at all uncommon to see pierced navels and noses anymore, even in largely conservative regions like Indiana. And young people are feeling the need to be individuality–minded in the fast paced nineties. It's a conscious effort to repudiate the conservative mindset of their parent's generation by differing from that which is said to be normal in our society. This is where piercing comes in. When the piercing movement first started to gain momentum in the eighties it was frowned upon as a method of body ornamentation practiced only by "deviants". This is partially due to the popularity of piercing in gay and Sado–Masochist circles (Leo, John p.2). But now piercing is done for different reasons. Many teenagers get pierced during their college years, mainly because they are away from their homes and therefore don't have to worry about parental reaction. Indeed, some piercers say that piercing is becoming part of the college experience (Howard, Dylan, p.1). Many young people enjoy piercings in body parts other than their ears, especially in the nose and navel, and increasingly, the lips or tongue. Body piercing, when done correctly, is also ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Commection In Art Appreciation In Art Appreciation, chapter two mentions the purposes and functions of art. The functions of art that are mentioned are: delight, commentary, worship/ritual, commemoration, persuasion, and self– expression. The function that stood out to me was commentary because this function of art allows the artist to be expressive in his/hers work of art. Commentary is expressions of opinions rendered as an art form to communicate with the viewers. Viewers also have a connection with the artists and the artists work. Commentary can be about and event, person, or opinion. The first art work I chose was a piece done from Diego Rivera in which Diego's interest at the time of the art work was about Cubism. Diego Rivera's painting, Portrait of Adolfo Maugard, oil on canvas relates to Commentary as one of the functions of Art. In figure one of the art work, the main focus of the painting appears to be the person he painted and what surrounds the person. Rivera's portrait was of Adolfo Best Maugard. Although the focus appears to be Maugard, the painting is not one point perspective. What surrounds Maugard is also important in the work as the surrounding expresses perhaps a certain time in which Rivera wanted to show. There is straight and perpendicular lines that create an overpass where Maugard is standing. Figure one Diego uses modern colors like: red, orange, yellow, green, and blue/gray. The geometric shapes for the the buildings, ferris wheel, and the train. He also uses a light tone of ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Graffit-Self Expression or Vandalism "A painting tells a story on paper, and graffiti tells a story too," said Steve, a 22–year–old Vancouver–based street artist who asked that his name not be published. "People just don 't see past where [the story is being told]." Societal conceptions of urban graffiti are all over the map. While some view graffiti as the flourishing of urban art and expression, others view it as a sign of generational decay or a lack of respect for others ' property. After all, the people forced to view the graffiti didn 't ask to see public displays of expression. According to the City of Calgary website, "Graffiti is an eyesore that ruins the natural and architectural beauty of a city." But has the city ever considered a difference between racist ... Show more content on ... The movement has essentially grown into art through the intention of the artists themselves. Since the movement has grown, street artists have become famous worldwide. The most dynamic artists were featured in MOCA 's exhibit, but one among them received his own section: British street artist Banksy. Banksy, one of the most notorious (in a good way) artists of the moment, seems to come from a different place than many young street artists. His goal isn 't to gain fame, or infamy for that matter, but to awaken the world to the ironic injustices that plague our society and our culture. He 's actually gone to extreme measures to keep his true identity unknown to this point, further proving that he 's not in it for the fame. His art beautifully depicts the hard truths of our culture in a uniquely contemporary way, and his murals, often placed on public property, are well thought out and planned. In Banksy 's 2010 documentary, Exit Through the Gift Shop, art collector Wendy Asher praises the success of his first commercial art show: "Everyone I told about it bought something. Like people who have Picassos and, you know, Mondreans . . . I mean, serious collections." Whether Asher 's art collectors bought Banksy 's pieces only for the controversial appeal or for the quality of the piece itself, the fact that the art show was a success indicates the value of street art. Banksy 's section at Art in the Streets generated quite a buzz from museum–goers. I won 't ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Self Expression In Othello The third and final sub–topic that will be analysed is the fact that language is a medium of self– expression. According to Damascelli (2012) "The important or predominant personality of one character over the others can be brought out in several ways for example through the use of soliloquies. In the play Othello Iago uses soliloquies to reveal and express his malicious intentions. Iago is not the only character in Othello that uses language and language devices to express himself effectively. At the beginning of the play Othello speaks in verse and this is an indication of his state of mind being healthy but as the play progresses Othello uses prose to express himself. When Othello moves from verse to prose it shows us that there is a degeneration of ... Show more content on ... Another clear example from the play Othello in regards to self–expression is Iago. Iago's expresses himself through telling lies and keeping hidden agendas that only he himself and we the audience/reader is aware of. Maguire also states that through Iago's interaction and manipulation of Othello we become complicit in his acts because he distorts the boundaries of the world portrayed on stage and the actual world people lived in. When looking at A Clockwork Orange it is important to remember that Alex is a teenager and that Nadsat is only used by him and other teenagers like his droogs. Thus Nadsat is the teenager argot/slang. Alex uses this argot/slang to express himself; through this use of slang it becomes clear that he finds sense of freedom that he is only able to find in a few other activities. When Alex undergoes the Lodovico treatment he stops using Nadsat language and starts using regular English. This change in language indicates how Alex undergoes the process of dehumanisation through his loss of free ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Achievement of Self-Expression Through Concealment in... How does the dramatic monologue achieve self expression through concealment? Discuss with reference to any three Browning poems. When discussing the poetic form of dramatic monologue it is rare that it is not associated with and its usage attributed to the poet Robert Browning. Robert Browning has been considered the master of the dramatic monologue. Although some critics are sceptical of his invention of the form, for dramatic monologue is evidenced in poetry preceding Browning, it is believed that his extensive and varied use of the dramatic monologue has significantly contributed to the form and has had an enormous impact on modern poetry. "The dramatic monologues of Robert Browning represent the most significant use of the form in ... Show more content on ... In the process it casts doubts on what the Duke is saying. Instead what is revealed is the structure of domination that underlies his speech. The reader becomes the 'eavesdropper' who happens to overhear what the Duke is saying, but whose confidence is vital for the poet. Thus, the dramatic monologue, as created by Browning demands not only 'gaze' at the duke, but also 'introspection'. Throughout the poem, Fra Lippo Lippi, Browning seems to be engaging in a dialogue with the Church regarding celibacy–both in the artistic and sexual sense. The main theme concerns art, the strict sense in which the church views artistic pursuits and products is similar to the way it requires priests to live celibate lives. While the church's main argument is that art should be presented as something "higher" than the base representation of the human form, this denies the essential humanity of the subject, God's people. Along these same lines, the way the church frowns upon sexual, lustful activity on the part of its clergy by demanding celibacy is exactly the same request as for the artist. Both demands of the church, artistic and sexual are idealized conceptions of how humans should be represented and both, according to the narrator of the poem, are entirely unrealistic and misguided. The whole of the poem is a criticism on mandatory celibacy, which is told through the metaphor of art. Art ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Self-Expression In Kate Chopin's The Awakening For this long work essay, the story I chose to write about is Kate Chopin's "The Awakening". I chose this story because I feel like I can relate to it personally, which makes a story a lot more interesting to read to me. Also, I chose this story because I feel like it is timeless, and one that should be important for readers for years to come. The protagonist of this story is Edna Pontellier, and the story tells of all the struggles and other things she faces as a woman back in her time. Edna is a very complex character, whose true feelings and her actions ultimately lead to her self–inflicted death. One important theme throughout this story was the theme of self–expression. I found this theme to be important because it really shows and defines Edna as a character. ... Show more content on ... Edna's journey of finding her true self, and finding ways to define her feelings eventually lead to an eye–opening experience for her, that was full of emotions she had kept in for such a long period of time because of her personal situation. In the beginning of Kate Chopin's "The Awakening", you can clearly tell just how Mrs. Edna Pontellier is truly seen, by her husband. Among the first paragraphs, when Edna returns from a beach day, Mr. Pontellier comments on her obvious sunburn and his reaction to this was described as "looking at his wife as one looks at a valuable piece of personal property which has suffered some damage" (Chopin). I feel as if this was just a sneak peek in to what lead Edna to "go off the deep end" as some would say. It gives us, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Hector 's Influence On Self Expression Pertinent Information about the Student: Hector struggles with self–expression, following directions, and completing given tasks. Hector engages in behaviors such as yelling and appears to need to get the "last word" in after being given a directive he does not wish to comply with. Hector may engage in disruptive behavior because he does not have mastery of the necessary basic academic skills. Hector appears to have an inability to stop and think before acting, which may be influencing some of his disruptive behaviors. Hector might have low self–esteem, resulting from possible impairments in his social interactions. Hector may engage in disruptive behaviors to obtain attention. Hector may find the disruptive behavior rewarding, as it gives him the attention he appears to crave. As of 12/26/09, Hector has received 20 referrals to the principal's office for behaviors such as insubordination (refusal to follow staff member's directives and instructions) and verbal aggression, during his time at the ABC School District. As of 12/26/09, Hector has missed five days of school for the 2009–2010 school year, and two days for the 2008–2009 school year, which were due to a suspension out of school. Hector has been a student at the ABC School District since the 2008–2009 school year. Prior to that, Hector attended XYZ School District, where he displayed similar behaviors in school. Hector has a medical diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and has been ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. I Stand Here Ironing: Character Analysis of Emily Essay The short story "I Stand Here Ironing" (1961) by Tillie Olsen is a touching narration of a mother trying to understand and at the same time justifying her daughter's conduct. Frye interprets the story as a "meditation of a mother reconstructing her daughter's past in an attempt to express present behavior" (Frye 287). An unnamed person has brought attention and concern to her mother expressing, "'She's a youngster who needs help and whom I'm deeply interested in helping'" (Olsen 290). Emily is a nineteen–year–old complex girl who is atypical, both physically and in personality. Emily's upbringing is plagued with difficulties. She is the first–born of a young mother and the eldest of five brothers and sisters. As a baby, she is ... Show more content on ... She is self–conscious about her appearance. She constantly compares herself with other girls and even expresses envy. She suffers while says, "'If I had that cooper hair,' 'If I had that skin....'" (Olsen 294). In spite of her suffering, it is almost shocking how Emily behaves extraordinary well even in stressful situations. When she is left at nursery school, she acts unexpectedly contrary to most kids her age. "'She did not clutch and implore "don't go Mommy" like the other children'" (Olsen 291). She prefers to stay at home but even while trying to convince her mother to let her stay, she does it subtly, "'Never a direct protest, never rebellion'" (Olsen 292). Does Emily behave well by choice? Her mother is worried and wonders, "What in me demanded that goodness in her? And what was the cost, the cost to her of such goodness?" (Olsen 292). It is difficult to understand, even surprising, how she neither shows nor expresses being upset even though she experiences plenty of justifiable situations. She acts calm when she is left alone at night, when under normal circumstances it would be upsetting to any other kid. She is collected while confronting unfair situations and Olsen makes it extraordinary easy to visualize when Emily's mother recalls, "Susan telling jokes and riddles to company for applause while Emily sat silent (to say to me later: that was my riddle, Mother, I told it to Susan)" (Olsen 294). She has the right to get angry and to express it ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Life Without Self Expression By Ayn Rand 's Anthem Life without self–expression is a life without living, but in Ayn Rand's novel, Anthem, she shows the possible outcome of exactly what life would be like without the right to express yourself. The novel is set in the far future at which humans have given up there individualism rights for the better of mankind. The government is one of collectivism and socialistic rule who enforces the thought that no person is in fact a person, but that they are people. In the article 'Themes of Anthem", the author writes about Rand's philosophy on collectivism is that it "Holds that the individual has no rights, that his life and work belong to the group and that the group may sacrifice him at its own whim to its own interests." The main character, a twenty–old year old man given the name Equality 7–2521 is stuck in the new profound life and must battle with his own need for self–expression to remain loyal to all men. Through his battle, Rand shows the theme of individuality through the character development of Equality 7–2521 by using scenes and plot devices to lead him to his ultimate self– discovery. "We are nothing. Mankind is all" (Rand 7). This is the thinking of the main character of the novel, Equality 7–2521, who regularly refers to himself as we throughout the novel. It is not his own thought, but one that had been planted in his head since the day he left the Home of the Infants. Equality 7–2521 only knows a life of conformity. As stated in Concept of Individualism in Ayn Rand's ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Yellow Wallpaper Essay : Importance Of Identity And... The Importance of Identity and Self Expression in The Yellow Wallpaper In the article "'Too Terribly Good to Be Printed': Charlotte Gilman's 'The Yellow Wallpaper,'" Conrad Shumaker explains the genius of "The Yellow Wallpaper" and how its themes reflect the patriarchal society of the time period. Shumaker identifies one theme as the detriment of suppressing the narrator's sense of self and that "by trying to ignore and repress her imagination, in short, John eventually brings about the very circumstance he wants to prevent" (590). John confines his wife in a yellow "nursery" in order to "cure" her of her illness, banning her from writing and discouraging her imagination. His plan backfires when her mind, unable to find a proper outlet, latches onto the yellow wallpaper that eventually drives her to madness. Another theme that Shumaker points out is that the dynamic of a domineering husband and an obedient wife is a cage that the narrator is desperately trying to free herself from. John constantly dismisses the narrator's opinions and thoughts and insists that he knows what is best for her. Shumaker points out that the husband, a representation of the patriarchal society, is clearly depicted as the villain and that he "attempts to 'cure' her through purely physical means, only to find he has destroyed her in the process" (592). At the end of the story, because of her confinement and inability to express herself, the narrator fully descends into insanity, "escaping" the ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Paper Questions 2.4.2 Conceptions and Past Paper Questions Norton & Irvin (2007) found that a considerable number of students who have difficulties understanding fractions, negative numbers and ratios also struggle with solving algebraic problems. Conception 1,2 and 3 are predominant in the GCSE foundation syllabus and in post primary mathematics in general. It is evident upon research into examiner reports that students have difficulties relating to these conceptions. Below is an example of a question found in the 2014 Maths GCSE foundation exam. Figure 1 (GCSE Math Jun 14 Foundation Tier Unit 2 Q.18) The Chief examiner reported, 'Many candidates did not understand the meaning of 'Write an equation in terms of w' and as a result lost all ... Show more content on ... 2.6 Creating an App 2.6.1 The Chosen Software The first consideration for the app was the software needed to create it. As the developer does not have advanced knowledge or expertise on coding, the software programme needed to match their skills appropriately. Luterbach and The second point to consider was the desired outcome. The overall aim of this project was to create an engaging user– centred app, which highlighted two of the misconceptions in GCSE algebra. The software programme chosen enabled interactive elements and testing features to enhance students learning and knowledge. 2.6.2 Using an app to teach algebra "Technology is essential in teaching and learning mathematics; it influences the mathematics that is taught and enhances students' learning."(McGehee & Griffith, 2000). Similar to McGehee and Griffith, Ghosh (2012, cited Drijvers, 2016) believes that the integration of technology and ICT has suggested a positive impact on the achievement of students in the general algebraic education but in particular solving word problems. The most recent phenomenon has been the
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  • 50. Expression of Self-worth in Homer’s Iliad Expression of Self–worth in Homer's Iliad The story of the Trojan War as played out in the Iliad is perhaps most gripping for the focus on the role of the individual; the soul is struck by the very concept of a decade–long war and a city–state razed to the ground for one man's crime and one woman's beauty. As such, the dynamic between Helen, Paris, and the Trojan people they have doomed is a fascinating one. For while Prince Paris is hated by all of Troy, his right to keep Helen is challenged by none. This is seen mostly clearly in Book III, after Paris has been spirited away to safety by the goddess Aphrodite; the book ends with Trojans and Greeks alike united in scorn for Paris and his consort. In Book VII, however, at the war ... Show more content on ... No more of your hot insistence–it repels me. You must have something better than this to say. But if you are serious, speaking from the heart, the gods themselves have blotted out your senses. Now I say this to our stallion–breaking Trojans, I say No, straight out–I won't give up the woman! But those treasures that I once hauled home from Argos, I'll return them all and add from my own stores." (7.408–418) The importance of this speech lies less in the words than in the manner they are presented and received. Paris delivers his reply, not as a rogue prince, but as "fair–haired Helen's lord" (7.409); before he has even spoken, Homer has reminded the reader of his claim. Paris is again "magnificent" (7.408), and yet the contrast in meaning between the usages here and in Book III is enormous. Where before the appellation carried a subtext of cutting mockery, here it is wholly sincere. Clearly, the prince's course of action is foolish–the reader knows full well the fate of Troy–and yet there is something superhuman about Paris' defiance now. He is magnificent in his self–worth, in his unwillingness to sacrifice his property, and thus his honor, no matter the price in blood. In placing Helen above the lives of his brothers and his people, he is refusing to subordinate his honor to anything. In this linking of self to ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Self Expression In The Awakening The plot of The Awakening by Mary Chopin shows Mrs. Pontellier's journey to self–expression and personal happiness. Mrs. Pontellier has a moment of awakening, when she realizes that the way that she lives her life does not make her personally happy, and spends the rest of the novel trying to change her life for the better relentless of how the rest of the society will react to her decisions. This tension between outward conformity and the inward questioning present in the plot of The Awakening helps demonstrate Edna's journey of self–expression. Mrs. Pontellier and Madame Ratignolle's discussion that they have at their beach house opens Edna's journey towards self–expression. At this moment, Edna realises the source of her frustration and ... Show more content on ... Society considers the Pontellier's as one of the more wealthier families, so having a maid that could be responsible for doing Mrs. Pontellier's duties, while she focuses on her passions could have been an option. Judging from the way Mr. Pontellier carries himself and how he brands himself, he likes to follow tradition and does not like to stand out. Demonstrated from this passage from the novel,"Mr. Pontellier had been a rather courteous husband so long as he met certain tacit submissiveness in his wife. But her new and unexpected line of conduct completely bewildered him. Then her absolute disregard for her duties as a wife angered him," even with his background, he could have Edna, not do her chores, but would rather stay humble and have her do the work like the rest of the ladies mentioned in the novel (Chopin 108). Focusing back on Edna's hobbies, she starts to focus on painting, which gives her an outlet of self–expression. The novel states that while she was painting, "she was working with great energy and interest, without accomplishing anything, however, which satisfied her even in the smallest degree"(Chopin 109). Mrs. Pontellier starts to be more openly self–indulgent by this part of the novel and she does not care if people disagree with the way that she handles herself, which testifies that through contrast in habitual behavior, Mrs. Pontellier is showing ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Why Do Art Programs Improve Children's Self-Expression? As a member of society, children can exercise their right to freedom of self–expression; both verbally and non–verbally. Some children have issues, expressing themselves, which can cause them to shut–down or display aggressive behaviors. As an alternative, children are allotted the opportunity; to instead, engage in creative arts to express their feelings. By including art programs such as art, music, and dance at schools, educators can help the children develop higher levels of self–awareness, self–efficacy, self–expression, emotional stability, reduce negative emotions and aggressive behaviors (Rebollo, 2009). As a form of dynamic storytelling, creative art programs have been recommended and offered at some social institutions which have included schools, healthcare facilities, prisons, and some community centers (Rebollo, 2009). I firmly believe that the educational system should mandate all public schools to include art, music, and dance activities in the curriculum. This scarcity led me to ask the following questions: Why is there a lack of public funding for programs that can help improve a child's well–being and quality of life? And Why are the public schools in urban and low–income neighborhoods the first target? ... Show more content on ... These subjects have been deemed considerably prevailed in a competitive global economy (See, 2015). Brazenly, some government officials have described the arts to be nothing more than, a "luxurious add–on that the government can't afford" (Gregory, 2017, pg.1). Seemingly, education has classified that some subject matter, while others do not; even if it strengthens ties to peers, the community and help children become more committed to their work (Gregory, 2017). Art, music, and dance have been deemed effective and help improve collaboration, motor, and spatial language skills (Gregory, ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Sense Of Self : Expression Of Murder Aaron Espinosa 3/2/2015 English 221 Dr. Charles S. Adams Sense of Self: Expression of Murder The definition of what exactly is poetry is subjective and can only be defined by the poet or author that created it. The topics and themes of poetry usually revolve around on what the author finds most important to express or talk about in the society or country they live in. For the British and American Writers, there were many intricate subjects to express about in the Romanticism Period. Romanticism was the artistic, literary, and intellectual movement that originated in Europe at the end of the 18th century and basically revolutionized both Europe and America. Romanticism is basically the countermovement to the Enlightenment, which meant new ideals was being emphasized such as pure raw emotion and sensing over reason and intellect, artists being the center figures rather than scientists, and the use of imagination as a gateway to spiritual and emotional truths for individuals. The poetry being created reflected these ideas and lead to new beliefs and values for societies. However, besides the love and intimacy for nature, knowing and expressing a human's sense of self was one of the most important values to embody for the Romantic poets. For them, it meant being an individual who opposes society's beliefs and simply expressing how you felt. American writers such as Emerson strongly believed in this value and reflected it in his works such as Self–Reliance, The Poet or Nature. ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Music Has Been A Form Of Self Expression Keala Uchoa Ms.Hallabrin As English December 8th,2015 Research Paper For thousands of years, music has been a form of self–expression that has united groups of people through its historical and traditional meaning. In the 1980's, a new, more diverse genre took over the music industry by storm., Hip–Hop/Rap. This contemporary genre has raised much controversy over the years from parents, educators, and conservatives. These groups worry that Rap music glorifies negative lifestyle choices such as drugs, violence, sex and gangs; and those lyrics' influence on youth. Since music is more apart of youth's life than ever, these concerns are questioning the limitations on Rap's explicit content. However, Rap serves as a positive outlet for self–expression without limits, allowing artists to freely communicate their journeys and struggles. In addition, Rap sheds light on current political/social issues in a relatable, digestible way; allowing youth to be more conscious and involved in society & its struggles; resulting in improved race relations and narrowing the gap between the rich and poor. Since the beginning of written language, poetry has been a form of literacy "in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm" (google definitions?). As poetry has evolved into Rap (Rhythm and Poetry), it has become a popular, widely used way to express one's emotions and personal struggles. Rap cannot be ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Music As A Form Of Self-Expression. You Would Be Hard Pressed Music as a form of self–expression You would be hard pressed to find a more expressive form of self–expression than what can be offered through music. Despite there only being 21 different notes that can be played in our modern understanding of music performance, we can convey all ranges of emotions through this unique medium. Music can help make us feel elation for our favorite sports team beating their rivals, cope with a harrowing loss of a loved one, or simply enjoy the passage of time throughout the day. As such a capable instrument for expression, it is not surprising that there are seemingly endless genres of music that are available for anyone to listen to. As music has evolved along with culture, genres have expanded upon ... Show more content on ... Despite the messages of aggressive and occasionally self–harming behavior that can be found in an aggressive genre, such as Metal, it has been found that the majority of listeners report feeling more relaxed after listening to music of their choosing (McFerran et at.). This discovery not only confirms that the genre that is selected has a connection to a listener's personality, it also eludes that by listening to music that matches with one's personality is done as a self–regulatory measure. This leads me to ask the question: Are musical preferences refined by our personalities rather than our general enjoyment of a particular sound or musical theme? Why are listeners drawn to Metal music? Metal music has traditionally contained themes that encourage rebellious actions, anti–religious attitudes, and a relatively negative worldview that can be attributed to lower levels of self–esteem. Listeners of Metal music are drawn to these themes as they often exhibit personalities that are complimentary to these themes (Swami et al.). While this partially answers the previously proposed question, it does not clarify if listeners are predetermined to be drawn to the music as a result of their personality or as a result of the genre being complimentary to their own emotions. Furthermore, this does not necessarily reflect the views of every fan of Metal music, as even though Swami's study was centered around ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Self-Expression in Theodore Roethke's Elegy for Jane Essay Self–Expression in Theodore Roethke's Elegy for Jane Theodore Roethke demonstrates an abiding honesty toward the facts of his experience. Roethke, who was one of America's teaching poets before his death, was self–absorbed, and his poetry derives much of its imaginative strength from his quest for that communion joining self and creation (Mills 527–28). In "Elegy for Jane," one of his most successful poems, he blends his grief for his student Jane Bannick with his childhood memories, his students' experiences, and his role as teacher. Childhood memories of his father's greenhouse, field, and stand of virgin timber in Michigan's Saginaw Valley characterize Roethke's poetry. The poet's memories provide a fund to draw from for the ... Show more content on ... However, the poet's grief may be the result of a mix of reality and imagination. The teacher–poet could be imagining how he would feel at the death of another of his students. At the University of Washington, as at his other teaching posts, he enjoyed popularity with his students and frequently formed close relationships with them; however, this was not true in the case of Jane Bannick. Seager reveals that the poet had not known Jane very well. She was his student for only one quarter. In addition to the grief that he felt at Jane's tragic death, his emotions may have been stirred by the experiences of Lois Lamb, another of his students. Lamb, who fell from a horse the previous summer, described the fall and her fears to her teacher in detail (193). Seager also mentions that Roethke and Lamb conducted a series of `experiments' with a flock of turkeys at the Pinel Sanitarium during Roethke's 1949–50 hospitalization for manic–depressive illness (187). These visits indicate that Roethke was closer to Lamb than to Bannick. It would seem that his relationship with Lamb would be more likely to create an awareness in the poet of the intense grief that would result at the tragic severing of an exceptionally close teacher–student bond. Roethke finally expresses his loss––and perhaps an imagined loss––in terms of a unique human relationship: "neither father nor lover." As a ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Tattoo Self Expression Tattoos can be a great form of self expression, if picked appropriately. "Young Adults Should Not Use Tattoos for Self Expression," by Lizzie A Encino addresses how tattoos should be illegal for everyone under the age of 21. Encino argues how 18 year olds aren't yet mature enough to make such an permanent decision. She then touches on how tattoos can negatively affect adolescents job opportunities because employees may see them as unprofessional. She mentions how tattoos can be extremely painful, costly, and potentially ruin one's image overall if done at a cheap place. Another reason is because tattoo parlors can accidently use a previously used needle and spread deadly diseases. I believe that tattoos should be illegal to those under the ... Show more content on ... Now that high school is over, it's time to go on to college and get a job. As for using tattoos as a form of self expression, most adolescents forget to think about how their future occupation may require them to hide them at all times. The career path legal teens choose will play a major role in the number of tattoos they can have or must cover everyday at work. In the article, "Tattoos No Longer A Kiss of Death in the Workplace," Rachel Hennessey touches on how tattoos are now allowed, but must be covered depending on the job occupation. Even though teens believe that they can convey their live visually on their bodies through tattoos, they miss the part when they must confide to society. Since we're humans, we automatically judge others without even thinking about. In our society, if you don't look the part, you won't get or keep the part. If i were to get a sleeve full of tattoos at the age of 18, then want to work at Kaiser Permanente five years from now. I'd need to consider whether it was worth it to spend thousands on those tattoos to have to end up covering them for the rest of my life at work. It's like why didn't I just wait and think before making such a permanent decision. One has to confide to society to get paid, so will you regret attempting to express yourself if one lives in a fixated country. To conclude, I believe that tattoos should be illegal to those under the age of 21 for three main reasons: the lack of ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. Art As A Form Of Self-Expression Is art a form of self–expression from the artist to their audience? Self–expression is defined as, "the expression of one's feelings, thoughts, or ideas, especially in writing, art, music, or dance." (English Oxford Dictionary). The source of inspiration for art is unknown for certain, but it is commonly believed that it comes from inside the artist, based on their life lessons and experiences. If the inspiration comes from within, then artists are expressing themselves through their art, thus art is self–expression. There are innumerous forms of art, from writing to dancing; singing to creating a drawing, public speaking and everything in–between. A person who is whistling is expressing how they are feeling through the notes that they hit. Someone who is drawing can use darker colors, such as browns and blacks to give off an eerie tone. Does that mean that all art is self–expression? No, not all art is self–expression, maybe it isn't self–expression at all. This leads to the debate over whether art is self–expression if the inspiration comes from an outside source, rather than from within. When an artist attempts to express their self–feelings through their art, a special emotion is evoked if the art comes from deep within. There is a distinguishable difference between art that comes from within and art that is inspired by an outside source. Plato believes that artists are "possessed" by someone or something, rather than their inspiration coming from inside. This means that art would not be self–expressional, as it isn't coming from within the artist's mind, but rather an exterior source. In Plato's book, Ion, Socrates explains to Ion, that: "...speaking well about Homer; it's a divine power that moves you, as a 'Magnetic' stone moves iron rings." (Plato, Ion, 18). In this analogy, Socrates is attempting to explain to Ion that his ability to be well–versed in the study of Homer is not due to his own inspiration and aspirations, but rather because of a divine power that gives him this ability. In the text, Plato talked about how Ion would light up when talking about Homer, showing that he may be 'possessed' by Homer. Ion is drawn in towards Homer as a fish is to the hook with bait on it. ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. The Importance Of Self-Expression And Diversity Ralph Waldo Emerson's argument can still be applied in today's society because self–expression and diversity are highly valued even now. As the world continues to become more interconnected through a single platform, it presents opportunities to express personality more effectively. According to ProCon Organization, an educational non–profit institution with a professional research team states that "social media can help disarm social stigmas". Famous internet sites, such as Twitter and Instagram, are used for presenting avant–garde styles with peculiar outfit choices challenging stereotypes embedded in cultures over thousands of years. Emerson passionately preached about going against tradition during his time and it has evidently survived to this day. People explore and dabble with individuality through technology nonstop. Proving that self– dependence is a key component to being true to oneself. Furthermore, as the renowned newspaper, the HuffPost states in an article, "[the internet helps] to share...ideas that typically involve some sort of creative expression". In order to achieve this, the average person needs to have a state of mind that is unique and build upon it through these outlets. Many people use inspiration gained from others to help open and listen to their minds consequently following what they believe is the right way to dress and act according to themselves. Inspiration being the key word because the point is not to mimic or imitate others, but to gain ... Get more on ...
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  • 90. Form Of Self-Expression In Poetry During the early 19th century the most sought after form of self–expression was poetry. Although some people view poetry as merely ink on paper, enthusiast and writers viewed it as a way to express one's ideas, feelings and views on the world. The Romantic Era saw the debut of a variety of poets whose works are now considered to be exemplars of what great poetry should be like. However, as time passed, the popularity of poetry as a form of self–expression have faded and the new form of self–expression via musical lyric has taken their place. Music, much like poetry, is the artist's way of conveying their ideas and views on the world. Many themes and social issues commented on in 19th century poetry has transcended both time and place and found its way into today's music. John Clare, born July 13, 1793, in Helpston, England is among the poets of the Romantic Era whose work is highly regarded. Unlike other poets such as Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley who came from wealthy backgrounds, Clare was considered a 'peasant poet'. Nonetheless, this background made his poems all the more relatable for his readers. Throughout his life–time Clare published multiple poems that were given much praise. However, after the release of his second volume of poems which did not do as well, Clare began to suffer from fears and delusions that him to be admitted into a private asylum in the year 1837. During his time in the asylum Clare suffered from feelings of depression and isolation ... Get more on ...
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  • 94. Pornography : An Art, Immoral, And An Expression Of Self Pornography has created mixed feelings between groups of people. It is seen as an art, immoral, and an expression of self. Many different genres or categories of porn including; hard and soft core, lesbian/ gay, role playing, and racial just to name a few. Not only has the industry grown incredibly over the last decade, the controversy has also grown. I wish to cover both side of the issue in order to allow both sides an opportunity to shine. Pro Pornography Strip clubs, gentlemen's clubs, chip and dale, movies, and online videos are all examples of pornography. It is more and more common and much easier to find. According to Sound Vision, a site dedicated to helping youth, states that there are over four million pornography websites around which in turn represents twelve percent of all websites. That being said Facebook, Twitter, and Google are everyday sites that pornographic images can be found. It has been thought that pornography allows individuals to express themselves sexually. They can comfortably engage in sexual contact with another and also make a profit from it. They can show off their body no matter the size because there are new viewers, fetishes, and ideas daily. Some might say that expressing one's self sexually may increase self–esteem, and overall create a happy bodily image. Where greater self–esteem is found you can in turn find happier, more confident individuals. The ethical egoist might say that if a person enjoys the act of pornography then it is in ... Get more on ...
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  • 98. The Lack Of Self-Expression In George Orwell's 1984 Thirty–three years ago, the unpleasantry that novelist George Orwell dreamt of never became the reality he predicted it would in 1949. The year 1984 was supposed to take society on an absolute turn for the worst, becoming a global dystopia in which everyone lived under the regulation and dominance of one of three totalitarian superstates. Orwell wrote of this future in his book 1984, creating the fictional universe of Oceania in which the lives of Winston Smith and the other characters in Oceania seemed genuinely real, especially by use of various literary devices. Motifs such as the linguistic concept of Newspeak and the majority of society's convergence of feelings towards the Party and Big Brother appear multiple times throughout the pages of the novel. Through such recurring ideas, a major theme stands out – the lack of self–expression. Living under an authoritarian and oppressive government, party members such as Winston are forced to follow the socialist policies of Ingsoc. In the book it is written that, "The two aims of the Party are to conquer the whole surface of the earth and to extinguish once and for all the possibility of dependent thought" (Orwell 193). If everyone were to give into the Party, self–expression would be entirely eliminated because everyone and everything would be censored. With such motives made clear, Winston along with a minority realize the absurdity in the Party's ways. Nevertheless, many more others do not, loving Big Brother and embracing ... Get more on ...
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  • 102. Music Is The Nationalthem For Self-Expression Music is the national anthem for self–expression. From songwriting to the making of the rythym its a perfect way to express yourself. Todays music is all about what people want to hear and whats catchy,but that is not music thats people trying to gain fans and get recognition. Music is supposed to come from your heart, that's when you will find real music. If you are artistic and creative then making music might be a hobby for you. you don't have to be the best singer or songwriter because you dont even have to share your work with others. you could write music for your own personal satisfaction. if you do get your music heard by others keep in mind that theres always gonna be someone who dislikes your music. Most apparent musicians ... Get more on ...
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  • 106. The Problem Of Self-Expression In 1984 By George Orwell Many people in a censored society desire to show their individualistic nature, but "until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until they rebel they cannot become conscious" (Orwell70). In George Orwell's 1984 he shows the authority a government can have on one's life even when all they want is self–expression. Many are too frightened to rebel, yet when one does it impacts his life forever. Even though the society of "1984" by George Orwell claims to be complete and total censorship, the problem of wanting more self–expression is still evident which is shown through indirect characterization, symbolism, and themes. George Orwell 1984 utilizes components of indirect characterization to inform the reader on how much ... Show more content on ... The reality of this is evident through the Big Brothers slogan. Through the whole book you come across the slogan "war is peace freedom is slavery ignorance is strength" (Orwell4). This quote suggest the values and views Big Brother has on the government and why the government does the things is does. Another example is the symbolistic nature of the paper weight shows how relevant knowing the past helps you become more individualistic. One Winston receives the paper weight he sees the symbolistic nature of the past "[by] the level of craftsmanship required" (the glass paperweight symbol analysis). This is just one example of how the government has dropped its standards for its own sake. In addition the paper weight support's the symbolistic nature of Winston's thoughts. Winston and Julia have a room above Goldstein's shop which Winston sees as a "separate world, frozen in time" (the glass paper weight analysis). This evidence shows hoe Winston and Julia are able to do and fell what they like only in that room due to the lack of "supervision" of Big Brother. The symbolistic nature of the slogan and the glass paper weight are both great examples on the want for the past and the need for individualism. George Orwell educates his readers by employing themes in order to portray the immense control a totalitarianism government has, and how much people want self–expression with in that governments. ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. The Expression Of Thoughts Of Self Harm By F4 This incident presents several demands for works and is complex as a result of what was disclosed by F4. The expression of thoughts of self–harm by F4 put the facilitators in the very difficult position of having to not focus on an individual and to stay focused on the group as a whole. Though it is assumed that this is a difficult task for social workers in a general sense, I am of the opinion that when a potentially serious and/or a complex issue arise that it increases the difficulty. The group member that disclosed the thought of self–harm felt safe and connected, which is why she was able to disclose such intimate thoughts with the group. The fact that F4 was able to share such information is a positive reflection on the mutual aid of this group, though it may have been too much too soon or not appropriate, because of the nature of the disclosure. This is not to imply that it was easy for her to disclose what she did and it clearly was not easy for the group to hear this information. The disclosure of thoughts of self–harm by F4, which she felt was a result of the stress she was under, is the first demand for work to be examined. Self–harm is not to be confused with suicidal behavior; "self–harmers say that inflicting pain on themselves does make them feel better and it is used to make life more manageable (Thornton, 2015, p. 189)." This disclosure is complex as she comfortable with disclosing the thought of using self–harm to cope with the stress, which is the intent ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. Self-destructive Self-expression in The Yellow Wallpaper Self–destructive Self–expression in The Yellow Wallpaper In "The Yellow Wallpaper", a story by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, the conflict centers around the protagonist's inability to maintain her sanity in a society that does not recognize her as an individual. Her husband and brother both exert their own will over hers, forcing her to conform to their pre–set impression an appropriate code of behavior for a sick woman. She has been given a "schedule prescription for each hour in the day; [John] takes all care from me" (155). This code of behavior involves virtually no exertion of her own free–will. Rather, she is expected to passively accept the fact that her own ideas are mere fancy, and only the opinions of the men in her life ... Show more content on ... The wallpaper takes on immediate significance when it is introduced to the story, simply because its characteristics are described with such detail. At this point, the paper seems to represent all that is the opposite of the woman, and she is repulsed by it. "I never saw a worse paper in my life,"(l56) writes the woman. Whereas she is a sweet, dutiful wife to her husband, and her behavior carefully conforms to what society expects of her, she is disgusted by the paper's poor condition, its faded, soured color, and its pattern, "One of those sprawling flamboyant patterns committing every artistic sin"(156). Her mild–mannered behavior, evident in the opening scenes, carefully conforms with what society expects of her; therefore, this vague description of the pattern of the wallpaper seems to be an inversion of the woman's personality. However, closer analysis proves that her reasons for hating the paper are illogical, and reveal a hypocrisy in the way she views the structure of society. The idea of an artistic "sin", implies that artists are supposed to follow a specific set of rules. This is not true. There are many schools of artistic thought, but artists are continually challenging those traditions and developing new ones. An artistic sin, then, would be an original technique, but to call originality in art sinful goes against the nature of art. Similarly, the woman feels that she is required to ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. Accomplishment Of Self-Expression In The Film Billy Elliot The accomplishment of self–expression is an apprehensive experience that will bring forth a sense of contentment from the obtainment of a personal reward. The revelation of an individuals true identity is a daunting act without a sense of support but when succeeded it will bring a return that is untouchable. This is evident midway through the film 'Billy Elliot' in the character Michael when he comfortably dresses up in female clothing in front of Billy only. Daldry's uses mise en scene to highlight to the audience Michael's casualness with his surrounding and him self. The use of the mirror is purposeful for its reflection of whats on the other side and in the framing it foreshadows the real Michael within the mirror. It further symbolises ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. Divine Self Expression Essay lovely here now is grandiose of our spiritual potential and make our human experience a reflection of our divine nature because now we have actual freedom of choice we're able to take spiritual wisdom and insight and apply it to our lives in really practical ways because we have this amazing power to choose. Finally were able to exercise free will because that is the divine gift we've all been given and so we can now fully engage in creation through choice, and so this is the most incredible exciting time to be incarnated. we should all congratulate ourselves that we chose to come onto this planet right now because nice incarnation has never been this good server truly limited by ourselves we employ those limitations upon ourselves they are just perceived limitations at this point beautiful experience. Never has it been available to us before ever throughout human history it's remarkable it's an amazing opportunity that all of us have right now why are so few spiritual seekers infinitely abundant results because that is not really happening for all students of consciousness is it so why not if we have such opportunity available if divine self–expression is now you know totally available to all of us why is it not happening why are you still going to jobs that are just ok we don't really like them we're going to tolerate them right. We're tolerating lives that are centered on getting the bills paid maybe saving for retirement and it ourselves did not incline 8 especially ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. Duality In George Orwell'sShooting An Elephant, And The... There are countless stories about politicians who are against gay marriage being caught doing inappropriate things with people of their same sex. Unfortunately, this level of hypocrisy is all too common in American politics. People stylize themselves as something in public but secretly might have a different opinion in private. This duality in human expression extends to regular normal people as well. Human expression is split between the public and private self because of the different comfort levels you have in private versus in public and to take a stance that is beneficial to themselves. Part of the reason why humans express themselves differently based on what environment they are in is because of the comfort they feel. In George Orwell's essay "Shooting an Elephant", Orwell had to secretly support the Burmese instead of openly expressing his opinions that the British were oppressors because he was a member of the British army while in a foreign country. He was not comfortable with the environment he was in, so the public self he expressed became pro– imperialism and supportive of the British. This matched the socially accepted norm for British soldiers, which was to put their own country ahead of any other considerations. If he was in a different position, where he was not a British soldier, his public self would have matched with his private self's opinion about the evils the British Empire were committing in Burma. His natural instinct was to go with the expression that would make life easier for him in the army. On a more personal scale, the level of comfort affecting your private and public self can be seen in the behaviors one exhibits at home versus in public. At home, there is a sense of familiarity and comfort that allows your private self to come out. I express my opinions and language freely at home where I am most comfortable, while in public I have to carefully consider what expressions I allow to be seen so that I stay within the socially accepted norms. Comfort is one of the key reasons why humans express a difference between their public and private selves, as they try to be a part of society while expressing themselves in acceptable ways. Duality in human expression is also brought forth ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. Personal Note On Self Expression Self–expression Your studies have brought you to the point where you can actually exercise dominion over your affairs. We must not overlook the importance Holmes attributes to actually doing something to express this knowledge. While it is important that you know what to do, it is essential that you actually do it. Therefore, what you do must be an expression of you. It must be like you, for you to like doing it, and continue with it. It is important to your success that you are able to do what you like, but it is essential that you like what you do. I realize that most people are not doing what they'd like to do. They are doing what they have to do. They are doing the work that has to be done, rather than the work they'd like to get done. I know only one remedy to this: "If the labor is mean, let him by his thinking and character make it liberal. Whatever he knows and thinks, whatever in his apprehension is worth doing, that let him communicate, or men will never know and honor him aright." R. W. Emerson, Spiritual Laws It is possible that we are in the right place, at the right time in our life, doing the right thing in the right way, and we don't realize it. It is possible that our dissatisfaction with our labor is only a matter of not pausing to appreciate and enjoy the fruits of our labor. It is possible that the lack of recognition and praise that could accompany our work is due to our own lack of appreciation. It may be unlikely, but it is possible that the ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. The Idea Of Self-Expression Of Graffiti And Pop Culture You've probably seen some type of graffiti art before; most likely in a large city like New York City. Whether it be on bridges, public transit property, buildings, or walls, graffiti is an art form that is available at your exposure. It is intended to be seen by the public eye and this type of art arises curiosity amongst viewers. Graffiti can be seen as its own subculture. This culture initiated about 30 years ago in New York City, and the grand appreciation for this art has helped it become a global phenomenon. The use of graffiti can date all the way back to Ancient Greece, but modern graffiti didn't originate until 1960 when artists tagged their names on cars. It wasn't until the 1980s that hip hop became a part of graffiti, which ultimately ... Show more content on ... The program was founded by Jane Golden in 1984 and the program has almost 4,000 murals in total. The mural arts program is intended to help educate and uplift people, targeting young kids with hopes of them wanting to become successful in their futures. In Jane Golden's book, Philadelhphia Murals and the Stories They Tell, she believes that when the program started, the murals would help, " learn about discipline and responsibility. Many had limited options. We hoped they would come out of the program with a sense of their own identities and values so they could go on to live normal lives and not end up dead or in jail" (35). Not only are adults that view the murals targeted, but children are as well, in order for them to become educated on important topics in the world. One "reward" of these murals is to help the community come together and appreciate the stories of the artists and to educate people on different topics. People can relate to the murals and the reasoning behind the art. In addition, this program has actually helped with employment has over 200 paid job positions. Graffiti artists, and even regular people (doesn't necessarily have to be a well–known artist) can sign up to work on the murals and get paid. It is still a form of graffiti since it is done on walls of buildings and ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. Self-Expression In Literature To me, self–expression is one of the most valuable things humans are able to experience. Being allowed to freely put your thoughts and feelings out into the world is such an incredible gift that many people seem to ignore or take for granted. Whether it be painting a picture to showcase your sentiments, writing a blogpost about something you're interested in, or dancing to music just because it feels good, expressing yourself creatively is an amazing thing that we are capable of doing, as we are able to beautifully and imaginatively portray our inner thoughts and emotions for ourselves and for others to see. The arts, such as literature, drawing, and music, has always played a very important role in my life, and has helped shaped me into the person I am today. Throughout my entire student career, English Language and Literature has always been my favorite subject. The shelves in my bedroom are filled with books that I've read and reread ever since 7th grade, as I was an avid reader growing up and would buy a new novel almost every week for me to enjoy. Reading has always been a favorite hobby of mine because being completely captivated with a story and feeling as if you were experiencing the events in the book yourself is incredibly fascinating to me. Moreover, I always enjoyed English class in school because the books we would be assigned to read were always very interesting, and I loved to write my thoughts and feelings about them. In middle school I even dreamt about ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. Why Do School Uniforms Increase Self-Expression? Though the simplicity of school uniforms limit self–expression, they increase the overall quality of a student's education. More schools, both public and private, are adopting uniforms in order to reduce crime and decrease the amount of distractions in the learning environment. Uniforms can oftentimes be costly and eliminate the amount of leeway students have when it comes to personalizing their appearance. However, uniforms better the school experience for a majority of students who wear them. Over the years, clothing with ties to gangs have become more prevalent in schools. Students can indicate their affiliation by simply wearing a certain color. This makes rival gang members much easier to pick out, and therefore much easier to target and fight on school grounds. Because schools cannot and will not ban an entire color, nothing is stopping their students from continuing to showcase their loyalty to their group and physically assaulting enemies. Uniforms have proven to be an effective solution to this problem. A case study in Long Island, California exhibited how not just schools, but the community as a whole benefited from the decision to require students to wear uniforms. The crime rate dropped by 91 percent, school suspensions dropped by 90 percent, and incidents of vandalism were reduced by 69 percent (Public School). Though the study took place in 1995, schools continue to find that uniforms contribute to a safer environment. An increase of schools, from 11.8% in 2000 to 20.4% in 2014, adopted uniforms for safety purposes (Digest). Although it is important to follow school dress codes for various purposes, the policies bring a bad along with their good intentions when being enforced. When teachers or administrators have to cut into class time to call out a pupil for wearing an illegal article of clothing, it takes away from the time allotted for the lesson. That individual loses even more valuable learning time if they are asked to go change or call home for a new set of clothes. Tom Robertson, Lewis and Clark Middle School's Vice Principal, said it is common for children to have to spend part of their school day in his office because of dress code violations. "They have to wait in the office until ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Tattoos : Self Expression Or Approval? Tattoos: Self Expression or Approval? Ink that is normally used on paper is submerged into layers of my skin. While staring at the permanent feature, I wonder was this a way of me expressing myself using my body, or the approval of myself and others? At the age of fourteen, preteen girls are normally focused on buying the latest purses or shoes, but that was not the case for me. Throughout my first year of high school my mind was solely set on getting a tattoo. Being so young, my mother was very hesitant to allow me to permanently ink my skin. However, when I was ten, I went against my mother's word by getting my second hole on my ears pierced even after she advised against it. Knowing my determination in getting the things I want, she made a deal with me. The deal being that I had to take a full year to consider the tattoo and if I was still fixed on it she would allow me. As the year passed, I had only one idea in mind that never changed. I wanted the tattoo to be meaningful and something I would not regret. The idea of this being permanent, unchangeable, and forever on my skin for the rest of my life was fearful. Growing up my mother had sayings for my brother and I that was written in every text and inscribed in every card. "Stay Sweet", two words that have been engraved in my head since before I could speak. It was clear, without hesitation, that I was ready to have these words also engraved in my skin. Almost four years later and I wonder what did this small form of ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. Body Piercing: Reclamation, Enhancement, and... Body Piercing: Reclamation, Enhancement, and Self–Expression by Jason C. Hillman In America the practice of body piercing is everywhere, especially among young people. who are getting several parts of their bodies pierced either as an affirmation of their personal individuality, as a means of sexual gratification or stimulation, a reclamation of their bodies from physical or emotional trauma, or for as a means of adornment. Whateverthe reason, it's widespread. Body piercing is the piercing of the ears, nose, septum, cheeks, lip, tongue, nipples, navel, clitoris, labia, penis, and scrotum. Says California State University anthropologist James Myers, Ph.D. body piercing is "possibly as old as genus Homo." (Todd, Richard, p.1) Body ... Show more content on ... Most accomplished piercers stress the importance of stringent cleanliness in the piercing environment. All piercing needles are used once and thrown away, usually into biohazard buckets, which are then removed by companies experienced in the disposal of medical waste. Materials which must be reused are autoclaved between each use (an autoclave is a device used to sterilize medical equipment) andthe autoclaves themselves are evaluated quarterly for efficiency (Alexander, p.2). There is also the organization known as the Association of Professional Piercers (A.P.P.), which helps keep the practice of body piercing safe. For many, the motivation behind body piercing is highly sexual. Says one piercer with the A.P.P., "the act of piercing carries in and of itself a heady sexual component". (Alexander, p.1) This is one primary reason behind nipple and genital piercings. When the nipples or genitals are pierced the entire are becomes more sensitive. This is a delight for some piercees. Indeed, genital piercing in America was incubated in gay Sado–Masochistic circles. a 1985 survey of Piercing Fans International Quarterly (a popular piercing magazine published by the Gauntlet, America's first major body piercing studio) subscribers stated that 57 percent of its subscribers engaged in dominant–submissive play, which is itself the signature practice of Sado–Masochism (Wattenberg, Daniel, p.1). Interestingly enough, a third of the people surveyed also reported having ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. Dieting Is The Outer Expression Of Our Self Dieting is a behavior most women will do for at least once in a lifetime. Just as British sociologist, David Gauntlett, has mentioned in his book, "the body is the outer expression of our self, to be improved and worked upon" (113). We are somehow bounded by society's standards of beauty, to the extent that it could affect out self–esteem. While it is all about a bony body figure nowadays, I have no choice but to fall into this unrealistic mainstream. I used to think I am simply 'not so skinny' until this summer, when my parents and friends keep on telling me I look fat. It started to pressure me to think that others constantly judge me by my body figure. I was then determined to lose weight, but the next question is –what are the lifestyle changes I should make to achieve this goal? Looking back on my dietary habits and lifestyle during the past year, when I gained fifteen pounds; I figured out there were three major factors that had led to my weight gain – food choices, eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle. First of all, I would say I am hardly omnivorous – vegetables and fruits are hardly included in my diet. Meat, fast food, soft drinks, fried food, snacks, are what dominated in my diet. These unhealthy food choices are usually with almost zero nutritional value, and would only lead to an excess of calories intake. Secondly, I have irregular mealtimes, and I tend to eat quickly. A research at Northwestern University stated that "eating at irregular times –when the ... Get more on ...