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taking the guesswork out of using essential oils
Through our partnership with the non-profit
organization Trees for the Future, Mother E is
committed to planting one tree for every bottle
of Mother E essential oils purchased and ten
trees for every Mother E c ollection.
Access the Power of Nature with Mother E
Essential Oils
•	 Strong towering trees that provide shade and
air for us to breathe,
•	 Intricate root system of plants that feed the
healthful fruits and vegetables we eat,
•	 Powerful fragrances that attract pollinators, so
radiant flowers can continue to flourish.
It takes an infinite amount of energy to maintain
this abundant earth that sustains us, but it all begins
with the essential nature of plants. Every aspect of
a plant’s existence—from fragrance and color to
leaf pattern and fruit—helps it to survive, heal and
It is this same energy—or “quintessence” as Aris-
totle called it—that provides the healing, beneficial
properties of essential oils in our everyday lives.
To understand the healing power of essential oils, all we have to do is turn to Mother Nature.
Take a moment and think about the:
Essential oils are chemically quite complex,
with the average number of chemical components
in each essential oil being about 100. One of the
common fallacies about essential oils, is that they
should have an oily texture to them. This is false;
pure essential oils, while oil soluble, in general, do
not feel oily. This becomes an important point
when evaluating the purity of essential oils (more
on that in a minute!).
Essential oils are also highly concentrated; it takes
a great deal of work to produce a tiny amount of
essential oil. For example, to produce one ounce
of rose oil, you need approximately 60,000 rose
blossoms. Hence, the high price of rose essential
oil! Another high-priced oil, jasmine, takes 8 million
hand-picked jasmine blossoms for 2.2 pounds of
oil. Lavender, a more affordable oil, requires 220
pounds of lavender flowers to produce 7 pounds
of oils. Because of these differences in what it
takes to yield specific essential oils, you can under-
stand the wide price variations between oils!
There are about 300 different essential oils in
general use today by professional practitioners,
but in all practicality, most benefits that essential
oils fulfill could be achieved with 10-12 essential oils.
One of the ways that Mother E simplifies your es-
sential oil use (not to mention saves you money!) is
that we offer a small functional line of essential oils,
with 12 single oils and 12 essential oil blends. Our
selection of oils was carefully chosen to cover the
main benefits that essential oils provide - so you
don’t have to get a phD in essential oil use!
What Are Essential Oils?
Essential oils are natural aromatic compounds
and volatile liquids extracted from the seeds, roots,
bark, stems, leaves, flowers, resins, and other parts
of plants. Essential oils are extracted from plants
most commonly by steam distillation. They can also
be expressed mechanically or cold-pressed; for
example, citrus oils are extracted or cold-pressed
from citrus peels. With inherent antiseptic,
anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-depressant,
analgesic, deodorizing, stimulating, diuretic and an-
tifungal properties, essential oils have been known
and used throughout time to promote homeostasis
in the human body. The Egyptians, Romans, May-
ans, Greeks and all other ancient cultures used
essential oils for health and healing.
“The way to health is to have an
aromatic bath and scented massage every day.”
-Hippocrates, the father of medicine
The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy defines aromatherapy (also
known as “essential oil therapy”) as the art and science of utilizing naturally
extracted aromatic essences from plants to balance, harmonize and promote
the health of body, mind and spirit.
What is Aromatherapy?
Quality in essential oils.
Essential oils on the market vary widely in qual-
ity, so it’s important to know what you are getting.
Interestingly, up to 98 percent of essential oils are
used in the perfume, household or food industries,
and in these cases, purity may not be as import-
ant. However, if you are using essential oils thera-
peutically (in other words to support your physical,
mental and emotional well-being), purity is critical.
What does “purity” mean anyway?
The truth is that there is no real certification or
classification for “purity” in essential oils. And, to
confuse matters, some companies have jumped
on the bandwagon of using the term “therapeutic
grade” to get at the quality and purity of essen-
tial oils. This definition was developed in the 1990’s
as a marketing term and, bottomline, there is no
such thing as a “therapeutic grade” essential oil vs.
“non-therapeutic”essential oil. No quality standards
for the authentication of essential oils specifically
exist in aromatherapy.
“The quality and authenticity of essential oils we utilize are the
very heart and foundation of aromatherapy.” -Jade Herbalist
That said, many essential oils on the market are
adulterated. For example, some essential oil compa-
nies want their lavender to smell more “lavendery”
so they add a synthetic version of a compound
naturally found in Lavender to the essential oil.
Also, many companies dilute with a base or carrier
oil, and present it as pure-- to increase their profit
margins. While it is often recommended to blend a
pure essential oil with a base or carrier oil when you
apply topically, it is important to know what is in the
product you are getting!
A question that often comes up with respect to
essential oil quality and purity is, “is it organic?”
“Organic” simply means grown without chemical
pesticides or fertilizers, and no GMO’s (gentical-
ly modified organisms). And generally speaking,
organic is a good thing. However, “organic certifi-
cation” is tricky. Many countries that grow essential
oils do not have organic certification in place, and
even if they do, it is very costly.
Furthermore, GC/MS testing (gas chromatogra-
phy mass spectronomy) can be done to ensure
that the chemical composition of the essential oil is
what it should be. In other words, free from foreign
chemicals, additives and residues.
The bottomline regarding “organic” is that it does
not guarantee the quality, purity, and potency
of essential oils. In addition, essential oils can be
grown organically and not be “certified organic”.
And, because it takes so much of a plant to yield
a relatively small amount of essential oil, “certified
organic” is much more costly to produce.
Mother E’s highest priority is to provide pure, quality
oils as affordably as possible. We’ll never compro-
mise quality and we’ll always tell you what’s in our
While our products are not “certified organic”, our
rigorous supplier standards and third party testing
ensure the quality and purity of every one of our
oils. Every batch of our oils goes through GC/MS
testing, as well as physical tests for odor, refractive
index, specific gravity, optical rotation and closed
cup flashpoint. And while variation is always pres-
ent when working with natural products, Mother
E essential oils must meet within the range of our
high standards or they will not be approved. Plain
and simple.
Upon request, we are happy to provide a Certifi-
cate of Analysis and Safety Data Sheet for each
single oil and blend we produce.
Mother E’s Commitment to Quality
While essential oils are natural and beneficial in
many ways, they can be very potent. Remember
that a little goes a long way.
Please Note the following precautions when using
Mother E essential oils.
What are the precautions when using
essential oil?
•	 As with any natural therapy, always check
with your doctor before using. Some essential
oils should be avoided by children and preg-
nant or breastfeeding women.
•	 Do a patch test by placing 1 to 2 drops on
your arm (or a small area on upholstery/fur-
niture), then observe for 24 hours. If your skin
(or upholstery/furniture) is sensitive to an oil, it
will become irritated (or begin to stain). If this
happens, don’t use that oil.
•	 Some oils can cause a phototoxic reaction
on skin that looks like a sunburn. Check the oil
label and, when applicable, avoid sunlight or UV
rays for up to 12 hours after applying product.
•	 If in doubt, dilute with Mother E FCO.
•	 When first starting to use your Mother E Es-
sential Oils, use only one drop and slowly work
your way up to more.
Your Guide to Using Mother E Essential Oils
Our goal at Mother E is to help you reconnect
with nature, self and others to live your best life.
We developed our functionally-based product line
of 12 single oils and 12 proprietary blends on the
belief that you don’t need a Ph.D in essential oils
to experience their life-changing benefits.
To help you take the guesswork out of using
essential oils, we’ve packaged our most versatile
single oils and blends into four SIGNATURE
your center
your mood
your body
your home.
Use the guide to explore and find your favorite ways of using Mother E Essential Oils every day to en-
hance your physical, mental, and emotional well-being, simply and naturally.
EARTH::GROUNDING can be used aromatically
and topically to help you feel grounded, stable,
rooted and present.
Use WATER::BALANCE aromatically and topically to
release, renew, and restore emotional harmony.
•	 Diffuse during your
morning quiet time.
Whether journal writing,
meditating, praying, or
simply sitting with your
morning coffee letting
your mind wander,
help set you on solid
ground for the day.
•	 Inhale directly from the
bottle. Close eyes and
become centered in the
•	 Make and use a ground-
ing foot scrub. A great
way to unwind at the
end of a busy day
•	 Mix a few drops with
Mother E FCO for a
grounding moisturizer or
massage oil.
ING Roll-on as a natural
fragrance that will help
calm and stabilize your
•	 Place 2–3 drops in a
basin of warm water for
a relaxing foot soak.
•	 Use as a shoe or yoga
mat freshener. Add
15-20 drops to a Mother
E Spray Bottle, fill with
water, shake and spray.
by adding 5 drops and
one cup Epsom salts
to a warm bath. Focus
on your body and spirit
being cleansed, and
visualize negativity being
pulled from your body
into the water.
•	 Diffuse to help restore
emotional balance within
or with others-- during
quiet alone time or a
difficult conversation.
•	 Put a few drops in the
bottom of the shower
and feel the soothing
aroma and warm
water wash away tense
•	 Inhale directly from the
bottle, close eyes, and let
the power of nature help
you release unwanted
roll-on bottle as a
natural fragrance, with
the added benefit of
calming emotions within
and around you.
roll-on bottle as a gift for
bridal, birthday, Mother’s
Day, or any special
Suggested uses: Suggested uses:
Use AIR::FOCUS aromatically and topically to calm
the mind and gently persuade presence for
completing a goal or project.
Use FIRE::PASSION aromatically and topically to ignite
your life with purpose and passion.
•	 Use AIR::FOCUS by
appling to pulse points
to bring daydreaming
and short attention
spans back into focus.
Then spend a few
moments allowing your
body to relax and return
to center. Greet any
unfinished project with
a newfound presence
and clarity.
•	 Use with the Mother E
Diffuser to focus your
mind on any mental
activity or project.
•	 Energize body and
mind by rubbing on
soles of feet and wrists.
Roll-on bottle works
great for this!
•	 Make and use
AIR::FOCUS Room Spray.
Keep it in your work area
for those times you need
your full concentration.
•	 Ease tension
headaches. Add 1-2
drops to palms, rub
together, cup hands in
front of nose and inhale
deeply. Or blend one
drop with Mother E FCO
and rub on back of
neck, behind ears, and
forehead, using caution
to avoid eyes.
•	 Benefit from
the Mother E Diffuser,
imbue the room with this
energizing blend as you
greet the morning. Before
preparing for the day,
meditate or lay quietly
for 15 minutes while still
in bed. With eyes closed,
focus on how to rekindle
and support your dreams,
and spark action.
•	 Make and use
Invigorating Body Wash
in the morning to get you
fired up for a productive,
on-purpose day. Makes
an excellent moisturizing
hand soap as well. Learn
how to make it here.
•	 Carry FIRE::PASSION roll-
on and apply topically
throughout the day as a
spicy natural fragrance
that helps remind you to
live each moment with
handy to apply on
bottoms of feet or
inhale from bottle when
you’re doing any kind
of strategic planning, life
planning, or visioning at
home or work.
Suggested uses: Suggested uses:
Use ELIXIR No 1 IMMUNITY aromatically, topically, and
internally to support your body’s innate ability to fight
infection and environmental threats.
Use ELIXIR No 2 MUSCLE & JOINT topically to cool
and soothe tired, aching muscles and joints.
as you greet the day,
especially during the
colder months, add 1–2
drops to a teaspoon of
honey and mix into your
hot tea or water.
•	 For protection throughout
the day, blend 3–4 drops
with witch hazel in the
Mother E Spray Bottle
to carry with you and
use on public surfaces.
[Because the oils in this
blend are considered
“hot,” be sure to combine
with Mother E FCO if you
intend to use topically.]
•	 Place 2 - 3 drops in a
spoonful of honey and
lick from the spoon.
•	 Diffuse in any room
to purify and protect
from microbes and
environmental threats.
•	 Use as a hand sanitizer
by combining a few drops
with Mother E FCO and
rubbing into your hands.
•	 Mix a few drops into
Mother E FCO and apply
to feet or chest before
•	 Place 2 - 3 drops in a
capsule and swallow with
& JOINT for Sports,
gardening, cleaning,
hobbies and even stress.
Blend with Mother E FCO
according to your own
skin sensitivity.
•	 Use before physical
activity by gently
massaging oil into joints;
rub onto sore back
•	 Use as a soothing
compress by soaking a
wash cloth in a basin of
water with 4 to 5 drops,
wring, then gently apply
to sprains or muscle
•	 Massage into muscles
and joints after exercise
or physical labor (blend
with Mother E FCO).
•	 Relieve achy hands
by mixing a few drops
in Mother E FCO and
rubbing into hands.
Suggested uses: Suggested uses:
Use ELIXIR No 3 RESPIRATORY can be used aromat-
ically and topically to open the airways and provide
comforting relief to respiratory congestion.
Use ELIXIR No 4 DIGESTION topically and internally to
soothe upset stomach, relieve bloating, and reinvigo-
rate digestive balance.
•	 Use ELIXIR No 3
the day feeling refreshed
and clear, place 1–2 drops
in hands, rub together
and place in front of
nose and mouth while
inhaling deeply. Continue
throughout the day as
•	 Soak a compress in
a basin of warm water
with 3–4 drops of oil, wring
and apply over chest.
•	 Purify and refresh
a room with clearing
menthol aromas. Combine
4–5 drops of oil with water
in a Mother E Diffuser.
•	 Find relief by massaging
3–4 drops on to both the
top and bottom of feet
near the toes.
•	 Use ELIXIR No 4
traveling by car or
airplane, place 1–2 drops
on an organic cotton ball
and place in a plastic bag
so you can easily inhale
the warming essence
•	 For quick relief, dilute
1–2 drops with Mother E
FCO and gently rub on
feet or stomach to return
to a balanced state.
•	 Ease motion sickness
by placing one drop
behind each ear.
•	 Take internally by
putting 2 to 3 drops in a
capsule and swallow with
•	 You can also add 2 to
3 drops to a spoonful
of honey and lick from
Suggested uses: Suggested uses:
Use PURE LOVE aromatically and topically to remind
you that you are enough. You are pure. You are loved.
Celebrate life and feel the pure energy of love that’s
all around you.
Use REAL HOPE aromatically and topically to encour-
age comfort and positive feelings toward your desired
future. A unique, uplifting floral blend that is great as a
natural fragrance.
•	 USe PURE LOVE. Wear
1–2 drops of PURE LOVE
over your heart chakra
as a reminder of just how
perfect you are, as you
•	 Uplift your spirit during
the day by rubbing over
pulse points, behind ears
and along neck.
•	 In the evening, dab
a drop or two along
cleavage or put on a
cotton ball and place
inside bra.
•	 Make PURE LOVE Sugar
Scrub. Rub on skin for a
luxurious exfoliation; rinse,
leaving skin soft, smooth,
and smelling delightful.
•	 Create a mood for an
intimate gathering or
during meditation using
the Mother E Diffuser.
•	 Make a spritz (spray) to
infuse the energy of PURE
LOVE. Using the Mother E
Spray Bottle, mix 15 drops
with 1.5 ounces of water
and spritz on pillows or in
the air.
•	 Use PURE LOVE roll-on
bottle for a natural on-
the-go fragrance. Rub
on wrists, behind ears,
and on neck.
•	 Use REAL HOPE. Using
a Mother E Diffuser,
combine 3-4 drops of
REAL HOPE with water,
and allow diffuser to fill
the room with a unique,
heart-stirring floral aroma.
Get comfortable; inhale
deeply and allow the
fragrance of the room to
center you. Go within and
allow thoughts of hope,
peace and enlightenment
to fill your mind.
•	 Use your am shower
to set your mood for the
day. Before you turn off
the water, mix 1 to 2 drops
of REAL HOPE into some
Mother E FCO and rub
into your wet skin.
•	 Using REAL HOPE roll-
on bottle for convenient
topical application, apply
throughout the day on
wrists, neck and behind as
a natural fragrance and
a reminder or trigger to
instill hope.
Suggested uses: Suggested uses:
Use TRUE JOY aromatically and topically to bring out
your inner child... smiles guaranteed!
Use DEEP GRATITUDE aromatically and topically to
encourage comfort and positive feelings toward your
desired future. A unique, uplifting floral blend that is
great as a natural fragrance.
Using a Mother E Spray
Bottle, begin the day by
spritzing the room with
3–4 drops of oil and distilled
water to ground you during
meditation practice. You’ll
feel more connected as
you greet the world.
•	 Finish the day with a
grateful bath by filling
the tub with very warm
water, one cup of Epsom
salts, three drops of DEEP
teaspoons of Mother E
FCO. Recall all that you are
grateful for in the day while
soaking with eyes closed.
•	 Develop a gratitude
practice and use DEEP
GRATITUDE essential oil
blend to support you.
Check out the blog post
here for ideas.
•	 Use TRUE JOY Begin
your day with happiness,
playfulness and a
cheerful nature by
placing 3–4 drops of oil
and water into a Mother
E Diffuser and disperse
through the bedroom
or bathroom as you are
getting ready.
•	 While at work or home,
sniff directly from the
bottle throughout the day
to reinforce your sunny
demeanor and go-with-
the-flow attitude.
•	 Enjoy TRUE JOY all day
every day as a natural
fragrance with Mother
E roll-on bottle. You’ll get
compliments and smiles
wherever you go!
Suggested uses: Suggested uses:
Use Eucalyptus to clean naturally, ease congestion,
and promote alertness.
Use Lemon aromatically, topically, internally and for
household cleaning.
•	 Create a fresh smelling
environment by diffusing
2 to 3 drops in a Mother
E Diffuser.
Use in a natural cleaning
spray Combine 5 drops
each of Eucalyptus, some
Peppermint, and lemon in
a Mother E Spray Bottle,
and add 2 oz. water and
2 oz. vinegar.
Control fleas naturally
by mixing 3-4 drops
Eucalyptus into your pet’s
•	 Ease congestion and
allergies. Place 1 drop of
Eucalyptus on an organic
cotton ball and inhale
several times a day.
•	 Create a refreshing
and tingly shower
experience by putting a
few drops in your hands,
place over nose, then
inhale deeply to clear
your mind.
•	 Create an on-the-
go cooling spray by
combining 5 to 7 drops
each of Eucalyptus and
Peppermint oils in a
Mother E Spray Bottle,
then fill with water and
spritz over your body.
•	 Freshen surfaces by
combining 5 drops
Lemon, 1 ounce distilled
white vinegar and 2 oz.
water in a Mother E Spray
Bottle. Spray and use as a
non-toxic cleaner.
•	 Invigorate any space
with energy and an
overall brightness by
diffusing or Lemon into
the air using a Mother E
•	 Clean and protect
leather and wood
finishes. Add 3-4 drops of
Lemon to ½ cup olive oil
and rub into surface.
•	 Use to exfoliate skin for
a brighter complexion
and improve appearance
of hair. Add 3 to 4 drops
into your favorite personal
care products.
•	 Add Lemon to recipes
and in marinades to
brighten the flavor of
Suggested uses: Suggested uses:
Use Lavender aromatically, topically, internally and
for household to calm, clean and refresh.
Use Tea Tree (Melaleuca) aromatically, topically, and
for skincare and household cleaning.
•	 Make a lavender vinegar
rinse for laundry by
combining 1 tsp. Lavender
oil with 16 oz. of distilled
white vinegar. Add ¼ c. to
final rinse cycle or fabric
softener tray.
•	 Combine a few drops
with water in a Mother E
Spray Bottle then use to
freshen room and boost
mood. Spray mattresses
or in linen closets.
Welcome a restful
night’s sleep by placing
a few drops of Lavender
on pillow and bedding.
•	 Apply a few drops from
the bottle directly to
insect bites, burns, cuts
or scrapes.
•	 Ease tension by infusing
a basin of water with 3-4
drops of Lavender, soak
a wash cloth, wring, then
gently apply to neck and
•	 Boost the flavor of
marinades, baked goods
and cocktails by adding
a few drops of Lavender
to the recipe. Check out
Lavender Lemonade
Punch recipe here.
•	 Treat mold by mixing 1
drop of Tea Tree with 1
cup of water, spray on
mold then wipe clean.
•	 For natural cleaning
and purification, add
a few drops to water in
a Mother E Spray Bottle
to disinfect and clean
surfaces. Then take spray
bottle to garden and
mist on plants to protect
them against disease and
•	 Freshen laundry by
adding 2-4 drops of Tea
Tree into the wash cycle.
Clothes will smell fresh
and crisp.
•	 Enliven a stale room
by putting 2–3 drops of
Tea Tree oil in a Mother E
Diffuser. Refill diffuser and
repeat as needed.
•	 Manage oily skin, acne
and other skin irritations
by applying 1-2 drops of
Tea Tree oil to products
used in your daily facial
•	 Strengthen fingernails
and toenails by applying
Tea Tree to them after
Suggested uses: Suggested uses:
© Mother E 2017-2018 : General Precautions: Keep out of reach of children. If pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears and sensitive
areas. Potential skin sensitivity, dilute with Mother E Fractionated Coconut Oil (FCO).
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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Mother E Global Essential Oils Guide

  • 1. ESSENTIAL OILS GUIDE 2017 taking the guesswork out of using essential oils
  • 2. Through our partnership with the non-profit organization Trees for the Future, Mother E is committed to planting one tree for every bottle of Mother E essential oils purchased and ten trees for every Mother E c ollection.
  • 3. Access the Power of Nature with Mother E Essential Oils • Strong towering trees that provide shade and air for us to breathe, • Intricate root system of plants that feed the healthful fruits and vegetables we eat, • Powerful fragrances that attract pollinators, so radiant flowers can continue to flourish. It takes an infinite amount of energy to maintain this abundant earth that sustains us, but it all begins with the essential nature of plants. Every aspect of a plant’s existence—from fragrance and color to leaf pattern and fruit—helps it to survive, heal and reproduce. It is this same energy—or “quintessence” as Aris- totle called it—that provides the healing, beneficial properties of essential oils in our everyday lives. To understand the healing power of essential oils, all we have to do is turn to Mother Nature. Take a moment and think about the:
  • 4. Essential oils are chemically quite complex, with the average number of chemical components in each essential oil being about 100. One of the common fallacies about essential oils, is that they should have an oily texture to them. This is false; pure essential oils, while oil soluble, in general, do not feel oily. This becomes an important point when evaluating the purity of essential oils (more on that in a minute!). Essential oils are also highly concentrated; it takes a great deal of work to produce a tiny amount of essential oil. For example, to produce one ounce of rose oil, you need approximately 60,000 rose blossoms. Hence, the high price of rose essential oil! Another high-priced oil, jasmine, takes 8 million hand-picked jasmine blossoms for 2.2 pounds of oil. Lavender, a more affordable oil, requires 220 pounds of lavender flowers to produce 7 pounds of oils. Because of these differences in what it takes to yield specific essential oils, you can under- stand the wide price variations between oils! There are about 300 different essential oils in general use today by professional practitioners, but in all practicality, most benefits that essential oils fulfill could be achieved with 10-12 essential oils. One of the ways that Mother E simplifies your es- sential oil use (not to mention saves you money!) is that we offer a small functional line of essential oils, with 12 single oils and 12 essential oil blends. Our selection of oils was carefully chosen to cover the main benefits that essential oils provide - so you don’t have to get a phD in essential oil use! What Are Essential Oils? Essential oils are natural aromatic compounds and volatile liquids extracted from the seeds, roots, bark, stems, leaves, flowers, resins, and other parts of plants. Essential oils are extracted from plants most commonly by steam distillation. They can also be expressed mechanically or cold-pressed; for example, citrus oils are extracted or cold-pressed from citrus peels. With inherent antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-depressant, analgesic, deodorizing, stimulating, diuretic and an- tifungal properties, essential oils have been known and used throughout time to promote homeostasis in the human body. The Egyptians, Romans, May- ans, Greeks and all other ancient cultures used essential oils for health and healing. “The way to health is to have an aromatic bath and scented massage every day.” -Hippocrates, the father of medicine
  • 5.
  • 6. The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy defines aromatherapy (also known as “essential oil therapy”) as the art and science of utilizing naturally extracted aromatic essences from plants to balance, harmonize and promote the health of body, mind and spirit. What is Aromatherapy?
  • 7. Quality in essential oils. Essential oils on the market vary widely in qual- ity, so it’s important to know what you are getting. Interestingly, up to 98 percent of essential oils are used in the perfume, household or food industries, and in these cases, purity may not be as import- ant. However, if you are using essential oils thera- peutically (in other words to support your physical, mental and emotional well-being), purity is critical. What does “purity” mean anyway? The truth is that there is no real certification or classification for “purity” in essential oils. And, to confuse matters, some companies have jumped on the bandwagon of using the term “therapeutic grade” to get at the quality and purity of essen- tial oils. This definition was developed in the 1990’s as a marketing term and, bottomline, there is no such thing as a “therapeutic grade” essential oil vs. “non-therapeutic”essential oil. No quality standards for the authentication of essential oils specifically exist in aromatherapy. “The quality and authenticity of essential oils we utilize are the very heart and foundation of aromatherapy.” -Jade Herbalist That said, many essential oils on the market are adulterated. For example, some essential oil compa- nies want their lavender to smell more “lavendery” so they add a synthetic version of a compound naturally found in Lavender to the essential oil. Also, many companies dilute with a base or carrier oil, and present it as pure-- to increase their profit margins. While it is often recommended to blend a pure essential oil with a base or carrier oil when you apply topically, it is important to know what is in the product you are getting!
  • 8.
  • 9. A question that often comes up with respect to essential oil quality and purity is, “is it organic?” “Organic” simply means grown without chemical pesticides or fertilizers, and no GMO’s (gentical- ly modified organisms). And generally speaking, organic is a good thing. However, “organic certifi- cation” is tricky. Many countries that grow essential oils do not have organic certification in place, and even if they do, it is very costly. Furthermore, GC/MS testing (gas chromatogra- phy mass spectronomy) can be done to ensure that the chemical composition of the essential oil is what it should be. In other words, free from foreign chemicals, additives and residues. The bottomline regarding “organic” is that it does not guarantee the quality, purity, and potency of essential oils. In addition, essential oils can be grown organically and not be “certified organic”. And, because it takes so much of a plant to yield a relatively small amount of essential oil, “certified organic” is much more costly to produce. Mother E’s highest priority is to provide pure, quality oils as affordably as possible. We’ll never compro- mise quality and we’ll always tell you what’s in our products! While our products are not “certified organic”, our rigorous supplier standards and third party testing ensure the quality and purity of every one of our oils. Every batch of our oils goes through GC/MS testing, as well as physical tests for odor, refractive index, specific gravity, optical rotation and closed cup flashpoint. And while variation is always pres- ent when working with natural products, Mother E essential oils must meet within the range of our high standards or they will not be approved. Plain and simple. Upon request, we are happy to provide a Certifi- cate of Analysis and Safety Data Sheet for each single oil and blend we produce. Mother E’s Commitment to Quality
  • 10. While essential oils are natural and beneficial in many ways, they can be very potent. Remember that a little goes a long way. Please Note the following precautions when using Mother E essential oils. What are the precautions when using essential oil? • As with any natural therapy, always check with your doctor before using. Some essential oils should be avoided by children and preg- nant or breastfeeding women. • Do a patch test by placing 1 to 2 drops on your arm (or a small area on upholstery/fur- niture), then observe for 24 hours. If your skin (or upholstery/furniture) is sensitive to an oil, it will become irritated (or begin to stain). If this happens, don’t use that oil. • Some oils can cause a phototoxic reaction on skin that looks like a sunburn. Check the oil label and, when applicable, avoid sunlight or UV rays for up to 12 hours after applying product. • If in doubt, dilute with Mother E FCO. • When first starting to use your Mother E Es- sential Oils, use only one drop and slowly work your way up to more.
  • 11. Your Guide to Using Mother E Essential Oils Our goal at Mother E is to help you reconnect with nature, self and others to live your best life. We developed our functionally-based product line of 12 single oils and 12 proprietary blends on the belief that you don’t need a Ph.D in essential oils to experience their life-changing benefits. To help you take the guesswork out of using essential oils, we’ve packaged our most versatile single oils and blends into four SIGNATURE COLLECTIONS: ELEVATE YOUR MOOD CARE FOR YOUR HOME FIND YOUR CENTER SUPPORT YOUR BODY • THE ELEMENTS COLLECTION to find your center • THE ENHANCERS COLLECTION to elevate your mood • THE ELIXIRS COLLECTION to support your body • THE ESSENTIALS COLLECTION to care for your home. Use the guide to explore and find your favorite ways of using Mother E Essential Oils every day to en- hance your physical, mental, and emotional well-being, simply and naturally.
  • 13. EARTH::GROUNDING can be used aromatically and topically to help you feel grounded, stable, rooted and present. Use WATER::BALANCE aromatically and topically to release, renew, and restore emotional harmony. • Diffuse during your morning quiet time. Whether journal writing, meditating, praying, or simply sitting with your morning coffee letting your mind wander, EARTH::GROUNDING will help set you on solid ground for the day. • Inhale directly from the bottle. Close eyes and become centered in the moment. • Make and use a ground- ing foot scrub. A great way to unwind at the end of a busy day • Mix a few drops with Mother E FCO for a grounding moisturizer or massage oil. • Use EARTH::GROUND- ING Roll-on as a natural fragrance that will help calm and stabilize your mood. • Place 2–3 drops in a basin of warm water for a relaxing foot soak. • Use as a shoe or yoga mat freshener. Add 15-20 drops to a Mother E Spray Bottle, fill with water, shake and spray. • Use WATER::BALANCE by adding 5 drops and one cup Epsom salts to a warm bath. Focus on your body and spirit being cleansed, and visualize negativity being pulled from your body into the water. • Diffuse to help restore emotional balance within or with others-- during quiet alone time or a difficult conversation. • Put a few drops in the bottom of the shower and feel the soothing aroma and warm water wash away tense emotions. • Inhale directly from the bottle, close eyes, and let the power of nature help you release unwanted emotions. • Use WATER::BALANCE roll-on bottle as a natural fragrance, with the added benefit of calming emotions within and around you. • Give a WATER::BALANCE roll-on bottle as a gift for bridal, birthday, Mother’s Day, or any special occasion. Suggested uses: Suggested uses: THE ELEMENTS COLLECTION
  • 14. Use AIR::FOCUS aromatically and topically to calm the mind and gently persuade presence for completing a goal or project. Use FIRE::PASSION aromatically and topically to ignite your life with purpose and passion. • Use AIR::FOCUS by appling to pulse points to bring daydreaming and short attention spans back into focus. Then spend a few moments allowing your body to relax and return to center. Greet any unfinished project with a newfound presence and clarity. • Use with the Mother E Diffuser to focus your mind on any mental activity or project. • Energize body and mind by rubbing on soles of feet and wrists. Roll-on bottle works great for this! • Make and use AIR::FOCUS Room Spray. Keep it in your work area for those times you need your full concentration. • Ease tension headaches. Add 1-2 drops to palms, rub together, cup hands in front of nose and inhale deeply. Or blend one drop with Mother E FCO and rub on back of neck, behind ears, and forehead, using caution to avoid eyes. • Benefit from FIRE::PASSION. Using the Mother E Diffuser, imbue the room with this energizing blend as you greet the morning. Before preparing for the day, meditate or lay quietly for 15 minutes while still in bed. With eyes closed, focus on how to rekindle and support your dreams, and spark action. • Make and use FIRE::PASSION Invigorating Body Wash in the morning to get you fired up for a productive, on-purpose day. Makes an excellent moisturizing hand soap as well. Learn how to make it here. • Carry FIRE::PASSION roll- on and apply topically throughout the day as a spicy natural fragrance that helps remind you to live each moment with meaning. • Keep FIRE::PASSION handy to apply on bottoms of feet or inhale from bottle when you’re doing any kind of strategic planning, life planning, or visioning at home or work. Suggested uses: Suggested uses: THE ELEMENTS COLLECTION
  • 17. Use ELIXIR No 1 IMMUNITY aromatically, topically, and internally to support your body’s innate ability to fight infection and environmental threats. Use ELIXIR No 2 MUSCLE & JOINT topically to cool and soothe tired, aching muscles and joints. • Use ELIXIR No 1 IMMUNITY as you greet the day, especially during the colder months, add 1–2 drops to a teaspoon of honey and mix into your hot tea or water. • For protection throughout the day, blend 3–4 drops with witch hazel in the Mother E Spray Bottle to carry with you and use on public surfaces. [Because the oils in this blend are considered “hot,” be sure to combine with Mother E FCO if you intend to use topically.] • Place 2 - 3 drops in a spoonful of honey and lick from the spoon. • Diffuse in any room to purify and protect from microbes and environmental threats. • Use as a hand sanitizer by combining a few drops with Mother E FCO and rubbing into your hands. • Mix a few drops into Mother E FCO and apply to feet or chest before bed. • Place 2 - 3 drops in a capsule and swallow with water. • Use ELIXIR No 2 MUSCLE & JOINT for Sports, gardening, cleaning, hobbies and even stress. Blend with Mother E FCO according to your own skin sensitivity. • Use before physical activity by gently massaging oil into joints; rub onto sore back muscles. • Use as a soothing compress by soaking a wash cloth in a basin of water with 4 to 5 drops, wring, then gently apply to sprains or muscle injuries. • Massage into muscles and joints after exercise or physical labor (blend with Mother E FCO). • Relieve achy hands by mixing a few drops in Mother E FCO and rubbing into hands. Suggested uses: Suggested uses: THE ELIXIRS COLLECTION
  • 18. Use ELIXIR No 3 RESPIRATORY can be used aromat- ically and topically to open the airways and provide comforting relief to respiratory congestion. Use ELIXIR No 4 DIGESTION topically and internally to soothe upset stomach, relieve bloating, and reinvigo- rate digestive balance. • Use ELIXIR No 3 RESPIRATORY. To start the day feeling refreshed and clear, place 1–2 drops in hands, rub together and place in front of nose and mouth while inhaling deeply. Continue throughout the day as needed. • Soak a compress in a basin of warm water with 3–4 drops of oil, wring and apply over chest. • Purify and refresh a room with clearing menthol aromas. Combine 4–5 drops of oil with water in a Mother E Diffuser. • Find relief by massaging 3–4 drops on to both the top and bottom of feet near the toes. • Use ELIXIR No 4 DIGESTION. When traveling by car or airplane, place 1–2 drops on an organic cotton ball and place in a plastic bag so you can easily inhale the warming essence anywhere. • For quick relief, dilute 1–2 drops with Mother E FCO and gently rub on feet or stomach to return to a balanced state. • Ease motion sickness by placing one drop behind each ear. • Take internally by putting 2 to 3 drops in a capsule and swallow with water. • You can also add 2 to 3 drops to a spoonful of honey and lick from spoon. Suggested uses: Suggested uses: THE ELIXIRS COLLECTION
  • 21. Use PURE LOVE aromatically and topically to remind you that you are enough. You are pure. You are loved. Celebrate life and feel the pure energy of love that’s all around you. Use REAL HOPE aromatically and topically to encour- age comfort and positive feelings toward your desired future. A unique, uplifting floral blend that is great as a natural fragrance. • USe PURE LOVE. Wear 1–2 drops of PURE LOVE over your heart chakra as a reminder of just how perfect you are, as you are. • Uplift your spirit during the day by rubbing over pulse points, behind ears and along neck. • In the evening, dab a drop or two along cleavage or put on a cotton ball and place inside bra. • Make PURE LOVE Sugar Scrub. Rub on skin for a luxurious exfoliation; rinse, leaving skin soft, smooth, and smelling delightful. • Create a mood for an intimate gathering or during meditation using the Mother E Diffuser. • Make a spritz (spray) to infuse the energy of PURE LOVE. Using the Mother E Spray Bottle, mix 15 drops with 1.5 ounces of water and spritz on pillows or in the air. • Use PURE LOVE roll-on bottle for a natural on- the-go fragrance. Rub on wrists, behind ears, and on neck. • Use REAL HOPE. Using a Mother E Diffuser, combine 3-4 drops of REAL HOPE with water, and allow diffuser to fill the room with a unique, heart-stirring floral aroma. Get comfortable; inhale deeply and allow the fragrance of the room to center you. Go within and allow thoughts of hope, peace and enlightenment to fill your mind. • Use your am shower to set your mood for the day. Before you turn off the water, mix 1 to 2 drops of REAL HOPE into some Mother E FCO and rub into your wet skin. • Using REAL HOPE roll- on bottle for convenient topical application, apply throughout the day on wrists, neck and behind as a natural fragrance and a reminder or trigger to instill hope. Suggested uses: Suggested uses: THE ENHANCERS COLLECTION
  • 22. Use TRUE JOY aromatically and topically to bring out your inner child... smiles guaranteed! Use DEEP GRATITUDE aromatically and topically to encourage comfort and positive feelings toward your desired future. A unique, uplifting floral blend that is great as a natural fragrance. • Use DEPP GRATITUDE. Using a Mother E Spray Bottle, begin the day by spritzing the room with 3–4 drops of oil and distilled water to ground you during meditation practice. You’ll feel more connected as you greet the world. • Finish the day with a grateful bath by filling the tub with very warm water, one cup of Epsom salts, three drops of DEEP GRATITUDE and two teaspoons of Mother E FCO. Recall all that you are grateful for in the day while soaking with eyes closed. • Develop a gratitude practice and use DEEP GRATITUDE essential oil blend to support you. Check out the blog post here for ideas. • Use TRUE JOY Begin your day with happiness, playfulness and a cheerful nature by placing 3–4 drops of oil and water into a Mother E Diffuser and disperse through the bedroom or bathroom as you are getting ready. • While at work or home, sniff directly from the bottle throughout the day to reinforce your sunny demeanor and go-with- the-flow attitude. • Enjoy TRUE JOY all day every day as a natural fragrance with Mother E roll-on bottle. You’ll get compliments and smiles wherever you go! Suggested uses: Suggested uses: THE ENHANCERS COLLECTION
  • 25. Use Eucalyptus to clean naturally, ease congestion, and promote alertness. Use Lemon aromatically, topically, internally and for household cleaning. • Create a fresh smelling environment by diffusing 2 to 3 drops in a Mother E Diffuser. • Use in a natural cleaning spray Combine 5 drops each of Eucalyptus, some Peppermint, and lemon in a Mother E Spray Bottle, and add 2 oz. water and 2 oz. vinegar. • Control fleas naturally by mixing 3-4 drops Eucalyptus into your pet’s shampoo. • Ease congestion and allergies. Place 1 drop of Eucalyptus on an organic cotton ball and inhale several times a day. • Create a refreshing and tingly shower experience by putting a few drops in your hands, place over nose, then inhale deeply to clear your mind. • Create an on-the- go cooling spray by combining 5 to 7 drops each of Eucalyptus and Peppermint oils in a Mother E Spray Bottle, then fill with water and spritz over your body. • Freshen surfaces by combining 5 drops Lemon, 1 ounce distilled white vinegar and 2 oz. water in a Mother E Spray Bottle. Spray and use as a non-toxic cleaner. • Invigorate any space with energy and an overall brightness by diffusing or Lemon into the air using a Mother E Diffuser. • Clean and protect leather and wood finishes. Add 3-4 drops of Lemon to ½ cup olive oil and rub into surface. • Use to exfoliate skin for a brighter complexion and improve appearance of hair. Add 3 to 4 drops into your favorite personal care products. • Add Lemon to recipes and in marinades to brighten the flavor of foods. Suggested uses: Suggested uses: THE ESSENTIALS COLLECTION
  • 26. Use Lavender aromatically, topically, internally and for household to calm, clean and refresh. Use Tea Tree (Melaleuca) aromatically, topically, and for skincare and household cleaning. • Make a lavender vinegar rinse for laundry by combining 1 tsp. Lavender oil with 16 oz. of distilled white vinegar. Add ¼ c. to final rinse cycle or fabric softener tray. • Combine a few drops with water in a Mother E Spray Bottle then use to freshen room and boost mood. Spray mattresses or in linen closets. • Welcome a restful night’s sleep by placing a few drops of Lavender on pillow and bedding. • Apply a few drops from the bottle directly to insect bites, burns, cuts or scrapes. • Ease tension by infusing a basin of water with 3-4 drops of Lavender, soak a wash cloth, wring, then gently apply to neck and shoulders. • Boost the flavor of marinades, baked goods and cocktails by adding a few drops of Lavender to the recipe. Check out Lavender Lemonade Punch recipe here. • Treat mold by mixing 1 drop of Tea Tree with 1 cup of water, spray on mold then wipe clean. • For natural cleaning and purification, add a few drops to water in a Mother E Spray Bottle to disinfect and clean surfaces. Then take spray bottle to garden and mist on plants to protect them against disease and insects. • Freshen laundry by adding 2-4 drops of Tea Tree into the wash cycle. Clothes will smell fresh and crisp. • Enliven a stale room by putting 2–3 drops of Tea Tree oil in a Mother E Diffuser. Refill diffuser and repeat as needed. • Manage oily skin, acne and other skin irritations by applying 1-2 drops of Tea Tree oil to products used in your daily facial regime. • Strengthen fingernails and toenails by applying Tea Tree to them after showering. Suggested uses: Suggested uses: THE ESSENTIALS COLLECTION
  • 28. © Mother E 2017-2018 : General Precautions: Keep out of reach of children. If pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears and sensitive areas. Potential skin sensitivity, dilute with Mother E Fractionated Coconut Oil (FCO). These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.