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Monitored Anesthesia Care
Monitored Anesthesia Care WHAT IS ANESTHESIA? Anesthesia is the loss of the ability to feel
pain. It is produced by medicines called anesthetics. There are three types of anesthesia: Local
anesthesia. This type prevents you from feeling pain in a small area of your body. Regional
anesthesia. This type prevents you from feeling pain in a large area of your body. General
anesthesia. This type prevents you from feeling pain in your entire body. WHAT IS MONITORED
ANESTHESIA CARE? Monitored anesthesia care is an anesthesia service that is provided for some
medical procedures. This service allows you to have anesthesia during your procedure if you need it.
If you will be having one kind of anesthesia during your procedure, it also allows you to have
different kinds of anesthesia if ... Show more content on ...
Give medicines if they are needed, such as calming medicines (sedatives) and anesthetics. Make
sure you are comfortable. When your procedure is complete, these health care providers will
continue to watch your condition until your medicines wear off and you are allowed to go home.
WHEN IS MONITORED ANESTHESIA CARE NEEDED? The need for monitored anesthesia care
depends your procedure, your condition, and the potential need for regional or general anesthesia. It
is often provided during procedures where: General anesthesia may be needed if there are
complications. This is because you need special care when you are under general anesthesia. You
will be under local or regional anesthesia. This is so that you are able to have higher levels of
anesthesia if needed. You will receive calming medicines (sedatives), especially if sedatives are
given to put you in a semi–conscious state of relaxation (deep sedation). This is because the amount
of sedative needed to produce this state can be hard to predict, and too much of a sedative can
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Agents Of Pediatric Dentistry As Sedatives
Jordi Pradas.
Biology seminar
Review paper
November 11, 2014
Use of pharmacological agents in pediatric dentistry as sedatives.
As medicine progresses day by day so are the varieties of procedures that can be accomplished on
patients in order to improve quality of life. One of the areas of the health care system that has
developed the most is the dental field. Now a days, the diversity of dental procedures performed on
people of different ages is extraordinary. Dentists have also improved, not only their techniques
thanks to the advances in technology and new equipment that allows them to perform all the
different procedures, but as well as on their training. Dentists today, thanks to that intensive training;
are capable of screening for ... Show more content on ...
Dental treatment requires a certain amount of time and it is difficult to keep a child still. Under these
circumstances dentists will often recommend some form of pharmacological sedation. For the most
part, dental procedures are ambulatory; meaning patients will go home shortly after the procedure is
done. To facilitate this, dentists use oral sedation or intranasal sedation instead of general anesthesia.
General anesthesia not only will significantly increase the cost of treatment, but also the risk as well.
The use of oral sedation or intranasal sedation represents an advantage for dentists, who can perform
a treatment that without sedation could not be accomplished. On the contrary, drug response from
patients represents a major risk that can not be ignored. Due to the great risk of advanced reactions
in patients after receiving a drug or a combination of drugs, researchers are constantly working on
finding better and safer sedative agents. In this paper I will discuss the findings on several research
papers in regards to safer and efficient sedatives for dental procedures on children.
Oral sedation is the simplest and also the most convenient method used to manage uncooperative
patients. The reason behind this is its easy way of administration (oral) and the lack of injections,
which is one of the major fears in children. Sedatives could be also administered in its gas form, but
that would
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Speech On Natural Tranquilizers : A Study Conducted At The...
Day 2: Learn more about natural tranquilizers: The week is still long, and this is just one more day,
added up to your anxiety... Now, for those who are wondering, what is available naturally out there,
that has the same effective effect as tranquilizers prescribed by a doctor, well, you won't believe it,
but it seems like natural tranquilizers can be found in the form of infusions or tea. The first on the
list is chamomile or Matricaria recutita. You wouldn't believe it, but one cup of chamomile tea is
said to bind the same brain receptors as Valium. A study conducted at the University of
Pennsylvania Medical center, showed that patients with GAD(generalized anxiety disorder), who
were prescribed with chamomile supplements, for a period of eight weeks had a decrease in anxiety
symptoms, contrarily to patients prescribed with placebo. It is recommended at night, to calm down,
and have a peaceful sleep; so since sleeping is essential to mental health and mood, we will
recommend that you take 1 to 3 cups before sleep. Our second pick is Green tea. According to Mark
Blumenthal, of the American Botanical council, An amino acid contained in green tea, called L–
theanine– like many other researches to this day– have confirmed or showed that, this amino acid
actually, helps slow down a rising heart rate as well as blood pressure. In one of these studies
conducted, subjects experiencing high levels of anxiety were calmer and more focused during a test
if they took
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Kyphoplasty Case Study
On 4/19/18 I met Mr. McDonald at the office of Dr. Rampersaud. Mr. McDonald reports that he is
about 50% better with the Lyrica; he rates his pain at a 7. He is tender to touch over the bilateral Si
joints and has pain to the L1 spine area. He reports he has been taking one Norco at night to help
with his sleep. We again discussed the Kyphoplasty. Mr. McDonald told Dr. Rampersaud that he is
being sent to see Dr. Palavali for a 2nd opinion regarding the Kyphoplasty. He said he has had
surgery in the past with Dr. Palavali and trust him. In the meantime Dr. Rampersaud told him that is
he wants to proceed he could always put this through his personal health insurance and move
forward on the Kyphoplasty. Mr. McDonald said he really doesn't do anything at home; his wife
won't let him pick up a bag or anything. He feels very weak. Dr. Rampersaud said he has let himself
get de–conditioned. I remind him of the physical therapy and the work hardening he had before. Dr.
Rampersaud would like him to start a reconditioning program with ... Show more content on ...
Rampersuad also recommends trying si joint injections. Mr. McDonald wants to wait on that until
the Dr. Palavali appointment. RETURN TO WORK ACTIVITY Mr. McDonald has been terminated
from work. He has permanent restrictions of no lifting over 50 pounds and no prolonged sitting,
standing, or walking. ASSESSMENT Mr. McDonald says he wants to have the Kyphoplasty done
but he doesn't want to pay for it. He is worried that if he just has the surgery work comp will deny it
and he will be stuck out of pocket back to some type of work at some point.
PLAN/RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Contact Mr. McDonald every 4 weeks to obtain an update on his
medical status. 2. Attend the appointment with Dr. Palavali on 5/8/18. Determine his opinion on the
Kyphoplasty. 3. Attend the next appointment with Dr. Rampersaud on 5/17/18. Obtain a current
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The Percentage Of Each Dental Treatment Essay
the percentage of each dental treatment include: 8% puplectomy, 32% pulpotomy,
44% permanent filling and 16% were extraction.
For group III, the percentage of each dental treatment include: 0% puplectomy,
12% pulpotomy, 32% permanent filling and only 56% were extraction. Dentist 's assessments of
children acceptance demonstrated that the treatments without difficulty were performed in 68% of
children in group I and 44% of group II, meanwhile could not find in group III. The treatments with
some difficulty with the help of parents holding were performed in
32% of children in group I, 56% in group
II and 20% in group III.
The treatments were performed with extreme difficulty only in 80% of children in group III who did
not agree to any treatment whatsoever (Figure 5).
Percentage (%)
Al – Rafidain Dent J
Vol. 12, No2, 2012
Rectal and oral sedation with diazepam in children needed dental treatment
without difficulty with some difficulty with extreme difficulty 68
0 0
Figure (5): comparison in treatment acceptance between rectally, orally and placebo groups
assessment by the dentist 's.
Table (3) demonstrated the groups – treatments acceptance Crosstabulation that showed that the
major number of children
(17) of group I treated without difficulty, the major number of children (14) of group II treated with
some difficulty with the help of parents holding, meanwhile the major number of children (20) of
group III treated with extreme
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The Benefits Of Sedative-Assisted Suicide
The solemn look on Dr.Jane's face was all she needed to see to know something was wrong. "Nova
Benner, please follow me," Dr.Jane called out. Slowly getting on her feet, Nova followed Dr.Jane
nervously. Dr.Jane led Nova into a small room and beckoned her to sit. "The results came back,"
Dr.Jane said, "I'm sorry Nova, but you're dying." In shock, Nova stared at Dr.Jane, not knowing
what to think. After getting horrible headaches for the last two weeks, Nova decided to come to a
clinic to see what was wrong. Nova didn't expect it to be so serious and she definitely didn't expect
to die from it. "...... no cure for it," Dr.Jane continued. Realizing Dr.Jane was talking, Nova quickly
payed attention. "Nova, I suggest you take a sedative," Dr.Jane said softly. ... Show more content on ...
Sedatives gave the person injected with it a fast, painless death. Sedatives weren't used often
because there were a cure for almost every illness in the world. It was almost unheard of to die from
an illness. "I don't want a sedative," Nova said in a trembling voice. "I know how you feel, but it's
for your own good. You'll go crazy knowing you don't have long to live. It's better if you were able
to plan your death," Dr.Jane reasoned. Handing Nova a bottle of pills, Dr.Jane said, "Here, take
these, it should give you more time to live. Until then, think about taking the
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Sedation Dentistry
Sedation dentistry is a great asset to you if you fear dental appointments in general or only specific
procedures. Sedatives used in dentistry are very safe and effective, and they can help you get your
oral health back on track if you have skipped dental appointments due to overwhelming anxiety. If
you have requested gentle oral sedation to help calm your nerves during your dental procedure, but
remain fully awake, then be sure to follow these two steps to help your dentist provide the right
medication and dose to keep you calm, yet awake, during your dental appointment. 1. Inform Your
Dentist of Every Medication and Supplement You Take Even Occasionally When visiting a new
dentist, it is standard procedure for you to fill out a form that has you list every single medication
and supplement you are currently taking. While this information is important for your dentist to
have for many reasons, it is especially important for your dental care provider to know if you are
taking medications or supplements that may affect the dosage of sedation medication you are given
before your procedure. When filling out these forms, you may be unsure whether to report
medicines or supplements you take only occasionally, ... Show more content on ...
Since the type of medication typically given as a calming agent is a benzodiazapine, make sure to
alert your dentist if you have taken a medication of that class in the past and had a reaction called a
paradoxical reaction. While somewhat rare, you would know if you experienced it in the past when
taking a benzodiazapine if the medication actually made you more alert instead of relaxing you. If
suspected that you may have this type of reaction again, your dentist may opt to prescribe a different
type of sedative less likely to cause this reaction
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Use and Abuse of Benzodiazepines
Use and abuse of Benzodiazepines
Sedative–hypnotics, including benzodiazepines, are a group of drugs used to treat the symptoms of
anxiety, panic disorders, and insomnia.
Benzodiazepines are one of the most prescribed drugs which have abuse potential.
There must be special attention toward the patient's addiction history before these agents are
prescribed. An understanding of the toxicity and side effects of benzodiazepines, abuse patterns and
alternative anxiolytic and hypnotic agents may help clinicians to be safe from issues of medico legal
Mechanism of action
It acts by following ways
Benzodiazepine receptors are linked mainly to γ amino butyric acid (GABA) receptors, which
sensitize benzodiazepine receptors to the neurotransmitter GABA, the most prominent inhibitory
neurotransmitter in the central nervous system.
Enhance the affinity of the recognition site for GABA by inducing conformational changes that
make GABA binding more efficacious.
Activation of the benzodiazepine– GABA–chloride ionophor complex is responsible for producing
the therapeutic anxiolytic effects of benzodiazepines and for mediating many of the side effects and,
possibly, dependence and withdrawal from these drugs.
Clinical use
Following are the use of benzodiazepines
Amnesia before or after surgery
Anxiety disorders
 Generalized anxiety disorder
 Panic disorder
 Phobias (social, simple)
 Post–traumatic stress disorder
 Obsessive–compulsive disorder
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Nurses ' Clinical Judgments Of Patient Pain And Sedative...
1. Research Issue and Purpose
The research question/issue: Do nurses in the intensive care unit (ICU) experience conflict between
their clinical judgment and standardized care?
The purpose of this study was to examine the nurses ' clinical judgments of patient pain and sedative
requirements after the implementation of assessment tools.
2. Researcher Pre–understandings
The researchers believe that clinical judgment of pain and sedation management in the intensive
care unit is complex. Also, they believe there is a gap between knowledge, attitudes, and practice,
reflecting an overall lack of adherence among nurses to standardized care. Lastly, the title of the
research study could potentially imply the researchers perceive there may be ... Show more content
on ...
As a result, there were 73% of the referenced articles included in the literature review published
within ten years. There was a systematic meta–review and several other independent studies
included. There were twelve articles referenced that had greater than ten years noted. However,
many of these articles were the original research.
The study did include reported literature findings with an integrated summary. There was a
theoretical perspective applied to the understanding of the current body of knowledge. The authors
applied Tanner 's 2006 Clinical Judgment Model to the findings to offer explanations for nurse 's
intuition, decision–making, and reflection on those decisions.
4. Theoretical or Conceptual Framework
Tanner 's 2006 Clinical Judgment Model was utilized as a framework for this research. This
structure is a nursing framework.
5. Participants
There were fourteen ICU nurses were divided into two focus groups for interviews. Two different
hospitals were used. The nurses all had at least five years of nursing experience. They were aged
thirty–five to sixty years old. Each focus group had six women and one male participant. The setting
was appropriately structured in an ICU.
Purposive sampling was conducted. This strategy was appropriate. The sample size was marginally
appropriate. However, the researchers rationalized that the purposive selection of experienced nurses
would add quality to the content retrieved from the
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Personal Statement : Narcotic Deprivation
They keep mailing me these subscription requests, but I'm indifferent, I guess. I've tried to change
I've got no motivation each sensation is blocked by narcotic deprivation. Give me OG inspiration or
something better Seal the door with my sweatshirt, lean against the wall Run the faucet and hotbox
this bathroom stall. I try to change I try different drugs and different combinations to reach this vital
intoxication I start a brief escalation and an even quicker–
Falls into my aching hands, cures me of my shaking debts. Emptied out to numb the pain,
completely numb to everything. I'll find a way to stay awake Divide it up I'm OK. How much more
can I take? In some party down by the beach the DJ turns out the beats, goes CRAZY!
Wring my hands out on the piece, The perforated days dissolve between my tongue and cheek.
Wandered alone and ended up lost in a grocery store I saw a bald Buddhist clerk. I asked, "Can you
help me find what I've been looking for? The days melt into the weeks, replace this waking dream, I
need something to ease the weight." I was looking for a remedy. He said, "Aisle 5, sir, take twice a
day!" I want to tear my hair out and fall into the sea they call me CRAZY!
Getting wasted at a party on my birthday Drifting with the whitewash back to the ocean. Breathing
in the brine, stumbling, fumbling, bumbling on the shore. Splashing in the lime, drunk and wet
under the waves, Save the drowning for the sinning Try to find relief in the arms of women.
Drowned in
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Abstract The purpose of the present review is to analyze the advantages and the disadvantages of
pediatric sedation in magnetic resonance imaging. The benefits and the risks involved in pediatric
sedation in MRI are evaluated in regards to the current literature. The review is considered to be
timely because there is an increasing demand for the provision of anesthetic services and sedation
services. Most health practitioners should have appropriate skills in the monitoring and rescue their
patients through sedation. Therefore, proper training and skills are required in order to tolerate the
drug administration process. There is an increasing knowledge of the practitioners on several ways
in which they can administer sedatives effective ... Show more content on ...
The aim of the article is to elaborate more on the advantages and the disadvantages of using
pediatric sedatives in the administration of magnetic resonance imaging. The various disadvantages
of using different sedatives and the advantages it brings are discussed in this article with a closer
focus on the recent developments in the MRI technique. The research is spearheaded by the desire to
understand the negative effects of sedatives while carrying out MRI and the positive effects they
bring to the children and patients when they undergo magnetic imaging. Methods Secondary data
was the major source of information in the research because the information was extracted from the
recent literature on the use of sedatives in MRI. Peer–reviewed articles and academic articles are the
major sources of data to be reviewed. This is because most of the data extracted a found in these
sources is credible and reliable to conduct research. With the help of search engines from the
internet, a lot of information was extracted in order to formulate an appropriate literature on the
advantages and disadvantages of sedatives in conducting MRIs. Some of the keywords used in order
to extract quality information to conduct the research include Pediatric, Magnetic resonance
imaging, imaging, and sedation. Most information was extracted from Google scholar articles which
encompasses information from credible sources like
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Sedative Benefits
Sedatives can be good for the body. Many natural substances can be classified as a sedative.
Sedatives cause a decrease in brain and cell activity, slowing the body down. This then leads to
feeling tired, relaxed calm, and or drowsy. Many herbal teas have sedative properties, chamomile,
lavender and many others can cause a person to feel relaxed or tired bringing on sleep and rest. This
can be very beneficial to the user, especially for those suffering from anxiety or insomnia. Many
natural herbs can be used to for people with these problems, however at times the natural remedies
for these problems just isn't strong enough.
In more persistent cases of insomnia and other related problems natural remedies aren't strong
enough and a heavier sedative ... Show more content on ...
Some of the illegal or age restricted sedative drugs include alcohols, barbiturates, inhalants, and
marijuana. These like other drugs can be used for pain or illness but have a high abuse tendency.
Most of the time, illegal drugs start with recreational use. Drugs have become very popular in pop
culture, movies, high schools, colleges, and even in Jr. High where kids as young as 12 have
reported already having tried illegal or age restricted substances. Another popular scene for drugs is
in clubs and bars. These are all places where kids and adults can be introduced to drugs to be taken
for fun, an escape, out of peer pressure to fit in or a wide variety of reasons, instead of necessity. At
first recreational drug use isn't as toxic as it seems, the heightened sense of wellbeing is at a peak.
After that emotional peak wares off the user is left feeling lonely, depressed, angry, guilty, etc.
People often want to return to that altered state of mind and take drugs again; starting a viscous
cycle of drug
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Sedative Vs Pain
Putting Pain and Anxiety To Rest: Your Anesthetic And Sedative Options Panicking at the mere
thought of visiting the dentist? From mild anxiety to a full–blown phobia, fear of dental work is an
all–too–common problem that stands between many individuals and the oral health care they need.
You need not choose, however, to suffer in the chair or stay away unless it is an emergency. Between
various types of anesthesia and several kinds of sedatives, there are more options than you might
think to avoid pain or discomfort–even by sleeping through the dental visit altogether! Anesthetic
Options If pain is your primary fear, local anesthesia can numb you against feeling any discomfort
while essential dental work is under way. Depending on ... Show more content on ...
The patient remains completely conscious, and, in many cases, due to the quick–wearing nature of
the gas, may even be able to drive home after the appointment. Moderate Sedation Often given in
pill form, drugs such as Halcion (a close relative of the drug Valium), is taken an hour before the
start of any dental work. For faster results, it may also be given via an IV, but either option results in
a level of grogginess. Though many remain conscious throughout the appointment, it is not
uncommon to fall asleep and be woken after the procedure is complete. Deep Sedation Also known
as "general anesthesia", this is the strongest form of sedative an individual can receive, and results in
a partial or complete state of unconsciousness. Nothing is felt throughout the procedure, and it very
difficult to wake up the patient until the medication has worn off. If sedation seems like an option
you might prefer, speak to your dentist about the types of sedatives he or she is able to administer.
While many dentists are accredited to administer both minimal and moderate sedation, deep
sedation often requires the expertise of a dental anesthesiologist or oral surgeon. Minimizing Your
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Thalidomide Research Paper
Thalidomide a once dangerous teratogen is now being used to treat cancer and inflammatory
disease. Thalidomide was created in Germany and was sold in 46 different countries; it was
originally intended to be a sedative but was later marketed towards pregnant women to help them
cope with morning sickness. Thalidomide had an adverse effect causing birth defects. After the
discovery of the birth defects being linked to thalidomide, the drug was pulled off the shelves to
prevent further malformed babies. Now years later thalidomide is reemerging as a treatment option
for cancer and inflammatory disease.
"Thalidomide is an organic compound consisting of three asymmetrical rings and the intimidating
biochemical name of 2–(2,6–dioxo–3–piperidinyl)–1H–isoindole–1, 3(2H)–dione; it resembles
know barbiturates in structure" (Carlson, 2006, p98). Wilhelm Kunz, who was studying ways to
produce peptides, created thalidomide in 1953 in West German. He was trying to create a sedative
that would be able to compete with other tranquilizing drugs on the market being sold in the United
States. The study was taken over by Kunz's colleague, Herbert Keller who thought the organic
compound looked like a barbiturate. A barbiturate is a drug that affects the central nervous system as
a depressant and acts like a ... Show more content on ...
Peripheral neuritis is when the hands and feet tingle or become numb and lose the sensation of
touch. Grünenthal never did any extensive test on thalidomide before selling the drug to the public,
when a standard test involving a rat on a exercise wheel failed he created another test that would
work to get his drug approval to be sold a sedative. The new test that was developed was called a
"jiggle box", even though the drug got approved, as a sedative the test did not really prove that
thalidomide was a
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Sedative Techniques In To Kill A Mockingbird
Sedative is promoting calm or inducing sleep or in this case a drug taken for its calming or sleep–
inducing effect.. This can be found in " Dr. reynolds gave him a heavy sedative." (371). The man
was given a sedative so that he would be able to be able to get through the surgery. Reviving is to be
restored to life or consciousness. Showing in " I would see if Jem might be reviving."(375). The
little boy seemed to be reviving after a couple of hours after he was hit on the forehead accidentally.
A motif is a standard theme, element, or dramatic situation that recurs in various works. Seen when
the narrator says "One time he said you never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and
walk in them."(374). The motif is used here to compare similar themes of other works to this book.
In that Scout had to see life from a different ... Show more content on ...
As shown in " We never put back anything into the tree what we took out of it; we had given him
nothing which made me sad."(373). The speaker is Scout and this occurs when boo is still in the
room while Jem is sleeping from a pill given by Dr. Reynolds. The primary audience is the first
readers of this novel. For them to see how she felt about never repaying Boo for everything he had
put into the tree. The subject is herself and how she did not give anything back to Boo for
everything he did. She says this in a saddened and depressed tone. Scout uses pathos here to make
us feel pity and feel caring for her. That she now realizes what she did not do evokes a certain type
of caring on her. One that makes us feel for her, like a parent would feel when their child says the
wrong answer, but is too cute to say no too. This is what she evokes from readers and the readers
cannot help but to feel this feeling and by doing this it still shows that there is still innocence in
Scout, even after everything she has went
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A word related presentation happens throughout the...
A word related presentation happens throughout the execution of occupation obligations and may
put a laborer at danger of disease. Presentation is characterized as a percutaneous damage (e.g.,
needle stay or cut with a sharp protest), contact of mucous films, or contact of skin (particularly
when the uncovered skin is dry, scraped, or distressed with dermatitis or the contact is delayed or
including a far reaching region) with blood or other body liquids to which general safeguards word related introduction farthest point is an upper utmost on the satisfactory centralization
of a dangerous substance in work environment air for a specific material or class of materials. It is
normally situated by skilled national powers and ... Show more content on ...
Mechanical or Word related Hygienists are regularly on the forefront of suspecting and perceiving
the dangers of synthetic introduction for specialists, and must evaluate the danger of presentation
through the utilization of Oels so fitting control procedures might be actualized to keep laborers
beneath the OEL values. Without Oels notwithstanding, there are a mixture of devices that can and
ought to be utilized to survey introduction capability of laborers. The "Progressive system of Oels"
gives a continuum of word related introduction breaking point values that permit appraisal of the
danger of presentation keeping in mind the end goal to apply sufficient controls.[3]a populace based
case–control study was led in the Henry Passage Wellbeing Framework (HFHS) in metropolitan
Detroit to survey word related exposures to manganese, copper, lead, iron, mercury and zinc as
danger variables for Parkinson's sickness (PD). Non–psychotic men and ladies 50 years of age who
were getting essential medicinal consideration at HFHS were enlisted, and simultaneously selected
cases (n = 144) and controls (n = 464) were recurrence matched for sex, race and age (+/ – 5 years).
A danger element poll, controlled via prepared questioners, asked about every employment held by
each one subject for 6 months from age 18 ahead, including a definite appraisal of real occupation
assignments, devices the earth. An accomplished mechanical hygienist, blinded to subjects' case–
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Potential interactions and factors that affect the use of Diazepam:
The major dynamic interactions of Diazepam occur with other CNS depressant drugs including
ethanol, non–benzodiazepine sedative hypnotics, barbiturates and drugs with CNS anticholinergic
effects such as antihistamines, tricyclic antidepressants and opioids, which cause synergetic increase
in CNS depression (INCHEM: Diazepam monograph, 1990). In relation to the potential drug
interactions specific to Mrs G, concurrent administration of hepatic enzyme inhibitor such as
omeprazole can reduce the clearance of Diazepam and enhance the action of Diazepam (Medsafe:
Arrow– Diazepam monograph, 2013). Moreover, the concomitant administration of anti–anxiety
agents such as Nozinan ... Show more content on ...
Gershkovich et al. (2015) highlight that Diazepam is not the drug of choice for treating AWS in
cirrhosis patients as Diazepam undergoes oxidative metabolism in liver by CYP 2 C19 and CYP
3A4 and shows impaired metabolic rate in cirrhosis patients like Mrs G leading to increased plasma
concentration of Diazepam and its accumulation causing worsening of symptoms. Evidence
suggests that Lorazepam could be used for Mrs G, instead of Diazepam, as Lorazepam undergoes
glucorinidation rather than oxidative metabolism and glucorinidation is not or minimally affected by
liver cirrhosis (Peppers, 1996; Gershkovich et al., 2015). It must be noted that IV Lorazepam is not
licensed to use in New Zealand and therefore needs patient consent (CCDHB,
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Components in the Formation of Different Medicines Essay...
Chemistry has affected people for years. It will always be a major component in how life progresses.
We use chemistry every day when we cook. We use it every day when simply brushing our teeth.
Toothpaste contains Fluorine. It is a very intense aggressive and reactive element. It is the substance
in toothpaste that whitens our teeth. As you can see there are many things that chemistry contributes
to. Chemistry is a big component of the formation of different medicines. Without chemistry
medicines I have had to take would not even exist. I recently had to take medicine called Ativan or
also known as Lorazepam. Lorazepam is a medicine that comes from a group called
benzodiazepines. It is a medicine for anxiety. It was made from Wyeth ... Show more content on ...
I just wanted to stop and relax but I felt like I could not. Anxiety is a strong emotion that takes over
many people when they become overwhelmed with tasks or issues in their lives. Without chemistry I
would have not been able to have the medicine that I needed.
There are many other ways to cope with anxiety than medicine. However some people don't have
the time so medicine can be a really amazing thing. Some people including my brothers went to
therapists. Some do yoga, breathing methods, and just talking to people. Anxiety can get out of hand
quickly. When It gets out of hand it can become a very dangerous cycle. Although Lorazepam can
be very helpful, it can also harm people. Just like every other medicine it has many possible side
effects. It can cause depression, hypotension, shortness in breath, dizziness, and weakness. It can
also cause severe respiratory failure. If you take it when you are pregnant it can kill the baby and
cause issues when it comes to breast feeding. It has many issues however it is usually not fatal when
people overdose. Ativan can be a highly aggressive and addictive drug. It is recommended to only
take only for two to four weeks. The medicine stays in your system for eighteen to thirty six hours.
Withdrawals from the medicine can cause seizures, insomnia and more intense anxiety. It can be
injected, ingested in pill form, or worn in form of skin patches. The majority of people that get
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Creative Writing: Keeping The Speedster Sedative
Hours ago, Team Arrow left alongside of Constantine, requesting to Caitlin before leaving that she
should make sure to keep the speedster sleeping until they came back. The doctor complied, going
back down to inject Barry with the speedster sedative they created last year when Barry came back
in time to ask Eobard's help. Should be enough to keep him under for a couple more hours. Pushing
her fear aside, she stayed by his side, right outside the cell, the whole time. When Oliver and
Constantine made their entrance, it was with grave expression on their faces. The simple fact that
Felicity stayed behind wasn't a good sign. A simple nod toward the hallway was all the
communication needed between the two teams. It was time. No word were spoken ... Show more
content on ...
''I wouldn't be considering it and even less suggesting it if I didn't think your son had a fighting
chance. If I didn't think it could work. Mr. Allen is strong, I was felt it. '' He could sense his
audience's conflict and while he didn't look like much on the outside, on the inside he cared about
people. In this case, he really wanted to help the young hero. Softening his tone a lot, he continued
talking: ''To get to his breaking point, Hyde probably had to torture him for days. Even if nobody
here wants to think about it, you have to. If we want to get to the same point, we can't go easy on the
boy. We need to get him to a low, vulnerable, point and this is how we do it quick and minimize the
damage. '' ''And we're supposed to just stand there and watch him suffer for 2 days while we, I don't
know, watch some tv or something?'' Intervened Cisco, clearly unconvinced. ''Actually, I have a
little job for you all; if you can talk to him, try to get through while the poison take effect, that
would be great. Thanks. '' ''You just said that nothing we'll say is going to work.'' Protested
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Palliative Sedation And Terminal Weaning For Refractory...
Palliative Sedation and Terminal Weaning for Refractory Symptoms Death is one of the most
significant life events people experience. Most people want to die a peaceful death and desire the
same outcome for their family and friends. Medical advancements have resulted in people living
longer lives with chronic illnesses. Despite the advancements in medicine and the available
treatments of today, sometimes the patient is still unable to escape intolerable suffering; the patient's
quality of life diminishes. Symptoms that are unrelieved after all treatment options have been
exhaustion are called refractory, or intractable, symptoms (Knight & Espinosa, 2010). When
refractory symptoms are present, palliative sedation (PS) should be considered ... Show more
content on ...
Second, the patient needs to have refractory symptoms (Knight & Espinosa, 2010). A third
requirement is a "Do Not Resuscitate" order (Knight & Espinosa, 2010). Lastly, the patient must be
expected to die within the next few hours or days (Knight & Espinosa, 2010). Informed consent
must be obtained either by the patient, or if the patient is unable to do so, a legal surrogate before
palliative sedation is initiated (Knight & Espinosa, 2010). Knight and Espinosa recommended
receiving a second opinion as to whether the patient is an appropriate candidate for palliative
sedation. Terminal weaning is when mechanical ventilation is discontinued for a patient expected to
die without its support (Knight & Espinosa, 2010). One of the most common methods of
discontinuation is through slowly reducing the fraction of inspired oxygen (Knight & Espinosa,
2010). Terminal extubation is the removal of the endotracheal tube, and this can be done "during or
after a terminal weaning process" (Knight & Espinosa, 2010, p. 527). Removal of life–supporting
interventions is the cause of most deaths in critical care units (Knight & Espinosa, 2010). Knight
and Espinosa (2010) discussed palliative sedation and terminal weaning in the same chapter because
the two topics go together. Ethical Considerations & Nursing Several important ethical
considerations exist surrounding the ideas and practices of palliative sedation and
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Essay On Prescription Drug Abuse
Prescription drug abuse is the use of prescribed medications for reasons other than intended by a
doctor or medical professional. Prescription drug abuse involves the misuse of any and all drugs to
alter the physical or mental status of a person. The misuse of prescription drugs is described as
taking excess amounts, more frequently, or for much longer than originally prescribed. Prescription
drugs come in different forms and treat many different illnesses and diseases. Different drugs fall
into different groups and can produce different highs when they are abused. Every drug falls into
one of four groups. One of the four groups is opiods. Opiods are basically painkillers, they attach to
tiny parts of your brain to relieve pain. Common examples of opiods are oxycodone, methadone,
hydrocodone, and codeine. Because demand and use of painkillers is high it's easy to see why
opiods are the most commonly abused class. Sedatives are another class of drugs. Commonly
abused sedatives are phenobarbital, methaqualone, clonazepam, and alprazolam. Sedatives are
usually used to treat symptoms of insomnia, anxiety, and panic disorders. When abused, sedatives
offer a more relaxed, chilled type ... Show more content on ...
The "Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America" are helping to combat prescription
drug abuse by spreading awareness and knowledge of these drugs. The National Coalition Against
Prescription Drug Abuse is another organization that's helping the fight. The NCAPD is a group of
individuals that have focused all their attention towards the prevention and awareness of addiction
and misuse of prescribed medications. They have many sponsors and host events to help their
efforts."Narconon" is another organization that hopes to relieve the issue by directly helping users
overcome their addiction. It's a rehabilitation center that offers help to anyone and spreads education
about the dangers of
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Essay On Stimulants In College
Seven out of 10 college students say it is pretty easy to get stimulants without a prescription,
according to a new survey conducted on eight U.S. campuses. A majority (83 percent) received them
from friends and most said they used the drug to help them study or improve their grades. Overall,
one in four undergraduates reported that they used prescription pain medications, sedatives or
stimulants for nonmedical reasons in their lifetimes, said Anne McDaniel, author of the study and
associate director of research and data management at The Ohio State University's Center for the
Study of Student Life. One in four undergraduates reported that they used prescription pain
medications, sedatives or stimulants for nonmedical reasons in their lifetimes. ... Show more content
on ...
After stimulants, pain medications were the most misused prescription medications, which was used
by 10 percent of undergraduates. About a third of students said it was easy to obtain pain
medications too. About 9 percent of undergrads used sedatives, with 44 percent saying it was easy to
find them on campus. "At one time, college students most commonly misused drugs to get high,"
Hale said. "But today, students also use medications to self–medicate, to manage their lives. They
are using drugs to control pain, to go to sleep, to relieve anxiety and to study." 55 percent of students
who misused pain medications said they did it to relieve pain, while 46 percent said they did it to get
high. More than half who misused sedatives said their aim was to get to sleep, while 85 percent who
misused stimulants wanted to improve grades or studying. Marijuana was the most common drug
replacing prescription medications, used by half of undergrads who misused controlled drugs,
followed by cocaine and hallucinogens at 19 percent. "Nearly two percent had used heroin, which is
very concerning," Hale said. "There's been a lot of media attention given to the recent rise in heroin
use and for good reason," he
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Zol-Pidem Tartrate Research Paper
Zol–pidem is the generic name and the active ingredient of the drug called Ambien. Ambien (Zol–
pidem Tartrate) is a GABA (gamma–amino–butyric acid) agonist affecting the benzodiazepine
receptor site, it belongs to the class of imida–zo–pyridine and the drug dosage availability is in both
5 mg and 10 mg strength tablets (immediate and extended release tablet forms) that are favorable for
the oral route of administration. It is also available in a sub–lingual form by the names of Edluar and
Intermezzo and an oral spray form. According to Holm & Goa (2010), it was first introduced in the
1990's by the Searle Company.
Chemical Composition:
Ambien (Zol–pidem Tartrate) is chemically expressed as: N,N,6–trimethyl–2–p–tolylimidazo[1,2–a]
pyridine–3–acetamide ... Show more content on ...
2. Uses of Ambien (Zol–pidem Tartrate):
Zol–pidem has the capability to alter the chemicals that are released in the brain, and is used to
balance these chemicals in patients who have trouble sleeping (insomnia) in adults or any other
sleeping problems like waking up in the middle of the night frequently. It is used before bed.
According to Holm & Goa (2010), the treatment lasts for 1–2 weeks and is considered as a short
therapeutic treatment. It is also used as an anticonvulsant and muscle–relaxant to prevent seizures.
The failure of Zol–pidem as a therapeutic agent in a patient indicates symptoms of mental illness.
3–Abuse Potential
Ambien is considered a recreational drug that is mainly used in an illegal or abusive purpose to
create enhanced sedative and euphoric effects because of its capability to cause the alteration of
chemicals in the mind that are responsible for mood sensations and coordination. According to
Wilkinson (2009), this was illegally used as the "Date Rape Drug" in order to have sexual contact
with individuals when they are unconscious after taking a higher than normal dose. This drug is also
used to create a high or cause hallucinations in an individual if they stay awake after the intake of
medication. It has a high potential to be lethal and cause memory loss and poor co–ordination,
usually when taken with other drugs or alcohol. It is illegal if also distributed among friends or used
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Benefits And Treatment Of Dissociative Identity Disorder
Diazepam Paired With Psychotherapy Dissociative Identity Disorder is a disorder that is hardly
talked about, however has extreme effects on patients that suffer with it. However, this topic is
important because it can lead to finding treatments that may be more effective for patients with DID.
Past studies have shown that the main treatment for Dissociative Identity Disorder usually involves
therapy. The most popular types of therapy are psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, and family therapy.
Treatment for DID has a specific purpose which is to unite an individual with their personalities, and
form a functional identity (Pais, 2009). Additionally, a strength of past studies is that they usually do
a follow up on patients. Another strength is that the participants are usually all of different ages. One
limitation is that there is never enough participants for research, another limitation is that there aren't
many treatment options to try on patients. Furthermore, is diazepam useful when paired with
psychotherapy? Moreover, my study will be unique because there has only been one case that tried
lorazepam, which is a similar drug to diazepam, and it proved to be successful (Mushtaq, Shoib,
Arif, Shah, Mushtaq, 2014). Also, my study will have more than one patient, to have more accurate
results. Finally, diazepam and psychotherapy could be a good treatment for DID. Method
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Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome Case Study
3. If the NP suspects the patient is abusing opiates and sedatives, which class of medication poses
the greatest medical threat to the patient and why?
Include two main symptoms related to the medical threat. (15pts)
Mr. HR's current medications include, Lisinorpil 5 mg PO BID for hypertension and Klonopin 1mg,
TID for anxiety. And he is requesting a refill of Oxycodone 15mg TID, prn for pain. Indeed, more
information, such as, the reason why he is taking antianxiety agent, the duration of Benzodiazepine
he has been taken and any drug to drug reaction he has been experiencing is needed in order to
evaluate the possibility of substance abuse disorder and withdrawal syndrome.
However, for the purpose of answering this question, if I ... Show more content on
Discuss one treatment concern that the NP will have relative to the potential for dependence and/or
withdrawal in the patient and why?(20pts)
The physiologic effects of the opioids withdrawal syndrome include, arthralgias, diarrhea, myalgias,
abdominal cramping, rhinorrhea, piloerection, lacrimation, insomnia, and yawning as well as
temperature dysregulation. It is greatly suspected that Mr. HR was experiencing an opioid
withdrawal syndrome due to his medical presentations, such as, rhinorrhea, muscle aches, mild
sweating and increased lacrimation.
There are two medication management when a provider suspects the patient is abusing opiates. First,
methadone is one of the acute medication managements for the opioid withdrawal syndrome. It can
be used in outpatient and inpatient setting. The initiate dose is 20 to 30 mg, then increased to 40 to
60 mg if the patient still shows signs of withdrawal. Besides methadone, clonidine is another
regimen and can be used in an outpatient basis. The initial dose is 0.1mg PO TID, and the maximum
dose is 0.4 mg, PO, TID. If the patient's systolic blood pressure below 90 mmHg, then clonidine is
held. Both medications should slowly tapered, if the patient's withdrawal symptoms are suppressed.
(McCarron, M., Xiong, L., & Bourgeois, A.,
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Essay on The Fifth Child
The Fifth Child
The word "monster" has many definitions. Some define it as a creature having a
frightening or strange appearance. It is also defined as one that inspires horror or disgust. Ben
certainly fits into all of these categories.
He was different right from pregnancy. He looks extremely frightening, almost like a Neanderthal.
Ben is an outcast even in an institution for "nature's mistakes." From the moment
Harriet became pregnant it was apparent to her that something was obviously wrong. She loved
having children and had planned on a total of eight or perhaps even ten. However, something was
different this time.
Early in the pregnancy, she began feeling ill. She had been keeping ... Show more content on ...
48) Ben was eleven pounds at birth.
None of the other children were more than seven. He was heavy–shouldered and hunched over. His
forehead sloped from his eyebrows to his crown. Even his hair pattern was erratic. His hands were
thick and heavy and contained pads of muscle. His piercing eyes were greeny–yellow in nature and
focused on Harriet from the moment he was born. "He's like a troll, or a goblin or
something." said Harriet. (p. 49) Ben actually resembled a Neanderthal!
Although Harriet was apprehensive, David, as well as the entire family, decided it was best if they
put Ben into an institution. A small black van came one morning to take Ben away. This institution
was not a place that prepared children to become part of society. It was a horrific place that kept all
their patients completely drugged and starved them until they eventually died. There were all types
of "mistakes" here. Numerous cots engrossed the hallways containing children whose
appearances were hideous at best. One child lacked the back of his skull, exposing his brain.
Another was literally split in two.
Amongst these terrible tragedies, Ben still managed to stick out. He was so incredibly strong that he
warranted his own room, more sedatives than any other child had ever received, and had to remain
in a strait jacket 24 hours a day.
"He's so strong–I've never seen anything like it." Said the girl at the institution. (p. 83)
As you can see, Ben is no ordinary
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Herbal Supplements Essay
Herbal Supplements and Drugs Interactions
KimHang Phan
Molloy College
Herbal Supplements and Drugs Interactions The clear definition of an herbal supplement is defined
by The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) as a product not a drug.
The product contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbs, and dietary constituents for use to
supplement the diet ("Using Dietary Supplements Wisely," 2014). Like medications, dietary
supplements exert both negative and positive effects to the body. Supplements may improve health
but they also produce the potential harmful if interacting with certain drugs. For this reason, dietary
supplements are regulated by FDA to ensure both safety and effectiveness ... Show more content on ...
The 2007 NHIS also found the following:
American Indian or Alaska Native adults (50.3%) and white adults (43.1%) were more likely to use
CAM than Asian adults (39.9%) or black adults (25.5%). Children whose parent used CAM were
almost five times as likely (23.9%) (Barnes et al., 2008, p.1).
Because natural products or herbal remedies become prevalent usage among adults in America, it is
very important to acknowledge if an herbal product is safe or useful for certain health conditions and
its potential interaction with other drugs causing toxicity. For example, evening primrose oil may
interact with anticoagulants and antiplatelet medications ("VP–PRECIP", 2014). Bayles (2009)
stated that "the seeds of the evening primrose are rich in omega–6 essential fatty acids (EFAs),
including linoleic acid and gamma–linolenic acid (GLA)" (p.1405). Omega–6 EFAs and GLA
contain some properties, which help to reduce inflammatory. Evening primrose oil (Oenothera
biennis) is a native North American plant. Evening primrose oil (EPO) is commonly use in breast
pain, premenstrual symptoms (PMS), menopausal, cancer, asthma, diabetes, and other chronic
inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and eczema (Bayles, 2009). EPO is well
tolerated by most individuals. Some people reported a mild stomach upset, abdominal pain, nausea.
EPO should not
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The Infusion Of Midazolam And Propofol
In this review, the infusion of midazolam and propofol appear to provide similar sedation and
recovery time is shorter in subject when sedated with propofol . When propofol combine with
midazolam it gives synergistic effect which occurs when both drugs are given for i.v. sedation is
caused by an increase in the free plasma concentration of one of the drug. In evidence 1, eight
healthy volunteers were selected to obtain propofol concentration in the absence and presence of
midazolam and vice versa. Volunteers received the drug in two sessions (A and B). In session A,
volunteers received a propofol i.v.bolus dose of 1 mg/kg in 1 min which was followed by an
infusion of 2.5–1.h–1 (= 41.7 μg kg–1.min–1) for 59 min. On the other hand, in session B the
volunteers received the same propofol infusion plan as during session A, but now (TCI) directly
target midazolam concentration (CT) of 125 ng/ml that was started 15 min the propofol
administration. After the blood sample and assays, and statistical analysis, it result that in the
presence of a mean midazolam concentration of 224.8 ± 41.6 ng/ml, the propofol concentrations
were on average 25.1 ± 13.3 % which is higher as compared to when propofol was given as alone.
In evidence 2, BIS value is been checked in volunteer receiving combination of midazolam and
propofol, which result in subject remained receptive during the whole study.
Anesthesia make clear way to a wide variety of surgical techniques. Generally
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Special Care Case Study
On Sunday, January 10, 2016 at approximately 2135 hours, FHEO Security Officers were
dispatched to the Special Care Unit (SCU) room E.D. #38 for a Disorderly Baker Act patient
attempting to leave. Security Officer Omar Alonso along with Officer Thomas Mejia and Supervisor
Steven Evans, arrived at 2136 hours and met with Nurse Kristen Strauch who was standing next to
the patient. The patient, Tyler Hull (DOB: 01/07/1987; FIN# 85068604) was in a state of anxiety
and stating that he could no longer take being coped up in a room and he needed to leave. Security
staff explained to the patient what the Baker Act Law meant and why he was not allowed to leave
until he had been medically cleared and seen by a Psychotherapist. Mr. Hull was not happy
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Creative Writing: Nova's Rebellion
"Ah, so you're part of the rebellion." He concluded, taking a bite of the strawberry cake. He had
brought her to a table in the back of his shop and offered her a piece of cake, which she denied
"The rebellion? What rebellion?"
"Wait, so you're not?"
"What are you talking about?"
"The rebellion. I guess it makes sense you haven't heard about them yet. The government has been
trying to shut them down for a while. They claim that the government is hiding secrets that the
public deserves to know. Apparently, they go undercover, 'saving' people from the government. I
thought that since you refused a sedative and ran away from a government supported clinic, that you
were part of it." He explained.
"How do you know so much about ... Show more content on ...
"I can call someone from the rebellion to come pick you up, if you want."
Nova nodded. The man walked to a room in the back, leaving Nova alone with her thoughts.
"I see you've met Harris," Ned, the rider from the rebellion, said.
"Yeah," Nova replied. When Harris, the shopkeeper, said her ride was here, she didn't expect him to
lead her underground and see an extremely old version of the latest bicycle, waiting for her along
with a young boy. As she got on the bicycle, Harris gave her a bag of supplies and a communicating
watch, just in case she needed to contact him or anyone in an emergency.
"So what made you decide to join the rebellion?" Ned asked.
"I was almost tricked into taking a sedative. And I didn't really have another choice."
"Yeah, a lot of people in the rebellion are almost tricked into taking a sedative."
Nova nodded and watched the dirt walls of the dimly lit tunnels go by as they rode their bikes.
"So, what is it like in the rebellion?" Nova asked.
"It's actually not as exciting as it sounds. We basically live in abandoned parts of the big cities and
just live our lives as peacefully as we can without the government. Some of us go undercover,
saving people from the
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Why Dog Sedative Is Useful?
How dog sedative is useful?
Description: dog sedative is needed for making the dogs more lively and energetic. The dogs will be
kept away from varied nerve–related troubles that are very much dangerous for physical and
psychological health.
Dog stress, anxiety, phobia and fear can be well–treated by means of using dog sedative. If your dog
is not free from all these mental troubles, then it will not be able to enjoy the social life well.
Sometimes, treating these troubles can be considered as one of the most important parts of dog
grooming. If you want to make your dog more interactive and lively, then you have t use these
sedatives but only the prescribed ones will cater necessary benefits.
There are many dog psychologists who often recommend these sedatives to pet dogs suffering from
any of these psychological disorders. First, the dogs are thoroughly accessed and then only these
sedatives are being prescribed. Some of these sedatives are quite powerful as a result of which your
dogs might feel a bit dizzy all the time. Though dg sedatives can be collected as OTC but you
should not do the same in case your dog has got any physical allergies.
Why sedatives are prescribed to pet dogs?
Dog sedative is often prescribed to pet dogs so that they can be calmed by means of reducing acute
These sedatives can help the dogs to get complete freedom from all kinds of psychological disorders
that are coming in the way of their interaction with humans.
There are
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Nitrous Oxide: Dental Anxiety
What is Nitrous Oxide? Nitrous oxide sedation is a popular option for patients with dental anxiety.
Dr. Das, Dr. Darcey, or Dr. Pham may recommend nitrous oxide if you have mild to moderate dental
anxiety. Nitrous oxide is one of the safest sedation methods for both children and adults. Nitrous
oxide is also referred to as laughing gas and is known for the ability to be able to calm your central
nervous system. It enables patients to have any type of dental treatment in comfort or without fear.
You will inhale the gas through a small rubber mask placed over your nose. The mask is attached to
a hose and a device that adjusts the amount of nitrogen and oxygen you inhale. Immediately after
inhalation (within five minutes), you will feel the effects ... Show more content on
Once your procedure is finished, you will be back to normal in just a few minutes. You will be able
to drive yourself home after the procedure without any worry of aftereffects. How Nitrous Oxide
Can Help You Nitrous oxide is a safe way to relax during a dental procedure. It makes you feel
comfortable while remaining fully awake and conscious. It can reduce discomfort caused by the
injection of local anesthetic. Your dentist can also adjust the level of sedation as needed. Almost all
healthy patients can have nitrous oxide sedation. If you have asthma, bronchitis, or other lung
disorders, your dentist and your GP can help determine if nitrous oxide is right for you. Oral
Sedation Oral sedatives are pills taken by mouth or dissolved under the tongue about an hour before
the procedure. Most patients feel sleepiness and heaviness in their limbs after taking the medication.
You are conscious throughout the procedure, however. If you do fall asleep, Dr. Das can easily wake
you. Oral sedation is a popular option for patients who hate needles. IV
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The Importance Of Persuasive Essay On Human Life
When a person's pet gets sick or injured to the point of them dying, most often the owner will end its
suffering by putting it down. Either the owner will take the matter into his/her hands and personally
kill the animal, or the person will take it to the vet and have the vet put the animal to sleep. Who is
to say that an animal should have the right to a peaceful, legal death but humans cannot? Why is it
that a vet has the right to "murder" an animal, but a licensed doctor doesn't have the right to do their
jobs? Doctors try their best to help their patients and if the only way to help a person is by letting
him/her end his or her life, then it should be the patient's right to do so (Vermont).
Some say that this law should not be changed because it might pressure the patients into wanting to
take their lives, but this is false. If someone was in so much pain that he wanted to take his life, then
he would end the suffering regardless if he is prescribed a pill or not. Suicide is not illegal, but
knowing about someone planning to commit suicide is. This leads to all of these sick people
committing suicide and not have the chance to give a proper good–bye to their loved ones. By
having this law in place, families of these patients never get a proper closure (Vermont).
The decision to end one's life is completely up to that person, and the same goes for when someone
decides to take part in assisted suicide. There are several states that have legalized assisted suicide in
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Delirium Prevention Strategies
According to several surveys conducted in the western countries, delirium still is not an extensively
focused problem in the ICU settings(13, 97, 98). So, an appropriate ICU staff education is one of the
mainstays in developing an efficient preventive and therapeutic plan against ICU delirium(99). For
this purpose, ICU nurses and clinicians should have a completecomprehension of delirium and be
aware of its importance as a significantcomorbidity that should be immediately intervened.
Generally, the risk factors for delirium affecting individual ICU patients are different from patient to
patient and therefore an individualized delirium prevention strategy is an ideal approach.
Nevertheless, three risk factors in particular, including sedatives, ... Show more content on ...
So it seems that due to this heterogeneity in reports, further studies are still needed to draw a solid
If all these preventive strategies failed, prompt interventions to correct the condition and treat
delirium should be initiated. In such cases, pharmacological treatments are often necessary.
Haloperidol,a typical antipsychotic, is the most commonly used empiric agent in this regard, but the
staff need to be very vigilant upon potential, significant side–effects of this medication, including
extrapyramidal symptoms, torsades de points, prolongation of the Q–T interval, and neuroleptic
malignant syndrome(12). Although the exact mechanism of action of this medication in treating
delirium is unknown, it is thought that haloperidol acts through antagonizing brain dopamine–2
receptor and reducing dopaminergic activity at the cerebral synapses and basal ganglia(97, 109,
110). Initially, 2mg of the medication is administered intravenously. It could be repeated every 15–
20 min, doubling the dose each time until agitation is resolved. After stabilizing the patient, the
leasteffective dose should be used every 4–6h as the maintenance (11). Olanzapine (2.5–5 mg orally
per day) and other atypical antipsychotics such asziprasidone (40 mg orally every 6–12h) and
quetiapine (50 mg orally every 12h)have also been used in treating ICU delirium(11, 111–113).
However, there is still controversy in this regard, because these drugs may increase death risk(111,
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Successful Completion Of The Procedure
ISSN: 1812–1217
Al – Rafidain Dent J
Vol. 12, No2, 2012
successful completion of the procedure and potentially minimize risk to the patient.
There are a variety of sedatives available. Most of the standard and most popular sedatives have
been in existence for almost 100 years. (4)
The pediatric dental literature contains numerous reports on various medications
(e.g., nitrous oxide, opioids, benzodiazepines, chloral hydrate, barbiturates and antihistamines)
which have been administrated alone or in combination. (5 – 9)
Diazepam has been used to manage an uncooperative child in a dental setting.
It is a water insoluble benzodiazepine and requires the organic solvent propylene glycol to dissolve
it. Propylene glycol is most likely responsible for renoirritation and thrombophebitis that may occur
during injection. Diazepam undergoes metabolism to active desmethyl diazepam and oxazepam that
can produce sedation 6 – 8 hours after its initial administration (10).
Diazepam is sedative – hypnotic agent and act in the brain on specific receptors enhancing
GABAergic transmission. Flumazenil can be used to reverse the sedative action of diazepam but
repeated doses are needed (11). Diazepam is very popular sedating agents due to its wide margin of
safety and it has wide therapeutic index. It has many pharmacological effects which include:
sedation, hypnosis, anesthesia, anticonvulsant effects, muscle relaxation and effects on respiration
and cardiovascular function. It is indicated
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Seclusion And Restraint Analysis
In the psychiatric world the use of sedatives, seclusion, and restraints may be helpful in the moment,
but later can have some harmful outcomes that affect the psychological, emotional, and physical
well being of the patient. Sedatives are drugs that slow down the physical and mental characteristics
of one's body. Many times sedatives are referred to as tranquilizers. Sedatives are only available by
prescription and many times are used for medical reasons. Sedatives have been known to be used to
help treat pain, anxiety, panic attacks, and insomnia. The drugs work by intensifying the amount of
neurotransmitter–gamma–aminobutyric acid (GABA). The neurotransmitters help to control the rate
at which nerve impulses travel. Sedatives have also been ... Show more content on
Restraints refer to the use of belts and handcuffs, this is known as mechanical restraints. Then there
are restraints known as manual restraints which is when staff physically holds the patients down
themselves. Seclusion and restraints are only to be used if a person threatens to be violent or is being
violent. The problem with this is threatening to be violent is very vague. There is no real definition
and because of this it's a very controversial concept. Seclusion and restraint are also supposed to be
a last resort to trying to get the patient under control while maintaining their safety and the others
around them. The seclusion/restraint process is to protect patients from unnecessary trauma. Once in
seclusion the patient should be checked on frequently. In order to suspend the seclusion/restraint the
patient has to demonstrate significant behavioural change. However seclusion or restraints should
only be used for a short amount of time. Patients often see seclusion and restraints as a punishment
which provokes negative emotions. This not healthy for the patient. In the end run the goal may be
to prevent trauma but it still
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Epidural Anesthesia Essay
Anesthesia is an essential pre–operative intervention that helps to reduce the perception of pain
during surgical or other clinical interventions (Fitz–Henry, 2011). Effective anesthesia is essential
for better surgical outcomes. Different types of anesthesia are administered in clinical settings (Fitz–
Henry, 2011). The type of anesthesia depends upon the clinical or surgical procedure to be
performed. General anesthesia is required during major surgical interventions. On the other hand,
local or subdural anesthesia is extended during minor surgical interventions (Fitz–Henry, 2011).
Epidural anesthesia is also implemented in situations, where general anesthesia may be
contraindicated or harmful to the concerned patient (Fitz–Henry, 2011). Sedatives are often used as
adjuncts to anesthesia, for ensuring mental relaxation in the concerned individual (Fitz–Henry, ...
Show more content on ...
The article also provided relevant information on the precautionary measures to be practiced before
and after surgical interventions. The brochure could have provided insights regarding the types of
anesthesia, based on different clinical or surgical procedures. The topic was interesting because
surgical interventions are important clinical procedures, which are associated with a fair degree of
risk. The information was quite clear, but it could have been elaborated. However, the brochure was
aligned with the current nursing and healthcare related research. Especially, the brochure endorsed
the need of sedatives in anesthetic procedures. This article is pertinent to individuals who are
awaiting surgical interventions. The present article would increase the awareness of patients on
contraindications and drug interactions with anesthetics/sedatives. It will also make patients aware
of the risk of anesthesia. Combining these features, it could be concluded that the article will
increase the safety of
... Get more on ...
Why Is Nutmeg Important
In addition, it is necessary for many enzymes that function as antioxidants and regulating
metabolism. Also, it activates and other enzymes that favor the generation and regeneration of
muscle and bone, and cartilage. The combination of magnesium and iron in this spice will help you
primarily to relax muscles, especially if you are a sports active. Daily use helps the cardiovascular
system, keeps the heart and strengthens his muscle and regulates blood pressure, which is another
very important item when it comes to medicinal properties of nutmeg. People with weakened
immune systems are especially encouraged to use nutmeg, as it will strengthen the defense system
of your body, thereby giving blood the ability to cope with a variety of bacteria
... Get more on ...
Alcohol's Sedative Analysis
According Roehrs and his colleagues of their research, "alcohol's sedative and performance–
disruptive effects can be attenuated by enhancing the basal level of alertness after alcohol
consumption" (Roehrs). It means that after drinking we would experience sleepiness that makes an
individual dangerous to drive. Alcohol affects has the same severity to some neurotransmitter
systems and sedative drugs do (Roehrs). "For example, alcohol facilitates GABA–mediated
inhibition (acts as GABA agonist) and reduces the release of acetylcholine (acts as acetylcholine
antagonist). Consequently, alcohol could mimic the effects of other sedative drugs" (Roehrs).
Alcohol affects serotonin and glutamate; these two transmitters regulate sleep and wakefulness.
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is in charge of of sleep. Glutamate is in charge of wakefulness.
When alcohol have sedative effects, would make it hard for a person to stay awake which is why
law prohibits us to drink and drive, because when we cannot stay focus driving under influence, it is
not safe for the driver and everyone else on the road (Roehrs).
Alcohol effects human brain, but it can harm the fetus even more. ... Show more content on ...
It could have serious effects to the fetus' development of the body and the brain that lead to a series
of physical, cognitive, and behavioral effects. These effects could have negative impact to the fetus
development such as heart, blood vessels, bones muscles and the cellular and molecular structures.
The most serious consequence to the fetus is a series of symptoms cause by pregnancy alcohol
consumption is fetal alcohol syndrome, also known as FAS (Chen). "The criteria for diagnosing FAS
include facial dysmorphology, growth retardation, and central nervous system (CNS) dysfunction"
... Get more on ...

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Monitored Anesthesia Care

  • 1. Monitored Anesthesia Care Monitored Anesthesia Care WHAT IS ANESTHESIA? Anesthesia is the loss of the ability to feel pain. It is produced by medicines called anesthetics. There are three types of anesthesia: Local anesthesia. This type prevents you from feeling pain in a small area of your body. Regional anesthesia. This type prevents you from feeling pain in a large area of your body. General anesthesia. This type prevents you from feeling pain in your entire body. WHAT IS MONITORED ANESTHESIA CARE? Monitored anesthesia care is an anesthesia service that is provided for some medical procedures. This service allows you to have anesthesia during your procedure if you need it. If you will be having one kind of anesthesia during your procedure, it also allows you to have different kinds of anesthesia if ... Show more content on ... Give medicines if they are needed, such as calming medicines (sedatives) and anesthetics. Make sure you are comfortable. When your procedure is complete, these health care providers will continue to watch your condition until your medicines wear off and you are allowed to go home. WHEN IS MONITORED ANESTHESIA CARE NEEDED? The need for monitored anesthesia care depends your procedure, your condition, and the potential need for regional or general anesthesia. It is often provided during procedures where: General anesthesia may be needed if there are complications. This is because you need special care when you are under general anesthesia. You will be under local or regional anesthesia. This is so that you are able to have higher levels of anesthesia if needed. You will receive calming medicines (sedatives), especially if sedatives are given to put you in a semi–conscious state of relaxation (deep sedation). This is because the amount of sedative needed to produce this state can be hard to predict, and too much of a sedative can produce general anesthesia. HOW DO I PREPARE FOR MONITORED ANESTHESIA ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Agents Of Pediatric Dentistry As Sedatives Jordi Pradas. Biology seminar Review paper November 11, 2014 Use of pharmacological agents in pediatric dentistry as sedatives. As medicine progresses day by day so are the varieties of procedures that can be accomplished on patients in order to improve quality of life. One of the areas of the health care system that has developed the most is the dental field. Now a days, the diversity of dental procedures performed on people of different ages is extraordinary. Dentists have also improved, not only their techniques thanks to the advances in technology and new equipment that allows them to perform all the different procedures, but as well as on their training. Dentists today, thanks to that intensive training; are capable of screening for ... Show more content on ... Dental treatment requires a certain amount of time and it is difficult to keep a child still. Under these circumstances dentists will often recommend some form of pharmacological sedation. For the most part, dental procedures are ambulatory; meaning patients will go home shortly after the procedure is done. To facilitate this, dentists use oral sedation or intranasal sedation instead of general anesthesia. General anesthesia not only will significantly increase the cost of treatment, but also the risk as well. The use of oral sedation or intranasal sedation represents an advantage for dentists, who can perform a treatment that without sedation could not be accomplished. On the contrary, drug response from patients represents a major risk that can not be ignored. Due to the great risk of advanced reactions in patients after receiving a drug or a combination of drugs, researchers are constantly working on finding better and safer sedative agents. In this paper I will discuss the findings on several research papers in regards to safer and efficient sedatives for dental procedures on children. Oral sedation is the simplest and also the most convenient method used to manage uncooperative patients. The reason behind this is its easy way of administration (oral) and the lack of injections, which is one of the major fears in children. Sedatives could be also administered in its gas form, but that would ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Speech On Natural Tranquilizers : A Study Conducted At The... Day 2: Learn more about natural tranquilizers: The week is still long, and this is just one more day, added up to your anxiety... Now, for those who are wondering, what is available naturally out there, that has the same effective effect as tranquilizers prescribed by a doctor, well, you won't believe it, but it seems like natural tranquilizers can be found in the form of infusions or tea. The first on the list is chamomile or Matricaria recutita. You wouldn't believe it, but one cup of chamomile tea is said to bind the same brain receptors as Valium. A study conducted at the University of Pennsylvania Medical center, showed that patients with GAD(generalized anxiety disorder), who were prescribed with chamomile supplements, for a period of eight weeks had a decrease in anxiety symptoms, contrarily to patients prescribed with placebo. It is recommended at night, to calm down, and have a peaceful sleep; so since sleeping is essential to mental health and mood, we will recommend that you take 1 to 3 cups before sleep. Our second pick is Green tea. According to Mark Blumenthal, of the American Botanical council, An amino acid contained in green tea, called L– theanine– like many other researches to this day– have confirmed or showed that, this amino acid actually, helps slow down a rising heart rate as well as blood pressure. In one of these studies conducted, subjects experiencing high levels of anxiety were calmer and more focused during a test if they took ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Kyphoplasty Case Study On 4/19/18 I met Mr. McDonald at the office of Dr. Rampersaud. Mr. McDonald reports that he is about 50% better with the Lyrica; he rates his pain at a 7. He is tender to touch over the bilateral Si joints and has pain to the L1 spine area. He reports he has been taking one Norco at night to help with his sleep. We again discussed the Kyphoplasty. Mr. McDonald told Dr. Rampersaud that he is being sent to see Dr. Palavali for a 2nd opinion regarding the Kyphoplasty. He said he has had surgery in the past with Dr. Palavali and trust him. In the meantime Dr. Rampersaud told him that is he wants to proceed he could always put this through his personal health insurance and move forward on the Kyphoplasty. Mr. McDonald said he really doesn't do anything at home; his wife won't let him pick up a bag or anything. He feels very weak. Dr. Rampersaud said he has let himself get de–conditioned. I remind him of the physical therapy and the work hardening he had before. Dr. Rampersaud would like him to start a reconditioning program with ... Show more content on ... Rampersuad also recommends trying si joint injections. Mr. McDonald wants to wait on that until the Dr. Palavali appointment. RETURN TO WORK ACTIVITY Mr. McDonald has been terminated from work. He has permanent restrictions of no lifting over 50 pounds and no prolonged sitting, standing, or walking. ASSESSMENT Mr. McDonald says he wants to have the Kyphoplasty done but he doesn't want to pay for it. He is worried that if he just has the surgery work comp will deny it and he will be stuck out of pocket back to some type of work at some point. PLAN/RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Contact Mr. McDonald every 4 weeks to obtain an update on his medical status. 2. Attend the appointment with Dr. Palavali on 5/8/18. Determine his opinion on the Kyphoplasty. 3. Attend the next appointment with Dr. Rampersaud on 5/17/18. Obtain a current treatment ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. The Percentage Of Each Dental Treatment Essay the percentage of each dental treatment include: 8% puplectomy, 32% pulpotomy, 44% permanent filling and 16% were extraction. For group III, the percentage of each dental treatment include: 0% puplectomy, 12% pulpotomy, 32% permanent filling and only 56% were extraction. Dentist 's assessments of children acceptance demonstrated that the treatments without difficulty were performed in 68% of children in group I and 44% of group II, meanwhile could not find in group III. The treatments with some difficulty with the help of parents holding were performed in 32% of children in group I, 56% in group II and 20% in group III. The treatments were performed with extreme difficulty only in 80% of children in group III who did not agree to any treatment whatsoever (Figure 5). Percentage (%) Al – Rafidain Dent J Vol. 12, No2, 2012 Rectal and oral sedation with diazepam in children needed dental treatment 326 without difficulty with some difficulty with extreme difficulty 68 32 0 44 56 0 0 20 80 Rectal Oral Placebo Figure (5): comparison in treatment acceptance between rectally, orally and placebo groups assessment by the dentist 's. Table (3) demonstrated the groups – treatments acceptance Crosstabulation that showed that the major number of children (17) of group I treated without difficulty, the major number of children (14) of group II treated with some difficulty with the help of parents holding, meanwhile the major number of children (20) of group III treated with extreme
  • 10. ... Get more on ...
  • 11.
  • 12. The Benefits Of Sedative-Assisted Suicide The solemn look on Dr.Jane's face was all she needed to see to know something was wrong. "Nova Benner, please follow me," Dr.Jane called out. Slowly getting on her feet, Nova followed Dr.Jane nervously. Dr.Jane led Nova into a small room and beckoned her to sit. "The results came back," Dr.Jane said, "I'm sorry Nova, but you're dying." In shock, Nova stared at Dr.Jane, not knowing what to think. After getting horrible headaches for the last two weeks, Nova decided to come to a clinic to see what was wrong. Nova didn't expect it to be so serious and she definitely didn't expect to die from it. "...... no cure for it," Dr.Jane continued. Realizing Dr.Jane was talking, Nova quickly payed attention. "Nova, I suggest you take a sedative," Dr.Jane said softly. ... Show more content on ... Sedatives gave the person injected with it a fast, painless death. Sedatives weren't used often because there were a cure for almost every illness in the world. It was almost unheard of to die from an illness. "I don't want a sedative," Nova said in a trembling voice. "I know how you feel, but it's for your own good. You'll go crazy knowing you don't have long to live. It's better if you were able to plan your death," Dr.Jane reasoned. Handing Nova a bottle of pills, Dr.Jane said, "Here, take these, it should give you more time to live. Until then, think about taking the ... Get more on ...
  • 13.
  • 14. Sedation Dentistry Sedation dentistry is a great asset to you if you fear dental appointments in general or only specific procedures. Sedatives used in dentistry are very safe and effective, and they can help you get your oral health back on track if you have skipped dental appointments due to overwhelming anxiety. If you have requested gentle oral sedation to help calm your nerves during your dental procedure, but remain fully awake, then be sure to follow these two steps to help your dentist provide the right medication and dose to keep you calm, yet awake, during your dental appointment. 1. Inform Your Dentist of Every Medication and Supplement You Take Even Occasionally When visiting a new dentist, it is standard procedure for you to fill out a form that has you list every single medication and supplement you are currently taking. While this information is important for your dentist to have for many reasons, it is especially important for your dental care provider to know if you are taking medications or supplements that may affect the dosage of sedation medication you are given before your procedure. When filling out these forms, you may be unsure whether to report medicines or supplements you take only occasionally, ... Show more content on ... Since the type of medication typically given as a calming agent is a benzodiazapine, make sure to alert your dentist if you have taken a medication of that class in the past and had a reaction called a paradoxical reaction. While somewhat rare, you would know if you experienced it in the past when taking a benzodiazapine if the medication actually made you more alert instead of relaxing you. If suspected that you may have this type of reaction again, your dentist may opt to prescribe a different type of sedative less likely to cause this reaction ... Get more on ...
  • 15.
  • 16. Use and Abuse of Benzodiazepines Use and abuse of Benzodiazepines Introduction Sedative–hypnotics, including benzodiazepines, are a group of drugs used to treat the symptoms of anxiety, panic disorders, and insomnia. Benzodiazepines are one of the most prescribed drugs which have abuse potential. There must be special attention toward the patient's addiction history before these agents are prescribed. An understanding of the toxicity and side effects of benzodiazepines, abuse patterns and alternative anxiolytic and hypnotic agents may help clinicians to be safe from issues of medico legal case. Mechanism of action It acts by following ways Benzodiazepine receptors are linked mainly to γ amino butyric acid (GABA) receptors, which sensitize benzodiazepine receptors to the neurotransmitter GABA, the most prominent inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. Enhance the affinity of the recognition site for GABA by inducing conformational changes that make GABA binding more efficacious. Activation of the benzodiazepine– GABA–chloride ionophor complex is responsible for producing the therapeutic anxiolytic effects of benzodiazepines and for mediating many of the side effects and, possibly, dependence and withdrawal from these drugs. Clinical use Following are the use of benzodiazepines Amnesia before or after surgery Anxiety disorders  Generalized anxiety disorder  Panic disorder  Phobias (social, simple)  Post–traumatic stress disorder  Obsessive–compulsive disorder ... Get more on ...
  • 17.
  • 18. Nurses ' Clinical Judgments Of Patient Pain And Sedative... 1. Research Issue and Purpose The research question/issue: Do nurses in the intensive care unit (ICU) experience conflict between their clinical judgment and standardized care? The purpose of this study was to examine the nurses ' clinical judgments of patient pain and sedative requirements after the implementation of assessment tools. 2. Researcher Pre–understandings The researchers believe that clinical judgment of pain and sedation management in the intensive care unit is complex. Also, they believe there is a gap between knowledge, attitudes, and practice, reflecting an overall lack of adherence among nurses to standardized care. Lastly, the title of the research study could potentially imply the researchers perceive there may be ... Show more content on ... As a result, there were 73% of the referenced articles included in the literature review published within ten years. There was a systematic meta–review and several other independent studies included. There were twelve articles referenced that had greater than ten years noted. However, many of these articles were the original research. The study did include reported literature findings with an integrated summary. There was a theoretical perspective applied to the understanding of the current body of knowledge. The authors applied Tanner 's 2006 Clinical Judgment Model to the findings to offer explanations for nurse 's intuition, decision–making, and reflection on those decisions. 4. Theoretical or Conceptual Framework Tanner 's 2006 Clinical Judgment Model was utilized as a framework for this research. This structure is a nursing framework. 5. Participants There were fourteen ICU nurses were divided into two focus groups for interviews. Two different hospitals were used. The nurses all had at least five years of nursing experience. They were aged thirty–five to sixty years old. Each focus group had six women and one male participant. The setting was appropriately structured in an ICU. Purposive sampling was conducted. This strategy was appropriate. The sample size was marginally appropriate. However, the researchers rationalized that the purposive selection of experienced nurses would add quality to the content retrieved from the ... Get more on ...
  • 19.
  • 20. Personal Statement : Narcotic Deprivation They keep mailing me these subscription requests, but I'm indifferent, I guess. I've tried to change I've got no motivation each sensation is blocked by narcotic deprivation. Give me OG inspiration or something better Seal the door with my sweatshirt, lean against the wall Run the faucet and hotbox this bathroom stall. I try to change I try different drugs and different combinations to reach this vital intoxication I start a brief escalation and an even quicker– Falls into my aching hands, cures me of my shaking debts. Emptied out to numb the pain, completely numb to everything. I'll find a way to stay awake Divide it up I'm OK. How much more can I take? In some party down by the beach the DJ turns out the beats, goes CRAZY! Wring my hands out on the piece, The perforated days dissolve between my tongue and cheek. Wandered alone and ended up lost in a grocery store I saw a bald Buddhist clerk. I asked, "Can you help me find what I've been looking for? The days melt into the weeks, replace this waking dream, I need something to ease the weight." I was looking for a remedy. He said, "Aisle 5, sir, take twice a day!" I want to tear my hair out and fall into the sea they call me CRAZY! Getting wasted at a party on my birthday Drifting with the whitewash back to the ocean. Breathing in the brine, stumbling, fumbling, bumbling on the shore. Splashing in the lime, drunk and wet under the waves, Save the drowning for the sinning Try to find relief in the arms of women. Drowned in ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Abstract The purpose of the present review is to analyze the advantages and the disadvantages of pediatric sedation in magnetic resonance imaging. The benefits and the risks involved in pediatric sedation in MRI are evaluated in regards to the current literature. The review is considered to be timely because there is an increasing demand for the provision of anesthetic services and sedation services. Most health practitioners should have appropriate skills in the monitoring and rescue their patients through sedation. Therefore, proper training and skills are required in order to tolerate the drug administration process. There is an increasing knowledge of the practitioners on several ways in which they can administer sedatives effective ... Show more content on ... The aim of the article is to elaborate more on the advantages and the disadvantages of using pediatric sedatives in the administration of magnetic resonance imaging. The various disadvantages of using different sedatives and the advantages it brings are discussed in this article with a closer focus on the recent developments in the MRI technique. The research is spearheaded by the desire to understand the negative effects of sedatives while carrying out MRI and the positive effects they bring to the children and patients when they undergo magnetic imaging. Methods Secondary data was the major source of information in the research because the information was extracted from the recent literature on the use of sedatives in MRI. Peer–reviewed articles and academic articles are the major sources of data to be reviewed. This is because most of the data extracted a found in these sources is credible and reliable to conduct research. With the help of search engines from the internet, a lot of information was extracted in order to formulate an appropriate literature on the advantages and disadvantages of sedatives in conducting MRIs. Some of the keywords used in order to extract quality information to conduct the research include Pediatric, Magnetic resonance imaging, imaging, and sedation. Most information was extracted from Google scholar articles which encompasses information from credible sources like ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. Sedative Benefits Sedatives can be good for the body. Many natural substances can be classified as a sedative. Sedatives cause a decrease in brain and cell activity, slowing the body down. This then leads to feeling tired, relaxed calm, and or drowsy. Many herbal teas have sedative properties, chamomile, lavender and many others can cause a person to feel relaxed or tired bringing on sleep and rest. This can be very beneficial to the user, especially for those suffering from anxiety or insomnia. Many natural herbs can be used to for people with these problems, however at times the natural remedies for these problems just isn't strong enough. In more persistent cases of insomnia and other related problems natural remedies aren't strong enough and a heavier sedative ... Show more content on ... Some of the illegal or age restricted sedative drugs include alcohols, barbiturates, inhalants, and marijuana. These like other drugs can be used for pain or illness but have a high abuse tendency. Most of the time, illegal drugs start with recreational use. Drugs have become very popular in pop culture, movies, high schools, colleges, and even in Jr. High where kids as young as 12 have reported already having tried illegal or age restricted substances. Another popular scene for drugs is in clubs and bars. These are all places where kids and adults can be introduced to drugs to be taken for fun, an escape, out of peer pressure to fit in or a wide variety of reasons, instead of necessity. At first recreational drug use isn't as toxic as it seems, the heightened sense of wellbeing is at a peak. After that emotional peak wares off the user is left feeling lonely, depressed, angry, guilty, etc. People often want to return to that altered state of mind and take drugs again; starting a viscous cycle of drug ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Sedative Vs Pain Putting Pain and Anxiety To Rest: Your Anesthetic And Sedative Options Panicking at the mere thought of visiting the dentist? From mild anxiety to a full–blown phobia, fear of dental work is an all–too–common problem that stands between many individuals and the oral health care they need. You need not choose, however, to suffer in the chair or stay away unless it is an emergency. Between various types of anesthesia and several kinds of sedatives, there are more options than you might think to avoid pain or discomfort–even by sleeping through the dental visit altogether! Anesthetic Options If pain is your primary fear, local anesthesia can numb you against feeling any discomfort while essential dental work is under way. Depending on ... Show more content on ... The patient remains completely conscious, and, in many cases, due to the quick–wearing nature of the gas, may even be able to drive home after the appointment. Moderate Sedation Often given in pill form, drugs such as Halcion (a close relative of the drug Valium), is taken an hour before the start of any dental work. For faster results, it may also be given via an IV, but either option results in a level of grogginess. Though many remain conscious throughout the appointment, it is not uncommon to fall asleep and be woken after the procedure is complete. Deep Sedation Also known as "general anesthesia", this is the strongest form of sedative an individual can receive, and results in a partial or complete state of unconsciousness. Nothing is felt throughout the procedure, and it very difficult to wake up the patient until the medication has worn off. If sedation seems like an option you might prefer, speak to your dentist about the types of sedatives he or she is able to administer. While many dentists are accredited to administer both minimal and moderate sedation, deep sedation often requires the expertise of a dental anesthesiologist or oral surgeon. Minimizing Your ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Thalidomide Research Paper Thalidomide a once dangerous teratogen is now being used to treat cancer and inflammatory disease. Thalidomide was created in Germany and was sold in 46 different countries; it was originally intended to be a sedative but was later marketed towards pregnant women to help them cope with morning sickness. Thalidomide had an adverse effect causing birth defects. After the discovery of the birth defects being linked to thalidomide, the drug was pulled off the shelves to prevent further malformed babies. Now years later thalidomide is reemerging as a treatment option for cancer and inflammatory disease. "Thalidomide is an organic compound consisting of three asymmetrical rings and the intimidating biochemical name of 2–(2,6–dioxo–3–piperidinyl)–1H–isoindole–1, 3(2H)–dione; it resembles know barbiturates in structure" (Carlson, 2006, p98). Wilhelm Kunz, who was studying ways to produce peptides, created thalidomide in 1953 in West German. He was trying to create a sedative that would be able to compete with other tranquilizing drugs on the market being sold in the United States. The study was taken over by Kunz's colleague, Herbert Keller who thought the organic compound looked like a barbiturate. A barbiturate is a drug that affects the central nervous system as a depressant and acts like a ... Show more content on ... Peripheral neuritis is when the hands and feet tingle or become numb and lose the sensation of touch. Grünenthal never did any extensive test on thalidomide before selling the drug to the public, when a standard test involving a rat on a exercise wheel failed he created another test that would work to get his drug approval to be sold a sedative. The new test that was developed was called a "jiggle box", even though the drug got approved, as a sedative the test did not really prove that thalidomide was a ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Sedative Techniques In To Kill A Mockingbird Sedative is promoting calm or inducing sleep or in this case a drug taken for its calming or sleep– inducing effect.. This can be found in " Dr. reynolds gave him a heavy sedative." (371). The man was given a sedative so that he would be able to be able to get through the surgery. Reviving is to be restored to life or consciousness. Showing in " I would see if Jem might be reviving."(375). The little boy seemed to be reviving after a couple of hours after he was hit on the forehead accidentally. A motif is a standard theme, element, or dramatic situation that recurs in various works. Seen when the narrator says "One time he said you never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk in them."(374). The motif is used here to compare similar themes of other works to this book. In that Scout had to see life from a different ... Show more content on ... As shown in " We never put back anything into the tree what we took out of it; we had given him nothing which made me sad."(373). The speaker is Scout and this occurs when boo is still in the room while Jem is sleeping from a pill given by Dr. Reynolds. The primary audience is the first readers of this novel. For them to see how she felt about never repaying Boo for everything he had put into the tree. The subject is herself and how she did not give anything back to Boo for everything he did. She says this in a saddened and depressed tone. Scout uses pathos here to make us feel pity and feel caring for her. That she now realizes what she did not do evokes a certain type of caring on her. One that makes us feel for her, like a parent would feel when their child says the wrong answer, but is too cute to say no too. This is what she evokes from readers and the readers cannot help but to feel this feeling and by doing this it still shows that there is still innocence in Scout, even after everything she has went ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. A word related presentation happens throughout the... A word related presentation happens throughout the execution of occupation obligations and may put a laborer at danger of disease. Presentation is characterized as a percutaneous damage (e.g., needle stay or cut with a sharp protest), contact of mucous films, or contact of skin (particularly when the uncovered skin is dry, scraped, or distressed with dermatitis or the contact is delayed or including a far reaching region) with blood or other body liquids to which general safeguards word related introduction farthest point is an upper utmost on the satisfactory centralization of a dangerous substance in work environment air for a specific material or class of materials. It is normally situated by skilled national powers and ... Show more content on ... Mechanical or Word related Hygienists are regularly on the forefront of suspecting and perceiving the dangers of synthetic introduction for specialists, and must evaluate the danger of presentation through the utilization of Oels so fitting control procedures might be actualized to keep laborers beneath the OEL values. Without Oels notwithstanding, there are a mixture of devices that can and ought to be utilized to survey introduction capability of laborers. The "Progressive system of Oels" gives a continuum of word related introduction breaking point values that permit appraisal of the danger of presentation keeping in mind the end goal to apply sufficient controls.[3]a populace based case–control study was led in the Henry Passage Wellbeing Framework (HFHS) in metropolitan Detroit to survey word related exposures to manganese, copper, lead, iron, mercury and zinc as danger variables for Parkinson's sickness (PD). Non–psychotic men and ladies 50 years of age who were getting essential medicinal consideration at HFHS were enlisted, and simultaneously selected cases (n = 144) and controls (n = 464) were recurrence matched for sex, race and age (+/ – 5 years). A danger element poll, controlled via prepared questioners, asked about every employment held by each one subject for 6 months from age 18 ahead, including a definite appraisal of real occupation assignments, devices the earth. An accomplished mechanical hygienist, blinded to subjects' case– control ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Diazepam Potential interactions and factors that affect the use of Diazepam: The major dynamic interactions of Diazepam occur with other CNS depressant drugs including ethanol, non–benzodiazepine sedative hypnotics, barbiturates and drugs with CNS anticholinergic effects such as antihistamines, tricyclic antidepressants and opioids, which cause synergetic increase in CNS depression (INCHEM: Diazepam monograph, 1990). In relation to the potential drug interactions specific to Mrs G, concurrent administration of hepatic enzyme inhibitor such as omeprazole can reduce the clearance of Diazepam and enhance the action of Diazepam (Medsafe: Arrow– Diazepam monograph, 2013). Moreover, the concomitant administration of anti–anxiety agents such as Nozinan ... Show more content on ... Gershkovich et al. (2015) highlight that Diazepam is not the drug of choice for treating AWS in cirrhosis patients as Diazepam undergoes oxidative metabolism in liver by CYP 2 C19 and CYP 3A4 and shows impaired metabolic rate in cirrhosis patients like Mrs G leading to increased plasma concentration of Diazepam and its accumulation causing worsening of symptoms. Evidence suggests that Lorazepam could be used for Mrs G, instead of Diazepam, as Lorazepam undergoes glucorinidation rather than oxidative metabolism and glucorinidation is not or minimally affected by liver cirrhosis (Peppers, 1996; Gershkovich et al., 2015). It must be noted that IV Lorazepam is not licensed to use in New Zealand and therefore needs patient consent (CCDHB, ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Components in the Formation of Different Medicines Essay... Chemistry has affected people for years. It will always be a major component in how life progresses. We use chemistry every day when we cook. We use it every day when simply brushing our teeth. Toothpaste contains Fluorine. It is a very intense aggressive and reactive element. It is the substance in toothpaste that whitens our teeth. As you can see there are many things that chemistry contributes to. Chemistry is a big component of the formation of different medicines. Without chemistry medicines I have had to take would not even exist. I recently had to take medicine called Ativan or also known as Lorazepam. Lorazepam is a medicine that comes from a group called benzodiazepines. It is a medicine for anxiety. It was made from Wyeth ... Show more content on ... I just wanted to stop and relax but I felt like I could not. Anxiety is a strong emotion that takes over many people when they become overwhelmed with tasks or issues in their lives. Without chemistry I would have not been able to have the medicine that I needed. There are many other ways to cope with anxiety than medicine. However some people don't have the time so medicine can be a really amazing thing. Some people including my brothers went to therapists. Some do yoga, breathing methods, and just talking to people. Anxiety can get out of hand quickly. When It gets out of hand it can become a very dangerous cycle. Although Lorazepam can be very helpful, it can also harm people. Just like every other medicine it has many possible side effects. It can cause depression, hypotension, shortness in breath, dizziness, and weakness. It can also cause severe respiratory failure. If you take it when you are pregnant it can kill the baby and cause issues when it comes to breast feeding. It has many issues however it is usually not fatal when people overdose. Ativan can be a highly aggressive and addictive drug. It is recommended to only take only for two to four weeks. The medicine stays in your system for eighteen to thirty six hours. Withdrawals from the medicine can cause seizures, insomnia and more intense anxiety. It can be injected, ingested in pill form, or worn in form of skin patches. The majority of people that get ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Creative Writing: Keeping The Speedster Sedative Hours ago, Team Arrow left alongside of Constantine, requesting to Caitlin before leaving that she should make sure to keep the speedster sleeping until they came back. The doctor complied, going back down to inject Barry with the speedster sedative they created last year when Barry came back in time to ask Eobard's help. Should be enough to keep him under for a couple more hours. Pushing her fear aside, she stayed by his side, right outside the cell, the whole time. When Oliver and Constantine made their entrance, it was with grave expression on their faces. The simple fact that Felicity stayed behind wasn't a good sign. A simple nod toward the hallway was all the communication needed between the two teams. It was time. No word were spoken ... Show more content on ... ''I wouldn't be considering it and even less suggesting it if I didn't think your son had a fighting chance. If I didn't think it could work. Mr. Allen is strong, I was felt it. '' He could sense his audience's conflict and while he didn't look like much on the outside, on the inside he cared about people. In this case, he really wanted to help the young hero. Softening his tone a lot, he continued talking: ''To get to his breaking point, Hyde probably had to torture him for days. Even if nobody here wants to think about it, you have to. If we want to get to the same point, we can't go easy on the boy. We need to get him to a low, vulnerable, point and this is how we do it quick and minimize the damage. '' ''And we're supposed to just stand there and watch him suffer for 2 days while we, I don't know, watch some tv or something?'' Intervened Cisco, clearly unconvinced. ''Actually, I have a little job for you all; if you can talk to him, try to get through while the poison take effect, that would be great. Thanks. '' ''You just said that nothing we'll say is going to work.'' Protested ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Palliative Sedation And Terminal Weaning For Refractory... Palliative Sedation and Terminal Weaning for Refractory Symptoms Death is one of the most significant life events people experience. Most people want to die a peaceful death and desire the same outcome for their family and friends. Medical advancements have resulted in people living longer lives with chronic illnesses. Despite the advancements in medicine and the available treatments of today, sometimes the patient is still unable to escape intolerable suffering; the patient's quality of life diminishes. Symptoms that are unrelieved after all treatment options have been exhaustion are called refractory, or intractable, symptoms (Knight & Espinosa, 2010). When refractory symptoms are present, palliative sedation (PS) should be considered ... Show more content on ... Second, the patient needs to have refractory symptoms (Knight & Espinosa, 2010). A third requirement is a "Do Not Resuscitate" order (Knight & Espinosa, 2010). Lastly, the patient must be expected to die within the next few hours or days (Knight & Espinosa, 2010). Informed consent must be obtained either by the patient, or if the patient is unable to do so, a legal surrogate before palliative sedation is initiated (Knight & Espinosa, 2010). Knight and Espinosa recommended receiving a second opinion as to whether the patient is an appropriate candidate for palliative sedation. Terminal weaning is when mechanical ventilation is discontinued for a patient expected to die without its support (Knight & Espinosa, 2010). One of the most common methods of discontinuation is through slowly reducing the fraction of inspired oxygen (Knight & Espinosa, 2010). Terminal extubation is the removal of the endotracheal tube, and this can be done "during or after a terminal weaning process" (Knight & Espinosa, 2010, p. 527). Removal of life–supporting interventions is the cause of most deaths in critical care units (Knight & Espinosa, 2010). Knight and Espinosa (2010) discussed palliative sedation and terminal weaning in the same chapter because the two topics go together. Ethical Considerations & Nursing Several important ethical considerations exist surrounding the ideas and practices of palliative sedation and ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Essay On Prescription Drug Abuse Prescription drug abuse is the use of prescribed medications for reasons other than intended by a doctor or medical professional. Prescription drug abuse involves the misuse of any and all drugs to alter the physical or mental status of a person. The misuse of prescription drugs is described as taking excess amounts, more frequently, or for much longer than originally prescribed. Prescription drugs come in different forms and treat many different illnesses and diseases. Different drugs fall into different groups and can produce different highs when they are abused. Every drug falls into one of four groups. One of the four groups is opiods. Opiods are basically painkillers, they attach to tiny parts of your brain to relieve pain. Common examples of opiods are oxycodone, methadone, hydrocodone, and codeine. Because demand and use of painkillers is high it's easy to see why opiods are the most commonly abused class. Sedatives are another class of drugs. Commonly abused sedatives are phenobarbital, methaqualone, clonazepam, and alprazolam. Sedatives are usually used to treat symptoms of insomnia, anxiety, and panic disorders. When abused, sedatives offer a more relaxed, chilled type ... Show more content on ... The "Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America" are helping to combat prescription drug abuse by spreading awareness and knowledge of these drugs. The National Coalition Against Prescription Drug Abuse is another organization that's helping the fight. The NCAPD is a group of individuals that have focused all their attention towards the prevention and awareness of addiction and misuse of prescribed medications. They have many sponsors and host events to help their efforts."Narconon" is another organization that hopes to relieve the issue by directly helping users overcome their addiction. It's a rehabilitation center that offers help to anyone and spreads education about the dangers of ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Essay On Stimulants In College Seven out of 10 college students say it is pretty easy to get stimulants without a prescription, according to a new survey conducted on eight U.S. campuses. A majority (83 percent) received them from friends and most said they used the drug to help them study or improve their grades. Overall, one in four undergraduates reported that they used prescription pain medications, sedatives or stimulants for nonmedical reasons in their lifetimes, said Anne McDaniel, author of the study and associate director of research and data management at The Ohio State University's Center for the Study of Student Life. One in four undergraduates reported that they used prescription pain medications, sedatives or stimulants for nonmedical reasons in their lifetimes. ... Show more content on ... After stimulants, pain medications were the most misused prescription medications, which was used by 10 percent of undergraduates. About a third of students said it was easy to obtain pain medications too. About 9 percent of undergrads used sedatives, with 44 percent saying it was easy to find them on campus. "At one time, college students most commonly misused drugs to get high," Hale said. "But today, students also use medications to self–medicate, to manage their lives. They are using drugs to control pain, to go to sleep, to relieve anxiety and to study." 55 percent of students who misused pain medications said they did it to relieve pain, while 46 percent said they did it to get high. More than half who misused sedatives said their aim was to get to sleep, while 85 percent who misused stimulants wanted to improve grades or studying. Marijuana was the most common drug replacing prescription medications, used by half of undergrads who misused controlled drugs, followed by cocaine and hallucinogens at 19 percent. "Nearly two percent had used heroin, which is very concerning," Hale said. "There's been a lot of media attention given to the recent rise in heroin use and for good reason," he ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Zol-Pidem Tartrate Research Paper Zol–pidem is the generic name and the active ingredient of the drug called Ambien. Ambien (Zol– pidem Tartrate) is a GABA (gamma–amino–butyric acid) agonist affecting the benzodiazepine receptor site, it belongs to the class of imida–zo–pyridine and the drug dosage availability is in both 5 mg and 10 mg strength tablets (immediate and extended release tablet forms) that are favorable for the oral route of administration. It is also available in a sub–lingual form by the names of Edluar and Intermezzo and an oral spray form. According to Holm & Goa (2010), it was first introduced in the 1990's by the Searle Company. Chemical Composition: Ambien (Zol–pidem Tartrate) is chemically expressed as: N,N,6–trimethyl–2–p–tolylimidazo[1,2–a] pyridine–3–acetamide ... Show more content on ... 2. Uses of Ambien (Zol–pidem Tartrate): Zol–pidem has the capability to alter the chemicals that are released in the brain, and is used to balance these chemicals in patients who have trouble sleeping (insomnia) in adults or any other sleeping problems like waking up in the middle of the night frequently. It is used before bed. According to Holm & Goa (2010), the treatment lasts for 1–2 weeks and is considered as a short therapeutic treatment. It is also used as an anticonvulsant and muscle–relaxant to prevent seizures. The failure of Zol–pidem as a therapeutic agent in a patient indicates symptoms of mental illness. 3–Abuse Potential Ambien is considered a recreational drug that is mainly used in an illegal or abusive purpose to create enhanced sedative and euphoric effects because of its capability to cause the alteration of chemicals in the mind that are responsible for mood sensations and coordination. According to Wilkinson (2009), this was illegally used as the "Date Rape Drug" in order to have sexual contact with individuals when they are unconscious after taking a higher than normal dose. This drug is also used to create a high or cause hallucinations in an individual if they stay awake after the intake of medication. It has a high potential to be lethal and cause memory loss and poor co–ordination, usually when taken with other drugs or alcohol. It is illegal if also distributed among friends or used without ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Benefits And Treatment Of Dissociative Identity Disorder Diazepam Paired With Psychotherapy Dissociative Identity Disorder is a disorder that is hardly talked about, however has extreme effects on patients that suffer with it. However, this topic is important because it can lead to finding treatments that may be more effective for patients with DID. Past studies have shown that the main treatment for Dissociative Identity Disorder usually involves therapy. The most popular types of therapy are psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, and family therapy. Treatment for DID has a specific purpose which is to unite an individual with their personalities, and form a functional identity (Pais, 2009). Additionally, a strength of past studies is that they usually do a follow up on patients. Another strength is that the participants are usually all of different ages. One limitation is that there is never enough participants for research, another limitation is that there aren't many treatment options to try on patients. Furthermore, is diazepam useful when paired with psychotherapy? Moreover, my study will be unique because there has only been one case that tried lorazepam, which is a similar drug to diazepam, and it proved to be successful (Mushtaq, Shoib, Arif, Shah, Mushtaq, 2014). Also, my study will have more than one patient, to have more accurate results. Finally, diazepam and psychotherapy could be a good treatment for DID. Method Participants/Subjects It ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome Case Study 3. If the NP suspects the patient is abusing opiates and sedatives, which class of medication poses the greatest medical threat to the patient and why? Include two main symptoms related to the medical threat. (15pts) Answer: Mr. HR's current medications include, Lisinorpil 5 mg PO BID for hypertension and Klonopin 1mg, TID for anxiety. And he is requesting a refill of Oxycodone 15mg TID, prn for pain. Indeed, more information, such as, the reason why he is taking antianxiety agent, the duration of Benzodiazepine he has been taken and any drug to drug reaction he has been experiencing is needed in order to evaluate the possibility of substance abuse disorder and withdrawal syndrome. However, for the purpose of answering this question, if I ... Show more content on ... Discuss one treatment concern that the NP will have relative to the potential for dependence and/or withdrawal in the patient and why?(20pts) Answer: The physiologic effects of the opioids withdrawal syndrome include, arthralgias, diarrhea, myalgias, abdominal cramping, rhinorrhea, piloerection, lacrimation, insomnia, and yawning as well as temperature dysregulation. It is greatly suspected that Mr. HR was experiencing an opioid withdrawal syndrome due to his medical presentations, such as, rhinorrhea, muscle aches, mild sweating and increased lacrimation. There are two medication management when a provider suspects the patient is abusing opiates. First, methadone is one of the acute medication managements for the opioid withdrawal syndrome. It can be used in outpatient and inpatient setting. The initiate dose is 20 to 30 mg, then increased to 40 to 60 mg if the patient still shows signs of withdrawal. Besides methadone, clonidine is another regimen and can be used in an outpatient basis. The initial dose is 0.1mg PO TID, and the maximum dose is 0.4 mg, PO, TID. If the patient's systolic blood pressure below 90 mmHg, then clonidine is held. Both medications should slowly tapered, if the patient's withdrawal symptoms are suppressed. (McCarron, M., Xiong, L., & Bourgeois, A., ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Essay on The Fifth Child The Fifth Child The word "monster" has many definitions. Some define it as a creature having a frightening or strange appearance. It is also defined as one that inspires horror or disgust. Ben certainly fits into all of these categories. He was different right from pregnancy. He looks extremely frightening, almost like a Neanderthal. Ben is an outcast even in an institution for "nature's mistakes." From the moment Harriet became pregnant it was apparent to her that something was obviously wrong. She loved having children and had planned on a total of eight or perhaps even ten. However, something was different this time. Early in the pregnancy, she began feeling ill. She had been keeping ... Show more content on ... 48) Ben was eleven pounds at birth. None of the other children were more than seven. He was heavy–shouldered and hunched over. His forehead sloped from his eyebrows to his crown. Even his hair pattern was erratic. His hands were thick and heavy and contained pads of muscle. His piercing eyes were greeny–yellow in nature and focused on Harriet from the moment he was born. "He's like a troll, or a goblin or something." said Harriet. (p. 49) Ben actually resembled a Neanderthal! Although Harriet was apprehensive, David, as well as the entire family, decided it was best if they put Ben into an institution. A small black van came one morning to take Ben away. This institution was not a place that prepared children to become part of society. It was a horrific place that kept all their patients completely drugged and starved them until they eventually died. There were all types of "mistakes" here. Numerous cots engrossed the hallways containing children whose appearances were hideous at best. One child lacked the back of his skull, exposing his brain. Another was literally split in two. Amongst these terrible tragedies, Ben still managed to stick out. He was so incredibly strong that he warranted his own room, more sedatives than any other child had ever received, and had to remain in a strait jacket 24 hours a day. "He's so strong–I've never seen anything like it." Said the girl at the institution. (p. 83) As you can see, Ben is no ordinary ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Herbal Supplements Essay Herbal Supplements and Drugs Interactions KimHang Phan Molloy College Herbal Supplements and Drugs Interactions The clear definition of an herbal supplement is defined by The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) as a product not a drug. The product contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbs, and dietary constituents for use to supplement the diet ("Using Dietary Supplements Wisely," 2014). Like medications, dietary supplements exert both negative and positive effects to the body. Supplements may improve health but they also produce the potential harmful if interacting with certain drugs. For this reason, dietary supplements are regulated by FDA to ensure both safety and effectiveness ... Show more content on ... The 2007 NHIS also found the following: American Indian or Alaska Native adults (50.3%) and white adults (43.1%) were more likely to use CAM than Asian adults (39.9%) or black adults (25.5%). Children whose parent used CAM were almost five times as likely (23.9%) (Barnes et al., 2008, p.1). Because natural products or herbal remedies become prevalent usage among adults in America, it is very important to acknowledge if an herbal product is safe or useful for certain health conditions and its potential interaction with other drugs causing toxicity. For example, evening primrose oil may interact with anticoagulants and antiplatelet medications ("VP–PRECIP", 2014). Bayles (2009) stated that "the seeds of the evening primrose are rich in omega–6 essential fatty acids (EFAs), including linoleic acid and gamma–linolenic acid (GLA)" (p.1405). Omega–6 EFAs and GLA contain some properties, which help to reduce inflammatory. Evening primrose oil (Oenothera biennis) is a native North American plant. Evening primrose oil (EPO) is commonly use in breast pain, premenstrual symptoms (PMS), menopausal, cancer, asthma, diabetes, and other chronic inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and eczema (Bayles, 2009). EPO is well tolerated by most individuals. Some people reported a mild stomach upset, abdominal pain, nausea. EPO should not ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. The Infusion Of Midazolam And Propofol In this review, the infusion of midazolam and propofol appear to provide similar sedation and recovery time is shorter in subject when sedated with propofol . When propofol combine with midazolam it gives synergistic effect which occurs when both drugs are given for i.v. sedation is caused by an increase in the free plasma concentration of one of the drug. In evidence 1, eight healthy volunteers were selected to obtain propofol concentration in the absence and presence of midazolam and vice versa. Volunteers received the drug in two sessions (A and B). In session A, volunteers received a propofol i.v.bolus dose of 1 mg/kg in 1 min which was followed by an infusion of 2.5–1.h–1 (= 41.7 μg kg–1.min–1) for 59 min. On the other hand, in session B the volunteers received the same propofol infusion plan as during session A, but now (TCI) directly target midazolam concentration (CT) of 125 ng/ml that was started 15 min the propofol administration. After the blood sample and assays, and statistical analysis, it result that in the presence of a mean midazolam concentration of 224.8 ± 41.6 ng/ml, the propofol concentrations were on average 25.1 ± 13.3 % which is higher as compared to when propofol was given as alone. In evidence 2, BIS value is been checked in volunteer receiving combination of midazolam and propofol, which result in subject remained receptive during the whole study. Introduction Anesthesia make clear way to a wide variety of surgical techniques. Generally ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Special Care Case Study On Sunday, January 10, 2016 at approximately 2135 hours, FHEO Security Officers were dispatched to the Special Care Unit (SCU) room E.D. #38 for a Disorderly Baker Act patient attempting to leave. Security Officer Omar Alonso along with Officer Thomas Mejia and Supervisor Steven Evans, arrived at 2136 hours and met with Nurse Kristen Strauch who was standing next to the patient. The patient, Tyler Hull (DOB: 01/07/1987; FIN# 85068604) was in a state of anxiety and stating that he could no longer take being coped up in a room and he needed to leave. Security staff explained to the patient what the Baker Act Law meant and why he was not allowed to leave until he had been medically cleared and seen by a Psychotherapist. Mr. Hull was not happy ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Creative Writing: Nova's Rebellion "Ah, so you're part of the rebellion." He concluded, taking a bite of the strawberry cake. He had brought her to a table in the back of his shop and offered her a piece of cake, which she denied politely. "The rebellion? What rebellion?" "Wait, so you're not?" "What are you talking about?" "The rebellion. I guess it makes sense you haven't heard about them yet. The government has been trying to shut them down for a while. They claim that the government is hiding secrets that the public deserves to know. Apparently, they go undercover, 'saving' people from the government. I thought that since you refused a sedative and ran away from a government supported clinic, that you were part of it." He explained. "How do you know so much about ... Show more content on ... "I can call someone from the rebellion to come pick you up, if you want." Nova nodded. The man walked to a room in the back, leaving Nova alone with her thoughts. "I see you've met Harris," Ned, the rider from the rebellion, said. "Yeah," Nova replied. When Harris, the shopkeeper, said her ride was here, she didn't expect him to lead her underground and see an extremely old version of the latest bicycle, waiting for her along with a young boy. As she got on the bicycle, Harris gave her a bag of supplies and a communicating watch, just in case she needed to contact him or anyone in an emergency. "So what made you decide to join the rebellion?" Ned asked. "I was almost tricked into taking a sedative. And I didn't really have another choice." "Yeah, a lot of people in the rebellion are almost tricked into taking a sedative." Nova nodded and watched the dirt walls of the dimly lit tunnels go by as they rode their bikes. "So, what is it like in the rebellion?" Nova asked. "It's actually not as exciting as it sounds. We basically live in abandoned parts of the big cities and just live our lives as peacefully as we can without the government. Some of us go undercover, saving people from the ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Why Dog Sedative Is Useful? How dog sedative is useful? Description: dog sedative is needed for making the dogs more lively and energetic. The dogs will be kept away from varied nerve–related troubles that are very much dangerous for physical and psychological health. Dog stress, anxiety, phobia and fear can be well–treated by means of using dog sedative. If your dog is not free from all these mental troubles, then it will not be able to enjoy the social life well. Sometimes, treating these troubles can be considered as one of the most important parts of dog grooming. If you want to make your dog more interactive and lively, then you have t use these sedatives but only the prescribed ones will cater necessary benefits. There are many dog psychologists who often recommend these sedatives to pet dogs suffering from any of these psychological disorders. First, the dogs are thoroughly accessed and then only these sedatives are being prescribed. Some of these sedatives are quite powerful as a result of which your dogs might feel a bit dizzy all the time. Though dg sedatives can be collected as OTC but you should not do the same in case your dog has got any physical allergies. Why sedatives are prescribed to pet dogs? Dog sedative is often prescribed to pet dogs so that they can be calmed by means of reducing acute nervousness. These sedatives can help the dogs to get complete freedom from all kinds of psychological disorders that are coming in the way of their interaction with humans. There are ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Nitrous Oxide: Dental Anxiety What is Nitrous Oxide? Nitrous oxide sedation is a popular option for patients with dental anxiety. Dr. Das, Dr. Darcey, or Dr. Pham may recommend nitrous oxide if you have mild to moderate dental anxiety. Nitrous oxide is one of the safest sedation methods for both children and adults. Nitrous oxide is also referred to as laughing gas and is known for the ability to be able to calm your central nervous system. It enables patients to have any type of dental treatment in comfort or without fear. You will inhale the gas through a small rubber mask placed over your nose. The mask is attached to a hose and a device that adjusts the amount of nitrogen and oxygen you inhale. Immediately after inhalation (within five minutes), you will feel the effects ... Show more content on ... Once your procedure is finished, you will be back to normal in just a few minutes. You will be able to drive yourself home after the procedure without any worry of aftereffects. How Nitrous Oxide Can Help You Nitrous oxide is a safe way to relax during a dental procedure. It makes you feel comfortable while remaining fully awake and conscious. It can reduce discomfort caused by the injection of local anesthetic. Your dentist can also adjust the level of sedation as needed. Almost all healthy patients can have nitrous oxide sedation. If you have asthma, bronchitis, or other lung disorders, your dentist and your GP can help determine if nitrous oxide is right for you. Oral Sedation Oral sedatives are pills taken by mouth or dissolved under the tongue about an hour before the procedure. Most patients feel sleepiness and heaviness in their limbs after taking the medication. You are conscious throughout the procedure, however. If you do fall asleep, Dr. Das can easily wake you. Oral sedation is a popular option for patients who hate needles. IV ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. The Importance Of Persuasive Essay On Human Life When a person's pet gets sick or injured to the point of them dying, most often the owner will end its suffering by putting it down. Either the owner will take the matter into his/her hands and personally kill the animal, or the person will take it to the vet and have the vet put the animal to sleep. Who is to say that an animal should have the right to a peaceful, legal death but humans cannot? Why is it that a vet has the right to "murder" an animal, but a licensed doctor doesn't have the right to do their jobs? Doctors try their best to help their patients and if the only way to help a person is by letting him/her end his or her life, then it should be the patient's right to do so (Vermont). Some say that this law should not be changed because it might pressure the patients into wanting to take their lives, but this is false. If someone was in so much pain that he wanted to take his life, then he would end the suffering regardless if he is prescribed a pill or not. Suicide is not illegal, but knowing about someone planning to commit suicide is. This leads to all of these sick people committing suicide and not have the chance to give a proper good–bye to their loved ones. By having this law in place, families of these patients never get a proper closure (Vermont). The decision to end one's life is completely up to that person, and the same goes for when someone decides to take part in assisted suicide. There are several states that have legalized assisted suicide in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Delirium Prevention Strategies According to several surveys conducted in the western countries, delirium still is not an extensively focused problem in the ICU settings(13, 97, 98). So, an appropriate ICU staff education is one of the mainstays in developing an efficient preventive and therapeutic plan against ICU delirium(99). For this purpose, ICU nurses and clinicians should have a completecomprehension of delirium and be aware of its importance as a significantcomorbidity that should be immediately intervened. Generally, the risk factors for delirium affecting individual ICU patients are different from patient to patient and therefore an individualized delirium prevention strategy is an ideal approach. Nevertheless, three risk factors in particular, including sedatives, ... Show more content on ... So it seems that due to this heterogeneity in reports, further studies are still needed to draw a solid conclusion. If all these preventive strategies failed, prompt interventions to correct the condition and treat delirium should be initiated. In such cases, pharmacological treatments are often necessary. Haloperidol,a typical antipsychotic, is the most commonly used empiric agent in this regard, but the staff need to be very vigilant upon potential, significant side–effects of this medication, including extrapyramidal symptoms, torsades de points, prolongation of the Q–T interval, and neuroleptic malignant syndrome(12). Although the exact mechanism of action of this medication in treating delirium is unknown, it is thought that haloperidol acts through antagonizing brain dopamine–2 receptor and reducing dopaminergic activity at the cerebral synapses and basal ganglia(97, 109, 110). Initially, 2mg of the medication is administered intravenously. It could be repeated every 15– 20 min, doubling the dose each time until agitation is resolved. After stabilizing the patient, the leasteffective dose should be used every 4–6h as the maintenance (11). Olanzapine (2.5–5 mg orally per day) and other atypical antipsychotics such asziprasidone (40 mg orally every 6–12h) and quetiapine (50 mg orally every 12h)have also been used in treating ICU delirium(11, 111–113). However, there is still controversy in this regard, because these drugs may increase death risk(111, ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Successful Completion Of The Procedure ISSN: 1812–1217 Al – Rafidain Dent J Vol. 12, No2, 2012 322 successful completion of the procedure and potentially minimize risk to the patient. There are a variety of sedatives available. Most of the standard and most popular sedatives have been in existence for almost 100 years. (4) The pediatric dental literature contains numerous reports on various medications (e.g., nitrous oxide, opioids, benzodiazepines, chloral hydrate, barbiturates and antihistamines) which have been administrated alone or in combination. (5 – 9) Diazepam has been used to manage an uncooperative child in a dental setting. It is a water insoluble benzodiazepine and requires the organic solvent propylene glycol to dissolve it. Propylene glycol is most likely responsible for renoirritation and thrombophebitis that may occur during injection. Diazepam undergoes metabolism to active desmethyl diazepam and oxazepam that can produce sedation 6 – 8 hours after its initial administration (10). Diazepam is sedative – hypnotic agent and act in the brain on specific receptors enhancing GABAergic transmission. Flumazenil can be used to reverse the sedative action of diazepam but repeated doses are needed (11). Diazepam is very popular sedating agents due to its wide margin of safety and it has wide therapeutic index. It has many pharmacological effects which include: sedation, hypnosis, anesthesia, anticonvulsant effects, muscle relaxation and effects on respiration and cardiovascular function. It is indicated ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Seclusion And Restraint Analysis In the psychiatric world the use of sedatives, seclusion, and restraints may be helpful in the moment, but later can have some harmful outcomes that affect the psychological, emotional, and physical well being of the patient. Sedatives are drugs that slow down the physical and mental characteristics of one's body. Many times sedatives are referred to as tranquilizers. Sedatives are only available by prescription and many times are used for medical reasons. Sedatives have been known to be used to help treat pain, anxiety, panic attacks, and insomnia. The drugs work by intensifying the amount of neurotransmitter–gamma–aminobutyric acid (GABA). The neurotransmitters help to control the rate at which nerve impulses travel. Sedatives have also been ... Show more content on ... Restraints refer to the use of belts and handcuffs, this is known as mechanical restraints. Then there are restraints known as manual restraints which is when staff physically holds the patients down themselves. Seclusion and restraints are only to be used if a person threatens to be violent or is being violent. The problem with this is threatening to be violent is very vague. There is no real definition and because of this it's a very controversial concept. Seclusion and restraint are also supposed to be a last resort to trying to get the patient under control while maintaining their safety and the others around them. The seclusion/restraint process is to protect patients from unnecessary trauma. Once in seclusion the patient should be checked on frequently. In order to suspend the seclusion/restraint the patient has to demonstrate significant behavioural change. However seclusion or restraints should only be used for a short amount of time. Patients often see seclusion and restraints as a punishment which provokes negative emotions. This not healthy for the patient. In the end run the goal may be to prevent trauma but it still ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Epidural Anesthesia Essay Anesthesia is an essential pre–operative intervention that helps to reduce the perception of pain during surgical or other clinical interventions (Fitz–Henry, 2011). Effective anesthesia is essential for better surgical outcomes. Different types of anesthesia are administered in clinical settings (Fitz– Henry, 2011). The type of anesthesia depends upon the clinical or surgical procedure to be performed. General anesthesia is required during major surgical interventions. On the other hand, local or subdural anesthesia is extended during minor surgical interventions (Fitz–Henry, 2011). Epidural anesthesia is also implemented in situations, where general anesthesia may be contraindicated or harmful to the concerned patient (Fitz–Henry, 2011). Sedatives are often used as adjuncts to anesthesia, for ensuring mental relaxation in the concerned individual (Fitz–Henry, ... Show more content on ... The article also provided relevant information on the precautionary measures to be practiced before and after surgical interventions. The brochure could have provided insights regarding the types of anesthesia, based on different clinical or surgical procedures. The topic was interesting because surgical interventions are important clinical procedures, which are associated with a fair degree of risk. The information was quite clear, but it could have been elaborated. However, the brochure was aligned with the current nursing and healthcare related research. Especially, the brochure endorsed the need of sedatives in anesthetic procedures. This article is pertinent to individuals who are awaiting surgical interventions. The present article would increase the awareness of patients on contraindications and drug interactions with anesthetics/sedatives. It will also make patients aware of the risk of anesthesia. Combining these features, it could be concluded that the article will increase the safety of ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Why Is Nutmeg Important In addition, it is necessary for many enzymes that function as antioxidants and regulating metabolism. Also, it activates and other enzymes that favor the generation and regeneration of muscle and bone, and cartilage. The combination of magnesium and iron in this spice will help you primarily to relax muscles, especially if you are a sports active. Daily use helps the cardiovascular system, keeps the heart and strengthens his muscle and regulates blood pressure, which is another very important item when it comes to medicinal properties of nutmeg. People with weakened immune systems are especially encouraged to use nutmeg, as it will strengthen the defense system of your body, thereby giving blood the ability to cope with a variety of bacteria ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Alcohol's Sedative Analysis According Roehrs and his colleagues of their research, "alcohol's sedative and performance– disruptive effects can be attenuated by enhancing the basal level of alertness after alcohol consumption" (Roehrs). It means that after drinking we would experience sleepiness that makes an individual dangerous to drive. Alcohol affects has the same severity to some neurotransmitter systems and sedative drugs do (Roehrs). "For example, alcohol facilitates GABA–mediated inhibition (acts as GABA agonist) and reduces the release of acetylcholine (acts as acetylcholine antagonist). Consequently, alcohol could mimic the effects of other sedative drugs" (Roehrs). Alcohol affects serotonin and glutamate; these two transmitters regulate sleep and wakefulness. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is in charge of of sleep. Glutamate is in charge of wakefulness. When alcohol have sedative effects, would make it hard for a person to stay awake which is why law prohibits us to drink and drive, because when we cannot stay focus driving under influence, it is not safe for the driver and everyone else on the road (Roehrs). Alcohol effects human brain, but it can harm the fetus even more. ... Show more content on ... It could have serious effects to the fetus' development of the body and the brain that lead to a series of physical, cognitive, and behavioral effects. These effects could have negative impact to the fetus development such as heart, blood vessels, bones muscles and the cellular and molecular structures. The most serious consequence to the fetus is a series of symptoms cause by pregnancy alcohol consumption is fetal alcohol syndrome, also known as FAS (Chen). "The criteria for diagnosing FAS include facial dysmorphology, growth retardation, and central nervous system (CNS) dysfunction" ... Get more on ...