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SoleGrip Controller Design
Usability GDN2240-O
December 2014
Elf Mafia:
Lauren Jenkins
Paula Hair
Alexander Talbott
Matthew Gardner
The SoleGrip - A one handed PlayStation 3 controller design
We’ve created the blueprints
for the design of a one handed
PlayStation 3 controller called the
SoleGrip. Along with concept
sketches and buttons maps, we’ve
also constructed a prototype. This
prototype has been tested for
comfort, style and ease of use.
Finally, the design process is
summed up.
Wireless Controller, the
standard controller for the
Playstation 3. Source
Our main objective was to
think outside the box and create
something new. After a bit of
brainstorming, things started to
come together and our team
realized we had a clever way to
solve the lack of space for buttons
on a one-handed controller. With a
“clench” mechanism (outlined in
later slides) we essentially doubled
the number of buttons.
Design Purpose
Our purpose for designing this controller was to solve
the lack of space problem. We overcame the limited space on a
one handed controller and created an apparatus that is
triggered when the player clenches his or her fist. There are 4
buttons along the neck of the controller that players can reach
with their index, middle and ring fingers. The fourth button is
NOT a designated pinky button, but it is the players choice
whether or not they decide to use it as such. Through
clenching, players can use these same buttons for different
functions. This turns these 4 buttons into 8 buttons.
My inspiration for the controller was to make sure
the player was able to recognize it as a controller from
Sony so that it is familiar to them. Next gen consoles can
be sold on simple things like familiarity. “With Sony
incorporating the Vita into the PS4’s control methods it
could be a case of familiarity that helps consumers take
the plunge when decided their next console” (Williams,
2013). What I’ve always loved about controllers is that
the controls have always been the same. This means it’s
easier to jump into a game and know what to do just
based on standard control schemes. My goal is to get
some of that same familiarity of the controller by adding
the colors that Sony uses for its buttons on its
PlayStation controllers. - Lauren Jenkins
It doesn’t
FEEL right!
Inspiration (CONT.)
My focus for the controller was comfort. Comfort is extremely important
because on average gamers log 2.5+ hours a week playing video games, usually more
(Yin-Poole, 2011). An uncomfortable controller can cause swelling of the thumbs, carpal
tunnel, and tendonitis (Dube 2013). I saw my mother suffer from tendonitis first hand
while she was trying to 100% Banjo-Kazooie
when I was a child. The
issue is important to me, so
I made sure that we shaped
the controller to the palm,
and added a cushion to the
clench button. My goal is to
ensure that even after hours
of gaming, players will be
free of pain. - Paula Hair
Inspiration (CONT.)
I focused primarily on giving a one handed player the same vast array of
actions that a player with two hands could perform. When we look at a two-
handed controller, we see a lot of real estate and room for buttons because the
controller is being supported by two hands. However a one-handed controller must
be thin enough to be held by one hand and have all buttons within reach of that
hand’s fingers. This dilemma
is what shaped the ‘grip button’,
allowing the player a whole new
array of actions rather than being
bound by four buttons. - Alex
Inspiration (CONT.)
Since this is a controller for someone with the use of only one
hand, I knew that there had to be a good grip for the player to hold
on to. If the player can’t properly grip the controller, then the rest
of the controller is kind of moot. So my main concern was the grip.
This got me thinking of things that people grip with a single hand,
and I quickly came to the conclusion of a gun. Guns, specifically
pistols, have a good grip for one hand. There are no shortages of
gun controllers in video games, but most of these are light guns for
arcade games. In fact, one of the first light guns was made “in 1936,
a company named Seeburg released the Seeburg Ray-O-Lite, a
carnival game that used light-sensing tubes to recreate a shooting
gallery” (Scalzo 2007). These controllers are not really useable for
complete console games. So we just had to find a way to
incorporate a gun-like grip into a controller for console games. -
Matthew Gardner
Design Method
We knew we wanted to include most of the
buttons that are on a Playstation 3 controller. The
difficult task was finding a way to include all
these buttons in places that feel comfortable and
can build muscle memory. Our first iterations had
buttons everywhere. We tried putting the
thumbstick on the front of the controller and
having it shaped like a gun. We also tried using a
rolling ball for movement instead of an analog
stick. We realized we were getting nowhere,
because each iteration was the same controller
with the buttons and sticks moved. None of them
seemed familiar, an aspect that was important to
us throughout the process.
Design Method (CONT.)
We realized having this many unreachable
buttons could not work, so we reduced the number
of buttons to those on one side of a Playstation 3
controller. This worked better and looked more
appealing but limited the player. With this setup,
they would only have 4 buttons (not including the
thumbstick or start and back buttons). So, we
searched for an even better way. Eventually the
idea of a clenching mechanism was mentioned. This
allowed us to include more buttons in the same
amount of space. The final controller has the 2 sides
disguised as one with the clenching feature.
SoleGrip Schematic Diagrams
Analog stick
△ Button
□ Button
O Button
X Button
Micro USB plug
Start Button
Home Button
Clench Button
Design Assumptions
“One of the most important parts of any video game console is not the hardware or the
software, but the controller; after all, what good is the hardware or games to play on it if your
controller makes them impossible to enjoy? With this philosophy in mind, Sony has been an industry
leader with their PlayStation controller variations for over 17 years.” (PS4 experts,n.d.) With that
quote being said the PS controller has not changed its look over the years, making this controller
iconic to Sony consoles. In our design we have kept the original colors of the buttons X, square,
triangle, and circle. This and a PlayStation button gives the controller its familiarity, that a PS user
is looking for. - Lauren Jenkins
Design Assumptions
“The feeling of a controller in someone’s hand is
extremely important, and can be the deciding factor
in whether or not they will use it. That’s why our
design is tailored to the palm and has comfort grips
on the buttons and thumb sticks. While comfort is
important, familiarity is important as well. People
are naturally inclined to prefer a controller that feels
familiar (Corriea, 2013). Our design nestles the
controller snuggly in the users’ palm, something that
every great controller does. The weight and balance
of the controller makes it easy for the user to hold
onto it without using too much effort, making it
easier for players to focus on gameplay (Plunkett
2013).” - Paula Hair
Design Assumptions
“The lightweight plastic that the controller is
made out of and its relatively small size allow the
users to comfortably stand and move around
without being constrained by a heavy remote, and
thus, the lightweight material affords (or allows)
users to move the remote in almost any humanly
possible way both freely and easily without much
constraint.” (Stubbs, n.d.) Looking at the Wii-
mote’s design and focusing on what made it a good
controller was key in designing our own. The Wii-
mote is a one-handed remote after all and a
successful one at that so it seemed logical to
borrow ideas and build upon them to make
something innovative and unique. - Alex TalbottSource
Design Assumptions
For me, the grip or handle of the controller is the most important thing.
Players can overcome strange button placement or analog stick issues, but if
the grip of the controller is uncomfortable, they are not going to want to use
it. If the grip fits in the player’s hands well, they can play for extended
periods comfortably. One example of the improvement of controller grips was
the transition from the DualShock 3 to the DualShock 4. Sony made a lot of
changes to their controller, but one of the most important was the size and
shape of the grips. Most of the reviews of the DualShock 4 made note of this.
Valerie Richardson says “the design of the DualShock 4 has been changed to
make way for a slightly easier to hold grip and overall better functionality”
(Richardson 2014). Others have stated that the larger and more rounded grips
make it more comfortable (Greenwald 2014). Above all, a controller needs to
fit well in the hands of the player. - Matthew Gardner
Control Mapping - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
The Call of Duty series is one of the most well-known game franchises in the world today, so it seems to be a
good option to show how our controller’s layout for first-person shooters. Specifically, we will address Call of
Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s button layout. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is a military shooter with many
different weapons and equipment for the player to utilize.
The analog stick moves the player around. Moving the analog stick while pressing the grip button will rotate the
gun and look around. The triangle button shoots the gun. The square button reloads the gun, but also can be
used for breaching doors and collecting intel when a contextual prompt appears. Double tapping the square
button will change to the secondary weapon. The circle button changes the player’s stance, pressing it makes
the character crouch, and holding it makes the character go prone. The X button will make the player jump.
To sprint the player must press the analog stick forward twice in quick succession.
Pressing the grip and square aims down the sight. Pressing the grip and circle throws grenades. And pressing grip
and X throws down a special item, like a claymore or C4. Double pressing the grip quickly will melee.
Finally the start button brings up the pause menu and selected shows the Scoreboard in multiplayer. And of
course, the home button brings up the home screen.
Using the triangle button to shoot gives the player a similar feeling to shooting a gun. This game has a lot of
different controls, so the grip and double button presses were needed, but all the controls fit and given
enough practice, players should be able to play competitive multiplayer with this controller.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Button Map
Unclenched Clenched
Move Player/Sprint
Move Camera
Aim Down Sight
Throw Grenade
Control Mapping - LittleBigPlanet Karting
Racing games can be sorted into two general genres, racing simulators and non-racing simulators.
Racing simulators are games that try to reach the highest level of realism and give the player
the feeling of driving an actual car. Non-racing simulators are less realistic, which allow for
more fantastic gameplay. One such game genre is kart racers, and one example of this is
LittleBigPlanet Karting.
The analog stick is used for steering the kart left and right. The triangle button is the accelerate
button. The square button causes the kart to hop, and keeping it held down while steering will
make the player drift. The circle button looks behind you. The X button brakes and reverses
the kart.
Pressing the grip button fires weapons. Clicking in on the analog stick blows the horn. Pressing
the grip and triangle button at the same time will deploy the grappling hook. The grip and
square at the same time will cause the player to slap opponents. The start button pauses the
game and the select button resets the racer back on the course. Finally, the grip and circle
button will toggle the mini map.
The main controls of any racing game are steering and acceleration, which are easy to handle
with the controller. However, kart racers usually have other mechanics, like attacking and
throwing weapons. We were able cover every needed control with the grip.
LittleBigPlanet Karting Button Map
Unclenched Clenched
Look behind
Honk Horn
Grappling Hook
Mini Map
Control Mapping - Mortal Kombat
As with any other genre of video game, there are a variety of fighting games. One of the biggest fighting
series is Mortal Kombat, probably best known for its brutal fatalities. The version we will be testing
is Mortal Kombat, also known as Mortal Kombat 9 released in 2011. Mortal Kombat’s main attacks
are punches and kicks, which can be done forward or backward.
The analog stick will be used for all of the character movement. Moving the stick left moves the
character left, and the same for right. Pressing down makes the character crouch, and up makes the
character jump. The player can also jump forward and backward by moving the stick up and right and
up and left respectively.
For the attacking controls, triangle is front punch, square is front kick, circle is back punch, and X is
back kick. Pressing down on the analog stick and square does uppercuts, and sweeps are pressing
back and the X button. The grip button is for blocking. To throw you need to press grip and triangle,
and back throw is the grip and circle. The activate X-Ray you need to clench and press square.
Since the main attacks were punches and kicks, they were easily covered by the four face buttons. Using
these button presses with the grip easily covered the extra moves, like the uppercut, sweep, and
throw. Players could easily use it to compete against other players.
Mortal Kombat Button Map
Unclenched Clenched
Front Punch
Front Kick
Back Punch
Back Kick
Move Camera
Front Throw
Back Throw
SoleGrip Prototype
The prototype uses a nunchuck as the base for the thumbstick and
to give it its initial weight. On top of that is duct tape and cardboard molded to
illustrate our design. The controller fits nicely in the palm and the duct tape
has traction that simulates grip. Unfortunately, there was no real way to create
the clench button, but by placing it on the prototype and observing whether or
not the user’s palm made appropriate contract with it, we were able to see
whether it was a viable design option.
Playtest Results
The smaller the controller was, the harder it was to effectively use the
‘clench button’ and the four Playstation buttons because you would have
to keep your hand clenched in order to keep the controller from falling.
Making the controller bulkier allowed the controller to be held more
comfortably without the buttons being pressed.
Clenching the controller to activate the ‘clench button’ was easy and did
not require pressing any other buttons in order to keep the controller
stable, as predicted.
People with larger fingers originally found the buttons to be too close
together, so we spaced them out a bit more. This didn’t interfere with
the ‘clench button’ as we thought it would.
Post Mortem
What went right?
Everyone was respectful of the ideas of others.
We came up with a new concept for our controller.
What went wrong?
There was a bit of procrastination that left a lot to be done over the weekend.
It was difficult to create the prototype from household materials, requiring a
bit of creativity from the whole team.
What did we learn?
That when prototyping it’s important to get started early to leave time for
changes and/or extra materials.
There is room to be innovative even when taking inspiration from existing
Corriea, A. (2013, September 30). Super Meat Boy dev says steam controller is a 'great
start, needs some improvements' Retrieved December 4, 2014, from
Dube, R. (2013, September 18). 5 Dangerous gaming injuries and how to avoid them.
Retrieved December 6, 2014, from
Greenwald, W. (2014, May 14). Sony PlayStation 4 (PS4). Retrieved December 5, 2014,
Plunkett, L. (2013, February 11). Let's rank Nintendo's controllers, best to worst.
Retrieved December 6, 2014, from
PS4 experts. (n.d.).The DualShock legacy: how Sony created a legendary controller Retrieved December
5, 2014 from
Richardson, V. (2014, February 25). DualShock 4 vs DualShock 3: what’s different? Retrieved December
5, 2014, from
Scalzo, J. (2007, November 19). Zap!: a history of light gun games. Retrieved December 5, 2014, from
Stubbs, P. (n.d.) Design analysis of everyday thing: nintendo Wii remote. Retrieved December 6, 2014
Williams David. (2013, July 11).Could controller familiarity save the day? Retrieved December 5, 2014
Yin-Poole, W. (2011, June 27). Core gamers game 18 hours a week. Retrieved December 6, 2014, from

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Controller Design

  • 1. SoleGrip Controller Design Usability GDN2240-O December 2014 Elf Mafia: Lauren Jenkins Paula Hair Alexander Talbott Matthew Gardner
  • 2. The SoleGrip - A one handed PlayStation 3 controller design
  • 3. Abstract We’ve created the blueprints for the design of a one handed PlayStation 3 controller called the SoleGrip. Along with concept sketches and buttons maps, we’ve also constructed a prototype. This prototype has been tested for comfort, style and ease of use. Finally, the design process is summed up. The DUALSHOCK3 Wireless Controller, the standard controller for the Playstation 3. Source
  • 4. Introduction Our main objective was to think outside the box and create something new. After a bit of brainstorming, things started to come together and our team realized we had a clever way to solve the lack of space for buttons on a one-handed controller. With a “clench” mechanism (outlined in later slides) we essentially doubled the number of buttons. Source
  • 5. Design Purpose Our purpose for designing this controller was to solve the lack of space problem. We overcame the limited space on a one handed controller and created an apparatus that is triggered when the player clenches his or her fist. There are 4 buttons along the neck of the controller that players can reach with their index, middle and ring fingers. The fourth button is NOT a designated pinky button, but it is the players choice whether or not they decide to use it as such. Through clenching, players can use these same buttons for different functions. This turns these 4 buttons into 8 buttons.
  • 6. Inspiration My inspiration for the controller was to make sure the player was able to recognize it as a controller from Sony so that it is familiar to them. Next gen consoles can be sold on simple things like familiarity. “With Sony incorporating the Vita into the PS4’s control methods it could be a case of familiarity that helps consumers take the plunge when decided their next console” (Williams, 2013). What I’ve always loved about controllers is that the controls have always been the same. This means it’s easier to jump into a game and know what to do just based on standard control schemes. My goal is to get some of that same familiarity of the controller by adding the colors that Sony uses for its buttons on its PlayStation controllers. - Lauren Jenkins It doesn’t FEEL right! Source
  • 7. Inspiration (CONT.) My focus for the controller was comfort. Comfort is extremely important because on average gamers log 2.5+ hours a week playing video games, usually more (Yin-Poole, 2011). An uncomfortable controller can cause swelling of the thumbs, carpal tunnel, and tendonitis (Dube 2013). I saw my mother suffer from tendonitis first hand while she was trying to 100% Banjo-Kazooie Source when I was a child. The issue is important to me, so I made sure that we shaped the controller to the palm, and added a cushion to the clench button. My goal is to ensure that even after hours of gaming, players will be free of pain. - Paula Hair
  • 8. Inspiration (CONT.) I focused primarily on giving a one handed player the same vast array of actions that a player with two hands could perform. When we look at a two- handed controller, we see a lot of real estate and room for buttons because the controller is being supported by two hands. However a one-handed controller must be thin enough to be held by one hand and have all buttons within reach of that hand’s fingers. This dilemma is what shaped the ‘grip button’, allowing the player a whole new array of actions rather than being bound by four buttons. - Alex Talbott
  • 9. Inspiration (CONT.) Since this is a controller for someone with the use of only one hand, I knew that there had to be a good grip for the player to hold on to. If the player can’t properly grip the controller, then the rest of the controller is kind of moot. So my main concern was the grip. This got me thinking of things that people grip with a single hand, and I quickly came to the conclusion of a gun. Guns, specifically pistols, have a good grip for one hand. There are no shortages of gun controllers in video games, but most of these are light guns for arcade games. In fact, one of the first light guns was made “in 1936, a company named Seeburg released the Seeburg Ray-O-Lite, a carnival game that used light-sensing tubes to recreate a shooting gallery” (Scalzo 2007). These controllers are not really useable for complete console games. So we just had to find a way to incorporate a gun-like grip into a controller for console games. - Matthew Gardner Source
  • 10. Design Method We knew we wanted to include most of the buttons that are on a Playstation 3 controller. The difficult task was finding a way to include all these buttons in places that feel comfortable and can build muscle memory. Our first iterations had buttons everywhere. We tried putting the thumbstick on the front of the controller and having it shaped like a gun. We also tried using a rolling ball for movement instead of an analog stick. We realized we were getting nowhere, because each iteration was the same controller with the buttons and sticks moved. None of them seemed familiar, an aspect that was important to us throughout the process. Source
  • 11. Design Method (CONT.) We realized having this many unreachable buttons could not work, so we reduced the number of buttons to those on one side of a Playstation 3 controller. This worked better and looked more appealing but limited the player. With this setup, they would only have 4 buttons (not including the thumbstick or start and back buttons). So, we searched for an even better way. Eventually the idea of a clenching mechanism was mentioned. This allowed us to include more buttons in the same amount of space. The final controller has the 2 sides disguised as one with the clenching feature. Source
  • 12. SoleGrip Schematic Diagrams Analog stick △ Button □ Button O Button X Button Micro USB plug Start Button Home Button Clench Button
  • 13. Design Assumptions “One of the most important parts of any video game console is not the hardware or the software, but the controller; after all, what good is the hardware or games to play on it if your controller makes them impossible to enjoy? With this philosophy in mind, Sony has been an industry leader with their PlayStation controller variations for over 17 years.” (PS4 experts,n.d.) With that quote being said the PS controller has not changed its look over the years, making this controller iconic to Sony consoles. In our design we have kept the original colors of the buttons X, square, triangle, and circle. This and a PlayStation button gives the controller its familiarity, that a PS user is looking for. - Lauren Jenkins
  • 14. Design Assumptions “The feeling of a controller in someone’s hand is extremely important, and can be the deciding factor in whether or not they will use it. That’s why our design is tailored to the palm and has comfort grips on the buttons and thumb sticks. While comfort is important, familiarity is important as well. People are naturally inclined to prefer a controller that feels familiar (Corriea, 2013). Our design nestles the controller snuggly in the users’ palm, something that every great controller does. The weight and balance of the controller makes it easy for the user to hold onto it without using too much effort, making it easier for players to focus on gameplay (Plunkett 2013).” - Paula Hair Source
  • 15. Design Assumptions “The lightweight plastic that the controller is made out of and its relatively small size allow the users to comfortably stand and move around without being constrained by a heavy remote, and thus, the lightweight material affords (or allows) users to move the remote in almost any humanly possible way both freely and easily without much constraint.” (Stubbs, n.d.) Looking at the Wii- mote’s design and focusing on what made it a good controller was key in designing our own. The Wii- mote is a one-handed remote after all and a successful one at that so it seemed logical to borrow ideas and build upon them to make something innovative and unique. - Alex TalbottSource
  • 16. Design Assumptions For me, the grip or handle of the controller is the most important thing. Players can overcome strange button placement or analog stick issues, but if the grip of the controller is uncomfortable, they are not going to want to use it. If the grip fits in the player’s hands well, they can play for extended periods comfortably. One example of the improvement of controller grips was the transition from the DualShock 3 to the DualShock 4. Sony made a lot of changes to their controller, but one of the most important was the size and shape of the grips. Most of the reviews of the DualShock 4 made note of this. Valerie Richardson says “the design of the DualShock 4 has been changed to make way for a slightly easier to hold grip and overall better functionality” (Richardson 2014). Others have stated that the larger and more rounded grips make it more comfortable (Greenwald 2014). Above all, a controller needs to fit well in the hands of the player. - Matthew Gardner
  • 17. Control Mapping - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 The Call of Duty series is one of the most well-known game franchises in the world today, so it seems to be a good option to show how our controller’s layout for first-person shooters. Specifically, we will address Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s button layout. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is a military shooter with many different weapons and equipment for the player to utilize. The analog stick moves the player around. Moving the analog stick while pressing the grip button will rotate the gun and look around. The triangle button shoots the gun. The square button reloads the gun, but also can be used for breaching doors and collecting intel when a contextual prompt appears. Double tapping the square button will change to the secondary weapon. The circle button changes the player’s stance, pressing it makes the character crouch, and holding it makes the character go prone. The X button will make the player jump. To sprint the player must press the analog stick forward twice in quick succession. Pressing the grip and square aims down the sight. Pressing the grip and circle throws grenades. And pressing grip and X throws down a special item, like a claymore or C4. Double pressing the grip quickly will melee. Finally the start button brings up the pause menu and selected shows the Scoreboard in multiplayer. And of course, the home button brings up the home screen. Using the triangle button to shoot gives the player a similar feeling to shooting a gun. This game has a lot of different controls, so the grip and double button presses were needed, but all the controls fit and given enough practice, players should be able to play competitive multiplayer with this controller.
  • 18. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Button Map Unclenched Clenched Move Player/Sprint Shoot Reload/Use/Switch Weapons Crouch/Prone Jump Move Camera Aim Down Sight Throw Grenade Equipment
  • 19. Control Mapping - LittleBigPlanet Karting Racing games can be sorted into two general genres, racing simulators and non-racing simulators. Racing simulators are games that try to reach the highest level of realism and give the player the feeling of driving an actual car. Non-racing simulators are less realistic, which allow for more fantastic gameplay. One such game genre is kart racers, and one example of this is LittleBigPlanet Karting. The analog stick is used for steering the kart left and right. The triangle button is the accelerate button. The square button causes the kart to hop, and keeping it held down while steering will make the player drift. The circle button looks behind you. The X button brakes and reverses the kart. Pressing the grip button fires weapons. Clicking in on the analog stick blows the horn. Pressing the grip and triangle button at the same time will deploy the grappling hook. The grip and square at the same time will cause the player to slap opponents. The start button pauses the game and the select button resets the racer back on the course. Finally, the grip and circle button will toggle the mini map. The main controls of any racing game are steering and acceleration, which are easy to handle with the controller. However, kart racers usually have other mechanics, like attacking and throwing weapons. We were able cover every needed control with the grip.
  • 20. LittleBigPlanet Karting Button Map Unclenched Clenched Steer Cart Accelerate Hop/Drift Look behind Reverse Honk Horn Grappling Hook Slap Mini Map Fire Weapon
  • 21. Control Mapping - Mortal Kombat As with any other genre of video game, there are a variety of fighting games. One of the biggest fighting series is Mortal Kombat, probably best known for its brutal fatalities. The version we will be testing is Mortal Kombat, also known as Mortal Kombat 9 released in 2011. Mortal Kombat’s main attacks are punches and kicks, which can be done forward or backward. The analog stick will be used for all of the character movement. Moving the stick left moves the character left, and the same for right. Pressing down makes the character crouch, and up makes the character jump. The player can also jump forward and backward by moving the stick up and right and up and left respectively. For the attacking controls, triangle is front punch, square is front kick, circle is back punch, and X is back kick. Pressing down on the analog stick and square does uppercuts, and sweeps are pressing back and the X button. The grip button is for blocking. To throw you need to press grip and triangle, and back throw is the grip and circle. The activate X-Ray you need to clench and press square. Since the main attacks were punches and kicks, they were easily covered by the four face buttons. Using these button presses with the grip easily covered the extra moves, like the uppercut, sweep, and throw. Players could easily use it to compete against other players.
  • 22. Mortal Kombat Button Map Unclenched Clenched Move/Crouch/Jump Front Punch Front Kick Back Punch Back Kick Move Camera Front Throw X-Ray Back Throw Uppercut Sweep Block
  • 23. SoleGrip Prototype The prototype uses a nunchuck as the base for the thumbstick and to give it its initial weight. On top of that is duct tape and cardboard molded to illustrate our design. The controller fits nicely in the palm and the duct tape has traction that simulates grip. Unfortunately, there was no real way to create the clench button, but by placing it on the prototype and observing whether or not the user’s palm made appropriate contract with it, we were able to see whether it was a viable design option.
  • 24. Playtest Results The smaller the controller was, the harder it was to effectively use the ‘clench button’ and the four Playstation buttons because you would have to keep your hand clenched in order to keep the controller from falling. Making the controller bulkier allowed the controller to be held more comfortably without the buttons being pressed. Clenching the controller to activate the ‘clench button’ was easy and did not require pressing any other buttons in order to keep the controller stable, as predicted. People with larger fingers originally found the buttons to be too close together, so we spaced them out a bit more. This didn’t interfere with the ‘clench button’ as we thought it would.
  • 25. Post Mortem What went right? Everyone was respectful of the ideas of others. We came up with a new concept for our controller. What went wrong? There was a bit of procrastination that left a lot to be done over the weekend. It was difficult to create the prototype from household materials, requiring a bit of creativity from the whole team. What did we learn? That when prototyping it’s important to get started early to leave time for changes and/or extra materials. There is room to be innovative even when taking inspiration from existing products.
  • 26. References Corriea, A. (2013, September 30). Super Meat Boy dev says steam controller is a 'great start, needs some improvements' Retrieved December 4, 2014, from controller-is-a-great-start-needs-some Dube, R. (2013, September 18). 5 Dangerous gaming injuries and how to avoid them. Retrieved December 6, 2014, from gaming-injuries-and-how-to-avoid-them Greenwald, W. (2014, May 14). Sony PlayStation 4 (PS4). Retrieved December 5, 2014, from,2817,2427029,00.asp Plunkett, L. (2013, February 11). Let's rank Nintendo's controllers, best to worst. Retrieved December 6, 2014, from controllers-best-to-worst
  • 27. References PS4 experts. (n.d.).The DualShock legacy: how Sony created a legendary controller Retrieved December 5, 2014 from controller Richardson, V. (2014, February 25). DualShock 4 vs DualShock 3: what’s different? Retrieved December 5, 2014, from Scalzo, J. (2007, November 19). Zap!: a history of light gun games. Retrieved December 5, 2014, from Stubbs, P. (n.d.) Design analysis of everyday thing: nintendo Wii remote. Retrieved December 6, 2014 from Williams David. (2013, July 11).Could controller familiarity save the day? Retrieved December 5, 2014 from day/165844/ Yin-Poole, W. (2011, June 27). Core gamers game 18 hours a week. Retrieved December 6, 2014, from