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                        Dear Members, Partners and Friends,
                        It is with my sincere gratitude that I present to you this report about
                        the field research on safeguarding the rights of people with
                        psychosocial disabilities in Rwanda; an exercise which NOUSPR
                        has been engaged in for the first time and has successfully
NOUSPR has been involved in awareness raising and advocacy for the human rights of
persons with psychosocial disabilities for quite some time. We organise members in groups
and support them to regain their place and status in their communities. We also advocate
for psychosocial disability to be included in the categories of disabilities in Rwanda.
The strength of our approach is that those on the front line fighting for equality and justice
for users/survivors are those who have themselves been largely invisible within society,
those who are refused a say, denied their basic human rights, have no access to education,
no right to employment, to health, no right to vote – no rights at all!
This report is a product of those who were chained to poles, abandoned in psychiatric
facilities by their relatives, disconnected from their families and pushed to the periphery of
their normal everyday life. These are the same people who have broken their silence and
gone public with powerful testimonies, with strong cases and evidence of human rights
violations and with high sprit they suggest how this situation should be reversed. I am
enormously grateful to them!
NOUSPR is grateful to The Government of Rwanda that has, for the past few years,
provided a levelled ground for marginalised groups to easily articulate their human rights
issues. The signing of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with a Disability (CRPD)
and its protocol, amending of The Constitution of The Republic of Rwanda to accommodate
the National Council of Persons with Disabilities (NCPD), the enactment of the law that
protects people with disabilities in general and the eight ministerial orders are just a few of
the many examples that shows that our Government is a Government that truly cares about
the needs of its citizens.
We recognise the invaluable contribution of Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) and Sarah
Challoner in particular, who financed this research and using her position as Disability
Programme Manager she has been exceptionally good to the Disabled Persons
Organisations (DPOs) in Rwanda. Since NOUSPR’s inception her support has pushed
Persons with Psychosocial Disabilities thus far.
We are thankful to Mr. David Beck, Chief Executive of Action For Street Kids (ASK) who
generously contributed towards the preparations of this research, and the Open Society
Foundation (O.S.F) which earlier funded NOUSPR’s awareness raising and advocacy
project from which the need for this research was identified.
I would like to single out Mr. David McCabe, a VSO volunteer who has been our technical
advisor since September 2011 and who leaves us this September 2012, not only has he
conceived, designed, directed this research and produced this report but has also been the
self-starter of NOUSPR’s daily activities. His secret of getting things done has won him an
irreplaceable position in both the organisation and in the hearts of its members.
Though inevitably there will continue to be more ideas about the best way of progressing
safeguarding the human rights of people with psychosocial disabilities, I believe that this
report represents such an outcome that readers will understand the issue of psychosocial

disability better and will gain the knowledge that the life of people with psychosocial
disabilities needs no replacement but support instead and that it should be provided now!
It has been a great privilege for me to chair this exercise, and I look forward to seeing our
recommendations being considered in various programs.
Director NOUSPR











NOUSPR:: National Organisation of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry in Rwanda

VSO ; Volontary Service Overseas

OSF : Open Society Foundation

CRPD : Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

NCPD : National Council of Persons with Disabilities


Ask : Action for Street Kids

DPOs : Disable Persons Organisations

       ART 1: INTRODUCTION                      (NOUSPR) established in 2007 by a
                                                group of people with psychosocial
         ‘Persons with disabilities             disability as a member’s organisation
         represent 15% of the world’s           has the following Vision and Mission.
population and many experience
discrimination, exclusion and live in           VISION:
poverty, with restricted access to basic
                                                A world in which all people with
goods and services. With a view to
                                                psychosocial disability are treated with
addressing the discrimination and
                                                the respect and dignity that enables
social exclusion facing persons with
disabilities, the United Nations adopted        them to enjoy their human rights in all
in 2006 the Convention on the Rights            aspects of their lives.
of Persons with Disabilities (The               MISSION:
Convention or CRPD) and its Optional
Protocol. The Convention sets forth             To advocate for and with people with
minimum legal standards to protect              psychosocial disabilities and to provide
against discrimination and to promote           a platform for a unified and
equality for persons with disabilities in       empowered voice that is able to
all spheres of life - political, social,        achieve the provision of necessary
economic, cultural and civil. The               services and opportunities to have
Optional Protocol provides a means for          their interests and human rights fully
individuals and groups to seek redress          promoted and protected.
when these standards are not met and
for an independent committee of                 NOUSPR board members have, since
experts to undertake investigations             the inception of the organisation, had
into serious breaches of disability             anecdotal evidence through individual
rights set forth in the Convention.’            stories from members about the
(Extract from Office of the High                difficulties they face on a daily basis
Commissioner for Human Rights draft             but until this report had not been able
legislation handbook)                           to gather the information together to
                                                support an advocacy campaign to
Rwanda is a signatory to both The               address the issues. This report, using
Convention and The Optional Protocol            the framework of The Convention on
and can be justifiably proud that it was        the Rights of Persons with Disability
one of the first countries to sign up to        (CRPD) for the design of an interview
both. Rwanda also has a Constitution            schedule, has tested out what the
and disability legislation in place to          board of NOUSPR knew, felt and
protect the rights of people with               thought about the problems their
disabilities (Law No 01/2007of                  members face.
20/01/2007 Relating To the Protection
of Disabled Persons in General). The            NOUSPR        members      have    all
purpose of this report is to test whether       experienced some mental illness
or not the reality for Rwandan People           ranging from mild depression to very
with Psychosocial Disability in                 serious disorders such as Bi- Polar
everyday life matches the                       disorder and Schizophrenia. Many of
requirements and expectations of The            the illnesses were caused by or arose
Convention, The Protocol and national           during the genocide of 1994.
                                                The Users and Survivors movement is
The National Organisation of Users              worldwide     and       people     with
and Survivors of Psychiatry in Rwanda           psychosocial disability are said to be

‘Users’ if they have experienced                  difficult and if the fear of social
mental illness and are still undergoing           disapproval delays the diagnosis then
medical treatment or are on a stable              the treatment may be less effective.
management programme. Those that                  The strain of carrying the stigma of
have overcome their illness and come              mental illness often results in other
out the other side of the services being          medical complaints and ultimately
able to manage their condition are said           even in suicide.
to be ‘Survivors’ of psychiatry.
Whether or not they are ‘Users’ or                The view that Mental Disorder is the
‘Survivors’,   everybody that       has           fault of the individual is widely held and
experienced mental disorder faces                 even well educated people can be
prejudice, stigma, discrimination and             dismissive and insulting and this
often abuse. This negative social                 increases the reluctance of people to
attitude is the basis of why the term             come forward and ask for help thus
psychosocial disability is used.                  making diagnosis and treatment more
Mental Disorder (Mental Illness) shows
itself in many ways but is usually                The lack of understanding stretches to
accompanied by erratic thoughts,                  the family and community as well
actions and emotions but the culture              which leads to being made fun of,
in Rwanda along with medical training             shunned, blamed and criticized for
separates the issues of the mind and              being sick.
body. The reality, however, is that
chemical activity in the brain and                Mental    illness   is    still widely
genetic factors can play a big part in            misunderstood and stigmatized in
Mental Disorder. Mental Disorder can              Rwanda. In many cases, these
be treated with medication, alternative           disorders are neither diagnosed nor
therapies and this treatment coupled              treated despite the sufferers seeking
with family and community support can             medical attention repeatedly for
be very effective.                                various symptoms. Many end up
                                                  overusing the medical system with
Mental Disorder is generally seen by              repeated treatment for typhoid,
Rwandan society as the fault of the               malaria, headaches, insomnia, chest
individual losing control and not as an           problems, gastro-intestinal conditions,
illness that can affect anyone of us.             backache and many other symptoms
This attitude can go as far as calling            that mask the mental illness.
people ‘mad’ and even thinking they
are possessed by evil spirits that can            The outcome of mental disorders is
be exorcised.                                     good when treatment is started early,
                                                  so many of these conditions progress
The outcome of these attitudes is that            to critical stages and have poorer
Mental Disorder is not viewed as an               outcomes due to the delay in seeking
illness that can be treated but more as           treatment.
an affliction that is the fault and
responsibility of the individual.                 Mental Illnesses, as opposed to
                                                  intellectual disabilities which in most
This view that it is the individual’s fault       cases are irreversible and sufferers
can mean that people with Mental                  need permanent support to cope with
Disorder try to hide their illness or to          life, affect previously healthy people
suffer in silence. Diagnosis can be               and are largely treatable. In spite of

their illness, persons with mental                  High levels of ignorance exist
illness can go on to live productive                 within families
lives if they can get proper treatment
and management.                                     There is a lack of recognition of
                                                     the ranges of experiences
What NOUSPR knows:                                   between men and women
                                                    That action should not be based
    There is a disability law in                    on the government’s figures –
     Rwanda that protects the rights                 we need to think about
     of people with disability as well               NOUSPR’s evidence and data
     as a commitment by the
     Government to the CRPD and
     its protocol                                  What NOUSPR feels:

    The category of psychosocial                   Psychosocial disability is not
     disability is not separately                    generally understood
     defined in the legislation                     The social model of
                                                     psychosocial disability is not
    It is estimated that 28% of the                 recognised
     population of Rwanda has a
     form of psychosocial disability                   PWPSD do not know their
     (based on a national survey and                   rights
     compares with the World Health
     Organisation‘s estimate that
     25% of the world’s population
                                               What NOUSPR thinks:
     will at some point in their lives
     suffer from mental disorder).                  That PWPSD should be
                                                     consulted on services and
    There is no gender breakdown                    treatment
     of sufferers
                                                    That the recognition of the
    People in Rwanda diagnosed                      Human Rights of people with
     with ‘Mental Disorder’ by a                     Psychosocial Disability is
     ‘Certified Doctor’ are barred                   NOUSPR’s most important
     from parts of the electoral                     priority
     processes                                      Without including PWPSD there
                                                     will not be 100% development
    There are low levels of                         with respect to the Economic
     awareness in general                            Development and Poverty
                                                     Reduction Strategy (EDPRS)
       Policy makers don’t understand
       the (psycho)social model                     Something should be done
    PWPSD know what is right for

This report is a collation of the experiences of 200 people with psychosocial disability
in their everyday lives and a collection of the views of 12 representatives from other

 Every User/Survivor shall be
                                                 free from any and all human

        ART 2:
                                                 rights abuses – no user/survivor
     WHAT IS PSYCHOSOCIAL                        shall be subjected to any
     DISABILITY? – A WIDER                       physical, sexual or emotional
PERSPECTIVE:                                     abuse

The introduction to this report                 Every User/Survivor shall be
explained an overview of what                    free from all forms of
NOUSPR understands Psychosocial                  discrimination – no
Disability to be in Rwanda. It is worth          user/survivor shall be subject to
considering, however, a wider view of            housing, employment,
Psychosocial Disability in order to put          economic, educational, racial or
this report in a wider international and         cultural discrimination
national context.                               Every User/Survivor shall be
There is no agreed definition of                 granted self determination and
psychosocial disability and indeed               the right to make informed
those people dedicated to a medical              choices – no user/survivor shall
model of mental illness may well                 be denied the right to make
dispute that psychosocial disability             educated decisions affecting
exists at all. NOUSPR believes in the            their lives including full informed
reality of psychosocial disability as            participation and full informed
espoused by the World Network of                 consent in all mental health
Users and Survivors of Psychiatry                ‘treatment’ matters; additionally,
(WNUSP) and by The Pan African                   users/survivors shall have the
Network of Users and Survivors of                opportunity to fully participate in
Psychiatry (PANSUP). NOUSPR is a                 the planning, policy
member of both organizations.                    development, evaluation and
                                                 research of mental health
WNUSP established 32 guiding                     services
principles at a general meeting of their
World Conference and General                    Every User/Survivor shall be
Assembly in Kampala, Uganda in                   granted self determination and
March 2009, to describe their                    the right to make informed
approach to resolving the issues that            choices – no user/survivor shall
people with psychosocial disability              be denied the right to make
face and in doing so inferred what               educated decisions affecting
psychosocial disability is without               their lives including full informed
coming up with an agreed definition.             participation and full informed
Even within the disability movement              consent in all mental health
there is no common understanding                 ‘treatment’ matters; additionally,
through a definition. The following are          users/survivors shall have the
some of the principles agreed and all            opportunity to fully participate in
32 principles can be accessed on                 the planning, policy                                    development, evaluation and
                                                 research of mental health
    Every User/Survivor shall be                services
     treated with the same basic
     respect and dignity afforded to            Every User/Survivor shall be
     all persons                                 granted full legal and political

civil rights – no user/survivor                 ‘The purpose of the present
       shall be denied the right to             Convention is to promote, protect and
       participate fully in society,            ensure the full and equal enjoyment of
       including the right to participate          all human rights and fundamental
       in political processes, practice               freedoms by all persons with
       one’s religion, free speech and          disabilities, and to promote respect for
       to petition their governments                      their inherent dignity.
    Every User/Survivor shall have             Persons with disabilities include those
     the right to refuse any and all            who have long-term physical, mental,
     ‘treatments or procedures’ no              intellectual or sensory impairments
     user/survivor shall be subjected           which in interaction with various
     or coerced or forced into                  barriers may hinder their full and
     psychosurgery, sterilisation,              effective participation in society on an
     over-medication, psychiatric               equal basis with others.’
     drugging, chemical restraints,
     physical restraints, insulin               This article in its definition of persons
     shock, electro shock or inpatient          with disabilities includes those who
     or outpatient commitment                   have Mental Impairments but does not
These principles whilst indicating an           specifically refer to those people with a
approach that is taken by users and             Psychosocial Disability. It also includes
survivors organisations worldwide, do           people with Intellectual Impairment but
not necessarily help the general                it does not go on to define what that
understanding and awareness of the              may be. Intellectual Impairment covers
disability and in order to do this it is        a wide range of Cognitive Impairments
perhaps helpful to look at the concepts         such as Down’s syndrome and other
of Mental Disorder (Mental Illness and          forms of Intellectual or Learning
Mental Impairment) and Mental Health            Disability. This is self -evidently
as described in the CRPD and by the             laudable but does not help when
World Health Organisation (WHO) and             writing legislation or in the planning
then put those alongside the                    and delivery of services as, on many
perspective of Psychosocial Disability          occasions, the difference between a
as viewed by the Users and Survivors            Mental Illness originating disability and
of Psychiatry Organisations.                    a Cognitive Disability and the need for
                                                a different approach to services is not
In looking at the concepts and the              fully understood by planners and
language used to describe a condition           legislators let alone by the public in
in the CRPD, WHO and Users and                  general.
Survivors of Psychiatry Organisations
it will be seen that the principles of          The Users and Survivors movement
equality for all people with disability         believes that Article 1 of the CRPD
are consistent but the actual nature of         clearly covers Psychosocial Disorder
the condition attached to the language          but the movement does not see people
                                                with Cognitive Impairments as
used can be interpreted differently.
                                                automatically living with Psychosocial
For example:                                    Disability as well. People with
                                                Cognitive Impairments can and do also
Article 1 (CRPD)                                on occasions have a Psychosocial
Purpose                                         Disorder, like any other part of the
                                                population but that would arise from a

superimposed Mental Health issues on             conflict or any other reasons which
top of their Cognitive Impairment.               may cause disability.
There is a complexity here that leads
to great difficulty for those trying to          Codes and Laws of Rwanda - Ministry
plan and deliver appropriate services.           of Justice
This complexity makes it even more     
difficult to raise awareness of the              ique.php?ActDo=all&...
general public and to sensitise them to
                                                 An order of the Minister in charge of
the needs of people with Psychosocial
                                                 Health shall determine modalities of
Disorder and people with Cognitive
                                                 how disabled persons are put in basic
Impairment as well.                              categories according to their
                                                 disabilities in order to help various
                                                 organs to guarantee them special
The Rwandan Law No 01/2007 of                    rights they require.
20/01/2007 – Relating to the
Protection of Disabled Persons in                   (The Ministerial Order N° 20/18 of
general is even less helpful on the                 27/7/2009 defines mentally
question of Psychosocial Disability. In             disabled people only as recognised
fact it is not referred to at all either            disability category among the
through reference to Mental Disorder                ‘other’ disability category in
(Mental Illness) in the main text of the            Rwanda.)
legislation or the five categories
defined as disabled in the Ministerial           The WHO’s description of Mental
Order. The legislation states:                   Disorder (Mental Illness) and Mental
                                                 Health may offer an easier way to
Article: 1(of the Rwandan Law on                 understand Psychosocial Disability.
                                                    ‘‘Mental disorders comprise a
This law protects disabled persons in               broad range of problems, with
general.                                            different symptoms. They are
Without prejudice to provisions of this             generally characterized by some
law, there may be instituted particular             combination of abnormal thoughts,
laws protecting persons who are                     emotions, behaviour and
disabled due to various circumstances.              relationships with others.’’ (World
                                                    Health Organisation)
Article: 2(of the Rwandan Law on
In this law, disability shall mean the           Some examples of Mental Disorder
condition of a person’s impairment of            (Mental Illness):
health ability he or she should have                 Schizophrenia
been in possession, and consequently
leading to deficiency compared to                    Depression
                                                     Disorders due to drug abuse
In this law, a disabled person is any
individual who was born without                      Bi – Polar Disorder ( manic
congenital abilities like those of others             depression)
or one who was deprived of such
                                                     Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
abilities due to disease, accident,

 Eating Disorders (e.g. Anorexia,           relevant just as much to Rwanda as
     bulimia)                                   anywhere else in the world.
    Anxiety Disorder                             ‘’Mental disorders contribute more
                                                  to disease burden and disability in
Some facts about Mental Disorder (                developing countries than any other
Mental Illness):                                  category of non-communicable
                                                  disease, yet only a small minority of
    There is no single cause of the
                                                  people with mental disorders in
     different types of disorder
                                                  these countries have access to
    All of them can be treated                   mental health services. The need is
                                                  high, and care is inadequate,” (Ban
    They can be managed, not just                Ki – Moon, Secretary General of the
     in institutions but also in the              United Nations October 2009)
                                                The WHO Mental Health definition is
    Many conditions can be cured-              also relatively straight forward and
     e.g. Depression and Anxiety                certainly assists in understanding the
     Disorder                                   concept of Psychosocial Disability.
    Mental Disorder is not                     Mental Health is:
     necessarily constant or
     permanent                                     "A state of complete physical,
                                                   mental and social well-being and
(The last fact is particularly important           not merely the absence of disease.
as a Cognitive Impairment is constant              It is related to the promotion of
and permanent even though the                      well-being, the prevention of mental
effects of that disability can still be            disorders, and the treatment and
reduced with support from others)                  rehabilitation of people affected by
                                                   mental disorders.’’. (World Health
Who can suffer from Mental Disorder                Organisation)
(Mental Illness)?
                                                Therefore Psychosocial Disability can
   Anyone and everyone                         be viewed in the following way:
   It is estimated that one in four                Whereas Mental Disorder is
    people throughout the world has                  seen as entirely medical issue,
    or will suffer from mental                       Psychosocial Disability takes as
    disorder in their lifetime (WHO)                 its starting point the concept of
   Mental Disorder (Mental Illness)                 Mental Health as not just the
    appears everywhere in the                        absence of disease but a state
    world, irrespective of wealth,                   of complete well being of the
    ethnicity or religion                            individual

The importance of the scale and                     Psychosocial Disability occurs
problem of Mental Disorder (Mental                   just as much because of
Illness), particularly in developing                 society’s attitudes to treatment
countries, has been recognised by the                and support of the individual as
United Nations (UN) in a speech made                 it does because of the nature of
by Banki-Moon, Secretary General,                    the Mental Disorder (Illness)
UN in 2009 and his comments are                      itself

social rather than a medical model of
This view of Psychosocial Disability is          disability and which require the
shared not just by Users and Survivors           integration of the fields of mental
Organisations but also by leading                health law, non-discrimination, and
academics and in some countries by               legal capacity…… “
leading politicians. It is these views
that NOUSPR would want to put
forward in Rwanda. For example at a              This view forms the basis of
recent International Disability Summer           NOUSPR’s view on how to help
School        (Gallway        June2012)          people Psychosocial Disability and
conference in Ireland, The President of          it is with this view in mind that we
The Irish Republic, Michael D. Higgins           collected the information in this
said in his opening address                      report.
 “ … I will seek to achieve an inclusive
citizenship    where     every   citizen
participates and everyone is treated
with respect …

                                                     ART 3: METHODOLOGY,
…..In fact, it has been the case that                FRAMEWORK, DESIGN
until relatively recently persons who
                                                     AND SCOPE OF THIS
experienced mental illness were
largely invisible within our society –           REPORT:
sometimes denied their basic human               We do not claim that this report is a
rights and warehoused in institutions            scientific view or measurement of the
disconnected from the community –                experiences of people with
pushed to the margins, the periphery             Psychosocial Disability in Rwanda.
of normal everyday life….                        Rather it is a collection of the stories of
... We must seek to move to a culture            the personal experiences of those
of assisted citizenship, where a                 people. The way in which the
member of society with a mental                  information has been collected is
disability may receive appropriate               based in Qualitative Research
support in making decisions without              Methodology.
relinquishing their right to actually                Qualitative research aims to
make that decision themselves. In this                provide an in-depth
way we can ensure that freedom of                     understanding of the social
choice is not withheld from those with                world of research participants
mental disabilities and that society                  through learning about their
relates to them in a way that does not                social and material
diminish their right to exercise legal                circumstances, experiences,
capacity….                                            perspectives and histories.
... By depriving citizens of the right to             (Ritchie and Lewis, Qualitative
represent themselves and to make                      Research Practice 2003)
important decisions regarding their                     Qualitative research is not
lifestyle and their medical care we fail                based on statistically
to promote their inclusion in society                   representative samples and so
and we contradict the principles to                     does not produce statistically
which we should aspire; principles                      significant findings.
which espouse the upholding of a

 Participants are selected in a                 16 NOUSPR members were
     non-random way, according to                    trained in research
     characteristics of most interest                methods/interviewing
     to the particular study. In this
     purposive sampling, the criteria               An interview schedule was
     used to select participants are                 agreed at two meetings with
     more important than the number                  members of
     always based on a small                         NOUSPR/Researchers based
     number of people taking part.                   on the areas agreed from the
    Qualitative research is almost
     always based on a small
     number of cases. In reporting,
     qualitative research does not
     use numbers; any experience or
     perspective has value
     regardless of how often or
     seldom has it appeared.

RESEARCH:                                      Training of researchers

The framework for the research is                   Particular attention was given to
based on the United Nations                          Gender and other Disability
Convention on the Rights of Persons                  issues with each set of
with a Disability and the areas covered              questions containing a sub set
were:                                                asking specifically about the
                                                     effect on the respondents of
    The Legal/Justice System                        gender and/or additional
    Accommodation                                   disability had had on their
    Education
                                                    50 individual interviews were
    Health Care                                     conducted with people with
                                                     psychosocial disability
    Employment
                                                    12 interviews/written responses
    Participating in the public and                 were carried out with other
     cultural life and the recreation,               stakeholders
     leisure and sporting
     opportunities in the community                    Five Focus/Enquiry groups
                                                        were held in Gisenyi,
                                                        Nyagatare, Gitwe and Kigali (2)
DESIGN AND SCOPE OF THE                             The same interview schedule
RESEARCH:                                            was used for a basis of
                                                     discussion in the focus groups
    A Literature Study was carried
                                                     and the responses recorded
                                                     (150 people attended in all –
                                                     50% women and 50% men)

      ART 4: THE INDIVIDUAL                       5. Subject to the provisions of this
      INTERVIEWS:                                 article, States Parties shall take all
                                                  appropriate and effective measures
                                                  to ensure the equal right of persons
                                                  with disabilities to own or inherit
THE LEGAL/JUSTICE SYSTEM:                         property, to control their own
                                                  financial affairs and to have equal
  Article 12 (CRPD)                               access to bank loans, mortgages
  Equal recognition before the law                and other forms of financial credit,
                                                  and shall ensure that persons with
  1. States Parties reaffirm that                 disabilities are not arbitrarily
  persons with disabilities have the              deprived of their property
  right to recognition everywhere as
  persons before the law.                      Rwandan Law on Disability (article
                                               3) states on the same subject:
  2. States Parties shall recognize
  that persons with disabilities enjoy            Every disabled person shall be
  legal capacity on an equal basis                entitled to equal rights with others
  with others in all aspects of life.             persons before the law. He or she
                                                  shall be respected and be entitled
  3. States Parties shall take                    to human dignity.
  appropriate measures to provide
  access by persons with disabilities          Article 13 (CRPD)
  to the support they may require in           Access to justice
  exercising their legal capacity.
                                               1. States Parties shall ensure effective
  4. States Parties shall ensure that          access to justice for persons with
  all measures that relate to the              disabilities on an equal basis with
  exercise of legal capacity provide           others, including through the provision
  for appropriate and effective                of procedural and age-appropriate
  safeguards to prevent abuse in               accommodations, in order to facilitate
  accordance with international                their effective role as direct and
  human rights law. Such safeguards            indirect participants, including as
  shall ensure that measures relating          witnesses, in all legal proceedings,
  to the exercise of legal capacity            including at investigative and other
  respect the rights, will and                 preliminary stages.
  preferences of the person, are free
  of conflict of interest and undue            2. In order to help to ensure effective
  influence, are proportional and              access to justice for persons with
  tailored to the person's                     disabilities, States Parties shall
  circumstances, apply for the                 promote appropriate training for those
  shortest time possible and are               working in the field of administration of
  subject to regular review by a               justice, including police and prison
  competent, independent and                   staff.
  impartial authority or judicial body.
  The safeguards shall be                      Rwandan Law on Disability on this
  proportional to the degree to which          subject states in Article 8 that:
  such measures affect the person's
  rights and interests.                        A disabled person shall have the right
                                               to legal representation like any other

person in courts of law as determined              when such a case is between
by law.                                            someone with mental illness and
                                                   another “normal” person, it is always
The State shall determine the                      decided in the favour of the latter.
modalities of providing legal aid to the           Take for example a case which I even
needy disabled persons who are not                 raised to the president of the republic
able to get legal representation.1                 during his last visit here in 2008, I told
                                                   him that there is a family land that I am
Various organs shall facilitate the
                                                   legally entitled to but some other
disabled persons in acquisition of the
                                                   people had grabbed it forcefully; upon
required services at any time it is
                                                   hearing that the president instructed
considered necessary.
                                                   the local leaders to solve my problem,
                                                   but up to now I have not got my land.
                                                   And the only excuse they give to
                                                   themselves and to others who
                                                   question about that unfairness is that I
    RESPONSES BY INDIVIDUALS ON                    am a mad person!’ (Male – age 36,
      THE SUBJECT OF LAW AND                       married unemployed)
‘The justice system is not only                    ‘Most leaders equate mental illness
supposed to give us freedom of                     with uselessness and when you are
expression it also has the                         looked at in that way, you have no
responsibility to put laws in place that           right whatsoever. I will give you 2
protect our entire human rights, but if            examples beginning with my own
such laws are not there e.g. the right to          experience, when my father’s property
vote and be voted for, where does it               was being shared I was not considered
leave us? It is only an organization like          as his child. I had to battle it out in
CARITAS that has been able to build                courts but in vain. The second
some houses for People with                        example is of another lady who after
Psychosocial disabilities, but why                 getting mental illness was chased
doesn’t our government include us in               away by her husband; her brothers
economic development initiatives that              also never wanted her in their families.
are there for other citizens? Why can’t            She became homeless despite the fact
we be given medical insurance cards                that she had her inheritance (a big
since we are the ones who are most                 chunk of land) which her brothers were
effected and constantly ill?’ (Male –              farming freely. She was so destitute so
age 51, married with six children,                 that at one time when she was a sleep
unemployed)                                        in the bushes at night dogs came and
∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞                                   started eating her child. If it was not for
‘I think the laws and in fact all the legal        the intervention of passersby the child
system exists only for the people other            would have been eaten by the dogs
than us who have mental illness. Even              completely. The authorities were not
the easiest case one could think of,               ignorant of the unfairness of her
                                                   husband and her own brothers. But
                                                   what did they do? Nothing! It is only a
  Codes and Laws of Rwanda -                       good hearted doctor who, after
Ministry of Justice                                learning about her sad story, took her              to Ndera hospital and took charge of
ique.php?ActDo=all&...                             her treatment and she has now
                                                   recovered. There is no justice for

mentally ill people in the current legal         ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
system.’ (Female – age 49, married               ‘In so far as I am concerned there is no
with five children, unemployed)                  legal system or justice to protect me, if
∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞                                 they do exist they are for the normal
‘I don’t know anything about the legal           people. I get harassed and beaten
system; neither do I know any rights             when I am just out of my family and I
for people like myself. What right can           get no one to report to. I am shouted at
you have when you are socially                   and teased even by the local leaders
rejected?’ (Female – age 51, widow,              themselves.’ ((Male –age 24, lives with
lives with her sister, her own two               parents and siblings, unemployed)
children and her sister’s four children,         ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
unemployed)                                      ‘I am not allowed to vote or be voted
∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞                                 for, I don’t have rights to my property,
‘I don’t know any rights that protect me         none listens to my point of view be it in
neither do I know any laws.’ (Female –           meetings or other gatherings. I am not
age 43, married with three children,             in any way treated with respect and
unemployed)                                      the legal system has not come to my
∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞                                 rescue.’ (Female – age 35, single,
‘I once bought a forest with someone             lives with children, unemployed)
who promised to give me a legal                  ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
contract of sale but after a time he             ‘Police has rounded me up many
started denying that anything exists             times, sometimes I got beaten and
between him and I this was after I had           taken to prison but I could later be
paid and we had had an agreement on              released.’(Male – age 24, lives in a
a small piece of paper awaiting to go            charitable institution, unemployed)
to the authorities and pay the                   ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
sale/purchase tax. When I called for             ‘The problems are that I am not
the attention of authorities, every one          listened to. I tried to go back where I
referred to my “madness”. And that               was born to claim my parent’s property
was it. I lost.’ (Female –age 52,                but I was dismissed and not listened to
married with children, unemployed)               by authorities.’(Female – age 24,
∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞                                 single, one child, unemployed)
 ‘I can’t be accepted (for a contract).          ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
Period. Even in my family can’t allow            ‘Legally I am not protected for
me to enter into a contract unless I am          whenever I have problem with
given a representative. For instance I           someone none believes that the other
went to my family ( birth place) to claim        person has wronged me. They always
my inheritance but I was denied                  maintain that I am mad and because of
possession of the plot that my parents           that I am the trouble causer.’ (Male –
had left for me on the pretext that I am         age 52, married, four children,
mentally unfit. (Female – age 44,                unemployed)
widow, four children, unemployed)                ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞                                 ‘Whenever I get any problem with
‘There is no justice for people like me.         someone I am not listened to and
I am not in any way respected as a               therefore I am not protected by the law
human being. I am just called mad and            neither am I considered by the legal
it makes me feel more mad.’ (Male –              system in place.’ (Female – age 28,
age        45,      single,     homeless,        married, one child, unemployed)
unemployed)                                      ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞

‘The legal system does not care about                 community, with choices equal to
people with psychosocial disability. I                others, and shall take effective and
wish you would make advocacy about                    appropriate measures to facilitate full
the plight of people with psychosocial                enjoyment by persons with disabilities
disability so that the society becomes                of this right and their full inclusion and
aware of our rights. For even us                      participation in the community,
ourselves do not know the laws that                   including by ensuring that:
are supposed to protect us.’ (Female –
age 42, single, lives with children,                  (a) Persons with disabilities have the
unemployed)                                           opportunity to choose their place of
∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞                                      residence and where and with whom
‘I don’t know anything about justice;                 they live on an equal basis with others
they take me as a mad old lady even                   and are not obliged to live in a
when I want justice say for example if                particular living arrangement;
a neighbour grazes his animals in my
gardens I don’t get necessary                         (b) Persons with disabilities have
attention. They maintain that I am                    access to a range of in- residential and
mad.’ (Female – age 66, widow, lives                  other community support services,
with        orphaned        grand-child,              including personal assistance
unemployed)                                           necessary to support living and
∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞                                      inclusion in the community, and to
                                                      prevent isolation or segregation from
                                                      the community;

                                                      (c) Community services and facilities
                                                      for the general population are available
                                                      on an equal basis to persons with
                                                      disabilities and are responsive to their

                                                      There is no direct comparison to this
                                                      article the Rwandan Law on Disability:

                                                       RESPONSES BY INDIVIDUALS ON
                                                             THE SUBJECT OF

                      Focus Group participants        ‘I have problems finding where to live;
                                                      everyone calls me a mad woman. It is
                                                      not easy for me to get a house to rent
                                                      even when I have money. Some
ACCOMMODATION:                                        landlords chase me out of their houses
                                                      when they find out that I have
Article 19 (CRPD)                                     psychosocial disability even my
Living independently and being                        husband abandons me when I get into
included in the community                             mental health crisis. No one visits me
                                                      and none welcomes me in their
States Parties to this Convention                     families. However, when I am stable I
recognize the equal right of all persons              try to participate in all community
with disabilities to live in the                      activities   including    UMUGANDA

(social community work) despite the                always care about me when I am in a
negative attitude. (Female – age 35,               crisis. With our neighbours, it is a
married, one child, lives with three               different case, those who know
relatives)                                         (because I try to hide it) isolate me,
∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞                                   even those who are supposed to be
‘I live with family members. But at this           my friends- the age mates, don’t
age, I wish I had my own house,                    consider my existence when they have
however, given the attitude of people              parties they don’t invite me. I am not
around me I can’t even think of looking            informed of community meetings and
for one.’(Female –age 28, single, two              most times I don’t participate. They
children,      lives     with     siblings,        take (it that you) are a useless person.’
unemployed)                                        (Female – age 28, single, lives with
∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞                                   siblings, employed)
‘It was not easy for me. After the                 ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
genocide our house had been                         ‘I live with my Dad and wherever he
destroyed. When I returned to my                   shifts to I go with him. Neighbours are
place no one wanted to receive me                  not good to me they don’t welcome me
back, I stayed at a distant relative’s             in their families, even my step mother
place but she was also not comfortable             does not like me she always shouts at
with my disability. I tried to get a small         me. It is only my brother who
house to rent but none could allow me              sympathizes with me. He looks for my
in his house. They said that I won’t pay           shoes and cleans them when I am
them emphasizing on my “madness’’                  going to school in the morning and
but because I have my own land the                 finds some skin lotion for me. My Dad
government later assisted me to get                provides money for my medicine and
where to live’ (Female –age 66, widow,             he also pays for my hair cutting. I
lives with grandchild, unemployed)                 notice that whether in the family or with
∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞                                   neighbours I am not liked like other
‘Because this is not my place of birth,            people are. And know it is because I
they call me derogatory names and                  am sick. This disturbs me so much so
they don’t welcome me in their homes.              that I wish to die, may be then I may
My children are harassed and for any               have some rest from the negative
slight mistake say if my child fights              attitudes that I experience.’ (Male –
with theirs I get kicked out of their              age unknown, single, lives with family,
house and it takes me long to get                  unemployed)
another house to live in for they all say          ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
that I am mad. The community attitude              ‘I never experienced any problem of
is so sickening as no one gives you a              getting where we are living now, it is
respect as a mother or as a fellow                 only our neighbours who are not happy
human being. Neighbours and the                    with us. They don’t say it loud but we
landlords are all alike they share the             can feel it.’ (Male – age 40, married,
same understanding about me “the                   three children, unemployed)
mad woman”.’ (Female – age 44,                     ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
widow, six children, unemployed)                   ‘I started living in this place since
∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞                                   1968, it is only of recent that the
‘I have had no problem with                        authority requested me that I should
accommodation because I live with my               shift and join others in community
brothers and sisters in our parent’s               villages (UMUDUGUDU) but I have no
house. They have a good                            financial capacity to do so.
understanding of my illness and they
My neighbours don’t respect me at all              ‘It was not easy for me. After my house
even those who pretend to be friendly              was sold, I could not easily get where
can’t invite you in their parties.’                to settle, they chased me from house
(Female – age 60, single, three                    to house even without a warning. I can
children, unemployed)                              remember my wife and I once paid a
∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞                                   man 3 years rent in advance but after
 ‘I started living where I live in 1996. It        one year he tried to chase us from his
is my brother’s house                              house and when we resisted he
I have no problem with my brother. I               reimbursed our money.’ (Male – age
pay his rent timely.’ (Male – age 51,              52, married, six children, unemployed)
married, four children, unemployed                 ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
with own piece of land)                            ‘Because mental illness is associated
∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞                                   with evil spirits most landlords see
‘It is normally not easy for someone to            renting their houses to people with
rent out his/her house to a “mad”                  psychosocial disabilities as giving evil
person. At times you have to be                    spirits a sanctuary in their homes. So,
careful when you are looking for a                 their either hike prices or refuse to rent
house and make sure that none                      out their houses to us.’ (Female – age
detects your mental status, or if you              42, married, five children, unemployed)
have someone “normal” to get it for                ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
you, much better.’ (Male – age 42,                 ‘My husband covers me in such
married, unemployed)                               matters, He is the one who rents the
 ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞                                  house we live in. Our previous
‘People don’t like being with me.                  landlords were very harsh and when
Before I came back here on our family              they discovered that I was mentally ill,
property which I inherited from my                 they chased us out of the house and
parents, I was constantly moving from              spread the roomer to other landlords,
place to place looking for                         My husband had to go far off and
accommodation; once I got one I                    looked for a house where they didn’t
would be chased before long.                       know me.’
Landlords used give me more                        ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
headache than my illness, if I would
miss to pay my rent by a day or two,
they would say that I will not pay them            EDUCATION:
and therefore chase me a way.’ (Male
– age 56, married, six children,                   Article 24 (CRPD)
unemployed)                                        Education
‘I got this illness in 2009, I had already         1. States Parties recognize the right of
a house to live in and a cultivatable              persons with disabilities to education.
land, hover, even though we are in a               With a view to realizing this right
village, other people with mental                  without discrimination and on the basis
illness that I know do not get                     of equal opportunity, States Parties
accommodation easily. Most of their                shall ensure an inclusive education
big problem is poorness and again the              system at all levels and life long
attitudes.’ (Male – age 49, married, six           learning directed to:
children, own land)
∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞                                   (a) The full development of human
                                                   potential and sense of dignity and self-
                                                   worth, and the strengthening of

respect for human rights, fundamental              this end, States Parties shall take
freedoms and human diversity;                      appropriate measures, including:

(b) The development by persons with                (a) Facilitating the learning of Braille,
disabilities of their personality, talents         alternative script, augmentative and
and creativity, as well as their mental            alternative modes, means and formats
and physical abilities, to their fullest           of communication and orientation and
potential;                                         mobility skills, and facilitating peer
                                                   support and mentoring;
(c) Enabling persons with disabilities to
participate effectively in a free society.         (b) Facilitating the learning of sign
                                                   language and the promotion of the
2. In realizing this right, States Parties         linguistic identity of the deaf
shall ensure that:                                 community;

(a) Persons with disabilities are not              (c) Ensuring that the education of
excluded from the general education                persons, and in particular children,
system on the basis of disability, and             who are blind, deaf or deafblind, is
that children with disabilities are not            delivered in the most appropriate
excluded from free and compulsory                  languages and modes and means of
primary education, or from secondary               communication for the individual, and
education, on the basis of disability;             in environments which maximize
                                                   academic and social development.
(b) Persons with disabilities can
access an inclusive, quality and free              4. In order to help ensure the
primary education and secondary                    realization of this right, States Parties
education on an equal basis with                   shall take appropriate measures to
others in the communities in which                 employ teachers, including teachers
they live;                                         with disabilities, who are qualified in
                                                   sign language and/or Braille, and to
(c) Reasonable accommodation of the                train professionals and staff who work
individual's requirements is provided;             at all levels of education. Such training
                                                   shall incorporate disability awareness
(d) Persons with disabilities receive the          and the use of appropriate
support required, within the general               augmentative and alternative modes,
education system, to facilitate their              means and formats of communication,
effective education;                               educational techniques and materials
                                                   to support persons with disabilities.
(e) Effective individualized support
measures are provided in                           5. States Parties shall ensure that
environments that maximize academic                persons with disabilities are able to
and social development, consistent                 access general tertiary education,
with the goal of full inclusion.                   vocational training, adult education
                                                   and lifelong learning without
3. States Parties shall enable persons             discrimination and on an equal basis
with disabilities to learn life and social         with others. To this end, States Parties
development skills to facilitate their full        shall ensure that reasonable
and equal participation in education               accommodation is provided to persons
and as members of the community. To                with disabilities.

There are three articles in the                  some teachers started calling me a
Rwandan Law on Disability relating to            mad girl and this got me disoriented
Education:                                       such that I lost interest in whatever the
                                                 teachers were teaching . And when I
Article: 11                                      started using mental drugs and
                                                 because of my absence from school
A disabled person has the right to               while in a crisis, my school marks fell
appropriate education in respect of the          remarkably- this together with the
nature of his or her disability.                 attitudes from teachers and students
                                                 made me quit school.’ (Female – age
The Government or centres which
                                                 28, single, lives with siblings,
cater for disabled persons who are not
able to study with others, shall provide
with them modalities to study in a               ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
specialised school and shall have                ‘In education, it is not easy especially
qualified and trained teachers and               when I get sick- this has made me
appropriate equipment.                           repeat the same class every other
                                                 year. I have got so disappointed so
The Minister in charge of Education              that I don’t see a good future before
shall, basing on basic categories of             me. The only good thing is my good
disability determined by the Minister in         teacher who comforts me and
charge of Health, determine modalities           encourages me to continue- But I am a
of facilitating the needy disabled               slow learner.
persons in ordinary schools and in               With an exception of my inability I don’t
specialised schools in case of failure to        face any other problem. Fellow
study with others.                               students here don’t harass me and my
                                                 teachers are good to me. I have never
Article: 12                                      sensed any bad attitude towards me
                                                 while here at school.’ (Male – age
A pupil or a student with disabilities
                                                 unknown, lives with mother, father and
that do not enable him or her to sit
                                                 siblings, unemployed)
exams with fellow schoolmates or in
the same manner as others is entitled            ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
to the right of sitting for exams in a           ‘I told you and as you can hear me
special manner.                                  speaking, I am almost dumb. Some
                                                 teachers, who are not compassionate
Article: 13                                      towards me, don’t make an effort to
                                                 listen to my questions as a result they
The Minister in charge of education              don’t explain to me. My dumbness is
shall determine modalities of                    an injury to the wound.’ (Male – age
facilitating the needy disabled persons          17, lives with mother and siblings, at
in pursuing education.                           school)

 RESPONSES FROM INDIVIDUALS                      ‘I like schooling, even now if I got a the
ON THE SUBJECT OF EDUCATION:                     school environment needs to be
‘When I was at school, students used             without harassment of people with
to isolate me. I never had friends               disabilities and the teachers need to
however much I tried to look for some.           be understanding. I had studied up to
They could call me names and It’s                P.6 and I had 3 years in a plumbing
where I was named a mad girl- even

course.’ (Male – age 40, married, three           ‘I stopped studies when I was in senior
children, unemployed)                             two, but if I can get a chance I can go
∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞                                  back to school, I once went to
                                                  Rwamagana in a school of people with
‘I studied up to Primary 3 when I                 psychosocial disability and participated
started to be attacked by epilepsy. My            in a classroom for a while, I found out
illness and stigma that I started                 that I got good marks. My problem is
experiencing while at school made me              only lack of financial capacity
dull I could not learn anything however           otherwise, I may go back to school.’
much I tried to be attentive.’ (Female –          (Male – age 52, six children,
age 60, lives with one child and two              unemployed)
grandchildren, works own land)                    ‘I never went to school’ (Female – age
∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞                                  39, married, five children, unemployed)
‘I never went to school.’ (Male – age             ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
51, married, four children, works own
land)                                             ‘My illness came after 1994 genocide I
∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞                                  had left school long ago.’(Female –
                                                  age 52, married unemployed)
‘I finished my primary level but                  ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
because of my drug addiction I never
continued I decided join street life              ‘I finished primary level education, but
where I could be able to get drugs.’              because of my epilepsy I never
(Male – age 27, lives in an institution,          managed to go further than that.’ (Male
unemployed)                                       – age 27, single, lives with mother and
∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞                                  seven siblings, unemployed)
‘I stopped my studies in primary 2 due
to lack of school fees and other school           ‘I finished primary school and I did
necessities’ (Female age 19, single, no           construction technical training for three
family, lives with friend, employed)              month.’ (Male – age 52, married, three
∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞                                  children, unemployed)
‘The attitudes about people with
mental illness are everywhere even in             ‘I studied up to primary six and by then
schools teachers and fellow students              I had not had this illness.’ (Female –
tease and call you names whenever                 age 33, married, three children,
they find out that one has got mental             unemployed)
illness and that is precisely what                ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
stopped me from continuing my
education.’ (Male – age 36, married               ‘When I started getting sick I was in
unemployed)                                       Primary six but due to the students
                                                  and teachers attitudes towards me I
‘I studied long before I got this problem         could not continue. The Head teacher
of illness, to primary 5.’ (Male, married,        told me not to go back to school until I
six children, unemployed)                         would get healed. I got more
∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞                                  depressed when I got chased out of
                                                  the school.’ (Female –age 27, single,
 ‘I never went to school.’ (Male - age            lives with mother, unemployed)
49, married, six children, unemployed)            ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞

HEALTH:                                           standards for public and private health
Article 25 (CRPD)
Health                                            (e) Prohibit discrimination against
                                                  persons with disabilities in the
States Parties recognize that persons             provision of health insurance, and life
with disabilities have the right to the           insurance where such insurance is
enjoyment of the highest attainable               permitted by national law, which shall
standard of health without                        be provided in a fair and reasonable
discrimination on the basis of disability.        manner;
States Parties shall take all
appropriate measures to ensure                    (f) Prevent discriminatory denial of
access for persons with disabilities to           health care or health services or food
health services that are gender-                  and fluids on the basis of disability.
sensitive, including health-related
rehabilitation. In particular, States             There are three articles in the
Parties shall:                                    Rwandan Law on Disability relating to
(a) Provide persons with disabilities
with the same range, quality and                  Article: 14
standard of free or affordable health
care and programmes as provided to                The Government shall facilitate a
other persons, including in the area of           disabled person in getting medical
sexual and reproductive health and                care and prosthesis and orthesis
population-based public health                    appliances if required.
                                                  Article: 15
(b) Provide those health services                 The Government has an obligation to
needed by persons with disabilities               provide medical care to a needy
specifically because of their                     disabled person and it shall provide
disabilities, including early                     prosthesis and orthesis appliances if
identification and intervention as                required.
appropriate, and services designed to
minimize and prevent further                      Article: 16
disabilities, including among children
and older persons;                                Each centre or association that caters
                                                  for the disabled persons is obliged to
(c) Provide these health services as              have a department responsible for
close as possible to people's own                 examination of trauma as well as
communities, including in rural areas;            physico-social counselling.

(d) Require health professionals to
provide care of the same quality to                 RESPONSES FROM INDIVIDUAL
persons with disabilities as to others,           INTERVIEWS ON THE SUBJECT OF
including on the basis of free and                          HEALTH:
informed consent by, inter alia, raising
awareness of the human rights,                    ‘I once went to Ndera hospital when I
dignity, autonomy and needs of                    experienced mental crisis but due to
persons with disabilities through                 negative effects of the drugs they
training and the promulgation of ethical          administered to me, I can’t go back for

treatment. I rather go for prayers in the        with psychosocial disabilities) where I
church when my situation deteriorates.           was injected with some medicine that
I went by myself because my husband              got me sleep. When I woke up the next
had     abandoned      me     and     my         day, I was dizzy and foaming, I was
neighbours always call me a mad                  given some other tablets which got me
person. No one cares about me, even              hungry and powerless, I later escaped
at the hospital I got neglected until I          and since then I have not gone back to
started shouting louder for help. I was          the hospital.’ (Male – age 45, single,
then injected with a very strong                 homeless, unemployed)
medicine that made me sleep                      ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
unconsciously and when I woke up I
was powerless, foaming and more                  ‘At present I am stable, but the
hungry than ever. From then on I                 problem is that even when I am
feared going back. I went by myself              suffering from other types of illness, I
because my husband had abandoned                 am forced to take mental illness drugs.
me and my neighbours always call me              I cannot be listened to even when I
a mad person. (Female – age 35                   know I am right. It disturbs me a lot
years, married, lives with husband,              when my family members tie me up
one child and other family members,              and take me to the community centre
works as a construction aid when                 for mental disability treatment even
stable)                                          when I feel I am suffering from another
∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞                                 disease.’(Male - age 26, lives with
                                                 father, mother and seven siblings,
‘I am now stable, the only problem that          never been employed)
I experience is getting medicine when I          ‘∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
am under mental crisis, my mental
medicine is not covered under the                I have a healthcare card, unfortunately
present health care program ( mittuelle          it does not cover the type of medicine I
de santé) if I may constantly get                use; and as a result I am most of the
medication, I think my situation may             time in a mental crisis; my family
stabilize permanently.’ (Female – age            members at times spend their money
57 years, married, lives with husband            trying to get my type of medicine and
and six children, unemployed)                    this increases their rage against me
∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞                                 saying that I am the source of family
                                                 problems.’(Female - age 28, single
‘It all started when I was about to get          parent, two children and lives with four
married, It started with a severe                siblings, never been employed)
headache. My head ached me until I               ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
started running around at times crying,
my girlfriend chucked me and                     ‘It is not an easy task getting
everybody else started saying that I             medication, we used to get medication
was mad. My parents sold the little              from Kigali but it is quite far from here,
property that I had including my land            at times when I am in a crisis, I am
and goats trying to get some treatment           given only aspirin. The health centre
for me; I first went to local healers but        medical attendants don’t care about
to no avail, as my situation went from           me whenever I try to explain to them
bad to worse, I was grabbed by                   that their medicine is not effective. I
neighbours and family members and                lost my mental stability because of the
put into ropes and taken to Ndera                1994 genocide, sometimes I stabilize
(national referral hospital for people           but whenever something like seeing

someone with scars or during the                 medicine. I went into immense mental
genocide     commemoration       period          crisis such that I was taken back
occurs, then my situation deteriorates.          forcefully and I was injected with a
I am only comforted by being with my             medicine that made me unconscious.
association members with whom I                  I hate to remember that experience.
share problems. The association                   These days I am o.k. I no longer get
counsels us and it encourages us to              severe headaches on a daily basis, I
share our challenges. If I try to go to          am in a cooperative with some of my
Kigali to look for proper medicine, it           friends who have the same problem
costs me a lot and this leaves me with           and by keeping together with my
nothing to eat. Again when I am not at           friends I have improved.’(Female - age
home my grandchild remains alone he              44, widow, lives with her five children
worries so much that I might die when            and one adopted child, unemployed)
I leave him alone.’(Female – age 66,             ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
widow, lives with orphaned grandchild,
unemployed)                                      ‘My Dad gives me money for
∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞                                 medication, the only problem is when I
                                                 find too many people at the hospital
‘Medical personnel around here don’t             and I get delayed while waiting for the
care about me when I visit the hospital          doctor. Otherwise I don’t experience
for my illness, they tout that I am mad          any other problems at the hospital
and mindless. When I ask for a                   problem.
transfer letter to another hospital, they        What pleases me is how I am
don’t give it to me. At times, they may          improving because of the medicine I
give me aspirin and tell me that that is         get I no longer have serious headache
all. There used to be a project that             like it used to be. I am not so o.k. now
paid for my medication and even that             because I still use drugs but I have
of my children. They would pay for my            been relieved. And I hope I will get
transport to Kigali when going to the            cured.’(Male – age unknown, lives with
national referral hospital of Ndera              his father and his father’s wife,
where I would be treated but now I               student)
don’t know where it went. I am poor              ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
and I can’t afford to do it by myself. I
have even failed to raise money to               ‘I got mental illness when I was a child
purchase (mittuelle de santé ) a                 and I am also disabled in a leg, this
medical insurance card.                          was due to the injections I got when I
A certain doctor in Ndera who knew               was being treated for my mental
me used to treat me well. He was                 illness. My 2 sons also have mental
gentle and good to me he would listen            illness; the first one is 11 years old and
to me and give me some tablets that              the second is 9 years old. We go to
calmed me down but since I no longer             hospitals for treatment, however, at
have means to go to Kigali, I can’t              present I don’t have mituelle de santé
trace him. In fact his attention and care        (a medical insurance card) mine
were more of a medicine to me than               expired but I will soon pay for its
the tablets he gave me.                          renewal.
 A certain doctor in our local health            What is good is that I have improved-
centre ignored me when I had visited             my life is not like it was when I was still
the hospital for medication, I quarrelled        young; the medicine that I use has
with him but he could not relent until I         made me improve a lot. Again the
left and went back home with no

current health insurance system has              protection from harassment, and the
made it easy for me to get medication.           redress of grievances;
People with mental disabilities are not
given due attention in the hospitals,            (c) Ensure that persons with
most of hospitals and health care                disabilities are able to exercise their
centres don’t have mental health                 labour and trade union rights on an
professionals and we get lined up with           equal basis with others;
other people while waiting for a doctor
as if we have the same illness.’(Male –          (d) Enable persons with disabilities to
age 40, married with three children,             have effective access to general
occasionally employed when stable)               technical and vocational guidance
∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞                                 programmes, placement services and
                                                 vocational and continuing training;

EMPLOYMENT:                                      (e) Promote employment opportunities
                                                 and career advancement for persons
Article 27 (CRPD)                                with disabilities in the labour market,
Work and employment                              as well as assistance in finding,
                                                 obtaining, maintaining and returning to
1. States Parties recognize the right of         employment;
persons with disabilities to work, on an
equal basis with others; this includes           (f) Promote opportunities for self-
the right to the opportunity to gain a           employment, entrepreneurship, the
living by work freely chosen or                  development of cooperatives and
accepted in a labour market and work             starting one's own business;
environment that is open, inclusive and
accessible to persons with disabilities.         (g) Employ persons with disabilities in
States Parties shall safeguard and               the public sector;
promote the realization of the right to
work, including for those who acquire a          (h) Promote the employment of
disability during the course of                  persons with disabilities in the private
employment, by taking appropriate                sector through appropriate policies and
steps, including through legislation, to,        measures, which may include
inter alia:                                      affirmative action programmes,
                                                 incentives and other measures;
(a) Prohibit discrimination on the basis
of disability with regard to all matters         (i) Ensure that reasonable
concerning all forms of employment,              accommodation is provided to persons
including conditions of recruitment,             with disabilities in the workplace;
hiring and employment, continuance of
employment, career advancement and               (j) Promote the acquisition by persons
safe and healthy working conditions;             with disabilities of work experience in
                                                 the open labour market;
(b) Protect the rights of persons with
disabilities, on an equal basis with             (k) Promote vocational and
others, to just and favourable                   professional rehabilitation, job
conditions of work, including equal              retention and return-to-work
opportunities and equal remuneration             programmes for persons with
for work of equal value, safe and                disabilities.
healthy working conditions, including

2. States Parties shall ensure that              (Male –age 45, single, homeless,
persons with disabilities are not held in        unemployed)
slavery or in servitude, and are
protected, on an equal basis with                 ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
others, from forced or compulsory
labour.                                           It is not easy to get a job. Looking for
                                                 a job calls for having a certain level of
There are three articles in the                  financial capacity, when you consider
Rwandan Law on Disability relating to            necessities such as transportation,
employment:                                      photocopies of one’s documents and
                                                 the telephone calls one has to make, it
Article: 18                                      becomes quite difficult. In addition
No discrimination of any form shall be           when one has been labelled mad, one
subjected upon a disabled person in              cannot even be recommended by any
matters related to employment.                   one for a certain job.
                                                 Lack of money (makes it difficult) to
However, a disabled person shall be              facilitate me in applying for vacancies
given greater access to employment               but more especially employers
opportunities than any other citizen in          negative attitudes towards me.
case of equal capacities or in case of           We get very low wages and at times
equal marks in competition.                      not being paid at all.
                                                 Being a psychosocially disabled man
Article: 19                                      equals to being no man at all in this
                                                 society. You are neither a child nor a
In case of necessity and only due to
                                                 woman but just a useless mad
interest of employment, a disabled
                                                 something.’ (Male – age 36, married
person shall be entitled to a conducive
employment environment that does not
detract the nature of his or her                 ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
disability.                                      ‘I look for a job like others but I rarely
Article: 20                                      get employed, where I get it at times it
                                                 comes as an act of benevolence on
An Order of the Minister in Charge of            the part of one who gives it to me and
labour in his or her attributions shall          yet I work like others and at times
determine the modalities of facilitating         more than they do simply because
the disabled persons in matters related          losing a job hits me harder than those I
to access to employment opportunities            work with and therefore I try hard to
                                                 impress my employer.
.                                                I have met outright rejection- without
                                                 even testing my capability while others
                                                 are either interviewed or simply
THE SUBJECT OF EMPLOYMENT:                       employed.
‘None can employ me since they say I am          There are many problems including
Mad. I only survive on handouts. But when        sickness, not being paid and worst of
I am stable, I am very strong and I help         all being discriminated against while at
people carry their luggage and other             the work place.’(Male – age 40,
heavy things in a local market. At times         married, three children, unemployed)
they give me food or promise to pay me           ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
later which they don’t do at most times.’

‘I work in shop where I get paid 10,000           decided to quit before I could make
RWF/ Month and it is my friend who                many enemies.
got me the job. Before this I used to             I never looked for any other job since
work as a house girl on a less salary.            then.
When I suffered from this disease, I              Fellow employees mocked me and the
was working as a house girl I was then            employer used this as an excuse for
replaced and chased away it took me               not paying me when I wanted my
some time to get another job.                     wages so it made me quit the job.’
I am worried that if I get a mental crisis        (Male – age 49, married, four children,
I might be chased from the job                    unemployed)
sometimes I close the Shop and go to              ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
the hospital to look for the medicine
and I get worried that that will also be           ‘Ever since I got this illness, people
a basis for losing my job.’ (Female –             don’t respect me. I tried so many times
age 19, single, no family, employed)              to look for a job but I could not get one.
∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞                                  I now participate in NOUSPR’s women
                                                  basket weaving group.
‘I used to work as a house constructor            At times people would make empty
and this type of job is usually done in           promises to me. I would follow up on
cooperation with other constructors,              their promises but in the end they
but since when I got this illness my              would tell me that they had no job.
fellow workmates isolated me, they no             In the group where we weave
longer call me for any work.                      handcrafts, I have not met any
Employers don’t trust me; they don’t              problem; instead, we share our illness
accept that I can do their work so they           experiences and when one has not
simply ignore my requests to work for             taken her drugs, we remind each other
them. (I suffer) Mockery and verbal               when one has to take her drugs. If we
harassment.’ (Male –age 37, married,              would get market and be able to get
six children, unemployed)                         some good income; I would not think
∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞                                  of looking for a job somewhere
                                                  else.’(Female –age 33, married, three
‘I have not tried to search for a job. I          children, unemployed)
only take care of my ill child.’ (Female          ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
–age 42, married, six children,

‘I meet challenges here and there
because a number of people know my
condition and because of my low level
of education I can’t easily be employed
by any one.
I have been rejected and have never
had a job.’ (Female – age 33, married,
3 children, unemployed)
∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞                                  Craft display at EXPO

‘I once worked at a certain building site
but I soon started getting into problems          ‘I used to dig in other peoples gardens
with other workers because of my low              for money or for food, but I was
level of anger management skills, I               continually underpaid or even at times
Nouspr report
Nouspr report
Nouspr report
Nouspr report
Nouspr report
Nouspr report
Nouspr report
Nouspr report
Nouspr report
Nouspr report
Nouspr report
Nouspr report
Nouspr report
Nouspr report
Nouspr report
Nouspr report
Nouspr report
Nouspr report
Nouspr report
Nouspr report
Nouspr report
Nouspr report
Nouspr report
Nouspr report
Nouspr report
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Nouspr report

  • 1.
  • 2. FOREWORD Dear Members, Partners and Friends, It is with my sincere gratitude that I present to you this report about the field research on safeguarding the rights of people with psychosocial disabilities in Rwanda; an exercise which NOUSPR has been engaged in for the first time and has successfully completed! NOUSPR has been involved in awareness raising and advocacy for the human rights of persons with psychosocial disabilities for quite some time. We organise members in groups and support them to regain their place and status in their communities. We also advocate for psychosocial disability to be included in the categories of disabilities in Rwanda. The strength of our approach is that those on the front line fighting for equality and justice for users/survivors are those who have themselves been largely invisible within society, those who are refused a say, denied their basic human rights, have no access to education, no right to employment, to health, no right to vote – no rights at all! This report is a product of those who were chained to poles, abandoned in psychiatric facilities by their relatives, disconnected from their families and pushed to the periphery of their normal everyday life. These are the same people who have broken their silence and gone public with powerful testimonies, with strong cases and evidence of human rights violations and with high sprit they suggest how this situation should be reversed. I am enormously grateful to them! NOUSPR is grateful to The Government of Rwanda that has, for the past few years, provided a levelled ground for marginalised groups to easily articulate their human rights issues. The signing of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with a Disability (CRPD) and its protocol, amending of The Constitution of The Republic of Rwanda to accommodate the National Council of Persons with Disabilities (NCPD), the enactment of the law that protects people with disabilities in general and the eight ministerial orders are just a few of the many examples that shows that our Government is a Government that truly cares about the needs of its citizens. We recognise the invaluable contribution of Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) and Sarah Challoner in particular, who financed this research and using her position as Disability Programme Manager she has been exceptionally good to the Disabled Persons Organisations (DPOs) in Rwanda. Since NOUSPR’s inception her support has pushed Persons with Psychosocial Disabilities thus far. We are thankful to Mr. David Beck, Chief Executive of Action For Street Kids (ASK) who generously contributed towards the preparations of this research, and the Open Society Foundation (O.S.F) which earlier funded NOUSPR’s awareness raising and advocacy project from which the need for this research was identified. I would like to single out Mr. David McCabe, a VSO volunteer who has been our technical advisor since September 2011 and who leaves us this September 2012, not only has he conceived, designed, directed this research and produced this report but has also been the self-starter of NOUSPR’s daily activities. His secret of getting things done has won him an irreplaceable position in both the organisation and in the hearts of its members. Though inevitably there will continue to be more ideas about the best way of progressing safeguarding the human rights of people with psychosocial disabilities, I believe that this report represents such an outcome that readers will understand the issue of psychosocial 2
  • 3. disability better and will gain the knowledge that the life of people with psychosocial disabilities needs no replacement but support instead and that it should be provided now! It has been a great privilege for me to chair this exercise, and I look forward to seeing our recommendations being considered in various programs. BADEGE Sam Director NOUSPR 3
  • 4. CONTENTS: PART 1.........INTRODUCTION PART 2.........WHAT IS PSYCHOSOCIAL DISABILITY? - A WIDER PERSPECTIVE PART 3.........METHODOLOGY, FRAMEWORK, DESIGN AND SCOPE OF THIS REPORT PART 4........THE INDIVIDUAL INTERVIEWS PART 5.....’OUR OWN VOICE’ – FOCUS GROUP TESTIMONIES PART 6......OTHER ORGANISATIONS’ PERSPECTIVES PART 7......COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS PART 8……CONCLUSION ABBREVIATIONS NOUSPR:: National Organisation of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry in Rwanda VSO ; Volontary Service Overseas OSF : Open Society Foundation CRPD : Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities NCPD : National Council of Persons with Disabilities ADD : Ask : Action for Street Kids DPOs : Disable Persons Organisations 4
  • 5. P ART 1: INTRODUCTION (NOUSPR) established in 2007 by a group of people with psychosocial ‘Persons with disabilities disability as a member’s organisation represent 15% of the world’s has the following Vision and Mission. population and many experience discrimination, exclusion and live in VISION: poverty, with restricted access to basic A world in which all people with goods and services. With a view to psychosocial disability are treated with addressing the discrimination and the respect and dignity that enables social exclusion facing persons with disabilities, the United Nations adopted them to enjoy their human rights in all in 2006 the Convention on the Rights aspects of their lives. of Persons with Disabilities (The MISSION: Convention or CRPD) and its Optional Protocol. The Convention sets forth To advocate for and with people with minimum legal standards to protect psychosocial disabilities and to provide against discrimination and to promote a platform for a unified and equality for persons with disabilities in empowered voice that is able to all spheres of life - political, social, achieve the provision of necessary economic, cultural and civil. The services and opportunities to have Optional Protocol provides a means for their interests and human rights fully individuals and groups to seek redress promoted and protected. when these standards are not met and for an independent committee of NOUSPR board members have, since experts to undertake investigations the inception of the organisation, had into serious breaches of disability anecdotal evidence through individual rights set forth in the Convention.’ stories from members about the (Extract from Office of the High difficulties they face on a daily basis Commissioner for Human Rights draft but until this report had not been able legislation handbook) to gather the information together to support an advocacy campaign to Rwanda is a signatory to both The address the issues. This report, using Convention and The Optional Protocol the framework of The Convention on and can be justifiably proud that it was the Rights of Persons with Disability one of the first countries to sign up to (CRPD) for the design of an interview both. Rwanda also has a Constitution schedule, has tested out what the and disability legislation in place to board of NOUSPR knew, felt and protect the rights of people with thought about the problems their disabilities (Law No 01/2007of members face. 20/01/2007 Relating To the Protection of Disabled Persons in General). The NOUSPR members have all purpose of this report is to test whether experienced some mental illness or not the reality for Rwandan People ranging from mild depression to very with Psychosocial Disability in serious disorders such as Bi- Polar everyday life matches the disorder and Schizophrenia. Many of requirements and expectations of The the illnesses were caused by or arose Convention, The Protocol and national during the genocide of 1994. legislation. The Users and Survivors movement is The National Organisation of Users worldwide and people with and Survivors of Psychiatry in Rwanda psychosocial disability are said to be 5
  • 6. ‘Users’ if they have experienced difficult and if the fear of social mental illness and are still undergoing disapproval delays the diagnosis then medical treatment or are on a stable the treatment may be less effective. management programme. Those that The strain of carrying the stigma of have overcome their illness and come mental illness often results in other out the other side of the services being medical complaints and ultimately able to manage their condition are said even in suicide. to be ‘Survivors’ of psychiatry. Whether or not they are ‘Users’ or The view that Mental Disorder is the ‘Survivors’, everybody that has fault of the individual is widely held and experienced mental disorder faces even well educated people can be prejudice, stigma, discrimination and dismissive and insulting and this often abuse. This negative social increases the reluctance of people to attitude is the basis of why the term come forward and ask for help thus psychosocial disability is used. making diagnosis and treatment more difficult. Mental Disorder (Mental Illness) shows itself in many ways but is usually The lack of understanding stretches to accompanied by erratic thoughts, the family and community as well actions and emotions but the culture which leads to being made fun of, in Rwanda along with medical training shunned, blamed and criticized for separates the issues of the mind and being sick. body. The reality, however, is that chemical activity in the brain and Mental illness is still widely genetic factors can play a big part in misunderstood and stigmatized in Mental Disorder. Mental Disorder can Rwanda. In many cases, these be treated with medication, alternative disorders are neither diagnosed nor therapies and this treatment coupled treated despite the sufferers seeking with family and community support can medical attention repeatedly for be very effective. various symptoms. Many end up overusing the medical system with Mental Disorder is generally seen by repeated treatment for typhoid, Rwandan society as the fault of the malaria, headaches, insomnia, chest individual losing control and not as an problems, gastro-intestinal conditions, illness that can affect anyone of us. backache and many other symptoms This attitude can go as far as calling that mask the mental illness. people ‘mad’ and even thinking they are possessed by evil spirits that can The outcome of mental disorders is be exorcised. good when treatment is started early, so many of these conditions progress The outcome of these attitudes is that to critical stages and have poorer Mental Disorder is not viewed as an outcomes due to the delay in seeking illness that can be treated but more as treatment. an affliction that is the fault and responsibility of the individual. Mental Illnesses, as opposed to intellectual disabilities which in most This view that it is the individual’s fault cases are irreversible and sufferers can mean that people with Mental need permanent support to cope with Disorder try to hide their illness or to life, affect previously healthy people suffer in silence. Diagnosis can be and are largely treatable. In spite of 6
  • 7. their illness, persons with mental  High levels of ignorance exist illness can go on to live productive within families lives if they can get proper treatment and management.  There is a lack of recognition of the ranges of experiences What NOUSPR knows: between men and women  That action should not be based  There is a disability law in on the government’s figures – Rwanda that protects the rights we need to think about of people with disability as well NOUSPR’s evidence and data as a commitment by the Government to the CRPD and its protocol What NOUSPR feels:  The category of psychosocial  Psychosocial disability is not disability is not separately generally understood defined in the legislation  The social model of psychosocial disability is not  It is estimated that 28% of the recognised population of Rwanda has a form of psychosocial disability  PWPSD do not know their (based on a national survey and rights compares with the World Health Organisation‘s estimate that 25% of the world’s population What NOUSPR thinks: will at some point in their lives suffer from mental disorder).  That PWPSD should be consulted on services and  There is no gender breakdown treatment of sufferers  That the recognition of the  People in Rwanda diagnosed Human Rights of people with with ‘Mental Disorder’ by a Psychosocial Disability is ‘Certified Doctor’ are barred NOUSPR’s most important from parts of the electoral priority processes  Without including PWPSD there will not be 100% development  There are low levels of with respect to the Economic awareness in general Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS)  Policy makers don’t understand the (psycho)social model  Something should be done now  PWPSD know what is right for them This report is a collation of the experiences of 200 people with psychosocial disability in their everyday lives and a collection of the views of 12 representatives from other organizations 7
  • 8.  Every User/Survivor shall be free from any and all human P ART 2: rights abuses – no user/survivor WHAT IS PSYCHOSOCIAL shall be subjected to any DISABILITY? – A WIDER physical, sexual or emotional PERSPECTIVE: abuse The introduction to this report  Every User/Survivor shall be explained an overview of what free from all forms of NOUSPR understands Psychosocial discrimination – no Disability to be in Rwanda. It is worth user/survivor shall be subject to considering, however, a wider view of housing, employment, Psychosocial Disability in order to put economic, educational, racial or this report in a wider international and cultural discrimination national context.  Every User/Survivor shall be There is no agreed definition of granted self determination and psychosocial disability and indeed the right to make informed those people dedicated to a medical choices – no user/survivor shall model of mental illness may well be denied the right to make dispute that psychosocial disability educated decisions affecting exists at all. NOUSPR believes in the their lives including full informed reality of psychosocial disability as participation and full informed espoused by the World Network of consent in all mental health Users and Survivors of Psychiatry ‘treatment’ matters; additionally, (WNUSP) and by The Pan African users/survivors shall have the Network of Users and Survivors of opportunity to fully participate in Psychiatry (PANSUP). NOUSPR is a the planning, policy member of both organizations. development, evaluation and research of mental health WNUSP established 32 guiding services principles at a general meeting of their World Conference and General  Every User/Survivor shall be Assembly in Kampala, Uganda in granted self determination and March 2009, to describe their the right to make informed approach to resolving the issues that choices – no user/survivor shall people with psychosocial disability be denied the right to make face and in doing so inferred what educated decisions affecting psychosocial disability is without their lives including full informed coming up with an agreed definition. participation and full informed Even within the disability movement consent in all mental health there is no common understanding ‘treatment’ matters; additionally, through a definition. The following are users/survivors shall have the some of the principles agreed and all opportunity to fully participate in 32 principles can be accessed on the planning, policy development, evaluation and research of mental health  Every User/Survivor shall be services treated with the same basic respect and dignity afforded to  Every User/Survivor shall be all persons granted full legal and political 8
  • 9. civil rights – no user/survivor ‘The purpose of the present shall be denied the right to Convention is to promote, protect and participate fully in society, ensure the full and equal enjoyment of including the right to participate all human rights and fundamental in political processes, practice freedoms by all persons with one’s religion, free speech and disabilities, and to promote respect for to petition their governments their inherent dignity.  Every User/Survivor shall have Persons with disabilities include those the right to refuse any and all who have long-term physical, mental, ‘treatments or procedures’ no intellectual or sensory impairments user/survivor shall be subjected which in interaction with various or coerced or forced into barriers may hinder their full and psychosurgery, sterilisation, effective participation in society on an over-medication, psychiatric equal basis with others.’ drugging, chemical restraints, physical restraints, insulin This article in its definition of persons shock, electro shock or inpatient with disabilities includes those who or outpatient commitment have Mental Impairments but does not These principles whilst indicating an specifically refer to those people with a approach that is taken by users and Psychosocial Disability. It also includes survivors organisations worldwide, do people with Intellectual Impairment but not necessarily help the general it does not go on to define what that understanding and awareness of the may be. Intellectual Impairment covers disability and in order to do this it is a wide range of Cognitive Impairments perhaps helpful to look at the concepts such as Down’s syndrome and other of Mental Disorder (Mental Illness and forms of Intellectual or Learning Mental Impairment) and Mental Health Disability. This is self -evidently as described in the CRPD and by the laudable but does not help when World Health Organisation (WHO) and writing legislation or in the planning then put those alongside the and delivery of services as, on many perspective of Psychosocial Disability occasions, the difference between a as viewed by the Users and Survivors Mental Illness originating disability and of Psychiatry Organisations. a Cognitive Disability and the need for a different approach to services is not In looking at the concepts and the fully understood by planners and language used to describe a condition legislators let alone by the public in in the CRPD, WHO and Users and general. Survivors of Psychiatry Organisations it will be seen that the principles of The Users and Survivors movement equality for all people with disability believes that Article 1 of the CRPD are consistent but the actual nature of clearly covers Psychosocial Disorder the condition attached to the language but the movement does not see people with Cognitive Impairments as used can be interpreted differently. automatically living with Psychosocial For example: Disability as well. People with Cognitive Impairments can and do also Article 1 (CRPD) on occasions have a Psychosocial Purpose Disorder, like any other part of the population but that would arise from a 9
  • 10. superimposed Mental Health issues on conflict or any other reasons which top of their Cognitive Impairment. may cause disability. There is a complexity here that leads to great difficulty for those trying to Codes and Laws of Rwanda - Ministry plan and deliver appropriate services. of Justice This complexity makes it even more difficult to raise awareness of the ique.php?ActDo=all&... general public and to sensitise them to An order of the Minister in charge of the needs of people with Psychosocial Health shall determine modalities of Disorder and people with Cognitive how disabled persons are put in basic Impairment as well. categories according to their disabilities in order to help various organs to guarantee them special The Rwandan Law No 01/2007 of rights they require. 20/01/2007 – Relating to the Protection of Disabled Persons in (The Ministerial Order N° 20/18 of general is even less helpful on the 27/7/2009 defines mentally question of Psychosocial Disability. In disabled people only as recognised fact it is not referred to at all either disability category among the through reference to Mental Disorder ‘other’ disability category in (Mental Illness) in the main text of the Rwanda.) legislation or the five categories defined as disabled in the Ministerial The WHO’s description of Mental Order. The legislation states: Disorder (Mental Illness) and Mental Health may offer an easier way to Article: 1(of the Rwandan Law on understand Psychosocial Disability. Disability) ‘‘Mental disorders comprise a This law protects disabled persons in broad range of problems, with general. different symptoms. They are Without prejudice to provisions of this generally characterized by some law, there may be instituted particular combination of abnormal thoughts, laws protecting persons who are emotions, behaviour and disabled due to various circumstances. relationships with others.’’ (World Health Organisation) Article: 2(of the Rwandan Law on Disability) In this law, disability shall mean the Some examples of Mental Disorder condition of a person’s impairment of (Mental Illness): health ability he or she should have  Schizophrenia been in possession, and consequently leading to deficiency compared to  Depression others.  Disorders due to drug abuse In this law, a disabled person is any individual who was born without  Bi – Polar Disorder ( manic congenital abilities like those of others depression) or one who was deprived of such  Post Traumatic Stress Disorder abilities due to disease, accident, 10
  • 11.  Eating Disorders (e.g. Anorexia, relevant just as much to Rwanda as bulimia) anywhere else in the world.  Anxiety Disorder ‘’Mental disorders contribute more to disease burden and disability in Some facts about Mental Disorder ( developing countries than any other Mental Illness): category of non-communicable disease, yet only a small minority of  There is no single cause of the people with mental disorders in different types of disorder these countries have access to  All of them can be treated mental health services. The need is high, and care is inadequate,” (Ban  They can be managed, not just Ki – Moon, Secretary General of the in institutions but also in the United Nations October 2009) community The WHO Mental Health definition is  Many conditions can be cured- also relatively straight forward and e.g. Depression and Anxiety certainly assists in understanding the Disorder concept of Psychosocial Disability.  Mental Disorder is not Mental Health is: necessarily constant or permanent "A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and (The last fact is particularly important not merely the absence of disease. as a Cognitive Impairment is constant It is related to the promotion of and permanent even though the well-being, the prevention of mental effects of that disability can still be disorders, and the treatment and reduced with support from others) rehabilitation of people affected by mental disorders.’’. (World Health Who can suffer from Mental Disorder Organisation) (Mental Illness)? Therefore Psychosocial Disability can  Anyone and everyone be viewed in the following way:  It is estimated that one in four  Whereas Mental Disorder is people throughout the world has seen as entirely medical issue, or will suffer from mental Psychosocial Disability takes as disorder in their lifetime (WHO) its starting point the concept of  Mental Disorder (Mental Illness) Mental Health as not just the appears everywhere in the absence of disease but a state world, irrespective of wealth, of complete well being of the ethnicity or religion individual The importance of the scale and  Psychosocial Disability occurs problem of Mental Disorder (Mental just as much because of Illness), particularly in developing society’s attitudes to treatment countries, has been recognised by the and support of the individual as United Nations (UN) in a speech made it does because of the nature of by Banki-Moon, Secretary General, the Mental Disorder (Illness) UN in 2009 and his comments are itself 11
  • 12. social rather than a medical model of This view of Psychosocial Disability is disability and which require the shared not just by Users and Survivors integration of the fields of mental Organisations but also by leading health law, non-discrimination, and academics and in some countries by legal capacity…… “ leading politicians. It is these views that NOUSPR would want to put forward in Rwanda. For example at a This view forms the basis of recent International Disability Summer NOUSPR’s view on how to help School (Gallway June2012) people Psychosocial Disability and conference in Ireland, The President of it is with this view in mind that we The Irish Republic, Michael D. Higgins collected the information in this said in his opening address report. “ … I will seek to achieve an inclusive citizenship where every citizen participates and everyone is treated with respect … P ART 3: METHODOLOGY, …..In fact, it has been the case that FRAMEWORK, DESIGN until relatively recently persons who AND SCOPE OF THIS experienced mental illness were largely invisible within our society – REPORT: sometimes denied their basic human We do not claim that this report is a rights and warehoused in institutions scientific view or measurement of the disconnected from the community – experiences of people with pushed to the margins, the periphery Psychosocial Disability in Rwanda. of normal everyday life…. Rather it is a collection of the stories of ... We must seek to move to a culture the personal experiences of those of assisted citizenship, where a people. The way in which the member of society with a mental information has been collected is disability may receive appropriate based in Qualitative Research support in making decisions without Methodology. relinquishing their right to actually  Qualitative research aims to make that decision themselves. In this provide an in-depth way we can ensure that freedom of understanding of the social choice is not withheld from those with world of research participants mental disabilities and that society through learning about their relates to them in a way that does not social and material diminish their right to exercise legal circumstances, experiences, capacity…. perspectives and histories. ... By depriving citizens of the right to (Ritchie and Lewis, Qualitative represent themselves and to make Research Practice 2003) important decisions regarding their  Qualitative research is not lifestyle and their medical care we fail based on statistically to promote their inclusion in society representative samples and so and we contradict the principles to does not produce statistically which we should aspire; principles significant findings. which espouse the upholding of a 12
  • 13.  Participants are selected in a  16 NOUSPR members were non-random way, according to trained in research characteristics of most interest methods/interviewing to the particular study. In this purposive sampling, the criteria  An interview schedule was used to select participants are agreed at two meetings with more important than the number members of always based on a small NOUSPR/Researchers based number of people taking part. on the areas agreed from the CRPD  Qualitative research is almost always based on a small number of cases. In reporting, qualitative research does not use numbers; any experience or perspective has value regardless of how often or seldom has it appeared. FRAMEWORK FOR THE RESEARCH: Training of researchers The framework for the research is  Particular attention was given to based on the United Nations Gender and other Disability Convention on the Rights of Persons issues with each set of with a Disability and the areas covered questions containing a sub set were: asking specifically about the effect on the respondents of  The Legal/Justice System gender and/or additional  Accommodation disability had had on their experiences  Education  50 individual interviews were  Health Care conducted with people with psychosocial disability  Employment  12 interviews/written responses  Participating in the public and were carried out with other cultural life and the recreation, stakeholders leisure and sporting opportunities in the community  Five Focus/Enquiry groups were held in Gisenyi, Nyagatare, Gitwe and Kigali (2) DESIGN AND SCOPE OF THE  The same interview schedule RESEARCH: was used for a basis of discussion in the focus groups  A Literature Study was carried and the responses recorded out (150 people attended in all – 50% women and 50% men) 13
  • 14. P ART 4: THE INDIVIDUAL 5. Subject to the provisions of this INTERVIEWS: article, States Parties shall take all appropriate and effective measures to ensure the equal right of persons with disabilities to own or inherit THE LEGAL/JUSTICE SYSTEM: property, to control their own financial affairs and to have equal Article 12 (CRPD) access to bank loans, mortgages Equal recognition before the law and other forms of financial credit, and shall ensure that persons with 1. States Parties reaffirm that disabilities are not arbitrarily persons with disabilities have the deprived of their property right to recognition everywhere as persons before the law. Rwandan Law on Disability (article 3) states on the same subject: 2. States Parties shall recognize that persons with disabilities enjoy Every disabled person shall be legal capacity on an equal basis entitled to equal rights with others with others in all aspects of life. persons before the law. He or she shall be respected and be entitled 3. States Parties shall take to human dignity. appropriate measures to provide access by persons with disabilities Article 13 (CRPD) to the support they may require in Access to justice exercising their legal capacity. 1. States Parties shall ensure effective 4. States Parties shall ensure that access to justice for persons with all measures that relate to the disabilities on an equal basis with exercise of legal capacity provide others, including through the provision for appropriate and effective of procedural and age-appropriate safeguards to prevent abuse in accommodations, in order to facilitate accordance with international their effective role as direct and human rights law. Such safeguards indirect participants, including as shall ensure that measures relating witnesses, in all legal proceedings, to the exercise of legal capacity including at investigative and other respect the rights, will and preliminary stages. preferences of the person, are free of conflict of interest and undue 2. In order to help to ensure effective influence, are proportional and access to justice for persons with tailored to the person's disabilities, States Parties shall circumstances, apply for the promote appropriate training for those shortest time possible and are working in the field of administration of subject to regular review by a justice, including police and prison competent, independent and staff. impartial authority or judicial body. The safeguards shall be Rwandan Law on Disability on this proportional to the degree to which subject states in Article 8 that: such measures affect the person's rights and interests. A disabled person shall have the right to legal representation like any other 14
  • 15. person in courts of law as determined when such a case is between by law. someone with mental illness and another “normal” person, it is always The State shall determine the decided in the favour of the latter. modalities of providing legal aid to the Take for example a case which I even needy disabled persons who are not raised to the president of the republic able to get legal representation.1 during his last visit here in 2008, I told him that there is a family land that I am Various organs shall facilitate the legally entitled to but some other disabled persons in acquisition of the people had grabbed it forcefully; upon required services at any time it is hearing that the president instructed considered necessary. the local leaders to solve my problem, but up to now I have not got my land. And the only excuse they give to themselves and to others who question about that unfairness is that I RESPONSES BY INDIVIDUALS ON am a mad person!’ (Male – age 36, THE SUBJECT OF LAW AND married unemployed) JUSTICE: ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ ‘The justice system is not only ‘Most leaders equate mental illness supposed to give us freedom of with uselessness and when you are expression it also has the looked at in that way, you have no responsibility to put laws in place that right whatsoever. I will give you 2 protect our entire human rights, but if examples beginning with my own such laws are not there e.g. the right to experience, when my father’s property vote and be voted for, where does it was being shared I was not considered leave us? It is only an organization like as his child. I had to battle it out in CARITAS that has been able to build courts but in vain. The second some houses for People with example is of another lady who after Psychosocial disabilities, but why getting mental illness was chased doesn’t our government include us in away by her husband; her brothers economic development initiatives that also never wanted her in their families. are there for other citizens? Why can’t She became homeless despite the fact we be given medical insurance cards that she had her inheritance (a big since we are the ones who are most chunk of land) which her brothers were effected and constantly ill?’ (Male – farming freely. She was so destitute so age 51, married with six children, that at one time when she was a sleep unemployed) in the bushes at night dogs came and ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ started eating her child. If it was not for ‘I think the laws and in fact all the legal the intervention of passersby the child system exists only for the people other would have been eaten by the dogs than us who have mental illness. Even completely. The authorities were not the easiest case one could think of, ignorant of the unfairness of her husband and her own brothers. But what did they do? Nothing! It is only a 1 Codes and Laws of Rwanda - good hearted doctor who, after Ministry of Justice learning about her sad story, took her to Ndera hospital and took charge of ique.php?ActDo=all&... her treatment and she has now recovered. There is no justice for 15
  • 16. mentally ill people in the current legal ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ system.’ (Female – age 49, married ‘In so far as I am concerned there is no with five children, unemployed) legal system or justice to protect me, if ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ they do exist they are for the normal ‘I don’t know anything about the legal people. I get harassed and beaten system; neither do I know any rights when I am just out of my family and I for people like myself. What right can get no one to report to. I am shouted at you have when you are socially and teased even by the local leaders rejected?’ (Female – age 51, widow, themselves.’ ((Male –age 24, lives with lives with her sister, her own two parents and siblings, unemployed) children and her sister’s four children, ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ unemployed) ‘I am not allowed to vote or be voted ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ for, I don’t have rights to my property, ‘I don’t know any rights that protect me none listens to my point of view be it in neither do I know any laws.’ (Female – meetings or other gatherings. I am not age 43, married with three children, in any way treated with respect and unemployed) the legal system has not come to my ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ rescue.’ (Female – age 35, single, ‘I once bought a forest with someone lives with children, unemployed) who promised to give me a legal ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ contract of sale but after a time he ‘Police has rounded me up many started denying that anything exists times, sometimes I got beaten and between him and I this was after I had taken to prison but I could later be paid and we had had an agreement on released.’(Male – age 24, lives in a a small piece of paper awaiting to go charitable institution, unemployed) to the authorities and pay the ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ sale/purchase tax. When I called for ‘The problems are that I am not the attention of authorities, every one listened to. I tried to go back where I referred to my “madness”. And that was born to claim my parent’s property was it. I lost.’ (Female –age 52, but I was dismissed and not listened to married with children, unemployed) by authorities.’(Female – age 24, ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ single, one child, unemployed) ‘I can’t be accepted (for a contract). ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ Period. Even in my family can’t allow ‘Legally I am not protected for me to enter into a contract unless I am whenever I have problem with given a representative. For instance I someone none believes that the other went to my family ( birth place) to claim person has wronged me. They always my inheritance but I was denied maintain that I am mad and because of possession of the plot that my parents that I am the trouble causer.’ (Male – had left for me on the pretext that I am age 52, married, four children, mentally unfit. (Female – age 44, unemployed) widow, four children, unemployed) ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ ‘Whenever I get any problem with ‘There is no justice for people like me. someone I am not listened to and I am not in any way respected as a therefore I am not protected by the law human being. I am just called mad and neither am I considered by the legal it makes me feel more mad.’ (Male – system in place.’ (Female – age 28, age 45, single, homeless, married, one child, unemployed) unemployed) ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ 16
  • 17. ‘The legal system does not care about community, with choices equal to people with psychosocial disability. I others, and shall take effective and wish you would make advocacy about appropriate measures to facilitate full the plight of people with psychosocial enjoyment by persons with disabilities disability so that the society becomes of this right and their full inclusion and aware of our rights. For even us participation in the community, ourselves do not know the laws that including by ensuring that: are supposed to protect us.’ (Female – age 42, single, lives with children, (a) Persons with disabilities have the unemployed) opportunity to choose their place of ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ residence and where and with whom ‘I don’t know anything about justice; they live on an equal basis with others they take me as a mad old lady even and are not obliged to live in a when I want justice say for example if particular living arrangement; a neighbour grazes his animals in my gardens I don’t get necessary (b) Persons with disabilities have attention. They maintain that I am access to a range of in- residential and mad.’ (Female – age 66, widow, lives other community support services, with orphaned grand-child, including personal assistance unemployed) necessary to support living and ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ inclusion in the community, and to prevent isolation or segregation from the community; (c) Community services and facilities for the general population are available on an equal basis to persons with disabilities and are responsive to their needs. There is no direct comparison to this article the Rwandan Law on Disability: RESPONSES BY INDIVIDUALS ON THE SUBJECT OF ACCOMMODATION: Focus Group participants ‘I have problems finding where to live; everyone calls me a mad woman. It is not easy for me to get a house to rent even when I have money. Some ACCOMMODATION: landlords chase me out of their houses when they find out that I have Article 19 (CRPD) psychosocial disability even my Living independently and being husband abandons me when I get into included in the community mental health crisis. No one visits me and none welcomes me in their States Parties to this Convention families. However, when I am stable I recognize the equal right of all persons try to participate in all community with disabilities to live in the activities including UMUGANDA 17
  • 18. (social community work) despite the always care about me when I am in a negative attitude. (Female – age 35, crisis. With our neighbours, it is a married, one child, lives with three different case, those who know relatives) (because I try to hide it) isolate me, ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ even those who are supposed to be ‘I live with family members. But at this my friends- the age mates, don’t age, I wish I had my own house, consider my existence when they have however, given the attitude of people parties they don’t invite me. I am not around me I can’t even think of looking informed of community meetings and for one.’(Female –age 28, single, two most times I don’t participate. They children, lives with siblings, take (it that you) are a useless person.’ unemployed) (Female – age 28, single, lives with ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ siblings, employed) ‘It was not easy for me. After the ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ genocide our house had been ‘I live with my Dad and wherever he destroyed. When I returned to my shifts to I go with him. Neighbours are place no one wanted to receive me not good to me they don’t welcome me back, I stayed at a distant relative’s in their families, even my step mother place but she was also not comfortable does not like me she always shouts at with my disability. I tried to get a small me. It is only my brother who house to rent but none could allow me sympathizes with me. He looks for my in his house. They said that I won’t pay shoes and cleans them when I am them emphasizing on my “madness’’ going to school in the morning and but because I have my own land the finds some skin lotion for me. My Dad government later assisted me to get provides money for my medicine and where to live’ (Female –age 66, widow, he also pays for my hair cutting. I lives with grandchild, unemployed) notice that whether in the family or with ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ neighbours I am not liked like other ‘Because this is not my place of birth, people are. And know it is because I they call me derogatory names and am sick. This disturbs me so much so they don’t welcome me in their homes. that I wish to die, may be then I may My children are harassed and for any have some rest from the negative slight mistake say if my child fights attitudes that I experience.’ (Male – with theirs I get kicked out of their age unknown, single, lives with family, house and it takes me long to get unemployed) another house to live in for they all say ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ that I am mad. The community attitude ‘I never experienced any problem of is so sickening as no one gives you a getting where we are living now, it is respect as a mother or as a fellow only our neighbours who are not happy human being. Neighbours and the with us. They don’t say it loud but we landlords are all alike they share the can feel it.’ (Male – age 40, married, same understanding about me “the three children, unemployed) mad woman”.’ (Female – age 44, ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ widow, six children, unemployed) ‘I started living in this place since ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ 1968, it is only of recent that the ‘I have had no problem with authority requested me that I should accommodation because I live with my shift and join others in community brothers and sisters in our parent’s villages (UMUDUGUDU) but I have no house. They have a good financial capacity to do so. understanding of my illness and they 18
  • 19. My neighbours don’t respect me at all ‘It was not easy for me. After my house even those who pretend to be friendly was sold, I could not easily get where can’t invite you in their parties.’ to settle, they chased me from house (Female – age 60, single, three to house even without a warning. I can children, unemployed) remember my wife and I once paid a ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ man 3 years rent in advance but after ‘I started living where I live in 1996. It one year he tried to chase us from his is my brother’s house house and when we resisted he I have no problem with my brother. I reimbursed our money.’ (Male – age pay his rent timely.’ (Male – age 51, 52, married, six children, unemployed) married, four children, unemployed ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ with own piece of land) ‘Because mental illness is associated ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ with evil spirits most landlords see ‘It is normally not easy for someone to renting their houses to people with rent out his/her house to a “mad” psychosocial disabilities as giving evil person. At times you have to be spirits a sanctuary in their homes. So, careful when you are looking for a their either hike prices or refuse to rent house and make sure that none out their houses to us.’ (Female – age detects your mental status, or if you 42, married, five children, unemployed) have someone “normal” to get it for ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ you, much better.’ (Male – age 42, ‘My husband covers me in such married, unemployed) matters, He is the one who rents the ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ house we live in. Our previous ‘People don’t like being with me. landlords were very harsh and when Before I came back here on our family they discovered that I was mentally ill, property which I inherited from my they chased us out of the house and parents, I was constantly moving from spread the roomer to other landlords, place to place looking for My husband had to go far off and accommodation; once I got one I looked for a house where they didn’t would be chased before long. know me.’ Landlords used give me more ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ headache than my illness, if I would miss to pay my rent by a day or two, they would say that I will not pay them EDUCATION: and therefore chase me a way.’ (Male – age 56, married, six children, Article 24 (CRPD) unemployed) Education ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ ‘I got this illness in 2009, I had already 1. States Parties recognize the right of a house to live in and a cultivatable persons with disabilities to education. land, hover, even though we are in a With a view to realizing this right village, other people with mental without discrimination and on the basis illness that I know do not get of equal opportunity, States Parties accommodation easily. Most of their shall ensure an inclusive education big problem is poorness and again the system at all levels and life long attitudes.’ (Male – age 49, married, six learning directed to: children, own land) ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ (a) The full development of human potential and sense of dignity and self- worth, and the strengthening of 19
  • 20. respect for human rights, fundamental this end, States Parties shall take freedoms and human diversity; appropriate measures, including: (b) The development by persons with (a) Facilitating the learning of Braille, disabilities of their personality, talents alternative script, augmentative and and creativity, as well as their mental alternative modes, means and formats and physical abilities, to their fullest of communication and orientation and potential; mobility skills, and facilitating peer support and mentoring; (c) Enabling persons with disabilities to participate effectively in a free society. (b) Facilitating the learning of sign language and the promotion of the 2. In realizing this right, States Parties linguistic identity of the deaf shall ensure that: community; (a) Persons with disabilities are not (c) Ensuring that the education of excluded from the general education persons, and in particular children, system on the basis of disability, and who are blind, deaf or deafblind, is that children with disabilities are not delivered in the most appropriate excluded from free and compulsory languages and modes and means of primary education, or from secondary communication for the individual, and education, on the basis of disability; in environments which maximize academic and social development. (b) Persons with disabilities can access an inclusive, quality and free 4. In order to help ensure the primary education and secondary realization of this right, States Parties education on an equal basis with shall take appropriate measures to others in the communities in which employ teachers, including teachers they live; with disabilities, who are qualified in sign language and/or Braille, and to (c) Reasonable accommodation of the train professionals and staff who work individual's requirements is provided; at all levels of education. Such training shall incorporate disability awareness (d) Persons with disabilities receive the and the use of appropriate support required, within the general augmentative and alternative modes, education system, to facilitate their means and formats of communication, effective education; educational techniques and materials to support persons with disabilities. (e) Effective individualized support measures are provided in 5. States Parties shall ensure that environments that maximize academic persons with disabilities are able to and social development, consistent access general tertiary education, with the goal of full inclusion. vocational training, adult education and lifelong learning without 3. States Parties shall enable persons discrimination and on an equal basis with disabilities to learn life and social with others. To this end, States Parties development skills to facilitate their full shall ensure that reasonable and equal participation in education accommodation is provided to persons and as members of the community. To with disabilities. 20
  • 21. There are three articles in the some teachers started calling me a Rwandan Law on Disability relating to mad girl and this got me disoriented Education: such that I lost interest in whatever the teachers were teaching . And when I Article: 11 started using mental drugs and because of my absence from school A disabled person has the right to while in a crisis, my school marks fell appropriate education in respect of the remarkably- this together with the nature of his or her disability. attitudes from teachers and students made me quit school.’ (Female – age The Government or centres which 28, single, lives with siblings, cater for disabled persons who are not unemployed) able to study with others, shall provide with them modalities to study in a ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ specialised school and shall have ‘In education, it is not easy especially qualified and trained teachers and when I get sick- this has made me appropriate equipment. repeat the same class every other year. I have got so disappointed so The Minister in charge of Education that I don’t see a good future before shall, basing on basic categories of me. The only good thing is my good disability determined by the Minister in teacher who comforts me and charge of Health, determine modalities encourages me to continue- But I am a of facilitating the needy disabled slow learner. persons in ordinary schools and in With an exception of my inability I don’t specialised schools in case of failure to face any other problem. Fellow study with others. students here don’t harass me and my teachers are good to me. I have never Article: 12 sensed any bad attitude towards me while here at school.’ (Male – age A pupil or a student with disabilities unknown, lives with mother, father and that do not enable him or her to sit siblings, unemployed) exams with fellow schoolmates or in the same manner as others is entitled ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ to the right of sitting for exams in a ‘I told you and as you can hear me special manner. speaking, I am almost dumb. Some teachers, who are not compassionate Article: 13 towards me, don’t make an effort to listen to my questions as a result they The Minister in charge of education don’t explain to me. My dumbness is shall determine modalities of an injury to the wound.’ (Male – age facilitating the needy disabled persons 17, lives with mother and siblings, at in pursuing education. school) ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ RESPONSES FROM INDIVIDUALS ‘I like schooling, even now if I got a the ON THE SUBJECT OF EDUCATION: school environment needs to be ‘When I was at school, students used without harassment of people with to isolate me. I never had friends disabilities and the teachers need to however much I tried to look for some. be understanding. I had studied up to They could call me names and It’s P.6 and I had 3 years in a plumbing where I was named a mad girl- even 21
  • 22. course.’ (Male – age 40, married, three ‘I stopped studies when I was in senior children, unemployed) two, but if I can get a chance I can go ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ back to school, I once went to Rwamagana in a school of people with ‘I studied up to Primary 3 when I psychosocial disability and participated started to be attacked by epilepsy. My in a classroom for a while, I found out illness and stigma that I started that I got good marks. My problem is experiencing while at school made me only lack of financial capacity dull I could not learn anything however otherwise, I may go back to school.’ much I tried to be attentive.’ (Female – (Male – age 52, six children, age 60, lives with one child and two unemployed) grandchildren, works own land) ‘I never went to school’ (Female – age ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ 39, married, five children, unemployed) ‘I never went to school.’ (Male – age ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ 51, married, four children, works own land) ‘My illness came after 1994 genocide I ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ had left school long ago.’(Female – age 52, married unemployed) ‘I finished my primary level but ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ because of my drug addiction I never continued I decided join street life ‘I finished primary level education, but where I could be able to get drugs.’ because of my epilepsy I never (Male – age 27, lives in an institution, managed to go further than that.’ (Male unemployed) – age 27, single, lives with mother and ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ seven siblings, unemployed) ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ ‘I stopped my studies in primary 2 due to lack of school fees and other school ‘I finished primary school and I did necessities’ (Female age 19, single, no construction technical training for three family, lives with friend, employed) month.’ (Male – age 52, married, three ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ children, unemployed) ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ ‘The attitudes about people with mental illness are everywhere even in ‘I studied up to primary six and by then schools teachers and fellow students I had not had this illness.’ (Female – tease and call you names whenever age 33, married, three children, they find out that one has got mental unemployed) illness and that is precisely what ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ stopped me from continuing my education.’ (Male – age 36, married ‘When I started getting sick I was in unemployed) Primary six but due to the students and teachers attitudes towards me I ‘I studied long before I got this problem could not continue. The Head teacher of illness, to primary 5.’ (Male, married, told me not to go back to school until I six children, unemployed) would get healed. I got more ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ depressed when I got chased out of the school.’ (Female –age 27, single, ‘I never went to school.’ (Male - age lives with mother, unemployed) 49, married, six children, unemployed) ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ 22
  • 23. HEALTH: standards for public and private health care; Article 25 (CRPD) Health (e) Prohibit discrimination against persons with disabilities in the States Parties recognize that persons provision of health insurance, and life with disabilities have the right to the insurance where such insurance is enjoyment of the highest attainable permitted by national law, which shall standard of health without be provided in a fair and reasonable discrimination on the basis of disability. manner; States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to ensure (f) Prevent discriminatory denial of access for persons with disabilities to health care or health services or food health services that are gender- and fluids on the basis of disability. sensitive, including health-related rehabilitation. In particular, States There are three articles in the Parties shall: Rwandan Law on Disability relating to Health: (a) Provide persons with disabilities with the same range, quality and Article: 14 standard of free or affordable health care and programmes as provided to The Government shall facilitate a other persons, including in the area of disabled person in getting medical sexual and reproductive health and care and prosthesis and orthesis population-based public health appliances if required. programmes; Article: 15 (b) Provide those health services The Government has an obligation to needed by persons with disabilities provide medical care to a needy specifically because of their disabled person and it shall provide disabilities, including early prosthesis and orthesis appliances if identification and intervention as required. appropriate, and services designed to minimize and prevent further Article: 16 disabilities, including among children and older persons; Each centre or association that caters for the disabled persons is obliged to (c) Provide these health services as have a department responsible for close as possible to people's own examination of trauma as well as communities, including in rural areas; physico-social counselling. (d) Require health professionals to provide care of the same quality to RESPONSES FROM INDIVIDUAL persons with disabilities as to others, INTERVIEWS ON THE SUBJECT OF including on the basis of free and HEALTH: informed consent by, inter alia, raising awareness of the human rights, ‘I once went to Ndera hospital when I dignity, autonomy and needs of experienced mental crisis but due to persons with disabilities through negative effects of the drugs they training and the promulgation of ethical administered to me, I can’t go back for 23
  • 24. treatment. I rather go for prayers in the with psychosocial disabilities) where I church when my situation deteriorates. was injected with some medicine that I went by myself because my husband got me sleep. When I woke up the next had abandoned me and my day, I was dizzy and foaming, I was neighbours always call me a mad given some other tablets which got me person. No one cares about me, even hungry and powerless, I later escaped at the hospital I got neglected until I and since then I have not gone back to started shouting louder for help. I was the hospital.’ (Male – age 45, single, then injected with a very strong homeless, unemployed) medicine that made me sleep ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ unconsciously and when I woke up I was powerless, foaming and more ‘At present I am stable, but the hungry than ever. From then on I problem is that even when I am feared going back. I went by myself suffering from other types of illness, I because my husband had abandoned am forced to take mental illness drugs. me and my neighbours always call me I cannot be listened to even when I a mad person. (Female – age 35 know I am right. It disturbs me a lot years, married, lives with husband, when my family members tie me up one child and other family members, and take me to the community centre works as a construction aid when for mental disability treatment even stable) when I feel I am suffering from another ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ disease.’(Male - age 26, lives with father, mother and seven siblings, ‘I am now stable, the only problem that never been employed) I experience is getting medicine when I ‘∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ am under mental crisis, my mental medicine is not covered under the I have a healthcare card, unfortunately present health care program ( mittuelle it does not cover the type of medicine I de santé) if I may constantly get use; and as a result I am most of the medication, I think my situation may time in a mental crisis; my family stabilize permanently.’ (Female – age members at times spend their money 57 years, married, lives with husband trying to get my type of medicine and and six children, unemployed) this increases their rage against me ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ saying that I am the source of family problems.’(Female - age 28, single ‘It all started when I was about to get parent, two children and lives with four married, It started with a severe siblings, never been employed) headache. My head ached me until I ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ started running around at times crying, my girlfriend chucked me and ‘It is not an easy task getting everybody else started saying that I medication, we used to get medication was mad. My parents sold the little from Kigali but it is quite far from here, property that I had including my land at times when I am in a crisis, I am and goats trying to get some treatment given only aspirin. The health centre for me; I first went to local healers but medical attendants don’t care about to no avail, as my situation went from me whenever I try to explain to them bad to worse, I was grabbed by that their medicine is not effective. I neighbours and family members and lost my mental stability because of the put into ropes and taken to Ndera 1994 genocide, sometimes I stabilize (national referral hospital for people but whenever something like seeing 24
  • 25. someone with scars or during the medicine. I went into immense mental genocide commemoration period crisis such that I was taken back occurs, then my situation deteriorates. forcefully and I was injected with a I am only comforted by being with my medicine that made me unconscious. association members with whom I I hate to remember that experience. share problems. The association These days I am o.k. I no longer get counsels us and it encourages us to severe headaches on a daily basis, I share our challenges. If I try to go to am in a cooperative with some of my Kigali to look for proper medicine, it friends who have the same problem costs me a lot and this leaves me with and by keeping together with my nothing to eat. Again when I am not at friends I have improved.’(Female - age home my grandchild remains alone he 44, widow, lives with her five children worries so much that I might die when and one adopted child, unemployed) I leave him alone.’(Female – age 66, ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ widow, lives with orphaned grandchild, unemployed) ‘My Dad gives me money for ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ medication, the only problem is when I find too many people at the hospital ‘Medical personnel around here don’t and I get delayed while waiting for the care about me when I visit the hospital doctor. Otherwise I don’t experience for my illness, they tout that I am mad any other problems at the hospital and mindless. When I ask for a problem. transfer letter to another hospital, they What pleases me is how I am don’t give it to me. At times, they may improving because of the medicine I give me aspirin and tell me that that is get I no longer have serious headache all. There used to be a project that like it used to be. I am not so o.k. now paid for my medication and even that because I still use drugs but I have of my children. They would pay for my been relieved. And I hope I will get transport to Kigali when going to the cured.’(Male – age unknown, lives with national referral hospital of Ndera his father and his father’s wife, where I would be treated but now I student) don’t know where it went. I am poor ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ and I can’t afford to do it by myself. I have even failed to raise money to ‘I got mental illness when I was a child purchase (mittuelle de santé ) a and I am also disabled in a leg, this medical insurance card. was due to the injections I got when I A certain doctor in Ndera who knew was being treated for my mental me used to treat me well. He was illness. My 2 sons also have mental gentle and good to me he would listen illness; the first one is 11 years old and to me and give me some tablets that the second is 9 years old. We go to calmed me down but since I no longer hospitals for treatment, however, at have means to go to Kigali, I can’t present I don’t have mituelle de santé trace him. In fact his attention and care (a medical insurance card) mine were more of a medicine to me than expired but I will soon pay for its the tablets he gave me. renewal. A certain doctor in our local health What is good is that I have improved- centre ignored me when I had visited my life is not like it was when I was still the hospital for medication, I quarrelled young; the medicine that I use has with him but he could not relent until I made me improve a lot. Again the left and went back home with no 25
  • 26. current health insurance system has protection from harassment, and the made it easy for me to get medication. redress of grievances; People with mental disabilities are not given due attention in the hospitals, (c) Ensure that persons with most of hospitals and health care disabilities are able to exercise their centres don’t have mental health labour and trade union rights on an professionals and we get lined up with equal basis with others; other people while waiting for a doctor as if we have the same illness.’(Male – (d) Enable persons with disabilities to age 40, married with three children, have effective access to general occasionally employed when stable) technical and vocational guidance ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ programmes, placement services and vocational and continuing training; EMPLOYMENT: (e) Promote employment opportunities and career advancement for persons Article 27 (CRPD) with disabilities in the labour market, Work and employment as well as assistance in finding, obtaining, maintaining and returning to 1. States Parties recognize the right of employment; persons with disabilities to work, on an equal basis with others; this includes (f) Promote opportunities for self- the right to the opportunity to gain a employment, entrepreneurship, the living by work freely chosen or development of cooperatives and accepted in a labour market and work starting one's own business; environment that is open, inclusive and accessible to persons with disabilities. (g) Employ persons with disabilities in States Parties shall safeguard and the public sector; promote the realization of the right to work, including for those who acquire a (h) Promote the employment of disability during the course of persons with disabilities in the private employment, by taking appropriate sector through appropriate policies and steps, including through legislation, to, measures, which may include inter alia: affirmative action programmes, incentives and other measures; (a) Prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability with regard to all matters (i) Ensure that reasonable concerning all forms of employment, accommodation is provided to persons including conditions of recruitment, with disabilities in the workplace; hiring and employment, continuance of employment, career advancement and (j) Promote the acquisition by persons safe and healthy working conditions; with disabilities of work experience in the open labour market; (b) Protect the rights of persons with disabilities, on an equal basis with (k) Promote vocational and others, to just and favourable professional rehabilitation, job conditions of work, including equal retention and return-to-work opportunities and equal remuneration programmes for persons with for work of equal value, safe and disabilities. healthy working conditions, including 26
  • 27. 2. States Parties shall ensure that (Male –age 45, single, homeless, persons with disabilities are not held in unemployed) slavery or in servitude, and are protected, on an equal basis with ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ others, from forced or compulsory labour. It is not easy to get a job. Looking for a job calls for having a certain level of There are three articles in the financial capacity, when you consider Rwandan Law on Disability relating to necessities such as transportation, employment: photocopies of one’s documents and the telephone calls one has to make, it Article: 18 becomes quite difficult. In addition No discrimination of any form shall be when one has been labelled mad, one subjected upon a disabled person in cannot even be recommended by any matters related to employment. one for a certain job. Lack of money (makes it difficult) to However, a disabled person shall be facilitate me in applying for vacancies given greater access to employment but more especially employers opportunities than any other citizen in negative attitudes towards me. case of equal capacities or in case of We get very low wages and at times equal marks in competition. not being paid at all. Being a psychosocially disabled man Article: 19 equals to being no man at all in this society. You are neither a child nor a In case of necessity and only due to woman but just a useless mad interest of employment, a disabled something.’ (Male – age 36, married person shall be entitled to a conducive unemployed) employment environment that does not detract the nature of his or her ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ disability. ‘I look for a job like others but I rarely Article: 20 get employed, where I get it at times it comes as an act of benevolence on An Order of the Minister in Charge of the part of one who gives it to me and labour in his or her attributions shall yet I work like others and at times determine the modalities of facilitating more than they do simply because the disabled persons in matters related losing a job hits me harder than those I to access to employment opportunities work with and therefore I try hard to impress my employer. . I have met outright rejection- without even testing my capability while others RESPONSES BY INDIVIDUALS ON are either interviewed or simply THE SUBJECT OF EMPLOYMENT: employed. ‘None can employ me since they say I am There are many problems including Mad. I only survive on handouts. But when sickness, not being paid and worst of I am stable, I am very strong and I help all being discriminated against while at people carry their luggage and other the work place.’(Male – age 40, heavy things in a local market. At times married, three children, unemployed) they give me food or promise to pay me ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ later which they don’t do at most times.’ 27
  • 28. ‘I work in shop where I get paid 10,000 decided to quit before I could make RWF/ Month and it is my friend who many enemies. got me the job. Before this I used to I never looked for any other job since work as a house girl on a less salary. then. When I suffered from this disease, I Fellow employees mocked me and the was working as a house girl I was then employer used this as an excuse for replaced and chased away it took me not paying me when I wanted my some time to get another job. wages so it made me quit the job.’ I am worried that if I get a mental crisis (Male – age 49, married, four children, I might be chased from the job unemployed) sometimes I close the Shop and go to ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ the hospital to look for the medicine and I get worried that that will also be ‘Ever since I got this illness, people a basis for losing my job.’ (Female – don’t respect me. I tried so many times age 19, single, no family, employed) to look for a job but I could not get one. ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ I now participate in NOUSPR’s women basket weaving group. ‘I used to work as a house constructor At times people would make empty and this type of job is usually done in promises to me. I would follow up on cooperation with other constructors, their promises but in the end they but since when I got this illness my would tell me that they had no job. fellow workmates isolated me, they no In the group where we weave longer call me for any work. handcrafts, I have not met any Employers don’t trust me; they don’t problem; instead, we share our illness accept that I can do their work so they experiences and when one has not simply ignore my requests to work for taken her drugs, we remind each other them. (I suffer) Mockery and verbal when one has to take her drugs. If we harassment.’ (Male –age 37, married, would get market and be able to get six children, unemployed) some good income; I would not think ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ of looking for a job somewhere else.’(Female –age 33, married, three ‘I have not tried to search for a job. I children, unemployed) only take care of my ill child.’ (Female ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ –age 42, married, six children, unemployed) ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ ‘I meet challenges here and there because a number of people know my condition and because of my low level of education I can’t easily be employed by any one. I have been rejected and have never had a job.’ (Female – age 33, married, 3 children, unemployed) ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ Craft display at EXPO ‘I once worked at a certain building site but I soon started getting into problems ‘I used to dig in other peoples gardens with other workers because of my low for money or for food, but I was level of anger management skills, I continually underpaid or even at times 28