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Concept  Results 2012  Plans 2013
What is OpUS
Open University Skolkovo is a program of the Skolkovo Foundation      OpUS Students
that aims at creating and developing a community of talented
young scholars and entrepreneurs whose expertise provides new         OpUS is not an educational institution and it does not award
human resources and tech startups for Skolkovo Innovation Centre      diplomas. OpUS students pursue their BA, MA and PhD degrees
and the innovation ecosystem of Russia.                               at the top Russian universities:

The participants of the program pass through all the stages of
creating a startup - from an idea to setting up a company. They can    MEPhI                         MSU
test their business ideas with the help of business simulation
games and real-life contests, take part in events along with the       MIPT                          MISIS
world leaders in business and technology, as well as be mentored
by successful entrepreneurs.                                           Bauman MSTU                   HSE

                                                                       SPbGU                         ITMO
1. Startups launched by OpUS students and their achieving the          SPbSPU                        SPBAU
   status of Skolkovo participants;
                                                                       TPU                           TUSUR
2. OpUS students becoming the students of the Skolkovo
   Institute of Science and Technology (SkolTech);
                                                                       TSU                           SSMU
3. Internships and work experience at R&D centers and
   departments of partner companies, participants and                                                 et alias
   departments of Skolkovo;
4. Integration of OpUS students in Russian institutions for
   innovation development.
OpUS Model
Step 1. Selection                                                Step 2. Program accelerator                                            Step 3. Integration in the
                                                                 …in the areas of biomed, IT, space technologies, robotics, etc…        innovation ecosystem
• Top students (3rd year of study and up), MA and PhD                                                                                   •   Skolkovo clusters
                                                                 • Global technology agenda. Lectures and master classes on
  students of top Russian universities                                                                                                  •   Skolkovo participating companies
                                                                   the main areas of the technology research by leading
• Partnerships of young researchers and entrepreneurs                                                                                   •   Skolkovo partner companies
                                                                   researchers and heads of research labs and R&D projects.
                                                                                                                                        •   SkolTech
  (students-partners of companies, clubs and                     • Technology entrepreneurship. Intellectual property
  associations of students and young scientists)                                                                                        •   Technopark
                                                                   management, setting up a company, teamwork, management of
• Finalists and winners of tech contests organized by                                                                                   •   Institutions for development
                                                                   an innovation project, workshops and project mentoring.
                                                                                                                                        •   Government agencies
  the Skolkovo Foundation and its partners.                      • Business, cultural and scientific communication. Cross-
                                                                   cultural seminars. Participation in conferences, forums,
Types of selection processes:                                                                                                           The ways of integration:
                                                                   technology summits and competitions.
• OpUS Open Programs (commitment, passing all                                                                                           • Internships (including paid internships)
                                                                 • Soft skills training. Teamwork. Presentations, negotiations,
  stages of the program, interviews)                                                                                                       → at Skolkovo partcipating companies and partner
• Contests organized by the Foundation and its                                                                                                companies
                                                                 • Project management practice.
  partners in the areas of Skolkovo clusters (the finalists                                                                                → internships at the Skolkovo Foundation (clusters)
  and winners based on the performance at the                                                                                           • Academic training
                                                                 Programme formats:
                                                                                                                                           → Project presentations to the group of program
  interview)                                                     • Courses and open lectures.
• OpUS Annual Enrolment (online and offline tasks,                                                                                            experts (Skolkovo Foundation employees,
                                                                 • Seasonal schools.
                                                                                                                                              mentors, experts, representatives of Skolkovo
  interviews)                                                    • Self-education support (navigation, consultions) including the
                                                                                                                                              partner companies)
                                                                   use of the open education tools (edX, Coursera etc.)
                                                                                                                                           → admission to SkolTech
                                                                 • Thematic events (conferences, TEDx etc.)
                                                                                                                                        • Employment
                                                                 • International programmes
                                                                                                                                           → Skolkovo participating companies and partner
                                                                 • Project management
                                                                                                                                           → Skolkovo Foundation
                                                                                                                                        • Student startups
                                                                                                                                           → applications for being granted the status of a
                                                                                                                                              project participant at Skolkovo

                                                                                   OpUS Model Elements
 Community                              Communication platform (both offline and online)             Involvement in the global agenda          Successful world practices
OpUS Statistics (2012)

             220                       380        27.000
      OpUS students                    lectures      viewers
 In Moscow, St.Petersburg and Tomsk.              Online broadcasting

          8.000                         16        23.000
         participants                  courses         views
         offline OpUS Events                         OpUS videos
Integrating OpUS students
in Skolkovo Innovation Ecosystem
Integrating in Skolkovo

8 projects                                                                  1 project                             3 projects
  8 projects of OpUS students got                                                                                           Participated in the Skolkovo M.D.
                                                                                (Smart-museum)                              contest
  Skolkovo participant status                                                   Passed the preliminary
                                                                                                                            Gelius project reached the
                                                                                                                            contest’s final

31 students
       Involved in the Skolkovo
       Innovation Centre

                                          7 interns             4 interns    4 interns           The selection of interns
                                                                                                 was launched
                                                                                                                             18 students
                                                                                                                             work at:

                                                                                                                             Participating companies – 12
                                    +80 applications                                                                         Partner companies – 2
                                    submitted for internships                                                                IT Cluster – 1
                                            in 2013.                                                                         OpUS – 2
                                                                                                                             Skoltech– 1
Integrating in SkolTech and Russian Institutions for Development

                                                                                 9 OpUS students
                                                                                  took internships in the following programs:
                                                      Ministry of Economic        • Socially-oriented NPO support
                                                     Development of Russia        • State Strategic Planning Development
                                                                                  • Innovative Development

    4 OpUS students                                                              5 OpUS students
       enrolled at SkolTech

                                                                                   Joined Youth Advisory Council of the Department of

    9 OpUS students
                                                                                   Technology, Science and Entrepreneurship
                                                     Department for Science,       (Moscow City Government)
                                                       Industrial Policy and
                                                      Business Development

       submitted applications for 2013

                                                                                 2 OpUS students
    7 OpUS students                                                                1 employee
                                                                                   1 intern

       took part in SkolTech MIT Innovation School
                                                                                   The selection of interns was launched
                                                     The Ministry of Education
                                                      and Science of Russia
Skolkovo Residents (Startups founded by OpUS students)
                                    The project’s main objective is to create and develop special web
                                    services which allow distance learning to become more widespread
                                    and convenient in contrast to traditional learning in one classroom.

                                    Initially the project focuses on global development and
                                    commercialization on international markets of education. We expect
                                    that first of all Tutorion platform will advance in the sector of private

                                                IT Cluster

Skolkovo Residents (Startups founded by OpUS students)
                                    Smart Technologies
                                    The idea of the project is to create a special program software for
                                    the banking sector. This software is designed to save money on
                                    money collection services as well as increase effectiveness of
                                    money distribution.

                                    The system allows to make unique forecasts determining the date
                                    and amount of future money collections. In addition the software
                                    gives a money breakdown in regards to denomination and currency
                                    based on statistics collected from ATM operations.

                                               IT Cluster

Skolkovo Residents (Startups founded by OpUS students)
                                    Ksys Labs
                                    Ksys Labs is an R&D and production company specializing in
                                    development and research in the area of information security and
                                    trusted solutions.

                                    The key directions of research at Ksys Labs are represented with
                                    the joint effort of development teams, including work in the areas
                                    of system virtualization and experimental operating systems,
                                    embedded systems, hardware platforms and programmable logic,
                                    machine vision and image recognition.

                                               IT Cluster

Skolkovo Residents (Startups founded by OpUS students)
                                    The company was founded in 2011 by a team of researchers who
                                    studied dynamic processes in condensed medium including cases
                                    of substance continuity disruption.

                                    Development of the program solution through multi-level modeling of
                                    discreet-time systems is aimed to contribute a number of industry
                                    sectors: chemistry, pharmaceutical, food, mining and refining.

                                               IT Cluster

Skolkovo Residents (Startups founded by OpUS students)
                                    Engex Lab
                                    Development and commercialization of innovative engineering
                                    technologies facilitating the rise in people’s life quality and
                                    ensuring environmental preservation for future generations.

                                     • Development of software and hardware systems regulating
                                       buildings energy consumption
                                     • Monitoring and control over the quality of climate inside the
                                     • Development of new technologies aimed at utilization of heat
                                       and electricity energy produced by people in their day-to-day

                                               IT Cluster

Skolkovo Residents (Startups founded by OpUS students)
                                    JSC Primerlife
                                    Main goal of the project is creating a unique network based on
                                    personal genome.

                                    Primerlife is an interpretation system of SNP-genotyping results as
                                    well as a consultation base allowing to reach out to genetic

                                               IT Cluster

 Musienko         Trunina            
   Sergey           Anna
Skolkovo Residents (Startups founded by OpUS students)
                                    Company specializes on development of thermo electric materials
                                    on the basis of selicium-germanium and Geissler compositions in
                                    order to transform thermal power into electric energy.

                                    The idea of the project is based on fundamental science of National
                                    Research Technology University MISIS and entrepreneurial
                                    competencies learned at Open University Skolkovo.

                                               Energy Cluster

  Voronin         Usenko             
   Andrey          Andrey
Skolkovo Residents (Startups founded by OpUS students)

                                    New Metallurgical Technologies LLC
                                    Developing energy saving processes through a full-scale refinery of
                                    technogenic waste based on new metallurgical technologies.

                                               Energy Cluster

OpUS Students Projects (Saint-Petersburg)
Project        Investment                   Participants       Achievements

RangeUP        $ 150.000 [negotiations]     Zadiraka Sergey    Resident of Ingria business incubator

                                                               Resident of startup-accelerator IDM
Smart museum   $ 170.000                    Sokolov Andrey
                                                               Winner of winter school SumIT

                                                               Resident of startup-accelerator IDM
Cluborama      $ 20.000                     Turin Anton
                                                               Winner of winter school SumIT

LocalEvents    -                            Schtefanets Ian    Resident of interuniversity business incubator QD

                                            Gusev Andrey
Gelius         -                            Kasyanov Nikolay   Skolkovo M.D. finalist
                                            Kasyanova Anna

               $ 30.000
eZWay                                       Pavlov Igor        In top 20 best Northern Europe’s projects
               + $ 150.000 [negotiations]

               $ 20.000                                        ImagineCup Russia winner
7 sense                                     Kitaev Vitaly
                                                               Winner of winter school SumIT
OpUS Model
                                                            Accelerator PROGRAM
                                        …theme differentiated (biomed, IT, space technologies, robotics…)
                                                              1. Technological Entrepreneurship
                                                              2. Global Technological Agenda

                                                              3. Business and Cultural Communication                                                   RESULT
                  SELECTION                                   4. Soft Skills
University                                                    5. Project Management

             Partner competitions                                                                                                                         Human
                                                                                                                                                     resources for the
                                                                               NAVIGATION, INTEGRATION                                               innovation sector

             OpUS open programs

 Project                                                                    Innovation
 teams                              Talented    Innovation                                         Research and Development           Education
             OpUS open               youth      Management                                         Corporations (Skolkovo partners)   Universities
                                                                            Institutions for
             competition                        (incl. government                                  Innovation Technological           (incl.
                                                                            Development incl.
                                                authorities)                                       Companies (Skolkovo residents)     SkolTech)
                                                                            Skolkovo Foundaiton)
                                                                                                                                                       projects and
                                                1.   Internships (incl. with compensation)
 Partner                                        2.   Education
networks                                        3.   Employment
                                                4.   Foundation of student startups

                                                              COMMUNITY / NETWORK
OpUS Student Enrolment
First OpUS student enrolment was back in March 2011. Candidates
were asked to submit a video in English demonstrating their
technological, entrepreneurial, marketing and communication skills as
well as knowledge of foreign languages, creative thinking, academic
and professional achievements. As a result of the selection 108
students from Moscow universities were chosen to become participants
of OpUS Program.

During two yeas OpUS Program extended geographically. The second
enrolment (December-February 2012) was not only in Moscow but also
in St. Petersburg and Tomsk.

Candidates were asked to make a video in English, take written tests,
solve technological tasks prepared by Skolkovo Clusters and pass an
interview with experts.

The contest committee nominated 49 students from Moscow, 50 from
Saint Petersburg and 46 from Tomsk to become participants of OpUS
Program.                                                                Next OpUS student enrolment is scheduled for Spring 2013.
In addition OpUS Student status was granted to the finalists of
technological competitions organized by Skolkovo Foundation and
OpUS Programs (2012)
OpUS programs are designed to create a community of talented
young people with scientific, technological and entrepreneurship
competencies who strive to make progress in OpUS and contribute                        BioMedTech
to Skolkovo Project as well as to develop their ideas and projects in
order to get Skolkovo Participant status.

                                                                                   Entrepreneurship in IT

                                                                                  Space Entrepreneurship

                                                                        Fundamentals of Technology Entrepreneurship

                        Joint program with Biomed Cluster - events
                        focused on biomedical technologies

The program included lectures of leading scientists and    October 25th, 2012 - December 1st,2012.          The chosen ideas was used to form relevant teams in
experts in a wide range of biomedical areas: from drug     Competition of Ideas in the following areas:     January, 2013. These teams will take part in a special
design and personalized medicine to mobile health and                                                       course focused on biotechnology projects.
surgical robotics.                                         1.   Preventive and personalized medicine
                                                           2.   IT in medicine and mHealth;                 The course program: the basics of business-modeling,
Participants: students, graduate students, postdocs and    3.   Medical equipment, devices and materials.   project management, marketing, intellectual property
young specialists in medicine, biotechnologies, physics,                                                    management,         risk managements, leadership, team
engineering and programming.                               10 winners were selected.                        building, soft skills.

The Foundation key partners and companies-participants
and applicants are involved in OpUS program realization.
This should help to improve the Biomed Cluster projects
pipeline quality.
Lectures                                                                                                                   IT in medicine:
           Vladimir Prutsky                                                                                               Mobile Diagnostics
14.03                                                                                                                         Interсluster workshop
           Biomarkers: First step to Personalized Medicine or Myth?
           Hanson Gifford
           Development, Implementation and Investment in Biomedical Projects: Silicon Valley Experience
                                                                                                                        International MedTech
           Matthias Epple
           Biomaterials: from the Сentimeter to the Nanometer Scale                                                       Innovation Summit
           Oleg Primak
           Department for X-ray Diffraction: Possibilities of the Measurements in the Faculty of Chemistry
           Ajay Gautam
21.05      Innovative Pharmaceutics Development Stimulation and Investments in R&D: Focus on Emerging           Future of Biomedical Technologies
           Markets                                                                                                  Singularity University Program Workshops
           Vladimir Lopatin
           Intellectual Property – Intellectual Creativity Standard
           Peter Lindholm
           Business Idea Design, Elaboration, Development and Realization in Biomedicine                            BioMedTech Summer school
                                                                                                                Technological Entrepreneurship and innovative
           Oleg Medvedev                                                                                               Business-projects Management
           Role of ICT in Medicine Today: from Implanted Microchips to Supercomputers.
           Mikhail Samsonov
           Long Journey from Idea to Project
                                                                                                             Avangard Znaniy Contest (AstraZeneca):
           Lord Ara Darzi                                                                                    Pharmaceutical innovations: from Laboratory to Patient
           Surgical Robotics and Technologies: Miracles or Reality                                                                Discussion
           Raymond McCauley
           Everything you Ever Wanted to Know about Biotech startups
           Dmitry Sychev                                                                                                  Immunophysiology:
06.11                                                                                                                 Autoimmunity in Health and Disease
           Personalized Medicine: Pharmacological Aspects
                                                                                                               Contribution to Preventive and Predictive Medicine
           Germes Chilov
30.11                                                                                                                              Conference
           Drug Design
Joint workshops with IT Cluster
Entrepreneurship in IT

                                                                          Workshop # 4
                                                                  22.02   IT in medicine. Mobile Diagnostics

                                                                          Workshop # 5
                                                                  18.04   Technology Transfer and
                                                                          Commercialization of Innovations

                                                                          Workshop # 6
                                                                  05.10   Skolkovo for Residents! Residents for

Workshops on advanced information technologies are organized by
OpUS together with IT Cluster
Technological entrepreneurship in IT
Entrepreneurship in IT

                                                                            230                        13                       11
                                                                      program participants           projects                projects
                                                                                                                         reached the final

                                                                                             Project Gelius
                                                                                              reached the final of
                                                                                             Skolkovo M.D. Contest

Technology entrepreneurship lectures and seminars were organized by
OpUS in partnership with Microsoft
                                                                                             Project eZway
                                                                                         won Bortnik Foundation grant.
                                                                                   In Top-20 projects of early stage by Slush
Niches for Technology Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship in IT

                                                                     Alexandra Markova
                                                             20.02   Co-founder of the Blackbox business incubator

                                                                     Andrew Krovopuskov
                                                             27.02   Founder of Russian 3D Scanner LLC

                                                                     Andrew Paly, Denis Khomyakov
                                                             12.03   Yarko Company

                                                                     Ivan Vladimirov
                                                             19.03   Co-founder, Managing Director of Groupon Russia

                                                                     Aynur Abdulnasyrov
                                                             26.03   Founder, CEO of LinguaLeo

The course of lectures was organized by OpUS together with
                                                                     Sergey Konovalov
the Cisco Entrepreneurship Institute                         02.04   CEO of Wishop

                                                             23.04   Ilya Gelfenbeyn
                                                                     CEO and Co-owner of Speaktoit
Space Entrepreneurship
                                                                   Alain Fournier-Sicre
                                                           29.02   Business Trends in Space. The Experience of Russia and
                                                                   Vladimir Gershenzon
                                                           19.03   Remote Sensing: Stagnation or Information?

                                                                   Monica Ebert
                                                           08.04   The Future of Space Business

                                                                   Gagarin Research & Test Cosmonaut
                                                           14.04   Training Center
                                                                   Theory and Practice in Star City

                                                                   Edward Crawley
                                                           17.04   Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Space
The program of lectures and seminars was organized by
OpUS together with the Cluster of Space Technologies and           Vladimir Popovkin
Telecommunications                                         27.09   Access to Space: Business Opportunities in Space Industry

                                                           07.12   Sergey Zhukov
                                                                   Space Reform and Commercial Space Development in Russia
Wikipedia from within
Fundamentals of Technology Entrepreneurship

                                                            Course program: Wikipedia principles, search and evaluation of the
                                                            sources, writing and design of the articles on modern technologies
                                                            and materials in a wiki-like environment


         The program of lectures and seminars was
         organized by OpUS together with Wikimedia Russia                                                     5 articles
Quick Start
Fundamentals of Technology Entrepreneurship
                                                      About the course

                                                      Quick Start course was designed as a series of trainings.
                                                      Each participant took individual class with a personal coach.
                                                      The program of the course was designed that way in order to
                                                      help students identify their potential and develop their
                                                      leadership and management skills.

                                                      Course objectives

                                                      Upon completing the course, students will:

                                                       develop administrative and entrepreneurial skills appealing
                                                        to his personal priorities

                                                       know the basics of project management, how to start, develop
                                                        and promote their own business.

        The course was organized by OpUS together
          with the Coach Institute (St. Petersburg)
Foresight thinking: future engineering
Fundamentals of Technology Entrepreneurship

                                                        The course was in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Tomsk
                                                        Upon completing the course, participants got:
                                                         medium and long-term foresight skills
                                                         modeling experience and skills that will help them to sort out changes
                                                          that occur in organizations, cities, regions, countries due to technological
                                                         skills how to start and manage entrepreneurial projects in a world of
                                                          rapid change

                                                        The course results
                                                         The participants of the course managed to create teams that are able to
                                                          meet the major challenges of technological innovation and infrastructure
                                                          development of the country
                                                         Open University Skolkovo program foresight was developed with
                                                          participation of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives

       The course was organized by OpUS together with
                The Future Designing Group
Russia Mega Trends (Frost&Sullivan)
Fundamentals of Technology Entrepreneurship

                                                                       The project consists of two parts. The first one includes lectures about
                                                                       technology vision, global trend etc. During the second part of the course
                                                                       OpUS students analyze together with the experts the Russian trends in the
                                                                       following areas:

                                                                        Hot Spots of Russia
                                                                        Back to Russia (Reverse brain drain)
                                                                        Modern Russia (E-government / e-services)
                                                                        Mega Events
                                                                        Urbanization in Russia (Mega Cities, Mega Regions)
                                                                        Localization of manufacturing in Russia (space, biomedicine)

                                                                       The research done by OpUS students was used in Russia Mega Trends:
Russia Mega Trends: Macro to Micro Implications for 2020 Project was
                                                                       Macro to Micro Implications for 2020 Report that was introduced at GIL
organized by OpUS together with Frost&Sullivan
                                                                       2012 Conference (May 17th, 2012, Moscow).

                                                                       The project involved 60 OpUS students from Moscow, St.Petersburg and
                                                                       Tomsk, 30 of them participated in the final stage of the project.
World Future Society 2012
OpUS students participated in World Future 2012
Conference which was held in July, 27-29 in Toronto.

The topic of the conference was devoted to energy and
education, economy and human cultural change, health care
and technology development.

During the conference students had an opportunity to talk to
top foreign forecast experts and become assured that their
technological foresights and concepts are close to expert’s

The main result of the conference was an agreement with
Kenneth Hanter, Chairman of World Future Society, about
future mutual activities of forecast groups in Russia and WFS.
This potential communication should be done through OpUS
                                                                 OpUS students were the youngest audience at the conference, however
                                                                 they were able to participate in serious discussions with world’s top
                                                                 experts of the forecast sphere at World Future Society and Millenium
Introduction to Innovative Engineering
Fundamentals of Technology Entrepreneurship

                                                About the course

                                                Within the course students got acquainted with the experience of
                                                top international technological companies, learned about technical
                                                systems’ main stages of innovation cycle and competencies
                                                necessary for an innovation engineer to become a successful
                                                professional in an innovation center.

                                                Course objectives

                                                 Understanding of engineering fundamentals when implementing
                                                  innovation stages of technical system’s cycle among
Series of lectures by Professor Oleg Figovsky     participants.

                                                 Preparing participants for making right choices in future
                                                  professional education, including exploring possibilities of
                                                  professional realization in the Skolkovo project.
Guide to Innovation Economics
Fundamentals of Technology Entrepreneurship

                                          Series of lectures by Professor Petr Schedrovitsky, an
                                          expert in spatial development, regional and industrial
                                          politics, innovations and human resources.

                                          Main topics

                                           Differentiation of labor as the basics of economic development.

                                           Innovation Economics as a result of technologization.

                                           Industrialization in Russia and USSR. Challenges of creating an
                                            innovation economy.
Anthropological Basics of Corporate Strategy
Fundamentals of Technology Entrepreneurship

                                                    Course objective

                                                    Creating a new vision for management and strategy allowing the link
                                                    between consciousness and management practices. This approach is
                                                    directed to prepare specialists in entrepreneurial management offering
                                                    the basics of new corporate management and strategy.

                                                    Main topics

                                                     Crisis of modern-day management and historic typology of
                                                      liberal basics of corporate strategy.
Series of lectures by Professor Vladimir Malyavin    Anthropology of strategy.

                                                     Strategy and management as an organic component of liberal
                                                      theory and practice.
Project Management Guide
Fundamentals of Technology Entrepreneurship

                                                             About the course

                                                             The course is designed to present a modern methodology of project
                                                             management. Students are able to learn about the content of project
                                                             management from initiation stage to implementation and completion.

                                                             Unique practical tools and methods available to project managers
                                                             are discussed within the course. Main project documents including
                                                             their function, structure and content, are analyzed by program

        The course was organized by OpUS together with the
             «Project PRACTICE» group of companies
Risk Management in Entrepreneurship
Fundamentals of Technology Entrepreneurship

                                                                  Course objectives

                                                                  • Presentation    of   fundamentals     of   risk   management        in
                                                                  • Building up competencies to identify and minimize risks of innovation
                                                                  • Creating and presenting reports as a tool for working with investors
                                                                    and partners.
                                                                  • Demonstrating best practices of risk management on real Skolkovo
                                                                    innovation projects.
                                                                  Main topics

                                                                   Basics of risk management. Theory and instruments to identify
                                                                    company’s risks.
                                                                   Approaches to estimate risks. Psychology of risk management.
                                                                    Integration of risk management into company’s activities without
Series of lectures by Alexey Sidorenko, risk management manager     discontinuing work.
(Department of Performance Management, Skolkovo Foundation)        Risk management. Risk financial reporting. Risk level
                                                                    monitoring. Implementing risk management culture among
           Robotics Summer School organized by
           OpUS and Imperial College London

           Thorough study of robotics, artificial intelligence systems and their contribution to
           humanity in such spheres as industry, medicine and education.

            Introduction to human-oriented Robotics
            Introduction to modeling
            Understanding activities
            Image processing
            Activity generation
            Future progress
            Interaction between robots and human
            Multi-component systems

            Summer School Results
            Skolkovo Robotics International Conference held 10/02/2013 organized by Skolkovo Foundaiton

            Skolkovo Robotics Challenge preparation

            Introduction of Robotics Program at OpUS
Self-education and Tutor Support
Self-education and student development is an important component of OpUS programs. Therefore an OpUS tutor works closely with each
student to identify their individual tracks in Skolkovo while leaders of the programs give recommendations and resources regarding self-
education and obtaining necessary knowledge for implementing their projects to Skolkovo.

                                                 Consultations on individual tracks in Skolkovo
                                         Navigation and support of individual tracks of student development in Skolkovo Innovation system,
                                                            Skolkovo partners and other institutions for development.

                                            Online broadcasting                                                                                International systems of
                                            and video archive                                                                                  open education
                                            students from all parts of Russia can join                                                         It’s recommended to students to join
                                            OpUS programs by watching online                                                                   courses of Worlds’ top international
                                            broadcasts or saved videos of events                                                               universities through open education
                                            through OpUS Youtube channel.                                                                      systems

                  E-Learning as an education philosophy
                  OpUS in partnership with the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs (ROSNANO) within the Open Innovation Forum organized a panel discussion devoted to
                  distant training and retraining professionals for the economic high-tech sector, modern tendencies of e-learning, development of international partnerships in virtual
                  educational system, opportunities open to development institutions in creating a unified information/education-based network to boost human potential of innovation
                  Online program on technological entrepreneurship is a new joint project and next step in this partnership.
ОpUS / Tomsk

                                                                                     Introduction to Innovative Engineering
                                                                                     Lectures by Professor Oleg Figovsky
OpUS Open Programs in
Tomsk Jan 25th, 2012
Opening speech of Oleg Alekseev,
Vice President of Skolkovo Foundation
as a start of OpUS Program in Tomsk.

                                        Foresight Thinking:
Project Management Guide                Engineering of the Future                                                     Technological
Course is organized together with the   Series of lectures, interactive workshops,                                    Entrepreneurship
Project PRACTICE educational centre     project session and student presentations                                     in Medicine
ОpUS / Saint-Petersburg
                                                                                 Future of Entrepreneurship
                                                                                 Lecture and workshop by Gabriel
                                                                                 Baldinucci, VP Strategy and New
                                                                                 Venture Development, оn
                                                                                 interdisciplinary entrepreneurship
                                                                                 issues and typical startup mistakes

OpUS opened it’s program in Saint
Petersburg Feb. 24th 2012
Welcome speech of Vasily Kichedzhi,
Vice Governor of St. Petersburg
                                      Technological Entrepreneurship             SumIT Open Startup School
                                      The process of creating startups in        A program created for young
                                      information technologies.                  entrepreneurs in the sphere of
                                                                                 information and bio technologies.
                                      Program includes: identifying business     Best teams had an opportunity to
                                      models, putting together a project team,   create their own business-models
                                      market analysis and possibilities for      and present their projects after a six
V Петербургский                       introducing the project on the market,     weeks period at the final investment
                                      identifying market niche, creating a       session.
V St. Petersburg International        marketing plan, preparing project’s
инновационный форум
Innovation Forum                      presentation for the investor.
OpUS Summer School
  Open University Skolkovo organized
       it’s first Summer School
OpUS Summer School

                        Idea                                                      Communication
                    Visualization                                                                                               Project

A series of workshops about visual presentation of                  A series of workshops focused on        A series of workshops about product management.
idea and product, intensive course "How to tell a                   communication skills development and    Participants were able to pass through all the
story" about the visualization techniques and                       OpUS communication model structure.     stages of the product launch on a business
scenarios fundamentals.                                                                                     simulator and redesign the products with a help of
                                                                                                            RIS Ventures company and present them to
                                                                                                            Skolkovo residents.
 LAVA, one of the leading graphic design companies                 KVD Reframing, design and innovation
 Igor Gurovitch, graphic designer                                   consultancy agency                      Practical Inventions Centre
 Alexander Privalov, journalist                                                                             Soft Patent
                                                                                                             RIS Ventures

                                        Skolkovo Workshops
          Oleg Alekseev                               Isak Frumin
          Vice President of Skolkovo Foundation       Advisor to Vice President of
          Oleg Genisaretsky                           Skolkovo Foundation
          Chair of OpUS Expert Council                Dmitry Shalagin                                                             Alexander Povalko
                                                      Deputy Director of Investment
          Albert Efimov                               Department                                                                  Deputy Minister of Education
          IT Cluster Project Director
                                                      Alexey Fedorov                                                              and Science of the Russian
          Mikhail Tykuchinsky                         Project Manager, Skolkovo Key                                               Federation
          Director of Cluster Development of Energy   Partners Department
          Efficient Technologies
OpUS          1st    Anniversary 
Open University Skolkovo celebrated its first anniversary
                  on April 21, 2012.
Partner Projects
Contests, conferences, edutainment
Film Festival 360°
II Contemporary Science Film Festival 360° took place in
Moscow, Tomsk, Voronezh and Krasnoyarsk in 2012.

The mission is to analyze the impact of science, discovery
and innovations in everyday life and change the very idea
of ​science.

                                                                The festival featured 31 films presented in 6 programs: main program,
                                                                shot-films, kids program, ParisScience festival program, Guest&Best and
                                                                Nano Program.
Contemporary Science Film Festival 360° contributes to
rethinking the role of science in the society, involving more
active and passionate young scientists and innovators to the                    Contemporary Science Film Festival 360°
dialogue of science and art.                                          
Singularity University Program
The program was organized by Open University Skolkovo
and Singularity University. Over 180 people participated in
the program in 2012.

The program was focused on analysis of emerging
technologies and key ideas that lead to changes in the
market and society. The main question is how revolutionary
scientific advances and convergence of technologies will
impact on individual markets and industries in the coming

 Artificial Intelligence and    Medicine and Neurology
                                 Nano Technology
 Biotechnology and
  Bioinformatics                 Network and Computer
 Energy
                                 Innovations and organization
                                  of the society
                                                                 Interviews with Singularity University speakers
Career Development and Entrepreneurship Workshop
A three-day workshop organized by the New York Academy
of Sciences, Open University Skolkovo and Russian Union
of Young Scientists for Russian students, graduates and

Workshop program featured panels:

 Job opportunities and career development

 Best practices for entrepreneurship, venture capital and
  forming public-private partnerships.

                                                             Over 140 Russian students and postdocs participated in the Career
                                                             Development and Entrepreneurship Workshop

                                                                            Seminar materials published on Skolkovo Foundation

TEDxSkolkovo                       TEDxSkolkovoLive              TEDxYouth@Skolkovo                TEDxSkolkovo
Sources of Optimism                Radical Openness              How I Changed the World. 2020г.   New Vision
February 4, 2012                   June 27, 2012                 September 15, 2012                December 15, 2012

TEDxSkolkovo is independent TEDx event organized under
license from TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design). The
events are designed to transmit and develop the TED experience
in Skolkovo region, bringing to Skolkovo brightest speakers:
innovators, entrepreneurs, scientists and those who can make
profound and lasting contribution to the future.                            
TEDGlobal 2012 / New Educational Paradigms for Innovation Workshop

Open University Skolkovo became a partner of TEDGlobal and
organized a workshop during the Radical Openness Conference
that took place in Edinburgh, Scotland in June 2012. The
workshop was focused on the new educational paradigms,
innovation in technology and entrepreneurship.

In this brainstorm hosted by Andrey Egorov, CEO, Open
University Skolkovo, members of the TEDGlobal audience
shared innovative ideas, amazing stories and personal
experience in short talks.
Science and technological contests are the ways to invite the best students and postdocs in OpUS community.
In 2012 OpUS organized its own contests and participated as partner of the following competitions:

Imagine Cup / Microsoft                       Avangard Znany / AstraZeneca                  Startup of the Year / HSE Business Incubator

My Idea for Russia / Singularity University   Simulating the Future / Skolkovo Foundation   Innoway / NAVI Capital Management and Hevel Solar
OpUS Club
OpUS Club meetings in 2012:

 How to get access to the best and be successful in a global scale without
  living your country. [Tomsk]

 Life and work in everyday life

 Megatrends and their impact on business, society and culture

 Skolkovo ideology

 The risks in choosing national innovation model. [Tomsk]

                                                                              OpUS Club is an expert panel that represents working groups of
                                                                              experts. How to motivate young people to study engineering and to
                                                                              be involved in innovation process, how to develop innovation culture,
                                                                              how to bring together science and engineering - these are the
                                                                              questions that are in the agenda of OpUS Club meetings.
Open University Skolkovo has proved itself as the organizer of the events that combine scientific, business and educational components, that
give participants a comprehensive look at the entrepreneurship. OpUS students participate also in major events organized by Skolkovo
                                                                  OpUS – co-organizer

         RU SCI Tech Forum 2012                                  International MedTech                                      YEES 2012
   The First International Forum of Russian-Speaking                                                      The conference is focused on the best practices in the
         Science and Technology Professionals                      Innovation Summit                     sphere of education, business, innovative technologies.

                                                              OpUS Students - Participants

              Frost & Sullivan GIL 2012                                  MedWAYS                                       СEE-SECR 2012

         Data Science Summit Russia 2012                     Summer School on Concurrency 2012                            Teched 2012

        Russian Innovation Convention 2012                          TechCrunch Moscow                                  iStudio-Intel PforF

               Open Innovations Forum                               Skolkovo meets DLD                              Slush by Startup Sauna

                                                          CRDF Global Technology Commercialization
              World Future Society 2012
                                                       Pathfinder Entrepreneurship Development Program
OpUSVISION is a magazine made by OpUS
students who write about OpUS events and
life of the Skolkovo Innovation Centre.
Open lectures 2012 (some speakers)

Lord Ara Darzi          Roberto Unger    Raymond McCowley    Oleg Medvedev      Dileep Bhandarkar    Vladimir Malyavin   Ajay Gautam

Oleg Figovsky           Sergey Haprov    Gleb Pavlovsky      Fadi Bishara       Pyotr Shedrovitsky   Artyom Oganov       Martin Reiser

Alexander Kudryavtsev   Alexey Smirnov   Vladimir Popovkin   Nikolay Polushin   Brian Harry          Scott Shenker       Ryan Junee
Open lectures / events (Skolkovo Foundation speakers)

Alain Fournier-Sicre   Pavel Sharov     Sergey Zhukov   Fedor Krasnov   Pekka Viljakainen   Alexey Sidorenko   Oleg Pertsovsky

Dmitry Paison          Edward Crawley   Isak Frumin     Albert Efimov   Alexander Fertman   Anton Voropaev     Mikhail Tykuchinsky
OpUS Expert Council

Oleg Genisaretsky    Oleg Alekseev   Yury Baturin       Vladimir Betelin       Alexander Galitsky

Alexander Kuleshov   Dmitry Peskov   Alexey Ponomarev   Konstantin Severinov   Igor Fedorov
OpUS Team
Curators        Staff

                Andrey Egorov        Katya Morozova      Lena Dmitrieva     Daria Avdulova

Oleg Alekseev

                Kseniya Balitskaya   Nikolay Yakovenko   Evgeniya Russkih   Lena Diryugina

Isak Frumin

                Alexey Pospelov      Evgeniya Smirnova   Liana Kobzeva      Oksana Zamyatina
                St. Petersburg       St. Petersburg      Tomsk              Tomsk
Plans 2013
Programs                                                                      Key Events
                                                                              Skolkovo Robotics (February 10, 2013)
BioMedTech                                                                    IT Cluster, Skoltech and Skolkovo key partners
Biomed Cluster and Skolkovo key partners
                                                                              Student Enrollment 2013 March 2013
Entrepreneurship in IT                                                        OpUS Graduation May 2013
IT Cluster and Skolkovo key partners                                          First graduating ceremony
                                                                              OpUS Alumni Club Launch

Space Entrepreneurship                                                        TEDxSkolkovo
                                                                              TEDxSkolkovoLive, TEDxSkolkovo@Youth, TEDxChange, TEDxCity 2.0, TEDxSkolkovo
Space Cluster

                                                                              Imagine Cup April 4-6, 2013 (Hypercube, Moscow), July 8-12, 2013 (St.Petersburg)
                                                                              Russian and International Final (Microsoft, ASI)
Intellectual Property Issues                                                  OpUS Communication Centre September 2013
Skolkovo Intellectual Property Center
                                                                              Opening OpUS communication center to host regular events, workshops and program

Fundamentals of Technology Entrepreneurship                                   OpUS Summer School July 2013
                                                                              Program with the staff and partners of Skolkovo Foundation
Skolkovo Development and Commercialization Centre and Skolkovo key partners

                                                                              My Idea for Russia March-April 2013
                                                                              Singularity University
IT Cluster and Skolkovo key partners                                          III Contemporary Science Film Festival 360° October 2013
                                                                              Politechnic Museum

           Open University Skolkovo

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[Op us] report-2012

  • 1. Concept  Results 2012  Plans 2013
  • 2. What is OpUS Open University Skolkovo is a program of the Skolkovo Foundation OpUS Students that aims at creating and developing a community of talented young scholars and entrepreneurs whose expertise provides new OpUS is not an educational institution and it does not award human resources and tech startups for Skolkovo Innovation Centre diplomas. OpUS students pursue their BA, MA and PhD degrees and the innovation ecosystem of Russia. at the top Russian universities: The participants of the program pass through all the stages of creating a startup - from an idea to setting up a company. They can  MEPhI  MSU test their business ideas with the help of business simulation games and real-life contests, take part in events along with the  MIPT  MISIS world leaders in business and technology, as well as be mentored by successful entrepreneurs.  Bauman MSTU  HSE  SPbGU  ITMO KPI 1. Startups launched by OpUS students and their achieving the  SPbSPU  SPBAU status of Skolkovo participants;  TPU  TUSUR 2. OpUS students becoming the students of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (SkolTech);  TSU  SSMU 3. Internships and work experience at R&D centers and departments of partner companies, participants and  et alias departments of Skolkovo; 4. Integration of OpUS students in Russian institutions for innovation development.
  • 3. OpUS Model Step 1. Selection Step 2. Program accelerator Step 3. Integration in the …in the areas of biomed, IT, space technologies, robotics, etc… innovation ecosystem • Top students (3rd year of study and up), MA and PhD • Skolkovo clusters • Global technology agenda. Lectures and master classes on students of top Russian universities • Skolkovo participating companies the main areas of the technology research by leading • Partnerships of young researchers and entrepreneurs • Skolkovo partner companies researchers and heads of research labs and R&D projects. • SkolTech (students-partners of companies, clubs and • Technology entrepreneurship. Intellectual property associations of students and young scientists) • Technopark management, setting up a company, teamwork, management of • Finalists and winners of tech contests organized by • Institutions for development an innovation project, workshops and project mentoring. • Government agencies the Skolkovo Foundation and its partners. • Business, cultural and scientific communication. Cross- cultural seminars. Participation in conferences, forums, Types of selection processes: The ways of integration: technology summits and competitions. • OpUS Open Programs (commitment, passing all • Internships (including paid internships) • Soft skills training. Teamwork. Presentations, negotiations, stages of the program, interviews) → at Skolkovo partcipating companies and partner leadership. • Contests organized by the Foundation and its companies • Project management practice. partners in the areas of Skolkovo clusters (the finalists → internships at the Skolkovo Foundation (clusters) and winners based on the performance at the • Academic training Programme formats: → Project presentations to the group of program interview) • Courses and open lectures. • OpUS Annual Enrolment (online and offline tasks, experts (Skolkovo Foundation employees, • Seasonal schools. mentors, experts, representatives of Skolkovo interviews) • Self-education support (navigation, consultions) including the partner companies) use of the open education tools (edX, Coursera etc.) → admission to SkolTech • Thematic events (conferences, TEDx etc.) • Employment • International programmes → Skolkovo participating companies and partner • Project management companies → Skolkovo Foundation • Student startups → applications for being granted the status of a project participant at Skolkovo OpUS Model Elements Community Communication platform (both offline and online) Involvement in the global agenda Successful world practices
  • 4. OpUS Statistics (2012) 220 380 27.000 OpUS students lectures viewers In Moscow, St.Petersburg and Tomsk. Online broadcasting 8.000 16 23.000 participants courses views offline OpUS Events OpUS videos
  • 5. Integrating OpUS students in Skolkovo Innovation Ecosystem
  • 6. Integrating in Skolkovo 8 projects 1 project 3 projects 8 projects of OpUS students got Participated in the Skolkovo M.D. (Smart-museum) contest Skolkovo participant status Passed the preliminary examination Gelius project reached the contest’s final 31 students Involved in the Skolkovo Innovation Centre 7 interns 4 interns 4 interns The selection of interns was launched 18 students work at: Participating companies – 12 +80 applications Partner companies – 2 submitted for internships IT Cluster – 1 in 2013. OpUS – 2 Skoltech– 1
  • 7. Integrating in SkolTech and Russian Institutions for Development 9 OpUS students took internships in the following programs: Ministry of Economic • Socially-oriented NPO support Development of Russia • State Strategic Planning Development • Innovative Development 4 OpUS students 5 OpUS students enrolled at SkolTech Joined Youth Advisory Council of the Department of 9 OpUS students Technology, Science and Entrepreneurship Department for Science, (Moscow City Government) Industrial Policy and Business Development submitted applications for 2013 2 OpUS students 7 OpUS students 1 employee 1 intern took part in SkolTech MIT Innovation School The selection of interns was launched The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia
  • 8. Skolkovo Residents (Startups founded by OpUS students) Tutorion The project’s main objective is to create and develop special web services which allow distance learning to become more widespread and convenient in contrast to traditional learning in one classroom. Initially the project focuses on global development and commercialization on international markets of education. We expect that first of all Tutorion platform will advance in the sector of private e-learning. IT Cluster Chikhalov Yury
  • 9. Skolkovo Residents (Startups founded by OpUS students) Smart Technologies The idea of the project is to create a special program software for the banking sector. This software is designed to save money on money collection services as well as increase effectiveness of money distribution. The system allows to make unique forecasts determining the date and amount of future money collections. In addition the software gives a money breakdown in regards to denomination and currency based on statistics collected from ATM operations. IT Cluster Klimov Valentin
  • 10. Skolkovo Residents (Startups founded by OpUS students) Ksys Labs Ksys Labs is an R&D and production company specializing in development and research in the area of information security and trusted solutions. The key directions of research at Ksys Labs are represented with the joint effort of development teams, including work in the areas of system virtualization and experimental operating systems, embedded systems, hardware platforms and programmable logic, machine vision and image recognition. IT Cluster Sartakov Vasily
  • 11. Skolkovo Residents (Startups founded by OpUS students) Altair The company was founded in 2011 by a team of researchers who studied dynamic processes in condensed medium including cases of substance continuity disruption. Development of the program solution through multi-level modeling of discreet-time systems is aimed to contribute a number of industry sectors: chemistry, pharmaceutical, food, mining and refining. IT Cluster Asonov Igor
  • 12. Skolkovo Residents (Startups founded by OpUS students) Engex Lab Development and commercialization of innovative engineering technologies facilitating the rise in people’s life quality and ensuring environmental preservation for future generations. • Development of software and hardware systems regulating buildings energy consumption • Monitoring and control over the quality of climate inside the building • Development of new technologies aimed at utilization of heat and electricity energy produced by people in their day-to-day activities IT Cluster Nikiforov Aleksander
  • 13. Skolkovo Residents (Startups founded by OpUS students) JSC Primerlife Main goal of the project is creating a unique network based on personal genome. Primerlife is an interpretation system of SNP-genotyping results as well as a consultation base allowing to reach out to genetic counselors. IT Cluster Musienko Trunina Sergey Anna
  • 14. Skolkovo Residents (Startups founded by OpUS students) Metemp Company specializes on development of thermo electric materials on the basis of selicium-germanium and Geissler compositions in order to transform thermal power into electric energy. The idea of the project is based on fundamental science of National Research Technology University MISIS and entrepreneurial competencies learned at Open University Skolkovo. Energy Cluster Voronin Usenko Andrey Andrey
  • 15. Skolkovo Residents (Startups founded by OpUS students) New Metallurgical Technologies LLC Developing energy saving processes through a full-scale refinery of technogenic waste based on new metallurgical technologies. Energy Cluster Sazhin Anton
  • 16. OpUS Students Projects (Saint-Petersburg) Project Investment Participants Achievements RangeUP $ 150.000 [negotiations] Zadiraka Sergey Resident of Ingria business incubator Resident of startup-accelerator IDM Smart museum $ 170.000 Sokolov Andrey Winner of winter school SumIT Resident of startup-accelerator IDM Cluborama $ 20.000 Turin Anton Winner of winter school SumIT LocalEvents - Schtefanets Ian Resident of interuniversity business incubator QD Gusev Andrey Gelius - Kasyanov Nikolay Skolkovo M.D. finalist Kasyanova Anna $ 30.000 eZWay Pavlov Igor In top 20 best Northern Europe’s projects + $ 150.000 [negotiations] $ 20.000 ImagineCup Russia winner 7 sense Kitaev Vitaly Winner of winter school SumIT
  • 17. OpUS Model Accelerator PROGRAM …theme differentiated (biomed, IT, space technologies, robotics…) 1. Technological Entrepreneurship 2. Global Technological Agenda 3. Business and Cultural Communication RESULT SELECTION 4. Soft Skills University 5. Project Management students Partner competitions Human resources for the NAVIGATION, INTEGRATION innovation sector OpUS open programs Project Innovation teams Talented Innovation Research and Development Education Development OpUS open youth Management Corporations (Skolkovo partners) Universities Institutions for competition (incl. government Innovation Technological (incl. Development incl. authorities) Companies (Skolkovo residents) SkolTech) Skolkovo Foundaiton) Technological projects and startups 1. Internships (incl. with compensation) Partner 2. Education networks 3. Employment 4. Foundation of student startups COMMUNITY / NETWORK
  • 18. OpUS Student Enrolment First OpUS student enrolment was back in March 2011. Candidates were asked to submit a video in English demonstrating their technological, entrepreneurial, marketing and communication skills as well as knowledge of foreign languages, creative thinking, academic and professional achievements. As a result of the selection 108 students from Moscow universities were chosen to become participants of OpUS Program. During two yeas OpUS Program extended geographically. The second enrolment (December-February 2012) was not only in Moscow but also in St. Petersburg and Tomsk. Candidates were asked to make a video in English, take written tests, solve technological tasks prepared by Skolkovo Clusters and pass an interview with experts. The contest committee nominated 49 students from Moscow, 50 from Saint Petersburg and 46 from Tomsk to become participants of OpUS Program. Next OpUS student enrolment is scheduled for Spring 2013. In addition OpUS Student status was granted to the finalists of technological competitions organized by Skolkovo Foundation and partners.
  • 19. OpUS Programs (2012) OpUS programs are designed to create a community of talented young people with scientific, technological and entrepreneurship competencies who strive to make progress in OpUS and contribute BioMedTech to Skolkovo Project as well as to develop their ideas and projects in order to get Skolkovo Participant status. Entrepreneurship in IT Space Entrepreneurship Fundamentals of Technology Entrepreneurship Robotics
  • 20. BioMedTech Joint program with Biomed Cluster - events focused on biomedical technologies entrepreneurship The program included lectures of leading scientists and October 25th, 2012 - December 1st,2012. The chosen ideas was used to form relevant teams in experts in a wide range of biomedical areas: from drug Competition of Ideas in the following areas: January, 2013. These teams will take part in a special design and personalized medicine to mobile health and course focused on biotechnology projects. surgical robotics. 1. Preventive and personalized medicine 2. IT in medicine and mHealth; The course program: the basics of business-modeling, Participants: students, graduate students, postdocs and 3. Medical equipment, devices and materials. project management, marketing, intellectual property young specialists in medicine, biotechnologies, physics, management, risk managements, leadership, team engineering and programming. 10 winners were selected. building, soft skills. The Foundation key partners and companies-participants and applicants are involved in OpUS program realization. This should help to improve the Biomed Cluster projects pipeline quality.
  • 21. BioMedTech Lectures IT in medicine: Vladimir Prutsky Mobile Diagnostics 14.03 Interсluster workshop Biomarkers: First step to Personalized Medicine or Myth? Hanson Gifford 03.04 Development, Implementation and Investment in Biomedical Projects: Silicon Valley Experience International MedTech Matthias Epple 14.05 Biomaterials: from the Сentimeter to the Nanometer Scale Innovation Summit Conference Oleg Primak 14.05 Department for X-ray Diffraction: Possibilities of the Measurements in the Faculty of Chemistry Ajay Gautam 21.05 Innovative Pharmaceutics Development Stimulation and Investments in R&D: Focus on Emerging Future of Biomedical Technologies Markets Singularity University Program Workshops Vladimir Lopatin 31.05 Intellectual Property – Intellectual Creativity Standard Peter Lindholm 05.06 Business Idea Design, Elaboration, Development and Realization in Biomedicine BioMedTech Summer school Technological Entrepreneurship and innovative Oleg Medvedev Business-projects Management 22.10 Role of ICT in Medicine Today: from Implanted Microchips to Supercomputers. Mikhail Samsonov 24.10 Long Journey from Idea to Project Avangard Znaniy Contest (AstraZeneca): Lord Ara Darzi Pharmaceutical innovations: from Laboratory to Patient 01.11 Surgical Robotics and Technologies: Miracles or Reality Discussion Raymond McCauley 02.11 Everything you Ever Wanted to Know about Biotech startups Dmitry Sychev Immunophysiology: 06.11 Autoimmunity in Health and Disease Personalized Medicine: Pharmacological Aspects Contribution to Preventive and Predictive Medicine Germes Chilov 30.11 Conference Drug Design
  • 22. Joint workshops with IT Cluster Entrepreneurship in IT Workshop # 4 22.02 IT in medicine. Mobile Diagnostics Workshop # 5 18.04 Technology Transfer and Commercialization of Innovations Workshop # 6 05.10 Skolkovo for Residents! Residents for Skolkovo! Workshops on advanced information technologies are organized by OpUS together with IT Cluster
  • 23. Technological entrepreneurship in IT Entrepreneurship in IT 230 13 11 program participants projects projects reached the final Project Gelius reached the final of Skolkovo M.D. Contest Technology entrepreneurship lectures and seminars were organized by OpUS in partnership with Microsoft Project eZway won Bortnik Foundation grant. In Top-20 projects of early stage by Slush
  • 24. Niches for Technology Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship in IT Alexandra Markova 20.02 Co-founder of the Blackbox business incubator Andrew Krovopuskov 27.02 Founder of Russian 3D Scanner LLC Andrew Paly, Denis Khomyakov 12.03 Yarko Company Ivan Vladimirov 19.03 Co-founder, Managing Director of Groupon Russia Aynur Abdulnasyrov 26.03 Founder, CEO of LinguaLeo The course of lectures was organized by OpUS together with Sergey Konovalov the Cisco Entrepreneurship Institute 02.04 CEO of Wishop 23.04 Ilya Gelfenbeyn CEO and Co-owner of Speaktoit
  • 25. Space Entrepreneurship Alain Fournier-Sicre 29.02 Business Trends in Space. The Experience of Russia and Europe Vladimir Gershenzon 19.03 Remote Sensing: Stagnation or Information? Monica Ebert 08.04 The Future of Space Business Gagarin Research & Test Cosmonaut 14.04 Training Center Theory and Practice in Star City Edward Crawley 17.04 Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Space The program of lectures and seminars was organized by OpUS together with the Cluster of Space Technologies and Vladimir Popovkin Telecommunications 27.09 Access to Space: Business Opportunities in Space Industry 07.12 Sergey Zhukov Space Reform and Commercial Space Development in Russia
  • 26. Wikipedia from within Fundamentals of Technology Entrepreneurship Course program: Wikipedia principles, search and evaluation of the sources, writing and design of the articles on modern technologies and materials in a wiki-like environment 40 program participants The program of lectures and seminars was organized by OpUS together with Wikimedia Russia 5 articles
  • 27. Quick Start Fundamentals of Technology Entrepreneurship About the course Quick Start course was designed as a series of trainings. Each participant took individual class with a personal coach. The program of the course was designed that way in order to help students identify their potential and develop their leadership and management skills. Course objectives Upon completing the course, students will:  develop administrative and entrepreneurial skills appealing to his personal priorities  know the basics of project management, how to start, develop and promote their own business. The course was organized by OpUS together with the Coach Institute (St. Petersburg)
  • 28. Foresight thinking: future engineering Fundamentals of Technology Entrepreneurship The course was in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Tomsk Upon completing the course, participants got:  medium and long-term foresight skills  modeling experience and skills that will help them to sort out changes that occur in organizations, cities, regions, countries due to technological innovations  skills how to start and manage entrepreneurial projects in a world of rapid change The course results  The participants of the course managed to create teams that are able to meet the major challenges of technological innovation and infrastructure development of the country  Open University Skolkovo program foresight was developed with participation of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives The course was organized by OpUS together with The Future Designing Group
  • 29. Russia Mega Trends (Frost&Sullivan) Fundamentals of Technology Entrepreneurship The project consists of two parts. The first one includes lectures about technology vision, global trend etc. During the second part of the course OpUS students analyze together with the experts the Russian trends in the following areas:  Hot Spots of Russia  Back to Russia (Reverse brain drain)  Modern Russia (E-government / e-services)  Mega Events  Urbanization in Russia (Mega Cities, Mega Regions)  Localization of manufacturing in Russia (space, biomedicine) The research done by OpUS students was used in Russia Mega Trends: Russia Mega Trends: Macro to Micro Implications for 2020 Project was Macro to Micro Implications for 2020 Report that was introduced at GIL organized by OpUS together with Frost&Sullivan 2012 Conference (May 17th, 2012, Moscow). The project involved 60 OpUS students from Moscow, St.Petersburg and Tomsk, 30 of them participated in the final stage of the project.
  • 30. World Future Society 2012 OpUS students participated in World Future 2012 Conference which was held in July, 27-29 in Toronto. The topic of the conference was devoted to energy and education, economy and human cultural change, health care and technology development. During the conference students had an opportunity to talk to top foreign forecast experts and become assured that their technological foresights and concepts are close to expert’s vision. The main result of the conference was an agreement with Kenneth Hanter, Chairman of World Future Society, about future mutual activities of forecast groups in Russia and WFS. This potential communication should be done through OpUS students. OpUS students were the youngest audience at the conference, however they were able to participate in serious discussions with world’s top experts of the forecast sphere at World Future Society and Millenium Project.
  • 31. Introduction to Innovative Engineering Fundamentals of Technology Entrepreneurship About the course Within the course students got acquainted with the experience of top international technological companies, learned about technical systems’ main stages of innovation cycle and competencies necessary for an innovation engineer to become a successful professional in an innovation center. Course objectives  Understanding of engineering fundamentals when implementing innovation stages of technical system’s cycle among Series of lectures by Professor Oleg Figovsky participants.  Preparing participants for making right choices in future professional education, including exploring possibilities of professional realization in the Skolkovo project.
  • 32. Guide to Innovation Economics Fundamentals of Technology Entrepreneurship Series of lectures by Professor Petr Schedrovitsky, an expert in spatial development, regional and industrial politics, innovations and human resources. Main topics  Differentiation of labor as the basics of economic development.  Innovation Economics as a result of technologization.  Industrialization in Russia and USSR. Challenges of creating an innovation economy.
  • 33. Anthropological Basics of Corporate Strategy Fundamentals of Technology Entrepreneurship Course objective Creating a new vision for management and strategy allowing the link between consciousness and management practices. This approach is directed to prepare specialists in entrepreneurial management offering the basics of new corporate management and strategy. Main topics  Crisis of modern-day management and historic typology of liberal basics of corporate strategy. Series of lectures by Professor Vladimir Malyavin  Anthropology of strategy.  Strategy and management as an organic component of liberal theory and practice.
  • 34. Project Management Guide Fundamentals of Technology Entrepreneurship About the course The course is designed to present a modern methodology of project management. Students are able to learn about the content of project management from initiation stage to implementation and completion. Unique practical tools and methods available to project managers are discussed within the course. Main project documents including their function, structure and content, are analyzed by program participants. The course was organized by OpUS together with the «Project PRACTICE» group of companies
  • 35. Risk Management in Entrepreneurship Fundamentals of Technology Entrepreneurship Course objectives • Presentation of fundamentals of risk management in entrepreneurship. • Building up competencies to identify and minimize risks of innovation projects. • Creating and presenting reports as a tool for working with investors and partners. • Demonstrating best practices of risk management on real Skolkovo innovation projects. Main topics  Basics of risk management. Theory and instruments to identify company’s risks.  Approaches to estimate risks. Psychology of risk management. Integration of risk management into company’s activities without Series of lectures by Alexey Sidorenko, risk management manager discontinuing work. (Department of Performance Management, Skolkovo Foundation)  Risk management. Risk financial reporting. Risk level monitoring. Implementing risk management culture among employees.
  • 36. Robotics Robotics Summer School organized by OpUS and Imperial College London Thorough study of robotics, artificial intelligence systems and their contribution to humanity in such spheres as industry, medicine and education.  Introduction to human-oriented Robotics  Introduction to modeling  Understanding activities  Image processing  Activity generation  Future progress  Interaction between robots and human  Multi-component systems Summer School Results Skolkovo Robotics International Conference held 10/02/2013 organized by Skolkovo Foundaiton Skolkovo Robotics Challenge preparation Introduction of Robotics Program at OpUS
  • 37. Self-education and Tutor Support Self-education and student development is an important component of OpUS programs. Therefore an OpUS tutor works closely with each student to identify their individual tracks in Skolkovo while leaders of the programs give recommendations and resources regarding self- education and obtaining necessary knowledge for implementing their projects to Skolkovo. Consultations on individual tracks in Skolkovo Navigation and support of individual tracks of student development in Skolkovo Innovation system, Skolkovo partners and other institutions for development. Online broadcasting International systems of and video archive open education students from all parts of Russia can join It’s recommended to students to join OpUS programs by watching online courses of Worlds’ top international broadcasts or saved videos of events universities through open education through OpUS Youtube channel. systems E-Learning as an education philosophy OpUS in partnership with the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs (ROSNANO) within the Open Innovation Forum organized a panel discussion devoted to distant training and retraining professionals for the economic high-tech sector, modern tendencies of e-learning, development of international partnerships in virtual educational system, opportunities open to development institutions in creating a unified information/education-based network to boost human potential of innovation companies. Online program on technological entrepreneurship is a new joint project and next step in this partnership.
  • 38. ОpUS / Tomsk Introduction to Innovative Engineering Lectures by Professor Oleg Figovsky OpUS Open Programs in Tomsk Jan 25th, 2012 Opening speech of Oleg Alekseev, Vice President of Skolkovo Foundation as a start of OpUS Program in Tomsk. Foresight Thinking: Project Management Guide Engineering of the Future Technological Course is organized together with the Series of lectures, interactive workshops, Entrepreneurship Project PRACTICE educational centre project session and student presentations in Medicine
  • 39. ОpUS / Saint-Petersburg Future of Entrepreneurship Lecture and workshop by Gabriel Baldinucci, VP Strategy and New Venture Development, оn interdisciplinary entrepreneurship issues and typical startup mistakes OpUS opened it’s program in Saint Petersburg Feb. 24th 2012 Welcome speech of Vasily Kichedzhi, Vice Governor of St. Petersburg Technological Entrepreneurship SumIT Open Startup School The process of creating startups in A program created for young information technologies. entrepreneurs in the sphere of information and bio technologies. Program includes: identifying business Best teams had an opportunity to models, putting together a project team, create their own business-models market analysis and possibilities for and present their projects after a six V Петербургский introducing the project on the market, weeks period at the final investment identifying market niche, creating a session. международный V St. Petersburg International marketing plan, preparing project’s инновационный форум Innovation Forum presentation for the investor.
  • 40. OpUS Summer School Open University Skolkovo organized it’s first Summer School
  • 41. OpUS Summer School Idea Communication Visualization Project Project Management A series of workshops about visual presentation of A series of workshops focused on A series of workshops about product management. idea and product, intensive course "How to tell a communication skills development and Participants were able to pass through all the story" about the visualization techniques and OpUS communication model structure. stages of the product launch on a business scenarios fundamentals. simulator and redesign the products with a help of RIS Ventures company and present them to Skolkovo residents.  LAVA, one of the leading graphic design companies  KVD Reframing, design and innovation  Igor Gurovitch, graphic designer consultancy agency  Practical Inventions Centre  Alexander Privalov, journalist  Soft Patent  RIS Ventures Skolkovo Workshops Oleg Alekseev Isak Frumin Vice President of Skolkovo Foundation Advisor to Vice President of Oleg Genisaretsky Skolkovo Foundation Chair of OpUS Expert Council Dmitry Shalagin Alexander Povalko Deputy Director of Investment Albert Efimov Department Deputy Minister of Education IT Cluster Project Director Alexey Fedorov and Science of the Russian Mikhail Tykuchinsky Project Manager, Skolkovo Key Federation Director of Cluster Development of Energy Partners Department Efficient Technologies
  • 42. OpUS 1st Anniversary  Open University Skolkovo celebrated its first anniversary on April 21, 2012.
  • 44. Film Festival 360° II Contemporary Science Film Festival 360° took place in Moscow, Tomsk, Voronezh and Krasnoyarsk in 2012. The mission is to analyze the impact of science, discovery and innovations in everyday life and change the very idea of ​science. The festival featured 31 films presented in 6 programs: main program, shot-films, kids program, ParisScience festival program, Guest&Best and Nano Program. Contemporary Science Film Festival 360° contributes to rethinking the role of science in the society, involving more active and passionate young scientists and innovators to the Contemporary Science Film Festival 360° dialogue of science and art.
  • 45. Singularity University Program The program was organized by Open University Skolkovo and Singularity University. Over 180 people participated in the program in 2012. The program was focused on analysis of emerging technologies and key ideas that lead to changes in the market and society. The main question is how revolutionary scientific advances and convergence of technologies will impact on individual markets and industries in the coming years.  Artificial Intelligence and  Medicine and Neurology Robotics  Nano Technology  Biotechnology and Bioinformatics  Network and Computer Systems  Energy  Innovations and organization of the society Interviews with Singularity University speakers
  • 46. Career Development and Entrepreneurship Workshop A three-day workshop organized by the New York Academy of Sciences, Open University Skolkovo and Russian Union of Young Scientists for Russian students, graduates and postdocs. Workshop program featured panels:  Job opportunities and career development  Best practices for entrepreneurship, venture capital and forming public-private partnerships. Over 140 Russian students and postdocs participated in the Career Development and Entrepreneurship Workshop Seminar materials published on Skolkovo Foundation website.
  • 47. TEDxSkolkovo TEDxSkolkovo TEDxSkolkovoLive TEDxYouth@Skolkovo TEDxSkolkovo Sources of Optimism Radical Openness How I Changed the World. 2020г. New Vision February 4, 2012 June 27, 2012 September 15, 2012 December 15, 2012 TEDxSkolkovo is independent TEDx event organized under license from TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design). The events are designed to transmit and develop the TED experience in Skolkovo region, bringing to Skolkovo brightest speakers: innovators, entrepreneurs, scientists and those who can make profound and lasting contribution to the future.
  • 48. TEDGlobal 2012 / New Educational Paradigms for Innovation Workshop Open University Skolkovo became a partner of TEDGlobal and organized a workshop during the Radical Openness Conference that took place in Edinburgh, Scotland in June 2012. The workshop was focused on the new educational paradigms, innovation in technology and entrepreneurship. In this brainstorm hosted by Andrey Egorov, CEO, Open University Skolkovo, members of the TEDGlobal audience shared innovative ideas, amazing stories and personal experience in short talks.
  • 49. Contests Science and technological contests are the ways to invite the best students and postdocs in OpUS community. In 2012 OpUS organized its own contests and participated as partner of the following competitions: Imagine Cup / Microsoft Avangard Znany / AstraZeneca Startup of the Year / HSE Business Incubator My Idea for Russia / Singularity University Simulating the Future / Skolkovo Foundation Innoway / NAVI Capital Management and Hevel Solar
  • 50. OpUS Club OpUS Club meetings in 2012:  How to get access to the best and be successful in a global scale without living your country. [Tomsk]  Life and work in everyday life  Megatrends and their impact on business, society and culture  Skolkovo ideology  The risks in choosing national innovation model. [Tomsk] OpUS Club is an expert panel that represents working groups of experts. How to motivate young people to study engineering and to be involved in innovation process, how to develop innovation culture, how to bring together science and engineering - these are the questions that are in the agenda of OpUS Club meetings.
  • 51. Conferences Open University Skolkovo has proved itself as the organizer of the events that combine scientific, business and educational components, that give participants a comprehensive look at the entrepreneurship. OpUS students participate also in major events organized by Skolkovo partners. OpUS – co-organizer RU SCI Tech Forum 2012 International MedTech YEES 2012 The First International Forum of Russian-Speaking The conference is focused on the best practices in the Science and Technology Professionals Innovation Summit sphere of education, business, innovative technologies. OpUS Students - Participants Frost & Sullivan GIL 2012 MedWAYS СEE-SECR 2012 Data Science Summit Russia 2012 Summer School on Concurrency 2012 Teched 2012 Russian Innovation Convention 2012 TechCrunch Moscow iStudio-Intel PforF Open Innovations Forum Skolkovo meets DLD Slush by Startup Sauna CRDF Global Technology Commercialization World Future Society 2012 Pathfinder Entrepreneurship Development Program
  • 52. OpUSVISION OpUSVISION is a magazine made by OpUS students who write about OpUS events and life of the Skolkovo Innovation Centre.
  • 53. Open lectures 2012 (some speakers) Lord Ara Darzi Roberto Unger Raymond McCowley Oleg Medvedev Dileep Bhandarkar Vladimir Malyavin Ajay Gautam Oleg Figovsky Sergey Haprov Gleb Pavlovsky Fadi Bishara Pyotr Shedrovitsky Artyom Oganov Martin Reiser Alexander Kudryavtsev Alexey Smirnov Vladimir Popovkin Nikolay Polushin Brian Harry Scott Shenker Ryan Junee
  • 54. Open lectures / events (Skolkovo Foundation speakers) Alain Fournier-Sicre Pavel Sharov Sergey Zhukov Fedor Krasnov Pekka Viljakainen Alexey Sidorenko Oleg Pertsovsky Dmitry Paison Edward Crawley Isak Frumin Albert Efimov Alexander Fertman Anton Voropaev Mikhail Tykuchinsky
  • 55. OpUS Expert Council Oleg Genisaretsky Oleg Alekseev Yury Baturin Vladimir Betelin Alexander Galitsky Chair Alexander Kuleshov Dmitry Peskov Alexey Ponomarev Konstantin Severinov Igor Fedorov
  • 56. OpUS Team Curators Staff Andrey Egorov Katya Morozova Lena Dmitrieva Daria Avdulova Oleg Alekseev Kseniya Balitskaya Nikolay Yakovenko Evgeniya Russkih Lena Diryugina Isak Frumin Alexey Pospelov Evgeniya Smirnova Liana Kobzeva Oksana Zamyatina St. Petersburg St. Petersburg Tomsk Tomsk
  • 57. Plans 2013 Programs Key Events Skolkovo Robotics (February 10, 2013) BioMedTech IT Cluster, Skoltech and Skolkovo key partners Biomed Cluster and Skolkovo key partners Student Enrollment 2013 March 2013 Entrepreneurship in IT OpUS Graduation May 2013 IT Cluster and Skolkovo key partners First graduating ceremony OpUS Alumni Club Launch Space Entrepreneurship TEDxSkolkovo TEDxSkolkovoLive, TEDxSkolkovo@Youth, TEDxChange, TEDxCity 2.0, TEDxSkolkovo Space Cluster Imagine Cup April 4-6, 2013 (Hypercube, Moscow), July 8-12, 2013 (St.Petersburg) Russian and International Final (Microsoft, ASI) Intellectual Property Issues OpUS Communication Centre September 2013 Skolkovo Intellectual Property Center Opening OpUS communication center to host regular events, workshops and program activities Fundamentals of Technology Entrepreneurship OpUS Summer School July 2013 Program with the staff and partners of Skolkovo Foundation Skolkovo Development and Commercialization Centre and Skolkovo key partners My Idea for Russia March-April 2013 Singularity University Robotics IT Cluster and Skolkovo key partners III Contemporary Science Film Festival 360° October 2013 Politechnic Museum
  • 58. Contacts Join Open University Skolkovo