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34720                           Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 117 / Friday, June 18, 2010 / Notices

                                                   We reference the regulations outlining                 (4)(A) The number and percentage of                    Dated: June 15, 2010.
                                                the terms and conditions of an award in                 students served by the project during                              ´
                                                                                                                                                               Thelma Melendez de Santa Ana,
                                                the Applicable Regulations section of                   the most recent school year who were                   Assistant Secretary for Elementary and
                                                this notice and include these and other                 two or more years behind their expected                Secondary Education.
                                                specific conditions in the GAN. The                     age and credit accumulation in high                    [FR Doc. 2010–14732 Filed 6–17–10; 8:45 am]
                                                GAN also incorporates your approved                     school; and                                            BILLING CODE 4000–01–P
                                                application as part of your binding                       (B) The number and percentage of
                                                commitments under the grant.                            such students who earned one half or
                                                   3. Grant Administration: Projects                    more of the credits they need to                       DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY
                                                funded under this competition are                       graduate with a regular diploma.
                                                encouraged to budget for a two-day                                                                             [OE Docket No. PP–362]
                                                                                                          (5) For each school served by the
                                                meeting for project directors to be held                project that includes an eighth grade—                 Notice of Intent To Prepare an
                                                annually in Washington, DC.                               (A) The average daily attendance of
                                                   4. Reporting: At the end of your                                                                            Environmental Impact Statement and
                                                                                                        such school; and                                       To Conduct Public Scoping Meetings,
                                                project period, you must submit a final
                                                                                                          (B) The number and percentage of                     and Notice of Floodplains and
                                                performance report, including financial
                                                                                                        students enrolled in the eighth grade                  Wetlands Involvement; Champlain
                                                information, as directed by the
                                                                                                        who enrolled in ninth grade at the start               Hudson Power Express, Inc.
                                                Secretary. If you receive a multi-year
                                                                                                        of the next school year.
                                                award, you must submit an annual                                                                               AGENCY:  Department of Energy (DOE).
                                                performance report that provides the                      These measures constitute the
                                                                                                        Department’s indicators of success for                 ACTION: Notice of Intent to prepare an
                                                most current performance and financial                                                                         Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
                                                expenditure information as directed by                  this program. Consequently, we advise
                                                                                                        an applicant for a grant under this                    and to conduct Public Scoping
                                                the Secretary under 34 CFR 75.118. The                                                                         Meetings; Notice of Floodplains and
                                                Secretary may also require more                         program to give careful consideration to
                                                                                                        these measures in conceptualizing the                  Wetlands Involvement.
                                                frequent performance reports under 34
                                                CFR 75.720(c). For specific                             approach and evaluation for its                        SUMMARY:    The Department of Energy
                                                requirements on reporting, please go to                 proposed project. Each grantee will be                 (DOE) announces its intention to
                                                           required to provide, in its annual                     prepare an EIS pursuant to the National
                                                appforms/appforms.html.                                 performance and final reports, data                    Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of
                                                   5. Performance Measures: The                         about its progress in meeting these                    1969, as amended (42 U.S.C. 4321 et
                                                Department has established the                          measures.                                              seq.), the Council on Environmental
                                                following Government Performance and                    VII. Agency Contacts                                   Quality (CEQ) NEPA regulations (40
                                                Results Act of 1993 (GPRA) performance                                                                         CFR parts 1500–1508), and the DOE
                                                measures for this program:                                 For Further Information Contact:                    NEPA implementing procedures (10
                                                   (1) For each high school served by the               Theda Zawaiza, U.S. Department of                      CFR part 1021) to assess the potential
                                                project, the school’s graduation rate, as               Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW.,                   environmental impacts from its
                                                defined in the State’s approved                         room 3E122, Washington, DC 20202.                      proposed Federal action of granting a
                                                accountability plan for Part A of Title I               Telephone: (202) 205–3783 or by e-mail:                Presidential permit to Champlain
                                                of the ESEA, as well as the graduation                                                   Hudson Power Express, Inc. (Champlain
                                                rates for the following subgroups:                         If you use a TDD, call the FRS, toll                Hudson) to construct, operate, maintain,
                                                   (A) Major racial and ethnic groups;                  free, at 1–800–877–8339.                               and connect a new electric transmission
                                                   (B) Students with disabilities;                                                                             line across the U.S.-Canada border in
                                                                                                        VIII. Other Information
                                                   (C) Students with limited English                                                                           northeastern New York State. The EIS,
                                                proficiency; and                                           Accessible Format: Individuals with                 Champlain Hudson Power Express
                                                   (D) Economically disadvantaged                       disabilities can obtain this document                  Transmission Line Project
                                                students.                                               and a copy of the application package in               Environmental Impact Statement (DOE/
                                                  Note: The Department will identify each               an accessible format (e.g., braille, large             EIS–0447), will address potential
                                                school’s graduation rate, as well as the                print, audiotape, or computer diskette)                environmental impacts from the
                                                graduation rates for the subgroups identified           on request to either program contact                   proposed action and the range of
                                                in this section, using the data that are now            person listed under FOR FURTHER                        reasonable alternatives.
                                                reported to the Department by SEAs using                INFORMATION CONTACT in section VII of                     The purpose of this Notice of Intent
                                                the EDEN Submission System (ESS).                       this notice.                                           (NOI) is to inform the public about the
                                                Grantees will not be required to provide                   Electronic Access to This Document:                 proposed action, announce plans to
                                                these data.                                                                                                    conduct seven public scoping meetings
                                                                                                        You can view this document, as well as
                                                  (2) The number and percentage of                      all other documents of this Department                 in the vicinity of the proposed
                                                students enrolled in grades 9 through 12                published in the Federal Register, in                  transmission line, invite public
                                                in schools or programs served by the                    text or Adobe Portable Document                        participation in the scoping process,
                                                project who, during the most recent                     Format (PDF) on the Internet at the                    and solicit public comments for
                                                school year, earned one quarter of the                  following site:                consideration in establishing the scope
                                                credits necessary to graduate from high                 fedregister. To use PDF you must have                  of the EIS. Because the proposed project
                                                school with a regular diploma.                          Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is                         may involve actions in floodplains and
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  (3)(A) The number and percentage of                   available free at this site.                           wetlands, in accordance with 10 CFR
                                                students served by the project who had                                                                         part 1022, Compliance with Floodplain
                                                                                                           Note: The official version of this document         and Wetland Environmental Review
                                                not attended school for 60 or more                      is the document published in the Federal
                                                instructional days immediately prior to                 Register. Free Internet access to the official
                                                                                                                                                               Requirements, the draft EIS will include
                                                their participation in the project; and                 edition of the Federal Register and the Code           a floodplain and wetland assessment as
                                                  (B) The average daily attendance of                   of Federal Regulations is available on GPO             appropriate, and the final EIS or record
                                                such students while participating in the                Access at:              of decision will include a floodplain
                                                project.                                                index.html.                                            statement of findings.

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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 117 / Friday, June 18, 2010 / Notices                                           34721

                                                DATES:  DOE invites interested agencies,                Defense. In determining consistency                    cooperating agencies with respect to this
                                                organizations, Native American tribes,                  with the public interest, DOE considers                EIS.
                                                and members of the public to submit                     the potential environmental impacts of                    In addition, Champlain Hudson
                                                comments to assist in identifying                       the proposed project under NEPA,                       applied to DOE on September 12, 2009,
                                                significant environmental issues and in                 determines the project’s impact on                     for a Federal loan guarantee for the
                                                determining the appropriate scope of                    electric reliability (including whether                proposed project in response to a DOE
                                                the EIS. The public scoping period starts               the proposed project would adversely                   competitive solicitation, ‘‘Federal Loan
                                                with the publication of this Notice in                  affect the operation of the U.S. electric              Guarantees for Electric Power
                                                the Federal Register and will continue                  power supply system under normal and                   Transmission Infrastructure Investment
                                                until August 2, 2010. Written and oral                  contingency conditions), and considers                 Projects,’’ issued under section 1705,
                                                comments will be given equal weight,                    any other factors that DOE may find                    Title XVII, of the Energy Policy Act of
                                                and DOE will consider all comments                      relevant to the public interest. The                   2005 (EPAct). Section 406 of the
                                                received or postmarked by August 2,                     regulations implementing the E.O. have                 American Recovery and Reinvestment
                                                2010 in defining the scope of this EIS.                 been codified at 10 CFR parts 205.320–                 Act of 2009 (the ‘‘Recovery Act’’)
                                                Comments received or postmarked after                   205.329. DOE’s issuance of a                           amended EPAct by adding section 1705.
                                                that date will be considered to the                     Presidential permit indicates that there               This section is designed to address the
                                                extent practicable.                                     is no Federal objection to the project,                current economic conditions of the
                                                   Locations, dates, and start and end                  but does not mandate that the project be               Nation, in part by facilitating the
                                                times for the public scoping meetings                   undertaken.                                            development of eligible renewable and
                                                are listed in the SUPPLEMENTARY                            Champlain Hudson applied on                         transmission projects that commence
                                                INFORMATION section of this NOI.                        January 27, 2010, to DOE’s Office of                   construction no later than September
                                                   Requests to speak at any one or more                 Electricity Delivery and Energy                        30, 2011. DOE is carrying out an
                                                public scoping meeting(s) should be                     Reliability (OE) for a Presidential permit             evaluation of the application submitted
                                                received by Dr. Jerry Pell at the address               to construct, operate, maintain, and                   by Champlain Hudson. Should DOE
                                                indicated below on or before July 6,                    connect a 2,000-megawatt (MW) high-                    decide to enter into the negotiation of a
                                                2010; requests received by that date will               voltage direct current (HVDC) Voltage                  possible loan guarantee with Champlain
                                                be given priority in the speaking order.                Source Converter (VSC) controllable                    Hudson, DOE would use this EIS to
                                                However, requests to speak also may be                  transmission system from the Canadian                  meet its NEPA requirements in making
                                                made at the scoping meetings.                           Province of Quebec to the New York                     a determination of funding.
                                                ADDRESSES: Comments on the scope of                     City and Southwestern Connecticut
                                                                                                                                                               Applicant’s Proposal
                                                the EIS and requests to be added to the                 regions. After due consideration of the
                                                                                                        nature and extent of the proposed                         The applicant’s proposed VSC
                                                document mailing list should be
                                                                                                        project, including evaluation of the                   controllable transmission system
                                                addressed to: Dr. Jerry Pell, Office of
                                                                                                        ‘‘Information Regarding Potential                      consists of two 1,000–MW HVDC
                                                Electricity Delivery and Energy
                                                                                                        Environmental Impacts’’ section of the                 bipoles. A bipole consists of two
                                                Reliability (OE–20), U.S. Department of                                                                        connected submarine or underground
                                                Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue,                       Presidential permit application, DOE
                                                                                                        has determined that the appropriate                    cables, one of which is positively
                                                SW., Washington, DC 20585; by                                                                                  charged, and the other negatively
                                                electronic mail to;               level of NEPA review for this project is
                                                                                                        an EIS.                                                charged. In total, four cables would be
                                                or by facsimile to 202–318–7761. For                                                                           laid between Quebec, Canada, and a
                                                                                                           The proposed Federal action is the
                                                general information on the DOE NEPA                                                                            proposed converter station in Yonkers,
                                                                                                        granting of the Presidential permit and
                                                process contact: Ms. Carol M.                                                                                  NY, where one bipole (two cables)
                                                                                                        it is anticipated that the project could
                                                Borgstrom, Director, Office of NEPA                                                                            would be terminated. The converter
                                                                                                        significantly affect the quality of the
                                                Policy and Compliance (GC–54), U.S.                                                                            station would change the electrical
                                                                                                        human environment. Because the
                                                Department of Energy, 1000                                                                                     power from direct current to alternating
                                                                                                        proposed project may involve actions in
                                                Independence Avenue, SW.,                               floodplains and wetlands, in accordance                current. The remaining bipole (two
                                                Washington, DC 20585; by electronic                     with 10 CFR part 1022, Compliance                      cables) would continue to a proposed
                                                mail at; or by                       with Floodplain and Wetland                            converter station in Bridgeport, CT.
                                                facsimile at 202–586–7031.                              Environmental Review Requirements,                     Champlain Hudson’s proposed
                                                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dr.                    the draft EIS will include a floodplain                transmission line would connect
                                                Jerry Pell at the addresses above, or at                and wetland assessment as appropriate,                 renewable sources of power generation
                                                202–586–3362. For general information                   and the final EIS or record of decision                in Canada with load centers in and
                                                on the DOE NEPA process, contact Ms.                    will include a floodplain statement of                 around the New York City and
                                                Carol M. Borgstrom at 202–586–4600,                     findings.                                              southwestern Connecticut regions.
                                                leave a message at 800–472–2756, or at                     DOE invites Tribal governments and                     The project would originate at an
                                                the addresses above.                                    Federal, state, and local agencies with                HVDC converter station near Hydro-
                                                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Executive                    jurisdiction by law or special expertise                   ´          ´
                                                                                                                                                               Quebec TransEnergie’s 765/315-kilovolt
                                                Order (E.O.) 10485, as amended by E.O.                  with respect to environmental issues to                (kV) Hertel substation, located southeast
                                                12038, requires that a Presidential                     be cooperating agencies with respect to                of Montreal, and extend approximately
                                                permit be issued by DOE before electric                 the EIS, as defined at 40 CFR 1501.6.                  35 miles to the international border
                                                transmission facilities may be                          Cooperating agencies have certain                      between the United States and Canada,
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES

                                                constructed, operated, maintained, or                   responsibilities to support the NEPA                   crossing in Lake Champlain to the east
                                                connected at the U.S. international                     process, as specified at 40 CFR                        of the Town of Champlain, NY. Four
                                                border. The E.O. provides that a                        1501.6(b). The U.S. Army Corps of                      cables (two bipoles) would extend south
                                                Presidential permit may be issued after                 Engineers (anticipated), the U.S.                      under Lake Champlain for
                                                a finding that the proposed project is                  Environmental Protection Agency                        approximately 111 miles entirely within
                                                consistent with the public interest and                 Region 2, and the New York State                       the jurisdictional waters of New York
                                                after favorable recommendations from                    Departments of Environmental                           State. At the southern end of Lake
                                                the U.S. Departments of State and                       Conservation and Public Service are                    Champlain, the cables would exit the

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34722                           Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 117 / Friday, June 18, 2010 / Notices

                                                water just north of Lock C12 of the                     density polyethylene (HDPE) casings for                for Route A, 384.2 miles for Route B,
                                                Champlain Canal (Canal) in the town of                  the cables to use under the waterway.                  and 385.7 miles for Route C. The lines
                                                Whitehall, NY, and would be buried                        Upon entering the Hudson River, the                  differ, however, in the amount of the
                                                within an existing railroad right-of-way                four cables would be buried for 118                    line that is submerged or buried
                                                owned by Canadian Pacific Railway                       miles until they reach the City of                     underground. Route A, the Champlain
                                                (CP) for 1.7 miles. The cables would                    Yonkers, NY. Two of the four HVDC                      Hudson preferred alternative, has
                                                enter the Canal just south of Lock C12                  cables (one bipole) would terminate at                 approximately 72.4 miles buried
                                                and continue under the Canal for 5.6                    the proposed converter station located                 underground. Route B has
                                                miles to Comstock, NY, and then utilize                 in Yonkers for a total length of                       approximately 89.4 miles buried
                                                another CP railroad right-of-way for 0.4                approximately 319 miles from the U.S.                  underground, and Route C has about
                                                miles to circumvent Lock C11. The                       border with Canada to Yonkers, NY. The                 68.0 miles buried underground. The
                                                cables would re-enter the canal just                    remaining two cables would continue                    remaining distances of all routes are
                                                south of Lock C11 and continue under                    for approximately 66 miles under the                   submerged. Maps showing all three
                                                the Canal for 8.9 miles toward Lock C9                  Hudson River, Spuyten Duyvil Creek,                    alternative routes may be found at
                                                in Kingsbury, NY (there is no Lock C10).                the Harlem River, and the East River         
                                                North of Lock C9, the cables would exit                 into Long Island Sound before                             All three routes cross the U.S.-Canada
                                                the Canal and would be buried for 0.5                   terminating at a converter station near 1              border in Lake Champlain at Rouses
                                                miles within land owned by the New                      W Avenue in Bridgeport, CT, for at total               Point, NY (which is about five miles
                                                York State Canal Corporation on the                     length of approximately 384.4 miles                    east of the Town of Champlain, NY), 35
                                                eastern shore of Lock C9. The HVDC                      from the U.S. border with Canada to                    miles from where they would begin
                                                cables would re-enter the Canal just                    Bridgeport. This route is discussed                    southeast of Montreal, Canada. Route A,
                                                south of Lock C9 and continue under                     below as being Route A, the applicant’s                the applicant’s preferred alternative, is
                                                the Canal for 2.7 miles toward Lock C8                  preferred alternative.                                 described in detail above.
                                                in Fort Edward, NY.                                       The Champlain Hudson Presidential                       The Route B alternative is the same as
                                                                                                        permit application, including associated               Route A, except that after exiting the
                                                   The Upper Hudson River portion of                    maps and drawings, can be viewed or                    water just north of Lock C12 of the
                                                the Hudson River polychlorinated                        downloaded in its entirety from the                    Champlain Canal (Canal) in the town of
                                                biphenyl (PCB) site (USEPA                              DOE program Web site at http://                        Whitehall, NY, Route B would continue
                                                Identification Number NYD980763841)                                                within an existing railroad right-of-way
                                                stretches from Hudson Falls, NY, to the                 permits_pending.htm (see PP–362), or                   owned by Canadian Pacific Railway
                                                Federal Dam at Troy, NY. To avoid                       on the project EIS Web site at http://                 (CP) for 19.5 miles through the
                                                installing and burying HVDC cables             Also available at                   municipalities of Comstock, Fort Ann,
                                                within this area, the proposed Project                  these same locations is the March 5,                   and Kingsbury. Route B would overlap
                                                route would exit the Canal north of Lock                2010, Federal Register Notice of Receipt               with Route A where Route A exits the
                                                C8 near Durham Basin, where an                          of Application (75 FR 10229).                          Champlain Canal north of Lock C8 near
                                                existing CP railroad right-of-way is                                                                           Durham Basin.
                                                located immediately adjacent to the                     Agency Purpose and Need, Proposed                         Route C is the same as Route A except
                                                west of the Canal. Upon exiting the                     Action, and Alternatives                               for a 6.3 mile segment from north of
                                                canal, the four cables would be buried                     The DOE proposed Federal action is                  Lock C8 near Durham Basin, where
                                                for approximately 46.1 miles within the                 the granting of a Presidential permit to               Route A exits the Champlain Canal
                                                CP railroad bypass route to the west of                 Champlain Hudson to construct,                         (Canal) to travel south about 4.8 miles
                                                the Hudson River, traversing the                        operate, maintain, and connect a new                   within the CP railroad right-of-way. At
                                                municipalities of Moreau,                               electric transmission line across the                  the point where Route A would exit the
                                                Northumberland, Wilton, Greenfield,                     U.S.-Canada border in northeastern New                 canal, Route C instead would continue
                                                Saratoga Springs, Milton, Ballston,                     York State. The EIS, Champlain Hudson                  under the Canal for 2.9 miles toward
                                                Clifton Park, Glenville, and                            Power Express Transmission Line                        Lock C8 in Fort Edward, NY. North of
                                                Schenectady, NY. In the town of                         Project Environmental Impact                           Lock C8, the cables would exit the Canal
                                                Rotterdam, NY, the buried route would                   Statement (DOE/EIS–0447), will address                 and would be buried for 0.4 miles
                                                transfer to the CSX Railroad (CSX) right-               potential environmental impacts from                   within land owned by the New York
                                                of-way and proceed south for                            the proposed action and the range of                   State Canal Corporation on the eastern
                                                approximately 23.7 miles through the                    reasonable alternatives. The purpose                   shore of Lock C8. The HVDC cables
                                                municipalities of Guilderland, New                      and need for DOE’s action is to decide                 would re-enter the Canal just south of
                                                Scotland, Voorheesville, and                            whether to grant Champlain Hudson                      Lock C8 and continue under the Canal
                                                Bethlehem. The proposed Project route                   said Presidential permit. It should be                 for 2.1 miles towards Lock C7, also
                                                would then exit the railroad right-of-                  noted, however, that although the                      located in Fort Edward, NY. North of
                                                way and enter the Hudson River at the                   potential environmental impacts are                    Lock C7, the cables would exit the
                                                town of Coeymans, NY (about 14 miles                    important, they are not the only criteria              eastern side of the canal and be buried
                                                south of Albany). In general, when a                    that form the basis for the final                      for 0.2 miles within land owned by the
                                                railroad right-of-way intersects with a                 permitting decision. If granted, the                   New York State Canal Corporation
                                                waterway, the applicant’s preference                    Presidential permit would authorize                    before entering the Hudson River to the
                                                would be to attach the cables to the                    only that portion of the line that would               south of Rogers Island, where the
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES

                                                bridge structure, particularly for longer               be constructed, operated, and                          Hudson River flows parallel to the
                                                crossings such as the bridge over the                   maintained wholly within the United                    Champlain Canal. The four cables
                                                Mohawk River in Schenectady, NY. If                     States.                                                would be buried under the Hudson
                                                the cables could not be attached to the                    Three action alternatives (routes) for              River, and Route C would travel in a
                                                bridge due to engineering concerns or                   constructing the proposed transmission                 northern direction under the river to the
                                                owner preference, an option would be                    line inside the United States have been                west of Rogers Island for 0.7 miles
                                                for the applicant to employ horizontal                  identified by the applicant, and they                  before reaching the CP railroad bridge
                                                directional drilling to install high-                   differ little in total length: 384.5 miles

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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 117 / Friday, June 18, 2010 / Notices                                            34723

                                                that extends roughly southwest over the                 candidate species as of October 17,                    quality, including the emission and
                                                Hudson River from Fort Edward, NY                       2006).                                                 effects of greenhouse gases such as
                                                toward Moreau, NY. The cables would                        2. Impacts on aquatic biological                    carbon dioxide.
                                                exit the water on the west side of the                  resources: The EIS will consider the                      7. Impacts on soil: The EIS will
                                                Hudson River and Route C would                          effects of the construction and operation              consider the effects of the construction
                                                overlap with Route A at the same point                  of the project on shellfish, benthic                   and operation of the project on the loss
                                                where Route A would transition from                     communities, finfish, and commercial                   or disturbance of soils.
                                                being attached to the bridge structure to               and recreational fisheries, and the                       8. Impacts on water quality: The EIS
                                                being buried within the railroad right-                 potential for introduction of invasive                 will consider the effects of the
                                                of-way in the town of Moreau. This                      species.                                               installation and operation of the
                                                alternative assumes that PCB dredging                      3. Impacts on floodplains and                       transmission cables on water quality
                                                activities associated with the Hudson                   wetlands: The EIS will consider the                    due to potential re-suspension of
                                                River Dredging Project planned for the                  effects of the construction and operation              sediments and contaminants, including
                                                area around Rogers Island are completed                 of the project on wetlands and on                      PCBs in the Hudson River.
                                                by 2013. (The northern tip of Rogers                    freshwater, tidal, and estuarine                          9. Impacts to land use: The EIS will
                                                Island is about one-quarter of a mile                   floodplains. The portions of all three                 consider the effects of the installation
                                                west of Fort Edward. Overall, the Island                alternative routes that utilize the CP                 and operation of the project on land
                                                is just less than one mile in length.)                  railroad right-of-way would cross                      uses, including agricultural lands,
                                                   Champlain Hudson is also                             Federal Emergency Management                           parks, and public lands.
                                                considering two alternative substations                 Agency-mapped floodplains associated                      10. Visual impacts: The EIS will
                                                identified as feasible points of                        with the Champlain Canal and the                       consider the effects of the installation
                                                interconnection in New York, regardless                 Hudson River. The routes cross the                     and operation of the project on visual
                                                of the alternative route: The Gowanus                   Mohawk River within the City of                        resources of any above-ground
                                                345-kV substation, located in New York                  Schenectady, but an option under                       components of the project, including
                                                County, and the Astoria (Polleti) 345-kV                consideration is the possible suspension               near the locations of the two converter
                                                substation, located in Queens County.                   of the cables from the railroad bridge,                stations.
                                                An alternative site under consideration                 such that they would not be buried                        11. Noise impacts: The EIS will
                                                for the DC–AC converter station in                      within the floodplain. The underground                 consider the effects of the installation
                                                Queens County is land adjacent to the                   connection to the Yonkers and                          and operation of the project on noise
                                                Astoria substation. In Connecticut, 60                  Bridgeport converter stations utilized by              levels near the locations of the two DC-
                                                Main Street in Bridgeport has been                      all three route alternatives would cross               to-AC converter stations.
                                                identified as a possible alternative site               bordering floodplain at the landfall                      12. Socioeconomic impacts: This EIS
                                                for the converter station.                              locations. Portions of the Sherman                     will consider impacts on community
                                                   Under the No Action alternative, DOE                 Creek East substation site and the                     services.
                                                would deny Champlain Hudson’s                           underground connection to the                             13. Environmental justice: The EIS
                                                application for a Presidential permit for               substation are located in floodplain                   will include consideration of any
                                                the proposed international electric                     associated with the Harlem River in                    disproportionately high and adverse
                                                transmission line.                                      New York City. Limited wetland                         impacts on minority and low-income
                                                                                                        delineations and available New York                    populations.
                                                Identification of Environmental Issues
                                                                                                        State mapping resources indicate that                     This list is not intended to be all
                                                   The EIS will examine public health                   less than 15 acres of wetlands would be                inclusive or to imply any
                                                and safety effects and environmental                    temporarily impacted within the                        predetermination of impacts. DOE
                                                impacts in the U.S. from the proposed                   construction corridor along the                        invites interested parties to suggest
                                                HVDC transmission facilities. This                      underground portions of Routes A, B,                   specific issues within these general
                                                notice is intended to inform agencies                   and C.                                                 categories, or other issues not included
                                                and the public of the proposed project,                    4. Impacts on cultural or historic                  above, to be considered in the EIS.
                                                and to solicit comments and suggestions                 resources: The EIS will consider the
                                                for consideration in the preparation of                 effects of the construction and operation              Scoping Process
                                                the EIS. To help the public frame its                   of the project on shipwrecks and                          Interested parties are invited to
                                                comments, the following is a                            National Historic Landmarks; e.g., the                 participate in the scoping process, both
                                                preliminary list of several potential                   proposed transmission cable route                      to help define the environmental issues
                                                environmental issues in the U.S. that                   travels through the boundary of the                    to be analyzed and to identify the range
                                                DOE and Champlain Hudson have                           Crown Point and Fort Ticonderoga                       of reasonable alternatives. Both oral and
                                                tentatively identified for analysis,                    National Historic Landmarks. The                       written comments will be considered
                                                including:                                              project facilities would also be located               and given equal weight by DOE,
                                                   1. Impacts on protected, threatened,                 within National Heritage Areas and New                 regardless of how submitted. Public
                                                endangered, or sensitive species of                     York State Heritage Areas, including the               scoping meetings will be held at the
                                                animals or plants, or their critical                    Mohawk Valley Heritage Corridor and                    locations, dates, and times as indicated
                                                habitats: The EIS will consider the                     the RiverSpark (Hudson-Mohawk)                         below:
                                                effects of the construction and operation               Heritage Area.                                            1. Bridgeport, CT: Bridgeport City
                                                of the project on essential fish habitats                  5. Impacts on human health and                      Hall, 45 Lyon Terrace, Bridgeport, CT
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES

                                                and species, including the shortnose                    safety: The EIS will consider the nature               06604; 7–9 p.m., Thursday, July 8, 2010.
                                                sturgeon (Federally listed endangered                   and effects of electric and magnetic                      2. New York City, NY: U.S.
                                                species), leatherback sea turtle                        fields that may be generated by the                    Environmental Protection Agency, 290
                                                (Federally listed endangered species),                  construction and operation of the                      Broadway, Room 27A (27th floor,
                                                loggerhead sea turtle (Federal listed                   project.                                               conference room A), New York, NY
                                                threatened species), green sea turtle                      6. Impacts on air quality: The EIS will             10007; 2–4 p.m., Friday, July 9, 2010. It
                                                (Federal listed threatened species), and                consider the effects of the construction               is important to note that this is a secure
                                                Atlantic sturgeon (Federally listed                     and operation of the project on air                    building: all carried items, e.g.,

                                           VerDate Mar<15>2010   16:17 Jun 17, 2010   Jkt 220001   PO 00000   Frm 00041   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:FRFM18JNN1.SGM   18JNN1
34724                           Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 117 / Friday, June 18, 2010 / Notices

                                                handbags and backpacks, will be X-                      submitted through the project Web site                 continuing on June 30 at 8:30 a.m.; and
                                                rayed and visitors will pass through a                  established for preparation of the EIS, at             on June 30, commencing at 2:30 p.m.
                                                metal detector.                                This site will               and continuing on July 1, 2010, at 9:30
                                                   3. Yonkers, NY: Royal Regency Hotel,                 also serve as a repository for all public              a.m. The purpose of this notice is to
                                                165 Tuckahoe Road, Yonkers, NY                          documents and the central location for                 permit attendance by representatives of
                                                10710; 7–9 p.m., Monday, July 12, 2010.                 announcements. Individuals may                         U.S. company members of the IAB at a
                                                   4. Kingston, NY: Holiday Inn Kingston                subscribe to the ‘‘mail list’’ feature on the          joint meeting of the IEA’s Standing
                                                NY, 503 Washington Avenue, Kingston,                    project Web site in order to receive                   Group on Emergency Questions (SEQ)
                                                NY 12401; 7–9 p.m., Tuesday, July 13,                   future announcements and news                          and the IEA’s Standing Group on the Oil
                                                2010.                                                   releases.                                              Market (SOM) on June 29, which is
                                                   5. Albany, NY: The Holiday Inn                         DOE will summarize all comments                      scheduled to be held at the headquarters
                                                Albany at Wolf Road, 205 Wolf Road,                     received in a ‘‘Scoping Report’’ that will             of the IEA commencing at 9:30 a.m., and
                                                Albany, NY 12205; 7–9 p.m.,                             be available on the project Web site and               a joint SEQ/SOM Workshop on the
                                                Wednesday, July 14, 2010.                               distributed either electronically to all               Release of Industry Stocks, which is
                                                   6. Glens Falls, NY: Ramada Glens                     parties of record for whom we have an                  scheduled to be held at the same
                                                Falls/Lake George Area, 1 Abby Lane                     e-mail address, or by mailing paper                    location beginning at 9 a.m. on June 30.
                                                (exit 19 off I–87), Queensbury, NY                      copies upon request.                                   The IAB will also hold a preparatory
                                                12804; 7–9 p.m., Thursday, July 15,                                                                            meeting among company
                                                2010.                                                      Issued in Washington, DC, on June 14,
                                                                                                        2010.                                                  representatives at the same location at
                                                   7. Plattsburgh, NY: Plattsburgh North                                                                       8:30 a.m. on June 30. The agenda for
                                                Country Chamber of Commerce, 7061                       Patricia A. Hoffman,
                                                                                                        Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office           this preparatory meeting is to discuss
                                                State Route 9, Plattsburgh, NY 12901;                                                                          the SEQ/SOM meeting and to review the
                                                7–9 p.m., Friday, July 16, 2010.                        of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability.
                                                                                                                                                               agendas of the SEQ/SOM workshop and
                                                   The scoping meetings will be                         [FR Doc. 2010–14760 Filed 6–17–10; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                                                               the 130th SEQ meeting, to be held on
                                                structured in two parts: First, an                      BILLING CODE 6450–01–P
                                                                                                                                                               June 30–July 1.
                                                informal discussion ‘‘workshop’’ period
                                                                                                                                                                  The agenda of the joint SEQ/SOM
                                                that will not be recorded; and, second,
                                                                                                        DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY                                   meeting on June 29 is under the control
                                                the formal taking of comments with
                                                                                                                                                               of the SEQ and the SOM. It is expected
                                                transcription by a court stenographer.
                                                                                                        International Energy Agency Meetings                   that the SEQ and the SOM will adopt
                                                The meetings will provide interested
                                                                                                                                                               the following agenda:
                                                parties the opportunity to view                         AGENCY:   Department of Energy.                        1. Adoption of the Agenda.
                                                proposed project exhibits, ask questions,               ACTION:   Notice of Meetings.                          2. Approval of the Summary Record of
                                                and make comments. Applicant, DOE,
                                                                                                                                                                    the March 2010 Joint Meeting.
                                                and any cooperating agency                              SUMMARY:   The Industry Advisory Board                 3. The 2011–2012 Program of Work for
                                                representatives will be available to                    (IAB) to the International Energy                           the SOM and SEQ.
                                                answer questions and provide                            Agency (IEA) will meet on June 29,                        —Priority Setting Exercise.
                                                additional information to attendees to                  2010, at the headquarters of the IEA in                   —Governing Board Brainstorming.
                                                the extent that additional information is               Paris, France, in connection with a joint              4. The Medium-Term Oil Market Report.
                                                available at this early stage of the                    meeting of the IEA’s Standing Group on                 5. Report on the International Energy
                                                proceedings.                                            Emergency Questions (SEQ) and the                           Forum.
                                                   Persons submitting comments during                   IEA’s Standing Group on the Oil Market                 6. Update on the Medium-Term Gas
                                                the scoping process, whether orally or                  (SOM) on June 29; and on June 30 in                         Market Report.
                                                in writing, will receive either paper or                connection with a joint SEQ/SOM                        7. Other Business.
                                                electronic copies of the Draft EIS,                     Workshop on the Release of Industry
                                                according to their preference. Persons                                                                            The agenda of the SEQ/SOM
                                                                                                        Stocks on June 30 and a meeting of the
                                                who do not wish to submit comments or                                                                          workshop on June 30 is under the
                                                                                                        SEQ on June 30 and continuing on July
                                                suggestions at this time but who would                                                                         control of the SEQ and the SOM. It is
                                                like to receive a copy of the document                                                                         expected that the SEQ and the SOM will
                                                                                                        DATES: June 29–July 1, 2010.                           adopt the following agenda:
                                                for review and comment when it is                                                 ´ ´
                                                                                                        ADDRESSES: 9, rue de la Federation,                    1. Introduction by the IEA Secretariat.
                                                issued should notify Dr. Jerry Pell as
                                                                                                        Paris, France.                                         2. Introduction by the Chairman.
                                                provided above, with their paper-or-
                                                electronic preference.                                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                       3. Session 1—Industry Stockholding
                                                                                                        Diana D. Clark, Assistant General for                       Obligation.
                                                EIS Preparation and Schedule                            International and National Security                       —How do we assure the availability
                                                  In preparing the Draft EIS, DOE will                  Programs, Department of Energy, 1000                        of such stocks in a crisis? How are
                                                consider comments received during the                   Independence Avenue, SW.,                                   industry emergency stocks related
                                                scoping period. As noted above,                         Washington, DC 20585, 202–586–3417.                         to minimum operating
                                                comments can be submitted by various                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In                               requirements?
                                                means, and will be given the same                       accordance with section 252(c)(1)(A)(i)                4. Session 2—The Government
                                                consideration. They can be submitted to                 of the Energy Policy and Conservation                       Measures to Make Industry
                                                Dr. Jerry Pell either electronically or by              Act (42 U.S.C. 6272(c)(1)(A)(i)) (EPCA),                    Obligatory Stockholding Available
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES

                                                paper copy; if the latter, consider using               the following notice of meeting is                          to the Market.
                                                a delivery service because materials                    provided:                                                 —What other measures are available
                                                submitted by regular mail are subject to                   Meetings of the Industry Advisory                        besides lowering the obligation for
                                                security screening, which both causes                   Board (IAB) to the International Energy                     industry to hold stocks? Does the
                                                extended delay and potential damage to                  Agency (IEA) will be held at the                            lowering of the obligation need to
                                                the contents. (Warped and unusable CD                   headquarters of the IEA, 9, rue de la                       be more focused than just a uniform
                                                or DVD discs are common.)                                 ´ ´
                                                                                                        Federation, Paris, France, on June 29,                      reduction across all companies, for
                                                Additionally, comments can be                           2010, beginning at 9:30 a.m. and                            all fuels? What is the minimum

                                           VerDate Mar<15>2010   16:17 Jun 17, 2010   Jkt 220001   PO 00000   Frm 00042   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:FRFM18JNN1.SGM   18JNN1

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NOA DEIS (EPA) - Kemper County IGCC Project
NOA DEIS (DOE) - Mesaba Energy Project
NOA DEIS (DOE) - Mesaba Energy ProjectNOA DEIS (DOE) - Mesaba Energy Project
NOA DEIS (DOE) - Mesaba Energy Project
NOA DEIS (EPA) - Mesaba Energy Project
NOA DEIS (EPA) - Mesaba Energy ProjectNOA DEIS (EPA) - Mesaba Energy Project
NOA DEIS (EPA) - Mesaba Energy Project
NOI - Mesaba Energy Project
NOI - Mesaba Energy ProjectNOI - Mesaba Energy Project
NOI - Mesaba Energy Project
NOA DEIS (DOE) - Mercury
NOA DEIS (DOE) - MercuryNOA DEIS (DOE) - Mercury
NOA DEIS (DOE) - Mercury
NOI - Santa Susana
NOI - Santa SusanaNOI - Santa Susana
NOI - Santa Susana
ANOI - Santa Susana
ANOI - Santa SusanaANOI - Santa Susana
ANOI - Santa Susana
NOI - GTCC Low Level Radioactive Waste
NOI - GTCC Low Level Radioactive WasteNOI - GTCC Low Level Radioactive Waste
NOI - GTCC Low Level Radioactive Waste
ANOI - GTCC Low-Level Radioactive Waste
ANOI - GTCC Low-Level Radioactive WasteANOI - GTCC Low-Level Radioactive Waste
ANOI - GTCC Low-Level Radioactive Waste
NOI - Tank Closure and Waste Management (Hanford)
NOI - Tank Closure and Waste Management (Hanford)NOI - Tank Closure and Waste Management (Hanford)
NOI - Tank Closure and Waste Management (Hanford)
NOA DEIS (DOE) - Abengoa Biorefinery
NOA DEIS (DOE) - Abengoa BiorefineryNOA DEIS (DOE) - Abengoa Biorefinery
NOA DEIS (DOE) - Abengoa Biorefinery
NOA DEIS (EPA) - Abengoa Biorefinery
NOA DEIS (EPA) - Abengoa BiorefineryNOA DEIS (EPA) - Abengoa Biorefinery
NOA DEIS (EPA) - Abengoa Biorefinery

NOI - Champlain Hudson Power

  • 1. 34720 Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 117 / Friday, June 18, 2010 / Notices We reference the regulations outlining (4)(A) The number and percentage of Dated: June 15, 2010. the terms and conditions of an award in students served by the project during ´ Thelma Melendez de Santa Ana, the Applicable Regulations section of the most recent school year who were Assistant Secretary for Elementary and this notice and include these and other two or more years behind their expected Secondary Education. specific conditions in the GAN. The age and credit accumulation in high [FR Doc. 2010–14732 Filed 6–17–10; 8:45 am] GAN also incorporates your approved school; and BILLING CODE 4000–01–P application as part of your binding (B) The number and percentage of commitments under the grant. such students who earned one half or 3. Grant Administration: Projects more of the credits they need to DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY funded under this competition are graduate with a regular diploma. encouraged to budget for a two-day [OE Docket No. PP–362] (5) For each school served by the meeting for project directors to be held project that includes an eighth grade— Notice of Intent To Prepare an annually in Washington, DC. (A) The average daily attendance of 4. Reporting: At the end of your Environmental Impact Statement and such school; and To Conduct Public Scoping Meetings, project period, you must submit a final (B) The number and percentage of and Notice of Floodplains and performance report, including financial students enrolled in the eighth grade Wetlands Involvement; Champlain information, as directed by the who enrolled in ninth grade at the start Hudson Power Express, Inc. Secretary. If you receive a multi-year of the next school year. award, you must submit an annual AGENCY: Department of Energy (DOE). performance report that provides the These measures constitute the Department’s indicators of success for ACTION: Notice of Intent to prepare an most current performance and financial Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) expenditure information as directed by this program. Consequently, we advise an applicant for a grant under this and to conduct Public Scoping the Secretary under 34 CFR 75.118. The Meetings; Notice of Floodplains and Secretary may also require more program to give careful consideration to these measures in conceptualizing the Wetlands Involvement. frequent performance reports under 34 CFR 75.720(c). For specific approach and evaluation for its SUMMARY: The Department of Energy requirements on reporting, please go to proposed project. Each grantee will be (DOE) announces its intention to required to provide, in its annual prepare an EIS pursuant to the National appforms/appforms.html. performance and final reports, data Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 5. Performance Measures: The about its progress in meeting these 1969, as amended (42 U.S.C. 4321 et Department has established the measures. seq.), the Council on Environmental following Government Performance and VII. Agency Contacts Quality (CEQ) NEPA regulations (40 Results Act of 1993 (GPRA) performance CFR parts 1500–1508), and the DOE measures for this program: For Further Information Contact: NEPA implementing procedures (10 (1) For each high school served by the Theda Zawaiza, U.S. Department of CFR part 1021) to assess the potential project, the school’s graduation rate, as Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW., environmental impacts from its defined in the State’s approved room 3E122, Washington, DC 20202. proposed Federal action of granting a accountability plan for Part A of Title I Telephone: (202) 205–3783 or by e-mail: Presidential permit to Champlain of the ESEA, as well as the graduation Hudson Power Express, Inc. (Champlain rates for the following subgroups: If you use a TDD, call the FRS, toll Hudson) to construct, operate, maintain, (A) Major racial and ethnic groups; free, at 1–800–877–8339. and connect a new electric transmission (B) Students with disabilities; line across the U.S.-Canada border in VIII. Other Information (C) Students with limited English northeastern New York State. The EIS, proficiency; and Accessible Format: Individuals with Champlain Hudson Power Express (D) Economically disadvantaged disabilities can obtain this document Transmission Line Project students. and a copy of the application package in Environmental Impact Statement (DOE/ Note: The Department will identify each an accessible format (e.g., braille, large EIS–0447), will address potential school’s graduation rate, as well as the print, audiotape, or computer diskette) environmental impacts from the graduation rates for the subgroups identified on request to either program contact proposed action and the range of in this section, using the data that are now person listed under FOR FURTHER reasonable alternatives. reported to the Department by SEAs using INFORMATION CONTACT in section VII of The purpose of this Notice of Intent the EDEN Submission System (ESS). this notice. (NOI) is to inform the public about the Grantees will not be required to provide Electronic Access to This Document: proposed action, announce plans to these data. conduct seven public scoping meetings You can view this document, as well as (2) The number and percentage of all other documents of this Department in the vicinity of the proposed students enrolled in grades 9 through 12 published in the Federal Register, in transmission line, invite public in schools or programs served by the text or Adobe Portable Document participation in the scoping process, project who, during the most recent Format (PDF) on the Internet at the and solicit public comments for school year, earned one quarter of the following site: consideration in establishing the scope credits necessary to graduate from high fedregister. To use PDF you must have of the EIS. Because the proposed project school with a regular diploma. Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is may involve actions in floodplains and srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES (3)(A) The number and percentage of available free at this site. wetlands, in accordance with 10 CFR students served by the project who had part 1022, Compliance with Floodplain Note: The official version of this document and Wetland Environmental Review not attended school for 60 or more is the document published in the Federal instructional days immediately prior to Register. Free Internet access to the official Requirements, the draft EIS will include their participation in the project; and edition of the Federal Register and the Code a floodplain and wetland assessment as (B) The average daily attendance of of Federal Regulations is available on GPO appropriate, and the final EIS or record such students while participating in the Access at: of decision will include a floodplain project. index.html. statement of findings. VerDate Mar<15>2010 16:17 Jun 17, 2010 Jkt 220001 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:FRFM18JNN1.SGM 18JNN1
  • 2. Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 117 / Friday, June 18, 2010 / Notices 34721 DATES: DOE invites interested agencies, Defense. In determining consistency cooperating agencies with respect to this organizations, Native American tribes, with the public interest, DOE considers EIS. and members of the public to submit the potential environmental impacts of In addition, Champlain Hudson comments to assist in identifying the proposed project under NEPA, applied to DOE on September 12, 2009, significant environmental issues and in determines the project’s impact on for a Federal loan guarantee for the determining the appropriate scope of electric reliability (including whether proposed project in response to a DOE the EIS. The public scoping period starts the proposed project would adversely competitive solicitation, ‘‘Federal Loan with the publication of this Notice in affect the operation of the U.S. electric Guarantees for Electric Power the Federal Register and will continue power supply system under normal and Transmission Infrastructure Investment until August 2, 2010. Written and oral contingency conditions), and considers Projects,’’ issued under section 1705, comments will be given equal weight, any other factors that DOE may find Title XVII, of the Energy Policy Act of and DOE will consider all comments relevant to the public interest. The 2005 (EPAct). Section 406 of the received or postmarked by August 2, regulations implementing the E.O. have American Recovery and Reinvestment 2010 in defining the scope of this EIS. been codified at 10 CFR parts 205.320– Act of 2009 (the ‘‘Recovery Act’’) Comments received or postmarked after 205.329. DOE’s issuance of a amended EPAct by adding section 1705. that date will be considered to the Presidential permit indicates that there This section is designed to address the extent practicable. is no Federal objection to the project, current economic conditions of the Locations, dates, and start and end but does not mandate that the project be Nation, in part by facilitating the times for the public scoping meetings undertaken. development of eligible renewable and are listed in the SUPPLEMENTARY Champlain Hudson applied on transmission projects that commence INFORMATION section of this NOI. January 27, 2010, to DOE’s Office of construction no later than September Requests to speak at any one or more Electricity Delivery and Energy 30, 2011. DOE is carrying out an public scoping meeting(s) should be Reliability (OE) for a Presidential permit evaluation of the application submitted received by Dr. Jerry Pell at the address to construct, operate, maintain, and by Champlain Hudson. Should DOE indicated below on or before July 6, connect a 2,000-megawatt (MW) high- decide to enter into the negotiation of a 2010; requests received by that date will voltage direct current (HVDC) Voltage possible loan guarantee with Champlain be given priority in the speaking order. Source Converter (VSC) controllable Hudson, DOE would use this EIS to However, requests to speak also may be transmission system from the Canadian meet its NEPA requirements in making made at the scoping meetings. Province of Quebec to the New York a determination of funding. ADDRESSES: Comments on the scope of City and Southwestern Connecticut Applicant’s Proposal the EIS and requests to be added to the regions. After due consideration of the nature and extent of the proposed The applicant’s proposed VSC document mailing list should be project, including evaluation of the controllable transmission system addressed to: Dr. Jerry Pell, Office of ‘‘Information Regarding Potential consists of two 1,000–MW HVDC Electricity Delivery and Energy Environmental Impacts’’ section of the bipoles. A bipole consists of two Reliability (OE–20), U.S. Department of connected submarine or underground Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue, Presidential permit application, DOE has determined that the appropriate cables, one of which is positively SW., Washington, DC 20585; by charged, and the other negatively electronic mail to; level of NEPA review for this project is an EIS. charged. In total, four cables would be or by facsimile to 202–318–7761. For laid between Quebec, Canada, and a The proposed Federal action is the general information on the DOE NEPA proposed converter station in Yonkers, granting of the Presidential permit and process contact: Ms. Carol M. NY, where one bipole (two cables) it is anticipated that the project could Borgstrom, Director, Office of NEPA would be terminated. The converter significantly affect the quality of the Policy and Compliance (GC–54), U.S. station would change the electrical human environment. Because the Department of Energy, 1000 power from direct current to alternating proposed project may involve actions in Independence Avenue, SW., floodplains and wetlands, in accordance current. The remaining bipole (two Washington, DC 20585; by electronic with 10 CFR part 1022, Compliance cables) would continue to a proposed mail at; or by with Floodplain and Wetland converter station in Bridgeport, CT. facsimile at 202–586–7031. Environmental Review Requirements, Champlain Hudson’s proposed FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dr. the draft EIS will include a floodplain transmission line would connect Jerry Pell at the addresses above, or at and wetland assessment as appropriate, renewable sources of power generation 202–586–3362. For general information and the final EIS or record of decision in Canada with load centers in and on the DOE NEPA process, contact Ms. will include a floodplain statement of around the New York City and Carol M. Borgstrom at 202–586–4600, findings. southwestern Connecticut regions. leave a message at 800–472–2756, or at DOE invites Tribal governments and The project would originate at an the addresses above. Federal, state, and local agencies with HVDC converter station near Hydro- SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Executive jurisdiction by law or special expertise ´ ´ Quebec TransEnergie’s 765/315-kilovolt Order (E.O.) 10485, as amended by E.O. with respect to environmental issues to (kV) Hertel substation, located southeast 12038, requires that a Presidential be cooperating agencies with respect to of Montreal, and extend approximately permit be issued by DOE before electric the EIS, as defined at 40 CFR 1501.6. 35 miles to the international border transmission facilities may be Cooperating agencies have certain between the United States and Canada, srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES constructed, operated, maintained, or responsibilities to support the NEPA crossing in Lake Champlain to the east connected at the U.S. international process, as specified at 40 CFR of the Town of Champlain, NY. Four border. The E.O. provides that a 1501.6(b). The U.S. Army Corps of cables (two bipoles) would extend south Presidential permit may be issued after Engineers (anticipated), the U.S. under Lake Champlain for a finding that the proposed project is Environmental Protection Agency approximately 111 miles entirely within consistent with the public interest and Region 2, and the New York State the jurisdictional waters of New York after favorable recommendations from Departments of Environmental State. At the southern end of Lake the U.S. Departments of State and Conservation and Public Service are Champlain, the cables would exit the VerDate Mar<15>2010 16:17 Jun 17, 2010 Jkt 220001 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:FRFM18JNN1.SGM 18JNN1
  • 3. 34722 Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 117 / Friday, June 18, 2010 / Notices water just north of Lock C12 of the density polyethylene (HDPE) casings for for Route A, 384.2 miles for Route B, Champlain Canal (Canal) in the town of the cables to use under the waterway. and 385.7 miles for Route C. The lines Whitehall, NY, and would be buried Upon entering the Hudson River, the differ, however, in the amount of the within an existing railroad right-of-way four cables would be buried for 118 line that is submerged or buried owned by Canadian Pacific Railway miles until they reach the City of underground. Route A, the Champlain (CP) for 1.7 miles. The cables would Yonkers, NY. Two of the four HVDC Hudson preferred alternative, has enter the Canal just south of Lock C12 cables (one bipole) would terminate at approximately 72.4 miles buried and continue under the Canal for 5.6 the proposed converter station located underground. Route B has miles to Comstock, NY, and then utilize in Yonkers for a total length of approximately 89.4 miles buried another CP railroad right-of-way for 0.4 approximately 319 miles from the U.S. underground, and Route C has about miles to circumvent Lock C11. The border with Canada to Yonkers, NY. The 68.0 miles buried underground. The cables would re-enter the canal just remaining two cables would continue remaining distances of all routes are south of Lock C11 and continue under for approximately 66 miles under the submerged. Maps showing all three the Canal for 8.9 miles toward Lock C9 Hudson River, Spuyten Duyvil Creek, alternative routes may be found at in Kingsbury, NY (there is no Lock C10). the Harlem River, and the East River North of Lock C9, the cables would exit into Long Island Sound before All three routes cross the U.S.-Canada the Canal and would be buried for 0.5 terminating at a converter station near 1 border in Lake Champlain at Rouses miles within land owned by the New W Avenue in Bridgeport, CT, for at total Point, NY (which is about five miles York State Canal Corporation on the length of approximately 384.4 miles east of the Town of Champlain, NY), 35 eastern shore of Lock C9. The HVDC from the U.S. border with Canada to miles from where they would begin cables would re-enter the Canal just Bridgeport. This route is discussed southeast of Montreal, Canada. Route A, south of Lock C9 and continue under below as being Route A, the applicant’s the applicant’s preferred alternative, is the Canal for 2.7 miles toward Lock C8 preferred alternative. described in detail above. in Fort Edward, NY. The Champlain Hudson Presidential The Route B alternative is the same as permit application, including associated Route A, except that after exiting the The Upper Hudson River portion of maps and drawings, can be viewed or water just north of Lock C12 of the the Hudson River polychlorinated downloaded in its entirety from the Champlain Canal (Canal) in the town of biphenyl (PCB) site (USEPA DOE program Web site at http:// Whitehall, NY, Route B would continue Identification Number NYD980763841) within an existing railroad right-of-way stretches from Hudson Falls, NY, to the permits_pending.htm (see PP–362), or owned by Canadian Pacific Railway Federal Dam at Troy, NY. To avoid on the project EIS Web site at http:// (CP) for 19.5 miles through the installing and burying HVDC cables Also available at municipalities of Comstock, Fort Ann, within this area, the proposed Project these same locations is the March 5, and Kingsbury. Route B would overlap route would exit the Canal north of Lock 2010, Federal Register Notice of Receipt with Route A where Route A exits the C8 near Durham Basin, where an of Application (75 FR 10229). Champlain Canal north of Lock C8 near existing CP railroad right-of-way is Durham Basin. located immediately adjacent to the Agency Purpose and Need, Proposed Route C is the same as Route A except west of the Canal. Upon exiting the Action, and Alternatives for a 6.3 mile segment from north of canal, the four cables would be buried The DOE proposed Federal action is Lock C8 near Durham Basin, where for approximately 46.1 miles within the the granting of a Presidential permit to Route A exits the Champlain Canal CP railroad bypass route to the west of Champlain Hudson to construct, (Canal) to travel south about 4.8 miles the Hudson River, traversing the operate, maintain, and connect a new within the CP railroad right-of-way. At municipalities of Moreau, electric transmission line across the the point where Route A would exit the Northumberland, Wilton, Greenfield, U.S.-Canada border in northeastern New canal, Route C instead would continue Saratoga Springs, Milton, Ballston, York State. The EIS, Champlain Hudson under the Canal for 2.9 miles toward Clifton Park, Glenville, and Power Express Transmission Line Lock C8 in Fort Edward, NY. North of Schenectady, NY. In the town of Project Environmental Impact Lock C8, the cables would exit the Canal Rotterdam, NY, the buried route would Statement (DOE/EIS–0447), will address and would be buried for 0.4 miles transfer to the CSX Railroad (CSX) right- potential environmental impacts from within land owned by the New York of-way and proceed south for the proposed action and the range of State Canal Corporation on the eastern approximately 23.7 miles through the reasonable alternatives. The purpose shore of Lock C8. The HVDC cables municipalities of Guilderland, New and need for DOE’s action is to decide would re-enter the Canal just south of Scotland, Voorheesville, and whether to grant Champlain Hudson Lock C8 and continue under the Canal Bethlehem. The proposed Project route said Presidential permit. It should be for 2.1 miles towards Lock C7, also would then exit the railroad right-of- noted, however, that although the located in Fort Edward, NY. North of way and enter the Hudson River at the potential environmental impacts are Lock C7, the cables would exit the town of Coeymans, NY (about 14 miles important, they are not the only criteria eastern side of the canal and be buried south of Albany). In general, when a that form the basis for the final for 0.2 miles within land owned by the railroad right-of-way intersects with a permitting decision. If granted, the New York State Canal Corporation waterway, the applicant’s preference Presidential permit would authorize before entering the Hudson River to the would be to attach the cables to the only that portion of the line that would south of Rogers Island, where the srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES bridge structure, particularly for longer be constructed, operated, and Hudson River flows parallel to the crossings such as the bridge over the maintained wholly within the United Champlain Canal. The four cables Mohawk River in Schenectady, NY. If States. would be buried under the Hudson the cables could not be attached to the Three action alternatives (routes) for River, and Route C would travel in a bridge due to engineering concerns or constructing the proposed transmission northern direction under the river to the owner preference, an option would be line inside the United States have been west of Rogers Island for 0.7 miles for the applicant to employ horizontal identified by the applicant, and they before reaching the CP railroad bridge directional drilling to install high- differ little in total length: 384.5 miles VerDate Mar<15>2010 16:17 Jun 17, 2010 Jkt 220001 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:FRFM18JNN1.SGM 18JNN1
  • 4. Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 117 / Friday, June 18, 2010 / Notices 34723 that extends roughly southwest over the candidate species as of October 17, quality, including the emission and Hudson River from Fort Edward, NY 2006). effects of greenhouse gases such as toward Moreau, NY. The cables would 2. Impacts on aquatic biological carbon dioxide. exit the water on the west side of the resources: The EIS will consider the 7. Impacts on soil: The EIS will Hudson River and Route C would effects of the construction and operation consider the effects of the construction overlap with Route A at the same point of the project on shellfish, benthic and operation of the project on the loss where Route A would transition from communities, finfish, and commercial or disturbance of soils. being attached to the bridge structure to and recreational fisheries, and the 8. Impacts on water quality: The EIS being buried within the railroad right- potential for introduction of invasive will consider the effects of the of-way in the town of Moreau. This species. installation and operation of the alternative assumes that PCB dredging 3. Impacts on floodplains and transmission cables on water quality activities associated with the Hudson wetlands: The EIS will consider the due to potential re-suspension of River Dredging Project planned for the effects of the construction and operation sediments and contaminants, including area around Rogers Island are completed of the project on wetlands and on PCBs in the Hudson River. by 2013. (The northern tip of Rogers freshwater, tidal, and estuarine 9. Impacts to land use: The EIS will Island is about one-quarter of a mile floodplains. The portions of all three consider the effects of the installation west of Fort Edward. Overall, the Island alternative routes that utilize the CP and operation of the project on land is just less than one mile in length.) railroad right-of-way would cross uses, including agricultural lands, Champlain Hudson is also Federal Emergency Management parks, and public lands. considering two alternative substations Agency-mapped floodplains associated 10. Visual impacts: The EIS will identified as feasible points of with the Champlain Canal and the consider the effects of the installation interconnection in New York, regardless Hudson River. The routes cross the and operation of the project on visual of the alternative route: The Gowanus Mohawk River within the City of resources of any above-ground 345-kV substation, located in New York Schenectady, but an option under components of the project, including County, and the Astoria (Polleti) 345-kV consideration is the possible suspension near the locations of the two converter substation, located in Queens County. of the cables from the railroad bridge, stations. An alternative site under consideration such that they would not be buried 11. Noise impacts: The EIS will for the DC–AC converter station in within the floodplain. The underground consider the effects of the installation Queens County is land adjacent to the connection to the Yonkers and and operation of the project on noise Astoria substation. In Connecticut, 60 Bridgeport converter stations utilized by levels near the locations of the two DC- Main Street in Bridgeport has been all three route alternatives would cross to-AC converter stations. identified as a possible alternative site bordering floodplain at the landfall 12. Socioeconomic impacts: This EIS for the converter station. locations. Portions of the Sherman will consider impacts on community Under the No Action alternative, DOE Creek East substation site and the services. would deny Champlain Hudson’s underground connection to the 13. Environmental justice: The EIS application for a Presidential permit for substation are located in floodplain will include consideration of any the proposed international electric associated with the Harlem River in disproportionately high and adverse transmission line. New York City. Limited wetland impacts on minority and low-income delineations and available New York populations. Identification of Environmental Issues State mapping resources indicate that This list is not intended to be all The EIS will examine public health less than 15 acres of wetlands would be inclusive or to imply any and safety effects and environmental temporarily impacted within the predetermination of impacts. DOE impacts in the U.S. from the proposed construction corridor along the invites interested parties to suggest HVDC transmission facilities. This underground portions of Routes A, B, specific issues within these general notice is intended to inform agencies and C. categories, or other issues not included and the public of the proposed project, 4. Impacts on cultural or historic above, to be considered in the EIS. and to solicit comments and suggestions resources: The EIS will consider the for consideration in the preparation of effects of the construction and operation Scoping Process the EIS. To help the public frame its of the project on shipwrecks and Interested parties are invited to comments, the following is a National Historic Landmarks; e.g., the participate in the scoping process, both preliminary list of several potential proposed transmission cable route to help define the environmental issues environmental issues in the U.S. that travels through the boundary of the to be analyzed and to identify the range DOE and Champlain Hudson have Crown Point and Fort Ticonderoga of reasonable alternatives. Both oral and tentatively identified for analysis, National Historic Landmarks. The written comments will be considered including: project facilities would also be located and given equal weight by DOE, 1. Impacts on protected, threatened, within National Heritage Areas and New regardless of how submitted. Public endangered, or sensitive species of York State Heritage Areas, including the scoping meetings will be held at the animals or plants, or their critical Mohawk Valley Heritage Corridor and locations, dates, and times as indicated habitats: The EIS will consider the the RiverSpark (Hudson-Mohawk) below: effects of the construction and operation Heritage Area. 1. Bridgeport, CT: Bridgeport City of the project on essential fish habitats 5. Impacts on human health and Hall, 45 Lyon Terrace, Bridgeport, CT srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES and species, including the shortnose safety: The EIS will consider the nature 06604; 7–9 p.m., Thursday, July 8, 2010. sturgeon (Federally listed endangered and effects of electric and magnetic 2. New York City, NY: U.S. species), leatherback sea turtle fields that may be generated by the Environmental Protection Agency, 290 (Federally listed endangered species), construction and operation of the Broadway, Room 27A (27th floor, loggerhead sea turtle (Federal listed project. conference room A), New York, NY threatened species), green sea turtle 6. Impacts on air quality: The EIS will 10007; 2–4 p.m., Friday, July 9, 2010. It (Federal listed threatened species), and consider the effects of the construction is important to note that this is a secure Atlantic sturgeon (Federally listed and operation of the project on air building: all carried items, e.g., VerDate Mar<15>2010 16:17 Jun 17, 2010 Jkt 220001 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:FRFM18JNN1.SGM 18JNN1
  • 5. 34724 Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 117 / Friday, June 18, 2010 / Notices handbags and backpacks, will be X- submitted through the project Web site continuing on June 30 at 8:30 a.m.; and rayed and visitors will pass through a established for preparation of the EIS, at on June 30, commencing at 2:30 p.m. metal detector. This site will and continuing on July 1, 2010, at 9:30 3. Yonkers, NY: Royal Regency Hotel, also serve as a repository for all public a.m. The purpose of this notice is to 165 Tuckahoe Road, Yonkers, NY documents and the central location for permit attendance by representatives of 10710; 7–9 p.m., Monday, July 12, 2010. announcements. Individuals may U.S. company members of the IAB at a 4. Kingston, NY: Holiday Inn Kingston subscribe to the ‘‘mail list’’ feature on the joint meeting of the IEA’s Standing NY, 503 Washington Avenue, Kingston, project Web site in order to receive Group on Emergency Questions (SEQ) NY 12401; 7–9 p.m., Tuesday, July 13, future announcements and news and the IEA’s Standing Group on the Oil 2010. releases. Market (SOM) on June 29, which is 5. Albany, NY: The Holiday Inn DOE will summarize all comments scheduled to be held at the headquarters Albany at Wolf Road, 205 Wolf Road, received in a ‘‘Scoping Report’’ that will of the IEA commencing at 9:30 a.m., and Albany, NY 12205; 7–9 p.m., be available on the project Web site and a joint SEQ/SOM Workshop on the Wednesday, July 14, 2010. distributed either electronically to all Release of Industry Stocks, which is 6. Glens Falls, NY: Ramada Glens parties of record for whom we have an scheduled to be held at the same Falls/Lake George Area, 1 Abby Lane e-mail address, or by mailing paper location beginning at 9 a.m. on June 30. (exit 19 off I–87), Queensbury, NY copies upon request. The IAB will also hold a preparatory 12804; 7–9 p.m., Thursday, July 15, meeting among company 2010. Issued in Washington, DC, on June 14, 2010. representatives at the same location at 7. Plattsburgh, NY: Plattsburgh North 8:30 a.m. on June 30. The agenda for Country Chamber of Commerce, 7061 Patricia A. Hoffman, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office this preparatory meeting is to discuss State Route 9, Plattsburgh, NY 12901; the SEQ/SOM meeting and to review the 7–9 p.m., Friday, July 16, 2010. of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability. agendas of the SEQ/SOM workshop and The scoping meetings will be [FR Doc. 2010–14760 Filed 6–17–10; 8:45 am] the 130th SEQ meeting, to be held on structured in two parts: First, an BILLING CODE 6450–01–P June 30–July 1. informal discussion ‘‘workshop’’ period The agenda of the joint SEQ/SOM that will not be recorded; and, second, DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY meeting on June 29 is under the control the formal taking of comments with of the SEQ and the SOM. It is expected transcription by a court stenographer. International Energy Agency Meetings that the SEQ and the SOM will adopt The meetings will provide interested the following agenda: parties the opportunity to view AGENCY: Department of Energy. 1. Adoption of the Agenda. proposed project exhibits, ask questions, ACTION: Notice of Meetings. 2. Approval of the Summary Record of and make comments. Applicant, DOE, the March 2010 Joint Meeting. and any cooperating agency SUMMARY: The Industry Advisory Board 3. The 2011–2012 Program of Work for representatives will be available to (IAB) to the International Energy the SOM and SEQ. answer questions and provide Agency (IEA) will meet on June 29, —Priority Setting Exercise. additional information to attendees to 2010, at the headquarters of the IEA in —Governing Board Brainstorming. the extent that additional information is Paris, France, in connection with a joint 4. The Medium-Term Oil Market Report. available at this early stage of the meeting of the IEA’s Standing Group on 5. Report on the International Energy proceedings. Emergency Questions (SEQ) and the Forum. Persons submitting comments during IEA’s Standing Group on the Oil Market 6. Update on the Medium-Term Gas the scoping process, whether orally or (SOM) on June 29; and on June 30 in Market Report. in writing, will receive either paper or connection with a joint SEQ/SOM 7. Other Business. electronic copies of the Draft EIS, Workshop on the Release of Industry according to their preference. Persons The agenda of the SEQ/SOM Stocks on June 30 and a meeting of the who do not wish to submit comments or workshop on June 30 is under the SEQ on June 30 and continuing on July suggestions at this time but who would control of the SEQ and the SOM. It is 1. like to receive a copy of the document expected that the SEQ and the SOM will DATES: June 29–July 1, 2010. adopt the following agenda: for review and comment when it is ´ ´ ADDRESSES: 9, rue de la Federation, 1. Introduction by the IEA Secretariat. issued should notify Dr. Jerry Pell as Paris, France. 2. Introduction by the Chairman. provided above, with their paper-or- electronic preference. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: 3. Session 1—Industry Stockholding Diana D. Clark, Assistant General for Obligation. EIS Preparation and Schedule International and National Security —How do we assure the availability In preparing the Draft EIS, DOE will Programs, Department of Energy, 1000 of such stocks in a crisis? How are consider comments received during the Independence Avenue, SW., industry emergency stocks related scoping period. As noted above, Washington, DC 20585, 202–586–3417. to minimum operating comments can be submitted by various SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In requirements? means, and will be given the same accordance with section 252(c)(1)(A)(i) 4. Session 2—The Government consideration. They can be submitted to of the Energy Policy and Conservation Measures to Make Industry Dr. Jerry Pell either electronically or by Act (42 U.S.C. 6272(c)(1)(A)(i)) (EPCA), Obligatory Stockholding Available srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES paper copy; if the latter, consider using the following notice of meeting is to the Market. a delivery service because materials provided: —What other measures are available submitted by regular mail are subject to Meetings of the Industry Advisory besides lowering the obligation for security screening, which both causes Board (IAB) to the International Energy industry to hold stocks? Does the extended delay and potential damage to Agency (IEA) will be held at the lowering of the obligation need to the contents. (Warped and unusable CD headquarters of the IEA, 9, rue de la be more focused than just a uniform or DVD discs are common.) ´ ´ Federation, Paris, France, on June 29, reduction across all companies, for Additionally, comments can be 2010, beginning at 9:30 a.m. and all fuels? What is the minimum VerDate Mar<15>2010 16:17 Jun 17, 2010 Jkt 220001 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:FRFM18JNN1.SGM 18JNN1