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Selected Poetry
By M. D. “Duke” Wadsworth
(Includes 3 Dimensional Poems)
He stands
Legs Widespread
Feet Implanted
Upon the Universe
He watches
The Intertwining,
Traces of Existence
He flips
Some Upwards
Some Downwards
For his own Amusement
While we,
Unknowing and
Picture our Uniqueness
Our import
And Meaning
Until, we plummet
Down the ball-return

Emboldened, not embittered, by the miles that have been tread
Creating, not berating, with the words that will be said
The cause must be the learning
Parents, teachers and the rest
Upgrading, not destroying, all the thoughts within the head
Enjoying, not desponding, from the things that come this day
Competing, not repeating, all the times that make nerves fray
The cause must be the training
Coaches, leaders and the best
Extending, not confining, all the moves in course of play
Performing, not rejecting, with the rules that make my heart
Expanding, not retracting, all the gifts that I impart
The cause must be the framing
Writers, models and the nest
Fostering, not embalming, all the love that I restart
Questioning, not accepting, all the dogma that defines God
Exulting, not repulsing, in the feelings of my bod
The cause must be the sayings
Pastors, rabbis and the rest
Cogniting, not reciting, till I end up in the sod
Curse of History
It matters not which war occurred
The details are the same
Some people crushed
Some people now in sway
For reasons most insane
It matters not what single word
Had started all the pain
Two small groups’ trust
In truths, to which they prayed,
Ignited intense flame
It’s after, when the blood ground’s toured
And details fall like grain
Of both groups’ lust
Destroying hateful prey
Committing acts of shame
This plants the seed of next rounds’ sword
This starts the next big train
New people crushed
New people now in sway
And what’s the final gain?
Wallow in self-pity
Shut out those
Who care
Curl up like a kitty
Feel that life
Ain’t fair
Live like Walter Mittey
Make each pose
A dare
Work at being gritty
Beat life’s blows
And share

Searching the world to be cheery
Powerful theories abound
When you have clamped on a theory
Feels like your feet are aground
Religion’s a network of theories
Race, now a theory unsound
When you inherit a theory
Loud you acclaim and propound
Countries are tiers within series
Each of them has its own sound
Baying like dogs that, it’s merely,
Theirs is the best one around
Others compete with their theories
Lawyers just turn them around
Making you sadder and teary
Filling your life with their sound
Cheery does not come from a theory
It comes from not being bound
Tight, in the past, by your theories
Living each day you have found
3 Dimensional Poetry



The following Poems are 3 Dimensional. They can be scanned/read three
different ways.
When Columns are scanned from top to bottom from left to right, the poem
tells a story/play that a person’s mind would put together.
When a stanza is scanned down, then the stanza in the next column is
scanned down, then the stanza in the last column is scanned down, and this
process is repeated for each set of stanzas across the page, another story/play
When the poem is scanned across a row from top to bottom, the
disconnected perceptions (what a person would: see, hear, smell, feel, etc.) of
the person during the experience emerge. The other two dimensions illustrate
how the same perceptions result in different realities.
I believe that I am the only 3 Dimensional Poet. If you run across any other
3 Dimensional Poems, please let me know at
Singles Play/Scene
Don Juans and

daubs of loser gray

amidst all this

Juannas too

besmear the scene

true stars emerge

perched like vultures

garbed in multi-hues

alone for reasons

on their stools

raucous plaids to dowdy blacks

that are theirs

beaks dipping into

figures gross to pencil thin

and through unwanted

alcoholic fantasies

emit pretentious noise or

cause their presence

dummies posing with

silent-soft inanities

drifting, coursing

their practiced smiles

through laughing rictii

in this firmament

warm look-stares

tentative or brash adagios

when two stars meet

like icy lasers

all wrong keyed, repulsed

a rose-filled glow

precede the moves

before they’re played

lights all the scene

choreographed by rote

recreate, reiterate

and babble stills

with babble chanted

the previous scene

to frame their words

pirated from talk-shows

in different combinations

about their lives

if this scene plays

till soul-borne despair

the aches, the thoughts

more rote to follow

pollutes the air

that true selves know

the setting shifts

the final scenes

and final scenes

to “hers” or “his”

are played within

in churches, synagogues

each move more involved with

the decorated barrenness

and city halls

critiquing their performance

of practiced solitude

or just plain beds

than living, sharing

on scentless beds

at times, just parting

giving, caring – empty

in clammy sheets

warm with knowing

final, monosyllabic lines

intoned alone

souls have met and

absorbed by counting coup

as multiple soliloquies

mingled in good time
War Play/Scenes
Out Patrolling

hundredth recon

why are we here

Not just strolling

try to be calm

what is so dear

Neck a swivel

don’t remember

why’d I join up

Whispered drivel

mind a blender

what a fuck up

Point is stopping

something not right

palm down, swung down

Palm up, Palm in

prep for firefight

quick flop onto ground

Spin to outside

set my vector

barrel sweeping

Weapon up-glide

cover sector

trigger squeezing

Sight-scan tree line

jungle too dense

bullets ripping

Listening so fine

body too tense

claymores tripping

Sweating double-time

memory flashes

muck erupting

Breathing half-time

prior clashes

mortars crumping

Nothing Moving

bodies lying

helos clacking

Bugs just grooving

good men dying

rockets smacking

Birds not squawking

chest wounds sucking

jet noise tearing

No one talking

neck hits hawking

napalm flaring

Palm turns backward

mind pushed outward

barrel sliding

Arm swung upward

calm flows southward

chin up-riding

Back patrolling

hundredth recon

no more please

Still not strolling

all for freedom

finger’s last squeeze
In the beginning, Creation occurred.

An American Perspective

Universes expanded. Galaxies swirled.

Pre-Recorded History

Stars attracted. Earth was born.

Insignificant speck, within the whole;

Insignificant thing, among all life;

Insignificant groups, upon the earth;

A whirling blob, of molten magma

An upright form, of bone and muscle

Enlarging sets, of human beings

Rotating and revolving around a star

Wandering and foraging around a cave

Selecting and collecting around just one

That we call sun

For survival

Who led them all

Gradually cooling, atmospheres forming.

Sexually bonding, family growing,

Hungrily looking, skills now defining.

Plate-shifts rending. Land mass shifting,

Elders leading. Stronger hunting.

Strongest leading. Hunters killing.

Mountains soaring. Rivers coursing

Weaker farming. Fishers catching.

Crafters shaping. Fire enslaving.

Oceans swelling.

Shapers arming.

Lore collecting.

Elements: combined, refined

Families: defined, co-joined,

Syllables: uttered, re-tried

Mutated, swam, crawled,

Competed, fought, cleaved,

Repeated, said, sketched,

Slid and flew

Died and grew.

Cried anew.

Processes repeated. New life emerged

Old leaders unseated. New groups are forged

Old sounds now deleted. Language is formed

And Man was born

And Clans emerged

Among the clan
An American Perspective
Clans to Tribes

Insignificant still, upon the earth,

More significant sects, taking more space

Now significant size, tribes now claim lands

Many more clots of smaller clans

Absorbing clans of smaller size

Merging the clans of weaker chiefs

Traveling and settling in places where

Slaughtering and enslaving each smaller clan

Rustling and kidnapping from other tribes

They all could live

That would not yield

As strong as them

Cleverly slaying men and fierce beings

Lustily mating, women just serving

Collectively making new rules for judging

Some, now sowing plants for healing,

Crops are growing. beasts now taming.

Tribal speaking. Women equaling.

Others crafting, tools designing,

Groups are hunting. Craftsmen rising

Infirm leaving. Heroes praising.

Events drawing

Leaders scheming.

Gods creating.

New job roles: defined, assigned

All Headmen: assigned, combined

Everyone: resigned, aligned,

Hunted, caught, gathered,

Ruled, judged, punished

Lored, schooled, counseled

Shaped and taught.

Led and fought.

Minds are caught.

Mysteries debated. Shamans chanted

Everyone competed. Treaties are pledged

Loyalty rewarded. Dual leads emerged.

And Lore became

And Chiefs rule all

Shamans and Chiefs
An American Perspective
City/States to Nations
Most significant Tribes build City/States

Magnificent Empires claim lands and seas

Powerful Nations now claim all the earth

Kings, Lords and serfs, with armies bold

Absorbing kingdoms; whose Kings do fold

By planting flags on lands untold

Absorbing and protecting, laws enacting

Contriving and surviving, all are bowing

Exploring and devouring, most are warring

With each a Creed

To their own King

For God and King

Deities rising. Royalty preening.

Royalty taxing. Common man toiling.

Far East revealing. Nations/Churches growing.

Merchants trading Doctors leaching.

Merchants lending. Navies rising.

Armies warring. Navies fighting

Artists thriving. Kings now ruling.

Men exploring. More Gods finding.

Banks investing. Arts enlightening.

Prophets swaying.

Two Creeds growing.

Christ’s Church splitting.

Eastern Tribe: traveled, settled

Jews in East: traveled, rambled

Newfound Lands: claimed, explored

Worshiped, sought, conquered

Enslaved, taught, guided

Annexed, taxed, warred

Vied and slew.

Tried anew

Lost and grew

Religions debated. Jews/Islam formed

Judaism restated and Christ adorned

Each man’s vote is counted and States are formed

As One God foes

As Son of God

With Churches freed
An American Perspective
Great Expansion

Constitutional rights for every man

As older Nation fights to rule us once again,

While Nations fight for King and Church.

Attracting those with personal goals.

An anthem’s pledge in song unrolls.

Dissension here, a death knell tolls.

Purchasing and transporting, people coming

Conscripting and retraining, flag still waving

Conflicting and dividing on slaves true roles

From lands of birth

O’er U. S. A.

Leads to Civil War

Immigrants spreading. Companies growing.

Crops abounding. Industry flowing.

North/South warring. Brothers fighting.

Shipyards keeling. Tribes’ lands stealing.

Canals digging. Cowboys herding.

Blockades running. Empires wooing.

Trails unfolding. New lands showing.

Merchants dealing. Farmers sowing.

Merchants thriving. Graveyards filling.

Rivers flowing.

Genius inventing.

Nation grieving.

Common men: labored, voted

Nation now is: powered, seated

North/South re-United: scarred, fleeted

Cheated, stole, punished

Directed, famed, schooled

Dissected, mined, ranched,

Lied and slew.

Tied by view

Vied and grew

Religions feted throughout the land.

Religions decry they are the best.

Families unite within their Church.

This Nation grew

Tribes lands we take.

The U. S. rules
An American Perspective
Greater Expansion

Some revolutions reign in Nations old

Insignificant spark, in all the world

Magnificent growth, of industry

A rising mob of common people

A single shot, kills Ferdinand

The moneyed class begins to rule

Resisting then revolting against their Czar

Rearming and aligning around a cause

Suppressing and head-breaking the working class

Or only King

Of World War

Until the Crash

Nationally spreading. Industries booming.

Fatally killing. Grievously wounding.

Industrially swelling. Real estate scamming.

New jobs forming. Classes shifting.

Soldiers charging. Airplanes bombing.

Bubble bursting. Workers seeking.

Barons robbing. Workers cursing.

Boundaries rending. Nations shifting.

Dust bowls spreading. Farmers moving.

Hatred swelling.

Church bells knelling.

Brokers diving.

Bolshevists: defined, refined

America: defied, allied

Government: confused, abused

Imported, born, killed,

Enlisted, sworn, fought

Elected, sworn, thought

Hid and flew.

Shot and slew.

Dealt anew.

Suppression repeated. New groups emerged.

No Nation defeated. Armistice signed.

Public works created. New Jobs emerged.

Class wars are born.

False Peace returned.

And Hunger reigned
An American Perspective
Latest Expansion

International stress, among a few,

Obliteration threat, of all life forms,

U.S.S.R implodes, leaving One Power

Expansion needs are land-line bound

By Russian Bear or U. S. power

While terrorists begin attacks

Conscripting and re-arming for nation’s rights

Rearming and alarming to dominate

Destroying and slaughtering for their “true cause”

Cause World War

Give us Cold War

And search for Power.

Blitzkriegs slashing. Boundaries falling.

Nations aligning. Superpowers growing.

Iraq invading. Coalition winning.

Nations warring. U. S. sitting.

China arming. We’re “peacekeeping”.

Islam chaffing. Terror basing.

Japan bombing, .Axis forming.

Not retreating. All stalemating.

We’re invading; and invading

U. S. Warring.

World is fearing.

Two wars “winning”.

Battle groups: combined, defined

Cuba: armed, espied, defied.

Government: confused, abused

Air lifted, rode, crawled,

Russia: backed, bluffed,

Self-centered, spun, fought

Sailed and flew

Stalled, withdrew.

Defied by few

Slaughtering continued. A-Bomb is Born.

Vietnam erupted. Nation divided.

Groups are splintering. Anger the norm.

This War did end.

And war is lost.

Repeats the past.
About The Author
M. D. “Duke” Wadsworth



After beginning his career as a Technical Writer for United Technologies, Duke obtained
positions (and produced results) that:
- Vaulted him to the level of Vice President of a major publishing company within 6 years
- Fueled a meteoritic rise from Project Leader to Manager of Consulting for the northeastern
United States in just six more years
- Allowed him to run his own, highly successful, consulting company for 15 years and gave him
the experience required to write these books.
Duke’s specialties are Education/Training, Management, Information Technology, Systems
Development and Out- Placement Services.
He has won a wide variety of awards for his work and has written two books on Project
Management that were published by Prentice-Hall.
His BA in Education is from the University of Michigan; and he resides in Jacksonville, Florida.
He is the owner of Get THAT Job.
You can find more information about Duke at and at His print
publications, and his poetry at, His print publications include Beginners
and Advanced Manuals and Exercises in Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
His e-mail address is Let him know what you thought of
these articles. If you found any errors or omissions, please let him know.
His Smashwords Interview is at:
My E-Books 6 Short Articles + 1 Manual

The direct links to my E-Books appear below.
Two books are Free. You can sample about 20% of the others for FREE.
Duke’s Tips For Finding Functions in Excel - Version 2007 and Later
Duke's Tips For Finding Functions in Word - Version 2007 And Later
Duke's Tips for Completing an Employment Application
Duke's Tips For Staying Young (Book is Free)
Duke's Tips For Purchasing A Personal Computer
The Job Seeker's Edge (How To Get A Job - Manual)
Truth Is In The Mind Of The Beholder (Book is Free)

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Selected Poetry - Including 3 Dimensional Poetry

  • 1. Selected Poetry By M. D. “Duke” Wadsworth (Includes 3 Dimensional Poems)
  • 2. Pinball He stands Legs Widespread Feet Implanted Firmly Upon the Universe He watches Impassively The Intertwining, Steely Traces of Existence He flips Some Upwards Some Downwards Whimsically For his own Amusement While we, Unknowing and Self-centered, Mentally Picture our Uniqueness Our import And Meaning Until, we plummet Finally Down the ball-return
  • 3. QUEST Emboldened, not embittered, by the miles that have been tread Creating, not berating, with the words that will be said The cause must be the learning Parents, teachers and the rest Upgrading, not destroying, all the thoughts within the head Enjoying, not desponding, from the things that come this day Competing, not repeating, all the times that make nerves fray The cause must be the training Coaches, leaders and the best Extending, not confining, all the moves in course of play Performing, not rejecting, with the rules that make my heart Expanding, not retracting, all the gifts that I impart The cause must be the framing Writers, models and the nest Fostering, not embalming, all the love that I restart Questioning, not accepting, all the dogma that defines God Exulting, not repulsing, in the feelings of my bod The cause must be the sayings Pastors, rabbis and the rest Cogniting, not reciting, till I end up in the sod
  • 4. Curse of History It matters not which war occurred The details are the same Some people crushed Some people now in sway For reasons most insane It matters not what single word Had started all the pain Two small groups’ trust In truths, to which they prayed, Ignited intense flame It’s after, when the blood ground’s toured And details fall like grain Of both groups’ lust Destroying hateful prey Committing acts of shame This plants the seed of next rounds’ sword This starts the next big train New people crushed New people now in sway And what’s the final gain?
  • 5. CHOICES Wallow in self-pity Shut out those Who care Curl up like a kitty Feel that life Ain’t fair Live like Walter Mittey Make each pose A dare Work at being gritty Beat life’s blows And share
  • 6. Theory Searching the world to be cheery Powerful theories abound When you have clamped on a theory Feels like your feet are aground Religion’s a network of theories Race, now a theory unsound When you inherit a theory Loud you acclaim and propound Countries are tiers within series Each of them has its own sound Baying like dogs that, it’s merely, Theirs is the best one around Others compete with their theories Lawyers just turn them around Making you sadder and teary Filling your life with their sound Cheery does not come from a theory It comes from not being bound Tight, in the past, by your theories Living each day you have found
  • 7. 3 Dimensional Poetry       The following Poems are 3 Dimensional. They can be scanned/read three different ways. When Columns are scanned from top to bottom from left to right, the poem tells a story/play that a person’s mind would put together. When a stanza is scanned down, then the stanza in the next column is scanned down, then the stanza in the last column is scanned down, and this process is repeated for each set of stanzas across the page, another story/play emerges. When the poem is scanned across a row from top to bottom, the disconnected perceptions (what a person would: see, hear, smell, feel, etc.) of the person during the experience emerge. The other two dimensions illustrate how the same perceptions result in different realities. I believe that I am the only 3 Dimensional Poet. If you run across any other 3 Dimensional Poems, please let me know at Thanks!
  • 8. Singles Play/Scene Don Juans and daubs of loser gray amidst all this Juannas too besmear the scene true stars emerge perched like vultures garbed in multi-hues alone for reasons on their stools raucous plaids to dowdy blacks that are theirs beaks dipping into figures gross to pencil thin and through unwanted alcoholic fantasies emit pretentious noise or cause their presence dummies posing with silent-soft inanities drifting, coursing their practiced smiles through laughing rictii in this firmament warm look-stares tentative or brash adagios when two stars meet like icy lasers all wrong keyed, repulsed a rose-filled glow precede the moves before they’re played lights all the scene choreographed by rote recreate, reiterate and babble stills with babble chanted the previous scene to frame their words pirated from talk-shows in different combinations about their lives if this scene plays till soul-borne despair the aches, the thoughts more rote to follow pollutes the air that true selves know the setting shifts the final scenes and final scenes to “hers” or “his” are played within in churches, synagogues each move more involved with the decorated barrenness and city halls critiquing their performance of practiced solitude or just plain beds than living, sharing on scentless beds at times, just parting giving, caring – empty in clammy sheets warm with knowing final, monosyllabic lines intoned alone souls have met and absorbed by counting coup as multiple soliloquies mingled in good time
  • 9. War Play/Scenes Out Patrolling hundredth recon why are we here Not just strolling try to be calm what is so dear Neck a swivel don’t remember why’d I join up Whispered drivel mind a blender what a fuck up Point is stopping something not right palm down, swung down Palm up, Palm in prep for firefight quick flop onto ground Spin to outside set my vector barrel sweeping Weapon up-glide cover sector trigger squeezing Sight-scan tree line jungle too dense bullets ripping Listening so fine body too tense claymores tripping Sweating double-time memory flashes muck erupting Breathing half-time prior clashes mortars crumping Nothing Moving bodies lying helos clacking Bugs just grooving good men dying rockets smacking Birds not squawking chest wounds sucking jet noise tearing No one talking neck hits hawking napalm flaring Palm turns backward mind pushed outward barrel sliding Arm swung upward calm flows southward chin up-riding Back patrolling hundredth recon no more please Still not strolling all for freedom finger’s last squeeze
  • 10. In the beginning, Creation occurred. History An American Perspective Universes expanded. Galaxies swirled. Pre-Recorded History Stars attracted. Earth was born. Insignificant speck, within the whole; Insignificant thing, among all life; Insignificant groups, upon the earth; A whirling blob, of molten magma An upright form, of bone and muscle Enlarging sets, of human beings Rotating and revolving around a star Wandering and foraging around a cave Selecting and collecting around just one That we call sun For survival Who led them all Gradually cooling, atmospheres forming. Sexually bonding, family growing, Hungrily looking, skills now defining. Plate-shifts rending. Land mass shifting, Elders leading. Stronger hunting. Strongest leading. Hunters killing. Mountains soaring. Rivers coursing Weaker farming. Fishers catching. Crafters shaping. Fire enslaving. Oceans swelling. Shapers arming. Lore collecting. Elements: combined, refined Families: defined, co-joined, Syllables: uttered, re-tried Mutated, swam, crawled, Competed, fought, cleaved, Repeated, said, sketched, Slid and flew Died and grew. Cried anew. Processes repeated. New life emerged Old leaders unseated. New groups are forged Old sounds now deleted. Language is formed And Man was born And Clans emerged Among the clan
  • 11. History An American Perspective (Continued) Clans to Tribes Insignificant still, upon the earth, More significant sects, taking more space Now significant size, tribes now claim lands Many more clots of smaller clans Absorbing clans of smaller size Merging the clans of weaker chiefs Traveling and settling in places where Slaughtering and enslaving each smaller clan Rustling and kidnapping from other tribes They all could live That would not yield As strong as them Cleverly slaying men and fierce beings Lustily mating, women just serving Collectively making new rules for judging Some, now sowing plants for healing, Crops are growing. beasts now taming. Tribal speaking. Women equaling. Others crafting, tools designing, Groups are hunting. Craftsmen rising Infirm leaving. Heroes praising. Events drawing Leaders scheming. Gods creating. New job roles: defined, assigned All Headmen: assigned, combined Everyone: resigned, aligned, Hunted, caught, gathered, Ruled, judged, punished Lored, schooled, counseled Shaped and taught. Led and fought. Minds are caught. Mysteries debated. Shamans chanted Everyone competed. Treaties are pledged Loyalty rewarded. Dual leads emerged. And Lore became And Chiefs rule all Shamans and Chiefs
  • 12. History An American Perspective (Continued) City/States to Nations Most significant Tribes build City/States Magnificent Empires claim lands and seas Powerful Nations now claim all the earth Kings, Lords and serfs, with armies bold Absorbing kingdoms; whose Kings do fold By planting flags on lands untold Absorbing and protecting, laws enacting Contriving and surviving, all are bowing Exploring and devouring, most are warring With each a Creed To their own King For God and King Deities rising. Royalty preening. Royalty taxing. Common man toiling. Far East revealing. Nations/Churches growing. Merchants trading Doctors leaching. Merchants lending. Navies rising. Armies warring. Navies fighting Artists thriving. Kings now ruling. Men exploring. More Gods finding. Banks investing. Arts enlightening. Prophets swaying. Two Creeds growing. Christ’s Church splitting. Eastern Tribe: traveled, settled Jews in East: traveled, rambled Newfound Lands: claimed, explored Worshiped, sought, conquered Enslaved, taught, guided Annexed, taxed, warred Vied and slew. Tried anew Lost and grew Religions debated. Jews/Islam formed Judaism restated and Christ adorned Each man’s vote is counted and States are formed As One God foes As Son of God With Churches freed
  • 13. History An American Perspective (Continued) Great Expansion Constitutional rights for every man As older Nation fights to rule us once again, While Nations fight for King and Church. Attracting those with personal goals. An anthem’s pledge in song unrolls. Dissension here, a death knell tolls. Purchasing and transporting, people coming Conscripting and retraining, flag still waving Conflicting and dividing on slaves true roles From lands of birth O’er U. S. A. Leads to Civil War Immigrants spreading. Companies growing. Crops abounding. Industry flowing. North/South warring. Brothers fighting. Shipyards keeling. Tribes’ lands stealing. Canals digging. Cowboys herding. Blockades running. Empires wooing. Trails unfolding. New lands showing. Merchants dealing. Farmers sowing. Merchants thriving. Graveyards filling. Rivers flowing. Genius inventing. Nation grieving. Common men: labored, voted Nation now is: powered, seated North/South re-United: scarred, fleeted Cheated, stole, punished Directed, famed, schooled Dissected, mined, ranched, Lied and slew. Tied by view Vied and grew Religions feted throughout the land. Religions decry they are the best. Families unite within their Church. This Nation grew Tribes lands we take. The U. S. rules
  • 14. History An American Perspective (Continued) Greater Expansion Some revolutions reign in Nations old Insignificant spark, in all the world Magnificent growth, of industry A rising mob of common people A single shot, kills Ferdinand The moneyed class begins to rule Resisting then revolting against their Czar Rearming and aligning around a cause Suppressing and head-breaking the working class Or only King Of World War Until the Crash Nationally spreading. Industries booming. Fatally killing. Grievously wounding. Industrially swelling. Real estate scamming. New jobs forming. Classes shifting. Soldiers charging. Airplanes bombing. Bubble bursting. Workers seeking. Barons robbing. Workers cursing. Boundaries rending. Nations shifting. Dust bowls spreading. Farmers moving. Hatred swelling. Church bells knelling. Brokers diving. Bolshevists: defined, refined America: defied, allied Government: confused, abused Imported, born, killed, Enlisted, sworn, fought Elected, sworn, thought Hid and flew. Shot and slew. Dealt anew. Suppression repeated. New groups emerged. No Nation defeated. Armistice signed. Public works created. New Jobs emerged. Class wars are born. False Peace returned. And Hunger reigned
  • 15. History An American Perspective (Continued) Latest Expansion International stress, among a few, Obliteration threat, of all life forms, U.S.S.R implodes, leaving One Power Expansion needs are land-line bound By Russian Bear or U. S. power While terrorists begin attacks Conscripting and re-arming for nation’s rights Rearming and alarming to dominate Destroying and slaughtering for their “true cause” Cause World War Give us Cold War And search for Power. Blitzkriegs slashing. Boundaries falling. Nations aligning. Superpowers growing. Iraq invading. Coalition winning. Nations warring. U. S. sitting. China arming. We’re “peacekeeping”. Islam chaffing. Terror basing. Japan bombing, .Axis forming. Not retreating. All stalemating. We’re invading; and invading U. S. Warring. World is fearing. Two wars “winning”. Battle groups: combined, defined Cuba: armed, espied, defied. Government: confused, abused Air lifted, rode, crawled, Russia: backed, bluffed, Self-centered, spun, fought Sailed and flew Stalled, withdrew. Defied by few Slaughtering continued. A-Bomb is Born. Vietnam erupted. Nation divided. Groups are splintering. Anger the norm. This War did end. And war is lost. Repeats the past.
  • 16. About The Author M. D. “Duke” Wadsworth           After beginning his career as a Technical Writer for United Technologies, Duke obtained positions (and produced results) that: - Vaulted him to the level of Vice President of a major publishing company within 6 years - Fueled a meteoritic rise from Project Leader to Manager of Consulting for the northeastern United States in just six more years - Allowed him to run his own, highly successful, consulting company for 15 years and gave him the experience required to write these books. Duke’s specialties are Education/Training, Management, Information Technology, Systems Development and Out- Placement Services. He has won a wide variety of awards for his work and has written two books on Project Management that were published by Prentice-Hall. His BA in Education is from the University of Michigan; and he resides in Jacksonville, Florida. He is the owner of Get THAT Job. You can find more information about Duke at and at His print publications, and his poetry at, His print publications include Beginners and Advanced Manuals and Exercises in Word, Excel and PowerPoint. His e-mail address is Let him know what you thought of these articles. If you found any errors or omissions, please let him know. His Smashwords Interview is at:
  • 17. My E-Books 6 Short Articles + 1 Manual   The direct links to my E-Books appear below. Two books are Free. You can sample about 20% of the others for FREE. Duke’s Tips For Finding Functions in Excel - Version 2007 and Later Duke's Tips For Finding Functions in Word - Version 2007 And Later Duke's Tips for Completing an Employment Application Duke's Tips For Staying Young (Book is Free) Duke's Tips For Purchasing A Personal Computer The Job Seeker's Edge (How To Get A Job - Manual) Truth Is In The Mind Of The Beholder (Book is Free)