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OPENNESS                                                                   IN THE


     Chris Messina          •     Open Web Vancouver              •     June 12, 2009              •   Vancouver, Canada

Iʼm here to talk to you about Openness in the Era of the Social Web.

Before I begin, I want to point out this is not a technical talk, but is somewhat more abstract.

My goal is to get you to thinking about “openness” and to consider how it applies to your work today.

also, if you want to give me a shout out on Twitter, I’m @chrismessina. Today’s hashtag is
“The Javascript Trap”

“You may be running non-free programs on your computer every day without realizing it —
through your web browser.

“JavaScript ... was once used for minor frills in web pages, such as cute but inessential
navigation and display features. It was acceptable to consider these as mere extensions of
HTML markup, rather than as true software; they did not constitute a significant issue.
“The Javascript Trap”
                           “You may be running non-free programs on
                           your computer every day without realizing
                           it — through your web browser.

                           “JavaScript ... was once used for minor frills
                           in web pages, such as cute but inessential
                           navigation and display features. It was
                           acceptable to consider these as mere
                           extensions of HTML markup, rather than as
                           true software; they did not constitute a
                           significant issue. ...

“You may be running non-free programs on your computer every day without realizing it —
through your web browser.

“JavaScript ... was once used for minor frills in web pages, such as cute but inessential
navigation and display features. It was acceptable to consider these as mere extensions of
HTML markup, rather than as true software; they did not constitute a significant issue.
“The Javascript Trap”
                           “Many sites still use JavaScript that way, but
                           some use it for major programs that do large

“Many sites still use JavaScript that way, but some use it for major programs that do large

“For instance, Google Docs downloads into your machine a JavaScript program which
measures half a megabyte, in a compacted form that we could call Obfuscript because it has
no comments and hardly any whitespace, and the method names are one letter long.
“The Javascript Trap”
                           “Many sites still use JavaScript that way, but
                           some use it for major programs that do large

                           “For instance, Google Docs downloads into
                           your machine a JavaScript program which
                           measures half a megabyte, in a compacted
                           form that we could call Obfuscript because it
                           has no comments and hardly any whitespace,
                           and the method names are one letter long. ...

“Many sites still use JavaScript that way, but some use it for major programs that do large

“For instance, Google Docs downloads into your machine a JavaScript program which
measures half a megabyte, in a compacted form that we could call Obfuscript because it has
no comments and hardly any whitespace, and the method names are one letter long.
“The Javascript Trap”
                           “The source code of a program is the preferred
                           form for modifying it; the compacted code is not
                           source code, and the real source code of this
                           program is not available to the user.

“The source code of a program is the preferred form for modifying it; the compacted code is
not source code, and the real source code of this program is not available to the user.
“It is possible to release a JavaScript program as free software, by distributing the source
code under a free software license. But even if the program's source is available, there is no
easy way to run your modified version instead of the original....
“The Javascript Trap”
                           “The source code of a program is the preferred
                           form for modifying it; the compacted code is not
                           source code, and the real source code of this
                           program is not available to the user.

                           “It is possible to release a JavaScript program
                           as free software, by distributing the source code
                           under a free software license. But even if the
                           program's source is available, there is no easy
                           way to run your modified version instead of the
                           original. ...

“The source code of a program is the preferred form for modifying it; the compacted code is
not source code, and the real source code of this program is not available to the user.
“It is possible to release a JavaScript program as free software, by distributing the source
code under a free software license. But even if the program's source is available, there is no
easy way to run your modified version instead of the original....
“The Javascript Trap”
                           “Silently loading and running non-free
                           programs is one among several issues raised
                           by “web applications”. The term “web
                           application” was designed to disregard the
                           fundamental distinction between software
                           delivered to users and software running on
                           the server.

“Silently loading and running non-free programs is one among several issues raised by “web
applications”. The term “web application” was designed to disregard the fundamental
distinction between software delivered to users and software running on the server.

“In practical terms, how can we deal with the problem of non-free JavaScript programs in web

So on the one hand, we have this problem with “web applications” where our freedoms,
according to Richard Stallman, are in jeopardy.
“The Javascript Trap”
                           “Silently loading and running non-free
                           programs is one among several issues raised
                           by “web applications”. The term “web
                           application” was designed to disregard the
                           fundamental distinction between software
                           delivered to users and software running on
                           the server.

                           “In practical terms, how can we deal with the
                           problem of non-free JavaScript programs in
                           web sites?”

                                         — Richard Stallman, The Javascript Trap

“Silently loading and running non-free programs is one among several issues raised by “web
applications”. The term “web application” was designed to disregard the fundamental
distinction between software delivered to users and software running on the server.

“In practical terms, how can we deal with the problem of non-free JavaScript programs in web

So on the one hand, we have this problem with “web applications” where our freedoms,
according to Richard Stallman, are in jeopardy.
gone is the time when open source software ALONE is enough to have freedom.

richard stallman has been a staunch advocate of open source, but as you can intuit from his
comments about javascript, in the era of the social web, we need a new narrative for “open”...
37Signal’s Basecamp

But this ignores the fundamental design advantage of cloud computing — which is that
you’re basically relying on someone else to do the hard stuff of improving software and
dealing with servers and all that stuff.

More importantly, software today is becoming more and more social — so big deal if you can
get your data out (as you can here with Basecamp) if it means that you lose the metadata and
can no longer collaborate? We’re moving beyond the era where source code was the primary
mechanism of lock-in to one where identity, metadata and facilitating sharing are the things
that we should be most concerned with.
What does open mean?

which is forcing us, I believe, to reconceive of what “openness” means.
Let’s begin with Web 2.0
“Web 2.0 is the network as platform, spanning all
           connected devices; Web 2.0 applications are those that
           make the most of the intrinsic advantages of that platform:
           delivering software as a continually-updated service
           that gets better the more people use it, consuming and
           remixing data from multiple sources, including individual
           users, while providing their own data and services in a
           form that allows remixing by others, creating network
           effects through an “architecture of participation,” and
           going beyond the page metaphor of Web 1.0 to deliver
           rich user experiences.”

                              — Tim O’Reilly, Web 2.0: Compact Definition?

Photo credit: Adam Tinworth

“Web 2.0 is the network as platform, spanning all connected devices;
Web 2.0 applications are those that make the most of the intrinsic advantages of that
delivering software as a continually-updated service that gets better the more people use it,
consuming and remixing data from multiple sources, including individual users, while
providing their own data and services in a form that allows remixing by others,
creating network effects through an “architecture of participation,”
and going beyond the page metaphor of Web 1.0 to deliver rich user experiences.”
“Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry
           caused by the move to the internet as platform, and an
           attempt to understand the rules for success on that new
           platform. Chief among those rules is this: Build applications
           that harness network effects to get better the more people
           use them. (This is what I’ve elsewhere called ‘harnessing
           collective intelligence.’)”

                                                           — Tim O’Reilly

Photo credit: Adam Tinworth

Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the
internet as platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new
platform. Chief among those rules is this: Build applications that harness network effects to
get better the more people use them. (This is what I’ve elsewhere called “harnessing
collective intelligence.”)
Five rules
        The perpetual beta becomes a process for engaging

        Share and share-alike data, reusing others’ and providing
        APIs to your own.

        Ignore the distinction between client and server.

        On the net, open APIs and standard protocols win.

        Lock-in comes from data accrual, owning a namespace or
        non-standard formats.

Tim also laid out five rules that accompanied his definition from back in Dec 2006.

The perpetual beta becomes a process for engaging customers.
Share and share-alike data, reusing others’ and providing APIs to your own.
Ignore the distinction between client and server.
On the net, open APIs and standard protocols win.
Lock-in comes from data accrual, owning a namespace or non-standard formats.

and this was all aimed at speaking to open source developers who saw the world through the
lense of Linux and hardware — and weren’t yet taking the network as a platform seriously.
now, some people want to suggest that Web 3.0 is coming. it’s like the modern version of the
apocalypse: everyone wants to be the first to predict its arrival.

about a month ago, Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher became the latest pundits to suggest
that, no, really, Web 3.0 is upon us (CLICK)
“So what’s the seminal development that’s ushering in the era of
        Web 3.0? It’s the real arrival, after years of false predictions,
        of the thin client, running clean, simple software, against
        cloud-based data and services. The poster children for this
        new era have been the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch, which have
        sold 37 million units in less than two years and attracted 35,000
        apps and one billion app downloads in just nine months.”

                           — Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher, Welcome to Web 3.0

writing that the real arrival, after years of false predictions, of the thin client, running
clean, simple software, against cloud-based data and services is Web 3.0. And that the
iPhone and iPod Touch are its horsemen. (CLICK)

Well, I call bullshit.

writing that the real arrival, after years of false predictions, of the thin client, running
clean, simple software, against cloud-based data and services is Web 3.0. And that the
iPhone and iPod Touch are its horsemen. (CLICK)

Well, I call bullshit.
“After all, Web 2.0 was not a new version of the web, but a
           name that tried to capture what distinguished the companies
           that survived the dotcom bust from those that survived, and point
           the way forward for new companies entering the market.”

                              — Tim O’Reilly, responding to Mossberg and Swisher

Photo credit: Adam Tinworth

Web 2.0 isn’t a version number. Instead, it was a narrative aimed at the industry to explain to
them the rise of the age of cloud computing.
Open source?

and so if we consider the last 10 years of open source, it’s really been about a slow, grudging
migration from a hardware-based perspective to the cloud.
most people know of open source because of the public battle between mozilla’s firefox and
internet explorer.

sure, maybe some people have heard of linux, but few people actually use it in day-to-day
Yoism: the world’s first open source religion

but there has also been something of a religious fervor in the open source community,
rejecting all that which is not 100% open and free.
and it’s been taking to some hilarious extremes.

Still, this is what I might call “institutional drift”, which is what happens when you lose of
track what you’re fighting for.
and so when we see things like this, where camel is using the open brand to advertise their
cigarettes, we must call them out.

this is not “open” as we think of it.

this is an example of what i call “open washing”. it’s the proverbial wolf (mascarading as a
desert animal) in sheep’s clothing.
and so when we see things like this, where camel is using the open brand to advertise their
cigarettes, we must call them out.

this is not “open” as we think of it.

this is an example of what i call “open washing”. it’s the proverbial wolf (mascarading as a
desert animal) in sheep’s clothing.
if we go back to the original premise of Stallman’s call for software freedom, it was about a
basic LIBERTARIAN idea: to not have to rely on anyone else when running your computer.
“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”
                                                                  —thomas jefferson

this is along the lines of what Jefferson meant when he said that “the price of freedom is
eternal vigilance”.

he was talking about “OUR” freedom. the freedom of the individual against oligarchic and
monopolistic power.
           “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”
                                                                  —thomas jefferson

this is along the lines of what Jefferson meant when he said that “the price of freedom is
eternal vigilance”.

he was talking about “OUR” freedom. the freedom of the individual against oligarchic and
monopolistic power.
but this is a problematic approach in the era of social computing, when you must
INHERENTLY rely on someone else to get the benefits of this revolution.


so we must ask ourselves, WHAT DOES OPEN MEAN?
What does open mean?

but this is a problematic approach in the era of social computing, when you must
INHERENTLY rely on someone else to get the benefits of this revolution.


so we must ask ourselves, WHAT DOES OPEN MEAN?
Competition &
                    freedom of choice

for me, openness is about competition and freedom of choice
Social networks & monopolies

             data portability                   lowering switching costs
             multi-homing                       increasing reliability
             roaming                            incurring off-network costs
             disaggregation                     service substitutability

Bertil Hatt in Paris, working on his Ph D in economics... talked to me about social network

gave some good ways to think about this.

data portabilility -> lowering switching costs.
multi-homing -> increasing reliability of service by parallelizing access
roaming -> the ability to access your service from someone else’s network
disaggregation -> the ability to substitute services
Photo by Mary Beth Griffo Rigby
phone number portability — concept of being able to switch providers without incurring a
switching fee. we don’t have the concept of social network switching.

furthermore, when the industry was left to its own means, it didn’t make this possible for
free... and so governments had to step in a regulate the industry to ensure this kind of
Photo by Mary Beth Griffo Rigby
phone number portability — concept of being able to switch providers without incurring a
switching fee. we don’t have the concept of social network switching.

furthermore, when the industry was left to its own means, it didn’t make this possible for
free... and so governments had to step in a regulate the industry to ensure this kind of
multi-homing... parallelizing our networks to improve robustness.

this is a service called — it lets you publish to many networks all at once

making sure that people have access to your data. it might not be ideal, but it’s a good
example of parallelizing access.
here’s an example of roaming.

at&t sent me a text message telling me that they wanted to charge me $20 a megabyte to
access their service because i was on someone else’s network.

it’s expensive; carriers don’t like it. they don’t want to deal with someone else’s customers.

and so this is one of OpenID’s challenges: we have lots of providers, but few relying parties.
disaggregation: the ability to choose the service that I want to use without having to import
EVERYTHING AND without having to even create an account.

this is in contrast, for example, to being forced to use a default service, like Photos on
Facebook or how Apple refuses to let apps that compete with their own apps enter the
Cloud computing

what does open mean in the era of cloud computing? (CLICK)

                                                                       icon by Seedling Design
we’re going from owning our own hard drives with our data... (CLICK)

                                                                          icon by Seedling Design
to relying on someone else to host our data for us.

having the ability to move data from place to another — while retaining metadata will be

                                                                icons by Seedling Design and Fast Icon
you’ve got your youtube, facebook, flickr... no one will need to do backups anymore, but this
will have a profound impact on how you design services.

                                                                              icons by Seedling Design, etc
hybrid applications like this essentially require a connection to function.

                 icons by Seedling Design
and we’re even seeing this creep into desktop applications like Keynote where there is now a
Share menu... that I imagine will slowly replace the File menu (like the fax machine).

defaults here are critical as well. note that Keynote defaults to sharing via — not or even Google Docs...
and we’re even seeing this creep into desktop applications like Keynote where there is now a
Share menu... that I imagine will slowly replace the File menu (like the fax machine).

defaults here are critical as well. note that Keynote defaults to sharing via — not or even Google Docs...
Social web

which brings us to the social web.

it’s one thing if you want to move your application from one company’s cloud instance to

what happens when you want to move your identity and friends?

the reality is, the web was built for sharing documents... (CLICK)

                                                                  icons by
not for connecting people — at least like people connect today.
?                ?              ?
                           ?         WWW                     ?
                            ?               ?               ?

                                                                  icons by
not for connecting people — at least like people connect today.
I think we can start to see where this is going — in a very basic way — by studying
FriendFeed. Already they’re doing a lot of work to minimize the emphasis on services and are
instead focused on two things: People and what they’re sharing. (next: feed formats)
But they’re ending up spending all kinds of resources just getting the basics working, since
our feed formats like ATOM and RSS were designed with blog posts in mind, but people are
doing a lot more on the web today, beyond blogging.
this is really the premise behind the Diso Project:

to make it make it easier to build social experiences on the web

by deriving standards and formats from popular trends.
                              Diso Project •

this is really the premise behind the Diso Project:

to make it make it easier to build social experiences on the web

by deriving standards and formats from popular trends.
Diso   Components*

                                                  *subject to change

identity & profile

discovery & access control

contacts & friends

activity streams


groupings & shared spaces
Diso    Components*

             1. identity & profile
             2. discovery & access control
             3. contacts & friends
             4. activity streams
             5. messaging
             6. groupings & shared spaces

                                                   *subject to change

identity & profile

discovery & access control

contacts & friends

activity streams


groupings & shared spaces
Ubiquity of standards move an
         industry to compete at a new level

                                                                        Photo by grendelkhan
but adoption of these technologies is key.

I don’t want to compete on the level of social apps that exist today.

we want to move up to a higher level of competition by commoditizing aspects of the
social web that are hard today, but are also basic or fundamental.
...leading to opportunities to
                  innovate user experience

                                                                           Photo by Chris Metcalf
in so doing, we create new opportunities to compete on the basis of better service and user
so for example, with the spread of javascript-enabled browsers, we’re now seeing a
venerable old project like Drupal be able to compete by enhancing the user experience.

when I joined the project in 2004 as one of the few designers, i was basically forbidden from
using javascript because it wasn’t yet “standard enough”. how times change!

but all of this is predicated on developing a means for estabishing durable, cross-site identity
on the web.
the individual is basic atomic unity of society.
You can’t have “social”
                      without “society”

we’re really talking about society — the collection of norms, habits and behaviors that define
what a fairly large collection of people are all about.
and since change happens at the level of the individual

a building block technology like openid is critical.

the architecture of the social web must have the individual as its cornerstone.
Real identity

it’s interesting to look at a current trend

people are starting to use their real identity online.
Facebook recommendations
No where is this more obvious than on Facebook.

Here is a list of three people that Facebook has recommended to me.

The second one was suggested because we went to the same high school. Kind of a stretch,
right? I mean, what is that in the photo? A pillow? I have no idea WHO SHE IS
So let’s say I actually dive in and ask Facebook to list ALL the people it thinks I might know...
this is where it gets interesting.


Now, here I see someone I know. I’ve met Eric in person; I could probably add him as a
friend... but is it really him? It’s not like I have some shared secret with him to verify that this
is actually an online representation of his...
So let’s say I actually dive in and ask Facebook to list ALL the people it thinks I might know...
this is where it gets interesting.


Now, here I see someone I know. I’ve met Eric in person; I could probably add him as a
friend... but is it really him? It’s not like I have some shared secret with him to verify that this
is actually an online representation of his...
so I decide to do a search — and lo, out of 444 results, he comes up first. Sure, but this is the
same guy from the previous page.


If we have 63 mutual friends, well, that’s starting make this more plausible...
so I decide to do a search — and lo, out of 444 results, he comes up first. Sure, but this is the
same guy from the previous page.


If we have 63 mutual friends, well, that’s starting make this more plausible...
Ok, now I’m feeling pretty confident. In lieu of a shared secret between us, a familiar social
graph is a reasonable substitute. Get that: by revealing one’s social connections I get closer
to someone’s real identity.
your social graph is essentially a kind of identity fingerprint for people who know you and
know who you know.

but this is really only possible because my mutual friends shared their identities first.

so some of you might know that I use “factoryjoe” as my username on the web.

But, no one in the real world has any frigging clue who “factoryjoe” is, especially without

And so people have come up to me and called me “Joe” without even thinking about it.

This online identity was becoming better known than me!

So I killed it. At least on Twitter. And now I’m just @chrismessina.

Like I was before, and always have been.

But I’ve seen other people do the same thing since I made this change.

And it looks like it’s only becoming more common.
Let’s take a look at another example.

Compare the chat list on the left with the one on the right.

With AIM, you’ve got all these foreign-looking usernames... whereas on the right you have
real names.

CLICK - focus on pirillo

[talk about Facebook’s early decision to swear off usernames]
Let’s take a look at another example.

Compare the chat list on the left with the one on the right.

With AIM, you’ve got all these foreign-looking usernames... whereas on the right you have
real names.

CLICK - focus on pirillo

[talk about Facebook’s early decision to swear off usernames]

                             Chris Pirillo

understand that this DESIGN decision was as important as Flickr’s public-by-default decision.

Heck, I don’t even know what a “locker gnome” is. But here’s the change.
and you can see this in software like eventbox
why does this option even exist?

This to me proves that we are in a transitional period, from assumed aliases to one of real,
public, transparent identities.
why does this option even exist?

This to me proves that we are in a transitional period, from assumed aliases to one of real,
public, transparent identities.
even places like MySpace, where pseudonymity reigns is moving in this direction...
even places like MySpace, where pseudonymity reigns is moving in this direction...
                                                  problem solving,
                                                  lack of prejudice,
          Self-actualization                     acceptance of facts
                                              self-esteem, confidence,
                                           achievement, respect of others,
          Esteem                                  respect by others

                                          friendship, family, sexual intimacy
                                      security of: body, employment, resources,
          Safety                        morality, the family, health, property

                               breathing, food, water, sex, sleep, homeostasis, excretion

                           Mazlow’s Hierarchy of Needs
now, I think this what this means is that we’re seeing a shift to using real identity because the
social web is becoming a increasingly important piece of many people “self-actualization”.

self-actualization is from mazlow’s hierarchy of needs and is at the top of the pyramid here.




You can see this people try to “claim” their identity across the web (CLICK)




and course, companies are jumping over each other to be namespace for people on the web.
why do you think Facebook is getting into the username business after resisting so long?
Five rules
        The perpetual beta becomes a process for engaging

        Share and share-alike data, reusing others’ and providing
        APIs to your own.

        Ignore the distinction between client and server.

        On the net, open APIs and standard protocols win.

        Lock-in comes from data accrual, owning a namespace or
        non-standard formats.

remember Tim O’Reilly’s rules? Yeah, this one.
Five rules
        The perpetual beta becomes a process for engaging

        Share and share-alike data, reusing others’ and providing
        APIs to your own.

        Ignore the distinction between client and server.

        On the net, open APIs and standard protocols win.

        Lock-in comes from data accrual, owning a namespace or
        non-standard formats.

remember Tim O’Reilly’s rules? Yeah, this one.

let’s look at what these namespaces look like on the web today.
this is how facebook presents me to the world.

i can’t change this. I can’t pick which friends show up here.

i can change my photo... but i can’t alter what’s presented here. this is all left up to
facebook’s discretion.
friendfeed presents an activity-centric view of me.

i can’t change how this looks, but at least it represents parts of what i’m actually doing
Google now lets me have quite a bit of control over my profile, but it makes me look like a
google employee.

oh, and everyone looks the same.
Meanwhile, Twitter is all about what I’m doing, but I can really only customize the colors and
background image... but otherwise, that’s about it.

without context, it can be a bit jarring.
So what if I wanted to just do something like this? I’m not saying this is the best webpage
evar, but the point is, when I host my own identity, it’s up to ME how I present my identity to
the world.

And I believe that it’s at the level of the individual that all change and innovation begins and
so the web’s architecture should reflect that.
and so this is why i use as my OpenID. It means that I, as an individual, am in
charge of, and own my own identity.

and what we need to develop, over time, is a way for people who own their own identities —
regardless of whether they delegate to a service or not — to connect to the people and
services that matter to them. (next: asshole)
now, do you know what this is?

it’s the asshole of the universe.
* Connect

and like assholes, it seems that everyone wants to have a connect API these days.
Photo by Timothy Vogel
the result is what we call the “OpenID NASCAR” where everyone wants their brand shown on
login forms.... (CLICK) this.
when people really just want this.

their goal is to get access to their account

To be fair, this is merely an uncomfortable transitional step along a much longer path
towards open identity on the web. it is a means to an end, but not the end that we seek.
Eventually, I think people will know their OpenID, just like their address, phone number,
screennames, email, and so on... until we get to their OpenID.

And just to be clear, an OpenID shouldn’t have to look like a URL. We’re working to fix that

But the primary thing you should take away from this point is that we’re creating a standard
to make it possible to have durable, lasting identity on the web.
• What’s your address?

Eventually, I think people will know their OpenID, just like their address, phone number,
screennames, email, and so on... until we get to their OpenID.

And just to be clear, an OpenID shouldn’t have to look like a URL. We’re working to fix that

But the primary thing you should take away from this point is that we’re creating a standard
to make it possible to have durable, lasting identity on the web.
• What’s your address?

           • What’s your phone number?

Eventually, I think people will know their OpenID, just like their address, phone number,
screennames, email, and so on... until we get to their OpenID.

And just to be clear, an OpenID shouldn’t have to look like a URL. We’re working to fix that

But the primary thing you should take away from this point is that we’re creating a standard
to make it possible to have durable, lasting identity on the web.
• What’s your address?

           • What’s your phone number?

           • What’s your AOL screenname?

Eventually, I think people will know their OpenID, just like their address, phone number,
screennames, email, and so on... until we get to their OpenID.

And just to be clear, an OpenID shouldn’t have to look like a URL. We’re working to fix that

But the primary thing you should take away from this point is that we’re creating a standard
to make it possible to have durable, lasting identity on the web.
• What’s your address?

           • What’s your phone number?

           • What’s your AOL screenname?

           • What’s your email address?

Eventually, I think people will know their OpenID, just like their address, phone number,
screennames, email, and so on... until we get to their OpenID.

And just to be clear, an OpenID shouldn’t have to look like a URL. We’re working to fix that

But the primary thing you should take away from this point is that we’re creating a standard
to make it possible to have durable, lasting identity on the web.
• What’s your address?

           • What’s your phone number?

           • What’s your AOL screenname?

           • What’s your email address?

           • What’s your MySpace?

Eventually, I think people will know their OpenID, just like their address, phone number,
screennames, email, and so on... until we get to their OpenID.

And just to be clear, an OpenID shouldn’t have to look like a URL. We’re working to fix that

But the primary thing you should take away from this point is that we’re creating a standard
to make it possible to have durable, lasting identity on the web.
• What’s your address?

           • What’s your phone number?

           • What’s your AOL screenname?

           • What’s your email address?

           • What’s your MySpace?

           • Twitter?

Eventually, I think people will know their OpenID, just like their address, phone number,
screennames, email, and so on... until we get to their OpenID.

And just to be clear, an OpenID shouldn’t have to look like a URL. We’re working to fix that

But the primary thing you should take away from this point is that we’re creating a standard
to make it possible to have durable, lasting identity on the web.
• What’s your address?

           • What’s your phone number?

           • What’s your AOL screenname?

           • What’s your email address?

           • What’s your MySpace?

           • Twitter?

           • Are you on Facebook?

Eventually, I think people will know their OpenID, just like their address, phone number,
screennames, email, and so on... until we get to their OpenID.

And just to be clear, an OpenID shouldn’t have to look like a URL. We’re working to fix that

But the primary thing you should take away from this point is that we’re creating a standard
to make it possible to have durable, lasting identity on the web.
• What’s your address?

           • What’s your phone number?

           • What’s your AOL screenname?

           • What’s your email address?

           • What’s your MySpace?

           • Twitter?

           • Are you on Facebook?

           • What’s your OpenID?

Eventually, I think people will know their OpenID, just like their address, phone number,
screennames, email, and so on... until we get to their OpenID.

And just to be clear, an OpenID shouldn’t have to look like a URL. We’re working to fix that

But the primary thing you should take away from this point is that we’re creating a standard
to make it possible to have durable, lasting identity on the web.
Why standards?
The open, social web will be built on standards that are free
to implement and that encourage competition at the layer of
service and user experience.
so, one example of this is email standards like SMTP and IMAP. These protocols are
dinosaurs... (CLICK)
but have allowed services like Gmail to be started relatively recently and widespread adoption
by creating the incentive to innovate on top of a basic set of features.
where they’ve created this amazing experience in the iphone version of Gmail. Largely
because of standards.
similarly, Twitter has grown in large part because of its use of SMS, a standard feature of
phones that has been around for ages — that few had previously taken advantage of.

Ironically, you could argue that RSS on Blogger was what lead Ev Williams to his original
success. So, he just seems to be at the right moment leveraging standards as they become
ubiquitous in the marketplace.

of course, one of the best examples of my point is Apple.
and indeed, one of the best examples of the power of standards to change an industry is the

it is the benefactor of years of open standards development.

so clearly the open, social web will have an impact on mobile development.
IEEE 802.11 (WiFi)
    International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000)                        vCalendar


         Short Message Service (SMS/MMS)

                        MPEG-4 Part 14,
            ISO/IEC 14496-14:2003 (MP4)

                               SQLite, TXT

                                                                                        MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 (MP3)

                                vCard, etc

                        SMTP, IMAP, POP3                                                HTTP, CSS, JS, etc

and indeed, one of the best examples of the power of standards to change an industry is the

it is the benefactor of years of open standards development.

so clearly the open, social web will have an impact on mobile development.
Furthermore, WebKit is the rendering engine that powers the Safari browser.

this is an open source project
Furthermore, WebKit is the rendering engine that powers the Safari browser.

this is an open source project
webkit is also the rendering engine that powers Google’s Chromium/Chrome open source
browser project.
webkit is also the rendering engine that powers Google’s Chromium/Chrome open source
browser project.
the Palm Pre’s applications are also all webkit apps.

see how important standards are here?
So, just as WebKit is becoming the new operating level,

the underpinings of Mac OS X itself is UNIX, which is open source.

Apple leverages open source and community-based peer-production and ostensibly sells an
experience on top of it.

The value is not in the software, per se, but in the designed experience and vision
carried through Apple products.
So, just as WebKit is becoming the new operating level,

the underpinings of Mac OS X itself is UNIX, which is open source.

Apple leverages open source and community-based peer-production and ostensibly sells an
experience on top of it.

The value is not in the software, per se, but in the designed experience and vision
carried through Apple products.
Vancouver, BC

and I think we’re starting to see our civic institutions start to raise up to meet these

for example, here in Vancouver, as we heard earlier today, you guys are already ahead of the
game (CLICK).
a city that thinks like the web.

working on building “a city that thinks like the web”...

using open data, open standards and open source.

and that’s a great start! and where we need to take this next of course (CLICK)
Open Data, Open Standards, Open Source

working on building “a city that thinks like the web”...

using open data, open standards and open source.

and that’s a great start! and where we need to take this next of course (CLICK)
The open, social web

is to the open social web, where more standards, more data, and more open source will
provide us with the opportunities to compete on a whole new level of user experience.

Our fundamental challenge is to build technologies that enhance the network and serve
people so that they in turn can build better and richer societies.
Our challenge is to build technologies that enhance the
        network and serve people so that they in turn can build
        better and richer societies.


Our fundamental challenge is to build technologies that enhance the network and serve
people so that they in turn can build better and richer societies.

 • @chrismessina •
          Color palette: oddend by martin         Typeface: FTF Flama™ by Mario Feliciano

so that’s it. questions?

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Openness In The Era Of Social Web

  • 1. OPENNESS IN THE ERA OF THE SOCIAL WEB Chris Messina • Open Web Vancouver • June 12, 2009 • Vancouver, Canada Iʼm here to talk to you about Openness in the Era of the Social Web. Before I begin, I want to point out this is not a technical talk, but is somewhat more abstract. My goal is to get you to thinking about “openness” and to consider how it applies to your work today.
  • 2. @chrismessina #owv09 also, if you want to give me a shout out on Twitter, I’m @chrismessina. Today’s hashtag is #owv09
  • 3. “The Javascript Trap” “You may be running non-free programs on your computer every day without realizing it — through your web browser. “JavaScript ... was once used for minor frills in web pages, such as cute but inessential navigation and display features. It was acceptable to consider these as mere extensions of HTML markup, rather than as true software; they did not constitute a significant issue.
  • 4. “The Javascript Trap” “You may be running non-free programs on your computer every day without realizing it — through your web browser. “JavaScript ... was once used for minor frills in web pages, such as cute but inessential navigation and display features. It was acceptable to consider these as mere extensions of HTML markup, rather than as true software; they did not constitute a significant issue. ... “You may be running non-free programs on your computer every day without realizing it — through your web browser. “JavaScript ... was once used for minor frills in web pages, such as cute but inessential navigation and display features. It was acceptable to consider these as mere extensions of HTML markup, rather than as true software; they did not constitute a significant issue.
  • 5. “The Javascript Trap” “Many sites still use JavaScript that way, but some use it for major programs that do large jobs. “Many sites still use JavaScript that way, but some use it for major programs that do large jobs. “For instance, Google Docs downloads into your machine a JavaScript program which measures half a megabyte, in a compacted form that we could call Obfuscript because it has no comments and hardly any whitespace, and the method names are one letter long.
  • 6. “The Javascript Trap” “Many sites still use JavaScript that way, but some use it for major programs that do large jobs. “For instance, Google Docs downloads into your machine a JavaScript program which measures half a megabyte, in a compacted form that we could call Obfuscript because it has no comments and hardly any whitespace, and the method names are one letter long. ... “Many sites still use JavaScript that way, but some use it for major programs that do large jobs. “For instance, Google Docs downloads into your machine a JavaScript program which measures half a megabyte, in a compacted form that we could call Obfuscript because it has no comments and hardly any whitespace, and the method names are one letter long.
  • 7. “The Javascript Trap” “The source code of a program is the preferred form for modifying it; the compacted code is not source code, and the real source code of this program is not available to the user. “The source code of a program is the preferred form for modifying it; the compacted code is not source code, and the real source code of this program is not available to the user. “It is possible to release a JavaScript program as free software, by distributing the source code under a free software license. But even if the program's source is available, there is no easy way to run your modified version instead of the original....
  • 8. “The Javascript Trap” “The source code of a program is the preferred form for modifying it; the compacted code is not source code, and the real source code of this program is not available to the user. “It is possible to release a JavaScript program as free software, by distributing the source code under a free software license. But even if the program's source is available, there is no easy way to run your modified version instead of the original. ... “The source code of a program is the preferred form for modifying it; the compacted code is not source code, and the real source code of this program is not available to the user. “It is possible to release a JavaScript program as free software, by distributing the source code under a free software license. But even if the program's source is available, there is no easy way to run your modified version instead of the original....
  • 9. “The Javascript Trap” “Silently loading and running non-free programs is one among several issues raised by “web applications”. The term “web application” was designed to disregard the fundamental distinction between software delivered to users and software running on the server. “Silently loading and running non-free programs is one among several issues raised by “web applications”. The term “web application” was designed to disregard the fundamental distinction between software delivered to users and software running on the server. “In practical terms, how can we deal with the problem of non-free JavaScript programs in web sites?” So on the one hand, we have this problem with “web applications” where our freedoms, according to Richard Stallman, are in jeopardy.
  • 10. “The Javascript Trap” “Silently loading and running non-free programs is one among several issues raised by “web applications”. The term “web application” was designed to disregard the fundamental distinction between software delivered to users and software running on the server. “In practical terms, how can we deal with the problem of non-free JavaScript programs in web sites?” — Richard Stallman, The Javascript Trap “Silently loading and running non-free programs is one among several issues raised by “web applications”. The term “web application” was designed to disregard the fundamental distinction between software delivered to users and software running on the server. “In practical terms, how can we deal with the problem of non-free JavaScript programs in web sites?” So on the one hand, we have this problem with “web applications” where our freedoms, according to Richard Stallman, are in jeopardy.
  • 11. gone is the time when open source software ALONE is enough to have freedom. richard stallman has been a staunch advocate of open source, but as you can intuit from his comments about javascript, in the era of the social web, we need a new narrative for “open”...
  • 12. 37Signal’s Basecamp But this ignores the fundamental design advantage of cloud computing — which is that you’re basically relying on someone else to do the hard stuff of improving software and dealing with servers and all that stuff. More importantly, software today is becoming more and more social — so big deal if you can get your data out (as you can here with Basecamp) if it means that you lose the metadata and can no longer collaborate? We’re moving beyond the era where source code was the primary mechanism of lock-in to one where identity, metadata and facilitating sharing are the things that we should be most concerned with.
  • 13. What does open mean? which is forcing us, I believe, to reconceive of what “openness” means.
  • 15. “Web 2.0 is the network as platform, spanning all connected devices; Web 2.0 applications are those that make the most of the intrinsic advantages of that platform: delivering software as a continually-updated service that gets better the more people use it, consuming and remixing data from multiple sources, including individual users, while providing their own data and services in a form that allows remixing by others, creating network effects through an “architecture of participation,” and going beyond the page metaphor of Web 1.0 to deliver rich user experiences.” — Tim O’Reilly, Web 2.0: Compact Definition? Photo credit: Adam Tinworth “Web 2.0 is the network as platform, spanning all connected devices; Web 2.0 applications are those that make the most of the intrinsic advantages of that platform: delivering software as a continually-updated service that gets better the more people use it, consuming and remixing data from multiple sources, including individual users, while providing their own data and services in a form that allows remixing by others, creating network effects through an “architecture of participation,” and going beyond the page metaphor of Web 1.0 to deliver rich user experiences.”
  • 16. “Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the internet as platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform. Chief among those rules is this: Build applications that harness network effects to get better the more people use them. (This is what I’ve elsewhere called ‘harnessing collective intelligence.’)” — Tim O’Reilly Photo credit: Adam Tinworth Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the internet as platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform. Chief among those rules is this: Build applications that harness network effects to get better the more people use them. (This is what I’ve elsewhere called “harnessing collective intelligence.”)
  • 17. Five rules The perpetual beta becomes a process for engaging customers. Share and share-alike data, reusing others’ and providing APIs to your own. Ignore the distinction between client and server. On the net, open APIs and standard protocols win. Lock-in comes from data accrual, owning a namespace or non-standard formats. Tim also laid out five rules that accompanied his definition from back in Dec 2006. The perpetual beta becomes a process for engaging customers. Share and share-alike data, reusing others’ and providing APIs to your own. Ignore the distinction between client and server. On the net, open APIs and standard protocols win. Lock-in comes from data accrual, owning a namespace or non-standard formats. and this was all aimed at speaking to open source developers who saw the world through the lense of Linux and hardware — and weren’t yet taking the network as a platform seriously.
  • 18. now, some people want to suggest that Web 3.0 is coming. it’s like the modern version of the apocalypse: everyone wants to be the first to predict its arrival. about a month ago, Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher became the latest pundits to suggest that, no, really, Web 3.0 is upon us (CLICK)
  • 19. “So what’s the seminal development that’s ushering in the era of Web 3.0? It’s the real arrival, after years of false predictions, of the thin client, running clean, simple software, against cloud-based data and services. The poster children for this Bullshit. new era have been the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch, which have sold 37 million units in less than two years and attracted 35,000 apps and one billion app downloads in just nine months.” — Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher, Welcome to Web 3.0 writing that the real arrival, after years of false predictions, of the thin client, running clean, simple software, against cloud-based data and services is Web 3.0. And that the iPhone and iPod Touch are its horsemen. (CLICK) Well, I call bullshit.
  • 20. Bullshit. writing that the real arrival, after years of false predictions, of the thin client, running clean, simple software, against cloud-based data and services is Web 3.0. And that the iPhone and iPod Touch are its horsemen. (CLICK) Well, I call bullshit.
  • 21. “After all, Web 2.0 was not a new version of the web, but a name that tried to capture what distinguished the companies that survived the dotcom bust from those that survived, and point the way forward for new companies entering the market.” — Tim O’Reilly, responding to Mossberg and Swisher Photo credit: Adam Tinworth Web 2.0 isn’t a version number. Instead, it was a narrative aimed at the industry to explain to them the rise of the age of cloud computing.
  • 22. Open source? and so if we consider the last 10 years of open source, it’s really been about a slow, grudging migration from a hardware-based perspective to the cloud.
  • 23. most people know of open source because of the public battle between mozilla’s firefox and internet explorer. sure, maybe some people have heard of linux, but few people actually use it in day-to-day computing.
  • 24. Yoism: the world’s first open source religion but there has also been something of a religious fervor in the open source community, rejecting all that which is not 100% open and free.
  • 25. and it’s been taking to some hilarious extremes. Still, this is what I might call “institutional drift”, which is what happens when you lose of track what you’re fighting for.
  • 26. and so when we see things like this, where camel is using the open brand to advertise their cigarettes, we must call them out. this is not “open” as we think of it. this is an example of what i call “open washing”. it’s the proverbial wolf (mascarading as a desert animal) in sheep’s clothing.
  • 27. and so when we see things like this, where camel is using the open brand to advertise their cigarettes, we must call them out. this is not “open” as we think of it. this is an example of what i call “open washing”. it’s the proverbial wolf (mascarading as a desert animal) in sheep’s clothing.
  • 28. if we go back to the original premise of Stallman’s call for software freedom, it was about a basic LIBERTARIAN idea: to not have to rely on anyone else when running your computer.
  • 29. “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” —thomas jefferson this is along the lines of what Jefferson meant when he said that “the price of freedom is eternal vigilance”. he was talking about “OUR” freedom. the freedom of the individual against oligarchic and monopolistic power.
  • 30. our^ “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” —thomas jefferson this is along the lines of what Jefferson meant when he said that “the price of freedom is eternal vigilance”. he was talking about “OUR” freedom. the freedom of the individual against oligarchic and monopolistic power.
  • 31. but this is a problematic approach in the era of social computing, when you must INHERENTLY rely on someone else to get the benefits of this revolution. (CLICK) so we must ask ourselves, WHAT DOES OPEN MEAN?
  • 32. What does open mean? but this is a problematic approach in the era of social computing, when you must INHERENTLY rely on someone else to get the benefits of this revolution. (CLICK) so we must ask ourselves, WHAT DOES OPEN MEAN?
  • 33. Competition & freedom of choice for me, openness is about competition and freedom of choice
  • 34. Social networks & monopolies data portability lowering switching costs multi-homing increasing reliability roaming incurring off-network costs disaggregation service substitutability Bertil Hatt in Paris, working on his Ph D in economics... talked to me about social network monopolies. gave some good ways to think about this. data portabilility -> lowering switching costs. multi-homing -> increasing reliability of service by parallelizing access roaming -> the ability to access your service from someone else’s network disaggregation -> the ability to substitute services
  • 35. Photo by Mary Beth Griffo Rigby phone number portability — concept of being able to switch providers without incurring a switching fee. we don’t have the concept of social network switching. furthermore, when the industry was left to its own means, it didn’t make this possible for free... and so governments had to step in a regulate the industry to ensure this kind of freedom.
  • 36. Photo by Mary Beth Griffo Rigby phone number portability — concept of being able to switch providers without incurring a switching fee. we don’t have the concept of social network switching. furthermore, when the industry was left to its own means, it didn’t make this possible for free... and so governments had to step in a regulate the industry to ensure this kind of freedom.
  • 37. multi-homing... parallelizing our networks to improve robustness. this is a service called — it lets you publish to many networks all at once making sure that people have access to your data. it might not be ideal, but it’s a good example of parallelizing access.
  • 38. here’s an example of roaming. at&t sent me a text message telling me that they wanted to charge me $20 a megabyte to access their service because i was on someone else’s network. it’s expensive; carriers don’t like it. they don’t want to deal with someone else’s customers. and so this is one of OpenID’s challenges: we have lots of providers, but few relying parties.
  • 39. Picnik disaggregation: the ability to choose the service that I want to use without having to import EVERYTHING AND without having to even create an account. this is in contrast, for example, to being forced to use a default service, like Photos on Facebook or how Apple refuses to let apps that compete with their own apps enter the AppStore.
  • 40. Cloud computing what does open mean in the era of cloud computing? (CLICK)
  • 41. c: icon by Seedling Design we’re going from owning our own hard drives with our data... (CLICK)
  • 42. http:// icon by Seedling Design to relying on someone else to host our data for us. having the ability to move data from place to another — while retaining metadata will be essential.
  • 43. http:// icons by Seedling Design and Fast Icon you’ve got your youtube, facebook, flickr... no one will need to do backups anymore, but this will have a profound impact on how you design services.
  • 44. http:// icons by Seedling Design, etc hybrid applications like this essentially require a connection to function.
  • 45. icons by Seedling Design
  • 46. and we’re even seeing this creep into desktop applications like Keynote where there is now a Share menu... that I imagine will slowly replace the File menu (like the fax machine). defaults here are critical as well. note that Keynote defaults to sharing via — not or even Google Docs...
  • 47. and we’re even seeing this creep into desktop applications like Keynote where there is now a Share menu... that I imagine will slowly replace the File menu (like the fax machine). defaults here are critical as well. note that Keynote defaults to sharing via — not or even Google Docs...
  • 48. Social web which brings us to the social web. it’s one thing if you want to move your application from one company’s cloud instance to another. what happens when you want to move your identity and friends?
  • 49. WWW the reality is, the web was built for sharing documents... (CLICK)
  • 50. WWW icons by not for connecting people — at least like people connect today.
  • 51. ? ? ? ? WWW ? ? ? ? icons by not for connecting people — at least like people connect today.
  • 52. I think we can start to see where this is going — in a very basic way — by studying FriendFeed. Already they’re doing a lot of work to minimize the emphasis on services and are instead focused on two things: People and what they’re sharing. (next: feed formats)
  • 53. But they’re ending up spending all kinds of resources just getting the basics working, since our feed formats like ATOM and RSS were designed with blog posts in mind, but people are doing a lot more on the web today, beyond blogging.
  • 54. Diso this is really the premise behind the Diso Project: to make it make it easier to build social experiences on the web by deriving standards and formats from popular trends.
  • 55. Diso Diso Project • this is really the premise behind the Diso Project: to make it make it easier to build social experiences on the web by deriving standards and formats from popular trends.
  • 56. Diso Components* *subject to change (DON’T CLICK) identity & profile discovery & access control contacts & friends activity streams messaging groupings & shared spaces
  • 57. Diso Components* 1. identity & profile 2. discovery & access control 3. contacts & friends 4. activity streams 5. messaging 6. groupings & shared spaces *subject to change (DON’T CLICK) identity & profile discovery & access control contacts & friends activity streams messaging groupings & shared spaces
  • 58. Ubiquity of standards move an industry to compete at a new level Photo by grendelkhan but adoption of these technologies is key. I don’t want to compete on the level of social apps that exist today. we want to move up to a higher level of competition by commoditizing aspects of the social web that are hard today, but are also basic or fundamental.
  • 59. ...leading to opportunities to innovate user experience Photo by Chris Metcalf in so doing, we create new opportunities to compete on the basis of better service and user experience.
  • 60. so for example, with the spread of javascript-enabled browsers, we’re now seeing a venerable old project like Drupal be able to compete by enhancing the user experience. when I joined the project in 2004 as one of the few designers, i was basically forbidden from using javascript because it wasn’t yet “standard enough”. how times change!
  • 61. Identity but all of this is predicated on developing a means for estabishing durable, cross-site identity on the web.
  • 62. the individual is basic atomic unity of society.
  • 63. You can’t have “social” without “society” we’re really talking about society — the collection of norms, habits and behaviors that define what a fairly large collection of people are all about.
  • 64. and since change happens at the level of the individual a building block technology like openid is critical. the architecture of the social web must have the individual as its cornerstone.
  • 65. Real identity it’s interesting to look at a current trend people are starting to use their real identity online.
  • 66. Facebook recommendations No where is this more obvious than on Facebook. Here is a list of three people that Facebook has recommended to me. The second one was suggested because we went to the same high school. Kind of a stretch, right? I mean, what is that in the photo? A pillow? I have no idea WHO SHE IS
  • 67. So let’s say I actually dive in and ask Facebook to list ALL the people it thinks I might know... this is where it gets interesting. (click) Now, here I see someone I know. I’ve met Eric in person; I could probably add him as a friend... but is it really him? It’s not like I have some shared secret with him to verify that this is actually an online representation of his...
  • 68. So let’s say I actually dive in and ask Facebook to list ALL the people it thinks I might know... this is where it gets interesting. (click) Now, here I see someone I know. I’ve met Eric in person; I could probably add him as a friend... but is it really him? It’s not like I have some shared secret with him to verify that this is actually an online representation of his...
  • 69. so I decide to do a search — and lo, out of 444 results, he comes up first. Sure, but this is the same guy from the previous page. (click) If we have 63 mutual friends, well, that’s starting make this more plausible...
  • 70. so I decide to do a search — and lo, out of 444 results, he comes up first. Sure, but this is the same guy from the previous page. (click) If we have 63 mutual friends, well, that’s starting make this more plausible...
  • 71. Ok, now I’m feeling pretty confident. In lieu of a shared secret between us, a familiar social graph is a reasonable substitute. Get that: by revealing one’s social connections I get closer to someone’s real identity.
  • 72. your social graph is essentially a kind of identity fingerprint for people who know you and know who you know. but this is really only possible because my mutual friends shared their identities first.
  • 73. @factoryjoe so some of you might know that I use “factoryjoe” as my username on the web. But, no one in the real world has any frigging clue who “factoryjoe” is, especially without context. And so people have come up to me and called me “Joe” without even thinking about it. This online identity was becoming better known than me!
  • 74. @factoryjoe @chrismessina So I killed it. At least on Twitter. And now I’m just @chrismessina. Like I was before, and always have been. But I’ve seen other people do the same thing since I made this change. And it looks like it’s only becoming more common.
  • 75. Let’s take a look at another example. Compare the chat list on the left with the one on the right. With AIM, you’ve got all these foreign-looking usernames... whereas on the right you have real names. CLICK - focus on pirillo [talk about Facebook’s early decision to swear off usernames]
  • 76. Let’s take a look at another example. Compare the chat list on the left with the one on the right. With AIM, you’ve got all these foreign-looking usernames... whereas on the right you have real names. CLICK - focus on pirillo [talk about Facebook’s early decision to swear off usernames]
  • 77. “l0ckergn0me” vs. Chris Pirillo understand that this DESIGN decision was as important as Flickr’s public-by-default decision. Heck, I don’t even know what a “locker gnome” is. But here’s the change.
  • 78. Eventbox and you can see this in software like eventbox
  • 79. Eventbox why does this option even exist? This to me proves that we are in a transitional period, from assumed aliases to one of real, public, transparent identities.
  • 80. Eventbox why does this option even exist? This to me proves that we are in a transitional period, from assumed aliases to one of real, public, transparent identities.
  • 81. even places like MySpace, where pseudonymity reigns is moving in this direction...
  • 82. even places like MySpace, where pseudonymity reigns is moving in this direction...
  • 83. morality, creativity, spontaneity, problem solving, lack of prejudice, Self-actualization acceptance of facts self-esteem, confidence, achievement, respect of others, Esteem respect by others friendship, family, sexual intimacy Love/belonging security of: body, employment, resources, Safety morality, the family, health, property breathing, food, water, sex, sleep, homeostasis, excretion Physiological Mazlow’s Hierarchy of Needs now, I think this what this means is that we’re seeing a shift to using real identity because the social web is becoming a increasingly important piece of many people “self-actualization”. self-actualization is from mazlow’s hierarchy of needs and is at the top of the pyramid here.
  • 84. • • • • You can see this people try to “claim” their identity across the web (CLICK)
  • 85. • • • • and course, companies are jumping over each other to be namespace for people on the web.
  • 86. why do you think Facebook is getting into the username business after resisting so long?
  • 87. Five rules The perpetual beta becomes a process for engaging customers. Share and share-alike data, reusing others’ and providing APIs to your own. Ignore the distinction between client and server. On the net, open APIs and standard protocols win. Lock-in comes from data accrual, owning a namespace or non-standard formats. remember Tim O’Reilly’s rules? Yeah, this one.
  • 88. Five rules The perpetual beta becomes a process for engaging customers. Share and share-alike data, reusing others’ and providing APIs to your own. Ignore the distinction between client and server. On the net, open APIs and standard protocols win. Lock-in comes from data accrual, owning a namespace or non-standard formats. remember Tim O’Reilly’s rules? Yeah, this one. let’s look at what these namespaces look like on the web today.
  • 89. this is how facebook presents me to the world. i can’t change this. I can’t pick which friends show up here. i can change my photo... but i can’t alter what’s presented here. this is all left up to facebook’s discretion.
  • 90. friendfeed presents an activity-centric view of me. i can’t change how this looks, but at least it represents parts of what i’m actually doing
  • 91. Google now lets me have quite a bit of control over my profile, but it makes me look like a google employee. oh, and everyone looks the same.
  • 92. Meanwhile, Twitter is all about what I’m doing, but I can really only customize the colors and background image... but otherwise, that’s about it. without context, it can be a bit jarring.
  • 93. So what if I wanted to just do something like this? I’m not saying this is the best webpage evar, but the point is, when I host my own identity, it’s up to ME how I present my identity to the world. And I believe that it’s at the level of the individual that all change and innovation begins and so the web’s architecture should reflect that.
  • 94. and so this is why i use as my OpenID. It means that I, as an individual, am in charge of, and own my own identity. and what we need to develop, over time, is a way for people who own their own identities — regardless of whether they delegate to a service or not — to connect to the people and services that matter to them. (next: asshole)
  • 95. * now, do you know what this is? it’s the asshole of the universe.
  • 96. * Connect and like assholes, it seems that everyone wants to have a connect API these days.
  • 97. Photo by Timothy Vogel the result is what we call the “OpenID NASCAR” where everyone wants their brand shown on login forms.... (CLICK)
  • 99. when people really just want this. their goal is to get access to their account To be fair, this is merely an uncomfortable transitional step along a much longer path towards open identity on the web. it is a means to an end, but not the end that we seek.
  • 100. Eventually, I think people will know their OpenID, just like their address, phone number, screennames, email, and so on... until we get to their OpenID. And just to be clear, an OpenID shouldn’t have to look like a URL. We’re working to fix that actually. But the primary thing you should take away from this point is that we’re creating a standard to make it possible to have durable, lasting identity on the web.
  • 101. • What’s your address? Eventually, I think people will know their OpenID, just like their address, phone number, screennames, email, and so on... until we get to their OpenID. And just to be clear, an OpenID shouldn’t have to look like a URL. We’re working to fix that actually. But the primary thing you should take away from this point is that we’re creating a standard to make it possible to have durable, lasting identity on the web.
  • 102. • What’s your address? • What’s your phone number? Eventually, I think people will know their OpenID, just like their address, phone number, screennames, email, and so on... until we get to their OpenID. And just to be clear, an OpenID shouldn’t have to look like a URL. We’re working to fix that actually. But the primary thing you should take away from this point is that we’re creating a standard to make it possible to have durable, lasting identity on the web.
  • 103. • What’s your address? • What’s your phone number? • What’s your AOL screenname? Eventually, I think people will know their OpenID, just like their address, phone number, screennames, email, and so on... until we get to their OpenID. And just to be clear, an OpenID shouldn’t have to look like a URL. We’re working to fix that actually. But the primary thing you should take away from this point is that we’re creating a standard to make it possible to have durable, lasting identity on the web.
  • 104. • What’s your address? • What’s your phone number? • What’s your AOL screenname? • What’s your email address? Eventually, I think people will know their OpenID, just like their address, phone number, screennames, email, and so on... until we get to their OpenID. And just to be clear, an OpenID shouldn’t have to look like a URL. We’re working to fix that actually. But the primary thing you should take away from this point is that we’re creating a standard to make it possible to have durable, lasting identity on the web.
  • 105. • What’s your address? • What’s your phone number? • What’s your AOL screenname? • What’s your email address? • What’s your MySpace? Eventually, I think people will know their OpenID, just like their address, phone number, screennames, email, and so on... until we get to their OpenID. And just to be clear, an OpenID shouldn’t have to look like a URL. We’re working to fix that actually. But the primary thing you should take away from this point is that we’re creating a standard to make it possible to have durable, lasting identity on the web.
  • 106. • What’s your address? • What’s your phone number? • What’s your AOL screenname? • What’s your email address? • What’s your MySpace? • Twitter? Eventually, I think people will know their OpenID, just like their address, phone number, screennames, email, and so on... until we get to their OpenID. And just to be clear, an OpenID shouldn’t have to look like a URL. We’re working to fix that actually. But the primary thing you should take away from this point is that we’re creating a standard to make it possible to have durable, lasting identity on the web.
  • 107. • What’s your address? • What’s your phone number? • What’s your AOL screenname? • What’s your email address? • What’s your MySpace? • Twitter? • Are you on Facebook? Eventually, I think people will know their OpenID, just like their address, phone number, screennames, email, and so on... until we get to their OpenID. And just to be clear, an OpenID shouldn’t have to look like a URL. We’re working to fix that actually. But the primary thing you should take away from this point is that we’re creating a standard to make it possible to have durable, lasting identity on the web.
  • 108. • What’s your address? • What’s your phone number? • What’s your AOL screenname? • What’s your email address? • What’s your MySpace? • Twitter? • Are you on Facebook? • What’s your OpenID? Eventually, I think people will know their OpenID, just like their address, phone number, screennames, email, and so on... until we get to their OpenID. And just to be clear, an OpenID shouldn’t have to look like a URL. We’re working to fix that actually. But the primary thing you should take away from this point is that we’re creating a standard to make it possible to have durable, lasting identity on the web.
  • 110. The open, social web will be built on standards that are free to implement and that encourage competition at the layer of service and user experience.
  • 111. so, one example of this is email standards like SMTP and IMAP. These protocols are dinosaurs... (CLICK)
  • 112. but have allowed services like Gmail to be started relatively recently and widespread adoption by creating the incentive to innovate on top of a basic set of features.
  • 113. where they’ve created this amazing experience in the iphone version of Gmail. Largely because of standards.
  • 114. similarly, Twitter has grown in large part because of its use of SMS, a standard feature of phones that has been around for ages — that few had previously taken advantage of. Ironically, you could argue that RSS on Blogger was what lead Ev Williams to his original success. So, he just seems to be at the right moment leveraging standards as they become ubiquitous in the marketplace.
  • 115.  of course, one of the best examples of my point is Apple.
  • 116. and indeed, one of the best examples of the power of standards to change an industry is the iphone. it is the benefactor of years of open standards development. so clearly the open, social web will have an impact on mobile development.
  • 117. IEEE 802.11 (WiFi) International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000) vCalendar Bluetooth Short Message Service (SMS/MMS) JPEG MPEG-4 Part 14, ISO/IEC 14496-14:2003 (MP4) SQLite, TXT MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 (MP3) vCard, etc SMTP, IMAP, POP3 HTTP, CSS, JS, etc and indeed, one of the best examples of the power of standards to change an industry is the iphone. it is the benefactor of years of open standards development. so clearly the open, social web will have an impact on mobile development.
  • 118. Furthermore, WebKit is the rendering engine that powers the Safari browser. this is an open source project
  • 119. Furthermore, WebKit is the rendering engine that powers the Safari browser. this is an open source project
  • 120. webkit is also the rendering engine that powers Google’s Chromium/Chrome open source browser project.
  • 121. webkit is also the rendering engine that powers Google’s Chromium/Chrome open source browser project.
  • 122. the Palm Pre’s applications are also all webkit apps. see how important standards are here?
  • 123. So, just as WebKit is becoming the new operating level, the underpinings of Mac OS X itself is UNIX, which is open source. Apple leverages open source and community-based peer-production and ostensibly sells an experience on top of it. The value is not in the software, per se, but in the designed experience and vision carried through Apple products.
  • 124. So, just as WebKit is becoming the new operating level, the underpinings of Mac OS X itself is UNIX, which is open source. Apple leverages open source and community-based peer-production and ostensibly sells an experience on top of it. The value is not in the software, per se, but in the designed experience and vision carried through Apple products.
  • 125. Vancouver, BC and I think we’re starting to see our civic institutions start to raise up to meet these challenges. for example, here in Vancouver, as we heard earlier today, you guys are already ahead of the game (CLICK).
  • 126. a city that thinks like the web. working on building “a city that thinks like the web”... using open data, open standards and open source. and that’s a great start! and where we need to take this next of course (CLICK)
  • 127. Open Data, Open Standards, Open Source working on building “a city that thinks like the web”... using open data, open standards and open source. and that’s a great start! and where we need to take this next of course (CLICK)
  • 128. The open, social web is to the open social web, where more standards, more data, and more open source will provide us with the opportunities to compete on a whole new level of user experience.
  • 129. BECAUSE Our fundamental challenge is to build technologies that enhance the network and serve people so that they in turn can build better and richer societies.
  • 130. Our challenge is to build technologies that enhance the network and serve people so that they in turn can build better and richer societies. BECAUSE Our fundamental challenge is to build technologies that enhance the network and serve people so that they in turn can build better and richer societies.
  • 131. fin. • @chrismessina • Color palette: oddend by martin Typeface: FTF Flama™ by Mario Feliciano so that’s it. questions?