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Myth Of Aging
The myth that old age is typically associated with decreased happiness is one that can perhaps be easily believed at first glance. Never having
experienced old age, it is easy to think: "all of one's friends must be either dead or dying; disease at old age must be rampant; one's partner may have
already passed; the only thing one is looking forward to must be death" so therefore old age must be a time of unhappiness. In addition, this
"age–happiness" bias is reported even by older individuals when attempting to rate their happiness at 70 vs. 30 years old (Lacey et al. 2011). However,
research in the field of psychology does not fully support the assertion that old age should be equated with unhappiness (Lacey et al., 2011). Quite the
contrary, many studies point to the conclusion that aging can actually increase happiness (Lacey et al., 2011). However, it is important to explore other
factors that may contribute to that being the case, such as one's expectations when it comes to aging, cultural expectations.
II.Summary of more content...
I found a few that seemed interesting, but after further inquiry online about the authors, I realized that some of the authors were not doing research in
the field of psychology. Finally, two sources I found were both published by current faculty at reputable institutions of University of Texas at Austin and
Bryant University, which funded their research. The articles were published in the peer–reviewed Journal of Happiness Studies and the International
Journal of Human Development respectively. Thus, the two sources appear to be credible and
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Operations of Google
Google Inc.
Google Inc. is an U.S. based multinational public corporation that operates primarily in the internet search function, cloud computing, as well as a
range of different advertising solutions. Google also has developed a wide range of products and services in an effort to diversify its product mix and
create of a larger suite of different applications for users such as Picasa, Blogger, Maps, and YouTube alongside work
–friendly tools including Gmail,
Calendar, Voice, and AdWords (Wenzel, 2010). Most ofGoogle's products are offered for free to the users and Google primary source of revenue is
generated from advertising that is shown in the products. Google has grown from modest roots to become one of the most admired companies in
the world today. The company's official mission statement is "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful"
(Google, 2012). Google hires people who are smart and determined, and the organization favors ability over experience (Google, 2012). Google is
one of the top tech companies in the world and as a result it attracts some of the world's top talent. Although many of the employees share common
goals and visions for the company, they all hail from different walks of life and speak dozens of languages, reflecting the global audience they market
to. Google tries to maintain the "start–up" culture that it developed when it originally developed. A start–up culture can be thought of as an open
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Wonderful Kids Program Research Paper
Wonderful Kids Program, the destination families program also utilizes mental health services in the program. It has been shown that many of foster
youth deal with mental issues "Seventy five percent (75%) of foster youth suffer from severe emotional disturbances" and additionally 65% of foster
youth were evaluated as needing mental services but would rarely receive them ("The Foster Care Crisis."). The mental health team in the Destination
Family program specifically focuses on teenagers and helps these teens process through their past loss and grief, attachment and bonding difficulties,
along with support and stabilizing the teenagers. They also assist in preparing teenagers for permanency and helping them understand the importance
of finding a forever family. more content...
Though most of the programs are meant to be beneficial we must look at the money we are spending on them and if they are producing positive
outcomes. If not, why do we have those programs? Should we get rid of all foster care programs that help teens? Or, should they just be reformed?
We can't believe that programs discussed like AB 12 are beneficial for foster teenagers. This program may work for some foster teenagers, but not all
of them. Throwing money into a program just so foster teenagers have money is not effective. For a program to be effective, it really needs to look at
what the foster teenagers need. Foster teenagers need to be able to learn important independent living skills such as housekeeping, cooking, job skills,
time management, shopping, laundry, and budgeting. There are some programs such as the Independent Living Program (ILP) that teaches this, but
how much can a teenager really learn from a couple lesson plans? These are skills that they would learn from their parents if it was in a traditional
household that would take time, nurturing, and
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What I Learned About Writing
Introduction: Lessons on Writing, and How I Learned Them When I signed up for this class (at the last minute, I should add, after dropping out of an
economics class), I had no idea what to expect from a college–level creative writing course. I was excited to write creatively as a part of a group of
like–minded people, but I wondered about the academic aspect of the class: what exactly would I learn about writing itself, and how would I learn
it? Looking back now, I realize that through my interactions with the readings we did, my critique of others work, and the feedback I received on my
own pieces, I have expanded my depth of knowledge on what is required to create great writing, and, perhaps most importantly, I have learned that
great writing can take a variety of more content...
Reading and discussing works such as "Cathedral" and "Helping" introduced me to a variety of ways that writing can be effective. For instance, Ron
Hansen's "Wickedness" has almost no dialogue in it; meanwhile, "Helping" is effective in the way it primarily uses dialogue to reveal the characters'
backstories. Both pieces, however, are held in equally high regard, as they are both examples of effective – if not opposite – styles of writing. All of
the stories we read, despite their differences, contained shared traits that made them pleasing to read, such as verisimilitude, effective word use, and
overall creativity. By reading and discussing them in class, I was able to absorb these elements of strong writing and incorporate them into my own
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Topic Of Interest
Topic of Interest People diagnosed with mental health disorders tend to have reduced physical health compared to the general population (Happell et
al., 2011). This topic can relate to nursing practice because nurses can contribute to improving the physical health of patients with mental health
disorders. The writer's understanding of this topic is that people with mental illnesses can be negatively impacted by their disorder. This understanding
is personally shaped by knowledge of people with mental illnesses that have poor physical health due to untreated or undermanaged diagnosis and
comorbidities. The understanding of this topic can fit into two of Carper's (1978) fundamental patterns of knowing in nursing, personal and ethical
knowing. The understanding is personal knowledge for the writer but also raises an ethical dilemma that the poor physical health of mentally ill
patients is morally wrong and discriminative. Importance of Topic Related to Nursing Knowing that patients with mental illnesses suffer from more
physical health related issues than the average person is significant to nursing practice because a solution needs to be discussed by the surrounding
health care team and applied to practice. The articles that will be discussed below were chosen because more content...
van Hasselt, Celine S.M. Thier, Eric van Rijswijk, and Anton J.M. Loonen in 2014. The purpose of this article was to see if it would be helpful for
general practitioners to conduct further physical examinations on patients with mental illnesses or if the current method was sufficient in identifying
and treating these patients physical symptoms. This article demonstrates a post–positive approach because it uses qualitative research to determine how
effective the current system is on identifying somatic symptoms in patients with mental illnesses. The ontology of this article is
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World War 2 Home Front Research Paper
Mr. Langford
US History: Period 6
27 February 2016
WWII Home Front: The Key to Victory
The path to Allied victory in World War II wasn't solely due to the soldiers fighting on the frontline, but also a result of the people fighting at the
home front as well. When Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7 of 1941, the United States were forced to enter the war and panic gripped the
country as a whole and made many fear of plausible attacks to the United States. However, instead of just cowering in fear, the majority of Americans
converted this fear into their acceptance that the only way to win this war, was to fight back through their very own, home front. The home front was
the war efforts back in the United States, in which many Americans made imperative sacrifices that turned the tide of victory in favor of the United
States and Allies. This is evident in the fact that Americans resorted to the rationing of supplies at home, employing women in the defense plants, and
buying war bonds to pay for and support the war effort. Thus, the home front was crucial in the United State' more content...
From the beginning of World War II, it became quite evident that mass amounts of weapons and vehicles would be needed in order to defeat the Axis
powers. Due to this necessity, approximately 2.5 million women were hired to work in shipyards, aircraft factories and such manufacturing and
defense plants. As a result of these 2.5 million women in the war factories, approximately 90,000 navy vessels, 80,000 tanks and 300,000 aircrafts and
much more were made during those warring years. These mass war productions showed that the home front was a crucial aspect to the United States
attaining victory during World War II, due to the fact that it allowed the United States to grow in numbers and
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Ancient Egypt Report
Hello King Hammurabi, after my long journey I have many wonderful things to tell you about Egypt. First, the Nile River. The Nile River is the
longest river in the world. It stretches 4,000 miles long! It provided water for cooking and bathing, fish, waterfowl, and also had many wild vegetables
that grew alongside it. Wild life would come and go around the Nile and sometimes birds would leave their eggs that the people in Egypt could eat. The
Nile also provides a really important plant called papyrus that the Egyptians made almost everything out of. The Nile River was also used for
transportation to get from port to port so they could trade goods. That is why the Nile River was so great and important to the Egyptians. Egyptians are
very smart and have had many great achievements. One achievement is papyrus. Egyptians use more content...
The highest class of the Egyptians was the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh is the king of Egypt. Pharaohs were thought to be living gods by the Egyptian
people. There is an army, police force, and ministers that help the Pharaoh rule. The Pharaoh had a vizer which was the Pharaoh's right hand man. He
gave the Pharaoh a consensus about what was going on in Egypt every day. Egyptians have a multitude of different goods to trade. Egyptians traded
gold, papyrus, linen, grain for cedar wood,ebony, copper, iron, ivory, and a blue gem called lapis lazuli. That is what the economy and government
was like in Egypt.
The daily life of the Egyptians was fascinating. They have four foot high doors that prevented sand from making its way inside. The rich bathed in
soaking tubs with scented soap while the poor bathed in the Nile. Boys and girls can marry from the ages 12–14 years old. Children in Egypt were
cherished. They were taking good care of, taught about their gods, and were never left to raise themselves. Children mostly played games that
developed strength and agility. That's how daily life was in
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Humanity is a part of everyday life, but what if your humanity was lost? All throughout the human existence, there has been humanity. In the time
period of humanity, humanity was put to the test. Mass genocides, cruel leaders, world wars, and many more have shown humanity at its lowest. It
shows how humanity is completely destroyed in times of injustice and war. Surviving Hitler, by Andrea Warren and The Diary of Anne Frank by
Goodrich and Hackett show how the Nazi party dehumanized all Europeans that opposed the Nazi party and how they destroyed their humanity in the
In the story Surviving Hitler by Andrea Warren, the main character Jack is living in the time of the holocaust. During his lifetime he goes through
many more content...
Van Daan has been taking food secretly from everyone while they have been sleeping. His greed took away him common sense and his humanity a
weathered down to nothing. His greed led him to take from the ones who needed the food the most. The terror and dehumanization of the Nazi's
worked. They have scared and terrorized these everyday people into being greedy and forgetting their sense of humanity.
Others may argue that humanity is not lost and destroyed in times of injustice and war, but they are definitely wrong. "Before the war Jack had parents,
a brother, a grandfather, uncles, aunts, and cousins– eighty one people in all. Now, everyone except Jack's second cousins, Robert and Arek, Aunt
Hinda, Uncle Sigmund, and Jack was dead." "If I had known this when I was in the camps, why would I have struggled so hard to live?" You cannot
just think about the time in the camps. You must think about the after effect and psychological problems that this could and have caused. You can
argue that they survived and they still have humanity because they are alive, but would you want to keep living when you know that everyone that
you had known before except 4 people are dead? Where is the humanity in all of this?
All of these stories give examples of the dehumanization of the Nazi's. They took away their names, their lives, and most of all their humanity.
Imagine if you were in that situation. You are alive but do you really feel
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How Did Ww2 Change The World
World War Two changed the way the world lived and the way they viewed each other efficaciously. It was the one of the biggest and bloodiest
battles in American history. It resulted in about 50 to 80 million deaths. The war was between the Allied powers which included the U.S., Canada,
Australia, Great Britain, France, Russia, China and the Axis Power which mainly included Germany, Italy, Japan, Hungary, Romania. Hitler was
engrossed with the concept of making the German race superior to all races. He called the race "Aryan." He fervently believed that in order for
Germany to achieve this state of power, war was vital. In the mid–1930s, he began the rearmament of Germany, secretly and in violation of the
Versailles Treaty and also signed more content...
After seeing the cruelty and annihilation the Germans caused, France and Great Britain declared war on Germany. This marked the start of World
War II. The Germans were able to win many battles because Hitler mobilized Germany's economy while the Allies were in the Great Depression and
Germany had a better military and weapons than most of the Allies. Trying to have most of the world on their side, Germany signed the
German–Soviet Pact with the Soviet Union that decided that Germany will not attack the Soviet Union after the invasion of Poland. Unfortunately,
Hitler became too prideful and broke the pact in 1941. When Germany attacked the Soviet Union, the move overextended German forces, leaving
Axis troops vulnerable in Western Europe and Africa. This turned the tide of the war. After the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 by Japan and
Yamamoto, the U.S finally joined. Ultimately, the war killed many innocent civilians and destroyed many homes. Not only did it kill a myriad of
civilians and soldiers, but it also led to horrible actions and decisions such as Japanese internment, the holocaust, and the atomic bomb. The internment
of Japanese Americans was one of the worst decisions caused by the perilous
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General Education Experience
he was a student Frank decided to first concentrate on finishing his general education classes. From this experience, Frank felt like he was an outsider.
The information offered did not benefit him, so he just memorized the information he needed for each test."...Because integration into the academic
environment is a challenge for adult students, developmental educators must understand the background of adult students and develop a curriculum
that addresses their particular needs." (Kenner and Weinerman, 2011, pg 90).
After this first interview, I was in search of how to enhance student's experiences within general education courses. There must a way of altering the
curriculum to improve the learning experience engage all students. "Most adult learners have a practical reason for their learning. They want to learn
something that they can apply immediately" (Sogunro, 2014, pg29).
With my A.O.D. background and my college experience, I can attest to this being true. Even as a freshman, I can recall struggling to keep myself
engaged during a lecture. This self–knowledge reminded me that general education classes that are mandatory are usually viewed differently to any
student. To see if any other Universities had a more content...
While she was excited about her major, the mandatory general education classes felt "very overwhelming." Nicole states that her collage at work
Vanessa was also approached by the company to attend classes. Vanessa was very weary of this new initiative implemented by her company. The
idea of an employer sending an employee back to college gave a sense of pressure to Vanessa that she had not received. Of course, there is always
some sort of pressure when attending a college, no matter what age or stage in life. Nicole agreed but felt inspired to learn. Employers that can afford
to pay for their employees is a trend that
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A Speech Full of Persuasion
A Speech Full of Persuasion
How MLK's Speech was Persuasive
Throughout history, there has been many works of literature that were created for the sole purpose of persuasion. Many of these compelling pieces
have caused riots, the downfall of empires and the upheavals of governments. They have also brought about good changes that have been able to keep
most of this world in check. The brilliant people who manipulate massive percentages of the world's population through literature are very wise people
indeed to have chosen to control with words rather than visible power. This makes them possibly the most dangerous or the most respected people
throughout history. Martin Luther King Jr. is one of those remarkable men who have changed more content...
This made it easier for them to unite in a common cause which made King's speech successful. He also tied them together by saying, "Now is the
time to make justice a reality for all of God's children." Many people who attended this speech were very religious so this hit home and caused them
to join together to work to eliminate racial injustice. Last of all, it can be observed that King specifically chose to use his children in his speech to get
instantaneous affection and pity from the crowd, rallying their ideas and hopes. With many parents and protectors in the crowd, this struck many
people, and caused them to craze for justice and sanity. It did not affect the population too much, but it seems to have made a tremendous difference in
the long run. What King had said was, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the
color of their skin but by the content of their character." Many people there attested to similar hopes and dreams so they felt like they were even
more a part of this movement to where all of the assistance and the participation eventually led to the desegregation of the country. Martin Luther
King Jr.'s speech is possibly one of the most compelling and persuasive pieces of work that can be found in our history. Many people aspire to be
leaders, to be astounding, to be recognized. Many give up because they think they are not
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Internet has done more harm than good
Internet has done more harm than good.
The Internet is undoubtedly the most crucial technology of the modern world. It increases technology advancement and improve communication and
transportation. The Internet is a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication services, consisting of organized
networks using standard communication rules. While people think of the Internet as a good source of getting knowledge, there are many disadvantages
associated to it.
One of the main harmful effects of the Internet is its abusive uses. Internet promotes the identity theft and destroys valuable documents of public
information through spam messages and viruses. Every year due to the more content...
Ehmke, (2013). For instance, a school boy who has obesity and his friends tease him for his obesity in the social networking sites and along other
people are also tease him and he fell very embarrassing and insulted.
Proponents argue that the Internet is an abundant source of information and entertainment which offers worldwide information in the following areas
such as marketing law, education and movies. However, some of the information given on the Internet could be wrong. For example, Internet gives
information of all the fields but the information is not verified and it could be incorrect and misleading those who get ideas for professional studies
from Internet.
There is also the argument that the Internet has become an indispensable tool of communication which has helped to bring the world closer
through social networking websites such as Skype, Facebook, Twitter and other medium. On the contrary, these social networking sites have some
negative effects. For example, most of pedestrian use mobile phone and social media at traffic lights. This may lead to some potential accidents
that can cause serious injuries to pedestrians as well as people in moving vehicles. Pallack, (2013)" A truck driver was using his cell phone to look
at photos of women on Facebook when he crashed into three police cars and two fire trucks on Interstate 8, killing a DPS officer, records obtained by
the Star show. Trucker on Facebook at time of deadly crash,
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Personal Narrative- Making Positive Changes Essay
Personal Narrative– Making Positive Changes
I have positive attributes and weaknesses as everyone else does. However, since I came from Peru to America, I experienced many changes in my
personality from a shy girl to an independent, outgoing and friendly teenager. My strongest personal attributes are generosity, my spirit of
collaboration and my perseverance to achieve any goals and overcome obstacles in my life. For example, when I was in Peru I used to go to a
hospital to help children with disabilities. I used to visit them very often. I played with them so that they could forget for a while about their sickness. At
the time I could make them happy and they enjoyed a nice moment getting to know me. By helping them, I felt a more content...
People might say that I am not that talkative. When I was in school I wasn't the kind of girl who goes and talks to everyone, unless I knew the person. I
always had to wait for someone to start a conversation with me. That's why in some way it was hard for me to make friends as a child, because of my
When my parents decided to come here, it was kind of a shock for me. First of all, the language and the challenge to start a new life, meet new
people and adapt myself to the new and different customs worried me. Here in the United States, the fact that I didn't speak English really well
made the high school separate me from the other students, putting me into a different program; ESL. This program helped me a lot, because the
teacher encourage us to not give up. She told us that it is good to experience sometimes some changes in our lives. That's how we can learn more and
improve ourselves. She also talked with the principal about doing a diversity program to help ESL students integrate more with the rest of the school.
She encouraged us to talk about and to feel proud of the differences in our cultures. By overcoming this huge change, this experience made me grow
more inside as a person.
Now, I am more independent, a little bit more outgoing and friendly. I'm more independent in the way that I have a job and I don't depend anymore
on my parent's money. I can buy and have all what I want, but always keeping in mind to save for tomorrow. The
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Inductive Argument
In the first part of the assignment we were asked to identify components of arguments, premise and conclusion, for the passages. Where applicable
we are to highlight key words or phrases that identify a claim as a premise or a conclusion. A premise is the support for the conclusion. (Missimer,
2005) The first example has several premises as follows if Sue's baby is a boy it will be named Mark and if it is a girl it will be named Margaret.
Another premise is that Sue will have a boy or girl. "So" is a keyword indicating the conclusion that Sue's baby will be named Mark or Margaret. In
the next example, "because" is a keyword in the premise and indicates that the conclusion has preceded and a reason will follow. This premise is that more content...
In the last part of the assignment we are asked to identify the arguments as inductive or deductive. Anargument is said to be deductive if its conclusion
is claimed to necessarily follow the premise. An inductive argument claims only that its conclusion probably follows from its premises. That is,
the inferential claim is that since the premises are true or acceptable, the conclusion is likely to be true or acceptable. (Missimer, 2005) The first
and second examples are inductive because even though the premises may be true, it is still possible for the conclusion to be false. They will then
have to be looked at to see if they are strong or weak and if all premises are true or if one or more is false. We can then determine if the argument is
reliable or unreliable. The third example is a deductive argument if we go by the definition above. If the premises are true then it simply isn't possible
for the conclusion to be false. If you have a deductive argument and you accept the truth of the premises, then you must also accept the truth of the
conclusion; if you deny it, then you are denying logic
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The Lottery Paragraph Analysis
Paragraph 1 The Lottery, a short story by Shirley Jackson, was published in 1948 in the magazine The New Yorker. The plot is that It starts in a
small town with 300 people on a sunny day June 28th people gathered in the town square with lots of farmers 1st the slips are prepared 1 for each
family. head of the family draws and draw notes the ones with black dot draw again. but it's the family the family member with the black dot gets
stoned to death. The theme of the story. The theme was blindly following tradition. First, When people gather in the town square forthe lottery because
it's tradition and they don't want to break it. Second, When people throw rock nobody apise because they think no one will stand beside the to help.
Next, more content...
First, In the book it was a lot more suspenseful. When you read the book it start on a sunny day in June when the town people get of work or leave
home to go to the town square it puts suspense because you're wondering what's going on until they throw rocks at Mrs, Dunbar, Next, The kids
playing around. When the boys were grabbing rocks in the movie it showed a boy tackle another boy for a rock which showed in that they were
exited to kill/ stone someone. In the book the kids were just playing and grabbing rock which made you think nothing of it. Last People grabbing
rocks. When one of Mrs, Dunbar's friends in the book grabbed the rock they said it was heavy and they were tired so they couldn't go on, wich
showed she cared for her friend and didn't want to kill her or anybody. In the movie Mrs, dunbar's friend grabbed a big rock a brought it and through
it, which showed she didn't care much for her and wanted to get it done and over
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Army Warrant Officer Essay
Since the official induction of the warrant officer into the United States Army in July of 1918, we have stood the test of time and have been a major
asset throughout military history. The commission of warrant in the U.S. Navy dates as far back as the late 1700s. The early years of the British
Navy relied on an officer in the position of warrant that was not part of the Royal family to be the commander of the ship, but was much more
experienced than a junior enlisted sailor. These men had vast experience and worked alongside the new lieutenant or captain to mentor them in the
ways of ship operations and how to be an effective commander.
The numbers and strengths of the Army warrant officer has varied throughout history, but our importance, roles, and significance to the mission, have
only continued to grow. Within our doctrine, such as ADRP 6
–22; Army Leadership, there is no defined leadership roles for the warrant officer. We fall
in line with officers in general, being the senior mentor and leader in the organization. Whereas an enlisted Soldier swears an oath to follow lawful
orders, an officer promises to "well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office." As an officer, we must go the extra step, think outside the box, more content...
As aviators, we usually do not have the responsibility of being signed for equipment or having a platoon of Soldiers, but we do have the
accountability of our knowledge and skill sets and applying them to support the commander. Our type of leadership does not always directly affect the
chain of command and the soldiers like a squad leader or platoon leader should. We work in the background, being able to approach the NCO
leadership chain and also the commander, with the same candor and panache to accomplish the mission at
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Time Management Essay
Time Management
The largest percentage of my time went into sleeping which isn't a surprise, however tracking how I used my time made it obvious that further time
management was needed to achieve my maximum potential. Such improvements would be to the undesirable categories: Structured and
Un–structured leisure, a decrease by half the amount of hours used by these categories would assist my private studies and improve my overall
academic performance. This should lead to a third of my time into travelling, eating, class contact, structured and un–structured leisure. And another
third into private study and finally the last third into sleeping. Trying this new arrangement of time keeping provided to be a positive outcome in my
day to more content...
Managing my time was difficult at those weeks as it meant planning how to use the space provided in the diary, the style (font style) and presentation
to allocate appropriate times for modules, meetings, and appointments, all of these must be effective and realistic to suite my life style. In addition,
those weeks seems as an unpleasant challenge rather a positive experience to be a university student. I had little time to spend visiting and using the
university facilities, which proved to aid my education in the following weeks (wk 5–9). At the same time I tried compressing my available time for
coursework research, preparation (making notes) before a particular lecture or assignments (e.g. cell biology essay), and keeping track of future
assignments, etc. As a resulted it affected my sleeping time and lead to a lack of concentration during lectures, which suggested my time management
was not suitable for me. In week 5 after attempting the human physiology MCQ, I scored below my average standards, which confirmed my time
management wasn't helping me at all and that my study skills need to improve too, therefore a change was taken seriously by cutting down nearly half
the hours spent with structured and un–structured leisure, i.e. cutting down on TV, web–surfing, socializing, and gym activities. Therefore adjusting the
time evenly with all the modules and other activities
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Summary Mastery Evaluation
After being challenged to compare my scores on two summaries, I noticed that, for the most part, my scores improved. The most noticeable
improvements were from the "summary mastery" and "style" categories, where I scored higher on Summary 2 than Summary 1. Applying for the
Osprey Writing Badge has made me aware and has confirmed that my writing in this course thus far has improved. To begin, my score from the
"summary mastery" category improved from a 2 to a 4. Whenever I was writing summary 1, summarizing in such a professional way was very new
to me. At the time, I was not aware of including several points and examples to back up my main idea because I did not study the rubric, like I should
have. In Summary 1, my central idea did not relate to the main points I included and I did not provide enough more content...
When writing Summary 1, the concept of "style" was still fresh on my mind because I had never learned about the specifics, until this class. After
rereading Summary 1, I noticed that I used simplistic sentences, my word choice was not fully developed, and I used passive voice in some of my
sentences. I did not receive any peer advice on style, so I tried hard to study my sentences in Summary 2 and make corrections. Whenever I was
writing my Summary 2, I read each of my sentences aloud to make sure the style sounded appropriate. I made my sentences more complex, added
variety, used active verbs, and used a more mature word choice. For example, in Summary 2, I made this sentence more complex and used active
verbs, "They state disabled students face barriers while receiving education, which lead to lack of support from faculty and peers, lack in financial
support, and lack of participation." I have not mastered the "style" category yet, but I have improved. I am still working on making my diction
precise, instead of having an iffy choice of words that do not flow great
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The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas Essay
In The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas, Bruno's attitudes and actions are mainly shaped by three people, Pavel, Father and Shmuel. They shape
Bruno's attitudes and actions mainly through deep conversation. Boyne made Pavel shape Bruno's attitude towards the people on the other side of
the fence. Boyne also made Father shape Bruno's actions to go and explore the fence. Boyne decided to make Shmuel shape Bruno's attitude of how
he felt about Shmuel upon first meeting him. The way Boyne made Pavel shape Bruno's attitudes and actions is through a conversation they had
after Bruno fell off the swing. Bruno finds out that Pavel was a different person on the inside in this conversation. Boyne shows Pavel shaping
Bruno's attitudes and actions was when Pavel said "I think I've always been here", too Bruno. With us knowing Bruno lacks the ability to think in
some areas, it takes a while for Bruno to realise that Pavel lived in Poland and now has to live on the other side of the fence. This conversation made
Bruno finally realise that Pavel was a different person on the inside. This also changes what Bruno more content...
Bruno asked this question because he is a curious boy and wants to find out why they are separated from him. Boyne shows an example of Father
shaping Bruno's actions was when Father said to Bruno "Those people... well, they're not people at all". This confused Bruno, and made him more
curious. What Father meant was that the people on the other side of the fence didn't belong in this world, and best to ignore them and pretend they are
not there. Bruno is obviously not old enough to understand this, and makes him more curious and want to explore. Father's quote was enough to shape
Bruno's action into what he should explore. This links back to the question, because it stands out that Boyne obviously attempted to make Father shape
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Myth Of Aging

  • 1. Myth Of Aging The myth that old age is typically associated with decreased happiness is one that can perhaps be easily believed at first glance. Never having experienced old age, it is easy to think: "all of one's friends must be either dead or dying; disease at old age must be rampant; one's partner may have already passed; the only thing one is looking forward to must be death" so therefore old age must be a time of unhappiness. In addition, this "age–happiness" bias is reported even by older individuals when attempting to rate their happiness at 70 vs. 30 years old (Lacey et al. 2011). However, research in the field of psychology does not fully support the assertion that old age should be equated with unhappiness (Lacey et al., 2011). Quite the contrary, many studies point to the conclusion that aging can actually increase happiness (Lacey et al., 2011). However, it is important to explore other factors that may contribute to that being the case, such as one's expectations when it comes to aging, cultural expectations. II.Summary of more content... I found a few that seemed interesting, but after further inquiry online about the authors, I realized that some of the authors were not doing research in the field of psychology. Finally, two sources I found were both published by current faculty at reputable institutions of University of Texas at Austin and Bryant University, which funded their research. The articles were published in the peer–reviewed Journal of Happiness Studies and the International Journal of Human Development respectively. Thus, the two sources appear to be credible and Get more content on
  • 2. Operations of Google Google Inc. Google Inc. is an U.S. based multinational public corporation that operates primarily in the internet search function, cloud computing, as well as a range of different advertising solutions. Google also has developed a wide range of products and services in an effort to diversify its product mix and create of a larger suite of different applications for users such as Picasa, Blogger, Maps, and YouTube alongside work –friendly tools including Gmail, Calendar, Voice, and AdWords (Wenzel, 2010). Most ofGoogle's products are offered for free to the users and Google primary source of revenue is generated from advertising that is shown in the products. Google has grown from modest roots to become one of the most admired companies in the world today. The company's official mission statement is "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful" (Google, 2012). Google hires people who are smart and determined, and the organization favors ability over experience (Google, 2012). Google is one of the top tech companies in the world and as a result it attracts some of the world's top talent. Although many of the employees share common goals and visions for the company, they all hail from different walks of life and speak dozens of languages, reflecting the global audience they market to. Google tries to maintain the "start–up" culture that it developed when it originally developed. A start–up culture can be thought of as an open Get more content on
  • 3. Wonderful Kids Program Research Paper Wonderful Kids Program, the destination families program also utilizes mental health services in the program. It has been shown that many of foster youth deal with mental issues "Seventy five percent (75%) of foster youth suffer from severe emotional disturbances" and additionally 65% of foster youth were evaluated as needing mental services but would rarely receive them ("The Foster Care Crisis."). The mental health team in the Destination Family program specifically focuses on teenagers and helps these teens process through their past loss and grief, attachment and bonding difficulties, along with support and stabilizing the teenagers. They also assist in preparing teenagers for permanency and helping them understand the importance of finding a forever family. more content... Though most of the programs are meant to be beneficial we must look at the money we are spending on them and if they are producing positive outcomes. If not, why do we have those programs? Should we get rid of all foster care programs that help teens? Or, should they just be reformed? We can't believe that programs discussed like AB 12 are beneficial for foster teenagers. This program may work for some foster teenagers, but not all of them. Throwing money into a program just so foster teenagers have money is not effective. For a program to be effective, it really needs to look at what the foster teenagers need. Foster teenagers need to be able to learn important independent living skills such as housekeeping, cooking, job skills, time management, shopping, laundry, and budgeting. There are some programs such as the Independent Living Program (ILP) that teaches this, but how much can a teenager really learn from a couple lesson plans? These are skills that they would learn from their parents if it was in a traditional household that would take time, nurturing, and Get more content on
  • 4. What I Learned About Writing Introduction: Lessons on Writing, and How I Learned Them When I signed up for this class (at the last minute, I should add, after dropping out of an economics class), I had no idea what to expect from a college–level creative writing course. I was excited to write creatively as a part of a group of like–minded people, but I wondered about the academic aspect of the class: what exactly would I learn about writing itself, and how would I learn it? Looking back now, I realize that through my interactions with the readings we did, my critique of others work, and the feedback I received on my own pieces, I have expanded my depth of knowledge on what is required to create great writing, and, perhaps most importantly, I have learned that great writing can take a variety of more content... Reading and discussing works such as "Cathedral" and "Helping" introduced me to a variety of ways that writing can be effective. For instance, Ron Hansen's "Wickedness" has almost no dialogue in it; meanwhile, "Helping" is effective in the way it primarily uses dialogue to reveal the characters' backstories. Both pieces, however, are held in equally high regard, as they are both examples of effective – if not opposite – styles of writing. All of the stories we read, despite their differences, contained shared traits that made them pleasing to read, such as verisimilitude, effective word use, and overall creativity. By reading and discussing them in class, I was able to absorb these elements of strong writing and incorporate them into my own Get more content on
  • 5. Topic Of Interest Topic of Interest People diagnosed with mental health disorders tend to have reduced physical health compared to the general population (Happell et al., 2011). This topic can relate to nursing practice because nurses can contribute to improving the physical health of patients with mental health disorders. The writer's understanding of this topic is that people with mental illnesses can be negatively impacted by their disorder. This understanding is personally shaped by knowledge of people with mental illnesses that have poor physical health due to untreated or undermanaged diagnosis and comorbidities. The understanding of this topic can fit into two of Carper's (1978) fundamental patterns of knowing in nursing, personal and ethical knowing. The understanding is personal knowledge for the writer but also raises an ethical dilemma that the poor physical health of mentally ill patients is morally wrong and discriminative. Importance of Topic Related to Nursing Knowing that patients with mental illnesses suffer from more physical health related issues than the average person is significant to nursing practice because a solution needs to be discussed by the surrounding health care team and applied to practice. The articles that will be discussed below were chosen because more content... van Hasselt, Celine S.M. Thier, Eric van Rijswijk, and Anton J.M. Loonen in 2014. The purpose of this article was to see if it would be helpful for general practitioners to conduct further physical examinations on patients with mental illnesses or if the current method was sufficient in identifying and treating these patients physical symptoms. This article demonstrates a post–positive approach because it uses qualitative research to determine how effective the current system is on identifying somatic symptoms in patients with mental illnesses. The ontology of this article is Get more content on
  • 6. World War 2 Home Front Research Paper 393202 Mr. Langford US History: Period 6 27 February 2016 WWII Home Front: The Key to Victory The path to Allied victory in World War II wasn't solely due to the soldiers fighting on the frontline, but also a result of the people fighting at the home front as well. When Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7 of 1941, the United States were forced to enter the war and panic gripped the country as a whole and made many fear of plausible attacks to the United States. However, instead of just cowering in fear, the majority of Americans converted this fear into their acceptance that the only way to win this war, was to fight back through their very own, home front. The home front was the war efforts back in the United States, in which many Americans made imperative sacrifices that turned the tide of victory in favor of the United States and Allies. This is evident in the fact that Americans resorted to the rationing of supplies at home, employing women in the defense plants, and buying war bonds to pay for and support the war effort. Thus, the home front was crucial in the United State' more content... From the beginning of World War II, it became quite evident that mass amounts of weapons and vehicles would be needed in order to defeat the Axis powers. Due to this necessity, approximately 2.5 million women were hired to work in shipyards, aircraft factories and such manufacturing and defense plants. As a result of these 2.5 million women in the war factories, approximately 90,000 navy vessels, 80,000 tanks and 300,000 aircrafts and much more were made during those warring years. These mass war productions showed that the home front was a crucial aspect to the United States attaining victory during World War II, due to the fact that it allowed the United States to grow in numbers and Get more content on
  • 7. Ancient Egypt Report Hello King Hammurabi, after my long journey I have many wonderful things to tell you about Egypt. First, the Nile River. The Nile River is the longest river in the world. It stretches 4,000 miles long! It provided water for cooking and bathing, fish, waterfowl, and also had many wild vegetables that grew alongside it. Wild life would come and go around the Nile and sometimes birds would leave their eggs that the people in Egypt could eat. The Nile also provides a really important plant called papyrus that the Egyptians made almost everything out of. The Nile River was also used for transportation to get from port to port so they could trade goods. That is why the Nile River was so great and important to the Egyptians. Egyptians are very smart and have had many great achievements. One achievement is papyrus. Egyptians use more content... The highest class of the Egyptians was the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh is the king of Egypt. Pharaohs were thought to be living gods by the Egyptian people. There is an army, police force, and ministers that help the Pharaoh rule. The Pharaoh had a vizer which was the Pharaoh's right hand man. He gave the Pharaoh a consensus about what was going on in Egypt every day. Egyptians have a multitude of different goods to trade. Egyptians traded gold, papyrus, linen, grain for cedar wood,ebony, copper, iron, ivory, and a blue gem called lapis lazuli. That is what the economy and government was like in Egypt. The daily life of the Egyptians was fascinating. They have four foot high doors that prevented sand from making its way inside. The rich bathed in soaking tubs with scented soap while the poor bathed in the Nile. Boys and girls can marry from the ages 12–14 years old. Children in Egypt were cherished. They were taking good care of, taught about their gods, and were never left to raise themselves. Children mostly played games that developed strength and agility. That's how daily life was in Get more content on
  • 8. Humanity Humanity is a part of everyday life, but what if your humanity was lost? All throughout the human existence, there has been humanity. In the time period of humanity, humanity was put to the test. Mass genocides, cruel leaders, world wars, and many more have shown humanity at its lowest. It shows how humanity is completely destroyed in times of injustice and war. Surviving Hitler, by Andrea Warren and The Diary of Anne Frank by Goodrich and Hackett show how the Nazi party dehumanized all Europeans that opposed the Nazi party and how they destroyed their humanity in the process. In the story Surviving Hitler by Andrea Warren, the main character Jack is living in the time of the holocaust. During his lifetime he goes through many more content... Van Daan has been taking food secretly from everyone while they have been sleeping. His greed took away him common sense and his humanity a weathered down to nothing. His greed led him to take from the ones who needed the food the most. The terror and dehumanization of the Nazi's worked. They have scared and terrorized these everyday people into being greedy and forgetting their sense of humanity. Others may argue that humanity is not lost and destroyed in times of injustice and war, but they are definitely wrong. "Before the war Jack had parents, a brother, a grandfather, uncles, aunts, and cousins– eighty one people in all. Now, everyone except Jack's second cousins, Robert and Arek, Aunt Hinda, Uncle Sigmund, and Jack was dead." "If I had known this when I was in the camps, why would I have struggled so hard to live?" You cannot just think about the time in the camps. You must think about the after effect and psychological problems that this could and have caused. You can argue that they survived and they still have humanity because they are alive, but would you want to keep living when you know that everyone that you had known before except 4 people are dead? Where is the humanity in all of this? All of these stories give examples of the dehumanization of the Nazi's. They took away their names, their lives, and most of all their humanity. Imagine if you were in that situation. You are alive but do you really feel Get more content on
  • 9. How Did Ww2 Change The World World War Two changed the way the world lived and the way they viewed each other efficaciously. It was the one of the biggest and bloodiest battles in American history. It resulted in about 50 to 80 million deaths. The war was between the Allied powers which included the U.S., Canada, Australia, Great Britain, France, Russia, China and the Axis Power which mainly included Germany, Italy, Japan, Hungary, Romania. Hitler was engrossed with the concept of making the German race superior to all races. He called the race "Aryan." He fervently believed that in order for Germany to achieve this state of power, war was vital. In the mid–1930s, he began the rearmament of Germany, secretly and in violation of the Versailles Treaty and also signed more content... After seeing the cruelty and annihilation the Germans caused, France and Great Britain declared war on Germany. This marked the start of World War II. The Germans were able to win many battles because Hitler mobilized Germany's economy while the Allies were in the Great Depression and Germany had a better military and weapons than most of the Allies. Trying to have most of the world on their side, Germany signed the German–Soviet Pact with the Soviet Union that decided that Germany will not attack the Soviet Union after the invasion of Poland. Unfortunately, Hitler became too prideful and broke the pact in 1941. When Germany attacked the Soviet Union, the move overextended German forces, leaving Axis troops vulnerable in Western Europe and Africa. This turned the tide of the war. After the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 by Japan and Yamamoto, the U.S finally joined. Ultimately, the war killed many innocent civilians and destroyed many homes. Not only did it kill a myriad of civilians and soldiers, but it also led to horrible actions and decisions such as Japanese internment, the holocaust, and the atomic bomb. The internment of Japanese Americans was one of the worst decisions caused by the perilous Get more content on
  • 10. General Education Experience he was a student Frank decided to first concentrate on finishing his general education classes. From this experience, Frank felt like he was an outsider. The information offered did not benefit him, so he just memorized the information he needed for each test."...Because integration into the academic environment is a challenge for adult students, developmental educators must understand the background of adult students and develop a curriculum that addresses their particular needs." (Kenner and Weinerman, 2011, pg 90). After this first interview, I was in search of how to enhance student's experiences within general education courses. There must a way of altering the curriculum to improve the learning experience engage all students. "Most adult learners have a practical reason for their learning. They want to learn something that they can apply immediately" (Sogunro, 2014, pg29). With my A.O.D. background and my college experience, I can attest to this being true. Even as a freshman, I can recall struggling to keep myself engaged during a lecture. This self–knowledge reminded me that general education classes that are mandatory are usually viewed differently to any student. To see if any other Universities had a more content... While she was excited about her major, the mandatory general education classes felt "very overwhelming." Nicole states that her collage at work Vanessa was also approached by the company to attend classes. Vanessa was very weary of this new initiative implemented by her company. The idea of an employer sending an employee back to college gave a sense of pressure to Vanessa that she had not received. Of course, there is always some sort of pressure when attending a college, no matter what age or stage in life. Nicole agreed but felt inspired to learn. Employers that can afford to pay for their employees is a trend that Get more content on
  • 11. A Speech Full of Persuasion A Speech Full of Persuasion How MLK's Speech was Persuasive Throughout history, there has been many works of literature that were created for the sole purpose of persuasion. Many of these compelling pieces have caused riots, the downfall of empires and the upheavals of governments. They have also brought about good changes that have been able to keep most of this world in check. The brilliant people who manipulate massive percentages of the world's population through literature are very wise people indeed to have chosen to control with words rather than visible power. This makes them possibly the most dangerous or the most respected people throughout history. Martin Luther King Jr. is one of those remarkable men who have changed more content... This made it easier for them to unite in a common cause which made King's speech successful. He also tied them together by saying, "Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children." Many people who attended this speech were very religious so this hit home and caused them to join together to work to eliminate racial injustice. Last of all, it can be observed that King specifically chose to use his children in his speech to get instantaneous affection and pity from the crowd, rallying their ideas and hopes. With many parents and protectors in the crowd, this struck many people, and caused them to craze for justice and sanity. It did not affect the population too much, but it seems to have made a tremendous difference in the long run. What King had said was, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." Many people there attested to similar hopes and dreams so they felt like they were even more a part of this movement to where all of the assistance and the participation eventually led to the desegregation of the country. Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech is possibly one of the most compelling and persuasive pieces of work that can be found in our history. Many people aspire to be leaders, to be astounding, to be recognized. Many give up because they think they are not Get more content on
  • 12. Internet has done more harm than good Internet has done more harm than good. The Internet is undoubtedly the most crucial technology of the modern world. It increases technology advancement and improve communication and transportation. The Internet is a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication services, consisting of organized networks using standard communication rules. While people think of the Internet as a good source of getting knowledge, there are many disadvantages associated to it. One of the main harmful effects of the Internet is its abusive uses. Internet promotes the identity theft and destroys valuable documents of public information through spam messages and viruses. Every year due to the more content... Ehmke, (2013). For instance, a school boy who has obesity and his friends tease him for his obesity in the social networking sites and along other people are also tease him and he fell very embarrassing and insulted. Proponents argue that the Internet is an abundant source of information and entertainment which offers worldwide information in the following areas such as marketing law, education and movies. However, some of the information given on the Internet could be wrong. For example, Internet gives information of all the fields but the information is not verified and it could be incorrect and misleading those who get ideas for professional studies from Internet. There is also the argument that the Internet has become an indispensable tool of communication which has helped to bring the world closer through social networking websites such as Skype, Facebook, Twitter and other medium. On the contrary, these social networking sites have some negative effects. For example, most of pedestrian use mobile phone and social media at traffic lights. This may lead to some potential accidents that can cause serious injuries to pedestrians as well as people in moving vehicles. Pallack, (2013)" A truck driver was using his cell phone to look at photos of women on Facebook when he crashed into three police cars and two fire trucks on Interstate 8, killing a DPS officer, records obtained by the Star show. Trucker on Facebook at time of deadly crash, Get more content on
  • 13. Personal Narrative- Making Positive Changes Essay Personal Narrative– Making Positive Changes I have positive attributes and weaknesses as everyone else does. However, since I came from Peru to America, I experienced many changes in my personality from a shy girl to an independent, outgoing and friendly teenager. My strongest personal attributes are generosity, my spirit of collaboration and my perseverance to achieve any goals and overcome obstacles in my life. For example, when I was in Peru I used to go to a hospital to help children with disabilities. I used to visit them very often. I played with them so that they could forget for a while about their sickness. At the time I could make them happy and they enjoyed a nice moment getting to know me. By helping them, I felt a more content... People might say that I am not that talkative. When I was in school I wasn't the kind of girl who goes and talks to everyone, unless I knew the person. I always had to wait for someone to start a conversation with me. That's why in some way it was hard for me to make friends as a child, because of my shyness. When my parents decided to come here, it was kind of a shock for me. First of all, the language and the challenge to start a new life, meet new people and adapt myself to the new and different customs worried me. Here in the United States, the fact that I didn't speak English really well made the high school separate me from the other students, putting me into a different program; ESL. This program helped me a lot, because the teacher encourage us to not give up. She told us that it is good to experience sometimes some changes in our lives. That's how we can learn more and improve ourselves. She also talked with the principal about doing a diversity program to help ESL students integrate more with the rest of the school. She encouraged us to talk about and to feel proud of the differences in our cultures. By overcoming this huge change, this experience made me grow more inside as a person. Now, I am more independent, a little bit more outgoing and friendly. I'm more independent in the way that I have a job and I don't depend anymore on my parent's money. I can buy and have all what I want, but always keeping in mind to save for tomorrow. The Get more content on
  • 14. Inductive Argument In the first part of the assignment we were asked to identify components of arguments, premise and conclusion, for the passages. Where applicable we are to highlight key words or phrases that identify a claim as a premise or a conclusion. A premise is the support for the conclusion. (Missimer, 2005) The first example has several premises as follows if Sue's baby is a boy it will be named Mark and if it is a girl it will be named Margaret. Another premise is that Sue will have a boy or girl. "So" is a keyword indicating the conclusion that Sue's baby will be named Mark or Margaret. In the next example, "because" is a keyword in the premise and indicates that the conclusion has preceded and a reason will follow. This premise is that more content... In the last part of the assignment we are asked to identify the arguments as inductive or deductive. Anargument is said to be deductive if its conclusion is claimed to necessarily follow the premise. An inductive argument claims only that its conclusion probably follows from its premises. That is, the inferential claim is that since the premises are true or acceptable, the conclusion is likely to be true or acceptable. (Missimer, 2005) The first and second examples are inductive because even though the premises may be true, it is still possible for the conclusion to be false. They will then have to be looked at to see if they are strong or weak and if all premises are true or if one or more is false. We can then determine if the argument is reliable or unreliable. The third example is a deductive argument if we go by the definition above. If the premises are true then it simply isn't possible for the conclusion to be false. If you have a deductive argument and you accept the truth of the premises, then you must also accept the truth of the conclusion; if you deny it, then you are denying logic Get more content on
  • 15. The Lottery Paragraph Analysis Paragraph 1 The Lottery, a short story by Shirley Jackson, was published in 1948 in the magazine The New Yorker. The plot is that It starts in a small town with 300 people on a sunny day June 28th people gathered in the town square with lots of farmers 1st the slips are prepared 1 for each family. head of the family draws and draw notes the ones with black dot draw again. but it's the family the family member with the black dot gets stoned to death. The theme of the story. The theme was blindly following tradition. First, When people gather in the town square forthe lottery because it's tradition and they don't want to break it. Second, When people throw rock nobody apise because they think no one will stand beside the to help. Next, more content... First, In the book it was a lot more suspenseful. When you read the book it start on a sunny day in June when the town people get of work or leave home to go to the town square it puts suspense because you're wondering what's going on until they throw rocks at Mrs, Dunbar, Next, The kids playing around. When the boys were grabbing rocks in the movie it showed a boy tackle another boy for a rock which showed in that they were exited to kill/ stone someone. In the book the kids were just playing and grabbing rock which made you think nothing of it. Last People grabbing rocks. When one of Mrs, Dunbar's friends in the book grabbed the rock they said it was heavy and they were tired so they couldn't go on, wich showed she cared for her friend and didn't want to kill her or anybody. In the movie Mrs, dunbar's friend grabbed a big rock a brought it and through it, which showed she didn't care much for her and wanted to get it done and over Get more content on
  • 16. Army Warrant Officer Essay Since the official induction of the warrant officer into the United States Army in July of 1918, we have stood the test of time and have been a major asset throughout military history. The commission of warrant in the U.S. Navy dates as far back as the late 1700s. The early years of the British Navy relied on an officer in the position of warrant that was not part of the Royal family to be the commander of the ship, but was much more experienced than a junior enlisted sailor. These men had vast experience and worked alongside the new lieutenant or captain to mentor them in the ways of ship operations and how to be an effective commander. The numbers and strengths of the Army warrant officer has varied throughout history, but our importance, roles, and significance to the mission, have only continued to grow. Within our doctrine, such as ADRP 6 –22; Army Leadership, there is no defined leadership roles for the warrant officer. We fall in line with officers in general, being the senior mentor and leader in the organization. Whereas an enlisted Soldier swears an oath to follow lawful orders, an officer promises to "well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office." As an officer, we must go the extra step, think outside the box, more content... As aviators, we usually do not have the responsibility of being signed for equipment or having a platoon of Soldiers, but we do have the accountability of our knowledge and skill sets and applying them to support the commander. Our type of leadership does not always directly affect the chain of command and the soldiers like a squad leader or platoon leader should. We work in the background, being able to approach the NCO leadership chain and also the commander, with the same candor and panache to accomplish the mission at Get more content on
  • 17. Time Management Essay Time Management The largest percentage of my time went into sleeping which isn't a surprise, however tracking how I used my time made it obvious that further time management was needed to achieve my maximum potential. Such improvements would be to the undesirable categories: Structured and Un–structured leisure, a decrease by half the amount of hours used by these categories would assist my private studies and improve my overall academic performance. This should lead to a third of my time into travelling, eating, class contact, structured and un–structured leisure. And another third into private study and finally the last third into sleeping. Trying this new arrangement of time keeping provided to be a positive outcome in my day to more content... Managing my time was difficult at those weeks as it meant planning how to use the space provided in the diary, the style (font style) and presentation to allocate appropriate times for modules, meetings, and appointments, all of these must be effective and realistic to suite my life style. In addition, those weeks seems as an unpleasant challenge rather a positive experience to be a university student. I had little time to spend visiting and using the university facilities, which proved to aid my education in the following weeks (wk 5–9). At the same time I tried compressing my available time for coursework research, preparation (making notes) before a particular lecture or assignments (e.g. cell biology essay), and keeping track of future assignments, etc. As a resulted it affected my sleeping time and lead to a lack of concentration during lectures, which suggested my time management was not suitable for me. In week 5 after attempting the human physiology MCQ, I scored below my average standards, which confirmed my time management wasn't helping me at all and that my study skills need to improve too, therefore a change was taken seriously by cutting down nearly half the hours spent with structured and un–structured leisure, i.e. cutting down on TV, web–surfing, socializing, and gym activities. Therefore adjusting the time evenly with all the modules and other activities Get more content on
  • 18. Summary Mastery Evaluation After being challenged to compare my scores on two summaries, I noticed that, for the most part, my scores improved. The most noticeable improvements were from the "summary mastery" and "style" categories, where I scored higher on Summary 2 than Summary 1. Applying for the Osprey Writing Badge has made me aware and has confirmed that my writing in this course thus far has improved. To begin, my score from the "summary mastery" category improved from a 2 to a 4. Whenever I was writing summary 1, summarizing in such a professional way was very new to me. At the time, I was not aware of including several points and examples to back up my main idea because I did not study the rubric, like I should have. In Summary 1, my central idea did not relate to the main points I included and I did not provide enough more content... When writing Summary 1, the concept of "style" was still fresh on my mind because I had never learned about the specifics, until this class. After rereading Summary 1, I noticed that I used simplistic sentences, my word choice was not fully developed, and I used passive voice in some of my sentences. I did not receive any peer advice on style, so I tried hard to study my sentences in Summary 2 and make corrections. Whenever I was writing my Summary 2, I read each of my sentences aloud to make sure the style sounded appropriate. I made my sentences more complex, added variety, used active verbs, and used a more mature word choice. For example, in Summary 2, I made this sentence more complex and used active verbs, "They state disabled students face barriers while receiving education, which lead to lack of support from faculty and peers, lack in financial support, and lack of participation." I have not mastered the "style" category yet, but I have improved. I am still working on making my diction precise, instead of having an iffy choice of words that do not flow great Get more content on
  • 19. The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas Essay In The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas, Bruno's attitudes and actions are mainly shaped by three people, Pavel, Father and Shmuel. They shape Bruno's attitudes and actions mainly through deep conversation. Boyne made Pavel shape Bruno's attitude towards the people on the other side of the fence. Boyne also made Father shape Bruno's actions to go and explore the fence. Boyne decided to make Shmuel shape Bruno's attitude of how he felt about Shmuel upon first meeting him. The way Boyne made Pavel shape Bruno's attitudes and actions is through a conversation they had after Bruno fell off the swing. Bruno finds out that Pavel was a different person on the inside in this conversation. Boyne shows Pavel shaping Bruno's attitudes and actions was when Pavel said "I think I've always been here", too Bruno. With us knowing Bruno lacks the ability to think in some areas, it takes a while for Bruno to realise that Pavel lived in Poland and now has to live on the other side of the fence. This conversation made Bruno finally realise that Pavel was a different person on the inside. This also changes what Bruno more content... Bruno asked this question because he is a curious boy and wants to find out why they are separated from him. Boyne shows an example of Father shaping Bruno's actions was when Father said to Bruno "Those people... well, they're not people at all". This confused Bruno, and made him more curious. What Father meant was that the people on the other side of the fence didn't belong in this world, and best to ignore them and pretend they are not there. Bruno is obviously not old enough to understand this, and makes him more curious and want to explore. Father's quote was enough to shape Bruno's action into what he should explore. This links back to the question, because it stands out that Boyne obviously attempted to make Father shape Bruno's Get more content on