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Photonics for Our Daily Life
With th e c ate gory of th e 2 0 0 9 N ob e l P h y sic s p riz e b e ing “ ligh t” , it is ap p are nt th at p h otonic s h as b e c om e an ind isp e nsab le
te c h nology to b e ap p lie d in ne arly e v e ry , if not all, ind ustry , allow ing us to h av e b e tte r, safe r and h e alth ie r liv ing.
In te le c om m unic ations, m assiv e am ounts of d ata or m e ssage s, b e th e y te x t, im age s or v oic e , are c onv e rte d into ligh t-
w av e s b y transm itting d e v ic e s b e for e b e ing se nt to e v e r y c orne r of th e w orld th rough op tic al fib e rs in sp ac e or und e r
w ate r. T h e se m e ssage s are th e n re c e iv e d instantly b y re c e iv ing d e v ic e s th at c onv e rt ligh t-w av e s b ac k to e le c tronic signals
to b e p roc e sse d . T h e total op e rating e ne rgy of suc h a c om m unic ation sy ste m is low e r and th e sy ste m p e rfor m anc e is
sup e rior.
For im age d ata, a c h arge -c oup le d d e v ic e (CCD ), a d igital im age se nsor, c onv e rts th e op tic al im age into e le c tronic signals
in d igital for m and th e im age c an sub se q ue ntly b e re c onstruc te d b y d e v ic e s, suc h as c om p ute rs. T h e CCD h as b e c om e th e
te c h nology of our e v e ry d ay d igital p h otograp h ic c am e ras. In th e m e d ic al im aging ind ustry , th e CCD te c h nology allow s
im aging c ap ab ilitie s to go b e y ond trad itionally inac c e ssib le m e d ic al se ttings. Wh e th e r for h e alth m onitoring, d ise ase
d e te c tion or surgic al p roc e d ur e s, th is CCD te c h nology c an im p r ov e th e q uality of life for m any p e op le . In ob se r v atorie s,
re m ote se nsing sate llite s c olle c t im age d ata of th e E arth for surv e illanc e and und e rstand ing glob al c lim ate c h ange s th at
m ay im p ac t h um an ac tiv itie s, suc h as th e c h ange in ic e c ov e rs and se a – le v e l and – surfac e te m p e rature s, allow ing us to
m ak e p re v e ntiv e m e ans. T h e se sate llite s c an also m onitor for natural d isaste rs, h om e land se c urity and agric ulture . For our
h e alth , sate llite -c olle c te d d ata c an b e use d to fore se e w arm ing tre nd s and w h e n an e p id e m ic w ill b re ak out in w h ic h
affe c te d are as, so th at p re c autionary m e asure s m ay b e tak e n. Wh e th e r in sp ac e or on ground , p h otonic s te c h nologie s c an
b e use d to re d uc e air p ollution and c onse q ue ntly , low e r re late d c osts.
In op tic al farm ing and food p roc e ssing, p h otonic s h e lp to d e te r m ine th e h e alth of soil, nutrie nt c onte nt, w h e n to h arv e st
and th e h y d rology of agric ultural are as and to sc re e n for b ac te rial c ontam inants in food . N ob e l silk op tic s m ay also b e
use d to d e te c t th e p re se nc e of b ac te ria in food p rod uc ts. Crop h e alth c an b e m e asure d b y fib e r op tic s, w h ic h is le ss
d e struc tiv e to c rop s. A ll of th e se e nsur e th at food , d rink s and p h arm ac e utic als are safe for us c onsum e rs. O ur d aily
d rink ing w ate r, is tre ate d w ith , or d isinfe c te d b y , ultrav iole t-ligh t rad iation th at c an k ill ge r m s in th e usual c h lorinate d
w ate r, e nsuring us a safe r d rink ing w ate r. T h is tre atm e nt only re q uir e s a low -e ne r gy inp ut. In th e solar e ne r gy ind ustry ,
solar p h otov oltaic sy ste m s c an c ap ture d ire c t sunligh t and ge ne rate solar e le c tric ity , an alte rnativ e e ne r gy , b y c onv e rting
sunligh t in th e sy ste m . T h is w ay , b e tte r e ne r gy e ffic ie nc ie s c an b e ob taine d . T h us, it w ill b e m ore e ne rgy -e ffic ie nt if our
h ouse s c onsum e solar th e r m al e ne rgy . In th e autom otiv e w orld , c am e ras and se nsors c an b e use d to im p rov e auto safe ty
b y d e te c ting ne arb y ob je c ts, suc h as c ars, p e d e strians and anim als, w h ic h m ay c ause a h az ard and se nd out w arnings to
d riv e rs. T h e se c am e ras and se nsors c an also h e lp d riv e r s in p ark ing and to se e b lind -sp ots.
A ll of th e ab ov e are just a fe w ap p lic ations of th e p h otonic s te c h nology th at h ad re v olutioniz e d our liv ing.
W ing -Y ing K w ong , I E E E S enior M em b er

                                    I E E E em eritb ag U p d ates W eb site
T h e IE E E e m e r itb ad ge p roje c t h as up d ate d its w e b site , h ttp ://w w w .e m e r itb ad ge, fe aturing h and s-on, p re -
c olle ge te c h nology e d uc ational m ate rials for b oy s and girls. T h e up d ate d site w ill fe ature infor m ation on th e p rogram ’s
sp onsorsh ip of th e E le c tric ity and E le c tronic s M e rit B ad ge b ooth s at th e 2 0 1 0 N ational Sc out J am b or e e , to b e h e ld from
2 6 J uly to 4 A ugust, 2 0 1 0 , at Fort A .P . H ill, in Caroline County , V irginia
T o foste r an inte re st in th e e ngine e ring p rofe ssion, IE E E se rv e s stud e nts, m e m b e rs and c olle ge s
around th e w orld . IE E E re aliz e s th at h igh sc h ool stud e nt e x p osur e to th e ac c om p lish m e nts of
e ngine e rs is c ritic al to inc re ase e ngine e r ing e nr ollm e nt signific antly at th e univ e rsity le v e l. T h us,
th e IE E E c re ate d and sp onsors th e IE E E Sc outing p rogram , p rim arily th rough th e B oy Sc out
organiz ation and loc al G irl Sc out group s. T h e p rogram is d e signe d to re ac h p re -univ e rsity
stud e nts and e d uc ators to “ e nh anc e th e le v e l of te c h nologic al lite rac y of p re -univ e rsity e d uc ators
and stud e nts w orld w id e .”
Sim ilar to its c ounte rp art, th e IE E E G irlsG oE ngine e r m ission is to e ne r giz e girls tow ard c are e rs in e ngine e r ing,
m ath e m atic s, and th e p h y sic al sc ie nc e s. A m ajor c om p one nt is a v olunte e r d e v e lop e d and run w e b site ,
w w w .G irlsG oE ngine e r, w h ic h p rov id e s sc ie nc e and e ngine e r ing c are e r and instruc tional p rogram s, ac tiv itie s,
m ate rials and w e b re sourc e s of inte re st to girls, e d uc ators, and ad ult le ad e rs. O th e r p lanne d ac tiv itie s inc lud e p artic ip ation
in G irl Sc out e v e nts and sim ilar organiz ations to e nligh te n girls ab out c are e rs in sc ie nc e and e ngine e ring.
T h ank s,
R alp h W . R ussell, I I , C hair, I E E E S couting Prog ram

FWCS SunCoast Signal                                                           4                                                               J anuary 2 0 1 0

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Jan10 signal page 4

  • 1. Photonics for Our Daily Life With th e c ate gory of th e 2 0 0 9 N ob e l P h y sic s p riz e b e ing “ ligh t” , it is ap p are nt th at p h otonic s h as b e c om e an ind isp e nsab le te c h nology to b e ap p lie d in ne arly e v e ry , if not all, ind ustry , allow ing us to h av e b e tte r, safe r and h e alth ie r liv ing. In te le c om m unic ations, m assiv e am ounts of d ata or m e ssage s, b e th e y te x t, im age s or v oic e , are c onv e rte d into ligh t- w av e s b y transm itting d e v ic e s b e for e b e ing se nt to e v e r y c orne r of th e w orld th rough op tic al fib e rs in sp ac e or und e r w ate r. T h e se m e ssage s are th e n re c e iv e d instantly b y re c e iv ing d e v ic e s th at c onv e rt ligh t-w av e s b ac k to e le c tronic signals to b e p roc e sse d . T h e total op e rating e ne rgy of suc h a c om m unic ation sy ste m is low e r and th e sy ste m p e rfor m anc e is sup e rior. For im age d ata, a c h arge -c oup le d d e v ic e (CCD ), a d igital im age se nsor, c onv e rts th e op tic al im age into e le c tronic signals in d igital for m and th e im age c an sub se q ue ntly b e re c onstruc te d b y d e v ic e s, suc h as c om p ute rs. T h e CCD h as b e c om e th e te c h nology of our e v e ry d ay d igital p h otograp h ic c am e ras. In th e m e d ic al im aging ind ustry , th e CCD te c h nology allow s im aging c ap ab ilitie s to go b e y ond trad itionally inac c e ssib le m e d ic al se ttings. Wh e th e r for h e alth m onitoring, d ise ase d e te c tion or surgic al p roc e d ur e s, th is CCD te c h nology c an im p r ov e th e q uality of life for m any p e op le . In ob se r v atorie s, re m ote se nsing sate llite s c olle c t im age d ata of th e E arth for surv e illanc e and und e rstand ing glob al c lim ate c h ange s th at m ay im p ac t h um an ac tiv itie s, suc h as th e c h ange in ic e c ov e rs and se a – le v e l and – surfac e te m p e rature s, allow ing us to m ak e p re v e ntiv e m e ans. T h e se sate llite s c an also m onitor for natural d isaste rs, h om e land se c urity and agric ulture . For our h e alth , sate llite -c olle c te d d ata c an b e use d to fore se e w arm ing tre nd s and w h e n an e p id e m ic w ill b re ak out in w h ic h affe c te d are as, so th at p re c autionary m e asure s m ay b e tak e n. Wh e th e r in sp ac e or on ground , p h otonic s te c h nologie s c an b e use d to re d uc e air p ollution and c onse q ue ntly , low e r re late d c osts. In op tic al farm ing and food p roc e ssing, p h otonic s h e lp to d e te r m ine th e h e alth of soil, nutrie nt c onte nt, w h e n to h arv e st and th e h y d rology of agric ultural are as and to sc re e n for b ac te rial c ontam inants in food . N ob e l silk op tic s m ay also b e use d to d e te c t th e p re se nc e of b ac te ria in food p rod uc ts. Crop h e alth c an b e m e asure d b y fib e r op tic s, w h ic h is le ss d e struc tiv e to c rop s. A ll of th e se e nsur e th at food , d rink s and p h arm ac e utic als are safe for us c onsum e rs. O ur d aily d rink ing w ate r, is tre ate d w ith , or d isinfe c te d b y , ultrav iole t-ligh t rad iation th at c an k ill ge r m s in th e usual c h lorinate d w ate r, e nsuring us a safe r d rink ing w ate r. T h is tre atm e nt only re q uir e s a low -e ne r gy inp ut. In th e solar e ne r gy ind ustry , solar p h otov oltaic sy ste m s c an c ap ture d ire c t sunligh t and ge ne rate solar e le c tric ity , an alte rnativ e e ne r gy , b y c onv e rting sunligh t in th e sy ste m . T h is w ay , b e tte r e ne r gy e ffic ie nc ie s c an b e ob taine d . T h us, it w ill b e m ore e ne rgy -e ffic ie nt if our h ouse s c onsum e solar th e r m al e ne rgy . In th e autom otiv e w orld , c am e ras and se nsors c an b e use d to im p rov e auto safe ty b y d e te c ting ne arb y ob je c ts, suc h as c ars, p e d e strians and anim als, w h ic h m ay c ause a h az ard and se nd out w arnings to d riv e rs. T h e se c am e ras and se nsors c an also h e lp d riv e r s in p ark ing and to se e b lind -sp ots. A ll of th e ab ov e are just a fe w ap p lic ations of th e p h otonic s te c h nology th at h ad re v olutioniz e d our liv ing. W ing -Y ing K w ong , I E E E S enior M em b er I E E E em eritb ag U p d ates W eb site T h e IE E E e m e r itb ad ge p roje c t h as up d ate d its w e b site , h ttp ://w w w .e m e r itb ad ge, fe aturing h and s-on, p re - c olle ge te c h nology e d uc ational m ate rials for b oy s and girls. T h e up d ate d site w ill fe ature infor m ation on th e p rogram ’s sp onsorsh ip of th e E le c tric ity and E le c tronic s M e rit B ad ge b ooth s at th e 2 0 1 0 N ational Sc out J am b or e e , to b e h e ld from 2 6 J uly to 4 A ugust, 2 0 1 0 , at Fort A .P . H ill, in Caroline County , V irginia T o foste r an inte re st in th e e ngine e ring p rofe ssion, IE E E se rv e s stud e nts, m e m b e rs and c olle ge s around th e w orld . IE E E re aliz e s th at h igh sc h ool stud e nt e x p osur e to th e ac c om p lish m e nts of e ngine e rs is c ritic al to inc re ase e ngine e r ing e nr ollm e nt signific antly at th e univ e rsity le v e l. T h us, th e IE E E c re ate d and sp onsors th e IE E E Sc outing p rogram , p rim arily th rough th e B oy Sc out organiz ation and loc al G irl Sc out group s. T h e p rogram is d e signe d to re ac h p re -univ e rsity stud e nts and e d uc ators to “ e nh anc e th e le v e l of te c h nologic al lite rac y of p re -univ e rsity e d uc ators and stud e nts w orld w id e .” Sim ilar to its c ounte rp art, th e IE E E G irlsG oE ngine e r m ission is to e ne r giz e girls tow ard c are e rs in e ngine e r ing, m ath e m atic s, and th e p h y sic al sc ie nc e s. A m ajor c om p one nt is a v olunte e r d e v e lop e d and run w e b site , w w w .G irlsG oE ngine e r, w h ic h p rov id e s sc ie nc e and e ngine e r ing c are e r and instruc tional p rogram s, ac tiv itie s, m ate rials and w e b re sourc e s of inte re st to girls, e d uc ators, and ad ult le ad e rs. O th e r p lanne d ac tiv itie s inc lud e p artic ip ation in G irl Sc out e v e nts and sim ilar organiz ations to e nligh te n girls ab out c are e rs in sc ie nc e and e ngine e ring. T h ank s, R alp h W . R ussell, I I , C hair, I E E E S couting Prog ram FWCS SunCoast Signal 4 J anuary 2 0 1 0