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Avoid Body Drought — How to
Prevent Dehydration
It’s in every living cell, tissue and organ, and it’s second only to oxygen as the thing we
need most to survive—pure, clean water.We can’t live without it, and we can’t live well
without enough of it.We are constantly in need of water as we lose water with every
breath and every activity of the body.We are especially at risk for dehydration when we
exercise or we are ill—this is when dehydration, even mild dehydration, can take its toll,
causing you to feel tired and drained of energy.Anyone may become dehydrated, but
young children, older adults and people with chronic illnesses are most at risk.
Dr. Julie Scarano, a doctor of chiropractic who is trained in prevention and wellness (in
addition to providing care for neuromusculoskeletal conditions such as neck or back
pain, for which chiropractors are most well known) believes it’s better to prevent
dehydration than to treat it. She also reminds you that the 23 intervertebral discs in
your spine have high water content and that dehydration can be associated with spinal
Here are some preventative tips to help avoid dehydration:
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• Choose your beverages wisely.Avoid or limit fruit juices, sodas, alcohol and high-sugar
sports drinks.
• Drink a glass of water during and between meals, as well as before, during and after
• Plan outdoor activities for cooler parts of the day.
• Eat foods that are high in water content, such as fruits and vegetables.
• Make water your go-to beverage of choice.
For more tips and information and to find a doctor of chiropractic near you,
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Finding the Best Medicare Advantage Plan
Did you know Medicare has a rating system that evaluates health plans based on
dozens of quality measures and patient experiences? Very few plans receive the top
Medicare rating. Out of 563 Medicare Advantage plans for 2013, only 11 plans with
prescription drug benefits earned the top five-star rating. Six of those 11 were Kaiser
Permanente plans.
“We are a top plan because we focus on our patients’ health,” said Jed Weissberg, senior
vice president for Hospitals, Quality and Care Delivery at Kaiser Permanente.“We help
our patients to exercise, eat well, maintain a healthy weight and get regular check-ups.
Walking, for example, can have remarkable therapeutic value—cutting the rate of new
cases of diabetes by half or more.”
Part of staying healthy is having a health plan that covers all of your medical needs. For
seniors selecting a Medicare plan, this means finding one that has the right doctor and
provides the care, treatment and pharmacy benefits you need.To help Medicare-eligible
beneficiaries select a high-quality plan, Kaiser Permanente offers four tips.
1. Know your health plan’s star quality rating.A 2011 Harris Interactive survey found
that only one in five Medicare-eligible seniors was familiar with Medicare Star Quality
Ratings.The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services assign an overall star rating to
each Medicare plan for how well it performs.The Medicare ratings range from one star
(lowest rating) to five stars (highest rating).The system rates plans on preventive care,
managing chronic conditions, member satisfaction, customer service and pharmacy care.
2. Use the Medicare ratings to find a quality plan.The highest-rated plans feature well-
coordinated, patient-centered care.When seniors suffer from chronic illness or require
hospitalization, high-quality plans initiate best practices and treatment to deliver
excellent follow-up care.
3. Look for customer service and responsiveness to your needs.The very best health care
plans give patients support systems that include making online appointments, getting
lab results electronically and providing secure email to their doctors.
4. Seniors can choose five-star excellence almost any time of year. Medicare’s Special
Enrollment Period allows seniors to enroll in a 5-star plan throughout the year. Seniors
who become eligible for Medicare as they turn 65 should enroll during the three-month
period prior to and after their 65th birthday.After this initial enrollment period, they
may be subject to higher premiums or late penalties if there has been a gap in their
coverage.To find out the latest 2013 ratings, visit any
time after October 11. Plan performance summary star ratings are assessed each year by
the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and may change from one year to the
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Christina Ha: The Blind Cook Who Turned
Master Chef
If you watched season three of Fox TV’s reality cooking show “MasterChef,” you
remember the big smile that lit up Christine Ha’s face every time she impressed the
judges with her bold flavors—and especially when her three-course meal of Vietnamese
comfort food won Ha the “MasterChef” title.
What casual viewers may not have realized right away is that the amateur cook from
Houston, Texas, is blind. In 2003, Ha was diagnosed with neuromyelitis optica (NMO), a
rare neurological condition that deteriorates the optic nerves and spinal cord. By 2007,
Ha had lost most of her vision. But she had regained her love of reading, with help from
the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS).
“[NLS] reignited my love for literature. It was what kept me sane when I went through
my first bouts of NMO,” says Ha, who also authors the blog“When I
went through some of my worst health issues in 2003—complete paralysis from my neck
down due to spinal inflammation, and complete blindness—all I could do was lie in bed
and listen to NLS audiobooks.”
NLS, part of the Library of Congress, oversees a free reading program for U.S. residents
and citizens living abroad who are blind, have low vision, or cannot hold a book
because of a physical disability. NLS patrons may choose from tens of thousands of
books and dozens of magazines in audio and braille—including dozens of cookbooks,
such as “O, the Oprah Magazine Cookbook” and titles by Julia Child, James Beard, and
other famous foodies. NLS also loans the portable playback equipment needed ato read
its audiobooks. Computer-savvy patrons may access books online through the NLS
Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD) service.
Ha, who is pursuing a master of fine arts degree at the University of Houston, always has
a book checked out from NLS. Recently she was reading Gail Caldwell’s “Let’s Take the
Long Way Home” in braille.And she currently is working on her “MasterChef” cookbook,
which is set for a spring 2013 release.
To learn more about how the NLS program can help you, a loved one, or a friend, go
online to or call 1-888-NLS-READ.
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Audiobook Service Helps Blind Vets
Recover Independence
In December 1967, a young soldier lay in a hospital bed after sustaining severe eye
injuries from a land mine in Vietnam.Tom Miller, now executive director of the Blinded
Veterans Association (BVA) in Washington, D.C., was blind, and his mind raced over all of
the things he’d never be able to enjoy again.“I’ve spent the past 44-plus years erasing
that list, or finding new things I can do.”
Miller says he owes many thanks to the talking-book program of the National Library
Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS), part of the Library of Congress.
“The program is a godsend,” he says.
Veterans—and any U.S. resident or citizen living abroad—are eligible to become NLS
readers if they are blind, have low vision or have an illness or disability that prevents
them from handling a book or printed material.
According to a 2011 report by the National Alliance for Eye and Vision Research, 16
percent of the wounded soldiers evacuated from Iraq and Afghanistan battle zones have
suffered eye injuries—the highest rate of eye injuries since the Civil War. In response—
and in support—NLS works with BVA rehabilitation staff, military hospitals and
rehabilitation centers to offer digital talking-book players to eligible members of the
military.The digital players are designed for easy use by those who can no longer read
or handle printed materials. NLS director Karen Keninger says the hospital program is
the most effective way to guarantee that blinded and disabled veterans who need
access to books will have it.
Audiobooks and players are delivered to NLS readers by mail at no charge through
more than 100 cooperating state and local libraries. NLS readers have access to
bestsellers, biographies, self-help books, magazines and more. Plus, those with access to
the Internet can download audiobooks and magazines using the Braille and Audio
Reading Download (BARD), the NLS online delivery system.
NLS’s convenient system allows Miller to devour 60 to 75 titles a month. Miller recalls
how much he enjoyed the first NLS talking book he read: “In Cold Blood” by Truman
Capote. In rehab, he ran back and forth to his room between classes to finish the book.
People who lose their sight may think their life is over, but it’s not, Miller says.The
talking books and magazines that NLS provides are one way blind and visually impaired
individuals can stay engaged with the world.“You have access to so many different
titles, and you’re only a phone call away from cooperative libraries,” he says.“It reopens
an aspect of your life you thought was lost forever.”
Learn more or sign up for the talking-book program at or call 1-888-
Thanks: NewsUSA
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Nano-Silver Masks May Be Helping to
Control Covid in Vietnam
(NewsUSA) – Face masks are becoming the “new normal” to help reduce the spread of
the Covid-19 virus, but how does yours measure up? Recent studies have shown that
standard, single-layer cotton bandanas are not effective at preventing virus
transmission between individuals in close contact if spread by a cough or sneeze.When
it comes to protecting yourself and your family, face mask material matters. Notably,
Vietnam has experienced approximately 413 cases and no deaths from Covid-19. Part of
the reason for this low death rate and limited cases may be the nanotechnology used in
face masks worn regularly by the majority of the population.The Vietnamese
government has supported the use of nano-silver fibers included in the multilayered
cotton masks that are manufactured and widely used in Vietnam. Nano-silver contains
anti-microbial properties and nanotechnology uniquely engineered to block the spread
of small particles, such as those of the Covid-19 virus.The nano-silver material used in
the Vietnamese masks has become available in the United States. U.S. residents can now
order face masks with the same nano-silver technology used in the Vietnamese masks
from a United States-based company, Boomer Naturals, which has the masks in
stock.The face masks from Boomer Naturals come in a wide range of designs and sizes,
including an X-Large size to accommodate beards or individuals needing larger
sizes.The Boomer Naturals masks combine three layers of 65-percent cotton and 35-
percent polyester material.The unique three-layer construction helps filter the air and
reduce potential transmission of contaminated airborne droplets.The outer layer is
water-repellant (hydrophobic), while the middle layer contains nano-silver fibers that
act as additional filters while helping to fight bacteria.The inner layer, closest to the
skin, has moisture-wicking properties to help keep the inner space close to the mouth
dry and comfortable.The nano-silver fibers of the face masks are engineered to help
fight bacteria and provide effective protection. In fact, Boomer Naturals has recently
completed an agreement to be the face-mask supplier to a major pharmacy chain.To find
out more, click here to view a video.The nano-silver-infused material “provides a built-in
filter,” according to Dr. Mary Clifton, an internal medicine doctor based in New York City.
Dr. Clifton emphasizes the added value of nano-silver technology and how nano-silver-
infused face masks may be the most effective way to help protect the whole family.
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Take Time for A Moment That Matters:
Tire Safety
Have working batteries in your smoke alarms? Done. Has your oil been freshly changed
in your car? Done. Is there a new water filter for your refrigerator? Done. But when it
comes to regularly checking your tires? Like most people, there may be some room for
As fall travel and winter weather loom, taking a moment to check your car tires can
make a difference in keeping you safe on the road.
This year, Cooper Tires is encouraging drivers to mark Labor Day weekend on their
calendar (and the first of every month) as a tire check safety moment, to make a habit of
checking tires, especially as seasons change.
“Just as we regularly take a moment to check our smoke detector batteries when we
change our clocks in the fall and spring, we need to designate a moment to check tire
safety as well,” says Jessica Egerton, Director of Brand Development at Cooper Tire &
Rubber Company.
Ensuring the overall condition of your tires is easy and important for your safety on the
road. Consider this: Your tires are the only parts of your vehicle to come into contact
with, and keep you connected to, the highway.
The recommended tread depth is more than 2/32 of an inch deep. Do your tires meet
this minimum, or are they too worn? Would you know if they are? An easy and quick way
to tell is with the penny tread test.You simply stick a penny into the tread with Lincoln’s
head facing down. If the tread covers the top of his head, you’re good to go. If not, it’s
time to replace the tire.
Finding out whether your tires have the recommended tread depth c
an help in a number of ways, such as maintaining traction on the road, keeping control
of the car, and preventing hydroplaning or sliding.
You don’t want to be under-pressured, either.
Tires not inflated to the recommended level of pressure can lead to tire failure uneven
wear, and cause your car to use more gas.
This 10-minute safety check from Cooper Tires can help:
• Check the tread. Use the U.S. penny/Lincoln’s head method. Insert the penny into the
tire tread, with Lincoln’s head down and facing you. If the top of his head is visible at
any point around the tire, there is too little tread, and it’s time to replace the tire!
• Check the pressure. Look on the vehicle doorjamb, glove compartment fuel door or
owner’s manual to find the recommended pressure for your tires. Press a tire gauge on
the valve stem.Too low? Add air.Too high? Push down on the metal stem in the center
of the valve to release some air.When you reach the recommended pressure, replace
that valve cap.Also, don’t check pressure right after driving.Wait at least three hours
until the tires are cool.
• Check your look. Inspect your tires for cuts, bulges, cracks, splits or punctures.When in
doubt, ask a tire professional for an inspection.
Visit for more information about tire safety and more details on how to
take make your tire safety check moment a regular habit.
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Hazards That Are Most Likely To Hurt
Your Tires
Consider this: getting a spoon stuck in your tires is more of a likelihood than you may
have thought.
According to a new national survey of auto service professionals, this common kitchen
utensil is a potential hazard – albeit one of the more unusual ones– likely to damage
your tires if you’re not careful about where you’re driving.The four tires on your car are
the only thing connecting your vehicle to the road, and they also affect everything from
handling to braking, playing a critical role in your safety. Given their part in keeping you
safe, it’s worth taking the time to take care of your tires– especially when there are so
many (potential) hazards to look out for.
The study from Cooper Tires conducted by Auto Service Professional magazine couldn’t
come at a better time: Nearly 100 million Americans are expected to have taken a family
vacation by year’s end, according to a recent AAA Travel survey, with upcoming spring
and summer road trips topping many of their plans.
With so many Americans on the road all year long – whether for a family vacation or
their daily commute to work – tire damage is an unfortunate reality.According to the
study, some of the most common causes of tire damage are running over something,
such as a curb (72 percent), nails (70 percent), or potholes (39 percent). Other common
causes of tire damage are more easily preventable, such as driving with bald tires (48
percent) and driving on a tire with low air pressure (44 percent). It’s probably why
checking tire pressure, rotating your tires and paying attention to the Tire Pressure
Monitoring System (TPMS) light are the top tips from auto service professionals on
proper tire maintenance.
And the one location you probably most want to avoid when driving? Construction
zones, which are no doubt behind so many tires being punctured by spikes, wrenches,
screwdrivers and pliers.
Drivers need to contend with various road challenges throughout the year. In the winter,
the top two sources of tire damage are potholes (72 percent) and unseen hazards
hidden under that fresh blanket of snow (59 percent), which can be anything from
cracks in the pavement to debris that has fallen off trucks. In summer, underinflated
tires are the most common offender (88 percent), leading to overheating.
“The four tires on your vehicle are the only parts to come in contact with and keep you
connected to the road,” notes Jess Egerton, director of brand development at Cooper
Tires which has been making tires since 1914.“That’s why, for safety and performance
reasons, you have to properly care for, maintain and inspect them.”
That means:
• Checking tire inflation on a regular basis. Operating a vehicle with even just one tire
underinflated by 8 psi can reduce the life of a tire by 9,000 miles and increase fuel
consumption by 4 percent.
• Replacing tires when worn to 2/32 inches tread depth anywhere on the tread face.
• Visually checking tires for things such as missing valve caps, uneven tread wear and
any foreign objects that could mean serious problems should they become even more
deeply embedded while driving.
But back to those more unusual hazards.
Pieces of toys. Porcupine quills. Pork chop bones. Spoons. It’s anyone’s guess– including
the service professionals who recounted finding them jabbed in tires– how they got
“Auto service professionals have pulled a lot of unusual things out of tires over the
years,” says Greg Smith, publisher of Auto Service Professional magazine.“But, really, it
might surprise people to know that a lot of tire damage is simply due to poor
maintenance and wear and tear.”
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The Best Kept Secret: 529 College
Savings Plans
When paying for your child’s college education, what you don’t know really can hurt
We’re talking 529 plans.The’ve been in existence since 1996, but a new survey from
Edward Jones found that 67 percent of Americans don’t have a clue that they provide a
tax-advantaged way to save money for tuition, books and other qualified education-
related expenses at most accredited two- and four-year colleges, universities, and
vocational-technical schools.Worse still, that 67 percent figure is 5 percent higher than
it was the first time the survey was done in 2012.
“It’s a concerning trend,” says Tim Burke, a principal at the financial services firm,
Edward Jones.
“Concerning” because the current average price tag of a four-year degree, including
tuition, room and board: $21,370-a-year at public schools, according to the College
Board, and $48,510-a-year at private schools.
And just how do those surveyed think they’re going to handle those costs?
• Personal savings accounts (38 percent). Keep in mind that the national average
interest rate on such accounts is a measly 0.09 percent. Good luck trying to cover the
more than $1,200 an average college student spends on books and materials over the
course of a year with that.
• Scholarships (35 percent). If your child is a prodigy or football star, hats off to you.
Because Sallie Mae’s “How America Pays for College” 2018 report found that only 17
percent of college costs were paid this way.
• Federal or state financial aid (33 percent). Pell Grants are the largest source of
federally funded grants, and they max out at $6,095 for the 2018-19 academic year.
That would cover about 28 percent of one year’s $21,370 average cost at a public
college – except that, as the College Board explains,“most students receive smaller
grants because they are enrolled part time or because their family income and assets
reduce their aid eligibility.”
• Private student loans (20 percent).According to the Brookings Institution, parents who
take out loans do so to the tune of $16,000 a year on average, and nearly 10 percent
are on the hook for $100,000.“College debt is increasingly becoming a parent problem,
too,” warns.
Given all that, you can see why Kyle Andersen, another principal at Edward Jones, says
that “by relying on scholarships or federal or state financial aid that a student may or
may not receive, Americans leave themselves vulnerable.”
Which brings us back to 529 plans.
Hats off to the 18 percent of those surveyed who said they’d implemented this strategy,
which Edward Jones and others call “an attractive and practical way to save.” How so?
Unlike personal savings accounts, the earnings in these plans– typically comprised of a
portfolio of funds– accumulate tax-free, and qualified withdrawals are exempt from
both federal and state income taxes.
The federal gift tax exclusion allows a contributor to give up to $15,000 per year, per
beneficiary, or $30,000 for married couples.Although almost every state has its own 529
plan – with total limits sometimes reaching more than $500,000 – there’s no “home-
town restriction,” so you might want to work with a local Edward Jones financial
advisor to compare plans and review your situation.
One other thing that less than half of those surveyed knew: 529 plans can also be used
to pay for qualified K-12 tuition.
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Five Steps to Safeguard Your Senses
(NewsUSA) –Whether we’re reading a favorite book, taking in the smell of fresh-cut
grass or savoring an old family recipe, we use our senses every day to experience and
understand the world around us. But while it’s clear that our senses are an important
part of our lives, they’re often something we take for granted.The difficult reality of
sensory loss is no more apparent than on the demographic that experiences it most:
seniors. Nearly 83 percent of older adults in the United States are living with at least
one diminished sense, according to a new survey by Home Instead, Inc.The current
COVID-19 pandemic has only intensified isolation and loneliness for those experiencing
sensory loss, making it harder for those without assistive technology to stay connected
with their loved ones.”As we age, it’s normal to experience some changes or decline in
our five senses,” says Lakelyn Hogan, gerontologist and caregiver advocate at Home
Instead Senior Care.“Early detection and empathy can significantly increase the ability
to manage symptoms and help create a supportive environment at home that allows
you or your loved one to continue living a normal, fulfilling life.”Whether you’re helping
a loved one navigate these difficulties, or looking to minimize the effects of aging on
your own senses, Hogan recommends the following tips:1. Stay active. Making time for
physical activity, even a few times a week, can be greatly beneficial for your senses and
overall health.Whether you’re taking part in online fitness classes, walking around the
subdivision or practicing simple movements in your living room, it’s important to keep
your body moving. Regular exercise has been shown to increase cognitive function,
prevent common diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, strengthen bones– and
even increase blood flow to important areas such as the eyes.2. Create healthy eating
habits.A well-balanced diet does more than make us feel better – it provides us with the
vitamins and minerals needed to maintain and enrich our senses.Whenever possible,
plan nourishing and healthy meals that include proteins, grains, fruits and vegetables.
The more colors on your plate the better. If you’re unable to visit the grocery store or
feel stressed in the kitchen, consider making use of delivery services like Instacart and
Uber Eats, or taking advantage of the free tips and recipes available
at down the volume. If you don’t want to keep
cranking up the volume as you get older, turn it down now. Consider taking a break from
loud noises every 15 minutes and wearing ear plugs when necessary to minimize the
risk of hearing damage.4. Protect your eyes and vision.According to the survey by Home
Instead, Inc., vision is the most feared sense to lose. Unfortunately, it is also the most
prevalent.Take advantage of the many low-cost items available to help preserve your
eyesight. Make it a habit to regularly wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun’s
ultraviolet rays, or blue-light filtering glasses to help minimize the eye strain associated
with increased screen time during COVID-19.5. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.You don’t
need to endure sensory loss alone. Establish a network of doctors you trust and
schedule routine check-ups. Regular visits, even online video appointments, can help a
general practitioner or geriatrician stay on top of symptoms and pinpoint important
changes in sensory loss. Consider seeing a specialized health care professional, such as
an ear, nose and throat doctor or an occupational therapist, depending on the cause
and severity of the symptoms you’re experiencing.Visit for more
information about sensory loss, or contact your local Home Instead Senior Care office.
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Digital Resources to Play a Big Role in
Education this Fall
(NewsUSA) –The upcoming school year will be like nothing teachers, students, and
families have ever experienced, as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic steers school
systems to embrace online learning and incorporate it in new ways.However, school
systems across the country are rising to the challenge and staying connected to their
students with dynamic digital resources, such as those from Discovery Education.Since
the beginning of the pandemic, school systems across the country have invested in
digital services like Discovery Education Experience because they support students’
education at home, in the classroom or wherever learning is taking place.Experience –
Discovery Education’s flexible K-12 learning platform – connects educators to a vast
collection of compelling high-quality, standards-aligned content, ready-to-use digital
lessons, and professional learning resources.Together, these resources give educators
everything they need to facilitate instruction in any learning environment and create
lasting educational impact.”Discovery Education is committed to keeping students and
teachers connected to learning at home or in school,” says Scott Kinney, Discovery
Education’s president of K-12 Education.”To accomplish that, we partner with school
systems to provide students and teachers the digital resources– such as Discovery
Education Experienc– they need for success during this school year and beyond.”In
addition, to providing school systems digital resources Discovery Education provides
teachers the professional development they need to use new technologies and
maximize their school district’s technology investment.Discovery Education has a long
history as a global leader in digital curricula that align with the current standards for K-
12 education, and their products include digital textbooks, multimedia resources, and
professional learning for educators.Visit for more information
about the company’s resources, and visit
partners to determine whether your local school district is making Discovery Education
materials available to their students for the upcoming school year.
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Addressing The Health Needs of The
Whole Person
(NewsUSA) – Social, economic and environmental factors play a key role in people’s
health – where they live, learn work, and play.These circumstances are shaped by the
distribution of wealth, power and resources at global, national and local
levels.Identifying these so-called “social determinants of health” helps doctors
determine the root causes of their patients’ medical conditions and is critical to
improving whole-person health.The Physicians Foundation found that nearly 90
percent of doctors have patients whose health is affected by these key factors.1Below
are some examples to illustrate how social factors can affect you and your health:*
Loneliness and social isolation. More than a quarter of the U.S. population live alone.
Loneliness and social isolation are associated with increased mortality and poor health
outcomes. Identifying individuals at risk for these factors allows doctors to recommend
prevention and care strategies to improve their patients’ health.* Food insecurity.The
U.S. Department of Agriculture defines food insecurity as a lack of consistent access to
enough food for a healthy life.According to Feeding America, food insecurity exists in
every state in the United States. Seniors face challenges that put them at risk of food
insecurity, such as being on a fixed income and having to choose between buying food
or medicine, or struggling to obtain food without reliable transportation.*
Transportation Barriers.A lack of transportation affects an individual’s health and well-
being – from accessing health care services and healthy food options to maintaining
social connections. Lack of transportation is the leading cause of patient no-shows for
medical appointments, and missed appointments are associated with increased medical
care costs and increased emergency room visits.2But many Medicare Advantage plans,
provided by private health insurers such as Humana, offer their members health and
wellness benefits, programs and services to help address social determinants, with rides
to medical appointments, meal benefits, social interaction and screening for food
insecurity.Humana is working to address social determinants of health through its Bold
Goal, by working with Humana care teams, physicians, nonprofit organizations, and
business and government leaders to identify, screen and refer members to community
resources and long-term support.The Bold Goal is a population health strategy to help
improve the health of the communities we serve by 20 percent by 2020 and beyond.For
more information, visit
results-final-2018.pdf2 Y0040_GHHKP2EEN_C
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Four Tips for Boosting Exercise Motivation
in Seniors
(NewsUSA) –You’re never too old to develop or refine an exercise program.And there
has never been more opportunity to find an array of programs that suit your interests,
your fitness ability and your lifestyle.As an older adult, the reasons for exercise change:
benefits include helping to control chronic conditions such as hypertension and
diabetes, strengthening muscles to prevent falls, and improving flexibility to maintain
activities of daily living.An added benefit? Regular exercise can help boost your mood
and improve your overall sense of well-being.And, you’ll make new friends! (Of course,
always talk to your doctor before starting any type of exercise program.)Where to look
for a new exercise program? Start with your local fitness or community center.The key is
finding activities that you enjoy. Some tips to get started:- Follow your interests. Like to
dance? Swim? Maybe yoga or Tai-Chi sounds appealing.There are fitness classes for
every taste and ability level.- Follow your friends. Going to a fitness class with a friend
improves your motivation and if you’re going it alone – here’s your chance to make new
friends!- Listen to your body. Exercise doesn’t need to be painful to be beneficial. Start
slow and progress over time.- Set goals. How often do you want to exercise? How hard?
Develop a three- to six-month plan so you can measure your success.But wait, there’s
more: Older adults who participate in group exercise programs report improved quality
of life from the social aspect of group fitness.The group creates a sense of community
that helps keep you motivated.Social isolation, which often leads to loneliness, is
common among seniors, but taking a fitness class can forge a bond that keeps people
coming back for exercise and extends to socializing outside of class.In a recent study of
adults aged 65 years and older, researchers surveyed 46,564 participants in the
SilverSneakers fitness program between 2010 and 2016 to determine how exercise
improved their quality of life.”Even though regular physical activity is important, well-
being is about more than just exercise,” according to Julie Logue, Training Manager at
Tivity Health.“Through SilverSneakers, you can explore all kinds of fitness programs,
socialization and nutrition programs to help you live your best life.We empower
members to live healthier, happier, longer.”Older adults with more frequent visits to
fitness centers who participate in SilverSneakers exercise programs report significantly
fewer days when they felt physically or mentally unwell and rated their physical and
mental health higher than those who participated less frequently.Curious about more
ways to stay motivated to get and stay fit? During open enrollment for health insurance
between Oct. 15 and Dec. 7, enroll in a plan that offers SilverSneakers, which provides
members with access to more than 16,000 fitness and community locations
nationwide.To check your eligibility and find a health plan that includes SilverSneakers,
call 888-423-4632 or visit
Thanks: NewsUSA
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Subraa PD July 28, 2020 News Seniors Leave a comment
Let’s Keep It Local, New Mexico
(NewsUSA) – Good ideas often start in your own backyardAlmost two decades before
our legislature passed a statewide clean indoor air law, the City of Albuquerque
implemented smoke-free air policies to protect residents from secondhand smoke in all
workplaces.The importance of local leadership is still clear: many cities moved more
quickly than states to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by implementing stay-at-home
orders, closing non-essential businesses and public parks.”Local governments are
uniquely positioned to meet the needs of the people in their communities.They should
be able to pass laws proven to promote good health, well-being and equity, and New
Mexicans agree,” says Dr. Robert Taylor, President of the American Heart Association
board of directors in Albuquerque.The American Heart Association (AHA) believes the
ongoing epidemic of e-cigarette use by teenagers can be effectively addressed by cities
and counties.This is a serious public health crisis that has spread to every high and
middle school in New Mexico.”Big Vape” and “Big Tobacco” have addicted a new
generation of youth to nicotine and continue to do so unabated as the country is
focused on the COVID-19 pandemic.The tobacco industry spends almost $37 million
annually on advertising in New Mexico, resulting in $844 million in annual spending
from smoking-related illnesses ($222.8 million through Medicaid). Corporate lobbyists
have spent millions more to convince state legislators to stop communities from
passing policies that protect the health of their residents.A 2020 American Heart
Association-commissioned public opinion poll found 63 percent of New Mexico voters
support communities being able to regulate tobacco locally.This poll was conducted by
Brian Sanderoff of Research and Polling Inc.The American Heart Association wants
everyone to benefit from smart and effective policies. But when corporate lobbyists
convince state legislators to block local governments from passing laws, it can hurt
communities most where the need is greatest. Nearly 25 percent of New Mexico high
school students use e-cigarettes and 700 youth become new daily smokers each year.
Each year, 2,600 New Mexican adults die from smoking and 40,000 kids now under 18
in New Mexico will ultimately die prematurely from smoking.A new research conducted
by AHA shows using E-cigarettes damage arteries and blood vessels among young
adults.To learn more about the study, click here:
combustible-cigarettes?preview=9f28This epidemic could be reversed if cities and
counties are given the opportunity to make decisions that best serve the health of their
communities.To sign up and learn more, simply text NM to 46839.
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Subraa PD July 27, 2020 News Mexico Leave a comment
Next COVID-19 Challenge: Reduce
Employer Rx Costs, Enhance Patient Access
(NewsUSA) – In the coming weeks and months, America will begin attempting to re-
start the economy and hopefully take steps toward a semblance of a new normal.
However, even as this process gets underway, our economy has been shaken to its core
with ramifications that will reverberate for some time to come. In this new reality,
America’s employers and healthplan sponsors will face daunting challenges as a result
of COVID-19’s impact.That’s what makes the mission of pharmacy benefit managers
(PBMs) all that much more important. PBMs are hired by employers and health plans to
reduce costs and enhance access to prescription drugs, while helping to keep a lid on
health-care premiums.Accomplishing these goals and continuing to find ways to help
patients obtain their medications, while staying safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, are
essential.The coronavirus outbreak is first and foremost a human tragedy, affecting
millions of people. It is also having a substantial impact on the global economy that has
caused an explosion of unemployed Americans, many of whom rely on employer-
sponsored health-care coverage.The safety-net programs, such as Medicaid and the
Exchanges, will be more important than ever in providing needed coverage options for
patients.As an example of PBMs’ response to the growing number of uninsured as a
result of COVID-19, there is a new program that will cap costs for a 30-day supply of
generic medications at $25 and at $75 for more than 40 brand-name drugs for the rest
of the year for medications, including insulin, contraceptives and products for heart
disease and migraines.Insurance plan sponsors– employers, self-insured plans, and
others– for decades have relied on PBMs to manage prescription drug costs in a way
that provides affordable access for the patient populations that they represent. PBMs
have delivered on that need by achieving an overall low-cost trend by encouraging
competition among drug manufacturers and drugstores.In fact, recent research shows
that PBMs will provide savings of more than $512 billion over the next decade for
employer- and union-sponsored health plans and their workers and dependents. For
2020, it is estimated that an average per-person PBM savings on prescription drugs is
$962.Now, and in the future, reducing prescription drug costs will affect the overall
economy and have implications beyond health care. Every dollar spent on health
benefits is a dollar employers can’t spend to create new jobs, increase wages, or invest
in innovation.PBMs continue to implement patient-friendly tools in pharmacy benefits
that lower prescription drug costs and improve quality, including negotiating discounts
with drugstores to reduce copays and other out-of-pockets costs, negotiating price
concessions from drug manufacturers, and promoting more affordable brand and
generic drugs.Drug manufacturers should be lauded for undertaking an unprecedented
effort to find vaccines and treatments for COVID-19. But those treatments, once
approved, must be made widely available and affordable for everyone, and just as
importantly, medications for chronic illnesses must remain accessible for patients. PBMs’
proven track record keeping drug costs in check and providing patients access to
treatments will be crucially important to achieving that objective.As the economy re-
emerges from this difficult time, Winston Churchill’s words are apt: “Now this is not the
end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the
beginning.”During this uncertain time and beyond, patients and plan sponsors can count
on PBMs to use their expertise and their negotiating power to provide affordable access
to prescription drugs.
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Subraa PD July 27, 2020 News COVID-19 Leave a comment
Lorena Bobbitt Shares Her Story in Lifetime
Original Movie
(NewsUSA) –Although it happened nearly 30 years ago, the story of Lorena Bobbitt and
the domestic violence she endured still resonates today in the #MeToo era. Lifetime
kicks off Memorial Day with the Ripped from the Headlines feature premiere of “I Was
Lorena Bobbitt” on Monday, May 25, at 8pm ET/PT.Lorena Bobbitt (now Lorena Gallo)
serves as one of the executive producers on the film, as well as its narrator.The story
follows her journey from a young and innocent immigrant bride to a victim of domestic
violence. In 1993, after years of abuse at the hands of her husband, John Bobbitt, Lorena
fought back, cutting off her husband’s penis with a knife and becoming an unlikely
international media sensation.The film follows her evolution into a strong and
thoughtful woman who has devoted her life to advocating for abused women.”There
are many reasons why I feel it’s important to share my story now,” Ms. Gallo says in an
interview.”Lifetime gave me a platform and truly listened to my message about domestic
violence, and I was actively involved in telling my story. I believe with the #MeToo
movement and increased awareness of domestic violence and sexual assault that my
message would be heard.”The process of making the movie was very emotional, Ms.
Gallo says.”With me being so young and an immigrant, new to the United States and to
endure the type of abuse that I went through, along with the court case and the media
frenzy that followed, it is a reminder of what I had to go through to help to become the
person that I am today.The work that I do with the Lorena Gallo Foundation and other
organizations is based upon my own experiences,” she explains.”I Was Lorena Bobbitt”
stars Dani Montalvo (“Dispatches from Elsewhere”) and Luke Humphrey (“Tiny Pretty
Things”) as Lorena and John. Ms. Gallo spent time discussing her past with Ms. Montalvo
to help her prepare for the role.“We learned a lot from one another and I’m grateful for
our time together,” Ms. Gallo says.The take-home message from the movie, according to
Ms. Gallo, is “that domestic violence is real and doesn’t discriminate. It can happen to
anyone and there are definitely signs showing that someone is abused and it should be
taken seriously and not overlooked.”Ms. Gallo’s advice to others who are dealing with
abuse: “Never give up hope and be resilient.”She emphasizes,“You are not alone and
there are options and resources. Do not keep it to yourself. Contact family and friends
and understand the resources available to you now, such as shelters, domestic violence
hotlines and social service organizations. First responders and doctors are better trained
to understand and deal with domestic violence-related problems.” She adds,“Do not
deal with the situation with the false hope that it will get better. Silence is not an
option!”Domestic and sexual violence is on the rise with many stuck at home with their
abusers because of Covid/stay-at-home orders, so this movie is more timely than ever to
help women with resources. During the film, Lifetime will run a public service
announcement for the National Domestic Violence Hotline and the National Coalition
Against Domestic Violence featuring the actors and Lorena Bobbitt, as part of Lifetime’s
public affairs campaign, Stop Violence Against Women.Visit for more
information about upcoming programs.Follow on social @LifetimeTV and using
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Subraa PD July 27, 2020 News HISTORY Leave a comment
6 Tips on How to Stay Active at Home
(NewsUSA) – In the past few weeks, it has become clear that social distancing and
quarantining are the new normal.This is an overwhelming time as we attempt to adjust
our mindsets and schedules– between working from home, watching after the kids,
keeping up with the news, and maintaining sanity, it can be a challenge to prioritize
your physical and mental health. Here are some tips on how to stay active in these
strange and unprecedented times. Make a planIt’s always easier to commit to a healthy
habit if you make it part of your routine.At the beginning of each week, take a look at
your schedule and find those windows where you could realistically squeeze in a
workout. Set a reminder on your phone or even add the workout to your calendar to
keep yourself accountable.Try a meal delivery serviceIt may be difficult to cook healthy
meals every day, especially if you can’t get what you need from the grocery store. Having
healthy food delivered safely to your door can alleviate the stress and hassle of cooking,
plus having healthy options in the house will keep you from overeating and reaching
for junk food. South Beach Diet, for example, offers fully nutritionally balanced,
prepared meals and snacks that make it easy to keep your diet on track.Take breaks
from workIt can be tempting to sit around all day while you’re working from home, but
don’t let yourself stay sedentary for too long. Get away from your workspace and move
around every hour or so to get your blood flowing.This will help you to stay sharp and
healthy during social isolation. If you’re taking a phone call, stand up and allow yourself
to pace around.Try to get up every hour and take a few steps around the house, stretch,
or even do a few jumping jacks. Stream, stream, streamAs gyms and workout studios are
necessarily closed for the moment, many fitness brands and instructors are using
Instagram live to hold virtual classes. If you have a favorite local studio or a favorite
instructor, check out their website or social media to see if they are hosting any online
classes. Many fitness brands are also offering extended free trials to access their libraries
of workout videos. Go for a walk or runOf course, we are all limiting our trips outside to
the grocery store, gas station, or anywhere else we might come in close contact with
others. But if you are able to safely run or walk while keeping distance from your
neighbors, those are great options for staying active, clearing your mind, and getting
some fresh air.”It’s so important to find those moments of joy outdoors while we’re all
social distancing,” says Jessie James Decker, mother of three and South Beach Diet brand
ambassador.“Whatever that means for you – whether it’s a stroll around the
neighborhood with the kids or a long run to clear your head –you’ll feel so much better
if you make the time for it.” Keep your mind activeJust as our bodies need physical
activity to stay healthy, our minds need stimulation (beyond reality TV binge sessions) to
stay sharp as well. Group activities such as board games or puzzles are a great option
for keeping your mind sharp while clocking some quality time with your family or
roommates.For more tips on how to stay healthy and active while social distancing,
check out
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Subraa PD July 27, 2020 News Home Leave a comment
History Channel Unlocks the Greatness of
Ulysses S. Grant
(NewsUSA) – Ulysses S. Grant may be one of the most complex and underappreciated
generals and presidents in United States history, but he gets his due at last in a six-hour
miniseries,“Grant,” that premieres on HISTORY over Memorial Day weekend.The three-
part series is executive produced by Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Ron Chernow, author
of the 2017 biography,“Grant,” along with Appian Way’s Jennifer Davisson and Leonardo
DiCaprio, and produced by RadicalMedia in association with global content leader
Lionsgate.The first episode airs on Memorial Day, Monday, May 25, and continues over
the next two nights at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT.”Ulysses S. Grant is one of our most brilliant, yet
misunderstood presidents and HISTORY is committed to telling the compelling stories,
like his, of those who have shaped our great nation,” says Eli Lehrer, executive vice
president and general manager for HISTORY.”This is an important part of American
history that deserves to be told and we look forward to delivering our latest premium
core history documentary series to our audience,” he adds.Today, Grant is unfamiliar and
misunderstood by many people, despite his worldwide fame at the time of his death in
1885.The three-night miniseries event combines dramatic scenes, expert commentary,
and archival images to reveal Grant’s true legacy, which involves a rise from humble
beginnings through the highest ranks of the military, and finally to the presidency.While
serving as president from 1869-1877, he held the United States together during the
challenges of reconstruction after the devastation of the Civil War.Many people may be
unaware that Grant’s initiatives while in office include protecting the right to vote for
the four-million formerly enslaved people freed at the end of the war despite violence
and widespread resistance.In addition,“Grant” features on-camera interviews with
“Grant” biographer Ron Chernow, as well as David Petraeus, retired United States Army
General and former Central Intelligence Agency director; Ta-Nehisi Coates, acclaimed
writer and journalist, and Elizabeth Samet, professor of English at West
Point.Visit for more information about the series and other premium, fact-
based storytelling and entertainment.Also, follow @history on
Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.
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Subraa PD July 27, 2020 News HISTORY Leave a comment
Lifetime Celebrates 30 Years of
Original Movies
(NewsUSA) – Lifetime celebrates 30 years of its iconic Lifetime Original Movies in 2020
and continues to be a premier entertainment destination for women, offering award-
winning movies that viewers love, popular non-fiction series such as “Married at First
Sight,” and compelling “beyond the headlines” documentaries.Recent hits include the
top three movies in ad-supported cable for 2020: “The Clark Sisters: First Ladies of
Gospel,”“Stolen By My Mother: The Kamiyah Mobley Story,” and “Chris Watts: Confessions
of a Killer.”Audiences with more time at home will not be disappointed, as Lifetime
premieres 50 new movies between May and the end of 2020.The summer-long
celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Lifetime Original Movie begins with two-time
Emmy nominee Niecy Nash (star of the critically acclaimed “Stolen by My Mother: The
Kamiyah Mobley Story”) hosting a special kick-off movie marathon weekend, May 30-31.
It features two full days of Lifetime’s most celebrated movies, as well as two movie
premieres–“The Captive Nanny” (May 30) and “My Husband’s Deadly Past” (May 31).”The
legacy of Lifetime Original Movies is undeniable, as we celebrate the 30th anniversary of
the pop culture phenomenon this year,” says Amy Winter, executive vice president and
head of programming for Lifetime and LMN.”With everyone’s lives radically shifted in the
past weeks, what has remained constant is Lifetime’s ability to deliver top-quality movie
premieres such as “The Clark Sisters” to our audiences and provide them some much
needed entertainment and escape.With over 50 more titles to debut between now and
the end of the year, our storytelling ability is further strengthened by the incredible
talent partners we have lined up.”Upcoming projects engage the talents of stars such as
Jamie Lee Curtis, who will executive produce, star in, and direct the new film,“How We
Sleep at Night: The Sara Cunningham Story,” the true story of a devout Christian mother
who comes to accept her son being gay.Fans of biopics, and those who can’t get enough
royals can look forward to a third installment in the Harry & Meghan movie franchise,
which follows the couple’s controversial detachment from traditional royal life after the
birth of their son Archie.Before you know it, the holidays will be here.As the home for
holiday movies with something for everyone, Lifetime’s popular “It’s a Wonderful
Lifetime” event will return later this year, featuring holiday-themed movies and national
treasure Betty White in a can’t-miss role as (perhaps?) Mrs. Santa Claus.Lifetime also is
ramping up its 2021 movie pipeline, which is scheduled to include Salt-N-Pepa and
Wendy Williams biopics, as well as the V.C.Andrews Ruby Landry Movie
Series.Visit for more information about upcoming programs.
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Subraa PD July 27, 2020 News Movies Leave a comment
Digital Strategies Help Small
Businesses Compete
(NewsUSA) –What is Peacock?Peacock is a new streaming service from NBCUniversal,
launching July 15th.The only streamer to offer a free, premium tier of service with
limited commercials, Peacock brings together everything people love about TV and
streaming to deliver the best live and on-demand programming from NBCUniversal and
beyond.Sign up for Peacock today– completely free – and enjoy thousands of hours of
current and classic movies and shows, exclusive channels, timely news and sports, late-
night, reality and more. Or upgrade to Peacock Premium for just $4.99 per month and
enjoy access to more than 20,000 hours of movies, shows, originals, live news and
sports, and early access to programming such as “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy
Fallon.”You can also go ad-free for just $5 more per month.What to Watch?Peacock is
home to treasured movies and shows you already know and love – or may have missed
and can now enjoy! Schedule a movie night around blockbuster titles such as “Jurassic
Park,”“Do the Right Thing,” and “Shrek.”Or buckle up for some laughs with iconic
comedies like “Parks and Recreation,”“30 Rock,”“Saturday Night Live,”“King of Queens,”
“Everybody Loves Raymond,”“Two and a Half Men,”“Everybody Hates Chris,”“Frasier,”
“George Lopez,”“Psych,”“Monk.” and “Cheers!”Looking for your next binge-worthy drama?
Peacock has you covered with popular shows, including “Law & Order: SVU,”“Downton
Abbey,”“Yellowstone,”“Ray Donovan,”“The Affair,”“Friday Night Lights,”“House,”
“Battlestar Galactica,”“Parenthood,” and “Heroes.”And if you love reality, Peacock has fan
favorites such as “Below Deck,”“Shahs of Sunset,” and “Southern Charm.”In addition to a
deep library of beloved titles, you can find the latest shows from NBC and Telemundo on
Peacock, including “Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist” and “Superstore,”“La Doña,” and
“Enemigo íntimo.”For sports fans, Peacock will offer live and on demand sports
programming, including exclusive Premier League matches, USGA events like the U.S.
Open, an NFL Wild Card Game and the Tour de France.And if you’re struggling to stay on
top of what’s going on in the world, the Trending section on Peacock makes it easy to
check out daily highlights across news, sports and entertainment from “TODAY,”“NBC
Nightly News,”“Noticias Telemundo,” and “Access Hollywood.”And for those looking for
something brand new, Peacock will offer a growing library of original movies and shows.
From bold dramas like “Brave New World,” and “The Capture,” and fresh comedies such
as “Intelligence” with David Schwimmer, to sports series such as Dale Earnhardt, Jr.’s
“Lost Speedways” and documentary“In Deep with Ryan Lochte,” Peacock has original
movies and shows for every TV fan.And for PsychOs new and old, new film “Psych 2:
Lassie Come Home” is waiting for you.Peacock also has kids shows featuring both
familiar characters and new ones to love, including “Curious George,”“DreamWorks
Where’s Waldo?” and “DreamWorks Cleopatra in Space.” Where to Watch?Peacock will be
available nationwide on July 15th on Apple, Comcast, Cox, Google, Microsoft Xbox, LG,
and Vizio connected devices. Comcast’s Xfinity X1 and Flex customers, as well as Cox
Contour customers, enjoy Peacock Premium included with their service at no additional
cost.Visit to learn more.
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Subraa PD July 25, 2020 News Businesses Leave a comment
How to Boost Your Business in A
Digital Environment
(NewsUSA) – Now more than ever, businesses need to explore how to best serve their
customers in the digital marketplace.That means finding ways to stay relevant and keep
their audiences engaged.A professional development webinar series from the National
Kitchen & Bath Association shows businesses how to develop and maintain a strong
online presence.The National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA) is a non-profit trade
group for the kitchen and bath industry.The series opens with Jim Nowakowski, a
marketing and marketing communications specialist with more than 20 years of
experience, notably in the manufacturing and publishing industries. Mr. Nowakowski
brings his considerable expertise in communications and business-to-business
advertising purchasing patterns to the webinars.The series kicked off on January 10
with “Staying in Front of Your Customers in a Digital Environment.”Positive feedback
from attendees emphasized Mr. Nowakowski’s enthusiasm and business acumen, with
comments about his material and delivery such as,“his examples were detailed and easy
to understand, with stories that made a point,” and “he was the best presenter I have
seen in a while, very engaging and entertaining.””It’s always an honor to present my
business topics to designers, showroom consultants, architects and manufacturers,”
Nowakowski said after the presentation.”When I received the feedback, I was thrilled
that the audience walked away with knowledge they can use,” he adds.The webinar
focuses on providing the audience with information on digital disruption in the
marketplace and what strategic tools can keep a business relevant and valuable in
servicing customers.For example, participants learn how value comes from
differentiation, and the importance of what makes a business unique.”What do you do
that your competitor doesn’t do? What does your competitor do that you don’t?” Mr.
Nowakowski asks.Mr. Nowakowski also emphasizes how business basics never change,
even in the age of disruption, and reviews tactics on how to stay in front of customers in
a digital environment that includes using advertising, phone surveys, and quality
service.The full presentation of Staying in Front of Your Customers in Digital
Environment is available for more
information and additional webinars offered.
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Subraa PD July 25, 2020 News Business Leave a comment
Student Preparation Program Yields
College Scholarships
(NewsUSA) – Many high school students who might not have seen college as an option
are now ready to pursue advanced education as Dell Scholars, thanks to a unique
nonprofit education program.The Dell Scholars Program was developed by the Michael
& Susan Dell Foundation to assist high-school seniors who have overcome significant
obstacles to obtain a college education.In 2018, of the 500 scholarships offered
through the Dell Scholars Program, 281 were awarded to AVID students.Students in the
AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) program work to overcome
challenges, including limited funds for college and limited family experience with
college and college preparation.AVID is a nonprofit that provides training and support
to educators, so they can ensure that all of their students are college-ready.AVID
educators are trained to tutor as well as mentor students, and to provide opportunities
for the students to develop friendships and support networks with peers. Many of the
AVID participants are first-generation college students who benefit from the mentoring
and social support as well as from the academic instruction.”The Dell Scholars are an
inspiration to all of us at AVID.These students have overcome significant obstacles to
succeed, and we’re honored to be a part of their college journey,” Dr. Sandy Husk, CEO of
AVID, says in a statement announcing the scholars.“I’m excited to see what they will
achieve in the Dell Scholars Program.”All students who become Dell Scholars receive
not only financial assistance to help defray the cost of college, but also resources and
mentoring throughout their college experience.These supports reinforce their study
habits and relationship-building skills from AVID and similar high school programs that
will help them succeed and earn a bachelor’s degree in the subject of their
choice.According to the Dell Scholars website,“Our support is constant until they leave
campus with a degree in hand.”Dell and AVID share the common goal of leveling the
playing field for promising high school students who might not otherwise have been
empowered and motivated to prepare for and attend college.For more information
about AVID, visit more details about the Dell Scholars Program,
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Fifth Annual Fire Department Contest
Highlights Grain Bin Safety
(NewsUSA) –The risk of becoming trapped in a grain bin while trying to remove
clumped or rotting grain remains a real hazard for farmers and their employees, who
could be buried within seconds by fast-flowing grain.To help reduce the risk of death
and injury from grain bin accidents and to educate first responders about rescue
procedures, Nationwide, the number one farm insurer in the United States, is sponsoring
its fifth annual Nominate Your Fire Department Contest in conjunction with Grain Bin
Safety Week.The goal of the campaign is to educate farm workers and first responders
about safe bin-entry procedures, including maintaining quality grain, testing bin
atmosphere for toxic gases, and wearing proper safety equipment.Since 2014,
Nationwide has awarded grain bin rescue tubes and training sessions to 48 fire
departments in 18 states.”It felt like an eternity,” Glenville Fire Chief Matt Webb, of
Glenville, Minnesota, a recipient of Nationwide’s grain bin rescue training, said in an
interview.Webb put his skills to the test when he saved a man who had fallen into a bin
of rotting corn.”The grain rescue training came back quickly, and it was a relief we had
our own equipment.The program that’s out there for these tubes and training is such a
life-saving resource in our county,” he says.Grain Bin Safety Week 2018 takes place
February 18-24. Grain Bin Safety Week and the Nominate Your Fire Department Contest
are hosted by Nationwide and made possible by the donations of industry
sponsors.”Grain Bin Safety Week would not happen without the generous support of our
sponsors,” Liggett adds.“We would like to thank every sponsor for making this week and
contest a reality.”Grain Bin Safety Week has been officially recognized by governors of
Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, West Virginia, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Each year,
the NECAS director visits training locations with a grain entrapment simulator and
rescue tube to conduct training sessions in rescue and safety procedures.”Nationwide
created this program and joined forces with partners across the country to make it
happen for a single purpose – to save lives,” says Brad Liggett, president of Nationwide
Agribusiness.Applications for the Nominate Your Fire Department Contest are open until
April 30, 2018.Winning fire departments will receive grants for grain bin rescue tubes
and training for grain bin rescue procedures.For more information about the contest or
the nomination process, visit more information about
Nationwide, visit
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Subraa PD July 25, 2020 News Safety Leave a comment
Ways to Stay Connected (And Check On
Seniors) While Social Distancing
(NewsUSA) –As the coronavirus pandemic rapidly turned the “new normal” household
into hubs for all daily activities, Summer 2020 now means moving parents’ offices, kid’s
camps, vacation destinations, and virtually everything under one roof.Although this
dynamic could forge family bonds, it can also ignite the already heated stresses and
struggles facing many Americans during this difficult time – making optimal home
climate control a critical key to keeping their cool as temperatures heat up this
season.Recent studies show how our increased togetherness can significantly disrupt
domestic bliss. In fact, research suggests that people forced to live in quarantine
conditions face a greater risk of anxiety, depression, anger, irritability, insomnia and
post-traumatic stress symptoms.And, despite feeling close to their children during the
pandemic, 61percent of parents say they have shouted, yelled, or screamed at them at
least once over the past two weeks, according to a University of Michigan study. Further,
married and engaged couples in quarantine are fighting more, with only 18 percent of
surveyed couples reporting satisfaction in communication with their partner, according
to a survey conducted by the publication,“The Knot and app Lasting.”When
temperatures– and tempers– rise, a dreaded “Family Thermostat War” can ensue.
Following are some useful tips to help you save money on utility bills and keep your
family cool.With home heating and cooling accounting for nearly half of home energy
use and air conditioner energy expenses costing homeowners more than $11 billion a
year, small steps can go a long way.* Ease Into Electric: According to Columbia
University’s Earth Institute, electric systems are a solution to decarbonize home climate
control.Among the most energy-efficient heating and cooling products, electricity-
powered ductless mini-split systems, offered by companies including Fujitsu General
America, can save as much as 25 percent on your energy bill. Mini-splits use thin copper
tubing to pump refrigerant from an outdoor compressor directly into an indoor air-
handling unit, where the air is quietly distributed to the interior space.* Get “Smart”
About Climate Control: When it comes to smart home temperature control, there are
Smart HVAC Systems and Smart Thermostats. Smart HVAC systems have built-in Internet
capability and can be controlled directly without additional equipment. Smart Home
Thermostats create “smart” systems by enabling remote temperature control via a
mobile or Internet-connected device or voice-operated home automation system.* Voice
Your Preference: Take control of your comfort. Most HVAC manufacturers offer apps that
enable systems to be controlled from anywhere using a mobile device.Voice-control
capability uses digital assistants, such as Amazon Alexa or Google Home, to verbally
dictate home temperatures. Easily controlling the temperature more closely allows
homeowners to be more comfortable and improve energy savings.* Find Your Efficient
Comfort Zone: Many of us live in homes designed for bigger families, but have yet to
downsize. If you find yourself using a fraction of your home on a regular basis, consider
upgrading to a zoned, ducted, or ductless system.That will allow you to save energy
heating and cooling spaces where you and your family don’t spend a lot of time.This
will multiply savings as you’re not only needing less cooling, but you also gain from a
more efficient system in the spaces you do still use.* Try Low-tech Fixes: Simple changes
can have a big impact.Try to use heat-producing appliances– stoves, irons and dryers at
night or early morning. Switch to LED light bulbs instead of incandescent bulbs– which
consume 90 percent more power. Seal air leaks around windows, doors, and places
where pipes and wires come through walls.And check existing caulking and weather-
stripping for gaps or cracks.Achieving a sense of peaceful co-existence in your
increasingly crowded, multi-functional home does not need to make your family
members hot under the collar. If a new system is right for you, many Fujitsu systems with
the Energy Star rating are more than twice as efficient as the minimum standard set by
the government.To learn more or find a contractor near you, call 888-888-3424 or
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New Buying Trends Emerge for Shoppers
When the economy nosedived, and companies had reason to be scared, a few businesses
got resourceful.
Low incomes and record job losses pushed consumers toward trends like buying in
bulk and using group discount websites.And where there was demand, supply soon
In came the success of wholesalers like Costco, Sam’s Club and BJ’s. But warehouse clubs
weren’t the only stores seeing growth in bulk sales. Farmers markets, co-ops and natural
food stores observed more supersized shopping.Whole Foods said bulk food purchases
were growing by approximately 25 percent every year.
That wasn’t the only buying trend to emerge, however.
“The Groupon following led to an explosion of similar sites, like LivingSocial and
Dealfind, not to mention all of the city-specific ones,” says Joe Kalfa, the leader of a new
movement of group buying called All Our Power.
“You can buy virtually any commodity in bulk and get all kinds of group discounts on
spas, restaurants and vacations galore, but what about monthly expenses like car
insurance, gas and health care? It seems to me like there’s room for some improvement,”
adds Kalfa.
Well, maybe there is.
According to Time magazine’s Moneyland, warehouse club members can save 25 to 35
percent on their food budget. Shoppers who forego packaging altogether and buy food
from bins or dispensers save anywhere from 30 to 90 percent over prepackaged
Imagine those types of savings applied to insurance policies, gas prices, medical bills,
cell phone plans and more.
All Our Power, which seeks to rally 10 million members and secure membership
discounts from all kinds of service providers and retailers, could be the next group-
buying trend to take flight.
A buzz has already formed around the young movement as consumers worldwide
realize the potential benefits of a free membership with access to serious negotiating
Are you tired of paying too much for car insurance or gas? You’re not the only one. Sign
up and learn more about your buying power at Or, see what
others are saying on Twitter @allourpower.
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Online Group Buying Sites Soar
in Popularity
A $50 haircut will set you back a mere $25 when purchased with the click of a mouse
on a group buying website. Recommend the deal to two friends and get two $10 credits,
used towards a deal at a local restaurant that gives $40 worth of food and drink for just
$20 —a free meal.
Welcome to the world of group buying, Internet style, where the power of the Web can
be utilized to offer surprisingly large discounts to a sizable number of people for things
they actually want to buy.The industry has exploded in the past few years and continues
to climb. It’s expected to grow 138 percent to $2.7 billion this year in the U.S. alone,
according to Local Offer Network.
The best-known group buying site —Groupon —is expected to bring in between $3
billion and $4 billion this year alone, up from $760 million in worldwide revenue last
year. However, of the 63,000 deals offered in the U.S. last year, Groupon accounted for
fewer than half. Instead, smaller group sites are attracting customers with incredible
discounts on everything from restaurants and spas to home products and insurance.
Here’s where to go for some unique online deals:
LivingSocial.A group deal website that offers shoppers daily deal coupons from
participating local merchants in their area. One killer feature that sets this site apart
from the pack is the incentive that’s provided by LivingSocial to tempt its users to share
the daily deal offerings with their friends.That is, if three people buy the deal using the
link you’re provided upon signing up, then you receive the deal for free.
iMingle.The first car insurance provider to offer policyholders a group buying discount—
potentially saving them hundreds of dollars—by enlisting friends to sign up using their
site or iPhone app. Here’s how it works: when a customer is shopping for online auto
insurance, they use a widget to let their friends know about the available discount.They
have over a dozen choices for how they want to share their exclusive iMingle discount
link, including email, instant messaging, blogging and social networking sites like
Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. If a friend clicks the link, enrolls and agrees to the
iMingle safety pledge, both customers can save 10 percent on their policies.
OrderBorder.This site caters towards Apple enthusiasts and owners of Apple products—
featuring accessories, software and peripherals for iPhones, iPods, iPads, Macs and
Macbooks.The site also employs the “Borderline Price” concept, or the absolute lowest
price limit that the group can either reach with its growing size as users join the deal or
with points accumulated by an individual after making purchases.
GreenDeals.This industry newcomer offers green-minded shoppers a daily coupon for
goods and services from green businesses. In addition to daily green deals, the site
offers green tips for everyday living, green coupons and other offers from Green
Approved Businesses.
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Civil War Drama Offers Action, Suspense,
All-Star Cast
(NewsUSA) –Although it happened nearly 30 years ago, the story of Lorena Bobbitt and
the domestic violence she endured still resonates today in the #MeToo era. Lifetime
kicks off Memorial Day with the Ripped from the Headlines feature premiere of “I Was
Lorena Bobbitt” on Monday, May 25, at 8pm ET/PT.Lorena Bobbitt (now Lorena Gallo)
serves as one of the executive producers on the film, as well as its narrator.The story
follows her journey from a young and innocent immigrant bride to a victim of domestic
violence. In 1993, after years of abuse at the hands of her husband, John Bobbitt, Lorena
fought back, cutting off her husband’s penis with a knife and becoming an unlikely
international media sensation.The film follows her evolution into a strong and
thoughtful woman who has devoted her life to advocating for abused women.”There
are many reasons why I feel it’s important to share my story now,” Ms. Gallo says in an
interview.”Lifetime gave me a platform and truly listened to my message about domestic
violence, and I was actively involved in telling my story. I believe with the #MeToo
movement and increased awareness of domestic violence and sexual assault that my
message would be heard.”The process of making the movie was very emotional, Ms.
Gallo says.”With me being so young and an immigrant, new to the United States and to
endure the type of abuse that I went through, along with the court case and the media
frenzy that followed, it is a reminder of what I had to go through to help to become the
person that I am today.The work that I do with the Lorena Gallo Foundation and other
organizations is based upon my own experiences,” she explains.”I Was Lorena Bobbitt”
stars Dani Montalvo (“Dispatches from Elsewhere”) and Luke Humphrey (“Tiny Pretty
Things”) as Lorena and John. Ms. Gallo spent time discussing her past with Ms. Montalvo
to help her prepare for the role.“We learned a lot from one another and I’m grateful for
our time together,” Ms. Gallo says.The take-home message from the movie, according to
Ms. Gallo, is “that domestic violence is real and doesn’t discriminate. It can happen to
anyone and there are definitely signs showing that someone is abused and it should be
taken seriously and not overlooked.”Ms. Gallo’s advice to others who are dealing with
abuse: “Never give up hope and be resilient.”She emphasizes,“You are not alone and
there are options and resources. Do not keep it to yourself. Contact family and friends
and understand the resources available to you now, such as shelters, domestic violence
hotlines and social service organizations. First responders and doctors are better trained
to understand and deal with domestic violence-related problems.” She adds,“Do not
deal with the situation with the false hope that it will get better. Silence is not an
option!”Domestic and sexual violence is on the rise with many stuck at home with their
abusers because of Covid/stay-at-home orders, so this movie is more timely than ever to
help women with resources. During the film, Lifetime will run a public service
announcement for the National Domestic Violence Hotline and the National Coalition
Against Domestic Violence featuring the actors and Lorena Bobbitt, as part of Lifetime’s
public affairs campaign, Stop Violence Against Women.Visit for more
information about upcoming programs.Follow on social @LifetimeTV and using
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Offshore Wind Power Prepares to Set Sail
(NewsUSA) –Wind power can be a breath of fresh air for many communities in the form
of creating jobs and lowering energy costs.
In fact, proposed plans calling for 20,000 to 30,000 megawatts (MW) of offshore wind
capacity to be operational by 2030 include projections for up to 83,000 American-based
jobs, according to a report from the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA).
“Offshore wind is key to the future of clean energy development in the U.S. and will add
to a thriving wind power industry that already represents the largest source of
renewable energy in the country,” says AWEA CEO Tom Kiernan.
“The offshore wind industry will create tens of thousands of jobs and provide billions of
dollars to the economy, while delivering on its enormous untapp sed potential to power
major population centers, such as up and down the East Coast.”
The offshore wind industry is positioned to follow in the footsteps of the successful
growth experienced by land-based wind. Currently, onshore and offshore wind support
more than 500 manufacturing facilities and account for more than 120,000 jobs in the
United States.
Wind technician is ranked as the second-fastest-growing job in the country, and building
and maintaining offshore wind farms will require a diverse workforce, including wind
technicians, electricians, welders, longshoremen, and vessel operators. Many job skills
used in other fields, such as the oil and gas industry, are transferrable to working on
offshore wind turbines, according to AWEA.
In addition, the economic impact of offshore wind will reach beyond the East Coast, as
more facilities are needed to build supplies for the growing wind industry.
Also, the benefits of offshore wind power extend beyond job creation to improving and
stabilizing utility costs for millions of Americans through an affordable, clean energy
Currently, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Virginia have
set targets for developing offshore wind farms as part of their clean energy
commitments, according to AWEA.
State governors and other local officials recognize the potential of offshore wind, but
they need to hear from the public as well, according to AWEA.
For more information about the possibilities and benefits offshore wind brings to the
economy and environment, and to voice your support, visit
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Mental Health Patients Reap Benefits
of Psychoanalysis
(NewsUSA) –As the ongoing spread of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) reshapes
American lives by the day, and sometimes by the hour, the health and stability of the
nation’s essential work force, namely our health care workers and first responders,
remains paramount.To keep themselves and their patients safe, these workers, who may
have potentially been exposed to this deadly virus, may have to stay home until they are
tested, losing valuable time on a now critical job.Here’s where organizations such as
xymbio are stepping up to the challenge. xymbio, an infectious disease testing company,
has offered the use of its high-speed testing program to help run tests on health care
personnel and first responders to keep them healthy and return them to their
demanding roles as soon as possible.The Las Vegas based company, uses industry
leading technologies from ThermoFisher and operates under the Emergency Use
Authorization (EUA) guidance issued by the Federal Drug Administration and highest
diagnostic standards.xymbio is readying to process COVID-19 tests for hospitals and
health care systems, and the company can provide both on-site testing and at-home
testing kits for employees who believe they may have been exposed to the virus. In
addition, individual physicians can request test kits and testing for patients using forms
available online on the xymbio website.The company has been waiting on a response
from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institute of Health
(NIH), and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for necessary funding
to accelerate its capabilities to acquire test kits so that it can rapidly scale testing
capacity.”xymbio has developed state of the art qPCR technology using ThermoFisher
reagents to detect coronavirus protein n,s,e antigens.Their test is highly specific,
accurate and scalable.They are now only limited by government funding to expand
capacity from 500 tests per day to thousands of tests per day.Time is of the essence.
They have the fix.They need the support to expand their operations now!” Dr. Larry
Emdur, Chief Medical Officer of Alvarado Hospital in California.”We are in a war against a
dangerous virus, and with federal assistance we are prepared to ramp up our testing
capacity over the next 35 days to 20,000 tests a day, or 120,000 tests a week, with
immediate plans to expand operations to Las Vegas and Atlanta, which would more
than quadruple our testing capacity,” according to Dr. Heath Wills, CEO and Chief
Medical Officers of xymbio.”We are ready to undertake the rapid action on behalf of
many more citizens, and await prompt action on our proposal to the NIH, HHS, CDC,
FEMA or the White House Task Force on Coronavirus testing during this national crisis,”
Wills emphasizes.xymbio has also been working with the Swab for Life campaign of the
Give Life Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to raise awareness of blood
donation.”We chose to partner with xymbio because of its extremely accurate COVID-19
testing capabilities that we believe will accelerate help to Americans during this
national healthcare crisis,” says Bart S. Fisher, chairman of the Foundation.For more
information about xymbio and their efforts to work with individual health care
providers, hospitals, and the government, visit
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4 Questions to Ask Before The Dec. 7
Medicare Deadline
(NewsUSA) – People with Medicare have until Saturday, Dec. 7 to select their Medicare
Advantage or Prescription Drug Plan coverage for 2020.To ensure you have the right
Medicare plan in place come January 1 of next year, it’s important to focus on these four
key questions:* Are my doctors in network? Use online tools to confirm which doctors
and hospitals are in a plan’s network.A licensed health insurance agent can also help
you see if a specific doctor or hospital is in a plan’s network and taking new patients,
and can determine what’s in network if you’re a seasonal resident.* Are my prescription
drugs covered? Although Original Medicare does not cover most prescription drugs,
many Medicare Advantage plans include prescription drug coverage, or you can sign up
for a Part D Prescription Drug Plan separately.A licensed sales agent can look up the
medications you would like covered and help you estimate what the cost of each drug
would be on a plan.* What new, innovative benefits are available? Beyond vision,
hearing and dental coverage, if you aim to become healthier, look for fitness program
benefits as many Medicare Advantage plans offer a gym membership. If you travel or
appreciate technology, virtual doctor visits are helpful when you can’t see a doctor right
away. Most Medicare Advantage plans now offer transportation to doctor appointments
and the gym, when a fitness center membership is offered as a plan benefit.* What if I’m
still working? If you or your spouse have health insurance from an employer, you may be
able to delay enrolling in Medicare until the employment or the coverage stops.At that
point, you would be entitled to a special enrollment period of up to eight months to
sign up for Medicare without incurring any late penalties.Talk with your employer to
find out how your coverage works with Medicare.While the clock is ticking until the Dec.
7 Medicare annual enrollment deadline, remember that you’re not alone.Take
advantage of resources including licensed sales agents and websites such
as and can also call 1-800-MEDICARE
(1-800-633-4227) (or TTY: 1-877-486-2048) 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or call
Humana at 1-800-213-5286 (TTY: 711) 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. local time seven days a week.
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Replacing a Roof: 4 Things to Consider
(NewsUSA) –Are you considering a home improvement project that will deliver value,
curb appeal and performance? Replacing the roof is a good place to start.From an
economic perspective, REMODELING magazine’s 32nd Cost vs.Value Report states that a
new asphalt roof recoups more of its value at resale compared to other home
improvements such as a major kitchen remodel, bathroom addition or backyard
patio.Representing as much as 40 percent of a home’s exterior, the roof is an easy way to
boost curb appeal. Homeowners are no longer limited to gray, taupe and other neutral
shingle colors. New palettes and color selection tools make it easy to integrate color
into the roof.Today’s calibrated shingles are infused with hues that add depth,
dimension and subtle color.Unsure what shingle color will best complement your
home’s exterior? Designer and style expert Chad Esslinger offers some tips:* Seek out
Digital Design Tools: Technology makes it easy to experiment with exterior home colors,
including roofing shingles. Owens Corning® Roofing offers inspiration boards and color
and design tools that allow homeowners to color coordinate their exteriors with the
click of a mouse.The 2020 Owens Corning Shingle Color of the Year, Pacific Wave, is a
good example of how a carefully curated shingle color can complement styles ranging
from a stately Midwest colonial to a coastal beach house.* Look around your
house:People surround themselves with colors they love – in interior paint colors,
accessories such as bedding or pillows, and their closets.What colors make up the bulk
of your wardrobe? If your closet is stocked with navy shirts, you may gravitate to shades
of blue on your roof. Similarly, bookmarking an online search of exteriors can help you
identify appealing color combinations for your roof, doors, windows and
landscaping.When searching online, look for patterns emerging in exterior color, trim
and roof colors. It is likely these same shades will also appeal to you when brought
together on your home’s exterior.* Go for a Color Drive: Drive around your neighborhood
– or a neighborhood you like – and consider which homes and colors appeal to you. Be
sure to drive by homes at different times of day and in different weather conditions so
you can see how a particular color looks in sunlight, shade and when wet.* Don’t forget
performance: A roof must be beautiful and able to stand up to the elements. Duration
Series Shingles by Owens Corning have patented SureNail Technology in the nailing
zone, giving them added performance against the elements. Homes in areas prone to
strong winds and storms need extra protection against hail. Duration FLEX
shingles feature a rubberizing SBS polymer modified asphalt to help guard against
impact*.When it comes to home improvements, the roof is an ideal place to connect
value, curb appeal and performance.And today’s shingle colors make it easy to tie
functionality and aesthetics together beautifully.
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Millennial Successfully Relocates And Buys
Second Home at Age 25
(NewsUSA) –Amy bought her first house in Grand Rapids, Michigan at age 23. Fast
forward two years and she has since sold that house and relocated to Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania.Two houses in two years at age 25: Here’s one Millennial who isn’t
sacrificing homeownership for mobility.The relocation shuffle Although Amy was
perfectly happy with her first little house and made lots of friends in Grand Rapids, a job
opportunity popped up that was too good to turn down. She recently relocated to
Pittsburgh, where she serves as a regional sales manager for a major food distribution
company.Before her move, she experienced the ups and downs of both buying and
selling houses in two different states. Selling a first home in Michigan “Lucky for me,
Grand Rapids has a shortage of homes for sale and a lot of buyers. I didn’t have a chance
to make any improvements on my house, a farmhouse built in 1904, but I did add a
simple deck and lots of flowers and new bushes. It has more curb appeal than when I
bought it,”Amy says. She says that the hardest part about selling a house was making
sure it was clean all the time and ready for prospective buyers to tour.Amy ultimately
sold her house for $161,000, $21,000 more than what she paid in 2017. Even in that
time, she accumulated some equity and walked away with a total of $28,000 when the
sale closed. Buying a new house in Pennsylvania The next step was to find a house in
Pittsburgh. Home prices are higher there, compared to Grand Rapids, Amy notes. She
wanted to buy a nicer, more expensive home this time around.”I found one that was a
little bit above my price range at $200,000. But it’s in perfect condition. I don’t have to
worry about repairs or anything,”Amy says. Plus, coffee shops and restaurants are within
walking distance.She explains,“I could have used all of the proceeds from the sale of my
house as my down payment. But I didn’t want to drain my savings account. I
used private mortgage insurance (PMI) again, so I could put less money down. I could
have put 10 percent or $20,000 down, but I opted for a 5-percent down payment of
$10,000 instead. My monthly payment is a little bit higher, but still affordable.Thanks to
PMI, I could buy a bigger, better house and still have money in the bank.”Are you ready
to buy a house right now? Or should you wait to save more for a down payment? Check
out this calculator to find out: for more information on how
mortgage insurance can help you put less money down, go to
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If you’re feeling stressed and anxious,
research says: feed the birds
(NewsUSA) – In today’s constant contact, cell-phone celebrated, digital world, most
people can go days or even weeks without spending any time in natural sunlight.
Instead, we eat breakfast inside, or on the go, only to race to an office, filled with
artificial light and plastic plants, for 8 to 10 hours a day. It’s no wonder why Americans’
mental health is suffering.Compare that hectic routine to those memorable moments
when you’re able to sit quietly, let the sunshine warm your face, hear the birds, and
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News Blog - at your Door Step

  • 1. Avoid Body Drought — How to Prevent Dehydration It’s in every living cell, tissue and organ, and it’s second only to oxygen as the thing we need most to survive—pure, clean water.We can’t live without it, and we can’t live well without enough of it.We are constantly in need of water as we lose water with every breath and every activity of the body.We are especially at risk for dehydration when we exercise or we are ill—this is when dehydration, even mild dehydration, can take its toll, causing you to feel tired and drained of energy.Anyone may become dehydrated, but young children, older adults and people with chronic illnesses are most at risk. Dr. Julie Scarano, a doctor of chiropractic who is trained in prevention and wellness (in addition to providing care for neuromusculoskeletal conditions such as neck or back pain, for which chiropractors are most well known) believes it’s better to prevent dehydration than to treat it. She also reminds you that the 23 intervertebral discs in your spine have high water content and that dehydration can be associated with spinal pain. Here are some preventative tips to help avoid dehydration: News Blog Singapore Get World News at your door Step Follow Close and accept Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy Create your website at Get started
  • 2. • Choose your beverages wisely.Avoid or limit fruit juices, sodas, alcohol and high-sugar sports drinks. • Drink a glass of water during and between meals, as well as before, during and after exercise. • Plan outdoor activities for cooler parts of the day. • Eat foods that are high in water content, such as fruits and vegetables. • Make water your go-to beverage of choice. For more tips and information and to find a doctor of chiropractic near you, visit Thanks: NewsUSA This may be the time to consider SEO agency in Singapore.Think over!! You may also like Postach and Instapaper Subraa PD July 31, 2020 News Dehydration Leave a comment
  • 3. Finding the Best Medicare Advantage Plan Did you know Medicare has a rating system that evaluates health plans based on dozens of quality measures and patient experiences? Very few plans receive the top Medicare rating. Out of 563 Medicare Advantage plans for 2013, only 11 plans with prescription drug benefits earned the top five-star rating. Six of those 11 were Kaiser Permanente plans. “We are a top plan because we focus on our patients’ health,” said Jed Weissberg, senior vice president for Hospitals, Quality and Care Delivery at Kaiser Permanente.“We help our patients to exercise, eat well, maintain a healthy weight and get regular check-ups. Walking, for example, can have remarkable therapeutic value—cutting the rate of new cases of diabetes by half or more.” Part of staying healthy is having a health plan that covers all of your medical needs. For seniors selecting a Medicare plan, this means finding one that has the right doctor and provides the care, treatment and pharmacy benefits you need.To help Medicare-eligible beneficiaries select a high-quality plan, Kaiser Permanente offers four tips. 1. Know your health plan’s star quality rating.A 2011 Harris Interactive survey found that only one in five Medicare-eligible seniors was familiar with Medicare Star Quality Ratings.The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services assign an overall star rating to each Medicare plan for how well it performs.The Medicare ratings range from one star (lowest rating) to five stars (highest rating).The system rates plans on preventive care, managing chronic conditions, member satisfaction, customer service and pharmacy care.
  • 4. 2. Use the Medicare ratings to find a quality plan.The highest-rated plans feature well- coordinated, patient-centered care.When seniors suffer from chronic illness or require hospitalization, high-quality plans initiate best practices and treatment to deliver excellent follow-up care. 3. Look for customer service and responsiveness to your needs.The very best health care plans give patients support systems that include making online appointments, getting lab results electronically and providing secure email to their doctors. 4. Seniors can choose five-star excellence almost any time of year. Medicare’s Special Enrollment Period allows seniors to enroll in a 5-star plan throughout the year. Seniors who become eligible for Medicare as they turn 65 should enroll during the three-month period prior to and after their 65th birthday.After this initial enrollment period, they may be subject to higher premiums or late penalties if there has been a gap in their coverage.To find out the latest 2013 ratings, visit any time after October 11. Plan performance summary star ratings are assessed each year by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and may change from one year to the next. Thanks: NewsUSA This may be the time to consider SEO Singapore.Think over!! You may also like Postach and Instapaper Subraa PD July 31, 2020 News Medicare Leave a comment
  • 5. Christina Ha: The Blind Cook Who Turned Master Chef If you watched season three of Fox TV’s reality cooking show “MasterChef,” you remember the big smile that lit up Christine Ha’s face every time she impressed the judges with her bold flavors—and especially when her three-course meal of Vietnamese comfort food won Ha the “MasterChef” title. What casual viewers may not have realized right away is that the amateur cook from Houston, Texas, is blind. In 2003, Ha was diagnosed with neuromyelitis optica (NMO), a rare neurological condition that deteriorates the optic nerves and spinal cord. By 2007, Ha had lost most of her vision. But she had regained her love of reading, with help from the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS). “[NLS] reignited my love for literature. It was what kept me sane when I went through my first bouts of NMO,” says Ha, who also authors the blog“When I went through some of my worst health issues in 2003—complete paralysis from my neck down due to spinal inflammation, and complete blindness—all I could do was lie in bed and listen to NLS audiobooks.” NLS, part of the Library of Congress, oversees a free reading program for U.S. residents and citizens living abroad who are blind, have low vision, or cannot hold a book because of a physical disability. NLS patrons may choose from tens of thousands of books and dozens of magazines in audio and braille—including dozens of cookbooks, such as “O, the Oprah Magazine Cookbook” and titles by Julia Child, James Beard, and
  • 6. other famous foodies. NLS also loans the portable playback equipment needed ato read its audiobooks. Computer-savvy patrons may access books online through the NLS Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD) service. Ha, who is pursuing a master of fine arts degree at the University of Houston, always has a book checked out from NLS. Recently she was reading Gail Caldwell’s “Let’s Take the Long Way Home” in braille.And she currently is working on her “MasterChef” cookbook, which is set for a spring 2013 release. To learn more about how the NLS program can help you, a loved one, or a friend, go online to or call 1-888-NLS-READ. Thanks: NewsUSA This may be the time to consider Logo Design.Think over!! You may also like Postach and Instapaper Subraa PD July 31, 2020 News Chef Leave a comment Audiobook Service Helps Blind Vets Recover Independence
  • 7. In December 1967, a young soldier lay in a hospital bed after sustaining severe eye injuries from a land mine in Vietnam.Tom Miller, now executive director of the Blinded Veterans Association (BVA) in Washington, D.C., was blind, and his mind raced over all of the things he’d never be able to enjoy again.“I’ve spent the past 44-plus years erasing that list, or finding new things I can do.” Miller says he owes many thanks to the talking-book program of the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS), part of the Library of Congress. “The program is a godsend,” he says. Veterans—and any U.S. resident or citizen living abroad—are eligible to become NLS readers if they are blind, have low vision or have an illness or disability that prevents them from handling a book or printed material. According to a 2011 report by the National Alliance for Eye and Vision Research, 16 percent of the wounded soldiers evacuated from Iraq and Afghanistan battle zones have suffered eye injuries—the highest rate of eye injuries since the Civil War. In response— and in support—NLS works with BVA rehabilitation staff, military hospitals and rehabilitation centers to offer digital talking-book players to eligible members of the military.The digital players are designed for easy use by those who can no longer read or handle printed materials. NLS director Karen Keninger says the hospital program is the most effective way to guarantee that blinded and disabled veterans who need access to books will have it.
  • 8. Audiobooks and players are delivered to NLS readers by mail at no charge through more than 100 cooperating state and local libraries. NLS readers have access to bestsellers, biographies, self-help books, magazines and more. Plus, those with access to the Internet can download audiobooks and magazines using the Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD), the NLS online delivery system. NLS’s convenient system allows Miller to devour 60 to 75 titles a month. Miller recalls how much he enjoyed the first NLS talking book he read: “In Cold Blood” by Truman Capote. In rehab, he ran back and forth to his room between classes to finish the book. People who lose their sight may think their life is over, but it’s not, Miller says.The talking books and magazines that NLS provides are one way blind and visually impaired individuals can stay engaged with the world.“You have access to so many different titles, and you’re only a phone call away from cooperative libraries,” he says.“It reopens an aspect of your life you thought was lost forever.” Learn more or sign up for the talking-book program at or call 1-888- NLS-READ. Thanks: NewsUSA This may be the time to consider Logo Designer.Think over!! You may also like Postach and Instapaper Subraa PD July 31, 2020 News Leave a comment
  • 9. Nano-Silver Masks May Be Helping to Control Covid in Vietnam (NewsUSA) – Face masks are becoming the “new normal” to help reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus, but how does yours measure up? Recent studies have shown that standard, single-layer cotton bandanas are not effective at preventing virus transmission between individuals in close contact if spread by a cough or sneeze.When it comes to protecting yourself and your family, face mask material matters. Notably, Vietnam has experienced approximately 413 cases and no deaths from Covid-19. Part of the reason for this low death rate and limited cases may be the nanotechnology used in face masks worn regularly by the majority of the population.The Vietnamese government has supported the use of nano-silver fibers included in the multilayered cotton masks that are manufactured and widely used in Vietnam. Nano-silver contains anti-microbial properties and nanotechnology uniquely engineered to block the spread of small particles, such as those of the Covid-19 virus.The nano-silver material used in the Vietnamese masks has become available in the United States. U.S. residents can now order face masks with the same nano-silver technology used in the Vietnamese masks from a United States-based company, Boomer Naturals, which has the masks in stock.The face masks from Boomer Naturals come in a wide range of designs and sizes, including an X-Large size to accommodate beards or individuals needing larger sizes.The Boomer Naturals masks combine three layers of 65-percent cotton and 35- percent polyester material.The unique three-layer construction helps filter the air and reduce potential transmission of contaminated airborne droplets.The outer layer is water-repellant (hydrophobic), while the middle layer contains nano-silver fibers that act as additional filters while helping to fight bacteria.The inner layer, closest to the
  • 10. skin, has moisture-wicking properties to help keep the inner space close to the mouth dry and comfortable.The nano-silver fibers of the face masks are engineered to help fight bacteria and provide effective protection. In fact, Boomer Naturals has recently completed an agreement to be the face-mask supplier to a major pharmacy chain.To find out more, click here to view a video.The nano-silver-infused material “provides a built-in filter,” according to Dr. Mary Clifton, an internal medicine doctor based in New York City. Dr. Clifton emphasizes the added value of nano-silver technology and how nano-silver- infused face masks may be the most effective way to help protect the whole family. Thanks: NewsUSA This may be the time to consider Singapore SEO.Think over!! You may also like Postach and Instapaper Subraa PD July 30, 2020 News COVID-19 Leave a comment Take Time for A Moment That Matters: Tire Safety Have working batteries in your smoke alarms? Done. Has your oil been freshly changed in your car? Done. Is there a new water filter for your refrigerator? Done. But when it comes to regularly checking your tires? Like most people, there may be some room for improvement.
  • 11. As fall travel and winter weather loom, taking a moment to check your car tires can make a difference in keeping you safe on the road. This year, Cooper Tires is encouraging drivers to mark Labor Day weekend on their calendar (and the first of every month) as a tire check safety moment, to make a habit of checking tires, especially as seasons change. “Just as we regularly take a moment to check our smoke detector batteries when we change our clocks in the fall and spring, we need to designate a moment to check tire safety as well,” says Jessica Egerton, Director of Brand Development at Cooper Tire & Rubber Company. Ensuring the overall condition of your tires is easy and important for your safety on the road. Consider this: Your tires are the only parts of your vehicle to come into contact with, and keep you connected to, the highway. The recommended tread depth is more than 2/32 of an inch deep. Do your tires meet this minimum, or are they too worn? Would you know if they are? An easy and quick way to tell is with the penny tread test.You simply stick a penny into the tread with Lincoln’s head facing down. If the tread covers the top of his head, you’re good to go. If not, it’s time to replace the tire. Finding out whether your tires have the recommended tread depth c an help in a number of ways, such as maintaining traction on the road, keeping control of the car, and preventing hydroplaning or sliding.
  • 12. You don’t want to be under-pressured, either. Tires not inflated to the recommended level of pressure can lead to tire failure uneven wear, and cause your car to use more gas. This 10-minute safety check from Cooper Tires can help: • Check the tread. Use the U.S. penny/Lincoln’s head method. Insert the penny into the tire tread, with Lincoln’s head down and facing you. If the top of his head is visible at any point around the tire, there is too little tread, and it’s time to replace the tire! • Check the pressure. Look on the vehicle doorjamb, glove compartment fuel door or owner’s manual to find the recommended pressure for your tires. Press a tire gauge on the valve stem.Too low? Add air.Too high? Push down on the metal stem in the center of the valve to release some air.When you reach the recommended pressure, replace that valve cap.Also, don’t check pressure right after driving.Wait at least three hours until the tires are cool. • Check your look. Inspect your tires for cuts, bulges, cracks, splits or punctures.When in doubt, ask a tire professional for an inspection. Visit for more information about tire safety and more details on how to take make your tire safety check moment a regular habit. Thanks: NewsUSA
  • 13. This may be the time to consider SEO Service.Think over!! You may also like Postach and Instapaper Subraa PD July 30, 2020 News Safety Leave a comment Hazards That Are Most Likely To Hurt Your Tires Consider this: getting a spoon stuck in your tires is more of a likelihood than you may have thought. According to a new national survey of auto service professionals, this common kitchen utensil is a potential hazard – albeit one of the more unusual ones– likely to damage your tires if you’re not careful about where you’re driving.The four tires on your car are the only thing connecting your vehicle to the road, and they also affect everything from handling to braking, playing a critical role in your safety. Given their part in keeping you safe, it’s worth taking the time to take care of your tires– especially when there are so many (potential) hazards to look out for. The study from Cooper Tires conducted by Auto Service Professional magazine couldn’t come at a better time: Nearly 100 million Americans are expected to have taken a family vacation by year’s end, according to a recent AAA Travel survey, with upcoming spring and summer road trips topping many of their plans.
  • 14. With so many Americans on the road all year long – whether for a family vacation or their daily commute to work – tire damage is an unfortunate reality.According to the study, some of the most common causes of tire damage are running over something, such as a curb (72 percent), nails (70 percent), or potholes (39 percent). Other common causes of tire damage are more easily preventable, such as driving with bald tires (48 percent) and driving on a tire with low air pressure (44 percent). It’s probably why checking tire pressure, rotating your tires and paying attention to the Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) light are the top tips from auto service professionals on proper tire maintenance. And the one location you probably most want to avoid when driving? Construction zones, which are no doubt behind so many tires being punctured by spikes, wrenches, screwdrivers and pliers. Drivers need to contend with various road challenges throughout the year. In the winter, the top two sources of tire damage are potholes (72 percent) and unseen hazards hidden under that fresh blanket of snow (59 percent), which can be anything from cracks in the pavement to debris that has fallen off trucks. In summer, underinflated tires are the most common offender (88 percent), leading to overheating. “The four tires on your vehicle are the only parts to come in contact with and keep you connected to the road,” notes Jess Egerton, director of brand development at Cooper Tires which has been making tires since 1914.“That’s why, for safety and performance reasons, you have to properly care for, maintain and inspect them.” That means:
  • 15. • Checking tire inflation on a regular basis. Operating a vehicle with even just one tire underinflated by 8 psi can reduce the life of a tire by 9,000 miles and increase fuel consumption by 4 percent. • Replacing tires when worn to 2/32 inches tread depth anywhere on the tread face. • Visually checking tires for things such as missing valve caps, uneven tread wear and any foreign objects that could mean serious problems should they become even more deeply embedded while driving. But back to those more unusual hazards. Pieces of toys. Porcupine quills. Pork chop bones. Spoons. It’s anyone’s guess– including the service professionals who recounted finding them jabbed in tires– how they got there. “Auto service professionals have pulled a lot of unusual things out of tires over the years,” says Greg Smith, publisher of Auto Service Professional magazine.“But, really, it might surprise people to know that a lot of tire damage is simply due to poor maintenance and wear and tear.” Thanks: NewsUSA This may be the time to consider Logo Design in Singapore.Think over!! You may also like Postach and Instapaper
  • 16. Subraa PD July 30, 2020 News Tires Leave a comment The Best Kept Secret: 529 College Savings Plans When paying for your child’s college education, what you don’t know really can hurt you. We’re talking 529 plans.The’ve been in existence since 1996, but a new survey from Edward Jones found that 67 percent of Americans don’t have a clue that they provide a tax-advantaged way to save money for tuition, books and other qualified education- related expenses at most accredited two- and four-year colleges, universities, and vocational-technical schools.Worse still, that 67 percent figure is 5 percent higher than it was the first time the survey was done in 2012. “It’s a concerning trend,” says Tim Burke, a principal at the financial services firm, Edward Jones. “Concerning” because the current average price tag of a four-year degree, including tuition, room and board: $21,370-a-year at public schools, according to the College Board, and $48,510-a-year at private schools. And just how do those surveyed think they’re going to handle those costs?
  • 17. • Personal savings accounts (38 percent). Keep in mind that the national average interest rate on such accounts is a measly 0.09 percent. Good luck trying to cover the more than $1,200 an average college student spends on books and materials over the course of a year with that. • Scholarships (35 percent). If your child is a prodigy or football star, hats off to you. Because Sallie Mae’s “How America Pays for College” 2018 report found that only 17 percent of college costs were paid this way. • Federal or state financial aid (33 percent). Pell Grants are the largest source of federally funded grants, and they max out at $6,095 for the 2018-19 academic year. That would cover about 28 percent of one year’s $21,370 average cost at a public college – except that, as the College Board explains,“most students receive smaller grants because they are enrolled part time or because their family income and assets reduce their aid eligibility.” • Private student loans (20 percent).According to the Brookings Institution, parents who take out loans do so to the tune of $16,000 a year on average, and nearly 10 percent are on the hook for $100,000.“College debt is increasingly becoming a parent problem, too,” warns. Given all that, you can see why Kyle Andersen, another principal at Edward Jones, says that “by relying on scholarships or federal or state financial aid that a student may or may not receive, Americans leave themselves vulnerable.” Which brings us back to 529 plans.
  • 18. Hats off to the 18 percent of those surveyed who said they’d implemented this strategy, which Edward Jones and others call “an attractive and practical way to save.” How so? Unlike personal savings accounts, the earnings in these plans– typically comprised of a portfolio of funds– accumulate tax-free, and qualified withdrawals are exempt from both federal and state income taxes. The federal gift tax exclusion allows a contributor to give up to $15,000 per year, per beneficiary, or $30,000 for married couples.Although almost every state has its own 529 plan – with total limits sometimes reaching more than $500,000 – there’s no “home- town restriction,” so you might want to work with a local Edward Jones financial advisor to compare plans and review your situation. One other thing that less than half of those surveyed knew: 529 plans can also be used to pay for qualified K-12 tuition. Thanks: NewsUSA This may be the time to consider Logo Design.Think over!! You may also like Postach and Instapaper Subraa PD July 30, 2020 News Savings Leave a comment Five Steps to Safeguard Your Senses
  • 19. (NewsUSA) –Whether we’re reading a favorite book, taking in the smell of fresh-cut grass or savoring an old family recipe, we use our senses every day to experience and understand the world around us. But while it’s clear that our senses are an important part of our lives, they’re often something we take for granted.The difficult reality of sensory loss is no more apparent than on the demographic that experiences it most: seniors. Nearly 83 percent of older adults in the United States are living with at least one diminished sense, according to a new survey by Home Instead, Inc.The current COVID-19 pandemic has only intensified isolation and loneliness for those experiencing sensory loss, making it harder for those without assistive technology to stay connected with their loved ones.”As we age, it’s normal to experience some changes or decline in our five senses,” says Lakelyn Hogan, gerontologist and caregiver advocate at Home Instead Senior Care.“Early detection and empathy can significantly increase the ability to manage symptoms and help create a supportive environment at home that allows you or your loved one to continue living a normal, fulfilling life.”Whether you’re helping a loved one navigate these difficulties, or looking to minimize the effects of aging on your own senses, Hogan recommends the following tips:1. Stay active. Making time for physical activity, even a few times a week, can be greatly beneficial for your senses and overall health.Whether you’re taking part in online fitness classes, walking around the subdivision or practicing simple movements in your living room, it’s important to keep your body moving. Regular exercise has been shown to increase cognitive function, prevent common diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, strengthen bones– and even increase blood flow to important areas such as the eyes.2. Create healthy eating habits.A well-balanced diet does more than make us feel better – it provides us with the vitamins and minerals needed to maintain and enrich our senses.Whenever possible, plan nourishing and healthy meals that include proteins, grains, fruits and vegetables. The more colors on your plate the better. If you’re unable to visit the grocery store or
  • 20. feel stressed in the kitchen, consider making use of delivery services like Instacart and Uber Eats, or taking advantage of the free tips and recipes available at down the volume. If you don’t want to keep cranking up the volume as you get older, turn it down now. Consider taking a break from loud noises every 15 minutes and wearing ear plugs when necessary to minimize the risk of hearing damage.4. Protect your eyes and vision.According to the survey by Home Instead, Inc., vision is the most feared sense to lose. Unfortunately, it is also the most prevalent.Take advantage of the many low-cost items available to help preserve your eyesight. Make it a habit to regularly wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun’s ultraviolet rays, or blue-light filtering glasses to help minimize the eye strain associated with increased screen time during COVID-19.5. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.You don’t need to endure sensory loss alone. Establish a network of doctors you trust and schedule routine check-ups. Regular visits, even online video appointments, can help a general practitioner or geriatrician stay on top of symptoms and pinpoint important changes in sensory loss. Consider seeing a specialized health care professional, such as an ear, nose and throat doctor or an occupational therapist, depending on the cause and severity of the symptoms you’re experiencing.Visit for more information about sensory loss, or contact your local Home Instead Senior Care office. Thanks: NewsUSA This may be the time to consider Singapore SEO.Think over!! You may also like Skrikingly and Instapaper Subraa PD July 28, 2020 News Senses Leave a comment
  • 21. Digital Resources to Play a Big Role in Education this Fall (NewsUSA) –The upcoming school year will be like nothing teachers, students, and families have ever experienced, as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic steers school systems to embrace online learning and incorporate it in new ways.However, school systems across the country are rising to the challenge and staying connected to their students with dynamic digital resources, such as those from Discovery Education.Since the beginning of the pandemic, school systems across the country have invested in digital services like Discovery Education Experience because they support students’ education at home, in the classroom or wherever learning is taking place.Experience – Discovery Education’s flexible K-12 learning platform – connects educators to a vast collection of compelling high-quality, standards-aligned content, ready-to-use digital lessons, and professional learning resources.Together, these resources give educators everything they need to facilitate instruction in any learning environment and create lasting educational impact.”Discovery Education is committed to keeping students and teachers connected to learning at home or in school,” says Scott Kinney, Discovery Education’s president of K-12 Education.”To accomplish that, we partner with school systems to provide students and teachers the digital resources– such as Discovery Education Experienc– they need for success during this school year and beyond.”In addition, to providing school systems digital resources Discovery Education provides teachers the professional development they need to use new technologies and maximize their school district’s technology investment.Discovery Education has a long history as a global leader in digital curricula that align with the current standards for K- 12 education, and their products include digital textbooks, multimedia resources, and
  • 22. professional learning for educators.Visit for more information about the company’s resources, and visit partners to determine whether your local school district is making Discovery Education materials available to their students for the upcoming school year. Thanks: NewsUSA This may be the time to consider SEO Service.Think over!! You may also like Skrikingly and Instapaper Subraa PD July 28, 2020 News Education Leave a comment Addressing The Health Needs of The Whole Person (NewsUSA) – Social, economic and environmental factors play a key role in people’s health – where they live, learn work, and play.These circumstances are shaped by the distribution of wealth, power and resources at global, national and local levels.Identifying these so-called “social determinants of health” helps doctors determine the root causes of their patients’ medical conditions and is critical to improving whole-person health.The Physicians Foundation found that nearly 90 percent of doctors have patients whose health is affected by these key factors.1Below are some examples to illustrate how social factors can affect you and your health:*
  • 23. Loneliness and social isolation. More than a quarter of the U.S. population live alone. Loneliness and social isolation are associated with increased mortality and poor health outcomes. Identifying individuals at risk for these factors allows doctors to recommend prevention and care strategies to improve their patients’ health.* Food insecurity.The U.S. Department of Agriculture defines food insecurity as a lack of consistent access to enough food for a healthy life.According to Feeding America, food insecurity exists in every state in the United States. Seniors face challenges that put them at risk of food insecurity, such as being on a fixed income and having to choose between buying food or medicine, or struggling to obtain food without reliable transportation.* Transportation Barriers.A lack of transportation affects an individual’s health and well- being – from accessing health care services and healthy food options to maintaining social connections. Lack of transportation is the leading cause of patient no-shows for medical appointments, and missed appointments are associated with increased medical care costs and increased emergency room visits.2But many Medicare Advantage plans, provided by private health insurers such as Humana, offer their members health and wellness benefits, programs and services to help address social determinants, with rides to medical appointments, meal benefits, social interaction and screening for food insecurity.Humana is working to address social determinants of health through its Bold Goal, by working with Humana care teams, physicians, nonprofit organizations, and business and government leaders to identify, screen and refer members to community resources and long-term support.The Bold Goal is a population health strategy to help improve the health of the communities we serve by 20 percent by 2020 and beyond.For more information, visit 1 results-final-2018.pdf2 Y0040_GHHKP2EEN_C
  • 24. Thanks: NewsUSA This may be the time to consider Freelance Logo Designer Singapore.Think over!! You may also like Skrikingly and Instapaper Subraa PD July 28, 2020 News Health Leave a comment Four Tips for Boosting Exercise Motivation in Seniors (NewsUSA) –You’re never too old to develop or refine an exercise program.And there has never been more opportunity to find an array of programs that suit your interests, your fitness ability and your lifestyle.As an older adult, the reasons for exercise change: benefits include helping to control chronic conditions such as hypertension and diabetes, strengthening muscles to prevent falls, and improving flexibility to maintain activities of daily living.An added benefit? Regular exercise can help boost your mood and improve your overall sense of well-being.And, you’ll make new friends! (Of course, always talk to your doctor before starting any type of exercise program.)Where to look for a new exercise program? Start with your local fitness or community center.The key is finding activities that you enjoy. Some tips to get started:- Follow your interests. Like to dance? Swim? Maybe yoga or Tai-Chi sounds appealing.There are fitness classes for every taste and ability level.- Follow your friends. Going to a fitness class with a friend improves your motivation and if you’re going it alone – here’s your chance to make new
  • 25. friends!- Listen to your body. Exercise doesn’t need to be painful to be beneficial. Start slow and progress over time.- Set goals. How often do you want to exercise? How hard? Develop a three- to six-month plan so you can measure your success.But wait, there’s more: Older adults who participate in group exercise programs report improved quality of life from the social aspect of group fitness.The group creates a sense of community that helps keep you motivated.Social isolation, which often leads to loneliness, is common among seniors, but taking a fitness class can forge a bond that keeps people coming back for exercise and extends to socializing outside of class.In a recent study of adults aged 65 years and older, researchers surveyed 46,564 participants in the SilverSneakers fitness program between 2010 and 2016 to determine how exercise improved their quality of life.”Even though regular physical activity is important, well- being is about more than just exercise,” according to Julie Logue, Training Manager at Tivity Health.“Through SilverSneakers, you can explore all kinds of fitness programs, socialization and nutrition programs to help you live your best life.We empower members to live healthier, happier, longer.”Older adults with more frequent visits to fitness centers who participate in SilverSneakers exercise programs report significantly fewer days when they felt physically or mentally unwell and rated their physical and mental health higher than those who participated less frequently.Curious about more ways to stay motivated to get and stay fit? During open enrollment for health insurance between Oct. 15 and Dec. 7, enroll in a plan that offers SilverSneakers, which provides members with access to more than 16,000 fitness and community locations nationwide.To check your eligibility and find a health plan that includes SilverSneakers, call 888-423-4632 or visit Thanks: NewsUSA
  • 26. This may be the time to consider Logo design Singapore.Think over!! You may also like Skrikingly and Instapaper Subraa PD July 28, 2020 News Seniors Leave a comment Let’s Keep It Local, New Mexico (NewsUSA) – Good ideas often start in your own backyardAlmost two decades before our legislature passed a statewide clean indoor air law, the City of Albuquerque implemented smoke-free air policies to protect residents from secondhand smoke in all workplaces.The importance of local leadership is still clear: many cities moved more quickly than states to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by implementing stay-at-home orders, closing non-essential businesses and public parks.”Local governments are uniquely positioned to meet the needs of the people in their communities.They should be able to pass laws proven to promote good health, well-being and equity, and New Mexicans agree,” says Dr. Robert Taylor, President of the American Heart Association board of directors in Albuquerque.The American Heart Association (AHA) believes the ongoing epidemic of e-cigarette use by teenagers can be effectively addressed by cities and counties.This is a serious public health crisis that has spread to every high and middle school in New Mexico.”Big Vape” and “Big Tobacco” have addicted a new generation of youth to nicotine and continue to do so unabated as the country is focused on the COVID-19 pandemic.The tobacco industry spends almost $37 million annually on advertising in New Mexico, resulting in $844 million in annual spending
  • 27. from smoking-related illnesses ($222.8 million through Medicaid). Corporate lobbyists have spent millions more to convince state legislators to stop communities from passing policies that protect the health of their residents.A 2020 American Heart Association-commissioned public opinion poll found 63 percent of New Mexico voters support communities being able to regulate tobacco locally.This poll was conducted by Brian Sanderoff of Research and Polling Inc.The American Heart Association wants everyone to benefit from smart and effective policies. But when corporate lobbyists convince state legislators to block local governments from passing laws, it can hurt communities most where the need is greatest. Nearly 25 percent of New Mexico high school students use e-cigarettes and 700 youth become new daily smokers each year. Each year, 2,600 New Mexican adults die from smoking and 40,000 kids now under 18 in New Mexico will ultimately die prematurely from smoking.A new research conducted by AHA shows using E-cigarettes damage arteries and blood vessels among young adults.To learn more about the study, click here: cigarette-users-experience-vascular-damage-similar-to-that-of-smokers-of- combustible-cigarettes?preview=9f28This epidemic could be reversed if cities and counties are given the opportunity to make decisions that best serve the health of their communities.To sign up and learn more, simply text NM to 46839. Thanks: NewsUSA This may be the time to consider SEO Services Singapore.Think over!! You may also like Skrikingly and Instapaper Subraa PD July 27, 2020 News Mexico Leave a comment
  • 28. Next COVID-19 Challenge: Reduce Employer Rx Costs, Enhance Patient Access (NewsUSA) – In the coming weeks and months, America will begin attempting to re- start the economy and hopefully take steps toward a semblance of a new normal. However, even as this process gets underway, our economy has been shaken to its core with ramifications that will reverberate for some time to come. In this new reality, America’s employers and healthplan sponsors will face daunting challenges as a result of COVID-19’s impact.That’s what makes the mission of pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) all that much more important. PBMs are hired by employers and health plans to reduce costs and enhance access to prescription drugs, while helping to keep a lid on health-care premiums.Accomplishing these goals and continuing to find ways to help patients obtain their medications, while staying safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, are essential.The coronavirus outbreak is first and foremost a human tragedy, affecting millions of people. It is also having a substantial impact on the global economy that has caused an explosion of unemployed Americans, many of whom rely on employer- sponsored health-care coverage.The safety-net programs, such as Medicaid and the Exchanges, will be more important than ever in providing needed coverage options for patients.As an example of PBMs’ response to the growing number of uninsured as a result of COVID-19, there is a new program that will cap costs for a 30-day supply of generic medications at $25 and at $75 for more than 40 brand-name drugs for the rest of the year for medications, including insulin, contraceptives and products for heart disease and migraines.Insurance plan sponsors– employers, self-insured plans, and others– for decades have relied on PBMs to manage prescription drug costs in a way that provides affordable access for the patient populations that they represent. PBMs
  • 29. have delivered on that need by achieving an overall low-cost trend by encouraging competition among drug manufacturers and drugstores.In fact, recent research shows that PBMs will provide savings of more than $512 billion over the next decade for employer- and union-sponsored health plans and their workers and dependents. For 2020, it is estimated that an average per-person PBM savings on prescription drugs is $962.Now, and in the future, reducing prescription drug costs will affect the overall economy and have implications beyond health care. Every dollar spent on health benefits is a dollar employers can’t spend to create new jobs, increase wages, or invest in innovation.PBMs continue to implement patient-friendly tools in pharmacy benefits that lower prescription drug costs and improve quality, including negotiating discounts with drugstores to reduce copays and other out-of-pockets costs, negotiating price concessions from drug manufacturers, and promoting more affordable brand and generic drugs.Drug manufacturers should be lauded for undertaking an unprecedented effort to find vaccines and treatments for COVID-19. But those treatments, once approved, must be made widely available and affordable for everyone, and just as importantly, medications for chronic illnesses must remain accessible for patients. PBMs’ proven track record keeping drug costs in check and providing patients access to treatments will be crucially important to achieving that objective.As the economy re- emerges from this difficult time, Winston Churchill’s words are apt: “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”During this uncertain time and beyond, patients and plan sponsors can count on PBMs to use their expertise and their negotiating power to provide affordable access to prescription drugs. Thanks: NewsUSA
  • 30. This may be the time to consider SEO services in Singapore.Think over!! You may also like Skrikingly and Instapaper Subraa PD July 27, 2020 News COVID-19 Leave a comment Lorena Bobbitt Shares Her Story in Lifetime Original Movie (NewsUSA) –Although it happened nearly 30 years ago, the story of Lorena Bobbitt and the domestic violence she endured still resonates today in the #MeToo era. Lifetime kicks off Memorial Day with the Ripped from the Headlines feature premiere of “I Was Lorena Bobbitt” on Monday, May 25, at 8pm ET/PT.Lorena Bobbitt (now Lorena Gallo) serves as one of the executive producers on the film, as well as its narrator.The story follows her journey from a young and innocent immigrant bride to a victim of domestic violence. In 1993, after years of abuse at the hands of her husband, John Bobbitt, Lorena fought back, cutting off her husband’s penis with a knife and becoming an unlikely international media sensation.The film follows her evolution into a strong and thoughtful woman who has devoted her life to advocating for abused women.”There are many reasons why I feel it’s important to share my story now,” Ms. Gallo says in an interview.”Lifetime gave me a platform and truly listened to my message about domestic violence, and I was actively involved in telling my story. I believe with the #MeToo movement and increased awareness of domestic violence and sexual assault that my message would be heard.”The process of making the movie was very emotional, Ms.
  • 31. Gallo says.”With me being so young and an immigrant, new to the United States and to endure the type of abuse that I went through, along with the court case and the media frenzy that followed, it is a reminder of what I had to go through to help to become the person that I am today.The work that I do with the Lorena Gallo Foundation and other organizations is based upon my own experiences,” she explains.”I Was Lorena Bobbitt” stars Dani Montalvo (“Dispatches from Elsewhere”) and Luke Humphrey (“Tiny Pretty Things”) as Lorena and John. Ms. Gallo spent time discussing her past with Ms. Montalvo to help her prepare for the role.“We learned a lot from one another and I’m grateful for our time together,” Ms. Gallo says.The take-home message from the movie, according to Ms. Gallo, is “that domestic violence is real and doesn’t discriminate. It can happen to anyone and there are definitely signs showing that someone is abused and it should be taken seriously and not overlooked.”Ms. Gallo’s advice to others who are dealing with abuse: “Never give up hope and be resilient.”She emphasizes,“You are not alone and there are options and resources. Do not keep it to yourself. Contact family and friends and understand the resources available to you now, such as shelters, domestic violence hotlines and social service organizations. First responders and doctors are better trained to understand and deal with domestic violence-related problems.” She adds,“Do not deal with the situation with the false hope that it will get better. Silence is not an option!”Domestic and sexual violence is on the rise with many stuck at home with their abusers because of Covid/stay-at-home orders, so this movie is more timely than ever to help women with resources. During the film, Lifetime will run a public service announcement for the National Domestic Violence Hotline and the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence featuring the actors and Lorena Bobbitt, as part of Lifetime’s public affairs campaign, Stop Violence Against Women.Visit for more information about upcoming programs.Follow on social @LifetimeTV and using #IwasLorenaBobbitt.
  • 32. Thanks: NewsUSA This may be the time to consider SEO agency Singapore.Think over!! You may also like Skrikingly and Instapaper Subraa PD July 27, 2020 News HISTORY Leave a comment 6 Tips on How to Stay Active at Home (NewsUSA) – In the past few weeks, it has become clear that social distancing and quarantining are the new normal.This is an overwhelming time as we attempt to adjust our mindsets and schedules– between working from home, watching after the kids, keeping up with the news, and maintaining sanity, it can be a challenge to prioritize your physical and mental health. Here are some tips on how to stay active in these strange and unprecedented times. Make a planIt’s always easier to commit to a healthy habit if you make it part of your routine.At the beginning of each week, take a look at your schedule and find those windows where you could realistically squeeze in a workout. Set a reminder on your phone or even add the workout to your calendar to keep yourself accountable.Try a meal delivery serviceIt may be difficult to cook healthy meals every day, especially if you can’t get what you need from the grocery store. Having healthy food delivered safely to your door can alleviate the stress and hassle of cooking, plus having healthy options in the house will keep you from overeating and reaching for junk food. South Beach Diet, for example, offers fully nutritionally balanced,
  • 33. prepared meals and snacks that make it easy to keep your diet on track.Take breaks from workIt can be tempting to sit around all day while you’re working from home, but don’t let yourself stay sedentary for too long. Get away from your workspace and move around every hour or so to get your blood flowing.This will help you to stay sharp and healthy during social isolation. If you’re taking a phone call, stand up and allow yourself to pace around.Try to get up every hour and take a few steps around the house, stretch, or even do a few jumping jacks. Stream, stream, streamAs gyms and workout studios are necessarily closed for the moment, many fitness brands and instructors are using Instagram live to hold virtual classes. If you have a favorite local studio or a favorite instructor, check out their website or social media to see if they are hosting any online classes. Many fitness brands are also offering extended free trials to access their libraries of workout videos. Go for a walk or runOf course, we are all limiting our trips outside to the grocery store, gas station, or anywhere else we might come in close contact with others. But if you are able to safely run or walk while keeping distance from your neighbors, those are great options for staying active, clearing your mind, and getting some fresh air.”It’s so important to find those moments of joy outdoors while we’re all social distancing,” says Jessie James Decker, mother of three and South Beach Diet brand ambassador.“Whatever that means for you – whether it’s a stroll around the neighborhood with the kids or a long run to clear your head –you’ll feel so much better if you make the time for it.” Keep your mind activeJust as our bodies need physical activity to stay healthy, our minds need stimulation (beyond reality TV binge sessions) to stay sharp as well. Group activities such as board games or puzzles are a great option for keeping your mind sharp while clocking some quality time with your family or roommates.For more tips on how to stay healthy and active while social distancing, check out
  • 34. Thanks: NewsUSA This may be the time to consider Logo Designers.Think over!! You may also like Skrikingly and Instapaper Subraa PD July 27, 2020 News Home Leave a comment History Channel Unlocks the Greatness of Ulysses S. Grant (NewsUSA) – Ulysses S. Grant may be one of the most complex and underappreciated generals and presidents in United States history, but he gets his due at last in a six-hour miniseries,“Grant,” that premieres on HISTORY over Memorial Day weekend.The three- part series is executive produced by Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Ron Chernow, author of the 2017 biography,“Grant,” along with Appian Way’s Jennifer Davisson and Leonardo DiCaprio, and produced by RadicalMedia in association with global content leader Lionsgate.The first episode airs on Memorial Day, Monday, May 25, and continues over the next two nights at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT.”Ulysses S. Grant is one of our most brilliant, yet misunderstood presidents and HISTORY is committed to telling the compelling stories, like his, of those who have shaped our great nation,” says Eli Lehrer, executive vice president and general manager for HISTORY.”This is an important part of American history that deserves to be told and we look forward to delivering our latest premium core history documentary series to our audience,” he adds.Today, Grant is unfamiliar and
  • 35. misunderstood by many people, despite his worldwide fame at the time of his death in 1885.The three-night miniseries event combines dramatic scenes, expert commentary, and archival images to reveal Grant’s true legacy, which involves a rise from humble beginnings through the highest ranks of the military, and finally to the presidency.While serving as president from 1869-1877, he held the United States together during the challenges of reconstruction after the devastation of the Civil War.Many people may be unaware that Grant’s initiatives while in office include protecting the right to vote for the four-million formerly enslaved people freed at the end of the war despite violence and widespread resistance.In addition,“Grant” features on-camera interviews with “Grant” biographer Ron Chernow, as well as David Petraeus, retired United States Army General and former Central Intelligence Agency director; Ta-Nehisi Coates, acclaimed writer and journalist, and Elizabeth Samet, professor of English at West Point.Visit for more information about the series and other premium, fact- based storytelling and entertainment.Also, follow @history on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. Thanks: NewsUSA This may be the time to consider Logo Design Services.Think over!! You may also like Skrikingly and Instapaper Subraa PD July 27, 2020 News HISTORY Leave a comment
  • 36. Lifetime Celebrates 30 Years of Original Movies (NewsUSA) – Lifetime celebrates 30 years of its iconic Lifetime Original Movies in 2020 and continues to be a premier entertainment destination for women, offering award- winning movies that viewers love, popular non-fiction series such as “Married at First Sight,” and compelling “beyond the headlines” documentaries.Recent hits include the top three movies in ad-supported cable for 2020: “The Clark Sisters: First Ladies of Gospel,”“Stolen By My Mother: The Kamiyah Mobley Story,” and “Chris Watts: Confessions of a Killer.”Audiences with more time at home will not be disappointed, as Lifetime premieres 50 new movies between May and the end of 2020.The summer-long celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Lifetime Original Movie begins with two-time Emmy nominee Niecy Nash (star of the critically acclaimed “Stolen by My Mother: The Kamiyah Mobley Story”) hosting a special kick-off movie marathon weekend, May 30-31. It features two full days of Lifetime’s most celebrated movies, as well as two movie premieres–“The Captive Nanny” (May 30) and “My Husband’s Deadly Past” (May 31).”The legacy of Lifetime Original Movies is undeniable, as we celebrate the 30th anniversary of the pop culture phenomenon this year,” says Amy Winter, executive vice president and head of programming for Lifetime and LMN.”With everyone’s lives radically shifted in the past weeks, what has remained constant is Lifetime’s ability to deliver top-quality movie premieres such as “The Clark Sisters” to our audiences and provide them some much needed entertainment and escape.With over 50 more titles to debut between now and the end of the year, our storytelling ability is further strengthened by the incredible talent partners we have lined up.”Upcoming projects engage the talents of stars such as Jamie Lee Curtis, who will executive produce, star in, and direct the new film,“How We
  • 37. Sleep at Night: The Sara Cunningham Story,” the true story of a devout Christian mother who comes to accept her son being gay.Fans of biopics, and those who can’t get enough royals can look forward to a third installment in the Harry & Meghan movie franchise, which follows the couple’s controversial detachment from traditional royal life after the birth of their son Archie.Before you know it, the holidays will be here.As the home for holiday movies with something for everyone, Lifetime’s popular “It’s a Wonderful Lifetime” event will return later this year, featuring holiday-themed movies and national treasure Betty White in a can’t-miss role as (perhaps?) Mrs. Santa Claus.Lifetime also is ramping up its 2021 movie pipeline, which is scheduled to include Salt-N-Pepa and Wendy Williams biopics, as well as the V.C.Andrews Ruby Landry Movie Series.Visit for more information about upcoming programs. Thanks: NewsUSA This may be the time to consider Logo Design Services in Singapore.Think over!! You may also like Skrikingly and Instapaper Subraa PD July 27, 2020 News Movies Leave a comment Digital Strategies Help Small Businesses Compete
  • 38. (NewsUSA) –What is Peacock?Peacock is a new streaming service from NBCUniversal, launching July 15th.The only streamer to offer a free, premium tier of service with limited commercials, Peacock brings together everything people love about TV and streaming to deliver the best live and on-demand programming from NBCUniversal and beyond.Sign up for Peacock today– completely free – and enjoy thousands of hours of current and classic movies and shows, exclusive channels, timely news and sports, late- night, reality and more. Or upgrade to Peacock Premium for just $4.99 per month and enjoy access to more than 20,000 hours of movies, shows, originals, live news and sports, and early access to programming such as “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.”You can also go ad-free for just $5 more per month.What to Watch?Peacock is home to treasured movies and shows you already know and love – or may have missed and can now enjoy! Schedule a movie night around blockbuster titles such as “Jurassic Park,”“Do the Right Thing,” and “Shrek.”Or buckle up for some laughs with iconic comedies like “Parks and Recreation,”“30 Rock,”“Saturday Night Live,”“King of Queens,” “Everybody Loves Raymond,”“Two and a Half Men,”“Everybody Hates Chris,”“Frasier,” “George Lopez,”“Psych,”“Monk.” and “Cheers!”Looking for your next binge-worthy drama? Peacock has you covered with popular shows, including “Law & Order: SVU,”“Downton Abbey,”“Yellowstone,”“Ray Donovan,”“The Affair,”“Friday Night Lights,”“House,” “Battlestar Galactica,”“Parenthood,” and “Heroes.”And if you love reality, Peacock has fan favorites such as “Below Deck,”“Shahs of Sunset,” and “Southern Charm.”In addition to a deep library of beloved titles, you can find the latest shows from NBC and Telemundo on Peacock, including “Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist” and “Superstore,”“La Doña,” and “Enemigo íntimo.”For sports fans, Peacock will offer live and on demand sports programming, including exclusive Premier League matches, USGA events like the U.S. Open, an NFL Wild Card Game and the Tour de France.And if you’re struggling to stay on top of what’s going on in the world, the Trending section on Peacock makes it easy to
  • 39. check out daily highlights across news, sports and entertainment from “TODAY,”“NBC Nightly News,”“Noticias Telemundo,” and “Access Hollywood.”And for those looking for something brand new, Peacock will offer a growing library of original movies and shows. From bold dramas like “Brave New World,” and “The Capture,” and fresh comedies such as “Intelligence” with David Schwimmer, to sports series such as Dale Earnhardt, Jr.’s “Lost Speedways” and documentary“In Deep with Ryan Lochte,” Peacock has original movies and shows for every TV fan.And for PsychOs new and old, new film “Psych 2: Lassie Come Home” is waiting for you.Peacock also has kids shows featuring both familiar characters and new ones to love, including “Curious George,”“DreamWorks Where’s Waldo?” and “DreamWorks Cleopatra in Space.” Where to Watch?Peacock will be available nationwide on July 15th on Apple, Comcast, Cox, Google, Microsoft Xbox, LG, and Vizio connected devices. Comcast’s Xfinity X1 and Flex customers, as well as Cox Contour customers, enjoy Peacock Premium included with their service at no additional cost.Visit to learn more. Thanks: NewsUSA This may be the time to consider SEO Services Singapore.Think over!! You may also like Skrikingly and Instapaper Subraa PD July 25, 2020 News Businesses Leave a comment
  • 40. How to Boost Your Business in A Digital Environment (NewsUSA) – Now more than ever, businesses need to explore how to best serve their customers in the digital marketplace.That means finding ways to stay relevant and keep their audiences engaged.A professional development webinar series from the National Kitchen & Bath Association shows businesses how to develop and maintain a strong online presence.The National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA) is a non-profit trade group for the kitchen and bath industry.The series opens with Jim Nowakowski, a marketing and marketing communications specialist with more than 20 years of experience, notably in the manufacturing and publishing industries. Mr. Nowakowski brings his considerable expertise in communications and business-to-business advertising purchasing patterns to the webinars.The series kicked off on January 10 with “Staying in Front of Your Customers in a Digital Environment.”Positive feedback from attendees emphasized Mr. Nowakowski’s enthusiasm and business acumen, with comments about his material and delivery such as,“his examples were detailed and easy to understand, with stories that made a point,” and “he was the best presenter I have seen in a while, very engaging and entertaining.””It’s always an honor to present my business topics to designers, showroom consultants, architects and manufacturers,” Nowakowski said after the presentation.”When I received the feedback, I was thrilled that the audience walked away with knowledge they can use,” he adds.The webinar focuses on providing the audience with information on digital disruption in the marketplace and what strategic tools can keep a business relevant and valuable in servicing customers.For example, participants learn how value comes from differentiation, and the importance of what makes a business unique.”What do you do
  • 41. that your competitor doesn’t do? What does your competitor do that you don’t?” Mr. Nowakowski asks.Mr. Nowakowski also emphasizes how business basics never change, even in the age of disruption, and reviews tactics on how to stay in front of customers in a digital environment that includes using advertising, phone surveys, and quality service.The full presentation of Staying in Front of Your Customers in Digital Environment is available for more information and additional webinars offered. Thanks: NewsUSA This may be the time to consider SEO services in Singapore.Think over!! You may also like Skrikingly and Instapaper Subraa PD July 25, 2020 News Business Leave a comment Student Preparation Program Yields College Scholarships (NewsUSA) – Many high school students who might not have seen college as an option are now ready to pursue advanced education as Dell Scholars, thanks to a unique nonprofit education program.The Dell Scholars Program was developed by the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation to assist high-school seniors who have overcome significant obstacles to obtain a college education.In 2018, of the 500 scholarships offered
  • 42. through the Dell Scholars Program, 281 were awarded to AVID students.Students in the AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) program work to overcome challenges, including limited funds for college and limited family experience with college and college preparation.AVID is a nonprofit that provides training and support to educators, so they can ensure that all of their students are college-ready.AVID educators are trained to tutor as well as mentor students, and to provide opportunities for the students to develop friendships and support networks with peers. Many of the AVID participants are first-generation college students who benefit from the mentoring and social support as well as from the academic instruction.”The Dell Scholars are an inspiration to all of us at AVID.These students have overcome significant obstacles to succeed, and we’re honored to be a part of their college journey,” Dr. Sandy Husk, CEO of AVID, says in a statement announcing the scholars.“I’m excited to see what they will achieve in the Dell Scholars Program.”All students who become Dell Scholars receive not only financial assistance to help defray the cost of college, but also resources and mentoring throughout their college experience.These supports reinforce their study habits and relationship-building skills from AVID and similar high school programs that will help them succeed and earn a bachelor’s degree in the subject of their choice.According to the Dell Scholars website,“Our support is constant until they leave campus with a degree in hand.”Dell and AVID share the common goal of leveling the playing field for promising high school students who might not otherwise have been empowered and motivated to prepare for and attend college.For more information about AVID, visit more details about the Dell Scholars Program, visit Thanks: NewsUSA
  • 43. This may be the time to consider Logo Designers.Think over!! You may also like Skrikingly and Instapaper Subraa PD July 25, 2020 News Scholarships Leave a comment Fifth Annual Fire Department Contest Highlights Grain Bin Safety (NewsUSA) –The risk of becoming trapped in a grain bin while trying to remove clumped or rotting grain remains a real hazard for farmers and their employees, who could be buried within seconds by fast-flowing grain.To help reduce the risk of death and injury from grain bin accidents and to educate first responders about rescue procedures, Nationwide, the number one farm insurer in the United States, is sponsoring its fifth annual Nominate Your Fire Department Contest in conjunction with Grain Bin Safety Week.The goal of the campaign is to educate farm workers and first responders about safe bin-entry procedures, including maintaining quality grain, testing bin atmosphere for toxic gases, and wearing proper safety equipment.Since 2014, Nationwide has awarded grain bin rescue tubes and training sessions to 48 fire departments in 18 states.”It felt like an eternity,” Glenville Fire Chief Matt Webb, of Glenville, Minnesota, a recipient of Nationwide’s grain bin rescue training, said in an interview.Webb put his skills to the test when he saved a man who had fallen into a bin of rotting corn.”The grain rescue training came back quickly, and it was a relief we had our own equipment.The program that’s out there for these tubes and training is such a
  • 44. life-saving resource in our county,” he says.Grain Bin Safety Week 2018 takes place February 18-24. Grain Bin Safety Week and the Nominate Your Fire Department Contest are hosted by Nationwide and made possible by the donations of industry sponsors.”Grain Bin Safety Week would not happen without the generous support of our sponsors,” Liggett adds.“We would like to thank every sponsor for making this week and contest a reality.”Grain Bin Safety Week has been officially recognized by governors of Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, West Virginia, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Each year, the NECAS director visits training locations with a grain entrapment simulator and rescue tube to conduct training sessions in rescue and safety procedures.”Nationwide created this program and joined forces with partners across the country to make it happen for a single purpose – to save lives,” says Brad Liggett, president of Nationwide Agribusiness.Applications for the Nominate Your Fire Department Contest are open until April 30, 2018.Winning fire departments will receive grants for grain bin rescue tubes and training for grain bin rescue procedures.For more information about the contest or the nomination process, visit more information about Nationwide, visit Thanks: NewsUSA This may be the time to consider Logo Design Services.Think over!! You may also like Skrikingly and Instapaper Subraa PD July 25, 2020 News Safety Leave a comment
  • 45. Ways to Stay Connected (And Check On Seniors) While Social Distancing (NewsUSA) –As the coronavirus pandemic rapidly turned the “new normal” household into hubs for all daily activities, Summer 2020 now means moving parents’ offices, kid’s camps, vacation destinations, and virtually everything under one roof.Although this dynamic could forge family bonds, it can also ignite the already heated stresses and struggles facing many Americans during this difficult time – making optimal home climate control a critical key to keeping their cool as temperatures heat up this season.Recent studies show how our increased togetherness can significantly disrupt domestic bliss. In fact, research suggests that people forced to live in quarantine conditions face a greater risk of anxiety, depression, anger, irritability, insomnia and post-traumatic stress symptoms.And, despite feeling close to their children during the pandemic, 61percent of parents say they have shouted, yelled, or screamed at them at least once over the past two weeks, according to a University of Michigan study. Further, married and engaged couples in quarantine are fighting more, with only 18 percent of surveyed couples reporting satisfaction in communication with their partner, according to a survey conducted by the publication,“The Knot and app Lasting.”When temperatures– and tempers– rise, a dreaded “Family Thermostat War” can ensue. Following are some useful tips to help you save money on utility bills and keep your family cool.With home heating and cooling accounting for nearly half of home energy use and air conditioner energy expenses costing homeowners more than $11 billion a year, small steps can go a long way.* Ease Into Electric: According to Columbia University’s Earth Institute, electric systems are a solution to decarbonize home climate control.Among the most energy-efficient heating and cooling products, electricity-
  • 46. powered ductless mini-split systems, offered by companies including Fujitsu General America, can save as much as 25 percent on your energy bill. Mini-splits use thin copper tubing to pump refrigerant from an outdoor compressor directly into an indoor air- handling unit, where the air is quietly distributed to the interior space.* Get “Smart” About Climate Control: When it comes to smart home temperature control, there are Smart HVAC Systems and Smart Thermostats. Smart HVAC systems have built-in Internet capability and can be controlled directly without additional equipment. Smart Home Thermostats create “smart” systems by enabling remote temperature control via a mobile or Internet-connected device or voice-operated home automation system.* Voice Your Preference: Take control of your comfort. Most HVAC manufacturers offer apps that enable systems to be controlled from anywhere using a mobile device.Voice-control capability uses digital assistants, such as Amazon Alexa or Google Home, to verbally dictate home temperatures. Easily controlling the temperature more closely allows homeowners to be more comfortable and improve energy savings.* Find Your Efficient Comfort Zone: Many of us live in homes designed for bigger families, but have yet to downsize. If you find yourself using a fraction of your home on a regular basis, consider upgrading to a zoned, ducted, or ductless system.That will allow you to save energy heating and cooling spaces where you and your family don’t spend a lot of time.This will multiply savings as you’re not only needing less cooling, but you also gain from a more efficient system in the spaces you do still use.* Try Low-tech Fixes: Simple changes can have a big impact.Try to use heat-producing appliances– stoves, irons and dryers at night or early morning. Switch to LED light bulbs instead of incandescent bulbs– which consume 90 percent more power. Seal air leaks around windows, doors, and places where pipes and wires come through walls.And check existing caulking and weather- stripping for gaps or cracks.Achieving a sense of peaceful co-existence in your increasingly crowded, multi-functional home does not need to make your family
  • 47. members hot under the collar. If a new system is right for you, many Fujitsu systems with the Energy Star rating are more than twice as efficient as the minimum standard set by the government.To learn more or find a contractor near you, call 888-888-3424 or visit Thanks: NewsUSA This may be the time to consider SEO Services Singapore.Think over!! You may also like Skrikingly and Instapaper Subraa PD July 24, 2020 News Seniors Leave a comment New Buying Trends Emerge for Shoppers When the economy nosedived, and companies had reason to be scared, a few businesses got resourceful. Low incomes and record job losses pushed consumers toward trends like buying in bulk and using group discount websites.And where there was demand, supply soon followed. In came the success of wholesalers like Costco, Sam’s Club and BJ’s. But warehouse clubs weren’t the only stores seeing growth in bulk sales. Farmers markets, co-ops and natural
  • 48. food stores observed more supersized shopping.Whole Foods said bulk food purchases were growing by approximately 25 percent every year. That wasn’t the only buying trend to emerge, however. “The Groupon following led to an explosion of similar sites, like LivingSocial and Dealfind, not to mention all of the city-specific ones,” says Joe Kalfa, the leader of a new movement of group buying called All Our Power. “You can buy virtually any commodity in bulk and get all kinds of group discounts on spas, restaurants and vacations galore, but what about monthly expenses like car insurance, gas and health care? It seems to me like there’s room for some improvement,” adds Kalfa. Well, maybe there is. According to Time magazine’s Moneyland, warehouse club members can save 25 to 35 percent on their food budget. Shoppers who forego packaging altogether and buy food from bins or dispensers save anywhere from 30 to 90 percent over prepackaged products. Imagine those types of savings applied to insurance policies, gas prices, medical bills, cell phone plans and more. All Our Power, which seeks to rally 10 million members and secure membership discounts from all kinds of service providers and retailers, could be the next group-
  • 49. buying trend to take flight. A buzz has already formed around the young movement as consumers worldwide realize the potential benefits of a free membership with access to serious negotiating power. Are you tired of paying too much for car insurance or gas? You’re not the only one. Sign up and learn more about your buying power at Or, see what others are saying on Twitter @allourpower. Thanks: NewsUSA This may be the time to consider SEO services in Singapore.Think over!! You may also like Skrikingly and Instapaper Subraa PD July 24, 2020 News Shoppers Leave a comment Online Group Buying Sites Soar in Popularity A $50 haircut will set you back a mere $25 when purchased with the click of a mouse on a group buying website. Recommend the deal to two friends and get two $10 credits, used towards a deal at a local restaurant that gives $40 worth of food and drink for just $20 —a free meal.
  • 50. Welcome to the world of group buying, Internet style, where the power of the Web can be utilized to offer surprisingly large discounts to a sizable number of people for things they actually want to buy.The industry has exploded in the past few years and continues to climb. It’s expected to grow 138 percent to $2.7 billion this year in the U.S. alone, according to Local Offer Network. The best-known group buying site —Groupon —is expected to bring in between $3 billion and $4 billion this year alone, up from $760 million in worldwide revenue last year. However, of the 63,000 deals offered in the U.S. last year, Groupon accounted for fewer than half. Instead, smaller group sites are attracting customers with incredible discounts on everything from restaurants and spas to home products and insurance. Here’s where to go for some unique online deals: LivingSocial.A group deal website that offers shoppers daily deal coupons from participating local merchants in their area. One killer feature that sets this site apart from the pack is the incentive that’s provided by LivingSocial to tempt its users to share the daily deal offerings with their friends.That is, if three people buy the deal using the link you’re provided upon signing up, then you receive the deal for free. iMingle.The first car insurance provider to offer policyholders a group buying discount— potentially saving them hundreds of dollars—by enlisting friends to sign up using their site or iPhone app. Here’s how it works: when a customer is shopping for online auto insurance, they use a widget to let their friends know about the available discount.They have over a dozen choices for how they want to share their exclusive iMingle discount link, including email, instant messaging, blogging and social networking sites like
  • 51. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. If a friend clicks the link, enrolls and agrees to the iMingle safety pledge, both customers can save 10 percent on their policies. OrderBorder.This site caters towards Apple enthusiasts and owners of Apple products— featuring accessories, software and peripherals for iPhones, iPods, iPads, Macs and Macbooks.The site also employs the “Borderline Price” concept, or the absolute lowest price limit that the group can either reach with its growing size as users join the deal or with points accumulated by an individual after making purchases. GreenDeals.This industry newcomer offers green-minded shoppers a daily coupon for goods and services from green businesses. In addition to daily green deals, the site offers green tips for everyday living, green coupons and other offers from Green Approved Businesses. Thanks: NewsUSA This may be the time to consider Logo Designers.Think over!! You may also like Skrikingly and Instapaper Subraa PD July 24, 2020 News Buying Leave a comment Civil War Drama Offers Action, Suspense, All-Star Cast
  • 52. (NewsUSA) –Although it happened nearly 30 years ago, the story of Lorena Bobbitt and the domestic violence she endured still resonates today in the #MeToo era. Lifetime kicks off Memorial Day with the Ripped from the Headlines feature premiere of “I Was Lorena Bobbitt” on Monday, May 25, at 8pm ET/PT.Lorena Bobbitt (now Lorena Gallo) serves as one of the executive producers on the film, as well as its narrator.The story follows her journey from a young and innocent immigrant bride to a victim of domestic violence. In 1993, after years of abuse at the hands of her husband, John Bobbitt, Lorena fought back, cutting off her husband’s penis with a knife and becoming an unlikely international media sensation.The film follows her evolution into a strong and thoughtful woman who has devoted her life to advocating for abused women.”There are many reasons why I feel it’s important to share my story now,” Ms. Gallo says in an interview.”Lifetime gave me a platform and truly listened to my message about domestic violence, and I was actively involved in telling my story. I believe with the #MeToo movement and increased awareness of domestic violence and sexual assault that my message would be heard.”The process of making the movie was very emotional, Ms. Gallo says.”With me being so young and an immigrant, new to the United States and to endure the type of abuse that I went through, along with the court case and the media frenzy that followed, it is a reminder of what I had to go through to help to become the person that I am today.The work that I do with the Lorena Gallo Foundation and other organizations is based upon my own experiences,” she explains.”I Was Lorena Bobbitt” stars Dani Montalvo (“Dispatches from Elsewhere”) and Luke Humphrey (“Tiny Pretty Things”) as Lorena and John. Ms. Gallo spent time discussing her past with Ms. Montalvo to help her prepare for the role.“We learned a lot from one another and I’m grateful for our time together,” Ms. Gallo says.The take-home message from the movie, according to Ms. Gallo, is “that domestic violence is real and doesn’t discriminate. It can happen to anyone and there are definitely signs showing that someone is abused and it should be
  • 53. taken seriously and not overlooked.”Ms. Gallo’s advice to others who are dealing with abuse: “Never give up hope and be resilient.”She emphasizes,“You are not alone and there are options and resources. Do not keep it to yourself. Contact family and friends and understand the resources available to you now, such as shelters, domestic violence hotlines and social service organizations. First responders and doctors are better trained to understand and deal with domestic violence-related problems.” She adds,“Do not deal with the situation with the false hope that it will get better. Silence is not an option!”Domestic and sexual violence is on the rise with many stuck at home with their abusers because of Covid/stay-at-home orders, so this movie is more timely than ever to help women with resources. During the film, Lifetime will run a public service announcement for the National Domestic Violence Hotline and the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence featuring the actors and Lorena Bobbitt, as part of Lifetime’s public affairs campaign, Stop Violence Against Women.Visit for more information about upcoming programs.Follow on social @LifetimeTV and using #IwasLorenaBobbitt. Thanks: NewsUSA This may be the time to consider Logo Design Services.Think over!! You may also like Skrikingly and Instapaper Subraa PD July 24, 2020 News Drama Leave a comment
  • 54. Offshore Wind Power Prepares to Set Sail (NewsUSA) –Wind power can be a breath of fresh air for many communities in the form of creating jobs and lowering energy costs. In fact, proposed plans calling for 20,000 to 30,000 megawatts (MW) of offshore wind capacity to be operational by 2030 include projections for up to 83,000 American-based jobs, according to a report from the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA). “Offshore wind is key to the future of clean energy development in the U.S. and will add to a thriving wind power industry that already represents the largest source of renewable energy in the country,” says AWEA CEO Tom Kiernan. “The offshore wind industry will create tens of thousands of jobs and provide billions of dollars to the economy, while delivering on its enormous untapp sed potential to power major population centers, such as up and down the East Coast.” The offshore wind industry is positioned to follow in the footsteps of the successful growth experienced by land-based wind. Currently, onshore and offshore wind support more than 500 manufacturing facilities and account for more than 120,000 jobs in the United States. Wind technician is ranked as the second-fastest-growing job in the country, and building and maintaining offshore wind farms will require a diverse workforce, including wind technicians, electricians, welders, longshoremen, and vessel operators. Many job skills used in other fields, such as the oil and gas industry, are transferrable to working on offshore wind turbines, according to AWEA. In addition, the economic impact of offshore wind will reach beyond the East Coast, as more facilities are needed to build supplies for the growing wind industry. Also, the benefits of offshore wind power extend beyond job creation to improving and
  • 55. stabilizing utility costs for millions of Americans through an affordable, clean energy source. Currently, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Virginia have set targets for developing offshore wind farms as part of their clean energy commitments, according to AWEA. State governors and other local officials recognize the potential of offshore wind, but they need to hear from the public as well, according to AWEA. For more information about the possibilities and benefits offshore wind brings to the economy and environment, and to voice your support, visit This may be the time to consider SEO agency in Singapore.Think over!! You may also like Skrikingly and Instapaper Subraa PD July 23, 2020 News Power Leave a comment Mental Health Patients Reap Benefits of Psychoanalysis (NewsUSA) –As the ongoing spread of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) reshapes American lives by the day, and sometimes by the hour, the health and stability of the nation’s essential work force, namely our health care workers and first responders, remains paramount.To keep themselves and their patients safe, these workers, who may have potentially been exposed to this deadly virus, may have to stay home until they are
  • 56. tested, losing valuable time on a now critical job.Here’s where organizations such as xymbio are stepping up to the challenge. xymbio, an infectious disease testing company, has offered the use of its high-speed testing program to help run tests on health care personnel and first responders to keep them healthy and return them to their demanding roles as soon as possible.The Las Vegas based company, uses industry leading technologies from ThermoFisher and operates under the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) guidance issued by the Federal Drug Administration and highest diagnostic standards.xymbio is readying to process COVID-19 tests for hospitals and health care systems, and the company can provide both on-site testing and at-home testing kits for employees who believe they may have been exposed to the virus. In addition, individual physicians can request test kits and testing for patients using forms available online on the xymbio website.The company has been waiting on a response from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institute of Health (NIH), and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for necessary funding to accelerate its capabilities to acquire test kits so that it can rapidly scale testing capacity.”xymbio has developed state of the art qPCR technology using ThermoFisher reagents to detect coronavirus protein n,s,e antigens.Their test is highly specific, accurate and scalable.They are now only limited by government funding to expand capacity from 500 tests per day to thousands of tests per day.Time is of the essence. They have the fix.They need the support to expand their operations now!” Dr. Larry Emdur, Chief Medical Officer of Alvarado Hospital in California.”We are in a war against a dangerous virus, and with federal assistance we are prepared to ramp up our testing capacity over the next 35 days to 20,000 tests a day, or 120,000 tests a week, with immediate plans to expand operations to Las Vegas and Atlanta, which would more than quadruple our testing capacity,” according to Dr. Heath Wills, CEO and Chief Medical Officers of xymbio.”We are ready to undertake the rapid action on behalf of
  • 57. many more citizens, and await prompt action on our proposal to the NIH, HHS, CDC, FEMA or the White House Task Force on Coronavirus testing during this national crisis,” Wills emphasizes.xymbio has also been working with the Swab for Life campaign of the Give Life Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to raise awareness of blood donation.”We chose to partner with xymbio because of its extremely accurate COVID-19 testing capabilities that we believe will accelerate help to Americans during this national healthcare crisis,” says Bart S. Fisher, chairman of the Foundation.For more information about xymbio and their efforts to work with individual health care providers, hospitals, and the government, visit This may be the time to consider SEO Singapore.Think over!! You may also like Skrikingly and Instapaper Subraa PD July 23, 2020 News Psychoanalysis Leave a comment 4 Questions to Ask Before The Dec. 7 Medicare Deadline (NewsUSA) – People with Medicare have until Saturday, Dec. 7 to select their Medicare Advantage or Prescription Drug Plan coverage for 2020.To ensure you have the right Medicare plan in place come January 1 of next year, it’s important to focus on these four key questions:* Are my doctors in network? Use online tools to confirm which doctors and hospitals are in a plan’s network.A licensed health insurance agent can also help
  • 58. you see if a specific doctor or hospital is in a plan’s network and taking new patients, and can determine what’s in network if you’re a seasonal resident.* Are my prescription drugs covered? Although Original Medicare does not cover most prescription drugs, many Medicare Advantage plans include prescription drug coverage, or you can sign up for a Part D Prescription Drug Plan separately.A licensed sales agent can look up the medications you would like covered and help you estimate what the cost of each drug would be on a plan.* What new, innovative benefits are available? Beyond vision, hearing and dental coverage, if you aim to become healthier, look for fitness program benefits as many Medicare Advantage plans offer a gym membership. If you travel or appreciate technology, virtual doctor visits are helpful when you can’t see a doctor right away. Most Medicare Advantage plans now offer transportation to doctor appointments and the gym, when a fitness center membership is offered as a plan benefit.* What if I’m still working? If you or your spouse have health insurance from an employer, you may be able to delay enrolling in Medicare until the employment or the coverage stops.At that point, you would be entitled to a special enrollment period of up to eight months to sign up for Medicare without incurring any late penalties.Talk with your employer to find out how your coverage works with Medicare.While the clock is ticking until the Dec. 7 Medicare annual enrollment deadline, remember that you’re not alone.Take advantage of resources including licensed sales agents and websites such as and can also call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227) (or TTY: 1-877-486-2048) 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or call Humana at 1-800-213-5286 (TTY: 711) 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. local time seven days a week. Y0040_GCHKND9EN_C This may be the time to consider Logo Design in Singapore.Think over!! You may also like Skrikingly and Instapaper
  • 59. Subraa PD July 23, 2020 News Medicare Leave a comment Replacing a Roof: 4 Things to Consider (NewsUSA) –Are you considering a home improvement project that will deliver value, curb appeal and performance? Replacing the roof is a good place to start.From an economic perspective, REMODELING magazine’s 32nd Cost vs.Value Report states that a new asphalt roof recoups more of its value at resale compared to other home improvements such as a major kitchen remodel, bathroom addition or backyard patio.Representing as much as 40 percent of a home’s exterior, the roof is an easy way to boost curb appeal. Homeowners are no longer limited to gray, taupe and other neutral shingle colors. New palettes and color selection tools make it easy to integrate color into the roof.Today’s calibrated shingles are infused with hues that add depth, dimension and subtle color.Unsure what shingle color will best complement your home’s exterior? Designer and style expert Chad Esslinger offers some tips:* Seek out Digital Design Tools: Technology makes it easy to experiment with exterior home colors, including roofing shingles. Owens Corning® Roofing offers inspiration boards and color and design tools that allow homeowners to color coordinate their exteriors with the click of a mouse.The 2020 Owens Corning Shingle Color of the Year, Pacific Wave, is a good example of how a carefully curated shingle color can complement styles ranging from a stately Midwest colonial to a coastal beach house.* Look around your house:People surround themselves with colors they love – in interior paint colors, accessories such as bedding or pillows, and their closets.What colors make up the bulk
  • 60. of your wardrobe? If your closet is stocked with navy shirts, you may gravitate to shades of blue on your roof. Similarly, bookmarking an online search of exteriors can help you identify appealing color combinations for your roof, doors, windows and landscaping.When searching online, look for patterns emerging in exterior color, trim and roof colors. It is likely these same shades will also appeal to you when brought together on your home’s exterior.* Go for a Color Drive: Drive around your neighborhood – or a neighborhood you like – and consider which homes and colors appeal to you. Be sure to drive by homes at different times of day and in different weather conditions so you can see how a particular color looks in sunlight, shade and when wet.* Don’t forget performance: A roof must be beautiful and able to stand up to the elements. Duration Series Shingles by Owens Corning have patented SureNail Technology in the nailing zone, giving them added performance against the elements. Homes in areas prone to strong winds and storms need extra protection against hail. Duration FLEX shingles feature a rubberizing SBS polymer modified asphalt to help guard against impact*.When it comes to home improvements, the roof is an ideal place to connect value, curb appeal and performance.And today’s shingle colors make it easy to tie functionality and aesthetics together beautifully. This may be the time to consider Logo Design.Think over!! You may also like Skrikingly and Instapaper Subraa PD July 23, 2020 News Roof Leave a comment
  • 61. Millennial Successfully Relocates And Buys Second Home at Age 25 (NewsUSA) –Amy bought her first house in Grand Rapids, Michigan at age 23. Fast forward two years and she has since sold that house and relocated to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.Two houses in two years at age 25: Here’s one Millennial who isn’t sacrificing homeownership for mobility.The relocation shuffle Although Amy was perfectly happy with her first little house and made lots of friends in Grand Rapids, a job opportunity popped up that was too good to turn down. She recently relocated to Pittsburgh, where she serves as a regional sales manager for a major food distribution company.Before her move, she experienced the ups and downs of both buying and selling houses in two different states. Selling a first home in Michigan “Lucky for me, Grand Rapids has a shortage of homes for sale and a lot of buyers. I didn’t have a chance to make any improvements on my house, a farmhouse built in 1904, but I did add a simple deck and lots of flowers and new bushes. It has more curb appeal than when I bought it,”Amy says. She says that the hardest part about selling a house was making sure it was clean all the time and ready for prospective buyers to tour.Amy ultimately sold her house for $161,000, $21,000 more than what she paid in 2017. Even in that time, she accumulated some equity and walked away with a total of $28,000 when the sale closed. Buying a new house in Pennsylvania The next step was to find a house in Pittsburgh. Home prices are higher there, compared to Grand Rapids, Amy notes. She wanted to buy a nicer, more expensive home this time around.”I found one that was a little bit above my price range at $200,000. But it’s in perfect condition. I don’t have to worry about repairs or anything,”Amy says. Plus, coffee shops and restaurants are within walking distance.She explains,“I could have used all of the proceeds from the sale of my
  • 62. house as my down payment. But I didn’t want to drain my savings account. I used private mortgage insurance (PMI) again, so I could put less money down. I could have put 10 percent or $20,000 down, but I opted for a 5-percent down payment of $10,000 instead. My monthly payment is a little bit higher, but still affordable.Thanks to PMI, I could buy a bigger, better house and still have money in the bank.”Are you ready to buy a house right now? Or should you wait to save more for a down payment? Check out this calculator to find out: for more information on how mortgage insurance can help you put less money down, go to This may be the time to consider SEO in Singapore.Think over!! You may also like Skrikingly and Instapaper Subraa PD July 23, 2020 News Home Leave a comment If you’re feeling stressed and anxious, research says: feed the birds (NewsUSA) – In today’s constant contact, cell-phone celebrated, digital world, most people can go days or even weeks without spending any time in natural sunlight. Instead, we eat breakfast inside, or on the go, only to race to an office, filled with artificial light and plastic plants, for 8 to 10 hours a day. It’s no wonder why Americans’ mental health is suffering.Compare that hectic routine to those memorable moments when you’re able to sit quietly, let the sunshine warm your face, hear the birds, and