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Open Letter to HRH, Hamad Bin Khalifa
al Thani, Emir of Qatar, on Abyssinia
(Fake 'Ethiopia')
Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis
Orientalist, Historian, Political Scientist, Dr. Megalommatis, 51, is the author of 12
books, dozens of scholarly articles, hundreds of encyclopedia entries, and thousands
of articles. He speaks, reads and writes more than 15, modern and ancient,
languages. He refuted Greek nationalism, supported Martin Bernal´s Black Athena,
and rejected the Greco-Romano-centric version of History. He pleaded for the
European History by J. B. Duroselle, and defended the rights of the Turkish, Pomak,
Macedonian, Vlachian, Arvanitic,Latin Catholic,and Jewish minorities of Greece.
Born Christian Orthodox, he adhered to Islam when 36, devoted to ideas of
Muhyieldin Ibn al Arabi.
Greek citizen of Turkish origin, Prof. Megalommatis studied and/or worked in
Turkey, Greece, France, England, Belgium, Germany, Syria, Israel, Iraq, Iran, Egypt
and Russia, and carried out research trips throughout the Middle East, Northeastern
Africa and Central Asia. His career extended from Research & Education,
Journalism, Publications, Photography, and Translation to Website Development,
Human Rights Advocacy, Marketing, Sales & Brokerage. He traveled in more than 80
countries in 5 continents. He defends the Right of Aramaeans,Oromos, Ogadenis,
Sidamas, Berbers, Afars, Anuak,Darfuris, Bejas, Balochs and Tibetans to National
Independence, demands international recognition for Kosovo, the Turkish Republic
of Northern Cyprus, and Transnistria, calls for National Unity in Somalia, and
denounces Islamic Terrorism.
Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis
April 26, 2008
Your Highness,
As your government expressed astonishment at the ´Ethiopian´ decision to break off
diplomatic ties with your country, I am writing to express my indignation for the
improper and inconsistent attitude of the tyrannical administration of Meles Zenawi.
Before expanding on the real reasons hidden behind the undiplomatic manner and
the uncivil language used in the email statement diffused by the ´Ethiopian´
government, I find the occasion propitious to express my profound admiration for
the constructive role played by your government in various regions, Africa, Middle
East, and the Gulf to name a few, and my great esteem for Qatar´s worthwhile
commitment to the diffusion of the lofty values of Islam, the fundamental principles
of the modern democratic societies, and the universal standards of the Human
The recently held 8th Doha Forum on Democracy, Development,and Free Trade
highlighted precisely the global importance of Qatar, and the interconnectedness
among Democracy, Free Economy and Development.It is certainly not a matter of
coincidence that among the honorable speakers there was no one from ´Ethiopia´. By
this, I do not imply that there are no political leaders, academia and intellectuals
originating from that country who could ever be invited in the Doha Forum. On the
contrary, there are many; but they are all abroad, having either escaped or been
Your Highness,
As a Historian specialized in the History of the Middle East and Northeastern Africa,
I feel obliged to highlight several points that illuminate better the absurd decision of
the Zenawi administration to break off diplomatic ties with Qatar.
The baseless decision has however nothing to do with the dramatic difference in
terms of economic coordinates; certainly there is a reflection of reality in the fact that
with a population 80 times larger than that of Qatar,´Ethiopia´ fails to outperform
your country in terms of GDP (Qatar US $ 57.7 b and ´Ethiopia´ US $ 55
The existing interconnectedness between Developmentand Democracy, as
aforementioned, explains the above figures. In fact both, Democracy and
Development, are absent from ´Ethiopia´. Today, ´Ethiopia´ consists undisputedly in
the world´s most problematic country, being the world´s most tyrannical state,
deeply loathed by no less than 82% of its entire population!
Ethiopia – A fallacious name for Abyssinia, chosen to ease
totalitarian rule
The country that broke off diplomatic ties with Qatar is not entitled to the historical
name of Ethiopia. Its correct name is Abyssinia (Habasha in Arabic). The Ancient
Greek and Latin name ´Ethiopia´ (lit. the country of the burnt face people, made out
of a metaphor for ´Black´) was attributed to the country at the immediate south of
Egypt, Ancient Sudan. The authentic name of that country, Kas, has been found in
Egyptian Hieroglyphic, Assyrian – Babylonian cuneiform (Kus, Mat Kusi), and
Ancient Hebrew (Cush) texts. In the Bible, wherever Cush stands in the Hebrew text,
Aithiopia / Aethiopia stands in the Septuaginta Greek translation, and in the
Vulgata Latin translation.
The Ancient Kingdom of Cush developed civilization, religion, scripture, literature,
fine arts, architecture, and sciences in different historical periods, namely the Kerma
Kingdom period (2600 – 1500 BCE), the Cushitic period (850 – 500 BCE),and the
Meroitic period (450 BCE – 350 CE). With capital at Kerma, Karima (Napata) or
Bagrawiyah (Meroe), never did the Cushitic Kingdom expand over territory that was
in more recent periods under the control of Abyssinia. The populations of Ancient
Ethiopia (Cush) are the ancestors of the Cushitic majority in today´s Abyssinia.
However, today´s Cushites do not rule Abyssinia that before 200 years was much
smaller (one tenth of its present size) and inhabited almost exclusively by Amhara
and Tigray Abyssinians, who are of Semitic Yemenite origin; the name Habashat has
been found in Ancient Yemenite (South Arabic)inscriptions of pre-Islamic times as
the name of one of the then existing Yemenite tribes. The expansion of the small
Abyssinian Kingdom brought during the 19th and the 20th centuries a great number
of African, Cushitic and Nilo-Saharan, nations under the dictatorial control of the
The alienation, oppression, marginalization and de-humanization of the Cushitic
Ethiopian majority at the hands of the Semitic Abyssinian minority was extreme,
ceaseless and evil of nature, as I will further develop, and this led to total rejection of
the Abyssinian rule by the Cushitic majority who aspire all to Liberation, Freedom,
Independence, National and Cultural Identity, and have been engaged in ceaseless
rebellion and unequivocal uprising.
Quite inhumanely, while tyrannically imposing throughout the country Abyssinian
culture, Abyssinian education, Abyssinian pseudo-historical myths of discriminatory
character,and Abyssinian sociopolitical options, the Abyssinian ruling classes opted
for the name change (implemented between 1935 and 1955) in order to offer no
reason to the oppressed Cushitic peoples´ claims for Independence. A politically
treacherous choice geared to perpetuate Abyssinian tyranny over Ethiopian
A national name ´Ethiopia´ would imply a state for Cushites, not Semites like the
Abyssinians. However, due to the exclusively nominal value of the name, it turned
out to be an extra means of oppression and unacceptable racist propaganda.
The colonial state of Abyssinia – Nations and ethno-religious groups
Certainly it is not by mere coincidence that representatives of all the oppressed
Cushitic nations denounce the colonial character of the expanded Abyssinia state,
precisely specifying that it has been the only African colonial empire.
To better understand the situation, one has to examine combined data as regards the
various nations and the religious groups of Abyssinia. The ruling Abyssinian tribes
are mainly the Amhara and the Tigray, who amount to ca.30% of the entire
population. The rest (70% of the country´s entire population) are either Cushitic
(Oromos, Ogadenis, Sidamas, Afars, Kaffas, Kambatas, Hadiya, Agaw,and
Shekachos) or Nilo-Saharan (Anuak).
It would however be erroneous to consider the aforementioned figures without
further analysis; the oppressed Cushitic and Nilo-Saharan nations follow different
religions, either traditional African religions or Islam and Christianity (the latter
preached mainly through Western, Catholic and Protestant missionaries). The
Abyssinian Amharas and Tigrays are either Monophysitic (heretic Christians) or
Muslims. Muslims make ca. 40% of the Abyssinians. Viewed by the Monophysitic
Abyssinian elite and people as historical enemies and as renegades, they have been
terribly oppressed, perhaps more than the Cushitic nations.
We can thus draw the conclusion thatthe Monophysitic Abyssinians represent
approximately 18% of the country´s total population, and rule invariably
discriminating and tyrannizing the Abyssinian Muslims and all the subjugated
Cushitic and Nilo-Saharan nations. If we compare this figure to those given for other
cases of despotic regimes, notably Milosevic´s Yugoslavia and Saddam Hussein´s
Iraq, we realize that nothing was more unrepresentative and more totalitarian, more
discriminatory and more tyrannical than the colonial state of ´Ethiopia´.
´Ethiopian´embassies – unrepresentativedelegationsto be
denouncedin the UN
It would therefore be essential for any country having bilateral contacts with
Abyssinia (fallaciously re-baptized as ´Ethiopia´) to set the rules of democratic
representation, and if they are not respected, to protest at the level of the UN.
It is noteworthy to study and perceive correctly what happens in the embassies of
´Ethiopia´. More than 90% of the diplomatic stuff of the ´Ethiopian´ embassies is
made by Monophysitic Amhara andTigray Abyssinians. This means that they are
the representatives of only an extreme minority (ca. 18% of the population);not only
the so-called ´Ethiopian´ ´diplomats´ do not represent all the other subjugated and
tyrannized nations and religious groups (82%) of their country, but they also
advance - through their position and the means they are made available to them - all
schemes against their country´s majority, and all plans of oppression and
discrimination practiced ´at home´.
In fact, ´Ethiopian´ diplomacy is a bias geared for further genocide and massive
extermination of various African nations.
Certainly, several dictatorial regimes have been represented by unrepresentative
diplomats in the UN and the other international bodies, and at the level of bilateral
relations. However, these tyrannies reflected the imposition of political choices that
were not approved of by the majority of the people (as for instance in Franco´s
The case of ´Ethiopia´ is far more dangerous as the misrepresentation is an
instrument of elimination of nations. This is attempted partly physically (through
premeditated starvation, extrajudicial killings, appalling conditions of imprisonment,
criminal indifference as regard diseases and contaminations, etc.) and partly
spiritually – culturally (through forced assimilation and cultural genocide).
Fake Ethiopia is nota Christian country.
Part of the treacherous plan and mendacious attitude of the ´Ethiopian´´diplomats´
has been to highly portray themselves as Christians, particularly when among
Western Christian nations. They try to extract any possible political benefit by
highlighting their supposedly Christian historical identity. They even attempt to
claim a historical continuity since the days of the Axumite kingdom of Abyssinia,
something that cannot be historically proved.
Certainly the Abyssinians of the Axum kingdom adhered to Monophysitic
Christianity, but we have a clear understanding that neitherAxum Monophysitism
nor Agaw Christianity (a later epoch marked by Cushitic Agaw political
preponderance over the Semitic Abyssinians over part of the Axumite Kingdom´s
territory, as the coastal zone belonged to the Islamic Caliphate down to the 2nd half
of the 19th century) would tolerate non-Christian practices and cults of the modern
Furthermore, we know for sure that Axumite and Agaw Christianity would not
accept the falsification of Christian and Biblical History as promoted later within the
context of post-Agaw Abyssinian mythologies, involving royal descent from the
Queen of Sheba (the Coranic Balqis) and the King Solomon (Hz. Sulayman),through
their mythical son (Menelik).
The so-called Solomonic dynasty of Ethiopia is a provocative falsification and it
amounts to complete historical distortion of facts, ideas, beliefs, and concepts. The
supposed epic text Kebra Negast that is referred to as philological evidence
represents a fabrication geared to promote Abyssinian schemes against Islam, the
Caliphate, and the historical Egyptian Coptic control of the Abyssinian Church.
Murdersof Christian priests and monksby the Abyssinian
Even worse, Abyssinia proved to be one of the most Anti-Christian countries in the
world. The treatment of Christian Catholic priests, monks and scholars traveling in
Abyssinia was far worse than the attitude expressed toward foreign Christians in any
part of the Caliphate or the Muslim World in Europe, Asia and Africa.
The following excerpt from the Catholic Encyclopedia New Advent highlights the
sort of ´Christianity´ the Monophysitic Amhara andTigray Abyssinian pseudo-
diplomats represent, giving at the same time a summary of Anti-Christian
persecution that took place in the supposed ´friend of the Western Christians´.
This is what the unrepresentative pseudo-diplomats of Abyssinia try to keep hidden
from anyone:
"The Sovereign Pontiffs, nevertheless, have bestowed a constant solicitude on the
Christians of Ethiopia. The first missionaries sent to their aid were the Dominicans,
whose success, however, roused the fanaticism of the Monophysites against them,
and caused their martyrdom. For more than a hundred years silence enfolded the
ruins of this Church. At a later period, the fame of the Crusades having spread,
pilgrim monks, on their return from Jerusalem, wakened once more, by what they
told in the Ethiopian court, the wish to be reunited to the Church.
The Acts of the Council of Florence tell of the embassy sent by the Emperor Zéra-
Jacob with the object of obtaining this result (1452). The union was brought about;
but on their home journey, the messengers, while passing through Egypt, were given
up to the schismatic Copts, and to the Caliph, and put to death before they could
bring the good news to their native land.
More than a hundred years later, in 1557, the Jesuit Father Oviedo penetrated into
Ethiopia. One of his successors, Father Paëz, succeeded in converting the Emperor
Socinios himself. On 11 December, 1624, the Church of Abyssinia, abjuring the
heresy of Eutyches and the schism of Dioscorus, was reunited to the true Church, a
union which, unfortunately, proved to be only temporary.
In 1632, the Negus Basilides mounted the throne. Addicted as he was to polygamy
and to every vice, he showed himself the relentless enemy of Catholicism, and of its
moral law. The Jesuits were handed over to the axe of the executioner, and Abyssinia
remained closed to the missionaries until 1702. In that year, three Franciscans got as
far as Gondar, the capital, where they converted several princes. The Negus wrote
with his own hand to Clement XI, professing his submission to His Holiness. Once
more the hope proved futile.
A palace revolution overthrew the Negus, and heresy again assumed the reigns of
power. From then until the middle of the nineteenth century, a silence as of death lay
on the Church of Abyssinia. In 1846,the Holy See divided Ethiopia into two
Apostolic vicariates: that of Abyssinia, trusted to the Lazarists, and that of Galla,
given to the Capuchins. In the former, the labors and successes of M. de Jacobus
awakened the jealousy of the schismatic clergy.
An ex-Emir of Cairo, who had become Abouna of Ethiopia, and a man of low birth
named Kassa, who had been anointed Negus under the name of Theodoros, joined
forces to persecute the Catholics, drive out the missionaries, and put them to death.
The Negus Johannes IV, who succeeded Theodoros, followed in his predecessor's
footsteps. His reign of twenty years was a time of trouble and suffering for the
Catholics of Abyssinia".
The most extended and the mostinhuman Genocide in the
World History
Your Highness,
With a brief enumeration of barbaric, inhuman and genocidal policies ceaselessly
practiced by any ´Addis Ababa´ regime (monarchical, pro-communist or pseudo-
republican), I will close my reference to the unfortunate realm and ominous tyranny
that was repeatedly described as 21st century Hell, Cenotaph or Morgue ´Ethiopia´.
As basic bibliographical references, I would mention the excellent contribution by
Prof. Mekuria Bulcha, ´The Making of the Oromo Diaspora - A Historical Sociology
of Forced Migration´ whereby the author identifies the roots of the Diaspora in slave
trade and repressive regimes, while extensively giving details about the physical
elimination of millions of Oromos in the 19th and the 20th centuries
I would also add the collective volume ´Arrested Development in Ethiopia - Essays
on Underdevelopment, Democracy and Self-Determination´, edited by Seyoum
Hameso and Mohammed Hassen, which provides the reader with a wider focus on
Ogadenis, Oromos, Sidamas, Afars, and other subjugated nations
So systematic the multi-genocide perpetrated by the Monophysitic Amhara and
Tigray Abyssinians was that it involved the following measures for the survivors, all
those who escaped physical annihilation:
1 - Prohibition of use of their language
2 - Prohibition of use of their writing system (if extant, otherwise prohibition of
introduction of a writing system)
3 - Prohibition of practice of religious rituals, rites, ceremonies, and acts of faith
4 - Prohibition of practice of all traditional customs and procedures of social order
5 - Prohibition of selection of representatives empowered to represent the tyrannized
nations at all levels, local, regional, national, and of course international
6 - Prohibition of the study of their past, history, language, culture and society
7 - Prohibition of attendance of the Primary and Secondary education,and
Universities, except for few cases of culturally alienated renegades
8 - Imposition of an alien language (Amharic) and writing system (that derived from
the Axumite Abyssinian Ge´ez writing system) as compulsory means of
communication through all levels of education
9 - Imposition of an alien language and writing system (as above) as official language
throughout the annexed territories of the tyrannized nations
10 - Selection and imposition of few renegades among the subjugated and oppressed
nations so that they, functioning as fake representatives, facilitate the imposition of
the state tyranny.
11 - Promotion of High Treason among the subjugated Nations as only chance for
materially respectable survival
12 - Expropriation of lands, forests and pasturages
13 - Prohibition of any major economic activity for the entire population of all the
subjugated nations
14 - Imposition of a bogus-historical dogma of purely Racist Nature
15 - Usurpation of the Name of Ethiopia – strictly used throughout ages for Cushitic
populations inhabiting the area of Ancient Sudan (analytically described earlier)
16 - Imposition of a systematic policy of Abyssinianization at the level of language,
writing system, religion, culture, social-behavioural system, and political life (the
recent festivities – September 2007 – of the false ´Ethiopian Millennium´ being a mere
example, for the Ethiopian Millennium reflects cultural values of only 18% of the
country´s entire population)
17 - Systematic deprecation of all the subjugated peoples, and their cultures,
languages, historical past, religions and social-behavioural systems, involving
differentiation within purely Racist Context.
These are the incorrigible Amhara and Tigray Abyssinians who manned the
successive tyrannical regimes (monarchical, communist and pseudo-republican)
down to our days; through combinations of the aforementioned practices, they even
attempt now to present themselves under the Neo-Nazi formation of their racist
Kinijit party as the only alternative to the ruthless tyrant Zenawi.
´Ethiopia´meansHistorical Revenge spreadingDeath
Going out of the borders of the aforementioned Cenotaph´Ethiopia´,one attests
Monophysitic Abyssinian racism in Somalia where Zenawi´s thugs, fallaciously
impersonating a national army (whereas they are Monophysitic Abyssinians
invading foreign lands and the exploitation benefit will go to only 18% of the total
population of ´Ethiopia´), butcher Somalis in mosques, fuel fratricidal strife, and
support secessionist pseudo-governments (like those of the illegal ´states´ Somaliland
and Puntland).
If one finds it difficult to believe that a human nation could possibly express such
paranoid and evil hatred, as the Amhara and Tigray Abyssinians do against Somalia,
one has to better focus on History of the Horn of Africa region, which represents
some of the most illustrious pages of the Islamic Civilization.
The inhuman anti-Somali racist hysteria of the Abyssinians dates back to the days of
the legendary Somali King Ahmed Ibn Ibrahim of Awdal whose invasion of
Abyssinia in the early 16th century was about to terminate the existence of the tiny
Abyssinian state, which was saved by the Portuguese. The great historical Annals
under the title Futuh al Habasha by Shehab ad Din Ahmadbin Abd el Qader consists
in this regard a great narrative revealing the traditionally inhuman atrocities and evil
plans of the tiny, rancorous and perversely Anti-Islamic kingdom of Abyssinia.
In other words, while pursuing revengeful policies, the Abyssinians in Somalia fight
against historical ghosts, thus spreading death among living human beings. At the
same time, they promote their already unveiled plans for a vast colonial empire
spanning from Egypt to Tanzania.
Terminate a Tyranny anda Threatto HundredsofMillions of
Your Highness,
Qatar is a small country but can help the world greatly.
Through a solid faith in the Lofty Values of Islam, through a pertinent historical
analysis and assessment, through a humanist approach to the dwindling Eastern
African societies, and through the globally shared democratic values and principles,
Qatar can use the excellent opportunity offered by the ´Ethiopian´ attitude to better
illustrate to the global community that
There can not be Peace in the Horn of Africa region while ´Ethiopian´ soldiers
butcher innocent Somalis praying in the mosques.
There is a great danger of Islamic radicalization and rise of extremism as form of
reaction against the Neo-Nazi Ethiopian Racism – a Shame for the entire Mankind.
Peace and Unity in Somalia
The so-called ´Ethiopian army´ must be ordered out of Somalia immediately.
An International Conference on Somalia must be convoked at Doha whereby
representatives of all the tribes, governmental authorities (recognized and
unrecognized), parties, alliances, fronts, and organizations of the Somali Nation will
be summoned to deliberate on Peace and Unity in Somalia.
Freedom for55 millions of terrorized Africans
UN must proclaim tyrannized and carpet-bombed Ogaden, Dire Dawa included,
under international mandate for a period of 5 years, and organize a free referendum
for the local people (ca. 6 million people) to vote for independence.
UN must proclaim terrorized and massacred Oromia, Harar, Benishangul – Gumuz,
and Finfinne (falsely called Addis Ababa) included, under international mandate for
a period of 5 years, and organize a free referendum for the local people (ca. 32
million people) to vote for independence.
UN must proclaim oppressed Afar Land under international mandate for a period of
5 years, and organize a free referendum for the local people (ca. 2 million people) to
vote for independence and to opt for Sultanate or Republic.
UN must proclaim slaughtered Gambela (Anuak Land) underinternational mandate
for a period of 5 years, and organize a free referendum for the local people (ca.
300000 people) to vote for independence.
UN must proclaim the so-called Southern Nations´ province under international
mandate for a period of 5 years, and organize a series of free referendum for the local
peoples (ca. 15 million people) to vote for independence and the subsequent rise of
several African Cushitic states, namely Sidama,Shekacho, Kaffa, Hadiya, Wolayita
and Kambata – each of which will be larger than Qatarin terms of population!
InternationalTutelagefor Amhara and Tigray Abyssinians
With the UN involvement and termination of the racist Abyssinian rule over the
numerous Cushitic and Nilo-Saharan nations, the Amhara and Tigray Abyssinians
will be forced to limit their rule only within their respective provinces and to accept
international tutelage similar to that implemented in post-WW II Germany.
International Tutelage for the Amhara and Tigray Monophysitic Abyssinians.
Implemented among them, and mostly supervised by the UNESCO, this measure
will help bring these populations closer to our modern world´s ideas and practices.
The cultural-ideological-political concept of expansionism and supremacism, the
deep seated racism and discrimination against all the neighboring nations, the
perverse concept of altering others´ cultures, eliminating others´ social systems, and
prohibiting others´ educational systems must all be uprooted.
First, the International Tutelage will help the Amhara and Tigray Monophysitic
Abyssinians realize that they have no right to occupy foreign territories that their
monarchs invaded in the past, and that they have no right to control the respective
subjugated nations.
Second, the International Tutelage will help the Amhara and Tigray Monophysitic
Abyssinians that they have no right to impose a Monophysitic (heretic Christian)
tyranny on the non Monophysitic Abyssinian populations, be they Muslim, Jewish,
Catholic or Protestant.
Third, the International Tutelage will provide the Amhara and Tigray Monophysitic
Abyssinians with an acceptable educational system that will be devoid of all the
historical falsifications, alterations, innuendos, and myths on which the Abyssinian
racism and supremacism have been based.
Only then, it will be clear that Eastern Africa can be an area of peace, freedom,
concord, development and progress whereby respect for the ´Other´ and
commitment to solidarity prevail.
It will not be as difficult as diffusing Democracy among post-Nazi Germans; it
simply takes determination, commitment to Justice, and rejection of the falsifications
diffused by the unrepresentative bogus-diplomats of ´Ethiopia´ who perform as
gangsters acting against the outright majority of the population of the country they
supposedly serve.
Arch-terrorist state ´Ethiopia´cannotexist.
As an answer to the arch-terrorist state ´Ethiopia´, Qatar must let the world
understand that such a state is not permissible to exist.
The endeavour will be credited to Qatar, already renowned for its groundbreaking
efforts to further diffuse and implement Democracy and Human Values.
Offer space to Somali, Sidama, Ogadeni, Oromo, Anuak,Afar and other leaders to
They will describe life experience of the utmost persuasion; when they will be
talking, the world will be ashamed for how a state like ´Ethiopia´ is still allowed to
Call Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed of the Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia
Call. Prof. Amina Mire, leading Somali Intellectual of the Diaspora
Call Dawud Ibsa Ayana of the Oromo Liberation Front
Call Aman Kedir Kamsare of the Front for Independence of Oromia
Call Prof. Mekuria Bulcha, leading Oromo Connoisseur of the details of the African
Genocide perpetrated by the Abyssinians
Call Fowsia Abdulkadir of the Ogaden Human Rights Committee
Call Mohamed Osman of the Ogaden National Liberation Front
Call Dr. Mohamed Dolal of the Ogaden National Liberation Front
Call Kambata Xoola of the Sidama National Liberation Organization
Call Betana Hanano of the Sidama Liberation Front
Call Obang Metho of the Anuak Justice Council
They, and many others, can explain to the rest of the world why ´Ethiopian´ decision
to break off diplomatic ties with Qatar. And they truly represent their nations, being
at the antipodes of the unrepresentative pseudo-´Ethiopian´ diplomats.
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis

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Similar to Open Letter to HRH, Hamad Bin Khalifa al Thani, Emir of Qatar, on Abyssinia (Fake 'Ethiopia') - 2008

The Only Way for China to destroy the West is to outfox and dismantle the Fal...
The Only Way for China to destroy the West is to outfox and dismantle the Fal...The Only Way for China to destroy the West is to outfox and dismantle the Fal...
The Only Way for China to destroy the West is to outfox and dismantle the Fal...Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis
Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Turkey and Greece: False History, Fake R...
Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Turkey and Greece: False History, Fake R...Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Turkey and Greece: False History, Fake R...
Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Turkey and Greece: False History, Fake R...Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis
The Colonial Powers' Most Ominous and Secret Evildoing: Cultural, Academic, a...
The Colonial Powers' Most Ominous and Secret Evildoing: Cultural, Academic, a...The Colonial Powers' Most Ominous and Secret Evildoing: Cultural, Academic, a...
The Colonial Powers' Most Ominous and Secret Evildoing: Cultural, Academic, a...Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis
Open letter to h. e. mr. gurjit singh, ambassador of india in abyssinia (fake...
Open letter to h. e. mr. gurjit singh, ambassador of india in abyssinia (fake...Open letter to h. e. mr. gurjit singh, ambassador of india in abyssinia (fake...
Open letter to h. e. mr. gurjit singh, ambassador of india in abyssinia (fake...Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis
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Russian Officer Bulatovich Relates on Colonial Raids of Abyssinia (Fake Ethio...Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis
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Russian Officer Bulatovich Relates on Colonial Raids of Abyssinia (Fake Ethio...Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis
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Jewish Soviet Scholar Katsnelson's Study on Bulatovich Underscores Russian Fa...
Jewish Soviet Scholar Katsnelson's Study on Bulatovich Underscores Russian Fa...Jewish Soviet Scholar Katsnelson's Study on Bulatovich Underscores Russian Fa...
Jewish Soviet Scholar Katsnelson's Study on Bulatovich Underscores Russian Fa...Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis
Kushitic Oromos' Ancestry in Ethiopia (: Ancient Sudan) & Semitic Amharas' & ...
Kushitic Oromos' Ancestry in Ethiopia (: Ancient Sudan) & Semitic Amharas' & ...Kushitic Oromos' Ancestry in Ethiopia (: Ancient Sudan) & Semitic Amharas' & ...
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Russia, the Oromos, Egypt, Sudan, Abyssinia (Fake Ethiopia), Somalia, Islam &...
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The Evil, Colonial State of Abyssinia (fake Ethiopia) Exposed by Bulatovich, ...
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Revelation of the Amhara Fornication: Light on the Anti-Christian Blasphemy o...Revelation of the Amhara Fornication: Light on the Anti-Christian Blasphemy o...
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Cush-Meroe, Kemet-Egypt, Punt, Other Berberia, Azania & the Orientalization o...
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Russian Officer Bulatovich Relates on Colonial Raids of Abyssinia (Fake Ethio...Russian Officer Bulatovich Relates on Colonial Raids of Abyssinia (Fake Ethio...
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Jewish Soviet Scholar Katsnelson's Study on Bulatovich Underscores Russian Fa...
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Kushitic Oromos' Ancestry in Ethiopia (: Ancient Sudan) & Semitic Amharas' & ...
Kushitic Oromos' Ancestry in Ethiopia (: Ancient Sudan) & Semitic Amharas' & ...Kushitic Oromos' Ancestry in Ethiopia (: Ancient Sudan) & Semitic Amharas' & ...
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Russia, the Oromos, Egypt, Sudan, Abyssinia (Fake Ethiopia), Somalia, Islam &...
Russia, the Oromos, Egypt, Sudan, Abyssinia (Fake Ethiopia), Somalia, Islam &...Russia, the Oromos, Egypt, Sudan, Abyssinia (Fake Ethiopia), Somalia, Islam &...
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The Evil, Colonial State of Abyssinia (fake Ethiopia) Exposed by Bulatovich, ...
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Cush-Meroe, Kemet-Egypt, Punt, Other Berberia, Azania & the Orientalization o...
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Προτάσεις για την Υπέρβαση της Θράκης, του Κοσμά Μεγαλομμάτη – 1990
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Κοσμάς Μεγαλομμάτης, Ενλίλ: Παγκόσμια Μυθολογία-1989
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Κοσμάς Μεγαλομμάτης, Ενλίλ: Παγκόσμια Μυθολογία-1989
Σουννίτες και Σιίτες: στη ρίζα της διαφοράς (1987) & σημερινό σχόλιο
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Η διεθνής αντιμετώπιση της ισλαμικής Περσίας, του Κοσμά Μεγαλομμάτη
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Η διεθνής αντιμετώπιση της ισλαμικής Περσίας, του Κοσμά Μεγαλομμάτη
Η Πολιτική Ζωή στην Ισλαμική Περσία, του Κοσμά Μεγαλομμάτη - Εποπτεία,1987
Η Πολιτική Ζωή στην Ισλαμική Περσία, του Κοσμά Μεγαλομμάτη - Εποπτεία,1987Η Πολιτική Ζωή στην Ισλαμική Περσία, του Κοσμά Μεγαλομμάτη - Εποπτεία,1987
Η Πολιτική Ζωή στην Ισλαμική Περσία, του Κοσμά Μεγαλομμάτη - Εποπτεία,1987
Κοσμάς Μεγαλομμάτης, Ουροβόρος: Παγκόσμια Μυθολογία-1989
Κοσμάς Μεγαλομμάτης, Ουροβόρος: Παγκόσμια Μυθολογία-1989Κοσμάς Μεγαλομμάτης, Ουροβόρος: Παγκόσμια Μυθολογία-1989
Κοσμάς Μεγαλομμάτης, Ουροβόρος: Παγκόσμια Μυθολογία-1989
Κοσμάς Μεγαλομμάτης, Αταργάτη: Παγκόσμια Μυθολογία-1989
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Κοσμάς Μεγαλομμάτης, Αταργάτη: Παγκόσμια Μυθολογία-1989
Κοσμάς Μεγαλομμάτης, Μαρδούκ: Παγκόσμια Μυθολογία-1989
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Κοσμάς Μεγαλομμάτης, Μαρδούκ: Παγκόσμια Μυθολογία-1989
Κοσμάς Μεγαλομμάτης, Νινούρτα: Παγκόσμια Μυθολογία-1989
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Κοσμάς Μεγαλομμάτης, Νινούρτα: Παγκόσμια Μυθολογία-1989

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Open Letter to HRH, Hamad Bin Khalifa al Thani, Emir of Qatar, on Abyssinia (Fake 'Ethiopia') - 2008

  • 1. Open Letter to HRH, Hamad Bin Khalifa al Thani, Emir of Qatar, on Abyssinia (Fake 'Ethiopia') Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis html ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Orientalist, Historian, Political Scientist, Dr. Megalommatis, 51, is the author of 12 books, dozens of scholarly articles, hundreds of encyclopedia entries, and thousands of articles. He speaks, reads and writes more than 15, modern and ancient, languages. He refuted Greek nationalism, supported Martin Bernal´s Black Athena, and rejected the Greco-Romano-centric version of History. He pleaded for the European History by J. B. Duroselle, and defended the rights of the Turkish, Pomak, Macedonian, Vlachian, Arvanitic,Latin Catholic,and Jewish minorities of Greece. Born Christian Orthodox, he adhered to Islam when 36, devoted to ideas of Muhyieldin Ibn al Arabi. Greek citizen of Turkish origin, Prof. Megalommatis studied and/or worked in Turkey, Greece, France, England, Belgium, Germany, Syria, Israel, Iraq, Iran, Egypt and Russia, and carried out research trips throughout the Middle East, Northeastern Africa and Central Asia. His career extended from Research & Education, Journalism, Publications, Photography, and Translation to Website Development, Human Rights Advocacy, Marketing, Sales & Brokerage. He traveled in more than 80 countries in 5 continents. He defends the Right of Aramaeans,Oromos, Ogadenis, Sidamas, Berbers, Afars, Anuak,Darfuris, Bejas, Balochs and Tibetans to National Independence, demands international recognition for Kosovo, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, and Transnistria, calls for National Unity in Somalia, and denounces Islamic Terrorism. --------------------------------------- Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis April 26, 2008 Your Highness, As your government expressed astonishment at the ´Ethiopian´ decision to break off diplomatic ties with your country, I am writing to express my indignation for the improper and inconsistent attitude of the tyrannical administration of Meles Zenawi. Before expanding on the real reasons hidden behind the undiplomatic manner and the uncivil language used in the email statement diffused by the ´Ethiopian´ government, I find the occasion propitious to express my profound admiration for
  • 2. the constructive role played by your government in various regions, Africa, Middle East, and the Gulf to name a few, and my great esteem for Qatar´s worthwhile commitment to the diffusion of the lofty values of Islam, the fundamental principles of the modern democratic societies, and the universal standards of the Human Rights. The recently held 8th Doha Forum on Democracy, Development,and Free Trade highlighted precisely the global importance of Qatar, and the interconnectedness among Democracy, Free Economy and Development.It is certainly not a matter of coincidence that among the honorable speakers there was no one from ´Ethiopia´. By this, I do not imply that there are no political leaders, academia and intellectuals originating from that country who could ever be invited in the Doha Forum. On the contrary, there are many; but they are all abroad, having either escaped or been exiled. Your Highness, As a Historian specialized in the History of the Middle East and Northeastern Africa, I feel obliged to highlight several points that illuminate better the absurd decision of the Zenawi administration to break off diplomatic ties with Qatar. The baseless decision has however nothing to do with the dramatic difference in terms of economic coordinates; certainly there is a reflection of reality in the fact that with a population 80 times larger than that of Qatar,´Ethiopia´ fails to outperform your country in terms of GDP (Qatar US $ 57.7 b and ´Ethiopia´ US $ 55 b; The existing interconnectedness between Developmentand Democracy, as aforementioned, explains the above figures. In fact both, Democracy and Development, are absent from ´Ethiopia´. Today, ´Ethiopia´ consists undisputedly in the world´s most problematic country, being the world´s most tyrannical state, deeply loathed by no less than 82% of its entire population! Ethiopia – A fallacious name for Abyssinia, chosen to ease totalitarian rule The country that broke off diplomatic ties with Qatar is not entitled to the historical name of Ethiopia. Its correct name is Abyssinia (Habasha in Arabic). The Ancient Greek and Latin name ´Ethiopia´ (lit. the country of the burnt face people, made out of a metaphor for ´Black´) was attributed to the country at the immediate south of Egypt, Ancient Sudan. The authentic name of that country, Kas, has been found in Egyptian Hieroglyphic, Assyrian – Babylonian cuneiform (Kus, Mat Kusi), and Ancient Hebrew (Cush) texts. In the Bible, wherever Cush stands in the Hebrew text, Aithiopia / Aethiopia stands in the Septuaginta Greek translation, and in the Vulgata Latin translation. The Ancient Kingdom of Cush developed civilization, religion, scripture, literature, fine arts, architecture, and sciences in different historical periods, namely the Kerma Kingdom period (2600 – 1500 BCE), the Cushitic period (850 – 500 BCE),and the Meroitic period (450 BCE – 350 CE). With capital at Kerma, Karima (Napata) or
  • 3. Bagrawiyah (Meroe), never did the Cushitic Kingdom expand over territory that was in more recent periods under the control of Abyssinia. The populations of Ancient Ethiopia (Cush) are the ancestors of the Cushitic majority in today´s Abyssinia. Note: However, today´s Cushites do not rule Abyssinia that before 200 years was much smaller (one tenth of its present size) and inhabited almost exclusively by Amhara and Tigray Abyssinians, who are of Semitic Yemenite origin; the name Habashat has been found in Ancient Yemenite (South Arabic)inscriptions of pre-Islamic times as the name of one of the then existing Yemenite tribes. The expansion of the small Abyssinian Kingdom brought during the 19th and the 20th centuries a great number of African, Cushitic and Nilo-Saharan, nations under the dictatorial control of the Abyssinians. Note: The alienation, oppression, marginalization and de-humanization of the Cushitic Ethiopian majority at the hands of the Semitic Abyssinian minority was extreme, ceaseless and evil of nature, as I will further develop, and this led to total rejection of the Abyssinian rule by the Cushitic majority who aspire all to Liberation, Freedom, Independence, National and Cultural Identity, and have been engaged in ceaseless rebellion and unequivocal uprising. Quite inhumanely, while tyrannically imposing throughout the country Abyssinian culture, Abyssinian education, Abyssinian pseudo-historical myths of discriminatory character,and Abyssinian sociopolitical options, the Abyssinian ruling classes opted for the name change (implemented between 1935 and 1955) in order to offer no reason to the oppressed Cushitic peoples´ claims for Independence. A politically treacherous choice geared to perpetuate Abyssinian tyranny over Ethiopian populations. A national name ´Ethiopia´ would imply a state for Cushites, not Semites like the Abyssinians. However, due to the exclusively nominal value of the name, it turned out to be an extra means of oppression and unacceptable racist propaganda. The colonial state of Abyssinia – Nations and ethno-religious groups Certainly it is not by mere coincidence that representatives of all the oppressed Cushitic nations denounce the colonial character of the expanded Abyssinia state, precisely specifying that it has been the only African colonial empire. To better understand the situation, one has to examine combined data as regards the various nations and the religious groups of Abyssinia. The ruling Abyssinian tribes are mainly the Amhara and the Tigray, who amount to ca.30% of the entire population. The rest (70% of the country´s entire population) are either Cushitic (Oromos, Ogadenis, Sidamas, Afars, Kaffas, Kambatas, Hadiya, Agaw,and Shekachos) or Nilo-Saharan (Anuak).
  • 4. It would however be erroneous to consider the aforementioned figures without further analysis; the oppressed Cushitic and Nilo-Saharan nations follow different religions, either traditional African religions or Islam and Christianity (the latter preached mainly through Western, Catholic and Protestant missionaries). The Abyssinian Amharas and Tigrays are either Monophysitic (heretic Christians) or Muslims. Muslims make ca. 40% of the Abyssinians. Viewed by the Monophysitic Abyssinian elite and people as historical enemies and as renegades, they have been terribly oppressed, perhaps more than the Cushitic nations. We can thus draw the conclusion thatthe Monophysitic Abyssinians represent approximately 18% of the country´s total population, and rule invariably discriminating and tyrannizing the Abyssinian Muslims and all the subjugated Cushitic and Nilo-Saharan nations. If we compare this figure to those given for other cases of despotic regimes, notably Milosevic´s Yugoslavia and Saddam Hussein´s Iraq, we realize that nothing was more unrepresentative and more totalitarian, more discriminatory and more tyrannical than the colonial state of ´Ethiopia´. ´Ethiopian´embassies – unrepresentativedelegationsto be denouncedin the UN It would therefore be essential for any country having bilateral contacts with Abyssinia (fallaciously re-baptized as ´Ethiopia´) to set the rules of democratic representation, and if they are not respected, to protest at the level of the UN. It is noteworthy to study and perceive correctly what happens in the embassies of ´Ethiopia´. More than 90% of the diplomatic stuff of the ´Ethiopian´ embassies is made by Monophysitic Amhara andTigray Abyssinians. This means that they are the representatives of only an extreme minority (ca. 18% of the population);not only the so-called ´Ethiopian´ ´diplomats´ do not represent all the other subjugated and tyrannized nations and religious groups (82%) of their country, but they also advance - through their position and the means they are made available to them - all schemes against their country´s majority, and all plans of oppression and discrimination practiced ´at home´. In fact, ´Ethiopian´ diplomacy is a bias geared for further genocide and massive extermination of various African nations. Note: Certainly, several dictatorial regimes have been represented by unrepresentative diplomats in the UN and the other international bodies, and at the level of bilateral relations. However, these tyrannies reflected the imposition of political choices that were not approved of by the majority of the people (as for instance in Franco´s Spain). The case of ´Ethiopia´ is far more dangerous as the misrepresentation is an instrument of elimination of nations. This is attempted partly physically (through premeditated starvation, extrajudicial killings, appalling conditions of imprisonment, criminal indifference as regard diseases and contaminations, etc.) and partly
  • 5. spiritually – culturally (through forced assimilation and cultural genocide). Fake Ethiopia is nota Christian country. Part of the treacherous plan and mendacious attitude of the ´Ethiopian´´diplomats´ has been to highly portray themselves as Christians, particularly when among Western Christian nations. They try to extract any possible political benefit by highlighting their supposedly Christian historical identity. They even attempt to claim a historical continuity since the days of the Axumite kingdom of Abyssinia, something that cannot be historically proved. Certainly the Abyssinians of the Axum kingdom adhered to Monophysitic Christianity, but we have a clear understanding that neitherAxum Monophysitism nor Agaw Christianity (a later epoch marked by Cushitic Agaw political preponderance over the Semitic Abyssinians over part of the Axumite Kingdom´s territory, as the coastal zone belonged to the Islamic Caliphate down to the 2nd half of the 19th century) would tolerate non-Christian practices and cults of the modern Abyssinians. Furthermore, we know for sure that Axumite and Agaw Christianity would not accept the falsification of Christian and Biblical History as promoted later within the context of post-Agaw Abyssinian mythologies, involving royal descent from the Queen of Sheba (the Coranic Balqis) and the King Solomon (Hz. Sulayman),through their mythical son (Menelik). The so-called Solomonic dynasty of Ethiopia is a provocative falsification and it amounts to complete historical distortion of facts, ideas, beliefs, and concepts. The supposed epic text Kebra Negast that is referred to as philological evidence represents a fabrication geared to promote Abyssinian schemes against Islam, the Caliphate, and the historical Egyptian Coptic control of the Abyssinian Church. Note: Murdersof Christian priests and monksby the Abyssinian Pseudo-Christians Even worse, Abyssinia proved to be one of the most Anti-Christian countries in the world. The treatment of Christian Catholic priests, monks and scholars traveling in Abyssinia was far worse than the attitude expressed toward foreign Christians in any part of the Caliphate or the Muslim World in Europe, Asia and Africa. The following excerpt from the Catholic Encyclopedia New Advent highlights the sort of ´Christianity´ the Monophysitic Amhara andTigray Abyssinian pseudo- diplomats represent, giving at the same time a summary of Anti-Christian persecution that took place in the supposed ´friend of the Western Christians´. This is what the unrepresentative pseudo-diplomats of Abyssinia try to keep hidden from anyone: "The Sovereign Pontiffs, nevertheless, have bestowed a constant solicitude on the
  • 6. Christians of Ethiopia. The first missionaries sent to their aid were the Dominicans, whose success, however, roused the fanaticism of the Monophysites against them, and caused their martyrdom. For more than a hundred years silence enfolded the ruins of this Church. At a later period, the fame of the Crusades having spread, pilgrim monks, on their return from Jerusalem, wakened once more, by what they told in the Ethiopian court, the wish to be reunited to the Church. The Acts of the Council of Florence tell of the embassy sent by the Emperor Zéra- Jacob with the object of obtaining this result (1452). The union was brought about; but on their home journey, the messengers, while passing through Egypt, were given up to the schismatic Copts, and to the Caliph, and put to death before they could bring the good news to their native land. More than a hundred years later, in 1557, the Jesuit Father Oviedo penetrated into Ethiopia. One of his successors, Father Paëz, succeeded in converting the Emperor Socinios himself. On 11 December, 1624, the Church of Abyssinia, abjuring the heresy of Eutyches and the schism of Dioscorus, was reunited to the true Church, a union which, unfortunately, proved to be only temporary. In 1632, the Negus Basilides mounted the throne. Addicted as he was to polygamy and to every vice, he showed himself the relentless enemy of Catholicism, and of its moral law. The Jesuits were handed over to the axe of the executioner, and Abyssinia remained closed to the missionaries until 1702. In that year, three Franciscans got as far as Gondar, the capital, where they converted several princes. The Negus wrote with his own hand to Clement XI, professing his submission to His Holiness. Once more the hope proved futile. A palace revolution overthrew the Negus, and heresy again assumed the reigns of power. From then until the middle of the nineteenth century, a silence as of death lay on the Church of Abyssinia. In 1846,the Holy See divided Ethiopia into two Apostolic vicariates: that of Abyssinia, trusted to the Lazarists, and that of Galla, given to the Capuchins. In the former, the labors and successes of M. de Jacobus awakened the jealousy of the schismatic clergy. An ex-Emir of Cairo, who had become Abouna of Ethiopia, and a man of low birth named Kassa, who had been anointed Negus under the name of Theodoros, joined forces to persecute the Catholics, drive out the missionaries, and put them to death. The Negus Johannes IV, who succeeded Theodoros, followed in his predecessor's footsteps. His reign of twenty years was a time of trouble and suffering for the Catholics of Abyssinia". From: The most extended and the mostinhuman Genocide in the World History Your Highness, With a brief enumeration of barbaric, inhuman and genocidal policies ceaselessly practiced by any ´Addis Ababa´ regime (monarchical, pro-communist or pseudo- republican), I will close my reference to the unfortunate realm and ominous tyranny
  • 7. that was repeatedly described as 21st century Hell, Cenotaph or Morgue ´Ethiopia´. As basic bibliographical references, I would mention the excellent contribution by Prof. Mekuria Bulcha, ´The Making of the Oromo Diaspora - A Historical Sociology of Forced Migration´ whereby the author identifies the roots of the Diaspora in slave trade and repressive regimes, while extensively giving details about the physical elimination of millions of Oromos in the 19th and the 20th centuries ( I would also add the collective volume ´Arrested Development in Ethiopia - Essays on Underdevelopment, Democracy and Self-Determination´, edited by Seyoum Hameso and Mohammed Hassen, which provides the reader with a wider focus on Ogadenis, Oromos, Sidamas, Afars, and other subjugated nations ( Note: So systematic the multi-genocide perpetrated by the Monophysitic Amhara and Tigray Abyssinians was that it involved the following measures for the survivors, all those who escaped physical annihilation: 1 - Prohibition of use of their language 2 - Prohibition of use of their writing system (if extant, otherwise prohibition of introduction of a writing system) 3 - Prohibition of practice of religious rituals, rites, ceremonies, and acts of faith 4 - Prohibition of practice of all traditional customs and procedures of social order 5 - Prohibition of selection of representatives empowered to represent the tyrannized nations at all levels, local, regional, national, and of course international 6 - Prohibition of the study of their past, history, language, culture and society 7 - Prohibition of attendance of the Primary and Secondary education,and Universities, except for few cases of culturally alienated renegades 8 - Imposition of an alien language (Amharic) and writing system (that derived from the Axumite Abyssinian Ge´ez writing system) as compulsory means of communication through all levels of education 9 - Imposition of an alien language and writing system (as above) as official language throughout the annexed territories of the tyrannized nations 10 - Selection and imposition of few renegades among the subjugated and oppressed nations so that they, functioning as fake representatives, facilitate the imposition of the state tyranny. 11 - Promotion of High Treason among the subjugated Nations as only chance for materially respectable survival
  • 8. 12 - Expropriation of lands, forests and pasturages 13 - Prohibition of any major economic activity for the entire population of all the subjugated nations 14 - Imposition of a bogus-historical dogma of purely Racist Nature 15 - Usurpation of the Name of Ethiopia – strictly used throughout ages for Cushitic populations inhabiting the area of Ancient Sudan (analytically described earlier) Note: 16 - Imposition of a systematic policy of Abyssinianization at the level of language, writing system, religion, culture, social-behavioural system, and political life (the recent festivities – September 2007 – of the false ´Ethiopian Millennium´ being a mere example, for the Ethiopian Millennium reflects cultural values of only 18% of the country´s entire population) Note: 17 - Systematic deprecation of all the subjugated peoples, and their cultures, languages, historical past, religions and social-behavioural systems, involving differentiation within purely Racist Context. Note: These are the incorrigible Amhara and Tigray Abyssinians who manned the successive tyrannical regimes (monarchical, communist and pseudo-republican) down to our days; through combinations of the aforementioned practices, they even attempt now to present themselves under the Neo-Nazi formation of their racist Kinijit party as the only alternative to the ruthless tyrant Zenawi. Note: ´Ethiopia´meansHistorical Revenge spreadingDeath throughoutAfrica Going out of the borders of the aforementioned Cenotaph´Ethiopia´,one attests
  • 9. Monophysitic Abyssinian racism in Somalia where Zenawi´s thugs, fallaciously impersonating a national army (whereas they are Monophysitic Abyssinians invading foreign lands and the exploitation benefit will go to only 18% of the total population of ´Ethiopia´), butcher Somalis in mosques, fuel fratricidal strife, and support secessionist pseudo-governments (like those of the illegal ´states´ Somaliland and Puntland). Note: If one finds it difficult to believe that a human nation could possibly express such paranoid and evil hatred, as the Amhara and Tigray Abyssinians do against Somalia, one has to better focus on History of the Horn of Africa region, which represents some of the most illustrious pages of the Islamic Civilization. The inhuman anti-Somali racist hysteria of the Abyssinians dates back to the days of the legendary Somali King Ahmed Ibn Ibrahim of Awdal whose invasion of Abyssinia in the early 16th century was about to terminate the existence of the tiny Abyssinian state, which was saved by the Portuguese. The great historical Annals under the title Futuh al Habasha by Shehab ad Din Ahmadbin Abd el Qader consists in this regard a great narrative revealing the traditionally inhuman atrocities and evil plans of the tiny, rancorous and perversely Anti-Islamic kingdom of Abyssinia. Note: habasha-by.html In other words, while pursuing revengeful policies, the Abyssinians in Somalia fight against historical ghosts, thus spreading death among living human beings. At the same time, they promote their already unveiled plans for a vast colonial empire spanning from Egypt to Tanzania. Terminate a Tyranny anda Threatto HundredsofMillions of Africans! Your Highness, Qatar is a small country but can help the world greatly. Through a solid faith in the Lofty Values of Islam, through a pertinent historical analysis and assessment, through a humanist approach to the dwindling Eastern African societies, and through the globally shared democratic values and principles, Qatar can use the excellent opportunity offered by the ´Ethiopian´ attitude to better illustrate to the global community that There can not be Peace in the Horn of Africa region while ´Ethiopian´ soldiers butcher innocent Somalis praying in the mosques.
  • 10. There is a great danger of Islamic radicalization and rise of extremism as form of reaction against the Neo-Nazi Ethiopian Racism – a Shame for the entire Mankind. Peace and Unity in Somalia The so-called ´Ethiopian army´ must be ordered out of Somalia immediately. An International Conference on Somalia must be convoked at Doha whereby representatives of all the tribes, governmental authorities (recognized and unrecognized), parties, alliances, fronts, and organizations of the Somali Nation will be summoned to deliberate on Peace and Unity in Somalia. Freedom for55 millions of terrorized Africans UN must proclaim tyrannized and carpet-bombed Ogaden, Dire Dawa included, under international mandate for a period of 5 years, and organize a free referendum for the local people (ca. 6 million people) to vote for independence. UN must proclaim terrorized and massacred Oromia, Harar, Benishangul – Gumuz, and Finfinne (falsely called Addis Ababa) included, under international mandate for a period of 5 years, and organize a free referendum for the local people (ca. 32 million people) to vote for independence. UN must proclaim oppressed Afar Land under international mandate for a period of 5 years, and organize a free referendum for the local people (ca. 2 million people) to vote for independence and to opt for Sultanate or Republic. UN must proclaim slaughtered Gambela (Anuak Land) underinternational mandate for a period of 5 years, and organize a free referendum for the local people (ca. 300000 people) to vote for independence. UN must proclaim the so-called Southern Nations´ province under international mandate for a period of 5 years, and organize a series of free referendum for the local peoples (ca. 15 million people) to vote for independence and the subsequent rise of several African Cushitic states, namely Sidama,Shekacho, Kaffa, Hadiya, Wolayita and Kambata – each of which will be larger than Qatarin terms of population! InternationalTutelagefor Amhara and Tigray Abyssinians With the UN involvement and termination of the racist Abyssinian rule over the numerous Cushitic and Nilo-Saharan nations, the Amhara and Tigray Abyssinians will be forced to limit their rule only within their respective provinces and to accept international tutelage similar to that implemented in post-WW II Germany. International Tutelage for the Amhara and Tigray Monophysitic Abyssinians. Implemented among them, and mostly supervised by the UNESCO, this measure
  • 11. will help bring these populations closer to our modern world´s ideas and practices. The cultural-ideological-political concept of expansionism and supremacism, the deep seated racism and discrimination against all the neighboring nations, the perverse concept of altering others´ cultures, eliminating others´ social systems, and prohibiting others´ educational systems must all be uprooted. Note: First, the International Tutelage will help the Amhara and Tigray Monophysitic Abyssinians realize that they have no right to occupy foreign territories that their monarchs invaded in the past, and that they have no right to control the respective subjugated nations. Second, the International Tutelage will help the Amhara and Tigray Monophysitic Abyssinians that they have no right to impose a Monophysitic (heretic Christian) tyranny on the non Monophysitic Abyssinian populations, be they Muslim, Jewish, Catholic or Protestant. Third, the International Tutelage will provide the Amhara and Tigray Monophysitic Abyssinians with an acceptable educational system that will be devoid of all the historical falsifications, alterations, innuendos, and myths on which the Abyssinian racism and supremacism have been based. Note: Only then, it will be clear that Eastern Africa can be an area of peace, freedom, concord, development and progress whereby respect for the ´Other´ and commitment to solidarity prevail. It will not be as difficult as diffusing Democracy among post-Nazi Germans; it simply takes determination, commitment to Justice, and rejection of the falsifications diffused by the unrepresentative bogus-diplomats of ´Ethiopia´ who perform as gangsters acting against the outright majority of the population of the country they supposedly serve. Arch-terrorist state ´Ethiopia´cannotexist. As an answer to the arch-terrorist state ´Ethiopia´, Qatar must let the world understand that such a state is not permissible to exist. The endeavour will be credited to Qatar, already renowned for its groundbreaking efforts to further diffuse and implement Democracy and Human Values. Offer space to Somali, Sidama, Ogadeni, Oromo, Anuak,Afar and other leaders to speak! They will describe life experience of the utmost persuasion; when they will be talking, the world will be ashamed for how a state like ´Ethiopia´ is still allowed to exist.
  • 12. Call Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed of the Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia Call. Prof. Amina Mire, leading Somali Intellectual of the Diaspora Call Dawud Ibsa Ayana of the Oromo Liberation Front Call Aman Kedir Kamsare of the Front for Independence of Oromia Call Prof. Mekuria Bulcha, leading Oromo Connoisseur of the details of the African Genocide perpetrated by the Abyssinians Call Fowsia Abdulkadir of the Ogaden Human Rights Committee Call Mohamed Osman of the Ogaden National Liberation Front Call Dr. Mohamed Dolal of the Ogaden National Liberation Front Call Kambata Xoola of the Sidama National Liberation Organization Call Betana Hanano of the Sidama Liberation Front Call Obang Metho of the Anuak Justice Council They, and many others, can explain to the rest of the world why ´Ethiopian´ decision to break off diplomatic ties with Qatar. And they truly represent their nations, being at the antipodes of the unrepresentative pseudo-´Ethiopian´ diplomats. Sincerely, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis