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Basavaraj Pujar
CEO and Founder
VOL. 06 ISSUE 04 2022
Editor’s Note
verybody who is wise says and mostly agrees
Emutually that nobody can predict the future. I, too,
actually believed in those intelligent people until I
met the phenomenon of Science Fiction. Sci-fi wholly
altered my thinking, my perspective, outlook and mentality.
It opened up the possibilities of a slightly predictable future
with a futuristic window of technology. Still, I found it hard
to believe in superheroes and their advanced gadgets until
came the computer, telephone, television, internet and
world wide web.
I mean, a wisest medieval philosopher could not have
believed in this future where people are reaching the moon
in spaceships, there are artificial satellites revolving around
the earth to predict the weather, to connect geographical
locations in real-time, and to erase all the long-distance
communication barriers which earlier were expected to be
impossible to remove.
And then post 2000, the unprecedented leap technology has
taken–with a follow-up of technologies like X-Box
consoles, laptops, smartphones, digital watches, AR glasses,
VR headsets, AI, ML, cloud computing, IoT, Robotics,
Blockchain, and so on and so forth–now confirmed my
mind's surreal sci-fi tale that we are already living at the
commencing edge of a dreamlike future which will soon
absorb us physically to the point that we will not be able to
distinguish between the physical, digital, alternate, and
phygital reality. Welcome to the realm of extended reality
created by immersive tech—a realm with visual vistas of
augmented, virtual, and mixed realities.
This future space of stunning realism has opened up a world
of so many possibilities that nowadays, I even am afraid to
use the phrase impossible. Today students are learning by
immersing themselves into augmented and simulated virtual
environments provided by the modern EdTech companies.
The workforce is trained by corporates in specialized
extended reality boosted training programs.
From the fashion industry, which provides 3D and virtual
shopping experiences to its customers; to the healthcare
sector, where AR/VR-led revolution has extended telehealth
and telemedicine to the patients directly to their homes; to
the gaming and entertainment industry with its virtual
tournaments and Metaversal consumption of music, movies,
and real-time digitally live events; to the tourism industry,
where tourists are navigating and exploring spaces via
AR/VR extended realities.
To give you an overview of this dreamlike future, the
Insights Success team searched thoroughly and found the
‘Most Innovative AR/VR companies of India.’ Their
futuristic stories are depicted ahead, along with two
fascinating articles written by our in-house editorial team
for you to deepen your absorbing experience.
Dive in, read on, and enjoy the spectacular journey!
Abhishek Joshi
Deputy Editor
A r t i c l e s
C o v e r S t o r y
18 28
Fusion VR
Re-defining the Reality
ViitorCloud Technologies
Delivering Promises with Dedication
and Innovation
Transforming the Gaming
‘Reality’ with Technology
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JUNE, 2022
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Management Brief
Company Name
Jesto Jose,
Founder and
Creative Director
Wrinit is a 3D art outsourcing studio providing high-quality art
services for Games, Simulators, VR and AR projects.
Wrinit Games
Dr CSS. Bharathy,
Fusion VR is India’s leading Customer Focused VR, AR and
Industry 4.0 solutions company that is focused on helping
businesses in their Digital-Transformation journeys.
Fusion VR
Someshwara Software is a Web3, Metaverse,
Blockchain(Hyperledger fabric), NFT, AR/VR and Game
development services company with a focus on innovation and
digital transformation.
Software Pvt Ltd
Vishal Rajpurohit, CTO
Rohit Purohit, CEO
ViitorCloud offers web and mobile app development, AR/VR
development, AI technology, IT consulting, Blockchain and IoT
Technologies Pvt Ltd
Basavaraj Pujar,
Founder and CEO
Basavaraj Pujar
CEO and Founder
C o v e r S t o r y
Machine learning, AR, VR,
AI, Metaverse are the future
of the world and
Someshwara is working
everyday to achieve its best
in this industry.
o you recall how popular Pokémon GO was in
D2016? Everyone was preoccupied with locating
new Pokémon and checkpoints. The craze was so
widespread that it caused havoc in public areas all across
the world and was even outlawed in certain towns. The
game was unusual in that it made use of the phone's
location and camera to allow players to catch Pokémon in
It was the world’s first significant mobile Augmented
Reality (AR) game. AR’s beginnings may be traced back to
1968 when Harvard’s Ivan Sutherland developed the first
AR headgear. The first AR application, however, was
released in 2008.
Virtual Reality (VR), on the other hand, may be traced all
the way back to Sir Charles Wheatstone’s description of
stereopsis in 1838. Stereopsis is a word that refers to the
sense of depth and three-dimensional structure based on
visual information conveyed to the brain from the eyes.
Morton Heilig invented the first virtual reality machine in
1956. It was made up of a variety of technologies, including
a 3D screen, audio, and sensory stimulators. Since then,
virtual reality has found its way into a variety of
applications, including video games, virtual amusement
rides, and google maps, to name a few.
The world is continually changing as a result of exciting
emerging technologies. It is necessary to stay current with
this new technology. Keeping up with new technology
always results in significant and attractive developments in
any profession.
Technological advancements help evolve the human world.
Unsurprisingly, these technologies will affect everyone’s
lives. Its capacity to provide individuals with contextually-
relevant information that is incorporated into their
experience of the physical environment is one of its primary
capabilities. These technologies immerse you in the actual
world and enable you to communicate with anybody, at any
time, from the comfort of your own home.
A company that stands tall in handling these technologies is
Someshwara Software Pvt Ltd. With providing a wide
array of services, Someshwara is giving world-class
experience to people. In this journey of Someshwara,
Mr Basavaraj Pujar, CEO and Founder, played an
important role in creating a long-lasting global impact.
The Genesis of the Company
Basavaraj Pujar started his journey on Someshwara in 2016.
His first company was a mobile application company, and
he started his second company in the gaming field.
Most Innova�ve AR VR Companies of India
Someshwara did not want to concentrate only on gaming,
its vision was to work with different technologies along
with gaming. Web, visualizations are at their peak now, he
has the zeal to work with these technologies.
As Someshwara wanted to do a lot more than just gaming.
nd rd
He shifted his 2 company to 3 company that is
Someshwara Software Pvt Ltd., that worked for cutting
edge technology.
The company created many software and worked with AR,
VR, Metaverse, gaming technology, AI/ML altogether.
They played an important part in their tech-savvy software.
The company also worked on cloud computing, but its main
focus was always on AR, VR, Metaverse, Gaming and
AI/ML. The company did a lot of enterprise software
development too.
In 2019, Basavaraj’s company picked up very well. He got
an opportunity to develop the world’s first augmented
reality drone simulator for Epson in 2018 with previous
employer. In 2018 Basavaraj’s team developed one game
with partnership with characters from Viacom and
Nickelodeon, and in first 28 days of the release got one
million downloads. All the downloads were from India.
Currently, the game has crossed 11 million downloads, and
it is doing good. On the occasion of Mahatma Gandhi’s
birth anniversary, the Government of India (DST) and
Unity3D introduced a contest called for Immersive AR and
VR contest, and Someshwara Software are winners of the
contest. Someshwara chose cleanliness as the concept from
Gandhi’s Principles.
After Someshwara’s hard work, it serves a lot of enterprises
based in the U.S, Canada, Europe and India. There was no
looking back after 2019 for Someshwara. The company also
endeavoured for the training of VR, AR and Gaming.
Rewards and Awards
The first achievement is the game that Someshwara
launched. It crossed 11 million downloads which is a huge
accomplishment. In the google play store or the Apple
store, there are many games, but only 6000 games have
crossed the mark of 11 million downloads, and
Someshwara’s product is one of those.
The second milestone was when the company became the
Winner of the Immersive AR/VR Game Contest from Unity
3D And DST, Government of India - 2018
The third wave of happiness was when the government of
Karnataka (KSTEP) asked Someshwara to design software
to bring Pilikula a Science museum into virtual world to
showcase premises to PM Modi. Someshwara went ahead a
step further to bring lots of science experiments with full
real interactivity to perform experiments. It won best
solution award in Indian Science Congress 2020.
Blessing in Hardships
During the Pandemic, the major challenge was reimbursing.
The company took an opportunity on the product they were
working on earlier. The company introduced a Virtual
exhibition platform where people can exhibit and
participate in it. This software for the exhibition was
designed by Someshwara. While this period, the market
picked up well, according to Basavaraj. In the pandemic, all
the verticals like AR, VR, AI picked up at high speed.
Valuable Advice
Now the world is talking about Metaverse. Metaverse is
related to AR, VR, gaming tech, 3D, NFT and blockchain, it
not very different from that. Communication, data
exchange, everything can be done by metaverse and within
virtual world. Metaverse is very huge, and everything can
be done in it in the future. Metaverse and Virtual reality is
going to be very huge.
Many people are venturing into AR and VR space, and they
think it is just 3D technology. But it is beyond one’s
imagination. It is the biggest world out there in 3D, AR and
VR. AR and VR technology is going to bring huge change.
“Create solutions which facilitate creation of apps in virtual
world, there are a lot of things that needs to be developed.
There is a huge scope for Metaverse, AR and VR in the
upcoming future. You just need to create and start
innovations,” says Basavaraj.
“Creating new solutions and investing in them has a bright
future. Think in a way that will enhance Metaverse, AR and
VR technologies. Think about creating applications that
will help connect the world,” adds Basavaraj.
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Virtual Reality
Future of
is Transforming the
Global Corporates?
an you say with a total conviction that you are
Ccompletely immersed in your everyday reality?
Because total immersion is the benchmark of living
life to the fullest, as philosophers wisely say.
If your answer is no, then do not worry. Leaving those wise
philosophers absorbed in the philosophical reality of their
own thoughts, the realm of technology has come to your
rescue with Virtual Reality (VR).
In the past, a few years back, this whole concept seemed
like futuristic. And a few decades back VR was science-
fiction. But today, I do not even have to state its definition
here for you. If I did, then you will think me of as wasting
your time.
VR creates a simulated digital world in our physical reality.
This simulated environment is then accessed using VR
glasses or headsets. That means though we are still present
in the real world as a body, as a virtual avatar we are a
character in the simulated reality.
18 | June 2022 |
Visual Vistas
19 | June 2022 |
From video games to education, to training, to
entertainment, various other corporate, and industrial
sectors like architecture, culture, tourism, hospitality and
the healthcare industry including pharmaceutical, medicine,
and lifecare sciences, today in the post-pandemic world, the
proliferation of VR is ever-widening.
In fact, many industry experts are predicting VR as the
future of global corporates. As in the new normal people are
wary of stepping out outside the safety of their homes, and
fearful of stepping into an unknown environment,
businesses are trying hard to utilize VR technology so they
could erase the physical barrier for their probable
customers, and bring them into the virtual realm of meta-
Virtual Corporate Trainings:
When it came to training, VR had already been aiding
Astronauts, Doctors, Scientists, and Soldiers including
military, marine, navy, and airforce pilots for decades. All
these fields are high-stake sectors, where it is not possible
to train on the job.
Thus, they become natural grounds for VR applications to
create a simulated experimental environment which is
exactly similar to the on-the-field scenarios yet, completely
risk-free. Because, individuals learn by actually doing
things, committing mistakes, and receiving feedback for
their mistakes so that they could rectify them.
However, as the technology kept advancing, and its usage
kept expanding, eventually, the cost of the technology came
under the budget of many other industries like customer
service, software, logistics, banking and finance, retail, etc.
and businesses including the Fortune 500 corporations
began widely using VR to train their workforce.
Over the last two years, with increased moving restrictions,
preferred work-from-anywhere models, and corporations'
highly diverse geographical teams, the trend of virtual
meetings, working, and trainings have only increased.
Corporates are further investing in these technologies to
continue the VR trainings in the future too, as they are more
economical as well as easily organizable.
Visually Immersive Education:
Education is a sector fast emerging as the area where VR
could be tremendously useful. Increasing numbers of
businesses including established companies and EdTech
startups are already providing VR solutions, services, and
novel experiences to the schools, individual students, and
even parents to aid in the study at-home activities.
Companies like HTC and Facebook, and governmental
agencies like European Commission are already using VR
learning platforms such as Engage to enable remote
learning for students as well as employees.
Similarly, studies conducted recently have found out that
those medical students who are trained via VR simulated
environments are performing more accurately and quickly
in specific medical procedures than their peers who are
trained via traditional methods.
As new immersive technologies will extend their sensory
reach to absorb our other senses like smell, and touch to
offer us an unprecedented depth for our virtual immersion.
Alongside, the gadgets and devices we currently use to
experience this metaverse are advancing in their powers and
backtracking in their costs, thus increasingly erasing the
barrios in between us and the alternate virtual universe.
Future of the Industry 4.0 and 5.0:
As digitalization has paved the way for the fourth industrial
revolution, experts are betting on the newest technologies
like Artificial Intelligence (AR), Automation, Extended
Reality (XR) – including Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual
Reality (VR), and mixed or hybrid reality (MR), Cloud
Computing, Internet of Things (IoT), and Machine Learning
(ML) will usher this wave of Industry 4.0 into the fifth
industrial revolution or Industry 5.0 of the future.
You could sense it in the way we are currently consuming
our games, music, movies, and entertainment, the way we
are learning, getting educated and trained, the way the
entire face of the web is predicted to change, and the
models we are adopting in our professional working,
shopping, and socializing by using an alternate reality more
and more.
A full-body VR suit called Teslasuit – providing sensory
touch-enabled haptic immersive feedback, and already used
by NASA in its astronaut training program, A VR version of
VC created by Spatial, Internet of Senses – sensory
simulants like the taste, smell and touch-enabled to
experience heat and cold – announced by Ericson, the
telecommunication giant and Altspace VR, VR Chat, Rec
Room, and Horizon, and Metaverse platform launched by
Facebook are the Transformatory glimpses of the virtually
real and immensely immersive future of global corporates
which is just shining before the doorway to the visual vistas
of tomorrow.
- Gaurav PR Wankhade
20 | June 2022 |
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Delivering Promises with Dedication and Innovation
In today’s age of technological
revolutions, prominent AR and
VR companies are changing the
game with their cutting-edge offerings.
They are providing different
possibilities to their customers by
going beyond gaming, storytelling, and
other entertainment applications. These
companies are also assisting other
companies and industries to enhance
their operations while delivering
lasting customer experiences.
In this context, one company providing
innovative solutions to the clients is
none other than ViitorCloud
Technologies Pvt. Ltd. The company
offers a broad array of services and
solutions to transform and strengthen
the business of its clients. It aims to
drive digital transformation with
industry and customer-focused end-to-
end IT solutions.
In an interview with Insights Success,
Vishal Rajpurohit, CTO, and Rohit
Purohit, CEO, shared valuable facts
about ViitorCloud’s inception and
journey, the major challenges it has
faced, its noteworthy achievements,
and future plans.
Following are the highlights of the
Please brief our audience about your
company, its USP, and how it is
currently positioned as a leading
player in AR VR space.
ViitorCloud Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
was founded in 2011 by a team of tech-
enthusiasts with a vision to deliver
niche digital solutions with cutting-
edge technologies to help businesses
flourish through revenue, productivity,
efficiency, and measurable value. From
the beginning till date, ViitorCloud has
remained an IT solution and consulting
service provider helping organizations
address the growing business needs
and challenges in a highly competitive
industry through digital
transformations and services.
ViitorCloud Technologies Pvt. Ltd. has
its headquarters in Ahmedabad, India,
and also possesses a global presence in
the USA and Mauritius.
The company offers cutting-edge
solutions and services across
contemporary cross-platform software
development as well as expertise in
utilizing emerging technologies like
AR/VR, AI, IoT, Blockchain, and
Cloud Computing for many platforms.
Our goal is to assist businesses in
growing their businesses, capabilities,
and people through innovation.
We don’t do everything;
we promise only what we
can deliver.
22 | June 2022 |
Rohit Purohit
Most Innovative AR VR Companies of India
Vishal Rajpurohit
Despite the global epidemic,
ViitorCloud has remained unfazed and
has continued to deliver solutions to
the sector.
What other products/solutions does
your company offer, and how are
these making an impact on the AR
VR Space?
Virtual Reality is a stimulating way to
rediscover the familiar world from a
new perspective. We developed a
virtual 3D collaboration platform that
enables users and organizations to host
virtual events, rooms, self-paced
learning environments to demonstrate
services and products through an
immersive experience. It is powered by
our VIMMERSIVE framework and
libraries with a use case of education,
immerse tech, VR, virtual training and
events, simulator, and many more. This
brings a myriad of industries like
Education, Real Estate, Tourism,
Entertainment, and many more
together on a single platform with fully
loaded bombastic content.
a. ViitorCloud developed an AR-
based Remote Assistance Cross-
Platform solution that enables
businesses to provide remote and
virtual help by leveraging efficient,
schedule-based, and AR-enabled
features with live annotations.
b. Structured and unstructured
content are both managed by an
enterprise content management system.
To efficiently manage material, it
comprises software, strategy, and
We developed a cloud-based digital
content management system that is
used to provide a base to create any
digital content management system
altogether. It is being used to provide a
base for creating any kind of content
system in any cloud-based platform to
load in any application as CMS.
c. ViitorCloud developed a VR-based
simulation program where users can
collaborate in real-time via voice chat.
With this platform, users can host
multi-users and interactive
brainstorming sessions and meetings
for collaboration and decision-making
in VR.
d. We also developed a game that
mixes the immersive and tactile
experience of virtual reality
24 | June 2022 |
competition archery with the fast-
paced visceral action of a first-person
shooter. It is a hyper-casual infinite
FPS game with a virtual gaming
journey, including breathtaking
graphics and incredible animations in a
360° globe.
A Visionary Leadership
When it comes to growing companies,
there are plenty of factors in play. At
ViitorCloud, we are proud to have
world-class talent on our team, and we
do not just mean our rock star Software
Developers and Web Developers.
Consider our Account Executives and
Project Managers, who can see a
project through from beginning to end
-these are the unsung heroes of the
company who make sure everything
goes smoothly from start to finish and
the promised value is delivered to the
The personality responsible for leading
us towards success is Rohit Purohit,
the CEO of ViitorCloud Technologies.
Rohit with other ViitorCloud
executives co-lead the team to built
ViitorCloud as a leading brand name in
the industry. He is one of the early
pioneers in the AR/VR space and has
been a speaker at several major
conferences and business events.
Our solutions
deliver value
that matters
to our clients.
Under Rohit’s leadership, the company
has achieved many landmarks such as:
a. Top 10 Most Reliable AR-VR
solution providers
b. Leading Ahmedabad Chapter of
the global VR/AR Association
c. Presenting Hologram and Virtual
Reality solutions at the Defence Expo
d. Presented Holographic digital twin
of the airport to Noida International
Being an experienced leader, share
with us your opinion on what impact
the adoption of modern technologies
such as AI had on the AR VR niche
and what more could be expected in
the future?
If you are not living out of the cave,
then you are a user of modern
technologies of modern times,
knowingly or unknowingly. We live in
times of ‘technology abundance,’ and
these are indeed interesting times of
this decade or maybe a century. It is
not limited to using mobile phones or
computers for personal use. Rather, it
is extended to the point where every
industry and size of businesses are
going through a digital transformation
journey, leveraging new tools to
operate more efficiently.
We are witnessing unprecedented
growth in terms of adopting emerging
technologies at a pace that was never
imagined before. This adoption is
across all walks of life, a primary
student who attends STEM class in VR
to an engineer working at a tall
structure and being trained in VR for a
safety. The impact of such
technological adoption has resulted in
greater productivity, in outcome and
efficiency in content consumption.
Taking into consideration the
current pandemic, what initial
challenges did you face and how did
you drive your company to sustain
operations while ensuring safety of
your employees at the same time?
Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic,
every industry has faced a myriad of
obstacles. The company has faced
intrinsic difficulties such as delayed
finance, investment deductions in long-
term initiatives, and so on. ViitorCloud
has weathered all storms by operating
efficiently, lowering expenses while
increasing revenue and profits with a
higher Compound Annual Growth Rate
(CAGR). The corporation has been
taking precautions in order to become
more resilient.
Viitorcloud, like any other self-
sustaining business, has its own set of
obstacles in meeting financial targets to
boost income and cut costs, though the
expense was always borne-based on
the initiative’s viability as well as the
need. Even yet, it seemed like it was a
ceaseless process. Considering this,
Viitorcloud designed the following
technique to overcome obstacles:
a. Revenue Boosting
i. Collaborations with other
ii. Explore Markets
iii. Travel
b. Cost-cutting
i. Reorganization of the Team
ii. Projects
iii. SOPs
The solutions for the challenges faced
were achieved post planning,
visualizing, and identifying the areas
which would benefit the most and yield
better outcomes that help the industry
a. Formed new collaborations with
similar IT firms to generate areas that
led to new business ideas and generate
more revenue.
b. Reduced cost of service delivery
by implementing seamless SOPs.
c. Employee involvement increased
as roles and duties were clarified.
d. New systems and processes have
resulted in more measurable outcomes.
e. Increased workplace motivation as
a result of client visits, new alliances,
and new technologies and services.
f. Increasing the size of the team.
g. Increased revenue and profits as a
percentage of total revenue.
Even during the tough times,
ViitorCloud has been constantly
delivering solutions and services in
various industries.
a. Selected innovative solutions
provided to customers
i. For planning, monitoring, and
real-time communications, ViitorCloud
has developed a geo dataset-based
immersive and interactive platform for
defence and high-risk businesses.
ii. ViitorCloud has developed a multi-
user 3D content augmentation platform
for VR, mobile, and desktop platforms
that is immersive, informative,
interactive, and multi-user.
b. Partnerships
i. Under its Center of Excellence,
ViitorCloud has formed strategic
cooperation with the Indian Institute of
Technology (BHU) to develop
defence-related technologies.
ii. ViitorCloud is preparing the Indian
market for TeslaSuit, an award-
winning haptic suit. More than 48
haptic reactions, motion tracking, and
vital monitoring are all included in this
full-body suit. ViitorCloud is
developing new use cases and
assessing existing ones.
iii. emerchantpay, a seamless and
secure online platform that delivers in-
store payment options, has chosen
ViitorCloud as a SI partner.
ViitorCloud will provide innovative
digital payment solutions to its partners
and clients as a result of this
What would be your advice to
budding entrepreneurs who aspire to
venture into the AR VR space?
Every enhancement in technology
brings new opportunities – to solve
existing problems with new tools and
solutions. AR-VR is here to stay for a
very long time, and hence the
opportunities are great. AR VR space is
tightly connected to modern enterprise
technologies such as blockchain, AI,
cloud computing, etc. Such tight
integration enables entrepreneurs to
design solutions that are scalable,
affordable, robust, and relevant.
How do you envision scaling your
company’s operations and offerings
in 2022 and beyond?
Our primary objective is to be at the
forefront of technology and innovation
by providing unmatched excellent
quality deliverables to our clients,
which helps them achieve better
efficiency, productivity, and faster
growth. ViitorCloud perceives and
performs ahead of its time with the
innovation and use of cutting-edge
technology. Our vision is to enhance
the quality of our solutions by
providing competitive benefits to the
clients. We are also amplifying our
capabilities in delivering innovative
solutions for operational applications
with constant offerings involving AI,
ML, Blockchain, AR/VR, and RPA.
These solutions were created to help
innumerable businesses that believe in
the same vision.
“ “
We contribute
significantly in
27 | June 2022 |
Changing the
Horizons of the
eality is three-dimensional. We extend it into the fourth dimension by adding time to it, making
Rit our reality of spacetime. Time is mind amplified technology which is intangible and invisible.
It augments our presence into this-worldly reality. As our mind is our brain’s Extended Reality
(XR), time is the Augmented Reality (AR) of our mind.
As an advanced technology AR has proliferated into various sectors and varied industries. Since you
might already know the definition, it is essential to differentiate it from another technological marvel of
digitalization called Virtual Reality (VR).
VR on the one hand, with its many gadgets like digitized headsets, stimulated sensors, and digitally
interconnected gloves lead the user into an alternate reality of metaverse. On the other hand, AR enables
the user to interact with real-world objects using a digitally controlled environment of the real world by
superimposing imagery, graphics, data, and information on them.
Thus, instead of specialized devices used in VR to provide a fully absorbing visual environment to the
end-user, AR environments can be experienced through easily available gadgets like smartphones, smart
glasses, earbuds, stylus, gesture-controlling gloves, and other electronic touchscreen displays, and inbuilt
camera sensors etc.
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I m m e r s i v e T e c h
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34 | June 2022 |
amers have always desired a
high level of immersion and
deep engagement in their
games. Advanced technologies such as
augmented reality and virtual reality
(AR/VR) promise to do precisely that.
With the correct equipment, these
advancements provide users with a
pleasant and absorbing experience,
stewarding the contents of their
consciousness while letting them
experiment with their perception.
These are exciting times in the XR
landscape. The mediums have a huge
potential and offer near-limitless
possibilities. And then, in 2016, came a
team of like-minded and passionate
professionals united over their love of
game art. This team of self-driven
game artists led by Jesto Jose started
their enterprise to help companies by
providing high-quality art services for
their games. And thus, Wrinit was
Wrinit is a 3D art outsourcing company
founded in 2016 by Jesto Jose.
Wrinit is one of the very few arts
outsourcing companies that adopted
the technology at the early stages.
Having a strong background in game
art creation and the latest software has
helped the studio to serve 3D artworks
optimized for AR and VR applications.
With extensive experience working
with leading AR E-commerce,VR
simulator companies from across the
globe, Wrinit is one among the niche
companies which produces next-gen
art works catering to their requirements
of high quality content created with
high standards ensuring flawless
What Wrinit brings to the table
Wrinit has a small but effective,
dedicated team of game artists working
on a variety of game projects. The
team takes a similar kind of workflow
towards the AR VR space to create
assets optimized to work well on high-
end and low-end devices.
The clients are usually developers, they
are usually best with their product
development skills. But with help of
the Wrinit team on the design and art
side, their products stood out from the
crowd with their superior quality.
Having opportunities to work on
various game environments and assets
has helped the team to create
believable virtual spaces which match
perfectly with client requirements. The
team has to adopt many optimization
techniques from games to build such
applications run without any
performance lags.
Creating AR models for e-commerce
websites also required extensive
knowledge in 3D modelling and
textures, Challenges involve matching
with the real world proportions and
textures since the models should
accurately match the real products for
the consumers and it's equally
important to work on all types of
devices(mobiles and graphic limited
The Visionary Chief
Jesto Jose (Founder and Creative
Director) journey started with games
from 2009 with the gaming industry.
Even back then, Jesto Jose had
opportunities to be part of major AAA
game titles and experience working
with major studios in India who makes
games for Microsoft, Sony, Bethesda,
Most Innovative AR VR Companies of India
35 | June 2022 |
This experience helped him to kickstart
his company. As Jesto Jose recounts, “I
knew that the AR VR technologies will
take over the world soon, and I named
my company keeping those
technologies in mind.”
As usual, things were not straight at the
beginning considering that the large
companies adopted skilled artists.
Initially, he had to train people with
potential skill sets to be part of his
team. Jesto Jose brother Jestin Jose
(3D lead artist, Wrinit) and Jobin
Abraham (AR team head ,Wrinit)
Joshmi Maria Johny (HR&Account
manager,Wrinit) helped him build the
“We were literally busy from day one
and never looked back,” Jesto Jose
said, recounting his earlier days. “I was
lucky that I was not only a business
owner but also an experienced 3D
artist, which helped to give training to
artists and manage different projects at
the same time. Later on, I developed
my management skills to scale up my
studio to match up the requirements in
the industry,” he added.
With the AR VR industry boom, there
were requirements for a massive
number of assets for E-commerce use.
Jesto Jose took that opportunity to
build his studio and was able to train
many people using the early projects.
As an entrepreneur, he never missed
being part of any project that came his
way, always took the risk and
challenge to understand the projects,
meet with new people, and get to know
new technologies.
What does the Future Hold?
As per Jesto Jose, we are already living
or looking forward to seeing a future
where machines can take over daily
tasks and complete them with less risk
and more accuracy with the help of AI.
The future looks really promising
when AI and AR-VR technologies
work together, we can improve
healthcare, education, military, and
customer service altogether.
“As we are already living in a world
with AI chatbots and AR filters,”
elaborated Mr Jesto Jose. “I believe, in
the future, VR chatbots will come in
the form of Avatars and make it more
believable and realistic where you will
be able to turn to a favourite character
instead of an AR filter.
Considering our world is quickly
morphing into a virtual one, there will
be more use of AI than we use now.
Currently, big tech companies are in a
race to create the strongest AI as now
we have come to a stage where they
can't avoid or without AR VR
The Pandemic Rollout
The current pandemic was challenging
at the beginning considering a
developing studio going remote with
creative and very collaborative works.
But with the right strategy and
planning and huge help from the team,
Wrinit was able to catch up the
production speed in a couple of weeks
and started to scale up the team again
in a couple of months.
This pandemic actually helped to open
the new door of hiring. Hiring the right
talent outside Kerala was very tough
and expensive, considering a lot of
things. But recently, the team built a
system that allowed them to hire
potential skill sets from any location
from India or around the world.
The Wrinit team is working completely
remotely at the moment but remains as
efficient as before and plans to expand
the team remotely to match the ever-
rising demand they get from clients.
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38 | June 2022 |
Word to the Wise
For the next generation of visionaries
and entrepreneurs, Jesto Jose has this
advice, “There is a huge opportunity
for the AR-VR industry in the future. I
really recommend spending your time
learning the technology and
understanding its limitations.”
“There is huge scope for entrepreneurs
who can make products and for
someone else to provide services for
such applications. In both cases,
spending your time learning the
technology and working with such
developers and getting exposure to
technology is essential,” added the
inspiring founder, Jesto Jose.
There is no doubt that this technology
is future proof. Considering that the
billion-dollar companies are turning to
AR-VR space, the Wrinit team can
oversee the demand for content for
such applications.
Scaling the Future
All said and done, the dream team over
at Wrinit is very excited about the
future as everyone is in the industry.
With more affordable AR, VR, and MR
devices along with a great network,
Jesto Jose holds the belief that the 2D
internet that we use now will move to
3D virtual internets, making it easily
accessible for common consumers.
Also believes that new Meta projects
that will bring huge requirements for
3D art creations.
Considering the huge scope of 3D
requirements for such content in near
future, Wrinit believes that it has huge
potential for growth in the coming
years and believes that the team can
use all the experiences and skillsets
they gained throughout these years.
39 | June 2022 |
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Most Innovative AR VR Companies of India.pdf

  • 1. Basavaraj Pujar CEO and Founder VOL. 06 ISSUE 04 2022
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  • 4. Editor’s Note verybody who is wise says and mostly agrees Emutually that nobody can predict the future. I, too, actually believed in those intelligent people until I met the phenomenon of Science Fiction. Sci-fi wholly altered my thinking, my perspective, outlook and mentality. It opened up the possibilities of a slightly predictable future with a futuristic window of technology. Still, I found it hard to believe in superheroes and their advanced gadgets until came the computer, telephone, television, internet and world wide web. I mean, a wisest medieval philosopher could not have believed in this future where people are reaching the moon in spaceships, there are artificial satellites revolving around the earth to predict the weather, to connect geographical locations in real-time, and to erase all the long-distance communication barriers which earlier were expected to be impossible to remove. And then post 2000, the unprecedented leap technology has taken–with a follow-up of technologies like X-Box EXPLORING THE HYPNOTIC REALITIES OF THE PAST, PRESENT, AND THE FUTURE
  • 5. consoles, laptops, smartphones, digital watches, AR glasses, VR headsets, AI, ML, cloud computing, IoT, Robotics, Blockchain, and so on and so forth–now confirmed my mind's surreal sci-fi tale that we are already living at the commencing edge of a dreamlike future which will soon absorb us physically to the point that we will not be able to distinguish between the physical, digital, alternate, and phygital reality. Welcome to the realm of extended reality created by immersive tech—a realm with visual vistas of augmented, virtual, and mixed realities. This future space of stunning realism has opened up a world of so many possibilities that nowadays, I even am afraid to use the phrase impossible. Today students are learning by immersing themselves into augmented and simulated virtual environments provided by the modern EdTech companies. The workforce is trained by corporates in specialized extended reality boosted training programs. From the fashion industry, which provides 3D and virtual shopping experiences to its customers; to the healthcare sector, where AR/VR-led revolution has extended telehealth and telemedicine to the patients directly to their homes; to the gaming and entertainment industry with its virtual tournaments and Metaversal consumption of music, movies, and real-time digitally live events; to the tourism industry, where tourists are navigating and exploring spaces via AR/VR extended realities. To give you an overview of this dreamlike future, the Insights Success team searched thoroughly and found the ‘Most Innovative AR/VR companies of India.’ Their futuristic stories are depicted ahead, along with two fascinating articles written by our in-house editorial team for you to deepen your absorbing experience. Dive in, read on, and enjoy the spectacular journey! Abhishek Joshi Deputy Editor
  • 6. 08 A r t i c l e s C o v e r S t o r y 08 18 28
  • 7. Fusion VR Re-defining the Reality 14 ViitorCloud Technologies Delivering Promises with Dedication and Innovation 22 Wrinit Transforming the Gaming ‘Reality’ with Technology 32 C O N T E N T
  • 8. Copyright © 2022 Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd., All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd. Reprint rights remain solely with Insights Success. Printed and Published by Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd. Follow us on : Cover Price : RS. 200/- RNI NUMBER: MAHENG/2018/75953 Editor-in-Chief Pooja M. Bansal Deputy Editor Abhishek Joshi Managing Editor Gaurav PR Wankhade Art and Design Head Sandeep Tikode Associate Designer Rashmi Singh Co-designer Revati Badkas Sr. Vice President Megha Mishra Sr. Sales Manager Tejaswini Whaval Business Development Lead Neha Bhilare Sr. Business Development Executive Pratiksha Jagtap Technical Head Prachi Mokashi Technical Specialist Amar Sawant Digital Marketing Manager Renuka Kulkarni SME-SMO Executive Nikita Khadalkar Circulation Manager Tanaji Insights Success Media Tech LLC 555 Metro Place North, Suite 100, Dublin, OH 43017, United States Phone - (614)-602-1754 Email: For Subscription: Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd. Off. No. 22, Rainbow Plaza, Shivar Chowk, Pimple Saudagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411017 Phone - India: +91 7410079881/ 82/ 83/ 84/ 85 Email: For Subscription: Corporate Offices: JUNE, 2022 We are also available on
  • 9. Management Brief Company Name Jesto Jose, Founder and Creative Director Wrinit is a 3D art outsourcing studio providing high-quality art services for Games, Simulators, VR and AR projects. Wrinit Games Dr CSS. Bharathy, Founder Fusion VR is India’s leading Customer Focused VR, AR and Industry 4.0 solutions company that is focused on helping businesses in their Digital-Transformation journeys. Fusion VR Someshwara Software is a Web3, Metaverse, Blockchain(Hyperledger fabric), NFT, AR/VR and Game development services company with a focus on innovation and digital transformation. Someshwara Software Pvt Ltd Vishal Rajpurohit, CTO and Rohit Purohit, CEO ViitorCloud offers web and mobile app development, AR/VR development, AI technology, IT consulting, Blockchain and IoT solutions. ViitorCloud Technologies Pvt Ltd Basavaraj Pujar, Founder and CEO
  • 10. Basavaraj Pujar CEO and Founder C o v e r S t o r y
  • 11. Machine learning, AR, VR, AI, Metaverse are the future of the world and Someshwara is working everyday to achieve its best in this industry.
  • 12. o you recall how popular Pokémon GO was in D2016? Everyone was preoccupied with locating new Pokémon and checkpoints. The craze was so widespread that it caused havoc in public areas all across the world and was even outlawed in certain towns. The game was unusual in that it made use of the phone's location and camera to allow players to catch Pokémon in real-time. It was the world’s first significant mobile Augmented Reality (AR) game. AR’s beginnings may be traced back to 1968 when Harvard’s Ivan Sutherland developed the first AR headgear. The first AR application, however, was released in 2008. Virtual Reality (VR), on the other hand, may be traced all the way back to Sir Charles Wheatstone’s description of stereopsis in 1838. Stereopsis is a word that refers to the sense of depth and three-dimensional structure based on visual information conveyed to the brain from the eyes. Morton Heilig invented the first virtual reality machine in 1956. It was made up of a variety of technologies, including a 3D screen, audio, and sensory stimulators. Since then, virtual reality has found its way into a variety of applications, including video games, virtual amusement rides, and google maps, to name a few. The world is continually changing as a result of exciting emerging technologies. It is necessary to stay current with this new technology. Keeping up with new technology always results in significant and attractive developments in any profession. Technological advancements help evolve the human world. Unsurprisingly, these technologies will affect everyone’s lives. Its capacity to provide individuals with contextually- relevant information that is incorporated into their experience of the physical environment is one of its primary capabilities. These technologies immerse you in the actual world and enable you to communicate with anybody, at any time, from the comfort of your own home. A company that stands tall in handling these technologies is Someshwara Software Pvt Ltd. With providing a wide array of services, Someshwara is giving world-class experience to people. In this journey of Someshwara, Mr Basavaraj Pujar, CEO and Founder, played an important role in creating a long-lasting global impact. The Genesis of the Company Basavaraj Pujar started his journey on Someshwara in 2016. His first company was a mobile application company, and he started his second company in the gaming field. Most Innova�ve AR VR Companies of India
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  • 14. Someshwara did not want to concentrate only on gaming, its vision was to work with different technologies along with gaming. Web, visualizations are at their peak now, he has the zeal to work with these technologies. As Someshwara wanted to do a lot more than just gaming. nd rd He shifted his 2 company to 3 company that is Someshwara Software Pvt Ltd., that worked for cutting edge technology. The company created many software and worked with AR, VR, Metaverse, gaming technology, AI/ML altogether. They played an important part in their tech-savvy software. The company also worked on cloud computing, but its main focus was always on AR, VR, Metaverse, Gaming and AI/ML. The company did a lot of enterprise software development too. In 2019, Basavaraj’s company picked up very well. He got an opportunity to develop the world’s first augmented reality drone simulator for Epson in 2018 with previous employer. In 2018 Basavaraj’s team developed one game with partnership with characters from Viacom and Nickelodeon, and in first 28 days of the release got one million downloads. All the downloads were from India. Currently, the game has crossed 11 million downloads, and it is doing good. On the occasion of Mahatma Gandhi’s birth anniversary, the Government of India (DST) and Unity3D introduced a contest called for Immersive AR and VR contest, and Someshwara Software are winners of the contest. Someshwara chose cleanliness as the concept from Gandhi’s Principles. After Someshwara’s hard work, it serves a lot of enterprises based in the U.S, Canada, Europe and India. There was no looking back after 2019 for Someshwara. The company also endeavoured for the training of VR, AR and Gaming. Rewards and Awards The first achievement is the game that Someshwara launched. It crossed 11 million downloads which is a huge accomplishment. In the google play store or the Apple store, there are many games, but only 6000 games have crossed the mark of 11 million downloads, and Someshwara’s product is one of those. The second milestone was when the company became the Winner of the Immersive AR/VR Game Contest from Unity 3D And DST, Government of India - 2018 The third wave of happiness was when the government of Karnataka (KSTEP) asked Someshwara to design software to bring Pilikula a Science museum into virtual world to showcase premises to PM Modi. Someshwara went ahead a step further to bring lots of science experiments with full real interactivity to perform experiments. It won best solution award in Indian Science Congress 2020.
  • 15. Blessing in Hardships During the Pandemic, the major challenge was reimbursing. The company took an opportunity on the product they were working on earlier. The company introduced a Virtual exhibition platform where people can exhibit and participate in it. This software for the exhibition was designed by Someshwara. While this period, the market picked up well, according to Basavaraj. In the pandemic, all the verticals like AR, VR, AI picked up at high speed. Valuable Advice Now the world is talking about Metaverse. Metaverse is related to AR, VR, gaming tech, 3D, NFT and blockchain, it not very different from that. Communication, data exchange, everything can be done by metaverse and within virtual world. Metaverse is very huge, and everything can be done in it in the future. Metaverse and Virtual reality is going to be very huge. Many people are venturing into AR and VR space, and they think it is just 3D technology. But it is beyond one’s imagination. It is the biggest world out there in 3D, AR and VR. AR and VR technology is going to bring huge change. “Create solutions which facilitate creation of apps in virtual world, there are a lot of things that needs to be developed. There is a huge scope for Metaverse, AR and VR in the upcoming future. You just need to create and start innovations,” says Basavaraj. “Creating new solutions and investing in them has a bright future. Think in a way that will enhance Metaverse, AR and VR technologies. Think about creating applications that will help connect the world,” adds Basavaraj.
  • 16. 14 | June 2022 | and
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  • 20. Virtual Reality Future of How is Transforming the Global Corporates? an you say with a total conviction that you are Ccompletely immersed in your everyday reality? Because total immersion is the benchmark of living life to the fullest, as philosophers wisely say. If your answer is no, then do not worry. Leaving those wise philosophers absorbed in the philosophical reality of their own thoughts, the realm of technology has come to your rescue with Virtual Reality (VR). In the past, a few years back, this whole concept seemed like futuristic. And a few decades back VR was science- fiction. But today, I do not even have to state its definition here for you. If I did, then you will think me of as wasting your time. VR creates a simulated digital world in our physical reality. This simulated environment is then accessed using VR glasses or headsets. That means though we are still present in the real world as a body, as a virtual avatar we are a character in the simulated reality. 18 | June 2022 |
  • 21. Visual Vistas 19 | June 2022 |
  • 22. From video games to education, to training, to entertainment, various other corporate, and industrial sectors like architecture, culture, tourism, hospitality and the healthcare industry including pharmaceutical, medicine, and lifecare sciences, today in the post-pandemic world, the proliferation of VR is ever-widening. In fact, many industry experts are predicting VR as the future of global corporates. As in the new normal people are wary of stepping out outside the safety of their homes, and fearful of stepping into an unknown environment, businesses are trying hard to utilize VR technology so they could erase the physical barrier for their probable customers, and bring them into the virtual realm of meta- reality. Virtual Corporate Trainings: When it came to training, VR had already been aiding Astronauts, Doctors, Scientists, and Soldiers including military, marine, navy, and airforce pilots for decades. All these fields are high-stake sectors, where it is not possible to train on the job. Thus, they become natural grounds for VR applications to create a simulated experimental environment which is exactly similar to the on-the-field scenarios yet, completely risk-free. Because, individuals learn by actually doing things, committing mistakes, and receiving feedback for their mistakes so that they could rectify them. However, as the technology kept advancing, and its usage kept expanding, eventually, the cost of the technology came under the budget of many other industries like customer service, software, logistics, banking and finance, retail, etc. and businesses including the Fortune 500 corporations began widely using VR to train their workforce. Over the last two years, with increased moving restrictions, preferred work-from-anywhere models, and corporations' highly diverse geographical teams, the trend of virtual meetings, working, and trainings have only increased. Corporates are further investing in these technologies to continue the VR trainings in the future too, as they are more economical as well as easily organizable. Visually Immersive Education: Education is a sector fast emerging as the area where VR could be tremendously useful. Increasing numbers of businesses including established companies and EdTech startups are already providing VR solutions, services, and novel experiences to the schools, individual students, and even parents to aid in the study at-home activities. Companies like HTC and Facebook, and governmental agencies like European Commission are already using VR learning platforms such as Engage to enable remote learning for students as well as employees. Similarly, studies conducted recently have found out that those medical students who are trained via VR simulated environments are performing more accurately and quickly in specific medical procedures than their peers who are trained via traditional methods. As new immersive technologies will extend their sensory reach to absorb our other senses like smell, and touch to offer us an unprecedented depth for our virtual immersion. Alongside, the gadgets and devices we currently use to experience this metaverse are advancing in their powers and backtracking in their costs, thus increasingly erasing the barrios in between us and the alternate virtual universe. Future of the Industry 4.0 and 5.0: As digitalization has paved the way for the fourth industrial revolution, experts are betting on the newest technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AR), Automation, Extended Reality (XR) – including Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and mixed or hybrid reality (MR), Cloud Computing, Internet of Things (IoT), and Machine Learning (ML) will usher this wave of Industry 4.0 into the fifth industrial revolution or Industry 5.0 of the future. You could sense it in the way we are currently consuming our games, music, movies, and entertainment, the way we are learning, getting educated and trained, the way the entire face of the web is predicted to change, and the models we are adopting in our professional working, shopping, and socializing by using an alternate reality more and more. A full-body VR suit called Teslasuit – providing sensory touch-enabled haptic immersive feedback, and already used by NASA in its astronaut training program, A VR version of VC created by Spatial, Internet of Senses – sensory simulants like the taste, smell and touch-enabled to experience heat and cold – announced by Ericson, the telecommunication giant and Altspace VR, VR Chat, Rec Room, and Horizon, and Metaverse platform launched by Facebook are the Transformatory glimpses of the virtually real and immensely immersive future of global corporates which is just shining before the doorway to the visual vistas of tomorrow. - Gaurav PR Wankhade 20 | June 2022 |
  • 23. Subscribe Today CORPORATE OFFICE Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd. Off No. 22, Rainbow Plaza, Shivar Chowk, Pimple Saudagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411017. Phone - India: 020- 7410079881/ 82/ 83/ 84/ 85 USA: 302-319-9947 Email: For Subscription : Cheque should be drawn in favour of : INSIGHTS SUCCESS MEDIA AND TECH PVT. LTD. Stay in touch. Subscribe to Insightssuccess Get Insightssuccess Magazine in print, and digital on ade
  • 24. “ “ Delivering Promises with Dedication and Innovation In today’s age of technological revolutions, prominent AR and VR companies are changing the game with their cutting-edge offerings. They are providing different possibilities to their customers by going beyond gaming, storytelling, and other entertainment applications. These companies are also assisting other companies and industries to enhance their operations while delivering lasting customer experiences. In this context, one company providing innovative solutions to the clients is none other than ViitorCloud Technologies Pvt. Ltd. The company offers a broad array of services and solutions to transform and strengthen the business of its clients. It aims to drive digital transformation with industry and customer-focused end-to- end IT solutions. In an interview with Insights Success, Vishal Rajpurohit, CTO, and Rohit Purohit, CEO, shared valuable facts about ViitorCloud’s inception and journey, the major challenges it has faced, its noteworthy achievements, and future plans. Following are the highlights of the interview: Please brief our audience about your company, its USP, and how it is currently positioned as a leading player in AR VR space. ViitorCloud Technologies Pvt. Ltd. was founded in 2011 by a team of tech- enthusiasts with a vision to deliver niche digital solutions with cutting- edge technologies to help businesses flourish through revenue, productivity, efficiency, and measurable value. From the beginning till date, ViitorCloud has remained an IT solution and consulting service provider helping organizations address the growing business needs and challenges in a highly competitive industry through digital transformations and services. ViitorCloud Technologies Pvt. Ltd. has its headquarters in Ahmedabad, India, and also possesses a global presence in the USA and Mauritius. The company offers cutting-edge solutions and services across contemporary cross-platform software development as well as expertise in utilizing emerging technologies like AR/VR, AI, IoT, Blockchain, and Cloud Computing for many platforms. Our goal is to assist businesses in growing their businesses, capabilities, and people through innovation. We don’t do everything; we promise only what we can deliver. 22 | June 2022 |
  • 25. Rohit Purohit CEO Most Innovative AR VR Companies of India Vishal Rajpurohit CTO
  • 26. Despite the global epidemic, ViitorCloud has remained unfazed and has continued to deliver solutions to the sector. What other products/solutions does your company offer, and how are these making an impact on the AR VR Space? Virtual Reality is a stimulating way to rediscover the familiar world from a new perspective. We developed a virtual 3D collaboration platform that enables users and organizations to host virtual events, rooms, self-paced learning environments to demonstrate services and products through an immersive experience. It is powered by our VIMMERSIVE framework and libraries with a use case of education, immerse tech, VR, virtual training and events, simulator, and many more. This brings a myriad of industries like Education, Real Estate, Tourism, Entertainment, and many more together on a single platform with fully loaded bombastic content. a. ViitorCloud developed an AR- based Remote Assistance Cross- Platform solution that enables businesses to provide remote and virtual help by leveraging efficient, schedule-based, and AR-enabled features with live annotations. b. Structured and unstructured content are both managed by an enterprise content management system. To efficiently manage material, it comprises software, strategy, and security. We developed a cloud-based digital content management system that is used to provide a base to create any digital content management system altogether. It is being used to provide a base for creating any kind of content system in any cloud-based platform to load in any application as CMS. c. ViitorCloud developed a VR-based simulation program where users can collaborate in real-time via voice chat. With this platform, users can host multi-users and interactive brainstorming sessions and meetings for collaboration and decision-making in VR. d. We also developed a game that mixes the immersive and tactile experience of virtual reality 24 | June 2022 |
  • 27. competition archery with the fast- paced visceral action of a first-person shooter. It is a hyper-casual infinite FPS game with a virtual gaming journey, including breathtaking graphics and incredible animations in a 360° globe. A Visionary Leadership When it comes to growing companies, there are plenty of factors in play. At ViitorCloud, we are proud to have world-class talent on our team, and we do not just mean our rock star Software Developers and Web Developers. Consider our Account Executives and Project Managers, who can see a project through from beginning to end -these are the unsung heroes of the company who make sure everything goes smoothly from start to finish and the promised value is delivered to the client. The personality responsible for leading us towards success is Rohit Purohit, the CEO of ViitorCloud Technologies. Rohit with other ViitorCloud executives co-lead the team to built ViitorCloud as a leading brand name in the industry. He is one of the early pioneers in the AR/VR space and has been a speaker at several major conferences and business events. “ “ Our solutions deliver value that matters to our clients.
  • 28. Under Rohit’s leadership, the company has achieved many landmarks such as: a. Top 10 Most Reliable AR-VR solution providers b. Leading Ahmedabad Chapter of the global VR/AR Association c. Presenting Hologram and Virtual Reality solutions at the Defence Expo d. Presented Holographic digital twin of the airport to Noida International Airport Being an experienced leader, share with us your opinion on what impact the adoption of modern technologies such as AI had on the AR VR niche and what more could be expected in the future? If you are not living out of the cave, then you are a user of modern technologies of modern times, knowingly or unknowingly. We live in times of ‘technology abundance,’ and these are indeed interesting times of this decade or maybe a century. It is not limited to using mobile phones or computers for personal use. Rather, it is extended to the point where every industry and size of businesses are going through a digital transformation journey, leveraging new tools to operate more efficiently. We are witnessing unprecedented growth in terms of adopting emerging technologies at a pace that was never imagined before. This adoption is across all walks of life, a primary student who attends STEM class in VR to an engineer working at a tall structure and being trained in VR for a safety. The impact of such technological adoption has resulted in greater productivity, in outcome and efficiency in content consumption. Taking into consideration the current pandemic, what initial challenges did you face and how did you drive your company to sustain operations while ensuring safety of your employees at the same time? Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, every industry has faced a myriad of obstacles. The company has faced intrinsic difficulties such as delayed finance, investment deductions in long- term initiatives, and so on. ViitorCloud has weathered all storms by operating efficiently, lowering expenses while increasing revenue and profits with a higher Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR). The corporation has been taking precautions in order to become more resilient. Viitorcloud, like any other self- sustaining business, has its own set of
  • 29. obstacles in meeting financial targets to boost income and cut costs, though the expense was always borne-based on the initiative’s viability as well as the need. Even yet, it seemed like it was a ceaseless process. Considering this, Viitorcloud designed the following technique to overcome obstacles: a. Revenue Boosting i. Collaborations with other businesses ii. Explore Markets iii. Travel b. Cost-cutting i. Reorganization of the Team ii. Projects iii. SOPs The solutions for the challenges faced were achieved post planning, visualizing, and identifying the areas which would benefit the most and yield better outcomes that help the industry grow. a. Formed new collaborations with similar IT firms to generate areas that led to new business ideas and generate more revenue. b. Reduced cost of service delivery by implementing seamless SOPs. c. Employee involvement increased as roles and duties were clarified. d. New systems and processes have resulted in more measurable outcomes. e. Increased workplace motivation as a result of client visits, new alliances, and new technologies and services. f. Increasing the size of the team. g. Increased revenue and profits as a percentage of total revenue. Even during the tough times, ViitorCloud has been constantly delivering solutions and services in various industries. a. Selected innovative solutions provided to customers i. For planning, monitoring, and real-time communications, ViitorCloud has developed a geo dataset-based immersive and interactive platform for defence and high-risk businesses. ii. ViitorCloud has developed a multi- user 3D content augmentation platform for VR, mobile, and desktop platforms that is immersive, informative, interactive, and multi-user. b. Partnerships i. Under its Center of Excellence, ViitorCloud has formed strategic cooperation with the Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) to develop defence-related technologies. ii. ViitorCloud is preparing the Indian market for TeslaSuit, an award- winning haptic suit. More than 48 haptic reactions, motion tracking, and vital monitoring are all included in this full-body suit. ViitorCloud is developing new use cases and assessing existing ones. iii. emerchantpay, a seamless and secure online platform that delivers in- store payment options, has chosen ViitorCloud as a SI partner. ViitorCloud will provide innovative digital payment solutions to its partners and clients as a result of this agreement. What would be your advice to budding entrepreneurs who aspire to venture into the AR VR space? Every enhancement in technology brings new opportunities – to solve existing problems with new tools and solutions. AR-VR is here to stay for a very long time, and hence the opportunities are great. AR VR space is tightly connected to modern enterprise technologies such as blockchain, AI, cloud computing, etc. Such tight integration enables entrepreneurs to design solutions that are scalable, affordable, robust, and relevant. How do you envision scaling your company’s operations and offerings in 2022 and beyond? Our primary objective is to be at the forefront of technology and innovation by providing unmatched excellent quality deliverables to our clients, which helps them achieve better efficiency, productivity, and faster growth. ViitorCloud perceives and performs ahead of its time with the innovation and use of cutting-edge technology. Our vision is to enhance the quality of our solutions by providing competitive benefits to the clients. We are also amplifying our capabilities in delivering innovative solutions for operational applications with constant offerings involving AI, ML, Blockchain, AR/VR, and RPA. These solutions were created to help innumerable businesses that believe in the same vision. “ “ We contribute significantly in customer’s digital transformation journey. 27 | June 2022 |
  • 30. Augmented Changing the Technology Horizons of the Industry Reality eality is three-dimensional. We extend it into the fourth dimension by adding time to it, making Rit our reality of spacetime. Time is mind amplified technology which is intangible and invisible. It augments our presence into this-worldly reality. As our mind is our brain’s Extended Reality (XR), time is the Augmented Reality (AR) of our mind. As an advanced technology AR has proliferated into various sectors and varied industries. Since you might already know the definition, it is essential to differentiate it from another technological marvel of digitalization called Virtual Reality (VR). VR on the one hand, with its many gadgets like digitized headsets, stimulated sensors, and digitally interconnected gloves lead the user into an alternate reality of metaverse. On the other hand, AR enables the user to interact with real-world objects using a digitally controlled environment of the real world by superimposing imagery, graphics, data, and information on them. Thus, instead of specialized devices used in VR to provide a fully absorbing visual environment to the end-user, AR environments can be experienced through easily available gadgets like smartphones, smart glasses, earbuds, stylus, gesture-controlling gloves, and other electronic touchscreen displays, and inbuilt camera sensors etc. 28 | June 2022 |
  • 31. I m m e r s i v e T e c h 29 | June 2022 |
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  • 35. G amers have always desired a high level of immersion and deep engagement in their games. Advanced technologies such as augmented reality and virtual reality (AR/VR) promise to do precisely that. With the correct equipment, these advancements provide users with a pleasant and absorbing experience, stewarding the contents of their consciousness while letting them experiment with their perception. These are exciting times in the XR landscape. The mediums have a huge potential and offer near-limitless possibilities. And then, in 2016, came a team of like-minded and passionate professionals united over their love of game art. This team of self-driven game artists led by Jesto Jose started their enterprise to help companies by providing high-quality art services for their games. And thus, Wrinit was born. Wrinit is a 3D art outsourcing company founded in 2016 by Jesto Jose. Wrinit is one of the very few arts outsourcing companies that adopted the technology at the early stages. Having a strong background in game art creation and the latest software has helped the studio to serve 3D artworks optimized for AR and VR applications. With extensive experience working with leading AR E-commerce,VR simulator companies from across the globe, Wrinit is one among the niche companies which produces next-gen art works catering to their requirements of high quality content created with high standards ensuring flawless performance. What Wrinit brings to the table Wrinit has a small but effective, dedicated team of game artists working on a variety of game projects. The team takes a similar kind of workflow towards the AR VR space to create assets optimized to work well on high- end and low-end devices. The clients are usually developers, they are usually best with their product development skills. But with help of the Wrinit team on the design and art side, their products stood out from the crowd with their superior quality. Having opportunities to work on various game environments and assets has helped the team to create believable virtual spaces which match perfectly with client requirements. The team has to adopt many optimization techniques from games to build such applications run without any performance lags. Creating AR models for e-commerce websites also required extensive knowledge in 3D modelling and textures, Challenges involve matching with the real world proportions and textures since the models should accurately match the real products for the consumers and it's equally important to work on all types of devices(mobiles and graphic limited devices). The Visionary Chief Jesto Jose (Founder and Creative Director) journey started with games from 2009 with the gaming industry. Even back then, Jesto Jose had opportunities to be part of major AAA game titles and experience working with major studios in India who makes games for Microsoft, Sony, Bethesda, etc. Most Innovative AR VR Companies of India 35 | June 2022 |
  • 36. This experience helped him to kickstart his company. As Jesto Jose recounts, “I knew that the AR VR technologies will take over the world soon, and I named my company keeping those technologies in mind.” As usual, things were not straight at the beginning considering that the large companies adopted skilled artists. Initially, he had to train people with potential skill sets to be part of his team. Jesto Jose brother Jestin Jose (3D lead artist, Wrinit) and Jobin Abraham (AR team head ,Wrinit) Joshmi Maria Johny (HR&Account manager,Wrinit) helped him build the studio. “We were literally busy from day one and never looked back,” Jesto Jose said, recounting his earlier days. “I was lucky that I was not only a business owner but also an experienced 3D artist, which helped to give training to artists and manage different projects at the same time. Later on, I developed my management skills to scale up my studio to match up the requirements in the industry,” he added. With the AR VR industry boom, there were requirements for a massive number of assets for E-commerce use. Jesto Jose took that opportunity to build his studio and was able to train many people using the early projects. As an entrepreneur, he never missed being part of any project that came his way, always took the risk and challenge to understand the projects, meet with new people, and get to know new technologies. What does the Future Hold? As per Jesto Jose, we are already living or looking forward to seeing a future where machines can take over daily tasks and complete them with less risk and more accuracy with the help of AI. The future looks really promising when AI and AR-VR technologies work together, we can improve healthcare, education, military, and customer service altogether. “As we are already living in a world with AI chatbots and AR filters,” elaborated Mr Jesto Jose. “I believe, in the future, VR chatbots will come in the form of Avatars and make it more believable and realistic where you will be able to turn to a favourite character instead of an AR filter. Considering our world is quickly morphing into a virtual one, there will be more use of AI than we use now. Currently, big tech companies are in a race to create the strongest AI as now we have come to a stage where they can't avoid or without AR VR technologies.” The Pandemic Rollout The current pandemic was challenging at the beginning considering a developing studio going remote with creative and very collaborative works. But with the right strategy and planning and huge help from the team, Wrinit was able to catch up the production speed in a couple of weeks and started to scale up the team again in a couple of months. This pandemic actually helped to open the new door of hiring. Hiring the right talent outside Kerala was very tough and expensive, considering a lot of things. But recently, the team built a system that allowed them to hire potential skill sets from any location from India or around the world. The Wrinit team is working completely remotely at the moment but remains as efficient as before and plans to expand the team remotely to match the ever- rising demand they get from clients. 36 | June 2022 |
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  • 39. Word to the Wise For the next generation of visionaries and entrepreneurs, Jesto Jose has this advice, “There is a huge opportunity for the AR-VR industry in the future. I really recommend spending your time learning the technology and understanding its limitations.” “There is huge scope for entrepreneurs who can make products and for someone else to provide services for such applications. In both cases, spending your time learning the technology and working with such developers and getting exposure to technology is essential,” added the inspiring founder, Jesto Jose. There is no doubt that this technology is future proof. Considering that the billion-dollar companies are turning to AR-VR space, the Wrinit team can oversee the demand for content for such applications. Scaling the Future All said and done, the dream team over at Wrinit is very excited about the future as everyone is in the industry. With more affordable AR, VR, and MR devices along with a great network, Jesto Jose holds the belief that the 2D internet that we use now will move to 3D virtual internets, making it easily accessible for common consumers. Also believes that new Meta projects that will bring huge requirements for 3D art creations. Considering the huge scope of 3D requirements for such content in near future, Wrinit believes that it has huge potential for growth in the coming years and believes that the team can use all the experiences and skillsets they gained throughout these years. 39 | June 2022 |