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Welcome From Our Chief Executive
I am pleased to introduce our latest impact report as we
celebrate the 67th anniversary of our charity. This impact
report is based on our data from the last year and shows the
real difference we have made to the lives of the people we
support. We are committed to continually evaluating and
reviewing the outcomes we support people to achieve, the
impact of our work, as well as incorporating feedback from
the people we support and their families to improve and
develop our services in the future.
This impact report also enables us to share our exciting development plans for the
future. The people and families we support are why we exist as an organisation;
everything we do is focused towards providing quality, person centred support
at the right time, in the right place and in the right way.
We recognise that not everything that matters can be measured
and not everything that is measured matters!
We believe that a skilled, knowledgeable, caring, committed and well led staff
team is at the heart of high quality support and we focus on ensuring this across
all of our services.
This year we have been working hard to develop more new supported living
flats. These will be completed in 2019, enabling 26 new people to have their
own quality one-bedroom flats within the heart of Rugby town centre with the
individual support they need to live independent, fulfilling and active lives. This is
against a very difficult backdrop of changing political and economic challenges
that all social care providers are having to work with.
Often the people we support have had to overcome many challenges in their
lives, so to see them developing their confidence, abilities and potential is what
inspires us and motivates us all everyday.
I would like to thank all of our staff and volunteers for the incredible work they
do. They are passionate about supporting and empowering people to be as
independent as possible and frequently go above and beyond because of their
commitment to everyone they support. It is this dedication and hard work that
has enabled us to achieve such fantastic results again this year.
Many thanks go to all the individuals, families and businesses who have supported
us in the last year. If you would be interested in supporting us in the coming year
in any way, please contact me and you could help us make a real difference.
Doreen Woodward
Chief Executive
Page 2
Our Mission
Case Studies - Jennifer, Robert and Keiran
Supported Living Services
Community Day Opportunities
Geat Outcomes In Our Short Breaks Service
At Home With Our Residential Services
Our Achievements 2017-18 At A Glance
Thank You
Voice Of A Volunteer
Looking Forward 2018-19
3 Contents/ Our Mission
2 Welcome From Our Chief Executive
Picture Highlights 2017-18
Our mission is to make a positive difference to the lives
of vulnerable people, including those with learning or
physical disabilities, by promoting their individuality,
rights, dignity, independence, choices and inclusion
and by providing accessible, flexible support services
and opportunities for them to thrive, flourish and enjoy
positive and fulfilling lives.
Our Values:
Our values are central to what we do and incorporate
the importance we place on:
•	 Putting the people we support at the heart of
what we do
•	 Respecting the unique worth of every person
and their rights
•	 Integrity and Openness
•	 Investing in People
•	 Promoting equality of opportunity and an
inclusive life
Page 3
A World Of Work: Robert and Keiran’s Stories
Getting The Most Out Of Life: Jennifer’s Story
New Directions supports people to attend fun and
educational opportunities which enable them to
form new friendships and try new things.
Jennifer has a hearing impairment but she doesn’t
let this affect her day to day life. Jennifer is very
sociable and says that her favourite thing is to meet
new people and make new friends. Jennifer often
attends event evenings at Richmond Court and
in Rugby, such as moving and exercise, healthy
eating and live music.
Jennifer said, “I really enjoyed taking part in a
musical evening where I had the opportunity to try
out different musical instruments, such as electric
guitar and drums.”
Jennifer also volunteers once a month at St Cross
Hospital in an administration role. She says she loves
her independence in her flat and enjoys keeping
it tidy and doing her housework. She also enjoys
researching her family tree in her spare time.
Robert who works in a retail shop in Rugby says,
“I enjoy working as it helps me to be independent.
Work is also my way of keeping busy and I like
to be busy. I see new different faces every day.”
He continued, “I like having my own well earned
money to spend on nice new things for my home.”
Keiran works at a local printers, which gives him his
independence. He says, “It helps me to have a set
routine which is good for me. Most of all, I enjoy
working as I have a few different areas of work I
work in at the printers, which means I get to
experience something new every day.”
Page 4
Picture Highlights 2017-18
The Sewing Group at our day activities service
made much needed clothes for children in Sudan
Sewing clothes for African children
Christmas meal get together
People getting together to enjoy
a fabulous Christmas meal
Transition event at Brooke School
We held a Transition Event offering services to
young people moving into adulthood
Sponsored Peak District Walk
Some of our staff walked 11 miles across the Peak
District and raised over £1,000 for New Directions
A fundraiser with a taste of India
Mandeep, who works for New Directions raised
funds selling homemade samosas and bhajis
Live music at event nights
Support Workers Jo Litten and Ross McAusland
provided an evening of live music
Food Hygiene Certificates
All our Volunteers who serve at Moriarty’s Cafe
received essential training in food hygiene
Thank You To Archive Volunteer
Mark, who is supported by us is creating an
archive to preserve New Directions’ history.
Page 5
Supported Living Services
Transitional Support
Lewis is enjoying living on his own for the
first time since leaving his family home
and moving into his own flat. Throughout
his transition into independence staff
coached him to budget and take
responsibility for his finances so his bills are
all paid.
Lewis said, “Before moving here I had not
used a washing machine and couldn’t
cook for myself. I have made lots of
friends. If I click with someone I click with
them, like I have done with Kyle, who also
lives here in his own flat, I think the world
of him.”
Meeting Changing Needs
Brothers, Keith and Trevor have been living
together for many years in a supported
living flat. As they are growing older their
needs are changing so we work with other
professionals to ensure that their needs
continue to be met. We adapt their
support so that they can continue living
together, keeping their family bond as this
is important to their wellbeing.
A New Home And A New Life
Linda moved out of a residential home into
her new supported living flat and is thriving.
Linda says, “It’s nice living here, I can get
around with my walking frame. Sometimes
I like to be on my own but I can also go
into the communal lounge to see everyone
else. I chose my own sofa, go shopping with
here and my other friends and family come
and see me on weekends and evenings.”
Trevor, Keith
and their Mum
Page 6
Independent Living In The Community
Listening To Feedback
Since moving in to his own supported living
flat,Bob has made new friends and is enjoying
having his own space. He is trying new
activities and has become a representive
at the local Warwickshire County Council
Learning Disability Partnership Board where
he speaks up for people with disabilities
in Rugby.
Bob says, “I get on well with everyone and I
feel listened to. I like the tenants’ meetings
because we talk about keeping safe and
things that help me. I now do my own bills
with support and can go fishing and cycling
when I want to.”
Supporting Young Parents
New Directions supported one individual to
move in to her new accommodation with
her baby. As a new mum, she is supported
to live independently and learn how to
parent. She is growing in confidence and
recently started an online course to gain
the qualifications to proceed iinto a career
in reflexology. Most of all she wants to be
able to provide for herself and her family.
She says, “One of the biggest benefits to
living here, is that it helps me to do everything
I need to for me and my baby.”
Experiences To Remember: Skegness Day Trip
A walk on the prom in Skegness, a paddle in
the sea and ice cream made for a special
day out. The trip enabled people to take
a well-earned break and make happy
memories together. There was also the
opportunity to go shopping, visit the arcades
and enjoy the rides at the funfair.
Page 7
Work Experience
People are gaining valuable work
experience by serving in a local café
in Rugby and preparing a range of
food and drinks. They are developing
their money management skills and
learned about food hygiene and
the importance of infection control
through attending a training session.
They are also working with the public
and improving their customer service
skills, which will help them to find
work in their future and improve their
The volunteers run Moriarty’s café in
Regent Street, Rugby every Monday.
Community Day Opportunities
Educational Equipment
New Directions fundraised to purchase an
interactive educational piece of equipment
called a ‘Magic Carpet’, which is having a
huge impact on people like Ellen and James
at our day opportunities venue. This sensory
technology projects images onto the floor or
ceiling and provides many interactive ways
in which people are benefitting from using it:
Educational - reading, numeracy,
matching game
Cultural Education - different cultures
and religions
Games - football, tennis
Music - quizzes, instruments
History - monuments, learning about
world events
Healthy Eating - cooking, equipment,
healthy alternatives
Ellen and Michelle
Page 8
Young People Helping Out
Volunteers from The Prince’s Trust spent
time at our community allotment
helping people to prepare the ground
for growing fruit and vegetables to use
in cooking groups. A second group
of young people completed their
National Citizen Service (NCS) with
New Directions and raised £477.72 for
our charity. Team Reiss used drama to
engage with the people supported by
New Directions. They then organised a
successful sports day for six individuals,
which took place at Rugby College.
Changing Lives With Lifelong Learning
Exercise For All Abilities
Lynne leads a chair exercise group at our
day opportunities service. She is a qualified
instructor and researches techniques such
as using elastic exercise bands for stretching
and music to suit diverse exercise techniques.
The Care Champions at Warwickshire County
Council complimented this session saying,
“The chair exercise group was delivered in a
way everyone understood and enjoyed.”
Creating Music
David, who takes part in the
weekly Music Group at our
day opportunities service,
has been learning about
notes, pitch and rhythm with
musical sessions through
Warwickshire County Council.
With the group, David put
his new skills into practice
and they created a group melody by taking it in turns to choose the notes.
They are now planning to use its skills towards a performance in 2019.
Team Reiss
Page 9
Great Outcomes In Our Short Break Service
Boosting Confidence
A pamper party hosted by Infinity
Hair and Beauty Salon provided a
little ‘me’ time and a makeover for
all the ladies who took part. Leanne,
Hayley, Rose, Susie, Linda and Tina
were in high spirits on the day, treating
themselves with a little bit of luxury and
enjoying the buffet and refreshments.
Learning Life Skills
Christopher has increased his independence
at Milner House, our short break home. He has
learned to make simple meals, gained life skills
like hoovering and laying the table and interacts
with new people during his stays.
Encouraging Self-Reliance
Jason wanted to visit the Butterfly Farm in
Stratford upon Avon while staying at our short
break service, Milner House. With support
he researched the costs, how to get there,
picked a date and invited others to join him. His
confidence has grown and he is now planning
his next adventure.
Tracy HayleyLouise
Several people who
visit Milner House
were supported
by staff to develop
its garden as part of
our healthy eating
initiative. They have
planted a bay
tree and grown
potatoes, lettuce, rhubarb, courgettes, strawberries and rosemary to cook with
as well as sunflowers. People will continue to maintain the garden and use the
fresh produce to make healthy meals during their visits.
Healthy Eating Initiative
Page 10
Outstanding Service
This year’s Care Quality Commission’s report
for Vicarage Road praised the positive
culture of the home which empowers the
people they support to live the life they
choose, make decisions, pursue interests,
maintain independence and be
part of their community. They were
awarded an outstanding rating.
Emma from Paint and Glaze showed
everyone how to decorate ceramics
with their own designs. This session
was funded by a charity quiz in aid
of art therapy. The ceramics were
fired so that people could use them
in their home.
At Home With Our Residential Services
Going The Extra Mile
At New Directions people are always thinking about
new ways to get everyone together for fun and
educational activities. Birthdays
are special occasions and this year
Peter chose to have an outdoor
summer party with an icecream
van, ponies, owls, alpacas, rabbits
and farmyard animals to entertain
friends and family.
People are supported to maintain
their independence in many ways,
including going food shopping at
the local supermarket and helping
to make their own meals.
Tony’s holiday to Disneyland, Paris enables him to
reminisce about the time he spent there triggered
by the films which were taken of him and the items
that he brought back from the holiday. Using
objects of reference will help Tony to remember
his enjoyable experiences.
Page 11
of staff
51 3
We provided
achieved or
in progress by
our staff
Good rating
in all our CQC
ISO 9001 Quality
and Investors
In People
Number of
new staff44
Page 12
Number of people
using our services
Support hours
delivered this year
26 Number of new homes
coming in 2019
Families received a
break from caring
Number of people we support
in paid work or volunteering 23
Community Café with
Volunteering opportunities
delivered at
our day
2017-18 AT A GLANCE
Page 13
Thank You
Rugby Rotary Saturday
Breakfast Club Donation
National Citizen Service
The Prince’s Trust Volunteers
Rugby School Artists
Some Of Our Donors
Marks and Spencer
Rugby College
Mike Hailwood Masonic Lodge
Masonic Relief Chest Scheme
Charities Aid Foundation
Markel International Services
Sir Edward Boughton Long Lawford Trust
Tesco Bags For Life
Nationwide Windows And Doors
The Challenge
To everyone who helped
fund our sensory gardens
Page 14
Voice Of A Volunteer
Rugby Dunsmore Rotary
Club Donation
The Jaggard’s Memorial
Bench Donation
Our International Dance
Day Video With Tiger
Feet Dance
Our Video Production
For The Friends Of St Cross
Page 15
Claire has been volunteering with New Directions
at our community allotment to gain experience
in horticulture. She would like to have a career
in Horticultural Therapy. Claire feels volunteering
with us will help her to use gardening as a
therapeutic way to engage and help others.
Claire said, “I heard about New Directions by
attending sessions on horticultural therapy at
Ryton Organic Gardens. I really enjoy volunteering
at the charity’s community allotment because of
the friendly people and because I am out in the
fresh air. New Directions is very dedicated to the
individuals who it supports.”Claire (centre)
Measuring, evaluating, reviewing and reporting on our impact as well as listening
to feedback about our services enables us to improve what we do for the future
as well as demonstrate the value and difference we make.
Despite a challenging financial climate, we will continue to deliver high quality
services, develop further services and accommodation so we can support more
people and their families in the coming year.
Going forward we will continue to
build on our achievements:
•	 Having the right place to live is key to unlocking an independent life for anyone
so we are developing a further 26 new supported living homes in Rugby in
2019 to meet the needs and aspirations of a wide range of new people with
disabilities or support needs
•	 The support we provide is only as good as the people who deliver it. We will
continue to invest in effective recruitment, induction, training, development
and valuing our staff, which is key to our continued success
•	 Develop more volunteering and work opportunities so the people we support
can gain valuable work experience. Our latest partnership is running Moriarty’s
Café in Rugby
•	 Support more people with disabilities to develop stronger community
connections, support networks and friendships in their lives
•	 Increase our presence and visibility in the local media, challenging attitudes
about people with disabilities and educating others
•	 Continue with the implementation of our digital technology strategy that will
benefit the people we support and enable us to record and share information
more efficiently with them and others
•	 Building on our recent Care Quality Commission inspection reports of our
services, which has rated all services as good and one as outstanding
•	 Grow our impact through the development of new effective partnerships with
individuals and organisations that share our values
•	 Evaluate any new methods to involve the people we support and their families
in service design and delivery and to ensure their voices are heard, as their
valuable feedback will help to improve what we deliver in the future.
Looking Forward 2018-2019
New Directions Rugby Ltd
New Directions Rugby Ltd

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New Directions: Impact Report 2017-18

  • 1.
  • 2. Welcome From Our Chief Executive I am pleased to introduce our latest impact report as we celebrate the 67th anniversary of our charity. This impact report is based on our data from the last year and shows the real difference we have made to the lives of the people we support. We are committed to continually evaluating and reviewing the outcomes we support people to achieve, the impact of our work, as well as incorporating feedback from the people we support and their families to improve and develop our services in the future. This impact report also enables us to share our exciting development plans for the future. The people and families we support are why we exist as an organisation; everything we do is focused towards providing quality, person centred support at the right time, in the right place and in the right way. We recognise that not everything that matters can be measured and not everything that is measured matters! We believe that a skilled, knowledgeable, caring, committed and well led staff team is at the heart of high quality support and we focus on ensuring this across all of our services. This year we have been working hard to develop more new supported living flats. These will be completed in 2019, enabling 26 new people to have their own quality one-bedroom flats within the heart of Rugby town centre with the individual support they need to live independent, fulfilling and active lives. This is against a very difficult backdrop of changing political and economic challenges that all social care providers are having to work with. Often the people we support have had to overcome many challenges in their lives, so to see them developing their confidence, abilities and potential is what inspires us and motivates us all everyday. I would like to thank all of our staff and volunteers for the incredible work they do. They are passionate about supporting and empowering people to be as independent as possible and frequently go above and beyond because of their commitment to everyone they support. It is this dedication and hard work that has enabled us to achieve such fantastic results again this year. Many thanks go to all the individuals, families and businesses who have supported us in the last year. If you would be interested in supporting us in the coming year in any way, please contact me and you could help us make a real difference. Doreen Woodward Chief Executive Page 2
  • 3. Contents Our Mission 4 5 6/7 8/9 12/13 14/15 10 11 15 16 Case Studies - Jennifer, Robert and Keiran Supported Living Services Community Day Opportunities Geat Outcomes In Our Short Breaks Service At Home With Our Residential Services Our Achievements 2017-18 At A Glance Thank You Voice Of A Volunteer Looking Forward 2018-19 3 Contents/ Our Mission 2 Welcome From Our Chief Executive Picture Highlights 2017-18 Our mission is to make a positive difference to the lives of vulnerable people, including those with learning or physical disabilities, by promoting their individuality, rights, dignity, independence, choices and inclusion and by providing accessible, flexible support services and opportunities for them to thrive, flourish and enjoy positive and fulfilling lives. Our Values: Our values are central to what we do and incorporate the importance we place on: • Putting the people we support at the heart of what we do • Respecting the unique worth of every person and their rights • Integrity and Openness • Investing in People • Promoting equality of opportunity and an inclusive life Paul Kyle Page 3
  • 4. A World Of Work: Robert and Keiran’s Stories Getting The Most Out Of Life: Jennifer’s Story New Directions supports people to attend fun and educational opportunities which enable them to form new friendships and try new things. Jennifer has a hearing impairment but she doesn’t let this affect her day to day life. Jennifer is very sociable and says that her favourite thing is to meet new people and make new friends. Jennifer often attends event evenings at Richmond Court and in Rugby, such as moving and exercise, healthy eating and live music. Jennifer said, “I really enjoyed taking part in a musical evening where I had the opportunity to try out different musical instruments, such as electric guitar and drums.” Jennifer also volunteers once a month at St Cross Hospital in an administration role. She says she loves her independence in her flat and enjoys keeping it tidy and doing her housework. She also enjoys researching her family tree in her spare time. Robert who works in a retail shop in Rugby says, “I enjoy working as it helps me to be independent. Work is also my way of keeping busy and I like to be busy. I see new different faces every day.” He continued, “I like having my own well earned money to spend on nice new things for my home.” Keiran works at a local printers, which gives him his independence. He says, “It helps me to have a set routine which is good for me. Most of all, I enjoy working as I have a few different areas of work I work in at the printers, which means I get to experience something new every day.” Page 4 Robert Jennifer
  • 5. Picture Highlights 2017-18 The Sewing Group at our day activities service made much needed clothes for children in Sudan Sewing clothes for African children Christmas meal get together People getting together to enjoy a fabulous Christmas meal Transition event at Brooke School We held a Transition Event offering services to young people moving into adulthood Sponsored Peak District Walk Some of our staff walked 11 miles across the Peak District and raised over £1,000 for New Directions A fundraiser with a taste of India Mandeep, who works for New Directions raised funds selling homemade samosas and bhajis Live music at event nights Support Workers Jo Litten and Ross McAusland provided an evening of live music Food Hygiene Certificates All our Volunteers who serve at Moriarty’s Cafe received essential training in food hygiene Thank You To Archive Volunteer Mark, who is supported by us is creating an archive to preserve New Directions’ history. Page 5
  • 6. Supported Living Services Transitional Support Lewis is enjoying living on his own for the first time since leaving his family home and moving into his own flat. Throughout his transition into independence staff coached him to budget and take responsibility for his finances so his bills are all paid. Lewis said, “Before moving here I had not used a washing machine and couldn’t cook for myself. I have made lots of friends. If I click with someone I click with them, like I have done with Kyle, who also lives here in his own flat, I think the world of him.” Meeting Changing Needs Brothers, Keith and Trevor have been living together for many years in a supported living flat. As they are growing older their needs are changing so we work with other professionals to ensure that their needs continue to be met. We adapt their support so that they can continue living together, keeping their family bond as this is important to their wellbeing. A New Home And A New Life Linda moved out of a residential home into her new supported living flat and is thriving. Linda says, “It’s nice living here, I can get around with my walking frame. Sometimes I like to be on my own but I can also go into the communal lounge to see everyone else. I chose my own sofa, go shopping with supportanddocooking.Ihavemadefriends here and my other friends and family come and see me on weekends and evenings.” Trevor, Keith and their Mum Lewis Linda Page 6
  • 7. Independent Living In The Community Listening To Feedback Since moving in to his own supported living flat,Bob has made new friends and is enjoying having his own space. He is trying new activities and has become a representive at the local Warwickshire County Council Learning Disability Partnership Board where he speaks up for people with disabilities in Rugby. Bob says, “I get on well with everyone and I feel listened to. I like the tenants’ meetings because we talk about keeping safe and things that help me. I now do my own bills with support and can go fishing and cycling when I want to.” Supporting Young Parents New Directions supported one individual to move in to her new accommodation with her baby. As a new mum, she is supported to live independently and learn how to parent. She is growing in confidence and recently started an online course to gain the qualifications to proceed iinto a career in reflexology. Most of all she wants to be able to provide for herself and her family. She says, “One of the biggest benefits to living here, is that it helps me to do everything I need to for me and my baby.” Experiences To Remember: Skegness Day Trip Bob A walk on the prom in Skegness, a paddle in the sea and ice cream made for a special day out. The trip enabled people to take a well-earned break and make happy memories together. There was also the opportunity to go shopping, visit the arcades and enjoy the rides at the funfair. Page 7
  • 8. Work Experience People are gaining valuable work experience by serving in a local café in Rugby and preparing a range of food and drinks. They are developing their money management skills and learned about food hygiene and the importance of infection control through attending a training session. They are also working with the public and improving their customer service skills, which will help them to find work in their future and improve their confidence. The volunteers run Moriarty’s café in Regent Street, Rugby every Monday. Community Day Opportunities Educational Equipment New Directions fundraised to purchase an interactive educational piece of equipment called a ‘Magic Carpet’, which is having a huge impact on people like Ellen and James at our day opportunities venue. This sensory technology projects images onto the floor or ceiling and provides many interactive ways in which people are benefitting from using it: Educational - reading, numeracy, matching game Cultural Education - different cultures and religions Games - football, tennis Music - quizzes, instruments History - monuments, learning about world events Healthy Eating - cooking, equipment, healthy alternatives Hayley Michael Ian James Ellen and Michelle Page 8
  • 9. Young People Helping Out Volunteers from The Prince’s Trust spent time at our community allotment helping people to prepare the ground for growing fruit and vegetables to use in cooking groups. A second group of young people completed their National Citizen Service (NCS) with New Directions and raised £477.72 for our charity. Team Reiss used drama to engage with the people supported by New Directions. They then organised a successful sports day for six individuals, which took place at Rugby College. Changing Lives With Lifelong Learning Exercise For All Abilities Lynne leads a chair exercise group at our day opportunities service. She is a qualified instructor and researches techniques such as using elastic exercise bands for stretching and music to suit diverse exercise techniques. The Care Champions at Warwickshire County Council complimented this session saying, “The chair exercise group was delivered in a way everyone understood and enjoyed.” Creating Music David, who takes part in the weekly Music Group at our day opportunities service, has been learning about notes, pitch and rhythm with musical sessions through Warwickshire County Council. With the group, David put his new skills into practice and they created a group melody by taking it in turns to choose the notes. They are now planning to use its skills towards a performance in 2019. David Team Reiss Page 9
  • 10. Great Outcomes In Our Short Break Service Boosting Confidence A pamper party hosted by Infinity Hair and Beauty Salon provided a little ‘me’ time and a makeover for all the ladies who took part. Leanne, Hayley, Rose, Susie, Linda and Tina were in high spirits on the day, treating themselves with a little bit of luxury and enjoying the buffet and refreshments. Christopher Learning Life Skills Christopher has increased his independence at Milner House, our short break home. He has learned to make simple meals, gained life skills like hoovering and laying the table and interacts with new people during his stays. Encouraging Self-Reliance Jason wanted to visit the Butterfly Farm in Stratford upon Avon while staying at our short break service, Milner House. With support he researched the costs, how to get there, picked a date and invited others to join him. His confidence has grown and he is now planning his next adventure. Jason Tracy HayleyLouise Several people who visit Milner House were supported by staff to develop its garden as part of our healthy eating initiative. They have planted a bay tree and grown potatoes, lettuce, rhubarb, courgettes, strawberries and rosemary to cook with as well as sunflowers. People will continue to maintain the garden and use the fresh produce to make healthy meals during their visits. Healthy Eating Initiative Page 10
  • 11. Outstanding Service This year’s Care Quality Commission’s report for Vicarage Road praised the positive culture of the home which empowers the people they support to live the life they choose, make decisions, pursue interests, maintain independence and be part of their community. They were awarded an outstanding rating. Emma from Paint and Glaze showed everyone how to decorate ceramics with their own designs. This session was funded by a charity quiz in aid of art therapy. The ceramics were fired so that people could use them in their home. At Home With Our Residential Services Going The Extra Mile At New Directions people are always thinking about new ways to get everyone together for fun and educational activities. Birthdays are special occasions and this year Peter chose to have an outdoor summer party with an icecream van, ponies, owls, alpacas, rabbits and farmyard animals to entertain friends and family. People are supported to maintain their independence in many ways, including going food shopping at the local supermarket and helping to make their own meals. Tony’s holiday to Disneyland, Paris enables him to reminisce about the time he spent there triggered by the films which were taken of him and the items that he brought back from the holiday. Using objects of reference will help Tony to remember his enjoyable experiences. Ian Ernie Peter Page 11 Tony
  • 12. training courses Volunteer hours provided Over 1,000 Number of staff 135 51 3 OUR ACHIEVEMENTS 541 We provided ANOTHERYEAROFSUCCESS Qualifications achieved or in progress by our staff 42 Good rating in all our CQC reports 100% ISO 9001 Quality and Investors In People Standards Achieved 2018 2018 Number of new staff44 Page 12
  • 13. ANOTHER REMARKABLE YEAR Number of people using our services 155 Support hours delivered this year 276,048 26 Number of new homes coming in 2019 Families received a break from caring Number of people we support in paid work or volunteering 23 Community Café with Volunteering opportunities 50 2,500 Activity sessions delivered at our day opportunities service 2017-18 AT A GLANCE Page 13
  • 14. Thank You Rugby Rotary Saturday Breakfast Club Donation National Citizen Service Fundraisers The Prince’s Trust Volunteers Rugby School Artists Some Of Our Donors 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 8 9 10 11 Marks and Spencer Rugby College Mike Hailwood Masonic Lodge Masonic Relief Chest Scheme Charities Aid Foundation Markel International Services Abbeytax Sir Edward Boughton Long Lawford Trust Tesco Bags For Life Nationwide Windows And Doors The Challenge To everyone who helped fund our sensory gardens Page 14
  • 15. Voice Of A Volunteer Rugby Dunsmore Rotary Club Donation The Jaggard’s Memorial Bench Donation Our International Dance Day Video With Tiger Feet Dance Our Video Production For The Friends Of St Cross Page 15 Claire has been volunteering with New Directions at our community allotment to gain experience in horticulture. She would like to have a career in Horticultural Therapy. Claire feels volunteering with us will help her to use gardening as a therapeutic way to engage and help others. Claire said, “I heard about New Directions by attending sessions on horticultural therapy at Ryton Organic Gardens. I really enjoy volunteering at the charity’s community allotment because of the friendly people and because I am out in the fresh air. New Directions is very dedicated to the individuals who it supports.”Claire (centre)
  • 16. Measuring, evaluating, reviewing and reporting on our impact as well as listening to feedback about our services enables us to improve what we do for the future as well as demonstrate the value and difference we make. Despite a challenging financial climate, we will continue to deliver high quality services, develop further services and accommodation so we can support more people and their families in the coming year. Going forward we will continue to build on our achievements: • Having the right place to live is key to unlocking an independent life for anyone so we are developing a further 26 new supported living homes in Rugby in 2019 to meet the needs and aspirations of a wide range of new people with disabilities or support needs • The support we provide is only as good as the people who deliver it. We will continue to invest in effective recruitment, induction, training, development and valuing our staff, which is key to our continued success • Develop more volunteering and work opportunities so the people we support can gain valuable work experience. Our latest partnership is running Moriarty’s Café in Rugby • Support more people with disabilities to develop stronger community connections, support networks and friendships in their lives • Increase our presence and visibility in the local media, challenging attitudes about people with disabilities and educating others • Continue with the implementation of our digital technology strategy that will benefit the people we support and enable us to record and share information more efficiently with them and others • Building on our recent Care Quality Commission inspection reports of our services, which has rated all services as good and one as outstanding • Grow our impact through the development of new effective partnerships with individuals and organisations that share our values • Evaluate any new methods to involve the people we support and their families in service design and delivery and to ensure their voices are heard, as their valuable feedback will help to improve what we deliver in the future. Looking Forward 2018-2019 New Directions Rugby Ltd newdirectionsrugbyltd @CeoRugby New Directions Rugby Ltd