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My Life Changing Event
A life–changing event is not something to be taken lightly. Throughout our lives, we encounter many obstacles and changes, some of which bring
us joy and excitement, others of which may be hard for us to handle. When I look back on my relatively short life, it may, at first, be hard for me to
think of an event that has truly molded and shaped the person that I am today. I have encountered several changes, but at the time, they felt like
mere speed bumps along my path. Looking back now, it is easy for me to see that these changes were not by chance, but were placed in my path to
form the person that I am today. When I think about an event that sticks out in my mind as one that was very important in my life, I think about
changing schools in the seventh grade. About halfway through my middle school career, I became very unhappy at my school and with life in
general. Upon discussing with my parents, we made the decision that I would switch schools and embark on a new journey in hopes to appease
my unhappy soul. At first, I felt as if a new school would not help; little did I know what a profound change it would have on my life. Upon first
glance, my new school did not seem like much of a fit for me. Everyone seemed to like it, but I was having trouble fitting into the daily grind of a
school that required much more effort and attention than I was ever used to. I did my best to keep up with everyone else, but this was hard for me,
seeing as I was used to being one of the
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The Event That Changed My Life Essay
Describe an event from your past and how it shaped you as a person.
I'm a victim, I thought. The books were closed. The papers were signed. It was official. The next school year, I would enter the fifth grade–– again.
I knew I was gifted and capable of more, but after we moved from urban Oklahoma City to Tulsa before the fourth grade, my intelligence was
meaningless. Suburban–school luxuries like computers, advanced math, and special ways to learn English flooded my brain. Homework was an
Homework was not an afterthought to my fifth grade teacher, however. With her annoying, dogged persistency, Mrs. Thomas gave me "zero slips"
whenever I "forgot" an assignment. She was on more content...
Tears welled up in my eyes but anger manifest itself instead. It's not fair. My grades may be bad, I grumbled angrily, but I'm NOT stupid.
Yet stupidly, I refused to ask for help.
Stupidly, I let the entire year pass me by.
The end of school came eventually, and I abandoned dreams of the sixth grade. Luckily, I was transferring to another elementary school, but this offered
me little consolation. Only dummies have to repeat a grade.
The final bell rang, and students erupted in a joyful chorus of cheers as summer break began. I sang a melancholy dirge of self–pity. My bitterness
increased as I waited for my mother to pick me up. She came at last and I jumped up, anxious to leave forever. Again, Mrs. Thomas thwarted my plans;
she came outside to talk to my mother, undoubtedly about my ignominious fate. As they murmured, I viewed the co–conspirators with hostile eyes. I'm
a victim, the final sigh of my fifth grade year whispered wearily.
Before I could escape, she had to heighten my torture with a few words of wisdom and the obligatory good–bye. I ignored her words as she stood
before me. Her words had not averted this horrible moment. I prayed that she was done, but soon she had her arms around me. Not strangling my
incorrigible neck, but hugging my ten–year old shoulders.
I remember few details of this hug. First,
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The Moment That Changed My Life
The moment that changed my life. This essay is based on an event that changed my life forever. It is a passage that is mixed with feelings and
emotions. This experience gave my life a purpose and a sense of direction. It allowed me to grow from a boy to a man in just one day. It was a
cold, rainy winter morning in Liverpool. I had gone about my morning no different than any other working day. By 6:30AM I was showered,
dressed, and full from my huge bowl of cereal. This gave me fifteen minutes to watch the latest news before I left to arrive at work for 7AM. It was
9.15AM when my cell phone began to ring; it was a call from my mother. I could tell by the quick, anxious, but bold and loud tone her voice that this
was not going to be more content...
I'm living in my hero's shadow. How do I fill the boots of a man that everybody loved? It was then I decided to make something of my life, to make
him proud. This is why I'm here today. This is why you have this essay in front of you, to better myself. For the hope that one day, I can provide for
my family and give them the future that my father gave to me. I do not like to praise only one of my role models, as I have two amazing parents.
Watching a women nearly lose somebody she has loved for over thirty years was very difficult. My mother has shown loyalty and never ending
lover for her family. I truly believe, it was this love my father was fighting for. I must thank my mother a great deal for this. I can only pray to be half
as happy as both of them in my
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Events That Changed My Life
The Events That Changed My Life There are many different life changing events that can change your life. Sometimes things happen in people's
life and they can't do anything about it. Changes can be good and sometimes it can be a terrible thing that results in a positive turn in one's life.
Change is a part of life that no one looks forward to. Everyone's life changes at some point. Life is full of many unexpected challenges that will be
thrown in your face at any place and any time. People learn and grow from every experience that they go through in life. Some of the events that
have changed my life was losing my grandmother, graduation, and going to college. Changes come almost every day in my life. Losing my
grandmother was one of the worst things that have happened to me. When she died, I knew my life had changed. I watched her take her last
breath in the hospital and it was very heartbreaking. She was like my second mom because she was always with me. I didn't think it would come
so soon. Dealing with her death was one of the hardest thing that I've ever had to do. It was very hard because it was my second experience of
losing someone very close to me around the same time of the year. I had to learn how to cope with losing her. I let all my emotions out, I didn't
listen to what anyone was saying, and I had to remember to take care of myself. Losing my grandmother changed me because she did everything for
me. I had to grow up and be more responsible. I had to learn how
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The Main Events That Affected My Life
Because of the main events that happened to me, I've learned a lot and had some great experiences. They were very fun and life changing. Some
of the main events that impacted my life are when I went to Minnesota, Disneyland, and when I went on a cruise. Going to Minnesota was
amazing! There were many cool buildings and a lot to see. In my opinion, the best thing I did while I was there was when I went to the Mall of
America. It was the biggest building I've ever been in and had tons of stores to shop in. And in the very center of the building was the food court,
roller coasters, and life sized things made out of legos hanging on the ceiling and where people walked. That was just the first floor. Downstairs on the
bottom floor was a huge aquarium
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An Event That Has Impacted My Life Research Paper
Impact in my life something that changes the way I am and shaped me to the person I am growing into. A few things have impacted my life from
events to places to people . An event that has occurred was going to California over the summer , the place was the southern part of California ,
and my cousins and my girlfriend have made an affect in this topic . In the first place , going to California was simply amazing to me . It was
something that I'll always remember to be honest . It impacted my life so much it was an outstanding event that's happened . I stayed there for a
month it was really nice . It impacted my life because I had figured out new views in life and ways I could enjoy it more . My cousins built a big
confidence booster for me too. I had a lot of fun there best event during the summer honestly. My cousins came to Vegas as well to stay for 2 weeks
it was something I really enjoyed I wasn't as lonely and I got to go out more something I really liked . That's about it for the event . Then , the place
was Southern California this is a place very dry and sometimes humid just like the city where I live in Las Vegas . more content...
My cousins always had me laughing while I was there . My cousin Jesse I slept at his house for awhile. I had some really good times there place of
laughter and fun while being with him. Staying up till 4 and laughing at that time getting close to getting caught up . Then after that I slept at my
cousins Veros house I had some amazing moments there from watching movies late at night to getting scared from ghost supposedly being there . It
was the place where I met my girlfriend too . My cousin vero had some friends over and that's how I met her. Then after that I became best friends
with her I got close then started to date her . It impacted my life because now I'm in a long distance relationship and that's something I've never
imagined being
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An Experience that changed my Life
Life is full of learning and it is mostly due to our daily life experiences. These experiences are mostly based on our surrounding environment from
where we learn new things every day. But all these experiences are a result of our keen observations out of daily routines. It is very important to note
that life also provides us with some chances to experience new people or places that are indeed out of the ordinary. That is thetime we indeed learn new
and unique things, hence these are unique experiences of our life which are remembered by us throughout our life span. I have visited USA and this
was indeed a life time experience. Going through new and strikingly important things really made me filled up with pleasure. It was indeed very joyful
and marvelous experience. I am very happy and expecting many more things and unique experience coming my way and making me enjoy new and
exciting things.
USA is a place which is full of new experiences that is what makes it even more exciting due to all kinds of diversity in food in recreation and work;
hence everything here is much more diverse than a normal place available for recreation anywhere in the world. This was the first time in my life
when I was to go overseas and I really enjoyed this, it was indeed marvelous experience when I visited East, more content...
I have logic to testify my statement in terms of the reference that USA being an economic hub invites people from all parts of the world. One can
always have the chance to meet many diverse people belonging to different cultures, traditions and lifestyles. So, one can enjoy a small world here in
USA. I met people from different parts of the Asia–Pacific region, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Africa, Europe, Russia and Indonesia. Many of them
were my online friends and we really enjoyed meeting each other in the practical world rather than the virtual world for the very first
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An Experience That Changed My Life Essay
In life we all have something that has changed the way we perceive things. Most things that change a person's perception happens to be an experience
that they have gone thru and learned from. In my case it wasn't necessarily an experience, it was a dog that changed my perception on life. My mind
and heart was opened in a whole new way. I never thought I could love an animal just as much as I loved the people in my life. I always thought it was
strange that pet owners loved and treated their pets the same way they treated their children. My perception on dogs or pets in general definitely
changed. Throughout this paper you will see why I am a totally different person because of a dog that entered my life.
People say a man' more content...
The funniest thing is; she never turned to the left. She would always make circular movements to the left in a quick fashion. Seeing this made my
so happy. I would find myself looking forward to it when I was parking the car in the driveway. Tacha was one greedy dog too, she knew that she
was not allowed in the kitchen, but the second she thought someone wasn't looking she would run in the kitchen and snatch whatever was left out
on the counter. One time I remember ordering Pizza and the family was all in the dining room eating, and when my son went to grab another piece
he noticed that the entire box was on the floor, and the pizza was gone. To our surprise Tacha ate all the pizza. My family would always find this
funny, but there were plenty of nights when we couldn't get seconds on dinner because it was in Tachas belly. Tacha was a smart dog, she was also
aware that she was not allowed to get on any of the beds in the house. This didn't stop her though. On several occasions one of us would walk in the
house, and within 1 second we would hear a loud thump and Tacha running down the stairs. The loud thump was Tacha jumping off the bed. Times
were not always so funny with Tacha, but I never loved her any less. One day Tacha was in the back yard getting some fresh air. I recall attaching her
to the chain and going back in the house. About 1 hour later, the neighbor was banging on my front door screaming, "Come get your dog, come get
your dog, she's chasing
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A lot of people experience events that change their lives; some are more difficult to deal with. An event that changed my life was moving from
Pennsylvania to New Jersey. I lived I Pennsylvania for 11 years after my parents split up. I have currently been living in New Jersey with my dad for
about 2 years. Moving at this age was very difficult because it is hard to make friends with new people since everyone already has a group of friends.
It was hard to fit into a new group of friends so I tried out for the soccer team since I have played my entire life and playing on a school sports team is a
great way to make new friends. I didn't make the team so I ended up playing soccer for the township. While playing on the team I met one of my closest
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A Moment That Changed My Life
This is my creative essay for the Film Program at NYU. The prompt was:
"Introduce yourself. Describe an unforgettable event in your life and how it changed your perception of yourself or the view of someone close to
you. This event can be dramatic and/or comedic. The assignment may be written as a short story in the first person or as an essay."
My one fear is that my essay is hard to understand. So any feedback on how it reads to other people would be a huge help. And also any gramatical
errors or anything like that that you find would be a help as well. I'm probably mailing this out today so please, any advice would be much appriciated.
How did I get here? How did this happen.
I sat staring through the open car door as more content...
Never before had I noticed those lines, those cracks, those wrinkles which spread out like ripples on the surface of a pond. Never before had I noticed
how thin the skin appeared, how stretched, or even how loosely the veins spread underneath. For the first time I was looking at my father; a man in his
fifties, hardened by years of ceaseless working. For the first time in a long time, I was seeing what was actually there and not just what my eyes were
telling me to see based off of what they had previously known.
For the first time, I realized I was growing up.
For the first time, I felt the hold that time has on me.
For the first time, I thought "I am almost eighteen years old. What have I done with that time?"
What had I done?
I hated the thought. I dreaded the question. That question to which my answer would speak of nothing of importance. At this time, what troubled me
most was not the fact that I – and everyone around me – were getting older. At this time, what troubled me most was the fact that– in all that time of
growth– the things which I had done served no greater purpose than to merely entertain; to entertain myself or the requests of others, teachers, my
parents. I thought, "Has all this time been wasted?"
Time goes by so fast; faster than even I can sometimes realize. The funny thing is, the older I get, as the years I have left steadily decrease, I can't help
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Life Changing Events
LIFE CHANGING EVENTS In this essay you had the option to choose a life event that has changed you. But I chose to give a list of events that
has made me who I am instead of just one event that changed a little part about me. This essay will show what has happened in my life for me to
be the way I am to this day. This is me. First of all there was my grade seven camp. Although I have an unclear recollection of the camp I still
remember the important bits. One thing which I know for sure is that I never really wanted to go on the camp. The school teachers and my parents
had to force me to go. Two days before the camp started I decided to go. The big reason why I didn't want to go was because I was very shy and didn't more content...
Its amazing how much things u remember about your childhood if you just sit down carefully think about it. The events that I've mentioned are
probably the only ones that have made me whom I am. Who knows, if I'm 25 years old maybe there will be many more. Maybe an event or change
is taking place right now and I might only realize it later on. I know that some of the events have changed me for the better and some for worse but
what I do know is that it made me wiser. If you think about carefully if I have another ten similar events like these before I'm 21, could you imagine
how wise and how knowledgeable I would be? Those were the events which have most influenced me and made me whom I am to this very
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Essay about A Life Changing Event
"A Life Changing Event"
There are many events that stand out in my life that were significant and helped me grow stronger. One of these events stands out in particular to me
and had the greatest impact in my life. When I attended high school my focus was never on the academics but only on sports and having fun with
my friends. I never payed attention for more than five seconds and failed to complete any type of work given to me. My lack of care for high school
affected me on going to a four year college, playing a sport in college, and taking remedial classes. First off when one's grades are poor it is extremely
hard to get into a four year college. I would sit in all of my forty–five minute classes doodling, telling jokes, and more content...
The thought of asking any of my teachers for letters of recommendation was not even an option anymore because they knew my personality and
work ethic. All throughout high school I was involved in sports. I excelled in football and lacrosse throughout the four years I attended my high
school. I had no problem going home studying football plays for hours and looking to make myself better for the next game or practice. I could
recite defenses and offenses with no problem, but give me a math problem and it was as if it was in another language. Unlike my teachers I got
along with my coaches well and they would be willing to help me get into a good school to further my playing skills. That is in reality only about
twenty five percent of what you need to get into college. I lacked the other seventy five percent of doing at least average in academics and being a
well rounded student. I had some schools contact me about playing lacrosse at their school but once they had heard I hadn't taken the SAT's yet
and that my grades were a little above failing their interest level dropped. I believe that I potentially threw away some opportunities that could have
really benefitted me today. Even if I would have payed attention the slightest bit I could have easily achieved B's and C's. I had my priorities mixed
up and it really came back to bite me four years down the road. In addition to those two of the many problems a I faced another problem arose
quickly. Nearing the end of
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Life Essay : The Day That Changed My Life
I remember it like it was yesterday, the day that changed my life forever. On March 9th of 2011, my mom was diagnosed with skin cancer in her lung.
The doctor gave her about six months to live and this is how it went.
It was a normal day, after school we got a text to come straight home right, no big deal right? I walked up the steps, dreading every step I took because
she's going to make me do dishes or something. I'm going to have to do a set of chores before I can leave again, normal day like I said. Little did I
know, I would dreaded this day a lot more than expected. Once I seen the look on her face, I knew it wasn't just dishes. She began to tell us to not
be scared ,but she won't be here for long. She has cancer and with only six months to live. I was in disbelief, shocked and all I could think is "how
could you leave me like this?", selfish right? I remember going down the stairs to sit in her car ,but she was too sick to drive, therefore, it would
become mine. I sat there replaying a new Eminem CD over and over and over. So this is the beginning of a life–changing experience, your sweet 16 is
supposed to be the best year of your childhood. Unfortunately, I will forever remember my 16 as the last year I kissed my mom , the last year I got to
tell her something about my day and the last year she made me do dishes.
It was a normal day in first hour English class. Then door opened, it was an office aide, she walked over to me and slid a note on my desk. I have
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Event Changed My Life
I want to share with you five things that I implemented into my life that created amazing, compounding change, and completely shifted the
direction and energy of my life. I came to them through reading, talking with others, and taking an honest look at my circumstances and the chain
of events that led me to be where I was. I was discouraged by the drudgery, loneliness, and lack of direction I found embedded in my day to day
experience. I used the wisdom and experience of many to create a plan of action that has surprised me with it's effectiveness and simplicity. Change
is available to everyone, and it is available right now. I remember how helpful first hand accounts from others were to me and I hope to pass a little of
that along more content...
I had a fairly physically demanding job, but I added an hour walking the dog five days a week (really chugging along, get the heart rate up) and two
20 minutes strength sessions per week, weights, sit–ups, lunges, etc. It is good for the body and mind. As my friend said, "The only people who
couldn't sleep in the good old days were alcoholics when the still ran dry, everyone else worked from dawn to dusk and fell down dead at the end of
the day." Well I didn't want to start scratching out a living on a farm, so I started walking. It helped. A lot. b) Routine: I started going to bed within a
one hour window, and waking up within a one hour window, regardless of what was going on. For me this was to bed between ten and eleven, and up
between five and six. So even if I had the day off I was up at six. If I couldn't fall asleep at eleven, especially at first, I got up and read or wrote. No tv
or computer or cleaning project or late night snack/beverage. If I fell asleep at five a.m. I still rolled out of bed at seven a.m. No day–time napping!
This is tricky at first, while your still not sleeping well, but it is essential, and gets easier day by day. c) Avoiding "stuff" : Caffeine after four; food
after six; bright lighting after nine (light affects sleep hormones); all sleep aids, prescription or over the counter (this was a personal choice, it worked
for me in the long run); an overheated bedroom (studies show
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What Event Changed My Life?
What event changed my life? That 's not really a hard question. The event that changed my life was when I stood up to my father and started to defy
his logic. Sure every teenager defies their parents every once and awhile. But my family wasn 't like most normal families. Maybe it would be best if
I started from the very beginning. I was about five years old at the time when my mother and father got a divorce for reasons I did not know since I
was only a child. He may have visited or not I do not recall, but I do know that eventually he went away all together for a good time and my mom
never talked about it. Years later we eventually got word of him and started writing letters to him, but no matter how many times I asked where he was
he never told me. Eventually my mother started to date other men and found my stepfather–Doug. After a good two years we moved down to Mount
Vernon to his house. Myfamily up North were sad that we were leaving, but were happy for my mom. At least that was what I thought. I was so
happy, I made a lot of new friends and everyone at the school was kind. Years later when I turned ten or eleven my dad came back from the
unknown place he never spoke of. It was really nice to have him back for a while. We tried to visit him as much as possible or talk to him,but he
would get angry if we missed a call from him or told him we came up to his apartment that weekend. I really never noticed it at the time to be
honest.Eventually when I became older I got to
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The Event That Changed My Life Essay
There have been very few events throughout my lifetime that I feel have impacted or inspired me with such noteworthiness and that I know will
change my outlook on the world and affect me forever. One of those events occurred when I traveled to Portugal, my parent's homeland. From this
excursion in 2007, I learned the importance of family, most importantly the distant kind. It provided me with a totally different perspective on the
world and how large and extended one's family can really be; even across cultures and continents. I felt so fortunate learning this lesson at a young
age and growing to appreciate the ideals I was brought up with as a child. The family I have in Portugal has always been there; however, their faces
have aged more content...
Since the town I was in was in a very rural area of the country, on the northern most point, near the border of Spain, whatever meats, fruits and
vegetables I ate were freshly grown or raised on local farms. I had a first–hand experience with this when I went to my grandmother's very old friend's
house. While I was there, I saw my first freshly prepared chicken with the head, feathers,and feet removed in front of my eyes. Even though this
seemed like a gory and almost disgusting thing to me at the time, I later found out, in the film Food Inc., that the ways animals are treated in this
country are much worse than what I saw that day. Nonetheless, the freshness of ingredients in any cooking is always a plus, and this made better by
being at the table with my family and friends. From having spent these few hours with my relatives in Portugal, I was able to come away knowing
great tasting food and beautiful, and at times gory, memories. Quite honestly, I've never had better tasting chicken. The Portuguese culture, which I
had already grown up with in the U.S., was a main part of the trip in and of itself. The magnificent architecture that I saw there, even though it was
decaying with time, was very symbolic of the Portuguese heritage. For example, on many red clay terracotta roof tops there resided cupolas, and on
those cupolas was the famed Gallo do Barcelos (English equivalent – Rooster of Barcelos), which
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An Event That Changed My Attitude Towards Life
An accident last year changed my attitude towards life . That accident had a great impact on me , it taught me to treasure what i have and to treasure
those people around me more . Although the accident was not life threatening , it was still the scariest thing i had ever been through in life . It was an
accident that no one would have expected and wanted it to happen .
The accident happened sometime last year during the june holidays , while i was having my council annual camp . It was the second day of the
camp and we were all playing the four corners captains ball . I love ball games , as long as it is a sport but who knew such an accident would happen
on me . When the game started , students were banging and pushing more content...
Honestly , it was my first time going to the Accident and Emergency department i was scared and worried about what will happen to my wrist and
how will my parents react .While my teacher was doing all the registration i sat there in state of shock . It was really a blessing having my best friend
by my side comforting me and constantly telling me everything will be alright . I was then called to do some X–RAYS before consulting the doctor .
My parents finally came and just right it was my turn to consult the doctor , my mother then went in together with me . The doctor was then examining
my X–RAYS that i took before consulting him . My heart was beating very very fast as I am a right hander and i need my right hand to do many
things . Finally the doctor spoke , he said that there was no obvious or major fractures shown in my X–RAYS but i have to put an temporary cast on
my hand. He then referred me to a specialist at KK Children Bone Specialist to ensure there was no hairline fracture or any small minor fractures .
I was on cast for one month . My appointment with the specialist then arrived , it was a few days after my holiday trip . I then went to KK Hospital
and got my cast removed as the specialist confirmed that there was no hairline fractures or what not it was only an inflamed tendon and the impact of
the fall that cause it to swell . I felt so happy after my cast was being removed , but at the
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A Incident That Changed My Life
Fiction Mckenna Crase A Incident That Changed My Life
On December 26th I was going on a road trip to Tennessee with my parents and my sister, Alison. We were in Ohio when it happened....
It was a windy, snowy winter when we were in Ohio. On December 26th there was black ice on the road. My dad was going a bit too fast. We slid on it
and went off the road. I woke up three days later. When I woke up I found out the rest of my family was dead. The doctor in my hospital was named
Zach. I just knew he was going to be my knight in shining armor. Oh yeah I forgot to tell you, my name is Alisa. It took me ages to pay off my
hospital bill. After I got better that doctor and me started hanging out. We had one date and then another and then another. One day we went to this
AMAZING restaurant. It was as good as hot chocolate on a cold day.
Four years later we got married. I know right romantic. After what felt forever, we got to say our vows. "When I first saw, him my first thought was,
'Wow he's was a hot tamale'. He is a very special guy and I am glad to be the very lucky girl to marry him. I love him so much. I will always love him,
forever and ever." said Alisa. "Okay, first of all, how gorgeous is she in this dress. I mean seriously this is as good looking as they can get. They also
can't get anymore caring and loving, special and the most amazing
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My Experience That Changed My Life
In High School I had to write a paragraph about an experience that changed my life, I decided to write about parents and the effect their decision
had on me. Growing up, my parents argued mentally and physically. My parents getting a divorce were difficult to go through as a child, the
arguing still goes on in my head sometimes. If you are thinking I am scarred no I am not it is just something that is not easy to forget. As a 10 year
old I had mixed feelings and I didn't know what to do and I didn't know who to talk to about what was wrong. For some reason I felt it was my fault in
a way because I never tried to make them reconsider. It was a very emotional roller coaster for me, especially since I didn't understand until I got older.
I remember sometimes waking up in the middle of the night hearing my parents fussing and swearing. It was heart breaking hearing them talk to each
other like that. I used to go hug my mom and asked what happened afterward, she always told me nothing and rocked me to sleep. I didn't think
anything about it, but then again, I didn't know any better. When the fights got physical my sister and I would usually step in or they would stop
themselves because we would be screaming. The day they decided to go get a divorce, it was early in the morning they were arguing. I got between my
mom and dad, he pushed mom and I both down. They started hitting at each other and I was between them. After they stopped my mom called the
police when they came my mom
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My Life Changing Event

  • 1. My Life Changing Event A life–changing event is not something to be taken lightly. Throughout our lives, we encounter many obstacles and changes, some of which bring us joy and excitement, others of which may be hard for us to handle. When I look back on my relatively short life, it may, at first, be hard for me to think of an event that has truly molded and shaped the person that I am today. I have encountered several changes, but at the time, they felt like mere speed bumps along my path. Looking back now, it is easy for me to see that these changes were not by chance, but were placed in my path to form the person that I am today. When I think about an event that sticks out in my mind as one that was very important in my life, I think about changing schools in the seventh grade. About halfway through my middle school career, I became very unhappy at my school and with life in general. Upon discussing with my parents, we made the decision that I would switch schools and embark on a new journey in hopes to appease my unhappy soul. At first, I felt as if a new school would not help; little did I know what a profound change it would have on my life. Upon first glance, my new school did not seem like much of a fit for me. Everyone seemed to like it, but I was having trouble fitting into the daily grind of a school that required much more effort and attention than I was ever used to. I did my best to keep up with everyone else, but this was hard for me, seeing as I was used to being one of the Get more content on
  • 2. The Event That Changed My Life Essay Describe an event from your past and how it shaped you as a person. I'm a victim, I thought. The books were closed. The papers were signed. It was official. The next school year, I would enter the fifth grade–– again. I knew I was gifted and capable of more, but after we moved from urban Oklahoma City to Tulsa before the fourth grade, my intelligence was meaningless. Suburban–school luxuries like computers, advanced math, and special ways to learn English flooded my brain. Homework was an afterthought. Homework was not an afterthought to my fifth grade teacher, however. With her annoying, dogged persistency, Mrs. Thomas gave me "zero slips" whenever I "forgot" an assignment. She was on more content... Tears welled up in my eyes but anger manifest itself instead. It's not fair. My grades may be bad, I grumbled angrily, but I'm NOT stupid. Yet stupidly, I refused to ask for help. Stupidly, I let the entire year pass me by.
  • 3. The end of school came eventually, and I abandoned dreams of the sixth grade. Luckily, I was transferring to another elementary school, but this offered me little consolation. Only dummies have to repeat a grade. The final bell rang, and students erupted in a joyful chorus of cheers as summer break began. I sang a melancholy dirge of self–pity. My bitterness increased as I waited for my mother to pick me up. She came at last and I jumped up, anxious to leave forever. Again, Mrs. Thomas thwarted my plans; she came outside to talk to my mother, undoubtedly about my ignominious fate. As they murmured, I viewed the co–conspirators with hostile eyes. I'm a victim, the final sigh of my fifth grade year whispered wearily. Before I could escape, she had to heighten my torture with a few words of wisdom and the obligatory good–bye. I ignored her words as she stood before me. Her words had not averted this horrible moment. I prayed that she was done, but soon she had her arms around me. Not strangling my incorrigible neck, but hugging my ten–year old shoulders. I remember few details of this hug. First, Get more content on
  • 4. The Moment That Changed My Life The moment that changed my life. This essay is based on an event that changed my life forever. It is a passage that is mixed with feelings and emotions. This experience gave my life a purpose and a sense of direction. It allowed me to grow from a boy to a man in just one day. It was a cold, rainy winter morning in Liverpool. I had gone about my morning no different than any other working day. By 6:30AM I was showered, dressed, and full from my huge bowl of cereal. This gave me fifteen minutes to watch the latest news before I left to arrive at work for 7AM. It was 9.15AM when my cell phone began to ring; it was a call from my mother. I could tell by the quick, anxious, but bold and loud tone her voice that this was not going to be more content... I'm living in my hero's shadow. How do I fill the boots of a man that everybody loved? It was then I decided to make something of my life, to make him proud. This is why I'm here today. This is why you have this essay in front of you, to better myself. For the hope that one day, I can provide for my family and give them the future that my father gave to me. I do not like to praise only one of my role models, as I have two amazing parents. Watching a women nearly lose somebody she has loved for over thirty years was very difficult. My mother has shown loyalty and never ending lover for her family. I truly believe, it was this love my father was fighting for. I must thank my mother a great deal for this. I can only pray to be half as happy as both of them in my Get more content on
  • 5. Events That Changed My Life The Events That Changed My Life There are many different life changing events that can change your life. Sometimes things happen in people's life and they can't do anything about it. Changes can be good and sometimes it can be a terrible thing that results in a positive turn in one's life. Change is a part of life that no one looks forward to. Everyone's life changes at some point. Life is full of many unexpected challenges that will be thrown in your face at any place and any time. People learn and grow from every experience that they go through in life. Some of the events that have changed my life was losing my grandmother, graduation, and going to college. Changes come almost every day in my life. Losing my grandmother was one of the worst things that have happened to me. When she died, I knew my life had changed. I watched her take her last breath in the hospital and it was very heartbreaking. She was like my second mom because she was always with me. I didn't think it would come so soon. Dealing with her death was one of the hardest thing that I've ever had to do. It was very hard because it was my second experience of losing someone very close to me around the same time of the year. I had to learn how to cope with losing her. I let all my emotions out, I didn't listen to what anyone was saying, and I had to remember to take care of myself. Losing my grandmother changed me because she did everything for me. I had to grow up and be more responsible. I had to learn how Get more content on
  • 6. The Main Events That Affected My Life Because of the main events that happened to me, I've learned a lot and had some great experiences. They were very fun and life changing. Some of the main events that impacted my life are when I went to Minnesota, Disneyland, and when I went on a cruise. Going to Minnesota was amazing! There were many cool buildings and a lot to see. In my opinion, the best thing I did while I was there was when I went to the Mall of America. It was the biggest building I've ever been in and had tons of stores to shop in. And in the very center of the building was the food court, roller coasters, and life sized things made out of legos hanging on the ceiling and where people walked. That was just the first floor. Downstairs on the bottom floor was a huge aquarium Get more content on
  • 7. An Event That Has Impacted My Life Research Paper Impact in my life something that changes the way I am and shaped me to the person I am growing into. A few things have impacted my life from events to places to people . An event that has occurred was going to California over the summer , the place was the southern part of California , and my cousins and my girlfriend have made an affect in this topic . In the first place , going to California was simply amazing to me . It was something that I'll always remember to be honest . It impacted my life so much it was an outstanding event that's happened . I stayed there for a month it was really nice . It impacted my life because I had figured out new views in life and ways I could enjoy it more . My cousins built a big confidence booster for me too. I had a lot of fun there best event during the summer honestly. My cousins came to Vegas as well to stay for 2 weeks it was something I really enjoyed I wasn't as lonely and I got to go out more something I really liked . That's about it for the event . Then , the place was Southern California this is a place very dry and sometimes humid just like the city where I live in Las Vegas . more content... My cousins always had me laughing while I was there . My cousin Jesse I slept at his house for awhile. I had some really good times there place of laughter and fun while being with him. Staying up till 4 and laughing at that time getting close to getting caught up . Then after that I slept at my cousins Veros house I had some amazing moments there from watching movies late at night to getting scared from ghost supposedly being there . It was the place where I met my girlfriend too . My cousin vero had some friends over and that's how I met her. Then after that I became best friends with her I got close then started to date her . It impacted my life because now I'm in a long distance relationship and that's something I've never imagined being Get more content on
  • 8. An Experience that changed my Life Life is full of learning and it is mostly due to our daily life experiences. These experiences are mostly based on our surrounding environment from where we learn new things every day. But all these experiences are a result of our keen observations out of daily routines. It is very important to note that life also provides us with some chances to experience new people or places that are indeed out of the ordinary. That is thetime we indeed learn new and unique things, hence these are unique experiences of our life which are remembered by us throughout our life span. I have visited USA and this was indeed a life time experience. Going through new and strikingly important things really made me filled up with pleasure. It was indeed very joyful and marvelous experience. I am very happy and expecting many more things and unique experience coming my way and making me enjoy new and exciting things. USA is a place which is full of new experiences that is what makes it even more exciting due to all kinds of diversity in food in recreation and work; hence everything here is much more diverse than a normal place available for recreation anywhere in the world. This was the first time in my life when I was to go overseas and I really enjoyed this, it was indeed marvelous experience when I visited East, more content... I have logic to testify my statement in terms of the reference that USA being an economic hub invites people from all parts of the world. One can always have the chance to meet many diverse people belonging to different cultures, traditions and lifestyles. So, one can enjoy a small world here in USA. I met people from different parts of the Asia–Pacific region, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Africa, Europe, Russia and Indonesia. Many of them were my online friends and we really enjoyed meeting each other in the practical world rather than the virtual world for the very first Get more content on
  • 9. An Experience That Changed My Life Essay Introduction: In life we all have something that has changed the way we perceive things. Most things that change a person's perception happens to be an experience that they have gone thru and learned from. In my case it wasn't necessarily an experience, it was a dog that changed my perception on life. My mind and heart was opened in a whole new way. I never thought I could love an animal just as much as I loved the people in my life. I always thought it was strange that pet owners loved and treated their pets the same way they treated their children. My perception on dogs or pets in general definitely changed. Throughout this paper you will see why I am a totally different person because of a dog that entered my life. People say a man' more content... The funniest thing is; she never turned to the left. She would always make circular movements to the left in a quick fashion. Seeing this made my so happy. I would find myself looking forward to it when I was parking the car in the driveway. Tacha was one greedy dog too, she knew that she was not allowed in the kitchen, but the second she thought someone wasn't looking she would run in the kitchen and snatch whatever was left out on the counter. One time I remember ordering Pizza and the family was all in the dining room eating, and when my son went to grab another piece he noticed that the entire box was on the floor, and the pizza was gone. To our surprise Tacha ate all the pizza. My family would always find this funny, but there were plenty of nights when we couldn't get seconds on dinner because it was in Tachas belly. Tacha was a smart dog, she was also aware that she was not allowed to get on any of the beds in the house. This didn't stop her though. On several occasions one of us would walk in the house, and within 1 second we would hear a loud thump and Tacha running down the stairs. The loud thump was Tacha jumping off the bed. Times were not always so funny with Tacha, but I never loved her any less. One day Tacha was in the back yard getting some fresh air. I recall attaching her to the chain and going back in the house. About 1 hour later, the neighbor was banging on my front door screaming, "Come get your dog, come get your dog, she's chasing Get more content on
  • 10. A lot of people experience events that change their lives; some are more difficult to deal with. An event that changed my life was moving from Pennsylvania to New Jersey. I lived I Pennsylvania for 11 years after my parents split up. I have currently been living in New Jersey with my dad for about 2 years. Moving at this age was very difficult because it is hard to make friends with new people since everyone already has a group of friends. It was hard to fit into a new group of friends so I tried out for the soccer team since I have played my entire life and playing on a school sports team is a great way to make new friends. I didn't make the team so I ended up playing soccer for the township. While playing on the team I met one of my closest Get more content on
  • 11. A Moment That Changed My Life This is my creative essay for the Film Program at NYU. The prompt was: "Introduce yourself. Describe an unforgettable event in your life and how it changed your perception of yourself or the view of someone close to you. This event can be dramatic and/or comedic. The assignment may be written as a short story in the first person or as an essay." My one fear is that my essay is hard to understand. So any feedback on how it reads to other people would be a huge help. And also any gramatical errors or anything like that that you find would be a help as well. I'm probably mailing this out today so please, any advice would be much appriciated. Thanks. How did I get here? How did this happen. I sat staring through the open car door as more content... Never before had I noticed those lines, those cracks, those wrinkles which spread out like ripples on the surface of a pond. Never before had I noticed how thin the skin appeared, how stretched, or even how loosely the veins spread underneath. For the first time I was looking at my father; a man in his fifties, hardened by years of ceaseless working. For the first time in a long time, I was seeing what was actually there and not just what my eyes were telling me to see based off of what they had previously known. For the first time, I realized I was growing up. For the first time, I felt the hold that time has on me. For the first time, I thought "I am almost eighteen years old. What have I done with that time?" What had I done? I hated the thought. I dreaded the question. That question to which my answer would speak of nothing of importance. At this time, what troubled me most was not the fact that I – and everyone around me – were getting older. At this time, what troubled me most was the fact that– in all that time of growth– the things which I had done served no greater purpose than to merely entertain; to entertain myself or the requests of others, teachers, my parents. I thought, "Has all this time been wasted?" Time goes by so fast; faster than even I can sometimes realize. The funny thing is, the older I get, as the years I have left steadily decrease, I can't help
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  • 13. Life Changing Events LIFE CHANGING EVENTS In this essay you had the option to choose a life event that has changed you. But I chose to give a list of events that has made me who I am instead of just one event that changed a little part about me. This essay will show what has happened in my life for me to be the way I am to this day. This is me. First of all there was my grade seven camp. Although I have an unclear recollection of the camp I still remember the important bits. One thing which I know for sure is that I never really wanted to go on the camp. The school teachers and my parents had to force me to go. Two days before the camp started I decided to go. The big reason why I didn't want to go was because I was very shy and didn't more content... Its amazing how much things u remember about your childhood if you just sit down carefully think about it. The events that I've mentioned are probably the only ones that have made me whom I am. Who knows, if I'm 25 years old maybe there will be many more. Maybe an event or change is taking place right now and I might only realize it later on. I know that some of the events have changed me for the better and some for worse but what I do know is that it made me wiser. If you think about carefully if I have another ten similar events like these before I'm 21, could you imagine how wise and how knowledgeable I would be? Those were the events which have most influenced me and made me whom I am to this very Get more content on
  • 14. Essay about A Life Changing Event "A Life Changing Event" There are many events that stand out in my life that were significant and helped me grow stronger. One of these events stands out in particular to me and had the greatest impact in my life. When I attended high school my focus was never on the academics but only on sports and having fun with my friends. I never payed attention for more than five seconds and failed to complete any type of work given to me. My lack of care for high school affected me on going to a four year college, playing a sport in college, and taking remedial classes. First off when one's grades are poor it is extremely hard to get into a four year college. I would sit in all of my forty–five minute classes doodling, telling jokes, and more content... The thought of asking any of my teachers for letters of recommendation was not even an option anymore because they knew my personality and work ethic. All throughout high school I was involved in sports. I excelled in football and lacrosse throughout the four years I attended my high school. I had no problem going home studying football plays for hours and looking to make myself better for the next game or practice. I could recite defenses and offenses with no problem, but give me a math problem and it was as if it was in another language. Unlike my teachers I got along with my coaches well and they would be willing to help me get into a good school to further my playing skills. That is in reality only about twenty five percent of what you need to get into college. I lacked the other seventy five percent of doing at least average in academics and being a well rounded student. I had some schools contact me about playing lacrosse at their school but once they had heard I hadn't taken the SAT's yet and that my grades were a little above failing their interest level dropped. I believe that I potentially threw away some opportunities that could have really benefitted me today. Even if I would have payed attention the slightest bit I could have easily achieved B's and C's. I had my priorities mixed up and it really came back to bite me four years down the road. In addition to those two of the many problems a I faced another problem arose quickly. Nearing the end of Get more content on
  • 15. Life Essay : The Day That Changed My Life I remember it like it was yesterday, the day that changed my life forever. On March 9th of 2011, my mom was diagnosed with skin cancer in her lung. The doctor gave her about six months to live and this is how it went. It was a normal day, after school we got a text to come straight home right, no big deal right? I walked up the steps, dreading every step I took because she's going to make me do dishes or something. I'm going to have to do a set of chores before I can leave again, normal day like I said. Little did I know, I would dreaded this day a lot more than expected. Once I seen the look on her face, I knew it wasn't just dishes. She began to tell us to not be scared ,but she won't be here for long. She has cancer and with only six months to live. I was in disbelief, shocked and all I could think is "how could you leave me like this?", selfish right? I remember going down the stairs to sit in her car ,but she was too sick to drive, therefore, it would become mine. I sat there replaying a new Eminem CD over and over and over. So this is the beginning of a life–changing experience, your sweet 16 is supposed to be the best year of your childhood. Unfortunately, I will forever remember my 16 as the last year I kissed my mom , the last year I got to tell her something about my day and the last year she made me do dishes. It was a normal day in first hour English class. Then door opened, it was an office aide, she walked over to me and slid a note on my desk. I have Get more content on
  • 16. Event Changed My Life I want to share with you five things that I implemented into my life that created amazing, compounding change, and completely shifted the direction and energy of my life. I came to them through reading, talking with others, and taking an honest look at my circumstances and the chain of events that led me to be where I was. I was discouraged by the drudgery, loneliness, and lack of direction I found embedded in my day to day experience. I used the wisdom and experience of many to create a plan of action that has surprised me with it's effectiveness and simplicity. Change is available to everyone, and it is available right now. I remember how helpful first hand accounts from others were to me and I hope to pass a little of that along more content... I had a fairly physically demanding job, but I added an hour walking the dog five days a week (really chugging along, get the heart rate up) and two 20 minutes strength sessions per week, weights, sit–ups, lunges, etc. It is good for the body and mind. As my friend said, "The only people who couldn't sleep in the good old days were alcoholics when the still ran dry, everyone else worked from dawn to dusk and fell down dead at the end of the day." Well I didn't want to start scratching out a living on a farm, so I started walking. It helped. A lot. b) Routine: I started going to bed within a one hour window, and waking up within a one hour window, regardless of what was going on. For me this was to bed between ten and eleven, and up between five and six. So even if I had the day off I was up at six. If I couldn't fall asleep at eleven, especially at first, I got up and read or wrote. No tv or computer or cleaning project or late night snack/beverage. If I fell asleep at five a.m. I still rolled out of bed at seven a.m. No day–time napping! This is tricky at first, while your still not sleeping well, but it is essential, and gets easier day by day. c) Avoiding "stuff" : Caffeine after four; food after six; bright lighting after nine (light affects sleep hormones); all sleep aids, prescription or over the counter (this was a personal choice, it worked for me in the long run); an overheated bedroom (studies show Get more content on
  • 17. What Event Changed My Life? What event changed my life? That 's not really a hard question. The event that changed my life was when I stood up to my father and started to defy his logic. Sure every teenager defies their parents every once and awhile. But my family wasn 't like most normal families. Maybe it would be best if I started from the very beginning. I was about five years old at the time when my mother and father got a divorce for reasons I did not know since I was only a child. He may have visited or not I do not recall, but I do know that eventually he went away all together for a good time and my mom never talked about it. Years later we eventually got word of him and started writing letters to him, but no matter how many times I asked where he was he never told me. Eventually my mother started to date other men and found my stepfather–Doug. After a good two years we moved down to Mount Vernon to his house. Myfamily up North were sad that we were leaving, but were happy for my mom. At least that was what I thought. I was so happy, I made a lot of new friends and everyone at the school was kind. Years later when I turned ten or eleven my dad came back from the unknown place he never spoke of. It was really nice to have him back for a while. We tried to visit him as much as possible or talk to him,but he would get angry if we missed a call from him or told him we came up to his apartment that weekend. I really never noticed it at the time to be honest.Eventually when I became older I got to Get more content on
  • 18. The Event That Changed My Life Essay There have been very few events throughout my lifetime that I feel have impacted or inspired me with such noteworthiness and that I know will change my outlook on the world and affect me forever. One of those events occurred when I traveled to Portugal, my parent's homeland. From this excursion in 2007, I learned the importance of family, most importantly the distant kind. It provided me with a totally different perspective on the world and how large and extended one's family can really be; even across cultures and continents. I felt so fortunate learning this lesson at a young age and growing to appreciate the ideals I was brought up with as a child. The family I have in Portugal has always been there; however, their faces have aged more content... Since the town I was in was in a very rural area of the country, on the northern most point, near the border of Spain, whatever meats, fruits and vegetables I ate were freshly grown or raised on local farms. I had a first–hand experience with this when I went to my grandmother's very old friend's house. While I was there, I saw my first freshly prepared chicken with the head, feathers,and feet removed in front of my eyes. Even though this seemed like a gory and almost disgusting thing to me at the time, I later found out, in the film Food Inc., that the ways animals are treated in this country are much worse than what I saw that day. Nonetheless, the freshness of ingredients in any cooking is always a plus, and this made better by being at the table with my family and friends. From having spent these few hours with my relatives in Portugal, I was able to come away knowing great tasting food and beautiful, and at times gory, memories. Quite honestly, I've never had better tasting chicken. The Portuguese culture, which I had already grown up with in the U.S., was a main part of the trip in and of itself. The magnificent architecture that I saw there, even though it was decaying with time, was very symbolic of the Portuguese heritage. For example, on many red clay terracotta roof tops there resided cupolas, and on those cupolas was the famed Gallo do Barcelos (English equivalent – Rooster of Barcelos), which Get more content on
  • 19. An Event That Changed My Attitude Towards Life An accident last year changed my attitude towards life . That accident had a great impact on me , it taught me to treasure what i have and to treasure those people around me more . Although the accident was not life threatening , it was still the scariest thing i had ever been through in life . It was an accident that no one would have expected and wanted it to happen . The accident happened sometime last year during the june holidays , while i was having my council annual camp . It was the second day of the camp and we were all playing the four corners captains ball . I love ball games , as long as it is a sport but who knew such an accident would happen on me . When the game started , students were banging and pushing more content... Honestly , it was my first time going to the Accident and Emergency department i was scared and worried about what will happen to my wrist and how will my parents react .While my teacher was doing all the registration i sat there in state of shock . It was really a blessing having my best friend by my side comforting me and constantly telling me everything will be alright . I was then called to do some X–RAYS before consulting the doctor . My parents finally came and just right it was my turn to consult the doctor , my mother then went in together with me . The doctor was then examining my X–RAYS that i took before consulting him . My heart was beating very very fast as I am a right hander and i need my right hand to do many things . Finally the doctor spoke , he said that there was no obvious or major fractures shown in my X–RAYS but i have to put an temporary cast on my hand. He then referred me to a specialist at KK Children Bone Specialist to ensure there was no hairline fracture or any small minor fractures . I was on cast for one month . My appointment with the specialist then arrived , it was a few days after my holiday trip . I then went to KK Hospital and got my cast removed as the specialist confirmed that there was no hairline fractures or what not it was only an inflamed tendon and the impact of the fall that cause it to swell . I felt so happy after my cast was being removed , but at the Get more content on
  • 20. A Incident That Changed My Life Fiction Mckenna Crase A Incident That Changed My Life prologue On December 26th I was going on a road trip to Tennessee with my parents and my sister, Alison. We were in Ohio when it happened.... It was a windy, snowy winter when we were in Ohio. On December 26th there was black ice on the road. My dad was going a bit too fast. We slid on it and went off the road. I woke up three days later. When I woke up I found out the rest of my family was dead. The doctor in my hospital was named Zach. I just knew he was going to be my knight in shining armor. Oh yeah I forgot to tell you, my name is Alisa. It took me ages to pay off my hospital bill. After I got better that doctor and me started hanging out. We had one date and then another and then another. One day we went to this AMAZING restaurant. It was as good as hot chocolate on a cold day. Four years later we got married. I know right romantic. After what felt forever, we got to say our vows. "When I first saw, him my first thought was, 'Wow he's was a hot tamale'. He is a very special guy and I am glad to be the very lucky girl to marry him. I love him so much. I will always love him, forever and ever." said Alisa. "Okay, first of all, how gorgeous is she in this dress. I mean seriously this is as good looking as they can get. They also can't get anymore caring and loving, special and the most amazing Get more content on
  • 21. My Experience That Changed My Life In High School I had to write a paragraph about an experience that changed my life, I decided to write about parents and the effect their decision had on me. Growing up, my parents argued mentally and physically. My parents getting a divorce were difficult to go through as a child, the arguing still goes on in my head sometimes. If you are thinking I am scarred no I am not it is just something that is not easy to forget. As a 10 year old I had mixed feelings and I didn't know what to do and I didn't know who to talk to about what was wrong. For some reason I felt it was my fault in a way because I never tried to make them reconsider. It was a very emotional roller coaster for me, especially since I didn't understand until I got older. I remember sometimes waking up in the middle of the night hearing my parents fussing and swearing. It was heart breaking hearing them talk to each other like that. I used to go hug my mom and asked what happened afterward, she always told me nothing and rocked me to sleep. I didn't think anything about it, but then again, I didn't know any better. When the fights got physical my sister and I would usually step in or they would stop themselves because we would be screaming. The day they decided to go get a divorce, it was early in the morning they were arguing. I got between my mom and dad, he pushed mom and I both down. They started hitting at each other and I was between them. After they stopped my mom called the police when they came my mom Get more content on