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 Introductory presentation

 SQL                            ACID

 Relational algebra             Optimal for ad-hoc queries

 Tables, Columns, Rows          Sharding can be difficult

 Metadata separate from data

 Normalized data

 Optimized storage

 MySQL                  Informix

 SQL Server             Progress

 Oracle                 Pervasive

 Postgres               Sybase

 DB2                    Access

 Interbase, Firebird   …

 Unified language to create and query both data and metadata

 Similar to English

 Verbose(!)

 Can get complex for non-trivial queries

 Does not expose execution plan – you say what you want it to
return, not how
 If you can say what you mean, you can query the existing data
 Results are near-instant when querying based on primary key
select * from valute where id=1 and sid=42

 Results are fast when querying based on non-unique index
select valuta from valute where ((id=1 and sid=42)) and (valute.firma_id=123 and

 Very readable for trivial queries
select r.customer,sum(rs.iznos) sveukupno from racuni r
join racuni_stavke rs on
order by rs.ordinal

 Not so readable for non-trivial queries
select "MP" tip_prometa, mprac.broj broj_racuna, mprac_stavke.kolicina kolicina, (mprac.tecaj*mprac_stavke.kolicina*mprac_stavke.rabat_iznos)
rabat_iznos, (round(mprac_stavke.cijena - mprac_stavke.rabat_iznos - mprac_stavke.rabat2_iznos - mprac_stavke.rabat3_iznos - mprac_stavke.porez1 -
mprac_stavke.porez2 - mprac_stavke.porez_potrosnja,6)*mprac_stavke.kolicina) iznos, (mprac_stavke.kolicina* ifnull((select
sum(pn_cijena*kolicina)/sum(kolicina) from mprac_skl left join skl_stavke on mprac_skl.skl_id=skl_stavke.skl_id and
mprac_skl.skl__sid=skl_stavke.skl__sid where and mprac_skl.mprac__sid=mprac.sid and
skl_stavke.artikl_id=mprac_stavke.artikl_id and skl_stavke.artikl__sid=mprac_stavke.artikl__sid ),0) ) iznos_nabavno, ifnull( (select
sum(mprac_stavke.kolicina*ambalaze.naknada_kom) from artikli_ambalaze left join ambalaze on and
ambalaze.sid=artikli_ambalaze.ambalaza__sid where and artikli_ambalaze.artikl__sid=artikli.sid and
ambalaze.kalkulacija="N" ),0) naknada, radnici_komercijalisti.ime racun_komercijalist_ime, (select naziv from skladista where skladista.tip_skladista="M"
and pj_id=mprac.pj_id limit 1) skladiste_naziv , pj.naziv pj_naziv, mprac.datum,
cast(concat("(",if(DayOfWeek(mprac.datum)=1,7,DayOfWeek(mprac.datum)-1),") ", if(DayOfWeek(mprac.datum)=1,"1 Nedjelja",
if(DayOfWeek(mprac.datum)=2,"2 Ponedjeljak", if(DayOfWeek(mprac.datum)=3,"3 Utorak", if(DayOfWeek(mprac.datum)=4,"4 Srijeda",
if(DayOfWeek(mprac.datum)=5,"5 Èetvratk", if(DayOfWeek(mprac.datum)=6,"6 Petak", if(DayOfWeek(mprac.datum)=7,"7 Subota","")))))))) as char(15))
dan_u_tjednu, cast(month(mprac.datum) as unsigned) mjesec, cast(week(mprac.datum) as unsigned) tjedan, cast(quarter(mprac.datum) as unsigned) kvartal,
cast(year(mprac.datum) as unsigned) godina, cast(if(tipovi_komitenata.tip="F",trim(concat(partneri.ime," ",partneri.prezime)),partneri.naziv) as char(200))
kupac_naziv, partneri_mjesta.postanski_broj kupac_mjesto, partneri_mjesta.mjesto kupac_mjesto_naziv, partneri_grupe_mjesta.naziv …

 Vertical scaling
     •   Better CPU, more CPUs
     •   More RAM
     •   More disks
     •   SAN

 Partitioning

 Sharding

 With many rows and heavy usage, partitioning is a must

 What to partition
     • Tables
     • Indexes
     • Views

 Typical cases
     • Monthly data
     • Alphabetical keys

 Sharding means using several databases where each represents part
of data (500 clients on one server, another 500 on another)

 Requires changing application code

 Impossible to join data from different databases, so choose your
sharding key wisely

 Very difficult to repartition your databases based on a new key

 Metadata: data describing other data

 RDBMS structures are explicitly defined, and each data type is
optimized for storage

 Lots of constraints

 Can get slow with lot of data

 “Not SQL”, “Not only SQL”

 Core NoSQL databases invented mostly because RDBMS made
life very hard for huge and heavy traffic web databases

 NoSQL databases are the ones significantly different from
relational databases

 Wide Column Store / Column Families
 Document Store
 Key Value / Tuple Store
 Graph Databases
 Object Databases
 XML Databases
 Multivalue Databases

 Key-Value Stores

 BigTable Clones (aka "ColumnFamily")

 Document Databases

 Graph Databases

 Lineage: Amazon's Dynamo paper and Distributed HashTables.

 Data model: A global collection of key-value pairs.

 Example: Voldemort, Dynomite, Tokyo Cabinet

 Lineage: Google's BigTable paper.

 Data model: Column family, i.e. a tabular model where each row at
least in theory can have an individual configuration of columns.

 Example: HBase, Hypertable, Cassandra

 Lineage: Inspired by Lotus Notes.

 Data model: Collections of documents, which contain key-value
collections (called "documents").

 Example: CouchDB, MongoDB, Riak

 Lineage: Draws from Euler and graph theory.

 Data model: Nodes & relationships, both which can hold key-value

 Example: AllegroGraph, InfoGrid, Neo4j

 Hadoop / Hbase     MemcacheDB

 Cassandra          Voldemort

 Amazon SimpleDB    Hypertable

 MongoDB            Cloudata

 CouchDB            IBM Lotus/Domino

 Redis

 Almost infinite horizontal scaling
 Very fast
 Performance doesn’t deteriorate with growth (much)
 No fixed table schemas
 No join operations
 Ad-hoc queries difficult or impossible
 Structured storage
 Almost everything happens in RAM
 Cassandra
      •   Facebook (original developer, used it till late 2010)
      •   Twitter
      •   Digg
      •   Reddit
      •   Rackspace
      •   Cisco
 BigTable
      •   Google (open-source version is HBase)
 MongoDB
      •   Foursquare
      •   Craigslist
      •   SourceForge
      •   GitHub

 Handles huge databases (I know, I said it before)

 Redundancy, data is pretty safe on commodity hardware

 Super flexible queries using map/reduce

 Rapid development (no fixed schema, yeah!)

 Very fast for common use cases

 RDBMS uses buffer to ensure ACID properties

 NoSQL does not guarantee ACID and is therefore much faster

 We don’t need ACID everywhere!

 I used MySQL and switched to MongDB for my analytics app
     • Data processing (every minute) is 4x faster with MongoDB, despite
       being a lot more detailed (due to much simple development)

 Simple web application with not much traffic
     • Application server, database server all on one machine

 More traffic comes in
     • Application server
     • Database server

 Even more traffic comes in
     • Load balancer
     • Application server x2
     • Database server

 Even more traffic comes in
     • Load balancer x N
         • easy
     • Application server x N
         • easy
     • Database server xN
         • hard for SQL databases

 Not linear!

 Need more storage?
     • Add more servers!

 Need higher performance?
     • Add more servers!

 Need better reliability?
     • Add more servers!

 You can scale SQL databases (Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server…)
     • This will cost you dearly
     • If you don’t have a lot of money, you will reach limits quickly

 You can scale NoSQL databases
     •   Very easy horizontal scaling
     •   Lots of open-source solutions
     •   Scaling is one of the basic incentives for design, so it is well handled
     •   Scaling is the cause of trade-offs causing you to have to use

 Why map/reduce? I just need some simple queries. Tomorrow I
will need some other queries….

 SQL databases are optimized for very efficient disk access, but for
significant scaling need RAM caching (MySQL+memcached)

 NoSQL databases are designed to keep whole working set in RAM

 In real-world use working set is much less than complete database
     • For analytics 99% of queries will be regarding last 30 days

 As you need RAM only for working set, you can use commodity
servers, VPS, and just add more as your app becomes more popular

 Foursquare has millions of users and working set the same as the database
 They used a single 66GB Amazon EC2 High-Memory Quadruple Extra Large
Instance (with cheese) for millions of users
 When their RAM usage was 65GB, they decided to shard
 Too late, they started to have disk swaps
 Disk is much slower than RAM - 100x slowdown
 Server could not keep up due to swapping
 11 hours outage (ouch!)

 Google’s framework for processing highly distributable
problems across huge datasets using a large number of

 Let’s define large number of computers
     • Cluster if all of them have same hardware
     • Grid unless Cluster (if !Cluster for old-style programmers)

 Process split into two phases
     • Map
          • Take the input, partition it delegate to other machines
          • Other machines can repeat the process, leading to tree structure
          • Each machine returns results to the machine who gave it the task
     • Reduce
          • collect results from machines you gave the tasks
          • combine results and return it to requester
     • Slower than sequential data processing, but massively parallel
     • Sort petabyte of data in a few hours
     • Input, Map, Shuffle, Reduce, Output

 You need to write two functions

 Count different words in a set of documents

 Document store

 Basic support for dynamic (ad hoc) queries

 Query by example (nice!)

 Conditional Operators
     • <, <=, >, >=
     • $all, $exists, $mod, $ne, $in, $nin, $nor, $or, $and, $size, $type

  Regular expressions
    Data is stored as BSON (binary JSON)
         •    Makes it very well suited for languages with native JSON support
    Map/Reduce written in Javascript
         •    Slow! There is one single thread of execution in Javascript
    Master/slave replication (auto failover with replica sets)
    Sharding built-in
    Uses memory mapped files for data storage
    Performance over features
    On 32bit systems, limited to ~2.5Gb
    An empty database takes up 192Mb
    GridFS to store big data + metadata (not actually an FS)
 Written in: Java
 Protocol: Custom, binary (Thrift)
 Tunable trade-offs for distribution and replication (N, R, W)
 Querying by column, range of keys
 BigTable-like features: columns, column families
 Writes are much faster than reads (!)
         • Constant write time regardless of database size
 Map/reduce possible with Apache Hadoop
     Written in: Java
     Main point: Billions of rows X millions of columns
     Modeled after BigTable
     Map/reduce with Hadoop
     Query predicate push down via server side scan and get filters
     Optimizations for real time queries
     A high performance Thrift gateway
     HTTP supports XML, Protobuf, and binary
     Cascading, hive, and pig source and sink modules
     No single point of failure
     While Hadoop streams data efficiently, it has overhead for starting map/reduce jobs. HBase is column oriented key/value store and
allows for low latency read and writes.
     Random access performance is like MySQL
   Written in: C/C++
   Main point: Blazing fast
   Disk-backed in-memory database,
   Master-slave replication
   Simple values or hash tables by keys,
   Has sets (also union/diff/inter)
   Has lists (also a queue; blocking pop)
   Has hashes (objects of multiple fields)
   Sorted sets (high score table, good for range queries)
   Has transactions (!)
   Values can be set to expire (as in a cache)
   Pub/Sub lets one implement messaging (!)

    Written in: Erlang
    Main point: DB consistency, ease of use
    Bi-directional (!) replication, continuous or ad-hoc, with conflict detection, thus, master-master replication. (!)
    MVCC - write operations do not block reads
    Previous versions of documents are available
    Crash-only (reliable) design
    Needs compacting from time to time
    Views: embedded map/reduce
    Formatting views: lists & shows
    Server-side document validation possible
    Authentication possible
    Real-time updates via _changes (!)
    Attachment handling
    CouchApps (standalone JS apps)

 Apache project

 A framework that allows for the distributed processing of large
data sets across clusters of computers

 Designed to scale up from single servers to thousands of machines

 Designed to detect and handle failures at the application layer,
instead of relying on hardware for it
   Created by Doug Cutting, who named it after his son's toy elephant
   Hadoop subprojects
        •    Cassandra
        •    HBase
        •    Pig
   Hive was a Hadoop subproject, but is now a top-level Apache project
   Used by many large & famous organizations
   Scales to hundreds or thousands of computers, each with several processor cores
   Designed to efficiently distribute large amounts of work across a set of machines
   Hundreds of gigabytes of data constitute the low end of Hadoop-scale
   Built to process "web-scale" data on the order of hundreds of gigabytes to terabytes or petabytes

 See

 Uses Java, but allows streaming so other languages can easily send
and accept data items to/from Hadoop

 Uses distributed file system (HDFS)
     • Designed to hold very large amounts of data (terabytes or even
     • Files are stored in a redundant fashion across multiple machines to
       ensure their durability to failure and high availability to very parallel
     • Data organized into directories and files
     • Files are divided into block (64MB by default) and distributed across
 Design of HDFS is based on the design of the Google File System

 A petabyte-scale data warehouse system for Hadoop

 Easy data summarization, ad-hoc queries

 Query the data using a SQL-like language called HiveQL

 Hive compiler generates map-reduce jobs for most queries

 Platform for analyzing large data sets

 High-level language for expressing data analysis programs

 Compiler produces sequences of Map-Reduce programs

 Textual language called Pig Latin
     • Ease of programming
     • System optimizes task execution automatically
     • Users can create their own functions

 Pig Latin – high level Map/Reduce programming

 Equivalent to SQL for RDBMS systems.

 Pig Latin can be extended using Java User Defined Functions

 “Word Count” script in Pig Latin

 NoSQL is a great problem solver if you need it

 Choose your NoSQL platform carefully as each is designed for
specific purpose

 Get used to Map/Reduce

 It’s not a sin to use NoSQL alongside (yes)SQL database

 I am really happy to work with MongoDB  instead of MySQL

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  • 1. NOSQL, NO? Introductory presentation
  • 2. RELATIONAL  SQL  ACID  Relational algebra  Optimal for ad-hoc queries  Tables, Columns, Rows  Sharding can be difficult  Metadata separate from data  Normalized data  Optimized storage
  • 3. POPULAR RDBMS  MySQL  Informix  SQL Server  Progress  Oracle  Pervasive  Postgres  Sybase  DB2  Access  Interbase, Firebird …
  • 4. SQL  Unified language to create and query both data and metadata  Similar to English  Verbose(!)  Can get complex for non-trivial queries  Does not expose execution plan – you say what you want it to return, not how
  • 5. SQL EXAMPLES  If you can say what you mean, you can query the existing data  Results are near-instant when querying based on primary key select * from valute where id=1 and sid=42  Results are fast when querying based on non-unique index select valuta from valute where ((id=1 and sid=42)) and (valute.firma_id=123 and valute.firma__sid=1)  Very readable for trivial queries select r.customer,sum(rs.iznos) sveukupno from racuni r join racuni_stavke rs on where order by rs.ordinal
  • 6. SQL EXAMPLES  Not so readable for non-trivial queries select "MP" tip_prometa, mprac.broj broj_racuna, mprac_stavke.kolicina kolicina, (mprac.tecaj*mprac_stavke.kolicina*mprac_stavke.rabat_iznos) rabat_iznos, (round(mprac_stavke.cijena - mprac_stavke.rabat_iznos - mprac_stavke.rabat2_iznos - mprac_stavke.rabat3_iznos - mprac_stavke.porez1 - mprac_stavke.porez2 - mprac_stavke.porez_potrosnja,6)*mprac_stavke.kolicina) iznos, (mprac_stavke.kolicina* ifnull((select sum(pn_cijena*kolicina)/sum(kolicina) from mprac_skl left join skl_stavke on mprac_skl.skl_id=skl_stavke.skl_id and mprac_skl.skl__sid=skl_stavke.skl__sid where and mprac_skl.mprac__sid=mprac.sid and skl_stavke.artikl_id=mprac_stavke.artikl_id and skl_stavke.artikl__sid=mprac_stavke.artikl__sid ),0) ) iznos_nabavno, ifnull( (select sum(mprac_stavke.kolicina*ambalaze.naknada_kom) from artikli_ambalaze left join ambalaze on and ambalaze.sid=artikli_ambalaze.ambalaza__sid where and artikli_ambalaze.artikl__sid=artikli.sid and ambalaze.kalkulacija="N" ),0) naknada, radnici_komercijalisti.ime racun_komercijalist_ime, (select naziv from skladista where skladista.tip_skladista="M" and pj_id=mprac.pj_id limit 1) skladiste_naziv , pj.naziv pj_naziv, mprac.datum, cast(concat("(",if(DayOfWeek(mprac.datum)=1,7,DayOfWeek(mprac.datum)-1),") ", if(DayOfWeek(mprac.datum)=1,"1 Nedjelja", if(DayOfWeek(mprac.datum)=2,"2 Ponedjeljak", if(DayOfWeek(mprac.datum)=3,"3 Utorak", if(DayOfWeek(mprac.datum)=4,"4 Srijeda", if(DayOfWeek(mprac.datum)=5,"5 Èetvratk", if(DayOfWeek(mprac.datum)=6,"6 Petak", if(DayOfWeek(mprac.datum)=7,"7 Subota","")))))))) as char(15)) dan_u_tjednu, cast(month(mprac.datum) as unsigned) mjesec, cast(week(mprac.datum) as unsigned) tjedan, cast(quarter(mprac.datum) as unsigned) kvartal, cast(year(mprac.datum) as unsigned) godina, cast(if(tipovi_komitenata.tip="F",trim(concat(partneri.ime," ",partneri.prezime)),partneri.naziv) as char(200)) kupac_naziv, partneri_mjesta.postanski_broj kupac_mjesto, partneri_mjesta.mjesto kupac_mjesto_naziv, partneri_grupe_mjesta.naziv …
  • 7. RDBMS SCALING  Vertical scaling • Better CPU, more CPUs • More RAM • More disks • SAN  Partitioning  Sharding
  • 8. PARTITIONING  With many rows and heavy usage, partitioning is a must  What to partition • Tables • Indexes • Views  Typical cases • Monthly data • Alphabetical keys
  • 9. RDBMS SHARDING  Sharding means using several databases where each represents part of data (500 clients on one server, another 500 on another)  Requires changing application code connect(calculate_server_from(sharding_key))  Impossible to join data from different databases, so choose your sharding key wisely  Very difficult to repartition your databases based on a new key
  • 10. RDBMS METADATA  Metadata: data describing other data  RDBMS structures are explicitly defined, and each data type is optimized for storage  Lots of constraints  Can get slow with lot of data
  • 11. NOSQL  “Not SQL”, “Not only SQL”  Core NoSQL databases invented mostly because RDBMS made life very hard for huge and heavy traffic web databases  NoSQL databases are the ones significantly different from relational databases
  • 12. NOSQL TYPES  Wide Column Store / Column Families  Document Store  Key Value / Tuple Store  Graph Databases  Object Databases  XML Databases  Multivalue Databases
  • 13. 4 MAIN DATA MODELS  Key-Value Stores  BigTable Clones (aka "ColumnFamily")  Document Databases  Graph Databases Source:
  • 14. KEY/VALUE STORES  Lineage: Amazon's Dynamo paper and Distributed HashTables.  Data model: A global collection of key-value pairs.  Example: Voldemort, Dynomite, Tokyo Cabinet Source:
  • 15. BIGTABLE CLONES  Lineage: Google's BigTable paper.  Data model: Column family, i.e. a tabular model where each row at least in theory can have an individual configuration of columns.  Example: HBase, Hypertable, Cassandra Source:
  • 16. DOCUMENT DATABASES  Lineage: Inspired by Lotus Notes.  Data model: Collections of documents, which contain key-value collections (called "documents").  Example: CouchDB, MongoDB, Riak Source:
  • 17. GRAPH DATABASES  Lineage: Draws from Euler and graph theory.  Data model: Nodes & relationships, both which can hold key-value pairs  Example: AllegroGraph, InfoGrid, Neo4j Source:
  • 18. POPULAR NOSQL  Hadoop / Hbase  MemcacheDB  Cassandra  Voldemort  Amazon SimpleDB  Hypertable  MongoDB  Cloudata  CouchDB  IBM Lotus/Domino  Redis
  • 19. NOSQL CHARACTERISTICTS  Almost infinite horizontal scaling  Very fast  Performance doesn’t deteriorate with growth (much)  No fixed table schemas  No join operations  Ad-hoc queries difficult or impossible  Structured storage  Almost everything happens in RAM
  • 20. REAL-WORLD USE  Cassandra • Facebook (original developer, used it till late 2010) • Twitter • Digg • Reddit • Rackspace • Cisco  BigTable • Google (open-source version is HBase)  MongoDB • Foursquare • Craigslist • • SourceForge • GitHub
  • 21. WHY NOSQL?  Handles huge databases (I know, I said it before)  Redundancy, data is pretty safe on commodity hardware  Super flexible queries using map/reduce  Rapid development (no fixed schema, yeah!)  Very fast for common use cases
  • 22. PERFORMANCE  RDBMS uses buffer to ensure ACID properties  NoSQL does not guarantee ACID and is therefore much faster  We don’t need ACID everywhere!  I used MySQL and switched to MongDB for my analytics app • Data processing (every minute) is 4x faster with MongoDB, despite being a lot more detailed (due to much simple development)
  • 23. SCALING  Simple web application with not much traffic • Application server, database server all on one machine
  • 24. SCALING  More traffic comes in • Application server • Database server
  • 25. SCALING  Even more traffic comes in • Load balancer • Application server x2 • Database server
  • 26. SCALING  Even more traffic comes in • Load balancer x N • easy • Application server x N • easy • Database server xN • hard for SQL databases
  • 27. SQL SLOWDOWN  Not linear!  /scaling-sql-and-nosql-databases-in-the- cloud
  • 28. NOSQL SCALING  Need more storage? • Add more servers!  Need higher performance? • Add more servers!  Need better reliability? • Add more servers!
  • 29. SCALING SUMMARY  You can scale SQL databases (Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server…) • This will cost you dearly • If you don’t have a lot of money, you will reach limits quickly  You can scale NoSQL databases • Very easy horizontal scaling • Lots of open-source solutions • Scaling is one of the basic incentives for design, so it is well handled • Scaling is the cause of trade-offs causing you to have to use map/reduce
  • 30. RAM  Why map/reduce? I just need some simple queries. Tomorrow I will need some other queries….  SQL databases are optimized for very efficient disk access, but for significant scaling need RAM caching (MySQL+memcached)  NoSQL databases are designed to keep whole working set in RAM
  • 31. WORKING SET  In real-world use working set is much less than complete database • For analytics 99% of queries will be regarding last 30 days  As you need RAM only for working set, you can use commodity servers, VPS, and just add more as your app becomes more popular
  • 32. WORKING SET WOES  Foursquare has millions of users and working set the same as the database  They used a single 66GB Amazon EC2 High-Memory Quadruple Extra Large Instance (with cheese) for millions of users  When their RAM usage was 65GB, they decided to shard  Too late, they started to have disk swaps  Disk is much slower than RAM - 100x slowdown  Server could not keep up due to swapping  11 hours outage (ouch!)
  • 33. MAP/REDUCE  Google’s framework for processing highly distributable problems across huge datasets using a large number of computers  Let’s define large number of computers • Cluster if all of them have same hardware • Grid unless Cluster (if !Cluster for old-style programmers)
  • 34. MAP/REDUCE  Process split into two phases • Map • Take the input, partition it delegate to other machines • Other machines can repeat the process, leading to tree structure • Each machine returns results to the machine who gave it the task • Reduce • collect results from machines you gave the tasks • combine results and return it to requester • Slower than sequential data processing, but massively parallel • Sort petabyte of data in a few hours • Input, Map, Shuffle, Reduce, Output
  • 35. MAP/REDUCE EXAMPLE  You need to write two functions  Count different words in a set of documents
  • 36.
  • 37. MONGODB  Document store  Basic support for dynamic (ad hoc) queries  Query by example (nice!)
  • 38. MONGODB  Conditional Operators • <, <=, >, >= • $all, $exists, $mod, $ne, $in, $nin, $nor, $or, $and, $size, $type  Regular expressions
  • 39. MONGODB  Data is stored as BSON (binary JSON) • Makes it very well suited for languages with native JSON support  Map/Reduce written in Javascript • Slow! There is one single thread of execution in Javascript  Master/slave replication (auto failover with replica sets)  Sharding built-in  Uses memory mapped files for data storage  Performance over features  On 32bit systems, limited to ~2.5Gb  An empty database takes up 192Mb  GridFS to store big data + metadata (not actually an FS) Source:
  • 40. CASSANDRA  Written in: Java  Protocol: Custom, binary (Thrift)  Tunable trade-offs for distribution and replication (N, R, W)  Querying by column, range of keys  BigTable-like features: columns, column families  Writes are much faster than reads (!) • Constant write time regardless of database size  Map/reduce possible with Apache Hadoop Source:
  • 41. HBASE  Written in: Java  Main point: Billions of rows X millions of columns  Modeled after BigTable  Map/reduce with Hadoop  Query predicate push down via server side scan and get filters  Optimizations for real time queries  A high performance Thrift gateway  HTTP supports XML, Protobuf, and binary  Cascading, hive, and pig source and sink modules  No single point of failure  While Hadoop streams data efficiently, it has overhead for starting map/reduce jobs. HBase is column oriented key/value store and allows for low latency read and writes.  Random access performance is like MySQL Source:
  • 42. REDIS  Written in: C/C++  Main point: Blazing fast  Disk-backed in-memory database,  Master-slave replication  Simple values or hash tables by keys,  Has sets (also union/diff/inter)  Has lists (also a queue; blocking pop)  Has hashes (objects of multiple fields)  Sorted sets (high score table, good for range queries)  Has transactions (!)  Values can be set to expire (as in a cache)  Pub/Sub lets one implement messaging (!) Source:
  • 43. COUCHDB  Written in: Erlang  Main point: DB consistency, ease of use  Bi-directional (!) replication, continuous or ad-hoc, with conflict detection, thus, master-master replication. (!)  MVCC - write operations do not block reads  Previous versions of documents are available  Crash-only (reliable) design  Needs compacting from time to time  Views: embedded map/reduce  Formatting views: lists & shows  Server-side document validation possible  Authentication possible  Real-time updates via _changes (!)  Attachment handling  CouchApps (standalone JS apps) Source:
  • 44. HADOOP  Apache project  A framework that allows for the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers  Designed to scale up from single servers to thousands of machines  Designed to detect and handle failures at the application layer, instead of relying on hardware for it
  • 45. HADOOP  Created by Doug Cutting, who named it after his son's toy elephant  Hadoop subprojects • Cassandra • HBase • Pig  Hive was a Hadoop subproject, but is now a top-level Apache project  Used by many large & famous organizations •  Scales to hundreds or thousands of computers, each with several processor cores  Designed to efficiently distribute large amounts of work across a set of machines  Hundreds of gigabytes of data constitute the low end of Hadoop-scale  Built to process "web-scale" data on the order of hundreds of gigabytes to terabytes or petabytes
  • 46. HADOOP  See with-apache-hadoop-pig  Uses Java, but allows streaming so other languages can easily send and accept data items to/from Hadoop
  • 47. HADOOP  Uses distributed file system (HDFS) • Designed to hold very large amounts of data (terabytes or even petabytes) • Files are stored in a redundant fashion across multiple machines to ensure their durability to failure and high availability to very parallel applications • Data organized into directories and files • Files are divided into block (64MB by default) and distributed across nodes  Design of HDFS is based on the design of the Google File System
  • 48. HIVE  A petabyte-scale data warehouse system for Hadoop  Easy data summarization, ad-hoc queries  Query the data using a SQL-like language called HiveQL  Hive compiler generates map-reduce jobs for most queries
  • 49. PIG  Platform for analyzing large data sets  High-level language for expressing data analysis programs  Compiler produces sequences of Map-Reduce programs  Textual language called Pig Latin • Ease of programming • System optimizes task execution automatically • Users can create their own functions
  • 50. PIG LATIN  Pig Latin – high level Map/Reduce programming  Equivalent to SQL for RDBMS systems.  Pig Latin can be extended using Java User Defined Functions  “Word Count” script in Pig Latin
  • 53. SUMMARY  NoSQL is a great problem solver if you need it  Choose your NoSQL platform carefully as each is designed for specific purpose  Get used to Map/Reduce  It’s not a sin to use NoSQL alongside (yes)SQL database  I am really happy to work with MongoDB  instead of MySQL