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       Date: 04.03.09
                        Elected Offices ~
        Authored By:
   William McDowall
                        Libertarian Candidate
Chair, Candidates and
Campaign Committee      Guide and Filing
Forward                                                                                         Page 2

                   Forward                        affiliation played a large role in his vote
    What are the Benefits of Running as a
 Libertarian and Why is the Endorsement of        Candidates and Campaign Committee
  the Libertarian Party of Ohio Important?
                                                  Endorsed candidates have at their disposal
 In years that the Libertarian Party has ballot   the efforts of the Candidates and Campaign
 access, anyone declaring themselves              Committee to assist them in the paperwork
 ‘Libertarian’ can run for office. Running as a   and filings needed to make valid a candidacy
 Libertarian does not necessarily mean an         before filing deadlines. This committee can
 automatic Party endorsement. The steps to        acquire voter lists and arrange them in a
 Party endorsement are simple to follow, but      sensible form to ease the pressure of
 nonetheless important. In short, the             signature gathering. Endorsed candidates can
 Candidates and Campaign Committee issues         also work through the Candidates and
 a recommendation to the Executive                Campaign Committee to get specific answers
 Committee who, in turn, vote on candidate        to questions directed to the Ohio Secretary of
 endorsement. Especially in years of ballot       State. While some of this research can be
 access, it is fair to wonder why this            done by the candidate without the Party, it is
 endorsement procedure is important to a          important that duties unrelated to ‘getting
 candidacy.                                       votes’ be farmed out to the Party, volunteers,
                                                  and to campaign officers whenever possible.
 A Built In Voting Block – Even candidates
                                                  Party endorsement affords this extra layer of
 who do not have the resources to run large
 campaigns can count on a certain amount of
 votes from persons who identify with the         Strategic Targeting Committee
 Libertarian Party. In 2008, Congressional
                                                  After an endorsed candidate has filed with
 Candidate Mark Noble received over 14,400
                                                  the Board of Elections and the filing
 votes in his Congressional District although
                                                  deadlines for competing candidates have
 he was shut out from televised debates and
                                                  passed, the endorsed candidate may work
 radio broadcasts profiling the candidates.
                                                  with the Strategic Targeting Committee to
 Mark Noble received more votes than the
                                                  refine their campaign. This committee will
 Independent candidate Don Eckhart who was
                                                  assist in doing opposition research, evaluate
 permitted to participate in all the above
                                                  the minutes of council meetings, and provide
 mentioned media events. Mark Noble did not
                                                  an environment to strengthen the campaign.
 personally meet 14,400 people to ask them
                                                  This committee can even provide mock-
 for their votes. His identifiable party
                                                  debates (complete with cameras, podiums,
Page 3                                                                                     Forward

         etc) and mock-newspaper interviews to          each election to spend on efforts to elect
         prepare candidates for media attention.        endorsed Libertarians. This budget is based
         Candidates may also be advised on              solely on incoming contributions, and as
         presentation and appearance issues.            Libertarians, we do not spend money we do
         Campaign managers will find the efforts of     not already have. The amount that the
         this committee infinitely valuable.            L.P.O. can contribute to campaigns varies
                                                        widely. However, the Candidate and
         Field Development and Volunteer Efforts
                                                        Campaign Committee will contribute to
         During the course of a campaign, a             endorsed candidates and will seek to empty
         candidate will have a need for volunteers.     its accounts in this effort each election
         In many regions of Ohio, Field                 season.
         Development teams exist that can help in
                                                        Lastly, an endorsed candidate may
         volunteer recruitment. The L.P.O. has a
                                                        coordinate through the L.P.O. Treasurer
         Field Liaison in each quadrant of Ohio as
                                                        limited access to donor lists. Donors to the
         well as a College outreach program and
                                                        L.P.O. who live within a candidate’s
         even a Women’s Caucus that a candidate
                                                        municipality may well be pleased to
         may find useful in their campaigning
                                                        contribute to a local candidate. Donor lists
                                                        also include other persons who may be able
         Website Development                            to provide volunteer resources (printing
                                                        capability, rental tents for parties, food
         While this is a new directive currently
                                                        products for fundraisers….) that help
         under development, the L.P.O. hopes to
                                                        candidacies in ways not measured in dollars
         provide each candidate with a basic website
                                                        and cents.
         and biography page upon endorsement.
         Many candidates may have taken on web          If a Libertarian seeking office does not
         development in-house with elaborate pages      seek the Party’s nomination, much, if not
         that include contribution opportunities and    all, of these resources may be withheld.
         interactive features. However, in smaller      Even endorsed Independents might not be
         races, a basic page may be all that is         granted complete and total access to the
         required to maintain a ‘web presence’.         resources listed above. To ensure access to
                                                        the benefits of Party endorsement, join the
         Financial Assistance
                                                        Libertarian Party ~ take ‘The Pledge’
         A candidate for office should have a           online, and we’ll team up on the campaign
         framework in place for their own               trail!
         fundraising. The L.P.O. has a certain budget
Table of Contents                                                                   Page 4

                                       Table of Contents

            5 - Introduction

            6 - The Decision Process

            8 - Self Examination

            10 - Evaluating the Political Landscape

            11 - The Ohio Secretary of State Website

            12 - The County Board of Elections

            13 - Condensed Instructions for Local/Municipal Libertarian Candidacy

            15 - Continuing Commitment and Your Future in the Party

            16 - Conclusion
Page 5                                                                                   Introduction

                     Introduction                     access is a problem that the L.P.O. deals with
                                                      yearly. However, whether the L.P.O. has
   This document is intended for the use of
                                                      ballot access or not has little bearing on the
   Libertarians running for public office in a
                                                      actions of a well run campaign. Freedom of
   local election. The term ‘local’ is described as
                                                      speech gives candidates the right to brand
   a partisan or non-partisan race for an office
                                                      themselves in any way they wish in
   that governs at the township, city, or county
                                                      campaigning efforts. A candidate’s hand
   level. Examples of these offices include:
                                                      bills, yard signs, mailings, banners, flags,
         -   Township Trustee                         refrigerator magnets…etc. may have the word
                                                      ‘Libertarian’ printed on them in any manner
         -   Fiscal Officer
                                                      the candidate sees fit. Even in non-partisan
         -   Village Trustee                          races, campaign information may be used that
                                                      blatantly brands the candidate as a
         -   Village Administrator
                                                      Libertarian. (This tactic may or may not be a
         -   City Council                             good idea and candidates should consult with
                                                      their campaign managers, as different races
         -   President of City Council                may dictate different strategies)
         -   Mayor                                    Lastly, a candidate should have an
         -   County Commissioner                      understanding of what it takes to win. While
                                                      there is genuine and legitimate value to
   Libertarian candidates for General Assembly        ‘paper’ candidacies, this manual is intended
   as well as statewide office (Attorney General,     to enhance the efforts of plausible candidates
   Treasurer, Governor…etc.) are welcome to           that intend to win their races. The advice and
   use this handbook, but may find some               instruction in this manual is by no means the
   sections lacking in detail concerning the          only way to successfully run a local
   complexities of their campaigns as compared        campaign, but attention should be paid to the
   to local races. A candidate handbook for           timelines described and the processes
   those seeking General Assembly and                 outlined. A passage containing information
   statewide office is forthcoming.                   that is believed to be of high importance to
   The L.P.O. (Libertarian Party of Ohio) has         most any Libertarian candidate for local
   ‘ballot access’ though the elections of 2010.      office will appear in bold italic font as can
   Ballot access is defined as the right to list      be seen here.
   ‘Libertarian’ beneath the name of the
   candidate on a voter ballot. Getting ballot
The Decision Process                                                                                Page 6

           The Decision Process                   holders to maintain a ‘day job’. If the office
                                                  holder is employed by an engineering firm,
The first step in a candidacy is deciding for
                                                  a construction firm, an architect or similar
what office to run. While this may seem
                                                  vocation, that office holder may have to
obvious, there is more to it than one might
                                                  recuse themselves frequently from contract
imagine. A candidate should visit the
                                                  negotiations on improvement projects if
municipality’s website and determine the
                                                  their firm is active in bidding for these jobs.
structure of local government as dictated by
                                                  Similarly, candidates in the computer
the adopted charter. Some municipalities
                                                  industry may experience comparable issues
have a city council form of government. In
                                                  if the municipality seeks to improve their
others, a city manager is the senior elected
                                                  data systems and holds open bidding for
official. If a candidate has the experience
                                                  these contracts. Correspondingly, most of
and political drive to become Mayor, a
                                                  Ohio’s public schools do not permit
candidate should be sure that the Mayor is,
                                                  teachers to serve on an elected school board.
in fact, the top elected official. For example,
                                                  To summarize, a candidate must determine
in Marion, Ohio, the City Council President
                                                  if their business dealings will unduly
is the top elected official. In Mason, Ohio,
                                                  hinder their career in public office.
City Council elects a Mayor from amongst
the elected board members, but the position       The next step is to review the
carries no weight over and above that of a        municipality’s ordinance dictating the
rank and file council member.                     requirements of the position. Some
                                                  candidates may wish to run for Mayor. This
Of equal importance, a candidate should
                                                  position in smaller communities is
evaluate whether an existing or recent
                                                  occasionally won in unopposed elections.
career lies in conflict with the required
                                                  However, it must be noted that certain
actions of elected office. Each Libertarian
                                                  prestigious positions in local government do
candidate aims to implement the Libertarian
                                                  not pay well in comparison to private sector
governing ideals of smaller government,
                                                  jobs. Also, candidates should note the days
fiscal responsibility and social tolerance.
                                                  that the office holder must be physically
These ideals cannot be pressed if the office
                                                  present in office and on which evenings the
holder has to recuse himself or herself from
                                                  official must be available for meetings or
key votes stemming from conflicts of
                                                  other events. Prospective candidates must
interest. For example, many local level
                                                  evaluate which position they wish to run for
public offices are part time positions and
                                                  based on their availability to perform the
meet only in the evening allowing the office
                                                  duties of the office.
Page 7                                                   The Decision Process

         Additionally, residency requirements must
         be met for elected positions. Obviously, a
         candidate must reside within the governing
         municipality, but attention must be paid to
         ward and precinct designations as these lines
         are occasionally redrawn based on census
         information and political pressures. Local
         boards of elections should not be relied upon
         to make these designations known to
         candidates. A savvy campaign manager may
         well end an opposing candidacy citing errant
         filing technicalities.
Self Examination                                                                                Page 8

                   Self Examination                 With the possible exception of Mayor, all
                                                    local public offices can be won with no
     Most every person that contacts the L.P.O.
                                                    political experience. The question
     with an interest in running in a local
                                                    becomes, ‘How plausible are my chances?’
     election is qualified to hold office.
     Libertarians that decide to become             Voters value prior public service.
     candidates are concerned citizens that are     President Barack Obama was elected in
     willing to offer up their record for public    2008 touting his record of civic
     scrutiny. One does not need to be an           involvement as a community organizer. No
     attorney or hold a Master’s Degree in          one elected Mr. Obama to the post of
     Political Science to run successfully in a     community organizer. It can be argued that
     local election. In even the smallest of        Senator McCain served people he
     Ohio’s communities, municipal websites         represented better than President Obama,
     list detailed biographies of current           but it is inarguable that Senator McCain
     officeholders. College graduates are in the    never had his political fate dictated by his
     minority of some City Councils. The ratio      ability to organize at the grassroots level.
     is even lower at the township level.
                                                    All Libertarian candidates are urged to
     Regardless of education level or prior         prepare themselves for office by building
     political experience, all successful           the plausibility of their candidacy through
     officeholders have one thing in common:        actions and associations. Many people are
     commitment to community involvement.           surprised to learn how many civic positions
     That is not to say that a young professional   are available simply by visiting a website
     Libertarian with an impressive education       and signing up for consideration. Some of
     could not win a local election with a well     these opportunities include:
     conceived campaign message, significant
                                                       -   Joining the local homeowner’s
     door-to-door work, and some money, but
     that person would be vulnerable to a retired
     community businessperson who was a                -   Applying to be an alternate to the
     member of the local chamber of commerce,              local zoning review committee
     serve on the P.T.A., was appointed to the
                                                       -   Joining the P.T.A.
     local zoning appeals board, is active in
     their church, and acts as vice-president of       -   Applying to be an ‘Area Coalition’
     their homeowner’s association.                        board member
Page 9                                                  Self Examination

            -   Volunteering at the Red Cross, United
                Way or other charitable organization

            -   Joining the area Chamber of

            -   Volunteering for a faith-based

            -   Volunteering for the local Youth
                Booster Association

            -   And many more…

         While a candidate might be professionally
         qualified for a public office, taking these
         community involvement steps enhances ones
         plausibility factor.
Evaluating the Political Environment              Page 10

   Evaluating the Political Environment

Once a candidate has determined the office
they wish to hold, investigate the availability
of the office for election. If one is running
for city council, all members may be elected
simultaneously or on a staggered election
schedule. It is prudent to investigate the
political ‘lay of the land’.

For instance, if a candidate wishes to serve
as representing City Ward 3 and the current
office holder as been serving for many years
and winning elections by sizable margins,
the candidate may decide to run at-large.
Conversely, a well-entrenched office holder
may well run unopposed. This situation can
set up as an exciting and opportunistic way
to place a very different choice in front of
voters. Candidates are encouraged to stay in
touch with the local Board of Elections to
remain aware of how many other
candidates have filed to run for office and
the political party to which they belong.

Appraising the competition early may well
make the difference in the outcome of a race.
Candidates should evaluate honestly the
likelihood of winning the race before filing
for candidacy and should be prepared to
adjust their plans to take advantage of the
Page 11                                                           Evaluating the Political Environment

          The Ohio Secretary of State’s Website        Ohio Secretary of State’s website should be
                                                       visited and evaluated even before filing at the
    Aside from a candidate’s campaign website,
                                                       local Board of Elections.
    the website of the Ohio Secretary of State
    will be the most important tool to a               Additionally, candidates are to read the
    candidacy. It is important in that the website     entire section called “Frequently Asked
    lists specific instructions as well as resources   Questions”, found here:
    for candidates.
    Before a candidate accepts any campaign            candidates/CFGuide/chapters/16FAQs08-
    funds or buys a single campaign related item,      06.pdf
    a Campaign Treasurer must be named. A
                                                       This section covers questions that many
    candidate’s Campaign Treasurer must be
                                                       persons ask in their effort to comply with
    above reproach. Many books that advise
                                                       election financing law.
    candidates running for office suggest naming
    a reputable person from another political          Lastly, the downloadable forms that are
    party. A candidate should treat this decision      necessary in filing with the Ohio Secretary
    as the most important personnel                    of State are found here:
    pronouncement they will make before taking
    Candidates must download the Campaign
                                                       As elections pass, different Ohio Secretaries
    Finance instructions for candidates from the
                                                       of State will revise their websites. If the links
    Ohio Secretary of State’s website. As of
                                                       listed above are unavailable, contact the
    April, 2009, that link is:
                                                       Libertarian Party Chair of the Candidates and             Campaigns Committee or the Ohio Secretary
    candidates/CFGuide/                                of State’s office directly to procure forms or
    chapters/02Candidates08-06.pdf                     instructions on filing.

    This instructional text covers campaign  
    financing laws, fund raiser reporting,             publications/election/CRG09.pdf
    corporate contributions and many other
    important documents. Special attention must
    be paid to text detailing contribution limits.
    Once a candidate has determined that they
    will run for office in the next election, the
County Board of Elections                                                                          Page 12

        County Board of Elections                On the Ohio Secretary of State’s Website,
                                                 there are downloadable lists of voter
The candidate petition is a critical form.
                                                 records arranged by county. This is a most
This document is available at the county
                                                 valuable tool for a Libertarian running for
Boards of Elections. The candidate will
                                                 local/municipal office. A candidate should
circulate this petition door-to-door seeking
                                                 download the appropriate county file to
signatures from registered voters. This is
                                                 their computer.
an excellent opportunity for candidates to
introduce themselves to their communities.       Special instructions of note that are fully
                                                 detailed in the “Ohio Candidate
How many signatures required for a
                                                 Requirement Guide” brochure:
candidate to appear on the ballot varies
based on whether the candidate is permitted      - Only an unaffiliated voter or a
to run as a Libertarian or is forced to run as     candidate can circulate a candidate
an Independent. At present, the Libertarian        petition for a Libertarian.
Party enjoys ballot access and the required
                                                 - A candidate may not sign their own
number of signatures is fewer than that of
Independent candidates. Candidates must be
sure to procure the correct candidate            - If a petitioner knowingly allows a
petition form from the county Board of              person to sign the petition who is
Elections.                                          ineligible, the entire petition is rejected.

Very close attention must be paid to the         - No more than three times (3x) the
instructions describing the process for            amount of required signatures will be
completing candidate petitions. Those              accepted.
instructions can be found on the Ohio
                                                 Please be aware that Boards of Elections are
Secretary of State’s website here:
                                                 controlled by Republicans and Democrats.           Opposing party officials will take every
publications/election/CRG09.pdf                  opportunity to scrutinize Libertarian
                                                 candidate petitions. Be thorough and
Please note the various nuances to
                                                 patient with filing procedures. Also,
petitioning law found on the above
                                                 coordinate your efforts with the Candidates
mentioned pages. Non-compliance can
                                                 and Campaign Committee Chairman to
abruptly end a candidacy.
                                                 remain abreast of current laws governing
Page 13                                                                County Board of Elections

          Condensed Instructions for Local/            6. Visit the Ohio Secretary of State’s
          Municipal Libertarian Candidacy                 website and download/print the
                                                          Campaign Finance instructions for
          1. Read the Introduction to this manual
                                                          candidates running for office in Ohio.
             and understand the terminology
                                                          Name a Campaign Treasurer. Read
             ‘ballot access’
                                                          the ‘Frequently Asked Questions’
          2. Decide for which office to run.              section of the ‘Candidate Finance
             Determine if this position lies in           Guide’ of this website. Download the
             professional conflict with a current         appropriate forms for Campaign
             career.                                      Finance from this website and follow
                                                          filing instructions closely,
          3. Read the municipal ordinance
                                                          particularly the form for ‘Designation
             describing the expectations of the
                                                          of Treasurer’. Do not accept monies
             targeted political office. Be sure that
                                                          in any form, from any source, until
             availability, residence, and other
                                                          these documents have been reviewed
             basic requirements are met.
                                                          and filed.
          4. Perform a self-examination regarding
                                                       7. Procure a Candidate Petition from the
             the plausibility of candidacy. All
                                                          County Board of Elections. Be sure
             candidates will be evaluated for
                                                          to take the appropriate form (Partisan
             endorsement first by the Candidates
                                                          or Independent) based on Libertarian
             and Campaign Committee and then
                                                          Party ballot access status. Taking the
             by the Executive Committee of the
                                                          wrong form may result in a candidate
             Libertarian Party of Ohio. Civic
                                                          having to re-gather signatures to
             involvement and community
                                                          correct a filing error.
             activeness will be an ever increasing
             criterion.                                8. Download the appropriate county
                                                          voter list from the Ohio Secretary of
          5. Perform ‘due diligence’ on the public
                                                          State’s website. Arrange voters by
             position desired. Determine the year
                                                          street within the residential
             that the office is up for election.
                                                          boundaries of the elected office to
             Review the election results from
                                                          allow for easy signature gathering.
             previous races. Coordinate with the
                                                          Gather up to three times (3X) the
             Candidates and Campaign Committee
                                                          amount of signatures required.
             for guidance and useful research in
                                                          Carefully follow the instructions on
             evaluating the political environment.
Condensed Instructions                           Page 14

       the petition regarding the procedure
       for signature gathering. Fill out each
       Declaration of Candidacy Statement
       and Circulator Affidavit clearly and
       with attention to detail.

   9. Return the Candidate Petition to the
      County Board of Elections.

   10. Join the Libertarian Party.
       Membership to the Party will greatly
       enhance a candidate’s chance for
       Party endorsement. Refusal to join
       the Libertarian Party will place
       significant constraints upon the
       Party’s ability to endorse. Although it
       is not impossible for a non-Party
       member to secure an endorsement
       from the L.P.O., membership in the
       Libertarian Party should be a
       paramount concern of any candidate
       actively seeking endorsement.
Continuing Commitment                                                                        Page 15

           Continuing Commitment                   WWW.LPO.ORG for more information.
                                                   For as little as $17.76 per month (the
  Spreading Liberty as well as upholding the
                                                   average cost of a Music CD or download)
  Party platform of ‘Lower Taxes, Less
                                                   you will become the shoulders on which
  Government, More Freedom’ is the duty of
                                                   future officeholders will stand while
  all Libertarians. The best way to accomplish
                                                   helping yourself in the process.
  this is to work for permanent ballot access
  and elect Libertarian candidates to office.               Your Future in the Party
  Libertarians winning elected office is the
                                                   When you are elected to office, it is
  mechanism that will change Ohio and
                                                   assumed that you will uphold Libertarian
                                                   ideals during your time of public service.
  While we are not currently operating on the      After retirement, or in the unfortunate event
  same monetary scale as major political           you are not successful in an election, your
  parties, our efforts demand certain expenses     journey within the L.P.O. will be just
  be paid. Maintaining a modest state office,      beginning.
  conferences, candidate contributions and
                                                   Candidates with election experience are a
  legal fees to combat those who would deny
                                                   precious commodity and former candidates
  us the right to participate in free and open
                                                   will be relied upon to fill leadership roles
  elections cost money.
                                                   within the Party to further the cause of
  As a candidate, it is proper and appropriate     freedom. The L.P.O. has a perpetual need
  to donate to the State Party to ensure the       for field representatives, CDC’s (County
  L.P.O. can continue the crusade for these        Development Coordinators) and committee
  issues that we all hold dear for years to        chairs.
  come. As a Party, we are blessed with many
                                                   It is important to understand that being an
  individuals that give of their time tirelessly
                                                   endorsed candidate in the Libertarian Party
  and are always ‘on-call’ for candidates and
                                                   of Ohio is but a step in your journey to
  committee members. Dedicated manpower
                                                   spread Liberty and lay the groundwork for
  is the L.P.O.’s greatest asset. However,
                                                   others to do the same.
  without reliable income, our efforts suffer at
  the ballot box.                                  Party officers take this issue very seriously.
                                                   Becoming a Libertarian candidate for
  The L.P.O. asks that candidates give to the
                                                   office is synonymous with a committed
  State Party by making a meager financial
                                                   declaration of continuing Party
  commitment. Please go to
                                                   involvement and participation.
Page 16                                                                           Condensed Instructions

                           Conclusion                          4. Have you contemplated that you may
                                                                  well have to stand up to public
          As Libertarians, the Candidate and
                                                                  scrutiny or opposition research from
          Campaign Committee does not conduct
                                                                  other candidates? Are you
          background checks over and above what a
                                                                  comfortable with taking political jabs
          candidate mentions during an interview. A
                                                                  from opponents?
          member of the Candidate and Campaign
          Committee and/or Field Development will              5. Have you researched the current
          make every effort to meet and interview                 political situation enough to get an
          persons wishing to run for office. At this              idea of your chances of winning?
          time, no written application seeking the
                                                               6. Have you been an active attendee at
          endorsement of the Party is required;
                                                                  civic meetings or other events to
          however furnishing an L.P.O. officer with a
                                                                  show your concern for local
          written request for Party endorsement along
          with a narrative detailing positions,
          personal goals and experience is helpful.            7. What civic organizations are you
                                                                  active in?
          Candidates seeking the Party’s endorsement
          should prepare themselves for an interview           8. What do you think will be your
          by an L.P.O. officer. Many questions will be            primary source of campaign funding?
          asked so that the L.P.O. officer gets a feeling
                                                               9. Aside from an endorsement and
          on where a potential candidate stands on
                                                                  money, what do you want from the
          issues. Some questions that might be asked
                                                                  L.P.O. in terms of support?
          are listed below.
                                                               10. Are you a Libertarian Party
          Remember, candidate interviews are not
          interrogations and are frequently informal
          meetings allowing everyone to get                 At this time, no formal application seeking
          acquainted to discuss the road ahead.             the endorsement of the Party is
                                                            required. However, there is a form that has
             1. Do you have any experience in local
                                                            been made available to County
                government? Your Treasurer?
                                                            Development Groups and the Field
             2. Have you selected a campaign                Development team so that they can pass
                manager? Their experience?                  along your interest and basic information to
                                                            the Candidate Review Committee.
             3. What is your current vocation?
Notes           Page 17

Page 18           Notes


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Ohio Libertarian Candidate Guide

  • 1. Local/Municipal/State Date: 04.03.09 Elected Offices ~ Authored By: William McDowall Libertarian Candidate Chair, Candidates and Campaign Committee Guide and Filing Procedures
  • 2. Forward Page 2 Forward affiliation played a large role in his vote tally. What are the Benefits of Running as a Libertarian and Why is the Endorsement of Candidates and Campaign Committee the Libertarian Party of Ohio Important? Endorsed candidates have at their disposal In years that the Libertarian Party has ballot the efforts of the Candidates and Campaign access, anyone declaring themselves Committee to assist them in the paperwork ‘Libertarian’ can run for office. Running as a and filings needed to make valid a candidacy Libertarian does not necessarily mean an before filing deadlines. This committee can automatic Party endorsement. The steps to acquire voter lists and arrange them in a Party endorsement are simple to follow, but sensible form to ease the pressure of nonetheless important. In short, the signature gathering. Endorsed candidates can Candidates and Campaign Committee issues also work through the Candidates and a recommendation to the Executive Campaign Committee to get specific answers Committee who, in turn, vote on candidate to questions directed to the Ohio Secretary of endorsement. Especially in years of ballot State. While some of this research can be access, it is fair to wonder why this done by the candidate without the Party, it is endorsement procedure is important to a important that duties unrelated to ‘getting candidacy. votes’ be farmed out to the Party, volunteers, and to campaign officers whenever possible. A Built In Voting Block – Even candidates Party endorsement affords this extra layer of who do not have the resources to run large support. campaigns can count on a certain amount of votes from persons who identify with the Strategic Targeting Committee Libertarian Party. In 2008, Congressional After an endorsed candidate has filed with Candidate Mark Noble received over 14,400 the Board of Elections and the filing votes in his Congressional District although deadlines for competing candidates have he was shut out from televised debates and passed, the endorsed candidate may work radio broadcasts profiling the candidates. with the Strategic Targeting Committee to Mark Noble received more votes than the refine their campaign. This committee will Independent candidate Don Eckhart who was assist in doing opposition research, evaluate permitted to participate in all the above the minutes of council meetings, and provide mentioned media events. Mark Noble did not an environment to strengthen the campaign. personally meet 14,400 people to ask them This committee can even provide mock- for their votes. His identifiable party debates (complete with cameras, podiums,
  • 3. Page 3 Forward etc) and mock-newspaper interviews to each election to spend on efforts to elect prepare candidates for media attention. endorsed Libertarians. This budget is based Candidates may also be advised on solely on incoming contributions, and as presentation and appearance issues. Libertarians, we do not spend money we do Campaign managers will find the efforts of not already have. The amount that the this committee infinitely valuable. L.P.O. can contribute to campaigns varies widely. However, the Candidate and Field Development and Volunteer Efforts Campaign Committee will contribute to During the course of a campaign, a endorsed candidates and will seek to empty candidate will have a need for volunteers. its accounts in this effort each election In many regions of Ohio, Field season. Development teams exist that can help in Lastly, an endorsed candidate may volunteer recruitment. The L.P.O. has a coordinate through the L.P.O. Treasurer Field Liaison in each quadrant of Ohio as limited access to donor lists. Donors to the well as a College outreach program and L.P.O. who live within a candidate’s even a Women’s Caucus that a candidate municipality may well be pleased to may find useful in their campaigning contribute to a local candidate. Donor lists efforts. also include other persons who may be able Website Development to provide volunteer resources (printing capability, rental tents for parties, food While this is a new directive currently products for fundraisers….) that help under development, the L.P.O. hopes to candidacies in ways not measured in dollars provide each candidate with a basic website and cents. and biography page upon endorsement. Many candidates may have taken on web If a Libertarian seeking office does not development in-house with elaborate pages seek the Party’s nomination, much, if not that include contribution opportunities and all, of these resources may be withheld. interactive features. However, in smaller Even endorsed Independents might not be races, a basic page may be all that is granted complete and total access to the required to maintain a ‘web presence’. resources listed above. To ensure access to the benefits of Party endorsement, join the Financial Assistance Libertarian Party ~ take ‘The Pledge’ A candidate for office should have a online, and we’ll team up on the campaign framework in place for their own trail! fundraising. The L.P.O. has a certain budget
  • 4. Table of Contents Page 4 Table of Contents 5 - Introduction 6 - The Decision Process 8 - Self Examination 10 - Evaluating the Political Landscape 11 - The Ohio Secretary of State Website 12 - The County Board of Elections 13 - Condensed Instructions for Local/Municipal Libertarian Candidacy 15 - Continuing Commitment and Your Future in the Party 16 - Conclusion
  • 5. Page 5 Introduction Introduction access is a problem that the L.P.O. deals with yearly. However, whether the L.P.O. has This document is intended for the use of ballot access or not has little bearing on the Libertarians running for public office in a actions of a well run campaign. Freedom of local election. The term ‘local’ is described as speech gives candidates the right to brand a partisan or non-partisan race for an office themselves in any way they wish in that governs at the township, city, or county campaigning efforts. A candidate’s hand level. Examples of these offices include: bills, yard signs, mailings, banners, flags, - Township Trustee refrigerator magnets…etc. may have the word ‘Libertarian’ printed on them in any manner - Fiscal Officer the candidate sees fit. Even in non-partisan - Village Trustee races, campaign information may be used that blatantly brands the candidate as a - Village Administrator Libertarian. (This tactic may or may not be a - City Council good idea and candidates should consult with their campaign managers, as different races - President of City Council may dictate different strategies) - Mayor Lastly, a candidate should have an - County Commissioner understanding of what it takes to win. While there is genuine and legitimate value to Libertarian candidates for General Assembly ‘paper’ candidacies, this manual is intended as well as statewide office (Attorney General, to enhance the efforts of plausible candidates Treasurer, Governor…etc.) are welcome to that intend to win their races. The advice and use this handbook, but may find some instruction in this manual is by no means the sections lacking in detail concerning the only way to successfully run a local complexities of their campaigns as compared campaign, but attention should be paid to the to local races. A candidate handbook for timelines described and the processes those seeking General Assembly and outlined. A passage containing information statewide office is forthcoming. that is believed to be of high importance to The L.P.O. (Libertarian Party of Ohio) has most any Libertarian candidate for local ‘ballot access’ though the elections of 2010. office will appear in bold italic font as can Ballot access is defined as the right to list be seen here. ‘Libertarian’ beneath the name of the candidate on a voter ballot. Getting ballot
  • 6. The Decision Process Page 6 The Decision Process holders to maintain a ‘day job’. If the office holder is employed by an engineering firm, The first step in a candidacy is deciding for a construction firm, an architect or similar what office to run. While this may seem vocation, that office holder may have to obvious, there is more to it than one might recuse themselves frequently from contract imagine. A candidate should visit the negotiations on improvement projects if municipality’s website and determine the their firm is active in bidding for these jobs. structure of local government as dictated by Similarly, candidates in the computer the adopted charter. Some municipalities industry may experience comparable issues have a city council form of government. In if the municipality seeks to improve their others, a city manager is the senior elected data systems and holds open bidding for official. If a candidate has the experience these contracts. Correspondingly, most of and political drive to become Mayor, a Ohio’s public schools do not permit candidate should be sure that the Mayor is, teachers to serve on an elected school board. in fact, the top elected official. For example, To summarize, a candidate must determine in Marion, Ohio, the City Council President if their business dealings will unduly is the top elected official. In Mason, Ohio, hinder their career in public office. City Council elects a Mayor from amongst the elected board members, but the position The next step is to review the carries no weight over and above that of a municipality’s ordinance dictating the rank and file council member. requirements of the position. Some candidates may wish to run for Mayor. This Of equal importance, a candidate should position in smaller communities is evaluate whether an existing or recent occasionally won in unopposed elections. career lies in conflict with the required However, it must be noted that certain actions of elected office. Each Libertarian prestigious positions in local government do candidate aims to implement the Libertarian not pay well in comparison to private sector governing ideals of smaller government, jobs. Also, candidates should note the days fiscal responsibility and social tolerance. that the office holder must be physically These ideals cannot be pressed if the office present in office and on which evenings the holder has to recuse himself or herself from official must be available for meetings or key votes stemming from conflicts of other events. Prospective candidates must interest. For example, many local level evaluate which position they wish to run for public offices are part time positions and based on their availability to perform the meet only in the evening allowing the office duties of the office.
  • 7. Page 7 The Decision Process Additionally, residency requirements must be met for elected positions. Obviously, a candidate must reside within the governing municipality, but attention must be paid to ward and precinct designations as these lines are occasionally redrawn based on census information and political pressures. Local boards of elections should not be relied upon to make these designations known to candidates. A savvy campaign manager may well end an opposing candidacy citing errant filing technicalities.
  • 8. Self Examination Page 8 Self Examination With the possible exception of Mayor, all local public offices can be won with no Most every person that contacts the L.P.O. political experience. The question with an interest in running in a local becomes, ‘How plausible are my chances?’ election is qualified to hold office. Libertarians that decide to become Voters value prior public service. candidates are concerned citizens that are President Barack Obama was elected in willing to offer up their record for public 2008 touting his record of civic scrutiny. One does not need to be an involvement as a community organizer. No attorney or hold a Master’s Degree in one elected Mr. Obama to the post of Political Science to run successfully in a community organizer. It can be argued that local election. In even the smallest of Senator McCain served people he Ohio’s communities, municipal websites represented better than President Obama, list detailed biographies of current but it is inarguable that Senator McCain officeholders. College graduates are in the never had his political fate dictated by his minority of some City Councils. The ratio ability to organize at the grassroots level. is even lower at the township level. All Libertarian candidates are urged to Regardless of education level or prior prepare themselves for office by building political experience, all successful the plausibility of their candidacy through officeholders have one thing in common: actions and associations. Many people are commitment to community involvement. surprised to learn how many civic positions That is not to say that a young professional are available simply by visiting a website Libertarian with an impressive education and signing up for consideration. Some of could not win a local election with a well these opportunities include: conceived campaign message, significant - Joining the local homeowner’s door-to-door work, and some money, but association that person would be vulnerable to a retired community businessperson who was a - Applying to be an alternate to the member of the local chamber of commerce, local zoning review committee serve on the P.T.A., was appointed to the - Joining the P.T.A. local zoning appeals board, is active in their church, and acts as vice-president of - Applying to be an ‘Area Coalition’ their homeowner’s association. board member
  • 9. Page 9 Self Examination - Volunteering at the Red Cross, United Way or other charitable organization - Joining the area Chamber of Commerce - Volunteering for a faith-based position - Volunteering for the local Youth Booster Association - And many more… While a candidate might be professionally qualified for a public office, taking these community involvement steps enhances ones plausibility factor.
  • 10. Evaluating the Political Environment Page 10 Evaluating the Political Environment Once a candidate has determined the office they wish to hold, investigate the availability of the office for election. If one is running for city council, all members may be elected simultaneously or on a staggered election schedule. It is prudent to investigate the political ‘lay of the land’. For instance, if a candidate wishes to serve as representing City Ward 3 and the current office holder as been serving for many years and winning elections by sizable margins, the candidate may decide to run at-large. Conversely, a well-entrenched office holder may well run unopposed. This situation can set up as an exciting and opportunistic way to place a very different choice in front of voters. Candidates are encouraged to stay in touch with the local Board of Elections to remain aware of how many other candidates have filed to run for office and the political party to which they belong. Appraising the competition early may well make the difference in the outcome of a race. Candidates should evaluate honestly the likelihood of winning the race before filing for candidacy and should be prepared to adjust their plans to take advantage of the competition.
  • 11. Page 11 Evaluating the Political Environment The Ohio Secretary of State’s Website Ohio Secretary of State’s website should be visited and evaluated even before filing at the Aside from a candidate’s campaign website, local Board of Elections. the website of the Ohio Secretary of State will be the most important tool to a Additionally, candidates are to read the candidacy. It is important in that the website entire section called “Frequently Asked lists specific instructions as well as resources Questions”, found here: for candidates. Before a candidate accepts any campaign candidates/CFGuide/chapters/16FAQs08- funds or buys a single campaign related item, 06.pdf a Campaign Treasurer must be named. A This section covers questions that many candidate’s Campaign Treasurer must be persons ask in their effort to comply with above reproach. Many books that advise election financing law. candidates running for office suggest naming a reputable person from another political Lastly, the downloadable forms that are party. A candidate should treat this decision necessary in filing with the Ohio Secretary as the most important personnel of State are found here: pronouncement they will make before taking office. 20Finance/CFForms.aspx Candidates must download the Campaign As elections pass, different Ohio Secretaries Finance instructions for candidates from the of State will revise their websites. If the links Ohio Secretary of State’s website. As of listed above are unavailable, contact the April, 2009, that link is: Libertarian Party Chair of the Candidates and Campaigns Committee or the Ohio Secretary candidates/CFGuide/ of State’s office directly to procure forms or chapters/02Candidates08-06.pdf instructions on filing. This instructional text covers campaign financing laws, fund raiser reporting, publications/election/CRG09.pdf corporate contributions and many other important documents. Special attention must be paid to text detailing contribution limits. Once a candidate has determined that they will run for office in the next election, the
  • 12. County Board of Elections Page 12 County Board of Elections On the Ohio Secretary of State’s Website, there are downloadable lists of voter The candidate petition is a critical form. records arranged by county. This is a most This document is available at the county valuable tool for a Libertarian running for Boards of Elections. The candidate will local/municipal office. A candidate should circulate this petition door-to-door seeking download the appropriate county file to signatures from registered voters. This is their computer. an excellent opportunity for candidates to introduce themselves to their communities. Special instructions of note that are fully detailed in the “Ohio Candidate How many signatures required for a Requirement Guide” brochure: candidate to appear on the ballot varies based on whether the candidate is permitted - Only an unaffiliated voter or a to run as a Libertarian or is forced to run as candidate can circulate a candidate an Independent. At present, the Libertarian petition for a Libertarian. Party enjoys ballot access and the required - A candidate may not sign their own number of signatures is fewer than that of petition. Independent candidates. Candidates must be sure to procure the correct candidate - If a petitioner knowingly allows a petition form from the county Board of person to sign the petition who is Elections. ineligible, the entire petition is rejected. Very close attention must be paid to the - No more than three times (3x) the instructions describing the process for amount of required signatures will be completing candidate petitions. Those accepted. instructions can be found on the Ohio Please be aware that Boards of Elections are Secretary of State’s website here: controlled by Republicans and Democrats. Opposing party officials will take every publications/election/CRG09.pdf opportunity to scrutinize Libertarian candidate petitions. Be thorough and Please note the various nuances to patient with filing procedures. Also, petitioning law found on the above coordinate your efforts with the Candidates mentioned pages. Non-compliance can and Campaign Committee Chairman to abruptly end a candidacy. remain abreast of current laws governing petitioning.
  • 13. Page 13 County Board of Elections Condensed Instructions for Local/ 6. Visit the Ohio Secretary of State’s Municipal Libertarian Candidacy website and download/print the Campaign Finance instructions for 1. Read the Introduction to this manual candidates running for office in Ohio. and understand the terminology Name a Campaign Treasurer. Read ‘ballot access’ the ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ 2. Decide for which office to run. section of the ‘Candidate Finance Determine if this position lies in Guide’ of this website. Download the professional conflict with a current appropriate forms for Campaign career. Finance from this website and follow filing instructions closely, 3. Read the municipal ordinance particularly the form for ‘Designation describing the expectations of the of Treasurer’. Do not accept monies targeted political office. Be sure that in any form, from any source, until availability, residence, and other these documents have been reviewed basic requirements are met. and filed. 4. Perform a self-examination regarding 7. Procure a Candidate Petition from the the plausibility of candidacy. All County Board of Elections. Be sure candidates will be evaluated for to take the appropriate form (Partisan endorsement first by the Candidates or Independent) based on Libertarian and Campaign Committee and then Party ballot access status. Taking the by the Executive Committee of the wrong form may result in a candidate Libertarian Party of Ohio. Civic having to re-gather signatures to involvement and community correct a filing error. activeness will be an ever increasing criterion. 8. Download the appropriate county voter list from the Ohio Secretary of 5. Perform ‘due diligence’ on the public State’s website. Arrange voters by position desired. Determine the year street within the residential that the office is up for election. boundaries of the elected office to Review the election results from allow for easy signature gathering. previous races. Coordinate with the Gather up to three times (3X) the Candidates and Campaign Committee amount of signatures required. for guidance and useful research in Carefully follow the instructions on evaluating the political environment.
  • 14. Condensed Instructions Page 14 the petition regarding the procedure for signature gathering. Fill out each Declaration of Candidacy Statement and Circulator Affidavit clearly and with attention to detail. 9. Return the Candidate Petition to the County Board of Elections. 10. Join the Libertarian Party. Membership to the Party will greatly enhance a candidate’s chance for Party endorsement. Refusal to join the Libertarian Party will place significant constraints upon the Party’s ability to endorse. Although it is not impossible for a non-Party member to secure an endorsement from the L.P.O., membership in the Libertarian Party should be a paramount concern of any candidate actively seeking endorsement.
  • 15. Continuing Commitment Page 15 Continuing Commitment WWW.LPO.ORG for more information. For as little as $17.76 per month (the Spreading Liberty as well as upholding the average cost of a Music CD or download) Party platform of ‘Lower Taxes, Less you will become the shoulders on which Government, More Freedom’ is the duty of future officeholders will stand while all Libertarians. The best way to accomplish helping yourself in the process. this is to work for permanent ballot access and elect Libertarian candidates to office. Your Future in the Party Libertarians winning elected office is the When you are elected to office, it is mechanism that will change Ohio and assumed that you will uphold Libertarian America. ideals during your time of public service. While we are not currently operating on the After retirement, or in the unfortunate event same monetary scale as major political you are not successful in an election, your parties, our efforts demand certain expenses journey within the L.P.O. will be just be paid. Maintaining a modest state office, beginning. conferences, candidate contributions and Candidates with election experience are a legal fees to combat those who would deny precious commodity and former candidates us the right to participate in free and open will be relied upon to fill leadership roles elections cost money. within the Party to further the cause of As a candidate, it is proper and appropriate freedom. The L.P.O. has a perpetual need to donate to the State Party to ensure the for field representatives, CDC’s (County L.P.O. can continue the crusade for these Development Coordinators) and committee issues that we all hold dear for years to chairs. come. As a Party, we are blessed with many It is important to understand that being an individuals that give of their time tirelessly endorsed candidate in the Libertarian Party and are always ‘on-call’ for candidates and of Ohio is but a step in your journey to committee members. Dedicated manpower spread Liberty and lay the groundwork for is the L.P.O.’s greatest asset. However, others to do the same. without reliable income, our efforts suffer at the ballot box. Party officers take this issue very seriously. Becoming a Libertarian candidate for The L.P.O. asks that candidates give to the office is synonymous with a committed State Party by making a meager financial declaration of continuing Party commitment. Please go to involvement and participation.
  • 16. Page 16 Condensed Instructions Conclusion 4. Have you contemplated that you may well have to stand up to public As Libertarians, the Candidate and scrutiny or opposition research from Campaign Committee does not conduct other candidates? Are you background checks over and above what a comfortable with taking political jabs candidate mentions during an interview. A from opponents? member of the Candidate and Campaign Committee and/or Field Development will 5. Have you researched the current make every effort to meet and interview political situation enough to get an persons wishing to run for office. At this idea of your chances of winning? time, no written application seeking the 6. Have you been an active attendee at endorsement of the Party is required; civic meetings or other events to however furnishing an L.P.O. officer with a show your concern for local written request for Party endorsement along government? with a narrative detailing positions, personal goals and experience is helpful. 7. What civic organizations are you active in? Candidates seeking the Party’s endorsement should prepare themselves for an interview 8. What do you think will be your by an L.P.O. officer. Many questions will be primary source of campaign funding? asked so that the L.P.O. officer gets a feeling 9. Aside from an endorsement and on where a potential candidate stands on money, what do you want from the issues. Some questions that might be asked L.P.O. in terms of support? are listed below. 10. Are you a Libertarian Party Remember, candidate interviews are not member? interrogations and are frequently informal meetings allowing everyone to get At this time, no formal application seeking acquainted to discuss the road ahead. the endorsement of the Party is required. However, there is a form that has 1. Do you have any experience in local been made available to County government? Your Treasurer? Development Groups and the Field 2. Have you selected a campaign Development team so that they can pass manager? Their experience? along your interest and basic information to the Candidate Review Committee. 3. What is your current vocation?
  • 17. Notes Page 17 Notes
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