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‘The Trial’. August 2014.
By Duncan McCombe
Foreword by Duncan McCombe
“During my time in education I wanted to do a
variety of things as my career. I’ve wanted to be a
builder, a gardener, a teacher, a stuntman, a Walt
Disney World cast member, and my greatest ‘fad’; I
had my heart set on becoming an actor. With many
others in between, that’s just what I can remember.
This may look like I would be sorted for leaving
education, with all these options, but the truth was I
didn’t have a clue what I was going to do.
I wanted to go onto University after
completing my A-Levels, and I was
certainly encouraged to do so, but the
truth is it just wasn’t for me. That became
rather clear when I was sat around my
dad’s kitchen table on the morning of the
UCAS deadline and instead of narrowing
my choices down to 5 applications I was
trying to think of 5 courses to apply to!
I had three written down; Filmmaking
at Manchester Metropolitan University
and Drama and Film Studies both at
Liverpool John Moores University. So,
at that moment I decided to take a gap
year. I wasn’t prepared to waste 3 years
of my life (and at least £50,000) doing
something that I wasn’t sure about.
During this year I was going to get as
much experience as possible and enable
myself to make an informed decision
about going to university in September
2014; and that was the best decision I
have ever made.
Towards the end of my time at college
I started attending various networking
events and became an ambassador for
Career Academies UK which gave me
the opportunity to tell my story to lots of
important people at high profile venues
including; education experts at The Etihad
Stadium, bank managers in training at
Barclays (Spinningfields, Manchester)
and college students and parents at
Salford City College, Media City UK. These
opportunities were an incredible eye
opener for me, actually that’s quite an
understatement, they were so much more
than that. As a child I had a strong belief
that I did not want to work in business. I
didn’t want to work in an office, 9 till 5, and
have to wear a suit. Although now, I have
a burning desire to run my own business,
complete polar opposites I know! So what
made the difference? Well at these events
I attended I got to see what business is
really like, it’s so much more than being
stuck in an office, 9 -5 suited and booted,
it’s whatever you make of it!
It was the chance to see it with my own
eyes; talk to people and experience it that
really made the decision for me; and there
and then, Network Young was born.
It became so clear. It isn’t possible for
one single career adviser to tell you, in
detail, about the vast enormity of careers
out there. For me, that isn’t an informed
decision. They don’t know the secret
perks that could seal the job for you such
as; the opportunity to mentor a young
person, a cinema screen to watch the
World Cup on or the chance to spend 9
days cycling across Africa raising money
for charity. Equally they don’t know what
the commute is like every morning, what
the 5am alarm clock sounds like and all
those other factors. For all this you need
to go directly to the source and that is
what I set out to do.”
Duncan McCombe, Founder
What is it?
Network Young is a 5 week programme
in schools for students aged 14-16 aimed
at helping them develop high quality,
professional networks which, in turn,
will aid their career choice. This is done
through 5 one hour sessions after school
in which we bring in guest speakers and
experts to lead workshops.
Our aims
	 Teach students what a
	 professional network is and the
	 importance of having one
	 Start and develop students’
	 professional networks
	 Introduce students to a number of
	 different careers, giving them the
	 option and resources to explore them
	 further and make informed decisions
	 about their future
	Teach and improve upon students’
	 soft skills
	 Help students to become more
	 employable when they leave
The trial programme -
Week 1 –
Duncan McCombe,
Stewart McCombe (William Ritchie)
Jim Clarke (The Apprentice Academy)
Week 2 –
Charlotte Green &
David Middleton (Grant Thornton)
Week 3 –
Georgina Tripp (gunnercooke)
Week 4 –
Phil Jones (Brother UK)
Week 5 –
Ann Davis (BizWizUK)
In the 1 hour sessions we aim to inspire,
motivate and teach the students. In
their own time outside these sessions
students are given the resources (Directory
of Contacts) to develop their networks
and speak to people in industry, giving
them the opportunity to ask the probing
questions and find out the truth about their
dream job.
To see if Network Young was really going
to work in practice we decided to trial the
5 week programme at Duncan’s old high
school, Bramhall High in Stockport. We
chose Bramhall High School because it
was Duncan’s old school but also, more
importantly, because their head teacher,
Heather Cooper, was asking for “a mixed
economy of adults” to come into her
classrooms (quote from The Education
Agenda, Insider Magazine, October 2013);
exactly what we were offering. The trial ran
for 5 weeks, every Tuesday from 3:05pm-
4:00pm in the library. Starting on 3/6/14
and ending on 1/7/14.
We initially marketed the trial by sending
out letters to all year 10 students, but
this didn’t work and we only received 2
applications back. The biggest reason
for this was they didn’t understand what
Network Young was. Other reasons were;
not enough time due to exams and a
school show being at the same time. Two
students were not enough to run it and
the trial was postponed. On the second
attempt Duncan went into every form
group to speak to all year 10 students,
this enabled him to answer any questions
and really explain what was being offered.
After this we received 8 applications in
total, enough to go ahead!
The Directory of Contacts
As well as the 5 week programme,
students also gain exclusive access
to the Network Young Directory of
Contacts. These 25 people have
been carefully selected by Network
Young and have agreed to engage in
conversation with all Network Young
students about their careers. The
students will have the opportunity to
speak to somebody who has a career
in the industry they are interested in
going into or equally they can speak
to somebody who has a career in an
industry that they have never even
heard of before. The students can ask
the members of the directory anything
they want from what their job is like?
What they would have to do to get a
job in that field? Or even what the dress
code is for that type of job? They can
ask whatever is important to them in
a job and the beauty of the directory
is that they will get an honest answer
because the people they are asking do
the job day in, day out, so they know
exactly what it is like. This is all part of
helping the students make informed
decisions about their career choice.
During the sessions in the school,
students will be given help and advice
on how to approach the members of
the directory. We’ll do this by helping
them construct emails, advise them
on the best people to contact and help
them to build relationships.
Once the programme is complete the
students will then have a skillset which
will enable them to sustain their new
network. They will then be able to pull
on this when necessary throughout
their careers.
At the moment all dialogue is done via
email which is sent through the teacher
and Network Young. In the future
we aim to have a website where all
dialogue can take place in one secure
location. The directory members can
put forward whatever contact details
are best for them also and be contacted
in a way that suits them.
The directory continues to grow on a
daily basis, and through the members’
extended networks, we are confident of
introducing students to contacts across
most industries.
Charlotte Smith Mistral Group
Chris Hardman Enterprise Ventures
Christine Piper ITV
Darren Hutchinson Dreamscope TV
Darryl Cooke gunnercooke
Duncan McCombe Network Young
Georgina Tripp gunnercooke
Graham Bond Baker Tilly
Inness Mattinson Inness Design
Jennifer McCarthy Hugh Joseph
McCarthy Solicitors
Jim Clarke The Apprentice
Karen Young Hays
Kate Jones Inspired Lives
Lindsay Garman Leonard Curtis
Business Solutions
Lucy Green Contact
Nazma Ghafoor The Apprentice
Pamela McColl ConwayMcColl
Paul Roberts Deloitte
Paul Smith Duff & Phelps
Sami France Design By Day
Sinead Flood UCFB
Steven Lindsay CLB Coopers
Stewart McCombe Enterprise Ventures
Sven Hanger Stark Brooks
Tom Rogers Stark Brooks
My View
Overall I was happy with the trial. The
demographic of students was great; they
all really wanted to be there and really
wanted to learn which was good to see.
I really enjoyed the opening session. It
was fast paced with three speakers and
kept the audience alert. This definitely
worked best but I wouldn’t be able to get
three speakers in each week. Instead I
have worked independently with a teacher
on how to improve the sessions and make
them all as engaging as this.
Week two was a panel discussion with
two employees from Grant Thornton,
Charlotte Green and David Middleton.
I opened the session by explaining the
Directory of Contacts. I gave them all a
hard copy of the directory and we talked
through how to write emails, why you
would want to talk to the members and
began looking at building networks. The
panel style session had a slower pace
than the previous week, although all
the students did ask a question about a
career in accounting at some point so
they were engaged.
On the third session we had a question
and answer session with lawyer, Georgina
Tripp, a partner at gunnercooke, which
was a great session for the student who
came with a clear interest in becoming
a barrister due to family influences. Both
George and the students seemed to
get something out of this hour. George
provided some really good insights into
a career in law and the students asked
relevant questions about how to pursue
such a career.
The fourth week was another guest
speaker; we had Phil Jones, Managing
Director at Brother UK. Phil told a great
story about his career to date telling
students how he went from working in an
‘EastEnders style pub’ in the East End of
London to becoming a managing director.
This session definitely achieved the goal
of inspiring the students to go on and
achieve great success in their careers.
Another moment of magic happened on
his day, when a student asked how he
would go about getting work experience.
Phil gave the response of “Write a letter
to the HR depart…” but before he had
finished the student had responded
“But I know you!”, which was very clever
and taken well by all in the room. So
Phil invited the student to send him an
email. This particular student set up a
lot of opportunities and it was great to
see them make full use of the exposure
to great business people. I noted down
on this day that I thought this session
would work well with a group of college
students, I believe they will get a lot out
of an hour with Phil Jones, especially
business studies students.
The final session was the LinkedIn
training session run by Ann Davies which
I though was excellent. She kicked off the
session with a very engaging video which
set the tone for the session and gave a
quick overview of what she was going
to talk about over the next 45 minutes.
She explained, clearly, the purposes of
LinkedIn and how to set up a basic profile.
We then went on to discuss personal
brand online and about how you present
yourself over social media in this current
climate; telling real stories about our
experiences. The students really saw the
relevance and seemed to be taken aback
by the fact that what you tweet/put on
Facebook today can affect you in your
career 10/20/30 years down the line. It
was good to see the message getting
across early so students can tailor their
social image accordingly.
On the whole I was very happy with the 5
Student Feedback
This question represents the starting
point of the course and can be used as
a benchmark to monitor the progress of
students. For the 57% of students who
knew what they wanted to do we aimed to
help develop their knowledge of a career
in that field and help them to make an
informed decision about whether that is
the right career choice for them. For the
43% of students who didn’t know what
they wanted to do we aimed to showcase
to them a variety of careers to open their
minds to what’s out there.
When I started Network Young I knew
what I wanted to do as a careeer.
If you did - I now know more about the
career I want to go into.
If you didn’t - I now know what I want to
do as a career or have a better idea.
With regards to the 57% students who did
know what they wanted to do 100% of
them have left with a better knowledge of
that career. This should now enable them
to make a more informed decision about
that career choice.
Out of the 43% students who didn’t know
what they wanted to do we can see that
67% of these students do in fact now
have a better idea about what they want
to do even though they didn’t know what
they wanted to do when they started. This
is the really important one as it shows the
amount of people who now know what
they want to do as a career or have a
better idea after not knowing at all at the
beginning of the course.
I understand what a network is as a
result of the programme.
I have started to develop my own
network which I can maintain and grow.
I now feel more prepared for leaving
I understand the importance of having
a network following the programme.
Both these charts show a 100% success
rate as everybody now understands what
a network is and everybody understands
the importance of having a network.
We are really glad with these results as
the main emphasis of Network Young
is on networking so to have everybody
understand what it is and the importance
of it is really good.
This chart really reflects the work of
the Directory of Contacts, a vital part
of the programme. 71% of students
said they did start to develop their own
network which they can maintain and
grow, which shows a good success rate.
The people they are referring to are the
people who came into the sessions to
talk so that’s great that they feel they
have added them to their network. This
statistic will improve in courses to come
with the addition of a website where all
communication between students and
directory members can take place.
Network Young has an aim of preparing
students for leaving education but also
preparing them for progressing through
different stages in their careers, the first
one being leaving high school (in 12
months for this group of students). The
data in this graph is really good to see
as it shows another success with 100%
of students agreeing that they feel more
prepared for leaving school and 57% of
those strongly agreeing.
Student Feedback
Would you recommend us to friends? Would you come to anther programme
with new speakers?
These final 2 charts are also very pleasing
as they show that 100% of students will
both; come again and recommend us
to friends. This proves to me that the
customer likes the product and we got the
student demographic right. We always
knew that the biggest challenge would
be to get the first group of students to
buy into a brand new concept so we are
glad that these eight completed it and will
tell their friends about it. We were also
informed that students were talking about
us on the school corridor which is really
According to the feedback this shows
which sessions students enjoyed the
most -
Week 1 –
Introduction with Duncan McCombe,
Stewart McCombe (Enterprise Ventures)
Jim Clarke (The Apprentice Academy)
Week 5 –
Linkedin training with Ann Davis
Week 2 –
Guest speakers from Grant Thornton
Charlotte Green & David Middleton
Student Comments
What did you enjoy the most?
“Learning about careers I am interested in”
“The LinkedIn session”
“Phil Jones talk and Grant Thornton”
“I enjoyed learning about accounting with
Grant Thornton”
“Knowing more about the different
opportunities and careers to go into”
“The people”
What do you think could be improved?
“More variety or more weeks so you can
learn about more careers”
“Different activities rather than just
“More interaction”
“More contacts and more information on
“More interactive”
“Unsure, I liked all sessions”
Teacher Feedback
Louise Clifton was my primary contact at
the school and it is her who we worked
with in putting the programme on there.
At the end of the programme she also
provided feedback.
She agreed that students gained
knowledge of a selection of careers
available to them, helping them to make
informed decisions, students started to
develop their own network which they
could maintain and grow and students are
better prepared for leaving high school.
We were pleased with these responses.
We were even more pleased by the fact
that she strongly agreed that students
were taught what a network is and also
the importance of having a network,
this is one of our fundamental aims.
She also said she would recommend us
to colleagues and take part in another
programme with different speakers.
The biggest piece of feedback she
continually gave back was to break down
the sessions into 15-20 minute blocks
and we completely agree with this. She
said that this will motivate the students
more and retain engagement which
would make it easier for the students to
take something away from the sessions.
Another piece of feedback she gave a lot
was to put the programme into a one day
offering that schools could buy into for
extracurricular activity days or careers
Louise’s top 3 sessions were:
Week 5 -
LinkedIn training session with
Ann Davies from BizWizUK
Week 4 -
Guest Speaker from Brother UK,
Phil Jones
Week 3 -
Q&A with Georgina Tripp from
Speaker Feedback
“I remain totally supportive of Network
Young, and was privileged to participate in
the very first session.
The event was very well organised,
the students arrived on time and were
attentive, and Louise, the link teacher, was
very supportive.
I speak to everyone about Network Young
and see it as a key opportunity going
forward. There is a clear need for this type
of service.
In terms of feedback, I would like to be
more connected with the other speakers,
understand the whole picture, and learn
more about the student journey. I would
have liked more formal communication
around my involvement, giving me clear
directions as to my participation, as well
as reminders immediately prior.
Always willing to present again.
Good luck!”
Stewart McCombe, William Ritchie
“I enjoyed taking part in my session in the
Network Young programme and I would
be happy to take part again. I am happy
to tell other work colleagues about it and
have already informed relevant business
people about the programme. It was well
organised, I was well briefed beforehand
and the introduction on the day was good
by Duncan.”
Jim Clarke, The Apprentice Academy
Review The Future
	 We spoke to every year 10 student,
	 class by class, and secured 8 people
	 for the trial
	 Phil Jones invited a student to send
	 him an email regarding work
	 experience at Brother UK due to his
	 initiative of simply asking him mid-
	 The LinkedIn session was great and
	 went down really well. The use of
	 visuals and a video was good
	 The teacher and all students would
	 recommend the programme to friends
	 and colleagues and partake in another
	 All students understand what
	 a professional network is and the
	 importance of having a professional
	 The speakers are willing to take part in
	 more sessions
	 We need to market the programme to
	 the students better so they
	 understand what it is and the
	 importance of it, therefore increasing
	 the number of attendees
	 The sessions need to be broken down
	 into ice-breaker sessions, group/
	 individual work and tasks
	 Bring the LinkedIn session forward.
	 The Introduction session will always
	 come first so possibly always have
	 LinkedIn second
	 Students asked for more sessions
	 and speakers
	 Speakers want to be more connected
	 with the other speakers, understand
	 the whole picture, and learn more
	 about the student journey. They would
	 have liked more formal
	 communication around involvement,
	 giving clear directions as to
	 participation, as well as reminders
	 immediately prior
	 Create a one day programme
	 compressing the 5 weeks into one day
	 The introduction of a website will
	 make the Directory of Contacts a lot
	 easier to use and increase its use
After a successful trial we are very
excited about taking Network Young
forward. We have learned a lot through
this process but most importantly we
have demonstrated the need for this
service and that it works. The fact that
only 2 students showed interest initially
proves that students don’t see the
importance of thinking about a career
early on and building contacts from a
young age.
In the 2014-2015 academic year we
would like to run 5 more programmes
in local high schools. As well as this we
would also like to explore putting on a
programme in a college in Stockport as
we believe there is definitely a market
for this service in higher education.
Over this year, we will focus on
improving the quality of the sessions
as well as creating a one day offering,
growing the portfolio of people involved
and increasing the variety of industries.
We will also work hard on the alumni
aspect of things so Network Young can
grow and the student journey doesn’t
end after the 5 weeks.
Call to Action
Thank you for reading the Network
Young evaluation. Please see below
the various ways in which you, your
business or your school can get
involved with the programme.
For Businesses -	
Sponsor a year or a single
For Professionals -	
Get introduced to us by somebody
already involved in Network Young and
offer your time as a guest speaker or
directory member
For Schools/Colleges -
Get in touch and book in a programme
for your school or college
Contact -	
Duncan McCombe, Founder
Twitter: @Network_Young
Thank You
Network Young would not have been able to come as far
as it has in its first year without the incredible support and
generosity of the people of Greater Manchester. To all that
have been part of the journey so far, we thank you.
Stewart McCombe, William Ritchie
Sally Toumi, Stark Brooks
David Harrison, Accenture
Inness Mattinson, Inness Design
Paul Smith, Duff & Phelps
Lucy Green, Contact
Sinead Flood, University College of Football Business
Heather Cooper and Louise Clifton, Bramhall High School
Jim Clarke, The Apprentice Academy
David Middleton, Grant Thornton
Charlotte Green, Grant Thornton
Georgina Tripp, gunnercooke
Phil Jones, Brother UK
Ann Davies, BizWizUK
Each and every one of you in the
Directory of Contacts

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NY Evaluation Web

  • 1. ‘The Trial’. August 2014. By Duncan McCombe
  • 2. Foreword by Duncan McCombe “During my time in education I wanted to do a variety of things as my career. I’ve wanted to be a builder, a gardener, a teacher, a stuntman, a Walt Disney World cast member, and my greatest ‘fad’; I had my heart set on becoming an actor. With many others in between, that’s just what I can remember. This may look like I would be sorted for leaving education, with all these options, but the truth was I didn’t have a clue what I was going to do.
  • 3. I wanted to go onto University after completing my A-Levels, and I was certainly encouraged to do so, but the truth is it just wasn’t for me. That became rather clear when I was sat around my dad’s kitchen table on the morning of the UCAS deadline and instead of narrowing my choices down to 5 applications I was trying to think of 5 courses to apply to! I had three written down; Filmmaking at Manchester Metropolitan University and Drama and Film Studies both at Liverpool John Moores University. So, at that moment I decided to take a gap year. I wasn’t prepared to waste 3 years of my life (and at least £50,000) doing something that I wasn’t sure about. During this year I was going to get as much experience as possible and enable myself to make an informed decision about going to university in September 2014; and that was the best decision I have ever made. Towards the end of my time at college I started attending various networking events and became an ambassador for Career Academies UK which gave me the opportunity to tell my story to lots of important people at high profile venues including; education experts at The Etihad Stadium, bank managers in training at Barclays (Spinningfields, Manchester) and college students and parents at Salford City College, Media City UK. These opportunities were an incredible eye opener for me, actually that’s quite an understatement, they were so much more than that. As a child I had a strong belief that I did not want to work in business. I didn’t want to work in an office, 9 till 5, and have to wear a suit. Although now, I have a burning desire to run my own business, complete polar opposites I know! So what made the difference? Well at these events I attended I got to see what business is really like, it’s so much more than being stuck in an office, 9 -5 suited and booted, it’s whatever you make of it! It was the chance to see it with my own eyes; talk to people and experience it that really made the decision for me; and there and then, Network Young was born. It became so clear. It isn’t possible for one single career adviser to tell you, in detail, about the vast enormity of careers out there. For me, that isn’t an informed decision. They don’t know the secret perks that could seal the job for you such as; the opportunity to mentor a young person, a cinema screen to watch the World Cup on or the chance to spend 9 days cycling across Africa raising money for charity. Equally they don’t know what the commute is like every morning, what the 5am alarm clock sounds like and all those other factors. For all this you need to go directly to the source and that is what I set out to do.” Duncan McCombe, Founder
  • 4. What is it? Network Young is a 5 week programme in schools for students aged 14-16 aimed at helping them develop high quality, professional networks which, in turn, will aid their career choice. This is done through 5 one hour sessions after school in which we bring in guest speakers and experts to lead workshops. Our aims Teach students what a professional network is and the importance of having one Start and develop students’ professional networks Introduce students to a number of different careers, giving them the option and resources to explore them further and make informed decisions about their future Teach and improve upon students’ soft skills Help students to become more employable when they leave education The trial programme - Week 1 – Duncan McCombe, Stewart McCombe (William Ritchie) Jim Clarke (The Apprentice Academy) Week 2 – Charlotte Green & David Middleton (Grant Thornton) Week 3 – Georgina Tripp (gunnercooke) Week 4 – Phil Jones (Brother UK) Week 5 – Ann Davis (BizWizUK) In the 1 hour sessions we aim to inspire, motivate and teach the students. In their own time outside these sessions students are given the resources (Directory of Contacts) to develop their networks and speak to people in industry, giving them the opportunity to ask the probing questions and find out the truth about their dream job. To see if Network Young was really going to work in practice we decided to trial the 5 week programme at Duncan’s old high school, Bramhall High in Stockport. We chose Bramhall High School because it was Duncan’s old school but also, more importantly, because their head teacher, Heather Cooper, was asking for “a mixed economy of adults” to come into her classrooms (quote from The Education Agenda, Insider Magazine, October 2013); exactly what we were offering. The trial ran for 5 weeks, every Tuesday from 3:05pm- 4:00pm in the library. Starting on 3/6/14 and ending on 1/7/14. We initially marketed the trial by sending out letters to all year 10 students, but this didn’t work and we only received 2 applications back. The biggest reason for this was they didn’t understand what Network Young was. Other reasons were; not enough time due to exams and a school show being at the same time. Two students were not enough to run it and the trial was postponed. On the second attempt Duncan went into every form group to speak to all year 10 students, this enabled him to answer any questions and really explain what was being offered. After this we received 8 applications in total, enough to go ahead!
  • 5. The Directory of Contacts As well as the 5 week programme, students also gain exclusive access to the Network Young Directory of Contacts. These 25 people have been carefully selected by Network Young and have agreed to engage in conversation with all Network Young students about their careers. The students will have the opportunity to speak to somebody who has a career in the industry they are interested in going into or equally they can speak to somebody who has a career in an industry that they have never even heard of before. The students can ask the members of the directory anything they want from what their job is like? What they would have to do to get a job in that field? Or even what the dress code is for that type of job? They can ask whatever is important to them in a job and the beauty of the directory is that they will get an honest answer because the people they are asking do the job day in, day out, so they know exactly what it is like. This is all part of helping the students make informed decisions about their career choice. During the sessions in the school, students will be given help and advice on how to approach the members of the directory. We’ll do this by helping them construct emails, advise them on the best people to contact and help them to build relationships. Once the programme is complete the students will then have a skillset which will enable them to sustain their new network. They will then be able to pull on this when necessary throughout their careers. At the moment all dialogue is done via email which is sent through the teacher and Network Young. In the future we aim to have a website where all dialogue can take place in one secure location. The directory members can put forward whatever contact details are best for them also and be contacted in a way that suits them. The directory continues to grow on a daily basis, and through the members’ extended networks, we are confident of introducing students to contacts across most industries. Charlotte Smith Mistral Group Chris Hardman Enterprise Ventures Christine Piper ITV Darren Hutchinson Dreamscope TV Darryl Cooke gunnercooke Duncan McCombe Network Young Georgina Tripp gunnercooke Graham Bond Baker Tilly Inness Mattinson Inness Design Jennifer McCarthy Hugh Joseph McCarthy Solicitors Jim Clarke The Apprentice Academy Karen Young Hays Kate Jones Inspired Lives Lindsay Garman Leonard Curtis Business Solutions Group Lucy Green Contact Nazma Ghafoor The Apprentice Academy Pamela McColl ConwayMcColl Solicitors Paul Roberts Deloitte Paul Smith Duff & Phelps Sami France Design By Day Sinead Flood UCFB Steven Lindsay CLB Coopers Stewart McCombe Enterprise Ventures Sven Hanger Stark Brooks Tom Rogers Stark Brooks
  • 6. My View Overall I was happy with the trial. The demographic of students was great; they all really wanted to be there and really wanted to learn which was good to see. I really enjoyed the opening session. It was fast paced with three speakers and kept the audience alert. This definitely worked best but I wouldn’t be able to get three speakers in each week. Instead I have worked independently with a teacher on how to improve the sessions and make them all as engaging as this. Week two was a panel discussion with two employees from Grant Thornton, Charlotte Green and David Middleton. I opened the session by explaining the Directory of Contacts. I gave them all a hard copy of the directory and we talked through how to write emails, why you would want to talk to the members and began looking at building networks. The panel style session had a slower pace than the previous week, although all the students did ask a question about a career in accounting at some point so they were engaged. On the third session we had a question and answer session with lawyer, Georgina Tripp, a partner at gunnercooke, which was a great session for the student who came with a clear interest in becoming a barrister due to family influences. Both George and the students seemed to get something out of this hour. George provided some really good insights into a career in law and the students asked relevant questions about how to pursue such a career. The fourth week was another guest speaker; we had Phil Jones, Managing Director at Brother UK. Phil told a great story about his career to date telling students how he went from working in an ‘EastEnders style pub’ in the East End of London to becoming a managing director. This session definitely achieved the goal of inspiring the students to go on and achieve great success in their careers. Another moment of magic happened on his day, when a student asked how he would go about getting work experience. Phil gave the response of “Write a letter to the HR depart…” but before he had finished the student had responded “But I know you!”, which was very clever and taken well by all in the room. So Phil invited the student to send him an email. This particular student set up a lot of opportunities and it was great to see them make full use of the exposure to great business people. I noted down on this day that I thought this session would work well with a group of college students, I believe they will get a lot out of an hour with Phil Jones, especially business studies students. The final session was the LinkedIn training session run by Ann Davies which I though was excellent. She kicked off the session with a very engaging video which set the tone for the session and gave a quick overview of what she was going to talk about over the next 45 minutes. She explained, clearly, the purposes of LinkedIn and how to set up a basic profile.
  • 7. We then went on to discuss personal brand online and about how you present yourself over social media in this current climate; telling real stories about our experiences. The students really saw the relevance and seemed to be taken aback by the fact that what you tweet/put on Facebook today can affect you in your career 10/20/30 years down the line. It was good to see the message getting across early so students can tailor their social image accordingly. On the whole I was very happy with the 5 weeks.
  • 8. Student Feedback This question represents the starting point of the course and can be used as a benchmark to monitor the progress of students. For the 57% of students who knew what they wanted to do we aimed to help develop their knowledge of a career in that field and help them to make an informed decision about whether that is the right career choice for them. For the 43% of students who didn’t know what they wanted to do we aimed to showcase to them a variety of careers to open their minds to what’s out there. When I started Network Young I knew what I wanted to do as a careeer. If you did - I now know more about the career I want to go into. If you didn’t - I now know what I want to do as a career or have a better idea. With regards to the 57% students who did know what they wanted to do 100% of them have left with a better knowledge of that career. This should now enable them to make a more informed decision about that career choice. Out of the 43% students who didn’t know what they wanted to do we can see that 67% of these students do in fact now have a better idea about what they want to do even though they didn’t know what they wanted to do when they started. This is the really important one as it shows the amount of people who now know what they want to do as a career or have a better idea after not knowing at all at the beginning of the course.
  • 9. I understand what a network is as a result of the programme. I have started to develop my own network which I can maintain and grow. I now feel more prepared for leaving school. I understand the importance of having a network following the programme. Both these charts show a 100% success rate as everybody now understands what a network is and everybody understands the importance of having a network. We are really glad with these results as the main emphasis of Network Young is on networking so to have everybody understand what it is and the importance of it is really good. This chart really reflects the work of the Directory of Contacts, a vital part of the programme. 71% of students said they did start to develop their own network which they can maintain and grow, which shows a good success rate. The people they are referring to are the people who came into the sessions to talk so that’s great that they feel they have added them to their network. This statistic will improve in courses to come with the addition of a website where all communication between students and directory members can take place. Network Young has an aim of preparing students for leaving education but also preparing them for progressing through different stages in their careers, the first one being leaving high school (in 12 months for this group of students). The data in this graph is really good to see as it shows another success with 100% of students agreeing that they feel more prepared for leaving school and 57% of those strongly agreeing.
  • 10. Student Feedback Would you recommend us to friends? Would you come to anther programme with new speakers? These final 2 charts are also very pleasing as they show that 100% of students will both; come again and recommend us to friends. This proves to me that the customer likes the product and we got the student demographic right. We always knew that the biggest challenge would be to get the first group of students to buy into a brand new concept so we are glad that these eight completed it and will tell their friends about it. We were also informed that students were talking about us on the school corridor which is really positive. According to the feedback this shows which sessions students enjoyed the most - Week 1 – Introduction with Duncan McCombe, Stewart McCombe (Enterprise Ventures) Jim Clarke (The Apprentice Academy) Week 5 – Linkedin training with Ann Davis (BizWizUK) Week 2 – Guest speakers from Grant Thornton Charlotte Green & David Middleton 1 2 3
  • 11. Student Comments What did you enjoy the most? “Learning about careers I am interested in” “The LinkedIn session” “Phil Jones talk and Grant Thornton” “I enjoyed learning about accounting with Grant Thornton” “Knowing more about the different opportunities and careers to go into” “The people” What do you think could be improved? “More variety or more weeks so you can learn about more careers” “Different activities rather than just speakers” “More interaction” “More contacts and more information on LinkedIn” “More interactive” “Unsure, I liked all sessions”
  • 12. Teacher Feedback Louise Clifton was my primary contact at the school and it is her who we worked with in putting the programme on there. At the end of the programme she also provided feedback. She agreed that students gained knowledge of a selection of careers available to them, helping them to make informed decisions, students started to develop their own network which they could maintain and grow and students are better prepared for leaving high school. We were pleased with these responses. We were even more pleased by the fact that she strongly agreed that students were taught what a network is and also the importance of having a network, this is one of our fundamental aims. She also said she would recommend us to colleagues and take part in another programme with different speakers. The biggest piece of feedback she continually gave back was to break down the sessions into 15-20 minute blocks and we completely agree with this. She said that this will motivate the students more and retain engagement which would make it easier for the students to take something away from the sessions. Another piece of feedback she gave a lot was to put the programme into a one day offering that schools could buy into for extracurricular activity days or careers days. Louise’s top 3 sessions were: Week 5 - LinkedIn training session with Ann Davies from BizWizUK Week 4 - Guest Speaker from Brother UK, Phil Jones Week 3 - Q&A with Georgina Tripp from gunnercooke. 1 2 3
  • 13. Speaker Feedback “I remain totally supportive of Network Young, and was privileged to participate in the very first session. The event was very well organised, the students arrived on time and were attentive, and Louise, the link teacher, was very supportive. I speak to everyone about Network Young and see it as a key opportunity going forward. There is a clear need for this type of service. In terms of feedback, I would like to be more connected with the other speakers, understand the whole picture, and learn more about the student journey. I would have liked more formal communication around my involvement, giving me clear directions as to my participation, as well as reminders immediately prior. Always willing to present again. Good luck!” Stewart McCombe, William Ritchie “I enjoyed taking part in my session in the Network Young programme and I would be happy to take part again. I am happy to tell other work colleagues about it and have already informed relevant business people about the programme. It was well organised, I was well briefed beforehand and the introduction on the day was good by Duncan.” Jim Clarke, The Apprentice Academy
  • 14. Review The Future Positives We spoke to every year 10 student, class by class, and secured 8 people for the trial Phil Jones invited a student to send him an email regarding work experience at Brother UK due to his initiative of simply asking him mid- session The LinkedIn session was great and went down really well. The use of visuals and a video was good The teacher and all students would recommend the programme to friends and colleagues and partake in another programme All students understand what a professional network is and the importance of having a professional network The speakers are willing to take part in more sessions Improvements We need to market the programme to the students better so they understand what it is and the importance of it, therefore increasing the number of attendees The sessions need to be broken down into ice-breaker sessions, group/ individual work and tasks Bring the LinkedIn session forward. The Introduction session will always come first so possibly always have LinkedIn second Students asked for more sessions and speakers Speakers want to be more connected with the other speakers, understand the whole picture, and learn more about the student journey. They would have liked more formal communication around involvement, giving clear directions as to participation, as well as reminders immediately prior Create a one day programme compressing the 5 weeks into one day The introduction of a website will make the Directory of Contacts a lot easier to use and increase its use After a successful trial we are very excited about taking Network Young forward. We have learned a lot through this process but most importantly we have demonstrated the need for this service and that it works. The fact that only 2 students showed interest initially proves that students don’t see the importance of thinking about a career early on and building contacts from a young age. In the 2014-2015 academic year we would like to run 5 more programmes in local high schools. As well as this we would also like to explore putting on a programme in a college in Stockport as we believe there is definitely a market for this service in higher education. Over this year, we will focus on improving the quality of the sessions as well as creating a one day offering, growing the portfolio of people involved and increasing the variety of industries. We will also work hard on the alumni aspect of things so Network Young can grow and the student journey doesn’t end after the 5 weeks.
  • 15. Call to Action Thank you for reading the Network Young evaluation. Please see below the various ways in which you, your business or your school can get involved with the programme. For Businesses - Sponsor a year or a single programme For Professionals - Get introduced to us by somebody already involved in Network Young and offer your time as a guest speaker or directory member For Schools/Colleges - Get in touch and book in a programme for your school or college Contact - Duncan McCombe, Founder Twitter: @Network_Young
  • 16. Thank You Network Young would not have been able to come as far as it has in its first year without the incredible support and generosity of the people of Greater Manchester. To all that have been part of the journey so far, we thank you. Stewart McCombe, William Ritchie Sally Toumi, Stark Brooks David Harrison, Accenture Inness Mattinson, Inness Design Paul Smith, Duff & Phelps Lucy Green, Contact Sinead Flood, University College of Football Business Heather Cooper and Louise Clifton, Bramhall High School Jim Clarke, The Apprentice Academy David Middleton, Grant Thornton Charlotte Green, Grant Thornton Georgina Tripp, gunnercooke Phil Jones, Brother UK Ann Davies, BizWizUK Each and every one of you in the Directory of Contacts