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Assignment 2: Controller Design
Fresh Force
Tracy Walker
• Abstract
• Introduction
• Design Purpose
• Inspiration (Ryan, Tracy, Corey, Steven)
• Design Method
• Schematics (Overview, Top, Bottom, Triggers)
• Design Assumptions (Ryan, Tracy, Corey, Steven)
• Game Examples(Destiny, Need for Speed, Dynasty Warriors)
• Prototype
• Play-test Results
• Post Mortem
• References
Fresh Force consists of Ryan Horbal, Tracy Walker, Corey Willis, and Steven Oreskovich. For
our project, we were asked to create a controller that would allow a player with one hand
to play with all the same freedoms of movement that would be granted by a standard two-
handed controller. On February 11th, we each created our own designs for controllers that
we felt would be conducive to one-handed use. After reconvening, we formulated new
ways to combine our ideas, and drew new concept designs, which helped us discover the
key factors that were most important to our design. These factors being Ergonomics,
Comfort, Efficiency, and Simplicity. Throughout this PowerPoint presentation you will see
how we take all of our individual designs and combine them all into the Cyclops one-
handed controller.
The name of our Cyclops controller says it all. There is a joystick on the top for
the player to control camera views, triggers easily available where the index
and middle fingers touch the back of the controller, and a button on the
bottom sides of the joystick near the top for access to when needed. We want
easy controls when thinking of someone with only one hand and providing
them the best game play possible for their enjoyment.
This design of a controller is allowing players to control movement through the
gyroscope in the controller, we effectively give them the functionality of both
thumbsticks, while only requiring one thumb. This controller allows us to reach a wide
audience of people who are unable to pick up a regular controller and thus, play a
game. We want to provide those the experience of playing a game and being able to
use just one hand.
My inspiration for my one handed controller came mainly from the book Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. The
main part of the book takes place in a virtual world. Each player has a set of gloves and goggles that allow them to
“enter” the world.
When looking at past glove controller designs I looked at the Nintendo Power Glove. It never got the reviews that
it was hoping for because there were a lot of problems with it as well as the technology was just not there yet to
make it work perfectly.
I want to make simulators that make the player feel like they
are actually in the game. I want to use them for Firefighters,
Emergency Medical Personnel and Police Officers so they can
have hands on training without putting their lives on the line to
train. I am currently an Emergency Medical Technician and a
Firefighter and some aspects of the training was very difficult. In
fire school we were told stories about people dying during
training. That was when I decided to create something to aid in
training without putting people in harms way. To be able to train
properly in a simulator you need to have the feel of whatever
tool you are using; i.e, weight, texture, how it reacts when you
use it. My gloves would allow the user to hold a physical object
in their hands and the gloves would recognize what they are
holding and have it placed in the game or simulator.
Horbal, R. (2015). Week 1: Controller Design Discussion. Retrieved
N.A. (N.D). Cracked: Nintendo Power Glove Retrieved from
“The controller design that I came up with consisted of a sensored design that
allowed the person to follow the button on the top as a directional pad and press
for a jump option. The Design was inspired by a show that I had watched called
“Black Mirror”. This show was set in the future tense and had these people
controlling memories with these remotes. The people were allowed to go
throughout people's memories and find a particular memory and stop at that
moment with these remotes. I felt that since this is a common devices used
everyday, then it would be common to be used as a game controller.” By Tracy
Black Mirror. (n.d.). Black Mirror (TV Series 2011– ) - IMDb. Retrieved from
Walker, T (2015). Week 1: Controller Design Discussion. Retrieved from
Blackguest.Retrieved from
In my original controller design discussion, I stated that “In order to create a useful controller for
only one hand, we have to consider the ease of use when holding it for prolonged periods of
time.” (Willis, 2015) I used sensors to detect touch and movement in my controller. The inspiration
behind this was quite simple. I wanted a controller that felt natural to the hand, and prevented
discomfort after long gaming sessions. When it came to the design, it was quite simple to imagine
a glove that could fit the hand, preventing the player from having to hold anything at all.
I began by thinking about the most basic things that I wanted to do with the controller. I tried to
make the controls feel natural. “By sliding their thumb along the sensor, they could change from
low speed near the base of the index finger, to high speed at the tip. Changing directions is as
simple as a flick of the wrist, and the player simply needs to turn their wrist slightly to the left or
right in order to initiate a turn.” (Willis, 2015) By using these controls, the player could instantly
feel more at home when controlling a character using basic movements.
Willis, C. (2015). Week 1: Controller Design Discussion. Retrieved from
When I was coming up with my original controller design I thought about all of
the controllers and PC mice that I have ever owned. “When I was around seven
my grandfather bought me a PC mouse that had the same shape of a softball
that had been sawn in half and that mouse was the basis for my design.” I was
trying to think of a shape that would allow the player to grip the new controller
without having to feel like they were holding something completely unnatural.
It wasn’t until I remembered that softball shaped PC mouse, that I owned when
I was very young, that I realized how well that the half sphere shape felt more
natural than anything that I have used in a long time. From there I started
modifying the shape piece by piece until I established a proper controller that
could be used comfortably.
Amazon.(n.d). Sports Mouse Baseball Computer Mouse with Free 5 Skins. Retrieved from
Oreskovich, S. (2015). Week 1: Controller Design Discussion. Retrieved from
• Our original met up to discuss the best way to
brainstorm controller concepts, and decided to
discuss the key concepts, and each draw how
we envisioned them.
• Our design came from a collaboration of our
drawings and ideas. We looked at each other’s
original concept and these drawings allowed us
to come to a conclusion on the final design.
• By looking at each other’s refined controller
designs, we were able to see what
commonalities our controllers had and from
there we decided to design a controller based
on the commonalities that the controllers had.
• We looked at any features that our controllers
didn’t share, and decided as a group whether
they were necessary, or could be removed.
• The final decision was concluded with a design similar to this picture displayed.
• Controller has a gyroscope feature that provides the device to be able to move with
hand movement
• Controller should be wider at the top, and tapered to a smaller grip to be more
comfortable with the player’s hand.
• Joystick on top in the middle to allow the player to be able to reach quickly with
• The controller has a partial Z shape design allowing for the player to have a more
comfortable grip due to the fact that the controller
will rest on top of the index finger while also having
an area to rest the bottom of the hand on at the
bottom of the controller.
• The controller contains strap latches on both sides
of the controller in order to provide the player
with better handling
“After thinking about having a glove as a controller, I decided that is not
realistic. Console controllers today have buttons you can press and
thumbsticks you use to move around with. A glove would not provide the
player to have a good experience playing a console game. The Cyclops has
4 action buttons, 2 triggers, 2
menu buttons, a thumbstick and a
gyroscope inside that is used like
another thumb stick. This gives
the player full functionally of a
two-handed controller in a simple
and comfortable one-handed
design.”- Ryan Horbal
“The original design of the sensor on the top of the controller, button on
the bottom and trigger in front of the remote did not seem so well
organized to be used for the consoles using multiple targets and
movement. So, the Cyclops allows the player to move with the gyroscope
function and has a thumbstick on top to provide more functions for the
player. The design being that it was the size of a remote seemed very
uncomfortable after a while of playing that allowing the remote to fit in
the palm of the hand and strapped in, would make more sense for a
person with one hand”. Tracy Walker
Gyroscope - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved
February 13, 2015, from
My original controller design was based on a glove. This worked in theory, but it practice,
the tactile feel of a controller helps players connect to the game through a physical object.
Having nothing in your hand might create a sort of disconnect, until the technology is
there to completely immerse the player’s vision in the game. It is then that I started
thinking of how to create an object that was comfortable to hold for hours on end. I knew
that we wanted to use all of the fingers aside from the pinky, and this helped me narrow
down my design options.
The angled design of the controller was influenced by the
natural position of the hand, which creates an angle by default.
I drew my design to incorporate these natural ergonomics,
and allow players to feel comfortable while holding the
controller. I also used a
gun from Mass Effect 3 as
a reference for an angled
Smallman, A. (2013, October 20). Camera Ergonomics. Retrieved February 13th, 2015 from
Mass Effect 3. (2012). Bioware. Retrieved February 12th, 2015, from
The original controller design concept that I created was based on a softball shaped
mouse. While this design works well for a PC mouse transferring it over to a gaming
controller caused some problems with the way that it felt in the player’s hand, it’s inability
to be used by both left and right handed players, and the use of the pinky finger trying to
operate a analog stick. Since then I have reworked the shape of the controller to allow for
the player to be able to hold the controller in the air while still being able comfortably grip
the controller. Not only did this new shape allow for better grip and ease, it also allowed
for a higher functionality due to the removal of the second analog stick and the new
placement of the first analog stick. However this new design still had the problem of
favoring the right handed players. From this reworked design and the designs of the other
members of the team, we managed to come up with our Cyclops controller which has
even further increased comfortability and usability for both left and right handed players.
Destiny features some of the most natural and fun gunplay currently available in an
FPS game. Our controller focuses on giving the player complete control with only one hand,
and this allows players to effortlessly explore the world of Destiny, and defeat the forces of
the Darkness. The gyroscope gives players the agility that they need to evade enemy fire,
while the thumbstick allows them to line up the perfect shot. Players can toggle crouch by
clicking the thumbstick, and Trigger 2 allows the player to take aim at their enemy, while
Trigger 1 lets them return some fire of their own.
By assigning jump to the X button (activated by the ring finger) we kept it within a player’s
reach, and helped them use it without interfering with the rest of their controls. Throwing a
grenade is a visceral action, and can be performed by hitting the bottom button, which can
be tapped upon any surface (primarily your own leg or body). Meleeing an enemy is also
another action that the player will feel, and can be cast by performing a short forward
punch. The player can activate their super by clicking both the bottom button, and the
thumbstick at the same time.
Using our controller will allow players to enjoy Destiny, or any other FPS, with all of the
dexterity that a standard controller would give them. This, paired with the natural feel of
using the controller, allows our users to play the game the way it was meant to be played.
Gamer-Heaven. (n.d.). Destiny. Retrieved from
When dealing with racing games, the Cyclops can be used for several functions that we can
use on a regular two handed controller. Our controller gives players the ability to use
either the gyroscope or the thumbstick to steer. The top trigger is used for acceleration,
while the bottom trigger controls the brake/reverse. If a player chooses to play with a
manual transmission, they can press down on the thumbstick to shift up, or press the
bottom button to shift down. We’ve also assigned the emergency brake to the X button on
the side of the controller, which allows players to perform precise turns.
Need for Speed is just one example of the use with this controller. Several other racing
games can be adjusted and used with the cyclops controller.
Pirzada, U.(August 20, 2013). Undercover Cop Mode (NFS Rivals) Primiere – Gamescom
2013 Retrieved from
For the third game entry we decided to go with the Dynasty Warriors Franchise. The
Cyclops will work extremely well with this type of game genre. The use of the thumb stick
will allow players to rotate the camera around their characters while the use of the
gyroscopic sensor would allow the player to move their characters in the game. The use of
the first trigger would allow for the player to use their main attacks while the second
trigger would be for the character’s heavy attack. The musou meter could be used by
clicking the thumbstick or hitting the bottom button on the controller. Any other buttons
could be assigned by the player to take any action that they wished.
Dynasty Warriors 7. (n.d.). Images de Dynasty Warriors 7. Retrieved from
Side View Rear View
Action Button1
Action Button 2
Trigger 1
Trigger 2
Select Button
Start Button
Action Button 3
Bottom View
Trigger 1
Trigger 2
Action Button
Action Button 3
Action Button 4
Left-Handed Right-Handed
Our Thoughts
• “The controller fits the hand well.”
• “Controller looks and feels similar to a flight simulator joystick.”
• “Having the flexibility of a gyroscope feature and joystick at your
thumbs reach can provide a natural feel to gaming.”
• “The shape of the controller fits naturally in my hand.”
• “It seems like anyone about 14 years old or older could probably
use it in their gaming.”
• “The controller has enough buttons for everyday use without
feeling overwhelming.”
• “It is lightweight but it feels very durable.”
• “Controller size good for most hand sizes.”
“ I have smaller sized hands and
this controller feels great! There
is still room for someone who
has larger hands.” – Jackie C.
What Went Right
With the new revisions to each of our controllers, and the fact
that we were all on the same basic idea of how we wanted our
controller to be, we were able to create our controller with much
more ease.
What Went Wrong
When we started trying to make our controller we all noticed that
our original designs would not work well together. As a result of
this we decided to each take the key parts of our controller and
make a refined version of each of our original designs.
What We Learned
From working on this assignment we learned that a good
controller design takes plenty of time along with the support and
inspiration of every member of the design team. We also learned
that if the team all wants something different for the design, it’s
best to try to incorporate anything that will work both practically
and ergonomically.
Article References:
Black Mirror. (n.d.). Black Mirror (TV Series 2011– ) - IMDb. Retrieved from
Horbal, R. (2015). Week 1: Controller Design Discussion. Retrieved from
Oreskovich, S. (2015). Week 1: Controller Design Discussion. Retrieved from
Pearson, C. (n.d.). Gyroscopes - Everything you needed to know. Retrieved from
Nintendo Power Glove. (N.D). Cracked: Nintendo Power Glove Retrieved from
Walker, T. (2015). Week 1: Controller Design Discussion. Retrieved from
Willis, C. (2015). Week 1: Controller Design Discussion. Retrieved from
Photo References:
Amazon. (n.d). Sports Mouse Baseball Computer Mouse with Free 5 Skins. Retrieved from
Dynasty Warriors 7. (n.d.). Images de Dynasty Warriors 7. Retrieved from
Gamer-Heaven. (n.d.). Destiny. Retrieved from
Mass Effect 3. (2012). Bioware. Retrieved February 12th, 2015, from
Pirzada, U. (August 20,2013). Undercover Cop Mode (NFS Rivals) Primiere – Gamescom 2013. Retrieved from
Smallman, A. (2013, October 20). Camera Ergonomics. Retrieved February 13th, 2015 from

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One Handed Controller by Fresh Force

  • 1. Cyclops CONTROLLER Assignment 2: Controller Design Fresh Force Tracy Walker
  • 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS • Abstract • Introduction • Design Purpose • Inspiration (Ryan, Tracy, Corey, Steven) • Design Method • Schematics (Overview, Top, Bottom, Triggers) • Design Assumptions (Ryan, Tracy, Corey, Steven) • Game Examples(Destiny, Need for Speed, Dynasty Warriors) • Prototype • Play-test Results • Post Mortem • References
  • 3. ABSTRACT Fresh Force consists of Ryan Horbal, Tracy Walker, Corey Willis, and Steven Oreskovich. For our project, we were asked to create a controller that would allow a player with one hand to play with all the same freedoms of movement that would be granted by a standard two- handed controller. On February 11th, we each created our own designs for controllers that we felt would be conducive to one-handed use. After reconvening, we formulated new ways to combine our ideas, and drew new concept designs, which helped us discover the key factors that were most important to our design. These factors being Ergonomics, Comfort, Efficiency, and Simplicity. Throughout this PowerPoint presentation you will see how we take all of our individual designs and combine them all into the Cyclops one- handed controller.
  • 4. DESIGN PURPOSE The name of our Cyclops controller says it all. There is a joystick on the top for the player to control camera views, triggers easily available where the index and middle fingers touch the back of the controller, and a button on the bottom sides of the joystick near the top for access to when needed. We want easy controls when thinking of someone with only one hand and providing them the best game play possible for their enjoyment. INTRODUCTION This design of a controller is allowing players to control movement through the gyroscope in the controller, we effectively give them the functionality of both thumbsticks, while only requiring one thumb. This controller allows us to reach a wide audience of people who are unable to pick up a regular controller and thus, play a game. We want to provide those the experience of playing a game and being able to use just one hand.
  • 5. INSPIRATION (RYAN) My inspiration for my one handed controller came mainly from the book Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. The main part of the book takes place in a virtual world. Each player has a set of gloves and goggles that allow them to “enter” the world. When looking at past glove controller designs I looked at the Nintendo Power Glove. It never got the reviews that it was hoping for because there were a lot of problems with it as well as the technology was just not there yet to make it work perfectly. I want to make simulators that make the player feel like they are actually in the game. I want to use them for Firefighters, Emergency Medical Personnel and Police Officers so they can have hands on training without putting their lives on the line to train. I am currently an Emergency Medical Technician and a Firefighter and some aspects of the training was very difficult. In fire school we were told stories about people dying during training. That was when I decided to create something to aid in training without putting people in harms way. To be able to train properly in a simulator you need to have the feel of whatever tool you are using; i.e, weight, texture, how it reacts when you use it. My gloves would allow the user to hold a physical object in their hands and the gloves would recognize what they are holding and have it placed in the game or simulator. Horbal, R. (2015). Week 1: Controller Design Discussion. Retrieved from 38 N.A. (N.D). Cracked: Nintendo Power Glove Retrieved from
  • 6. INSPIRATION (TRACY) “The controller design that I came up with consisted of a sensored design that allowed the person to follow the button on the top as a directional pad and press for a jump option. The Design was inspired by a show that I had watched called “Black Mirror”. This show was set in the future tense and had these people controlling memories with these remotes. The people were allowed to go throughout people's memories and find a particular memory and stop at that moment with these remotes. I felt that since this is a common devices used everyday, then it would be common to be used as a game controller.” By Tracy Walker Black Mirror. (n.d.). Black Mirror (TV Series 2011– ) - IMDb. Retrieved from Walker, T (2015). Week 1: Controller Design Discussion. Retrieved from Blackguest.Retrieved from
  • 7. INSPIRATION (COREY) In my original controller design discussion, I stated that “In order to create a useful controller for only one hand, we have to consider the ease of use when holding it for prolonged periods of time.” (Willis, 2015) I used sensors to detect touch and movement in my controller. The inspiration behind this was quite simple. I wanted a controller that felt natural to the hand, and prevented discomfort after long gaming sessions. When it came to the design, it was quite simple to imagine a glove that could fit the hand, preventing the player from having to hold anything at all. I began by thinking about the most basic things that I wanted to do with the controller. I tried to make the controls feel natural. “By sliding their thumb along the sensor, they could change from low speed near the base of the index finger, to high speed at the tip. Changing directions is as simple as a flick of the wrist, and the player simply needs to turn their wrist slightly to the left or right in order to initiate a turn.” (Willis, 2015) By using these controls, the player could instantly feel more at home when controlling a character using basic movements. Willis, C. (2015). Week 1: Controller Design Discussion. Retrieved from 8
  • 8. INSPIRATION (STEVEN) When I was coming up with my original controller design I thought about all of the controllers and PC mice that I have ever owned. “When I was around seven my grandfather bought me a PC mouse that had the same shape of a softball that had been sawn in half and that mouse was the basis for my design.” I was trying to think of a shape that would allow the player to grip the new controller without having to feel like they were holding something completely unnatural. It wasn’t until I remembered that softball shaped PC mouse, that I owned when I was very young, that I realized how well that the half sphere shape felt more natural than anything that I have used in a long time. From there I started modifying the shape piece by piece until I established a proper controller that could be used comfortably. Amazon.(n.d). Sports Mouse Baseball Computer Mouse with Free 5 Skins. Retrieved from Oreskovich, S. (2015). Week 1: Controller Design Discussion. Retrieved from
  • 9. DESIGN METHOD • Our original met up to discuss the best way to brainstorm controller concepts, and decided to discuss the key concepts, and each draw how we envisioned them. • Our design came from a collaboration of our drawings and ideas. We looked at each other’s original concept and these drawings allowed us to come to a conclusion on the final design. • By looking at each other’s refined controller designs, we were able to see what commonalities our controllers had and from there we decided to design a controller based on the commonalities that the controllers had. • We looked at any features that our controllers didn’t share, and decided as a group whether they were necessary, or could be removed.
  • 10. DESIGN METHOD CONTINUED • The final decision was concluded with a design similar to this picture displayed. • Controller has a gyroscope feature that provides the device to be able to move with hand movement • Controller should be wider at the top, and tapered to a smaller grip to be more comfortable with the player’s hand. • Joystick on top in the middle to allow the player to be able to reach quickly with thumb. • The controller has a partial Z shape design allowing for the player to have a more comfortable grip due to the fact that the controller will rest on top of the index finger while also having an area to rest the bottom of the hand on at the bottom of the controller. • The controller contains strap latches on both sides of the controller in order to provide the player with better handling
  • 15. DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS (RYAN) “After thinking about having a glove as a controller, I decided that is not realistic. Console controllers today have buttons you can press and thumbsticks you use to move around with. A glove would not provide the player to have a good experience playing a console game. The Cyclops has 4 action buttons, 2 triggers, 2 menu buttons, a thumbstick and a gyroscope inside that is used like another thumb stick. This gives the player full functionally of a two-handed controller in a simple and comfortable one-handed design.”- Ryan Horbal
  • 16. DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS (TRACY) “The original design of the sensor on the top of the controller, button on the bottom and trigger in front of the remote did not seem so well organized to be used for the consoles using multiple targets and movement. So, the Cyclops allows the player to move with the gyroscope function and has a thumbstick on top to provide more functions for the player. The design being that it was the size of a remote seemed very uncomfortable after a while of playing that allowing the remote to fit in the palm of the hand and strapped in, would make more sense for a person with one hand”. Tracy Walker Gyroscope - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved February 13, 2015, from
  • 17. DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS (COREY) My original controller design was based on a glove. This worked in theory, but it practice, the tactile feel of a controller helps players connect to the game through a physical object. Having nothing in your hand might create a sort of disconnect, until the technology is there to completely immerse the player’s vision in the game. It is then that I started thinking of how to create an object that was comfortable to hold for hours on end. I knew that we wanted to use all of the fingers aside from the pinky, and this helped me narrow down my design options. The angled design of the controller was influenced by the natural position of the hand, which creates an angle by default. I drew my design to incorporate these natural ergonomics, and allow players to feel comfortable while holding the controller. I also used a gun from Mass Effect 3 as a reference for an angled grip. Smallman, A. (2013, October 20). Camera Ergonomics. Retrieved February 13th, 2015 from Mass Effect 3. (2012). Bioware. Retrieved February 12th, 2015, from
  • 18. DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS (STEVEN) The original controller design concept that I created was based on a softball shaped mouse. While this design works well for a PC mouse transferring it over to a gaming controller caused some problems with the way that it felt in the player’s hand, it’s inability to be used by both left and right handed players, and the use of the pinky finger trying to operate a analog stick. Since then I have reworked the shape of the controller to allow for the player to be able to hold the controller in the air while still being able comfortably grip the controller. Not only did this new shape allow for better grip and ease, it also allowed for a higher functionality due to the removal of the second analog stick and the new placement of the first analog stick. However this new design still had the problem of favoring the right handed players. From this reworked design and the designs of the other members of the team, we managed to come up with our Cyclops controller which has even further increased comfortability and usability for both left and right handed players.
  • 19. DESTINY - FPS GENRE Destiny features some of the most natural and fun gunplay currently available in an FPS game. Our controller focuses on giving the player complete control with only one hand, and this allows players to effortlessly explore the world of Destiny, and defeat the forces of the Darkness. The gyroscope gives players the agility that they need to evade enemy fire, while the thumbstick allows them to line up the perfect shot. Players can toggle crouch by clicking the thumbstick, and Trigger 2 allows the player to take aim at their enemy, while Trigger 1 lets them return some fire of their own. By assigning jump to the X button (activated by the ring finger) we kept it within a player’s reach, and helped them use it without interfering with the rest of their controls. Throwing a grenade is a visceral action, and can be performed by hitting the bottom button, which can be tapped upon any surface (primarily your own leg or body). Meleeing an enemy is also another action that the player will feel, and can be cast by performing a short forward punch. The player can activate their super by clicking both the bottom button, and the thumbstick at the same time. Using our controller will allow players to enjoy Destiny, or any other FPS, with all of the dexterity that a standard controller would give them. This, paired with the natural feel of using the controller, allows our users to play the game the way it was meant to be played. Gamer-Heaven. (n.d.). Destiny. Retrieved from
  • 20. NEED FOR SPEED - RACING GENRE When dealing with racing games, the Cyclops can be used for several functions that we can use on a regular two handed controller. Our controller gives players the ability to use either the gyroscope or the thumbstick to steer. The top trigger is used for acceleration, while the bottom trigger controls the brake/reverse. If a player chooses to play with a manual transmission, they can press down on the thumbstick to shift up, or press the bottom button to shift down. We’ve also assigned the emergency brake to the X button on the side of the controller, which allows players to perform precise turns. Need for Speed is just one example of the use with this controller. Several other racing games can be adjusted and used with the cyclops controller. Pirzada, U.(August 20, 2013). Undercover Cop Mode (NFS Rivals) Primiere – Gamescom 2013 Retrieved from
  • 21. DYNASTY WARRIORS - HACK & SLASH GENRE For the third game entry we decided to go with the Dynasty Warriors Franchise. The Cyclops will work extremely well with this type of game genre. The use of the thumb stick will allow players to rotate the camera around their characters while the use of the gyroscopic sensor would allow the player to move their characters in the game. The use of the first trigger would allow for the player to use their main attacks while the second trigger would be for the character’s heavy attack. The musou meter could be used by clicking the thumbstick or hitting the bottom button on the controller. Any other buttons could be assigned by the player to take any action that they wished. Dynasty Warriors 7. (n.d.). Images de Dynasty Warriors 7. Retrieved from
  • 22. PROTOTYPE Side View Rear View Thumbstick Action Button1 Action Button 2 Trigger 1 Trigger 2 Grip Select Button Start Button Action Button 3
  • 23. PROTOTYPE CONTINUED Bottom View Trigger 1 Trigger 2 Action Button 1 Action Button 3 Action Button 4
  • 25. PLAY-TEST RESULTS Our Thoughts • “The controller fits the hand well.” • “Controller looks and feels similar to a flight simulator joystick.” • “Having the flexibility of a gyroscope feature and joystick at your thumbs reach can provide a natural feel to gaming.” • “The shape of the controller fits naturally in my hand.” • “It seems like anyone about 14 years old or older could probably use it in their gaming.” • “The controller has enough buttons for everyday use without feeling overwhelming.” • “It is lightweight but it feels very durable.” • “Controller size good for most hand sizes.”
  • 26. PLAY-TEST RESULTS IMAGES “ I have smaller sized hands and this controller feels great! There is still room for someone who has larger hands.” – Jackie C.
  • 27. POST MORTEM What Went Right With the new revisions to each of our controllers, and the fact that we were all on the same basic idea of how we wanted our controller to be, we were able to create our controller with much more ease. What Went Wrong When we started trying to make our controller we all noticed that our original designs would not work well together. As a result of this we decided to each take the key parts of our controller and make a refined version of each of our original designs.
  • 28. POST MORTEM CONTINUED What We Learned From working on this assignment we learned that a good controller design takes plenty of time along with the support and inspiration of every member of the design team. We also learned that if the team all wants something different for the design, it’s best to try to incorporate anything that will work both practically and ergonomically.
  • 29. REFERENCES Article References: Black Mirror. (n.d.). Black Mirror (TV Series 2011– ) - IMDb. Retrieved from Horbal, R. (2015). Week 1: Controller Design Discussion. Retrieved from Oreskovich, S. (2015). Week 1: Controller Design Discussion. Retrieved from Pearson, C. (n.d.). Gyroscopes - Everything you needed to know. Retrieved from Nintendo Power Glove. (N.D). Cracked: Nintendo Power Glove Retrieved from 6165-nintendo-power-glove/ Walker, T. (2015). Week 1: Controller Design Discussion. Retrieved from Willis, C. (2015). Week 1: Controller Design Discussion. Retrieved from
  • 30. REFERENCES CONTINUED Photo References: Amazon. (n.d). Sports Mouse Baseball Computer Mouse with Free 5 Skins. Retrieved from Dynasty Warriors 7. (n.d.). Images de Dynasty Warriors 7. Retrieved from Gamer-Heaven. (n.d.). Destiny. Retrieved from Mass Effect 3. (2012). Bioware. Retrieved February 12th, 2015, from Pirzada, U. (August 20,2013). Undercover Cop Mode (NFS Rivals) Primiere – Gamescom 2013. Retrieved from Smallman, A. (2013, October 20). Camera Ergonomics. Retrieved February 13th, 2015 from