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N-2 Focus Solutions™ is committed to improving the credit standing
of our Clients by the restoration of their credit reports.
N- 2 Focus Solutions™ is registered and bonded as a Credit Services Organization with the
office of the Secretary of the State of Texas under Certificate # 2008 – 0108.
We will attempt to locate and attempt to permanently remove every item
in a Client’s credit report that is deemed to be incorrect, incomplete,
obsolete, misleading, or that cannot be verified.
N-2 Focus Solutions™ is a bilingual company and is able to furnish
our Clients with contracts and sales materials in either English or Spanish.
If you have credit challenges in your life, then please take the time to go throught this
information carefully and see if you don't believe that N-2 Focus Solutions™ is the company that
can help you restore your good credit standing. Call or email us today!
Phone: 956-765-2764 / Email:
Table Of Contents
Our Business Model – Page 2
The Restoration Process – Pages 3 & 4
Terms Of Service – Page 5
Frequently Asked Questions - Page 6, 7, & 8
Credit File Rights Under State And Federal Law – Page 9
Your Responsibilitites – Page 10
Our Business Model
We begin with an in-depth, no-obligation credit analysis. We focus on three key areas of your credit report:
 Account History – line by line account of your borrowing and payment history.
 Inquiries – companies checking on your credit history.
 Credit utilization – how much of your available
credit you are using.
During the analysis, we make special note of:
 Bankruptcies, repossessions, foreclosures, and
collection accounts.
 Tell-tale signs of identity theft.
 Duplication of identical trade lines.
 Late payments.
 Any negative item over four years old.
 Violations of state and Federal statutes by creditors or debt collectors.
After the analysis is completed, N-2 Focus Solutions™ will discuss with you in detail the results of your analysis and
will provide specific recommendations on what can be done to improve your overall credit picture. A written report of
your analysis can be provided via email and upon request at no charge. You will then decide whether or not you
want N-2 Focus Solutions™ to represent you. If you do not, then you are under no obligation and owe us nothing for
the in-depth credit analysis which has been performed. If you do, then we will send you two documents: CREDIT
FILE RIGHTS UNDER STATE AND FEDERAL LAW (a Federal Trade Commission document which explains your
rights pertaining to credit repair and credit repair organizations) and our CLIENT SERVICES AGREEMENT (which
explains our terms of service). A copy of CREDIT FILE RIGHTS UNDER STATE AND FEDERAL LAW can be
found in this document. CREDIT FILE RIGHTS UNDER STATE AND FEDERAL LAW must be signed prior to
signing our CLIENT SERVICES AGREEMENT. Three business days after these documents are signed and
returned to us, your credit restoration will begin. Payment is not due until after services are performed. Our
cancellation period is ten (10) business days from the date the these documents are signed and returned.
Restoration Process
Our restoration process focuses on the three key areas:
 Mistakes discovered in the reporting of a derogatory account that render the account obsolete,
incorrect, incomplete, or misleading.
 Verification and validation of all derogatory accounts appearing in the credit report.
 Violations of State or Federal law by creditors, debt collectors, or the Credit Bureaus.
Mistakes - a survey conducted by the US Public Interest Research Group found that 79% of the credit reports on file
with the Credit Bureaus contain mistakes and inaccuracies, 30% of which were significant enough to warrant a loan
rejection. The Fair Credit Reporting Act stipulates that 100% of everything appearing in your credit report must be
correct. All accounts must be accurate and complete, they cannot be misleading or obsolete, and they must be
verifiable. The Credit Bureaus are required by law to remove any derogatory account appearing in your credit report
that does not meet every one of these criteria. However, the Bureaus don't check your report for mistakes - unless
you make them check! We will go over your credit report with you and if mistakes are found, we will dispute the
mistakes directly with the Credit Bureaus in an effort to have them corrected immediately.
Verification and Validation - original creditors and debt collectors are required by State and Federal law to report
only that information to the Credit Bureaus that is accurate and verifiable. When a creditor reports a derogatory item
in your credit report, the creditor must be able to prove that the information is accurate. If the creditor is unable to
verify or validate the accuracy of the reporting, then the creditor is required by law to notify the Credit Bureaus to
delete the account from your credit report. Many times creditors cannot locate the documentation on an
account. Sometimes the records have been destroyed or purged from the creditor’s data base. Sometimes a
creditor will fail to update account information with the credit bureaus as the account information changes. We can
use any of these reasons as cause to petition the Credit Bureaus for a deletion of an account. Sometimes a debt
collector will send an account back to the original creditor or sell the account to another debt collector and will fail to
notify the credit bureaus to delete their own reporting of the account. When this is discovered, we go directly to the
Credit Bureaus demanding a deletion. We request the verification and validation of every derogatory item in your
credit report with the original creditor and / or debt collector. This is done under the authority of The Fair Credit Billing
Act, The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, The Fair Credit Reporting Act, and section 392 of the Texas Finance
Code. Written correspondence is prepared in your name and sent to the creditor or debt collector asking for
verification or validation of the account information. A creditor or debt collector has 30 days to respond. If the creditor
or debt collector does not respond, a second request for verification / validation is sent. If the creditor or debt
collector refuses to respond a second time, we petition the credit bureaus for a deletion of the account on the grounds
that the account is unverifiable. If the creditor or debt collector responds indicating that the account is not verifiable,
we forward a copy of that response to the Credit Bureaus also with a request for the immediate deletion of the
Violations of State and Federal Law – debt collectors, original creditor, and even the Credit Bureaus themselves
will sometimes violate State and Federal Law in their reporting of an account or (on the part of debt collectors) in their
collection efforts related to the account. Debt collectors, original creditors, and the Credit Bureaus have paid millions
of dollars in fines to the Federal Trade Commission as a result of their violations. When we find that a potential
violation has occurred, we work with the client to confirm the violation, and once confirmed, we will endeavor to place
the client in contact with an attorney specializing in Consumer Rights and violations of the FDCPA or FCRA. Cases
involving clear violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, Fair Credit Reporting Act, or of Section 392 of the
Texas Finance Code, are normally taken by an attorney at no charge to the client.
It is a violation of State and Federal statute for a credit repair company to make any guarantee regarding the deletion
of any negative item appearing in a credit report. Credit repair companies are prohibited from guaranteeing any
results regarding the work being performed on a credit report. N-2 Focus Solutions™ can make no warranty or
guarantee regarding the improvement of a Client’s credit, credit report, credit score, or credit rating nor in aiding a
Client to receive any extension of credit.
Negative information cannot be legally deleted from a credit report if it is determined to be accurate. Only those items
that are found to be incorrectly reported, obsolete, erroneous, misleading, incomplete, or unverifiable can be legally
and permanently removed. When an account is verified and validated, when there are no mistakes being made in
the reporting of the account, and when the creditor or debt collector has not violated any State or Federal law in their
handling of the account, the other option available to the Client is to attempt to settle the account. N-2 Focus
Solutions™ will work with the Client to attempt to settle these types of accounts on the best terms possible for the
improvement of the Client’s credit standing.
Terms of Service
 Term of our contract - 180 days (the longest length of time permitted under Federal law).
 At the end of the contract, should there be work remaining to be performed, an extension
of 180 days will be provided - at no additional charge to the Client.
 Cost of our services: $600 for an individual / $800 for a couple.
 This represents the entire and total amount of money that the Client will pay
N-2 Focus Solutions™ during the term of the contract.
 No payment will be accepted until after services are performed.
 Cancellation period is 10 business days from the date that the Client Services Agreement is signed.
 Unlimited credit bureau challenges.
 Unlimited debt validation and account validation with debt collection agencies and original creditors.
1. Why is my credit score so important – your credit score is a snapshot of your credit history. It is a
historical record that tells companies how you’ve paid your bills and managed your credit over the
years. Credit scores range from 330 – 850. The higher your score, the easier it is to obtain credit.
Companies looking at your credit report, use your credit score to determine the likelihood that you will
repay a loan. There is a scoring system called “FICO” that is used to determine your credit score.
“FICO” stands for Fair Issac Company and was developed by a man named Issac Fairman in the
1950’s. Your FICO score is generally based on your payment history, the amount of debt you owe, the
length of your credit history, inquiries of the companies checking on your credit, the amount of your
available credit that you are using, and the type of credit that you have already qualified for. Your
FICO score does not count your income, assets, occupation, employment history, your age, or
homeownership status. As a reference point, if your credit score is below 620, it would be virtually
impossible for you to obtain a new home loan. Your credit score is important because it can affect
nearly every financial decision you make. It also has an impact on the interest rate you are able to
secure on a loan. There has never been a time in American history, when your credit score has been
as important to your financial well-being as it is today.
2. Which companies check on my credit – virtually all lenders, from retailers and credit card
companies to auto dealers and mortgage brokers, check your credit score whenever you apply for
3. Does my credit score go down when companies check on my credit – when too many companies
are checking on your credit, your score will go down. These are called inquiries. When a company
checks on your credit, it is referred to as a “hard hit”. When you check on your own credit, it is referred
to as a “soft hit”. Soft hits have no effect on your credit. However, too many hard hits in your credit
report are viewed as extremely negative. Too many inquiries cause you to appear to be desperate for
credit. When we conduct a credit analysis, one of the first things we examine are your inquiries. It
used to be that if you were buying a new car and went to five dealerships in one day simply comparing
prices, five hard hits would show up in your credit report. The law has been changed and now all
similar-type inquires occurring within a 45 day period are supposed to be reported as a single
event. Sometimes this doesn't happen and so we pay attention to your inquires.
4. How long will it take to restore my credit report – there is no average length of time for a credit
restoration. Our goal is to have your restoration completed as quickly as possible. We can normally
complete our processes in 4 - 6 months. Remember our term of service is for 180 days but at the end
of the contract, if work remains to be done, the contract will be extended 180 days at no charge. We
are committed to our clients for 360 days.
5. How do you restore a credit report – we begin with an in-depth credit analysis which we perform
without any obligation on your part. We will examine your report with you and discuss all the
derogatory items that we find. We’ll identify all negative items in your report that are incorrect,
incomplete, obsolete, misleading, or deemed to be unverifiable. We look for violations of state and
Federal law on the part of creditors, debt collectors, and the credit bureaus themselves. We then
begin the process of debt validation (with debt collectors) and account validation (with original
creditors). We use several Federal laws and one state law to request information from debt collectors
and original creditors. We do this with correspondence which is prepared in your name and filed with
the various companies reporting derogatory trade lines in your credit report. If these companies do
not wish to provide this information, or if they are unable to do so, then the item is disputed directly
with the credit bureaus. The bureaus are required to investigate and answer each dispute within 30 -
45 days. Debt collectors and original creditors are required to respond within 30 days. The bureau
and creditor responses are directed back to you. This allows you to be able to judge both our speed
and effectiveness. Upon receiving these responses, it becomes your responsibility to forward those
responses to us as soon as possible.
6. What if the Bureaus don’t respond – Credit Bureaus are required by law to investigate all disputes
in a reasonable amount of time which has been interpreted to mean 30 - 45 days. If they fail to
respond, then we file a "Demand To Delete" letter with the bureaus demanding that all derogatory
items that were disputed in our correspondence be deleted immediately under the authority of the Fair
Credit Reporting Act.
7. What if an item reappears in my credit report after being removed – when an item is legally
removed from a credit report, it cannot be legally reinserted. In fact, the credit bureaus are required by
the Fair Credit Reporting Act to notify a consumer when reinserting a deleted item back into a credit
report. However, a negative item will sometimes reappear. If that should happen, we will immediately
initiate a new round of dispute correspondence to have that item re-removed at no additional cost.
8. Can I do this myself for free – yes you can. One of the documents that you’ll receive before you are
allowed to sign our Client Services Agreement is called the “Credit File Rights Under State and
Federal Law”. You can find this document here, on our website, under the link “Your Rights”. The
document tells you that you can take on the Credit Bureaus yourself. However, experience tells us that
very few people have the training, time, or persistence to see the job through. For the vast majority of
people, it’s less time consuming, much easier, hassle free, and in most cases, less expensive to hire a
professional to do the job. We have the experience, the correspondence, the staff and the system in
place and we’re ready to go to work for you right now. Another thing to consider is that many times,
due to lack of experience in dealing with the Credit Bureaus, a person trying to restore his/her own
credit can actually make the situation worse.
9. What about a guarantee – it is a violation of Federal law for a credit repair company to make any
guarantee regarding work being performed. If a credit repair company has guaranteed you that any
negative item appearing in your credit report will be deleted or that your credit score will improve, then
that company is in direct violation of the Credit Repair Organization Act. (Google - CROA). We have
processes that have been effective in removing derogatory items from credit reports. However these
processes will not work every time. There is no way to predict whether or not these processes will
work with any specific derogatory until the processes are performed. It sometimes seems that
creditors, debt collectors, and the credit bureaus act in a random manner. They can appear to
be consistently inconsistent. There is no way to predict how they will respond to a question or a
dispute. For this reason, we sometimes have to use several different approaches in an effort to have
derogatories removed from credit reports and even then, success is not guaranteed. The only
guarantee we can give you is our promise to remain committed to your goals and with our best efforts,
to do everything we can to improve your credit standing.
Credit File Rights Under State and Federal Law
You have a right to dispute inaccurate information in your credit report by contacting the credit bureau
directly. However, neither you nor any “credit repair” company or credit repair organization has the right to
have accurate, current, and verifiable information removed from your credit report. The credit bureau must
remove accurate, negative information from your report only if it is over 7 years old. Bankruptcy information
can be reported for 10 years.
You have a right to obtain a copy of your credit report from a credit bureau. You may be charged a
reasonable fee. There is no fee, however, if you have been turned down for credit, employment, insurance,
or a rental dwelling because of information in your credit report within the preceding 60 days. The credit
bureau must provide someone to help you interpret the information in your credit file. You are entitled to
receive a free copy of your credit report if you are unemployed and intend to apply for employment in the
next 60 days, if you are a recipient of public welfare assistance, or if you have reason to believe that there is
inaccurate information in your credit report due to fraud.
You have a right to sue a credit repair organization that violates the Credit Repair Organization Act. This law
prohibits deceptive practices by credit repair organizations.
You have the right to cancel your contract with any credit repair organization for any reason within 3
business days from the date you signed it.
Credit bureaus are required to follow reasonable procedures to ensure that the information they report is
accurate. However, mistakes may occur.
You may, on your own, notify a credit bureau in writing that you dispute the accuracy of information in your
credit file. The credit bureau must then re-investigate and modify or remove inaccurate or incomplete
information. The credit bureau may not charge any fee for this service. Any pertinent information and copies
of all documents you have concerning an error should be given to the credit bureau. If the credit bureau's re-
investigation does not resolve the dispute to your satisfaction, you may send a brief statement to the credit
bureau, to be kept in your file, explaining why you think the record is inaccurate. The credit bureau must
include a summary of your statement about disputed information with any report it issues about you.
The Federal Trade Commission regulates credit bureaus and credit repair organizations. For more
information contact:
Your Responsibilites
If you decide to allow N-2 Focus Solutions to represent you in the restoration of your credit, it is important that you
understand that we are working together as a team and that your participation is necessary in order to meet our
target goals. You will have three responsibilities in the process:
 Forward all creditor or credit bureau responses that you receive to us within 24 – 48 hours if at
all possible. When we send correspondence to the credit bureaus or to creditors on your
behalf, their responses are sent back to you. It then becomes your responsibility to forward those
responses to us as quickly as possible. Scan / Email is the best method. If you do not have access to
a scanner, then the documents can be faxed. If you do not have access to a FAX then they can be
sent via USPS. The important thing is to get the responses on their way to us within 24 – 48 hours.
 Return all emails and voice mails within 24 – 48 hours. At times during the restoration process,
we will need information from you in order to know how to properly respond to a creditor or credit
bureau. We will attempt to contact you by email or voice mail. It is important that you check for email
and voice mail messages every 24 – 48 hours and return those messages promptly.
 Make all scheduled payments on time. You will receive an invoice approximately ten days prior to a
payment being due. When you make a payment, you are paying for work that has already been
performed. When a payment is not received, the file is placed on hold and no additional work is
performed until the payment is received
Our goal is to get you through the credit restoration process as soon as possible. To avoid unnecessary delays, it is
very important that you take these responsibilities seriously.
When we leave an email or voice mail message for you and it is not returned within 48 hours, a second message will
be sent. If the second message is not responded to within 48 hours, a third and final message will be sent. At that
point, it becomes entirely the client’s responsibility to contact us, and the file is placed on hold until a response is
So – to keep your credit restoration moving steadily forward, return those responses quickly, return our emails and
voice mails promptly, and make all scheduled payments on time. Take these responsibilities seriously, and the
process will move rapidly along.

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N 2 Focus (English)

  • 1. 1 N-2 Focus Solutions™ is committed to improving the credit standing of our Clients by the restoration of their credit reports. N- 2 Focus Solutions™ is registered and bonded as a Credit Services Organization with the office of the Secretary of the State of Texas under Certificate # 2008 – 0108. We will attempt to locate and attempt to permanently remove every item in a Client’s credit report that is deemed to be incorrect, incomplete, obsolete, misleading, or that cannot be verified. N-2 Focus Solutions™ is a bilingual company and is able to furnish our Clients with contracts and sales materials in either English or Spanish. If you have credit challenges in your life, then please take the time to go throught this information carefully and see if you don't believe that N-2 Focus Solutions™ is the company that can help you restore your good credit standing. Call or email us today! Phone: 956-765-2764 / Email: Table Of Contents Our Business Model – Page 2 The Restoration Process – Pages 3 & 4 Terms Of Service – Page 5 Frequently Asked Questions - Page 6, 7, & 8 Credit File Rights Under State And Federal Law – Page 9 Your Responsibilitites – Page 10
  • 2. 2 Our Business Model We begin with an in-depth, no-obligation credit analysis. We focus on three key areas of your credit report:  Account History – line by line account of your borrowing and payment history.  Inquiries – companies checking on your credit history.  Credit utilization – how much of your available credit you are using. During the analysis, we make special note of:  Bankruptcies, repossessions, foreclosures, and collection accounts.  Tell-tale signs of identity theft.  Duplication of identical trade lines.  Late payments.  Any negative item over four years old.  Violations of state and Federal statutes by creditors or debt collectors. After the analysis is completed, N-2 Focus Solutions™ will discuss with you in detail the results of your analysis and will provide specific recommendations on what can be done to improve your overall credit picture. A written report of your analysis can be provided via email and upon request at no charge. You will then decide whether or not you want N-2 Focus Solutions™ to represent you. If you do not, then you are under no obligation and owe us nothing for the in-depth credit analysis which has been performed. If you do, then we will send you two documents: CREDIT FILE RIGHTS UNDER STATE AND FEDERAL LAW (a Federal Trade Commission document which explains your rights pertaining to credit repair and credit repair organizations) and our CLIENT SERVICES AGREEMENT (which explains our terms of service). A copy of CREDIT FILE RIGHTS UNDER STATE AND FEDERAL LAW can be found in this document. CREDIT FILE RIGHTS UNDER STATE AND FEDERAL LAW must be signed prior to signing our CLIENT SERVICES AGREEMENT. Three business days after these documents are signed and returned to us, your credit restoration will begin. Payment is not due until after services are performed. Our cancellation period is ten (10) business days from the date the these documents are signed and returned.
  • 3. 3 Restoration Process Our restoration process focuses on the three key areas:  Mistakes discovered in the reporting of a derogatory account that render the account obsolete, incorrect, incomplete, or misleading.  Verification and validation of all derogatory accounts appearing in the credit report.  Violations of State or Federal law by creditors, debt collectors, or the Credit Bureaus. Mistakes - a survey conducted by the US Public Interest Research Group found that 79% of the credit reports on file with the Credit Bureaus contain mistakes and inaccuracies, 30% of which were significant enough to warrant a loan rejection. The Fair Credit Reporting Act stipulates that 100% of everything appearing in your credit report must be correct. All accounts must be accurate and complete, they cannot be misleading or obsolete, and they must be verifiable. The Credit Bureaus are required by law to remove any derogatory account appearing in your credit report that does not meet every one of these criteria. However, the Bureaus don't check your report for mistakes - unless you make them check! We will go over your credit report with you and if mistakes are found, we will dispute the mistakes directly with the Credit Bureaus in an effort to have them corrected immediately. Verification and Validation - original creditors and debt collectors are required by State and Federal law to report only that information to the Credit Bureaus that is accurate and verifiable. When a creditor reports a derogatory item in your credit report, the creditor must be able to prove that the information is accurate. If the creditor is unable to verify or validate the accuracy of the reporting, then the creditor is required by law to notify the Credit Bureaus to delete the account from your credit report. Many times creditors cannot locate the documentation on an account. Sometimes the records have been destroyed or purged from the creditor’s data base. Sometimes a creditor will fail to update account information with the credit bureaus as the account information changes. We can use any of these reasons as cause to petition the Credit Bureaus for a deletion of an account. Sometimes a debt collector will send an account back to the original creditor or sell the account to another debt collector and will fail to notify the credit bureaus to delete their own reporting of the account. When this is discovered, we go directly to the Credit Bureaus demanding a deletion. We request the verification and validation of every derogatory item in your credit report with the original creditor and / or debt collector. This is done under the authority of The Fair Credit Billing Act, The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, The Fair Credit Reporting Act, and section 392 of the Texas Finance Code. Written correspondence is prepared in your name and sent to the creditor or debt collector asking for verification or validation of the account information. A creditor or debt collector has 30 days to respond. If the creditor or debt collector does not respond, a second request for verification / validation is sent. If the creditor or debt collector refuses to respond a second time, we petition the credit bureaus for a deletion of the account on the grounds that the account is unverifiable. If the creditor or debt collector responds indicating that the account is not verifiable, we forward a copy of that response to the Credit Bureaus also with a request for the immediate deletion of the account.
  • 4. 4 Violations of State and Federal Law – debt collectors, original creditor, and even the Credit Bureaus themselves will sometimes violate State and Federal Law in their reporting of an account or (on the part of debt collectors) in their collection efforts related to the account. Debt collectors, original creditors, and the Credit Bureaus have paid millions of dollars in fines to the Federal Trade Commission as a result of their violations. When we find that a potential violation has occurred, we work with the client to confirm the violation, and once confirmed, we will endeavor to place the client in contact with an attorney specializing in Consumer Rights and violations of the FDCPA or FCRA. Cases involving clear violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, Fair Credit Reporting Act, or of Section 392 of the Texas Finance Code, are normally taken by an attorney at no charge to the client. It is a violation of State and Federal statute for a credit repair company to make any guarantee regarding the deletion of any negative item appearing in a credit report. Credit repair companies are prohibited from guaranteeing any results regarding the work being performed on a credit report. N-2 Focus Solutions™ can make no warranty or guarantee regarding the improvement of a Client’s credit, credit report, credit score, or credit rating nor in aiding a Client to receive any extension of credit. Negative information cannot be legally deleted from a credit report if it is determined to be accurate. Only those items that are found to be incorrectly reported, obsolete, erroneous, misleading, incomplete, or unverifiable can be legally and permanently removed. When an account is verified and validated, when there are no mistakes being made in the reporting of the account, and when the creditor or debt collector has not violated any State or Federal law in their handling of the account, the other option available to the Client is to attempt to settle the account. N-2 Focus Solutions™ will work with the Client to attempt to settle these types of accounts on the best terms possible for the improvement of the Client’s credit standing.
  • 5. 5 Terms of Service  Term of our contract - 180 days (the longest length of time permitted under Federal law).  At the end of the contract, should there be work remaining to be performed, an extension of 180 days will be provided - at no additional charge to the Client.  Cost of our services: $600 for an individual / $800 for a couple.  This represents the entire and total amount of money that the Client will pay N-2 Focus Solutions™ during the term of the contract.  No payment will be accepted until after services are performed.  Cancellation period is 10 business days from the date that the Client Services Agreement is signed.  Unlimited credit bureau challenges.  Unlimited debt validation and account validation with debt collection agencies and original creditors.
  • 6. 6 FAQ's 1. Why is my credit score so important – your credit score is a snapshot of your credit history. It is a historical record that tells companies how you’ve paid your bills and managed your credit over the years. Credit scores range from 330 – 850. The higher your score, the easier it is to obtain credit. Companies looking at your credit report, use your credit score to determine the likelihood that you will repay a loan. There is a scoring system called “FICO” that is used to determine your credit score. “FICO” stands for Fair Issac Company and was developed by a man named Issac Fairman in the 1950’s. Your FICO score is generally based on your payment history, the amount of debt you owe, the length of your credit history, inquiries of the companies checking on your credit, the amount of your available credit that you are using, and the type of credit that you have already qualified for. Your FICO score does not count your income, assets, occupation, employment history, your age, or homeownership status. As a reference point, if your credit score is below 620, it would be virtually impossible for you to obtain a new home loan. Your credit score is important because it can affect nearly every financial decision you make. It also has an impact on the interest rate you are able to secure on a loan. There has never been a time in American history, when your credit score has been as important to your financial well-being as it is today. 2. Which companies check on my credit – virtually all lenders, from retailers and credit card companies to auto dealers and mortgage brokers, check your credit score whenever you apply for credit. 3. Does my credit score go down when companies check on my credit – when too many companies are checking on your credit, your score will go down. These are called inquiries. When a company checks on your credit, it is referred to as a “hard hit”. When you check on your own credit, it is referred to as a “soft hit”. Soft hits have no effect on your credit. However, too many hard hits in your credit report are viewed as extremely negative. Too many inquiries cause you to appear to be desperate for credit. When we conduct a credit analysis, one of the first things we examine are your inquiries. It used to be that if you were buying a new car and went to five dealerships in one day simply comparing prices, five hard hits would show up in your credit report. The law has been changed and now all similar-type inquires occurring within a 45 day period are supposed to be reported as a single event. Sometimes this doesn't happen and so we pay attention to your inquires. 4. How long will it take to restore my credit report – there is no average length of time for a credit restoration. Our goal is to have your restoration completed as quickly as possible. We can normally complete our processes in 4 - 6 months. Remember our term of service is for 180 days but at the end of the contract, if work remains to be done, the contract will be extended 180 days at no charge. We are committed to our clients for 360 days.
  • 7. 7 5. How do you restore a credit report – we begin with an in-depth credit analysis which we perform without any obligation on your part. We will examine your report with you and discuss all the derogatory items that we find. We’ll identify all negative items in your report that are incorrect, incomplete, obsolete, misleading, or deemed to be unverifiable. We look for violations of state and Federal law on the part of creditors, debt collectors, and the credit bureaus themselves. We then begin the process of debt validation (with debt collectors) and account validation (with original creditors). We use several Federal laws and one state law to request information from debt collectors and original creditors. We do this with correspondence which is prepared in your name and filed with the various companies reporting derogatory trade lines in your credit report. If these companies do not wish to provide this information, or if they are unable to do so, then the item is disputed directly with the credit bureaus. The bureaus are required to investigate and answer each dispute within 30 - 45 days. Debt collectors and original creditors are required to respond within 30 days. The bureau and creditor responses are directed back to you. This allows you to be able to judge both our speed and effectiveness. Upon receiving these responses, it becomes your responsibility to forward those responses to us as soon as possible. 6. What if the Bureaus don’t respond – Credit Bureaus are required by law to investigate all disputes in a reasonable amount of time which has been interpreted to mean 30 - 45 days. If they fail to respond, then we file a "Demand To Delete" letter with the bureaus demanding that all derogatory items that were disputed in our correspondence be deleted immediately under the authority of the Fair Credit Reporting Act. 7. What if an item reappears in my credit report after being removed – when an item is legally removed from a credit report, it cannot be legally reinserted. In fact, the credit bureaus are required by the Fair Credit Reporting Act to notify a consumer when reinserting a deleted item back into a credit report. However, a negative item will sometimes reappear. If that should happen, we will immediately initiate a new round of dispute correspondence to have that item re-removed at no additional cost. 8. Can I do this myself for free – yes you can. One of the documents that you’ll receive before you are allowed to sign our Client Services Agreement is called the “Credit File Rights Under State and Federal Law”. You can find this document here, on our website, under the link “Your Rights”. The document tells you that you can take on the Credit Bureaus yourself. However, experience tells us that very few people have the training, time, or persistence to see the job through. For the vast majority of people, it’s less time consuming, much easier, hassle free, and in most cases, less expensive to hire a professional to do the job. We have the experience, the correspondence, the staff and the system in place and we’re ready to go to work for you right now. Another thing to consider is that many times, due to lack of experience in dealing with the Credit Bureaus, a person trying to restore his/her own credit can actually make the situation worse. 9. What about a guarantee – it is a violation of Federal law for a credit repair company to make any guarantee regarding work being performed. If a credit repair company has guaranteed you that any negative item appearing in your credit report will be deleted or that your credit score will improve, then that company is in direct violation of the Credit Repair Organization Act. (Google - CROA). We have processes that have been effective in removing derogatory items from credit reports. However these processes will not work every time. There is no way to predict whether or not these processes will work with any specific derogatory until the processes are performed. It sometimes seems that
  • 8. 8 creditors, debt collectors, and the credit bureaus act in a random manner. They can appear to be consistently inconsistent. There is no way to predict how they will respond to a question or a dispute. For this reason, we sometimes have to use several different approaches in an effort to have derogatories removed from credit reports and even then, success is not guaranteed. The only guarantee we can give you is our promise to remain committed to your goals and with our best efforts, to do everything we can to improve your credit standing.
  • 9. 9 Credit File Rights Under State and Federal Law You have a right to dispute inaccurate information in your credit report by contacting the credit bureau directly. However, neither you nor any “credit repair” company or credit repair organization has the right to have accurate, current, and verifiable information removed from your credit report. The credit bureau must remove accurate, negative information from your report only if it is over 7 years old. Bankruptcy information can be reported for 10 years. You have a right to obtain a copy of your credit report from a credit bureau. You may be charged a reasonable fee. There is no fee, however, if you have been turned down for credit, employment, insurance, or a rental dwelling because of information in your credit report within the preceding 60 days. The credit bureau must provide someone to help you interpret the information in your credit file. You are entitled to receive a free copy of your credit report if you are unemployed and intend to apply for employment in the next 60 days, if you are a recipient of public welfare assistance, or if you have reason to believe that there is inaccurate information in your credit report due to fraud. You have a right to sue a credit repair organization that violates the Credit Repair Organization Act. This law prohibits deceptive practices by credit repair organizations. You have the right to cancel your contract with any credit repair organization for any reason within 3 business days from the date you signed it. Credit bureaus are required to follow reasonable procedures to ensure that the information they report is accurate. However, mistakes may occur. You may, on your own, notify a credit bureau in writing that you dispute the accuracy of information in your credit file. The credit bureau must then re-investigate and modify or remove inaccurate or incomplete information. The credit bureau may not charge any fee for this service. Any pertinent information and copies of all documents you have concerning an error should be given to the credit bureau. If the credit bureau's re- investigation does not resolve the dispute to your satisfaction, you may send a brief statement to the credit bureau, to be kept in your file, explaining why you think the record is inaccurate. The credit bureau must include a summary of your statement about disputed information with any report it issues about you. The Federal Trade Commission regulates credit bureaus and credit repair organizations. For more information contact: THE PUBLIC REFERENCE BRANCH FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20508
  • 10. 10 Your Responsibilites If you decide to allow N-2 Focus Solutions to represent you in the restoration of your credit, it is important that you understand that we are working together as a team and that your participation is necessary in order to meet our target goals. You will have three responsibilities in the process:  Forward all creditor or credit bureau responses that you receive to us within 24 – 48 hours if at all possible. When we send correspondence to the credit bureaus or to creditors on your behalf, their responses are sent back to you. It then becomes your responsibility to forward those responses to us as quickly as possible. Scan / Email is the best method. If you do not have access to a scanner, then the documents can be faxed. If you do not have access to a FAX then they can be sent via USPS. The important thing is to get the responses on their way to us within 24 – 48 hours.  Return all emails and voice mails within 24 – 48 hours. At times during the restoration process, we will need information from you in order to know how to properly respond to a creditor or credit bureau. We will attempt to contact you by email or voice mail. It is important that you check for email and voice mail messages every 24 – 48 hours and return those messages promptly.  Make all scheduled payments on time. You will receive an invoice approximately ten days prior to a payment being due. When you make a payment, you are paying for work that has already been performed. When a payment is not received, the file is placed on hold and no additional work is performed until the payment is received Our goal is to get you through the credit restoration process as soon as possible. To avoid unnecessary delays, it is very important that you take these responsibilities seriously. When we leave an email or voice mail message for you and it is not returned within 48 hours, a second message will be sent. If the second message is not responded to within 48 hours, a third and final message will be sent. At that point, it becomes entirely the client’s responsibility to contact us, and the file is placed on hold until a response is received. So – to keep your credit restoration moving steadily forward, return those responses quickly, return our emails and voice mails promptly, and make all scheduled payments on time. Take these responsibilities seriously, and the process will move rapidly along.