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CCH Tax Briefing:
        Worker, HomeoWnersHip, and
        Business assistance act of 2009
November 5, 2009
                                                                                     Special Report

 New Law Statistics:                         congress extends/ expands
 ✔ Extended NOL                              Homebuyer credit and noL
    carryback for all
    businesses                               carryback; adds offsets

 ✔ Homebuyer credit                                  wo popular but temporary tax              bridge the gap between slow win-
    through April 30                                 incentives have been given a new          ter sales and what is hoped will
 ✔	 Modified	long-time	                              lease on life as part of legislation      be	a	more	robust	spring	market.
    homeowners credit                        extending unemployment compensation
                                             benefits.	The	Worker,	Homeownership,	               To pay for all this, the new law
 ✔	 Mandatory	e-filing                       and Business Assistance Act of 2009            requires electronic filing of individual
 ✔ Military base                             (H.R.	 3548)	 has	 been	 approved	 by	         returns by all but the smallest return
    closure exclusion                        Congress	and	is	on	its	way	to	the	White	       preparers, delays implementation of
                                             House for President Obama’s expected           worldwide interest allocation, increases
 ✔ Delay in worldwide                        signature.	 The	 Senate	 approved	 H.R.	       the penalties for failing to file partner-
    interest allocation                      3548	by	a	98	to	0	vote	on	November	4,	         ship and S corporation returns, and
 ✔ $21 billion in tax cuts                   followed	by	House	passage,	403	to	12,	         accelerates estimated tax payments for
                                             on	November	5.	                                certain large corporations.
 ✔ $21 billion in revenue                          The first-time homebuyer credit
    raisers                                  and expanded five-year net operating                        The new law also ex-
                                             loss (NOL) carryback, both originally                       tends unemployment
                                             scheduled to expire this year, have              benefits by up to 14 weeks (with
                                             been extended and enhanced into                  six additional weeks for individu-
                                             2010. Many homebuyers who are not                als in states with high unemploy-
               Inside                        first-timers will now be eligible for a          ment). However, it does not extend
 First-Time                                  tax credit up to $6,500, with first-time         the existing temporary exclusion
                                             homebuyers qualifying for a maximum              from gross income of the first
 Homebuyer Credit ............... 1
                                             $8,000 credit through at least April 30,         $2,400 of unemployment benefits
 NOL Carryback .................... 3        2010. Similarly, nearly all businesses           received in 2009. The extended
                                             will be able to take advantage of ex-            unemployment benefits are paid
 Military Exclusion ................ 4       panded NOL carryback treatment for               for by keeping the FUTA surtax.
                                             either 2008 or 2009 NOLs. The new
 Electronic Filing ................... 5
                                             law also excludes from income qualified
                                             military base closure payments.                FIrsT-TIme
 Penalties ............................. 5
                                                                                            HomeBuyer CredIT
 Corporate Estimated Tax .... 5                           The	availability	of	quick	
                                                          refunds	 from	 2008	 and	         When originally enacted, the first-time
 FUTA Surtax......................... 5
                                                2009	 NOL	 five-year	 carrybacks	           homebuyer credit reached 10 percent
 Worldwide Interest .............. 5            will mean a huge boost to busi-             of the purchase price of a qualified resi-
                                                nesses trying to survive the short          dence (for a maximum credit of $7,500)
                                                term.	 The	 housing	 industry	 also	        and was repayable in equal installments
                                                hopes that the homebuyer credit             over 15 years. Congress subsequently
                                                will	continue	home	sale	traffic	and	        raised the credit to a maximum to
                       Legislation update

    $8,000, set a November 30, 2009 cut-            31 of the calendar year preceding the     principal residence” may be eligible
    off date, and generally eliminated the          purchase. The first-time homebuyer        for a modified credit even though they
    repayment requirement.                          credit is claimed on Form 5405.           are not technically first-time homebuy-
         The new law not only extends the                                                     ers. The new law treats as a first-time
    credit, it also extends the credit to higher                Amy purchases a princi-       homebuyer an individual who has
    income taxpayers and allows a reduced                       pal residence on January      owned and used the same residence as
    credit to some non-first-time homebuy-            31, 2010. If Amy elects to treat the    his or her principal residence for any
    ers. The new law also expressly excludes                                                  five-consecutive year period during the
    high-end homes from the credit.                                                           previous eight-year period ending with
                                                                                              the date on which the new residence
                  The	 availability	 of	 the	
                                                         “The first-time                      is purchased.
                  credit	 for	 higher-income	          homebuyer credit
       taxpayers and some existing hom-                and expanded net                                    This	 provision	 is	 aimed	
       eowners will not be applied retro-             operating loss (NOL)                                 not only at individuals
       actively.	These	tax	breaks	are	effec-            carryback…have                           who	are	stepping-up	from	their	first	
       tive only for purchases made after                                                        home to a larger and more expen-
       the date of enactment (after the
                                                      been extended and                          sive	residence,	but	also	at	retirees	
       president	signs	the	bill	into	law).           enhanced into 2010.”                        who are moving to more manage-
                                                                                                 able	quarters.	
         Extension. The first-time home-
    buyer credit was scheduled to expire                                                                   Non-first-time homebuy-
    after November 30, 2009. The new law              purchase as made on December 31,                     ers will benefit from the
    provides a new expiration date of April 30,       2009, Amy can accelerate the tax          credit but at a reduced amount.
    2010. If a taxpayer enters into a binding         benefit by claiming the credit on her     Their maximum credit will be
    contract before May 1, 2010, to close on          2009 return filed in 2010. Other-         $6,500 rather than $8,000 ($3,250
    the purchase of a principal residence be-         wise, Amy will have to wait to claim      for married taxpayers filing sepa-
    fore July 1, 2010, the credit will be treated     the credit on her 2010 return filed       rately rather than $4,000).
    as not expiring until July 1, 2010.               in 2011.
                                                                                                    Income thresholds. Previously, the
                The first-time home-                              In May, the U.S. Depart-    first-time homebuyer credit phased out for
                buyer credit may be al-                           ment of Housing and         single individuals with modified adjusted
      located between two or more un-                 Urban Development (HUD) an-             gross income (MAGI) between $75,000
      married taxpayers using any                     nounced that taxpayers could            and $95,000 and for married couples
      reasonable method, the IRS ex-                  monetize the first-time homebuyer       filing joint returns with MAGI between
      plained in Notice 2009-12. For                  credit. Taxpayers financing through     $150,000 and $170,000. The new law
      example, the credit may be allo-                a state housing agency or other         raises the start of the phase-out for single
      cated between unmarried taxpayers               HUD-approved advance programs           individuals to $125,000 and the start of
      based on their respective contribu-             can monetize 100 percent of the         the phase-out for married couples filing
      tions toward the purchase price of              down payment. Taxpayers using           joint returns to $225,000.
      the residence or their respective               Federal Housing Administration
      ownership interests.                            (FHA) lenders can apply the cred-             Repayment. For principal residenc-
                                                      it to closing costs or make a larger    es purchased in 2009 and 2010, there is
                Qualified buyers cannot               down payment above the FHA-             generally no requirement to repay the
                claim both the District of            required 3.5 percent minimum.           first-time homebuyer credit. However,
      Columbia first-time homebuyer                   HUD’s authorization for monetiz-        a taxpayer may have to repay the credit
      credit and the general first-time               ing the credit has no sunset date.      if the residence ceases to be his or her
      homebuyer credit.                                                                       principal residence within 36 months
                                                    Non-first-time buyers                     from the date of purchase.
         Election. To accelerate claims for         Effective for purchases after the date
    the credit, the new law allows taxpayers        of enactment, the credit is no longer                 The full amount of the
    to elect to treat the purchase of a princi-     restricted to first-time homebuyers.                  credit the taxpayer re-
    pal residence in 2009 or before the new         Individuals who the new law refers          ceived becomes due on the return for
    deadline in 2010 as made on December            to as “long-time residents of the same      the year in which the residence

    C C H      T A X     B r I e F I N G                                                       ©2009 CCH. All rights reserved
November 5, 2009

  ceases to be the taxpayer’s principal      of purchase of a principal residence.              ment of additional tax without
  residence. Exceptions, such as death,      Additionally, the new law extends the              using	deficiency	procedures.
  continue to apply.                         first-time homebuyer credit for indi-
                                             viduals on qualified official extended                      Earlier	this	year,	the	IRS	
     Purchase price. For the first time,     duty outside the U.S. to purchases made                     cautioned that additional
Congress set a ceiling on eligibility for    before May 1, 2011 (or July 1, 2011, for           documentation	requirements	could	
the credit based on the purchase price       taxpayers with binding contracts).                 slow	processing	of	the	credit.
of the principal residence. No credit is
allowed if the purchase price of the prin-                Uniformed services include         NoL CArryBACK
cipal residence exceeds $800,000.                         the U.S. Armed Forces
                                               (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and          The American Recovery and Reinvest-
              The	 $800,000	 cap	 ap-          Coast Guard) as well as commis-               ment Act of 2009 (2009 Recovery Act)
              plies to purchases im-           sioned corps of the U.S. Public Health        allowed eligible small businesses (with
   mediately after the president signs         Service and the National Oceanic and          average gross receipts of $15 million or
   the	 new	 law	 and,	 therefore,	 may	       Atmospheric Administration.                   less) to elect to carry back net operating
   apply to purchases prior to No-                                                           losses (NOLs) from 2008 for three, four
   vember	30,	2009,	as	well	as	during	            Oversight. To curb abuses of the first-    or five years rather than the standard two
   the	new,	extended	time	period.            time homebuyer credit, the new law gives        years. The new law provides a similar
                                             the IRS math error authority to disallow        election to all U.S. businesses of every
             The	 $800,000	 is	 a	 cliff	    the credit during processing. The new law       size to carry back NOLs up to five years
             amount,	with	no	gradual	        also expressly excludes dependents and          but with a 50-percent income limit on
   phase out of the credit provided for      related parties from claiming the credit.       NOL offsets in the fifth year.
   higher	amounts.	The	$800,000	cap	         Additionally, the taxpayer (or his or her            The new, expanded election is
   is	also	applied	nationwide,	with	no	      spouse) must be at least 18 as of the date      available for NOLs incurred in either
   adjustment	for	regional	factors.	         of the purchase to be eligible. All taxpay-     2008 or 2009, but not for both years.
                                             ers must attach a copy of their settlement      However, an eligible small business
Servicemembers                               agreement to their return.                      that elected under the 2009 Recovery
The new law waives the credit recapture                                                      Act to carryback 2008 NOLs may
rules for members of the U.S. uni-                         Math	 error	 authority,	          make the election for an additional
formed services, Foreign Service, and                      which is retroactive to           year, enabling the qualified small busi-
intelligence community who are called           April	 9,	 2008,	 allows	 the	 IRS	 to	      ness to carry back NOLs from both
to duty before 36 months after the date         access and send a notice of assess-          2008 and 2009 for up to five years.

                                              Timelines/Effective Dates
          HOMEBUYER CREDIT                                  Purchases after                         Purchases after
                                                           date of enactment                           11/30/09
          $6,500 for long-time                                       ✔
          $125K/$225K AGI limit                                      ✔
          $800K purchase price limit                                 ✔
          Extension of credit                                                                              ✔
          NOL CARRYBACK                                   Tax yrs ending after               Tax yrs beginning/ending
                                                               12/31/07                               in 2009
          2008/2009 five-year carryback                              ✔
          Small business additional 2009                                                                   ✔

                                                                                            C C H     T A X      B r I e F I N G
                      Legislation update

                                                                                                  before	 January	 1,	 2010.	 Thus,	 a	
                           Estimated Revenue Impact                                               fiscal	year	taxpayer	can	make	the	
                                    New Law                                                       election for tax years beginning or
                              (Millions of Dollars)                                               ending	in	either	2008	or	2009.

          PROVISION                               Fiscal Years        Fiscal Years                         The new law authorizes
                                                  2010 – 2011         2010 – 2019                          the IRS to implement
          Homebuyer Credit                            - $12,715           -$10,823               election procedures. The IRS will
                                                                                                 likely follow the NOL election
          NOL Carryback                               - $27,327           - $10,407              procedures it crafted under the 2009
          Base Closing Payments                           - $160              - $243             Recovery Act.
          Worldwide Interest Allocation                     $494            $20,123
                                                                                                     Insurance companies. Under nor-
          Filing Penalties                                      0            $1,229            mal circumstances, insurance companies
                                                                                               generally can carry back operating losses
                                                                                               up to three years. The new law would
                 This	 is	 a	 major	 expan-         from 2004 through 2008. For 2009,          give insurance companies a similar elec-
                 sion	 of	 the	 NOL	 rules.	        Acme has a net operating loss of $100      tion to carry back NOLs from 2008 or
       The	Joint	Committee	on	Taxation	             million. Acme can elect to carry back      2009 for either four years or five years.
       (JCT)	estimates	that	the	new	car-            the 2009 NOL five years, to 2004 and       The same 50-percent limit would apply
       ryback provisions would cost the             subsequent years. For 2004, Acme can       to carrybacks to an insurance company’s
       federal	 government	 and	 benefit	           claim an NOL deduction of 50 percent       fifth year preceding the loss year.
       businesses	by	nearly	$34	billion	            of its 2004 taxable income, or $25               AMT. The new law also suspends
       in 2010 (but balancing out to                million. The NOL balance of $75 mil-       the 90-percent income limitation on
       $10.4	billion	over	10	years).	               lion can be used to fully offset Acme’s    the use of NOLs for determining the
                                                    2005 income of $50 million. The re-        alternative minimum tax (AMT) for an
                 A business that carries            maining NOL of $25 million can then        extended carryback year.
                 back an NOL to a prior             be deducted against 2006 income,                 TARP restrictions. The election
       profitable	year	can	obtain	a	quick	          reducing the NOL to zero.                  to carry back NOLs up to five years
       refund	from	the	IRS	for	that	prior	                                                     is not available to companies receiv-
       year.	This	will	provide	additional	             The 50-percent limitation does not      ing assistance under the Trouble Asset
       cash that the business can use to          apply to an eligible small business that     Relief Program (TARP) if the federal
       pay	 expenses,	 maintain	 opera-           elected to carry back its 2008 NOL under     government acquired stock (or a right
       tions,	and	make	new	investments.           the 2009 Recovery Act. However, it does      to acquire stock) in the company before
                                                  apply to its 2009 NOLs.                      the date of enactment of the new law,
                 An NOL is the excess of                                                       or if the federal government provides
                 the taxpayer’s business                Election. The election to take ad-     funds to the company (in exchange
      deductions over its gross income.           vantage of the new law’s NOL provision       for a stock interest) after the date of
      Absent legislation, an NOL can              must be made by the due date (including      enactment of the new law. The federal
      generally be carried back two years         extensions) for the tax return filed for     mortgage agencies (Fannie Mae and
      and carried forward 20 years to             the taxpayer’s last taxable year begin-      Freddie Mac) cannot make the elec-
      offset taxable income.                      ning in 2009. Once made, the election        tion. Members of an affiliated group
                                                  is irrevocable. If the taxpayer had previ-   containing any of these taxpayers also
    50-percent limitation                         ously elected not to carry back an NOL       are denied the election.
    Under the new law, an NOL carried back        from a tax year ending before the date of
    to the fifth year before the loss year is     enactment of the new law, the taxpayer       mILITAry eXCLusIoN
    limited to 50-percent of the available tax-   may revoke that election before the due
    able income for that year. Any remaining      date (including extensions) for filing the   More than 40 years ago, Congress created
    NOL can fully offset taxable income in        taxpayer’s 2009 return.                      the Housing Assistance Program (HAP)
    the remaining four carryback years.                                                        to compensate qualified military and ci-
                                                            The	election	is	available	         vilian employee homeowners when base
                 Acme Company has profits                   for a tax year ending after        closures negatively impact the real estate
                 of $50 million each year            December	31,	2007,	and	beginning	         market. In some cases, HAP makes pay-

    C C H     T A X     B r I e F I N G                                                         ©2009 CCH. All rights reserved
November 5, 2009

ments to offset the decline in real estate                  Earlier this year, the              duce their subsequent estimated tax
values. These payments are excluded                         Treasury Inspector Gen-             payments in 2014 by the increase.
from the recipient’s gross income. The           eral for Tax Administration (TIG-
2009 Recovery Act expanded HAP to                TA) reported that mandatory e- fil-
cover, among other things, recent base           ing by preparers would increase              FuTA surTAX
realignment and closure actions as well          e-filing by nearly 27 percent. The
as members of the U.S. armed forces              IRS received 156.3 million indi-             The 0.20 percent FUTA (unemployment)
who are relocated during the current real        vidual returns in 2008. Approxi-             surtax, first enacted in 1976, was most
estate slowdown. The new law expands             mately 58 percent were filed                 recently extended in the Emergency Eco-
the exclusion from income to cover HAP           electronically.                              nomic Stabilization Act of 2008 through
payments under the 2009 Recovery Act.                                                         year-end 2009. The new law extends the
                                                                                              FUTA surtax through June 30, 2011. The
             The provision is effec-           PeNALTIes                                      total FUTA tax on employers, therefore,
             tive for all HAP pay-                                                            continues to be 6.2 percent.
  ments made after February 17,                Effective for returns for tax years begin-
  2009, the effective date of the 2009         ning after December 31, 2009, the new          WorLdWIde INTeresT
  Recovery Act.                                law increases the penalties for failure to
                                               file a partnership or S corporation return.    Under the American Jobs Creation Act of
                                               The penalty for failure to file a partner-     2004, a worldwide affiliated group may
eLeCTroNIC FILING                              ship return increases from $89 to $195.        make a one-time election to determine
                                               Similarly, the penalty for failure to file     the foreign source taxable income of the
The new law significantly expands the          an S corporation return increases from         group by allocating and apportioning
universe of e-filing by requiring indi-        $89 to $195. The combined increases            the domestic members’ interest expense
vidual returns prepared by paid return         are expected to raise approximately $1.2       on a worldwide basis, as if all members
preparers to be filed electronically with      billion over 10 years.                         of the group were a single corporation.
limited exceptions. The e-file requirement                                                    However, subsequent legislation delayed
applies to any return of tax imposed by                                                       the effective date of this provision until
subtitle A on individuals, estates or trusts                                                  tax years beginning after December 31,
filed after December 31, 2010.                 esTImATed TAX                                  2010. The new law delays the provision
                                                                                              even further: until tax years beginning
             The	 new	 law	 excludes	          Congress passed the Corporate Estimated        after December 31, 2017. This measure
             preparers who prepare or          Tax Shift Act of 2009 (Shift Act) in July,     is expected to raise approximately $20
   reasonably expect to prepare fewer          which revoked provisions of the Tax            billion over 10 years.
   than 10 individual income tax re-           Increase Prevention and Reconciliation
   turns	from	mandatory	e-filing.		            Act of 2005 (TIPRA) with regard to cor-                     The	 revenue	 raisers	 in	
                                               porate estimated tax payments. The Shift                    the new law had all been
             The bill maintains the            Act increased estimated tax payments for          expected,	many	having	appeared	
             current rule that re-             corporations in the $1 billion-plus class         in bills introduced as early as
  quires corporations and tax-ex-              to 100.25 percent for estimated payments          several	 years	 ago.	 The	 delay	 in	
  empt organizations with assets of            due in July, August, or September of              worldwide	 interest	 allocation,	
  $10 million or more and that file            2014. The new law increases the required          however,	had	been	used	as	a	“pay-
  at least 250 returns during a cal-           corporate estimated tax payments factor           for” in the blended House health
  endar year, including income tax,            for large corporations for payments due           care	reform	bill.	House	Democrats	
  information, excise tax, and em-             in July, August and September 2014 by             have already indicated they intend
  ployment tax returns, to e-file              33 percentage points.                             to repeal the worldwide interest
  their Form 1120 and 1120S in-                                                                  application provision entirely as
  come tax returns and Form 990                             The Shift Act allows                 well as provide for new curbs on
  information returns.                                      large corporations to re-            the	biofuel	tax	credit.

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New Tax Incentives November 5, 2009

  • 1. CCH Tax Briefing: Worker, HomeoWnersHip, and Business assistance act of 2009 November 5, 2009 Special Report New Law Statistics: congress extends/ expands ✔ Extended NOL Homebuyer credit and noL carryback for all businesses carryback; adds offsets T ✔ Homebuyer credit wo popular but temporary tax bridge the gap between slow win- through April 30 incentives have been given a new ter sales and what is hoped will ✔ Modified long-time lease on life as part of legislation be a more robust spring market. homeowners credit extending unemployment compensation benefits. The Worker, Homeownership, To pay for all this, the new law ✔ Mandatory e-filing and Business Assistance Act of 2009 requires electronic filing of individual ✔ Military base (H.R. 3548) has been approved by returns by all but the smallest return closure exclusion Congress and is on its way to the White preparers, delays implementation of House for President Obama’s expected worldwide interest allocation, increases ✔ Delay in worldwide signature. The Senate approved H.R. the penalties for failing to file partner- interest allocation 3548 by a 98 to 0 vote on November 4, ship and S corporation returns, and ✔ $21 billion in tax cuts followed by House passage, 403 to 12, accelerates estimated tax payments for on November 5. certain large corporations. ✔ $21 billion in revenue The first-time homebuyer credit raisers and expanded five-year net operating The new law also ex- loss (NOL) carryback, both originally tends unemployment scheduled to expire this year, have benefits by up to 14 weeks (with been extended and enhanced into six additional weeks for individu- 2010. Many homebuyers who are not als in states with high unemploy- Inside first-timers will now be eligible for a ment). However, it does not extend First-Time tax credit up to $6,500, with first-time the existing temporary exclusion homebuyers qualifying for a maximum from gross income of the first Homebuyer Credit ............... 1 $8,000 credit through at least April 30, $2,400 of unemployment benefits NOL Carryback .................... 3 2010. Similarly, nearly all businesses received in 2009. The extended will be able to take advantage of ex- unemployment benefits are paid Military Exclusion ................ 4 panded NOL carryback treatment for for by keeping the FUTA surtax. either 2008 or 2009 NOLs. The new Electronic Filing ................... 5 law also excludes from income qualified military base closure payments. FIrsT-TIme Penalties ............................. 5 HomeBuyer CredIT Corporate Estimated Tax .... 5 The availability of quick refunds from 2008 and When originally enacted, the first-time FUTA Surtax......................... 5 2009 NOL five-year carrybacks homebuyer credit reached 10 percent Worldwide Interest .............. 5 will mean a huge boost to busi- of the purchase price of a qualified resi- nesses trying to survive the short dence (for a maximum credit of $7,500) term. The housing industry also and was repayable in equal installments hopes that the homebuyer credit over 15 years. Congress subsequently will continue home sale traffic and raised the credit to a maximum to
  • 2. 2 Legislation update $8,000, set a November 30, 2009 cut- 31 of the calendar year preceding the principal residence” may be eligible off date, and generally eliminated the purchase. The first-time homebuyer for a modified credit even though they repayment requirement. credit is claimed on Form 5405. are not technically first-time homebuy- The new law not only extends the ers. The new law treats as a first-time credit, it also extends the credit to higher Amy purchases a princi- homebuyer an individual who has income taxpayers and allows a reduced pal residence on January owned and used the same residence as credit to some non-first-time homebuy- 31, 2010. If Amy elects to treat the his or her principal residence for any ers. The new law also expressly excludes five-consecutive year period during the high-end homes from the credit. previous eight-year period ending with the date on which the new residence The availability of the “The first-time is purchased. credit for higher-income homebuyer credit taxpayers and some existing hom- and expanded net This provision is aimed eowners will not be applied retro- operating loss (NOL) not only at individuals actively. These tax breaks are effec- carryback…have who are stepping-up from their first tive only for purchases made after home to a larger and more expen- the date of enactment (after the been extended and sive residence, but also at retirees president signs the bill into law). enhanced into 2010.” who are moving to more manage- able quarters. Extension. The first-time home- buyer credit was scheduled to expire Non-first-time homebuy- after November 30, 2009. The new law purchase as made on December 31, ers will benefit from the provides a new expiration date of April 30, 2009, Amy can accelerate the tax credit but at a reduced amount. 2010. If a taxpayer enters into a binding benefit by claiming the credit on her Their maximum credit will be contract before May 1, 2010, to close on 2009 return filed in 2010. Other- $6,500 rather than $8,000 ($3,250 the purchase of a principal residence be- wise, Amy will have to wait to claim for married taxpayers filing sepa- fore July 1, 2010, the credit will be treated the credit on her 2010 return filed rately rather than $4,000). as not expiring until July 1, 2010. in 2011. Income thresholds. Previously, the The first-time home- In May, the U.S. Depart- first-time homebuyer credit phased out for buyer credit may be al- ment of Housing and single individuals with modified adjusted located between two or more un- Urban Development (HUD) an- gross income (MAGI) between $75,000 married taxpayers using any nounced that taxpayers could and $95,000 and for married couples reasonable method, the IRS ex- monetize the first-time homebuyer filing joint returns with MAGI between plained in Notice 2009-12. For credit. Taxpayers financing through $150,000 and $170,000. The new law example, the credit may be allo- a state housing agency or other raises the start of the phase-out for single cated between unmarried taxpayers HUD-approved advance programs individuals to $125,000 and the start of based on their respective contribu- can monetize 100 percent of the the phase-out for married couples filing tions toward the purchase price of down payment. Taxpayers using joint returns to $225,000. the residence or their respective Federal Housing Administration ownership interests. (FHA) lenders can apply the cred- Repayment. For principal residenc- it to closing costs or make a larger es purchased in 2009 and 2010, there is Qualified buyers cannot down payment above the FHA- generally no requirement to repay the claim both the District of required 3.5 percent minimum. first-time homebuyer credit. However, Columbia first-time homebuyer HUD’s authorization for monetiz- a taxpayer may have to repay the credit credit and the general first-time ing the credit has no sunset date. if the residence ceases to be his or her homebuyer credit. principal residence within 36 months Non-first-time buyers from the date of purchase. Election. To accelerate claims for Effective for purchases after the date the credit, the new law allows taxpayers of enactment, the credit is no longer The full amount of the to elect to treat the purchase of a princi- restricted to first-time homebuyers. credit the taxpayer re- pal residence in 2009 or before the new Individuals who the new law refers ceived becomes due on the return for deadline in 2010 as made on December to as “long-time residents of the same the year in which the residence C C H T A X B r I e F I N G ©2009 CCH. All rights reserved
  • 3. 3 November 5, 2009 ceases to be the taxpayer’s principal of purchase of a principal residence. ment of additional tax without residence. Exceptions, such as death, Additionally, the new law extends the using deficiency procedures. continue to apply. first-time homebuyer credit for indi- viduals on qualified official extended Earlier this year, the IRS Purchase price. For the first time, duty outside the U.S. to purchases made cautioned that additional Congress set a ceiling on eligibility for before May 1, 2011 (or July 1, 2011, for documentation requirements could the credit based on the purchase price taxpayers with binding contracts). slow processing of the credit. of the principal residence. No credit is allowed if the purchase price of the prin- Uniformed services include NoL CArryBACK cipal residence exceeds $800,000. the U.S. Armed Forces (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and The American Recovery and Reinvest- The $800,000 cap ap- Coast Guard) as well as commis- ment Act of 2009 (2009 Recovery Act) plies to purchases im- sioned corps of the U.S. Public Health allowed eligible small businesses (with mediately after the president signs Service and the National Oceanic and average gross receipts of $15 million or the new law and, therefore, may Atmospheric Administration. less) to elect to carry back net operating apply to purchases prior to No- losses (NOLs) from 2008 for three, four vember 30, 2009, as well as during Oversight. To curb abuses of the first- or five years rather than the standard two the new, extended time period. time homebuyer credit, the new law gives years. The new law provides a similar the IRS math error authority to disallow election to all U.S. businesses of every The $800,000 is a cliff the credit during processing. The new law size to carry back NOLs up to five years amount, with no gradual also expressly excludes dependents and but with a 50-percent income limit on phase out of the credit provided for related parties from claiming the credit. NOL offsets in the fifth year. higher amounts. The $800,000 cap Additionally, the taxpayer (or his or her The new, expanded election is is also applied nationwide, with no spouse) must be at least 18 as of the date available for NOLs incurred in either adjustment for regional factors. of the purchase to be eligible. All taxpay- 2008 or 2009, but not for both years. ers must attach a copy of their settlement However, an eligible small business Servicemembers agreement to their return. that elected under the 2009 Recovery The new law waives the credit recapture Act to carryback 2008 NOLs may rules for members of the U.S. uni- Math error authority, make the election for an additional formed services, Foreign Service, and which is retroactive to year, enabling the qualified small busi- intelligence community who are called April 9, 2008, allows the IRS to ness to carry back NOLs from both to duty before 36 months after the date access and send a notice of assess- 2008 and 2009 for up to five years. Timelines/Effective Dates HOMEBUYER CREDIT Purchases after Purchases after date of enactment 11/30/09 $6,500 for long-time ✔ homeowners $125K/$225K AGI limit ✔ $800K purchase price limit ✔ Extension of credit ✔ NOL CARRYBACK Tax yrs ending after Tax yrs beginning/ending 12/31/07 in 2009 2008/2009 five-year carryback ✔ Small business additional 2009 ✔ carryback C C H T A X B r I e F I N G
  • 4. 4 Legislation update before January 1, 2010. Thus, a Estimated Revenue Impact fiscal year taxpayer can make the New Law election for tax years beginning or (Millions of Dollars) ending in either 2008 or 2009. PROVISION Fiscal Years Fiscal Years The new law authorizes 2010 – 2011 2010 – 2019 the IRS to implement Homebuyer Credit - $12,715 -$10,823 election procedures. The IRS will likely follow the NOL election NOL Carryback - $27,327 - $10,407 procedures it crafted under the 2009 Base Closing Payments - $160 - $243 Recovery Act. Worldwide Interest Allocation $494 $20,123 Insurance companies. Under nor- Filing Penalties 0 $1,229 mal circumstances, insurance companies generally can carry back operating losses up to three years. The new law would This is a major expan- from 2004 through 2008. For 2009, give insurance companies a similar elec- sion of the NOL rules. Acme has a net operating loss of $100 tion to carry back NOLs from 2008 or The Joint Committee on Taxation million. Acme can elect to carry back 2009 for either four years or five years. (JCT) estimates that the new car- the 2009 NOL five years, to 2004 and The same 50-percent limit would apply ryback provisions would cost the subsequent years. For 2004, Acme can to carrybacks to an insurance company’s federal government and benefit claim an NOL deduction of 50 percent fifth year preceding the loss year. businesses by nearly $34 billion of its 2004 taxable income, or $25 AMT. The new law also suspends in 2010 (but balancing out to million. The NOL balance of $75 mil- the 90-percent income limitation on $10.4 billion over 10 years). lion can be used to fully offset Acme’s the use of NOLs for determining the 2005 income of $50 million. The re- alternative minimum tax (AMT) for an A business that carries maining NOL of $25 million can then extended carryback year. back an NOL to a prior be deducted against 2006 income, TARP restrictions. The election profitable year can obtain a quick reducing the NOL to zero. to carry back NOLs up to five years refund from the IRS for that prior is not available to companies receiv- year. This will provide additional The 50-percent limitation does not ing assistance under the Trouble Asset cash that the business can use to apply to an eligible small business that Relief Program (TARP) if the federal pay expenses, maintain opera- elected to carry back its 2008 NOL under government acquired stock (or a right tions, and make new investments. the 2009 Recovery Act. However, it does to acquire stock) in the company before apply to its 2009 NOLs. the date of enactment of the new law, An NOL is the excess of or if the federal government provides the taxpayer’s business Election. The election to take ad- funds to the company (in exchange deductions over its gross income. vantage of the new law’s NOL provision for a stock interest) after the date of Absent legislation, an NOL can must be made by the due date (including enactment of the new law. The federal generally be carried back two years extensions) for the tax return filed for mortgage agencies (Fannie Mae and and carried forward 20 years to the taxpayer’s last taxable year begin- Freddie Mac) cannot make the elec- offset taxable income. ning in 2009. Once made, the election tion. Members of an affiliated group is irrevocable. If the taxpayer had previ- containing any of these taxpayers also 50-percent limitation ously elected not to carry back an NOL are denied the election. Under the new law, an NOL carried back from a tax year ending before the date of to the fifth year before the loss year is enactment of the new law, the taxpayer mILITAry eXCLusIoN limited to 50-percent of the available tax- may revoke that election before the due able income for that year. Any remaining date (including extensions) for filing the More than 40 years ago, Congress created NOL can fully offset taxable income in taxpayer’s 2009 return. the Housing Assistance Program (HAP) the remaining four carryback years. to compensate qualified military and ci- The election is available vilian employee homeowners when base Acme Company has profits for a tax year ending after closures negatively impact the real estate of $50 million each year December 31, 2007, and beginning market. In some cases, HAP makes pay- C C H T A X B r I e F I N G ©2009 CCH. All rights reserved
  • 5. 5 November 5, 2009 ments to offset the decline in real estate Earlier this year, the duce their subsequent estimated tax values. These payments are excluded Treasury Inspector Gen- payments in 2014 by the increase. from the recipient’s gross income. The eral for Tax Administration (TIG- 2009 Recovery Act expanded HAP to TA) reported that mandatory e- fil- cover, among other things, recent base ing by preparers would increase FuTA surTAX realignment and closure actions as well e-filing by nearly 27 percent. The as members of the U.S. armed forces IRS received 156.3 million indi- The 0.20 percent FUTA (unemployment) who are relocated during the current real vidual returns in 2008. Approxi- surtax, first enacted in 1976, was most estate slowdown. The new law expands mately 58 percent were filed recently extended in the Emergency Eco- the exclusion from income to cover HAP electronically. nomic Stabilization Act of 2008 through payments under the 2009 Recovery Act. year-end 2009. The new law extends the FUTA surtax through June 30, 2011. The The provision is effec- PeNALTIes total FUTA tax on employers, therefore, tive for all HAP pay- continues to be 6.2 percent. ments made after February 17, Effective for returns for tax years begin- 2009, the effective date of the 2009 ning after December 31, 2009, the new WorLdWIde INTeresT Recovery Act. law increases the penalties for failure to file a partnership or S corporation return. Under the American Jobs Creation Act of The penalty for failure to file a partner- 2004, a worldwide affiliated group may eLeCTroNIC FILING ship return increases from $89 to $195. make a one-time election to determine Similarly, the penalty for failure to file the foreign source taxable income of the The new law significantly expands the an S corporation return increases from group by allocating and apportioning universe of e-filing by requiring indi- $89 to $195. The combined increases the domestic members’ interest expense vidual returns prepared by paid return are expected to raise approximately $1.2 on a worldwide basis, as if all members preparers to be filed electronically with billion over 10 years. of the group were a single corporation. limited exceptions. The e-file requirement However, subsequent legislation delayed applies to any return of tax imposed by the effective date of this provision until CorPorATe subtitle A on individuals, estates or trusts tax years beginning after December 31, filed after December 31, 2010. esTImATed TAX 2010. The new law delays the provision even further: until tax years beginning The new law excludes Congress passed the Corporate Estimated after December 31, 2017. This measure preparers who prepare or Tax Shift Act of 2009 (Shift Act) in July, is expected to raise approximately $20 reasonably expect to prepare fewer which revoked provisions of the Tax billion over 10 years. than 10 individual income tax re- Increase Prevention and Reconciliation turns from mandatory e-filing. Act of 2005 (TIPRA) with regard to cor- The revenue raisers in porate estimated tax payments. The Shift the new law had all been The bill maintains the Act increased estimated tax payments for expected, many having appeared current rule that re- corporations in the $1 billion-plus class in bills introduced as early as quires corporations and tax-ex- to 100.25 percent for estimated payments several years ago. The delay in empt organizations with assets of due in July, August, or September of worldwide interest allocation, $10 million or more and that file 2014. The new law increases the required however, had been used as a “pay- at least 250 returns during a cal- corporate estimated tax payments factor for” in the blended House health endar year, including income tax, for large corporations for payments due care reform bill. House Democrats information, excise tax, and em- in July, August and September 2014 by have already indicated they intend ployment tax returns, to e-file 33 percentage points. to repeal the worldwide interest their Form 1120 and 1120S in- application provision entirely as come tax returns and Form 990 The Shift Act allows well as provide for new curbs on information returns. large corporations to re- the biofuel tax credit. C C H T A X B r I e F I N G
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