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• Noise pollution is considered to be any
unwanted or disturbing sound that affects
the health and well-being of humans and
other organisms. Sound is measured in
• The World Health Organization (WHO)
defines noise above 65 decibels (dB) as
noise pollution. To be precise, noise becomes
harmful when it exceeds 75 decibels (dB) and
is painful above 120 dB.
• Continuous noise. Continuous noise is exactly is noise that is
produced continuously, for example, by machinery that keeps
running without interruption. ...
• Intermittent noise. ...
• Impulsive noise. ...
• Low-frequency noise.
• Some of its major causes are vehicles, aircraft, industrial
machines, loudspeakers, crackers, etc. When used at high
volume, some other appliances also contribute to noise
pollution, like television, transistor, radio, etc.
Noise pollution adversely affects the lives of millions of people..
Problems related to noise include
Auditory effects and non-auditory effects
Temporary deafness to hearing loss,
Ear-drum damage
Slow response to sounds
• stress related illnesses,
• high blood pressure,
• speech interference,
• sleep disruption, and
• lost productivity,fatigue
• Irritablity
• Increase mortality rate in wildlife by interfering prey-
predator detection.
• In aquatic life they lose communication and navigation
• Buy Quiet – select and purchase low-noise tools and
• Maintain tools and equipment routinely (such as lubricate
• Reduce vibration where possible like music volumes, speed of
vehicles,use of frequent horn, use of silencers
• Isolate the noise source in an insulated room or enclosure
• Place a barrier between the noise source and the employee
• Isolate the employee from the source in a room or booth
(such as sound wall or windows)
• Plantations/Aforestation
• Apply volume and vibration dampening materials like rubber
to the vibrating components
• Legal controls
Soil is a natural resource present as thin covering of upper earth crust
which is formed by weathering of rocks. It’s a mixture of
minerals,organic material,living organism, air, water that together
support growth of vegetation.
Factors influencing soil production
1. Mechanical weathering of rocks due to temperature,wind,moving
2. Chemical weathering activities
3. Lichens
4. Climate and time
Dry and cold conditions slows down the process and humid and warm
conditions pacify the process.
Under all ideal conditions 1 cm layer of soil if produced in 15 yrs and
under poor climatic condition, it can take 100s of yrs
Mature soil is always arranged in zones called as soil-horizons.
Each horizon has diff.texture, composition (wrt diff. soil type)
A cross-sectional view of all horizons of a soil is known as soil-
1st horizon-known as’ O- Horizon ‘ consist of freshly fallen
leaves and partially decomposing organic matter.
2 nd known as A-Horizon have partially decomposed organic
matter (Humus), some inorganic matter. Roots of most plants
are found in these two upper layer. Rich in micro
organism,earthworm and some small insect.
3rd is known as B-HORIZON- called as sub-soil, consist of less
organic material and fewer organisms
4 th is called C-Horizon- consist of weathered parent
material,organic material is absent. It helps to maintain pH.
Soil profile
Depending on the particle size soils are of diff.
Clay(less than0.002mm dia)
Silt(fine particles .0.002-0.02mm)
Stone(2mm and above)
Soils with equal mix of clay,sand,silt and humus
are called loams.
Components of soil
1. Inorganic material-consist of rock fragments
rich in:
Silicates of Na,K,Ca,Al,Fe
Oxides of Fe,Mn,Ti
Carbonates of Ca,Mg
Most of them are plant nutrients.
2. Organic matter-constitutes 50% of soil and responsible
for soil productivity. Its helps in maintaining soil porosity,
water and mineral retention capacity. It is rich in humus.
3.Living organisms- micro as well as macro organisms
which makes soil fertile like
bacteria,fungi,Insects,Earthworm etc.
4.Soil water and soil air-SW regulates soil pH and SA is
imp. to oxidie organic matter.
Sources of soil pollution
Soil pollution is defined as the contaminaton of soil by chemicals
substances which deteriotes its productivity and fertility and making its
1.Industrial wastes and urban waste-
Which are rich in salts,toxic elements ,heavy
metals,plastics,glasses,metallic cans,paper, polythenes etc. all these
changes physical,biological and chemical properties of soil.
2.Agricultural practices
Fertilizers- causes eutrophication and also changes pH of the soil
Pesticide-kills micro organisms and also enters in food chain via plants.
3.Biological agents-called pathogens can enter via excreta,faulty
sanitation and municipal and hospital wastes.
4.Soil erosion
5.Fly ash
6.Radio active wastes
Effect of soil pollution
1. Toxic elements enters into food chain.
2. Toxic elements kills micro flora fauna present in the soil, means Reduces
3.Soil is degraded because of change of pH(acidic or alkaline)
4.Soil become less fertile and less productive
5.Affects human health
6. Causes eutrophication of nearby and underground water bodies.
1.Proper planned dumping of wastes.
2.Banning of toxic,synthetic and persistent chemical”s usage.
3.Conducting awareness campaign among people to educate and train them.
4.Crop rotation
5.Phytoremediation to remove toxic elements from soil eg Vetiver grass .
6.Recycling of wastes
8.Prompt legal actions
Mostly includes unwanted useless discarded solid materials of urban
communities and accumulated agricultural,industrial and mining wastes like
cans, bottles, paper,glass,tyres,containers and with population rise waste
generation increases.
1.Garbage-degradable waste ,have high moisture content(70%) and heating
value of 6x 106 J/Kg.
2.Rubbish-includes non-putrescible(non-degradable) solids water content is
25% and heating value is 15x106J/Kg
3.Pathologiical waste- includes dead animals,humans,disposable
syringes,needles,bandages,body fluid etc. and is highly infectious. Moisture
content is high ard 85% and heating value is 2.5x106 J/Kg.
4.Industrial wstes
5.Agricultural wastes
6.Ashes –residue of combustible substances and wastes
0.3-0.6 kg urban waste is generated/person/day
Increase in the disease incidence due to pathogen spread
Water pollution
Air pollution
Soil pollution
Loss of aesthetic value of land areas
Disposal methods
1.Dumping- Requires no planning,unorganized method. Waste remain uncovered,
untreated and not segregated. Therefore, becomes breeding house of fles ,insects and
2.Sanitary landfills- the deep pits are digged and are compacted fron the base and
side then lined by thick impermeable liners at the bottom.
Leachates from the bottom are collected and pumped out for the treatments and
Methane is produce during the period due to anaerobic decomposition is collected
and used as fuel.
3. Incineration- burning of wastes in the well equipped closed furnances in the
presence of oxygen. Recyclable material is segregated rest is burnt. End product is
toxic gased and fly and bottom ashes rich in heavy metals.
This process reduce the volume of waste by 90% and weight by 75%.
Scrubber, filters are attached so that polluting gases cannot enter in air.
4-Composting-this is the process which shows how nature is
maintaining the organic wastes.Its an aerobic natural method of
decomposition of organic wastes which is then converted into manure.
Final product looks like dark brown soil with high carbon and nitrogen
Temperature is 40-50oC
pH is 4.5-9.5,
Moisture content-40-70%
Its a 3 step process
Waste preparation includes segregation,grinding and water addition to
maintain moisture to 50%.
Digestion- by the addition of micro-organisms . It etends upto 4-6 wks.
Product upgradation for better market prospects by processes like curing ,
Pit is digged,line it with straw, dried leaves then add organic waste introduce
worms if required then cover it with dried straw and leaves and a layer of soil
every day. Water the pit once-twice/week. Turn the content every 12-15 days.
After 45 days complete decomposition is done by the micro-organisms and
worms. Ready product is biocompost.
Vermicompost-when we use worms to enhance composting process.
• Refuse
• Reduce,
• Reuse,
• Re-purpose
• Recycle
5 R principles (Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and
Recover) are adopted for effective management of
plastic wastes. ∙ Refuse means to avoid the use of
plastic items which are not needed​.
REFUSE:When you work with vendors or suppliers try to avoid working with
unnecessary product packaging and attempt to opt for reusable or returnable
packaging and containers.
REDUCE:when printing a document, print double-sided to slash your waste
output in half. Other methods involve reducing the amount of single-use
plastics, plastic packaging and organic waste.
REUSE:products such as protective packaging, ink cartridges, food containers
and even rechargeable batteries ARE REUSABLE
REPURPOSE:If you can’t refuse, reduce or reuse a particular item, try
repurposing it instead. Try using leftover cardboard boxes for storage, leftover
cups and mugs as stationary holders and even using binder clips to hold
together small wires.
Nuclear hazards(radiation pollution)
Nuclear hazards and incidents generally involving any radiation
incident resulting in or having a potential to result in exposure and
contamination of the environment and the public in excess of their
respective permissible limits.
(1) the release of significant levels of radioactive materials
(2) exposure of workers or the general public/population to
Some sources of Nuclear Hazards
• nuclear emergencies, such as the explosion of a nuclear
• nuclear bombs explosions
• radiological exposure devices.
• nuclear power plant accidents.
• transportation accidents involving radiation.
• occupational accidents, such as over-exposure to radiation in
health-care facilities.
• Equipment failure
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster 2011-Japan
Chernobyl disaster 1986 north Ukraine
Kalpakkam nuclear plant 1987(India)- during
refueling it ruptured, then kept closed for 2 yrs.
Ionizing radiations are high energy radiations which
can ionizes atom and molecules to produce ions
which are damaging.
It can be fast moving particles(alpha and beta rays)
or waves (X-rays, Gamma rays) .
Measure unit- RAD:Radiation Absorbed Dose
Somatic effects- more than 10 RAD for short
periods shows somatic changes like cataract,cancer
,hair loss.
Genetic effects-Damage in the reproductive
cells,which is heritable(mutations)
Exposure to very high levels of radiation, such as
being close to an atomic blast, can cause acute
health effects such as skin burns and acute
radiation syndrome (radiation sickness). It can
Types of radiation doses
Acute dose- it is a dose at and above
which(more than 10 RAD) person show
detrimental symptoms even if exposed for short
periods of few days.
Thresh-hold limit dose- below acute dose value
(less than10RAD)and it doesn’t show any
detrimental effects.
Chronic dose- includes relatively smaller doses
of radiations over a longer period. Cells can
recover from this is more tolerable dose
to human body.
1.Nuclear power plants should be placed away
from populations and also provided by radiation
absorbing zones.
2.Strict and prompt safety measures.
3.Waste disposal should always be planned and
according to the guidelines.
4.leakages,careless unscientific handling and
transport should be banned and penalized.
5. Radioactivity should be monitored regularly
at the disposal sites.
Wasteland Reclamation(WR)
Wasteland are those lands which are ecologically unstable, whose top soil has
been lost and which has been developed toxicity in the root zones.
Env. And forest defines, it as degraded land which can be brought under
vegetation cover with reasonable efforts and which is deteriorating for the lack
of appropriate water and soil management . Or on account of natural
Waterlogged and marshy land
Saline land
Land Under shifting cultivation
Degraded forest
Degraded pastures/grazing land
Mining areas
Rocky or stone areas
Steep Slopes
Snow covered areas/glacial areas
Sand areas in desert etc
Improper irrigation
Excessive industries and wastes
WR is the process of converting barren or wasteland into fertile land that is
suitable for habitation and cultivation.
Major objectives of wasteland reclamation are: To improve the physical
structure and quality of the marginal soils.
The expansion of agriculture, urbanization, mining, and industrial activities
often leads to the degradation of vast areas, leaving behind barren lands
stripped of their natural vegetation and productive capacity.
It includes degraded forests, overgrazed pastures, drought-struck pastures,
eroded valleys, hilly slopes, waterlogged marshy lands, barren land, etc.
The wasteland reclamation is hugely required because
it provides a source of income to the poor people of India. It
makes our soil fertile and prevents soil erosion. It also maintains
a balance in the area and ensures a constant supply of fuel &
timber for local use.
Rajasthan has the largest wasteland area in India, followed by
Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra in terms of the maximum
area of wastelands.
The major objectives of wasteland reclamation are:
To improve the physical structure and quality of the marginal
To improve the availability of good quality water for irrigating
these lands.
To prevent soil erosion, flooding and landslides.
To conserve the biological resources of the land for sustainable
The ultimate objective of reclamation is ecosystem restoration,
including restoration of any natural vegetation, hydrology, and
wildlife habitats affected by surface disturbances from
construction and operating activities at an oil and gas site.
Easily reclaimable,
Reclaimable with some difficulty,
Reclaimable with extreme difficulty.
Easily reclaimable lands: These are used for agriculture. Salt
content in this waste land can be reduced by leaching and
Wasteland Reclamation: Done by 8 Ways
• Afforestation:
• Reforestation:
• Providing surface cover:
• Mulching:
• Changing Ground Topography on Downhill's:
• Leaching:
• Changing agricultural practices:
• Ecological Succession:
• Drainage
. Sustainable developmental goals
Sustainable development is Development of healthy
environment without damaging natural resources.
Unsustainable development; Degradation of the environment
due to over utilisation of natural resources.
Life style in more developed countries:
22% of world population,
88% of it’s natural resources and
85% of total global income.
Consumption is more and pollution is more.
Life style in less developed countries:
78% of world population,
12% of it’s natural resources and
15% of total global income.
Consumption is less and pollution is less.
Causes of unsustainability:
1. Unequitable distribution and use of natural
2.Difference between MDCs and LDCs.
Steps for Sustainable life style:
MDCs should have to reduce the utilisation of
natural resources, that should have to be diverted
to LDCs. This will reduce the gap between MDCs
and LDCs, leads to equitable distribution and
utilization of resources, hence, sustainable
development of the entire world.
The theory of SD has gone through three periods:
• the embryonic period (before 1972),
• the molding period (1972–1987), and
• the developing period (1987–present
• The goal of SD evolves from pursuing the single
goal of sustainable use of natural resources to
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
MDGs were the international development goals that had
been established by the UN summit in 2000, such as
• Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger,
• Achieving universal primary education,
• Promoting gender equality, and
• Empowering women.
Thus, the core of MDGs was poverty alleviation of
developing countries, making efforts to improve the
lives, save the lives, and seek the survival of extremely
poor developing countries through a set number of years
Covers universal goals on:
Fighting inequalities
Increasing economic growth
Providing decent jobs
Sustainable cities and human settlements
Tackling ecosystems, oceans and climate change
Sustainable consumption and production
Building peace and strengthening justice .
The SDGs apply to all countries whether rich, middle or
poor countries. They are also nationally-owned and
country-led, wherein each country is given the freedom
to establish a national framework in achieving the SDGs.
Number of Goals 8 17
Number of Targets 21 169
Number of Indicators 60 232
General scope/ focus Social
Economic growth, social
inclusion & environmental
Developing countries,
particularly the poorest
Entire world (rich and
Produced by a group of
Result of consultation
process among:
-193 UN Member States
-Civil society
-Other stakeholders
• The global Sustainable Development Report,
2022 states that
• India score 60.23 and ranked 121 out of the
163 countries.
• It was ranked 117 in 2020 and 120 in 2021.
• India’s Preparedness Worsened:
Agenda 2030= SDG 12- RESPONSIBLE
1. Implement the 10-Year Framework of
Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and
Production Patterns in which all countries taking
action, with developed countries taking the
lead, taking into account the development and
capabilities of developing countries.
2.By 2030, achieve the sustainable management
and efficient use of natural resources
3. By 2030, half per capita global food waste at
the retail and consumer levels and reduce food
losses along production and supply chains,
including post-harvest losses.
4. By 2030, achieve the environmentally sound
management of chemicals and all wastes
throughout their life cycle, in accordance with
agreed international frameworks. Practice to
significantly reduce the waste release to air, water
and soil in order to minimize their adverse
impacts on human health and the environment.
5. By 2030, substantially reduce waste
generation through prevention, reduction,
recycling and reuse.
6.Encourage companies, especially large
and international companies to adopt
sustainable practices and to integrate
sustainability information into their
reporting cycle.
7.Promote public procurement practices
that are sustainable, in accordance with
national policies and priorities.
8. By 2030, ensure that people everywhere
have the relevant information and awareness
for sustainable development and lifestyles in
harmony with nature.
9. Support developing countries to strengthen
their scientific and technological capacity to
move towards more sustainable patterns of
consumption and production.
10. Develop and implement tools to monitor
sustainable development impacts for
sustainable tourism that creates jobs and
promotes local culture and products.
Rationalize inefficient fossil-fuel subsidies that
encourage wasteful consumption by
restructuring taxation and phasing out those
harmful subsidies to reflect their
environmental impacts.
Taking fully into account the specific needs
and conditions of developing countries and
minimizing the possible adverse impacts on
their development in a manner that protects
the poor and the affected communities.
• Disaster is a serious disruption of the normal
functioning of a community or society, which
involve widespread human, material, economic or
environmental impacts that exceed the ability of
the affected community or society to cope using its
own resources(UN).
It is also the combination of hazards, vulnerability
and inability to reduce the potential negative
consequences of risk results in disaster.
• Disaster management is how we deal with the
human, material, economic or environmental
impacts of said disaster.It is the process of how we
prepare for, respond to and learn from the effects
of major failures.
• Disasters are mainly undesirable occurance for
humans and living system.( Not for nature)
• Hazard is the potential of causing harm so we can say
it’s a threat, but disaster is the event that is sudden
and having its impact which hv caused harm.
Eg:Flood is hazard but its occurrence +effect+impact is
• Steep slope is hazard but land slide is disaster.
• Vulnerablity –it’s a condition which increases the
susceptibility of a community to the impact of hazard
can be economical,physical,social
• Risk –measure of expected losses due to hazard event
occurring at a particular time and area.
Risk=hazard × vulnerability
• Eg:if earthquake occurs in desert where there is no
population/ structures risk is near to 0 as vulnerability is
• Capacity: it’s a combination of strength,attributes,resources
any organization /community/society has to manage and
reduce disaster risk.
Eg;infrastructure,skill,awareness,preparedness, resources
etc ,which are helpful in coping up with the possible risk of
any disaster
Disaster management cycle
Goals of Disaster Management:
• (1) Reduce, or avoid, losses from hazards;
(2) Assure prompt assistance to victims;
(3) Achieve rapid and effective recovery.
• The four disaster management phases: the length of each phase
greatly depends on the severity of the disaster.
– Mitigation - Minimizing the effects of disaster.
Examples: building codes and zoning; vulnerability analyses; public
– Preparedness - Planning how to respond.
Examples: preparedness plans; emergency exercises/training; warning
– Response - Efforts made to minimize the hazards created by a disaster.
Examples: search and rescue; emergency relief .
– Recovery - Returning the community to normal.
Examples: temporary housing; grants; medical care.
• Natural phenomenon
• Moon activities
• Tectonic movement
• Soil erosion
• Deforestation
• Ocean currents
• Air pressure
• Seismic waves
• Pollution
• Global warming
• Mining
The common effects of disasters
• Damages to infrastructure
• Food and water scarcity
• Public health issues and diseases
• Environmental issues
• Economic impact
• Fatalities
• Injuries and emotional impact
Types of Disaster
Natural Disasters
Natural Disasters are naturally occurring physical phenomena caused
either by rapid or slow onset events that have immediate impacts on
human health and secondary impacts causing further death and
These are:
• Geophysical :dangers caused by geological processes, such as
plate tectonics, (e.g. Earthquakes, Landslides, Tsunamis and
Volcanic Activity)
• Hydrological :caused by water processes (e.g. Avalanches and
• Climatological e.g. Extreme Temperatures, Drought and Wildfires)
• Meteorological: caused by weather phenomena, particularly those
temperature pressure and wind, e.g. Cyclones and Storms/Wave
• Biological (e.g. Disease Epidemics and Insect/Animal Plagues)
Disaster Preparedness
• It includes the knowledge and capacities
developed by governments,
professional,response and recovery
organizations, communities and individuals to
effectively anticipate, respond to, and recover
from, the impacts of imminent or current
hazard events or conditions.
• Disaster Preparedness refers to measures
taken to prepare for and reduce the effects of
disasters, be they are natural or man-made.
Disaster Response / Relief
It is the provision of emergency services and public
assistance during or immediately after a disaster in order to
save lives, reduce health impacts, ensure public safety and
meet the basic subsistence needs of the people affected .
Focused predominantly on immediate and short-term
needs, the division between this response/relief stage and
the subsequent recovery stage is not clear-cut.
Some response actions such as the supply of temporary
housing and water supplies, may extend well into the
recovery stage.
Coordinated multi-agency response is vital to this stage of
Disaster Management in order to reduce the impact of a
disaster and its long-term results with relief activities
including :
•Provision Food and Water
•Provision Emergency Health Care
•Prevention of Disease and Disability
•Repairing Vital Services e.g. Telecommunications,
•Provision Temporary Shelter
Disaster Recovery
Vulnerability of communities often continues for long after
the initial crisis is over. Disaster Recovery refers to those
programmes which go beyond the provision of immediate
relief to assist those who have suffered the full impact of
a disaster and include the following activities:
•Rebuilding Infrastructure e.g. Homes, Schools,
Hospitals, Roads
•Health Care and Rehabilitation
•Development Activities e.g. building human resources for
•Development Policies and Practices to avoid or mitigate
similar situations in future
• The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), headed by the
Prime Minister of India, is the apex body for Disaster Management in
India. Setting up of NDMA and the creation of an enabling environment
for institutional mechanisms at the State and District levels is mandated
by the Disaster Management Act, 2005.
• NDMA is mandated to lay down the policies, plans and guidelines for Disaster
Management. India envisions the development of an ethos of Prevention, Mitigation,
Preparedness and Response.
. Framework work and functions under home ministry.
International Day of Natural Disaster Reduction is celebrated on
October 13 .
NDMA has 5 major divisions
• Policy & Plans, Mitigation ,
• Operations & Communications &
• Information & Technology ,
• Administration and Finance.

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  • 1. NOISE POLLUTION • Noise pollution is considered to be any unwanted or disturbing sound that affects the health and well-being of humans and other organisms. Sound is measured in decibels. • The World Health Organization (WHO) defines noise above 65 decibels (dB) as noise pollution. To be precise, noise becomes harmful when it exceeds 75 decibels (dB) and is painful above 120 dB.
  • 2. TYPES AND CAUSES TYPES • Continuous noise. Continuous noise is exactly is noise that is produced continuously, for example, by machinery that keeps running without interruption. ... • Intermittent noise. ... • Impulsive noise. ... • Low-frequency noise. CAUSES • Some of its major causes are vehicles, aircraft, industrial machines, loudspeakers, crackers, etc. When used at high volume, some other appliances also contribute to noise pollution, like television, transistor, radio, etc.
  • 3. EFFECTS Noise pollution adversely affects the lives of millions of people.. Problems related to noise include Auditory effects and non-auditory effects Temporary deafness to hearing loss, Ear-drum damage Slow response to sounds • stress related illnesses, • high blood pressure, • speech interference, • sleep disruption, and • lost productivity,fatigue • Irritablity • Increase mortality rate in wildlife by interfering prey- predator detection. • In aquatic life they lose communication and navigation
  • 4. CONTROL • Buy Quiet – select and purchase low-noise tools and machinery • Maintain tools and equipment routinely (such as lubricate gears) • Reduce vibration where possible like music volumes, speed of vehicles,use of frequent horn, use of silencers • Isolate the noise source in an insulated room or enclosure • Place a barrier between the noise source and the employee • Isolate the employee from the source in a room or booth (such as sound wall or windows) • Plantations/Aforestation • Apply volume and vibration dampening materials like rubber to the vibrating components • Legal controls
  • 5.
  • 6. SOIL POLLUTION Soil is a natural resource present as thin covering of upper earth crust which is formed by weathering of rocks. It’s a mixture of minerals,organic material,living organism, air, water that together support growth of vegetation. Factors influencing soil production 1. Mechanical weathering of rocks due to temperature,wind,moving water 2. Chemical weathering activities 3. Lichens 4. Climate and time Dry and cold conditions slows down the process and humid and warm conditions pacify the process. Under all ideal conditions 1 cm layer of soil if produced in 15 yrs and under poor climatic condition, it can take 100s of yrs
  • 7. Mature soil is always arranged in zones called as soil-horizons. Each horizon has diff.texture, composition (wrt diff. soil type) A cross-sectional view of all horizons of a soil is known as soil- profile. 1st horizon-known as’ O- Horizon ‘ consist of freshly fallen leaves and partially decomposing organic matter. 2 nd known as A-Horizon have partially decomposed organic matter (Humus), some inorganic matter. Roots of most plants are found in these two upper layer. Rich in micro organism,earthworm and some small insect. 3rd is known as B-HORIZON- called as sub-soil, consist of less organic material and fewer organisms 4 th is called C-Horizon- consist of weathered parent material,organic material is absent. It helps to maintain pH.
  • 9. Depending on the particle size soils are of diff. types– Clay(less than0.002mm dia) Silt(fine particles .0.002-0.02mm) Sand(0.02-0.2mm) Gravel(0.2-2mm) Stone(2mm and above) Soils with equal mix of clay,sand,silt and humus are called loams.
  • 10. Components of soil 1. Inorganic material-consist of rock fragments rich in: Silicates of Na,K,Ca,Al,Fe Oxides of Fe,Mn,Ti Carbonates of Ca,Mg Most of them are plant nutrients. 2. Organic matter-constitutes 50% of soil and responsible for soil productivity. Its helps in maintaining soil porosity, water and mineral retention capacity. It is rich in humus. 3.Living organisms- micro as well as macro organisms which makes soil fertile like bacteria,fungi,Insects,Earthworm etc. 4.Soil water and soil air-SW regulates soil pH and SA is imp. to oxidie organic matter.
  • 11. Sources of soil pollution Soil pollution is defined as the contaminaton of soil by chemicals substances which deteriotes its productivity and fertility and making its unfit. Sources 1.Industrial wastes and urban waste- Which are rich in salts,toxic elements ,heavy metals,plastics,glasses,metallic cans,paper, polythenes etc. all these changes physical,biological and chemical properties of soil. 2.Agricultural practices Fertilizers- causes eutrophication and also changes pH of the soil Pesticide-kills micro organisms and also enters in food chain via plants. 3.Biological agents-called pathogens can enter via excreta,faulty sanitation and municipal and hospital wastes. 4.Soil erosion 5.Fly ash 6.Radio active wastes
  • 12. Effect of soil pollution 1. Toxic elements enters into food chain. 2. Toxic elements kills micro flora fauna present in the soil, means Reduces biodiversity 3.Soil is degraded because of change of pH(acidic or alkaline) 4.Soil become less fertile and less productive 5.Affects human health 6. Causes eutrophication of nearby and underground water bodies. Control 1.Proper planned dumping of wastes. 2.Banning of toxic,synthetic and persistent chemical”s usage. 3.Conducting awareness campaign among people to educate and train them. 4.Crop rotation 5.Phytoremediation to remove toxic elements from soil eg Vetiver grass . 6.Recycling of wastes 7.Aforestation 8.Prompt legal actions 9.Practicing IPM(INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT)
  • 13. SOLID WASTE POLLUTION Mostly includes unwanted useless discarded solid materials of urban communities and accumulated agricultural,industrial and mining wastes like cans, bottles, paper,glass,tyres,containers and with population rise waste generation increases. Classification- 1.Garbage-degradable waste ,have high moisture content(70%) and heating value of 6x 106 J/Kg. 2.Rubbish-includes non-putrescible(non-degradable) solids water content is 25% and heating value is 15x106J/Kg 3.Pathologiical waste- includes dead animals,humans,disposable syringes,needles,bandages,body fluid etc. and is highly infectious. Moisture content is high ard 85% and heating value is 2.5x106 J/Kg. 4.Industrial wstes 5.Agricultural wastes 6.Ashes –residue of combustible substances and wastes 0.3-0.6 kg urban waste is generated/person/day
  • 14. Effects Increase in the disease incidence due to pathogen spread Water pollution Air pollution Soil pollution Loss of aesthetic value of land areas Disposal methods 1.Dumping- Requires no planning,unorganized method. Waste remain uncovered, untreated and not segregated. Therefore, becomes breeding house of fles ,insects and pathogens. 2.Sanitary landfills- the deep pits are digged and are compacted fron the base and side then lined by thick impermeable liners at the bottom. Leachates from the bottom are collected and pumped out for the treatments and removal. Methane is produce during the period due to anaerobic decomposition is collected and used as fuel. 3. Incineration- burning of wastes in the well equipped closed furnances in the presence of oxygen. Recyclable material is segregated rest is burnt. End product is toxic gased and fly and bottom ashes rich in heavy metals. This process reduce the volume of waste by 90% and weight by 75%. Scrubber, filters are attached so that polluting gases cannot enter in air.
  • 15. 4-Composting-this is the process which shows how nature is maintaining the organic wastes.Its an aerobic natural method of decomposition of organic wastes which is then converted into manure. Final product looks like dark brown soil with high carbon and nitrogen content, Temperature is 40-50oC pH is 4.5-9.5, Moisture content-40-70% Air-0.5-0.8m3. Its a 3 step process Waste preparation includes segregation,grinding and water addition to maintain moisture to 50%. Digestion- by the addition of micro-organisms . It etends upto 4-6 wks. Product upgradation for better market prospects by processes like curing , grinding. Pit is digged,line it with straw, dried leaves then add organic waste introduce worms if required then cover it with dried straw and leaves and a layer of soil every day. Water the pit once-twice/week. Turn the content every 12-15 days. After 45 days complete decomposition is done by the micro-organisms and worms. Ready product is biocompost. Vermicompost-when we use worms to enhance composting process.
  • 16. PRINCIPLE OF 5 R’S (WASTE MANAGEMENT) • Refuse • Reduce, • Reuse, • Re-purpose • Recycle 5 R principles (Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Recover) are adopted for effective management of plastic wastes. ∙ Refuse means to avoid the use of plastic items which are not needed​.
  • 17. SOME EXAMPLES REFUSE:When you work with vendors or suppliers try to avoid working with unnecessary product packaging and attempt to opt for reusable or returnable packaging and containers. REDUCE:when printing a document, print double-sided to slash your waste output in half. Other methods involve reducing the amount of single-use plastics, plastic packaging and organic waste. REUSE:products such as protective packaging, ink cartridges, food containers and even rechargeable batteries ARE REUSABLE REPURPOSE:If you can’t refuse, reduce or reuse a particular item, try repurposing it instead. Try using leftover cardboard boxes for storage, leftover cups and mugs as stationary holders and even using binder clips to hold together small wires. RECYCLE
  • 18. Nuclear hazards(radiation pollution) Nuclear hazards and incidents generally involving any radiation incident resulting in or having a potential to result in exposure and contamination of the environment and the public in excess of their respective permissible limits. (1) the release of significant levels of radioactive materials (2) exposure of workers or the general public/population to radiation. Some sources of Nuclear Hazards • nuclear emergencies, such as the explosion of a nuclear weapon. • nuclear bombs explosions • radiological exposure devices. • nuclear power plant accidents. • transportation accidents involving radiation. • occupational accidents, such as over-exposure to radiation in health-care facilities. • Equipment failure
  • 19. Examples Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster 2011-Japan Chernobyl disaster 1986 north Ukraine Kalpakkam nuclear plant 1987(India)- during refueling it ruptured, then kept closed for 2 yrs.
  • 20. Effects Ionizing radiations are high energy radiations which can ionizes atom and molecules to produce ions which are damaging. It can be fast moving particles(alpha and beta rays) or waves (X-rays, Gamma rays) . Measure unit- RAD:Radiation Absorbed Dose Somatic effects- more than 10 RAD for short periods shows somatic changes like cataract,cancer ,hair loss. Genetic effects-Damage in the reproductive cells,which is heritable(mutations) Exposure to very high levels of radiation, such as being close to an atomic blast, can cause acute health effects such as skin burns and acute radiation syndrome (radiation sickness). It can
  • 21. Types of radiation doses Acute dose- it is a dose at and above which(more than 10 RAD) person show detrimental symptoms even if exposed for short periods of few days. Thresh-hold limit dose- below acute dose value (less than10RAD)and it doesn’t show any detrimental effects. Chronic dose- includes relatively smaller doses of radiations over a longer period. Cells can recover from this is more tolerable dose to human body.
  • 22. Control 1.Nuclear power plants should be placed away from populations and also provided by radiation absorbing zones. 2.Strict and prompt safety measures. 3.Waste disposal should always be planned and according to the guidelines. 4.leakages,careless unscientific handling and transport should be banned and penalized. 5. Radioactivity should be monitored regularly at the disposal sites.
  • 23. Wasteland Reclamation(WR) Wasteland are those lands which are ecologically unstable, whose top soil has been lost and which has been developed toxicity in the root zones. NWDB (NATIONAL WASTE LAND DEVELOPMENT BOARD) of ministry of Env. And forest defines, it as degraded land which can be brought under vegetation cover with reasonable efforts and which is deteriorating for the lack of appropriate water and soil management . Or on account of natural resources. CATEGORIES OF WASTELAND according to NWDB : Gullies Waterlogged and marshy land Saline land Land Under shifting cultivation Degraded forest Degraded pastures/grazing land Mining areas Rocky or stone areas Steep Slopes Snow covered areas/glacial areas Sand areas in desert etc
  • 24. Causes Overcultivation Deforestation Overgrazing Improper irrigation Excessive industries and wastes WR is the process of converting barren or wasteland into fertile land that is suitable for habitation and cultivation. Major objectives of wasteland reclamation are: To improve the physical structure and quality of the marginal soils. The expansion of agriculture, urbanization, mining, and industrial activities often leads to the degradation of vast areas, leaving behind barren lands stripped of their natural vegetation and productive capacity. It includes degraded forests, overgrazed pastures, drought-struck pastures, eroded valleys, hilly slopes, waterlogged marshy lands, barren land, etc.
  • 25. The wasteland reclamation is hugely required because it provides a source of income to the poor people of India. It makes our soil fertile and prevents soil erosion. It also maintains a balance in the area and ensures a constant supply of fuel & timber for local use. Rajasthan has the largest wasteland area in India, followed by Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra in terms of the maximum area of wastelands. The major objectives of wasteland reclamation are: To improve the physical structure and quality of the marginal soils. To improve the availability of good quality water for irrigating these lands. To prevent soil erosion, flooding and landslides. To conserve the biological resources of the land for sustainable use. The ultimate objective of reclamation is ecosystem restoration, including restoration of any natural vegetation, hydrology, and wildlife habitats affected by surface disturbances from construction and operating activities at an oil and gas site.
  • 26. Types: Easily reclaimable, Reclaimable with some difficulty, Reclaimable with extreme difficulty. Easily reclaimable lands: These are used for agriculture. Salt content in this waste land can be reduced by leaching and flushing. Wasteland Reclamation: Done by 8 Ways • Afforestation: • Reforestation: • Providing surface cover: • Mulching: • Changing Ground Topography on Downhill's: • Leaching: • Changing agricultural practices: • Ecological Succession: • Drainage
  • 27. . Sustainable developmental goals Sustainable development is Development of healthy environment without damaging natural resources. Unsustainable development; Degradation of the environment due to over utilisation of natural resources. Life style in more developed countries: 22% of world population, 88% of it’s natural resources and 85% of total global income. Consumption is more and pollution is more. Life style in less developed countries: 78% of world population, 12% of it’s natural resources and 15% of total global income. Consumption is less and pollution is less.
  • 28. Causes of unsustainability: 1. Unequitable distribution and use of natural resources 2.Difference between MDCs and LDCs. Steps for Sustainable life style: MDCs should have to reduce the utilisation of natural resources, that should have to be diverted to LDCs. This will reduce the gap between MDCs and LDCs, leads to equitable distribution and utilization of resources, hence, sustainable development of the entire world.
  • 29. CONCEPT OF EVOLUTION OF SD The theory of SD has gone through three periods: • the embryonic period (before 1972), • the molding period (1972–1987), and • the developing period (1987–present GOALS • The goal of SD evolves from pursuing the single goal of sustainable use of natural resources to Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • 30.
  • 31. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) MDGs were the international development goals that had been established by the UN summit in 2000, such as • Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, • Achieving universal primary education, • Promoting gender equality, and • Empowering women. Thus, the core of MDGs was poverty alleviation of developing countries, making efforts to improve the lives, save the lives, and seek the survival of extremely poor developing countries through a set number of years
  • 32. SUSSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS Covers universal goals on: Fighting inequalities Increasing economic growth Providing decent jobs Sustainable cities and human settlements Industrialization Tackling ecosystems, oceans and climate change Sustainable consumption and production Building peace and strengthening justice . The SDGs apply to all countries whether rich, middle or poor countries. They are also nationally-owned and country-led, wherein each country is given the freedom to establish a national framework in achieving the SDGs.
  • 33. MDGs SDGs Number of Goals 8 17 Number of Targets 21 169 Number of Indicators 60 232 General scope/ focus Social Economic growth, social inclusion & environmental protection Target Developing countries, particularly the poorest Entire world (rich and poor) Formulation Produced by a group of experts Result of consultation process among: -193 UN Member States -Civil society -Other stakeholders
  • 34. SDG INDEX OF iNDIA • The global Sustainable Development Report, 2022 states that • India score 60.23 and ranked 121 out of the 163 countries. • It was ranked 117 in 2020 and 120 in 2021. • India’s Preparedness Worsened:
  • 35. Agenda 2030= SDG 12- RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION BEHAVIOUR(2020) 1. Implement the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns in which all countries taking action, with developed countries taking the lead, taking into account the development and capabilities of developing countries. 2.By 2030, achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources
  • 36. 3. By 2030, half per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses. 4. By 2030, achieve the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle, in accordance with agreed international frameworks. Practice to significantly reduce the waste release to air, water and soil in order to minimize their adverse impacts on human health and the environment.
  • 37. 5. By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse. 6.Encourage companies, especially large and international companies to adopt sustainable practices and to integrate sustainability information into their reporting cycle. 7.Promote public procurement practices that are sustainable, in accordance with national policies and priorities.
  • 38. 8. By 2030, ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature. 9. Support developing countries to strengthen their scientific and technological capacity to move towards more sustainable patterns of consumption and production. 10. Develop and implement tools to monitor sustainable development impacts for sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products.
  • 39. 11. Rationalize inefficient fossil-fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption by restructuring taxation and phasing out those harmful subsidies to reflect their environmental impacts. Taking fully into account the specific needs and conditions of developing countries and minimizing the possible adverse impacts on their development in a manner that protects the poor and the affected communities.
  • 40. DISASTER MANAGEMENT • Disaster is a serious disruption of the normal functioning of a community or society, which involve widespread human, material, economic or environmental impacts that exceed the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own resources(UN). It is also the combination of hazards, vulnerability and inability to reduce the potential negative consequences of risk results in disaster. • Disaster management is how we deal with the human, material, economic or environmental impacts of said disaster.It is the process of how we prepare for, respond to and learn from the effects of major failures.
  • 41. • Disasters are mainly undesirable occurance for humans and living system.( Not for nature) Disaster=hazard+vulnerability+risk-CAPACITY • Hazard is the potential of causing harm so we can say it’s a threat, but disaster is the event that is sudden and having its impact which hv caused harm. Eg:Flood is hazard but its occurrence +effect+impact is disaster • Steep slope is hazard but land slide is disaster. • Vulnerablity –it’s a condition which increases the susceptibility of a community to the impact of hazard can be economical,physical,social
  • 42. • Risk –measure of expected losses due to hazard event occurring at a particular time and area. Risk=hazard × vulnerability • Eg:if earthquake occurs in desert where there is no population/ structures risk is near to 0 as vulnerability is zero • Capacity: it’s a combination of strength,attributes,resources any organization /community/society has to manage and reduce disaster risk. Eg;infrastructure,skill,awareness,preparedness, resources etc ,which are helpful in coping up with the possible risk of any disaster
  • 44. Goals of Disaster Management: • (1) Reduce, or avoid, losses from hazards; (2) Assure prompt assistance to victims; (3) Achieve rapid and effective recovery. • The four disaster management phases: the length of each phase greatly depends on the severity of the disaster. – Mitigation - Minimizing the effects of disaster. Examples: building codes and zoning; vulnerability analyses; public education. – Preparedness - Planning how to respond. Examples: preparedness plans; emergency exercises/training; warning systems. – Response - Efforts made to minimize the hazards created by a disaster. Examples: search and rescue; emergency relief . – Recovery - Returning the community to normal. Examples: temporary housing; grants; medical care.
  • 45. CAUSES OF DISASTER • Natural phenomenon • Moon activities • Tectonic movement • Soil erosion • Deforestation • Ocean currents • Air pressure • Seismic waves • Pollution • Global warming • Mining
  • 46. The common effects of disasters • Damages to infrastructure • Food and water scarcity • Public health issues and diseases • Environmental issues • Economic impact • Fatalities • Injuries and emotional impact
  • 47. Types of Disaster Natural Disasters Natural Disasters are naturally occurring physical phenomena caused either by rapid or slow onset events that have immediate impacts on human health and secondary impacts causing further death and suffering. These are: • Geophysical :dangers caused by geological processes, such as plate tectonics, (e.g. Earthquakes, Landslides, Tsunamis and Volcanic Activity) • Hydrological :caused by water processes (e.g. Avalanches and • Climatological e.g. Extreme Temperatures, Drought and Wildfires) • Meteorological: caused by weather phenomena, particularly those temperature pressure and wind, e.g. Cyclones and Storms/Wave • Biological (e.g. Disease Epidemics and Insect/Animal Plagues)
  • 48. Disaster Preparedness • It includes the knowledge and capacities developed by governments, professional,response and recovery organizations, communities and individuals to effectively anticipate, respond to, and recover from, the impacts of imminent or current hazard events or conditions. • Disaster Preparedness refers to measures taken to prepare for and reduce the effects of disasters, be they are natural or man-made.
  • 49. Disaster Response / Relief It is the provision of emergency services and public assistance during or immediately after a disaster in order to save lives, reduce health impacts, ensure public safety and meet the basic subsistence needs of the people affected . Focused predominantly on immediate and short-term needs, the division between this response/relief stage and the subsequent recovery stage is not clear-cut. Some response actions such as the supply of temporary housing and water supplies, may extend well into the recovery stage.
  • 50. Coordinated multi-agency response is vital to this stage of Disaster Management in order to reduce the impact of a disaster and its long-term results with relief activities including : •Rescue •Relocation •Provision Food and Water •Provision Emergency Health Care •Prevention of Disease and Disability •Repairing Vital Services e.g. Telecommunications, Transport •Provision Temporary Shelter
  • 51. Disaster Recovery Vulnerability of communities often continues for long after the initial crisis is over. Disaster Recovery refers to those programmes which go beyond the provision of immediate relief to assist those who have suffered the full impact of a disaster and include the following activities: •Rebuilding Infrastructure e.g. Homes, Schools, Hospitals, Roads •Health Care and Rehabilitation •Development Activities e.g. building human resources for health •Development Policies and Practices to avoid or mitigate similar situations in future
  • 52. NDMA • The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), headed by the Prime Minister of India, is the apex body for Disaster Management in India. Setting up of NDMA and the creation of an enabling environment for institutional mechanisms at the State and District levels is mandated by the Disaster Management Act, 2005. • NDMA is mandated to lay down the policies, plans and guidelines for Disaster Management. India envisions the development of an ethos of Prevention, Mitigation, Preparedness and Response. . Framework work and functions under home ministry. International Day of Natural Disaster Reduction is celebrated on October 13 . NDMA has 5 major divisions • Policy & Plans, Mitigation , • Operations & Communications & • Information & Technology , • Administration and Finance.