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                                      
                                       
                                  
                                             With support from the   KATHERINE FULTON
                                  W.K. KELLOGG FOUNDATION and the    GABRIEL KASPER
                                 ROBERT WOOD JOHNSON FOUNDATION      BARBARA KIBBE
                                                                     July 2010
In 2000, we launched a multi-year project on the future of philanthropy, supported
by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. The
body of work was published in 2005 and is collected at
It documented how long-term trends are combining to create a new reality for every
gift and every giver, and presented a vision for how philanthropy might better fulfill
its potential.
In the years since, we at Monitor worked on our own and with others to create
additional portraits of the future of philanthropy and social investing: the new
demands on community foundations; the promise of impact investing; the power
of social innovation; and the transformative potential of shifting to a technologically
enabled, networked mindset. And we have had the privilege of working with some
of the most ambitious and innovative philanthropists in the world as they try to
blend existing best practices with emerging next practices.
Along the way, we’ve learned a lot. But we’ve also felt a growing need to step back
and try to separate the signal from the noise created by the changes in the field and
in the world. So we launched a project with the support of the W.K. Kellogg and
Robert Wood Johnson foundations to look at what the next decade could hold. We
conducted interviews, read widely, did desk research—the usual components of a
study. We convened more than 75 of the most thoughtful philanthropic leaders,
practitioners, and experts we could find for a generative, day-long workshop
focused on prototyping innovations in philanthropic practice. And we reflected on
what we’ve learned from our experiences and countless other sources.
The essay that follows aims to update and advance our earlier work. Our purpose is
to re-assess and re-imagine not only what is possible but also what will be necessary
in the years ahead. Since most of our work so far has been in the United States, the
piece is U.S.-centric, even as our own view and that of many funders we work with
has become more global. In the pages that follow, we:
     ! Explain why so many innovators are challenging the status quo—and what
       change could look like in the next decade
     ! Examine why it’s so hard to change philanthropy
     ! Describe and give examples of the 10 “next practices” that are emerging
       despite the barriers to change, as funders attempt to act bigger and adapt
     ! Illustrate how funders can combine the next practices to achieve their goals
       through coordinated, diverse, open, and adaptive strategies
     ! Discuss the shifts in data, tools, incentives, and leadership that can
       accelerate progress toward the vision we lay out
     ! Conclude with a reflection about the spirit and the wisdom we hope will
       animate efforts to increase philanthropy’s impact in the years ahead
Our motivation is simple: we want to know how to cultivate change more effectively
in a world that sorely needs it. Our audience is you: philanthropic and civic leaders
who share this desire and are determined to fulfill it.


Philanthropy today takes place in a context that is
radically di erent from the environment in which
many of its current practices and behaviors were
An intimidating range of forces—globalization, shifting sectoral roles,
economic crisis, and ubiquitous connective technologies, to name just a
few—are changing both what philanthropy is called upon to do and how
donors and foundations will accomplish their work in the future:
! Collectively, we face a growing sense of need, even crisis, on many
  fronts. And many of the challenges—climate change, education reform,
  pandemics, entrenched poverty, food security, and much more—don’t               1
  adhere to political, geographic, disciplinary, or sectoral boundaries.
  These are often what design theorist Horst Rittel called “wicked
  problems”—complicated, continuously shifting issues where neither the
  problem nor the solution may be clear or stable.
! We will try to address these challenges wisely and effectively in a political
  and economic context likely to remain turbulent and difficult to navigate,
  with government resources constrained, nonprofits struggling under the
  weight of growing need, and businesses wrestling with relentless global
  competitive pressures.
! Fortunately, we can engage people in new ways, across boundaries of all
  kinds, and with unprecedented immediacy. Web 2.0 technologies make it
  easier than ever for people to access information on demand and to reach
  out to a previously untapped range of perspectives and expertise.
! But these new technologies create new pressures as well. Leaders face
  increased expectations for transparency, immediacy, and rapid decision-
  making, even as solutions to complex challenges require the will to sustain
  effort across many years, if not decades.
Simply stated, philanthropists operate today in a stressful, rapidly evolving,
networked, and interdependent world.

Yet many of philanthropy’s core practices and principles remain essentially
                                unchanged from the way they were done a hundred years ago, when Andrew
                                Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller first created the foundation form. As
                                we and other observers have been noting for some time, the world around
                                philanthropy is changing much, much faster than philanthropy itself.
                                This is not to say that philanthropy hasn’t responded to the shifting
                                landscape. To the contrary. As the relevance and role of philanthropy has
                                become a more urgent question over the past decade, newer actors and
                                older institutions alike have been striving to be more strategic in a variety of
                                ways. Long before the pain of the recent economic downturn, many funders
                                were pushing to improve by clarifying goals; building theories; examining
                                data; and, increasingly, consulting more often with their partners and
                                beneficiaries. The bar for acceptable performance has likely been raised
                                permanently, along with the rigor with which it is measured.
                                The most highly publicized actions in recent years have been taken by
                    Many of     new leaders who have distanced themselves from the past while launching
         philanthropy’s core    experiments of many kinds, including venture philanthropy, online giving
    practices and principles    platforms, competitions, market-based approaches, and a determined focus
          remain essentially    on narrower objectives.
       unchanged from the       Ultimately, some of these efforts to improve will turn out to be no
2       way they were done      more effective than past approaches. Some will result in unintended
       a hundred years ago.
                                consequences. And some will result in lasting changes that make a real
          The world around
             philanthropy is    difference. It’s still too early to know.
            changing much,      What is already clear though is that the last decade’s changes will not be
           much faster than     su cient. Too little progress has been made, while the problems we face
         philanthropy itself.   continue to grow. Time is running out on too many issues, and too many
                                lives. In short, simply tweaking the status quo is not an option.
                                Surely part of the problem is that methods developed for addressing simpler,
                                “tame” problems in a slower-moving time are—we’re afraid—inadequate
                                today and likely archaic for the tomorrow we will confront. The new context
                                requires that funders adjust to the ways in which their actions are connected
                                to others’ actions, in a dynamic interplay with external events, in order to
                                have a greater impact, faster.
                                Whereas the cutting edge of philanthropic innovation over the last decade
                                was mostly about improving organizational e ectiveness, e ciency, and
                                responsiveness, we believe that the work of the next 10 years will have to build
                                on those e orts to include an additional focus on coordination and adaptation:

                                ! COORDINATION—because given the scale and social complexity of the
                                  challenges they face, funders will increasingly look to other actors, both
                                  in philanthropy and across sectors, to activate sufficient resources to

make sustainable progress on issues of shared concern. No private funder
   alone, not even Bill Gates, has the resources and reach required to move
   the needle on our most pressing and intractable problems.
! ADAPTATION—because given the pace of change today, funders will need
  to get smarter more quickly, incorporating the best available data and
  knowledge about what is working and regularly adjusting what they do to
  add value amidst the dynamic circumstances we all face.
In other words, the most successful funders in the future will do more than                 The most
operate as effective, independent institutions. They will ACT BIGGER and         successful funders
ADAPT BETTER.                                                                   in the future will do
                                                                                 more than operate
This is not to say that the work of building effective organizations is
                                                                                         as effective,
finished. Far from it. The capacity-building movement that has gained so                 independent
much traction over the past 20 years is a key building block of any better        institutions. They
future for social change. The work to improve performance—to execute              will act bigger and
with excellence—is a difficult and important endeavor. But just focusing on              adapt better.
current best practice won’t be enough. The definition of great execution
is evolving to marry existing best practices with emerging “next practices”—
principles and behaviors that are particularly well suited to the dynamic
context for public problem solving.
The good news is that the very same global trends and forces that are                                    3
pressuring funders to change are also opening up new opportunities for
doing so. Today’s most ambitious philanthropies are already beginning to
pioneer the next practices of tomorrow. The ClimateWorks Foundation has
helped more than 10 funders and scores of other actors work in concert as
part of a $1 billion coordinated global campaign to fight climate change.
The Edna McConnell Clark Foundation rallied more than 20 other funders
into a syndicate to support three particularly effective nonprofits and take
their work to scale. And the Wallace Foundation is systematically testing and
evaluating innovative educational and cultural programs around the United
States, methodically sharing the results to broadly spread knowledge about
effective approaches—with more than 200,000 report downloads a year.
But there is bad news as well. The barriers to change are maddeningly


                          Let’s face it, philanthropy has its own unique set of
                          learning disabilities that get in the way of change,
                          no less vexing for the fact that they are familiar to
                          anyone who has ever tried to break free of them:
                          ! INDEPENDENCE AND CONTROL. Because the field is both voluntary and
                            independent by nature—unconstrained by the need to please political
                            constituencies or maintain shareholder value—there is no system or
                            pressure that forces any one actor to respond to another, to learn, or to
            Individual      change course. Individual philanthropists and institutions can act without
      philanthropists       much reference to the success or failure of their efforts or to what others
     and institutions       do. And they can shift priorities at any time, for any reason, from donor
     can act without        fatigue to a change in organizational leadership. This independence gives
     much reference         donors and philanthropies a degree of control that isn’t present in other
    to the success or       industries. People like control, especially when we feel that so much is out
       failure of their     of our control these days. But control also produces power imbalances
          efforts or to     that often disrupt the development of healthy, productive relationships
     what others do.
                            between funders and their partners.
        And they can
4      shift priorities   ! INSULARITY AND INWARD FOCUS. In many cases, whether a grant or gift is
      at any time, for      “effective” may matter less than the values it represents to the donor, the
    any reason, from        personal commitments it reflects, or the web of relationships it helps to
        donor fatigue       maintain. As scholar Peter Frumkin observed, “At its core, [philanthropy]
       to a change in       is about expressing values, not outcomes. Philanthropy is a vehicle of
                            speech.” This aspect of philanthropy is of course integral to its voluntary
                            nature. But it can lead funders and their institutions to be excessively
                            inward-focused, concentrating on pleasing a donor or board rather than
                            on the real-world impact of the organization and its work. Even where
                            there is impetus to change, philanthropy lacks adequate honest feedback
                            loops that promote meaningful learning.
                          ! CAUTION AND RISK AVERSION. Philanthropy is seen by some as the “R&D”
                            wing of the government—one of society’s only truly flexible sources of
                            capital for social benefit. In fact, few other actors are better positioned to
                            take risks and try new things that might yield outsized and transformative
                            rewards. Yet most funders fail to do so, for a variety of reasons. Because
                            they understandably want the gratification of knowing they made a
                            difference, or are concerned not to waste precious dollars, they focus on
                            short-term, measurable results. Because they aren’t sure what will make
                            the most difference, they spread their resources across many small grants,
                            consistently underestimating how much money and how much time it
                            will take to accomplish a goal. Because everyone loves a winner, they fear

failure and protect their institutional and personal brands. What’s more,
  short attention spans and the realities of organizational life also conspire
  to make it difficult to place big bets and stick with them.
! TIME AND INERTIA. At the same time, donors and funders face their own
  capacity limits—a sometimes overwhelming feeling that there is too little
  time, too much information, and too many demands on too few people.
  Most living donors have “day jobs” that put constraints on their time.
  And there are far fewer professionals in philanthropy than one might
  imagine. In 2009, the Foundation Center reported 19,672 staff positions
  in U.S. foundations—a handful fewer than the number of people working
  in a single innovative company, Google. For both donors and giving
  professionals, a surprising amount of time is focused on the mechanics
  of transactions—just writing checks and getting money out the door.
  Given that learning is optional in philanthropy, there is little incentive to
  overcome these capacity limitations. And it is far easier to decry the lack of
  time than to set true priorities for its use.
                                                                                         The players in
! COMPETITION AND CREDIT. Although financial competition is not a                   various networked
  significant factor in philanthropy, funders still compete with one another     markets appear to be
  for ideas, reputation, and recognition. Many strive to find and occupy a      prisoners of their own
  unique niche, much as businesses look for the gaps in the marketplace to         individualism. The
  fill. In one sense, this is understandable; the philanthropy embodies the         problem is that the
                                                                                  decisions that make          5
  efforts and legacy of the donors/founders, and there are many gaps that
                                                                               sense at the individual
  need to be filled. But in striving for credit or building a brand, funders
                                                                              or institutional level are
  can actually get in the way of advancing their larger goals. Everyone wants not necessarily the best
  to lead—attracting support to their cause—but far too few are willing to    choices when viewed in
  follow. The actions that most motivate the individual or institution may              the aggregate.
  not be the ones that will actually have the most impact.
                                                                                         BHASKAR CHAKROVORTI

These factors combine today to create an environment that virtually ensures
that philanthropy will not produce solutions that keep up with the dynamic
realities of the world around it. In fact, much of what makes philanthropy
such a powerful voluntary vehicle for social change also stands in the way of
greater e ectiveness.

The specifics may be unique to philanthropy, but the pattern is common
wherever interdependence exists. As innovation theorist Bhaskar
Chakrovorti explains in The Slow Pace of Fast Change, “The players in various
networked markets appear to be prisoners of their own individualism.
The problem is that the decisions that make sense at the individual or
institutional level are not necessarily the best choices when viewed in
the aggregate.”
The result in philanthropy is a system with no natural mechanism for
coordinating effort, for learning, for sharing knowledge about what does

                                      Change is experienced one life at a          When we use the words “philanthropy”
                                      time. That’s why so much of giving           and “funder,” we intentionally mean
                                      throughout history has focused               actors of all sizes and types. We
                                      on helping individuals, whether by           definitely do not mean just staffed
                                      decreasing their suffering or increasing     foundations (though it is easier to cite
                                      their opportunity. Such charity is           evidence from these institutions, since
                                      important, not just for the recipient        it’s more routinely documented). Many
                                      but also for the giver, and nothing in       individual donors are just as strategic—
                                      this essay is meant to demean this           as thoughtful, intentional, and creative—
          Change is experienced       generosity. “Giving with the heart” is an    as the most established philanthropic
                                      essential part of healthy communities        institutions. And there are many new
           one life at a time. But    across the globe.                            forms of community giving. One of
               much of the most                                                    the past decade’s major innovations
                                      Of course, change is also driven by
       ambitious philanthropy in      larger forces. That’s why the most           is that individual givers can now join
     the past century has aimed       ambitious philanthropy, particularly         together in new collectives, or use new
    to create systemic shifts that    in the past century, has aimed to            technological platforms, to take actions
      can affect thousands if not     created systemic shifts that can affect      that only large institutions could have
                                                                                   attempted in the past. Still, the major
                 millions of lives.   thousands if not millions of lives. Think
                                                                                   institutions of what has long been called
                                      public health—inventing a new vaccine,
                                      or eradicating a disease—rather than         “organized philanthropy” continue to
                                      paying for health care for one individual.   have outsized influence. Whether they
                                      These larger forces and systemic shifts      will continue to, or slide into growing
6                                     are our subject here—“giving with the        irrelevance, is one of our subjects.
                                      head,” if you will.

                          and doesn’t work, or for adapting to shifting circumstances. Isolated
                          successes are seldom replicated, and new innovations replace old ones
                          before they have time to prove themselves, with the unfortunate byproduct
                          that funders and their grantees are doomed to repeat the same mistakes
                          again and again.
                          That’s the playing field, and no amount of critique alone will change it. As
                          we have argued before, positive change in a voluntary field will take hold only
                          when it can be embraced as an aspiration of the healthy, not when it must be
                          accepted like a cure for the sick.

                          Happily, we believe that philanthropy, and the world around it, has now
                          changed enough to bring the two elusive aspirations we mentioned earlier—
                          acting bigger and adapting better—within our reach in the next decade.
                          These ambitions are by no means new; innovative funders have been
                          working in coordinated, responsive ways for years. But the behaviors show
                          new promise today as emerging tools and approaches catch up with the
                          aspirations of funders in the new context.


In the sections that follow, we explore what it will mean for funders to act bigger
and adapt better over the next decade as they shift their behavior to match the
emerging landscape of public problem solving.
We take up the two ideas in turn, to highlight 10 emerging next practices—five ways of acting bigger
and five approaches to adapting better—that we believe are likely to become the widely-accepted best
practices of tomorrow. The diagram below illustrates how these next practices can begin to shift how
funders influence, and are influenced by, the world around them.

                                             YOU /
                                  ct b
                                      y   YOUR ORGANIZATION                  wh
                           pa                                                  ic h



                                                                                       pe s

                                                                       TAKE SMART RISKS10
                                                                       SHARE BY DEFAULT 9              7
        1    UNDERSTAND THE CONTEXT                              OPEN UP TO NEW INPUTS 8
        2    PICK THE RIGHT TOOL(S) FOR THE JOB                  KEEP PACE WITH CHANGE 7
        3    ALIGN INDEPENDENT ACTION                               KNOW WHAT WORKS 6
        4    ACTIVATE NETWORKS                                      (AND WHAT DOESN’T)
        5    LEVERAGE OTHERS’ RESOURCES                             ADAPTING BETTER





                             es                                                      re
                                                                              ic h
                                            OUTSIDE WORLD
For each of these next practices we highlight a few examples of what funders are already doing that
may provide a glimpse of what it will look like to work differently in the decade ahead. Think of
them as “precursors” of future practice, to use the language of our Monitor colleague Larry Keeley,
a leading innovation expert who has influenced our thinking about how to change philanthropy. We
believe practices such as these could easily become widespread in the coming years.


          The landscape of private actors working for public
          good expanded quickly over the past decade,
          despite two financial downturns.
          The number of foundations in the United States alone rose from 56,000
          in 2000 to more than 75,000 in 2008, and the number of nonprofits
          ballooned from just over 800,000 to almost 1.2 million. Between 2007
          and 2008, more than eight new U.S. foundations (and more than 160 new
          nonprofits) were created every day.
          This growth, of course, is also global. And it’s diverse. There are now more
          individual donors, more foundations, more community foundations,
          more donor advised funds, more giving circles, more socially responsible
          businesses, and a new cadre of “impact investors” working for social change
          in every region on the planet.
          Good intentions fueled this growth, but along with them came the inevitable
          consequence of increased fragmentation. The experiments may be multiplying.
          The question is whether they will ever sum.

          Rationally, many of us know that in a more crowded environment,
          individual action might not be optimal, and we readily acknowledge the
          importance of working together. Yet collaboration remains more the
          exception than the rule. That’s because too often, working collaboratively
          means giving up individual control, being patient with group processes that
          feel slow and drawn out, and dealing with sometimes difficult interpersonal
          tensions, even as the benefits of doing so are often hard to see and measure.
          But recent and precipitous declines in foundation endowments have served
          as a grim reminder that no individual organization or actor—no matter how
          large their assets or how efficient their processes—has the resources required
          to single-handedly produce meaningful change. Funders may not legally
          need to work with others, but if they hope to achieve significant impact on
          their communities—let alone tackle really wicked problems—they’ll have to.
          And increasingly, the others they work with will be actors not just in the
          nonprofit sector but in business and government too.

In the coming decade, we believe the most successful funders will combine
long-standing instincts toward independent initiative and action with an                  In the coming
emerging “network” mindset and toolkit that helps them see their work                        decade, we
as part of a larger, diverse, and more powerful effort overall. Resources                    believe the
and strategies will be coordinated to achieve common goals—within                      most successful
philanthropy, across sectors, across diverse cultures and geographies, and by               funders will
uniting the efforts of individuals with institutions.                                           combine
Increasingly, these new choices won’t just include old-style partnerships and          instincts toward
collaborations. We see five primary interrelated approaches—some new and                    independent
others already well tested—that funders can use to act bigger and increase                 initiative and
their impact:                                                                                action with

                Strong peripheral vision—seeing and developing a shared
                understanding of the system in which they operate—will be
                                                                                            an emerging
                                                                                    ‘network’ mindset
                                                                                        and toolkit that
                                                                                        helps them see
                critical to helping funders build and coordinate resources to              their work as
                address large, complex problems.                                        part of a larger,

                Funders have a wide range of assets—money, knowledge,
                networks, expertise, and influence—that can be applied
                                                                                     diverse, and more
                                                                                        powerful effort
                deliberately to create social change.

                Philanthropies are developing new models for working together
                that allow for both coordination and independence. Funders
                don’t necessarily need to make decisions together, but they do
                need their efforts to add up.

   4            ACTIVATE NETWORKS
                Advances in network theory and practice now allow funders to
                be more deliberate about supporting connectivity, coordinating
                networks, and thinking about how the collective impact of all of
                their efforts can produce change far beyond the success of any
                single grant, grantee, or donor.

                Funders can use their independent resources as levers to catalyze
                much larger streams of funding and activity from other sources
                by stimulating markets, influencing public opinion and policy,
                and activating new players and assets.

1                              ACTING BIGGER

                                                THE CONTEXT

                                                Funders, like almost everyone, begin with a viewpoint
                                                that is focused on them: who they are and what they
                                                want to do in the world. But making progress on our most
                                                pressing problems in the next decade will require funders
                                                to begin to put the problem—not themselves and their
                                                organizations—at the center.
                  VOICES FROM THE FIELD         Philanthropists are just one part of a larger ecosystem of actors,
                                                and in almost all cases they will need to engage many different
     We need to understand how                  stakeholders if they hope to address today’s pressing social and
       the individual investments               environmental challenges. Seeing and developing a shared
     our foundations make could                 understanding of the system in which they operate is the first
10    map with the work of other
                                                prerequisite to coordinating effort.
          philanthropies to create
      momentum and impact on As a result, strong peripheral vision will be a distinguishing
       issues we share a common characteristic of the successful funder of the future. The growing
                        interest in. accessibility of systems mapping, data visualization, and network
                                                mapping tools now makes it easier to see a collective whole that
                                                was previously only visible in pieces. Effective institutions and
             *These voices from the field are
           quotes drawn from our interviews     individuals will clearly understand their position and role within the
                 and an anonymous survey of
                 75 philanthropic leaders and
                                                ecosystem of actors, donors, and investors. And they will be able to
         practitioners who were convened in     work and strategize—both individually and collectively—from a rich
               San Francisco in March 2010.
                                                understanding of the problem they hope to affect, the place where they
                                                work, and the full landscape of beneficiaries and other stakeholders.

                                                Developing a shared understanding of the levers for achieving clean energy
                                                in the Midwest by mapping the system of relevant forces and players.
                                                ! The Garfield Foundation launched RE-AMP in 2004 because many Midwestern
                                                  funders and their grantees were trying to create a cleaner energy system in the
                                                  region, but few were working together. Using systems mapping, Garfield helped the
                                                  members of the group to establish a shared vision of the problem and to identify
                                                  four high-level points of leverage: increasing energy efficiency, increasing the use of
                                                  renewables, blocking new coal plants, and retiring the existing coal fleet.
                                                  Fighting coal hadn’t been part of the funders’ original agenda, but insights gained
                                                  from the systems mapping clarified the importance of addressing coal-related issues.

Funders subsequently committed $2 million dollars in new grant money to coal
   resistance work and began to adjust their individual portfolios to be better aligned       ADDITIONAL
   with the RE-AMP goals. They have now given more than $25 million in clean energy
   grants and the group recently created an annual pooled fund of approximately
   $4.5 million.                                                                              “CULTIVATE YOUR ECOSYSTEM”
   The results have been dramatic: near-total success in blocking new Midwestern coal         Borrowing insights from the
   plants, greater unity among advocates in the region, stronger regulations in many          field of ecology, this article
   states, and a growing number of members in the collaborative.                              highlights the ways that social
                                                                                              entrepreneurs can better
                                                                                              understand the broad ecosystem
ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION                                                                        in which they work, and can also
                                                                                              try to shape that environment to
Building a mapping tool to visualize the alignment between program                            support their goals.
strategies and grants, both within and across foundations.
                                                                                              Paul Bloom and J. Gregory Dees.
                                                                                              Stanford Social Innovation
! In late 2009 the Rockefeller Foundation and the Monitor Group developed a                   Review, Spring 2008.
  new tool for mapping philanthropic funding flows that helps foundations clearly see
  and understand the system in which they operate. This interactive, online tool allows
  funders to view at a glance who else is working on the issues they care about, what
                                                                                              SCANNING THE LANDSCAPE:
  strategies they’re using, and how they’re allocating their resources across                 FINDING OUT WHAT’S GOING ON
  those issues.                                                                               IN YOUR FIELD
  The initial prototype mapped the climate change-related funding of more than a              This introductory guide helps
  dozen foundations; maps of other issues will be developed in the next year.                 funders learn how to scan the
                                                                                              landscape around them in a way
  The dynamic maps graphically present the distribution and relative scale of                 that informs their own work
  philanthropic dollars within and across foundations, grantees, geographies, and             and is also useful to others in
  strategies. For the first time, funders have a single, accessible, consistently updated      the field who might have similar
  source of information that is also easy to use and understand. It enables them to           interests.
  strategize and act based on a common picture of the funding system, to identify             GrantCraft.
  critical overlaps and gaps in support for different strategies, and to coordinate efforts
  with a clear sense of what others are doing.
  The same technology platform that shows giving to one issue across multiple                 STRATEGIC MAPPING AND
  funders can also be used within a single foundation to help visualize its efforts across    VISUAL DIAGNOSTICS FOR
  multiple programs. This allows institutions to better understand how their own              SCALING CHANGE
  grants and strategies add up to a larger whole.                                             This paper and the associated
                                                                                              blog provide insight into the
                                                                                              different tools now available
COMMUNITY FOUNDATION FOR MONTEREY COUNTY                                                      for mapping systems, seeing
Using social network mapping tools to strengthen the sense of shared                          networks, and arriving at insights
purpose and community among local youth development organizations.                            about the levers for creating
                                                                                              large-scale change.
! The city of Salinas, California has many excellent youth service providers: afterschool     Steve Waddell et al. by iScale/
  sports leagues, arts and culture organizations, mentoring centers, and gang                 GAN-NET, 2009.
  prevention programs. But they seldom saw themselves as part of a larger system until          Online:
  2007, when the Community Foundation for Monterey County began using social                  Blog:
  network maps to visualize the local network of youth development actors.
  The visual maps highlighted the connections and gaps among the web of providers
  and advocates working with young people in the area, helped actors see their place
  within the larger system, and promoted the development of new relationships
  between government agencies, nonprofit organizations, schools, and local funders.
  When the Foundation took the maps into the community, they found that simply
  making the network visible helped local leaders see themselves in a new way—as part
  of a larger community dedicated to a common goal. As a result, city officials and
  community leaders have streamlined and expanded meetings to coordinate activities
  and share information in order to improve outcomes for youth.

2                               ACTING BIGGER

                                     PICK THE RIGHT
                                     TOOL(S) FOR THE JOB

                                     The simplest way for funders to act bigger is to start by
                                     looking inward, exploring how they can use all of the
                                     resources at their disposal to advance their missions.
                                     Philanthropies are beginning to move beyond the long-
                                     held metaphor that they are simply “charitable banks”
                                     and that grants are their sole product.
                                     Philanthropists have a wide range of assets—money, knowledge,
                                     networks, expertise, and influence—that can be deliberately applied
              VOICE FROM THE FIELD   to create social change. This might mean making loans or equity
           An over reliance on       investments that produce social as well as financial returns, acting as a
      money as a change agent        neutral convener to promote collective dialogue and action, compiling
12                                   and sharing accumulated knowledge with others, or getting engaged
     prevents the possibility for
                   real change.      in the success of partners by explicitly working to provide technical
                                     assistance and build the capacity of key stakeholders.
                                     Regardless of the specific approach, successful funders will recognize
                                     that grant dollars are only one tool among many that they can bring
                                     to bear in their work—and that the challenge will be picking the right
                                     intervention for the right circumstances.

                                     W.K. KELLOGG FOUNDATION
                                     Testing the potential of mission-driven investing to preserve the Foundation’s
                                     endowment while supporting additional social impact.
                                     ! Like most funders, the Kellogg Foundation has traditionally invested 95 percent
                                       of its assets in a diversified portfolio and used the remaining 5 percent of its funds
                                       each year to make grants. In 2008, following in the footsteps of early pioneers like
                                       the F.B. Heron Foundation, the Kellogg Foundation earmarked $100 million of its
                                       endowment funds to experiment with mission-driven investing—investing its assets
                                       in a way that realizes both financial and social returns.
                                       The pilot program aims to put the Foundation’s endowment assets to work by making
                                       a variety of investments in enterprises in the United States and Africa that produce
                                       social benefits connected to the Foundation’s grantmaking in education; economic
                                       security; and food, health, and well-being, while at the same time providing market-
                                       rate returns that preserve the Foundation’s corpus over time. The investments
                                       include private equity, loan funds, fixed-income securities, and cash deposits. As
                                       of April 2010, the Foundation had made 25 mission-driven investments, including

cash deposits in a number of credit unions and community banks and investments in
   social enterprises such as Acelero, a for-profit Head Start provider, and Revolution     ADDITIONAL
   Foods, a supplier of school lunches to low-income students.
NIKE FOUNDATION AND NOVO FOUNDATION                                                        MORE THAN MONEY: MAKING A
                                                                                           DIFFERENCE WITH ASSISTANCE
Augmenting grantmaking with a world-class marketing campaign to raise                      BEYOND THE GRANT
public awareness and attract engagement from other players.                                This survey of foundations
                                                                                           details 14 distinct practices
! The Nike and NoVo foundations came together in 2008 to try to create greater             that funders are using to offer
  opportunities for the 600 million young girls living in the Global South, launching      additional support to their
  both a grantmaking strategy and a much larger campaign they called the Girl Effect       grantees.
  to engage the broader public in the cause. The campaign used the world-class             The Center for Effective
  capabilities of the Nike marketing department to create an attention-grabbing “viral”    Philanthropy, December 2008.
  video and other opportunities for online engagement.                                       Online:
  Since the campaign began, the video has accumulated more than half a million
  views on YouTube and almost a quarter million dollars in contributions have been         BEYOND MONEY &
  collected online. Its viral spread helped make the Girl Effect a major focus of the      GRANTMAKING: THE EMERGING
                                                                                           ROLE OF COMMUNITY
  2010 World Economic Forum and Clinton Global Initiative events in 2009 and               FOUNDATIONS
  likely contributed to recent initiatives for supporting girls in many international
  development programs.                                                                    This collection of case studies
                                                                                           illustrates different ways that
                                                                                           community foundations are
CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVE                                                                  using their unique positioning
                                                                                           and resources to address local
Using a founder’s reputation to attract attention and funding to                           issues.
pressing global priorities.                                                                Avila Kilmurray and Lewis
                                                                                           Feldstein. The Transatlantic
! After leaving office, President Bill Clinton didn’t have an enormous financial base        Community Foundation Network,
  to start a foundation with billions of dollars in assets, but he did have an outsized    June 2009.
  reputation and influence that he could wield to stimulate change. So he established         Online:
  the Clinton Global Initiative, a gathering where funders and social entrepreneurs                                           13
  meet to discuss the world’s most pressing problems—with the catch that every donor       INVESTING FOR SOCIAL &
  who attends the prestigious event must make a specific commitment. Since the              ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: A
  Initiative’s founding in 2005, it has brought together approximately 1,200 attendees     DESIGN FOR CATALYZING AN
  each year to discuss solutions to big global challenges like education, energy and       EMERGING INDUSTRY
  climate change, global health, and poverty alleviation. This has resulted in more than   This report offers a
  1,700 commitments as of April 2010, with an estimated worth of $57 billion and           comprehensive view of the
  impact on roughly 220 million people in 170 countries.                                   state of the impact investing
                                                                                           movement and how funders can
                                                                                           participate in a way that both
THE VERMONT COMMUNITY FOUNDATION                                                           serves their own goals and helps
Ensuring that investment strategies complement program strategies to                       to expand the industry.
achieve the Foundation’s social mission.                                                   Jessica Freireich and Katherine
                                                                                           Fulton. Monitor Institute.
! The Vermont Community Foundation has developed a comprehensive approach                  January 2009.
  to connecting its for-profit investments to its goals for social impact. Its nine-          Online:
  year-old Vermont-focused investment portfolio includes low-interest community
  development loans, high-quality bonds made up of low-income mortgages, and               SOLUTIONS FOR IMPACT
  equity in local start-up business ventures. This provides donors with the option to      INVESTORS: FROM STRATEGY TO
  invest money in socially responsible businesses within the state. And as a shareholder   IMPLEMENTATION
  the Foundation not only gives clear proxy voting guidelines to its investment            A practical handbook that gives
  managers but also now co-files shareholder resolutions almost every year, most            step-by-step instructions to
  recently in November 2009 when it asked ConocoPhillips to reduce toxic pollution.        guide funders through the ins
                                                                                           and outs of impact investing.
                                                                                           Steven Godeke and Raúl Pomares
                                                                                           et al. Rockefeller Philanthropy
                                                                                           Advisors, November 2009.

3                               ACTING BIGGER

                                       ALIGN INDEPENDENT

                                       Coordinating resources to achieve common goals
                                       no longer just means developing a consensus-based
                                       collaborative. Funders are forging new ways of working
                                       together that fit di erent purposes and circumstances—
                                       allowing individual funders to aggregate and amass
                                       resources of all kinds and e ectively “punch above
                                       their weight.”
                VOICE FROM THE FIELD
                                       In the recent Grantcraft report, Funder Collaboratives: Why and How
          Too often I see funders      Funders Work Together, Cynthia Gibson lays out three alternative
     working independently from        models to formal collaborative structures. Funders can choose among
     each other and key partners.      them based on the degree to which they share 1) an interest (learning
14     Everyone feels the need to      networks), 2) a common frame for looking at the problem (strategic
      define the problem and the
                                       alignment networks), or 3) a common vision of the solution (pooled
     theory of change so they can
                                       funds). Exploring this range of choices will help funders learn when it
               ‘own’ the solution.
                                       is best to lead and when they can have a greater impact by following the
                                       lead of others.
                                       The challenge for the impactful funder will be to find—or be found
                                       by—the right partners to help them accomplish their goals. This
                                       may mean working with a range of new stakeholders, reaching across
                                       sectors to businesses and government agencies, or involving grantee
                                       partners, academics, and others that might hold part of the solution.
                                       Together, the groups can identify critical overlaps and gaps in support
                                       and can surface and act on new opportunities for impact. They don’t
                                       necessarily need to make decisions together, but they need their efforts
                                       to add up.

                                       CLIMATEWORKS FOUNDATION
                                       Fighting climate change with a shared vision and a $1 billion pool
                                       to support a network of NGOs and researchers that share best practices
                                       and innovate together.
                                       ! The ClimateWorks Foundation is a pooled fund that originated from Design to Win,
                                         an influential 2007 report that laid out a comprehensive plan for tackling climate
                                         change, highlighting the most critical regions and sectors to target.

The Hewlett, McKnight, and Packard foundations launched ClimateWorks a
   year later to implement the report’s strategy, and in 2009 the funders pledged             ADDITIONAL
   an astounding total of $1 billion over the next 5-10 years to support the new
   Foundation’s efforts. Since that time, the initial supporters have been joined
   by others, who are pooling their resources to fund a set of regionally focused             FUNDER COLLABORATIVES:
   climate foundations, aligned NGOs, and “best practices networks” of researchers            WHY AND HOW FUNDERS WORK
   and practitioners that work together to identify the most effective strategies for         TOGETHER
   addressing different aspects of climate change and diffuse them across organizations.      This thoughtful field guide
   This group of actors aims to carry out a shared strategy by supporting effective           looks at the strategic, practical,
                                                                                              and often very human issues
   efforts that address global energy efficiency standards, forest conservation and            involved in funder collaboration,
   agriculture, and low-carbon energy supply. They believe this joint approach will           and provides simple steps and
   ultimately allow them to achieve a greater impact than would have been possible            tools to help philanthropies get
   working independently.                                                                     started on working together.
                                                                                              Cynthia Gibson for GrantCraft,
GAVI                                                                                          fall 2009.
Coordinating international efforts to increase access
to vaccines and immunizations in the developing world.                                        MOVING IDEAS AND MONEY:
                                                                                              ISSUES AND OPPORTUNITIES IN
! In 2000 the Gates Foundation set out to increase vaccinations in the Global South.          FUNDER COLLABORATION
  In analyzing the vaccine marketplace, it discovered deep dysfunction as well as great
                                                                                              This early, comprehensive
  potential for aligning the interests of the various actors to shift vaccine delivery onto   whitepaper still holds up as
  a steady upward trajectory.                                                                 one of the best, examining
  So Gates facilitated the launch of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization        the range of forms that funder
  (GAVI) with a public announcement of seed funding and the commitment to provide             collaboratives can take and the
                                                                                              challenges that can emerge—
  $1.5 billion in grants over 10 years. Its goal is to help donor governments, recipient      illuminated by an extensive set of
  governments, civil society organizations, research and technical institutes, vaccine-       case studies.
  producing companies, and multilateral organizations such as the World Health
                                                                                              Ralph Hamilton, February 2002.
  Organization (WHO) and the World Bank develop coordinated strategies to improve
  vaccine markets and distribution.                                                             Online:       15
  Working together, Alliance members have been able to transform vaccine delivery in          COLLABORATIVE
  the developing world, achieving objectives that no single agency or group could have        PHILANTHROPIES: WHAT GROUPS
  ever realized alone. WHO estimates that through its collaborative work GAVI has             OF FOUNDATIONS CAN DO THAT
  prevented four million premature deaths, immunized over 250 million children, and           INDIVIDUAL FUNDERS CANNOT
  dramatically increased vaccine production in the developing world.                          Anchored in the experience
                                                                                              of the Los Angeles Urban
                                                                                              Funders collaborative, this book
KEEP ANTIBIOTICS WORKING                                                                      provides a wealth of examples
Fighting the complex issue of antibiotic resistance                                           illustrating how and why funders
with a cross-cutting coalition.                                                               collaborate.
                                                                                              Elwood Hopkins, March 2005.
! The issue of resistance to antibiotics exists at the juncture of three traditional silos:     Online:
  ecology, animal rights, and public health. When a group of advocates formed Keep
  Antibiotics Working (KAW) in 2000, they created a novel collaborative structure             HOW TO START A MOVEMENT
  to embrace this diversity. Nonprofits targeting each of the issues formed one
                                                                                              This quick and entertaining
  collaborative while concerned funders formed another. The nonprofits defined                  talk highlights the power and
  a coordinated strategy, the funders provided aligned support, and the nonprofits             importance of follower-ship in
  carried out the work. This arrangement responded to the systemic, multi-faceted             getting movements started.
  nature of the challenge: because today’s widespread resistance to antibiotics results       Derek Sivers. The TED
  from their overuse in both medicine and agriculture, funders and grantees focused           Conference, February 2010.
  on just a single issue could not have hoped to have an impact alone.
  In 10 years, KAW has grown to include a dozen funders and advocacy groups
  representing more than 11 million members. It has raised public awareness of the
  dangers of antibiotic resistance and has led to critical action, such as persuading
  McDonalds to require reduced antibiotics usage by its suppliers and supporting an
  aggressive slate of proposals on the 2010 Congressional docket.

4                          ACTING BIGGER


                                  In addition to seeing and working with networks of
                                  other funders, philanthropists can also act bigger by
                                  building connectivity across networks of grantees and
                                  community members.
                                     Although the individual grant is the typical unit of analysis for
                                     most foundations, the success of any grant or organization is rarely
                                     sufficient to move the needle on a complex problem. We have all felt
                VOICE FROM THE FIELD
                                     the irony when successful programs are lauded while the system they
                                     aspire to change continues to fail. The most effective funders of the
             One key problem is future will not be satisfied with the philanthropic equivalent of “the
            believing that we can operation was a success, but the patient died.”
16      solve complicated social
     problems through a series of The only way a whole system can be changed is by engaging and
        organizational or project connecting the parts. Funders are well positioned to support
                   grants alone. connectivity and to coordinate and knit together the pieces of a
                                  network of activity that can have impacts far beyond the success of
                                  any one grant, grantee, or donor. This has long been the basis for
                                  initiative grantmaking, but advances in network theory and practice
                                  now allow funders to be much more deliberate about supporting and
                                  participating in networks, and in thinking about how the collective
                                  impact of a coordinated portfolio of grants can produce more
                                  significant change.

                                  BARR FOUNDATION
                                  Using “network weavers” to build lasting connections among youth service
                                  providers as a way to coordinate effort and drive long-term impact.
                                  ! The Barr Foundation has taken an explicitly network-focused approach in its efforts
                                    to improve the availability and quality of after-school programming for youth in
                                    Boston. Concerned that past efforts by foundations to stimulate collaboration
                                    among grantees rarely succeeded beyond the duration of a funder’s support, Barr
                                    wanted to build lasting connections between youth service providers that would
                                    allow them to coordinate effort and drive long-term impact.
                                    To do this, Barr funded the placement of “network weavers” in the community who
                                    focused on facilitating relationship building and knowledge sharing among service
                                    providers and community leaders, and on identifying and promoting opportunities

for partnership and collaboration. The work has helped to dramatically strengthen
   the connectivity of the network, enabled improved access to resources (including a       ADDITIONAL
   comprehensive directory of youth service providers), and facilitated the spread of
   new ideas and best practices across the community.
                                                                                            NET GAINS: A HANDBOOK FOR
                                                                                            NETWORK BUILDERS SEEKING
ANNIE E. CASEY FOUNDATION                                                                   SOCIAL CHANGE
Building networks to create stronger social support and greater leadership                  This report was one of the first
opportunities in lower-income communities.                                                  to explore how networks can be
                                                                                            used to achieve better leverage,
! The Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Making Connections initiative was a 10-year effort,       performance, and results in the
  ultimately operating in 10 communities across the United States, to strengthen            face of increasingly complex
  communities at the neighborhood level. The initiative was based on the belief             social challenges.
  that mobilizing social networks could help connect local residents and families to        Peter Plastrik and Madeleine
  each other, to economic opportunities, and to public services and other types of          Taylor, 2006.
  social support. Each Making Connections site supported programs that facilitated            Online:
  relationship and community building, community leadership, civic engagement,
  and connections between low-income and middle-income families in the service of           “WORKING WIKILY”
  building stronger local social networks. At the Louisville, Kentucky site, for example,   This article draws the connection
  the initiative seeded a 2,300-member community network that links residents to            between the concepts of
  one another and to a range of local opportunities (such as jobs, childcare, financial      network theory, the promise of
  planning, and other services). The network has helped find jobs for more than 400          Web 2.0 tools, and the growing
  local residents, generating more than $4 million in salaries in the community.            potential to use networks as a
                                                                                            way to increase social impact.
                                                                                            An associated blog,
DAVID AND LUCILE PACKARD FOUNDATION                                               , provides
                                                                                            ongoing news, perspectives, and
Explicitly helping to build the “network effectiveness” of grantees, as well as             dialogue on the subject.
their individual organizational effectiveness.
                                                                                            Diana Scearce, Gabriel Kasper,
! The Packard Foundation has long managed an organizational effectiveness program           and Heather McLeod-Grant.
                                                                                            Stanford Social Innovation
  to build the capacity of its grantees to accomplish their goals. But an increasing        Review, Summer 2010.                17
  number of the Foundation’s grant recipients now function as networks or use
  network-based strategies, and Foundation leadership recognized that the supports
  and approaches required to help a network grow and thrive were actually quite
                                                                                            BETH’S BLOG: HOW NONPROFIT
  different from the ones required to build the capacity of an organization.                ORGANIZATIONS CAN USE
  So the Foundation launched the three-year “Philanthropy and Networks                      SOCIAL MEDIA TO POWER SOCIAL
  Exploration” (PNE) in partnership with the Monitor Institute to learn about and           NETWORKS FOR CHANGE
  experiment with networked strategies and social media tools. Since then, the              This blog, an open notebook of
  organizational effectiveness unit has begun to incorporate network effectiveness          insights about nonprofits and
  principles into its work, using new training curriculum and tools designed by the PNE     social media, is one of the best
  to help grantees better understand and use network-centric approaches and to allow        resources available to activists
                                                                                            and funders interested in
  funders to more effectively participate in networks.                                      experimenting with new network
                                                                                            tools and technologies.
                                                                                            Beth Kanter.

5                            ACTING BIGGER

                                      LEVERAGE OTHERS’

                                      In addition to finding new ways of working together
                                      toward collective goals, some funders are also exploring
                                      how they can use their independent resources as levers to
                                      catalyze much larger streams of funding and activity from
                                      other sources.
                                      In many cases, the best way for a funder to get more bang for its
                                      buck is to invest in getting others to throw their resources into the
               VOICE FROM THE FIELD
                                      mix. Effective funders are learning to activate resources beyond their
                These public-private  control by investing in and stimulating markets to produce social
          partnership things, they’re benefit; by influencing government funding flows through public
             really messy and they’re policy advocacy; by shifting opinions and attitudes through public
18      really hard and they’re reallyeducation and media efforts; and by activating other players, funders,
      complex. And they’re also the   and resources of all kinds.
     only frickin’ way that things are
                  going to get solved. WOMEN MOVING MILLIONS
                                      Rallying women to give more to promote women’s and girls’ issues.
                                      ! When the two daughters of oil magnate H. L. Hunt decided to use their giving to
                                        support the advancement of women, they went beyond traditional donations. They
                                        started a global campaign in partnership with the Women’s Funding Network aimed
                                        at breaking the trend of female donors giving only small amounts to women’s causes.
                                        Under the name Women Moving Millions, they have rallied more than 100 women to
                                        give upwards of $1 million each, and have raised $181 million as of February 2010 for
                                        women’s funds around the world.

                                      KAISER FAMILY FOUNDATION
                                      Influencing individual behavior to improve public health through a new
                                      multi-platform model for media partnership.
                                      ! The Kaiser Family Foundation complements its health policy education work with an
                                        aggressive media strategy to raise public awareness and change individual behavior.
                                        These campaigns have pioneered a comprehensive multi-platform model of public
                                        service programming that involves using new media and partnering with major media
                                        networks. Their Peabody and Emmy award-winning efforts combine targeted public
                                        service messages with longer-form special programming, integrate information
                                        and messaging into popular shows, and provide places to go for more information.
                                        Current partners in the U.S. include MTV, BET, Univision, Viacom/CBS, and Fox;
                                        with each, Kaiser works collaboratively to provide both expert guidance on the
                                        media content and assistance with day-to-day program management.

Building awareness of important social issues and stimulating public action               ADDITIONAL
by producing theatrical feature films and documentaries.                                  RESOURCES
! Jeff Skoll founded Participant Media to produce feature films and documentaries          THE NONPROFIT MARKETPLACE:
                                                                                          BRIDGING THE INFORMATION GAP
  about important social issues and then use the resulting groundswells of interest
                                                                                          IN PHILANTHROPY
  to promote social change. The company’s films—including An Inconvenient Truth,
  Syriana, The Cove, and Food, Inc.—are shown in mainstream theaters and have             This whitepaper sketches a
  garnered more than a dozen Academy Award nominations. Alongside each of                 compelling vision for a social
                                                                                          capital marketplace that helps
  these films, Participant works with social sector organizations, nonprofits, and          donors make better decisions
  corporations to create social action campaigns. Often organized online through          and directs more capital to high
  Participant’s social action portal, these campaigns engage audiences       performing nonprofits.
  in thoughtful conversation through screening programs, educational curricula and        Hewlett Foundation and McKinsey
  classes, house parties, seminars, and panels, providing a deeper understanding of       & Company, November 2008.
  the issues and encouraging personal involvement.                                          Online: http://
                                                                                          EMERGING MARKETS, EMERGING
Strengthening government responses to climate change through real-time                    MODELS: MARKET-BASED
dissemination of the best practices in climate policy implementation.                     SOLUTIONS TO THE CHALLENGES
                                                                                          OF GLOBAL POVERTY
! George Soros founded the Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) in 2009 to improve             This report describes the
  climate-related policy using an unorthodox approach. Rather than launching a            different approaches that
  campaign to pass a particular piece of legislation, Soros funded the CPI to serve as    innovative actors are now using
  standing “consultants” that can advise governments in the United States, Europe,        to shape commercial markets to
  China, India, and Brazil on the implementation of climate policies that appropriately   help alleviate poverty.
  regulate and leverage markets in the service of public good. The effort aims to         Ashish Karamchandani, Michael
  capture and share best practices to build stronger institutions for enforcing and       Kubzansky, and Paul Frandano.
  implementing policies instead of simply influencing the development of the policies      Monitor Group, March 2009.
  themselves.                                                                               Online:         19
                                                                                          FOUNDATION PRACTICES FOR
CLINTON HEALTH ACCESS INITIATIVE                                                          PUBLIC POLICY ENGAGEMENT
Stimulating markets to make HIV/AIDS treatment affordable                                 This report gives an up-to-
in developing countries by aggregating demand, improving efficiencies,                    date view of the work of 19
and reducing volatility.                                                                  foundations that have taken a
                                                                                          leading role in shaping public
! The Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) has eschewed traditional philanthropic      policy, describing both their
  approaches in its efforts to improve access to HIV/AIDS treatment in Africa,            reasons and their practical
  Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Instead, CHAI has taken a market-based          strategies for using policy as their
                                                                                          path to impact.
  approach to HIV/AIDS treatment: it cut out the middlemen responsible for
  distribution (and mark-ups), aggregated the demand for HIV/AIDS treatment in            James Ferris and Hilary Harmssen.
  the regions, and helped generic drug manufacturers become more efficient. The            Center on Philanthropy and
                                                                                          Public Policy at the University of
  resultant reduction in volatility, aggregated volume, and increase in efficiency         Southern California, December
  allowed CHAI to enter into purchase agreements with select drug manufacturers           2009.
  to provide lower prices. It is important to note that CHAI never asked the drug           Online:
  manufacturers for charitable donations but rather created an appealing value
  proposition for all parties that allowed the market to sustain the delivery of lower-
  priced drugs.


                         Once organized philanthropy truly embraces acting
                         bigger, the work will only be half done. Mistakes
                         made at a grand scale are still mistakes, and
                         potentially very destructive ones.
                         Ambitious efforts that demonstrably fall short of expectations are still
                         failures. Most philanthropy of the future will make judgments based on the
                         best evidence available and then learn and adjust rapidly and publicly. In
                         addition to acting bigger, the field will need to adapt better.
                         The positive pressures to support these new behaviors are building.
20       Grantmakers     Grantmakers can no longer assume that they occupy a safe and quiet haven
         can no longer   where people are given the benefit of the doubt simply because they are
     assume that they    doing charitable work. As a New York Times headline proclaimed some years
         occupy a safe   ago, the public is now “asking do-gooders to prove they do good.”
      and quiet haven
     where people are    Much progress has been made in this regard over the past decade due to
     given the benefit    the extraordinary efforts of many dedicated people and institutions. The
          of the doubt   hard work will continue in the years to come, and will almost certainly take
       simply because    interesting new directions—in some cases with great promise, and in others,
        they are doing   with real risks. A number of funders, for example, are beginning to refocus
      charitable work.   their efforts on the big picture, working in partnership with others to test
                         whether they are moving the needle on pressing problems rather than simply
                         conducting small, individual program evaluations after the fact. Others,
                         however, faced with the complexity and messiness of today’s challenges, may
                         succumb to the temptation of false precision, setting simplistic proxies for
                         impact just because they can be easily measured, even if they miss the mark in
                         assessing real progress on complicated social problems.
                         Further complicating matters is that in today’s dynamic landscape of public
                         problem solving it often no longer makes sense to develop strategy using
                         purely linear approaches: identifying a problem, formulating a theory,
                         deciding on a solution, and executing a clear plan. Nuanced theories of
                         change and the resulting action plans can be out of date almost as soon as
                         they’re printed. Strategies today must evolve on the basis of judgment that

is actively and continuously cultivated, using multiple inputs and sources.
Otherwise a leader is in danger of lashing the funding rudder in place only
to find that the tide, the wind, and the current have pushed the effort way
off course. Funders will succeed in this rapidly shifting environment if they
continuously improve their ability to learn, shift, and adapt in real time—or
they risk becoming irrelevant at best or, at worst, actually hurting the cause.
Fortunately, new technologies allow us to share information and gather
input in real-time, more easily and cheaply than ever before. The question
for the coming decade will be whether funders can learn to use these new
tools to figure out what works, share what they know and do, get feedback
quickly, and then be ready to act on what they learn in ways that add up to
meaningful impact on public problems.
As we see it, there are five additional next practices that can help funders
adapt better:

            Effective funders will develop systems to learn from their
            successes, and their failures, in ways that can help everyone—
            funders and grantees alike—develop the judgment to guide and
            improve efforts in the future.

            As the speed of change accelerates around us, funders will need
            to build feedback loops that help them change and shift behavior

            based on dynamic realities and lessons learned in real time.

            New tools and approaches now allow funders to solicit points
            of view from diverse cultures and perspectives, to access new
            and wildcard ideas, and to get buy-in and engagement from

  9         SHARE BY DEFAULT
            In a more crowded playing field, there is tremendous value in
            reflecting on your work and conveying your lessons to others. It
            makes sense to start from a place of sharing everything and then
            make a few exceptions, rather than a place of sharing little where
            transparency is the exception.

10           TAKE SMART RISKS
            The most effective funders will recognize when innovation is
            necessary, and will be willing to make high-risk, high-reward bets
            that have the potential to create transformative change.

6                               ADAPTING BETTER

                                        KNOW WHAT WORKS
                                        (AND WHAT DOESN’T)

                                        In an evaluation landscape cluttered with distinct and
                                        warring methodologies, it’s nearly impossible to see the
                                        forest for the trees. Despite the myriad approaches and
                                        tools available, it is still di cult to get a reliable answer to
                                        the question, “Did we make a di erence?”
                                        It’s high time to trade in the false comfort and overprecision of
                                        evaluating individual programs and projects against linear logic
                 VOICE FROM THE FIELD   models for a context-based approach to cultivating better and
                                        better judgment over time for multiple actors in complex systems.
      Funders need to learn from        Effective measurement in the future will evolve in ways that parallel
     what has already been done.        the new paradigm for philanthropy more broadly: it will be fully
22   We have a tendency to dive in
                                        contextualized, aggressively collective, real-time, transparent,
                without looking at
                                        meaningful to multiple audiences, and technologically enabled.
      what came before and what
                     comes after. The goal is to learn from past successes and failures in ways that can
                                        help everyone—funders and grantees alike—develop the judgment to
                                        guide and improve efforts in the future. The challenge is not to avoid
                                        mistakes. Failures are inevitable when confronting wicked problems.
                                        The challenge is to make only new mistakes. Funders and nonprofits
                                        that admit their wrong turns and share what they learn will advance the
                                        whole field in the process. In this way, the lessons from failure become
                                        the essential building blocks for future success.

                                        ROBERT WOOD JOHNSON FOUNDATION
                                        Partnering with government to conduct and evaluate
                                        a demonstration project aimed at developing a more flexible
                                        and effective Medicare treatment system.
                                        ! Cash & Counseling offers Medicare patients with disabilities new flexibility and
                                          control over their own care by giving individuals the power to direct monthly
                                          allowances to purchase assistance and services from sources other than the
                                          traditional home care agencies. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s willingness
                                          to test this new approach, thoroughly examine whether it was effective, and then
                                          support its widespread adoption illustrates the power of establishing proof of
                                          concept—knowing that something works—and then applying it on a wider scale.
                                          Started with support from the Foundation and the U.S. Department of Health and
                                          Human Services, Cash & Counseling was first launched as a demonstration project

Monitor Institute - What's Next for Philanthropy: Acting Bigger and Adapting Better in a Networked World
Monitor Institute - What's Next for Philanthropy: Acting Bigger and Adapting Better in a Networked World
Monitor Institute - What's Next for Philanthropy: Acting Bigger and Adapting Better in a Networked World
Monitor Institute - What's Next for Philanthropy: Acting Bigger and Adapting Better in a Networked World
Monitor Institute - What's Next for Philanthropy: Acting Bigger and Adapting Better in a Networked World
Monitor Institute - What's Next for Philanthropy: Acting Bigger and Adapting Better in a Networked World
Monitor Institute - What's Next for Philanthropy: Acting Bigger and Adapting Better in a Networked World
Monitor Institute - What's Next for Philanthropy: Acting Bigger and Adapting Better in a Networked World
Monitor Institute - What's Next for Philanthropy: Acting Bigger and Adapting Better in a Networked World
Monitor Institute - What's Next for Philanthropy: Acting Bigger and Adapting Better in a Networked World
Monitor Institute - What's Next for Philanthropy: Acting Bigger and Adapting Better in a Networked World
Monitor Institute - What's Next for Philanthropy: Acting Bigger and Adapting Better in a Networked World
Monitor Institute - What's Next for Philanthropy: Acting Bigger and Adapting Better in a Networked World
Monitor Institute - What's Next for Philanthropy: Acting Bigger and Adapting Better in a Networked World
Monitor Institute - What's Next for Philanthropy: Acting Bigger and Adapting Better in a Networked World
Monitor Institute - What's Next for Philanthropy: Acting Bigger and Adapting Better in a Networked World
Monitor Institute - What's Next for Philanthropy: Acting Bigger and Adapting Better in a Networked World
Monitor Institute - What's Next for Philanthropy: Acting Bigger and Adapting Better in a Networked World
Monitor Institute - What's Next for Philanthropy: Acting Bigger and Adapting Better in a Networked World
Monitor Institute - What's Next for Philanthropy: Acting Bigger and Adapting Better in a Networked World
Monitor Institute - What's Next for Philanthropy: Acting Bigger and Adapting Better in a Networked World
Monitor Institute - What's Next for Philanthropy: Acting Bigger and Adapting Better in a Networked World
Monitor Institute - What's Next for Philanthropy: Acting Bigger and Adapting Better in a Networked World
Monitor Institute - What's Next for Philanthropy: Acting Bigger and Adapting Better in a Networked World
Monitor Institute - What's Next for Philanthropy: Acting Bigger and Adapting Better in a Networked World
Monitor Institute - What's Next for Philanthropy: Acting Bigger and Adapting Better in a Networked World
Monitor Institute - What's Next for Philanthropy: Acting Bigger and Adapting Better in a Networked World
Monitor Institute - What's Next for Philanthropy: Acting Bigger and Adapting Better in a Networked World
Monitor Institute - What's Next for Philanthropy: Acting Bigger and Adapting Better in a Networked World
Monitor Institute - What's Next for Philanthropy: Acting Bigger and Adapting Better in a Networked World

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Monitor Institute - What's Next for Philanthropy: Acting Bigger and Adapting Better in a Networked World

  • 1. CREATED BY MONITOR INSTITUTE a member of Monitor Group WHAT’S NEXT for PHILANTHROPY          With support from the KATHERINE FULTON W.K. KELLOGG FOUNDATION and the GABRIEL KASPER ROBERT WOOD JOHNSON FOUNDATION BARBARA KIBBE July 2010
  • 2. ! PREFACE In 2000, we launched a multi-year project on the future of philanthropy, supported by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. The body of work was published in 2005 and is collected at It documented how long-term trends are combining to create a new reality for every gift and every giver, and presented a vision for how philanthropy might better fulfill its potential. In the years since, we at Monitor worked on our own and with others to create additional portraits of the future of philanthropy and social investing: the new demands on community foundations; the promise of impact investing; the power of social innovation; and the transformative potential of shifting to a technologically enabled, networked mindset. And we have had the privilege of working with some of the most ambitious and innovative philanthropists in the world as they try to blend existing best practices with emerging next practices. Along the way, we’ve learned a lot. But we’ve also felt a growing need to step back and try to separate the signal from the noise created by the changes in the field and in the world. So we launched a project with the support of the W.K. Kellogg and Robert Wood Johnson foundations to look at what the next decade could hold. We conducted interviews, read widely, did desk research—the usual components of a study. We convened more than 75 of the most thoughtful philanthropic leaders, practitioners, and experts we could find for a generative, day-long workshop focused on prototyping innovations in philanthropic practice. And we reflected on what we’ve learned from our experiences and countless other sources. The essay that follows aims to update and advance our earlier work. Our purpose is to re-assess and re-imagine not only what is possible but also what will be necessary in the years ahead. Since most of our work so far has been in the United States, the piece is U.S.-centric, even as our own view and that of many funders we work with has become more global. In the pages that follow, we: ! Explain why so many innovators are challenging the status quo—and what change could look like in the next decade ! Examine why it’s so hard to change philanthropy ! Describe and give examples of the 10 “next practices” that are emerging despite the barriers to change, as funders attempt to act bigger and adapt better ! Illustrate how funders can combine the next practices to achieve their goals through coordinated, diverse, open, and adaptive strategies ! Discuss the shifts in data, tools, incentives, and leadership that can accelerate progress toward the vision we lay out ! Conclude with a reflection about the spirit and the wisdom we hope will animate efforts to increase philanthropy’s impact in the years ahead Our motivation is simple: we want to know how to cultivate change more effectively in a world that sorely needs it. Our audience is you: philanthropic and civic leaders who share this desire and are determined to fulfill it. THIS WORK IS LICENSED UNDER THE CREATIVE COMMONS ATTRIBUTION NON-COMMERCIAL SHARE ALIKE LICENSE.
  • 3. INTRODUCTION: THE STATUS QUO IS NOT AN OPTION Philanthropy today takes place in a context that is radically di erent from the environment in which many of its current practices and behaviors were developed. An intimidating range of forces—globalization, shifting sectoral roles, economic crisis, and ubiquitous connective technologies, to name just a few—are changing both what philanthropy is called upon to do and how donors and foundations will accomplish their work in the future: ! Collectively, we face a growing sense of need, even crisis, on many fronts. And many of the challenges—climate change, education reform, pandemics, entrenched poverty, food security, and much more—don’t 1 adhere to political, geographic, disciplinary, or sectoral boundaries. These are often what design theorist Horst Rittel called “wicked problems”—complicated, continuously shifting issues where neither the problem nor the solution may be clear or stable. ! We will try to address these challenges wisely and effectively in a political and economic context likely to remain turbulent and difficult to navigate, with government resources constrained, nonprofits struggling under the weight of growing need, and businesses wrestling with relentless global competitive pressures. ! Fortunately, we can engage people in new ways, across boundaries of all kinds, and with unprecedented immediacy. Web 2.0 technologies make it easier than ever for people to access information on demand and to reach out to a previously untapped range of perspectives and expertise. ! But these new technologies create new pressures as well. Leaders face increased expectations for transparency, immediacy, and rapid decision- making, even as solutions to complex challenges require the will to sustain effort across many years, if not decades. Simply stated, philanthropists operate today in a stressful, rapidly evolving, networked, and interdependent world. INTRODUCTION: THE STATUS QUO IS NOT AN OPTION
  • 4. Yet many of philanthropy’s core practices and principles remain essentially unchanged from the way they were done a hundred years ago, when Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller first created the foundation form. As we and other observers have been noting for some time, the world around philanthropy is changing much, much faster than philanthropy itself. This is not to say that philanthropy hasn’t responded to the shifting landscape. To the contrary. As the relevance and role of philanthropy has become a more urgent question over the past decade, newer actors and older institutions alike have been striving to be more strategic in a variety of ways. Long before the pain of the recent economic downturn, many funders were pushing to improve by clarifying goals; building theories; examining data; and, increasingly, consulting more often with their partners and beneficiaries. The bar for acceptable performance has likely been raised permanently, along with the rigor with which it is measured. The most highly publicized actions in recent years have been taken by Many of new leaders who have distanced themselves from the past while launching philanthropy’s core experiments of many kinds, including venture philanthropy, online giving practices and principles platforms, competitions, market-based approaches, and a determined focus remain essentially on narrower objectives. unchanged from the Ultimately, some of these efforts to improve will turn out to be no 2 way they were done more effective than past approaches. Some will result in unintended a hundred years ago. consequences. And some will result in lasting changes that make a real The world around philanthropy is difference. It’s still too early to know. changing much, What is already clear though is that the last decade’s changes will not be much faster than su cient. Too little progress has been made, while the problems we face philanthropy itself. continue to grow. Time is running out on too many issues, and too many lives. In short, simply tweaking the status quo is not an option. Surely part of the problem is that methods developed for addressing simpler, “tame” problems in a slower-moving time are—we’re afraid—inadequate today and likely archaic for the tomorrow we will confront. The new context requires that funders adjust to the ways in which their actions are connected to others’ actions, in a dynamic interplay with external events, in order to have a greater impact, faster. Whereas the cutting edge of philanthropic innovation over the last decade was mostly about improving organizational e ectiveness, e ciency, and responsiveness, we believe that the work of the next 10 years will have to build on those e orts to include an additional focus on coordination and adaptation: ! COORDINATION—because given the scale and social complexity of the challenges they face, funders will increasingly look to other actors, both in philanthropy and across sectors, to activate sufficient resources to WHAT’S NEXT FOR PHILANTHROPY: ACTING BIGGER AND ADAPTING BETTER IN A NETWORKED WORLD
  • 5. make sustainable progress on issues of shared concern. No private funder alone, not even Bill Gates, has the resources and reach required to move the needle on our most pressing and intractable problems. ! ADAPTATION—because given the pace of change today, funders will need to get smarter more quickly, incorporating the best available data and knowledge about what is working and regularly adjusting what they do to add value amidst the dynamic circumstances we all face. In other words, the most successful funders in the future will do more than The most operate as effective, independent institutions. They will ACT BIGGER and successful funders ADAPT BETTER. in the future will do more than operate This is not to say that the work of building effective organizations is as effective, finished. Far from it. The capacity-building movement that has gained so independent much traction over the past 20 years is a key building block of any better institutions. They future for social change. The work to improve performance—to execute will act bigger and with excellence—is a difficult and important endeavor. But just focusing on adapt better. current best practice won’t be enough. The definition of great execution is evolving to marry existing best practices with emerging “next practices”— principles and behaviors that are particularly well suited to the dynamic context for public problem solving. The good news is that the very same global trends and forces that are 3 pressuring funders to change are also opening up new opportunities for doing so. Today’s most ambitious philanthropies are already beginning to pioneer the next practices of tomorrow. The ClimateWorks Foundation has helped more than 10 funders and scores of other actors work in concert as part of a $1 billion coordinated global campaign to fight climate change. The Edna McConnell Clark Foundation rallied more than 20 other funders into a syndicate to support three particularly effective nonprofits and take their work to scale. And the Wallace Foundation is systematically testing and evaluating innovative educational and cultural programs around the United States, methodically sharing the results to broadly spread knowledge about effective approaches—with more than 200,000 report downloads a year. But there is bad news as well. The barriers to change are maddeningly persistent. INTRODUCTION: THE STATUS QUO IS NOT AN OPTION
  • 6. THE BARRIERS TO CHANGE Let’s face it, philanthropy has its own unique set of learning disabilities that get in the way of change, no less vexing for the fact that they are familiar to anyone who has ever tried to break free of them: ! INDEPENDENCE AND CONTROL. Because the field is both voluntary and independent by nature—unconstrained by the need to please political constituencies or maintain shareholder value—there is no system or pressure that forces any one actor to respond to another, to learn, or to Individual change course. Individual philanthropists and institutions can act without philanthropists much reference to the success or failure of their efforts or to what others and institutions do. And they can shift priorities at any time, for any reason, from donor can act without fatigue to a change in organizational leadership. This independence gives much reference donors and philanthropies a degree of control that isn’t present in other to the success or industries. People like control, especially when we feel that so much is out failure of their of our control these days. But control also produces power imbalances efforts or to that often disrupt the development of healthy, productive relationships what others do. between funders and their partners. And they can 4 shift priorities ! INSULARITY AND INWARD FOCUS. In many cases, whether a grant or gift is at any time, for “effective” may matter less than the values it represents to the donor, the any reason, from personal commitments it reflects, or the web of relationships it helps to donor fatigue maintain. As scholar Peter Frumkin observed, “At its core, [philanthropy] to a change in is about expressing values, not outcomes. Philanthropy is a vehicle of organizational speech.” This aspect of philanthropy is of course integral to its voluntary leadership. nature. But it can lead funders and their institutions to be excessively inward-focused, concentrating on pleasing a donor or board rather than on the real-world impact of the organization and its work. Even where there is impetus to change, philanthropy lacks adequate honest feedback loops that promote meaningful learning. ! CAUTION AND RISK AVERSION. Philanthropy is seen by some as the “R&D” wing of the government—one of society’s only truly flexible sources of capital for social benefit. In fact, few other actors are better positioned to take risks and try new things that might yield outsized and transformative rewards. Yet most funders fail to do so, for a variety of reasons. Because they understandably want the gratification of knowing they made a difference, or are concerned not to waste precious dollars, they focus on short-term, measurable results. Because they aren’t sure what will make the most difference, they spread their resources across many small grants, consistently underestimating how much money and how much time it will take to accomplish a goal. Because everyone loves a winner, they fear WHAT’S NEXT FOR PHILANTHROPY: ACTING BIGGER AND ADAPTING BETTER IN A NETWORKED WORLD
  • 7. failure and protect their institutional and personal brands. What’s more, short attention spans and the realities of organizational life also conspire to make it difficult to place big bets and stick with them. ! TIME AND INERTIA. At the same time, donors and funders face their own capacity limits—a sometimes overwhelming feeling that there is too little time, too much information, and too many demands on too few people. Most living donors have “day jobs” that put constraints on their time. And there are far fewer professionals in philanthropy than one might imagine. In 2009, the Foundation Center reported 19,672 staff positions in U.S. foundations—a handful fewer than the number of people working in a single innovative company, Google. For both donors and giving professionals, a surprising amount of time is focused on the mechanics of transactions—just writing checks and getting money out the door. Given that learning is optional in philanthropy, there is little incentive to overcome these capacity limitations. And it is far easier to decry the lack of time than to set true priorities for its use. The players in ! COMPETITION AND CREDIT. Although financial competition is not a various networked significant factor in philanthropy, funders still compete with one another markets appear to be for ideas, reputation, and recognition. Many strive to find and occupy a prisoners of their own unique niche, much as businesses look for the gaps in the marketplace to individualism. The fill. In one sense, this is understandable; the philanthropy embodies the problem is that the decisions that make 5 efforts and legacy of the donors/founders, and there are many gaps that sense at the individual need to be filled. But in striving for credit or building a brand, funders or institutional level are can actually get in the way of advancing their larger goals. Everyone wants not necessarily the best to lead—attracting support to their cause—but far too few are willing to choices when viewed in follow. The actions that most motivate the individual or institution may the aggregate. not be the ones that will actually have the most impact. BHASKAR CHAKROVORTI These factors combine today to create an environment that virtually ensures that philanthropy will not produce solutions that keep up with the dynamic realities of the world around it. In fact, much of what makes philanthropy such a powerful voluntary vehicle for social change also stands in the way of greater e ectiveness. The specifics may be unique to philanthropy, but the pattern is common wherever interdependence exists. As innovation theorist Bhaskar Chakrovorti explains in The Slow Pace of Fast Change, “The players in various networked markets appear to be prisoners of their own individualism. The problem is that the decisions that make sense at the individual or institutional level are not necessarily the best choices when viewed in the aggregate.” The result in philanthropy is a system with no natural mechanism for coordinating effort, for learning, for sharing knowledge about what does INTRODUCTION: THE BARRIERS TO CHANGE
  • 8. WHAT IS PHILANTHROPY? Change is experienced one life at a When we use the words “philanthropy” time. That’s why so much of giving and “funder,” we intentionally mean throughout history has focused actors of all sizes and types. We on helping individuals, whether by definitely do not mean just staffed decreasing their suffering or increasing foundations (though it is easier to cite their opportunity. Such charity is evidence from these institutions, since important, not just for the recipient it’s more routinely documented). Many but also for the giver, and nothing in individual donors are just as strategic— this essay is meant to demean this as thoughtful, intentional, and creative— Change is experienced generosity. “Giving with the heart” is an as the most established philanthropic essential part of healthy communities institutions. And there are many new one life at a time. But across the globe. forms of community giving. One of much of the most the past decade’s major innovations Of course, change is also driven by ambitious philanthropy in larger forces. That’s why the most is that individual givers can now join the past century has aimed ambitious philanthropy, particularly together in new collectives, or use new to create systemic shifts that in the past century, has aimed to technological platforms, to take actions can affect thousands if not created systemic shifts that can affect that only large institutions could have attempted in the past. Still, the major millions of lives. thousands if not millions of lives. Think institutions of what has long been called public health—inventing a new vaccine, or eradicating a disease—rather than “organized philanthropy” continue to paying for health care for one individual. have outsized influence. Whether they These larger forces and systemic shifts will continue to, or slide into growing 6 are our subject here—“giving with the irrelevance, is one of our subjects. head,” if you will. and doesn’t work, or for adapting to shifting circumstances. Isolated successes are seldom replicated, and new innovations replace old ones before they have time to prove themselves, with the unfortunate byproduct that funders and their grantees are doomed to repeat the same mistakes again and again. That’s the playing field, and no amount of critique alone will change it. As we have argued before, positive change in a voluntary field will take hold only when it can be embraced as an aspiration of the healthy, not when it must be accepted like a cure for the sick. Happily, we believe that philanthropy, and the world around it, has now changed enough to bring the two elusive aspirations we mentioned earlier— acting bigger and adapting better—within our reach in the next decade. These ambitions are by no means new; innovative funders have been working in coordinated, responsive ways for years. But the behaviors show new promise today as emerging tools and approaches catch up with the aspirations of funders in the new context. WHAT’S NEXT FOR PHILANTHROPY: ACTING BIGGER AND ADAPTING BETTER IN A NETWORKED WORLD
  • 9. NEXT PRACTICES In the sections that follow, we explore what it will mean for funders to act bigger and adapt better over the next decade as they shift their behavior to match the emerging landscape of public problem solving. We take up the two ideas in turn, to highlight 10 emerging next practices—five ways of acting bigger and five approaches to adapting better—that we believe are likely to become the widely-accepted best practices of tomorrow. The diagram below illustrates how these next practices can begin to shift how funders influence, and are influenced by, the world around them. YOU / ct b y YOUR ORGANIZATION wh pa ic h im re re sha mo pe s seek TAKE SMART RISKS10 ACTING BIGGER SHARE BY DEFAULT 9 7 1 UNDERSTAND THE CONTEXT OPEN UP TO NEW INPUTS 8 2 PICK THE RIGHT TOOL(S) FOR THE JOB KEEP PACE WITH CHANGE 7 3 ALIGN INDEPENDENT ACTION KNOW WHAT WORKS 6 4 ACTIVATE NETWORKS (AND WHAT DOESN’T) 5 LEVERAGE OTHERS’ RESOURCES ADAPTING BETTER whi ch s infl ire en u c qu es re ic h wh  OUTSIDE WORLD For each of these next practices we highlight a few examples of what funders are already doing that may provide a glimpse of what it will look like to work differently in the decade ahead. Think of them as “precursors” of future practice, to use the language of our Monitor colleague Larry Keeley, a leading innovation expert who has influenced our thinking about how to change philanthropy. We believe practices such as these could easily become widespread in the coming years. INTRODUCTION: NEXT PRACTICES
  • 10. ACTING BIGGER The landscape of private actors working for public good expanded quickly over the past decade, despite two financial downturns. The number of foundations in the United States alone rose from 56,000 in 2000 to more than 75,000 in 2008, and the number of nonprofits ballooned from just over 800,000 to almost 1.2 million. Between 2007 and 2008, more than eight new U.S. foundations (and more than 160 new nonprofits) were created every day. This growth, of course, is also global. And it’s diverse. There are now more individual donors, more foundations, more community foundations, 8 more donor advised funds, more giving circles, more socially responsible businesses, and a new cadre of “impact investors” working for social change in every region on the planet. Good intentions fueled this growth, but along with them came the inevitable consequence of increased fragmentation. The experiments may be multiplying. The question is whether they will ever sum. Rationally, many of us know that in a more crowded environment, individual action might not be optimal, and we readily acknowledge the importance of working together. Yet collaboration remains more the exception than the rule. That’s because too often, working collaboratively means giving up individual control, being patient with group processes that feel slow and drawn out, and dealing with sometimes difficult interpersonal tensions, even as the benefits of doing so are often hard to see and measure. But recent and precipitous declines in foundation endowments have served as a grim reminder that no individual organization or actor—no matter how large their assets or how efficient their processes—has the resources required to single-handedly produce meaningful change. Funders may not legally need to work with others, but if they hope to achieve significant impact on their communities—let alone tackle really wicked problems—they’ll have to. And increasingly, the others they work with will be actors not just in the nonprofit sector but in business and government too. WHAT’S NEXT FOR PHILANTHROPY: ACTING BIGGER AND ADAPTING BETTER IN A NETWORKED WORLD
  • 11. In the coming decade, we believe the most successful funders will combine long-standing instincts toward independent initiative and action with an In the coming emerging “network” mindset and toolkit that helps them see their work decade, we as part of a larger, diverse, and more powerful effort overall. Resources believe the and strategies will be coordinated to achieve common goals—within most successful philanthropy, across sectors, across diverse cultures and geographies, and by funders will uniting the efforts of individuals with institutions. combine long-standing Increasingly, these new choices won’t just include old-style partnerships and instincts toward collaborations. We see five primary interrelated approaches—some new and independent others already well tested—that funders can use to act bigger and increase initiative and their impact: action with 1 UNDERSTAND THE CONTEXT Strong peripheral vision—seeing and developing a shared understanding of the system in which they operate—will be an emerging ‘network’ mindset and toolkit that helps them see critical to helping funders build and coordinate resources to their work as address large, complex problems. part of a larger, 2 PICK THE RIGHT TOOL(S) FOR THE JOB Funders have a wide range of assets—money, knowledge, networks, expertise, and influence—that can be applied diverse, and more powerful effort overall. 9 deliberately to create social change. 3 ALIGN INDEPENDENT ACTION Philanthropies are developing new models for working together that allow for both coordination and independence. Funders don’t necessarily need to make decisions together, but they do need their efforts to add up. 4 ACTIVATE NETWORKS Advances in network theory and practice now allow funders to be more deliberate about supporting connectivity, coordinating networks, and thinking about how the collective impact of all of their efforts can produce change far beyond the success of any single grant, grantee, or donor. 5 LEVERAGE OTHERS’ RESOURCES Funders can use their independent resources as levers to catalyze much larger streams of funding and activity from other sources by stimulating markets, influencing public opinion and policy, and activating new players and assets. ACTING BIGGER
  • 12. 1 ACTING BIGGER UNDERSTAND THE CONTEXT Funders, like almost everyone, begin with a viewpoint that is focused on them: who they are and what they want to do in the world. But making progress on our most pressing problems in the next decade will require funders to begin to put the problem—not themselves and their organizations—at the center. VOICES FROM THE FIELD Philanthropists are just one part of a larger ecosystem of actors, and in almost all cases they will need to engage many different We need to understand how stakeholders if they hope to address today’s pressing social and the individual investments environmental challenges. Seeing and developing a shared our foundations make could understanding of the system in which they operate is the first 10 map with the work of other prerequisite to coordinating effort. philanthropies to create momentum and impact on As a result, strong peripheral vision will be a distinguishing issues we share a common characteristic of the successful funder of the future. The growing interest in. accessibility of systems mapping, data visualization, and network mapping tools now makes it easier to see a collective whole that was previously only visible in pieces. Effective institutions and *These voices from the field are quotes drawn from our interviews individuals will clearly understand their position and role within the and an anonymous survey of 75 philanthropic leaders and ecosystem of actors, donors, and investors. And they will be able to practitioners who were convened in work and strategize—both individually and collectively—from a rich San Francisco in March 2010. understanding of the problem they hope to affect, the place where they work, and the full landscape of beneficiaries and other stakeholders. RE-AMP Developing a shared understanding of the levers for achieving clean energy in the Midwest by mapping the system of relevant forces and players. ! The Garfield Foundation launched RE-AMP in 2004 because many Midwestern funders and their grantees were trying to create a cleaner energy system in the region, but few were working together. Using systems mapping, Garfield helped the members of the group to establish a shared vision of the problem and to identify four high-level points of leverage: increasing energy efficiency, increasing the use of renewables, blocking new coal plants, and retiring the existing coal fleet. Fighting coal hadn’t been part of the funders’ original agenda, but insights gained from the systems mapping clarified the importance of addressing coal-related issues. WHAT’S NEXT FOR PHILANTHROPY: ACTING BIGGER AND ADAPTING BETTER IN A NETWORKED WORLD
  • 13. Funders subsequently committed $2 million dollars in new grant money to coal resistance work and began to adjust their individual portfolios to be better aligned ADDITIONAL with the RE-AMP goals. They have now given more than $25 million in clean energy grants and the group recently created an annual pooled fund of approximately RESOURCES $4.5 million. “CULTIVATE YOUR ECOSYSTEM” The results have been dramatic: near-total success in blocking new Midwestern coal Borrowing insights from the plants, greater unity among advocates in the region, stronger regulations in many field of ecology, this article states, and a growing number of members in the collaborative. highlights the ways that social entrepreneurs can better understand the broad ecosystem ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION in which they work, and can also try to shape that environment to Building a mapping tool to visualize the alignment between program support their goals. strategies and grants, both within and across foundations. Paul Bloom and J. Gregory Dees. Stanford Social Innovation ! In late 2009 the Rockefeller Foundation and the Monitor Group developed a Review, Spring 2008. new tool for mapping philanthropic funding flows that helps foundations clearly see Online: and understand the system in which they operate. This interactive, online tool allows funders to view at a glance who else is working on the issues they care about, what SCANNING THE LANDSCAPE: strategies they’re using, and how they’re allocating their resources across FINDING OUT WHAT’S GOING ON those issues. IN YOUR FIELD The initial prototype mapped the climate change-related funding of more than a This introductory guide helps dozen foundations; maps of other issues will be developed in the next year. funders learn how to scan the landscape around them in a way The dynamic maps graphically present the distribution and relative scale of that informs their own work philanthropic dollars within and across foundations, grantees, geographies, and and is also useful to others in strategies. For the first time, funders have a single, accessible, consistently updated the field who might have similar source of information that is also easy to use and understand. It enables them to interests. strategize and act based on a common picture of the funding system, to identify GrantCraft. critical overlaps and gaps in support for different strategies, and to coordinate efforts Online: with a clear sense of what others are doing. 11 The same technology platform that shows giving to one issue across multiple STRATEGIC MAPPING AND funders can also be used within a single foundation to help visualize its efforts across VISUAL DIAGNOSTICS FOR multiple programs. This allows institutions to better understand how their own SCALING CHANGE grants and strategies add up to a larger whole. This paper and the associated blog provide insight into the different tools now available COMMUNITY FOUNDATION FOR MONTEREY COUNTY for mapping systems, seeing Using social network mapping tools to strengthen the sense of shared networks, and arriving at insights purpose and community among local youth development organizations. about the levers for creating large-scale change. ! The city of Salinas, California has many excellent youth service providers: afterschool Steve Waddell et al. by iScale/ sports leagues, arts and culture organizations, mentoring centers, and gang GAN-NET, 2009. prevention programs. But they seldom saw themselves as part of a larger system until Online: 2007, when the Community Foundation for Monterey County began using social Blog: network maps to visualize the local network of youth development actors. The visual maps highlighted the connections and gaps among the web of providers and advocates working with young people in the area, helped actors see their place within the larger system, and promoted the development of new relationships between government agencies, nonprofit organizations, schools, and local funders. When the Foundation took the maps into the community, they found that simply making the network visible helped local leaders see themselves in a new way—as part of a larger community dedicated to a common goal. As a result, city officials and community leaders have streamlined and expanded meetings to coordinate activities and share information in order to improve outcomes for youth. ACTING BIGGER: UNDERSTAND THE CONTEXT
  • 14. 2 ACTING BIGGER PICK THE RIGHT TOOL(S) FOR THE JOB The simplest way for funders to act bigger is to start by looking inward, exploring how they can use all of the resources at their disposal to advance their missions. Philanthropies are beginning to move beyond the long- held metaphor that they are simply “charitable banks” and that grants are their sole product. Philanthropists have a wide range of assets—money, knowledge, networks, expertise, and influence—that can be deliberately applied VOICE FROM THE FIELD to create social change. This might mean making loans or equity An over reliance on investments that produce social as well as financial returns, acting as a money as a change agent neutral convener to promote collective dialogue and action, compiling 12 and sharing accumulated knowledge with others, or getting engaged prevents the possibility for real change. in the success of partners by explicitly working to provide technical assistance and build the capacity of key stakeholders. Regardless of the specific approach, successful funders will recognize that grant dollars are only one tool among many that they can bring to bear in their work—and that the challenge will be picking the right intervention for the right circumstances. W.K. KELLOGG FOUNDATION Testing the potential of mission-driven investing to preserve the Foundation’s endowment while supporting additional social impact. ! Like most funders, the Kellogg Foundation has traditionally invested 95 percent of its assets in a diversified portfolio and used the remaining 5 percent of its funds each year to make grants. In 2008, following in the footsteps of early pioneers like the F.B. Heron Foundation, the Kellogg Foundation earmarked $100 million of its endowment funds to experiment with mission-driven investing—investing its assets in a way that realizes both financial and social returns. The pilot program aims to put the Foundation’s endowment assets to work by making a variety of investments in enterprises in the United States and Africa that produce social benefits connected to the Foundation’s grantmaking in education; economic security; and food, health, and well-being, while at the same time providing market- rate returns that preserve the Foundation’s corpus over time. The investments include private equity, loan funds, fixed-income securities, and cash deposits. As of April 2010, the Foundation had made 25 mission-driven investments, including WHAT’S NEXT FOR PHILANTHROPY: ACTING BIGGER AND ADAPTING BETTER IN A NETWORKED WORLD
  • 15. cash deposits in a number of credit unions and community banks and investments in social enterprises such as Acelero, a for-profit Head Start provider, and Revolution ADDITIONAL Foods, a supplier of school lunches to low-income students. RESOURCES NIKE FOUNDATION AND NOVO FOUNDATION MORE THAN MONEY: MAKING A DIFFERENCE WITH ASSISTANCE Augmenting grantmaking with a world-class marketing campaign to raise BEYOND THE GRANT public awareness and attract engagement from other players. This survey of foundations details 14 distinct practices ! The Nike and NoVo foundations came together in 2008 to try to create greater that funders are using to offer opportunities for the 600 million young girls living in the Global South, launching additional support to their both a grantmaking strategy and a much larger campaign they called the Girl Effect grantees. to engage the broader public in the cause. The campaign used the world-class The Center for Effective capabilities of the Nike marketing department to create an attention-grabbing “viral” Philanthropy, December 2008. video and other opportunities for online engagement. Online: Since the campaign began, the video has accumulated more than half a million views on YouTube and almost a quarter million dollars in contributions have been BEYOND MONEY & collected online. Its viral spread helped make the Girl Effect a major focus of the GRANTMAKING: THE EMERGING ROLE OF COMMUNITY 2010 World Economic Forum and Clinton Global Initiative events in 2009 and FOUNDATIONS likely contributed to recent initiatives for supporting girls in many international development programs. This collection of case studies illustrates different ways that community foundations are CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVE using their unique positioning and resources to address local Using a founder’s reputation to attract attention and funding to issues. pressing global priorities. Avila Kilmurray and Lewis Feldstein. The Transatlantic ! After leaving office, President Bill Clinton didn’t have an enormous financial base Community Foundation Network, to start a foundation with billions of dollars in assets, but he did have an outsized June 2009. reputation and influence that he could wield to stimulate change. So he established Online: the Clinton Global Initiative, a gathering where funders and social entrepreneurs 13 meet to discuss the world’s most pressing problems—with the catch that every donor INVESTING FOR SOCIAL & who attends the prestigious event must make a specific commitment. Since the ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: A Initiative’s founding in 2005, it has brought together approximately 1,200 attendees DESIGN FOR CATALYZING AN each year to discuss solutions to big global challenges like education, energy and EMERGING INDUSTRY climate change, global health, and poverty alleviation. This has resulted in more than This report offers a 1,700 commitments as of April 2010, with an estimated worth of $57 billion and comprehensive view of the impact on roughly 220 million people in 170 countries. state of the impact investing movement and how funders can participate in a way that both THE VERMONT COMMUNITY FOUNDATION serves their own goals and helps Ensuring that investment strategies complement program strategies to to expand the industry. achieve the Foundation’s social mission. Jessica Freireich and Katherine Fulton. Monitor Institute. ! The Vermont Community Foundation has developed a comprehensive approach January 2009. to connecting its for-profit investments to its goals for social impact. Its nine- Online: year-old Vermont-focused investment portfolio includes low-interest community development loans, high-quality bonds made up of low-income mortgages, and SOLUTIONS FOR IMPACT equity in local start-up business ventures. This provides donors with the option to INVESTORS: FROM STRATEGY TO invest money in socially responsible businesses within the state. And as a shareholder IMPLEMENTATION the Foundation not only gives clear proxy voting guidelines to its investment A practical handbook that gives managers but also now co-files shareholder resolutions almost every year, most step-by-step instructions to recently in November 2009 when it asked ConocoPhillips to reduce toxic pollution. guide funders through the ins and outs of impact investing. Steven Godeke and Raúl Pomares et al. Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, November 2009. Online: ACTING BIGGER: PICK THE RIGHT TOOL(S) FOR THE JOB
  • 16. 3 ACTING BIGGER ALIGN INDEPENDENT ACTION Coordinating resources to achieve common goals no longer just means developing a consensus-based collaborative. Funders are forging new ways of working together that fit di erent purposes and circumstances— allowing individual funders to aggregate and amass resources of all kinds and e ectively “punch above their weight.” VOICE FROM THE FIELD In the recent Grantcraft report, Funder Collaboratives: Why and How Too often I see funders Funders Work Together, Cynthia Gibson lays out three alternative working independently from models to formal collaborative structures. Funders can choose among each other and key partners. them based on the degree to which they share 1) an interest (learning 14 Everyone feels the need to networks), 2) a common frame for looking at the problem (strategic define the problem and the alignment networks), or 3) a common vision of the solution (pooled theory of change so they can funds). Exploring this range of choices will help funders learn when it ‘own’ the solution. is best to lead and when they can have a greater impact by following the lead of others. The challenge for the impactful funder will be to find—or be found by—the right partners to help them accomplish their goals. This may mean working with a range of new stakeholders, reaching across sectors to businesses and government agencies, or involving grantee partners, academics, and others that might hold part of the solution. Together, the groups can identify critical overlaps and gaps in support and can surface and act on new opportunities for impact. They don’t necessarily need to make decisions together, but they need their efforts to add up. CLIMATEWORKS FOUNDATION Fighting climate change with a shared vision and a $1 billion pool to support a network of NGOs and researchers that share best practices and innovate together. ! The ClimateWorks Foundation is a pooled fund that originated from Design to Win, an influential 2007 report that laid out a comprehensive plan for tackling climate change, highlighting the most critical regions and sectors to target. WHAT’S NEXT FOR PHILANTHROPY: ACTING BIGGER AND ADAPTING BETTER IN A NETWORKED WORLD
  • 17. The Hewlett, McKnight, and Packard foundations launched ClimateWorks a year later to implement the report’s strategy, and in 2009 the funders pledged ADDITIONAL an astounding total of $1 billion over the next 5-10 years to support the new Foundation’s efforts. Since that time, the initial supporters have been joined RESOURCES by others, who are pooling their resources to fund a set of regionally focused FUNDER COLLABORATIVES: climate foundations, aligned NGOs, and “best practices networks” of researchers WHY AND HOW FUNDERS WORK and practitioners that work together to identify the most effective strategies for TOGETHER addressing different aspects of climate change and diffuse them across organizations. This thoughtful field guide This group of actors aims to carry out a shared strategy by supporting effective looks at the strategic, practical, and often very human issues efforts that address global energy efficiency standards, forest conservation and involved in funder collaboration, agriculture, and low-carbon energy supply. They believe this joint approach will and provides simple steps and ultimately allow them to achieve a greater impact than would have been possible tools to help philanthropies get working independently. started on working together. Cynthia Gibson for GrantCraft, GAVI fall 2009. Online: Coordinating international efforts to increase access to vaccines and immunizations in the developing world. MOVING IDEAS AND MONEY: ISSUES AND OPPORTUNITIES IN ! In 2000 the Gates Foundation set out to increase vaccinations in the Global South. FUNDER COLLABORATION In analyzing the vaccine marketplace, it discovered deep dysfunction as well as great This early, comprehensive potential for aligning the interests of the various actors to shift vaccine delivery onto whitepaper still holds up as a steady upward trajectory. one of the best, examining So Gates facilitated the launch of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization the range of forms that funder (GAVI) with a public announcement of seed funding and the commitment to provide collaboratives can take and the challenges that can emerge— $1.5 billion in grants over 10 years. Its goal is to help donor governments, recipient illuminated by an extensive set of governments, civil society organizations, research and technical institutes, vaccine- case studies. producing companies, and multilateral organizations such as the World Health Ralph Hamilton, February 2002. Organization (WHO) and the World Bank develop coordinated strategies to improve vaccine markets and distribution. Online: 15 Working together, Alliance members have been able to transform vaccine delivery in COLLABORATIVE the developing world, achieving objectives that no single agency or group could have PHILANTHROPIES: WHAT GROUPS ever realized alone. WHO estimates that through its collaborative work GAVI has OF FOUNDATIONS CAN DO THAT prevented four million premature deaths, immunized over 250 million children, and INDIVIDUAL FUNDERS CANNOT dramatically increased vaccine production in the developing world. Anchored in the experience of the Los Angeles Urban Funders collaborative, this book KEEP ANTIBIOTICS WORKING provides a wealth of examples Fighting the complex issue of antibiotic resistance illustrating how and why funders with a cross-cutting coalition. collaborate. Elwood Hopkins, March 2005. ! The issue of resistance to antibiotics exists at the juncture of three traditional silos: Online: ecology, animal rights, and public health. When a group of advocates formed Keep Antibiotics Working (KAW) in 2000, they created a novel collaborative structure HOW TO START A MOVEMENT to embrace this diversity. Nonprofits targeting each of the issues formed one This quick and entertaining collaborative while concerned funders formed another. The nonprofits defined talk highlights the power and a coordinated strategy, the funders provided aligned support, and the nonprofits importance of follower-ship in carried out the work. This arrangement responded to the systemic, multi-faceted getting movements started. nature of the challenge: because today’s widespread resistance to antibiotics results Derek Sivers. The TED from their overuse in both medicine and agriculture, funders and grantees focused Conference, February 2010. on just a single issue could not have hoped to have an impact alone. Online: In 10 years, KAW has grown to include a dozen funders and advocacy groups representing more than 11 million members. It has raised public awareness of the dangers of antibiotic resistance and has led to critical action, such as persuading McDonalds to require reduced antibiotics usage by its suppliers and supporting an aggressive slate of proposals on the 2010 Congressional docket. ACTING BIGGER: ALIGN INDEPENDENT ACTION
  • 18. 4 ACTING BIGGER ACTIVATE NETWORKS In addition to seeing and working with networks of other funders, philanthropists can also act bigger by building connectivity across networks of grantees and community members. Although the individual grant is the typical unit of analysis for most foundations, the success of any grant or organization is rarely sufficient to move the needle on a complex problem. We have all felt VOICE FROM THE FIELD the irony when successful programs are lauded while the system they aspire to change continues to fail. The most effective funders of the One key problem is future will not be satisfied with the philanthropic equivalent of “the believing that we can operation was a success, but the patient died.” 16 solve complicated social problems through a series of The only way a whole system can be changed is by engaging and organizational or project connecting the parts. Funders are well positioned to support grants alone. connectivity and to coordinate and knit together the pieces of a network of activity that can have impacts far beyond the success of any one grant, grantee, or donor. This has long been the basis for initiative grantmaking, but advances in network theory and practice now allow funders to be much more deliberate about supporting and participating in networks, and in thinking about how the collective impact of a coordinated portfolio of grants can produce more significant change. BARR FOUNDATION Using “network weavers” to build lasting connections among youth service providers as a way to coordinate effort and drive long-term impact. ! The Barr Foundation has taken an explicitly network-focused approach in its efforts to improve the availability and quality of after-school programming for youth in Boston. Concerned that past efforts by foundations to stimulate collaboration among grantees rarely succeeded beyond the duration of a funder’s support, Barr wanted to build lasting connections between youth service providers that would allow them to coordinate effort and drive long-term impact. To do this, Barr funded the placement of “network weavers” in the community who focused on facilitating relationship building and knowledge sharing among service providers and community leaders, and on identifying and promoting opportunities WHAT’S NEXT FOR PHILANTHROPY: ACTING BIGGER AND ADAPTING BETTER IN A NETWORKED WORLD
  • 19. for partnership and collaboration. The work has helped to dramatically strengthen the connectivity of the network, enabled improved access to resources (including a ADDITIONAL comprehensive directory of youth service providers), and facilitated the spread of new ideas and best practices across the community. RESOURCES NET GAINS: A HANDBOOK FOR NETWORK BUILDERS SEEKING ANNIE E. CASEY FOUNDATION SOCIAL CHANGE Building networks to create stronger social support and greater leadership This report was one of the first opportunities in lower-income communities. to explore how networks can be used to achieve better leverage, ! The Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Making Connections initiative was a 10-year effort, performance, and results in the ultimately operating in 10 communities across the United States, to strengthen face of increasingly complex communities at the neighborhood level. The initiative was based on the belief social challenges. that mobilizing social networks could help connect local residents and families to Peter Plastrik and Madeleine each other, to economic opportunities, and to public services and other types of Taylor, 2006. social support. Each Making Connections site supported programs that facilitated Online: relationship and community building, community leadership, civic engagement, and connections between low-income and middle-income families in the service of “WORKING WIKILY” building stronger local social networks. At the Louisville, Kentucky site, for example, This article draws the connection the initiative seeded a 2,300-member community network that links residents to between the concepts of one another and to a range of local opportunities (such as jobs, childcare, financial network theory, the promise of planning, and other services). The network has helped find jobs for more than 400 Web 2.0 tools, and the growing local residents, generating more than $4 million in salaries in the community. potential to use networks as a way to increase social impact. An associated blog, DAVID AND LUCILE PACKARD FOUNDATION, provides ongoing news, perspectives, and Explicitly helping to build the “network effectiveness” of grantees, as well as dialogue on the subject. their individual organizational effectiveness. Diana Scearce, Gabriel Kasper, ! The Packard Foundation has long managed an organizational effectiveness program and Heather McLeod-Grant. Stanford Social Innovation to build the capacity of its grantees to accomplish their goals. But an increasing Review, Summer 2010. 17 number of the Foundation’s grant recipients now function as networks or use Online: network-based strategies, and Foundation leadership recognized that the supports and approaches required to help a network grow and thrive were actually quite BETH’S BLOG: HOW NONPROFIT different from the ones required to build the capacity of an organization. ORGANIZATIONS CAN USE So the Foundation launched the three-year “Philanthropy and Networks SOCIAL MEDIA TO POWER SOCIAL Exploration” (PNE) in partnership with the Monitor Institute to learn about and NETWORKS FOR CHANGE experiment with networked strategies and social media tools. Since then, the This blog, an open notebook of organizational effectiveness unit has begun to incorporate network effectiveness insights about nonprofits and principles into its work, using new training curriculum and tools designed by the PNE social media, is one of the best to help grantees better understand and use network-centric approaches and to allow resources available to activists and funders interested in funders to more effectively participate in networks. experimenting with new network tools and technologies. Beth Kanter. Online: ACTING BIGGER: ACTIVATE NETWORKS
  • 20. 5 ACTING BIGGER LEVERAGE OTHERS’ RESOURCES In addition to finding new ways of working together toward collective goals, some funders are also exploring how they can use their independent resources as levers to catalyze much larger streams of funding and activity from other sources. In many cases, the best way for a funder to get more bang for its buck is to invest in getting others to throw their resources into the VOICE FROM THE FIELD mix. Effective funders are learning to activate resources beyond their These public-private control by investing in and stimulating markets to produce social partnership things, they’re benefit; by influencing government funding flows through public really messy and they’re policy advocacy; by shifting opinions and attitudes through public 18 really hard and they’re reallyeducation and media efforts; and by activating other players, funders, complex. And they’re also the and resources of all kinds. only frickin’ way that things are going to get solved. WOMEN MOVING MILLIONS Rallying women to give more to promote women’s and girls’ issues. ! When the two daughters of oil magnate H. L. Hunt decided to use their giving to support the advancement of women, they went beyond traditional donations. They started a global campaign in partnership with the Women’s Funding Network aimed at breaking the trend of female donors giving only small amounts to women’s causes. Under the name Women Moving Millions, they have rallied more than 100 women to give upwards of $1 million each, and have raised $181 million as of February 2010 for women’s funds around the world. KAISER FAMILY FOUNDATION Influencing individual behavior to improve public health through a new multi-platform model for media partnership. ! The Kaiser Family Foundation complements its health policy education work with an aggressive media strategy to raise public awareness and change individual behavior. These campaigns have pioneered a comprehensive multi-platform model of public service programming that involves using new media and partnering with major media networks. Their Peabody and Emmy award-winning efforts combine targeted public service messages with longer-form special programming, integrate information and messaging into popular shows, and provide places to go for more information. Current partners in the U.S. include MTV, BET, Univision, Viacom/CBS, and Fox; with each, Kaiser works collaboratively to provide both expert guidance on the media content and assistance with day-to-day program management. WHAT’S NEXT FOR PHILANTHROPY: ACTING BIGGER AND ADAPTING BETTER IN A NETWORKED WORLD
  • 21. PARTICIPANT MEDIA Building awareness of important social issues and stimulating public action ADDITIONAL by producing theatrical feature films and documentaries. RESOURCES ! Jeff Skoll founded Participant Media to produce feature films and documentaries THE NONPROFIT MARKETPLACE: BRIDGING THE INFORMATION GAP about important social issues and then use the resulting groundswells of interest IN PHILANTHROPY to promote social change. The company’s films—including An Inconvenient Truth, Syriana, The Cove, and Food, Inc.—are shown in mainstream theaters and have This whitepaper sketches a garnered more than a dozen Academy Award nominations. Alongside each of compelling vision for a social capital marketplace that helps these films, Participant works with social sector organizations, nonprofits, and donors make better decisions corporations to create social action campaigns. Often organized online through and directs more capital to high Participant’s social action portal, these campaigns engage audiences performing nonprofits. in thoughtful conversation through screening programs, educational curricula and Hewlett Foundation and McKinsey classes, house parties, seminars, and panels, providing a deeper understanding of & Company, November 2008. the issues and encouraging personal involvement. Online: http:// CLIMATE POLICY INITIATIVE EMERGING MARKETS, EMERGING Strengthening government responses to climate change through real-time MODELS: MARKET-BASED dissemination of the best practices in climate policy implementation. SOLUTIONS TO THE CHALLENGES OF GLOBAL POVERTY ! George Soros founded the Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) in 2009 to improve This report describes the climate-related policy using an unorthodox approach. Rather than launching a different approaches that campaign to pass a particular piece of legislation, Soros funded the CPI to serve as innovative actors are now using standing “consultants” that can advise governments in the United States, Europe, to shape commercial markets to China, India, and Brazil on the implementation of climate policies that appropriately help alleviate poverty. regulate and leverage markets in the service of public good. The effort aims to Ashish Karamchandani, Michael capture and share best practices to build stronger institutions for enforcing and Kubzansky, and Paul Frandano. implementing policies instead of simply influencing the development of the policies Monitor Group, March 2009. themselves. Online: 19 FOUNDATION PRACTICES FOR CLINTON HEALTH ACCESS INITIATIVE PUBLIC POLICY ENGAGEMENT Stimulating markets to make HIV/AIDS treatment affordable This report gives an up-to- in developing countries by aggregating demand, improving efficiencies, date view of the work of 19 and reducing volatility. foundations that have taken a leading role in shaping public ! The Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) has eschewed traditional philanthropic policy, describing both their approaches in its efforts to improve access to HIV/AIDS treatment in Africa, reasons and their practical Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Instead, CHAI has taken a market-based strategies for using policy as their path to impact. approach to HIV/AIDS treatment: it cut out the middlemen responsible for distribution (and mark-ups), aggregated the demand for HIV/AIDS treatment in James Ferris and Hilary Harmssen. the regions, and helped generic drug manufacturers become more efficient. The Center on Philanthropy and Public Policy at the University of resultant reduction in volatility, aggregated volume, and increase in efficiency Southern California, December allowed CHAI to enter into purchase agreements with select drug manufacturers 2009. to provide lower prices. It is important to note that CHAI never asked the drug Online: manufacturers for charitable donations but rather created an appealing value proposition for all parties that allowed the market to sustain the delivery of lower- priced drugs. ACTING BIGGER: LEVERAGE OTHERS’ RESOURCES
  • 22. ADAPTING BETTER Once organized philanthropy truly embraces acting bigger, the work will only be half done. Mistakes made at a grand scale are still mistakes, and potentially very destructive ones. Ambitious efforts that demonstrably fall short of expectations are still failures. Most philanthropy of the future will make judgments based on the best evidence available and then learn and adjust rapidly and publicly. In addition to acting bigger, the field will need to adapt better. The positive pressures to support these new behaviors are building. 20 Grantmakers Grantmakers can no longer assume that they occupy a safe and quiet haven can no longer where people are given the benefit of the doubt simply because they are assume that they doing charitable work. As a New York Times headline proclaimed some years occupy a safe ago, the public is now “asking do-gooders to prove they do good.” and quiet haven where people are Much progress has been made in this regard over the past decade due to given the benefit the extraordinary efforts of many dedicated people and institutions. The of the doubt hard work will continue in the years to come, and will almost certainly take simply because interesting new directions—in some cases with great promise, and in others, they are doing with real risks. A number of funders, for example, are beginning to refocus charitable work. their efforts on the big picture, working in partnership with others to test whether they are moving the needle on pressing problems rather than simply conducting small, individual program evaluations after the fact. Others, however, faced with the complexity and messiness of today’s challenges, may succumb to the temptation of false precision, setting simplistic proxies for impact just because they can be easily measured, even if they miss the mark in assessing real progress on complicated social problems. Further complicating matters is that in today’s dynamic landscape of public problem solving it often no longer makes sense to develop strategy using purely linear approaches: identifying a problem, formulating a theory, deciding on a solution, and executing a clear plan. Nuanced theories of change and the resulting action plans can be out of date almost as soon as they’re printed. Strategies today must evolve on the basis of judgment that WHAT’S NEXT FOR PHILANTHROPY: ACTING BIGGER AND ADAPTING BETTER IN A NETWORKED WORLD
  • 23. is actively and continuously cultivated, using multiple inputs and sources. Otherwise a leader is in danger of lashing the funding rudder in place only to find that the tide, the wind, and the current have pushed the effort way off course. Funders will succeed in this rapidly shifting environment if they continuously improve their ability to learn, shift, and adapt in real time—or they risk becoming irrelevant at best or, at worst, actually hurting the cause. Fortunately, new technologies allow us to share information and gather input in real-time, more easily and cheaply than ever before. The question for the coming decade will be whether funders can learn to use these new tools to figure out what works, share what they know and do, get feedback quickly, and then be ready to act on what they learn in ways that add up to meaningful impact on public problems. As we see it, there are five additional next practices that can help funders adapt better: 6 KNOW WHAT WORKS (AND WHAT DOESN’T) Effective funders will develop systems to learn from their successes, and their failures, in ways that can help everyone— funders and grantees alike—develop the judgment to guide and improve efforts in the future. 7 KEEP PACE WITH CHANGE As the speed of change accelerates around us, funders will need to build feedback loops that help them change and shift behavior 21 based on dynamic realities and lessons learned in real time. 8 OPEN UP TO NEW INPUTS New tools and approaches now allow funders to solicit points of view from diverse cultures and perspectives, to access new and wildcard ideas, and to get buy-in and engagement from stakeholders. 9 SHARE BY DEFAULT In a more crowded playing field, there is tremendous value in reflecting on your work and conveying your lessons to others. It makes sense to start from a place of sharing everything and then make a few exceptions, rather than a place of sharing little where transparency is the exception. 10 TAKE SMART RISKS The most effective funders will recognize when innovation is necessary, and will be willing to make high-risk, high-reward bets that have the potential to create transformative change. ADAPTING BETTER
  • 24. 6 ADAPTING BETTER KNOW WHAT WORKS (AND WHAT DOESN’T) In an evaluation landscape cluttered with distinct and warring methodologies, it’s nearly impossible to see the forest for the trees. Despite the myriad approaches and tools available, it is still di cult to get a reliable answer to the question, “Did we make a di erence?” It’s high time to trade in the false comfort and overprecision of evaluating individual programs and projects against linear logic VOICE FROM THE FIELD models for a context-based approach to cultivating better and better judgment over time for multiple actors in complex systems. Funders need to learn from Effective measurement in the future will evolve in ways that parallel what has already been done. the new paradigm for philanthropy more broadly: it will be fully 22 We have a tendency to dive in contextualized, aggressively collective, real-time, transparent, without looking at meaningful to multiple audiences, and technologically enabled. what came before and what comes after. The goal is to learn from past successes and failures in ways that can help everyone—funders and grantees alike—develop the judgment to guide and improve efforts in the future. The challenge is not to avoid mistakes. Failures are inevitable when confronting wicked problems. The challenge is to make only new mistakes. Funders and nonprofits that admit their wrong turns and share what they learn will advance the whole field in the process. In this way, the lessons from failure become the essential building blocks for future success. ROBERT WOOD JOHNSON FOUNDATION Partnering with government to conduct and evaluate a demonstration project aimed at developing a more flexible and effective Medicare treatment system. ! Cash & Counseling offers Medicare patients with disabilities new flexibility and control over their own care by giving individuals the power to direct monthly allowances to purchase assistance and services from sources other than the traditional home care agencies. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s willingness to test this new approach, thoroughly examine whether it was effective, and then support its widespread adoption illustrates the power of establishing proof of concept—knowing that something works—and then applying it on a wider scale. Started with support from the Foundation and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Cash & Counseling was first launched as a demonstration project WHAT’S NEXT FOR PHILANTHROPY: ACTING BIGGER AND ADAPTING BETTER IN A NETWORKED WORLD