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N 599 Aspen Pandemic Preparedness Results and Recommendations
N 599 Aspen Pandemic Preparedness Results and Recommendations Paper ON N 599
Aspen Pandemic Preparedness Results and Recommendations PaperChapter 4 – Findings
and Recommendation This chapter does not include discussing other research literature or
the implications of your findings. Usually you begin by outlining any descriptive or
exploratory/confirmatory analyses (e.g., reliability tests, factor analysis) that were
conducted. Next, address the results of the tests of hypotheses, then discuss any ex post
facto analysis. Tables and/or figures should be used to illustrate and summarize all numeric
information.For qualitative or historical projects, this chapter usually is organized by the
themes or categories uncovered in your research. If you have conducted focus groups or
interviews, it is often appropriate to provide a brief descriptive (e.g., demographic) profile
of the participants first. Direct quotation and paraphrasing of data from focus groups,
interviews, or historical artifacts then are used to the recommendations made. In some
cases, this analysis also includes information from field notes or other interpretative data
e.g., life history information).Discussion of FindingsData analysis, limitations of project
design, conclusions drawn should be included. Discuss limitations of size or sampling. Share
what your reviewers/participants said in the evaluation tool. Share actual quotes and how
you coded the material. What conclusion can you draw from the data? Did it confirm or
contradict research found in your literature review?RecommendationsWhat are you going
to do in the future with this project? Now that you finished the project, what are you going
to do with this information and/or project?This section should be about 6-8 pages and
content should be separated with APA first and second level headings.N 599 Aspen
Pandemic Preparedness Results and Recommendations
Attachment PreviewMETHOD 1 Capstone Method Mariann England Aspen University
Nursing Capstone Dr. Julie Kolde July 13, 2020 METHOD 2 METHOD Procedure This study
uses a cohort study design to establish the cause of the ailment and identify links between
risk factors. Local hospitals with an operational intensive care unit and emergency
department will be recognized and contacted via telephone to help identify the emergency
management coordinators in charge of emergency management, planning, and operations.
A structured questionnaire was prepared based on an existing pandemic management plan.
The survey has its main sections as facility planning data, workforce glitches and structure,
and surge capacity. The questionnaire was piloted using a representative number of
individuals. Data was collected and computed for univariate and bivariate analysis. A
qualitative approach is then used for text responses (Edwards & Brannelly, 2017). The
cohort study method is applicable in this research as a non-experimental study where the
participants included in the study are selected based on the interests in the research
outcome. The study uses the study design to assess the level of preparedness in a pandemic
in the acute health care setting. The cohort study involves local hospitals designed to handle
intensive care to patients affected by a pandemic. Subjects and participants The research
focused on local hospitals with intensive healthcare facilities and emergency departments
contacted on the research via telephone. The selected hospitals were subjected to the
research. The management in the emergency department and the management in intensive
care will be required to fill a pre-prepared questionnaire. These are the most important
sources of information on how their health facilities are prepared to fight against a
pandemic. The research METHOD 3 design requires that the participants be subjected to
training on how the response should be made (MacKay et al., 2020). Collection of Data
Primary and secondary data were collected in the research in which the participants
provided the primary source of data. In contrast, the qualitative approach on review of past
research works on pandemic preparedness was used. The primary data involved the use of
a prepared questionnaire based on past research work on pandemic preparedness.. In
addition, interviews were also good sources of information on how acute healthcare
facilities are prepared in the management of the pandemic. The interviews involved 20
healthcare professionals in the emergency and intensive care unit based on their roles in
the health care facilities. A qualitative case study was used to collect secondary data on the
preparedness of the health care facilities in the fight and management of the pandemic in
the acute health care setting. There was a need to prevent biases, and therefore, the
information was sourced from two independent sources: the information provided by the
ministry of health and the internet which provided reviewed articles on the readiness of the
acute health care setting in containing a pandemic. The internet database provided such
materials from Google Scholar and included search terms such as pandemic readiness in the
acute health care setting, and how are health care prepared in the fight against the next
pandemic? Information provided by healthcare facilities included their procedures in
handling the infected patients at the emergency department and the intensive care unit
(Edwards & Brannelly, 2017). In the qualitative research methods, the case study approach
was more effective in collecting data through a literature review of previous studies on the
same topic. N 599 Aspen Pandemic Preparedness Results and Recommendations PaperThis
provided important information required in the research on the preparedness in the event
of a pandemic. METHOD 4 Advantage of the data collection strategy The strategy used in
collecting data has its advantages over the other methods in the study and therefore
considered the most appropriate research method for the study. This is because the cohort
study method provides an opportunity to have clarity of the temporal sequence, which
determines whether the exposure preceded the expected outcomes. The cohort study
method clearly indicates the temporal sequence in the outcome and the exposure. The study
also provides an opportunity for the calculation of incidences of the likelihood of a disease,
which can be grouped as absolute risk, relative risk, attributable proportion, and risk
difference. The multiple outcomes of the study can also be determined simultaneously.
Qualitative data collection is also important in research given that the researcher can be
more speculative on the interest areas of research and how the investigation is to be done.
The research is also more targeted in the whole process, which improves data collection
process while minimizing the cost of the data collection process. Limitations Despite the
advantages of the cohort study strategy, some limitations may make the research process a
challenge. For instance, a researcher is expected to conduct a follow up of a large subject
over a long period, the study method may be expensive and also consumes a lot of time, may
introduce bias as a result of differential loss of participants follow up, data may be of poor
quality if the data used was not designed for this type of study (Sedgwick, 2013). In
qualitative analysis, the limitation of the study method is that the strategy may be
timeconsuming, which remains a major drawback in a research method. The interpretation
of the data may also be limited. This is because; qualitative methods may take between
weeks and months METHOD 5 and given that the collection of data may deviate from the
main study question. The process is also labor-intensive due to the analysis process, such as
recording and categorization and requires a very experienced researcher to obtain the
required information. Finally, the research strategy is not representative statistically. This is
because the strategy is based on perspectives, and the responses given are not measured.
Also, the research may result in comparison, which may lead to duplication. Therefore,
there is a need to cross-examine the data collected to avoid duplication (Sedgwick, 2013).
Ethical Issues on Collection Upon the participants Ethical consideration that was considered
in the research study includes informed consent, voluntary participation, confidentiality
and anonymity. Information consent ensures that the participants in the research are fully
aware of the project. In this regard, the participants were briefed on the study’s
expectations to make an informed decision on their participation. Participation in the
research was voluntary, and they were allowed to withdraw from the research without
discriminations. Finally, the participants’ confidentiality was maintained, and their
information was to be confidential only to the program coordinator, and therefore no use of
names was done. This ensures that participants remain anonymous (Velip, 2018). Data
Analysis The collected data were subjected to statistical analysis, which included collecting
the data, analysis, interpretation and modeling. N 599 Aspen Pandemic Preparedness
Results and Recommendations PaperThe analysis involved a descriptive analysis of a set of
collected samples and data. The analysis involved statistical tools in computing the data
collected from the participants. METHOD 6 References Edwards, R., & Brannelly, T. (2017).
Approaches to democratizing qualitative research methods. Qualitative Research, 17(3),
271-277. Velip, P. (2018). Ethical Issues in
Research Writing. International Journal Of Trend In Scientific Research And Development,
Volume-2(Issue-5), 2429-2432. MacKay, D., Jecker,
N., Pitisuttithum, P., & Saylor, K. (2020). Selecting participants fairly for controlled human
infection studies. Bioethics. Sedgwick, P. (2013).
Prospective cohort studies: advantages and disadvantages. BMJ, 347(nov08 1), f6726-
f6726. Running head: LITERATURE REVIEW 1
Literature Review Mariann England Aspen University Nursing Capstone Dr. Julie Kolde July
6, 2020 LITERATURE REVIEW 2 Analysis of literature In the event of a pandemic, most of
the population is exposed to the high rate of the pandemic, which remains at 40-60 % of the
affected population. However, the lack of the necessary guidelines and standards in the fight
against the pandemic can be the most important failure in the acute health care setting.
Therefore, it is important for the healthcare setting to be ready and well prepared with
measures and strategies in place to counter the effects of a pandemic. The world has
witnessed different incidences of pandemics that remain a major health burden to many
different countries. One kind of pandemic is Influenza, which affects a large population of
different countries. Due to the growth of urbanization and global transportation, it is
evident that, in the case of a pandemic, it is likely to spread rapidly across the world.
Therefore, Pandemic readiness in the acute health care setting remains an important factor
in the successful containment of these pandemics through proper planning. Preparedness is
essential in minimizing the pandemic’s growth and spread, reducing the cases and
incidences of a pandemic, preserving essential services, reducing hospitalization and
deaths, and preventing the incidences of economic crisis. The management has a great role
to play when it comes to the fight against a pandemic. Research indicates that with poor
planning, the effects of an infectious pandemic can be vital. Currently, most acute health
care settings have inadequate accounting and interaction procedures, poor training on
health care providers, poor programs on disaster preparedness, and inadequate essential
preventive equipment such as ventilators and other essential health care equipment,
including ventilators and hospital beds. Some of the plans in place have not yet been tested
for their effectiveness, which is a limitation in the fight against a pandemic. LITERATURE
REVIEW 3 Description of a pandemic Preparedness A pandemic is a global spread of a new
ailment, one which traverses transnational borders and eventually affects a large
proportion of the population. A is an unforeseen and unavoidable event, characterized by its
indeterminate scope, length, and consequence. Besides posing a high morbidity and
mortality rate threat, pandemics can overwhelm medical care structures and substantial
societal and monetary disturbance (Bali et al., 2017). Pandemics result from an
antigenically new microbe’s surfacing for which there is no erstwhile body resistance,
usually with a reassortment of previously humanoid or animal microbial genomes.
Readiness to pandemics comprises planning and organization, monitoring and evaluating
circumstances, communication, continuity of medical care delivery, and curbing the
disease’s spread. Pandemics, and their resultant effects, may persist for months to years.
Therefore, a multi-disciplinary approach is imperative in the disease response strategies,
particularly at the state and sub-state levels. The threat of a pandemic or contagious illness
vastly spreading skulks inaudibly beneath the surface of routine hospital operations and at
the population in general. Instants of alarm instigate waves of preparedness as novel
microbes and transmutations pose evanescent threats. Pandemic-preparedness should be
founded on generic alacrity programs, resources, mechanisms, and approaches for crisis
and disaster management (Shearer et al., 2020). Pandemic-preparedness is fundamental in
ensuring that health and other indispensable structures continue to function during a
pandemic, thereby decreasing the economic and social effects of the pandemic The objective
of planning and organization efforts is to offer direction and harmonization across all
sectors involved in pandemics management. A collapse in disaster-response lags
LITERATURE REVIEW 4 national and local efforts towards the control of a pandemic. As yet,
exertions to boost testing has been directed on operational matters: adequacy of the testing
capacity, the pervasive scarcities and supply-chain failures, and strategies to scale-up
testing to the vast figures necessitated to ease the pandemic (Madhav et al., 2017). Availing
additional tests is not an approach in and of itself. If sufficient tests were achieved, this
question would still linger in our minds: What resolves are the outcomes intended to
inform? Testing has numerous rationales other than diagnosis and ensuring safety for
health care staff. Testing data is necessary for the management of all the features of a
pandemic. For example, this data is the keystone of pandemic extrapolative models. That
makes known the future demand for attention, the timing of surges, and the scale of the
necessary emergency amenities. Devoid of reliable testing data, analysts depend on
presumption and assumptions. The protocols of education in a pandemic aim at shrinking
the contact and transmission rates of the infectious disease (Schneider, 2020). Educational
strategies include encouraging respiratory propriety, basic hygiene, suitable aeration, social
distancing, and the dissemination of appropriate and accurate health messages. Personal
protective equipment, such as masks, gloves, and isolation gowns, help reduce the risk of
exposure to an infectious pathogen for health care providers. The hastily flagging supply of
such equipment, paired with the supply chain’s challenges, has triggered a high alarm and
could significantly encumber the capability to ensure the safety to the care providers (WHO,
2020). This calls conservative approaches such as reducing access into the isolation
settings, reducing the demand for personal protective equipment by temporarily doing
away with elective surgical procedures and other unnecessary encounters, and reusing the
material, which encompasses LITERATURE REVIEW 5 prolonging their use,
decontamination with ultraviolet light and reusing some of the equipment up to several
times. Importance of pandemic preparedness The impact of a pandemic in a nation or
across the globe is severe and, therefore, the need to be well prepared in case it occurs.
Currently, most healthcare facilities are not well equipped, so the acute pandemic’s impact
is likely to strike hard. For instance, the current Covid19 pandemic, the infrastructures used
in the containment of the disease are the same infrastructures that were used in addressing
pandemic and seasonal Influenza over the decades. This is an indication of the
underfunding of the healthcare facilities that limit the ability to address pandemics.
Research indicates that acute healthcare settings are not prepared to address the outbreak
of pandemic or infectious diseases. There are outbreaks of acute pandemic almost every
year that claims thousands of life almost every year. Some of the acute pandemics have
similar symptoms and therefore making the containment and management process a
challenge. However, with proper management, the health care setting may have the
required infrastructure and machines to handle the pandemic. It is important for all the
stakeholders in the health sector to combine efforts in the fight against the pandemic that
continues to affect the world every year. According to Goodman (2020), there is the need to
have combined efforts in both the public and private sectors as a global partnership to
succeed in fighting against the pandemic. Having preventive measures and being prepared
will ensure that the global GDP is not severely affected by the pandemic as it has been the
case every year. For instance, the current pandemic has severely affected the world’s
economy, with the effect standing at 2% as of April in the United States alone (Goodman,
2020). LITERATURE REVIEW 6 The private sector can strengthen the health sector
infrastructures as an important part of fighting the pandemic. Also, the fight against the
pandemic requires the collaboration of all the sectors, communities, families and individual
efforts to develop important policies essential in fighting the pandemic. Development of
pandemic preparedness policies and strategies is important in the acute health setting
because it will help the health professionals have the required resources to fight the
pandemic. N 599 Aspen Pandemic Preparedness Results and Recommendations
PaperTherefore, the fight against the pandemic becomes effective, and the country can save
as many lives as possible. Nurses are mostly exposed to the dangers as they take care of the
patients. Therefore, with effective preparedness in the fight against a pandemic, there are
less exposed to the dangers as they handle the patients. Therefore, it is important to have
continuous pandemic preparedness training for the health care providers and especially the
nursing profession, to successfully counter the pandemic’s effects. This ensures that the
providers of essential services are not affected. Provision of necessary equipment such as
personal protective equipment and other training on how to provide important services in
the acute health care setting is essential as the professionals are better equipped with the
needed knowledge and skills in the fight against infectious pandemics (Carbell & Christian,
2011). Studies recommend that preparedness acute health care setting against a pandemic
is an important part of a successful fight against pandemic (Goodman, 2020). There is the
need to have well-documented policies in disaster preparedness at all levels of acute health
care, which provides room for effective containment of the pandemic. Combined efforts of
all the stakeholders in the acute health care setting play a vital role in the success of
pandemic containment, which includes measures to have all the essential procedures being
up to date in pandemic preparedness. LITERATURE REVIEW 7 Essential pandemic
preparedness measures Health care providers in the acute health care setting should be
well prepared in the containment of acute pandemics that strike the world every year. Most
acute pandemics are infectious diseases that spread from one person to another, and the
rate of spreading is high. Given that it requires much time to understand the epidemiology
of any infectious disease, it is equally important to have effective procedures and strategies
to contain the disease. This involves international and national level planning to take care of
the high number of patients expected to flood in the hospital in case of a pandemic
(Stephen, 2019). Most healthcare facilities have the inadequate infrastructure required in
the containment of a pandemic with hospitals operating at near or in full capacity (Stephen,
2019). The infrastructures currently used are the same used in decades, limiting the
effectiveness in the fight against a pandemic. There is a shortage of health care providers,
while emergency preparedness is always crowded. Many health care facilities lack enough
hospital beds while the emergency room is not well equipped with required materials such
as the ventilators, which are vital in pandemic management. The healthcare workers are
also at risk of being exposed to the pandemic as they care for the patients due to the lack of
enough personal protective equipment. Therefore, there is the need to have all these issues
being addressed to successfully contain the pandemic (Carbell & Christian, 2011). The
following are important emergency preparedness requirements in a successful fight against
the pandemic. • Airborne isolation capabilities in acute health care There is the need to have
enough airborne isolation capabilities with all the required materials and equipment to
address the pandemic. This may include acute inpatient beds in national and LITERATURE
REVIEW 8 regional hospitals. The prepa …Purchase answer to see full attachmentN 599
Aspen Pandemic Preparedness Results and Recommendations Paper

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N 599 Aspen Pandemic Preparedness Results and Recommendations Paper.pdf

  • 1. N 599 Aspen Pandemic Preparedness Results and Recommendations Paper N 599 Aspen Pandemic Preparedness Results and Recommendations Paper ON N 599 Aspen Pandemic Preparedness Results and Recommendations PaperChapter 4 – Findings and Recommendation This chapter does not include discussing other research literature or the implications of your findings. Usually you begin by outlining any descriptive or exploratory/confirmatory analyses (e.g., reliability tests, factor analysis) that were conducted. Next, address the results of the tests of hypotheses, then discuss any ex post facto analysis. Tables and/or figures should be used to illustrate and summarize all numeric information.For qualitative or historical projects, this chapter usually is organized by the themes or categories uncovered in your research. If you have conducted focus groups or interviews, it is often appropriate to provide a brief descriptive (e.g., demographic) profile of the participants first. Direct quotation and paraphrasing of data from focus groups, interviews, or historical artifacts then are used to the recommendations made. In some cases, this analysis also includes information from field notes or other interpretative data e.g., life history information).Discussion of FindingsData analysis, limitations of project design, conclusions drawn should be included. Discuss limitations of size or sampling. Share what your reviewers/participants said in the evaluation tool. Share actual quotes and how you coded the material. What conclusion can you draw from the data? Did it confirm or contradict research found in your literature review?RecommendationsWhat are you going to do in the future with this project? Now that you finished the project, what are you going to do with this information and/or project?This section should be about 6-8 pages and content should be separated with APA first and second level headings.N 599 Aspen Pandemic Preparedness Results and Recommendations Paperattachment_1attachment_2attachment_3attachment_4attachment_5Unformatted Attachment PreviewMETHOD 1 Capstone Method Mariann England Aspen University Nursing Capstone Dr. Julie Kolde July 13, 2020 METHOD 2 METHOD Procedure This study uses a cohort study design to establish the cause of the ailment and identify links between risk factors. Local hospitals with an operational intensive care unit and emergency department will be recognized and contacted via telephone to help identify the emergency management coordinators in charge of emergency management, planning, and operations. A structured questionnaire was prepared based on an existing pandemic management plan. The survey has its main sections as facility planning data, workforce glitches and structure,
  • 2. and surge capacity. The questionnaire was piloted using a representative number of individuals. Data was collected and computed for univariate and bivariate analysis. A qualitative approach is then used for text responses (Edwards & Brannelly, 2017). The cohort study method is applicable in this research as a non-experimental study where the participants included in the study are selected based on the interests in the research outcome. The study uses the study design to assess the level of preparedness in a pandemic in the acute health care setting. The cohort study involves local hospitals designed to handle intensive care to patients affected by a pandemic. Subjects and participants The research focused on local hospitals with intensive healthcare facilities and emergency departments contacted on the research via telephone. The selected hospitals were subjected to the research. The management in the emergency department and the management in intensive care will be required to fill a pre-prepared questionnaire. These are the most important sources of information on how their health facilities are prepared to fight against a pandemic. The research METHOD 3 design requires that the participants be subjected to training on how the response should be made (MacKay et al., 2020). Collection of Data Primary and secondary data were collected in the research in which the participants provided the primary source of data. In contrast, the qualitative approach on review of past research works on pandemic preparedness was used. The primary data involved the use of a prepared questionnaire based on past research work on pandemic preparedness.. In addition, interviews were also good sources of information on how acute healthcare facilities are prepared in the management of the pandemic. The interviews involved 20 healthcare professionals in the emergency and intensive care unit based on their roles in the health care facilities. A qualitative case study was used to collect secondary data on the preparedness of the health care facilities in the fight and management of the pandemic in the acute health care setting. There was a need to prevent biases, and therefore, the information was sourced from two independent sources: the information provided by the ministry of health and the internet which provided reviewed articles on the readiness of the acute health care setting in containing a pandemic. The internet database provided such materials from Google Scholar and included search terms such as pandemic readiness in the acute health care setting, and how are health care prepared in the fight against the next pandemic? Information provided by healthcare facilities included their procedures in handling the infected patients at the emergency department and the intensive care unit (Edwards & Brannelly, 2017). In the qualitative research methods, the case study approach was more effective in collecting data through a literature review of previous studies on the same topic. N 599 Aspen Pandemic Preparedness Results and Recommendations PaperThis provided important information required in the research on the preparedness in the event of a pandemic. METHOD 4 Advantage of the data collection strategy The strategy used in collecting data has its advantages over the other methods in the study and therefore considered the most appropriate research method for the study. This is because the cohort study method provides an opportunity to have clarity of the temporal sequence, which determines whether the exposure preceded the expected outcomes. The cohort study method clearly indicates the temporal sequence in the outcome and the exposure. The study also provides an opportunity for the calculation of incidences of the likelihood of a disease,
  • 3. which can be grouped as absolute risk, relative risk, attributable proportion, and risk difference. The multiple outcomes of the study can also be determined simultaneously. Qualitative data collection is also important in research given that the researcher can be more speculative on the interest areas of research and how the investigation is to be done. The research is also more targeted in the whole process, which improves data collection process while minimizing the cost of the data collection process. Limitations Despite the advantages of the cohort study strategy, some limitations may make the research process a challenge. For instance, a researcher is expected to conduct a follow up of a large subject over a long period, the study method may be expensive and also consumes a lot of time, may introduce bias as a result of differential loss of participants follow up, data may be of poor quality if the data used was not designed for this type of study (Sedgwick, 2013). In qualitative analysis, the limitation of the study method is that the strategy may be timeconsuming, which remains a major drawback in a research method. The interpretation of the data may also be limited. This is because; qualitative methods may take between weeks and months METHOD 5 and given that the collection of data may deviate from the main study question. The process is also labor-intensive due to the analysis process, such as recording and categorization and requires a very experienced researcher to obtain the required information. Finally, the research strategy is not representative statistically. This is because the strategy is based on perspectives, and the responses given are not measured. Also, the research may result in comparison, which may lead to duplication. Therefore, there is a need to cross-examine the data collected to avoid duplication (Sedgwick, 2013). Ethical Issues on Collection Upon the participants Ethical consideration that was considered in the research study includes informed consent, voluntary participation, confidentiality and anonymity. Information consent ensures that the participants in the research are fully aware of the project. In this regard, the participants were briefed on the study’s expectations to make an informed decision on their participation. Participation in the research was voluntary, and they were allowed to withdraw from the research without discriminations. Finally, the participants’ confidentiality was maintained, and their information was to be confidential only to the program coordinator, and therefore no use of names was done. This ensures that participants remain anonymous (Velip, 2018). Data Analysis The collected data were subjected to statistical analysis, which included collecting the data, analysis, interpretation and modeling. N 599 Aspen Pandemic Preparedness Results and Recommendations PaperThe analysis involved a descriptive analysis of a set of collected samples and data. The analysis involved statistical tools in computing the data collected from the participants. METHOD 6 References Edwards, R., & Brannelly, T. (2017). Approaches to democratizing qualitative research methods. Qualitative Research, 17(3), 271-277. Velip, P. (2018). Ethical Issues in Research Writing. International Journal Of Trend In Scientific Research And Development, Volume-2(Issue-5), 2429-2432. MacKay, D., Jecker, N., Pitisuttithum, P., & Saylor, K. (2020). Selecting participants fairly for controlled human infection studies. Bioethics. Sedgwick, P. (2013). Prospective cohort studies: advantages and disadvantages. BMJ, 347(nov08 1), f6726- f6726. Running head: LITERATURE REVIEW 1
  • 4. Literature Review Mariann England Aspen University Nursing Capstone Dr. Julie Kolde July 6, 2020 LITERATURE REVIEW 2 Analysis of literature In the event of a pandemic, most of the population is exposed to the high rate of the pandemic, which remains at 40-60 % of the affected population. However, the lack of the necessary guidelines and standards in the fight against the pandemic can be the most important failure in the acute health care setting. Therefore, it is important for the healthcare setting to be ready and well prepared with measures and strategies in place to counter the effects of a pandemic. The world has witnessed different incidences of pandemics that remain a major health burden to many different countries. One kind of pandemic is Influenza, which affects a large population of different countries. Due to the growth of urbanization and global transportation, it is evident that, in the case of a pandemic, it is likely to spread rapidly across the world. Therefore, Pandemic readiness in the acute health care setting remains an important factor in the successful containment of these pandemics through proper planning. Preparedness is essential in minimizing the pandemic’s growth and spread, reducing the cases and incidences of a pandemic, preserving essential services, reducing hospitalization and deaths, and preventing the incidences of economic crisis. The management has a great role to play when it comes to the fight against a pandemic. Research indicates that with poor planning, the effects of an infectious pandemic can be vital. Currently, most acute health care settings have inadequate accounting and interaction procedures, poor training on health care providers, poor programs on disaster preparedness, and inadequate essential preventive equipment such as ventilators and other essential health care equipment, including ventilators and hospital beds. Some of the plans in place have not yet been tested for their effectiveness, which is a limitation in the fight against a pandemic. LITERATURE REVIEW 3 Description of a pandemic Preparedness A pandemic is a global spread of a new ailment, one which traverses transnational borders and eventually affects a large proportion of the population. A is an unforeseen and unavoidable event, characterized by its indeterminate scope, length, and consequence. Besides posing a high morbidity and mortality rate threat, pandemics can overwhelm medical care structures and substantial societal and monetary disturbance (Bali et al., 2017). Pandemics result from an antigenically new microbe’s surfacing for which there is no erstwhile body resistance, usually with a reassortment of previously humanoid or animal microbial genomes. Readiness to pandemics comprises planning and organization, monitoring and evaluating circumstances, communication, continuity of medical care delivery, and curbing the disease’s spread. Pandemics, and their resultant effects, may persist for months to years. Therefore, a multi-disciplinary approach is imperative in the disease response strategies, particularly at the state and sub-state levels. The threat of a pandemic or contagious illness vastly spreading skulks inaudibly beneath the surface of routine hospital operations and at the population in general. Instants of alarm instigate waves of preparedness as novel microbes and transmutations pose evanescent threats. Pandemic-preparedness should be founded on generic alacrity programs, resources, mechanisms, and approaches for crisis and disaster management (Shearer et al., 2020). Pandemic-preparedness is fundamental in ensuring that health and other indispensable structures continue to function during a pandemic, thereby decreasing the economic and social effects of the pandemic The objective
  • 5. of planning and organization efforts is to offer direction and harmonization across all sectors involved in pandemics management. A collapse in disaster-response lags LITERATURE REVIEW 4 national and local efforts towards the control of a pandemic. As yet, exertions to boost testing has been directed on operational matters: adequacy of the testing capacity, the pervasive scarcities and supply-chain failures, and strategies to scale-up testing to the vast figures necessitated to ease the pandemic (Madhav et al., 2017). Availing additional tests is not an approach in and of itself. If sufficient tests were achieved, this question would still linger in our minds: What resolves are the outcomes intended to inform? Testing has numerous rationales other than diagnosis and ensuring safety for health care staff. Testing data is necessary for the management of all the features of a pandemic. For example, this data is the keystone of pandemic extrapolative models. That makes known the future demand for attention, the timing of surges, and the scale of the necessary emergency amenities. Devoid of reliable testing data, analysts depend on presumption and assumptions. The protocols of education in a pandemic aim at shrinking the contact and transmission rates of the infectious disease (Schneider, 2020). Educational strategies include encouraging respiratory propriety, basic hygiene, suitable aeration, social distancing, and the dissemination of appropriate and accurate health messages. Personal protective equipment, such as masks, gloves, and isolation gowns, help reduce the risk of exposure to an infectious pathogen for health care providers. The hastily flagging supply of such equipment, paired with the supply chain’s challenges, has triggered a high alarm and could significantly encumber the capability to ensure the safety to the care providers (WHO, 2020). This calls conservative approaches such as reducing access into the isolation settings, reducing the demand for personal protective equipment by temporarily doing away with elective surgical procedures and other unnecessary encounters, and reusing the material, which encompasses LITERATURE REVIEW 5 prolonging their use, decontamination with ultraviolet light and reusing some of the equipment up to several times. Importance of pandemic preparedness The impact of a pandemic in a nation or across the globe is severe and, therefore, the need to be well prepared in case it occurs. Currently, most healthcare facilities are not well equipped, so the acute pandemic’s impact is likely to strike hard. For instance, the current Covid19 pandemic, the infrastructures used in the containment of the disease are the same infrastructures that were used in addressing pandemic and seasonal Influenza over the decades. This is an indication of the underfunding of the healthcare facilities that limit the ability to address pandemics. Research indicates that acute healthcare settings are not prepared to address the outbreak of pandemic or infectious diseases. There are outbreaks of acute pandemic almost every year that claims thousands of life almost every year. Some of the acute pandemics have similar symptoms and therefore making the containment and management process a challenge. However, with proper management, the health care setting may have the required infrastructure and machines to handle the pandemic. It is important for all the stakeholders in the health sector to combine efforts in the fight against the pandemic that continues to affect the world every year. According to Goodman (2020), there is the need to have combined efforts in both the public and private sectors as a global partnership to succeed in fighting against the pandemic. Having preventive measures and being prepared
  • 6. will ensure that the global GDP is not severely affected by the pandemic as it has been the case every year. For instance, the current pandemic has severely affected the world’s economy, with the effect standing at 2% as of April in the United States alone (Goodman, 2020). LITERATURE REVIEW 6 The private sector can strengthen the health sector infrastructures as an important part of fighting the pandemic. Also, the fight against the pandemic requires the collaboration of all the sectors, communities, families and individual efforts to develop important policies essential in fighting the pandemic. Development of pandemic preparedness policies and strategies is important in the acute health setting because it will help the health professionals have the required resources to fight the pandemic. N 599 Aspen Pandemic Preparedness Results and Recommendations PaperTherefore, the fight against the pandemic becomes effective, and the country can save as many lives as possible. Nurses are mostly exposed to the dangers as they take care of the patients. Therefore, with effective preparedness in the fight against a pandemic, there are less exposed to the dangers as they handle the patients. Therefore, it is important to have continuous pandemic preparedness training for the health care providers and especially the nursing profession, to successfully counter the pandemic’s effects. This ensures that the providers of essential services are not affected. Provision of necessary equipment such as personal protective equipment and other training on how to provide important services in the acute health care setting is essential as the professionals are better equipped with the needed knowledge and skills in the fight against infectious pandemics (Carbell & Christian, 2011). Studies recommend that preparedness acute health care setting against a pandemic is an important part of a successful fight against pandemic (Goodman, 2020). There is the need to have well-documented policies in disaster preparedness at all levels of acute health care, which provides room for effective containment of the pandemic. Combined efforts of all the stakeholders in the acute health care setting play a vital role in the success of pandemic containment, which includes measures to have all the essential procedures being up to date in pandemic preparedness. LITERATURE REVIEW 7 Essential pandemic preparedness measures Health care providers in the acute health care setting should be well prepared in the containment of acute pandemics that strike the world every year. Most acute pandemics are infectious diseases that spread from one person to another, and the rate of spreading is high. Given that it requires much time to understand the epidemiology of any infectious disease, it is equally important to have effective procedures and strategies to contain the disease. This involves international and national level planning to take care of the high number of patients expected to flood in the hospital in case of a pandemic (Stephen, 2019). Most healthcare facilities have the inadequate infrastructure required in the containment of a pandemic with hospitals operating at near or in full capacity (Stephen, 2019). The infrastructures currently used are the same used in decades, limiting the effectiveness in the fight against a pandemic. There is a shortage of health care providers, while emergency preparedness is always crowded. Many health care facilities lack enough hospital beds while the emergency room is not well equipped with required materials such as the ventilators, which are vital in pandemic management. The healthcare workers are also at risk of being exposed to the pandemic as they care for the patients due to the lack of enough personal protective equipment. Therefore, there is the need to have all these issues
  • 7. being addressed to successfully contain the pandemic (Carbell & Christian, 2011). The following are important emergency preparedness requirements in a successful fight against the pandemic. • Airborne isolation capabilities in acute health care There is the need to have enough airborne isolation capabilities with all the required materials and equipment to address the pandemic. This may include acute inpatient beds in national and LITERATURE REVIEW 8 regional hospitals. The prepa …Purchase answer to see full attachmentN 599 Aspen Pandemic Preparedness Results and Recommendations Paper