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Nonviolent Resistance
unjust" (Banks 1). "Principle four – accept suffering without retaliation for the sake of the cause to
achieve the goal – this characterizes that nonviolent resistance is a willingness to accept suffering
without retaliation, to accept blows from the opponent without striking back; accept the violence, if
necessary; but to never inflict violence on another" (Banks 2). "Principle five – avoid internal
violence of the spirit, as well as, external physical violence – a nonviolent resister not only refuses
to fight or shoot his opponent, but he also refuses to hate him; at the center of nonviolence stands the
principle of love for one another" (Banks 2). "Principle six – the universe is on the side of justice –
this basic fact pertaining to nonviolent resistance is that it is based on the conviction that the
universe is on the side of justice which is positive peace, consequently, the believer in nonviolence
has a deep faith in the future and therefore, can accept suffering without retaliation. There is a
creative force in this universe, that by whatever name we decide to call it, it works to bring the
disconnected aspects of reality into a harmonious whole; a universal wholeness for each of us to
share with one another and that nonviolence is both the means and the end" (Banks 3). Dr. King also
had a couple of ... Show more content on ...
Martin Luther King, Jr., was a true servant leader, because he actually did possess the characteristics
of empathy, commitment, and the building community. Dr. King was an educated, resourceful,
talented leader and he earnestly strived to understand and empathize with others by having
compassion, responsiveness, identification, and a brotherly love for all other people in the world. Dr.
King was deeply committed to the personal, professional, and spiritual growth of every single
individual in the human race and he cared for everyone as if they really were his own friend and
relative. Dr. King was committed to positive, social, nonviolent
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The Tactics Of Nonviolent Action
To accept Gene Sharp's argument that the techniques of nonviolent action are more effective than
the violence of military action, we must first comprehend Gene Sharps interpretation of what
military action is. Gene Sharp defines military action, when he states "Military action is based
largely on the idea that the most effective way of defeating an enemy is by inflicting heavy
destruction on his armies, military equipment, transport system, and cities." Sharp accuses weapons
for being the reason society accepts military action as the most effective means of defeating an
enemy, for that weapons are designed to murder or destroy with maximal efficiency. Sharps belief,
that any prospective replacements for war in the aegis of freedom must involve possessing and
utilizing strength, colliding and testing an invaders military ability and power, and conducting
efficient combat, can be achieved through nonviolent action. The techniques of nonviolent action
follow Sharps credentials for being a substitute of war, by wielding power, confronting and
engaging an invader's military might, and waging an effective fight. For that, when performing a
method of nonviolent action by declining aid and cooperation to a ruler's power, it makes it
impossible for a ruler to exercise authority over the population. A ruler can only successfully possess
complete power, with public conformity over the people he or she rules. This ultimately constitutes
nonviolent action as the most suitable
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Examples Of Nonviolent Resistance
There are many ways can nonviolent resistance be more powerful than violent retaliation. First,
there are many techniques about nonviolent resistance that are sit–ins, which means the patience to
harm, protest, that means to disagree about something and walk in the street in peaceful way,
boycotts, which means to stop buy something from someone or company, marches, that means to
walk with a group of people for a long way, or speeches, which means to talk in front the people.
For example, black students wanted to sit in a lunch counter and tried to ordered food, but they were
refused, so they left and came back the next day, but they were threated and they got national
attention. In addition, company of bus refused to sit black beside white,
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Violent vs. Nonviolent Protests in America
May 5th 2011
Violent vs. Non–Violent Protests in America
African–Americans have been oppressed since their arrival in America in 1619. Due to their
differences in physical characteristics, Whites considered them an inferior race and therefore treated
them as property, disregarding their human rights. After many years of exploitation and abuse, in
1791, slaves on the small island of Hispaniola revolted against French rule and successfully gained
their freedom in 1804. It gave hope to African American slaves who, in turn, decided to stand
against their masters and gain their freedom. Every one of those rebellions was extremely violent.
They were so passionate about the cause and have been oppressed for so long that they targeted ...
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He was quoted saying that "had a white mob stepped on the campus where I lived, I would have
without hesitation sprayed their guts over the grass" (Cain, 1990, p. 332). Blacks formed their own
organizations aiming at retaliating against white violence. Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale, using
"the discipline, pride, and calm self–assurance preached by Malcolm X" (Lazerow, Jama; Williams,
Yohuru R. (2006). In Search of the Black Panther Party: New Perspectives on a Revolutionary
Movement. Duke University: Duke University Press.), founded the Black Panther Party: a formal
armed organization which claimed to have used violence only in self–defense. Worgs argues that
violence became a part of the African American man as he constantly justifies his use of violence for
self–defense. He refers to David Walker's Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World where the
author makes it clear that the use of violence "was justified by the reality of the oppressor and the
oppressive conditions of enslavement. Slaveholders were...willing to murder Blacks in order to
maintain slavery. Thus, Blacks had to be willing to "kill or be killed" in their quest for freedom".
The realistic views of Robert F. Williams led him to argue that "Nonviolence is a very potent
weapon when the opponent is civilized...But nonviolence is no repellent for a sadist" (Tyson, T.). In
turn, African Americans were strongly associated with violence in both
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Cesar Chavez Nonviolent Speech Summary
My Nonviolent Attempt At Extra Credit On the tenth anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s
death, Cesar Chavez, appeals to King's ideals of nonviolent resistance in an article published by a
religious organization. Chavez aims to convince readers that nonviolence is the most effective form
of resistance and even more powerful than violence. Chavez develops his argument by using
allusion, juxtaposition, and inclusive plural pronouns. Chavez alludes to Gandhi and God to create
ethos, which establishes trust and credibility with the audience, and pathos, which appeals to the
audience's emotions. Chavez writes, "The perfect boycott, as Gandhi taught, is the most nearly
perfect instrument of nonviolent change, allowing masses of people to
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Nonviolent Resistance To The Gandhi Movement
Following, Gandhi continues to have a profound impact on American culture with his principles of
nonviolent resistance. Nonviolence is not seen as a passivity, but rather a call for action. Gandhi
believed by disrupting the morale of the antagonist through voluntarily accepting the distress that is
imposed, the inflictor would face greater adversary than the inflicted. An example of an act of civil
disobedience was led by Gandhi in the infamous Salt March that took place in March 1930 in India.
In historical context, "Britain's Salt Acts prohibited Indians from collecting or selling salt. Citizens
were forced to buy the vital mineral from the British...exercising a monopoly over the manufacture
and sale of salt" ( With the leadership of Gandhi, he gained support from thousands of
Indian citizens, and together they defied British law by marching 240 miles and using seawater to
make salt. Consequently, protestors had to face with the violent beatings and imprisonments of
British–led Indian policemen. Although this movement was not successful in developing
compromises, Gandhi showed that nonviolence can promote change gradually. The Salt March was
highly publicized, shining a distaste on the British government. The Salt March turned to be a
pivotal force in India's independence from Britain in 1947. Across the Indian nation and around the
world, people felt the genuine works of Gandhi. This was significant in Gandhi's political appeal,
proving he is a man that
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Rhetorical Analysis Of Nonviolent Resistance By Chavez
Chavez has many rhetorical strategies throughout his essay in order to persuade the readers that
nonviolent resistance is the best way to win. Chavez uses alliteration, pathos, and parallel structure
to help get his point across and get the reader to pay attention. First, Chavez uses alliteration to help
grab the reader's attention and puts emphasis on what he deems important. He declares that "we are
willing to wait" and "feelings of frustration". The use of alliteration helps the readers notice that they
are wanting a change and that they want to win the fight fast but they can wait for how long of a
time that it takes. Without the use of alliteration his comments, about the willingness to wait for
what they want, would not have stuck out and may have gone unnoticed. The emphasis that
alliteration puts on these phrases helps his argument and helps with the clarity of what he is
thinking. He gets his claims to stand out from the rest of the details. ... Show more content on ...
Pathos helps the readers get more motivated to try and bring about a change, because they aren't
satisfied with the way things are. Chavez states that "We know that it cannot be more important than
one human life" and "the burdens of generations of poverty and powerlessness lie heavy in the fields
of America". The use of pathos helps the readers see and realize that violence is not the answer, that
violence destroys and they feel they need to help this cause. Pathos gets the audience to feel the
authors emotions through the essay and want to do something to help. Pathos is used as a motivator
and a huge persuasive strategy to get the audience on his audience on his
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Nongilent Intest As A Nonviolent Protest
Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of India's civil rights movement once said "Nonviolence is the greatest
force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by
the ingenuity of man." This quote considers nonviolence the greatest force and that it is stronger
than the physical power of men. In any given situation nonviolent protests are stronger than violent
protests. These protests can be as simple as refusing to do your homework or as complex as the civil
rights movement. History has shown boycotts, a form of a nonviolent protest, are the most efficient
form of protests. Boycotts ability to indirectly harm the opposing side has consistently been
effective, as shown in in the Salt March, Montgomery Bus Boycott, the Boston Tea Party, and the
Delano Grape Strike and Boycott.
The Salt March is one of the most important events in India's history, led by Mahatma Gandhi, this
was a protest boycotting Britain's salt laws. These laws banned any civilian from making or selling
salt. This protest began with a 240 mile march, which started on March 12, 1930, in Sabarmati
Ashram and ended in Dandi. Gandhi led thousands of people on this march, where they performed
small acts of civil disobedience to boycott British rule. They made their own salt along their way on
this march at various coasts. They did this by simply evaporating salt water. Britain reacted violently
towards the Indians. Not only did they arrest over 60,000 participants including
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Peace And Nonviolent Beliefs Of Mahatma Gandhi
Peace and Nonviolent Beliefs of Mahatma Gandhi
Nikki Henkell
WOH1030 – Summer 2014–B
Prof. Forsythe
Mahatma Gandhi, compared to a saint and even an Indian Christ (Blanchot, M. 2012), believed in
nonviolence and the practice of Ahimsa, which means love (Gandhi). Ahimsa believes in doing no
harm to any living creature, either to the physical body and to the mind. "Ahimsa requires deliberate
self–suffering, not a deliberate injuring of the supposed wrong–doer." (Gandhi). In 1999 Time
Magazine conducted a survey about who their readers considered "the Man of the Twentieth
Century," and although Gandhi came in a close second behind Albert Einstein he was still one of the
greatest men of the twentieth century. Gandhi's teachings changed the way people around the world
though, it opened them up to a moral–political world. His ability to overcome the British and win
independence for India, all with nonviolent resistance, continue to be an inspiration to people around
the world even years after his death (Prabhu, J. 2001). Mahatma Gandhi inspired many people and
leaders throughout the world. Great leaders, including the Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela and Martin
Luther King Jr., have all spoken about how Gandhi influenced them and their fight for peace and
equality. The Dalai Lama won a Nobel Peace Prize for his Middle Way Approach when seeking a
way for Tibet to have more independence from China. When he accepted his award in 1989, part of
his speech was "I accept
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Pros Of Nonviolent Activism
"There is no such thing as defeat in nonviolence" ("Cesar Chavez Quotes," 2017.) This quote by
nonviolent labor activist Cesar Chavez characterizes one of the many practical arguments for
nonviolence: the success rate of nonviolent activism, which has been found to be significantly
higher than for violent efforts, and that nonviolent movements that fail lead to a higher rate of
success in the future. Although many countries and groups still choose violent methods, numerous
studies and examples have demonstrated the practical advantages of nonviolent activism. First,
studies such as a 2011 study by Erica Chenoweth and Maria Stephan have demonstrated that
nonviolent movements have a significantly higher success rate than nonviolent movements. Second,
numerous examples, such as the United States' violent involvement in the Middle East, demonstrate
that violent endeavors by countries, also known as hard power, are extremely costly, particularly
from a monetary perspective compared to diplomatic efforts, known as soft power. Third, the field
of peace psychology, through examples such as Post–Traumatic Stress Disorder found in people
who participate in violent activities, demonstrates that violence is not inherent in humans and that
significant psychological harm can result from violent actions. Together, these practical arguments
demonstrate that nonviolent actions are superior to violent actions. Over the past few decades,
numerous studies have demonstrated that that success
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Nonviolent Protests: An argumentative essay
From the Boston Tea Party of 1773, the Civil Rights Movement and the Pro–Life Movement of the
1960s, to the Tea Party Movement and Occupy Wall Street Movement of current times, "those
struggling against unjust laws have engaged in acts of deliberate, open disobedience to government
power to uphold higher principles regarding human rights and social justice" (DeForrest, 1998, p.
653) through nonviolent protests. Perhaps the most well–known of the non–violent protests are
those associated with the Civil Rights movement. The movement was felt across the south, yet
Birmingham, Alabama was known for its unequal treatment of blacks and became the focus of the
Civil Rights Movement. Under the leadership of Martin Luther King Jr., president of ... Show more
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It was during these demonstrations that the Birmingham Police Department, under the leadership of
Eugene "Bull" Connor, used forceful measures such as using high–pressured water jets and police
dogs in hopes of stopping the demonstrations. These clergymen believed that Birmingham's extreme
measures were justified and they too urged the African American community to withdraw their
demonstrations. King responded to the eight clergymen with his letter from the Birmingham jail.
King (1963) immediately strives to justify the need for nonviolent direct action through his
statement, "Several months ago the affiliate here in Birmingham asked us to be on call to engage in
a nonviolent direct action program if such were deemed necessary." What is direct action? Direct
action is a form of political activism which may include sit–ins, strikes, and demonstrations (Haines,
1984). King's explanation to the clergymen for protesting segregation began with an explanation of
their actions, "Nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a
community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue". In this case
King was invoking the right of freedom of expression, not only freedom of speech but the freedom
to assemble. The clergy and many of the citizens of Birmingham believed the demonstrations, sit–
ins, and strikes, considered peaceful by King
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Nonviolent Resistance Research Paper
"Nonviolence is fine as long as it works," Malcolm X once said. Our society is one that celebrates
battlefield heroes on national holidays and grows up believing that violence and courage are one and
the same. Many political scientists and government leaders buy into the idea that "power flows from
the barrel of a gun" and that true victories cannot come without bloodshed on both sides. These
experts and scholars bring up cases where violence worked fairly well, such as the Algerian, French,
and Russian revolutions, to substantiate their beliefs and notions. These examples, however, are not
representative of the broader idea or prove that violent campaigns of protest are more successful
than nonviolent campaigns. In fact, Malcom X would have been intrigued to learn that that
nonviolent resistance is more effective than armed resistance in overturning oppressive and
repressive regimes and in leading to more democratic societies. We must urge our elected ... Show
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Nonviolent campaigns are much more representative in terms of gender, age, race, political party,
and class. Civil resistance allows people of all different levels of physical ability to participate,
including the elderly, people with disabilities, women, children, and essentially anyone else who
wants to. Everyone is born with an equal physical ability to resist nonviolently. On the other hand,
violent resistance is much more physically demanding and, therefore, more exclusive. Furthermore,
the visibility of many civil resistance tactics, like protests or demonstrations, helps to draw risk–
averse or hesitant people into the fray. Principally, nonviolent campaigns can solicit more diverse
and active participation from ambivalent people. The inclusive nature of these nonviolent campaigns
resonates fundamentally with the medium used to achieve their primary goals:
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Nonviolent Protests
Part One: In the letter from the eight Alabama clergymen, they felt as though those protesting should
refrain from nonviolent protesting until the court system decides on their matter. The undersigned
clergymen issued an "appeal for law and order and common sense," directing it towards the racial
problems in Alabama. The clergymen made it clear that they felt, extreme measures in Birmingham
will not be the resolution to the Negro community's problem, despite how peaceful they might be.
The letter was meant to sound as considerate as possible, despite attempting to strip the Negro
community of their first amendment god–given right. The clergymen feel as though it would be
better to have have local leaders act on the matter, instead of gatherings ... Show more content on ...
Although they "understand" where the Negro community is coming from, they believe their
reasoning is a matter of fact, and should not be questioned. They do attempt to appeal to logos when
they urge the Negro community to withdraw support, and leave the decisions for the court system, in
order to unite locally for 'peace' in Birmingham. What the clergymen choose to exclude is however,
the fact that the court system would most likely be in favor of them, at the time this public statement
was posted. Language: As this was a public statement, the eight Alabama clergymen wanted to
sound as formal as possible, in order to show they want what is "best" for the community. Through
their way of "logical" reasoning, they present solutions to the growing Negro community gatherings.
For the most part, their message was very clear, as they did not want any of their beliefs on the
Negro community to be mis–interpreted. Although the statement direct towards Martin Luther King
Jr. was formal, it was made in a way to be very simplistic, in a rather condescending
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Examples Of Nonviolent Resistance
Peace Over Violence
In the 1950s till present day we still use nonviolent resistance to stand up for what we believe is
right. Nonviolent resistant protests were one way for Civil Rights leaders used to advance their
cause in the 1950s and 1960s. These protests lead to the Civil Rights act of 1964. This act outlawed
discrimination based on color, race, religion, sex, or national origin. It starts with civil disobedience,
which is the act of opposing a law one considers unjust and peacefully disobeying it while accepting
the consequences. This was the case in some protests where they felt laws were unfair, unjust, and
unconstitutional. I believe that peaceful resistance to laws positively impacts a free society using the
Montgomery Bus Boycott, The March on Washington, and the Salt March as my three examples of
nonviolent resistance protests that positively impacted a free society. ... Show more content on ...
The Montgomery Bus Boycott was fueled be Rosa Parks, an African American Civil Rights activist,
decision not to give up her seat on a bus to a white man. She was arrested and fined. The boycott
began on her court hearing day and the boycott had lasted 381 days. The boycott protested the
policy, racial segregation on the public transit systems in Alabama and in Montgomery. During all of
this, the leader of the boycott was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He was a young pastor who was born
January 15, 1929 and he began to be the voice ad leader of the African American people during the
civil rights act movement. This led to the Supreme Courts of the United States to
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Nonviolent Protest
Peaceful protest, the respectable act of standing up for what one believes is right. Creating a
nonviolent resistance is the most concrete way to persuade the opposing side to listen to the issue at
hand. Society can only benefit from civil disobedience, for it is healthy to have a dialogue between
the government and its people.
The positive influence of a dialogue between the government and its people is a must, however
more times than not, in recent months, it seems that the dialogue has been used with profanity rather
than etiquette. Performing nonviolent protest brings respect to the people from the government. This
cordial interaction produces an open and safe environment in which the issue can be resolved. If a
person or group wants ... Show more content on ...
In the past few months, thousands of Americans have been creating horrifyingly dangerous
situations in starting fires, destroying buildings, and abusing fellow Americans. Violent protesting
may have been a positive occurrence when Thomas Jefferson and the other founding fathers alike
wished to escape from Britain's control, however as the evolution of this country moves forward,
violence simply isn't the answer. Also, even though Jefferson was in such a time period, he was not
necessarily the most fond of violent protesting. "Jefferson often talked of revolution, but in practice
he preferred the use of a number of alternatives to revolution, such as elections, the amending
process, threats of revolution, and partial rebellion"(Rebellion, Revolution, and the Constitution).
Jefferson's outlook on rebellion included all aspects of civil disobedience. The civility of the protest
is the key factor to having a positive impact on society. In a recent event, students of Berkeley set
destruction upon their campus in an attempt to make a statement against a republican speaker on
their more liberal campus. This event was broadcasted and received nothing but negative responses.
Even those who agree with the cause behind the violent protest, disagree with the actions taken
which takes the spotlight off of the issue at hand and onto the
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Nonviolent Reconciliation Commitee
Throughout the book of March the people of color are continuously fighting for equal rights. Even
when they are faced with countless acts of violence they continue to fight back but in non–violent
ways such as Marches. Even when there seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel John
Lewis along with many of his peers also known as the SNCC(Student Nonviolent Reconciliation
Commitee) begin to see results. Slowly but surely it all pays off in the end when people start to
realize the segregation between races is not only morally wrong but also against the law. There are
many different marches/ sit–ins throughout the book but the most important ones begin on...
November 28 1959, there was talk in the community ... Show more content on ...
Lewis got a phone call and was told that his friend Looby's house was bombed by some dynamite
that was thrown through the window. Right then and there the people of color decided they were
going to march to Mayor West. "By noon thousands of people had gathered at Tennessee state to
march on city hall"(Lewis et al 117). Lewis and one of his peers went up to Mayor West and let him
know that the acts of violence against them and so many others is outrageous and want him to admit
that he needs to stop the racial discrimination because it's not fair. Mayor admitted that he had
stopped segregation seven years ago at an airport and to that day there had been no trouble. "The,
Mayor –– do you recommend that the lunch counters be desegregated," "Yes" said Mayor West,
(Lewis et all 119). This may not seem like a huge moment to some but to the people of color to
finally have the mayor realize that desegregation was an issue that needed to be solved meant that
maybe, just maybe he was going to do something about it since he did so seven years ago in the
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Pros And Cons Of Nonviolent Resistance
Nonviolent resistances often consist of numerous individuals that gather together to use their voice
and protest in nonviolent manners. Nonviolent movements and peaceful resistance is the refusal to
obey an idea, law, or future decision made by individuals in power ( They can be
extremely important in revoking or stopping a law or decision from being enacted. This is proven by
peaceful movements and protests such as the one gathered by Marin Luther King Jr. and the many
Americans who established the Women's Suffrage Movement. Peaceful resistances have been and
will continue to show that sanding up for what is perceived as wrong socially, politically, or
economically will always have a positive impact on a free society. ... Show more content on ...
Despite this information, many individuals still see that peaceful resistances have mostly negative
impacts on a free society. They view that situations where these forms of disobedience are used, are
illegal and not as swift or effective as other methods can be. It is true that during many of the
peaceful resistances throughout history that the individuals who led the protests, such as Martin
Luther King Jr., and the people who partook in the movements, protesters such as Senator Bernie
Sanders, were arrested (Time). Despite this being the case, almost all of the individuals in any
peaceful resistance were released without serving jail time or spent very little time in jail before
being released or out on bail; it more common and often that individuals in violent resistances are
faced with serious legal consequences that are not lifted (Center for Constitutional Rights). The
swiftness of nonviolent resistances are viewed as slow because of the decades it took for simple
peaceful movements such as the Civil Rights Movement and the Women's Suffrage Movement.
Although the length of these defiance movements cannot be changed or overlooked, they are still
shorter and have more of a long–term effect than other resistances such as nonviolent
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Pros And Cons Of Nonviolent Resistance
Before coming to a definitive conclusion, I believe it is important to first gain knowledge of the
overall idea of "peaceful resistance." Coined from its creator Martin Luther King Jr., peaceful
resistance is labeled as "a courageous confrontation of evil by the power of love" (King, stride, 80).
Being moral in its ethical practices, it was a nonviolent protest to what citizens considered unjust
regarding societal and governmental issues. According to King, "the Christian doctrine of love
operating through the Gandhian method of nonviolence was one of the most potent weapons
available to oppressed people in their struggle for freedom" (King, Stride, 79; Papers 5:422). His
notion of the nonviolence practice composed of six principles, first being that anyone can resist evil
without the having to resort to violent tactics. Second, the "friendship and understanding" is the goal
of nonviolent resistances, not by any means do they intend to belittle their opponent (King, Stride,
84). Third, only the evil in the conflict should be opposed. Fourth, one must be willing to endure
suffering without retaliation. Fifth, nonviolent resistance avoids external and internal violence. And
last but not least sixth, the nonviolent resister should be motivated by love and ... Show more
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In a free society, citizens hold the right to exercise unlimited freedom in their lives as long as it does
not forcibly interfere with the equal rights of others to do the same. In America, we abide by the
constitution. A part of the Constitution is the Bill of Rights. Under the Bill of Rights, citizens of
America are given the right by the First Amendment to freedom of speech, freedom of the press,
right to peaceably assemble or petition for a governmental redress of grievances. All rights of which
can be used to protest or hold a nonviolent resistance against oppression
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Examples Of Nonviolent Resistance
Nonviolent resistance is the practice of achieving goals through symbolic protests without using
violence. This affects the free society positively by letting the people get their opinions in and
keeping the government in check. It also doesn't harm anyone or anything. Have you ever watched
the news and saw something you didn't 100% agree with. Well most people just let it slip by while
other decide to do something about. Some people might go a little crazy and do something very bad
but then you have those who peacefully do it. It may be something very small like one person sitting
on the grass so someone can't step there or if could be something big like a mob shutting down a
street. For example the 2016 presidential election. When Donal Trump was elected president many
people protested by walking the streets so many people did so that they shut down many street and
highways even a freeway. The peoples voices were heard for days something was done about it.
There was a recount later on which is still in process. This did not hurt anybody and for the people
who did ... Show more content on ...
I think it keeps the government in check by showing them that other people can have in impact on
what happens. Going back to the presidential example because there was so much peaceful protest
Hillary was able to get recounts in the three states because people went back and did research on
things and found that there could be a probable with the government and Russia. I think the
government tends to ignore us more until someone speaks up and actually does something about
what they believe in. Image if everyone did this the government would be so involved with society
and actually want to try and help us because if they didn't people would see the protestors and be
like this country is corrupt and these people don't know what their doing. The government is just
trying to make themselves look
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Martin Luther King's Theory Of Nonviolent Protest
It's shown in the statistics, Martin Luther King was more successful due to his theory of nonviolent
protest, which were more effective than violent ones which Malcolm used. When there is violence
involved and possible death of innocent people, then the protest seem to be more terrorizing than a
protest. Nonviolence protest allows for there to be no bloodshed and just peace between the groups.
This also allows for people to like the nonviolent protesters more than the violent ones because no
one is getting hurt from it. Martin Luther King Junior's main method of being successful was his
nonviolence strategy. King used the tactic he used in Montgomery, Alabama during his Montgomery
Boycott of 1955 and 1956. His intentions were to force ... Show more content on ...
was because of his violent protest theory. King's nonviolent protesting and his famous speech known
as the "I Have A Dream" speech had the most effect on the government on taking action in giving
black people their rights and freedom. The Civil Rights Acts made it illegal for discrimination in the
workplace, and banned segregation in public areas. Also, one of the acts made it illegal to
discriminate against people of color, sex, or religion by refusing to sell or the rental of property.
Martin's bus boycott of Montgomery was a successful protest and influenced others in the later
years. Two men from the Olympic games known as Tommie Smith and John Carlos took 1st and 3rd
in their events. They both stood up and raised their fist, wearing black gloves, protesting for black
unity peacefully. They were considered heros but they were removed from the games permanently.
There are plenty of nonviolent protests happening today and they are making changes, and there are
also violent protest that seem to have no effect at
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Gene Sharp Nonviolent Movement
A technique of demonstrating opposition to a government's activities simply by not cooperating with
them. It is particularly associated with Mahatma Gandhi, who opposed violent revolution in his own
country's fight for independence. The actions that fall under passive protest include sit–ins, boycotts,
blockades and occupations of buildings, tax refusal and alternative publications and media. More
active forms of passive protest are strikes, walkouts, protest marches, theatrical protests and hunger
strikes. The contemporary scholar of political perspective on passive protest Gene Sharp views that
nonviolent struggle may reflect a moral commitment to pacifism by leaders or activists in a
movement such as Martin Luther King Jr and Mohandas Gandhi.
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Rhetorical Analysis Of Nonviolent Protest
We see brutality everywhere, we approach a problem with the easy way out, violence. That's the
solution we all resort to when we see no change or when we feel that the injustices that have been
done are too much to go unanswered for. Civil rights activist Cesar Chavez published an article
claiming that nonviolent resistance has always been more beneficial than violent protest. Chavez's
purpose in this article is to advertise the negative effects of violence and provide a solution for it. In
his article Chavez uses an inspirational and objective tone to illustrate how the effects of nonviolent
resistance over time outweigh those of violent protest, he creates an appeal to emotion, logic, and
authority to persuade followers of God, minorities, and people who have suffered injustices that
have gone unanswered for. Chavez uses many rhetorical devices, the most prominent being:
repetition, rhetorical questions and allusions to explain why nonviolence protest is better to
accomplish their efforts.
To start off Chavez uses an allusion when he mentions Dr. King, and his belief in the power of
nonviolent resistance. "Dr. Kings entire life was an example of power that nonviolence brings to
bear in the real world." Chavez also uses Ghandi, a person well known for his strong support of
nonviolent protest, to point out that "the most nearly perfect instrument of nonviolent change" the
boycott." By alluding to these people known best for their strong belief in nonviolent resistance
Chavez establishes a sense of trust in his audience, allowing them to trust his ideas and make his
purpose, which is to persuade readers of this religion magazine to support nonviolent resistance,
easier to get across.
Chavez appeals to his readers sense of religious duty when he mentions that God mandates life,
"Our conviction is that human life is a very special possession given by God to man and that no one
has the right to take it for any reason or for any cause." Not only does this instill a sense of duty for
his religious readers but also by depicting violence as vile and horrible he persuades this with even a
tiny bit of humanity that nonviolent resistance is the most moral and humane way to bring change
about. Later in Chavez appeal to
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Nonviolent Resistance: The Woman's Suffrage Movement
Peaceful resistance to laws positively impacts a free society. Looking back at examples from history,
without Rosa Parks, the Woman's Suffrage Movement, or Martin Luther King Jr., the society we live
in would be extremely different. Civil disobedience continues to contributes a huge positive impact
on the world we live in today.
Nonviolent resistance is defined as, "the practice of achieving goals such as social change through
symbolic protests, civil disobedience, or economic or political noncooperation, without using
violence. Mahatma Gandhi was among the first to apply the theory of non–violent resistance,
successfully gaining independence from the British Empire, and from there on, resistance was
popularised and thought as to be the most ... Show more content on ...
One of the best memories in the history of nonviolent resistance was when Martin Luther King Jr.,
known as the advocate of civil disobedience through nonviolent resistance, said, "In the end, we will
remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." When the African
Americans were struggling with equality and racism, and they were being treated poorly by the rest
of society, Martin Luther King Jr. didn't give up. One of King's ideas as a young man was obtaining
growth through struggle. He showed the rest of the world that using violence is not the way to fight
back. He wholeheartedly believed that the world could overcome its struggles through this method
of nonviolence, but at the same time too many people would just keep absolutely silent, hoping
someone else will fix the problems. Through the examples of Martin Luther King Jr. and the
dedication of his life towards the success of the African American Civil Rights Movement,
nonviolent resistance has been proven the best approach to handling racism, discrimination,
segregation and other acts of inequality, like the African Americans faced.
Another abolitionist, Henry David Thoreau, wrote one of the most influential writings of his time.
His essay, "Civil Disobedience", discusses the issues that lie within our government system.
Thoreau believes the government should have less say in the lives of men. We made the government
and Thoreau believed an individual must break the laws when necessary. Through the eyes of the
government, he saw it as the only way to be noticed for standing up for what you believe
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Nonviolent Resistance Movement : The Color Revolutions Essay
The Color Revolutions were a series of nonviolent resistance movements that proved to be fairly
effective in regards to overthrowing regimes in the late twentieth century (Goldstone 2014). These
nonviolent resistance strategies can include peaceful protests, strikes, or sit–ins or occupations of
public spaces. Two of the most important factors in the recent success of nonviolent resistance
movements have been the role of mass media, such as cell phones and social media, and an
international network of activists that provide support and training in order to increase the chance of
success of these movements (Goldstone 2014). Any modern day protest following the Color
Revolutions, such as a non–violent resistance movement against student loan debt, would need to
capitalize on the importance of technology in today 's society and how it has created so many
networks of allies that can assist in movements. If you were to ask any college student what their
main concern for the future was, the majority would probably respond with questions about how,
and if, they are ever going to be able to pay off their student loans. There are currently 44.2 million
Americans with student loan debt and the average amount owed by the class of 2016 is $37,172
(Student Loan Hero 2016). This value is up six percent from 2015 with no sign of slowing down
without major policy overhaul to reduce the amount of debt that students owe (Student Loan Hero
2016). Many of the jobs that young people are
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Nonviolent Movements Achieve Social Change Essay
Nonviolent Movements Achieve Social Change
Non– violent movements are a way for groups of people to achieve change and create an impact in
the society. The labor, African American, and Vietnam anti–war peace movements were significantly
successful in abolishing harsh working conditions, gaining civil rights for blacks, and withdrawing
from the Vietnam War (Upchurch). Non–violent and violent movements have been used throughout
history to evoke change in the society, obtain equality, civil rights, and peace. While violent protest
result in the same changes, non–violent methods can ultimately go beyond local violent protest,
spread nationally through movements, and protest without requiring violence. These events because
of the non–violent ... Show more content on ...
The Homestead Movement was ultimately was ineffective because no inconsequential change
occurred due to the violence of this movement. In 1892, Eugene V. Debs formed the American
Railway Union, which resulted in one of the largest strikes in American history: the Pullman Strike
( When workers repudiated to capitulate the pay cut in their checks, the Pullman Car
Company fired 500 employees. Debs and members of the American Railway Union boycotted trains
that used Pullman cars. On July 4, mobs started to tip over rail cars using fireworks since the federal
troops sent in by President Grover Cleveland to handle the situation (Ladd). "This burning and
rioting came to a zenith on July 6, when fires caused by some 6,000 rioters destroyed 700 railcars
and caused $340,000 of damages in the South Chicago Panhandle yard" (Hofstader). Ultimately, the
violence used in the Pullman Movement proved ineffective in attaining social change because the
worker's pay was not rehabilitated. The Labor Force Movements were more effective, however, in
attaining social change compared to the Homestead and Pullman violent Strikes. The Labor
Movements brought a halt to child labor, and gave health benefits, and aid to retired or injured
workers. One of the hallmarks of the Labor Movement, are the strikes formed in which many
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Reasons Why Nonviolent Movements Effective Positive Change
Being aware that not all nonviolent movements have successful outcomes, for those that do whether
short term or long term have certain characteristics associated with its success. There are many
characteristics nonviolent movements should acquire in order to gain effective positive change.
Having the strength and will power to remain nonviolent even when provoked or receiving violence
is of course one of the main actions. However, there are many more methods for successful
outcomes. Many nonviolent movements consist of unity, cooperation, consistency, and technique.
While also consisting of a large following, cohesion to the leadership, and a desire for change.
Though all characteristics are important and key to resulting in successful outcomes, there a few
characteristics that are more necessary. ... Show more content on ...
I believe that reaming consistent and determinant are key to obtaining change. For, example those
who were marching with Mahatma Gandhi protesting the unjust Salt Laws were consistently
marching protesting village after village. The outcome of the protesters consistently protesting
village after village allowed for their following to expand from a small group to tens of thousands
Indians protesting. Along with consistency, the size or population of protesters had an effect on the
outcome of change being granted. Similar to Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
influenced a large amount of individual. They both created a large following of supporters
demanding change peacefully. Through determination the leaders along with the followers remained
determined to seek change, and would not stop until changes were made. Determination is key to
success with all protest. Those who were determined to seek change received whether it was
immediate, long term or still in
... Get more on ...
On Nonviolent Resistance Gandhi
"If you make laws to keep us suppressed in a wrongful manner and without taking us into
confidence, these laws will merely adorn the statue books. We will never obey them"(1). Mohandas
Gandhi expressed this in his writing "On Nonviolent Resistance". "Civil disobedience" is when
people use their voice by protesting, non–violently, to stick up against unjust laws and unjust
movements. The truths and values are proven and brought to attention in the writings of Gandhi,
Martin Luther King Jr, and Henry David Thoreau. Civil disobedience can be the solution to unjust
laws and violence around the world. Thoreau wrote a piece called "Civil Disobedience" that touches
on topics similar to Gandhi and his beliefs. He believes in people having the power and government
being a small part in the power. "That government is best which governs least... when men are
prepared for it that will be the kind of government which they will have"(1). Thoreau is stating that
government that gives people the power, serves the best. He illustrates an idea of the people, once
they are ready, being in control. The government would have very little input and have to do very
little work while the population works together to make a better nation. ... Show more content on ...
He led tens of thousands people in a peaceful protest against the British rule in the "Salt March". His
protest was a prime example of civil disobedience by staying nonviolent while still making a huge
impact on the movement. In his writing "On Nonviolent Resistance" he notes, "No country has ever
become, or will ever become, happy through victory in war. A nation does not rise that way; it only
falls further"(1). This statement explains that no matter what is the result in a war the constant
aftermath is death. Losing a life no matter the cost is worth it. There are many ways to fight and
make a difference without
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Nonviolent Protests
We cannot turn on our televisions or get on social media without hearing about recent protests.
Some peaceful and some violent, but what difference do the two make? We all have seen riots and
we've seen how they can end: a spray of rubber bullets, dogs digging their teeth into screaming
people's legs, and the trashing of public places. We've seen the sit–ins and marches filled with
people that have no fear in holding their signs high and proud. To some violence seems like the only
answer, but the results are not as rewarding nor as long lasting. Although some may believe violence
is the only answer they are turning a blind eye because nonviolent protests are more successful, get
more government support, and gather more civilians around the cause.
To begin with, the common misconception is that you can't be heard on your issue unless you're
being violent. People get to the point where they feel so oppressed they feel the need to not just use
their voices but their ... Show more content on ...
Often violence leaves a bad taste in a politician's mouth as they don't want to be a part of a possible
blood bath that could backfire on their careers. For example, a study done by Omar Wasow of
Princeton University showed the effects in voting polls after violent civil rights protests in the
1960s, and found that the support for law and order was so high that many citizens voted for
republican leaders in hopes that in the future outbursts like that could be controlled. Those leaders
used those protests to their advantage by saying violence would not be tolerated, and they can gain
just as much by standing by a peaceful protest. A sit–in is a show of passion and strength in their
beliefs that encourages people to feel they are passionate in what they believe in. A community
appreciates a firm stand much like they appreciate a safe and happy environment for
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Nonviolent Noncooperation
Nonviolent noncooperation is the most effective way to achieve independence. Through nonviolent
acts, people suffer less casualties, a positive behavior towards humankind is publicized and it is a
easier and more joinable movement. All throughout history there have been many protests or acts of
noncooperation that successfully lead to a step closer towards independence. It is safe, encouraging,
and persuasive. First, people suffer less casualties in a nonviolent revolution. In conflicting
situations the last thing anyone would wish for is more violence to worsen and potentially ruin a
country's path to freedom. During a revolution, people are acting for a change and traumatic losses
of lives could distract them from the movement itself. Using violence for a change can also be
viewed with hypocrisy. For instance, if Group A was abusing Group B for being harsh, Group A is
treating Group B the way they are saying is wrong. This is very hypocritical because they are
protesting against violence by using violence. The same goes for a country fighting for
independence, it is wrong for them to use violence to oppress another controlling nation. Brutality
does not cause just cause pain but it ... Show more content on ...
Nonviolent noncooperation is the act of using peace and understanding to create a change. This is an
ideal mindset because it promotes the idea of caring for one another instead of killing one another. If
it is enacted by a country and it's people, it could influence other countries to choose peace over
violence. This will result in a more stable and loving worldly community. Violence teaches that
threats and savagery can only pave the way for a change. This is not an ideal mentality for a
country's people to have and will only keep carrying for generations on. If a nation believes that
cruelty through physical pain is the only way to achieve independence, they will not attain much but
instead, attract more
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Nonviolent Protest
Broken windows, car alarms, smoke in the air, the frantic screams of those who are attacked by the
raids of police officers are what come with the world of violent protest. Violent protest to a variety
of people may lead to a conclusion, but not for all of them. With nonviolent protest our words are
used as our weapons. We speak with the freedom of the first amendment, the right to civil
disobedience and the satisfaction that we solved our issues in a justifiable manner. All around the
globe we crave the immediate satisfaction of emotional rebellion regardless of the impact, which is
why nonviolent protest is more effective than violent protest.
In the world today, we see both nonviolent and violent protester use the act of civil disobedience. ...
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and Mahatma Gandhi were the actions of nonviolent resistance. Their actions not only solved major
issues in the world, but also changed the way we view the world. In the nonviolent resistance, they
used their first amendment, their right to civil disobedience and they did it in a justifiable manner.
The E.L.F. used arson and burned down companies to try and achieve change and failed. With All
things consider nonviolent resistance is still more effective than violent resistance because they
simply use the power of words to change the view of the world as we see
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Nonviolent Protest Vs Violent Protest
This is why I'm going to explain when it comes to protesting why it is important to know and
understand the philosophy behind each protest and which principles they used during their protest
which made it effective. There are many different views on rather which principles work best when
it comes to protesting. However there more nonviolent protest happening in society then violent
protest. That is why I believe protest who practices nonviolence has proven to have more of an
effect on the world. I feel that it is important that when it comes to protesting and the different
practices nonviolent and violent people should first know and have understanding behind it. The
academic study of non–violence was inspired by Mohandas Gandhi, who gained
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Nonviolent Resistance
King's policies of nonviolence resistance can be categorized as follows; the first principle is that
non–violence is the path chattered only by the courageous people. That only the bold could
successfully resort to non–violent means as a tool to challenge the existing status quo or to alter the
disequilibrium that permeates the social and the political fabrics of human endeavors. Writing on
nonviolence resistance, Ravinda Kumar asserts that nonviolent noncooperation is a "powerful,
noble, exemplary and effective method or means to accord equal justice and freedom" To Kumar,
the Gandhian method of nonviolent action concerns itself with all people, valuable, effective and
benevolent. Kumar argues that nonviolent actions are incorporated in them ... Show more content on ...
In a real sense, Mahatma Gandhi embodied in his life certain universal principles that are inherent in
the moral structure of the universe. These principles are as inescapable as the law of gravitation".
Thus, the relevance of nonviolent resistance in violent situations weakens the aggressor and
emboldens the oppressed. This was highlighted in Gandhi's nonviolent independent movement and
King's peaceful civil right movements in the United States. The bottom line is that, the British
possessed enormous military, economic and political power to trash any local resistance in Indian
decisively and quickly. Victory for the British in the India subcontinent during the independence
struggle would be certain, taking the asymmetrical relations between the British and Gandhi's civil
resistance movements. The same circumstances apply to Martin Luther King's nonviolent civil
movements. As Gandhi's programs made perorations within the English policies in India, so do
United States policies towards its black population also expose them to international public
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Non Violence Vs Nonviolent Strategies Essay
"Non–violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest
weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man."
–Mahatma Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi was a perfect example of what a person can accomplish when
he/she act as a pacifist. Violence is never the answer; using non–violence as a tactic to achieve
justice is more effective than using violence as a catalyst for change because nonviolent strategies
allow greater participation, opponents of those engaging in nonviolent strategies lose credibility, and
the use of nonviolent approaches are much less expensive than the use of violent strategies.
The use of Nonviolent strategies is promoted but there is so much a person can abstain until they get
to the point where they long revenge. This is especially true if the lives of the innocent are at risk
and no one does anything about it. For example, The 16th street Baptist Church bombing. According
to ( Church bombing), it was Sunday September 15,1963 members of the
KKK had placed dynamite under the steps of 16th Street Baptist Church, when the bomb went off
there were girls who were in the choir getting dressed Alfaro 2 in the basement. Among them where
the four girls, Addie Mae Collins (14), Carole Denise McNair (11), Carole Robertson (14) and
Cynthia Wesley (14) who suffered a brutal death when the bombs went off. WWW.CNN.Com ...
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If nonviolence were to be used as tactic people of all ages would be able to stand in the cause.
Seeing how adults and children stand up for the greater good will encourage a larger group of people
to participate. No one would encourage a child to fight and use violence. The more involvement of
people there is the louder the voice, separated we are weak and together we are strong. If we were to
use the violent tactic people are bound to get hurt and
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Nonviolent Resistance And Nonviolent Action
Throughout decades there have been many revolutions and protest against tyrants, dictatorships,
unjust governments, and unjust laws. These movements strived to change policies, secure
concessions, defeat repressive regimes, instill justice and equality–bring about a social change. The
success of many of these revolutions was not due to the use of arms and weaponry or physical
violence, instead, it was due to the strategic use of nonviolent action. Notable revolutions such as
the Civil Rights Movement, Apartheid, and the Dandi Satyagraha (The Salt March) employed a
variety of nonviolent tactics that amassed many supporters and ultimately achieved their goals.
Thus, it is logical enough to say that nonviolent resistance is effective and has the ability to force a
social change. In fact, nonviolent action is a far better method for social change than violent works.
To begin with, Gene Sharp, an expert on Peace Studies and Nonviolent Resistance, defines
nonviolent action as, "methods of protest, noncooperation, and intervention in which the actionists,
without employing physical violence, refuse to do certain things which they are expected, or
required to do; or do certain things which they are not expected, or are forbidden to do." In other
words, it is a way of opposition or the practice of achieving goals without the use of violence.
Nonviolent action encompasses a large arrays of phenomena: nonviolent resistance, satyagraha,
passive resistance, symbolic protests, economic
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Cesar Chavez Nonviolent Movement Summary
Cesar Chavez, a civil rights leader and labor union organizer, published an article to honor Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr., beings the tenth anniversary of Dr. King's assassination, Chavez uses the day
to emphasize the importance of nonviolent protesting and how it would be most beneficial in current
movements for rights and freedom. In order to address the potential situation of a nonviolent
movement being a sufficient achievement of justice, Chavez anticipates rejection of impatient
workers, stating that human life must be held in a higher regard than the struggles being faced.
Validating nonviolence, the fourth paragraph of the passage is written entirely to confirm the
positivity affiliated with nonviolent resistance. Following, the fifth ... Show more content on ...
After describing the power of nonviolence then integrating, "nonviolence supports you if you have a
just and moral cause," Chavez demonstrates how well–rounded nonviolence can be. If nonviolence
can get the job done and protect the lives of humans, then the is no further reason to continue
searching for answers. Nonviolence it the only answer. At the end of the passage, Chavez writes,
"time is our ally," this again validates nonviolent actions. Such as waiting, that these actions will
result positively and by no means do any human lives need to be lost in the pursuit for
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Nonviolent Protests Of Martin Luther King
I march down the street; my brothers surrounding me. I hold a sign that reads, I am a man! We
deliberately but silently stride onward. Our legs grow tired, but we keep moving through the streets
of Alabama. To our dismay we hear sirens blaring in the distance, the sound that seals our fate
growing louder. The vehicle comes to a sudden stop near my fellow brothers and I. Men dressed in
suits made to fight fire pour from the truck. They unload their hoses that bring death. We try to
huddle against a nearby building, but our attempts are futile. All around me my fellow brothers fall
to the ground. All around me my fellow brothers stare blankly through disfigured faces and bodies.
Then the awful spray hits me and I fall to the ground. The men leave, content with the murders they
have just committed. Martin Luther King was successful in leading "nonviolent" and peaceful
protests. One of the reasons he decided to perform such protests was because Mahatma Ghandi did
the same thing and wound up successful. Even though innocent people died during the civil rights
protests, King and his followers soon became successful in their goal of coloreds living hand in
hand with whites. King led nonviolent protests throughout the streets of Birmingham. The protests
had to remain peaceful. King felt that they would make more of a difference if they remained
harmless to the community. In king's letter to from Birmingham jail he stated, "Nonviolent direct
action seeks to create such a crisis
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Peaceful And Nonviolent Resistance
While peaceful and nonviolent approaches are effective when it comes to changing social attitudes
and initiating social revolutions, these approaches do not always guarantee peaceful change. The
methods of peaceful resistance articulated by Ghandi and MLK, only work within the context of
democratic states with some form of established civil society. Nonviolent resistance in authoritarian
dictatorships, on the other hand, does not guarantee change for the oppressed population, as this
population is entirely at the mercy of the established order which typically views any opposition as a
threat to their power and survival. Long term institutionalized oppression requires escalation from
the dominant authority before nonviolent resistance can become viable option. Within democratic
societies, violent resistance can often be directly linked to some form of state–sanctioned violence.
However, in these cases, non–violent resistance offers a much better alternative because the state is
more responsive to peaceful tactics. When established regime's chose violence as a response to non–
violent resistance, we see an escalation of violence. This is best exemplified by Syria's peaceful
Arab Spring protests, which quickly escalated into a bloody civil war because of the Assad regime's
decision to violently crackdown on peaceful protests. King writes that "privileged groups rarely give
up their privileges without strong resistance. But when oppressed people rise up against oppression
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Summary Of Nonviolent Resistance By Cesar Chavez
Cesar Chavez, published an article explaining ways nonviolent resistance has a greater effect than
violent resistance. In this article Chavez aims to validate that nonviolent resistance more effective
than using violent options. Throughout the article he uses different type of rhetorical choices. Two
of the choices he decided to use was an ethical appeal and emotional appeal. He adopts a
motivational tone in order to aid a conveying the message to his adult or young adult audience.
Cesar Chavez opens his article by emphasizing the importance of nonviolent resistance. He uses an
ethical appeal to address the importance of nonviolent resistance. For instance, Chavez used
empirical evidence that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. made his life out
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Example Of Nonviolent Resistance
Nonviolence resistance has been used to achieve many goals in the past, whether it is a political
goal, a social goal, or an economic goal. According to Clausewitz, war is the continuation of politics
by other means, and the reason why nonviolence resistance can be considered a type of warfare is
because the goal is to get what they desired. A well–known example of this was the Civil Right's
Movement, whose goal was to end segregation and discrimination against African Americans. This
movement encompassed three broad categories created by Gene Sharp: nonviolent protests and
persuasion, noncooperation (economic and political), and nonviolent intervention. A few groups that
were involved in this movement and that displayed these categories were the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the Southern Christian Leadership Conference
(SCLC), and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). Despite being nonviolent
called nonviolent, though, there are some occasions where violence is present. However, because it
is called a nonviolent resistance it can be confusing for others to even consider this as a type of
warfare. The NAACP, SCLC, and the SNCC all displayed nonviolent protests and persuasion. The
NAACP however was more focused on legal strategies and actions, such as going through court
cases and creating lawsuits to confront the civil rights issues that African Americans were faced with
during that time. They used legal action instead
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Nonviolent Resistance

  • 1. Nonviolent Resistance unjust" (Banks 1). "Principle four – accept suffering without retaliation for the sake of the cause to achieve the goal – this characterizes that nonviolent resistance is a willingness to accept suffering without retaliation, to accept blows from the opponent without striking back; accept the violence, if necessary; but to never inflict violence on another" (Banks 2). "Principle five – avoid internal violence of the spirit, as well as, external physical violence – a nonviolent resister not only refuses to fight or shoot his opponent, but he also refuses to hate him; at the center of nonviolence stands the principle of love for one another" (Banks 2). "Principle six – the universe is on the side of justice – this basic fact pertaining to nonviolent resistance is that it is based on the conviction that the universe is on the side of justice which is positive peace, consequently, the believer in nonviolence has a deep faith in the future and therefore, can accept suffering without retaliation. There is a creative force in this universe, that by whatever name we decide to call it, it works to bring the disconnected aspects of reality into a harmonious whole; a universal wholeness for each of us to share with one another and that nonviolence is both the means and the end" (Banks 3). Dr. King also had a couple of ... Show more content on ... Martin Luther King, Jr., was a true servant leader, because he actually did possess the characteristics of empathy, commitment, and the building community. Dr. King was an educated, resourceful, talented leader and he earnestly strived to understand and empathize with others by having compassion, responsiveness, identification, and a brotherly love for all other people in the world. Dr. King was deeply committed to the personal, professional, and spiritual growth of every single individual in the human race and he cared for everyone as if they really were his own friend and relative. Dr. King was committed to positive, social, nonviolent ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. The Tactics Of Nonviolent Action To accept Gene Sharp's argument that the techniques of nonviolent action are more effective than the violence of military action, we must first comprehend Gene Sharps interpretation of what military action is. Gene Sharp defines military action, when he states "Military action is based largely on the idea that the most effective way of defeating an enemy is by inflicting heavy destruction on his armies, military equipment, transport system, and cities." Sharp accuses weapons for being the reason society accepts military action as the most effective means of defeating an enemy, for that weapons are designed to murder or destroy with maximal efficiency. Sharps belief, that any prospective replacements for war in the aegis of freedom must involve possessing and utilizing strength, colliding and testing an invaders military ability and power, and conducting efficient combat, can be achieved through nonviolent action. The techniques of nonviolent action follow Sharps credentials for being a substitute of war, by wielding power, confronting and engaging an invader's military might, and waging an effective fight. For that, when performing a method of nonviolent action by declining aid and cooperation to a ruler's power, it makes it impossible for a ruler to exercise authority over the population. A ruler can only successfully possess complete power, with public conformity over the people he or she rules. This ultimately constitutes nonviolent action as the most suitable ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Examples Of Nonviolent Resistance There are many ways can nonviolent resistance be more powerful than violent retaliation. First, there are many techniques about nonviolent resistance that are sit–ins, which means the patience to harm, protest, that means to disagree about something and walk in the street in peaceful way, boycotts, which means to stop buy something from someone or company, marches, that means to walk with a group of people for a long way, or speeches, which means to talk in front the people. For example, black students wanted to sit in a lunch counter and tried to ordered food, but they were refused, so they left and came back the next day, but they were threated and they got national attention. In addition, company of bus refused to sit black beside white, ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Violent vs. Nonviolent Protests in America May 5th 2011 Violent vs. Non–Violent Protests in America African–Americans have been oppressed since their arrival in America in 1619. Due to their differences in physical characteristics, Whites considered them an inferior race and therefore treated them as property, disregarding their human rights. After many years of exploitation and abuse, in 1791, slaves on the small island of Hispaniola revolted against French rule and successfully gained their freedom in 1804. It gave hope to African American slaves who, in turn, decided to stand against their masters and gain their freedom. Every one of those rebellions was extremely violent. They were so passionate about the cause and have been oppressed for so long that they targeted ... Show more content on ... He was quoted saying that "had a white mob stepped on the campus where I lived, I would have without hesitation sprayed their guts over the grass" (Cain, 1990, p. 332). Blacks formed their own organizations aiming at retaliating against white violence. Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale, using "the discipline, pride, and calm self–assurance preached by Malcolm X" (Lazerow, Jama; Williams, Yohuru R. (2006). In Search of the Black Panther Party: New Perspectives on a Revolutionary Movement. Duke University: Duke University Press.), founded the Black Panther Party: a formal armed organization which claimed to have used violence only in self–defense. Worgs argues that violence became a part of the African American man as he constantly justifies his use of violence for self–defense. He refers to David Walker's Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World where the author makes it clear that the use of violence "was justified by the reality of the oppressor and the oppressive conditions of enslavement. Slaveholders were...willing to murder Blacks in order to maintain slavery. Thus, Blacks had to be willing to "kill or be killed" in their quest for freedom". The realistic views of Robert F. Williams led him to argue that "Nonviolence is a very potent weapon when the opponent is civilized...But nonviolence is no repellent for a sadist" (Tyson, T.). In turn, African Americans were strongly associated with violence in both ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Cesar Chavez Nonviolent Speech Summary My Nonviolent Attempt At Extra Credit On the tenth anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s death, Cesar Chavez, appeals to King's ideals of nonviolent resistance in an article published by a religious organization. Chavez aims to convince readers that nonviolence is the most effective form of resistance and even more powerful than violence. Chavez develops his argument by using allusion, juxtaposition, and inclusive plural pronouns. Chavez alludes to Gandhi and God to create ethos, which establishes trust and credibility with the audience, and pathos, which appeals to the audience's emotions. Chavez writes, "The perfect boycott, as Gandhi taught, is the most nearly perfect instrument of nonviolent change, allowing masses of people to ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. Nonviolent Resistance To The Gandhi Movement Following, Gandhi continues to have a profound impact on American culture with his principles of nonviolent resistance. Nonviolence is not seen as a passivity, but rather a call for action. Gandhi believed by disrupting the morale of the antagonist through voluntarily accepting the distress that is imposed, the inflictor would face greater adversary than the inflicted. An example of an act of civil disobedience was led by Gandhi in the infamous Salt March that took place in March 1930 in India. In historical context, "Britain's Salt Acts prohibited Indians from collecting or selling salt. Citizens were forced to buy the vital mineral from the British...exercising a monopoly over the manufacture and sale of salt" ( With the leadership of Gandhi, he gained support from thousands of Indian citizens, and together they defied British law by marching 240 miles and using seawater to make salt. Consequently, protestors had to face with the violent beatings and imprisonments of British–led Indian policemen. Although this movement was not successful in developing compromises, Gandhi showed that nonviolence can promote change gradually. The Salt March was highly publicized, shining a distaste on the British government. The Salt March turned to be a pivotal force in India's independence from Britain in 1947. Across the Indian nation and around the world, people felt the genuine works of Gandhi. This was significant in Gandhi's political appeal, proving he is a man that ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Rhetorical Analysis Of Nonviolent Resistance By Chavez Chavez has many rhetorical strategies throughout his essay in order to persuade the readers that nonviolent resistance is the best way to win. Chavez uses alliteration, pathos, and parallel structure to help get his point across and get the reader to pay attention. First, Chavez uses alliteration to help grab the reader's attention and puts emphasis on what he deems important. He declares that "we are willing to wait" and "feelings of frustration". The use of alliteration helps the readers notice that they are wanting a change and that they want to win the fight fast but they can wait for how long of a time that it takes. Without the use of alliteration his comments, about the willingness to wait for what they want, would not have stuck out and may have gone unnoticed. The emphasis that alliteration puts on these phrases helps his argument and helps with the clarity of what he is thinking. He gets his claims to stand out from the rest of the details. ... Show more content on ... Pathos helps the readers get more motivated to try and bring about a change, because they aren't satisfied with the way things are. Chavez states that "We know that it cannot be more important than one human life" and "the burdens of generations of poverty and powerlessness lie heavy in the fields of America". The use of pathos helps the readers see and realize that violence is not the answer, that violence destroys and they feel they need to help this cause. Pathos gets the audience to feel the authors emotions through the essay and want to do something to help. Pathos is used as a motivator and a huge persuasive strategy to get the audience on his audience on his ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. Nongilent Intest As A Nonviolent Protest Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of India's civil rights movement once said "Nonviolence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man." This quote considers nonviolence the greatest force and that it is stronger than the physical power of men. In any given situation nonviolent protests are stronger than violent protests. These protests can be as simple as refusing to do your homework or as complex as the civil rights movement. History has shown boycotts, a form of a nonviolent protest, are the most efficient form of protests. Boycotts ability to indirectly harm the opposing side has consistently been effective, as shown in in the Salt March, Montgomery Bus Boycott, the Boston Tea Party, and the Delano Grape Strike and Boycott. The Salt March is one of the most important events in India's history, led by Mahatma Gandhi, this was a protest boycotting Britain's salt laws. These laws banned any civilian from making or selling salt. This protest began with a 240 mile march, which started on March 12, 1930, in Sabarmati Ashram and ended in Dandi. Gandhi led thousands of people on this march, where they performed small acts of civil disobedience to boycott British rule. They made their own salt along their way on this march at various coasts. They did this by simply evaporating salt water. Britain reacted violently towards the Indians. Not only did they arrest over 60,000 participants including ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Peace And Nonviolent Beliefs Of Mahatma Gandhi Peace and Nonviolent Beliefs of Mahatma Gandhi Nikki Henkell WOH1030 – Summer 2014–B Prof. Forsythe Mahatma Gandhi, compared to a saint and even an Indian Christ (Blanchot, M. 2012), believed in nonviolence and the practice of Ahimsa, which means love (Gandhi). Ahimsa believes in doing no harm to any living creature, either to the physical body and to the mind. "Ahimsa requires deliberate self–suffering, not a deliberate injuring of the supposed wrong–doer." (Gandhi). In 1999 Time Magazine conducted a survey about who their readers considered "the Man of the Twentieth Century," and although Gandhi came in a close second behind Albert Einstein he was still one of the greatest men of the twentieth century. Gandhi's teachings changed the way people around the world though, it opened them up to a moral–political world. His ability to overcome the British and win independence for India, all with nonviolent resistance, continue to be an inspiration to people around the world even years after his death (Prabhu, J. 2001). Mahatma Gandhi inspired many people and leaders throughout the world. Great leaders, including the Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr., have all spoken about how Gandhi influenced them and their fight for peace and equality. The Dalai Lama won a Nobel Peace Prize for his Middle Way Approach when seeking a way for Tibet to have more independence from China. When he accepted his award in 1989, part of his speech was "I accept ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Pros Of Nonviolent Activism "There is no such thing as defeat in nonviolence" ("Cesar Chavez Quotes," 2017.) This quote by nonviolent labor activist Cesar Chavez characterizes one of the many practical arguments for nonviolence: the success rate of nonviolent activism, which has been found to be significantly higher than for violent efforts, and that nonviolent movements that fail lead to a higher rate of success in the future. Although many countries and groups still choose violent methods, numerous studies and examples have demonstrated the practical advantages of nonviolent activism. First, studies such as a 2011 study by Erica Chenoweth and Maria Stephan have demonstrated that nonviolent movements have a significantly higher success rate than nonviolent movements. Second, numerous examples, such as the United States' violent involvement in the Middle East, demonstrate that violent endeavors by countries, also known as hard power, are extremely costly, particularly from a monetary perspective compared to diplomatic efforts, known as soft power. Third, the field of peace psychology, through examples such as Post–Traumatic Stress Disorder found in people who participate in violent activities, demonstrates that violence is not inherent in humans and that significant psychological harm can result from violent actions. Together, these practical arguments demonstrate that nonviolent actions are superior to violent actions. Over the past few decades, numerous studies have demonstrated that that success ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Nonviolent Protests: An argumentative essay From the Boston Tea Party of 1773, the Civil Rights Movement and the Pro–Life Movement of the 1960s, to the Tea Party Movement and Occupy Wall Street Movement of current times, "those struggling against unjust laws have engaged in acts of deliberate, open disobedience to government power to uphold higher principles regarding human rights and social justice" (DeForrest, 1998, p. 653) through nonviolent protests. Perhaps the most well–known of the non–violent protests are those associated with the Civil Rights movement. The movement was felt across the south, yet Birmingham, Alabama was known for its unequal treatment of blacks and became the focus of the Civil Rights Movement. Under the leadership of Martin Luther King Jr., president of ... Show more content on ... It was during these demonstrations that the Birmingham Police Department, under the leadership of Eugene "Bull" Connor, used forceful measures such as using high–pressured water jets and police dogs in hopes of stopping the demonstrations. These clergymen believed that Birmingham's extreme measures were justified and they too urged the African American community to withdraw their demonstrations. King responded to the eight clergymen with his letter from the Birmingham jail. King (1963) immediately strives to justify the need for nonviolent direct action through his statement, "Several months ago the affiliate here in Birmingham asked us to be on call to engage in a nonviolent direct action program if such were deemed necessary." What is direct action? Direct action is a form of political activism which may include sit–ins, strikes, and demonstrations (Haines, 1984). King's explanation to the clergymen for protesting segregation began with an explanation of their actions, "Nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue". In this case King was invoking the right of freedom of expression, not only freedom of speech but the freedom to assemble. The clergy and many of the citizens of Birmingham believed the demonstrations, sit– ins, and strikes, considered peaceful by King ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Nonviolent Resistance Research Paper "Nonviolence is fine as long as it works," Malcolm X once said. Our society is one that celebrates battlefield heroes on national holidays and grows up believing that violence and courage are one and the same. Many political scientists and government leaders buy into the idea that "power flows from the barrel of a gun" and that true victories cannot come without bloodshed on both sides. These experts and scholars bring up cases where violence worked fairly well, such as the Algerian, French, and Russian revolutions, to substantiate their beliefs and notions. These examples, however, are not representative of the broader idea or prove that violent campaigns of protest are more successful than nonviolent campaigns. In fact, Malcom X would have been intrigued to learn that that nonviolent resistance is more effective than armed resistance in overturning oppressive and repressive regimes and in leading to more democratic societies. We must urge our elected ... Show more content on ... Nonviolent campaigns are much more representative in terms of gender, age, race, political party, and class. Civil resistance allows people of all different levels of physical ability to participate, including the elderly, people with disabilities, women, children, and essentially anyone else who wants to. Everyone is born with an equal physical ability to resist nonviolently. On the other hand, violent resistance is much more physically demanding and, therefore, more exclusive. Furthermore, the visibility of many civil resistance tactics, like protests or demonstrations, helps to draw risk– averse or hesitant people into the fray. Principally, nonviolent campaigns can solicit more diverse and active participation from ambivalent people. The inclusive nature of these nonviolent campaigns resonates fundamentally with the medium used to achieve their primary goals: ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Nonviolent Protests Part One: In the letter from the eight Alabama clergymen, they felt as though those protesting should refrain from nonviolent protesting until the court system decides on their matter. The undersigned clergymen issued an "appeal for law and order and common sense," directing it towards the racial problems in Alabama. The clergymen made it clear that they felt, extreme measures in Birmingham will not be the resolution to the Negro community's problem, despite how peaceful they might be. The letter was meant to sound as considerate as possible, despite attempting to strip the Negro community of their first amendment god–given right. The clergymen feel as though it would be better to have have local leaders act on the matter, instead of gatherings ... Show more content on ... Although they "understand" where the Negro community is coming from, they believe their reasoning is a matter of fact, and should not be questioned. They do attempt to appeal to logos when they urge the Negro community to withdraw support, and leave the decisions for the court system, in order to unite locally for 'peace' in Birmingham. What the clergymen choose to exclude is however, the fact that the court system would most likely be in favor of them, at the time this public statement was posted. Language: As this was a public statement, the eight Alabama clergymen wanted to sound as formal as possible, in order to show they want what is "best" for the community. Through their way of "logical" reasoning, they present solutions to the growing Negro community gatherings. For the most part, their message was very clear, as they did not want any of their beliefs on the Negro community to be mis–interpreted. Although the statement direct towards Martin Luther King Jr. was formal, it was made in a way to be very simplistic, in a rather condescending ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Examples Of Nonviolent Resistance Peace Over Violence In the 1950s till present day we still use nonviolent resistance to stand up for what we believe is right. Nonviolent resistant protests were one way for Civil Rights leaders used to advance their cause in the 1950s and 1960s. These protests lead to the Civil Rights act of 1964. This act outlawed discrimination based on color, race, religion, sex, or national origin. It starts with civil disobedience, which is the act of opposing a law one considers unjust and peacefully disobeying it while accepting the consequences. This was the case in some protests where they felt laws were unfair, unjust, and unconstitutional. I believe that peaceful resistance to laws positively impacts a free society using the Montgomery Bus Boycott, The March on Washington, and the Salt March as my three examples of nonviolent resistance protests that positively impacted a free society. ... Show more content on ... The Montgomery Bus Boycott was fueled be Rosa Parks, an African American Civil Rights activist, decision not to give up her seat on a bus to a white man. She was arrested and fined. The boycott began on her court hearing day and the boycott had lasted 381 days. The boycott protested the policy, racial segregation on the public transit systems in Alabama and in Montgomery. During all of this, the leader of the boycott was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He was a young pastor who was born January 15, 1929 and he began to be the voice ad leader of the African American people during the civil rights act movement. This led to the Supreme Courts of the United States to ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Nonviolent Protest Peaceful protest, the respectable act of standing up for what one believes is right. Creating a nonviolent resistance is the most concrete way to persuade the opposing side to listen to the issue at hand. Society can only benefit from civil disobedience, for it is healthy to have a dialogue between the government and its people. The positive influence of a dialogue between the government and its people is a must, however more times than not, in recent months, it seems that the dialogue has been used with profanity rather than etiquette. Performing nonviolent protest brings respect to the people from the government. This cordial interaction produces an open and safe environment in which the issue can be resolved. If a person or group wants ... Show more content on ... In the past few months, thousands of Americans have been creating horrifyingly dangerous situations in starting fires, destroying buildings, and abusing fellow Americans. Violent protesting may have been a positive occurrence when Thomas Jefferson and the other founding fathers alike wished to escape from Britain's control, however as the evolution of this country moves forward, violence simply isn't the answer. Also, even though Jefferson was in such a time period, he was not necessarily the most fond of violent protesting. "Jefferson often talked of revolution, but in practice he preferred the use of a number of alternatives to revolution, such as elections, the amending process, threats of revolution, and partial rebellion"(Rebellion, Revolution, and the Constitution). Jefferson's outlook on rebellion included all aspects of civil disobedience. The civility of the protest is the key factor to having a positive impact on society. In a recent event, students of Berkeley set destruction upon their campus in an attempt to make a statement against a republican speaker on their more liberal campus. This event was broadcasted and received nothing but negative responses. Even those who agree with the cause behind the violent protest, disagree with the actions taken which takes the spotlight off of the issue at hand and onto the ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Nonviolent Reconciliation Commitee Throughout the book of March the people of color are continuously fighting for equal rights. Even when they are faced with countless acts of violence they continue to fight back but in non–violent ways such as Marches. Even when there seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel John Lewis along with many of his peers also known as the SNCC(Student Nonviolent Reconciliation Commitee) begin to see results. Slowly but surely it all pays off in the end when people start to realize the segregation between races is not only morally wrong but also against the law. There are many different marches/ sit–ins throughout the book but the most important ones begin on... November 28 1959, there was talk in the community ... Show more content on ... Lewis got a phone call and was told that his friend Looby's house was bombed by some dynamite that was thrown through the window. Right then and there the people of color decided they were going to march to Mayor West. "By noon thousands of people had gathered at Tennessee state to march on city hall"(Lewis et al 117). Lewis and one of his peers went up to Mayor West and let him know that the acts of violence against them and so many others is outrageous and want him to admit that he needs to stop the racial discrimination because it's not fair. Mayor admitted that he had stopped segregation seven years ago at an airport and to that day there had been no trouble. "The, Mayor –– do you recommend that the lunch counters be desegregated," "Yes" said Mayor West, (Lewis et all 119). This may not seem like a huge moment to some but to the people of color to finally have the mayor realize that desegregation was an issue that needed to be solved meant that maybe, just maybe he was going to do something about it since he did so seven years ago in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Pros And Cons Of Nonviolent Resistance Nonviolent resistances often consist of numerous individuals that gather together to use their voice and protest in nonviolent manners. Nonviolent movements and peaceful resistance is the refusal to obey an idea, law, or future decision made by individuals in power ( They can be extremely important in revoking or stopping a law or decision from being enacted. This is proven by peaceful movements and protests such as the one gathered by Marin Luther King Jr. and the many Americans who established the Women's Suffrage Movement. Peaceful resistances have been and will continue to show that sanding up for what is perceived as wrong socially, politically, or economically will always have a positive impact on a free society. ... Show more content on ... Despite this information, many individuals still see that peaceful resistances have mostly negative impacts on a free society. They view that situations where these forms of disobedience are used, are illegal and not as swift or effective as other methods can be. It is true that during many of the peaceful resistances throughout history that the individuals who led the protests, such as Martin Luther King Jr., and the people who partook in the movements, protesters such as Senator Bernie Sanders, were arrested (Time). Despite this being the case, almost all of the individuals in any peaceful resistance were released without serving jail time or spent very little time in jail before being released or out on bail; it more common and often that individuals in violent resistances are faced with serious legal consequences that are not lifted (Center for Constitutional Rights). The swiftness of nonviolent resistances are viewed as slow because of the decades it took for simple peaceful movements such as the Civil Rights Movement and the Women's Suffrage Movement. Although the length of these defiance movements cannot be changed or overlooked, they are still shorter and have more of a long–term effect than other resistances such as nonviolent ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Pros And Cons Of Nonviolent Resistance Before coming to a definitive conclusion, I believe it is important to first gain knowledge of the overall idea of "peaceful resistance." Coined from its creator Martin Luther King Jr., peaceful resistance is labeled as "a courageous confrontation of evil by the power of love" (King, stride, 80). Being moral in its ethical practices, it was a nonviolent protest to what citizens considered unjust regarding societal and governmental issues. According to King, "the Christian doctrine of love operating through the Gandhian method of nonviolence was one of the most potent weapons available to oppressed people in their struggle for freedom" (King, Stride, 79; Papers 5:422). His notion of the nonviolence practice composed of six principles, first being that anyone can resist evil without the having to resort to violent tactics. Second, the "friendship and understanding" is the goal of nonviolent resistances, not by any means do they intend to belittle their opponent (King, Stride, 84). Third, only the evil in the conflict should be opposed. Fourth, one must be willing to endure suffering without retaliation. Fifth, nonviolent resistance avoids external and internal violence. And last but not least sixth, the nonviolent resister should be motivated by love and ... Show more content on ... In a free society, citizens hold the right to exercise unlimited freedom in their lives as long as it does not forcibly interfere with the equal rights of others to do the same. In America, we abide by the constitution. A part of the Constitution is the Bill of Rights. Under the Bill of Rights, citizens of America are given the right by the First Amendment to freedom of speech, freedom of the press, right to peaceably assemble or petition for a governmental redress of grievances. All rights of which can be used to protest or hold a nonviolent resistance against oppression ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Examples Of Nonviolent Resistance Nonviolent resistance is the practice of achieving goals through symbolic protests without using violence. This affects the free society positively by letting the people get their opinions in and keeping the government in check. It also doesn't harm anyone or anything. Have you ever watched the news and saw something you didn't 100% agree with. Well most people just let it slip by while other decide to do something about. Some people might go a little crazy and do something very bad but then you have those who peacefully do it. It may be something very small like one person sitting on the grass so someone can't step there or if could be something big like a mob shutting down a street. For example the 2016 presidential election. When Donal Trump was elected president many people protested by walking the streets so many people did so that they shut down many street and highways even a freeway. The peoples voices were heard for days something was done about it. There was a recount later on which is still in process. This did not hurt anybody and for the people who did ... Show more content on ... I think it keeps the government in check by showing them that other people can have in impact on what happens. Going back to the presidential example because there was so much peaceful protest Hillary was able to get recounts in the three states because people went back and did research on things and found that there could be a probable with the government and Russia. I think the government tends to ignore us more until someone speaks up and actually does something about what they believe in. Image if everyone did this the government would be so involved with society and actually want to try and help us because if they didn't people would see the protestors and be like this country is corrupt and these people don't know what their doing. The government is just trying to make themselves look ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Martin Luther King's Theory Of Nonviolent Protest It's shown in the statistics, Martin Luther King was more successful due to his theory of nonviolent protest, which were more effective than violent ones which Malcolm used. When there is violence involved and possible death of innocent people, then the protest seem to be more terrorizing than a protest. Nonviolence protest allows for there to be no bloodshed and just peace between the groups. This also allows for people to like the nonviolent protesters more than the violent ones because no one is getting hurt from it. Martin Luther King Junior's main method of being successful was his nonviolence strategy. King used the tactic he used in Montgomery, Alabama during his Montgomery Boycott of 1955 and 1956. His intentions were to force ... Show more content on ... was because of his violent protest theory. King's nonviolent protesting and his famous speech known as the "I Have A Dream" speech had the most effect on the government on taking action in giving black people their rights and freedom. The Civil Rights Acts made it illegal for discrimination in the workplace, and banned segregation in public areas. Also, one of the acts made it illegal to discriminate against people of color, sex, or religion by refusing to sell or the rental of property. Martin's bus boycott of Montgomery was a successful protest and influenced others in the later years. Two men from the Olympic games known as Tommie Smith and John Carlos took 1st and 3rd in their events. They both stood up and raised their fist, wearing black gloves, protesting for black unity peacefully. They were considered heros but they were removed from the games permanently. There are plenty of nonviolent protests happening today and they are making changes, and there are also violent protest that seem to have no effect at ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Gene Sharp Nonviolent Movement A technique of demonstrating opposition to a government's activities simply by not cooperating with them. It is particularly associated with Mahatma Gandhi, who opposed violent revolution in his own country's fight for independence. The actions that fall under passive protest include sit–ins, boycotts, blockades and occupations of buildings, tax refusal and alternative publications and media. More active forms of passive protest are strikes, walkouts, protest marches, theatrical protests and hunger strikes. The contemporary scholar of political perspective on passive protest Gene Sharp views that nonviolent struggle may reflect a moral commitment to pacifism by leaders or activists in a movement such as Martin Luther King Jr and Mohandas Gandhi. ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Rhetorical Analysis Of Nonviolent Protest We see brutality everywhere, we approach a problem with the easy way out, violence. That's the solution we all resort to when we see no change or when we feel that the injustices that have been done are too much to go unanswered for. Civil rights activist Cesar Chavez published an article claiming that nonviolent resistance has always been more beneficial than violent protest. Chavez's purpose in this article is to advertise the negative effects of violence and provide a solution for it. In his article Chavez uses an inspirational and objective tone to illustrate how the effects of nonviolent resistance over time outweigh those of violent protest, he creates an appeal to emotion, logic, and authority to persuade followers of God, minorities, and people who have suffered injustices that have gone unanswered for. Chavez uses many rhetorical devices, the most prominent being: repetition, rhetorical questions and allusions to explain why nonviolence protest is better to accomplish their efforts. To start off Chavez uses an allusion when he mentions Dr. King, and his belief in the power of nonviolent resistance. "Dr. Kings entire life was an example of power that nonviolence brings to bear in the real world." Chavez also uses Ghandi, a person well known for his strong support of nonviolent protest, to point out that "the most nearly perfect instrument of nonviolent change" the boycott." By alluding to these people known best for their strong belief in nonviolent resistance Chavez establishes a sense of trust in his audience, allowing them to trust his ideas and make his purpose, which is to persuade readers of this religion magazine to support nonviolent resistance, easier to get across. Chavez appeals to his readers sense of religious duty when he mentions that God mandates life, "Our conviction is that human life is a very special possession given by God to man and that no one has the right to take it for any reason or for any cause." Not only does this instill a sense of duty for his religious readers but also by depicting violence as vile and horrible he persuades this with even a tiny bit of humanity that nonviolent resistance is the most moral and humane way to bring change about. Later in Chavez appeal to ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Nonviolent Resistance: The Woman's Suffrage Movement Peaceful resistance to laws positively impacts a free society. Looking back at examples from history, without Rosa Parks, the Woman's Suffrage Movement, or Martin Luther King Jr., the society we live in would be extremely different. Civil disobedience continues to contributes a huge positive impact on the world we live in today. Nonviolent resistance is defined as, "the practice of achieving goals such as social change through symbolic protests, civil disobedience, or economic or political noncooperation, without using violence. Mahatma Gandhi was among the first to apply the theory of non–violent resistance, successfully gaining independence from the British Empire, and from there on, resistance was popularised and thought as to be the most ... Show more content on ... One of the best memories in the history of nonviolent resistance was when Martin Luther King Jr., known as the advocate of civil disobedience through nonviolent resistance, said, "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." When the African Americans were struggling with equality and racism, and they were being treated poorly by the rest of society, Martin Luther King Jr. didn't give up. One of King's ideas as a young man was obtaining growth through struggle. He showed the rest of the world that using violence is not the way to fight back. He wholeheartedly believed that the world could overcome its struggles through this method of nonviolence, but at the same time too many people would just keep absolutely silent, hoping someone else will fix the problems. Through the examples of Martin Luther King Jr. and the dedication of his life towards the success of the African American Civil Rights Movement, nonviolent resistance has been proven the best approach to handling racism, discrimination, segregation and other acts of inequality, like the African Americans faced. Another abolitionist, Henry David Thoreau, wrote one of the most influential writings of his time. His essay, "Civil Disobedience", discusses the issues that lie within our government system. Thoreau believes the government should have less say in the lives of men. We made the government and Thoreau believed an individual must break the laws when necessary. Through the eyes of the government, he saw it as the only way to be noticed for standing up for what you believe ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Nonviolent Resistance Movement : The Color Revolutions Essay The Color Revolutions were a series of nonviolent resistance movements that proved to be fairly effective in regards to overthrowing regimes in the late twentieth century (Goldstone 2014). These nonviolent resistance strategies can include peaceful protests, strikes, or sit–ins or occupations of public spaces. Two of the most important factors in the recent success of nonviolent resistance movements have been the role of mass media, such as cell phones and social media, and an international network of activists that provide support and training in order to increase the chance of success of these movements (Goldstone 2014). Any modern day protest following the Color Revolutions, such as a non–violent resistance movement against student loan debt, would need to capitalize on the importance of technology in today 's society and how it has created so many networks of allies that can assist in movements. If you were to ask any college student what their main concern for the future was, the majority would probably respond with questions about how, and if, they are ever going to be able to pay off their student loans. There are currently 44.2 million Americans with student loan debt and the average amount owed by the class of 2016 is $37,172 (Student Loan Hero 2016). This value is up six percent from 2015 with no sign of slowing down without major policy overhaul to reduce the amount of debt that students owe (Student Loan Hero 2016). Many of the jobs that young people are ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Nonviolent Movements Achieve Social Change Essay Nonviolent Movements Achieve Social Change Non– violent movements are a way for groups of people to achieve change and create an impact in the society. The labor, African American, and Vietnam anti–war peace movements were significantly successful in abolishing harsh working conditions, gaining civil rights for blacks, and withdrawing from the Vietnam War (Upchurch). Non–violent and violent movements have been used throughout history to evoke change in the society, obtain equality, civil rights, and peace. While violent protest result in the same changes, non–violent methods can ultimately go beyond local violent protest, spread nationally through movements, and protest without requiring violence. These events because of the non–violent ... Show more content on ... The Homestead Movement was ultimately was ineffective because no inconsequential change occurred due to the violence of this movement. In 1892, Eugene V. Debs formed the American Railway Union, which resulted in one of the largest strikes in American history: the Pullman Strike ( When workers repudiated to capitulate the pay cut in their checks, the Pullman Car Company fired 500 employees. Debs and members of the American Railway Union boycotted trains that used Pullman cars. On July 4, mobs started to tip over rail cars using fireworks since the federal troops sent in by President Grover Cleveland to handle the situation (Ladd). "This burning and rioting came to a zenith on July 6, when fires caused by some 6,000 rioters destroyed 700 railcars and caused $340,000 of damages in the South Chicago Panhandle yard" (Hofstader). Ultimately, the violence used in the Pullman Movement proved ineffective in attaining social change because the worker's pay was not rehabilitated. The Labor Force Movements were more effective, however, in attaining social change compared to the Homestead and Pullman violent Strikes. The Labor Movements brought a halt to child labor, and gave health benefits, and aid to retired or injured workers. One of the hallmarks of the Labor Movement, are the strikes formed in which many workers ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Reasons Why Nonviolent Movements Effective Positive Change Being aware that not all nonviolent movements have successful outcomes, for those that do whether short term or long term have certain characteristics associated with its success. There are many characteristics nonviolent movements should acquire in order to gain effective positive change. Having the strength and will power to remain nonviolent even when provoked or receiving violence is of course one of the main actions. However, there are many more methods for successful outcomes. Many nonviolent movements consist of unity, cooperation, consistency, and technique. While also consisting of a large following, cohesion to the leadership, and a desire for change. Though all characteristics are important and key to resulting in successful outcomes, there a few characteristics that are more necessary. ... Show more content on ... I believe that reaming consistent and determinant are key to obtaining change. For, example those who were marching with Mahatma Gandhi protesting the unjust Salt Laws were consistently marching protesting village after village. The outcome of the protesters consistently protesting village after village allowed for their following to expand from a small group to tens of thousands Indians protesting. Along with consistency, the size or population of protesters had an effect on the outcome of change being granted. Similar to Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr influenced a large amount of individual. They both created a large following of supporters demanding change peacefully. Through determination the leaders along with the followers remained determined to seek change, and would not stop until changes were made. Determination is key to success with all protest. Those who were determined to seek change received whether it was immediate, long term or still in ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. On Nonviolent Resistance Gandhi "If you make laws to keep us suppressed in a wrongful manner and without taking us into confidence, these laws will merely adorn the statue books. We will never obey them"(1). Mohandas Gandhi expressed this in his writing "On Nonviolent Resistance". "Civil disobedience" is when people use their voice by protesting, non–violently, to stick up against unjust laws and unjust movements. The truths and values are proven and brought to attention in the writings of Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr, and Henry David Thoreau. Civil disobedience can be the solution to unjust laws and violence around the world. Thoreau wrote a piece called "Civil Disobedience" that touches on topics similar to Gandhi and his beliefs. He believes in people having the power and government being a small part in the power. "That government is best which governs least... when men are prepared for it that will be the kind of government which they will have"(1). Thoreau is stating that government that gives people the power, serves the best. He illustrates an idea of the people, once they are ready, being in control. The government would have very little input and have to do very little work while the population works together to make a better nation. ... Show more content on ... He led tens of thousands people in a peaceful protest against the British rule in the "Salt March". His protest was a prime example of civil disobedience by staying nonviolent while still making a huge impact on the movement. In his writing "On Nonviolent Resistance" he notes, "No country has ever become, or will ever become, happy through victory in war. A nation does not rise that way; it only falls further"(1). This statement explains that no matter what is the result in a war the constant aftermath is death. Losing a life no matter the cost is worth it. There are many ways to fight and make a difference without ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Nonviolent Protests We cannot turn on our televisions or get on social media without hearing about recent protests. Some peaceful and some violent, but what difference do the two make? We all have seen riots and we've seen how they can end: a spray of rubber bullets, dogs digging their teeth into screaming people's legs, and the trashing of public places. We've seen the sit–ins and marches filled with people that have no fear in holding their signs high and proud. To some violence seems like the only answer, but the results are not as rewarding nor as long lasting. Although some may believe violence is the only answer they are turning a blind eye because nonviolent protests are more successful, get more government support, and gather more civilians around the cause. To begin with, the common misconception is that you can't be heard on your issue unless you're being violent. People get to the point where they feel so oppressed they feel the need to not just use their voices but their ... Show more content on ... Often violence leaves a bad taste in a politician's mouth as they don't want to be a part of a possible blood bath that could backfire on their careers. For example, a study done by Omar Wasow of Princeton University showed the effects in voting polls after violent civil rights protests in the 1960s, and found that the support for law and order was so high that many citizens voted for republican leaders in hopes that in the future outbursts like that could be controlled. Those leaders used those protests to their advantage by saying violence would not be tolerated, and they can gain just as much by standing by a peaceful protest. A sit–in is a show of passion and strength in their beliefs that encourages people to feel they are passionate in what they believe in. A community appreciates a firm stand much like they appreciate a safe and happy environment for ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Nonviolent Noncooperation Nonviolent noncooperation is the most effective way to achieve independence. Through nonviolent acts, people suffer less casualties, a positive behavior towards humankind is publicized and it is a easier and more joinable movement. All throughout history there have been many protests or acts of noncooperation that successfully lead to a step closer towards independence. It is safe, encouraging, and persuasive. First, people suffer less casualties in a nonviolent revolution. In conflicting situations the last thing anyone would wish for is more violence to worsen and potentially ruin a country's path to freedom. During a revolution, people are acting for a change and traumatic losses of lives could distract them from the movement itself. Using violence for a change can also be viewed with hypocrisy. For instance, if Group A was abusing Group B for being harsh, Group A is treating Group B the way they are saying is wrong. This is very hypocritical because they are protesting against violence by using violence. The same goes for a country fighting for independence, it is wrong for them to use violence to oppress another controlling nation. Brutality does not cause just cause pain but it ... Show more content on ... Nonviolent noncooperation is the act of using peace and understanding to create a change. This is an ideal mindset because it promotes the idea of caring for one another instead of killing one another. If it is enacted by a country and it's people, it could influence other countries to choose peace over violence. This will result in a more stable and loving worldly community. Violence teaches that threats and savagery can only pave the way for a change. This is not an ideal mentality for a country's people to have and will only keep carrying for generations on. If a nation believes that cruelty through physical pain is the only way to achieve independence, they will not attain much but instead, attract more ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Nonviolent Protest Broken windows, car alarms, smoke in the air, the frantic screams of those who are attacked by the raids of police officers are what come with the world of violent protest. Violent protest to a variety of people may lead to a conclusion, but not for all of them. With nonviolent protest our words are used as our weapons. We speak with the freedom of the first amendment, the right to civil disobedience and the satisfaction that we solved our issues in a justifiable manner. All around the globe we crave the immediate satisfaction of emotional rebellion regardless of the impact, which is why nonviolent protest is more effective than violent protest. In the world today, we see both nonviolent and violent protester use the act of civil disobedience. ... Show more content on ... and Mahatma Gandhi were the actions of nonviolent resistance. Their actions not only solved major issues in the world, but also changed the way we view the world. In the nonviolent resistance, they used their first amendment, their right to civil disobedience and they did it in a justifiable manner. The E.L.F. used arson and burned down companies to try and achieve change and failed. With All things consider nonviolent resistance is still more effective than violent resistance because they simply use the power of words to change the view of the world as we see ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Nonviolent Protest Vs Violent Protest This is why I'm going to explain when it comes to protesting why it is important to know and understand the philosophy behind each protest and which principles they used during their protest which made it effective. There are many different views on rather which principles work best when it comes to protesting. However there more nonviolent protest happening in society then violent protest. That is why I believe protest who practices nonviolence has proven to have more of an effect on the world. I feel that it is important that when it comes to protesting and the different practices nonviolent and violent people should first know and have understanding behind it. The academic study of non–violence was inspired by Mohandas Gandhi, who gained ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Nonviolent Resistance King's policies of nonviolence resistance can be categorized as follows; the first principle is that non–violence is the path chattered only by the courageous people. That only the bold could successfully resort to non–violent means as a tool to challenge the existing status quo or to alter the disequilibrium that permeates the social and the political fabrics of human endeavors. Writing on nonviolence resistance, Ravinda Kumar asserts that nonviolent noncooperation is a "powerful, noble, exemplary and effective method or means to accord equal justice and freedom" To Kumar, the Gandhian method of nonviolent action concerns itself with all people, valuable, effective and benevolent. Kumar argues that nonviolent actions are incorporated in them ... Show more content on ... In a real sense, Mahatma Gandhi embodied in his life certain universal principles that are inherent in the moral structure of the universe. These principles are as inescapable as the law of gravitation". Thus, the relevance of nonviolent resistance in violent situations weakens the aggressor and emboldens the oppressed. This was highlighted in Gandhi's nonviolent independent movement and King's peaceful civil right movements in the United States. The bottom line is that, the British possessed enormous military, economic and political power to trash any local resistance in Indian decisively and quickly. Victory for the British in the India subcontinent during the independence struggle would be certain, taking the asymmetrical relations between the British and Gandhi's civil resistance movements. The same circumstances apply to Martin Luther King's nonviolent civil movements. As Gandhi's programs made perorations within the English policies in India, so do United States policies towards its black population also expose them to international public ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Non Violence Vs Nonviolent Strategies Essay "Non–violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man." –Mahatma Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi was a perfect example of what a person can accomplish when he/she act as a pacifist. Violence is never the answer; using non–violence as a tactic to achieve justice is more effective than using violence as a catalyst for change because nonviolent strategies allow greater participation, opponents of those engaging in nonviolent strategies lose credibility, and the use of nonviolent approaches are much less expensive than the use of violent strategies. The use of Nonviolent strategies is promoted but there is so much a person can abstain until they get to the point where they long revenge. This is especially true if the lives of the innocent are at risk and no one does anything about it. For example, The 16th street Baptist Church bombing. According to ( Church bombing), it was Sunday September 15,1963 members of the KKK had placed dynamite under the steps of 16th Street Baptist Church, when the bomb went off there were girls who were in the choir getting dressed Alfaro 2 in the basement. Among them where the four girls, Addie Mae Collins (14), Carole Denise McNair (11), Carole Robertson (14) and Cynthia Wesley (14) who suffered a brutal death when the bombs went off. WWW.CNN.Com ... Show more content on ... If nonviolence were to be used as tactic people of all ages would be able to stand in the cause. Seeing how adults and children stand up for the greater good will encourage a larger group of people to participate. No one would encourage a child to fight and use violence. The more involvement of people there is the louder the voice, separated we are weak and together we are strong. If we were to use the violent tactic people are bound to get hurt and ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Nonviolent Resistance And Nonviolent Action Throughout decades there have been many revolutions and protest against tyrants, dictatorships, unjust governments, and unjust laws. These movements strived to change policies, secure concessions, defeat repressive regimes, instill justice and equality–bring about a social change. The success of many of these revolutions was not due to the use of arms and weaponry or physical violence, instead, it was due to the strategic use of nonviolent action. Notable revolutions such as the Civil Rights Movement, Apartheid, and the Dandi Satyagraha (The Salt March) employed a variety of nonviolent tactics that amassed many supporters and ultimately achieved their goals. Thus, it is logical enough to say that nonviolent resistance is effective and has the ability to force a social change. In fact, nonviolent action is a far better method for social change than violent works. To begin with, Gene Sharp, an expert on Peace Studies and Nonviolent Resistance, defines nonviolent action as, "methods of protest, noncooperation, and intervention in which the actionists, without employing physical violence, refuse to do certain things which they are expected, or required to do; or do certain things which they are not expected, or are forbidden to do." In other words, it is a way of opposition or the practice of achieving goals without the use of violence. Nonviolent action encompasses a large arrays of phenomena: nonviolent resistance, satyagraha, passive resistance, symbolic protests, economic ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Cesar Chavez Nonviolent Movement Summary Cesar Chavez, a civil rights leader and labor union organizer, published an article to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., beings the tenth anniversary of Dr. King's assassination, Chavez uses the day to emphasize the importance of nonviolent protesting and how it would be most beneficial in current movements for rights and freedom. In order to address the potential situation of a nonviolent movement being a sufficient achievement of justice, Chavez anticipates rejection of impatient workers, stating that human life must be held in a higher regard than the struggles being faced. Validating nonviolence, the fourth paragraph of the passage is written entirely to confirm the positivity affiliated with nonviolent resistance. Following, the fifth ... Show more content on ... After describing the power of nonviolence then integrating, "nonviolence supports you if you have a just and moral cause," Chavez demonstrates how well–rounded nonviolence can be. If nonviolence can get the job done and protect the lives of humans, then the is no further reason to continue searching for answers. Nonviolence it the only answer. At the end of the passage, Chavez writes, "time is our ally," this again validates nonviolent actions. Such as waiting, that these actions will result positively and by no means do any human lives need to be lost in the pursuit for ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Nonviolent Protests Of Martin Luther King I march down the street; my brothers surrounding me. I hold a sign that reads, I am a man! We deliberately but silently stride onward. Our legs grow tired, but we keep moving through the streets of Alabama. To our dismay we hear sirens blaring in the distance, the sound that seals our fate growing louder. The vehicle comes to a sudden stop near my fellow brothers and I. Men dressed in suits made to fight fire pour from the truck. They unload their hoses that bring death. We try to huddle against a nearby building, but our attempts are futile. All around me my fellow brothers fall to the ground. All around me my fellow brothers stare blankly through disfigured faces and bodies. Then the awful spray hits me and I fall to the ground. The men leave, content with the murders they have just committed. Martin Luther King was successful in leading "nonviolent" and peaceful protests. One of the reasons he decided to perform such protests was because Mahatma Ghandi did the same thing and wound up successful. Even though innocent people died during the civil rights protests, King and his followers soon became successful in their goal of coloreds living hand in hand with whites. King led nonviolent protests throughout the streets of Birmingham. The protests had to remain peaceful. King felt that they would make more of a difference if they remained harmless to the community. In king's letter to from Birmingham jail he stated, "Nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Peaceful And Nonviolent Resistance While peaceful and nonviolent approaches are effective when it comes to changing social attitudes and initiating social revolutions, these approaches do not always guarantee peaceful change. The methods of peaceful resistance articulated by Ghandi and MLK, only work within the context of democratic states with some form of established civil society. Nonviolent resistance in authoritarian dictatorships, on the other hand, does not guarantee change for the oppressed population, as this population is entirely at the mercy of the established order which typically views any opposition as a threat to their power and survival. Long term institutionalized oppression requires escalation from the dominant authority before nonviolent resistance can become viable option. Within democratic societies, violent resistance can often be directly linked to some form of state–sanctioned violence. However, in these cases, non–violent resistance offers a much better alternative because the state is more responsive to peaceful tactics. When established regime's chose violence as a response to non– violent resistance, we see an escalation of violence. This is best exemplified by Syria's peaceful Arab Spring protests, which quickly escalated into a bloody civil war because of the Assad regime's decision to violently crackdown on peaceful protests. King writes that "privileged groups rarely give up their privileges without strong resistance. But when oppressed people rise up against oppression there ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Summary Of Nonviolent Resistance By Cesar Chavez Cesar Chavez, published an article explaining ways nonviolent resistance has a greater effect than violent resistance. In this article Chavez aims to validate that nonviolent resistance more effective than using violent options. Throughout the article he uses different type of rhetorical choices. Two of the choices he decided to use was an ethical appeal and emotional appeal. He adopts a motivational tone in order to aid a conveying the message to his adult or young adult audience. Cesar Chavez opens his article by emphasizing the importance of nonviolent resistance. He uses an ethical appeal to address the importance of nonviolent resistance. For instance, Chavez used empirical evidence that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. made his life out ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Example Of Nonviolent Resistance Nonviolence resistance has been used to achieve many goals in the past, whether it is a political goal, a social goal, or an economic goal. According to Clausewitz, war is the continuation of politics by other means, and the reason why nonviolence resistance can be considered a type of warfare is because the goal is to get what they desired. A well–known example of this was the Civil Right's Movement, whose goal was to end segregation and discrimination against African Americans. This movement encompassed three broad categories created by Gene Sharp: nonviolent protests and persuasion, noncooperation (economic and political), and nonviolent intervention. A few groups that were involved in this movement and that displayed these categories were the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). Despite being nonviolent called nonviolent, though, there are some occasions where violence is present. However, because it is called a nonviolent resistance it can be confusing for others to even consider this as a type of warfare. The NAACP, SCLC, and the SNCC all displayed nonviolent protests and persuasion. The NAACP however was more focused on legal strategies and actions, such as going through court cases and creating lawsuits to confront the civil rights issues that African Americans were faced with during that time. They used legal action instead ... Get more on ...