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Anatomy of the
• Muscloskeletal system coordinates the
voluntary movements of the entire or parts
of the body.
• This system is composed of three d/t systems
of the body, namely:
1. Skeletal System: bones & cartilages
2. Articular System: movable joints
3. Muscular System: skeletal muscles
Muscloskeletal System
• The skeletal system, articular system, &
muscular system coordinate to move
the entire body or parts of the body as
Bones: acting as levers.
 Joints: acting as furculum.
 Muscles: applying the force.
The body or parts of it: load
Muscloskeletal System
Muscles (Applied Force)
Joint (Furculum)
Skeletal System
The Skeletal System
• Provides framework of the body.
• Human skeleton has 206 bones
• Without skeleton, muscles couldn’t
move body.
• Components of skeletal system are:
Function of Bones
Support – form the framework that
supports the body and cradles soft organs.
Protection – provide a protective case for
the brain, spinal cord, and vital organs.
Movement – provide levers for muscles.
Mineral Storage – reservoir for minerals,
especially calcium and phosphorus.
Blood Cell Formation – hematopoiesis
occurs within the marrow cavities of bones.
Bone Markings
• Bones have d/t features that have their
own specific function.
• Bulges, depressions, & holes are the
major ones that are adapted for d/t
• They serve as:
–sites of attachment for muscles,
ligaments, & tendons.
–joint surfaces.
–conduits for blood vessels and nerves.
Projections:- that are adapted for
attachment are the following.
–Tuberosity: rounded projection
–Tubercle: small rounded projection
–Trochanter: large, blunt, irregular surface
–Crest: narrow, prominent ridge
–Line: narrow ridge
–Epicondyle: raised area above a condyle
–Spine: sharp, slender projection
–Process: any bony prominence
Projections:- w/h are articular surfaces:
–Head: expansion carried on a narrow neck
–Facet: smooth, nearly flat articular surface
–Condyle: smooth rounded articular surface
Depressions & Openings:- that are
adapted for passage of structures are:
• Sinus: cavity within a bone
• Fossa: shallow, basin like depression
• Groove: shallow, narrow furrow
• Fissure: deep narrow, slit like depression
• Meatus: canal-like passageway
• Foramen: an oval opening through a bone
Classification of Bones: By Shape
• Long Bones:- longer than are wide and
are the only with diaphysis & epiphyses.
• Short Bones:- Cube-shaped bones of the
wrist & ankle and Bones that form
within tendons.
• Flat Bones:- thin, flat, and a bit curved.
• Irregular Bones:- are the bones with
complicated shapes.
Divisions of the Skeletal System
1. Axial Skeleton
2. Appendicular Skeleton
Divisions of Skeleton
1. Axial Skeleton: is composed of the
bones in the axis of the body & form:
i. Skull
ii. Hyoid bone
iii. Thoracic (rib) cage
iV. Vertebral column
2. Appendicular Skeleton: includes the:
i. Bones of the limbs
ii. Girdles
• most of these bones are joined by
sutures, the immovable joints, thus
most of the bones are firmly fixed.
Mandible is movable and strongest.
• in-house the brain and also bound
many cavities such as the orbit, oral,
nasal cavities.
• They are flat or irregular bones.
• subdivided into two: cranial & facial
The Skull Bones
Cranial Bones: are 8 in number and form
nuerocranium making the cranial cavity.
1. Frontal Bone: flat bone
2. Parietal Bones (2): flat bones
3. Temporal Bones (2): flat bones
4. Occipital Bone: flat bone
5. Sphenoid Bone: irregular bone
6. Ethmoid Bone: irregular bone
Facial Bones:
• are 20 in number and most of them
form skeleton of the face.
• Malleus, Incus, & Stapes are located in
the middle ear.
1. Vomer
2. Mandible
3. Maxillae (2)
4. Nasal Bones(2)
5. Lacrimal Bones(2)
6. Palatine Bones (2)
7. Zygomatic Bones(2)
8. Inf. Nasal Conchae(2)
9. Malleus(2)
10. Incus (2)
11. Stapes (2)
Ant. View of Skull
Sup. view of skull
Pos. View of Skull
Inf. View of Skull
Lat. View of Skull
The Auditory Ossicles
The 10 Sutures
• Coronal Suture: is b/n
frontal & the 2
parietal bones
• Sagittal Suture: is b/n
the 2 parietal bones
• Lambdoid Suture: b/n
the 2 parietal &
occipital bones
• Squamosal Sutures:
b/n parietal &
temporal bones
Coronal Suture
1. Anterior fontanel
2. Posterior fontanel
3. Sphenoidal fontanels (2)
4. Mastoid fontanels (2)
• are membrane filled spaces in new born.
The Fontanels
Hyoid Bone
• is a single bone at the neck region.
• does not join with any bone.
• has attachment sites for some tongue
and neck muscles.
• is an attachment point for the muscles
that elevate the larynx during speech
and swallowing.
Hyoid Bone
• is commonly called “Backbone”.
• supports weight of head and trunk.
• protects the spinal cord making the
vertebral canal.
• allow spinal nerves to exit the spinal cord.
• provides site for muscle attachment.
• permits movement of head and trunk.
• transmits body weight to the lower body
• Vertebral column is at the central axis of
skeleton w/c has five parts that are formed
by overlapping vertebral bones (vertebrae)
• The five parts and their bones:
1. Cervical part: has 7 cervical vertebrae (C1-C7)
2. Thoracic part: has 12 thoracic vertebrae (T1-T12)
3. Lumbar part: has 5 lumbar vertebrae (L1-L5)
4. Sacrum: formed by fusion of 5 sacral vertebrae
5. Coccyx: formed by fusion of 4 coccygeal vertebrae
• While viewed dorsally, vertebral column
shows four normal curvatures
i. Cervical part has a concave curve
ii. Thoracic part has a convex curve
iii. Lumbar part has a concave curve
iv. Sacrum part has a convex curve
Vertebral Column
• Body
• Spinous process
• Transverse processes
• Articular processes
• Vertebral foramen
• Vertebral arch
• Lamina
• Pedicle
A typical vertebra consists of:
Each typical vertebra has:
• Body: bears weight
• Vertebral arch: forms vertebral foramen
• Vertebral foramen: all together form the
vertebral canal, w/h houses spinal cord
• Pedicle: extend b/n the body & transverse
• Spinous process: projects posteriorly
• Transverse processes: project laterally
• Articular processes: project superiorly &
Lat view of a vertebra
• The atypical cervical vertebrae
• Atlas: first cervical vertebra
•Axis: second cervical vertebra
Intervertebral Disks
• located between adjacent vertebrae
• provide support & prevent vertebrae rubbing
• has annulus fibrosus & nucleus pulposus parts
Thoracic Vertebrae
Lumbar Vertebrae
• The rib cage forms the thoracic cavity
that protects vital organs and forms
semi-rigid chamber for respiration
• Parts of the thoracic cage:
i. Thoracic vertebrae
ii. Ribs
iii. Sternum
Thoracic Cage
The Ribs
• are 12 pair and grouped into 3 as follow:
1. True Ribs (1-7): b/c they attach directly
to sternum by separate costal
2. False Ribs (8-10): b/c they attach
indirectly to sternum by attaching to
costal cartilages immediately above.
3. Floating Ribs (11 & 12): b/c they have
no any anterior attachments. 48
• A typical rib has:
Shaft: major part, w/h is flat & curved.
Head: articulates with vertebrae.
Tubercle: join with transverse process.
Neck: between head and tubercle.
Angle: greatest change in curvature.
Sternum (Breastbone)
• has three parts
Manubrium: the superiormost part
Body: the middle and largest part
Xiphoid process: the inferior pointed part
• Each bone is paired being
present on both sides of the
• They are grouped as follow:
Pectoral Girdle
Pelvic Girdle
Upper limb bones (found in
the arm, forearm, wrist, &
hand parts)
Lower limb bones (found in
the thigh, leg, & foot pars)
Appendicular Skeleton
Clavicles & Scapula: in shoulder region
Humerus: in the arm
Ulna & Radius: in the forearm
Carpal bones (8): in the wrist
 Metacarpal (5): in the hand
Phalanges (14): in the fingers
Bones of the Upper Limb
• medial 2/3 is convex and lat 1/3 is
concave as viewed anteriorly.
• connects the axial skeleton with the
appendicular skeleton.
• its major parts are:
–Sternal end: joins with sternum
–Shaft: having sup & inf surfaces
–Acromial end: flat and joins with
• is a flat, triangular bone and has:
–3 Angles: sup, inf, & lat
–3 Borders: sup, med, & lat
–3 Fossae: 2 pos & 1 ant
–Acromion process: joins with clavicle
and has attachment for muscles
–Coracoid process: attaches muscles
–Glenoid cavity: joins with humerus
• The major parts at its proximal end are:
Head: joins with scapula
Anatomic & Surgical necks: constrictions
Greater & Lesser tubercles: attach strs
Intertubercular groove: passes a tendon
• The major parts at its distal end are:
Capitulum: articulates with radius
Trochlea: articulates with ulna
Epicondyles: attachment sites
1. Ulna: is located on the little finger side,
w/h is more massive proximally, and has:
• Trochlear notch
• Olecranon process
• Coronoid process
2. Radius: is located on the thumb side
and is more massive distally
• most commonly fractured bone
• distally joins with three carpal bones
Bones of Forearm
Forearm Bones
• There are 8 bones that may are grouped
into two rows as proximal & distal rows:
• The proximal row consists of 4 bones:
the Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum, &
• The distal row consists of 4 bones: the
Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate &
(Proximal row)
(Distal row)
• They are named, from lat to med, as 1st (I),
2nd(II), 3rd(III), 4th(IV), & 5th (V) metacarpal.
• They form the metacarpus, the skeleton of
the palm of the hand.
• Each metacarpal consists of a base, shaft, &
head, in w/h the bases join with carpal bones
and the heads join with proximal phalanges.
• The 1st metacarpal bone is the thickest &
shortest of these bones.
• The 3rd metacarpal bone is distinguished by a
styloid process on the lat side of its base
By JEMAL y. O6
• Each digit has three phalanges except for the
first which has only two.
• Each phalanx has base proximally, head
distally, and shaft, b/n the former two.
• The proximal phalanges are the largest, the
middle ones are intermediate in size, & the
distal ones are the smallest
• The shafts of the phalanges taper distally.
• The distal phalanges are flat and expanded
distally, w/h underlie the nail beds.
Carpal s
Carpal s
Coxae: in the pelvis
Femur: in the thigh
Tibia & Fibula: in the leg
Patella: at the knee joint
Tarsal bones (7): in the wrist
Metatarsal (5): at the ankle joint
Phalanges (14): in the toes
Bones of the Lower Limb
A coxal bone and the bones of a leg
• also called hip bone and has:
–Ilium: the sup part w/h joins with sacrum
–Ischium: sit down bone & has tuberosity
–Pubis: forms pubic symphysis
–Acetabulum: joins with femur
–Obturator foramen: vessels & nerves pase
Male & Female Pelvis
• it has the following major part:
• Head
• Neck
• Trochanters ( Greater & Lesser)
• Condyles (med & lat)
• Epicondyles( med & lat)
• known as kneecap
• has a base, an apex, & pos & ant surfaces
• is larger and supports and transmits the
body weight; it and has:
- Tibial tuberosity
- Condyles (med & lat)
- Medial malleolus
• articulates with tibia not femur; and it has:
- Lateral malleolus: distally
- Head & neck: proximally
Tibia & Fibula
• are 7 bones which form the ankle joint;
talus, calcaneus, navicular, 3
cuneiforms & cuboid.
• Only talus articulate with leg bones.
Talus: rests on ant 2/3 of calcaneus and
bears weight of the body.
Calcaneus: is the heel bone, w/h is
largest and strongest bone and joins
with talus and cuboid.
Navicular: flattened, boat shaped,
located between talar head and
Cuboid: most lateral bone of the tarsals.
Cuneiforms (med, intermediate, & lat):
wedge shaped and each articulate with
navicular posteriorly and metatarsal
the is
–are 5 bones which form part of the
–Each bone has base, body & head.
–Bases articulate with cuneiform and
cuboid bones.
–Heads articulate with proximal
–are 14 bones of the toes that are
similar to those of fingers.
–lateral four digits have proximal,
middle & distal phalanx.
–great toe (hallux) has only proximal &
distal phalanx.
–each phalanx has base, body & head.
• Skeletal trauma
• Injuries to support structures
Bone Fractures
• The fracture can simply be a crack or
collapse in the structure of the bone, or a
complete break, producing two or more
• Bone fractures are classified by:
Position of the bone ends after fracture.
Completeness of the break.
Orientation of the bone to the long axis.
Whether or not the bones’ ends
penetrate the skin. etc.
Bone Fractures
Complicated Fracture
Types of Bone Fractures
Complete Fracture– broken
all the way through
•Simple Fracture
•Complicated Fracture
Incomplete Fracture– bone
is not broken all the way
•Simple Fracture
•Complicated Fracture
Compound (Open)
Fracture: bone ends
penetrate the skin.
Simple (Closed) Fracture:
bone ends do not
penetrate the skin. Open
Nondisplaced Fracture– bone ends
retain their normal position.
Displaced Fracture– bone ends are out
of normal alignment.
Spiral Fracture – ragged break when bone is
excessively twisted; common sports injury.
Oblique Fracture–the fracture is straight
diagonally break.
Fissure Fracture:-is a groove-like
fracture parallel to the long axis of the
Greenstick Fracture:-
incomplete fracture – one
side of the bone breaks and
the other side bends;
common in children.
Comminuted Fracture:- bone fragments into
three or more pieces; common in the elderly.
Compression (Impacted) Fracture:- bone is
crushed; common in porous bones.
Depressed Fracture– (e.g, skull) broken
bone portion pressed inward.
Epiphyseal Fracture– epiphysis separates
from diaphysis along epiphyseal line.
From Ignativicius, D. & Workman, M. (2002). Medical-surgical nursing, ed 4, Philadelphia: W.B.
Repair of Bone Fracture
During healing of a bone fracture
Hematoma forms first.
Fibrocartilaginous callus forms in the
Capillaries grow into the tissue and
phagocytic cells begin cleaning debris.
Bony callus forms.
Finally remodeling takes place.
•is similar to embryonic bone formation.
Repair of Bone Fracture
Bone Fracture Repair
Stages in the Healing of a Bone Fracture
Hematoma formation
–Torn blood vessels hemorrhage.
–A mass of clotted blood (hematoma)
forms at the fracture site.
–Site becomes swollen, painful, and
Fibrocartilaginous callus forms when:
• Osteoblasts & fibroblasts migrate to the
fracture and begin reconstructing it.
• Fibroblasts secret collagen fibers that
connect broken bone ends.
• Osteoblast begin forming spongy bone.
• Osteoblasts furthest from capillaries
secrete an externally bulging
cartilaginous matrix that later calcifies.
Bony callus formation
–New bone trabeculae appear in the
fibrocartilaginous callus.
–Fibrocartilaginous callus converts into
a bony (hard) callus.
–Bone callus begins 3-4 weeks after
injury, and continues until firm union
is formed 2-3 months later.
Bone remodeling
• Excess material on the bone shaft
exterior and in the medullary canal is
removed by osteoclasts.
• Compact bone is laid down to
reconstruct shaft walls.
Repair of Bone Fractures
Fig. 6.8
Hematoma formation Bone replacement
Osteoporosis-forms "PorousBones“
• Occurswhena body'sbloodcalciumlevelis
• Overtime,bonemassandbonestrength
• Asa result,bonesbecomedottedwithpits
• Factorsthatcanleadtoosteoporosis:
Age (mostimportant)
Dietlowin calcium & protein
Lackof vitD
• inadequately mineralize
causing softened,
weakened bones.
• Bowed legs & deformities
of pelvis, skull, & rib cage
are common.
• Caused by insufficient
calcium in the diet, or by
vitamin D deficiency.

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  • 2. 7-2 MUSCLOSKELETAL SYSTEM • Muscloskeletal system coordinates the voluntary movements of the entire or parts of the body. • This system is composed of three d/t systems of the body, namely: 1. Skeletal System: bones & cartilages 2. Articular System: movable joints 3. Muscular System: skeletal muscles
  • 3. 7-3 Muscloskeletal System • The skeletal system, articular system, & muscular system coordinate to move the entire body or parts of the body as follow. Bones: acting as levers.  Joints: acting as furculum.  Muscles: applying the force. The body or parts of it: load
  • 4. Muscloskeletal System Muscles (Applied Force) Joint (Furculum)
  • 6. 7-6 The Skeletal System • Provides framework of the body. • Human skeleton has 206 bones • Without skeleton, muscles couldn’t move body. • Components of skeletal system are: –Bones –Cartilage –Ligaments –Tendons
  • 7. Function of Bones Support – form the framework that supports the body and cradles soft organs. Protection – provide a protective case for the brain, spinal cord, and vital organs. Movement – provide levers for muscles. Mineral Storage – reservoir for minerals, especially calcium and phosphorus. Blood Cell Formation – hematopoiesis occurs within the marrow cavities of bones.
  • 8. Bone Markings • Bones have d/t features that have their own specific function. • Bulges, depressions, & holes are the major ones that are adapted for d/t function. • They serve as: –sites of attachment for muscles, ligaments, & tendons. –joint surfaces. –conduits for blood vessels and nerves.
  • 9. Projections:- that are adapted for attachment are the following. –Tuberosity: rounded projection –Tubercle: small rounded projection –Trochanter: large, blunt, irregular surface –Crest: narrow, prominent ridge –Line: narrow ridge –Epicondyle: raised area above a condyle –Spine: sharp, slender projection –Process: any bony prominence
  • 10. Projections:- w/h are articular surfaces: –Head: expansion carried on a narrow neck –Facet: smooth, nearly flat articular surface –Condyle: smooth rounded articular surface
  • 11. Depressions & Openings:- that are adapted for passage of structures are: • Sinus: cavity within a bone • Fossa: shallow, basin like depression • Groove: shallow, narrow furrow • Fissure: deep narrow, slit like depression • Meatus: canal-like passageway • Foramen: an oval opening through a bone
  • 12. Classification of Bones: By Shape • Long Bones:- longer than are wide and are the only with diaphysis & epiphyses. • Short Bones:- Cube-shaped bones of the wrist & ankle and Bones that form within tendons. • Flat Bones:- thin, flat, and a bit curved. • Irregular Bones:- are the bones with complicated shapes.
  • 13.
  • 14. Divisions of the Skeletal System 1. Axial Skeleton 2. Appendicular Skeleton
  • 15. 7-15 Divisions of Skeleton 1. Axial Skeleton: is composed of the bones in the axis of the body & form: i. Skull ii. Hyoid bone iii. Thoracic (rib) cage iV. Vertebral column 2. Appendicular Skeleton: includes the: i. Bones of the limbs ii. Girdles
  • 16. 7-16
  • 19. • most of these bones are joined by sutures, the immovable joints, thus most of the bones are firmly fixed. Mandible is movable and strongest. • in-house the brain and also bound many cavities such as the orbit, oral, nasal cavities. • They are flat or irregular bones. • subdivided into two: cranial & facial bones. The Skull Bones
  • 20. Cranial Bones: are 8 in number and form nuerocranium making the cranial cavity. 1. Frontal Bone: flat bone 2. Parietal Bones (2): flat bones 3. Temporal Bones (2): flat bones 4. Occipital Bone: flat bone 5. Sphenoid Bone: irregular bone 6. Ethmoid Bone: irregular bone
  • 21. Facial Bones: • are 20 in number and most of them form skeleton of the face. • Malleus, Incus, & Stapes are located in the middle ear. 1. Vomer 2. Mandible 3. Maxillae (2) 4. Nasal Bones(2) 5. Lacrimal Bones(2) 6. Palatine Bones (2) 7. Zygomatic Bones(2) 8. Inf. Nasal Conchae(2) 9. Malleus(2) 10. Incus (2) 11. Stapes (2)
  • 28. The 10 Sutures • Coronal Suture: is b/n frontal & the 2 parietal bones • Sagittal Suture: is b/n the 2 parietal bones • Lambdoid Suture: b/n the 2 parietal & occipital bones • Squamosal Sutures: b/n parietal & temporal bones Coronal Suture Sagittal Suture Lambdoid Suture
  • 29. 1. Anterior fontanel 2. Posterior fontanel 3. Sphenoidal fontanels (2) 4. Mastoid fontanels (2) Fontanels • are membrane filled spaces in new born.
  • 31. 7-31 Hyoid Bone • is a single bone at the neck region. • does not join with any bone. • has attachment sites for some tongue and neck muscles. • is an attachment point for the muscles that elevate the larynx during speech and swallowing.
  • 33. 7-33 VERTEBRAL COLUMN • is commonly called “Backbone”. • supports weight of head and trunk. • protects the spinal cord making the vertebral canal. • allow spinal nerves to exit the spinal cord. • provides site for muscle attachment. • permits movement of head and trunk. • transmits body weight to the lower body regions.
  • 34. • Vertebral column is at the central axis of skeleton w/c has five parts that are formed by overlapping vertebral bones (vertebrae) • The five parts and their bones: 1. Cervical part: has 7 cervical vertebrae (C1-C7) 2. Thoracic part: has 12 thoracic vertebrae (T1-T12) 3. Lumbar part: has 5 lumbar vertebrae (L1-L5) 4. Sacrum: formed by fusion of 5 sacral vertebrae 5. Coccyx: formed by fusion of 4 coccygeal vertebrae
  • 35. • While viewed dorsally, vertebral column shows four normal curvatures i. Cervical part has a concave curve ii. Thoracic part has a convex curve iii. Lumbar part has a concave curve iv. Sacrum part has a convex curve
  • 37.
  • 38. 7-38 • Body • Spinous process • Transverse processes • Articular processes • Vertebral foramen • Vertebral arch • Lamina • Pedicle A typical vertebra consists of:
  • 39. Each typical vertebra has: • Body: bears weight • Vertebral arch: forms vertebral foramen • Vertebral foramen: all together form the vertebral canal, w/h houses spinal cord • Pedicle: extend b/n the body & transverse process • Spinous process: projects posteriorly • Transverse processes: project laterally • Articular processes: project superiorly & inferiorly
  • 40. Lat view of a vertebra
  • 41. 7-41 • The atypical cervical vertebrae • Atlas: first cervical vertebra •Axis: second cervical vertebra
  • 42. 7-42 Intervertebral Disks • located between adjacent vertebrae • provide support & prevent vertebrae rubbing • has annulus fibrosus & nucleus pulposus parts
  • 46. 7-46 THORACIC (RIB) CAGE • The rib cage forms the thoracic cavity that protects vital organs and forms semi-rigid chamber for respiration • Parts of the thoracic cage: i. Thoracic vertebrae ii. Ribs iii. Sternum
  • 48. The Ribs • are 12 pair and grouped into 3 as follow: 1. True Ribs (1-7): b/c they attach directly to sternum by separate costal cartilages. 2. False Ribs (8-10): b/c they attach indirectly to sternum by attaching to costal cartilages immediately above. 3. Floating Ribs (11 & 12): b/c they have no any anterior attachments. 48
  • 49. • A typical rib has: Shaft: major part, w/h is flat & curved. Head: articulates with vertebrae. Tubercle: join with transverse process. Neck: between head and tubercle. Angle: greatest change in curvature. 49
  • 50. 7-50 Sternum (Breastbone) • has three parts Manubrium: the superiormost part Body: the middle and largest part Xiphoid process: the inferior pointed part
  • 52. 7-52 • Each bone is paired being present on both sides of the body • They are grouped as follow: Pectoral Girdle Pelvic Girdle Upper limb bones (found in the arm, forearm, wrist, & hand parts) Lower limb bones (found in the thigh, leg, & foot pars) Appendicular Skeleton
  • 53. Clavicles & Scapula: in shoulder region Humerus: in the arm Ulna & Radius: in the forearm Carpal bones (8): in the wrist  Metacarpal (5): in the hand Phalanges (14): in the fingers Bones of the Upper Limb
  • 54. 7-54 Clavicle • medial 2/3 is convex and lat 1/3 is concave as viewed anteriorly. • connects the axial skeleton with the appendicular skeleton. • its major parts are: –Sternal end: joins with sternum –Shaft: having sup & inf surfaces –Acromial end: flat and joins with acromion
  • 55. -
  • 56. 7-56 Scapula • is a flat, triangular bone and has: –3 Angles: sup, inf, & lat –3 Borders: sup, med, & lat –3 Fossae: 2 pos & 1 ant –Acromion process: joins with clavicle and has attachment for muscles –Coracoid process: attaches muscles –Glenoid cavity: joins with humerus
  • 58. 7-58 Humerus • The major parts at its proximal end are: Head: joins with scapula Anatomic & Surgical necks: constrictions Greater & Lesser tubercles: attach strs Intertubercular groove: passes a tendon • The major parts at its distal end are: Capitulum: articulates with radius Trochlea: articulates with ulna Epicondyles: attachment sites
  • 60. 19-60
  • 61. 7-61 1. Ulna: is located on the little finger side, w/h is more massive proximally, and has: • Trochlear notch • Olecranon process • Coronoid process 2. Radius: is located on the thumb side and is more massive distally • most commonly fractured bone • distally joins with three carpal bones Bones of Forearm
  • 63. CARPALS • There are 8 bones that may are grouped into two rows as proximal & distal rows: • The proximal row consists of 4 bones: the Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum, & Pisiform. • The distal row consists of 4 bones: the Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate & Hamate.
  • 65. METACARPALS • They are named, from lat to med, as 1st (I), 2nd(II), 3rd(III), 4th(IV), & 5th (V) metacarpal. • They form the metacarpus, the skeleton of the palm of the hand. • Each metacarpal consists of a base, shaft, & head, in w/h the bases join with carpal bones and the heads join with proximal phalanges. • The 1st metacarpal bone is the thickest & shortest of these bones. • The 3rd metacarpal bone is distinguished by a styloid process on the lat side of its base By JEMAL y. O6
  • 66. PHALANGES • Each digit has three phalanges except for the first which has only two. • Each phalanx has base proximally, head distally, and shaft, b/n the former two. • The proximal phalanges are the largest, the middle ones are intermediate in size, & the distal ones are the smallest • The shafts of the phalanges taper distally. • The distal phalanges are flat and expanded distally, w/h underlie the nail beds.
  • 68. Coxae: in the pelvis Femur: in the thigh Tibia & Fibula: in the leg Patella: at the knee joint Tarsal bones (7): in the wrist Metatarsal (5): at the ankle joint Phalanges (14): in the toes Bones of the Lower Limb
  • 69. 19-69 A coxal bone and the bones of a leg
  • 70. 7-70 Coxae • also called hip bone and has: –Ilium: the sup part w/h joins with sacrum –Ischium: sit down bone & has tuberosity –Pubis: forms pubic symphysis –Acetabulum: joins with femur –Obturator foramen: vessels & nerves pase
  • 73. 7-73 Femur • it has the following major part: • Head • Neck • Trochanters ( Greater & Lesser) • Condyles (med & lat) • Epicondyles( med & lat) Patella • known as kneecap • has a base, an apex, & pos & ant surfaces
  • 75. 7-75 Tibia • is larger and supports and transmits the body weight; it and has: - Tibial tuberosity - Condyles (med & lat) - Medial malleolus Fibula • articulates with tibia not femur; and it has: - Lateral malleolus: distally - Head & neck: proximally
  • 77. Tarsals • are 7 bones which form the ankle joint; talus, calcaneus, navicular, 3 cuneiforms & cuboid. • Only talus articulate with leg bones. Talus: rests on ant 2/3 of calcaneus and bears weight of the body. Calcaneus: is the heel bone, w/h is largest and strongest bone and joins with talus and cuboid.
  • 78. Navicular: flattened, boat shaped, located between talar head and cuneiforms. Cuboid: most lateral bone of the tarsals. Cuneiforms (med, intermediate, & lat): wedge shaped and each articulate with navicular posteriorly and metatarsal anteriorly.
  • 80. Metatarsals –are 5 bones which form part of the foot. –Each bone has base, body & head. –Bases articulate with cuneiform and cuboid bones. –Heads articulate with proximal phalanges.
  • 81. Phalanges –are 14 bones of the toes that are similar to those of fingers. –lateral four digits have proximal, middle & distal phalanx. –great toe (hallux) has only proximal & distal phalanx. –each phalanx has base, body & head.
  • 84. MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS • Skeletal trauma • Injuries to support structures
  • 85. Bone Fractures • The fracture can simply be a crack or collapse in the structure of the bone, or a complete break, producing two or more fragments. • Bone fractures are classified by: Position of the bone ends after fracture. Completeness of the break. Orientation of the bone to the long axis. Whether or not the bones’ ends penetrate the skin. etc.
  • 87. Complicated Fracture Types of Bone Fractures Complete Fracture– broken all the way through •Simple Fracture •Complicated Fracture Incomplete Fracture– bone is not broken all the way through •Simple Fracture •Complicated Fracture
  • 88. Compound (Open) Fracture: bone ends penetrate the skin. Simple (Closed) Fracture: bone ends do not penetrate the skin. Open Fracture
  • 89. Nondisplaced Fracture– bone ends retain their normal position. Displaced Fracture– bone ends are out of normal alignment.
  • 90. Spiral Fracture – ragged break when bone is excessively twisted; common sports injury. Oblique Fracture–the fracture is straight diagonally break.
  • 91. Fissure Fracture:-is a groove-like fracture parallel to the long axis of the bone. Greenstick Fracture:- incomplete fracture – one side of the bone breaks and the other side bends; common in children.
  • 92. Comminuted Fracture:- bone fragments into three or more pieces; common in the elderly. Compression (Impacted) Fracture:- bone is crushed; common in porous bones. Comminuted Impacted
  • 93. Depressed Fracture– (e.g, skull) broken bone portion pressed inward. Epiphyseal Fracture– epiphysis separates from diaphysis along epiphyseal line.
  • 94. TYPES OF FRACTURES From Ignativicius, D. & Workman, M. (2002). Medical-surgical nursing, ed 4, Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders.
  • 95. Repair of Bone Fracture During healing of a bone fracture Hematoma forms first. Fibrocartilaginous callus forms in the hematoma. Capillaries grow into the tissue and phagocytic cells begin cleaning debris. Bony callus forms. Finally remodeling takes place.
  • 96. •is similar to embryonic bone formation. Repair of Bone Fracture
  • 98. Stages in the Healing of a Bone Fracture Hematoma formation –Torn blood vessels hemorrhage. –A mass of clotted blood (hematoma) forms at the fracture site. –Site becomes swollen, painful, and inflamed.
  • 99. Fibrocartilaginous callus forms when: • Osteoblasts & fibroblasts migrate to the fracture and begin reconstructing it. • Fibroblasts secret collagen fibers that connect broken bone ends. • Osteoblast begin forming spongy bone. • Osteoblasts furthest from capillaries secrete an externally bulging cartilaginous matrix that later calcifies.
  • 100. Bony callus formation –New bone trabeculae appear in the fibrocartilaginous callus. –Fibrocartilaginous callus converts into a bony (hard) callus. –Bone callus begins 3-4 weeks after injury, and continues until firm union is formed 2-3 months later.
  • 101. Bone remodeling • Excess material on the bone shaft exterior and in the medullary canal is removed by osteoclasts. • Compact bone is laid down to reconstruct shaft walls.
  • 102. Repair of Bone Fractures Fig. 6.8 A C D B Hematoma formation Bone replacement
  • 103. OSTEOPOROSIS Osteoporosis-forms "PorousBones“ • Occurswhena body'sbloodcalciumlevelis lowandcalciumfrombonesisdissolved intothebloodtomaintainaproperbalance. • Overtime,bonemassandbonestrength decrease. • Asa result,bonesbecomedottedwithpits &pores,weak&fragile.
  • 105. Rickets • inadequately mineralize causing softened, weakened bones. • Bowed legs & deformities of pelvis, skull, & rib cage are common. • Caused by insufficient calcium in the diet, or by vitamin D deficiency.