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                   2600 Virginia Avenue, NW,Suite 100   * Washington DC 20037 * (202) 333-0008 *

                                      Media Lists
                            How to develop a media list for your local party
                                                           3 Media
         ere are four ways to develop a media list                      Guides In Libraries
        for your state or local party - ranging            Most local libraries have media guides that list
        from the easy to the labor-intensive,              phone and fax numbers for reporters, editors,
and from the expensive to the free.                        and producers. One example: Gale's Directory of
                                                           Publications & Broadcast Media, available in
1 Bacon's Directories                                      most public libraries.
Bacon's offers a comprehensive, nationwide                 • Contact: Your locallibrary .
guide that lists 200,000+ media contacts at                • Price: Free
40,000+ different outlets. CD-ROMand hard-
cover books are available. Purchasers must sign            4 Research       Via Phone
contractual agreement not to violate property              If your organization has more time than money,
rights by unauthorized duplication.                        you can still employ the single most accurate
• Contact: Bacon's at 312-922-2400.                        way to compile information about media in your
• Price: $1,355.                                           area: Simply pick up the phonebook and call
                                                           them. In just a few hours, a small group of
2 News Media       Yellow Book                             volunteers can compile a completely up-to-date
The phonebook-sized "Yellowbook" lists                     list. Ask for the name of the reporter who
contacts by type of media; alphabetically by               handles political news, as well as the phone and
personnel; by subject or specialty; and                    fax number, and you're in business, immediately.
geographically. While less comprehensive than              • Price: Free
Bacon's, the Yellowbook is useful for big-city
markets but considerably less effective in
smaller markets.
Also available on CD-ROM.
• Contact: Leadership Directories at 212-627-4140
• Price: $264
-                     , THE LIBERTARIAN            PARTY'S SUCCESS
                              2600 Virginia Avenue, NW,Suite 100
                                                                   * Washington DC 20037 * (202) 333-0008 * wwwLPorg

                                                    Media Tips
                                                    36 tips to increase your media coverage

                  ere are 36 tips about how to get more               news, but what's news is always compelling."
                 media coverage for your state or local
                 Libertarian organization. These sugges-              7   Don't call journalists late in the afternoon.
       tions are straight from media professionals -                  "Try to contact reporters in the morning -
       the White House reporter for USA Today; the                    before 1 or 2:00 in the afternoon. By 4:30 or
       Washington correspondent for the Knight-Ridder                 5:00, they're scrambling on deadline."
       newspaper chain; a booker from CNNcable
       network; and a producer for a Washington-area
                                                                      8 Send    releases on a:regular basis.r'If
                                                                      there is no consistent contact, they're going to
       radio station.
                                                                      forget about you. Regular contact is important."
            These tips were collected at a seminar at the
       National Press Club entitled: "How to Get Media                9 Try to   craft your press releases as a "horror

,-.'   Coverage for Your Issues and Spokesmen,"
       sponsored by one of Washington, DC's most
       successful public relations firms, Creative Re-
                                                                      story." "That's what sells newspapers; that's.
                                                                      what gets TV ratings."

       sponse Concepts (CRC). Quotes are verbatim from                10      Put a human face on your story. "Nothing
       the various journalists.                                       sells like a human face. You need to have your
                                                                      facts and figures, your statistics, but a human
       1   Good media coverage starts with a good                     face will trump your facts."
       media fax or mail list. "There's quite a bit of
       turnover; keep your list up-to-date."                          11     Try to localize your story. "You want to
                                                                      give an example of how your issue will impact
       2 "It's  important to have a regular list of                   your neighbor, your community. Many smaller
       contacts. Have a 'core' list that always gets your             newspapers will only take stories with a local
       'press wleaS1!S."                                              an91e~'i-

       3 Keep your   press releases to one page. "Two                -12 Avoid the     beltway mentality. "We think _
       pages just annoys them."                                       what's important to us is important to the folks
                                                                      back home." Frequently, it isn't.
       4 Write good        headlines. "Make it sexy and
       interesting ."                                                 13     Take your message to alternate media
                                                                      sources like talk radio. "There's nothing to reach
       5 Use a subhead    in your press release. "There is            the masses like talk radio. There's nothing to get
       supporting evidence that a subhead will encour-
                                                                      your message out like talk radio."
       age the reader to read the first paragraph."
                                                                      14      "Recycle your press clips" on a regular
       6 Write about   breaking news. "Piggyback on'                  basis to show the media that you're already
       headlines. What's compelling to you isn't always
                    2600 Virginia Avenue, NW,Suite 100 Washington DC 20037   * (202) 333-0008 * wwwtPorg

                   Press Releases
         For Immediate Release                             Contact: Your Name and phone #.
         February 11, 1999                                 Address too, if it's not on letterhead

                  LIBERTARIANS      PUT OUT A MEDIA RELEASE (snazzy headline)

     Ann Arbor, Ml=:.-The-firstparagraph-contains;alLofthe~im:portant,              -attention.:getting

information.    Who,-What, Where, When, and Why. Keep in mind that this may be all that

they will read. Try to capture their attention,      so that they will read further.

     The second paragraph contains back-up information.            Remember, you are not trying to
write the story for them, unless it is an extremely small publication.           Put in a "quote" if you
have one, but keep it as short as possible, and worth printing. (eg: "If he's afraid to debate
me," Coon said, "How's he ever going to stand up to Hillary Clinton?")

     The last paragraph contains additional information,          but remember, what you really want
is for them to call you about your release, not just print what you wrote. Finish with another
q-uote   if you have orre.

     Important: NO':matter-how-much'you' have-to:-say;--keep-it:to"one'pagefDouble-            spacei]
possible. (Double.spacinq is nice but not mandatory.). Be spellcheck. If you absolutely
have to go to a second page, and I repeat, you should not, use:

                                     at the end of your first page.

                               the symbol for the end of the release is
-                    THE LIBERTARIAN              PARTY'S SUCCESS
                         2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
                                                               * Washington DC 20037 * (202)   333-0008   *

                      etter Interviews
         How to make your media interviews more effective
         Before you go on the air:                                     When you're on the air, be sure to:
          (1) Create a one-sentence summary of your                      (1) Speak in short sentences, and avoid
   position. If you can't do this, chances are that                jargon. Be lively and animated. Don't speak in a
   you aren't clear about what your position is.                   monotone. Remember: Radio and TV are prima-
                                                                   rily entertainment. If you are not (to some
          (2) Prepare a list of the three mainpoints  _
                                                                 - degree) interesting> and entertaining, you will
  -,you want to make. Be prepared to make these
                                                                   not be invited back.
    points several times, in slightly different ways.
                                                                        (2) Show your personality. Humor and the
         (3) Be ready to set the stage by giving a
                                                                  use of real-life examples will make you more
   30-second description of the problem/issue.
                                                                  likable, and consequently, more credible.
   Usually, this resembles the first paragraph of any
   standard news story. Don't assume that the                           (3) Back up your opinions with facts.
   host/audience knows anything about the issue.
                                                                         (4) If you use statistics, put them in
         (4) Be able to explain why this issue is                 context, ideally by using a colorful metaphor.
   important to the average American, in terms                   _Example: "Many people say that too much
   that they can understand. -                                    money is spent on political campaigns. Interest-
                                                                  ingly, Americans spent three times as much
         (5) Study your opponents' arguments. _
                                                                  money in 1994 on potato chips as they did on
   Anticipate their criticisms. You can do this by
                                                                  political campaigns."
   preparing a list of obvious questions, then "role
   playing" with a friend to practice your answers.                      (5) Be ready to supply a Libertarian
   Most tough questions can be anticipated. Note:                 solution. Remember, criticism of an opponent's
   -Vl-hen-cuming trp with=torrqh": questrorrs; -]JON'T           position Is-only a: vehicle throug-h'whkh We-can
   think like a Libertarian! Think like a Republican              present our ideas.
   or Democrat.
                                                                       While on the air, don't ...
           6) Be prepared for seemingly easy open-
----ended questions=-owhichcan         be more difficult               (l)Say/~um." One way to avoid-it is to
     than you expect. Examples of common open-                    pause for a second before answering a question
     ended questions: "Tell us why this is an impor-              in order to gather your thoughts.
     tant issue." "Why are Libertarians concerned
                                                                         (2) Engage in an argument with the host or
     about this issue?" "Tell us a little about the
                                                                  callers. Calmly and politely explain your position
     Libertarian Party."
                                                                  and attempt to answer any objections, but if a
                                                                  caller becomes combative, you might just say, "I
                                                                  can see that we're going to have to agree to
                                                                  disagree on this issue. Let's move on ...     /1
-                     THE LIBERTARIAN             PARTY'S SUCCESS'99
                            2600 Virginia Avenue, NW,Suite 100 Washington DC 20037   * (202) 333-0008 *

               Fill this out before doing any radio or TV interview
      Media Outlet                                         Interviewer

      Interviewer's    Title and/or Speciality
      Prior attitude    [if known]: 0 Receptive/friendly   0 Hostile 0 Unknown 0 Other:
      Type of interview [live, taped, etc.]:
      Main topic:

     ... our key theme or message:
      Best/most     important   quote:

.~    1.
           Example or proof:
           Example or proof:

           Example or proof:



      2. Question:


      3. Question:

      BACKGROUND: THE FIVE "W's" and "H"
      Who:                                What:                           When:
      Where:                              Why;                            How:
                    2600 Virginia Avenue, NW,Suite 100   * Washington DC 20037 * (202) 333-0008 * www.LPorg

                                                          t Media
    Do's and Don'ts when dealing with print journalists

            othing is an absolute when media are            two days or less, so if a reporter can't reach you
           involved. Nothing is a given when                fairly quickly, your view might not get in.
           elections come along. However, candi-                    • DON'T badger journalists about cover-
dates can really help themselves out by follow-              age. They don't mind taking a call asking legiti-
ing a few mostly common-sense steps in their                mate questions, or announcing real news, but
dealings with print (and other) media.                       anything less gets bothersome. (Editors and
      • DO realize that media organizations are             reporters-take many. calls a day, and they they
made up of individuals. It's important to learn              still.have to get a lot-of writing done, too.)
who needs your press releases and who .needs                        ··00be patient during an interview when
your photos; they may be different people.                  reporters mix up who you are, which office you
      • DON'T assume the Editorial Page depart-              are seeking, or some other detail. That same
ment is connected to the News Department. At                reporter probably is covering five or six small
most papers, they have nothing to do with each               and large races, each with two or three candi-
other, so feeding your news-related releases to              dates, many of whom he or she likely spoke with
the Editorial Page doesn't do you much good.                just hours or minutes before speaking with you.
      • DO make sure everything you send the                 (However, make sure the reporter has the detail
paper is typed. Unfair as it might be, handwritten           correct before the interview is over.)
releases don't get top priority. The people who                     • DON'T try to trick, dazzle, impress or
have to type them in dislike having to decipher.            belittle the reporter. Be yourself, talking to
      • DO have nice color and black-and-white               someone just trying to do a job well. Speak
photos made. This becomes more important with                clearly and directly. Reporters aren't trying to
less visible offices, which are less likely to              unearth some terrible secret when they inter-
inY2ly~ _d~~a!~s_or_p~})lic_pj)~~rClnce~._A_ies:~nt-
                           a               c                viel'l_You_apollt tltE:r~ce;Jhey ju.§t_V'!aI1tqocd,
quality publicity photo lends credibility. Make              concise answers that they can relay in print.
sure the appropriate person at the paper has at             That said, if a reporter does ask hard questions,
least one copy in color and in black and white.             remember that's part of his job, too.
More than one copy never hurts.                                     • DON'T-make assumptions about the
      ·00 get a Web page, and put on it the                 political. persuasions of the News Department( s).
important things you want people to see: Your               Editorial Page departments are supposed to have
views on major issues, background details, a                a political bias. But News Departments aim to
photo. Links to other sites sponsored by your               remain as neutral as possible. Individual reporters
party. Make sure the Web address is prominent               can and do belong to political parties, but they
on any materials you hand out.                              aren't supposed to favor one view over another.
      • DO be available for interviews.
      • DON'T delay returning phone calls from              [Written by Mark Thompsen-Kolar. the Assistant
reporters. Stories usually are turned around in             Managing Editor, News-Sentinel, Fort Wayne, IN]
Libertarian Volunteer January/February           1998 - Turn press releases into publicity                Pagelof3

                  January/February        1998

                                   Turn press releases into publicity
    Activist Library

    Manuals and
                                   Garnering more local media: A proven three-
    Handbooks                      step process
    Volunteer                      By Scott Kjar, Libertarian Party of Alabama.

                                   I log on, check my e-mail, and somehow end up on the local news. I read
                                   my e-mail, and a few days later I see my name in print. I download my e-
                                   mail, and my picture appears in the local paper.

                                   Is there something magical about my e-mail? Yes! The magic in my e-mail
                                   comes to me from the National Libertarian Party.

                                   But more on that later ...

                                   STEP ONE
                                   Before I can get local media coverage, I have to know what local media
                                   outlets are available. This step is actually pretty easy" The phone book! I
                                   pick up the local phone book, go to the Yellow Pages, and I start looking up
                                   headings like "Newspapers," "Radio Stations," "Television Broadcast
                                   Stations," "Magazines," and "Publications." From there, I write down the
                                   name of each media outlet, its address, and its phone number.

                                 If possible, you should pick up a copy of the newspapers and magazines,
                                 and see who writes their political material. Watch the television news and
                           ..- --s~h.Q-GQ¥€-r-s-th-€l-p0l-i-t-iea-l-s-t:0ri-e&--Listen--t-o-th-e-radl-o-stat-i-ons-and-finu-out
                                 who handles the political beat. Or, just call them! That's right, you can call
                                 the local media outlets, ask them who handles politics, and then record the
                                 name. (And while you've got the receptionist on the phone, ask for their fax

                                   Once you've got your local media list created, you'll want to figure out a
                                   good way to keep track of it. If you have a computer, record the information
                                   in a database. If not, you can type the information onto a sheet of paper. Do
                                   it in the size of a label, so that you can photocopy your page directly onto a
                                   sheet of labels, then just peel them off and stick them on envelopes when
                                   you need them.

                                   (For media outlets with fax machines, often a fax is the fastest, cheapest,
                                   and most convenient route to take. I have the fax number of the local      I-media.html                                                          2/21/2002
Libertarian Volunteer January/February           1998 - Turn press releases into publicity              Page 2 of3

                                   newspaper programmed into my own fax machine, so I can get info out
                                   within seconds.)

                                   STEP TWO

                                   I mentioned the magic e-mail that I get from the National LP. You see, the
                                   National LP sends out e-mail press releases every few days. These are items
                                   that the national LP HQ has already sent out to national media, such as the
                                   Washington Post, or NBC. However, it's a pretty good bet that the National
                                   HQ has not sent them to the Opelika-Auburn News (my local daily paper),
                                   or to the Tuskegee News (a weekly paper in the next county).

                                   That's where I step in. You see, I simply take the National LP press release,
                                   download it into Microsoft Word, put it into an attractive font, add my own
                                   name as a local contact (while leaving the national LP contact information
                                   also on the release), and print it out.

                                   I don't have to worry about whether my press release is well written -- it
                                   already is. I'm not concerned about whether I am following the rules of
                                   putting together a release, or in have given too much or too little
                                   information. After all, the people who write these at the national HQ --
                                   Communications Director Bill Winter and Press Secretary George Getz --
                                   are professionals who do this for a living.

                                   All I need to be able to do is print it, and mail (or fax) it.

                                   STEP THREE

                                   Once in a while, steps one and two are sufficient, and a local media
                                   representative calls me and asks for an interview. Usually, though, a little
                                   follow-up is required. So, I go back to my press list, I pick up the phone,
                                   and I call the person to whom I sent the press release. I ask if they received
                                   the release, and if they would like more information.

                                   Sometimes, the person did not receive it. (This usually means they saw it,
                                   threw it away, and forgot about it.) Offer to re-fax it to them, and call them
                                   back in a half-hour.

                                 Other times, theperson did receive it, but is not interested in the story.
                               -'fh-atsokay.-Repoftefssee    a 10fOY potentIal-slones every Gay~and-most 'of
                                 them never get covered. That's right, most of them never get covered! There
                                 is a finite amount of space in a newspaper and on TV news -- and it isn't
                                possible to cover every story (no matter how important we think it is!)
                                Thank the person, and move on. Haranguing a reporter will rarely succeed
                                in getting you good press, but it is almost guaranteed to get you bad press.

                                   In our best-case scenario, the reporter got the press release, thought it was
                                   interesting, and thanks you for calling. At this time, you suggest a get-
                                   together with the reporter to discuss the issue, and try to set an appointment.
                                   You are on your way to local media coverage.

                                   Two notes of caution

                                   First, reporters may not always know the ins-and-outs of your issue, but     1-media.html                                                         2/21/2002
Libertarian Volunteer January/February          1998 - Turn press releases into publicity              Page 3 of3

                                   they can generally tell whether you know the ins-and-outs. Don't try to
                                   dazzle the reporter, and don't try to make things up. Marshall your facts
                                   before you meet a reporter. If you need additional information or sources,
                                   call the National LP HQ. After all, since they wrote the original press
                                   release, they can probably also tell you where to get additional information.
                                   In some cases, George Getz and Bill Winter have faxed articles to me, so
                                   that I could show my local media representative that the issue has been
                                   covered in other places. (While national journalists may want to break new
                                   stories, local journalists are often more comfortable knowing that someone
                                   else has already decided that an issue is newsworthy.)

                                   Second, when you meet with any reporter, whether for TV, radio, or
                                   newspaper, you should dress for the event! If you show up in a scruffy pair
                                   of pants and an obscene tee-shirt, you will be dismissed as a fringe element.
                                   If you look and act in a professional manner, you will be treated
                                   appropriately. Also, keep in mind that you just might end up on TV, or your
                                   photo might end up in the newspaper. If you look like a scraggly mess, then
                                   your image becomes the local LP's image. Professional business attire is
                                   always appropriate in such situations.

                                   FINAL THOUGHTS

                                   By following the Three-Step Approach, you can increase your local media
                                   presence without doing a great deal of work. And once one local media
                                   outlet picks up a story, you then want to redouble your efforts at the other

                                   For example, I had a particular story I promoted here about the Tuskegee
                                   Syphilis Experiments and Bill Clinton's "apology." At first, no local
                                   newspaper covered the issue. However, once a local TV station gave me a
                                   two-minute story, suddenly all local media wanted to hear our views.

                                   Thus, it is easy for you to help get the LP message across. Just read your e-

                   LP HOME     I PREVIOUS      ARTICLE   I NEXT   ARTICLE   I TABLE   OF CONTENTS     l-media.html                                                        212112002

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Media tips

  • 1. THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY'S SUCCESS '99 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW,Suite 100 * Washington DC 20037 * (202) 333-0008 * Media Lists How to develop a media list for your local party 3 Media H ere are four ways to develop a media list Guides In Libraries for your state or local party - ranging Most local libraries have media guides that list from the easy to the labor-intensive, phone and fax numbers for reporters, editors, and from the expensive to the free. and producers. One example: Gale's Directory of Publications & Broadcast Media, available in 1 Bacon's Directories most public libraries. Bacon's offers a comprehensive, nationwide • Contact: Your locallibrary . guide that lists 200,000+ media contacts at • Price: Free 40,000+ different outlets. CD-ROMand hard- cover books are available. Purchasers must sign 4 Research Via Phone contractual agreement not to violate property If your organization has more time than money, rights by unauthorized duplication. you can still employ the single most accurate • Contact: Bacon's at 312-922-2400. way to compile information about media in your • Price: $1,355. area: Simply pick up the phonebook and call them. In just a few hours, a small group of 2 News Media Yellow Book volunteers can compile a completely up-to-date The phonebook-sized "Yellowbook" lists list. Ask for the name of the reporter who contacts by type of media; alphabetically by handles political news, as well as the phone and personnel; by subject or specialty; and fax number, and you're in business, immediately. geographically. While less comprehensive than • Price: Free Bacon's, the Yellowbook is useful for big-city markets but considerably less effective in smaller markets. Also available on CD-ROM. • Contact: Leadership Directories at 212-627-4140 • Price: $264
  • 2. - , THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY'S SUCCESS 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW,Suite 100 '99 * Washington DC 20037 * (202) 333-0008 * wwwLPorg Media Tips 36 tips to increase your media coverage H ere are 36 tips about how to get more news, but what's news is always compelling." media coverage for your state or local Libertarian organization. These sugges- 7 Don't call journalists late in the afternoon. tions are straight from media professionals - "Try to contact reporters in the morning - the White House reporter for USA Today; the before 1 or 2:00 in the afternoon. By 4:30 or Washington correspondent for the Knight-Ridder 5:00, they're scrambling on deadline." newspaper chain; a booker from CNNcable network; and a producer for a Washington-area 8 Send releases on a:regular basis.r'If there is no consistent contact, they're going to radio station. forget about you. Regular contact is important." These tips were collected at a seminar at the National Press Club entitled: "How to Get Media 9 Try to craft your press releases as a "horror ,-.' Coverage for Your Issues and Spokesmen," sponsored by one of Washington, DC's most successful public relations firms, Creative Re- story." "That's what sells newspapers; that's. what gets TV ratings." sponse Concepts (CRC). Quotes are verbatim from 10 Put a human face on your story. "Nothing the various journalists. sells like a human face. You need to have your facts and figures, your statistics, but a human 1 Good media coverage starts with a good face will trump your facts." media fax or mail list. "There's quite a bit of turnover; keep your list up-to-date." 11 Try to localize your story. "You want to give an example of how your issue will impact 2 "It's important to have a regular list of your neighbor, your community. Many smaller contacts. Have a 'core' list that always gets your newspapers will only take stories with a local 'press wleaS1!S." an91e~'i- 3 Keep your press releases to one page. "Two -12 Avoid the beltway mentality. "We think _ pages just annoys them." what's important to us is important to the folks back home." Frequently, it isn't. 4 Write good headlines. "Make it sexy and interesting ." 13 Take your message to alternate media sources like talk radio. "There's nothing to reach 5 Use a subhead in your press release. "There is the masses like talk radio. There's nothing to get supporting evidence that a subhead will encour- your message out like talk radio." age the reader to read the first paragraph." 14 "Recycle your press clips" on a regular 6 Write about breaking news. "Piggyback on' basis to show the media that you're already headlines. What's compelling to you isn't always newsworthy.
  • 3. THE LIBERTARIAN PAR TV'S SUCCESS '99 * 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW,Suite 100 Washington DC 20037 * (202) 333-0008 * wwwtPorg Press Releases For Immediate Release Contact: Your Name and phone #. February 11, 1999 Address too, if it's not on letterhead LIBERTARIANS PUT OUT A MEDIA RELEASE (snazzy headline) Ann Arbor, Ml=:.-The-firstparagraph-contains;alLofthe~im:portant, -attention.:getting information. Who,-What, Where, When, and Why. Keep in mind that this may be all that they will read. Try to capture their attention, so that they will read further. The second paragraph contains back-up information. Remember, you are not trying to write the story for them, unless it is an extremely small publication. Put in a "quote" if you have one, but keep it as short as possible, and worth printing. (eg: "If he's afraid to debate me," Coon said, "How's he ever going to stand up to Hillary Clinton?") The last paragraph contains additional information, but remember, what you really want is for them to call you about your release, not just print what you wrote. Finish with another q-uote if you have orre. Important: NO':matter-how-much'you' have-to:-say;--keep-it:to"one'pagefDouble- spacei] possible. (Double.spacinq is nice but not mandatory.). Be spellcheck. If you absolutely have to go to a second page, and I repeat, you should not, use: -more- at the end of your first page. the symbol for the end of the release is -30-
  • 4. - THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY'S SUCCESS 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100 '99 * Washington DC 20037 * (202) 333-0008 * etter Interviews How to make your media interviews more effective Before you go on the air: When you're on the air, be sure to: (1) Create a one-sentence summary of your (1) Speak in short sentences, and avoid position. If you can't do this, chances are that jargon. Be lively and animated. Don't speak in a you aren't clear about what your position is. monotone. Remember: Radio and TV are prima- rily entertainment. If you are not (to some (2) Prepare a list of the three mainpoints _ - degree) interesting> and entertaining, you will -,you want to make. Be prepared to make these not be invited back. points several times, in slightly different ways. (2) Show your personality. Humor and the (3) Be ready to set the stage by giving a use of real-life examples will make you more 30-second description of the problem/issue. likable, and consequently, more credible. Usually, this resembles the first paragraph of any standard news story. Don't assume that the (3) Back up your opinions with facts. host/audience knows anything about the issue. (4) If you use statistics, put them in (4) Be able to explain why this issue is context, ideally by using a colorful metaphor. important to the average American, in terms _Example: "Many people say that too much that they can understand. - money is spent on political campaigns. Interest- ingly, Americans spent three times as much (5) Study your opponents' arguments. _ money in 1994 on potato chips as they did on Anticipate their criticisms. You can do this by political campaigns." preparing a list of obvious questions, then "role playing" with a friend to practice your answers. (5) Be ready to supply a Libertarian Most tough questions can be anticipated. Note: solution. Remember, criticism of an opponent's -Vl-hen-cuming trp with=torrqh": questrorrs; -]JON'T position Is-only a: vehicle throug-h'whkh We-can think like a Libertarian! Think like a Republican present our ideas. or Democrat. While on the air, don't ... 6) Be prepared for seemingly easy open- ----ended questions=-owhichcan be more difficult (l)Say/~um." One way to avoid-it is to than you expect. Examples of common open- pause for a second before answering a question ended questions: "Tell us why this is an impor- in order to gather your thoughts. tant issue." "Why are Libertarians concerned (2) Engage in an argument with the host or about this issue?" "Tell us a little about the callers. Calmly and politely explain your position Libertarian Party." and attempt to answer any objections, but if a caller becomes combative, you might just say, "I can see that we're going to have to agree to disagree on this issue. Let's move on ... /1
  • 5. - THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY'S SUCCESS'99 * 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW,Suite 100 Washington DC 20037 * (202) 333-0008 * Fill this out before doing any radio or TV interview Media Outlet Interviewer Interviewer's Title and/or Speciality Prior attitude [if known]: 0 Receptive/friendly 0 Hostile 0 Unknown 0 Other: ~------------------ Type of interview [live, taped, etc.]: Main topic: ... our key theme or message: Y Best/most important quote: THREE "MUST AIR" POINTS .~ 1. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Example or proof: 2. Example or proof: 3. Example or proof: THREE MOST DIFFICULT QUESTIONS 1.--miestlon: Response 2. Question: Response 3. Question: Response BACKGROUND: THE FIVE "W's" and "H" Who: What: When: Where: Why; How:
  • 6. THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY'S SUCCESS'99 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW,Suite 100 * Washington DC 20037 * (202) 333-0008 * www.LPorg t Media _______ Do's and Don'ts when dealing with print journalists N othing is an absolute when media are two days or less, so if a reporter can't reach you involved. Nothing is a given when fairly quickly, your view might not get in. elections come along. However, candi- • DON'T badger journalists about cover- dates can really help themselves out by follow- age. They don't mind taking a call asking legiti- ing a few mostly common-sense steps in their mate questions, or announcing real news, but dealings with print (and other) media. anything less gets bothersome. (Editors and • DO realize that media organizations are reporters-take many. calls a day, and they they made up of individuals. It's important to learn still.have to get a lot-of writing done, too.) who needs your press releases and who .needs ··00be patient during an interview when your photos; they may be different people. reporters mix up who you are, which office you • DON'T assume the Editorial Page depart- are seeking, or some other detail. That same ment is connected to the News Department. At reporter probably is covering five or six small most papers, they have nothing to do with each and large races, each with two or three candi- other, so feeding your news-related releases to dates, many of whom he or she likely spoke with the Editorial Page doesn't do you much good. just hours or minutes before speaking with you. • DO make sure everything you send the (However, make sure the reporter has the detail paper is typed. Unfair as it might be, handwritten correct before the interview is over.) releases don't get top priority. The people who • DON'T try to trick, dazzle, impress or have to type them in dislike having to decipher. belittle the reporter. Be yourself, talking to • DO have nice color and black-and-white someone just trying to do a job well. Speak photos made. This becomes more important with clearly and directly. Reporters aren't trying to less visible offices, which are less likely to unearth some terrible secret when they inter- inY2ly~ _d~~a!~s_or_p~})lic_pj)~~rClnce~._A_ies:~nt- a c viel'l_You_apollt tltE:r~ce;Jhey ju.§t_V'!aI1tqocd, quality publicity photo lends credibility. Make concise answers that they can relay in print. sure the appropriate person at the paper has at That said, if a reporter does ask hard questions, least one copy in color and in black and white. remember that's part of his job, too. More than one copy never hurts. • DON'T-make assumptions about the ·00 get a Web page, and put on it the political. persuasions of the News Department( s). important things you want people to see: Your Editorial Page departments are supposed to have views on major issues, background details, a a political bias. But News Departments aim to photo. Links to other sites sponsored by your remain as neutral as possible. Individual reporters party. Make sure the Web address is prominent can and do belong to political parties, but they on any materials you hand out. aren't supposed to favor one view over another. • DO be available for interviews. • DON'T delay returning phone calls from [Written by Mark Thompsen-Kolar. the Assistant reporters. Stories usually are turned around in Managing Editor, News-Sentinel, Fort Wayne, IN]
  • 7. Libertarian Volunteer January/February 1998 - Turn press releases into publicity Pagelof3 January/February 1998 Turn press releases into publicity Activist Library Manuals and Garnering more local media: A proven three- Handbooks step process Libertarian Volunteer By Scott Kjar, Libertarian Party of Alabama. I log on, check my e-mail, and somehow end up on the local news. I read my e-mail, and a few days later I see my name in print. I download my e- mail, and my picture appears in the local paper. Is there something magical about my e-mail? Yes! The magic in my e-mail comes to me from the National Libertarian Party. But more on that later ... STEP ONE Before I can get local media coverage, I have to know what local media outlets are available. This step is actually pretty easy" The phone book! I pick up the local phone book, go to the Yellow Pages, and I start looking up headings like "Newspapers," "Radio Stations," "Television Broadcast Stations," "Magazines," and "Publications." From there, I write down the name of each media outlet, its address, and its phone number. If possible, you should pick up a copy of the newspapers and magazines, and see who writes their political material. Watch the television news and ..- --s~h.Q-GQ¥€-r-s-th-€l-p0l-i-t-iea-l-s-t:0ri-e&--Listen--t-o-th-e-radl-o-stat-i-ons-and-finu-out who handles the political beat. Or, just call them! That's right, you can call the local media outlets, ask them who handles politics, and then record the name. (And while you've got the receptionist on the phone, ask for their fax number!) Once you've got your local media list created, you'll want to figure out a good way to keep track of it. If you have a computer, record the information in a database. If not, you can type the information onto a sheet of paper. Do it in the size of a label, so that you can photocopy your page directly onto a sheet of labels, then just peel them off and stick them on envelopes when you need them. (For media outlets with fax machines, often a fax is the fastest, cheapest, and most convenient route to take. I have the fax number of the local I-media.html 2/21/2002
  • 8. Libertarian Volunteer January/February 1998 - Turn press releases into publicity Page 2 of3 newspaper programmed into my own fax machine, so I can get info out within seconds.) STEP TWO I mentioned the magic e-mail that I get from the National LP. You see, the National LP sends out e-mail press releases every few days. These are items that the national LP HQ has already sent out to national media, such as the Washington Post, or NBC. However, it's a pretty good bet that the National HQ has not sent them to the Opelika-Auburn News (my local daily paper), or to the Tuskegee News (a weekly paper in the next county). That's where I step in. You see, I simply take the National LP press release, download it into Microsoft Word, put it into an attractive font, add my own name as a local contact (while leaving the national LP contact information also on the release), and print it out. I don't have to worry about whether my press release is well written -- it already is. I'm not concerned about whether I am following the rules of putting together a release, or in have given too much or too little information. After all, the people who write these at the national HQ -- Communications Director Bill Winter and Press Secretary George Getz -- are professionals who do this for a living. All I need to be able to do is print it, and mail (or fax) it. STEP THREE Once in a while, steps one and two are sufficient, and a local media representative calls me and asks for an interview. Usually, though, a little follow-up is required. So, I go back to my press list, I pick up the phone, and I call the person to whom I sent the press release. I ask if they received the release, and if they would like more information. Sometimes, the person did not receive it. (This usually means they saw it, threw it away, and forgot about it.) Offer to re-fax it to them, and call them back in a half-hour. Other times, theperson did receive it, but is not interested in the story. -'fh-atsokay.-Repoftefssee a 10fOY potentIal-slones every Gay~and-most 'of them never get covered. That's right, most of them never get covered! There is a finite amount of space in a newspaper and on TV news -- and it isn't possible to cover every story (no matter how important we think it is!) Thank the person, and move on. Haranguing a reporter will rarely succeed in getting you good press, but it is almost guaranteed to get you bad press. In our best-case scenario, the reporter got the press release, thought it was interesting, and thanks you for calling. At this time, you suggest a get- together with the reporter to discuss the issue, and try to set an appointment. You are on your way to local media coverage. Two notes of caution First, reporters may not always know the ins-and-outs of your issue, but 1-media.html 2/21/2002
  • 9. Libertarian Volunteer January/February 1998 - Turn press releases into publicity Page 3 of3 they can generally tell whether you know the ins-and-outs. Don't try to dazzle the reporter, and don't try to make things up. Marshall your facts before you meet a reporter. If you need additional information or sources, call the National LP HQ. After all, since they wrote the original press release, they can probably also tell you where to get additional information. In some cases, George Getz and Bill Winter have faxed articles to me, so that I could show my local media representative that the issue has been covered in other places. (While national journalists may want to break new stories, local journalists are often more comfortable knowing that someone else has already decided that an issue is newsworthy.) Second, when you meet with any reporter, whether for TV, radio, or newspaper, you should dress for the event! If you show up in a scruffy pair of pants and an obscene tee-shirt, you will be dismissed as a fringe element. If you look and act in a professional manner, you will be treated appropriately. Also, keep in mind that you just might end up on TV, or your photo might end up in the newspaper. If you look like a scraggly mess, then your image becomes the local LP's image. Professional business attire is always appropriate in such situations. FINAL THOUGHTS By following the Three-Step Approach, you can increase your local media presence without doing a great deal of work. And once one local media outlet picks up a story, you then want to redouble your efforts at the other outlets. For example, I had a particular story I promoted here about the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments and Bill Clinton's "apology." At first, no local newspaper covered the issue. However, once a local TV station gave me a two-minute story, suddenly all local media wanted to hear our views. Thus, it is easy for you to help get the LP message across. Just read your e- mail! LP HOME I PREVIOUS ARTICLE I NEXT ARTICLE I TABLE OF CONTENTS l-media.html 212112002