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By Kainen Armstrong
This is a presentation that has been
created for the hope that I could
educate and persuade you to consider
helping the state of Oklahoma Legalize
Medicinal Cannabis, and as I am
attempting to persuade you I am going
to throw in Historical facts and common
knowledge along with some essential
information that associate with
Now, I am not a Doctor but I have done a
lot of research for myself. So I am going
to give you a few example situations
that can be resolved/aided by the
legalization of Medicinal Cannabis.
Example Number 1, Medicinal Benefits:

Issues such as Aids, Glaucoma,
Anxiety, Insomnia, Anorexia,
Chronic Depression, Chronic Pain,
PTSD, OCD, and even Asthma
can be aided/cured by the
consumption of Cannabis.
These are just a few of the Major
Illnesses that Medicinal
Cannabis would be very
beneficial for, and yes there has
been word that smoking
Cannabis can lead to Lung
Cancer, but it is not Cannabis
that directly gives Lung Cancer it
is the Smoke that is be inhaled,
but either way there is an easy
solution for this.
It is called a Vaporizer.
A Vaporizer is a
smoking utensil that
extracts the negative
chemicals out of
Cannabis and purifies
the smoke that is
being inhaled. Not
only that, but you do
not have to smoke
Cannabis, you can
also convert it to
either Edible items,
Drinkable items, Pills,
or even Oils.
Another common complaint from
some individuals is the "High"
well the High is produced from
a non-toxic chemical called
Tetrahydrocannabinol or also
know as "THC" which produces
the psychoactive euphoric
spacey feelings, but what most
people don't realize is you do
not have to have a high amount
of THC, or even have any at all
in the Cannabis that is being
consumed. THC is NOT the
main chemical that helps
• For those who do not know what a "Body High"
or "Head High" is, A body high is the type of high
that completely relaxes your body to its
maximum potential.
• A "Head High" is the kind of high that makes
you energetic and on your feet, and may also
cause uncontrollable laughter due to its potency.
There are three types of Cannabis:
• Sativa
• Indica
• Hybrid
• C. Sativa is the strain
that produces more of
a "Head High" then
Indica, partly because
of it's higher amount
of THC also known as
Potency, You can
spot a Sativa plant by
noticing its long lanky
leaves, and is usually
grown outdoors due
to its possible size.
• C. Indica is the strain
that forms more of a
"Body High" which
usually is used for
Medical Patients.
Cannabis Indica has
short blocky leafs,
and is typically grown
• Last but not least,
Hybrid. Hybrid
plants are the
plants that are
grown with both
properties Indica
and Sativa, one
might be more
dominant over the
other as well.
On a side note, I have a Ill family member of my own
who I would like to help. My grandmother has been
diagnosed with Lung Cancer and is currently going
through Chemo Therapy, she is in chronic pain, has lost
her hair, and can barely breathe. She has to shove
numerous man made pharmaceuticals down her throat
in order to make it through the day without experiencing
excruciating pain and severe physical exhaustion. Now
why should she have to go through this?
She is a honest hard working woman who lives and
gives to the best of her abilities, but she refuses to
consume Cannabis, because it is Illegal in the state that
we live in and will make her feel like a criminal. She
should not have to feel like a criminal for wanting to help
her daily pain in an all natural way.
So does that sound like a crime? A 70 year old
grown Woman in need, choosing to persue in
something that has never harmed a living
Human being? I do not think so. Cannabis has
never hurt anyone and it never will, it has been
used as a Medicine for Hundreds of years by our
people to cure pain, make money, and create

Alcohol is legal and it kills thousands of individuals each year, I
myself have even been a victim of Alcohol poisoning and I will
tell you now, that should not be legal. Alcohol is horrible in so
many ways it destroys braincells, damages your liver, alters
your vision and critical thinking skills, and that's just a part of
Accidents are caused by the consumption of Alcohol all the time
situations such as Death, Internal or external injuries, or even
mental stablility, but yet it is still allowed on the streets without
very many complaints. Now why is that?
I believe there is something wrong with this picture why would
something that is Harmful in multiple ways get to stay and be
available for a buyer over 21, but yet not something that is
beneficial in more ways then one. Cannabis should not ruin
anyones future, but instead make it better.
Now I have a big dream, A dream where My country is finally
making the correct decisions for it's people not based on power,
wealth, or greed. Yes this will present us with revenue, but it's
benefitting the people as well for the better, and let's face it
people are going to use it legal or not.
So let's end the war on drugs it's foolish!
Historical Green Fact Number 1:
14 of our greatest former U.S Presidents have all
admitted to par take in The Finer Points of Cannabis at
least once or twice in there lifes, and a few of them even
grew there own Hemp Farms. This is not even 1/5 of the
list of Politicians who have either grew or consumed
Also, for more than half of the history of the United
States, cannabis was used primarily for industrial
purposes, and at times was even required by law to be
grown out of "strategic necessity".
Our very first President, One of our Four Founding Fathers, use to
be a supporter of Hemp. He once said "Make the most you can of
the Indian Hemp seed and sow it everywhere.". What he meant by
this was Hemp was very beneficial to the country back in his time,
and he wanted to spread the word of its many uses, so he told people
to plant it where and when they could. Also there was word that he
smoked Cannabis for his consistant Teeth Pain as well.
Thomas Jefferson, our third
President, and also a founding
father, has had alot of proof
pointing towards the fact that he has
indeed grew Hemp, although there
is little sufficient evidence that he
had smoked it. Also In his book
"Farm Book" by Thomas Jefferson
he shows instructions for growing
hemp. (pg.95)
James Madison, our fourth President, once stated that " Hemp
gave him insight to create a new and democratic nation."
James Monroe, our fifth President,was reported to have started
smoking it as Ambassador to France and he continued to the age of
Our seventh President, Andrew Jackson, has been documented to
have smoked Cannabis and Tobacco Cigars along with his troops
in the war.
Zachary Taylor, our twelth President, like Jackson was reported
to have smoked Cannabis with his troops during his many wars.
As popular as it was back then our
fourteenth President Franklin
Pierce also smoked with his
troops as a general in the
Mexican-American War. In a
letter to his family, he also states
that "Cannabis is about the only
good thing in the war.".
It has not been completely proven, but there have been many
signs that our sixteenth President, and one of our
Founding Fathers, supported Hemp production. Though
this quote was not directly referenced towards Cannabis I
do believe it has affiliation with the situation.
Close aquaintences to our thirty -fifth Preident, J.F.K,
had said that President Kennedy would smoke Cannabis
regulary to alleviate his chronic back pain. Once at a Civil
Rights announcement he said "The rights of every man are
diminished when the rights of one man are threatened." this
was a quote that was a small portion of a larger quote that
was referring mainly to the Rights of Ethnicity, but like
President Lincolns quote I believe this has affiliation and
can be considered a right in some form or another.
our thirty-ninth President Jimmy Carter once said that
"Penalties against possession of a drug should not be more
damaging to an individual than the use of the drug itself; and
where they are, they should be changed. Nowhere is this more
clear than in the laws against possession of marihuana in private
for personal use... Therefore, I support legislation amending
Federal law to eliminate all Federal criminal penalties for the
possession of up to one ounce of marihuana."
Bill Clinton was known by potheads for being the forty-second
president and is also know for his famous marijuana quote
"When I was in England, I experimented with marijuana a
time or two, and I didn't like it. I didn't inhale and never tried it
again.". Well in a Rolling Stone magazine interview in 2000 he
states that "I think that most small amounts of marijuana have
been decriminalized in some places, and should be.'' also at an
international AIDS conference he says that " we need to treat
drug issues as a public health problem as opposed to a criminal
justice problem. I think that most small amounts of marijuana
have been decriminalized in some places, and should be.'' So does
PresidentClinton count? You Decide.
Our forty-third and most former President, George W.
Bush would not comment on his possible marijuana use all
that he said was he would not comment "because I don’t
want some little kid doing what I tried” so President Bush
is also up to you.
44th Barack Obama 2008- Present
Our current and 44th President, Barack Obama, admitted
to smoking marijuana in his youth. He said “I inhaled
frequently. That was the point”. Obama may possibly be
the one who will help us start the end of the War on Drugs.
President Obama also says that "recreational users of
marijuana in states that have legalized the substance should
not be a top priority of federal law enforcement officials
prosecuting the war on drugs." to help aid Cannabis users
Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790
The late and great Benjamin Franklin, though he was not a
President he was still widely known for his political and nonpolitical accomplishments. He played a big role in the creation
of modern day U.S.A. Franklin was believed to be an immense
supporter of Hemp use back in his time. He believed that it was
one of the best ways to grow financially or just in general,
because of its many benefits. Franklin was the very first person
to invent a Hemp paper mill, which allowed America to have its
own supply of paper.
You see, Cannabis is not bad it has practically
helped build our country. Three of Four of our
founding fathers either smoked or grew Hemp.
Now what is Hemp you are probably asking
yourself. Well Hemp is another very beneficial
variety of the Cannabis plant, it is known for its
strength, absorbancy, and its hundreds of uses.
Hemp can be refined into products such as
• Hemp Foods
• Hemp Oil
• Wax
• Resin
• Rope
• Cloth
• Pulp
• and even Fuel
Hemp can almost be used as a
replacement for anything, and not to
mention that it is a Billion Dollar Cash
Crop with a high demand, and not enough
of the product.
Which in the long run will benefit this
state, because let's face it we are a poor
State, we need more money, and this how
to get it. I realize that I am not only talking
about the Medicinal benefit, but the
possible recreational benefit as well, but
unfourtanetly that is something that will
have to wait until the states people are
The Gateway Drug
"Now for a big issue", Alot of people call
Cannabis "The Gateway Drug" I think that
legalized Medicinal Cannabis would help keep
some Individuals from being exposed to
dangerous and unhealthy situations, and here is
If Medicinal Cannabis was accepted and
recommended to patients, they would not have
to be exposed to "Drug Dealers" instead they
can help aid there Illness whatever that may be,
with Medicinal Cannabis that was recommended
to the individual protected by state law in the
safety of there own Home.
We need to leave the space in our
prison cells for the people who have
commited real society damaging
crimes such as Murders, Robberies,
Kidnappings, Child Abuse, and Child
Molestation. These are the serious
types of crimes in life, these types of
crimes are the reason some people
fear going out into the open alone
today. So why is our prison space
so full of Potheads?
Now this is all just from Medical
Cannabis, We will work on
recreational when the state is
completely ready like I have said,
but as of now just treat our people.
Example Number 2, Financial and Criminal Benefit:
Legalizing Medicinal Cannabis in the state of Oklahoma
would save us a ton of money by simply taxing it, and
not arresting thousands of individuals for a small amount
of the harmless herb, when there are real crimes that
need to be tended to. Our prisons are getting very over
populated, too many individuals are serving time, and it
is very expensive for our state to keep on paying for
these thousands of individuals needs that are being
contained for a petty crime such as Marijuana
possession, some of whom might have even been
treating a disease or Illness.
Historical Green Fact Number 2:
Now as many believe, The Great
"Decleration of Independance" was
not wrote on Hemp paper, but was
actually wrote on Parchment paper.
However, the drafts of "The
Decleration of Independance" were.

Hemp Paper
Now I am just a concerned citizen
who has seen some of the
dangerous, and the not so
dangerous things that can happen
in this world. I have had some my
loved ones die, I have seen
dangerous drugs at use, I have
seen threats and fights, and I have
seen Marijuana users.
Out of all the things in this world
Cannabis is one of the least
dangerous things that you would
ever have to worry about. In all of
your life can you honestly tell Me
as a fact, that Marijuana has killed
or hurt someone directly?
Every "Drug" that I have seen people
use has effected them in some sort of
severe way, except for Cannabis. If
you are not convinced from what I
have already told you then I am going
to show you A comparison.
Methamphetamine "Crystal Meth"
Now we have all heard of this one
infamous street drug nicknamed "Meth"
short for Methamphetamine. So, what
is Meth exactly? Meth can be made
from sinus congestion medicine and by
extracting the chemicals out of them
they are able to make a addicting mind
altering drug, and to increase its
strength they combine the substance
with toxic chemicals such as battery
acid, drain cleaner, and other
household chemicals.
The Abundance of Negative Affects
Now, I think that sounds much worse then the “side affects” of
Cannabis alone, and personally I would not want to ingest
those chemicals into my body. Meth has horrible effects that
can ruin a persons life in many forms. For example, Brain
Damage, short/long term memory loss, organ failure,
strokes, open sores, rotting teeth (Meth Mouth), mania,
paranoia, obsessive compulsive behavior, psychosis, and
severe weight loss. Meth also has severe withdrawl
symptoms which commonly produces extreme drowsiness,
hunger, dehydration, loss of energy, body pain, severe
depression, and physical stress. So on top of these internal
issues it could cause other issues with family and friends as
"Meth Mouth"
See there is much more that is to be concerned
about other then Cannabis. Meth can have so
many negative affects on a individuals life,
meanwhile Cannabis has only few negatives
which can typically be reversed. Also the
illegalization of Cannabis makes it to where
people are attempting to come up with man
made synthetic alternatives of Marijuana that do
not contain all natural THC at all, just to get
similar properties of Cannabis. This synthetic
Marijuana is known commonly as Spice, or K2.
It may look like Cannabis, but don't be fooled by the
exterior. This man formed synthetic drug CAN KILL
YOU, it has not been unheard of. This is made from a
mixture of herbs/plants that were gathered and sprayed
with arteficial chemicals that mimic the affects of THC
and put into one substance. Alot of individuals have
many complaints about k2 spice, it produces common
symptoms such as, disphoria, increased heart rate,
nausea, potential to form seisures amongst some of the
users, and most important of all IT HAS THE
Now, I am not going to go to deep
into religious points of view on
Marijuana, but I will say a direct
quote from Genisis 1:29 it says
"And God said, Behold, I have
given you every herb bearing
seed, which is upon the face of
all the earth, and every tree, in
the which is the fruit of a tree
yielding seed; to you it shall be
for meat." now I think Medical
Cannabis can certainly qualify
for this. Cannabis can only be
grown by seed it can not be
properly mimiced by man, also
medical marijuana is very
commonly ingested by food. So
I am not seeing very many
issues that would make
Medicinal Cannabis a problem
for even that of a Saint.

Religious Views
So why go through all this unnessessary crime and
pain? Why does all of this happen just to keep
Medical Marijuana illegal? What can it possibly
do to our state and our people that is so bad?
The answer is very clear, it is nothing. Legalizing
medicinal cannabis can not hurt us in any way,
shape, or form. It has been helping us for
thousands of years in some way or another, and
as of September 10th, 2013 the Department of
Justice agreed to let the states that have chosen
to Legalize Cannabis be allowed to proceed with
their tests without any interference in places
such as, Colorado, and Washington.
Final Green Fact Number 3: The Green
As of late 2013 there have been two states that
have legalized marijuana, and twenty states that
have legalized medical marijuana. That is almost
half of our country, so obviously our country is
finally slowly opening their eyes to the many
benefits of Cannabis, therefore we should take
the plunge as well. We should take a chance
and go for medical legalization it's not much, but
it's a start and our state will finally be
progressing and progressing for the better.



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Oklahoma medical marijuana

  • 2. This is a presentation that has been created for the hope that I could educate and persuade you to consider helping the state of Oklahoma Legalize Medicinal Cannabis, and as I am attempting to persuade you I am going to throw in Historical facts and common knowledge along with some essential information that associate with Cannabis! Now, I am not a Doctor but I have done a lot of research for myself. So I am going to give you a few example situations that can be resolved/aided by the legalization of Medicinal Cannabis.
  • 3. Example Number 1, Medicinal Benefits: Issues such as Aids, Glaucoma, Anxiety, Insomnia, Anorexia, Chronic Depression, Chronic Pain, PTSD, OCD, and even Asthma can be aided/cured by the consumption of Cannabis.
  • 4. These are just a few of the Major Illnesses that Medicinal Cannabis would be very beneficial for, and yes there has been word that smoking Cannabis can lead to Lung Cancer, but it is not Cannabis that directly gives Lung Cancer it is the Smoke that is be inhaled, but either way there is an easy solution for this.
  • 5. It is called a Vaporizer. A Vaporizer is a smoking utensil that extracts the negative chemicals out of Cannabis and purifies the smoke that is being inhaled. Not only that, but you do not have to smoke Cannabis, you can also convert it to either Edible items, Drinkable items, Pills, or even Oils.
  • 6. Another common complaint from some individuals is the "High" well the High is produced from a non-toxic chemical called Tetrahydrocannabinol or also know as "THC" which produces the psychoactive euphoric spacey feelings, but what most people don't realize is you do not have to have a high amount of THC, or even have any at all in the Cannabis that is being consumed. THC is NOT the main chemical that helps medicinally.
  • 7. • For those who do not know what a "Body High" or "Head High" is, A body high is the type of high that completely relaxes your body to its maximum potential. • A "Head High" is the kind of high that makes you energetic and on your feet, and may also cause uncontrollable laughter due to its potency.
  • 8. There are three types of Cannabis: • Sativa • Indica • Hybrid
  • 9. Sativa • C. Sativa is the strain that produces more of a "Head High" then Indica, partly because of it's higher amount of THC also known as Potency, You can spot a Sativa plant by noticing its long lanky leaves, and is usually grown outdoors due to its possible size.
  • 10. Indica • C. Indica is the strain that forms more of a "Body High" which usually is used for Medical Patients. Cannabis Indica has short blocky leafs, and is typically grown indoors.
  • 11. Hybrid • Last but not least, Hybrid. Hybrid plants are the plants that are grown with both properties Indica and Sativa, one might be more dominant over the other as well.
  • 12. On a side note, I have a Ill family member of my own who I would like to help. My grandmother has been diagnosed with Lung Cancer and is currently going through Chemo Therapy, she is in chronic pain, has lost her hair, and can barely breathe. She has to shove numerous man made pharmaceuticals down her throat in order to make it through the day without experiencing excruciating pain and severe physical exhaustion. Now why should she have to go through this? She is a honest hard working woman who lives and gives to the best of her abilities, but she refuses to consume Cannabis, because it is Illegal in the state that we live in and will make her feel like a criminal. She should not have to feel like a criminal for wanting to help her daily pain in an all natural way.
  • 13. So does that sound like a crime? A 70 year old grown Woman in need, choosing to persue in something that has never harmed a living Human being? I do not think so. Cannabis has never hurt anyone and it never will, it has been used as a Medicine for Hundreds of years by our people to cure pain, make money, and create tranquility. =?
  • 14. Alcohol Alcohol is legal and it kills thousands of individuals each year, I myself have even been a victim of Alcohol poisoning and I will tell you now, that should not be legal. Alcohol is horrible in so many ways it destroys braincells, damages your liver, alters your vision and critical thinking skills, and that's just a part of it. Accidents are caused by the consumption of Alcohol all the time situations such as Death, Internal or external injuries, or even mental stablility, but yet it is still allowed on the streets without very many complaints. Now why is that?
  • 15. I believe there is something wrong with this picture why would something that is Harmful in multiple ways get to stay and be available for a buyer over 21, but yet not something that is beneficial in more ways then one. Cannabis should not ruin anyones future, but instead make it better. Now I have a big dream, A dream where My country is finally making the correct decisions for it's people not based on power, wealth, or greed. Yes this will present us with revenue, but it's benefitting the people as well for the better, and let's face it people are going to use it legal or not. So let's end the war on drugs it's foolish!
  • 16. Historical Green Fact Number 1: 14 of our greatest former U.S Presidents have all admitted to par take in The Finer Points of Cannabis at least once or twice in there lifes, and a few of them even grew there own Hemp Farms. This is not even 1/5 of the list of Politicians who have either grew or consumed Cannabis. Also, for more than half of the history of the United States, cannabis was used primarily for industrial purposes, and at times was even required by law to be grown out of "strategic necessity".
  • 17.
  • 18. Our very first President, One of our Four Founding Fathers, use to be a supporter of Hemp. He once said "Make the most you can of the Indian Hemp seed and sow it everywhere.". What he meant by this was Hemp was very beneficial to the country back in his time, and he wanted to spread the word of its many uses, so he told people to plant it where and when they could. Also there was word that he smoked Cannabis for his consistant Teeth Pain as well.
  • 19.
  • 20. Thomas Jefferson, our third President, and also a founding father, has had alot of proof pointing towards the fact that he has indeed grew Hemp, although there is little sufficient evidence that he had smoked it. Also In his book "Farm Book" by Thomas Jefferson he shows instructions for growing hemp. (pg.95)
  • 21.
  • 22. James Madison, our fourth President, once stated that " Hemp gave him insight to create a new and democratic nation."
  • 23.
  • 24. James Monroe, our fifth President,was reported to have started smoking it as Ambassador to France and he continued to the age of 73.
  • 25.
  • 26. Our seventh President, Andrew Jackson, has been documented to have smoked Cannabis and Tobacco Cigars along with his troops in the war.
  • 27.
  • 28. Zachary Taylor, our twelth President, like Jackson was reported to have smoked Cannabis with his troops during his many wars.
  • 29.
  • 30. As popular as it was back then our fourteenth President Franklin Pierce also smoked with his troops as a general in the Mexican-American War. In a letter to his family, he also states that "Cannabis is about the only good thing in the war.".
  • 31.
  • 32. It has not been completely proven, but there have been many signs that our sixteenth President, and one of our Founding Fathers, supported Hemp production. Though this quote was not directly referenced towards Cannabis I do believe it has affiliation with the situation.
  • 33.
  • 34. Close aquaintences to our thirty -fifth Preident, J.F.K, had said that President Kennedy would smoke Cannabis regulary to alleviate his chronic back pain. Once at a Civil Rights announcement he said "The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened." this was a quote that was a small portion of a larger quote that was referring mainly to the Rights of Ethnicity, but like President Lincolns quote I believe this has affiliation and can be considered a right in some form or another.
  • 35.
  • 36. our thirty-ninth President Jimmy Carter once said that "Penalties against possession of a drug should not be more damaging to an individual than the use of the drug itself; and where they are, they should be changed. Nowhere is this more clear than in the laws against possession of marihuana in private for personal use... Therefore, I support legislation amending Federal law to eliminate all Federal criminal penalties for the possession of up to one ounce of marihuana."
  • 37.
  • 38. Bill Clinton was known by potheads for being the forty-second president and is also know for his famous marijuana quote "When I was in England, I experimented with marijuana a time or two, and I didn't like it. I didn't inhale and never tried it again.". Well in a Rolling Stone magazine interview in 2000 he states that "I think that most small amounts of marijuana have been decriminalized in some places, and should be.'' also at an international AIDS conference he says that " we need to treat drug issues as a public health problem as opposed to a criminal justice problem. I think that most small amounts of marijuana have been decriminalized in some places, and should be.'' So does PresidentClinton count? You Decide.
  • 39.
  • 40. Our forty-third and most former President, George W. Bush would not comment on his possible marijuana use all that he said was he would not comment "because I don’t want some little kid doing what I tried” so President Bush is also up to you.
  • 41. 44th Barack Obama 2008- Present
  • 42. Our current and 44th President, Barack Obama, admitted to smoking marijuana in his youth. He said “I inhaled frequently. That was the point”. Obama may possibly be the one who will help us start the end of the War on Drugs. President Obama also says that "recreational users of marijuana in states that have legalized the substance should not be a top priority of federal law enforcement officials prosecuting the war on drugs." to help aid Cannabis users federally.
  • 44. The late and great Benjamin Franklin, though he was not a President he was still widely known for his political and nonpolitical accomplishments. He played a big role in the creation of modern day U.S.A. Franklin was believed to be an immense supporter of Hemp use back in his time. He believed that it was one of the best ways to grow financially or just in general, because of its many benefits. Franklin was the very first person to invent a Hemp paper mill, which allowed America to have its own supply of paper.
  • 45. Hemp You see, Cannabis is not bad it has practically helped build our country. Three of Four of our founding fathers either smoked or grew Hemp. Now what is Hemp you are probably asking yourself. Well Hemp is another very beneficial variety of the Cannabis plant, it is known for its strength, absorbancy, and its hundreds of uses.
  • 46. Hemp can be refined into products such as • Hemp Foods • Hemp Oil • Wax • Resin • Rope • Cloth • Pulp • and even Fuel
  • 47. Hemp can almost be used as a replacement for anything, and not to mention that it is a Billion Dollar Cash Crop with a high demand, and not enough of the product. Which in the long run will benefit this state, because let's face it we are a poor State, we need more money, and this how to get it. I realize that I am not only talking about the Medicinal benefit, but the possible recreational benefit as well, but unfourtanetly that is something that will have to wait until the states people are ready.
  • 48. The Gateway Drug "Now for a big issue", Alot of people call Cannabis "The Gateway Drug" I think that legalized Medicinal Cannabis would help keep some Individuals from being exposed to dangerous and unhealthy situations, and here is why. If Medicinal Cannabis was accepted and recommended to patients, they would not have to be exposed to "Drug Dealers" instead they can help aid there Illness whatever that may be, with Medicinal Cannabis that was recommended to the individual protected by state law in the safety of there own Home.
  • 49. We need to leave the space in our prison cells for the people who have commited real society damaging crimes such as Murders, Robberies, Kidnappings, Child Abuse, and Child Molestation. These are the serious types of crimes in life, these types of crimes are the reason some people fear going out into the open alone today. So why is our prison space so full of Potheads? Now this is all just from Medical Cannabis, We will work on recreational when the state is completely ready like I have said, but as of now just treat our people.
  • 50. Example Number 2, Financial and Criminal Benefit: Legalizing Medicinal Cannabis in the state of Oklahoma would save us a ton of money by simply taxing it, and not arresting thousands of individuals for a small amount of the harmless herb, when there are real crimes that need to be tended to. Our prisons are getting very over populated, too many individuals are serving time, and it is very expensive for our state to keep on paying for these thousands of individuals needs that are being contained for a petty crime such as Marijuana possession, some of whom might have even been treating a disease or Illness.
  • 51. Historical Green Fact Number 2: Now as many believe, The Great "Decleration of Independance" was not wrote on Hemp paper, but was actually wrote on Parchment paper. However, the drafts of "The Decleration of Independance" were.
  • 53. Now I am just a concerned citizen who has seen some of the dangerous, and the not so dangerous things that can happen in this world. I have had some my loved ones die, I have seen dangerous drugs at use, I have seen threats and fights, and I have seen Marijuana users. Out of all the things in this world Cannabis is one of the least dangerous things that you would ever have to worry about. In all of your life can you honestly tell Me as a fact, that Marijuana has killed or hurt someone directly?
  • 54. Every "Drug" that I have seen people use has effected them in some sort of severe way, except for Cannabis. If you are not convinced from what I have already told you then I am going to show you A comparison.
  • 55. Methamphetamine "Crystal Meth" Now we have all heard of this one infamous street drug nicknamed "Meth" short for Methamphetamine. So, what is Meth exactly? Meth can be made from sinus congestion medicine and by extracting the chemicals out of them they are able to make a addicting mind altering drug, and to increase its strength they combine the substance with toxic chemicals such as battery acid, drain cleaner, and other household chemicals.
  • 56. The Abundance of Negative Affects Now, I think that sounds much worse then the “side affects” of Cannabis alone, and personally I would not want to ingest those chemicals into my body. Meth has horrible effects that can ruin a persons life in many forms. For example, Brain Damage, short/long term memory loss, organ failure, strokes, open sores, rotting teeth (Meth Mouth), mania, paranoia, obsessive compulsive behavior, psychosis, and severe weight loss. Meth also has severe withdrawl symptoms which commonly produces extreme drowsiness, hunger, dehydration, loss of energy, body pain, severe depression, and physical stress. So on top of these internal issues it could cause other issues with family and friends as well.
  • 58. See there is much more that is to be concerned about other then Cannabis. Meth can have so many negative affects on a individuals life, meanwhile Cannabis has only few negatives which can typically be reversed. Also the illegalization of Cannabis makes it to where people are attempting to come up with man made synthetic alternatives of Marijuana that do not contain all natural THC at all, just to get similar properties of Cannabis. This synthetic Marijuana is known commonly as Spice, or K2.
  • 59. Spice/K2 It may look like Cannabis, but don't be fooled by the exterior. This man formed synthetic drug CAN KILL YOU, it has not been unheard of. This is made from a mixture of herbs/plants that were gathered and sprayed with arteficial chemicals that mimic the affects of THC and put into one substance. Alot of individuals have many complaints about k2 spice, it produces common symptoms such as, disphoria, increased heart rate, nausea, potential to form seisures amongst some of the users, and most important of all IT HAS THE POTENTIAL TO KILL YOU!
  • 60. Now, I am not going to go to deep into religious points of view on Marijuana, but I will say a direct quote from Genisis 1:29 it says "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat." now I think Medical Cannabis can certainly qualify for this. Cannabis can only be grown by seed it can not be properly mimiced by man, also medical marijuana is very commonly ingested by food. So I am not seeing very many issues that would make Medicinal Cannabis a problem for even that of a Saint. Religious Views
  • 61. So why go through all this unnessessary crime and pain? Why does all of this happen just to keep Medical Marijuana illegal? What can it possibly do to our state and our people that is so bad? The answer is very clear, it is nothing. Legalizing medicinal cannabis can not hurt us in any way, shape, or form. It has been helping us for thousands of years in some way or another, and as of September 10th, 2013 the Department of Justice agreed to let the states that have chosen to Legalize Cannabis be allowed to proceed with their tests without any interference in places such as, Colorado, and Washington.
  • 62. Final Green Fact Number 3: The Green States As of late 2013 there have been two states that have legalized marijuana, and twenty states that have legalized medical marijuana. That is almost half of our country, so obviously our country is finally slowly opening their eyes to the many benefits of Cannabis, therefore we should take the plunge as well. We should take a chance and go for medical legalization it's not much, but it's a start and our state will finally be progressing and progressing for the better. JUST SAY YES!
  • 63.
  • 65. • • • • • • • • • • • • Sources: hl=en&tab=wi&ei=xpRcUrzaO8bt8QHu1oHABw&ved=0CAQQqi4oAg mit_to_cannabis_use id=farm_95&numrecs=8&archive=farm&hi=on&mode=&query=hemp&q ueryid=&rec=3&noimages=&start=1&tag=text&user=