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MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase
MVC workshop for TYPO3 4.3

    Oliver Hader <>
Sebastian Kurfürst <>
 The current state of the art

 Core concepts - MVC and DDD     Hello world

   Extension building with       Blog example

   Outlook and conclusion

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 The current state of the art

 Core concepts - MVC and DDD     Hello world

   Extension building with       Blog example

   Outlook and conclusion

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The current state
                                                                                             of the art
The current state of the art

The current state of the art
                 dispatches calls                 templates
                   fetches data                 JavaScript/CSS
      Plugin                        Resources
                  renders output                    images
           extends tslib_pibase                   TypoScript

                Database tables                      Frontend
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The current state of the art

File structure

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The current state of the art

A new extension: Blogging with TYPO3

          define features of the new blogging application

          implement the business logic

          define the look and feel

          take a look at security issues

          modify and extend the application

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The current state of the art

Blog features
      administrate blogs, blog posts and blog comments

      list all available blogs
      list all blog posts of a blog

      list all comments of a blog post
                                                             Comment           Tag
      allow users to post new comments

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The current state of the art

Blog business logic
      dispatch method calls in tx_blog_pi1->main()
       public function main($content, $conf) {
          $this->conf = $conf;

           if ($this->piVars['postUid']) {
              if ($this->piVars['newComment']) {
              $content = $this->renderPost();
           } elseif ($this->piVars['blogUid']) {
              $content = $this->renderBlog();
           } else {
              $content = $this->renderListOfBlogs();
           return $this->pi_wrapInBaseClass($content);

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The current state of the art

Task 1: Output a listing of blogs
      fetch available blogs from database

      implement a new method „renderListOfBlogs()“
       protected function renderListOfBlogs() {
          $blogs = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetRows(
              'deleted=0 AND hidden=0 AND sys_language_uid=' .
                  $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_language_uid .

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The current state of the art

Task 1: Output a listing of blogs
      iterate through all blogs and render them
       protected function renderListOfBlogs() {
          $template = $this->cObj->fileResource($this->conf['template']);
          $blogElementSubpart = $this->cObj->getSubpart($template, '###SUBPART_BLOGELEMENT###');

           $blogs = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetRows(...);
           foreach ($blogs as $blog) {
              $linkParameters = array('blogUid' => $blog['uid']);
              $markers = array(
                  '###BLOG_NAME###' => $blog['name'],
                  '###BLOG_LOGO###' => $this->cImage('uploads/tx_blog/' . $blog['logo']),
                  '###BLOG_DESCRIPTION###' => $this->pi_RTEcssText($blog['description']),
                  '###BLOG_MORELINK###' => $this->pi_linkTP('show blog', $linkParameters, true),
              $blogElements.= $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($blogElementSubpart, $markers);
           return $content;

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The current state of the art

Task 1: Output a listing of blogs
      create the template with markers and subparts

       <!-- ###SUBPART_BLOGELEMENT### begin -->
       <div class=quot;blog elementquot;>
       <!-- ###SUBPART_BLOGELEMENT### end -->

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The current state of the art

Task 2: Display a single post with its comments
      implement a new method „renderListOfBlogs()“
       protected function renderPost() {
          $post = $this->pi_getRecord('tx_blog_post', $this->piVars['postUid']);
          $comments = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetRows(
              'deleted=0 AND hidden=0 AND sys_language_uid=' .
                  $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_language_uid .
                  ' AND post_uid=' . $this->piVars['postUid'] . ' AND post_table=quot;tx_blog_postquot;' .
              'date DESC'

           // fill marker arrays and substitute in template
           // return content

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The current state of the art

Task 3: Add a new comment to a blog post
      the whole plugin is cached („USER“)

      dynamic user input won‘t be handled by the rendering when cached

      define uncached behavior in TypoScript

        [globalVar = _POST:tx_blog_pi1|newComment = 1]
           plugin.tx_blog_pi1 = USER_INT

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The current state of the art

Task 3: Add a new comment to a blog post
      store new comment in database
        protected function storeNewComment() {
           $fields = array(
               'post_uid' => $this->piVars['postUid'],
               'post_table' => 'tx_blog_post',
               'date' => time(),
               'author' => $this->piVars['author'],
               'email' => $this->piVars['email'],
               'content' => $this->piVars['content'],

               'tx_blog_comment', $fields

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The current state of the art

Take a look at security issues
      possibility of SQL injections

      unvalidated information submitted by a user

          is there really a mail address where it was expected?

          are integers really integers?

      malicious information submitted by a user (XSS)

          is there a possibility to inject JavaScript code?

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The current state of the art

Security: SQL injections
      unescaped or unchecked values that are transferred to the database directly
        $comments = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetRows(
        'deleted=0 AND hidden=0 AND sys_language_uid=' . $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_language_uid .
           ' AND post_uid=' . $this->piVars['postUid'] . ' AND post_table=quot;tx_blog_postquot;' .

        with &postUid=1; INSERT INTO be_users SET ...; SELECT * FROM tx_blog_comment WHERE 1=1

        SELECT * FROM tx_blog_comment WHERE post_uid=1;
        INSERT INTO be_users SET ...;
        SELECT * FROM tx_blog_comment WHERE 1=1 AND post_table=“tx_blog_post“ ...

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The current state of the art

Security: SQL injections
      always escape or cast variables from outside
        ' AND post_uid=' . intval($this->piVars['postUid']) . ' AND post_table=quot;tx_blog_postquot;' .

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The current state of the art

Modify and extend the blog application
      store information on different DBMS (e.g. move from MySQL to Oracle)

          are there any SQL statements that won‘t work in Oracle?

          what about the length of the table names?

      integrate spam protection for posting new comments

          add validation to the arguments submitted by a user

      integrate a PDF and RSS version of all blogs

          implement new business logic for each new output format

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 The current state of the art

 Core concepts - MVC and DDD     Hello world

   Extension building with       Blog example

   Outlook and conclusion

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Core concepts
                                               Model        Domain
                                               View         Driven
                                               Controller   Design
Core concepts

Model View Controller

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Core concepts - MVC

Layered architecture



              Domain Model (Domain Layer)

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The model is a small
   representation of
Core concepts - MVC

Application domain
      Example: Car rental application

      Application domain contains: Car, Sales Agent, Customer, Sale, Billing

      defines properties and behavior of these (real world) objects

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Core concepts - MVC

      Object representation of data and behavior

      represents the application domain in software

      FLOW3: Domain Models

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Core concepts - MVC

Model: Car rental example

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The view

                                  renders data for different output mediums

                                  it‘s only about displaying data

                                  includes all output logic

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The controller steers
    the data flow and
    triggers actions



Core concepts - MVC

Conclusion MVC
      Model: stores data and behavior

      View: renders data

      Controller: connects model and view, reacts to user input

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Core concepts - Domain Driven Design

Layered architecture


                              Application Logic (Service Layer)
                              Domain Model (Domain Layer)

                              Data Mapper
        Data source
                              Data Source Abstraction

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Core concepts - Domain Driven Design

Layered architecture


                              Application Logic (Service Layer)
                              Domain Model (Domain Layer)

                              Data Mapper
        Data source
                              Data Source Abstraction

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Principles of Domain Driven Design

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Domain describes activity or
    business of user.
           on the
Having your domain rules in software

The Tower of Babel
Core concepts - Domain Driven Design

Ubiquitous language
      common vocabulary is an important prerequisite to work together

      you should use the same vocabulary for discussion, modelling, development and

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Core concepts - Domain Driven Design

Principles of Domain Driven Design
      Domain = activity or business of user

      focus on the domain

      build rules of the domain in software

      ubiquitous language

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Core concepts - Domain Driven Design

 Example: Phone book

 Not in the         showEntries()
PhoneBook           checkIfUserCanDeleteEntry()
  domain            logChanges()

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Why should you use DDD?

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Read lots of TypoScript
                                   Mix PHP and HTML template
  and core API docs
                                   to build a template-based
    Build frontend forms
     with error handling

                          Implement application logic
     Care about security
                                              adapt to the coding style,
                        Build complex         structure and thinking of
                         SQL queries             different developers
Implement application logic
Flow [flō] is the mental state of operation in
                                 which the person is fully immersed in what he
                                 or she is doing by a feeling of energized focus,
                                 full involvement, and success in the process of
                                 the activity.
 The current state of the art

 Core concepts - MVC and DDD     Hello world

   Extension building with       Blog example

   Outlook and conclusion

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                                                 Extension building
                                                      with Extbase
                                  How to build a typo3
                                  v4 based app
Extension building with Extbase

File structure

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Extension building with Extbase

Hello World
      Task: Output “Hello World”

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Extension building with Extbase

      all controllers inherit from Tx_Extbase_MVC_Controller_ActionController

      Controllers contain actions: *Action

      Default action: indexAction

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Hello World


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Break until 11:00
                            -> Start screenflow again

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 The current state of the art

 Core concepts - MVC and DDD     Hello world

   Extension building with       Blog example

   Outlook and conclusion

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Blog example

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Extension building with Extbase

Task 1: Output a listing of blog postings
      You want to output the postings of a predefined blog.

       // inside the BlogController:
       public function showAction() {
         $blogUid = 1;
         // Fetch blog with UID 1
         // pass blog to view so it can be rendered

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How would you fetch a blog?
Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example


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Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

                    BlogRepository                Aggregate Root


                                       Comment          Tag


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Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

      Idea: Put your objects into a tree / hierarchical structure

      Root of the tree: aggregate root

      Aggregate roots are accessible through Repositories

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Model classes are POPOs (almost)
   POPO = Plain Old PHP Object
Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

Model examples
Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

Model examples
Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

Model examples
Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

      Encapsulate all data access

      SQL is allowed only in the Repository

      Magic methods: findBy*, findOneBy*
Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

Repositories                                     Blog übergeben
Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

Task 1: Output a listing of blog postings
      You want to output the postings of a predefined blog.

       // inside the BlogController:
       public function showAction() {
         $blogUid = 1;
         $blog = $this->blogRepository->findOneByUid($blogUid);
         // pass blog to view so it can be rendered


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Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

Task 1: Output a listing of blog postings
      You want to output the postings of a predefined blog.

       // inside the BlogController:
       public function showAction() {
         $blogUid = 1;
         $blog = $this->blogRepository->findOneByUid($blogUid);
         $this->view->assign('blog', $blog);
         return $this->view->render(); // can be omitted

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Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

     Task 1: Output a listing of blog postings
            Inside the template:

<h1>Welcome to {}</h1>

<f:for each=quot;{blog.posts}quot; as=quot;postquot;>
     <f:actionlink controller=quot;Postquot; action=quot;showquot;
                   arguments=quot;{postUid : post.uid}quot;>read more </f:actionlink>

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Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

Task 2: Display a single blog post
      Display a post with comments

       // inside the PostController:
       public function showAction() {
         // Get the Post UID
         // Fetch post with UID X
         // Pass post to view so it can be rendered

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Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example


         * Action that displays one single post
         * @param int $postUid The uid of a post
         * @return string The rendered view
       public function showAction($postUid) {

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Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

      All arguments must be registered.

      Registration of expected arguments happens through defining them as method

      PHPDoc is mandatory as it is used for data type validation

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Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

Arguments - more advanced

  * Action that displays one single post
  * @param int $postUid The uid of a post
  * @return string The rendered view
public function showAction($postUid = 1) {

                                                 Default values

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Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

Arguments - more advanced
  * Action that displays one single post
  * @param string $title Title of the post additional validation
  * @param string $content Content of the post
  * @validate $title Length(maximum=100)
  * @return string The rendered view
public function createAction($title, $content)

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Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

Task 2: Display a single blog post
      Display a post with comments

       // inside the PostController:
         * @param int $postUid The post UID to be displayed
       public function showAction($postUid = 0) {
          // Fetch post with UID X
          // Pass post to view so it can be rendered

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Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

Aggregates - continued
                                            Blog Aggregate Root


                                        Comment        Tag


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Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

Task 2: Display a single blog post
      Display a post with comments

       // inside the PostController:
         * @param int $postUid The post UID to be displayed
       public function showAction($postUid = 0) {
          $post = $this->postRepository->findOneByUid($postUid);
          // Pass post to view so it can be rendered

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Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

Task 2: Display a single blog post
      Display a post with comments

       // inside the PostController:
         * @param int $postUid The post UID to be displayed
       public function showAction($postUid = 0) {
          $post = $this->postRepository->findOneByUid($postUid);
          $this->view->assign('post', $post);

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Task 2: Display a single blog post - template

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Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

Task 3: Add a new comment
      a new comment needs to be stored for a given post

      1. Create the template

      2. Add the comment in the controller

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Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

Task 3: Add a new comment
      1. The template

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 The current state of the art

 Core concepts - MVC and DDD     Hello world

   Extension building with       Blog example

   Outlook and conclusion

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Aggregates revisited
                                  Blog Aggregate Root


                                Comment      Tag


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 adding a blog
        the blog is an aggregate root
                                                                                      Persistent objects
                    $blogRepository->add(Blog $blog);


        Now, the Blog is a managed object - changes are now automatically persisted!

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adding a blog
      the blog is an aggregate root
                                                                                    Persistent objects
                  $blogRepository->add(Blog $blog);


      Now, the Blog is a managed object - changes are now automatically persisted!

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  adding a comment
         Comment is no aggregate root
                                                                             Persistent objects
         Thus, Comment is automatically persisted   PostRepository



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Transparent object persistence
      All objects (and their child-objects) managed by a repository are automatically

      changes to these objects are automatically persisted

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Inspiring people to
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Summary: Domain objects

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Summary: Domain objects
      we start with the business logic (PHP classes)

      Objects represent things in the real world, with their attributes and behavior

      we don't care about the database backend / persistence layer

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Excursus: ActiveRecord
      Introduced with Ruby on Rails

      Starts with the data structures in the database

      attributes are not explicitly in the objects - taken from the database

     class User < ActiveRecord::Base


              Very intransparent!
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 The current state of the art

 Core concepts - MVC and DDD     Hello world

   Extension building with       Blog example

   Outlook and conclusion

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Availability and documentation
     Extbase will be included in TYPO3 4.3

     full-blown replacement for pibase

     new preferred way to write extensions

     futureproof, with concepts of FLOW3

     Currently no documentation, but will be available with the final release

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New kickstarter
     currently ongoing project by the core development team

     will be released shortly after 4.3

     Domain Driven Design - Don't think in databases, think in Objects!

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Resources and links
    Project web site:


    we will provide documentation until the release of TYPO3 4.3

    First release with TYPO3 4.3 alpha3:

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    Greatly reusable
      Easy and
    consistent API
+   Easily testable

Needs initial
learning time
-    Extensions
    need proper

      You will
    get addicted
Feel the flow
 in TYPO3 v4
inspiring people to share.

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MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with extbase

  • 1. T3CON09 Dallas Inspiring people to share MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase
  • 2. MVC workshop for TYPO3 4.3 15.04.2009 Oliver Hader <> Sebastian Kurfürst <>
  • 3. Abstract The current state of the art Core concepts - MVC and DDD Hello world Extension building with Blog example Extbase Persistence Outlook and conclusion Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 4. Abstract The current state of the art Core concepts - MVC and DDD Hello world Extension building with Blog example Extbase Persistence Outlook and conclusion Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 5. The current state of the art
  • 6. The current state of the art The current state of the art dispatches calls templates FE fetches data JavaScript/CSS Plugin Resources renders output images extends tslib_pibase TypoScript Database tables Frontend Extension Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 7. The current state of the art File structure Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 8. The current state of the art A new extension: Blogging with TYPO3 Overview define features of the new blogging application implement the business logic define the look and feel take a look at security issues modify and extend the application Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 9. The current state of the art Blog features Blog administrate blogs, blog posts and blog comments list all available blogs Post list all blog posts of a blog list all comments of a blog post Comment Tag allow users to post new comments Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 10. The current state of the art Blog business logic dispatch method calls in tx_blog_pi1->main() public function main($content, $conf) { $this->conf = $conf; $this->pi_setPiVarDefaults(); $this->pi_loadLL(); if ($this->piVars['postUid']) { if ($this->piVars['newComment']) { $this->storeNewComment(); } $content = $this->renderPost(); } elseif ($this->piVars['blogUid']) { $content = $this->renderBlog(); } else { $content = $this->renderListOfBlogs(); } return $this->pi_wrapInBaseClass($content); } Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 11. The current state of the art Task 1: Output a listing of blogs fetch available blogs from database implement a new method „renderListOfBlogs()“ protected function renderListOfBlogs() { ... $blogs = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetRows( '*', 'tx_blog_blog', 'deleted=0 AND hidden=0 AND sys_language_uid=' . $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_language_uid . $this->cObj->enableFields('tx_blog_blog'), '', 'name' ); ... } Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 12. The current state of the art Task 1: Output a listing of blogs iterate through all blogs and render them protected function renderListOfBlogs() { $template = $this->cObj->fileResource($this->conf['template']); $blogElementSubpart = $this->cObj->getSubpart($template, '###SUBPART_BLOGELEMENT###'); $blogs = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetRows(...); foreach ($blogs as $blog) { $linkParameters = array('blogUid' => $blog['uid']); $markers = array( '###BLOG_NAME###' => $blog['name'], '###BLOG_LOGO###' => $this->cImage('uploads/tx_blog/' . $blog['logo']), '###BLOG_DESCRIPTION###' => $this->pi_RTEcssText($blog['description']), '###BLOG_MORELINK###' => $this->pi_linkTP('show blog', $linkParameters, true), ); $blogElements.= $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($blogElementSubpart, $markers); } return $content; } Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 13. The current state of the art Task 1: Output a listing of blogs create the template with markers and subparts <!-- ###SUBPART_BLOGELEMENT### begin --> <div class=quot;blog elementquot;> ###BLOG_NAME### ###BLOG_LOGO### ###BLOG_DESCRIPTION### ###BLOG_MORELINK### </div> <!-- ###SUBPART_BLOGELEMENT### end --> Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 14. The current state of the art Task 2: Display a single post with its comments implement a new method „renderListOfBlogs()“ protected function renderPost() { $post = $this->pi_getRecord('tx_blog_post', $this->piVars['postUid']); $comments = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetRows( '*', 'tx_blog_comment', 'deleted=0 AND hidden=0 AND sys_language_uid=' . $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_language_uid . ' AND post_uid=' . $this->piVars['postUid'] . ' AND post_table=quot;tx_blog_postquot;' . $this->cObj->enableFields('tx_blog_comment'), '', 'date DESC' ); // fill marker arrays and substitute in template // return content } Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 15. The current state of the art Task 3: Add a new comment to a blog post the whole plugin is cached („USER“) dynamic user input won‘t be handled by the rendering when cached define uncached behavior in TypoScript [globalVar = _POST:tx_blog_pi1|newComment = 1] plugin.tx_blog_pi1 = USER_INT [global] Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 16. The current state of the art Task 3: Add a new comment to a blog post store new comment in database protected function storeNewComment() { $fields = array( 'post_uid' => $this->piVars['postUid'], 'post_table' => 'tx_blog_post', 'date' => time(), 'author' => $this->piVars['author'], 'email' => $this->piVars['email'], 'content' => $this->piVars['content'], ); $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_INSERTquery( 'tx_blog_comment', $fields ); } Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 17. The current state of the art Take a look at security issues possibility of SQL injections unvalidated information submitted by a user is there really a mail address where it was expected? are integers really integers? malicious information submitted by a user (XSS) is there a possibility to inject JavaScript code? Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 18. The current state of the art Security: SQL injections unescaped or unchecked values that are transferred to the database directly $comments = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetRows( '*', 'tx_blog_comment', 'deleted=0 AND hidden=0 AND sys_language_uid=' . $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_language_uid . ' AND post_uid=' . $this->piVars['postUid'] . ' AND post_table=quot;tx_blog_postquot;' . $this->cObj->enableFields('tx_blog_comment') ); with &postUid=1; INSERT INTO be_users SET ...; SELECT * FROM tx_blog_comment WHERE 1=1 SELECT * FROM tx_blog_comment WHERE post_uid=1; INSERT INTO be_users SET ...; SELECT * FROM tx_blog_comment WHERE 1=1 AND post_table=“tx_blog_post“ ... Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 19. The current state of the art Security: SQL injections always escape or cast variables from outside ' AND post_uid=' . intval($this->piVars['postUid']) . ' AND post_table=quot;tx_blog_postquot;' . Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 20. The current state of the art Modify and extend the blog application store information on different DBMS (e.g. move from MySQL to Oracle) are there any SQL statements that won‘t work in Oracle? what about the length of the table names? integrate spam protection for posting new comments add validation to the arguments submitted by a user integrate a PDF and RSS version of all blogs implement new business logic for each new output format Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 21.
  • 22. Abstract The current state of the art Core concepts - MVC and DDD Hello world Extension building with Blog example Extbase Persistence Outlook and conclusion Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 23. Core concepts Model Domain View Driven Controller Design
  • 24. Core concepts Model View Controller Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 25. Core concepts - MVC Layered architecture View Controller Domain Model (Domain Layer) Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 27. Core concepts - MVC Application domain Example: Car rental application Application domain contains: Car, Sales Agent, Customer, Sale, Billing defines properties and behavior of these (real world) objects Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 28. Core concepts - MVC Model Object representation of data and behavior represents the application domain in software FLOW3: Domain Models Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 29. Core concepts - MVC Model: Car rental example Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 30. The view Topictext renders View data. renders data for different output mediums it‘s only about displaying data includes all output logic Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 31. The controller steers the data flow and triggers actions
  • 32. Response Request Controller View Model
  • 33. Core concepts - MVC Conclusion MVC Model: stores data and behavior View: renders data Controller: connects model and view, reacts to user input Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 34.
  • 35. Domain Driven Design
  • 36. Core concepts - Domain Driven Design Layered architecture View Presentation Controller Application Logic (Service Layer) Domain Domain Model (Domain Layer) Data Mapper Data source Data Source Abstraction Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 37. Core concepts - Domain Driven Design Layered architecture View Presentation Controller Application Logic (Service Layer) Domain Domain Model (Domain Layer) Data Mapper Data source Data Source Abstraction Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 38. Principles of Domain Driven Design Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 39. Domain describes activity or business of user.
  • 40. Focus on the Domain
  • 41. Having your domain rules in software
  • 42. The Tower of Babel
  • 43. Core concepts - Domain Driven Design Ubiquitous language common vocabulary is an important prerequisite to work together you should use the same vocabulary for discussion, modelling, development and documentation Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 44. Core concepts - Domain Driven Design Principles of Domain Driven Design Domain = activity or business of user focus on the domain build rules of the domain in software ubiquitous language Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 45. Core concepts - Domain Driven Design Example: Phone book Not in the showEntries() PhoneBook checkIfUserCanDeleteEntry() exportPhoneBook() domain logChanges() Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 46. Why should you use DDD? Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 47. Read lots of TypoScript Mix PHP and HTML template and core API docs to build a template-based layout Build frontend forms with error handling Implement application logic Care about security adapt to the coding style, Build complex structure and thinking of SQL queries different developers
  • 50. Flow [flō] is the mental state of operation in which the person is fully immersed in what he or she is doing by a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and success in the process of the activity.
  • 51.
  • 52.
  • 53. Abstract The current state of the art Core concepts - MVC and DDD Hello world Extension building with Blog example Extbase Persistence Outlook and conclusion Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 54. Extension building with Extbase How to build a typo3 v4 based app
  • 55. Extension building with Extbase File structure Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 56. Extension building with Extbase Hello World Task: Output “Hello World” Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 57. Extension building with Extbase Controller all controllers inherit from Tx_Extbase_MVC_Controller_ActionController Controllers contain actions: *Action Default action: indexAction Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 58. Topictext Hello World Demo DEMO Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 59. Break until 11:00 -> Start screenflow again Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 60. Abstract The current state of the art Core concepts - MVC and DDD Hello world Extension building with Blog example Extbase Persistence Outlook and conclusion Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 61. Blog example Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 62. Extension building with Extbase Task 1: Output a listing of blog postings You want to output the postings of a predefined blog. // inside the BlogController: public function showAction() { $blogUid = 1; // Fetch blog with UID 1 // pass blog to view so it can be rendered } Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 63. How would you fetch a blog?
  • 64. Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example Model Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 65. Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example Aggregates BlogRepository Aggregate Root Blog Post Comment Tag Aggregate Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 66. Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example Aggregates Idea: Put your objects into a tree / hierarchical structure Root of the tree: aggregate root Aggregate roots are accessible through Repositories Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 67. Model classes are POPOs (almost) POPO = Plain Old PHP Object
  • 68. Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example Model examples
  • 69. Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example Model examples
  • 70. Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example Model examples
  • 71. Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example Repositories Encapsulate all data access SQL is allowed only in the Repository Magic methods: findBy*, findOneBy*
  • 72. Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example Repositories Blog übergeben
  • 73. Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example Task 1: Output a listing of blog postings You want to output the postings of a predefined blog. // inside the BlogController: public function showAction() { $blogUid = 1; $blog = $this->blogRepository->findOneByUid($blogUid); // pass blog to view so it can be rendered } Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 74. Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example Task 1: Output a listing of blog postings You want to output the postings of a predefined blog. // inside the BlogController: public function showAction() { $blogUid = 1; $blog = $this->blogRepository->findOneByUid($blogUid); $this->view->assign('blog', $blog); return $this->view->render(); // can be omitted } Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 75. Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example Task 1: Output a listing of blog postings Inside the template: <h1>Welcome to {}</h1> <f:for each=quot;{blog.posts}quot; as=quot;postquot;> <h1>{post.title}</h1> <f:actionlink controller=quot;Postquot; action=quot;showquot; arguments=quot;{postUid : post.uid}quot;>read more </f:actionlink> </f:for> Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 76.
  • 77. Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example Task 2: Display a single blog post Display a post with comments // inside the PostController: public function showAction() { // Get the Post UID // Fetch post with UID X // Pass post to view so it can be rendered } Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 78. Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example Arguments /** * Action that displays one single post * * @param int $postUid The uid of a post * @return string The rendered view */ public function showAction($postUid) { } Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 79. Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example Arguments All arguments must be registered. Registration of expected arguments happens through defining them as method parameters. PHPDoc is mandatory as it is used for data type validation Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 80. Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example Arguments - more advanced /** * Action that displays one single post * * @param int $postUid The uid of a post * @return string The rendered view */ public function showAction($postUid = 1) { } Default values Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 81. Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example Arguments - more advanced /** * Action that displays one single post Do * * @param string $title Title of the post additional validation * @param string $content Content of the post * @validate $title Length(maximum=100) * @return string The rendered view */ public function createAction($title, $content) { } Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 82. Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example Task 2: Display a single blog post Display a post with comments // inside the PostController: /** * @param int $postUid The post UID to be displayed */ public function showAction($postUid = 0) { // Fetch post with UID X // Pass post to view so it can be rendered } Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 83. Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example Aggregates - continued BlogRepository Blog Aggregate Root PostRepository Post Comment Tag Aggregate Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 84. Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example Task 2: Display a single blog post Display a post with comments // inside the PostController: /** * @param int $postUid The post UID to be displayed */ public function showAction($postUid = 0) { $post = $this->postRepository->findOneByUid($postUid); // Pass post to view so it can be rendered } Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 85. Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example Task 2: Display a single blog post Display a post with comments // inside the PostController: /** * @param int $postUid The post UID to be displayed */ public function showAction($postUid = 0) { $post = $this->postRepository->findOneByUid($postUid); $this->view->assign('post', $post); } Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 86. Topictext Task 2: Display a single blog post - template Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 87. Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example Task 3: Add a new comment a new comment needs to be stored for a given post 1. Create the template 2. Add the comment in the controller Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 88. Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example Task 3: Add a new comment 1. The template Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 89.
  • 90. Abstract The current state of the art Core concepts - MVC and DDD Hello world Extension building with Blog example Extbase Persistence Outlook and conclusion Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 91. Persistence Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 92. Persistence Aggregates revisited BlogRepository Blog Aggregate Root PostRepository Post Comment Tag Aggregate Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 93. Persistence adding a blog the blog is an aggregate root Persistent objects BlogRepository $blogRepository->add(Blog $blog); Blog Now, the Blog is a managed object - changes are now automatically persisted! Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 94. Persistence adding a blog the blog is an aggregate root Persistent objects BlogRepository $blogRepository->add(Blog $blog); Blog Now, the Blog is a managed object - changes are now automatically persisted! Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 95. Persistence adding a comment Comment is no aggregate root Persistent objects Thus, Comment is automatically persisted PostRepository Post Comment Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 96. Persistence Transparent object persistence All objects (and their child-objects) managed by a repository are automatically persisted changes to these objects are automatically persisted Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 97. Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 98. Persistence Summary: Domain objects Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 99. Persistence Summary: Domain objects we start with the business logic (PHP classes) Objects represent things in the real world, with their attributes and behavior we don't care about the database backend / persistence layer Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 100. Persistence Excursus: ActiveRecord Introduced with Ruby on Rails Starts with the data structures in the database attributes are not explicitly in the objects - taken from the database class User < ActiveRecord::Base end Very intransparent! Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 101.
  • 102. Abstract The current state of the art Core concepts - MVC and DDD Hello world Extension building with Blog example Extbase Persistence Outlook and conclusion Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 103. Outlook Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 104. Outlook Availability and documentation Extbase will be included in TYPO3 4.3 full-blown replacement for pibase new preferred way to write extensions futureproof, with concepts of FLOW3 Currently no documentation, but will be available with the final release Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 105. Outlook New kickstarter currently ongoing project by the core development team will be released shortly after 4.3 Domain Driven Design - Don't think in databases, think in Objects! Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 106. Resources and links Project web site: SVN: we will provide documentation until the release of TYPO3 4.3 First release with TYPO3 4.3 alpha3: Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 107. Conclusion Inspiring people to MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase share
  • 108. + Greatly reusable components
  • 109. + Easy and consistent API
  • 110. + Easily testable
  • 112. - Extensions need proper planning
  • 113. - You will get addicted
  • 114. Feel the flow in TYPO3 v4
  • 115. ?????? ? ? ? ?? ? ?