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L aser s Used i n the M edi cal F i eld
• E l la hae been used in avrietyof wy
  dica sers v               a        as
for m nyy rs. M l la a used for cosm
      a ea edica sers re                       etic
procedures, surg a dianostic procedures. T
                ery nd g                      he
vria of frequency pow a wv
 a tions             , er nd ae
m surem sepa te both the ty of la tha
 ea ents ra                     pes sers t
hae been dev
  v          eloped a the mria wy in w
                    nd      y d as hich
the different la m ybe used. N ty of
               sers a            ew pes
trea ent hae been dev
    tm v              eloped in conjunction with
newty of m l la
       pes edica sers.
In the ea das of la it ca e a asurprise tha these tools of lig -
         rly y sers m s                                t                   ht
could be used in the science of m  edicine, since no one env isioned tha they
m ht be a to hea or otherw im e people's phy l w being
  ig       ble       l            ise prov                  sica ell- .
B doctors a m l resea
 ut           nd edica rchers quicklybeg n to see the possibilities,
a the num of uses for m l la m
 nd         ber               edica sers ultiplied ov the y rs.
                                                           er ea
Aong other a tions, these include cutting into tissue in surg l
 m             pplica                                                 ica
procedures; resha the corneaof the ey to im e sig clea
                  ping                        e prov ht; ning
clog ed a
     g rteries; burning a a caities a w
                           wy v nd hitening the teeth; rem ing          ov
unwnted ha w
    a       ir, rinkles, birthm rks, a freckles; a resha the fa
                                a nd                   nd ping             ce
 .in pla surg procedures
        stic ery
"T he A dvent of the " L aser Scal pel

 a            enters w m l la pointed out tha there a surg l-
                      ith edica sers           t      re ica
opera tha a difficult to perform w the conv l sca a
      tions t re                      ith     entiona lpel nd
tha ala bea m ht be used instea Initia tria show tha afinely
    t ser m ig                     d. l ls ed t
focused bea from aca dioxide g s la could cut throug hum n
            m           rbon      a ser              h a
tissue ea a nea . T surg could direct the bea from a a le
         sily nd tly he eon                     m      ny ng
 .byusing am m irror ounted on am a m l a
                                 ovble eta rm
• S era a a ges of la surgeryquicklybeca e a rent. F the light bea is
  ev l dvnta        ser                m ppa irst,               m
  consistent, w m ns tha it g es off the sa e a ount of energ from n this photo
                hich ea t iv                     m m                 y I
  taken during open-heartsurgery, a doctor uses a laser probeto punch small
  holes in thepatient's heartmuscleto increase theorgan's blood flow                .
• one second to the next. S a long a the bea is mov a , the cut it ma (the
                              os       s        m       ing long               kes
  incision) does not vryin depth; w s w using asca adoctor ca a
                       a             herea hen              lpel             n ccidentally
  m ke pa of the incision too deep. A
    a rt                                 second a a g of the surg l la is tha the hot
                                                dvntae               ica ser         t
  bea ca
      m uterizes, or sea off, the open blood v a it m es a . ( his w w
                           ls                    essels s ov long T orks ell
  m inlyfor sm ll v such a those in the skin. T doctor still ha to sea off the
    a            a essels,         s                   he                s      l
  la er blood v using conv l m
    rg             essels         entiona ethods.) S a
                                                     till nother a a g is tha the cells
                                                                   dvntae t
  in hum n tissue do not conduct hea v w so the skin or a other tissue nea the
          a                           t ery ell,                  ny                r
  la incision does not g v hot a is not a
    ser                      et ery nd             ffected bythe bea . T a a g of la
                                                                     m his dvntae ser
  surg is v helpful w adoctor m opera on atinya tha is surrounded by
       ery ery                hen           ust te                rea t
  hea tissue or org ns. It should be pointed out tha the "la sca is not
      lthy                a                              t       ser lpel"
  necessa the best tool to use in ev opera S e doctors feel tha w the la
          rily                          ery tion. om                        t hile       ser
  is useful in som situa it w nev tota repla the sca O a m
                   e tions, ill er lly ce                          lpel. thers re ore
  optim a see ada w m a a la w m ke the sca athing of the
        istic nd           y hen ore dvnced sers ill a                  lpel
• T second of these v s ma prov to be the most a te, for surgica use of
  he                iew y e                    ccura           l
   la is ra a a . Afirst, la w considered m effectiv in
     sers pidly dvncing t              sers ere              ost       e
   opera on a s tha a ea to rea rea on the body exterior, including the
         ting rea t re sy               ch—a s              's
   skin, m nose, ea a ey B in recent y rs doctors hae dem ted
           outh,      rs, nd es. ut             ea             v onstra
   rem rka prog in dev
       a ble ress           eloping la techniques for use in interna explora
                                     ser                           l       tion
   a surg . O course, in order to be a to direct the la bea the doctor m
    nd ery f                             ble               ser m               ust
   be a to see inside the body In som ca this is asim m tter of m king a
        ble                    .      e ses            ple a          a n
   incision a opening up the a to be opera on. B there a situa in w
             nd               rea            ted ut            re tions hich
   this step ca be aoided.
               n v
Cl eani ng A r ter i es wi th L i ght
• F insta la a increa lyused to clea pla frompeople's a . P que is atough fa substa tha
  or nce, sers re   sing           n que              rteries la           tty nce t
  ca build up on the inside wlls of the a . Eentua the v ca g so clog ed tha blood does not flow
     n                         a           rteries v lly essels n et                 g t
  norm lly a the result ca be ahea a ck or stroke, both of w a serious a som es fa l. T tra l
        a , nd                n          rt tta                      hich re         nd etim ta he ditiona
  m for rem ing the pla inv es opening the chest a m king sev l incisions, along a som es risky
    ethod          ov          que olv                        nd a        era                   nd etim
  opera . It is a expensiv a requires w for recov .
        tion        lso        e nd            eeks         ery
• A effectiv a tiv is to use ala bea to burn a a the pla . T keyto ma this w is the doctor's
   n          e lterna e                ser m            wy         que he           king        ork
  a to see inside the a a direct the bea , a
   bility                   rtery nd                m nother a in w fiber optics a la a com into a
                                                               rea hich                 nd sers re bined
  m w tool. A optic fiber tha ha been connected to atinytelev ca eraca be inserted into a a .
    odern onder           n               t s                               ision m n                       n rtery
  T elem nowbecom am ture sensor tha a s the doctor a nurses to see inside the a w asecond
   hese ents                e inia                 t llow              nd                          rtery hile
  fiber is inserted to ca the bursts of lig tha w burn a a the pla .
                         rry                 ht t ill           wy        que
• T technique w in the follow wy T fiber- a yis inserted into ablood v in a a or leg a
   he              orks             ing a. he optic rra                                  essel n rm              nd
  m ed slow into the a of the hea a blocked a . W the a yis in pla the la is fired a the
    ov        ly           rea           rt nd          rteries hen rra               ce        ser         nd
  pla destroy a then the exha vpors a sucked ba throug atinyhollowtube tha is inserted a w
      que         ed, nd              ust a re               ck       h                       t            long ith
  the optica fibers. W the a ha been clea out the doctor rem es the fibers a tube, a the opera is
             l          hen rtery s                ned                  ov              nd        nd          tion
  finished. T m l process is know a la a iopla . It ha sev l obv a a g . F no incision is needed
             his edica                  n s ser ng sty s era ious dvntaes irst,
  (except for the sm ll one in the v to insert the fibers) T is a little or no bleeding a the pa ca
                     a              essel                   . here lso                        , nd       tient n
  enjoytota recov in ada or tw.
             l ery             y o
• Lser a iopla does hae some potentia risks tha must be considered. F w the la bea fires a the pla
   a ng sty                 v              l         t                     irst, hen      ser m          t         que
  it m be a ed v ca
       ust im ery refullybeca aslig m could cut throug the wll of the a a ca serious
                                       use ht iss                     h a                rtery nd use
  bleeding T pa chest w then hae to be opened up a a . A problem inv es sm ll pieces of burnt
           . he tient's         ould         v                  fter ll nother              olv a
  debris fromthe
• Surgeons useatiny laser tocutaway tissuein agallbladder operation.
    The laser and atiny c era are insert intothe navel, so noabdom
                           am                 ed                           inal
    incision is necessary.
•   destroy pla . If these enter the bloodstrea , theyca ca blockae in sm ller
           ed que                              m        n use    g        a
    blood v bring further com tions. F tely continuous technica
           essels, ing              plica ortuna ,                      l
    a a ents hae considera reduced these risks, a the num of successful la
     dvncem       v         bly                      nd      ber             ser
    a iopla perform is increa ea y r.
     ng sties          ed        sing ch ea
L aser s H eal and R eshape the E yes
• S e of the most rema ble brea hs for medica la hae been in the a
  om                 rka      kthroug       l sers v             rea
    of ophtha olog , the studyof the structure a disea of the ey. O rea tha
               lm y                              nd ses              e ne son t
    la bea s a so useful in trea the ey is tha the cornea the coa tha
      ser m re                    ting        e t                 ,      ting t
    cov the ey ll a a its lig into the interior of the ey is tra rent. S
        ers       eba nd dm ht                                   e,     nspa ince
    it is desig to a it ordina lig the cornealets in la lig just a w a
               ned dm          ry ht,                        ser ht         s ell nd
    rem ins una
        a ffected bythe bea .  m
•   F the la is v useful in rem ing extra blood v tha ca formon
     irst,       ser ery              ov         neous         essels t n
    the retina thin, lig - e m bra a the ba of the ey ll. It is on the
               —the      htsensitiv em ne t            ck           eba
    retinatha the im g of the thing the ey sees a form . D m g to the retinaca
               t     aes             s       e re ed a ae                           n
    som es ca blindness, the m com on formin the U S tes resulting from
        etim use                 ost m                    nited ta
    dia ( disea cha cterized byhig lev of blood sug r) w in som a a
       betes a se ra                     h els               a hen,          e dvnced
    ca hundreds of tinyextrablood v formon the retina T block lig from
      ses,                             essels                   . hese         ht
    the surfa of the m bra resulting in pa l or tota blindness.
              ce       em ne,                 rtia        l
• T la most often used in the trea ent of this condition is pow byamediumof
  he ser                         tm                            ered
  a on g s. T doctor a s the bea throug the corneaa burns a a the ta le of blood
   rg a he                 im      m      h            nd        wy       ng
  v cov the retina T procedure ta onlyafewm a ca be done in the
   essels ering              . he         kes             inutes nd n
  doctor's office. T la ca a repa adeta retina tha ha broken loose from
                    he ser n lso ir           ched      —one t s
  the rea pa of the ey ll. B the a ent of la deta retina ha to be
          r rt             eba efore dv            sers ched         s d
  repa byha a beca the retinais so delica this ws av difficult opera to
       ired nd, nd use                            te      a ery                 tion
  perform U the a on la the doctor ca a lly"w " the torn retinaba in
           . sing rg ser,                   n ctua eld                       ck
  pla . It is perha astra e coincidence tha G G one of the orig l inv
     ce             ps       ng            t ordon ould,                ina entors
  of the la la ha one of his ow retina repa this wy
            ser, ter d               n     s ired          a.
• A condition tha a the ey is gla a w is cha cterized bythe buildup of
   nother               t ffects    e ucom , hich            ra
  fluid in the ey. N a the ey na l fluids dra a a alittle a atim a the ey
                 e orm lly e's tura                in wy            t e, nd          e
  stas hea . In ey im ired w g ucom the fluid does not dra properly a the
     y lthy es pa ith la a                                      in        , nd
  buildup a v blindness ca som es result. In som ca drug ca be used to
            ffects ision;          n etim                e ses s n
  trea g ucom . If the drug fa how er, m nydoctors nowturn to the la to aoid
      t la a                  s il, ev a                               ser v
  conv l surg . T la punches ahole in aprepla spot a the fluid dra out
       entiona ery he ser                              nned       nd            ins
  throug the hole. Aa the trea ent ca be perform in adoctor's office instea of a
          h            g in,      tm n              ed                       d
Usi ng L aser s for E ye Sur ger y

• T la w like asew ma to repa adeta retina the membra tha
  he ser orks     ing chine ir    ched   ,          ne t
    lines the interior of the ey. T la bea is a
                                 e he ser m djusted so tha it ca pa
                                                              t n ss
    ha lesslythroug the lens a focus on tinyspots a the da aed a of the
       rm             h            nd                round     m g rea
    retina W it is focused, the bea ha the intensityto "w " or sea the deta
          . hen                       m s                 eld     l       ched
    a of the retinaba aa the wll of the ey ll.
     rea                  ck g inst a             eba
•   P ps m exciting of a the ey- ted la a tions is the resha of the
     erha ost                  ll      erela ser pplica              ping
    ey cornea atechnique w know a LS ( hich sta for L a -A ssisted
      e's        ,              idely n s A wIK         nds      ser
    I n S itu K era ilensis) AB H describes it,
                      tom . s reck itz
• T pa ey la prescription is litera ca ed inside the corneaw the bea of a excimer
      he tient's eg ss                lly rv                    ith    m n
        la [ala dev tha produces pulses of ultraiolet, or U, lig ]. A a fla of the cornea
          ser ser ice t                              v     V ht sm ll p
        is first rem ed w aprecision knife . . . a a
                    ov ith                       nd n
A pa underg ey surg perform byala bea . In
     tient      oes e ery      ed   ser m
ddition to trea deta retina la ca rem e ca ra
              ting ched   s, sers n ov ta cts.
inner portion of the corneais exposed to the excim la A
                                                  er ser. fter
the prescription is ca ed, the cornea fla tha ws opened is
                     rv             l p t a
then put ba into pla ov the a ted [surg llya
           ck         ce er bla               ica ltered]
cornea 6
LS does not com w risks. T cha es it m kes in the
 A IK            e ithout     he ng a
corneaa perm nent, a the da er of unexpected da ae is ev
         re a nd            ng                 m g er
present. H ev the procedure ha becom increa lypopula
          ow er,             s      e     sing        r
ea y r; a am Aerica ha it done in the y r 20,
  ch ea bout illion m ns d                      ea 00
a a four thousa surg in the U S tes w tra
 nd bout           nd eons         nited ta ere ined
to perform it.
Some Cosmeti c Uses of L aser s
• M l la a a w used for vrious ty of cosmetic surgery including
  edica sers re lso idely a     pes                 ,
    the rem a of certa kinds of birthm rks. P w sta reddish purple skin
            ovl           in             a ort- ine ins,
    blotches tha a r on a three out of ev one thousa children, a a
                 t ppea bout                    ery          nd          re n
    exa ple. S sta ca m rk a pa of the bodybut a m com onlyfound on
       m uch ins n a ny rt                                re ost m
    the fa a neck.
           ce nd
•   T m l la is a to rem e aport- ine sta for the sa e rea tha a
     he edica ser ble               ov      w in                m son t
    m ryla is a to fla am g to asubm ed subm rine. B la ta
     ilita ser ble              sh essae            erg      a oth sers ke
    a a g of the m
     dvntae             onochrom tic qua of la lig tha is, its a to shine
                                a lity ser ht, t                  bility
    in one specific color. T sta is m de up of thousa of tinym lform blood
                            he in a                   nds        a ed
    v tha hae adefinite reddish purple color. T color v strong a
     essels t v                                      his      ery      ly bsorbs a
    certa sha of g lig In fa tha is w the sta looks red. It a
          in de reen ht. ct, t hy                         in            bsorbs the
    g a other colors in w lig but reflects the red ba to people's ey
     reen nd                    hite ht                       ck            es.
• S a exa ple of ala a cosmetic procedure is the removl of
  till nother m    ser-ssisted                        a
    unwnted ha "T la em ag bea of lig expla C g cosm
        a       ir. he ser its entle m ht," ins hicao etic
    surg J M
         eon effrey elton,
•   w onlyis a
      hich         bsorbed in the ha follicle ( v the skin unha ed) T la
                                     ir       leaing           rm . he ser
    deliv energ w is a
          ers y hich bsorbed in the ha a tra ed to hea T hea
                                             ir nd nsform        t. he t
    destroy the ha follicle w asm ll fra of asecond. . . . Lser ha
            s      ir           ithin a ction                    a ir
    rem a is g for both fa l ha rem a a for bodyha rem a . . .
        ovl ood                 cia ir ovl nd                ir ovl.
    P ps the m com onlytrea a s a fa l ha in w en. 7
     erha         ost m             ted rea re cia ir om
• T trea the sta the doctor runs aw lowpow bea of green light a the
  o t          in,                 ide - er m                 cross
  discolored a . T m ss of blood v in the sta a
               rea he a                essels        in bsorbs the energ la lig a
                                                                         etic ser ht nd
  becom so hot tha it is a llyburned a a. T surrounding skin is adifferent color
         es           t       ctua            wy he
  tha the sta so tha skin a
      n        in,       t      bsorbs onlysm ll a ounts of the bea a rem ins unburned.
                                              a m                  m nd a
  ( f course, the burned
• A doctor uses an argon laser toremoveaport-winestain, akind of
  birthmark. Unw        anted tissueis burned aw w normal skin remains
                                                    ay hile
• a s must hea a during this process some minor sca sometimes occurs.) Asimila
   rea            l, nd                                 rring                         r
  m is often successful in rem ing ta A ttoo is form w v strong dy
    ethod                           ov ttoos. ta                 ed hen ery          es
  a injected w needles into aperson's skin. S eone w ha been ta
   re             ith                            om ho s               ttooed m ydecide
  la in life tha he or she does not wnt the ta a m a in the pa the only
     ter            t                     a       ttoo ny ore; nd            st,
  wyto rem e these desig inv ed surg or burning off the ta w a L ,
    a        ov              ns olv         ery                     ttoo ith cid. uckily
  the la offers a a tiv to such extrem m sures. T bea blea the dy in the
         ser          n lterna e                e ea       he m ches              es
  ta w burning the surrounding skin. ( s in the ca of port- ine sta som lig
     ttoo ithout                                A         se         w ins, e ht
  sca is possible.)
L aser -A ssi sted D enti str y
• Dentistryis a bra of medicine tha ha benefited tremendouslyfromla
                 nother nch               t s                             ser
  technolog . Indeed, la hae m de som people stop drea av to the dentist.
             y          sers v a e                      ding isit
  N one enjoy haing acaitydrilled, of course. It usua requires a a
    o           s v         v                        lly        n nesthetic (a
  pa inkiller like nov ine) tha ca uncom ble num in the m a the
                      oca      t uses     forta      bness       outh; lso,
  sound of the drill ca be irrita or ev sickening to som people.
                        n         ting en                 e
• Mnydentists nowemploya N-A la (w uses acry l for its la medium)
    a                         n d YG ser hich           sta         sing
  instea of adrill for m caities. T la trea ent ta a a g of the
         d                 ost v he ser tm kes dvntae
  sim fa tha the m teria tha form in acaityis m softer tha the ena el
      ple ct t a l t s                         v      uch         n       m
  ( ha pa of atooth) T la is set a apow tha is just strong enoug to
   the rd rt                 . he ser       t     er t                     h
  elim te the decaed tissue but not strong enoug to ha the ena el. W trea
       ina           y                          h rm         m hen ting
  av deep caitybleeding som es occurs, a the la bea often sea off
      ery         v              etim         nd     ser m            ls
  blood v a stops the bleeding
           essels nd                  .
• T most often a question a trea caities w la is: Does it hurt?T
  he           sked       bout ting v ith sers                 he
    a er is no. Ech burst of la lig fromadenta la la onlythirty
     nsw           a            ser ht         l ser sts             -
    trillionths of asecond, m fa tha the a ount of tim anerv ta to trig er
                             uch ster n m             e       e kes     g
    pa . In other w the bea w hae to la 10 m tim long in order
      in            ords,       m ould v st 0 illion es er
    to ca a discom . S this sort of trea ent requires no a
          use ny       fort o              tm             nesthetic.
•   T a litera hundreds of other m l uses for the la . S num
     here re        lly                edica            ser till, erous
    m l conditions ca be helped byla lig . A ev in those tha do respond
     edica               nnot           ser ht nd en               t
    to la trea ents, adoctor m yhae ag rea for choosing adifferent m
          ser tm                  a v ood son                          ethod
    in aspecific ca . T pla fa is tha w the la is am rv m l tool,
                   se he in ct t, hile         ser       a elous edica
    it ca cure ev ill. Y the w ha seen proba onlyasm ll fra of the
         nnot        ery et orld s               bly          a ction
    la potentia. A a this supertool ha onlyexisted since 190 a considering
      ser's        l fter ll,               s                6, nd,
    the m l a a it a dyha crea the future a rs prom indeed.
          edica dvnces lrea s ted,                 ppea        ising
A a g of Lsers for D l S ery
    dvntaes a           enta urg
• In this excerpt froma a in TheDental Clinics of N orth A merica
                      n rticle
     R AS uss of the M l C e of V iniam
      obert . tra             edica olleg irg entions som of the a a g
                                                                  e        dvntaes
     of using la for ora surg .
               sers        l ery
•    D sed post- tiv sw is cha cteristic of la use [for ora surg ].
      ecrea        opera e elling ra                      ser           l ery
     D sed sw a s for increa sa w perform surg w the
      ecrea elling llow                 sed fety hen          ing ery ithin
     a a [the m ] . . . a increa the ra e of surg tha ora surg ca
      irwy        outh       nd      ses      ng         ery t l eons n
     performsa w fea of a a com ise. T effect a s the surg to
               fely ithout r irwy prom his                       llow           eon
     performm nyprocedures in a office or outpa fa tha prev w
               a                  n              tient cility t iously ould
     hae required hospita tion. . . . T hea a sca a a im ed
        v                liza          issue ling nd rring re lso prov
     w the use of the la . . . . Lser w g llyhea w m a sca
       ith                ser       a ounds enera l ith inim l r
     form tion a . . . often ca be left unsutured [w stitches], a
          a nd                 n                    ithout          nother distinct
     aa g

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  • 1. L aser s Used i n the M edi cal F i eld • E l la hae been used in avrietyof wy dica sers v a as for m nyy rs. M l la a used for cosm a ea edica sers re etic procedures, surg a dianostic procedures. T ery nd g he vria of frequency pow a wv a tions , er nd ae m surem sepa te both the ty of la tha ea ents ra pes sers t hae been dev v eloped a the mria wy in w nd y d as hich the different la m ybe used. N ty of sers a ew pes trea ent hae been dev tm v eloped in conjunction with newty of m l la pes edica sers.
  • 2. In the ea das of la it ca e a asurprise tha these tools of lig - rly y sers m s t ht could be used in the science of m edicine, since no one env isioned tha they t m ht be a to hea or otherw im e people's phy l w being ig ble l ise prov sica ell- . B doctors a m l resea ut nd edica rchers quicklybeg n to see the possibilities, a a the num of uses for m l la m nd ber edica sers ultiplied ov the y rs. er ea Aong other a tions, these include cutting into tissue in surg l m pplica ica procedures; resha the corneaof the ey to im e sig clea ping e prov ht; ning clog ed a g rteries; burning a a caities a w wy v nd hitening the teeth; rem ing ov unwnted ha w a ir, rinkles, birthm rks, a freckles; a resha the fa a nd nd ping ce .in pla surg procedures stic ery
  • 3. "T he A dvent of the " L aser Scal pel Erlyexperim a enters w m l la pointed out tha there a surg l- ith edica sers t re ica opera tha a difficult to perform w the conv l sca a tions t re ith entiona lpel nd tha ala bea m ht be used instea Initia tria show tha afinely t ser m ig d. l ls ed t focused bea from aca dioxide g s la could cut throug hum n m rbon a ser h a tissue ea a nea . T surg could direct the bea from a a le sily nd tly he eon m ny ng .byusing am m irror ounted on am a m l a ovble eta rm
  • 4. • S era a a ges of la surgeryquicklybeca e a rent. F the light bea is ev l dvnta ser m ppa irst, m consistent, w m ns tha it g es off the sa e a ount of energ from n this photo hich ea t iv m m y I taken during open-heartsurgery, a doctor uses a laser probeto punch small holes in thepatient's heartmuscleto increase theorgan's blood flow . • one second to the next. S a long a the bea is mov a , the cut it ma (the os s m ing long kes incision) does not vryin depth; w s w using asca adoctor ca a a herea hen lpel n ccidentally m ke pa of the incision too deep. A a rt second a a g of the surg l la is tha the hot dvntae ica ser t bea ca m uterizes, or sea off, the open blood v a it m es a . ( his w w ls essels s ov long T orks ell m inlyfor sm ll v such a those in the skin. T doctor still ha to sea off the a a essels, s he s l la er blood v using conv l m rg essels entiona ethods.) S a till nother a a g is tha the cells dvntae t in hum n tissue do not conduct hea v w so the skin or a other tissue nea the a t ery ell, ny r la incision does not g v hot a is not a ser et ery nd ffected bythe bea . T a a g of la m his dvntae ser surg is v helpful w adoctor m opera on atinya tha is surrounded by ery ery hen ust te rea t hea tissue or org ns. It should be pointed out tha the "la sca is not lthy a t ser lpel" necessa the best tool to use in ev opera S e doctors feel tha w the la rily ery tion. om t hile ser is useful in som situa it w nev tota repla the sca O a m e tions, ill er lly ce lpel. thers re ore optim a see ada w m a a la w m ke the sca athing of the istic nd y hen ore dvnced sers ill a lpel past.
  • 5. • T second of these v s ma prov to be the most a te, for surgica use of he iew y e ccura l la is ra a a . Afirst, la w considered m effectiv in sers pidly dvncing t sers ere ost e opera on a s tha a ea to rea rea on the body exterior, including the ting rea t re sy ch—a s 's skin, m nose, ea a ey B in recent y rs doctors hae dem ted outh, rs, nd es. ut ea v onstra rem rka prog in dev a ble ress eloping la techniques for use in interna explora ser l tion a surg . O course, in order to be a to direct the la bea the doctor m nd ery f ble ser m ust be a to see inside the body In som ca this is asim m tter of m king a ble . e ses ple a a n incision a opening up the a to be opera on. B there a situa in w nd rea ted ut re tions hich this step ca be aoided. n v
  • 6. Cl eani ng A r ter i es wi th L i ght • F insta la a increa lyused to clea pla frompeople's a . P que is atough fa substa tha or nce, sers re sing n que rteries la tty nce t ca build up on the inside wlls of the a . Eentua the v ca g so clog ed tha blood does not flow n a rteries v lly essels n et g t norm lly a the result ca be ahea a ck or stroke, both of w a serious a som es fa l. T tra l a , nd n rt tta hich re nd etim ta he ditiona m for rem ing the pla inv es opening the chest a m king sev l incisions, along a som es risky ethod ov que olv nd a era nd etim opera . It is a expensiv a requires w for recov . tion lso e nd eeks ery • A effectiv a tiv is to use ala bea to burn a a the pla . T keyto ma this w is the doctor's n e lterna e ser m wy que he king ork a to see inside the a a direct the bea , a bility rtery nd m nother a in w fiber optics a la a com into a rea hich nd sers re bined m w tool. A optic fiber tha ha been connected to atinytelev ca eraca be inserted into a a . odern onder n t s ision m n n rtery T elem nowbecom am ture sensor tha a s the doctor a nurses to see inside the a w asecond hese ents e inia t llow nd rtery hile fiber is inserted to ca the bursts of lig tha w burn a a the pla . rry ht t ill wy que • T technique w in the follow wy T fiber- a yis inserted into ablood v in a a or leg a he orks ing a. he optic rra essel n rm nd m ed slow into the a of the hea a blocked a . W the a yis in pla the la is fired a the ov ly rea rt nd rteries hen rra ce ser nd pla destroy a then the exha vpors a sucked ba throug atinyhollowtube tha is inserted a w que ed, nd ust a re ck h t long ith the optica fibers. W the a ha been clea out the doctor rem es the fibers a tube, a the opera is l hen rtery s ned ov nd nd tion finished. T m l process is know a la a iopla . It ha sev l obv a a g . F no incision is needed his edica n s ser ng sty s era ious dvntaes irst, (except for the sm ll one in the v to insert the fibers) T is a little or no bleeding a the pa ca a essel . here lso , nd tient n enjoytota recov in ada or tw. l ery y o • Lser a iopla does hae some potentia risks tha must be considered. F w the la bea fires a the pla a ng sty v l t irst, hen ser m t que it m be a ed v ca ust im ery refullybeca aslig m could cut throug the wll of the a a ca serious use ht iss h a rtery nd use bleeding T pa chest w then hae to be opened up a a . A problem inv es sm ll pieces of burnt . he tient's ould v fter ll nother olv a debris fromthe
  • 7. • Surgeons useatiny laser tocutaway tissuein agallbladder operation. The laser and atiny c era are insert intothe navel, so noabdom am ed inal incision is necessary. • destroy pla . If these enter the bloodstrea , theyca ca blockae in sm ller ed que m n use g a blood v bring further com tions. F tely continuous technica essels, ing plica ortuna , l a a ents hae considera reduced these risks, a the num of successful la dvncem v bly nd ber ser a iopla perform is increa ea y r. ng sties ed sing ch ea
  • 8. L aser s H eal and R eshape the E yes • S e of the most rema ble brea hs for medica la hae been in the a om rka kthroug l sers v rea of ophtha olog , the studyof the structure a disea of the ey. O rea tha lm y nd ses e ne son t la bea s a so useful in trea the ey is tha the cornea the coa tha ser m re ting e t , ting t cov the ey ll a a its lig into the interior of the ey is tra rent. S ers eba nd dm ht e, nspa ince it is desig to a it ordina lig the cornealets in la lig just a w a ned dm ry ht, ser ht s ell nd rem ins una a ffected bythe bea . m • F the la is v useful in rem ing extra blood v tha ca formon irst, ser ery ov neous essels t n the retina thin, lig - e m bra a the ba of the ey ll. It is on the —the htsensitiv em ne t ck eba retinatha the im g of the thing the ey sees a form . D m g to the retinaca t aes s e re ed a ae n som es ca blindness, the m com on formin the U S tes resulting from etim use ost m nited ta dia ( disea cha cterized byhig lev of blood sug r) w in som a a betes a se ra h els a hen, e dvnced ca hundreds of tinyextrablood v formon the retina T block lig from ses, essels . hese ht the surfa of the m bra resulting in pa l or tota blindness. ce em ne, rtia l
  • 9. • T la most often used in the trea ent of this condition is pow byamediumof he ser tm ered a on g s. T doctor a s the bea throug the corneaa burns a a the ta le of blood rg a he im m h nd wy ng v cov the retina T procedure ta onlyafewm a ca be done in the essels ering . he kes inutes nd n doctor's office. T la ca a repa adeta retina tha ha broken loose from he ser n lso ir ched —one t s the rea pa of the ey ll. B the a ent of la deta retina ha to be r rt eba efore dv sers ched s d repa byha a beca the retinais so delica this ws av difficult opera to ired nd, nd use te a ery tion perform U the a on la the doctor ca a lly"w " the torn retinaba in . sing rg ser, n ctua eld ck pla . It is perha astra e coincidence tha G G one of the orig l inv ce ps ng t ordon ould, ina entors of the la la ha one of his ow retina repa this wy ser, ter d n s ired a. • A condition tha a the ey is gla a w is cha cterized bythe buildup of nother t ffects e ucom , hich ra fluid in the ey. N a the ey na l fluids dra a a alittle a atim a the ey e orm lly e's tura in wy t e, nd e stas hea . In ey im ired w g ucom the fluid does not dra properly a the y lthy es pa ith la a in , nd buildup a v blindness ca som es result. In som ca drug ca be used to ffects ision; n etim e ses s n trea g ucom . If the drug fa how er, m nydoctors nowturn to the la to aoid t la a s il, ev a ser v conv l surg . T la punches ahole in aprepla spot a the fluid dra out entiona ery he ser nned nd ins throug the hole. Aa the trea ent ca be perform in adoctor's office instea of a h g in, tm n ed d hospita.l
  • 10. Usi ng L aser s for E ye Sur ger y • T la w like asew ma to repa adeta retina the membra tha he ser orks ing chine ir ched , ne t lines the interior of the ey. T la bea is a e he ser m djusted so tha it ca pa t n ss ha lesslythroug the lens a focus on tinyspots a the da aed a of the rm h nd round m g rea retina W it is focused, the bea ha the intensityto "w " or sea the deta . hen m s eld l ched a of the retinaba aa the wll of the ey ll. rea ck g inst a eba • P ps m exciting of a the ey- ted la a tions is the resha of the erha ost ll erela ser pplica ping ey cornea atechnique w know a LS ( hich sta for L a -A ssisted e's , idely n s A wIK nds ser I n S itu K era ilensis) AB H describes it, tom . s reck itz
  • 11. • T pa ey la prescription is litera ca ed inside the corneaw the bea of a excimer he tient's eg ss lly rv ith m n la [ala dev tha produces pulses of ultraiolet, or U, lig ]. A a fla of the cornea ser ser ice t v V ht sm ll p is first rem ed w aprecision knife . . . a a ov ith nd n A pa underg ey surg perform byala bea . In tient oes e ery ed ser m a ddition to trea deta retina la ca rem e ca ra ting ched s, sers n ov ta cts. inner portion of the corneais exposed to the excim la A er ser. fter the prescription is ca ed, the cornea fla tha ws opened is rv l p t a then put ba into pla ov the a ted [surg llya ck ce er bla ica ltered] cornea 6 . LS does not com w risks. T cha es it m kes in the A IK e ithout he ng a corneaa perm nent, a the da er of unexpected da ae is ev re a nd ng m g er present. H ev the procedure ha becom increa lypopula ow er, s e sing r ea y r; a am Aerica ha it done in the y r 20, ch ea bout illion m ns d ea 00 a a four thousa surg in the U S tes w tra nd bout nd eons nited ta ere ined to perform it.
  • 12. Some Cosmeti c Uses of L aser s • M l la a a w used for vrious ty of cosmetic surgery including edica sers re lso idely a pes , the rem a of certa kinds of birthm rks. P w sta reddish purple skin ovl in a ort- ine ins, blotches tha a r on a three out of ev one thousa children, a a t ppea bout ery nd re n exa ple. S sta ca m rk a pa of the bodybut a m com onlyfound on m uch ins n a ny rt re ost m the fa a neck. ce nd • T m l la is a to rem e aport- ine sta for the sa e rea tha a he edica ser ble ov w in m son t m ryla is a to fla am g to asubm ed subm rine. B la ta ilita ser ble sh essae erg a oth sers ke a a g of the m dvntae onochrom tic qua of la lig tha is, its a to shine a lity ser ht, t bility in one specific color. T sta is m de up of thousa of tinym lform blood he in a nds a ed v tha hae adefinite reddish purple color. T color v strong a essels t v his ery ly bsorbs a certa sha of g lig In fa tha is w the sta looks red. It a in de reen ht. ct, t hy in bsorbs the g a other colors in w lig but reflects the red ba to people's ey reen nd hite ht ck es.
  • 13. • S a exa ple of ala a cosmetic procedure is the removl of till nother m ser-ssisted a unwnted ha "T la em ag bea of lig expla C g cosm a ir. he ser its entle m ht," ins hicao etic surg J M eon effrey elton, • w onlyis a hich bsorbed in the ha follicle ( v the skin unha ed) T la ir leaing rm . he ser deliv energ w is a ers y hich bsorbed in the ha a tra ed to hea T hea ir nd nsform t. he t destroy the ha follicle w asm ll fra of asecond. . . . Lser ha s ir ithin a ction a ir rem a is g for both fa l ha rem a a for bodyha rem a . . . ovl ood cia ir ovl nd ir ovl. P ps the m com onlytrea a s a fa l ha in w en. 7 erha ost m ted rea re cia ir om
  • 14. • T trea the sta the doctor runs aw lowpow bea of green light a the o t in, ide - er m cross discolored a . T m ss of blood v in the sta a rea he a essels in bsorbs the energ la lig a etic ser ht nd becom so hot tha it is a llyburned a a. T surrounding skin is adifferent color es t ctua wy he tha the sta so tha skin a n in, t bsorbs onlysm ll a ounts of the bea a rem ins unburned. a m m nd a ( f course, the burned O • A doctor uses an argon laser toremoveaport-winestain, akind of birthmark. Unw anted tissueis burned aw w normal skin remains ay hile undamaged. • a s must hea a during this process some minor sca sometimes occurs.) Asimila rea l, nd rring r m is often successful in rem ing ta A ttoo is form w v strong dy ethod ov ttoos. ta ed hen ery es a injected w needles into aperson's skin. S eone w ha been ta re ith om ho s ttooed m ydecide a la in life tha he or she does not wnt the ta a m a in the pa the only ter t a ttoo ny ore; nd st, wyto rem e these desig inv ed surg or burning off the ta w a L , a ov ns olv ery ttoo ith cid. uckily the la offers a a tiv to such extrem m sures. T bea blea the dy in the ser n lterna e e ea he m ches es ta w burning the surrounding skin. ( s in the ca of port- ine sta som lig ttoo ithout A se w ins, e ht sca is possible.) rring
  • 15. L aser -A ssi sted D enti str y • Dentistryis a bra of medicine tha ha benefited tremendouslyfromla nother nch t s ser technolog . Indeed, la hae m de som people stop drea av to the dentist. y sers v a e ding isit N one enjoy haing acaitydrilled, of course. It usua requires a a o s v v lly n nesthetic (a pa inkiller like nov ine) tha ca uncom ble num in the m a the oca t uses forta bness outh; lso, sound of the drill ca be irrita or ev sickening to som people. n ting en e • Mnydentists nowemploya N-A la (w uses acry l for its la medium) a n d YG ser hich sta sing instea of adrill for m caities. T la trea ent ta a a g of the d ost v he ser tm kes dvntae sim fa tha the m teria tha form in acaityis m softer tha the ena el ple ct t a l t s v uch n m ( ha pa of atooth) T la is set a apow tha is just strong enoug to the rd rt . he ser t er t h elim te the decaed tissue but not strong enoug to ha the ena el. W trea ina y h rm m hen ting av deep caitybleeding som es occurs, a the la bea often sea off ery v etim nd ser m ls blood v a stops the bleeding essels nd .
  • 16. • T most often a question a trea caities w la is: Does it hurt?T he sked bout ting v ith sers he a er is no. Ech burst of la lig fromadenta la la onlythirty nsw a ser ht l ser sts - trillionths of asecond, m fa tha the a ount of tim anerv ta to trig er uch ster n m e e kes g pa . In other w the bea w hae to la 10 m tim long in order in ords, m ould v st 0 illion es er to ca a discom . S this sort of trea ent requires no a use ny fort o tm nesthetic. • T a litera hundreds of other m l uses for the la . S num here re lly edica ser till, erous m l conditions ca be helped byla lig . A ev in those tha do respond edica nnot ser ht nd en t to la trea ents, adoctor m yhae ag rea for choosing adifferent m ser tm a v ood son ethod in aspecific ca . T pla fa is tha w the la is am rv m l tool, se he in ct t, hile ser a elous edica it ca cure ev ill. Y the w ha seen proba onlyasm ll fra of the nnot ery et orld s bly a ction la potentia. A a this supertool ha onlyexisted since 190 a considering ser's l fter ll, s 6, nd, the m l a a it a dyha crea the future a rs prom indeed. edica dvnces lrea s ted, ppea ising
  • 17. A a g of Lsers for D l S ery dvntaes a enta urg • In this excerpt froma a in TheDental Clinics of N orth A merica n rticle R AS uss of the M l C e of V iniam obert . tra edica olleg irg entions som of the a a g e dvntaes of using la for ora surg . sers l ery • D sed post- tiv sw is cha cteristic of la use [for ora surg ]. ecrea opera e elling ra ser l ery D sed sw a s for increa sa w perform surg w the ecrea elling llow sed fety hen ing ery ithin a a [the m ] . . . a increa the ra e of surg tha ora surg ca irwy outh nd ses ng ery t l eons n performsa w fea of a a com ise. T effect a s the surg to fely ithout r irwy prom his llow eon performm nyprocedures in a office or outpa fa tha prev w a n tient cility t iously ould hae required hospita tion. . . . T hea a sca a a im ed v liza issue ling nd rring re lso prov w the use of the la . . . . Lser w g llyhea w m a sca ith ser a ounds enera l ith inim l r form tion a . . . often ca be left unsutured [w stitches], a a nd n ithout nother distinct aa g dvntae