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THE LINK Newsletter
                                     Provided by Nexus Financial Management

                                                                                                                                   May 2009

          Nexus Financial
         Management LLC
                                     A Small Business Plan for Uncertain Times
            Bryan Dudones
    4600 Touchton Road E.
                                     It's official: these are hard financial times.      cash reserve to cover times when your ac-
    Building 100, Suite 150
                                     Many small business owners are feeling the          counts receivable may be slow.
     Jacksonville, FL 32246
      Phone: 904-334-1376            pinch, and you may be one of them. Here are
                                                                                         Finally, meet with your banker. Try to keep a

                                     some tips to help you swim against the tide
                                                                line of credit available to hedge against poten-
                                     and help you keep your head above water.
                                                                                         tially declining revenues. Perhaps you're
                                                                                         thinking you should defer making the capital
                                     Review your business plan
                                                                                         improvements you were planning. However,
Hello Everyone,
                                     Your business plan represents the roadmap           while interest rates are low, consider if this
                                     your company is following. Consider reviewing
The stock market once again
                                                                                         would be a good time to lock in financing for
moved decidedly higher. During
                                     it as if through the eyes of someone new to
the month of April, the Dow
                                     the area. Is it still the best possible route to
rose 7.3%, while the S&P 500
and Nasdaq recorded their best
                                     where you want to go, or should you consider        Work with me here
monthly gains in many years,
                                     some change in direction? It may be valuable
rising 9.4% and 12.3%
                                                                                         Your existing customer base may be your best
                                     to create an advisory team from your circle of
                                                                                         prospects for new business, so remain in
                                     business contacts to help you with
The market has taken bad news
                                                                                                 close contact with them. Determine
in stride, which is a positive
                                     this task.
sign. Chrysler filed for
                                                                                                 their needs and seek to help them
bankruptcy protection and the
                                                                                                 meet those needs. Consider offering
                                     Keep current and vigilant
same could happen to GM
soon. The final results of the
                                                                                                 them discounts in exchange for ad-
government's stress tests on         When the times are changing, you                            vance payment or long-term contracts
our banking system will be
                                     need current and accurate financial
released on May 4th. I still
                                                                                                 with you. And always provide them
                                     information on which to base your
believe the economy will
                                                                                                 with excellent customer service. In
improve toward year-end,
                                     decisions. Keep a close eye on all
however I think the market has
                                                                                                 return, they may refer other potential
                                     your expenses. If you must cut your
gotten ahead of itself just a bit.
                                                                                                 customers or clients to you.
A well diversified portfolio is
                                     expenses, consider reducing ex-
crucial, especially during times
                                     penditures only on goods or ser-                              By the same token, work closely with
of considerable uncertainty.
                                     vices that are no longer profitable.                          your own suppliers. Agree to long-
                                     And try not to slash all of your ad-                          term contracts in exchange for a fixed
                                     vertising budget. If people don't know you're       price, if doing so would be beneficial to you.
                                     there, before long you may not be.                  Consider seeking discounts if you pay in cash,
                                                                                         or asking for longer payment terms if you are
In this issue:
                                     Be careful about the urge to cut your prices        willing to pay full price. Be willing to contract
                                     without exploring alternatives or without ade-
A Small Business Plan for
                                                                                         for supplies at the regular price if they will give
Uncertain Times                      quate justification. Doing so might lead to a       you great discounts on any of their own over-
                                     temporary swell in your sales volume, but it        stock that you might need. If you are open
Investing in a Low Interest
                                     will also undercut your margins, and may di-
Rate Environment
                                                                                         about your needs with each other, you might
                                     lute your brand name. You might also want to        be able to create win-win situations for you
Charitably Inclined? The
                                     continue spending money on development.             both.
Income Tax Benefits of Giving
                                     The hard times will eventually pass, and
                                     when they do you'll want to have new items or       Value your employees
Can I open a 529 account in
anticipation of my future            services for your customers or clients to buy.
                                                                                         You no doubt have good people working for
                                     Examine your revenue stream, and think              you, and they are a valuable part of what has
                                     about ways to pursue any delinquent ac-             made your business thrive. They have a stake
                                     counts receivable. Be careful of the credit         in your business, too. Try to find ways (even if
                                     terms you extend to your customers, espe-           only simple gestures) to thank them for jobs
                                     cially new ones; if they can't meet their obliga-   well done. Look for ways to boost productivity,
                                     tions, you might fall behind on your own. Try       and reward those employees who meet the
                                     to maintain a healthy cash flow, and create a       challenge of becoming even more productive.
Page 2

                            Investing in a Low Interest Rate Environment
                                                                                prefer individual stocks, keep an eye on
                            Low interest rates create a dilemma. Do you
                                                                                trading costs.
                            accept a low return because you feel you
                            must protect your principal? Or do you take on      Think about your real return
                            greater investment risk in order to try for a
                                                                                Low interest rates may not be quite as prob-
                            higher return? In balancing those two con-
                                                                                lematic as they seem. Even if you're earning a
                            cerns, here are some factors to think about.
                                                                                low interest rate, your real return might not
                            Consider laddering your CDs                         suffer too much if inflation is also low. Real
                                                                                return represents what your money earns
                            When yields on Treasury bonds began drop-
                                                                                once the impact of inflation is taken into ac-
                            ping last year, many investors were attracted
                                                                                count. With an annual inflation rate of 0.1%--
                            to certificates of deposit (CDs) offered by
                                                                                the December 2008 Consumer Price Index
                            banks that needed to attract capital. However,
                                                                                (CPI) figure--a bond that pays 3% would pro-
                            interest rates won't stay low forever, and at
                                                                                duce the same real return as a bond that pays
                            some point you may want access to your
                                                                                5% when annual inflation is running at 2.1%.
                            money before a CD matures. One way to
                            achieve higher rates while retaining flexibility    Compare interest rate and yield spreads
                            to adjust your strategy over time is to ladder
                                                                                When market instability
                            CDs. Laddering involves investing in CDs with
                                                                                drove many investors to the
                            varying maturity dates. As the shorter-term
                                                                                safety of Treasury bonds,
                            CDs mature, you can reinvest in one with a
                                                                                their prices rose and yields
                            longer term and higher rate. Over time, lad-
                                                                                fell. As a result, the spreads
                            dering can give you both the higher rates typi-
                                                                                between Treasury yields
                            cally offered by longer-term CDs and the abil-
                                                                                and those of corporates and
                            ity to adjust as interest rates change.
                                                                                municipals have been rela-
                            Example: Susan wants to invest $60,000 in           tively high over the last year
 Don't stop at yield
                            CDs. She puts $20,000 in a six-month CD that        because non-Treasury
 If you're tempted to       pays 2.6%, another $20,000 in a three-year          bonds have to offer higher yields to compen-
 seek a higher return,      CD that pays 3%, and the final $20,000 in a         sate for investors' anxiety about the safety of
 don't forget that yield    five-year CD that pays 3.5%. When the six-          their principal and possibility of default.
 alone shouldn't be your    month CD matures, she reinvests that money
 only criterion. In                                                             Consider small changes
                            in another five-year CD. When her two-year
 reaching for additional    CD matures, she reinvests it in still another
                                                                                You may not need to remake your portfolio
 yield, you may be          five-year CD. At that point, funds from a ma-
                                                                                completely to seek a higher return. For exam-
 taking on additional       turing CD will be available roughly every other
                                                                                ple, if you're in Treasuries, you could move
 risk. Also, if and when    year, but will earn the higher five-year rate. If
                                                                                part of that money to municipal bonds, which
 interest rates rise, the   rates are lower when a CD matures, she has
                                                                                may involve greater risk of default but whose
 change may affect a        the option of investing elsewhere. (This is a
                                                                                net returns are boosted by their exemption
 bond's market value        hypothetical example and doesn't represent
                                                                                from federal income tax. Or you could shift a
 unless held to maturity.   the results of any specific investment.)
                                                                                portion of your stock allocation to dividend-
 Don't hesitate to get
                            Pay attention to expenses                           oriented stocks and ETFs, or preferred stock.
 expert help to assess
 whether you can                                                                Look for buying or selling opportunities
                            Low returns magnify the impact of high invest-
 increase your return       ing expenses. Let's say a mutual fund has an
                                                                                Interest rates also can be used to help evalu-
 without taking on more     expense ratio of 1.00, meaning that 1% of its
                                                                                ate equities. Some analysts like to determine
 risk than you can          net asset value each year is used to pay oper-
                                                                                the relative value of the stock market using
 afford.                    ating expenses such as management and
                                                                                the so-called Fed market valuation model.
                            marketing fees. That 1% represents a bigger
                                                                                (Though not officially endorsed by the Federal
                            relative bite out of your return when the fund
                                                                                Reserve Board, the method evolved based on
                            is earning 3% than it does if it's earning 10%.
                                                                                a 1997 Fed report.) The model compares the
                            At the higher number, you're losing only about
                                                                                earnings yield on the S&P 500 to the 10-year
                            10% of your return; at 3%, almost a third of
                                                                                Treasury bond's yield. If the S&P's yield is
                            your return goes to expenses. Before invest-
                                                                                higher than the T-bond's, the model considers
                            ing in a mutual fund, carefully consider its fees
                                                                                the market undervalued relative to bonds. If
                            and expenses as well as its investment objec-
                                                                                the Treasury yield is higher, the market is
                            tive and risks, which can be found in the pro-
                                                                                overvalued. However, this is only one of many
                            spectus available from the fund. Read the
                                                                                valuation models and shouldn't be the sole
                            prospectus carefully before investing. If you
                                                                                factor in your decision.
THE LINK Newsletter                                                                                                   Page 3

Charitably Inclined? The Income Tax Benefits of Giving
                                                   the full amount of your payment. (Special
Do you give regularly to a religious organiza-
                                                   rules apply to payments made to colleges and
tion? Perhaps you make an occasional gift to
                                                   universities for the right to buy tickets to
a charity like the Salvation Army, United Way,
                                                   athletic events.)
or Red Cross? It's said that a good deed is its
own reward, but when it comes to your federal      Limits based on income
income tax return, there's a little more to it
                                                   Your deduction for charitable contributions
than that--Uncle Sam rewards your generosity
                                                   generally can't be more than 50% of your ad-
by allowing a deduction for qualified charitable
                                                   justed gross income (AGI) for the year. A
contributions. The rules, however, can be
                                                   lower percentage AGI limitation may apply to:
                                                   โ€ข   Contributions made to certain organiza-
Itemizing deductions
                                                       tions (e.g., veterans' organizations,
First, in order to deduct a charitable contribu-       fraternal societies)
tion, you've got to file IRS Form 1040 and
itemize your deductions on Schedule A. So, if          Contributions made quot;for the use ofquot; any
your allowable charitable deduction plus all           organization (contributions held in trust
your other itemized deductions doesn't add up          for the qualifying organization)
to more than your standard deduction (for
                                                   โ€ข   Gifts of capital gain property
example, married couples filing a joint return
are entitled to an $11,400 standard deduction      If these limits prevent you from deducting your
in 2009), you generally won't realize a tax        contributions in the current year, you're able to
benefit from the charitable contributions          carry forward your excess contribution for up
                                                                                                       Special rules apply in
you've made. And because total itemized de-        to five years.
                                                                                                       many situations,
ductions are currently reduced for higher in-
                                                   What if you volunteer your time?
comes (this won't be the case in 2010, but it is
                                                                                                       contributions of:
for 2009), your charitable deduction may con-      If you volunteer your services to a qualified
sequently be limited as well.                                                                              Clothing or
                                                   organization, you are allowed to deduct unre-
                                                                                                           household items
                                                   imbursed amounts that are directly connected
Qualified organizations
                                                                                                       โ€ข   A car, boat, or
                                                   with the services you provide. You can deduct
You can only deduct contributions that are                                                                 airplane
                                                   out-of-pocket expenses that are directly re-
made to qualified organizations. Churches,         lated to the use of the vehicle in providing        โ€ข   Appreciated
synagogues, temples, and mosques automati-         services. You can use actual expenses, or               property
cally qualify. Almost all other organizations      base your auto deduction on the standard
                                                                                                       โ€ข   Taxidermy property
have to apply to the IRS. An organization          mileage rate (currently 14 cents per mile). You
should generally be able to tell you if it is a                                                        โ€ข
                                                   can also deduct parking and tolls. You can't,           Property subject to
qualified organization. You can also check         though, deduct the value of your time.                  a debt
IRS Publication 78, Cumulative List of Organi-
                                                                                                       โ€ข   A partial interest in
zations Described in Section 170(c) of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, which is            Make sure that you keep records that docu-
                                                                                                       โ€ข   A fractional interest
available online at                   ment the contributions that you make during
                                                                                                           in tangible personal
                                                   the year.
Did you receive a benefit?                                                                                 property
                                                   For cash contributions, you'll need a bank
Generally, if you make a contribution and re-                                                          โ€ข   A qualified
                                                   record (e.g., a canceled check or a credit card
ceive a benefit as a result, you can only de-                                                              conservation
                                                   statement), or a receipt from the organization
duct the amount that's more than the value of                                                              contribution
                                                   that includes the name of the organization as
the benefit you receive (for contributions over
                                                                                                       โ€ข   A future interest in
                                                   well as the date and amount of the contribu-
$75, the charity must give you a statement
                                                                                                           tangible personal
                                                   tion. If you make an individual contribution of
describing the value of the goods and ser-
                                                   $250 or more, you'll need a written acknowl-
vices provided to you). So, if you pay $200 at
                                                   edgement from the organization that meets           โ€ข   Inventory from your
a charity auction for a weekend getaway that
                                                   specific requirements.                                  business
has a fair market value of $150, your deducti-
ble charitable contribution is $50.                                                                    โ€ข   A patent or other
                                                   If you made noncash contributions, the spe-
                                                                                                           intellectual property
                                                   cific documentation that's required depends
You can, though, deduct your entire payment
                                                   upon the amount of the deduction.
to a qualifying organization if you receive only
a token item or benefit in return, and the or-     For additional information, see IRS Publication
ganization determines that the value is not        526, Charitable Contributions, and discuss
substantial and tells you that you can deduct      your situation with a tax professional.
Ask the Experts

                                                     Can I open a 529 account in anticipation of my
                                                     future grandchild?
                                                     No, not if you intend to        descendant of any of them, (3) sibling or step-
                                                     name your future grandchild     sibling, (4) parent or ancestor of either, (5)
                                                     as beneficiary. A valid 529     step-parent, (6) niece or nephew, (7) aunt or
                                                     beneficiary has to have a       uncle, (8) daughter-in-law, son-in-law, mother-
                                   Social Security number, so it's not possible to   in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, or brother-
                                   name a child who hasn't been born. But there      in-law, (9) the spouse of any person listed,
          Nexus Financial          is a way to open a 529 account that eventually    and (10) first cousin. Changing the beneficiary
         Management LLC
                                   can be turned over to a future grandchild.        could have gift tax consequences, though.
            Bryan Dudones
    4600 Touchton Road E.                                                            However, carefully check the details of any
                                   Your first step is to open a 529 account and
    Building 100, Suite 150
                                                                                     529 plan you're considering before you name
                                   name a beneficiary who is a quot;family memberquot;
     Jacksonville, FL 32246
                                                                                     the initial beneficiary. Some plans impose age
                                   of your future grandchild. Then, when your
      Phone: 904-334-1376
                                                                                     restrictions on the beneficiary, such as requir-
                                   grandchild is born, you, as account owner,
                                                                                     ing that the beneficiary be under age 21. Such
                                   can change the beneficiary to your grandchild.
                                                                                     a restriction could pose a problem if you in-
                                   All 529 plans have mechanisms in place for
                                                                                     tend to name your adult son or daughter as
                                   changing the beneficiary.
Nothing in this document should
                                                                                     the initial beneficiary.
be construed as specific
                                   According to IRS Publication 970, Tax Bene-
investment advice. For
                                                                                     Other plans may have rules that indirectly
investment and tax concerns        fits for Education, there are no income tax
specific to your needs, please                                                       impact who you can choose as your initial
                                   consequences if the beneficiary of a 529 plan
request a personal consultation.
                                                                                     beneficiary, such as a requirement that the
                                   account is changed to a quot;family memberquot; of
                                                                                     funds in the account be spent within 10 years
                                   the original beneficiary. This includes the
                                                                                     of when the initial beneficiary would be ex-
                                   beneficiary's (1) spouse, (2) son, daughter,
                                                                                     pected to enter college. You don't want to be
                                   stepchild, foster child, adopted child or
                                                                                     surprised by a technicality.

                                   Can more than one 529 plan account be opened for the same
                                                                                     However, some states consider the accounts
                                                          Yes. You (or anyone
                                                                                     in other states to determine whether the limit
                                                          else) can open multiple
                                                                                     has been reached. For these states, the total
                                                          529 accounts for the
                                                                                     balance of all plans (in all states) can't exceed
                                                          same beneficiary, pro-
                                                                                     the current year's maximum contribution
                                                          vided you do so under
                                                          different 529 plans.
                                                                                     Also, keep in mind that each 529 plan will
                                   For example, you could open three 529 col-
                                                                                     have its own investment options and flexibility,
                                   lege savings plan accounts for your daughter:
                                                                                     contribution rules, ownership and beneficiary
                                   one in State A, one in State B, and one in
                                                                                     designation rules, costs and fees, and ability
                                   State C. Similarly, you could open accounts in
                                                                                     to perform account management tasks online.
                                   States A and B for your daughter, and another
                                   relative could open an account for her in State   Note: Investors should consider the invest-
                                   C. Or, you could open a 529 college savings       ment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses
                                   plan account and a 529 prepaid tuition plan       associated with 529 plans before investing.
                                   account for your daughter in State A. But you     More information about 529 plans is available
                                   can't open two college savings plan accounts      in each issuer's official statement, which
                                   (or two prepaid tuition plan accounts) in State   should be read carefully before investing.
                                   A for the same beneficiary.                       Also, before investing, consider whether your
                                                                                     state offers a 529 plan that provides residents
                                   If you do open multiple 529 accounts for the
 Prepared by Forefield Inc,
                                                                                     with favorable state tax benefits.
                                   same beneficiary, keep in mind that each plan
     Copyright 2009
                                   has its own contribution limit, and contribu-
                                   tions can't be made after the limit is reached.

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Newsletter May 2009

  • 1. THE LINK Newsletter Provided by Nexus Financial Management May 2009 Nexus Financial Management LLC A Small Business Plan for Uncertain Times Bryan Dudones 4600 Touchton Road E. It's official: these are hard financial times. cash reserve to cover times when your ac- Building 100, Suite 150 Many small business owners are feeling the counts receivable may be slow. Jacksonville, FL 32246 Phone: 904-334-1376 pinch, and you may be one of them. Here are Finally, meet with your banker. Try to keep a some tips to help you swim against the tide line of credit available to hedge against poten- and help you keep your head above water. tially declining revenues. Perhaps you're thinking you should defer making the capital Review your business plan improvements you were planning. However, Hello Everyone, Your business plan represents the roadmap while interest rates are low, consider if this your company is following. Consider reviewing The stock market once again would be a good time to lock in financing for moved decidedly higher. During it as if through the eyes of someone new to the month of April, the Dow them. the area. Is it still the best possible route to rose 7.3%, while the S&P 500 and Nasdaq recorded their best where you want to go, or should you consider Work with me here monthly gains in many years, some change in direction? It may be valuable rising 9.4% and 12.3% Your existing customer base may be your best respectively. to create an advisory team from your circle of prospects for new business, so remain in business contacts to help you with The market has taken bad news close contact with them. Determine in stride, which is a positive this task. sign. Chrysler filed for their needs and seek to help them bankruptcy protection and the meet those needs. Consider offering Keep current and vigilant same could happen to GM soon. The final results of the them discounts in exchange for ad- government's stress tests on When the times are changing, you vance payment or long-term contracts our banking system will be need current and accurate financial released on May 4th. I still with you. And always provide them information on which to base your believe the economy will with excellent customer service. In improve toward year-end, decisions. Keep a close eye on all however I think the market has return, they may refer other potential your expenses. If you must cut your gotten ahead of itself just a bit. customers or clients to you. A well diversified portfolio is expenses, consider reducing ex- crucial, especially during times penditures only on goods or ser- By the same token, work closely with of considerable uncertainty. vices that are no longer profitable. your own suppliers. Agree to long- And try not to slash all of your ad- term contracts in exchange for a fixed Bryan vertising budget. If people don't know you're price, if doing so would be beneficial to you. there, before long you may not be. Consider seeking discounts if you pay in cash, or asking for longer payment terms if you are In this issue: Be careful about the urge to cut your prices willing to pay full price. Be willing to contract without exploring alternatives or without ade- A Small Business Plan for for supplies at the regular price if they will give Uncertain Times quate justification. Doing so might lead to a you great discounts on any of their own over- temporary swell in your sales volume, but it stock that you might need. If you are open Investing in a Low Interest will also undercut your margins, and may di- Rate Environment about your needs with each other, you might lute your brand name. You might also want to be able to create win-win situations for you Charitably Inclined? The continue spending money on development. both. Income Tax Benefits of Giving The hard times will eventually pass, and when they do you'll want to have new items or Value your employees Can I open a 529 account in anticipation of my future services for your customers or clients to buy. You no doubt have good people working for grandchild? Examine your revenue stream, and think you, and they are a valuable part of what has about ways to pursue any delinquent ac- made your business thrive. They have a stake counts receivable. Be careful of the credit in your business, too. Try to find ways (even if terms you extend to your customers, espe- only simple gestures) to thank them for jobs cially new ones; if they can't meet their obliga- well done. Look for ways to boost productivity, tions, you might fall behind on your own. Try and reward those employees who meet the to maintain a healthy cash flow, and create a challenge of becoming even more productive.
  • 2. Page 2 Investing in a Low Interest Rate Environment prefer individual stocks, keep an eye on Low interest rates create a dilemma. Do you trading costs. accept a low return because you feel you must protect your principal? Or do you take on Think about your real return greater investment risk in order to try for a Low interest rates may not be quite as prob- higher return? In balancing those two con- lematic as they seem. Even if you're earning a cerns, here are some factors to think about. low interest rate, your real return might not Consider laddering your CDs suffer too much if inflation is also low. Real return represents what your money earns When yields on Treasury bonds began drop- once the impact of inflation is taken into ac- ping last year, many investors were attracted count. With an annual inflation rate of 0.1%-- to certificates of deposit (CDs) offered by the December 2008 Consumer Price Index banks that needed to attract capital. However, (CPI) figure--a bond that pays 3% would pro- interest rates won't stay low forever, and at duce the same real return as a bond that pays some point you may want access to your 5% when annual inflation is running at 2.1%. money before a CD matures. One way to achieve higher rates while retaining flexibility Compare interest rate and yield spreads to adjust your strategy over time is to ladder When market instability CDs. Laddering involves investing in CDs with drove many investors to the varying maturity dates. As the shorter-term safety of Treasury bonds, CDs mature, you can reinvest in one with a their prices rose and yields longer term and higher rate. Over time, lad- fell. As a result, the spreads dering can give you both the higher rates typi- between Treasury yields cally offered by longer-term CDs and the abil- and those of corporates and ity to adjust as interest rates change. municipals have been rela- Example: Susan wants to invest $60,000 in tively high over the last year Don't stop at yield CDs. She puts $20,000 in a six-month CD that because non-Treasury If you're tempted to pays 2.6%, another $20,000 in a three-year bonds have to offer higher yields to compen- seek a higher return, CD that pays 3%, and the final $20,000 in a sate for investors' anxiety about the safety of don't forget that yield five-year CD that pays 3.5%. When the six- their principal and possibility of default. alone shouldn't be your month CD matures, she reinvests that money only criterion. In Consider small changes in another five-year CD. When her two-year reaching for additional CD matures, she reinvests it in still another You may not need to remake your portfolio yield, you may be five-year CD. At that point, funds from a ma- completely to seek a higher return. For exam- taking on additional turing CD will be available roughly every other ple, if you're in Treasuries, you could move risk. Also, if and when year, but will earn the higher five-year rate. If part of that money to municipal bonds, which interest rates rise, the rates are lower when a CD matures, she has may involve greater risk of default but whose change may affect a the option of investing elsewhere. (This is a net returns are boosted by their exemption bond's market value hypothetical example and doesn't represent from federal income tax. Or you could shift a unless held to maturity. the results of any specific investment.) portion of your stock allocation to dividend- Don't hesitate to get Pay attention to expenses oriented stocks and ETFs, or preferred stock. expert help to assess whether you can Look for buying or selling opportunities Low returns magnify the impact of high invest- increase your return ing expenses. Let's say a mutual fund has an Interest rates also can be used to help evalu- without taking on more expense ratio of 1.00, meaning that 1% of its ate equities. Some analysts like to determine risk than you can net asset value each year is used to pay oper- the relative value of the stock market using afford. ating expenses such as management and the so-called Fed market valuation model. marketing fees. That 1% represents a bigger (Though not officially endorsed by the Federal relative bite out of your return when the fund Reserve Board, the method evolved based on is earning 3% than it does if it's earning 10%. a 1997 Fed report.) The model compares the At the higher number, you're losing only about earnings yield on the S&P 500 to the 10-year 10% of your return; at 3%, almost a third of Treasury bond's yield. If the S&P's yield is your return goes to expenses. Before invest- higher than the T-bond's, the model considers ing in a mutual fund, carefully consider its fees the market undervalued relative to bonds. If and expenses as well as its investment objec- the Treasury yield is higher, the market is tive and risks, which can be found in the pro- overvalued. However, this is only one of many spectus available from the fund. Read the valuation models and shouldn't be the sole prospectus carefully before investing. If you factor in your decision.
  • 3. THE LINK Newsletter Page 3 Charitably Inclined? The Income Tax Benefits of Giving the full amount of your payment. (Special Do you give regularly to a religious organiza- rules apply to payments made to colleges and tion? Perhaps you make an occasional gift to universities for the right to buy tickets to a charity like the Salvation Army, United Way, athletic events.) or Red Cross? It's said that a good deed is its own reward, but when it comes to your federal Limits based on income income tax return, there's a little more to it Your deduction for charitable contributions than that--Uncle Sam rewards your generosity generally can't be more than 50% of your ad- by allowing a deduction for qualified charitable justed gross income (AGI) for the year. A contributions. The rules, however, can be lower percentage AGI limitation may apply to: confusing. โ€ข Contributions made to certain organiza- Itemizing deductions tions (e.g., veterans' organizations, First, in order to deduct a charitable contribu- fraternal societies) tion, you've got to file IRS Form 1040 and โ€ข itemize your deductions on Schedule A. So, if Contributions made quot;for the use ofquot; any your allowable charitable deduction plus all organization (contributions held in trust your other itemized deductions doesn't add up for the qualifying organization) to more than your standard deduction (for โ€ข Gifts of capital gain property example, married couples filing a joint return are entitled to an $11,400 standard deduction If these limits prevent you from deducting your in 2009), you generally won't realize a tax contributions in the current year, you're able to benefit from the charitable contributions carry forward your excess contribution for up Special rules apply in you've made. And because total itemized de- to five years. many situations, ductions are currently reduced for higher in- including What if you volunteer your time? comes (this won't be the case in 2010, but it is contributions of: for 2009), your charitable deduction may con- If you volunteer your services to a qualified โ€ข sequently be limited as well. Clothing or organization, you are allowed to deduct unre- household items imbursed amounts that are directly connected Qualified organizations โ€ข A car, boat, or with the services you provide. You can deduct You can only deduct contributions that are airplane out-of-pocket expenses that are directly re- made to qualified organizations. Churches, lated to the use of the vehicle in providing โ€ข Appreciated synagogues, temples, and mosques automati- services. You can use actual expenses, or property cally qualify. Almost all other organizations base your auto deduction on the standard โ€ข Taxidermy property have to apply to the IRS. An organization mileage rate (currently 14 cents per mile). You should generally be able to tell you if it is a โ€ข can also deduct parking and tolls. You can't, Property subject to qualified organization. You can also check though, deduct the value of your time. a debt IRS Publication 78, Cumulative List of Organi- โ€ข A partial interest in Recordkeeping zations Described in Section 170(c) of the property Internal Revenue Code of 1986, which is Make sure that you keep records that docu- โ€ข A fractional interest available online at ment the contributions that you make during in tangible personal the year. Did you receive a benefit? property For cash contributions, you'll need a bank Generally, if you make a contribution and re- โ€ข A qualified record (e.g., a canceled check or a credit card ceive a benefit as a result, you can only de- conservation statement), or a receipt from the organization duct the amount that's more than the value of contribution that includes the name of the organization as the benefit you receive (for contributions over โ€ข A future interest in well as the date and amount of the contribu- $75, the charity must give you a statement tangible personal tion. If you make an individual contribution of describing the value of the goods and ser- property $250 or more, you'll need a written acknowl- vices provided to you). So, if you pay $200 at edgement from the organization that meets โ€ข Inventory from your a charity auction for a weekend getaway that specific requirements. business has a fair market value of $150, your deducti- ble charitable contribution is $50. โ€ข A patent or other If you made noncash contributions, the spe- intellectual property cific documentation that's required depends You can, though, deduct your entire payment upon the amount of the deduction. to a qualifying organization if you receive only a token item or benefit in return, and the or- For additional information, see IRS Publication ganization determines that the value is not 526, Charitable Contributions, and discuss substantial and tells you that you can deduct your situation with a tax professional.
  • 4. Ask the Experts Can I open a 529 account in anticipation of my future grandchild? No, not if you intend to descendant of any of them, (3) sibling or step- name your future grandchild sibling, (4) parent or ancestor of either, (5) as beneficiary. A valid 529 step-parent, (6) niece or nephew, (7) aunt or beneficiary has to have a uncle, (8) daughter-in-law, son-in-law, mother- Social Security number, so it's not possible to in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, or brother- name a child who hasn't been born. But there in-law, (9) the spouse of any person listed, Nexus Financial is a way to open a 529 account that eventually and (10) first cousin. Changing the beneficiary Management LLC can be turned over to a future grandchild. could have gift tax consequences, though. Bryan Dudones 4600 Touchton Road E. However, carefully check the details of any Your first step is to open a 529 account and Building 100, Suite 150 529 plan you're considering before you name name a beneficiary who is a quot;family memberquot; Jacksonville, FL 32246 the initial beneficiary. Some plans impose age of your future grandchild. Then, when your Phone: 904-334-1376 restrictions on the beneficiary, such as requir- grandchild is born, you, as account owner, ing that the beneficiary be under age 21. Such can change the beneficiary to your grandchild. a restriction could pose a problem if you in- All 529 plans have mechanisms in place for tend to name your adult son or daughter as changing the beneficiary. Nothing in this document should the initial beneficiary. be construed as specific According to IRS Publication 970, Tax Bene- investment advice. For Other plans may have rules that indirectly investment and tax concerns fits for Education, there are no income tax specific to your needs, please impact who you can choose as your initial consequences if the beneficiary of a 529 plan request a personal consultation. beneficiary, such as a requirement that the account is changed to a quot;family memberquot; of funds in the account be spent within 10 years the original beneficiary. This includes the of when the initial beneficiary would be ex- beneficiary's (1) spouse, (2) son, daughter, pected to enter college. You don't want to be stepchild, foster child, adopted child or surprised by a technicality. Can more than one 529 plan account be opened for the same beneficiary? However, some states consider the accounts Yes. You (or anyone in other states to determine whether the limit else) can open multiple has been reached. For these states, the total 529 accounts for the balance of all plans (in all states) can't exceed same beneficiary, pro- the current year's maximum contribution vided you do so under amount. different 529 plans. Also, keep in mind that each 529 plan will For example, you could open three 529 col- have its own investment options and flexibility, lege savings plan accounts for your daughter: contribution rules, ownership and beneficiary one in State A, one in State B, and one in designation rules, costs and fees, and ability State C. Similarly, you could open accounts in to perform account management tasks online. States A and B for your daughter, and another relative could open an account for her in State Note: Investors should consider the invest- C. Or, you could open a 529 college savings ment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses plan account and a 529 prepaid tuition plan associated with 529 plans before investing. account for your daughter in State A. But you More information about 529 plans is available can't open two college savings plan accounts in each issuer's official statement, which (or two prepaid tuition plan accounts) in State should be read carefully before investing. A for the same beneficiary. Also, before investing, consider whether your state offers a 529 plan that provides residents If you do open multiple 529 accounts for the Prepared by Forefield Inc, with favorable state tax benefits. same beneficiary, keep in mind that each plan Copyright 2009 has its own contribution limit, and contribu- tions can't be made after the limit is reached.