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NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015
Latasha Bundy
Gianni Villasanta
Tulane University A.B. Freeman School of Business
Social Media 7/23/2015
Ashley Keller Nelson
NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015
Paper Introduction
Nola Media Consulting group (NMCG) has developed social media recommendations for NOPJF
so that it may develop a positive reputation with the New Orleans community.
Background Information
The goal of the social media sites is to create a stronger relationship between NOPJF and the
community and use them as a main source for recruitment. This section also describes the audience
that the social media efforts of NOPJF should target in order to accomplish its goals. A list of the
current platforms as well as the strengths of the social media efforts will undergo an examination.
Analysis of Current Social Media Efforts
This section outlines the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of each of the social
media platforms. It also includes the audience analysis, activity level and content quality, and
audience engagement for each of the current social media platforms. The website has a clear, easy
to use layout and has strong audience engagement. The Facebook page has effective content,
however, infrequent posting limits audience engagement. The NOPJF’s twitter account has the
potential to be an effective source but it needs to be updated more regularly to increase audience
Future Posts for Each Platform
Blogs are a good medium for lengthy posts with comprehensive content. Officer profiles, first
person stories highlighting the foundation’s impact, and event announcements could all make
effective blogs. Facebook is a great platform for pictures and accompanying text. Photo portraits
of Police Officers in the street, combined with short stories told by the officer would be engaging
posts on Facebook. Twitter is a ‘now’ platform that thrives on quick snippets and real time
engagement. An effective solution to not having enough happening on a day to day basis at NOPJF
to post frequently, would be to post facts and statistics about crime and law enforcement in New
Recommendations for Social Media
NOPJF should keep its Facebook page, because this page has gradually built a following of over
900 people since 2006. Although Facebook is a declining social media platform, foundations and
businesses still heavily use it. NMCG believes if NOPJF were to add a social media platform they
should add Snapchat. The newest addition to Snapchat is also the most business friendly.
Snapchat’s “Our Stories” has allowed businesses to market their brands through a collection of
snaps submitted by users about certain events. If NOPJF were to get rid of a social media platform
NMCG believes it should get rid of Twitter. Twitter is an excellent platform for those who tweet
frequently or for a company that has a need to know audience. NOPJF does not have any urgent
emergencies and the material its followers are interested in are likely articles and stories, rather
than 140 character comments. In conclusion, if NOPJF wants to grow and remain relevant as an
NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015
organization in the eyes of New Orleanians; then it must emphasize the use of social media
campaigns. Transparency is an important aspect of trust and relationship building. Social Media is
an excellent platform to help with transparency between the Police and community; where a
significant gap is present.
NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015
PAPER INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................1
BACKGROUND INFORMATION.....................................................................................................1
Goal for Communication Efforts......................................................................................................1
Audience and who the Partner Services............................................................................................1
The following audiences are important to the NOPJF:....................................................................1
The status of the NOPJF’s current social media websites is: ...........................................................1
List of Current Social Media Sites....................................................................................................2
Organizations with Similar Backgrounds ..........................................................................................2
The Police Foundation.................................................................................................................2
CPD Memorial............................................................................................................................2
NPR ...........................................................................................................................................2
TED ...........................................................................................................................................3
NYC Police Foundation...............................................................................................................3
ANALYSIS OF CURRENT SOCIAL MEDIAPLATFORMS..............................................................3
Analysis of Website and Blog..........................................................................................................3
SWOT Analysis ..........................................................................................................................3
Audience Analysis .......................................................................................................................4
Activity Level and Content Quality ...............................................................................................4
Audience Engagement.................................................................................................................5
Analysis of Facebook......................................................................................................................7
SWOT Analysis ...........................................................................................................................7
Audience Analysis .......................................................................................................................9
Activity Level and Content Quality .............................................................................................10
Audience Engagement...............................................................................................................10
Analysis of Twitter .......................................................................................................................10
SWOT Analysis .........................................................................................................................10
Audience Analysis.....................................................................................................................10
Activity Level and Content Quality .............................................................................................10
Audience Engagement...............................................................................................................12
NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015
FUTURE POST FOR EACH PLATFORM........................................................................................12
Website Blog Ideas for the Future..................................................................................................12
Facebook Ideas for the Future........................................................................................................12
Twitter Ideas for the Future ...........................................................................................................13
RECOMMEDATIONS FOR SOCIAL MEDIA..................................................................................13
Which Social Media Platforms Should the Partner Keep..................................................................13
Which Social Media Platforms Should the Partner Add...................................................................14
Which Social Media Platforms Can the Partner Improve .................................................................14
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................14
Appendix: Creative Infographics Says It All...................................................................................15
NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015
Nola Media Consulting group (NMCG) has developed social media recommendations for NOPJF
so it they may develop a positive reputation with the New Orleans community. This plan will allow
increased community involvement allowing for higher efficiency as well as creating a larger pool
of qualified applicant dedicated to the city of New Orleans. NMCG consists of a group of Tulane’s
top business students well versed in many aspects of marketing and social media. Students
completed this project while enrolled in an intensive social media class which ensures the research
used is up to date and relevant to the organization.
In order to understand the recommendations NMCG has for NOPJF we must first examine the
background of the organization as well as look at the success of other similar organizations.
Goal for Communication Efforts
Ultimately the goal is to use social media as a main tool for recruitment. The demographic of 18-
34 year olds is overwhelmingly on at least one of many social media websites. NMCG would also
use strategic planning for messages to the public about safety and recruitment while choosing the
perfect mediums for the non-profit. For example, a Tumblr page is not really feasible for the non-
profit due to the nature of the demographic on the site. The NMCG wants to use social media to
promote the good the NOPD does to get the community invested in their police department and
quickly address the situation when something goes wrong, like a Civil Rights violation, cop
shooting, or street closure. Getting information out as quickly as possible while still being accurate
is important and finding what makes the NOPD officers unique to the city. Celebrating them on
social media through videos, pictures, etc are good ways to get the community excited.
Audience and who the Partner Services
It is important to define the audience a social media campaign will target in order to generate
appropriate content.
The following audiences are important to the NOPJF:
 The NOPD
 Communities around the city
 Neighborhoods around the city
 All demographics but only reaches an older generation
The status of the NOPJF’s current social media websites is:
 Both the NOPJF’s Facebook and Twitter accounts are pretty sparse.
 They use Twitter to broadcast NOPD updates, but not for any original content.
 Their Facebook is similar to their Twitter. NOPJF uses it sporadically instead of posting
a continuous stream of information.
NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015
We believe that the NOPJF’s social media sites should try to gain more followers of the 18 – 34
year old demographic. As it stands now, the demographic NOPJF caters to the most to is over the
age of 40. Also the site might want to engage “minorities” in the future because the city itself is
67 percent non-white. (Changes would need to take place in the NOPD as a whole to garner
positive responses from these groups.)
List of Current Social Media Sites
The NOPJF currently engages its audience on the following platforms:
Partner Website:
Partner Twitter:
Organizations with Similar Backgrounds
The following are organizations with similar backgrounds with social media campaigns.
The Police Foundation
The Police Foundation is an organization that aims to advance policing through innovation and
science. It has less of a Facebook following than the New Orleans Police & Justice Foundation;
however, it has a more successful twitter profile. It has over 1,000 followers. It mainly focuses on
relaying information about policing to their followers, and this strategy seems effective.
CPD Memorial
The Chicago Police Department Memorial is a group that remembers and holds fundraisers for the
officers killed on duty. It has a successful Facebook page which has moderate community
engagement. Its strategy is to appeal to the emotions of their followers with inspirational quotes
and memories of fallen officers which works well for this group given its nature. It then has calls
to action to get followers to attend events and fundraising opportunities.
NPR’s social media strategy shows they clearly know their audience. NPR’s Facebook page is a
no-frills page, strictly for posting articles. It posts almost every hour and cover mostly domestic
topics as well as periodic stories international stories. NPR comments and replies to comments in
response to the articles. NPR clearly knows its audience has intellectuals who actively engage in
NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015
response to informative and controversial stories. However, NPR’s YouTube page is strictly
NPR’s music account and videos of artists performing personal sessions. NPR has no cross-over.
The NOPJF should take away from NPR’s Facebook page is to KNOW your audience and to not
try to attract every type of passerby. If NOPJF successfully targets and attains its audience
engagement will increase and the value of each user will improve.
TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) is a global set of conferences run by the private
non-profit Sapling Foundation, under the slogan “Ideas Worth Spreading.” It has a successful
social media presence in all aspects of the term. Its Facebook, Twitter, and website garner
widespread community involvement. Its strategy is to get as much content about a variety of topics
out as quickly as possible while still remaining accurate. It evokes people who like the posts to
also give commentary and add to the conversation.
NYC Police Foundation
The New York City Police Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating and
retaining New York City as a safe place to live, by providing critical resources that are not readily
available. Though it has a clear Plan of Action and opportunities for community engagement on
their website, its other social media platforms lack involvement. It executes a clear strategy to
appeal to the community through emotional appeal, but the infrequent posts take away credibility.
Although its Facebook posts are strong in content, it does not post often enough and likewise on
Twitter it really only retweets, rather than original posts. Overall the platforms need to be more
active so users can feel like they can communicate directly and actually be heard.
In order to provide recommendations for NOPFJ's social media efforts NMCG must first analyze
the platforms currently in place.
Analysis of Website and Blog
SWOT Analysis
STRENGTHS: clear, easy to navigate, visible
mission, informative main articles
Announcement's not updated, month
OPPORTUNITIES: Drop down menu "I'd like to..."
with many realistic and common options, and
"Donate" button clear, visible, and inviting to
WEAKNESSES: Anyone can give
negative feedback
The NOPJF website exhibits many strengths. The websites immediate effect when taken to the site
is a clear, easy to navigate structure. There are four main stories directly at the top, allowing the
viewer to quickly gain knowledge for at least four topics. Under that is an individual box with the
NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015
mission so that any viewer knows the NOPJF’s initiative right away. The website is very easy to
The NOPJF website exhibits few weaknesses. The only aspect that sticks out to me is that its last
News and Announcement post was from June 22nd, over a month ago. In order to keep users
interested they must be kept updated.
Below the four main stories that a viewer first sees when they navigate to the website is a drop
down menu with the phrase “I’d like to…” followed by a few common options for users. This
creates lots of opportunity as one of the options is to “become a police officer”. This creates an
idea in viewers’ heads that maybe they should find out more about becoming an officer rather than
not even realizing they could do that. Also the donate button is clear, yellow, all caps, and very
visible. This quickly creates the opportunity for viewers to contribute to the foundation.
A threat to the NOPJFin terms of social media is that anyone can go on their site and give negative
feedback. No matter how good a site is, critics are always out there, especially in terms of police
forces, so they always stand the chance of being negatively publicized.
Audience Analysis
The NOPJF website seems to have a strong audience. It has been up and running since 2012 and
is still very updated and easy to navigate. Users don’t have to give forth any effort to get updates
on the NOPJF.
Activity Level and Content Quality
In terms of the key topics viewers see when they navigate to NOPJF’s website, the information is
very updated and relevant to current times. One of the first things seen is their Cops for Kids
program, which is a summer program so it is properly posted in terms of season. Contrary to this
is the News and Announcements section which is slightly outdated. The last post was over a month
ago and the one before that was from two months ago. Although they are both relevant news reports
they may want to post more often and not only on big events. That way users can engage in
everyday operations and stay up-to-date on what is happening in their city. The strategies of the
content are strong as most, if not all, postings are paired with a photo or video, along with a clear,
easy to predict title.
NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015
Audience Engagement
NOPJF’s website audience engagement strategy is very well thought out. It clearly defines the
main parts they want users to engage with by making the “DONATE” and “SUPPORTING NOPJF”
tabs yellow, all caps, and bold. Right away viewers can engage and interact with the website and
mission of NOPJF. Then at the top of the page is a “Subscribe to Newsletter” tab that is visually
appealing and not too aggressive. It invites the audience to take one easy step and quickly be a part
of this wonderful organization. Any indicators of further diving into the website are encouraging
and telling. They tell you to “Learn More” and they nicely navigate you to “click here for more
NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015
NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015
Analysis of Facebook
SWOT Analysis
Using SWOT analysis, the NOPJF’s Facebook will undergo an examination.
The page has a few positive features, most posts contain a visual and have a call to action. The
followers who like the page are also a strength because they are passionate about helping the police.
The page has far more weaknesses, however. The first is the inconsistent amount of posting. The
page must be more regularly used to keep followers up-to-date. Another weakness is the low
amount of traffic the page has overall.
An opportunity for this page would be to focus on portraying officers as relatable people. This
kind of content would receive more favorable interaction from followers.
A threat to this page is that many locals do not like police and are very vocal about their dislike.
Anything related to user-generated content needs to be done so as to eliminate any negative
NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015
NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015
Audience Analysis
The New Orleans Police & Justice Foundation has 909 likes on Facebook. The organization has
had a page since 2009, so the page could use some major work. The audience has slowly expanded
over six years.
NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015
Activity Level and Content Quality
The Facebook page is updated very irregularly. Some months the page is updated often while other
months it is updated only once or twice. To make this social media platform more successful, the
amount of posting needs to be more consistent. For a non-profit like this, one should post at least
once or twice a week at least. The content on the Facebook page includes visuals. The content
includes many links to other pages, encouraging people to donate to organizations that help the
police. The content on the page seems effective, however the organization needs to post more
frequently. The NOPJFcould also benefit from user-generated content, as long as it is done smartly.
They must eliminate risks of bad press from a potential user-generated content campaign.
Audience Engagement
The audience on the NOPJF’s Facebook page engages mainly through liking posts. The occasional
comment on a post is seen as well as the occasional share. The highest engagement from followers
are on those posts recognizing the dedication the officers show by sacrificing their lives each and
every day on the job.
Analysis of Twitter
SWOT Analysis
Consistently retweeting NOPD tweets. Has very official Twitter bio.
No original content. No call to action. Little engagement. No header photo. Not very active.
Can tweet original content once made. Can promote the police force during holidays and other
New Orleans events to engage with New Orleans audience.
Threats in relations to social media use
People in New Orleans have a negative stigma to the police, so user-generated content may cause
unforeseen problems. NOPFJ must actively control content put on Twitter.
Audience Analysis
NOPJF follows 459 Twitter accounts and has 262 followers. The account has tweeted a total of 79
times. Majority of “posts” are re-tweets of the New Orleans Police Department Twitter account
@NOPDNews. The group of followers are a mix of local New Orleans businesses, government
affiliates, and average New Orleans citizens.
Activity Level and Content Quality
The account’s last retweet occurred June 23. The account tweets, but mostly retweets of NOPD,
four or five times a month. The account rarely tweeted out any user-generated content. This
example of a call to action is one of the few original tweets the account has posted.
NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015
NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015
Audience Engagement
The post above, with the call to action, was the most successful of the posts. The hashtag along
with picture made the post more visually appealing, but in terms of reach, two retweets and a few
favorites is not terrible for the amount of followers the account has. Besides this, the account has
little engagement with its audience. There are neither positive nor negative comments.
Website Blog Ideas for the Future
Blogs are a good medium for lengthier posts with more comprehensive content. Officer profiles,
first person stories highlighting the foundation’s impact, Buzzfeed like 'lists', and event
announcements all make effective blogs. We recommend posting content that caters to parts of the
city beyond Bourbon St and the French Quarter, which will draw locals and create loyalty.
Facebook Ideas for the Future
Facebook is a great platform for pictures and accompanying text. Portraits of Police Officers in
the street, combined with short stories told by the officer, make for a very engaging post. Humans
of New York, or HONY, is a Facebook page which gained over 13 million ‘likes’ on Facebook
with the same type of post with portraits of the general public. These posts would be particularly
effective in garnering goodwill for police officers.
NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015
Twitter Ideas for the Future
Twitter is a ‘now’ platform that thrives on quick snippets and real time engagement. An effective
solution to not having enough happening on a day to day basis at NOPJF to post frequently would
be to become a real time local source of public information. The close relationship between NOPFJ
and NOPD could be leveraged by NOPJF to get important public information quickly and then
relay it via Twitter. Announcements such as road closings, traffic accidents, and weather alerts are
all suitable for Twitter. Turning the NOPJF Twitter into a public resource will attract an engaged
audience. Once NOPJF has an engaged audience, Tweets rallying support and interest in NOPJF
related issues are more likely to attract attention.
The following are NMCG’s recommendations for NOPJF’s social media efforts based on our
Which Social Media Platforms Should the Partner Keep
NOPJF should keep their Facebook page. Reasons for keeping the Facebook consist of a gradually
built following of over 900 people since 2006. Although Facebook is a declining social media
platform, it is still heavily used and considered a staple to have among foundations and businesses.
Facebook also does not have the same pressure to post as Twitter or Instagram does. Although it
is best the more you post, Facebook’s audience seems to be more mature and laid back compared
to others. Facebook is also a great platform for news outlets. It allows text and visual posts with
easy to follow links to videos and websites. Another important thing about Facebook is the option
for creating Facebook ads. This is very simple, extremely efficiently targeted, and can be adjusted
for any budget. The greatest thing about Facebook ads is it allows you to “promote posts.” So, for
example, let us say in May NOPJF had an incredible emotionally engaged post with an image of
a police officer helping a woman. The post received 200 likes. As you continue to post, that post
from May falls your newsfeed until it eventually is gone. “Promoting posts” or “sponsoring an ad”
is you can pay for that ad to be reposted on selected target’s newsfeed as a brand new post/ad
concerning NOPJF. Here is a link that will help you get started.
NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015
Which Social Media Platforms Should the Partner Add
Snapchat is a fairly recent social media company that has quickly rose into prominence.
Launching in 2011, Snapchat has over 100 Million users sending over 400 million Snapchat each
day. However, the newest addition to Snapchat is also the most business friendly. Snapchat’s “Our
Stories” has allowed businesses to market their brands through a collection of snaps submitted by
users about certain events. These “stories” show up on an individual's news feed and are often
watched regardless of what they are. These “our stories” have already generated millions of views
for companies. NOPJF could get ahead of the social media trend and create an account for those
to follow. The cool thing about NOPJF is it is an independent organization and therefore can
explore every department that takes place in the justice system; and that can be a lot of good
Snapchat material! As Snapchat are either still pictures or 1-10 second videos, they are fast paced
and can be seen by a wide variety of people. Most of all no comments! If people send Snapchat to
your account, it is unseen by the public and does not even have to be open!
Which Social Media Platforms Can the Partner Improve
Twitter is an excellent platform. However, unless there is an employee dedicated to the
Twittersphere, your Twitter account will easily become irrelevant and lost in the clutter. NOPJF
only has 202 followers, compared to Facebook's 900 followers. The relentless pressure of posting
on Twitter will inevitably lead to questionable and inappropriate messages. In order to prevent this,
while still staying relevant, can be done without even posting. Through clicking the button
"retweet" NOPJF can use another's tweet as their own. For example; NOPJF can retweet tweets
from police, events happening in the city and live-up-to-date contact with New Orleans'
constituents. Retweeting even local New Orleans residents' tweets is a great way to increase their
following and improve outreach. Another great thing about Twitter, is thanks to new plug-ins
(depending what website builder used) a livestreaming twitter-feed can be embedded into the
homepage. This can also gain followers through visitors to the website.
If NOPJF wants to grow and remain relevant as an organization in the eyes of New Orleanians;
then it must emphasize the use of social media campaigns. NOPJF post frequently and show more
of an effort and excitement about their cause in order to receive more engagement. The best form
of engagement they are suited for is interaction and providing a transparent lens into the New
Orleans Justice System in order to humanize the officers and other enforcement agencies. Since
NOPJF is an independent organization, they work with nearly every aspect of the justice
department's; some of which are extremely interesting to the public and on topics usually not
openly educated on. Transparency is an important aspect of trust and relationship building. Social
Media is an excellent platform to help with transparency between the Police and community;
where a significant gap is present.
NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015
Appendix: Creative Infographics Says It All

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NOPJF Social Media Reccomendations (Paper)

  • 1. NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015 0 NOPJF NOPJF SOCIAL MEDIA RECOMMENDATIONS Latasha Bundy JonathanHarvey MollyKind-Rubin JoshuaPortin ElizabethSampson ChristopherSullivan Gianni Villasanta Tulane University A.B. Freeman School of Business Social Media 7/23/2015 Ashley Keller Nelson
  • 2. NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015 i EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Paper Introduction Nola Media Consulting group (NMCG) has developed social media recommendations for NOPJF so that it may develop a positive reputation with the New Orleans community. Background Information The goal of the social media sites is to create a stronger relationship between NOPJF and the community and use them as a main source for recruitment. This section also describes the audience that the social media efforts of NOPJF should target in order to accomplish its goals. A list of the current platforms as well as the strengths of the social media efforts will undergo an examination. Analysis of Current Social Media Efforts This section outlines the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of each of the social media platforms. It also includes the audience analysis, activity level and content quality, and audience engagement for each of the current social media platforms. The website has a clear, easy to use layout and has strong audience engagement. The Facebook page has effective content, however, infrequent posting limits audience engagement. The NOPJF’s twitter account has the potential to be an effective source but it needs to be updated more regularly to increase audience engagement. Future Posts for Each Platform Blogs are a good medium for lengthy posts with comprehensive content. Officer profiles, first person stories highlighting the foundation’s impact, and event announcements could all make effective blogs. Facebook is a great platform for pictures and accompanying text. Photo portraits of Police Officers in the street, combined with short stories told by the officer would be engaging posts on Facebook. Twitter is a ‘now’ platform that thrives on quick snippets and real time engagement. An effective solution to not having enough happening on a day to day basis at NOPJF to post frequently, would be to post facts and statistics about crime and law enforcement in New Orleans. Recommendations for Social Media NOPJF should keep its Facebook page, because this page has gradually built a following of over 900 people since 2006. Although Facebook is a declining social media platform, foundations and businesses still heavily use it. NMCG believes if NOPJF were to add a social media platform they should add Snapchat. The newest addition to Snapchat is also the most business friendly. Snapchat’s “Our Stories” has allowed businesses to market their brands through a collection of snaps submitted by users about certain events. If NOPJF were to get rid of a social media platform NMCG believes it should get rid of Twitter. Twitter is an excellent platform for those who tweet frequently or for a company that has a need to know audience. NOPJF does not have any urgent emergencies and the material its followers are interested in are likely articles and stories, rather than 140 character comments. In conclusion, if NOPJF wants to grow and remain relevant as an
  • 3. NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015 ii organization in the eyes of New Orleanians; then it must emphasize the use of social media campaigns. Transparency is an important aspect of trust and relationship building. Social Media is an excellent platform to help with transparency between the Police and community; where a significant gap is present.
  • 4. NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015 iii CONTENTS PAPER INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION.....................................................................................................1 Goal for Communication Efforts......................................................................................................1 Audience and who the Partner Services............................................................................................1 The following audiences are important to the NOPJF:....................................................................1 The status of the NOPJF’s current social media websites is: ...........................................................1 List of Current Social Media Sites....................................................................................................2 Organizations with Similar Backgrounds ..........................................................................................2 The Police Foundation.................................................................................................................2 CPD Memorial............................................................................................................................2 NPR ...........................................................................................................................................2 TED ...........................................................................................................................................3 NYC Police Foundation...............................................................................................................3 ANALYSIS OF CURRENT SOCIAL MEDIAPLATFORMS..............................................................3 Analysis of Website and Blog..........................................................................................................3 SWOT Analysis ..........................................................................................................................3 Audience Analysis .......................................................................................................................4 Activity Level and Content Quality ...............................................................................................4 Audience Engagement.................................................................................................................5 Analysis of Facebook......................................................................................................................7 SWOT Analysis ...........................................................................................................................7 Audience Analysis .......................................................................................................................9 Activity Level and Content Quality .............................................................................................10 Audience Engagement...............................................................................................................10 Analysis of Twitter .......................................................................................................................10 SWOT Analysis .........................................................................................................................10 Audience Analysis.....................................................................................................................10 Activity Level and Content Quality .............................................................................................10 Audience Engagement...............................................................................................................12
  • 5. NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015 iv FUTURE POST FOR EACH PLATFORM........................................................................................12 Website Blog Ideas for the Future..................................................................................................12 Facebook Ideas for the Future........................................................................................................12 Twitter Ideas for the Future ...........................................................................................................13 RECOMMEDATIONS FOR SOCIAL MEDIA..................................................................................13 Which Social Media Platforms Should the Partner Keep..................................................................13 Which Social Media Platforms Should the Partner Add...................................................................14 Which Social Media Platforms Can the Partner Improve .................................................................14 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................14 Appendix: Creative Infographics Says It All...................................................................................15
  • 6. NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015 1 PAPER INTRODUCTION Nola Media Consulting group (NMCG) has developed social media recommendations for NOPJF so it they may develop a positive reputation with the New Orleans community. This plan will allow increased community involvement allowing for higher efficiency as well as creating a larger pool of qualified applicant dedicated to the city of New Orleans. NMCG consists of a group of Tulane’s top business students well versed in many aspects of marketing and social media. Students completed this project while enrolled in an intensive social media class which ensures the research used is up to date and relevant to the organization. BACKGROUND INFORMATION In order to understand the recommendations NMCG has for NOPJF we must first examine the background of the organization as well as look at the success of other similar organizations. Goal for Communication Efforts Ultimately the goal is to use social media as a main tool for recruitment. The demographic of 18- 34 year olds is overwhelmingly on at least one of many social media websites. NMCG would also use strategic planning for messages to the public about safety and recruitment while choosing the perfect mediums for the non-profit. For example, a Tumblr page is not really feasible for the non- profit due to the nature of the demographic on the site. The NMCG wants to use social media to promote the good the NOPD does to get the community invested in their police department and quickly address the situation when something goes wrong, like a Civil Rights violation, cop shooting, or street closure. Getting information out as quickly as possible while still being accurate is important and finding what makes the NOPD officers unique to the city. Celebrating them on social media through videos, pictures, etc are good ways to get the community excited. Audience and who the Partner Services It is important to define the audience a social media campaign will target in order to generate appropriate content. The following audiences are important to the NOPJF:  The NOPD  Communities around the city  Neighborhoods around the city  All demographics but only reaches an older generation The status of the NOPJF’s current social media websites is:  Both the NOPJF’s Facebook and Twitter accounts are pretty sparse.  They use Twitter to broadcast NOPD updates, but not for any original content.  Their Facebook is similar to their Twitter. NOPJF uses it sporadically instead of posting a continuous stream of information.
  • 7. NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015 2 We believe that the NOPJF’s social media sites should try to gain more followers of the 18 – 34 year old demographic. As it stands now, the demographic NOPJF caters to the most to is over the age of 40. Also the site might want to engage “minorities” in the future because the city itself is 67 percent non-white. (Changes would need to take place in the NOPD as a whole to garner positive responses from these groups.) List of Current Social Media Sites The NOPJF currently engages its audience on the following platforms: Partner Website: PartnerFacebook: Foundation/82301963607?fref=ts Partner Twitter: Organizations with Similar Backgrounds The following are organizations with similar backgrounds with social media campaigns. The Police Foundation The Police Foundation is an organization that aims to advance policing through innovation and science. It has less of a Facebook following than the New Orleans Police & Justice Foundation; however, it has a more successful twitter profile. It has over 1,000 followers. It mainly focuses on relaying information about policing to their followers, and this strategy seems effective. CPD Memorial The Chicago Police Department Memorial is a group that remembers and holds fundraisers for the officers killed on duty. It has a successful Facebook page which has moderate community engagement. Its strategy is to appeal to the emotions of their followers with inspirational quotes and memories of fallen officers which works well for this group given its nature. It then has calls to action to get followers to attend events and fundraising opportunities. NPR NPR’s social media strategy shows they clearly know their audience. NPR’s Facebook page is a no-frills page, strictly for posting articles. It posts almost every hour and cover mostly domestic topics as well as periodic stories international stories. NPR comments and replies to comments in response to the articles. NPR clearly knows its audience has intellectuals who actively engage in
  • 8. NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015 3 response to informative and controversial stories. However, NPR’s YouTube page is strictly NPR’s music account and videos of artists performing personal sessions. NPR has no cross-over. The NOPJF should take away from NPR’s Facebook page is to KNOW your audience and to not try to attract every type of passerby. If NOPJF successfully targets and attains its audience engagement will increase and the value of each user will improve. TED TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) is a global set of conferences run by the private non-profit Sapling Foundation, under the slogan “Ideas Worth Spreading.” It has a successful social media presence in all aspects of the term. Its Facebook, Twitter, and website garner widespread community involvement. Its strategy is to get as much content about a variety of topics out as quickly as possible while still remaining accurate. It evokes people who like the posts to also give commentary and add to the conversation. NYC Police Foundation The New York City Police Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating and retaining New York City as a safe place to live, by providing critical resources that are not readily available. Though it has a clear Plan of Action and opportunities for community engagement on their website, its other social media platforms lack involvement. It executes a clear strategy to appeal to the community through emotional appeal, but the infrequent posts take away credibility. Although its Facebook posts are strong in content, it does not post often enough and likewise on Twitter it really only retweets, rather than original posts. Overall the platforms need to be more active so users can feel like they can communicate directly and actually be heard. ANALYSIS OF CURRENT SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS In order to provide recommendations for NOPFJ's social media efforts NMCG must first analyze the platforms currently in place. Analysis of Website and Blog SWOT Analysis STRENGTHS: clear, easy to navigate, visible mission, informative main articles WEAKNESSES: News & Announcement's not updated, month old OPPORTUNITIES: Drop down menu "I'd like to..." with many realistic and common options, and "Donate" button clear, visible, and inviting to contribute WEAKNESSES: Anyone can give negative feedback Strengths The NOPJF website exhibits many strengths. The websites immediate effect when taken to the site is a clear, easy to navigate structure. There are four main stories directly at the top, allowing the viewer to quickly gain knowledge for at least four topics. Under that is an individual box with the
  • 9. NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015 4 mission so that any viewer knows the NOPJF’s initiative right away. The website is very easy to navigate. Weaknesses The NOPJF website exhibits few weaknesses. The only aspect that sticks out to me is that its last News and Announcement post was from June 22nd, over a month ago. In order to keep users interested they must be kept updated. Opportunities Below the four main stories that a viewer first sees when they navigate to the website is a drop down menu with the phrase “I’d like to…” followed by a few common options for users. This creates lots of opportunity as one of the options is to “become a police officer”. This creates an idea in viewers’ heads that maybe they should find out more about becoming an officer rather than not even realizing they could do that. Also the donate button is clear, yellow, all caps, and very visible. This quickly creates the opportunity for viewers to contribute to the foundation. Threats A threat to the NOPJFin terms of social media is that anyone can go on their site and give negative feedback. No matter how good a site is, critics are always out there, especially in terms of police forces, so they always stand the chance of being negatively publicized. Audience Analysis The NOPJF website seems to have a strong audience. It has been up and running since 2012 and is still very updated and easy to navigate. Users don’t have to give forth any effort to get updates on the NOPJF. Activity Level and Content Quality In terms of the key topics viewers see when they navigate to NOPJF’s website, the information is very updated and relevant to current times. One of the first things seen is their Cops for Kids program, which is a summer program so it is properly posted in terms of season. Contrary to this is the News and Announcements section which is slightly outdated. The last post was over a month ago and the one before that was from two months ago. Although they are both relevant news reports they may want to post more often and not only on big events. That way users can engage in everyday operations and stay up-to-date on what is happening in their city. The strategies of the content are strong as most, if not all, postings are paired with a photo or video, along with a clear, easy to predict title.
  • 10. NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015 5 Audience Engagement NOPJF’s website audience engagement strategy is very well thought out. It clearly defines the main parts they want users to engage with by making the “DONATE” and “SUPPORTING NOPJF” tabs yellow, all caps, and bold. Right away viewers can engage and interact with the website and mission of NOPJF. Then at the top of the page is a “Subscribe to Newsletter” tab that is visually appealing and not too aggressive. It invites the audience to take one easy step and quickly be a part of this wonderful organization. Any indicators of further diving into the website are encouraging and telling. They tell you to “Learn More” and they nicely navigate you to “click here for more information”.
  • 11. NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015 6
  • 12. NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015 7 Analysis of Facebook SWOT Analysis Using SWOT analysis, the NOPJF’s Facebook will undergo an examination. Strengths The page has a few positive features, most posts contain a visual and have a call to action. The followers who like the page are also a strength because they are passionate about helping the police. Weaknesses The page has far more weaknesses, however. The first is the inconsistent amount of posting. The page must be more regularly used to keep followers up-to-date. Another weakness is the low amount of traffic the page has overall. Opportunities An opportunity for this page would be to focus on portraying officers as relatable people. This kind of content would receive more favorable interaction from followers. Threats A threat to this page is that many locals do not like police and are very vocal about their dislike. Anything related to user-generated content needs to be done so as to eliminate any negative commentary.
  • 13. NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015 8
  • 14. NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015 9 Audience Analysis The New Orleans Police & Justice Foundation has 909 likes on Facebook. The organization has had a page since 2009, so the page could use some major work. The audience has slowly expanded over six years.
  • 15. NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015 10 Activity Level and Content Quality The Facebook page is updated very irregularly. Some months the page is updated often while other months it is updated only once or twice. To make this social media platform more successful, the amount of posting needs to be more consistent. For a non-profit like this, one should post at least once or twice a week at least. The content on the Facebook page includes visuals. The content includes many links to other pages, encouraging people to donate to organizations that help the police. The content on the page seems effective, however the organization needs to post more frequently. The NOPJFcould also benefit from user-generated content, as long as it is done smartly. They must eliminate risks of bad press from a potential user-generated content campaign. Audience Engagement The audience on the NOPJF’s Facebook page engages mainly through liking posts. The occasional comment on a post is seen as well as the occasional share. The highest engagement from followers are on those posts recognizing the dedication the officers show by sacrificing their lives each and every day on the job. Analysis of Twitter SWOT Analysis Strengths Consistently retweeting NOPD tweets. Has very official Twitter bio. Weaknesses No original content. No call to action. Little engagement. No header photo. Not very active. Opportunities Can tweet original content once made. Can promote the police force during holidays and other New Orleans events to engage with New Orleans audience. Threats in relations to social media use People in New Orleans have a negative stigma to the police, so user-generated content may cause unforeseen problems. NOPFJ must actively control content put on Twitter. Audience Analysis NOPJF follows 459 Twitter accounts and has 262 followers. The account has tweeted a total of 79 times. Majority of “posts” are re-tweets of the New Orleans Police Department Twitter account @NOPDNews. The group of followers are a mix of local New Orleans businesses, government affiliates, and average New Orleans citizens. Activity Level and Content Quality The account’s last retweet occurred June 23. The account tweets, but mostly retweets of NOPD, four or five times a month. The account rarely tweeted out any user-generated content. This example of a call to action is one of the few original tweets the account has posted.
  • 16. NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015 11
  • 17. NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015 12 Audience Engagement The post above, with the call to action, was the most successful of the posts. The hashtag along with picture made the post more visually appealing, but in terms of reach, two retweets and a few favorites is not terrible for the amount of followers the account has. Besides this, the account has little engagement with its audience. There are neither positive nor negative comments. FUTURE POST FOR EACH PLATFORM Website Blog Ideas for the Future Blogs are a good medium for lengthier posts with more comprehensive content. Officer profiles, first person stories highlighting the foundation’s impact, Buzzfeed like 'lists', and event announcements all make effective blogs. We recommend posting content that caters to parts of the city beyond Bourbon St and the French Quarter, which will draw locals and create loyalty. Facebook Ideas for the Future Facebook is a great platform for pictures and accompanying text. Portraits of Police Officers in the street, combined with short stories told by the officer, make for a very engaging post. Humans of New York, or HONY, is a Facebook page which gained over 13 million ‘likes’ on Facebook with the same type of post with portraits of the general public. These posts would be particularly effective in garnering goodwill for police officers.
  • 18. NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015 13 Twitter Ideas for the Future Twitter is a ‘now’ platform that thrives on quick snippets and real time engagement. An effective solution to not having enough happening on a day to day basis at NOPJF to post frequently would be to become a real time local source of public information. The close relationship between NOPFJ and NOPD could be leveraged by NOPJF to get important public information quickly and then relay it via Twitter. Announcements such as road closings, traffic accidents, and weather alerts are all suitable for Twitter. Turning the NOPJF Twitter into a public resource will attract an engaged audience. Once NOPJF has an engaged audience, Tweets rallying support and interest in NOPJF related issues are more likely to attract attention. RECOMMEDATIONS FOR SOCIAL MEDIA The following are NMCG’s recommendations for NOPJF’s social media efforts based on our research. Which Social Media Platforms Should the Partner Keep NOPJF should keep their Facebook page. Reasons for keeping the Facebook consist of a gradually built following of over 900 people since 2006. Although Facebook is a declining social media platform, it is still heavily used and considered a staple to have among foundations and businesses. Facebook also does not have the same pressure to post as Twitter or Instagram does. Although it is best the more you post, Facebook’s audience seems to be more mature and laid back compared to others. Facebook is also a great platform for news outlets. It allows text and visual posts with easy to follow links to videos and websites. Another important thing about Facebook is the option for creating Facebook ads. This is very simple, extremely efficiently targeted, and can be adjusted for any budget. The greatest thing about Facebook ads is it allows you to “promote posts.” So, for example, let us say in May NOPJF had an incredible emotionally engaged post with an image of a police officer helping a woman. The post received 200 likes. As you continue to post, that post from May falls your newsfeed until it eventually is gone. “Promoting posts” or “sponsoring an ad” is you can pay for that ad to be reposted on selected target’s newsfeed as a brand new post/ad concerning NOPJF. Here is a link that will help you get started.
  • 19. NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015 14 Which Social Media Platforms Should the Partner Add Snapchat is a fairly recent social media company that has quickly rose into prominence. Launching in 2011, Snapchat has over 100 Million users sending over 400 million Snapchat each day. However, the newest addition to Snapchat is also the most business friendly. Snapchat’s “Our Stories” has allowed businesses to market their brands through a collection of snaps submitted by users about certain events. These “stories” show up on an individual's news feed and are often watched regardless of what they are. These “our stories” have already generated millions of views for companies. NOPJF could get ahead of the social media trend and create an account for those to follow. The cool thing about NOPJF is it is an independent organization and therefore can explore every department that takes place in the justice system; and that can be a lot of good Snapchat material! As Snapchat are either still pictures or 1-10 second videos, they are fast paced and can be seen by a wide variety of people. Most of all no comments! If people send Snapchat to your account, it is unseen by the public and does not even have to be open! Which Social Media Platforms Can the Partner Improve Twitter is an excellent platform. However, unless there is an employee dedicated to the Twittersphere, your Twitter account will easily become irrelevant and lost in the clutter. NOPJF only has 202 followers, compared to Facebook's 900 followers. The relentless pressure of posting on Twitter will inevitably lead to questionable and inappropriate messages. In order to prevent this, while still staying relevant, can be done without even posting. Through clicking the button "retweet" NOPJF can use another's tweet as their own. For example; NOPJF can retweet tweets from police, events happening in the city and live-up-to-date contact with New Orleans' constituents. Retweeting even local New Orleans residents' tweets is a great way to increase their following and improve outreach. Another great thing about Twitter, is thanks to new plug-ins (depending what website builder used) a livestreaming twitter-feed can be embedded into the homepage. This can also gain followers through visitors to the website. Conclusion If NOPJF wants to grow and remain relevant as an organization in the eyes of New Orleanians; then it must emphasize the use of social media campaigns. NOPJF post frequently and show more of an effort and excitement about their cause in order to receive more engagement. The best form of engagement they are suited for is interaction and providing a transparent lens into the New Orleans Justice System in order to humanize the officers and other enforcement agencies. Since NOPJF is an independent organization, they work with nearly every aspect of the justice department's; some of which are extremely interesting to the public and on topics usually not openly educated on. Transparency is an important aspect of trust and relationship building. Social Media is an excellent platform to help with transparency between the Police and community; where a significant gap is present.
  • 20. NOPJF Social Media Recommendations Social Media ‘15 7/23/2015 15 Appendix: Creative Infographics Says It All (