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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Have you ever felt the need to wash your hands again, even though you just did so seconds earlier?
Or maybe felt intense anxiety over everyday tasks, such as sending a letter and believing you may
have misspelled a word. You may feel that this is just a personal issue, but in reality, many people all
over the world share the same thoughts and feelings. Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder, or more
commonly called OCD, as defined by (Obsessive, 2010), is a type of mental illness that causes
repeated unwanted thoughts. This common disorder can be found in nearly every region and culture
around the world, so even though one dealing with it may feel alone, the person sitting right beside
them could easily be suffering from something similar. According to (How Many People, 2012),
their best estimates found that one within every one hundred adults, or nearly two to three million
adults just within the United States suffer from some type of Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder. Also,
they found that at least one within every two hundred children and teenagers, or five hundred
thousand in the United States only, also deal with this disorder. That number parallels with the
amount of children in the United States who have diabetes. To show the commonality of OCD in our
society, it's important to know specific cases of well–known people; especially for those who do feel
alone in their feelings. According to (Famous, 2014), world renowned soccer player, David
Beckham, is one of the most highly
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is not a very common disorder, but it does affect many people in
the world. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a disorder characterized by intrusive and unwanted but
uncontrollable thought (obsessions) that lead to repeated behaviors (compulsions). OCD might
sound like a scary disorder that may hurt or harm you in some way, but it is a safer disorder to your
body. It affects the orbitofrontal cortex, the anterior cingulate cortex, the striatum, and the thalamus,
of the front and deep parts of the brain. OCD can be characterized into four areas that are:
Contamination/Mental Contamination
Rumination/Intrusive Thoughts
(Baldridge and Piotrowski, Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder) (The Different Types ... Show more
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The symptoms are compulsive behavior, agitation, compulsive hoarding, hypervigilance,
impulsivity, meaningless repetition of own words, repetitive movements, ritualistic behaviors, social
isolation, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, and food aversion. The symptoms may not harm a
person severely, but they may make the person want to harm themselves. People with OCD will
have fears of things, such as germs, dirt, and other toxins, that are not normal to them. These fears
may force people to do unnecessary things, like clean obsessively, making everything perfect to
them, and not wanting to go anywhere that may have toxins. (Baldridge and Piotrowski, Obsessive–
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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Introduction Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is an abnormal disorder that is accompanied by
the presence of obsessions, compulsions, or both (5th ed.; DSM–5). The obsession is an idea, image,
or impulse, whilst the compulsion is the resulting behavior, often an attempt to contend with the
anxiety that results from their obsession; obsessions consist of thoughts or images particularly
distressing for the individual to endure, and therefore compel the individual to engage in abnormal
behavior – compulsions – to alleviate the anxiety that results from said distress (Thomas–
Cottingham, Ph.D., 2004). However, the alleviation provided by the compulsion is only temporarily,
ergo the individual must perform the behaviors repeatedly; common compulsive ... Show more
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Finke and Jonathan Bettle act according to principle, highly structured in the way they approach
most situations. Unlike what Finke and Bettle dub as "chaotic thinkers" – those of whom are
attracted to uncertain and spontaneous situations – ordered thinkers "tend to be more concerned with
structuring and organizing things, thus avoiding excessive stimulation, which is usually perceived as
a distraction" (Finke and Bettle, 1996). As ordered thinkers, people who suffer from OCD "go to
extreme lengths to avoid doing anything wrong" (Carter, 1998, p. 60). Often obsessed with morality
and scrupulously honest, OCD patients are often subject to absurd lengths in order to fulfill the
satisfaction of their own
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Analysis
Obsessive compulsive disorder is when a person has unwanted thoughts and fears that can lead to
continuous actions and behaviors. In the beginning of this disorder, you may not understand or
realize that these actions or obsessions are anything to worry about. However, as OCD progresses
your anxiety will grow and cause physical, emotional, and mental problems. Your mind makes you
think that you need to do these compulsive actions so that the stress and anxiety will leave and you
will feel better. Examples of OCD behavior might be the fear of being contaminated with germs and
you need to wash your hands over and over again (Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), 2015).
When it comes to obsessive compulsive disorder, there will be many symptoms
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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsessive–compulsive disorder is the fourth most prevalent psychiatric disorder in the
United States. OCD is characterized by unreasonable thoughts and fears that lead people who suffer
from the disease to do repetitive behaviors. People who suffer the disease may or may not realize
that their personal obsessions aren't reasonable, and may try to ignore them or stop them.
Unfortunately, this only leads to an increase in distress and anxiety. OCD often usually include both
obsessions and compulsions. However, it is possible for a person to have obsessive or compulsive
symptoms. About one–third of people with obsessive–compulsive disorder also suffer from a
disorder that includes sudden, brief, intermittent movements or sounds. Also, OCD
obsessions ... Show more content on ...
A majority of the male subjects tested indicated a early onset of symptoms and chronic course of the
disorder, greater social impairment, more sexual and aggressive symptoms, and substance use
disorder. Female patients displayed symptoms of cleaning/contamination and eating and impure–
control disorders. Studies have also shown the an earlier onset of obsessive–compulsive disorder
among males, compared to females. An
approximate amount of one third of adults' refer symptom onset in their childhood; among children,
two thirds of the studies were boys. OCD cases with an early onset is very severe, sharing a
similarity to schizophrenia. Gender maybe a relevant fact to determine OCD. Although the reasons
why OCD differs from genders is not entirely clear, many researchers have speculated that it results
from both psychological influences and biological. Among the biological factors, sex linked genetic
features and hormonal differences. In the psychological aspect, social roles that center around
gender may affect the content of obsessions and compulsions. Age appears to be a more genetic
characteristic that is influenced by a family history of OCD, the occurrence of aggressive and sexual
symptoms may influence
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Essay On Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
The Diagnosis and Treatment of Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder
There are many factors to consider in the evaluation and treatment of Obsessive–compulsive
disorder (OCD). This paper will discuss the strategies that have proven most effective in treating the
disorder, including: drug therapy, cognitive therapy, and family–based therapy. It will focus on the
benefits of flexibility, emphasizing combination therapy, especially with cognitive–behavioral
therapy (CBT).
Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) has become an increasingly familiar disorder within the
world of health and medicine. The recurring obsessions and compulsions associated with the
disorder seem quite easy to identify, yet the acknowledgement of OCD in children had ... Show
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In this method, patients are guided into conscious confrontation with the objects and situations that
serve as the triggers of their obsessive fears. Following exposure, patients are taught how to abstain
from the obsessive habits that they have constructed to relieve their anxieties. This treatment is quite
similar to conditioning in that the response prevention immediately follows the exposure,
maximizing the reinforcement effectiveness of the therapy. The idea behind this treatment is that
repeated exposure to the anxiety–producing stimulus leads to the patient's habituation and
progression in overcoming the disorder. "Additionally, the realization that obsessive fears do not
materialize during ERP appears to reduce the potency of the obsessions" (Wagner, 2000).
The second form of CBT that has proven to be successful is the RIDE theory. In this theory,
encounters and enactments of OCD symptoms are broken down into four different stages: R, I, D,
and E. In the R stage, individuals are taught to recognize OCD thoughts as impractical to the child's
normal being. By doing this they could realize their urges and take the necessary steps in dismissing
them from their consciousness. Once they have done this they are taught the I stage. In this stage
they must insist that they are in fact in control of their behavior. This assertion puts them in the
driver's seat where they
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive–compulsive disorder is a frequent, lifelong, and crippling disorder that is present in
several medical settings. However it is under–recognised and undertreated, and for many years,
obsessive–compulsive neurosis had been seen as a disorder that provided an important outlook on
the workings of the unconscious mind. Today, "obsessive–compulsive disorder is viewed as a good
example of a neuropsychiatric disorder, mediated by pathology in specific neuronal circuits, and
responsive to specific pharmacotherapeutic and psychotherapeutic interventions". In the future we
hope to expect a more precise picture of the origins of the disorder, with the use of data collected
from neuroanatomical, neurochemical, neuropathological, neurogenetic, ... Show more content on ...
The purpose of the study was to assess the effect of additional memantine in a double–blind,
random, and placebo–controlled study of the treatment of patients who suffered from OCD. Method
A, with a total of 40 inpatients (32 females (80 %); mean age=31.25 years) suffering from OCD
were randomly assigned to a treatment (administration of additional memantine) or a control group
(which was the placebo). The treatment had lasted for 12 consecutive weeks, and all patients were
treated with selective serotonin inhibitors, or clomipramine. The patients had to complete the Yale–
Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale four times. Some experts' ratings had composed a clinical
global impression (clinical global impressions (CGI), of illness severity and illness improvement;
two to three times). "Liver enzymes SGOT and SGPT were also assessed (twice)". The results, out
of the 40 patients approached, 29 had completed the 12 consecutive weeks of the study and the 11
ended up being dropouts. Six of the patients were in the target group and five secluded in the control
group. The symptoms significantly had decreased across the period of the study, but particularly in
the treatment compared with the control group '(significant time×group interaction)'. Illness severity
(CGI severity)
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, also called OCD is found in many children today. The disorder is
treatable. Although today OCD is able to be treated and managed, the disorder for a long time was
not understood well. Parents of the child with OCD play a huge part in treatment. (thesis) The
research paper conveys what to expect from a child who has OCD, the parent's role in treating it,
treatments to manage each day with OCD, and how to help children through cognitive behavioral
therapy to treat the disorder.
Main Question
How can parents and children learn to live and deal with OCD?
Sub Questions
What is OCD, and how is it diagnosed?
What should parents expect after their child is diagnosed? ... Show more content on
Most children with OCD have obsessive thoughts and therefore do compulsive actions. Because of
this, they waste a lot of their day on compulsive actions and are told to hurry up and are rushed on
other things. Since they are rushed they get stressed out and then don't sleep enough at night because
they are stressing out about the next day. Children sometimes wake up early in the morning so they
can do their compulsive actions and will have time to do it. Children often develop social problems
due to their OCD. Either because their compulsive actions take up so much of their time or because
of their obsessions give them a fear of getting close to others. Children with OCD sometimes
develop depression or think low of themselves. They think that they are weird because of their
OCD. Children with OCD also get aggravated when people interrupt their the child's compulsive
ritual. (Chansky, 2000). The most difficult symptoms that one with OCD encounters is family
conflict. OCD is an annoying and confusing disorder. A child who has OCD has obsessions,
compulsions, and rituals which affect the family. Sometimes siblings may feel embarrassed by them.
Many times the child's family members don't understand OCD enough so they don't have
compassion. They may also get mad at their parents for not fixing it. Parents need to explain OCD to
the other siblings since it affects the whole family. All family members
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a serious illness that can change people life in tremendous ways.
OCD is when someone constantly focuses on the same thought or does something multiple times to
calm them down. Obsessions are known as unwanted, annoying thoughts, images, or urges that
causes a severe troublesome feeling. Compulsions is an OCD repetitive behavior someone uses to
calm down to make the obsession go away. People with OCD constantly have to wash their hands,
do something at a specific time every day, or even opening a door 3 times before coming in or
leaving. The cause of this disorder is dependent on biological factors, environmental factors such as
experiences and surroundings in childhood and constant patterns built over time.
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Essay On Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a prevalent disorder in the population affecting 1 to 17%
of the population (Silverman, Ginsburg, & Kurtines, 1995). It is characterized by repetition of
thoughts that cause significant distress to the individual along with compulsory behavior, whether
overt or covert intended to alleviate the feelings of distress (American Psychiatric Association
[APA], 2000). Obsessive–compulsive disorder is not only debilitating to the diagnosed individual
but it affects the diagnosed individual's family members as well (Silverman, Ginsburg, & Kurtines,
1995). Due to the disorder's impactful nature on the family, treatment often entails that of family
members (Silverman et al., 1995). Keeping in mind the prevalence ... Show more content on ...
Often times, family members of the diagnosed member, lack knowledge around their diagnosis and
struggle in finding the best way to cope (Noppen et al., 1997). With psycho–education, family
members come into awareness of the ways they have altered their ways of living to accommodate
the distress experienced by the diagnosed individual. (McFarlane, 2004). As an example, individuals
struggling with OCD might engaged in seeking reassurance from family members, making requests
to avoid certain places, items, and situations, resulting in the family member continuously thinking
in terms of reassurances along with adapting new ways to help the diagnosed individual to avoid the
negative stimulus (Calamari et al., 2011). Specific psycho–education can be provided to family
regarding OCD, such as, the interrelation between thoughts, feelings and behaviors, how OCD
compulsions are maintained through avoidance behaviors, and the process of treatment through
learning relaxation techniques followed by gradual exposure (Silverman et al., 1995). With new
awareness, the family is now able to let go of the burden of accommodation, while helping the
diagnosed member on their road to
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a disorder that can affect children and adults. In order to
fully understand OCD, many different areas of the disorder must be reviewed. First, OCD will be
defined and the diagnosis criteria will be discussed. Secondly the prevalence of the disorder will be
considered. The different symptoms, behaviors and means of treatment are also important aspects
that will be discussed in order to develop a clearer understanding of the implications of obsessive
compulsive disorder.
Diagnosis Criteria of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder:
When discussing the diagnosis of OCD one should consider two parts of the definition. The first
part of the disorder is obsessive which is described by the DSM as ... Show more content on ...
"For many years, OCD was thought to be rare. Some recent studies show that as many as 3 million
Americans ages 18 to 54 may have OCD at any one time. This is about 2.3% of the people in this
age group. OCD affects men and women equally" (, 2008, how common section,
para.1). OCD has increased throughout the past years of study. "Although OCD was once
considered a rare condition, recent research suggests that as many as 1% of the population under 18
shows signs of this disorder" (Rynn, 2008, OCD section, para. 2). According to Mental Health,
"Estimates of prevalence range from 0.2 to 0.8 percent in children, and up to 2% of adolescents
(Flament et al., 1998)" (Mental Health, 2001, OCD section, para.1)). According to Anxiety
Disorders, "As many as one in 100 children may suffer from OCD. The peak for diagnosis of OCD
in children is ten years old, although it can strike children as young as two or three. Boys are more
likely to develop OCD before puberty, while girls tend to develop it during adolescence, when the
numbers become even. OCD tends to occur in families (Anxiety Disorder, 2008). "Community
studies of children and adolescents have estimated a lifetime prevalence of 1%–2.3% and a 1–year
prevalence of 0.7%. Research indicates that prevalence rates of Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder are
similar in many different cultures around the world" (DSM, 2000,
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Paper
Symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder "Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is
characterized by obsessions or compulsions". ( Kring, Johnson, Davison,& Neal 2014) The
obsession individuals with OCD experiences are excessive and it affects individuals with
functioning normally in their everyday life. According to Kring et al., (2014 ) obsessions are
intrusive and recurring thoughts, images, or impulses that are persistent and uncontrollable and often
appear irrational to the person experiencing them. Compulsions are when someone has to do the
same repetitive behavior in order to relieve distress of what is in their thoughts. People with this
disorder also feel anxious and have other anxiety disorders. "Though OCD was considered a type of
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OCD is a brain disorder that may be caused by incorrect information processing. The three areas in
the brain that are looked at are the Orbitofrontal cortex ,which is located in the prefrontal cortex
above the eye, the caudate nucleus located near the basal ganglia, and the anterior cingulate cortex
located in the front of the corpus callosum. Kring et al., (2014 ) states, the activity in these three
places increase when people with OCD are shown objects that provoke symptoms. Other factors
such as genetic, behavioral, environmental, and cognitive factors can trigger the disorder in an
individual . It is not known which specific gene is inherited, but if a family member has OCD, their
is a chance a child can have it. "Children who have family members with OCD have a greater
chance of developing OCD early in life". ( One might have been conditioned as a
young child to fear or become obsess by learning from ones' parent, which is the behavioral factor .
The environmental factor can be caused because of a traumatic experience such as getting an illness
like the flu. This type of traumatic experience can trigger OCD in a person in order to prevent from
getting the illness again. The cognitive factor can cause individuals not knowing when to stop their
obsessive thoughts and behaviors. According to Kring et al., (2014), people with OCD suffer in
having a deficit in knowing when to stop their thoughts and behavior. They fail to gain the internal
sense of completion , which it is defined as
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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
What is obsessive–compulsive disorder?
Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a chronic psychiatric condition characterized by
obsession, compulsion, or both. The condition typically affects individuals during childhood or
adolescence and often continues until adulthood. Obsessions are characterized by intrusive thought
or urges that lead to anxiety and distress. Compulsions are repetitive behaviors that the person feels
compelled to accomplish according to set rules.
Patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder often have coexisting psychiatric disorders such as
depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. Symptoms may lead to significant social and functional
impairment. Due to the importance of this ... Show more content on ...
Most of these medications typically take at least 2 weeks to a month for individuals to notice any
symptomatic improvement. They should be trialed for at least 6 weeks in most cases. Refractory
obsessive–compulsive disorder may require the use of antipsychotic drugs such as Risperdal
Obsessive compulsive disorder is a chronic a psychiatric condition characterized by obsession,
compulsion, or both. It is likely caused by genetic and environmental factors.
Studies show that a network in the brain called the cortico–striato–thalamo–cortical circuit
contributes to the pathogenesis of the disease.
The condition typically affects individuals during childhood or adolescence and often continues
until adulthood.
Obsession are characterized by intrusive thought or urges that lead to anxiety and distress.
Compulsion are repetitive behaviors that the person feels compelled to accomplish according to set
The diagnosis of obsessive compulsive disorder is based on criteria set by the diagnostic and
statistical manual of mental
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder in which people experience intense
obsessions and compulsive behaviors, often out of a belief that if they do not complete these actions
than something horrible will occur. The compulsions are ritualized actions used as a way to reduce
the anxiety caused by obsessions. OCD is a type of anxiety disorder that affects the sexes equally
and can range from mild to severe, getting to a point where people affected spend much of their day
completing these obsessions and behaviors. It is often referred to as the "disease of doubt" because
those affected are often aware that their obsessions are irrational but carry them out regardless out of
fear they may be warranted.
People with OCD suffer
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An Example Of Obsessive Compulsive Disor
All human beings have certain routines and habits that allow them to stay safe, healthy, and clean.
However, people like Lisa, who experience some unwanted and intrusive obsessions, along with
repetitive routines and behaviors, suffer from OCD, or obsessive compulsive disorder. In order for
them to ease their anxiety, they perform these activities to an extent that they affect their daily lives.
Sometimes this is done in order to lessen certain worries or fears, and others in order to avoid
injuring someone or causing damage to something. While patients with OCD understand that their
behavior is not rational and has no logic, they are unable to control it or stop it. Examples of some
obsessions that may lead to compulsions are an excessive
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Essay on Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive–compulsive disorder, commonly known as OCD, is a type of anxiety disorder and was
one of the three original neuroses as defined by Freud. It is characterized by "recurrent, persistent,
unwanted, and unpleasant thoughts (obsessions) or repetitive, purposeful ritualistic behaviors that
the person feels driven to perform (compulsions)." (1) The prime feature that differentiates OCD
from other obsessive or compulsive disorders is that the sufferer understands the irrationality or
excess of the obsessions and compulsions, but is unable to stop them. What differentiates people
with OCD from other usually healthy people with milder forms of obsession and compulsion is the
fact that the obsessions ... Show more content on ...
(1) (2) (5)
The most common presentation of OCD is washing. The person is compelled to wash their hands
many times a day and have constant thoughts of dirt, germs, and contamination. The person may
spend up to several hours each day washing their hands or showering, and generally attempts to
avoid items that they perceive as sources of contamination. (1)
A second subtype of the disorder is extreme doubt joined with compulsive checking; while some
sufferers are preoccupied with symmetry, most people exhibiting this subtype are concerned with
the safety of others. While checking something, such as the status of an appliance, would alleviate
the doubt of a typical person, when a person with OCD checks something, their doubt is often
heightened and often leads to even more checking. (1)
Those with OCD are usually quite aware of their irrational or extreme fears and behaviors, but are
unable to control them. Because such behavior seen in OCD sufferers is often considered "crazy,"
otherwise normal people who suffer from OCD are often driven to hide their symptoms. Many are
able to do so with remarkable success, as they are normal in all other aspects of their lives. The
tendency to hide such behavior may be the reason of the recent epidemiological studies that show an
incidence rate of around 2%, rather than the previously thought 0.05%. On
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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsessive–compulsive disorder is a personality disorder characterized by a constant, pervasive
anxiety and the repetitive completion of tasks in an attempt to assuage that anxiety. The tasks
completed most often include obsessive washing or cleaning, checking the status of some external
factor, like locks or stoves, and counting features of the environment, like stairs or nearby objects.
Together, cleaning and checking comprise up to 75% of those who suffer from OCD. For the
purpose of this paper, only these two common facets of OCD will be discussed in conjunction with
memory. Those with OCD often exhibit a certain amount of doubt about their memory efficacy and
accuracy, compounded by the compulsion to verify observations (Klumpp, Amir,
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Analysis
A term which is not only being misused nowadays, but also thrown around very casually in
everyday conversation : Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. This disorder has been broken down into
two forms : Obsessions and Compulsions. Obsessions are the recurrent thoughts that cause
disturbance to the victim's thought process. On the other hand, compulsions are the uncontrollable
desires to perform certain functions. By performing these tasks, the victim is able to get rid of the
thought that mentally disturbing."A mental disorder is a syndrome characterized by clinically
significant disturbance in an individual's cognition, emotion regulation, or behavior that reflects a
dysfunction in the psychological, biological, or developmental processes underlying mental
functioning," (The New Definition of a Mental Disorder) according to the DSM–V. An example of
such a disorder is O.C.D. or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Victims of this disorder are trapped in
cycles of unfavorable thoughts and have impulsive and involuntary desires to perform series of
actions. This is done to break a chain of disturbing thoughts. After reading this article, I infer that
mental disorders are avoidance mechanisms, a way to escape from life's issues. Any individual
going for a check up ... Show more content on ...
In 1994, for example, the diagnostic threshold for bipolar disorder was lowered to cover people
without full–blown mania (instead, they have elevated moods that doctors call hypomania, but
which Greenberg describes as exuberance). As a result, bipolar diagnoses soared, as did
prescriptions for mood stabilisers and antipsychotic drugs, which in the US were for the first time
being advertised directly to the public. "Suddenly, everyone and his brother was bipolar," says
Greenberg. About six million people are now diagnosed as bipolar in the US, and in the UK, it's one
in 100"
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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder(OCD), according to the American Psychiatric Association, is
defined as "an anxiety disorder in which time–consuming obsessions and compulsions significantly
interfere with a person's routine, making it difficult to work or to have a normal social life." This, in
layman's terms, is simply unwanted thoughts, and actions that cause anxiety, impairment, or distress
at the job, in relationships and in society. The most common types of OCD are categorized by:
Checking, which refers to an intrusive thought that if one does not check, for example, stove knobs,
or if the lights are off, that something bad may occur. This leads one to the compulsion to check
such things, and in doing so relieves the anxiety one may have ... Show more content on ...
Their research alludes to the idea that children with incompetent parents are required to assume
important responsibilities at a young age (I.e. caring for siblings, or themselves). When this is
developed, the child begins to identify every mistake, whether the child had any control in the
matter or not, as a result of his wrong–doing. This matter is often reinforced by the parents as well,
because they use the child as a scapegoat for any negative dilemma that arises. People with this type
of upbringing can lead one to set unreachable standards that lead one to feel as if they failed.
Although, much of this behavior caused by the sense of exaggerated responsibility is used for
preventing negative outcomes, opposed to them promoting their success. Under all of this, one is
likely to develop Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder due to the fact that they form an extreme need to
do no harm,which degrades in to obsessive thoughts of foreboding. In return, this leads one to act
upon their obsessive thoughts in the form of compulsions to relieve such thoughts, because
succumbing to their compulsions prevents the "occurrence of negative events", according to Dr.
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a psychological condition that is characterized by
uneasiness, excessive worry, anxiety, obsessions, compulsions and the need to eliminate the triggers
that are causing your angst. Obsessions are described as troubling beliefs, feelings, images and/or
impulses that cause unwanted anguish and do not subside on their own, while compulsions, also
known as "rituals," are the coping mechanisms that you use to ease your anxiety and reduce your
obsessive impulses.
It is important to remember that compulsions only relieve your obsessions temporarily. In fact,
compulsive behaviors can actually increase your risk of experiencing re–occurring obsessions and
compulsions. In other words, your compulsive behaviors ... Show more content on
This approach to OCD treatment consists of counseling sessions and outside homework, which is
beneficial for helping you confront and conquer you OCD both in session and in the real world. As
your anxiety decreases, your urge to perform compulsive behaviors will also decrease.
For instance: if you normally check the door 15 times before you leave for work, your therapist will
be assign you outside homework (a weaning schedule), in which you only check the door 14 times
for the first month, 13 times the next month and so on until you are only checking the door once
before you leave for work. The purpose of exposure & response prevention therapy is to retrain your
brain so that you no longer have obsessions and compulsions. This treatment approach teaches you
how to trust your instincts and conquer your fears.
Once you finish exposure & response prevention therapy, your obsessions will decrease in
frequency and strength because they will no longer be reinforced by your compulsive behaviors. In
addition, when you expose yourself to the things you fear, your obsessions will weaken until you no
longer experience anxiety when you are confronted with challenging situations. Furthermore, with
time, practice and therapy, you will no longer be triggered by the same stimulus that you once were
and you will be able to better manage your OCD
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is abbreviated with OCD; it is an anxiety disorder that affects many
people all over the world. OCD is a type of anxiety disorder that affects the brain and the behavior
of a person. Someone who has OCD can experience frequent, upsetting thoughts called obsessions.
Trying to control the thoughts, you can feel very overwhelmed resulting in an urge to repeat certain
rituals or behaviors, these are called compulsions. Researchers think brain circuits may not work
properly in people who have OCD. It tends to run in families. The symptoms often begin in children
or teens. Examples of obsessions are a fear of germs or a fear of being hurt. Compulsions include
washing your hands, counting, checking on things, or cleaning. ... Show more content on ...
Serotonin is one of the brains many chemical messengers or neurotransmitters that allow one nerve
cell to communicate with another nerve cell, also called neurons. Clomipramine (Anafranil) has a
number of different chemical properties, including the ability to latch on to the serotonin reuptake
pump and prevent the movement of serotonin into its home neuron. Medications such as
clomipramine which block the serotonin pump are referred to as serotonin reuptake SRI's have been
shown effective in treating OCD, including fluvoxamine (Luvox), fluoxetine (prozac), sertraline
(Zoloft) and paroxetine
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsessive compulsive disorder was once thought to be a rare disorder. In this paper, we will explore
the symptoms and signs of OCD to give a good understanding on how to recognize this disorder. We
also will research the tools professionals use to diagnose OCD and innovative treatments used for
coping with the debilitating symptoms.
Obsessive compulsive disorder or OCD, is characterized as having symptoms of uncontrollable
obsessions that lead the individual to experience symptoms of anxiety. The patient then experiences
compulsions in attempt to relieve the anxiety. People with OCD experience repeat behaviors or
thoughts that interfere with completing basic daily activities and tasks. The disorders symptoms
debilitate the patient's ... Show more content on ...
2016). The NIMH estimated that 2.3% of the adult American population with lifetime OCD is
managing the disorder which is 3.3 million adults, fifty percent of these cases were reported to be
severe. In adulthood, men and women alike are equally affected by the disorder which is averagely
diagnosed at age 19. The incidence rate of OCD is 1 in 43 or 2.30% or 6.3 million people in the
U.S.A. Childhood OCD is more common and earlier onset in males than females. Ninety percent of
respondents to the NCS–R survey were afflicted with other anxiety, mood, impulse–control or
substance abuse disorders (Statistics About Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. 2015). There was no
data available to determine if race was a factor in the prevalence of
... Get more on ...
Essay On Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder, a common disorder, refers to the excessive, unreasonable, and
intrusive obsessions or compulsions, which cause distress to an individual. Obsessions are intrusive
thoughts, persistent ideas, and impulses that invade an individual's consciousness. On the other
hand, compulsions are rigid and repetitive, or "rituals" that an individual must perform in order to
prevent anxiety. In fact, this disorder is classified as an anxiety disorder because the obsessions
cause great anxiety to the individual, while the compulsions are aimed at reducing the anxiety
(National Institute of Mental Health). Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder affects about 2.2 million
adults in the US, sticking men and women equally, and usually appears in childhood, adolescence,
or early adulthood (National Institute of Mental Health). One–third of adults develop symptoms as
... Show more content on ...
Other causes include abnormal serotonin activity and abnormal brain structure and functioning. Low
activity of serotonin, a brain chemical whose role is carrying messages from neuron to neuron,
presents itself as one of the causes for Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder. Although abnormal
serotonin activity explains Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder, a recent study suggests that other
neurotransmitters, such as, dopamine, glutamate, and GABA, are likely to be linked to this disorder
(Maia & Cano–Colino, 2015). Moreover, research suggests that Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder is
linked to abnormal functioning by specific regions of the brain, such as the orbitofrontal cortex and
the basal ganglia, these regions are associated with converting sensory information into actions and
thoughts (Zhong et al., 2014). It is suggested that individuals suffering from Obsessive–Compulsive
Disorder, have extremely high activity in the orbitofrontal cortex and the basal ganglia (Zhong et al.,
... Get more on ...
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Research Paper
I. Types Of OCD An Obsessive Compulsive Disorder includes four types and they are intrusive
thoughts, constant checking, fear of contamination and hoarding. Intrusive thoughts are when a
person is tortured with obsessional brain–work that is disquieting and frightening. As a result of
intrusive thoughts being disturbing, it becomes an agony. Intrusive thoughts contain relationships,
fear of sexual thoughts, magical thinking, religion and violent thoughts. Constant checking is the
want to check things constantly and the obsessive of constant checking is the worry of damage or
harm. Constant checking is regularly done numerous times a day for hours. Contamination is the
requirement to continually wash and clean and contamination is the obsessive terror that can ...
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Cognitive behavioral therapy contains two elements, which are exposure and response prevention
and cognitive therapy. Exposure and response prevention includes repeated reveal to the source of
your desire. When in exposure response prevention therapy you are asked to abstain from the
compulsive behavior you'd occasionally perform to cut down anxiety. While you are being
confronted with your anxiety, the eagerness to cleanse your hands will progressively leave on it's
own. Cognitive therapy is the focal point on the catastrophic thoughts and overemphasize sense of
obligation you feel. A major section of cognitive therapy would be showing more healthy ways on
how to react to obsessive thoughts. Family therapy can be a good advantage because it elevates
understanding and help decrease family problems. OCD can cause conflict between your social life
and your personal life. Family therapy can affect family in a good way. Group therapy has a big
impact on someone with OCD. Interacting with people that's diagnose the same as you can diminish
thoughts of
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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Analysis
Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder characterized by uncontrollable,
unwanted thoughts and repetitive, ritualized behaviors patients feel compelled to perform. When
people have OCD, they probably recognize their obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors as
irrational, but they are unable to resist them.
The DSM–5 provides clinicians with official definitions of and criteria for diagnosing mental
disorders and dysfunctions. Most people with OCD have both obsessions and compulsions, but
some people experience just one or the other (Criterion A). Obsessions are defined by recurrent and
persistent thoughts, urges, or impulses. These are experienced, as intrusive and unwanted, and in
most individuals cause marked anxiety ... Show more content on ...
Males have an earlier OCD onset age than females and are more likely to have comorbid tic
disorders. Gender differences in the pattern of symptom dimensions have been reported. Females are
more likely to have symptoms focused on cleaning and males more likely to have symptoms
connected to forbidden thoughts and symmetry dimensions.
3. Are there any ethical considerations? For example, are there concerns related to offering
medication versus talk therapy? Even in the presentation of symptoms, or which treatment options
they select?
Getting proper treatment is essential so patients can learn how to take control of their OCD and gain
relief. Getting relief from OCD is possible with Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), sometimes in
combination with medication. CBT has received broad scientific support as the most effective
behavioral treatment for OCD.
Many adolescents struggle with OCD and Lady Macbeth was typical in this respect. Symptoms of
this disorder may cause great distress, and this is intensified when a person is unwilling to admit that
outside help is necessary. It is important to know that teens should be active participants in recovery
from OCD. They have to be willing to engage in CBT and recognize it as something that can help
them overcome the disorder rather than as one more demand made by their
... Get more on ...
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Fai Alhoshan Pre.Med A Essay #1 (first draft) September, 10th,2015 Obsessive Compulsive
Disorder Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a psychological disorder where patients are
plagued with repeated obsessions or compulsions or, most commonly, both. The exact cause of OCD
has not been known yet, but it is significantly common among relatives. Although there is no cure
for it, detecting it early and treating it properly can help in the majority of cases. OCD affects all
aspects of individuals' lives and sometimes could lead to a sever depression. In addition, A study
was conducted regarding the prevalence of OCD has estimated that OCD is the "fourth most
common mental illness after phobias, substance abuse, and major depression." Moreover, ... Show
more content on ...
As there are two factors to be considered when determining the symptoms (obsessions and
compulsions), OCD patients rarely have only one or two clear signs. It can be noticed as: aggressive
actions, seeking symmetry and order, continuous fear, and the need to carry actions to perfection.
Moreover, some patients can sense their unreasonable actions and seek medical or psychological
help; however, OCD is a self–diagnosable disorder, which means that a patient could find out
whether he is affected by using a special scale. Yale–Brown obsessive–compulsive scale is a scale
rated from zero to forty that measures the rate of severity of the
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
OCD Obsessive compulsive disorder, or OCD, plays a big part in the society that we live in today.
Sufferers of OCD who have intrusive thoughts generally have recurring images in their minds that
are disturbing or horrific. These thoughts can happen because of something that happened in the
person's life, or they may happen for no specific reason. Obsessive compulsive disorder is a disorder
that produces excessive thoughts that cause very repetitive habits and worry Everyone has an
amount of OCD, but some are more threatening to an individual's well–being. Although OCD is an
extremely common disorder, there are several different variations of the disorder that people suffer
from. One specific type is obsession over germs and cleanliness. In ... Show more content on ...
Living a life of regret and anxiety usually from past situations that compulsive patients may have
experienced is difficult to overcome. Statistics from a common Psychiatric Department from the
University of California, San Diego concluded one in forty adults and one in 200 children are living
with symptoms of OCD. Those results consists of about five–million Americans that are tied
between their own voices and the actual reality we are living in. Opportunities of treatment for
families, groups, and even individuals are mistakenly passed by. Every therapy center is focusing on
taking each obsession and making that less and less interesting, finally until the actions of the
disorder are totally eliminated. (OCD Treatment
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Analysis
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, known as OCD, is considered a constant fear or worrying aspect
(obsessions) that includes the frequent repetition of behaviors to reduce anxiety (compulsions).
Some of the common symptoms include excessive washing or cleaning, repeated actions such as
opening and closing the door or even the light switch a number of times before entering or leaving a
room. Intelligence is not an issue as more people with OCD tend to possess an above average IQ.
Obsessive compulsive disorder affects children and adolescents, as well as adults (one third to one
half of adults with OCD report a childhood onset of the disorder). Treatment for OCD involves the
use of behavioral therapy as this involves increasing exposure to what ... Show more content on ...
It was attributed by the works from Lisa Merlo, Heather Lehmkuhl, Gary Geffken and Eric Storch
found in the PsycARTICLES database. First off, pediatric obsessive compulsive disorder is a
chronic, disabling condition. It in turn affects both the patients and their respected families. This
article calls to attention that not all patients respond fully and how family accommodation
specifically influences pediatric patients with OCD. It raises the question if there are improved
outcomes based on family accommodations. With that being said, the study investigates the
association between family accommodation and treatment outcome in a relatively large sample of
pediatric patients with OCD participating in cognitive behavioral therapy. The outcome regards how
effective the treatment actually was and what impact it had. The prediction is that the majority of
parents would report family accommodations of their child's symptoms and that family
accommodation would be seen as positively related to ratings of child OCD impairment. In turn, the
level of family accommodation would decrease following cognitive behavioral therapy participation
and post treatment levels of family accommodation would be
... Get more on ...
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
People generally appreciate the sight of a clean desk, or a good system to keep files tabbed and
organized in a given space. Of course, there are those who believe they work more efficiently in a
cluttered area, or claim to remember where an object was placed but now cannot seem to find it.
However, once organization, daily 'rituals', or the unbearable urge to adjust something comes into
play, Psychology describes this as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) or also referred to as
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD). The mental strains inside a person with OCD
or OCPD can become psychologically dangerous for relationships or quality of life for that person if
the disorder gets out of hand. Individuals with OCPD attempt to maintain ... Show more content on ...
The subjects were chosen for the study if they were caregivers of patients with diagnoses of OCD
using DSM requirements or standpoints, the subjects in the study were between the ages of
seventeen (17) and seventy (70) years, the patients had given informed consent during the interview.
The definition of a key caregiver was "a non–professional person in the community who is most
involved with the everyday care of the case, and would be very likely to respond to any request for
special assistance at any time, if such a request was made by the case" (Falloon, Graham–Hole and
Woodroffe, p.384, 1993). When more than one person was involved in caring activities, the
individual most closely related was chosen. Only one eligible patient declined to have his carers
interviewed and all caregivers agreed to participate, the response rate was 98%. As the outcome of
the study, of the forty–six participants serving as the OCD patients of the study, the strict livelihood
observed by the caregiver was 3.3%. The occupational status of the patients, the carer's work status
represented a more lenient result towards a higher socioeconomic viewpoint, or concerned with the
interaction of social
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
OCD is characterized by unreasonable thoughts and fears that lead the client to do repetitive or
compulsive behaviors. Clients may only have obsessions or compulsions and still be diagnosed with
OCD. The client may not be aware that his/her obsessions are not reasonable or he/she may try to
ignore them or stop them all together. In doing this it will increase his/her distress or anxiety. The
client may feel driven to perform compulsive acts in an effort to decrease the stressful feelings.
Client's obsessions are often centered around specific themes, such as the fear of being contaminated
by germs, he/she may feel the urge to wash their hands until they become sore and/or chapped.
Biology: ... Show more content on ...
Establish a relationship with the patient. Rationale: establishing a relationship helps to build trust
and let the patient relax and decrease anxiety levels.
2. Keep the environment calm. Rationale: decreased outside stimuli helps the patient relax and
reduce urge to perform rituals.
3. Assist patient in learning new stress management techniques. Rationale: stress management can
be used instead of rituals and can help to break the habitual patterns.
4. Encourage the client to participate in constructive activities. Rationale: when the client is
preoccupied with small tasks such as needlework or puzzles they may be less likely to perform
5. Give positive reinforcement with non–compulsive behavior. Rationale: helps the client feel more
comfortable without performing rituals.
6. Administer prescribed Fluoxetine (Prozac). Rationale: helps to relieve the levels of anxiety and
need to perform
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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a common, chronic and long–lasting disorder in which a
person has uncontrollable, reoccurring obsession or compulsions where he or she feels the urge to
check things repeatedly, perform certain routines repeatedly or have certain thoughts repeatedly.
This disorder can influence those of all ages, gender and ethnicities. Individuals cannot control
either their activities or their exercises for more than a moment. Normal exercises include hand
washing, counting, putting items in order, and verifying whether an entryway is closed or locked.
Some may experience issues when tossing things out, identifying with hoarding disorder. These
exercises jump out at such an extent, to the point that the individual's ... Show more content on ...
Most people aren't necessarily sure how it occurs but they are familiar with some symptoms. Once
the symptoms begin, they may then start to become a routine in which you may not be able to
control. For instance, after just walking into your home and you close the door behind you, you may
have to turn the lock on the door seven times, back and forth just to make sure you are secure in
your home. Individuals with OCD may have side effects of obsessing over something, or a
compulsion, in which they are having the urge to do it a certain way, or even both. These symptoms
can put a stoppage with all parts of life, for instance, work, school, and individual connection. If not
handled in a superior way, the obsession or compulsion will continue to happen. Obsessions are
thoughts that you think repeatedly, thoughts you can't stop or get out your mind. Obsession are
thoughts that may also cause irregular images in your mind that makes you panic or stress.
Germaphobia can be a compulsion, in which one fears germs or contamination. One who suffers
from obsessive compulsive disorder will more than likely wash their hands, repeatedly. Another
obsession can be unwanted or forbidden thoughts involving sexual activating, religion/race, and
harm/danger. With this type of obsession, you must be mindful of your surroundings because it is
possible that things can be interpreted the wrong way and one may get hurt. Another obsession can
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder in which people experience intense
obsessions and compulsive behaviors, often out of a belief that if they do not complete these actions
than something horrible will occur. The compulsions are ritualized actions used as a way to reduce
the anxiety caused by obsessions. OCD is a type of anxiety disorder that affects the sexes equally
and can range from mild to severe, getting to a point where people affected spend much of their day
completing these obsessions and behaviors. It is often referred to as the "disease of doubt" because
those affected are often aware that their obsessions are irrational but carry them out regardless out of
fear they may be warranted.
People with OCD suffer
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Considering the secrecy surrounding OCD symptoms, it is important for family members to pay
attention to early signs of ritualistic behaviors becoming troublesome. When OCD is suspected, a
comprehensive clinical evaluation – including detailed interviews with parents and, if possible
teachers – is required in order to check the obsessions, sensory phenomenon and compulsions in the
case. In younger children, OCD features might appear subtly during play activities or drawing. It is
vital to differentiate between obsessive compulsive symptoms and normal childhood behavior, such
as the normal practice or actions during playtime, food time or bedtime. In this context, the
information about degree of distress, impairment and time consumed performing rituals should
provide enough data to decide whether or not treatment is warranted. Moreover, it is also important
to assess insight and the family's perception of the symptoms, as well as how family members deal
with the patient.
Similar to what happens in adults, a long time may elapse until the diagnosis is made and the actual
treatment is initiated. Many researchers through their studies have concluded an average of 2.5 years
from the onset of symptoms to diagnosis in the US (Geller et al, 2006) and even longer in Germany
(Walitza et al, 2011). One of the major causes for this kind of is the secrecy. Patients and their
parents tend to feel ashamed or guilty regarding their symptoms or behaviors and conceal them until
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Summary Of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
M.D. Wayne K Godman's article, "Obsessive Compulsive Disorder" describes obsessive compulsive
disorder (OCD) as an anxiety disorder that causes disturbing thoughts called obsessions and/or
repetitive behaviors called compulsions. About 20 perecent of people with OCD have obsessions
and compulsions, while about 10 percent just have either obsessions or compulsions. For many
people, compulsions serve to alleviate anxiety. Godman's article is mainly factual with examples of
the things some people may do whether they have obsessions or compulsions. Common types of
obsessions include a fear of germs or illness, unwanted impulses to harm a loved one, or
unacceptable sexual or religious thoughts. Common types of compulsions
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Living With Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Essay
Can you imagine walking down the street passing a building, and not being able to go on your way
until you have counted every window in the building? How about trying to leave your house, but it
takes you about one and a half to two hours to leave because you keep checking and checking to
make sure the windows and doors are locked? These are just a few examples of how people may act
who have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). People that have OCD find it hard to lead normal
lives. They tend to suffer from recurrent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and perform the same
rituals (compulsions) that they feel that they cannot control. The rituals or compulsions they have
can be anything from washing their hands over and over, to ... Show more content on ...
The PET scans show that patients that have OCD show a change in the striatum area of the brain
when behavioral therapy and medication are given. Maybe with this new information on the cause
of OCD, physicians may be able to treat it easier and with greater success. Commonality of OCD
among the population of the United States does not seem substantial when compared to other
illnesses. About 3.3 million people in the U.S. between the ages of 18–54 have OCD in a given year.
(NIMH 2000.) This translates into roughly 2.3 percent of the population. Studies show that OCD
affects women and men about equally. The ratio of men to women with OCD not being that
significant in either direction to give it solely to one gender. This is unusual because most illnesses
tend to favor one gender or the other. Typically OCD starts in early adolescence, but is written of by
parents as abnormal or unusual behavior and the thought that the child will grow out of it. At least
one–third of the cases of adult OCD began in childhood. This shows if caught soon enough and
treated OCD might not have been a life long battle for some clients. In 1990 the U.S. paid out a total
of 8.4 million dollars for treatment of clients with OCD. This was nearly 6 percent of the total
mental health bill of 148 billion dollars. (NIMH 2000.) OCD doesn't just affect the adult population
either. Approximately one million children and adolescents in the
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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsessive–compulsive disorder is believed to affect approximately 2.2 million adults in America
(NIMH). In the past, it's been referred to as obsessive–compulsive neurosis and is similar to
arithomomania, mysophobia, and délire du toucher. It is an anxiety disorder that is diagnosed
between the ages of seven and twelve, but is prevalent throughout childhood and into adulthood.
People with OCD develop a variety of compulsions in order to cope with their irrational obsessions,
which vary with all cases, and can cause other conditions that negatively impact every day life. This
disorder is treatable and can be subsided with medication. "Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is
characterized by unreasonable thoughts and fears (obsessions) that ... Show more content on ...
Cognitive behaviorists use Exposure and Response Prevention in the treatment of obsessive–
compulsive disorder. In Exposure and Response Prevention the subject is exposed to what stimulates
their compulsions and offered the choice to have their compulsion or not. This type of therapy
allows patients to make the choice to quit reacting to their obsessions. However, not all people have
the time or the aptitude for this type of therapy. More people prefer to take medication in order to
reduce their anxiety and obsessions. A few examples of the medication that are known to prevent
obsessive–compulsive disorder are Zoloft, Prozac, and Anafranil. Unlike the cognitive behavior
therapy, medication can have some harmful side effects. These include: upset stomach, changes in
the pattern of sleep, excessive sweating, and an increase in suicidal thoughts or behavior. With
OCD, love and support can go a long way. Loved ones of someone with obsessive–compulsive
disorder can help them cope with the disorder in many ways. Knowledge about the disorder is
always helpful and can be used to understand what that person is going through. Relaxing is another
way to cope with OCD. Yoga and deep breathing techniques can decrease levels of anxiety. Finally,
try to stay on a normal, everyday schedule. Obsessive–compulsive disorder tends to get in the way
of living your life as
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a common chronic disorder in which a person has uncontrollable
and recurrent thoughts and behaviors that he or she feels the urge to repeat. OCD often centers on
things such as a fear of germs or the need to arrange objects in a specific manner. Symptoms
normally start off gradually and vary throughout life. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is described
to have appeared since the early seventeenth century. There are more than 200,000 cases in the US
of people with OCD per year. The most common age range of people affected by OCD ranges from
6–60 years old. OCD commonly affects adults, adolescents, and children all over the world. Most
people tend to be diagnosed by the age of 19. The typical age for boys is 9 and ... Show more
content on ...
However, patients respond to treatment, while some patients continue to experience symptoms.
Sometimes people with OCD also have other mental disorders, such as anxiety, depression, and
body dysmorphic disorder, which is a disorder in which someone mistakenly believes that a part of
their body is possibly abnormal. The treatments include talk therapy, medications, etc. The
medications are Clomipramine, Fluoxetine, Fluvoxamine, Sertraline, and Risperidone. The brain
structure becomes affected. Therapy can help identify personality patterns. Psychotherapy appears
helpful in identifying personality characteristics or patterns of behavior that tend to get in the way of
developing good coping strategies or takes advantage of treatment. Furthermore, there are clinical
psychologists that are trained in personality assessments to
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Summary
The article I picked was about Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder (OCD). OCD is a common, chronic
and long–lasting disorder. This disorder makes a person have uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts
(obsessions) and behaviors (compulsions) that he or she feels the urge to repeat over and over. When
the person has an Obsession OCD, he or she has repeated thoughts, urges, or mental images that
cause anxiety. An example of this is fear of germs or contamination. While compulsion OCD, he or
she has recurring, irrational act or behavior to do in response to an obsessive thought. An example of
this is ordering and arranging things in a particular.
In the study, there was 133 student that participated. IN the study they gave the participants a bogus
EEGs, with false feedback that they were either at low or high risk of losing ... Show more content
on ...
After the EEGs, the participants were given a computerized task. The main role of the experiment
was to see whether the participants could control the flow of images on a screen by using a sequence
of key commands. When controlling the flow of images, they could press the space bar to check or
confirm the key sequence. The participle that was told they had a high risk of losing control over
their thought and action were more eager in checking the feedback than those who were told they
had a low risk of losing control over their thought and action.
This article was very interesting, it reminds me of what we went over in class about the result two
different type of drugs can give people in an experiment. In class, we talked about giving a set
number of test subject one pill and another set number of test subject a placebo. The test subject that
was given the
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Checking to make sure the stove is turned off, or double checking that the car is locked are all
normal things. But a person with obsessive compulsive disorder may participate in these same
actions, the only difference is it is much more intense. According to the National Institute of Mental
Health those who have obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) have an impulse to check things
multiple times, have rituals, thoughts and routines that they repeat over and over (National Institute
of Health, 2013). The Center for Disease Control and Prevention further defines OCD, by having
both obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions have two aspects to them and include having
thoughts, impulses or images that repeatedly happen and are generally unwanted. ... Show more
content on ...
Evidence based research has shown that cognitive–behavioral therapy is the preferred method of
psychotherapy. Historically behavioral therapy was first used for the treatment of obsessive
compulsive disorder. Behavioral therapy concentrated on the exposure to fearful stimuli. Cognitive
therapy was then used and focused on responsibilities, over importance of thought, controlling
thoughts, and estimation of threats. Both these approaches were found to be very effective and they
combined them creating cognitive–behavioral therapy (Stein, 2002). This therapy involves response
prevention and exposure to stimuli. Response prevention is when the individual has OCD stays
away from compulsive thoughts and practices. An examples of this include the compulsive behavior
of washing your hands 7 times before leaving the bathroom; and decreasing the amount of
handwashes gradually until the desired results are achieved. Exposure refers to the systematic
stimulation that is repetitive and that can last for a long period of time. An example of this is the
exposure to dirt and germs for an individual who gets extreme anxiety from the possibility of
coming into contact with these substances (Abramowitz, et. al, 2009). This treatment can be done in
a group setting, family setting or as an individual (Stein, 2002). Psychotherapy is also very useful
for educating those with obsessive compulsive disorder to think differently, how to behave, and
proper reaction to anxiety provoking situations that cause the need to act out the obsession with the
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

  • 1. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Have you ever felt the need to wash your hands again, even though you just did so seconds earlier? Or maybe felt intense anxiety over everyday tasks, such as sending a letter and believing you may have misspelled a word. You may feel that this is just a personal issue, but in reality, many people all over the world share the same thoughts and feelings. Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder, or more commonly called OCD, as defined by (Obsessive, 2010), is a type of mental illness that causes repeated unwanted thoughts. This common disorder can be found in nearly every region and culture around the world, so even though one dealing with it may feel alone, the person sitting right beside them could easily be suffering from something similar. According to (How Many People, 2012), their best estimates found that one within every one hundred adults, or nearly two to three million adults just within the United States suffer from some type of Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder. Also, they found that at least one within every two hundred children and teenagers, or five hundred thousand in the United States only, also deal with this disorder. That number parallels with the amount of children in the United States who have diabetes. To show the commonality of OCD in our society, it's important to know specific cases of well–known people; especially for those who do feel alone in their feelings. According to (Famous, 2014), world renowned soccer player, David Beckham, is one of the most highly ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is not a very common disorder, but it does affect many people in the world. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a disorder characterized by intrusive and unwanted but uncontrollable thought (obsessions) that lead to repeated behaviors (compulsions). OCD might sound like a scary disorder that may hurt or harm you in some way, but it is a safer disorder to your body. It affects the orbitofrontal cortex, the anterior cingulate cortex, the striatum, and the thalamus, of the front and deep parts of the brain. OCD can be characterized into four areas that are: Checking Contamination/Mental Contamination Hoarding Rumination/Intrusive Thoughts (Baldridge and Piotrowski, Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder) (The Different Types ... Show more content on ... The symptoms are compulsive behavior, agitation, compulsive hoarding, hypervigilance, impulsivity, meaningless repetition of own words, repetitive movements, ritualistic behaviors, social isolation, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, and food aversion. The symptoms may not harm a person severely, but they may make the person want to harm themselves. People with OCD will have fears of things, such as germs, dirt, and other toxins, that are not normal to them. These fears may force people to do unnecessary things, like clean obsessively, making everything perfect to them, and not wanting to go anywhere that may have toxins. (Baldridge and Piotrowski, Obsessive– Compulsive ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Introduction Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is an abnormal disorder that is accompanied by the presence of obsessions, compulsions, or both (5th ed.; DSM–5). The obsession is an idea, image, or impulse, whilst the compulsion is the resulting behavior, often an attempt to contend with the anxiety that results from their obsession; obsessions consist of thoughts or images particularly distressing for the individual to endure, and therefore compel the individual to engage in abnormal behavior – compulsions – to alleviate the anxiety that results from said distress (Thomas– Cottingham, Ph.D., 2004). However, the alleviation provided by the compulsion is only temporarily, ergo the individual must perform the behaviors repeatedly; common compulsive ... Show more content on ... Finke and Jonathan Bettle act according to principle, highly structured in the way they approach most situations. Unlike what Finke and Bettle dub as "chaotic thinkers" – those of whom are attracted to uncertain and spontaneous situations – ordered thinkers "tend to be more concerned with structuring and organizing things, thus avoiding excessive stimulation, which is usually perceived as a distraction" (Finke and Bettle, 1996). As ordered thinkers, people who suffer from OCD "go to extreme lengths to avoid doing anything wrong" (Carter, 1998, p. 60). Often obsessed with morality and scrupulously honest, OCD patients are often subject to absurd lengths in order to fulfill the satisfaction of their own ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Analysis Obsessive compulsive disorder is when a person has unwanted thoughts and fears that can lead to continuous actions and behaviors. In the beginning of this disorder, you may not understand or realize that these actions or obsessions are anything to worry about. However, as OCD progresses your anxiety will grow and cause physical, emotional, and mental problems. Your mind makes you think that you need to do these compulsive actions so that the stress and anxiety will leave and you will feel better. Examples of OCD behavior might be the fear of being contaminated with germs and you need to wash your hands over and over again (Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), 2015). When it comes to obsessive compulsive disorder, there will be many symptoms ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Obsessive–compulsive disorder is the fourth most prevalent psychiatric disorder in the United States. OCD is characterized by unreasonable thoughts and fears that lead people who suffer from the disease to do repetitive behaviors. People who suffer the disease may or may not realize that their personal obsessions aren't reasonable, and may try to ignore them or stop them. Unfortunately, this only leads to an increase in distress and anxiety. OCD often usually include both obsessions and compulsions. However, it is possible for a person to have obsessive or compulsive symptoms. About one–third of people with obsessive–compulsive disorder also suffer from a disorder that includes sudden, brief, intermittent movements or sounds. Also, OCD obsessions ... Show more content on ... A majority of the male subjects tested indicated a early onset of symptoms and chronic course of the disorder, greater social impairment, more sexual and aggressive symptoms, and substance use disorder. Female patients displayed symptoms of cleaning/contamination and eating and impure– control disorders. Studies have also shown the an earlier onset of obsessive–compulsive disorder among males, compared to females. An 3 approximate amount of one third of adults' refer symptom onset in their childhood; among children, two thirds of the studies were boys. OCD cases with an early onset is very severe, sharing a similarity to schizophrenia. Gender maybe a relevant fact to determine OCD. Although the reasons why OCD differs from genders is not entirely clear, many researchers have speculated that it results from both psychological influences and biological. Among the biological factors, sex linked genetic features and hormonal differences. In the psychological aspect, social roles that center around gender may affect the content of obsessions and compulsions. Age appears to be a more genetic characteristic that is influenced by a family history of OCD, the occurrence of aggressive and sexual symptoms may influence ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Essay On Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder The Diagnosis and Treatment of Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder There are many factors to consider in the evaluation and treatment of Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD). This paper will discuss the strategies that have proven most effective in treating the disorder, including: drug therapy, cognitive therapy, and family–based therapy. It will focus on the benefits of flexibility, emphasizing combination therapy, especially with cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT). Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) has become an increasingly familiar disorder within the world of health and medicine. The recurring obsessions and compulsions associated with the disorder seem quite easy to identify, yet the acknowledgement of OCD in children had ... Show more content on ... In this method, patients are guided into conscious confrontation with the objects and situations that serve as the triggers of their obsessive fears. Following exposure, patients are taught how to abstain from the obsessive habits that they have constructed to relieve their anxieties. This treatment is quite similar to conditioning in that the response prevention immediately follows the exposure, maximizing the reinforcement effectiveness of the therapy. The idea behind this treatment is that repeated exposure to the anxiety–producing stimulus leads to the patient's habituation and progression in overcoming the disorder. "Additionally, the realization that obsessive fears do not materialize during ERP appears to reduce the potency of the obsessions" (Wagner, 2000). The second form of CBT that has proven to be successful is the RIDE theory. In this theory, encounters and enactments of OCD symptoms are broken down into four different stages: R, I, D, and E. In the R stage, individuals are taught to recognize OCD thoughts as impractical to the child's normal being. By doing this they could realize their urges and take the necessary steps in dismissing them from their consciousness. Once they have done this they are taught the I stage. In this stage they must insist that they are in fact in control of their behavior. This assertion puts them in the driver's seat where they ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Obsessive–compulsive disorder is a frequent, lifelong, and crippling disorder that is present in several medical settings. However it is under–recognised and undertreated, and for many years, obsessive–compulsive neurosis had been seen as a disorder that provided an important outlook on the workings of the unconscious mind. Today, "obsessive–compulsive disorder is viewed as a good example of a neuropsychiatric disorder, mediated by pathology in specific neuronal circuits, and responsive to specific pharmacotherapeutic and psychotherapeutic interventions". In the future we hope to expect a more precise picture of the origins of the disorder, with the use of data collected from neuroanatomical, neurochemical, neuropathological, neurogenetic, ... Show more content on ... The purpose of the study was to assess the effect of additional memantine in a double–blind, random, and placebo–controlled study of the treatment of patients who suffered from OCD. Method A, with a total of 40 inpatients (32 females (80 %); mean age=31.25 years) suffering from OCD were randomly assigned to a treatment (administration of additional memantine) or a control group (which was the placebo). The treatment had lasted for 12 consecutive weeks, and all patients were treated with selective serotonin inhibitors, or clomipramine. The patients had to complete the Yale– Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale four times. Some experts' ratings had composed a clinical global impression (clinical global impressions (CGI), of illness severity and illness improvement; two to three times). "Liver enzymes SGOT and SGPT were also assessed (twice)". The results, out of the 40 patients approached, 29 had completed the 12 consecutive weeks of the study and the 11 ended up being dropouts. Six of the patients were in the target group and five secluded in the control group. The symptoms significantly had decreased across the period of the study, but particularly in the treatment compared with the control group '(significant time×group interaction)'. Illness severity (CGI severity) ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Introduction Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, also called OCD is found in many children today. The disorder is treatable. Although today OCD is able to be treated and managed, the disorder for a long time was not understood well. Parents of the child with OCD play a huge part in treatment. (thesis) The research paper conveys what to expect from a child who has OCD, the parent's role in treating it, treatments to manage each day with OCD, and how to help children through cognitive behavioral therapy to treat the disorder. Main Question How can parents and children learn to live and deal with OCD? Sub Questions What is OCD, and how is it diagnosed? What should parents expect after their child is diagnosed? ... Show more content on ... Most children with OCD have obsessive thoughts and therefore do compulsive actions. Because of this, they waste a lot of their day on compulsive actions and are told to hurry up and are rushed on other things. Since they are rushed they get stressed out and then don't sleep enough at night because they are stressing out about the next day. Children sometimes wake up early in the morning so they can do their compulsive actions and will have time to do it. Children often develop social problems due to their OCD. Either because their compulsive actions take up so much of their time or because of their obsessions give them a fear of getting close to others. Children with OCD sometimes develop depression or think low of themselves. They think that they are weird because of their OCD. Children with OCD also get aggravated when people interrupt their the child's compulsive ritual. (Chansky, 2000). The most difficult symptoms that one with OCD encounters is family conflict. OCD is an annoying and confusing disorder. A child who has OCD has obsessions, compulsions, and rituals which affect the family. Sometimes siblings may feel embarrassed by them. Many times the child's family members don't understand OCD enough so they don't have compassion. They may also get mad at their parents for not fixing it. Parents need to explain OCD to the other siblings since it affects the whole family. All family members ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a serious illness that can change people life in tremendous ways. OCD is when someone constantly focuses on the same thought or does something multiple times to calm them down. Obsessions are known as unwanted, annoying thoughts, images, or urges that causes a severe troublesome feeling. Compulsions is an OCD repetitive behavior someone uses to calm down to make the obsession go away. People with OCD constantly have to wash their hands, do something at a specific time every day, or even opening a door 3 times before coming in or leaving. The cause of this disorder is dependent on biological factors, environmental factors such as experiences and surroundings in childhood and constant patterns built over time. ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Essay On Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a prevalent disorder in the population affecting 1 to 17% of the population (Silverman, Ginsburg, & Kurtines, 1995). It is characterized by repetition of thoughts that cause significant distress to the individual along with compulsory behavior, whether overt or covert intended to alleviate the feelings of distress (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2000). Obsessive–compulsive disorder is not only debilitating to the diagnosed individual but it affects the diagnosed individual's family members as well (Silverman, Ginsburg, & Kurtines, 1995). Due to the disorder's impactful nature on the family, treatment often entails that of family members (Silverman et al., 1995). Keeping in mind the prevalence ... Show more content on ... Often times, family members of the diagnosed member, lack knowledge around their diagnosis and struggle in finding the best way to cope (Noppen et al., 1997). With psycho–education, family members come into awareness of the ways they have altered their ways of living to accommodate the distress experienced by the diagnosed individual. (McFarlane, 2004). As an example, individuals struggling with OCD might engaged in seeking reassurance from family members, making requests to avoid certain places, items, and situations, resulting in the family member continuously thinking in terms of reassurances along with adapting new ways to help the diagnosed individual to avoid the negative stimulus (Calamari et al., 2011). Specific psycho–education can be provided to family regarding OCD, such as, the interrelation between thoughts, feelings and behaviors, how OCD compulsions are maintained through avoidance behaviors, and the process of treatment through learning relaxation techniques followed by gradual exposure (Silverman et al., 1995). With new awareness, the family is now able to let go of the burden of accommodation, while helping the diagnosed member on their road to ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a disorder that can affect children and adults. In order to fully understand OCD, many different areas of the disorder must be reviewed. First, OCD will be defined and the diagnosis criteria will be discussed. Secondly the prevalence of the disorder will be considered. The different symptoms, behaviors and means of treatment are also important aspects that will be discussed in order to develop a clearer understanding of the implications of obsessive compulsive disorder. Diagnosis Criteria of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: When discussing the diagnosis of OCD one should consider two parts of the definition. The first part of the disorder is obsessive which is described by the DSM as ... Show more content on ... "For many years, OCD was thought to be rare. Some recent studies show that as many as 3 million Americans ages 18 to 54 may have OCD at any one time. This is about 2.3% of the people in this age group. OCD affects men and women equally" (, 2008, how common section, para.1). OCD has increased throughout the past years of study. "Although OCD was once considered a rare condition, recent research suggests that as many as 1% of the population under 18 shows signs of this disorder" (Rynn, 2008, OCD section, para. 2). According to Mental Health, "Estimates of prevalence range from 0.2 to 0.8 percent in children, and up to 2% of adolescents (Flament et al., 1998)" (Mental Health, 2001, OCD section, para.1)). According to Anxiety Disorders, "As many as one in 100 children may suffer from OCD. The peak for diagnosis of OCD in children is ten years old, although it can strike children as young as two or three. Boys are more likely to develop OCD before puberty, while girls tend to develop it during adolescence, when the numbers become even. OCD tends to occur in families (Anxiety Disorder, 2008). "Community studies of children and adolescents have estimated a lifetime prevalence of 1%–2.3% and a 1–year prevalence of 0.7%. Research indicates that prevalence rates of Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder are similar in many different cultures around the world" (DSM, 2000, ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Paper Symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder "Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is characterized by obsessions or compulsions". ( Kring, Johnson, Davison,& Neal 2014) The obsession individuals with OCD experiences are excessive and it affects individuals with functioning normally in their everyday life. According to Kring et al., (2014 ) obsessions are intrusive and recurring thoughts, images, or impulses that are persistent and uncontrollable and often appear irrational to the person experiencing them. Compulsions are when someone has to do the same repetitive behavior in order to relieve distress of what is in their thoughts. People with this disorder also feel anxious and have other anxiety disorders. "Though OCD was considered a type of ... Show more content on ... OCD is a brain disorder that may be caused by incorrect information processing. The three areas in the brain that are looked at are the Orbitofrontal cortex ,which is located in the prefrontal cortex above the eye, the caudate nucleus located near the basal ganglia, and the anterior cingulate cortex located in the front of the corpus callosum. Kring et al., (2014 ) states, the activity in these three places increase when people with OCD are shown objects that provoke symptoms. Other factors such as genetic, behavioral, environmental, and cognitive factors can trigger the disorder in an individual . It is not known which specific gene is inherited, but if a family member has OCD, their is a chance a child can have it. "Children who have family members with OCD have a greater chance of developing OCD early in life". ( One might have been conditioned as a young child to fear or become obsess by learning from ones' parent, which is the behavioral factor . The environmental factor can be caused because of a traumatic experience such as getting an illness like the flu. This type of traumatic experience can trigger OCD in a person in order to prevent from getting the illness again. The cognitive factor can cause individuals not knowing when to stop their obsessive thoughts and behaviors. According to Kring et al., (2014), people with OCD suffer in having a deficit in knowing when to stop their thoughts and behavior. They fail to gain the internal sense of completion , which it is defined as ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder (OCD) What is obsessive–compulsive disorder? Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a chronic psychiatric condition characterized by obsession, compulsion, or both. The condition typically affects individuals during childhood or adolescence and often continues until adulthood. Obsessions are characterized by intrusive thought or urges that lead to anxiety and distress. Compulsions are repetitive behaviors that the person feels compelled to accomplish according to set rules. Patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder often have coexisting psychiatric disorders such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. Symptoms may lead to significant social and functional impairment. Due to the importance of this ... Show more content on ... Most of these medications typically take at least 2 weeks to a month for individuals to notice any symptomatic improvement. They should be trialed for at least 6 weeks in most cases. Refractory obsessive–compulsive disorder may require the use of antipsychotic drugs such as Risperdal (risperidone). Summary: Obsessive compulsive disorder is a chronic a psychiatric condition characterized by obsession, compulsion, or both. It is likely caused by genetic and environmental factors. Studies show that a network in the brain called the cortico–striato–thalamo–cortical circuit contributes to the pathogenesis of the disease. The condition typically affects individuals during childhood or adolescence and often continues until adulthood. Obsession are characterized by intrusive thought or urges that lead to anxiety and distress. Compulsion are repetitive behaviors that the person feels compelled to accomplish according to set rules. The diagnosis of obsessive compulsive disorder is based on criteria set by the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder in which people experience intense obsessions and compulsive behaviors, often out of a belief that if they do not complete these actions than something horrible will occur. The compulsions are ritualized actions used as a way to reduce the anxiety caused by obsessions. OCD is a type of anxiety disorder that affects the sexes equally and can range from mild to severe, getting to a point where people affected spend much of their day completing these obsessions and behaviors. It is often referred to as the "disease of doubt" because those affected are often aware that their obsessions are irrational but carry them out regardless out of fear they may be warranted. People with OCD suffer ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. An Example Of Obsessive Compulsive Disor All human beings have certain routines and habits that allow them to stay safe, healthy, and clean. However, people like Lisa, who experience some unwanted and intrusive obsessions, along with repetitive routines and behaviors, suffer from OCD, or obsessive compulsive disorder. In order for them to ease their anxiety, they perform these activities to an extent that they affect their daily lives. Sometimes this is done in order to lessen certain worries or fears, and others in order to avoid injuring someone or causing damage to something. While patients with OCD understand that their behavior is not rational and has no logic, they are unable to control it or stop it. Examples of some obsessions that may lead to compulsions are an excessive ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Essay on Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder Obsessive–compulsive disorder, commonly known as OCD, is a type of anxiety disorder and was one of the three original neuroses as defined by Freud. It is characterized by "recurrent, persistent, unwanted, and unpleasant thoughts (obsessions) or repetitive, purposeful ritualistic behaviors that the person feels driven to perform (compulsions)." (1) The prime feature that differentiates OCD from other obsessive or compulsive disorders is that the sufferer understands the irrationality or excess of the obsessions and compulsions, but is unable to stop them. What differentiates people with OCD from other usually healthy people with milder forms of obsession and compulsion is the fact that the obsessions ... Show more content on ... (1) (2) (5) The most common presentation of OCD is washing. The person is compelled to wash their hands many times a day and have constant thoughts of dirt, germs, and contamination. The person may spend up to several hours each day washing their hands or showering, and generally attempts to avoid items that they perceive as sources of contamination. (1) A second subtype of the disorder is extreme doubt joined with compulsive checking; while some sufferers are preoccupied with symmetry, most people exhibiting this subtype are concerned with the safety of others. While checking something, such as the status of an appliance, would alleviate the doubt of a typical person, when a person with OCD checks something, their doubt is often heightened and often leads to even more checking. (1) Those with OCD are usually quite aware of their irrational or extreme fears and behaviors, but are unable to control them. Because such behavior seen in OCD sufferers is often considered "crazy," otherwise normal people who suffer from OCD are often driven to hide their symptoms. Many are able to do so with remarkable success, as they are normal in all other aspects of their lives. The tendency to hide such behavior may be the reason of the recent epidemiological studies that show an incidence rate of around 2%, rather than the previously thought 0.05%. On ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Obsessive–compulsive disorder is a personality disorder characterized by a constant, pervasive anxiety and the repetitive completion of tasks in an attempt to assuage that anxiety. The tasks completed most often include obsessive washing or cleaning, checking the status of some external factor, like locks or stoves, and counting features of the environment, like stairs or nearby objects. Together, cleaning and checking comprise up to 75% of those who suffer from OCD. For the purpose of this paper, only these two common facets of OCD will be discussed in conjunction with memory. Those with OCD often exhibit a certain amount of doubt about their memory efficacy and accuracy, compounded by the compulsion to verify observations (Klumpp, Amir, ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Analysis A term which is not only being misused nowadays, but also thrown around very casually in everyday conversation : Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. This disorder has been broken down into two forms : Obsessions and Compulsions. Obsessions are the recurrent thoughts that cause disturbance to the victim's thought process. On the other hand, compulsions are the uncontrollable desires to perform certain functions. By performing these tasks, the victim is able to get rid of the thought that mentally disturbing."A mental disorder is a syndrome characterized by clinically significant disturbance in an individual's cognition, emotion regulation, or behavior that reflects a dysfunction in the psychological, biological, or developmental processes underlying mental functioning," (The New Definition of a Mental Disorder) according to the DSM–V. An example of such a disorder is O.C.D. or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Victims of this disorder are trapped in cycles of unfavorable thoughts and have impulsive and involuntary desires to perform series of actions. This is done to break a chain of disturbing thoughts. After reading this article, I infer that mental disorders are avoidance mechanisms, a way to escape from life's issues. Any individual going for a check up ... Show more content on ... In 1994, for example, the diagnostic threshold for bipolar disorder was lowered to cover people without full–blown mania (instead, they have elevated moods that doctors call hypomania, but which Greenberg describes as exuberance). As a result, bipolar diagnoses soared, as did prescriptions for mood stabilisers and antipsychotic drugs, which in the US were for the first time being advertised directly to the public. "Suddenly, everyone and his brother was bipolar," says Greenberg. About six million people are now diagnosed as bipolar in the US, and in the UK, it's one in 100" ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder(OCD), according to the American Psychiatric Association, is defined as "an anxiety disorder in which time–consuming obsessions and compulsions significantly interfere with a person's routine, making it difficult to work or to have a normal social life." This, in layman's terms, is simply unwanted thoughts, and actions that cause anxiety, impairment, or distress at the job, in relationships and in society. The most common types of OCD are categorized by: Checking, which refers to an intrusive thought that if one does not check, for example, stove knobs, or if the lights are off, that something bad may occur. This leads one to the compulsion to check such things, and in doing so relieves the anxiety one may have ... Show more content on ... Their research alludes to the idea that children with incompetent parents are required to assume important responsibilities at a young age (I.e. caring for siblings, or themselves). When this is developed, the child begins to identify every mistake, whether the child had any control in the matter or not, as a result of his wrong–doing. This matter is often reinforced by the parents as well, because they use the child as a scapegoat for any negative dilemma that arises. People with this type of upbringing can lead one to set unreachable standards that lead one to feel as if they failed. Although, much of this behavior caused by the sense of exaggerated responsibility is used for preventing negative outcomes, opposed to them promoting their success. Under all of this, one is likely to develop Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder due to the fact that they form an extreme need to do no harm,which degrades in to obsessive thoughts of foreboding. In return, this leads one to act upon their obsessive thoughts in the form of compulsions to relieve such thoughts, because succumbing to their compulsions prevents the "occurrence of negative events", according to Dr. ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a psychological condition that is characterized by uneasiness, excessive worry, anxiety, obsessions, compulsions and the need to eliminate the triggers that are causing your angst. Obsessions are described as troubling beliefs, feelings, images and/or impulses that cause unwanted anguish and do not subside on their own, while compulsions, also known as "rituals," are the coping mechanisms that you use to ease your anxiety and reduce your obsessive impulses. It is important to remember that compulsions only relieve your obsessions temporarily. In fact, compulsive behaviors can actually increase your risk of experiencing re–occurring obsessions and compulsions. In other words, your compulsive behaviors ... Show more content on ... This approach to OCD treatment consists of counseling sessions and outside homework, which is beneficial for helping you confront and conquer you OCD both in session and in the real world. As your anxiety decreases, your urge to perform compulsive behaviors will also decrease. For instance: if you normally check the door 15 times before you leave for work, your therapist will be assign you outside homework (a weaning schedule), in which you only check the door 14 times for the first month, 13 times the next month and so on until you are only checking the door once before you leave for work. The purpose of exposure & response prevention therapy is to retrain your brain so that you no longer have obsessions and compulsions. This treatment approach teaches you how to trust your instincts and conquer your fears. Once you finish exposure & response prevention therapy, your obsessions will decrease in frequency and strength because they will no longer be reinforced by your compulsive behaviors. In addition, when you expose yourself to the things you fear, your obsessions will weaken until you no longer experience anxiety when you are confronted with challenging situations. Furthermore, with time, practice and therapy, you will no longer be triggered by the same stimulus that you once were and you will be able to better manage your OCD ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is abbreviated with OCD; it is an anxiety disorder that affects many people all over the world. OCD is a type of anxiety disorder that affects the brain and the behavior of a person. Someone who has OCD can experience frequent, upsetting thoughts called obsessions. Trying to control the thoughts, you can feel very overwhelmed resulting in an urge to repeat certain rituals or behaviors, these are called compulsions. Researchers think brain circuits may not work properly in people who have OCD. It tends to run in families. The symptoms often begin in children or teens. Examples of obsessions are a fear of germs or a fear of being hurt. Compulsions include washing your hands, counting, checking on things, or cleaning. ... Show more content on ... Serotonin is one of the brains many chemical messengers or neurotransmitters that allow one nerve cell to communicate with another nerve cell, also called neurons. Clomipramine (Anafranil) has a number of different chemical properties, including the ability to latch on to the serotonin reuptake pump and prevent the movement of serotonin into its home neuron. Medications such as clomipramine which block the serotonin pump are referred to as serotonin reuptake SRI's have been shown effective in treating OCD, including fluvoxamine (Luvox), fluoxetine (prozac), sertraline (Zoloft) and paroxetine ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Obsessive compulsive disorder was once thought to be a rare disorder. In this paper, we will explore the symptoms and signs of OCD to give a good understanding on how to recognize this disorder. We also will research the tools professionals use to diagnose OCD and innovative treatments used for coping with the debilitating symptoms. Pathology Obsessive compulsive disorder or OCD, is characterized as having symptoms of uncontrollable obsessions that lead the individual to experience symptoms of anxiety. The patient then experiences compulsions in attempt to relieve the anxiety. People with OCD experience repeat behaviors or thoughts that interfere with completing basic daily activities and tasks. The disorders symptoms debilitate the patient's ... Show more content on ... 2016). The NIMH estimated that 2.3% of the adult American population with lifetime OCD is managing the disorder which is 3.3 million adults, fifty percent of these cases were reported to be severe. In adulthood, men and women alike are equally affected by the disorder which is averagely diagnosed at age 19. The incidence rate of OCD is 1 in 43 or 2.30% or 6.3 million people in the U.S.A. Childhood OCD is more common and earlier onset in males than females. Ninety percent of respondents to the NCS–R survey were afflicted with other anxiety, mood, impulse–control or substance abuse disorders (Statistics About Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. 2015). There was no data available to determine if race was a factor in the prevalence of ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Essay On Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Introduction Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder, a common disorder, refers to the excessive, unreasonable, and intrusive obsessions or compulsions, which cause distress to an individual. Obsessions are intrusive thoughts, persistent ideas, and impulses that invade an individual's consciousness. On the other hand, compulsions are rigid and repetitive, or "rituals" that an individual must perform in order to prevent anxiety. In fact, this disorder is classified as an anxiety disorder because the obsessions cause great anxiety to the individual, while the compulsions are aimed at reducing the anxiety (National Institute of Mental Health). Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder affects about 2.2 million adults in the US, sticking men and women equally, and usually appears in childhood, adolescence, or early adulthood (National Institute of Mental Health). One–third of adults develop symptoms as ... Show more content on ... Other causes include abnormal serotonin activity and abnormal brain structure and functioning. Low activity of serotonin, a brain chemical whose role is carrying messages from neuron to neuron, presents itself as one of the causes for Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder. Although abnormal serotonin activity explains Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder, a recent study suggests that other neurotransmitters, such as, dopamine, glutamate, and GABA, are likely to be linked to this disorder (Maia & Cano–Colino, 2015). Moreover, research suggests that Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder is linked to abnormal functioning by specific regions of the brain, such as the orbitofrontal cortex and the basal ganglia, these regions are associated with converting sensory information into actions and thoughts (Zhong et al., 2014). It is suggested that individuals suffering from Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder, have extremely high activity in the orbitofrontal cortex and the basal ganglia (Zhong et al., ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Research Paper I. Types Of OCD An Obsessive Compulsive Disorder includes four types and they are intrusive thoughts, constant checking, fear of contamination and hoarding. Intrusive thoughts are when a person is tortured with obsessional brain–work that is disquieting and frightening. As a result of intrusive thoughts being disturbing, it becomes an agony. Intrusive thoughts contain relationships, fear of sexual thoughts, magical thinking, religion and violent thoughts. Constant checking is the want to check things constantly and the obsessive of constant checking is the worry of damage or harm. Constant checking is regularly done numerous times a day for hours. Contamination is the requirement to continually wash and clean and contamination is the obsessive terror that can ... Show more content on ... Cognitive behavioral therapy contains two elements, which are exposure and response prevention and cognitive therapy. Exposure and response prevention includes repeated reveal to the source of your desire. When in exposure response prevention therapy you are asked to abstain from the compulsive behavior you'd occasionally perform to cut down anxiety. While you are being confronted with your anxiety, the eagerness to cleanse your hands will progressively leave on it's own. Cognitive therapy is the focal point on the catastrophic thoughts and overemphasize sense of obligation you feel. A major section of cognitive therapy would be showing more healthy ways on how to react to obsessive thoughts. Family therapy can be a good advantage because it elevates understanding and help decrease family problems. OCD can cause conflict between your social life and your personal life. Family therapy can affect family in a good way. Group therapy has a big impact on someone with OCD. Interacting with people that's diagnose the same as you can diminish thoughts of ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Analysis Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder characterized by uncontrollable, unwanted thoughts and repetitive, ritualized behaviors patients feel compelled to perform. When people have OCD, they probably recognize their obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors as irrational, but they are unable to resist them. The DSM–5 provides clinicians with official definitions of and criteria for diagnosing mental disorders and dysfunctions. Most people with OCD have both obsessions and compulsions, but some people experience just one or the other (Criterion A). Obsessions are defined by recurrent and persistent thoughts, urges, or impulses. These are experienced, as intrusive and unwanted, and in most individuals cause marked anxiety ... Show more content on ... Males have an earlier OCD onset age than females and are more likely to have comorbid tic disorders. Gender differences in the pattern of symptom dimensions have been reported. Females are more likely to have symptoms focused on cleaning and males more likely to have symptoms connected to forbidden thoughts and symmetry dimensions. 3. Are there any ethical considerations? For example, are there concerns related to offering medication versus talk therapy? Even in the presentation of symptoms, or which treatment options they select? Getting proper treatment is essential so patients can learn how to take control of their OCD and gain relief. Getting relief from OCD is possible with Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), sometimes in combination with medication. CBT has received broad scientific support as the most effective behavioral treatment for OCD. Many adolescents struggle with OCD and Lady Macbeth was typical in this respect. Symptoms of this disorder may cause great distress, and this is intensified when a person is unwilling to admit that outside help is necessary. It is important to know that teens should be active participants in recovery from OCD. They have to be willing to engage in CBT and recognize it as something that can help them overcome the disorder rather than as one more demand made by their ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Fai Alhoshan Pre.Med A Essay #1 (first draft) September, 10th,2015 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a psychological disorder where patients are plagued with repeated obsessions or compulsions or, most commonly, both. The exact cause of OCD has not been known yet, but it is significantly common among relatives. Although there is no cure for it, detecting it early and treating it properly can help in the majority of cases. OCD affects all aspects of individuals' lives and sometimes could lead to a sever depression. In addition, A study was conducted regarding the prevalence of OCD has estimated that OCD is the "fourth most common mental illness after phobias, substance abuse, and major depression." Moreover, ... Show more content on ... As there are two factors to be considered when determining the symptoms (obsessions and compulsions), OCD patients rarely have only one or two clear signs. It can be noticed as: aggressive actions, seeking symmetry and order, continuous fear, and the need to carry actions to perfection. Moreover, some patients can sense their unreasonable actions and seek medical or psychological help; however, OCD is a self–diagnosable disorder, which means that a patient could find out whether he is affected by using a special scale. Yale–Brown obsessive–compulsive scale is a scale rated from zero to forty that measures the rate of severity of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) OCD Obsessive compulsive disorder, or OCD, plays a big part in the society that we live in today. Sufferers of OCD who have intrusive thoughts generally have recurring images in their minds that are disturbing or horrific. These thoughts can happen because of something that happened in the person's life, or they may happen for no specific reason. Obsessive compulsive disorder is a disorder that produces excessive thoughts that cause very repetitive habits and worry Everyone has an amount of OCD, but some are more threatening to an individual's well–being. Although OCD is an extremely common disorder, there are several different variations of the disorder that people suffer from. One specific type is obsession over germs and cleanliness. In ... Show more content on ... Living a life of regret and anxiety usually from past situations that compulsive patients may have experienced is difficult to overcome. Statistics from a common Psychiatric Department from the University of California, San Diego concluded one in forty adults and one in 200 children are living with symptoms of OCD. Those results consists of about five–million Americans that are tied between their own voices and the actual reality we are living in. Opportunities of treatment for families, groups, and even individuals are mistakenly passed by. Every therapy center is focusing on taking each obsession and making that less and less interesting, finally until the actions of the disorder are totally eliminated. (OCD Treatment ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Analysis Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, known as OCD, is considered a constant fear or worrying aspect (obsessions) that includes the frequent repetition of behaviors to reduce anxiety (compulsions). Some of the common symptoms include excessive washing or cleaning, repeated actions such as opening and closing the door or even the light switch a number of times before entering or leaving a room. Intelligence is not an issue as more people with OCD tend to possess an above average IQ. Obsessive compulsive disorder affects children and adolescents, as well as adults (one third to one half of adults with OCD report a childhood onset of the disorder). Treatment for OCD involves the use of behavioral therapy as this involves increasing exposure to what ... Show more content on ... It was attributed by the works from Lisa Merlo, Heather Lehmkuhl, Gary Geffken and Eric Storch found in the PsycARTICLES database. First off, pediatric obsessive compulsive disorder is a chronic, disabling condition. It in turn affects both the patients and their respected families. This article calls to attention that not all patients respond fully and how family accommodation specifically influences pediatric patients with OCD. It raises the question if there are improved outcomes based on family accommodations. With that being said, the study investigates the association between family accommodation and treatment outcome in a relatively large sample of pediatric patients with OCD participating in cognitive behavioral therapy. The outcome regards how effective the treatment actually was and what impact it had. The prediction is that the majority of parents would report family accommodations of their child's symptoms and that family accommodation would be seen as positively related to ratings of child OCD impairment. In turn, the level of family accommodation would decrease following cognitive behavioral therapy participation and post treatment levels of family accommodation would be ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) People generally appreciate the sight of a clean desk, or a good system to keep files tabbed and organized in a given space. Of course, there are those who believe they work more efficiently in a cluttered area, or claim to remember where an object was placed but now cannot seem to find it. However, once organization, daily 'rituals', or the unbearable urge to adjust something comes into play, Psychology describes this as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) or also referred to as Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD). The mental strains inside a person with OCD or OCPD can become psychologically dangerous for relationships or quality of life for that person if the disorder gets out of hand. Individuals with OCPD attempt to maintain ... Show more content on ... The subjects were chosen for the study if they were caregivers of patients with diagnoses of OCD using DSM requirements or standpoints, the subjects in the study were between the ages of seventeen (17) and seventy (70) years, the patients had given informed consent during the interview. The definition of a key caregiver was "a non–professional person in the community who is most involved with the everyday care of the case, and would be very likely to respond to any request for special assistance at any time, if such a request was made by the case" (Falloon, Graham–Hole and Woodroffe, p.384, 1993). When more than one person was involved in caring activities, the individual most closely related was chosen. Only one eligible patient declined to have his carers interviewed and all caregivers agreed to participate, the response rate was 98%. As the outcome of the study, of the forty–six participants serving as the OCD patients of the study, the strict livelihood observed by the caregiver was 3.3%. The occupational status of the patients, the carer's work status represented a more lenient result towards a higher socioeconomic viewpoint, or concerned with the interaction of social ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Definition: OCD is characterized by unreasonable thoughts and fears that lead the client to do repetitive or compulsive behaviors. Clients may only have obsessions or compulsions and still be diagnosed with OCD. The client may not be aware that his/her obsessions are not reasonable or he/she may try to ignore them or stop them all together. In doing this it will increase his/her distress or anxiety. The client may feel driven to perform compulsive acts in an effort to decrease the stressful feelings. Client's obsessions are often centered around specific themes, such as the fear of being contaminated by germs, he/she may feel the urge to wash their hands until they become sore and/or chapped. Causes: Biology: ... Show more content on ... Establish a relationship with the patient. Rationale: establishing a relationship helps to build trust and let the patient relax and decrease anxiety levels. 2. Keep the environment calm. Rationale: decreased outside stimuli helps the patient relax and reduce urge to perform rituals. 3. Assist patient in learning new stress management techniques. Rationale: stress management can be used instead of rituals and can help to break the habitual patterns. 4. Encourage the client to participate in constructive activities. Rationale: when the client is preoccupied with small tasks such as needlework or puzzles they may be less likely to perform rituals. 5. Give positive reinforcement with non–compulsive behavior. Rationale: helps the client feel more comfortable without performing rituals. 6. Administer prescribed Fluoxetine (Prozac). Rationale: helps to relieve the levels of anxiety and need to perform ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a common, chronic and long–lasting disorder in which a person has uncontrollable, reoccurring obsession or compulsions where he or she feels the urge to check things repeatedly, perform certain routines repeatedly or have certain thoughts repeatedly. This disorder can influence those of all ages, gender and ethnicities. Individuals cannot control either their activities or their exercises for more than a moment. Normal exercises include hand washing, counting, putting items in order, and verifying whether an entryway is closed or locked. Some may experience issues when tossing things out, identifying with hoarding disorder. These exercises jump out at such an extent, to the point that the individual's ... Show more content on ... Most people aren't necessarily sure how it occurs but they are familiar with some symptoms. Once the symptoms begin, they may then start to become a routine in which you may not be able to control. For instance, after just walking into your home and you close the door behind you, you may have to turn the lock on the door seven times, back and forth just to make sure you are secure in your home. Individuals with OCD may have side effects of obsessing over something, or a compulsion, in which they are having the urge to do it a certain way, or even both. These symptoms can put a stoppage with all parts of life, for instance, work, school, and individual connection. If not handled in a superior way, the obsession or compulsion will continue to happen. Obsessions are thoughts that you think repeatedly, thoughts you can't stop or get out your mind. Obsession are thoughts that may also cause irregular images in your mind that makes you panic or stress. Germaphobia can be a compulsion, in which one fears germs or contamination. One who suffers from obsessive compulsive disorder will more than likely wash their hands, repeatedly. Another obsession can be unwanted or forbidden thoughts involving sexual activating, religion/race, and harm/danger. With this type of obsession, you must be mindful of your surroundings because it is possible that things can be interpreted the wrong way and one may get hurt. Another obsession can ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder in which people experience intense obsessions and compulsive behaviors, often out of a belief that if they do not complete these actions than something horrible will occur. The compulsions are ritualized actions used as a way to reduce the anxiety caused by obsessions. OCD is a type of anxiety disorder that affects the sexes equally and can range from mild to severe, getting to a point where people affected spend much of their day completing these obsessions and behaviors. It is often referred to as the "disease of doubt" because those affected are often aware that their obsessions are irrational but carry them out regardless out of fear they may be warranted. People with OCD suffer ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder DIAGNOSIS Considering the secrecy surrounding OCD symptoms, it is important for family members to pay attention to early signs of ritualistic behaviors becoming troublesome. When OCD is suspected, a comprehensive clinical evaluation – including detailed interviews with parents and, if possible teachers – is required in order to check the obsessions, sensory phenomenon and compulsions in the case. In younger children, OCD features might appear subtly during play activities or drawing. It is vital to differentiate between obsessive compulsive symptoms and normal childhood behavior, such as the normal practice or actions during playtime, food time or bedtime. In this context, the information about degree of distress, impairment and time consumed performing rituals should provide enough data to decide whether or not treatment is warranted. Moreover, it is also important to assess insight and the family's perception of the symptoms, as well as how family members deal with the patient. Similar to what happens in adults, a long time may elapse until the diagnosis is made and the actual treatment is initiated. Many researchers through their studies have concluded an average of 2.5 years from the onset of symptoms to diagnosis in the US (Geller et al, 2006) and even longer in Germany (Walitza et al, 2011). One of the major causes for this kind of is the secrecy. Patients and their parents tend to feel ashamed or guilty regarding their symptoms or behaviors and conceal them until they ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Summary Of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Obsessive Compulsive Disorder M.D. Wayne K Godman's article, "Obsessive Compulsive Disorder" describes obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) as an anxiety disorder that causes disturbing thoughts called obsessions and/or repetitive behaviors called compulsions. About 20 perecent of people with OCD have obsessions and compulsions, while about 10 percent just have either obsessions or compulsions. For many people, compulsions serve to alleviate anxiety. Godman's article is mainly factual with examples of the things some people may do whether they have obsessions or compulsions. Common types of obsessions include a fear of germs or illness, unwanted impulses to harm a loved one, or unacceptable sexual or religious thoughts. Common types of compulsions ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Living With Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Essay Can you imagine walking down the street passing a building, and not being able to go on your way until you have counted every window in the building? How about trying to leave your house, but it takes you about one and a half to two hours to leave because you keep checking and checking to make sure the windows and doors are locked? These are just a few examples of how people may act who have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). People that have OCD find it hard to lead normal lives. They tend to suffer from recurrent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and perform the same rituals (compulsions) that they feel that they cannot control. The rituals or compulsions they have can be anything from washing their hands over and over, to ... Show more content on ... The PET scans show that patients that have OCD show a change in the striatum area of the brain when behavioral therapy and medication are given. Maybe with this new information on the cause of OCD, physicians may be able to treat it easier and with greater success. Commonality of OCD among the population of the United States does not seem substantial when compared to other illnesses. About 3.3 million people in the U.S. between the ages of 18–54 have OCD in a given year. (NIMH 2000.) This translates into roughly 2.3 percent of the population. Studies show that OCD affects women and men about equally. The ratio of men to women with OCD not being that significant in either direction to give it solely to one gender. This is unusual because most illnesses tend to favor one gender or the other. Typically OCD starts in early adolescence, but is written of by parents as abnormal or unusual behavior and the thought that the child will grow out of it. At least one–third of the cases of adult OCD began in childhood. This shows if caught soon enough and treated OCD might not have been a life long battle for some clients. In 1990 the U.S. paid out a total of 8.4 million dollars for treatment of clients with OCD. This was nearly 6 percent of the total mental health bill of 148 billion dollars. (NIMH 2000.) OCD doesn't just affect the adult population either. Approximately one million children and adolescents in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Obsessive–compulsive disorder is believed to affect approximately 2.2 million adults in America (NIMH). In the past, it's been referred to as obsessive–compulsive neurosis and is similar to arithomomania, mysophobia, and délire du toucher. It is an anxiety disorder that is diagnosed between the ages of seven and twelve, but is prevalent throughout childhood and into adulthood. People with OCD develop a variety of compulsions in order to cope with their irrational obsessions, which vary with all cases, and can cause other conditions that negatively impact every day life. This disorder is treatable and can be subsided with medication. "Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by unreasonable thoughts and fears (obsessions) that ... Show more content on ... Cognitive behaviorists use Exposure and Response Prevention in the treatment of obsessive– compulsive disorder. In Exposure and Response Prevention the subject is exposed to what stimulates their compulsions and offered the choice to have their compulsion or not. This type of therapy allows patients to make the choice to quit reacting to their obsessions. However, not all people have the time or the aptitude for this type of therapy. More people prefer to take medication in order to reduce their anxiety and obsessions. A few examples of the medication that are known to prevent obsessive–compulsive disorder are Zoloft, Prozac, and Anafranil. Unlike the cognitive behavior therapy, medication can have some harmful side effects. These include: upset stomach, changes in the pattern of sleep, excessive sweating, and an increase in suicidal thoughts or behavior. With OCD, love and support can go a long way. Loved ones of someone with obsessive–compulsive disorder can help them cope with the disorder in many ways. Knowledge about the disorder is always helpful and can be used to understand what that person is going through. Relaxing is another way to cope with OCD. Yoga and deep breathing techniques can decrease levels of anxiety. Finally, try to stay on a normal, everyday schedule. Obsessive–compulsive disorder tends to get in the way of living your life as ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a common chronic disorder in which a person has uncontrollable and recurrent thoughts and behaviors that he or she feels the urge to repeat. OCD often centers on things such as a fear of germs or the need to arrange objects in a specific manner. Symptoms normally start off gradually and vary throughout life. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is described to have appeared since the early seventeenth century. There are more than 200,000 cases in the US of people with OCD per year. The most common age range of people affected by OCD ranges from 6–60 years old. OCD commonly affects adults, adolescents, and children all over the world. Most people tend to be diagnosed by the age of 19. The typical age for boys is 9 and ... Show more content on ... However, patients respond to treatment, while some patients continue to experience symptoms. Sometimes people with OCD also have other mental disorders, such as anxiety, depression, and body dysmorphic disorder, which is a disorder in which someone mistakenly believes that a part of their body is possibly abnormal. The treatments include talk therapy, medications, etc. The medications are Clomipramine, Fluoxetine, Fluvoxamine, Sertraline, and Risperidone. The brain structure becomes affected. Therapy can help identify personality patterns. Psychotherapy appears helpful in identifying personality characteristics or patterns of behavior that tend to get in the way of developing good coping strategies or takes advantage of treatment. Furthermore, there are clinical psychologists that are trained in personality assessments to ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Summary The article I picked was about Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder (OCD). OCD is a common, chronic and long–lasting disorder. This disorder makes a person have uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts (obsessions) and behaviors (compulsions) that he or she feels the urge to repeat over and over. When the person has an Obsession OCD, he or she has repeated thoughts, urges, or mental images that cause anxiety. An example of this is fear of germs or contamination. While compulsion OCD, he or she has recurring, irrational act or behavior to do in response to an obsessive thought. An example of this is ordering and arranging things in a particular. In the study, there was 133 student that participated. IN the study they gave the participants a bogus EEGs, with false feedback that they were either at low or high risk of losing ... Show more content on ... After the EEGs, the participants were given a computerized task. The main role of the experiment was to see whether the participants could control the flow of images on a screen by using a sequence of key commands. When controlling the flow of images, they could press the space bar to check or confirm the key sequence. The participle that was told they had a high risk of losing control over their thought and action were more eager in checking the feedback than those who were told they had a low risk of losing control over their thought and action. This article was very interesting, it reminds me of what we went over in class about the result two different type of drugs can give people in an experiment. In class, we talked about giving a set number of test subject one pill and another set number of test subject a placebo. The test subject that was given the ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Checking to make sure the stove is turned off, or double checking that the car is locked are all normal things. But a person with obsessive compulsive disorder may participate in these same actions, the only difference is it is much more intense. According to the National Institute of Mental Health those who have obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) have an impulse to check things multiple times, have rituals, thoughts and routines that they repeat over and over (National Institute of Health, 2013). The Center for Disease Control and Prevention further defines OCD, by having both obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions have two aspects to them and include having thoughts, impulses or images that repeatedly happen and are generally unwanted. ... Show more content on ... Evidence based research has shown that cognitive–behavioral therapy is the preferred method of psychotherapy. Historically behavioral therapy was first used for the treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder. Behavioral therapy concentrated on the exposure to fearful stimuli. Cognitive therapy was then used and focused on responsibilities, over importance of thought, controlling thoughts, and estimation of threats. Both these approaches were found to be very effective and they combined them creating cognitive–behavioral therapy (Stein, 2002). This therapy involves response prevention and exposure to stimuli. Response prevention is when the individual has OCD stays away from compulsive thoughts and practices. An examples of this include the compulsive behavior of washing your hands 7 times before leaving the bathroom; and decreasing the amount of handwashes gradually until the desired results are achieved. Exposure refers to the systematic stimulation that is repetitive and that can last for a long period of time. An example of this is the exposure to dirt and germs for an individual who gets extreme anxiety from the possibility of coming into contact with these substances (Abramowitz, et. al, 2009). This treatment can be done in a group setting, family setting or as an individual (Stein, 2002). Psychotherapy is also very useful for educating those with obsessive compulsive disorder to think differently, how to behave, and proper reaction to anxiety provoking situations that cause the need to act out the obsession with the compulsive ... Get more on ...