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                                                                  NEUROSCIENCE AND
                                                                      BEHAVIOR /
                                                                 BIOLOGICAL BASES OF
                     Module 4                                         BEHAVIOR
                                                                      *Biological Psychology
                                                                 - concerned with the links
                                                                   between biology and behavior

                    Warm Up                                                    Agenda
Get into 4 groups. Make a Y. Everyone except the
front and back persons are blind.
 – Create a system of communication that does not involve
                                                                 Module 4: Neural and Hormonal
   verbal or visual communication among “survivors.”             Systems
   Touching is allowed.
                                                                 – Neurons
Create a system of communication that does not
involve auditory or visual communication b t
i    l     dit       i   l       i ti    between                 – Action potentials
“islands.” Seeing people are mute and cannot                     – Synaptic communication
touch other seeing people. You cannot cross the
gap.                                                             Exit ticket
 – One catch: only one person from each island can send
   messages among islands and one person from each island
   can receive the message.
The goal: Send the final message to the rest of the

            Fact or Falsehood                                           Fact or Falsehood
1.   A small amount of brain tissue from                    1.   Electrically stimulating a cat’s brain
     a person cannot be distinguished                            at a certain point can cause the
     from that of a monkey.                                      animal to cower in terror in the
2    The human brain produces its own                            presence of a small mouse
     natural opiates that elevate mood                      2.   Both animals and humans seem to
     and ease pain.                                              have reward centers located in the
3.   The brain accounts for a larger                             brain.
     percentage of body weight in                           3.   We ordinarily use only 10 percent of
     humans than in any other species.                           our brains.


            Fact or Falsehood                             Phrenology
1.   Some people can write but are                                     Franz Gall
     unable to read.                                                   Germany
2.   If a blind person uses one finger to                              Early
     read Braille, the brain area
           Braille                                                     1800 s
     dedicated to that finger expands.                                 bumps =
3.   Adult humans cannot generate new                                  abilities
     brain cells.                                                      37 traits
4.   Some people have had the
     hemispheres of their brains split
     with no apparent ill effect.

          HOW DOES THIS…                            LEAD TO THIS?

                 We are…                                  We are…
     Systems: A group of interacting,       What is the smallest level of
     interrelated, or interdependent        analysis?
     elements forming a complex whole.
                                            Bi l i l
     Biological, Psychological, Social
                                            We will examine how at this level
     What is the smallest level of          “we” take in information: organize,
     analysis?                              interpret, and store it; and use it.


      Neuron = Nerve Cell                     Efferent Neuron = Motor Neuron
-processes and transmits information           (innervates muscles or other organs)

Afferent Neuron = Sensory Neuron                            Interneuron =
(receives information from sense organs)      (sends and receives information between neurons)

   How do these nerve cells                    How to neurons communicate
    exchange information?                            with each other?
Electrochemically.                              – Neurons are not physically joined
 – Between neurons, a signal travels              together.
   chemically.                                  – Therefore how do they pass a signal
 – Within the neuron, a signal travels
                neuron                            across a physical space known as a
                                                           p y       p
   “electrically” via the movement of ions.       synapse.
                                                    The word "synapse" comes from Greek: "syn"
                                                    meaning "together" and "haptein" meaning "to


                                                     How Neurons Communicate
                                                     Neurotransmitters (NT)
        “You are your                                – Released from the axon terminal buds.
                                                     – Cross synapse.
           y p
          synapses.”                                 – Connect to correct receptor-channels on

                                                     – Unlock channels at the receiving site allowing
                                                       Na+ ions into the receiving neuron.

    -Joseph Le Doux

  How Neurons Communicate
Two Categories of Neurotransmitters (NT)

  – Excitatory: allow positive Na+ ions allowed in
    causes firing
  – Inhibitory: allow negative ions allowed in
    prevents firing
  – ACh (acetylcholine): excitatory NT
  – GABA: inhibitory NT – keeps brain calmed
    down and not firing out of control

                                                     Every drug that affects behavior
                                                     works at the synapse
                                                     – Agonist: excite the receiving neuron.
                                                         They are similar enough the NT that it
                                                         mimics its effects.
                                                         They block the reuptake of the NT in the
                                                     – Antagonist: inhibit the receiving neuron.
                                                         They can block receptor site, block release
                                                         of NT from sending neuron.


                                                     – Stops ACh from fitting into receptor
                                                       sites (used by natives on poison darts)
                                                    Botox aka Botulin
                                                     – Blocks the release of Ach from the
                                                       sending neurons (paralysis)
                                                    Black Widow venom:
                                                     – Is similar to Ach and activates receptor
                                                       sites (seizures and convulsions)

          DRUGS cont.                                         DRUGS cont.
Dopamine (NT): excessive levels in                  Endorphins: natural pain killing NT
the brain associated with                            – Toughens the membrane of
schizophrenia and low levels                           neurotransmitter sacs preventing them
associated with Parkinson s disease
                Parkinson’s                            from breaking
                                                         o b ea g
                                                        Pain signal is stopped
– Thorazine
   used for schizophrenia patients b/c it blocks     – Morphine and other opiates: mimics
   dopamine (antagonist)                               endorphins (agonist)
– L-Dopa used for Parkinsons (agonist)
   Patients develop tolerance

         Seratonin (NT)                                           Questions
– Low levels associated with depression            With so many NTs, are some found
– Administer prozac – prevents reuptake             only in certain places?
– M.A.O.’s breakdown seratonin
  M.A.O. s
                                                   How d they affect mood, memories,
                                                   H    do th    ff t      d    i
– S.S.R.I. (selective seratonin reuptake
                                                     and mental abilities?
   M.A.O. inhibitors help seratonin (agonist)
                                                   Can we boost or diminish these effects
                                                    through drugs or diet?


                                             How do these nerve cells
                                              exchange information?
Certain pathway uses 1 or 2 NT’s and       Electrochemically.
 that NT has a particular effect on a      – Between neurons, a signal travels
 behavior and emotion.                       chemically.
                                           – Within the neuron, a signal travels
                                           We are going to go backwards to see
                                           the process.
                                           Question: What makes the NTs
                                           release from the axon terminals?

    How do these nerve cells
     exchange information?
 Question 2: Where does this electric
 message come from?
 It’s the movement of ions (charged
 particles) across the cell membrane
 of the axon.
 This movement is called an

  action potential.

Neural Impulse or Action Potential
  Worth Archive Video

  Video Animation of an Action Potential

  Another more detailed lesson


Neural Impulse or Action Potential            Neural Impulse or Action Potential
Resting potential:
        potential:                            Action potential:
 – Ratio of                                    – Positive Na atoms rush in and trigger a domino
     2 Positively charged K+ atoms inside        effect down the axon. The region inside
     3 Positively charged Na+ atoms outside      becomes slightly positively charged.
 – Therefore, outside the neuron, it is
   Therefore                neuron            In other words, the cell becomes
   positively charged and                     depolarized.
 – inside the neuron, it is negatively        And guess what? It’s like dominoes.
   charged (-70 mV)
                                              Once it starts, it can’t be stopped.
In other words, the neuron is                  – This is called the all-or-none principle.

Neural Impulse or Action Potential                          Question…
Refractory period:                            Question: What starts the action
 – A period of time when the neuron must
   become polarized again
                                              potential down the axon?
 – In other words…                            Demonstration perhaps?
 – Positive Na atoms go back out

 *Can happen 1000 times per second

         This is our answer.                                Question…
                                              Question: What starts the action
                                              potential down the axon?
                                              Demonstration perhaps?
                                              Answer: The cell body and axon
                                              A         Th     ll b d    d
                                              hillock are like a water gun, clown’s
                                              mouth, and a balloon.
                                              In other words, it’s an adding


          A Little (New) Order                          Keep these in mind…
1.    Get into groups of 3 or 4                   Depolarization
2.    I will give you an envelope.                All-or-
                                                  All-or-none principle
3.    It contains events and ideas                Direction of impulse
      involving neural communication.
      i    l i         l        i ti              Refractory period
4.    Put them in the correct                     Threshold
      chronological order.                        Resting potential
5.    Some terms may or may not fit.              Action potential

            Level of Analysis                               Neural Chain (radio)
     From the molecular and cellular level   1.    Receptor Cells (antennae):
                                                  - Skin on fingers
                                             2.    Sensory cells (wires connected to radio)
     Tissue                                       - Send impulse to brain
     O                                       3.    Interneuron cells (radio)
                                                  - brain
     Organ Systems
                                             4.    Motor cells (wires to speaker)
                                                  - Back down arm to hand
                                             5.    Effector cells (speaker)
                                                  - Control muscles that retract fingers

     Reflexes caused by inter-neurons in             Central Nervous System
     the spinal cord (demos)
                                                  Neural Networks form from learning and
                                                  – Increases the speed messages are sent

        v=DF04XPBj5uc                         You versus a computer
                                                     40 billion neurons
                                              10,000 connections/neuron
                                           400 trillion synaptic connections!!!

         Level of Analysis                             Lou Gehrig
From the molecular and cellular level
Organ Systems

                                          DIVISIONS OF THE NERVOUS
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
6 out of 100,000 people usually           Central Nervous System
between ages 60 to 75                      – brain and spinal cord
Death within 5 years                       – billions of neurons
Reason: D th of motor neurons.
R        Death f     t                    Peripheral N
                                          P i h    l Nervous S t
Possible causes:                           – Sensory and motor neurons that
                                             connect the brain to the rest of the body
 – Death of microtubules in those axons
                                           – A few millions for each.
 – Buildup of toxic chemicals within
 – Toxic chemicals from other neurons


DIVISIONS OF THE NERVOUS             Peripheral Nervous System
         SYSTEM                            (2 components)
       NERVOUS SYSTEM              Somatic Nervous System:
                                   – voluntary control of skeletal muscles
                                   Autonomic Nervous System:
  PERIPHERAL          CENTRAL      – controls th glands and muscles of
                                        t l the l d       d     l    f
                                    internal organs
                                      Sympathetic nervous system arouses (3 F’s)
AUTONOMIC       SOMATIC               Parasympathetic nervous system calms


                                  Tell me what’s happening within
                                        your nervous system.

Tell me what’s happening within
      your nervous system.


               Neural Chain (radio)                                 Reflexes
1.       Receptor Cells (antennae):
     - Skin on fingers
2.       Sensory cells (wires connected to radio)
     - Send impulse to brain
3.       Interneuron cells (radio)
     - brain
4.       Motor cells (wires to speaker)
     - Back down arm to hand
5.       Effector cells (speaker)
     -     Control muscles that retract fingers

                       Reflexes                         Central Nervous System                Neural Networks form from learning and
     mNQdLkkJHM&NR=1                                 practice
                                                     – Increases the speed messages are sent
                                                     Class example

            You versus a computer                             You are complex

     40 billion neurons                             Neurons
               X                                     Reflex arcs
 10,000 connections/neuron
 10 000          ti  /                                Networks
                                                          Specialized regions
    400 trillion synaptic
                                                            Brain Systems
                                                              The Brain


                      Exit                       Question

On a strip of paper,             What do you think has more lasting
–write down one question
 you have from today’s
                  today s
 lecture and
–drop it off in the black tray
 by the door.

 A text that reads “143” OR          The Endocrine System
                                 • Glands that
                                   hormones that
                                   travel through
                                   the body to
                                   affect certain

                                 • Pituitary gland
                                   (master gland)

    The Endocrine System
NT’s and hormones
 are chemically
 similar if not the

Feedback System:
  pituitary   other
  glands    hormones
     brain   behavior
E.g.: puberty


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Unit 2- Research Aptitude (UGC NET Paper I).pdf

Module 4 handouts

  • 1. 9/21/2009 NEUROSCIENCE AND BEHAVIOR / BIOLOGICAL BASES OF Module 4 BEHAVIOR *Biological Psychology - concerned with the links between biology and behavior Warm Up Agenda Get into 4 groups. Make a Y. Everyone except the front and back persons are blind. – Create a system of communication that does not involve Module 4: Neural and Hormonal verbal or visual communication among “survivors.” Systems Touching is allowed. – Neurons Create a system of communication that does not involve auditory or visual communication b t i l dit i l i ti between – Action potentials “islands.” Seeing people are mute and cannot – Synaptic communication touch other seeing people. You cannot cross the gap. Exit ticket – One catch: only one person from each island can send messages among islands and one person from each island can receive the message. The goal: Send the final message to the rest of the group. Fact or Falsehood Fact or Falsehood 1. A small amount of brain tissue from 1. Electrically stimulating a cat’s brain a person cannot be distinguished at a certain point can cause the from that of a monkey. animal to cower in terror in the 2. 2 The human brain produces its own presence of a small mouse mouse. natural opiates that elevate mood 2. Both animals and humans seem to and ease pain. have reward centers located in the 3. The brain accounts for a larger brain. percentage of body weight in 3. We ordinarily use only 10 percent of humans than in any other species. our brains. 1
  • 2. 9/21/2009 Fact or Falsehood Phrenology 1. Some people can write but are Franz Gall unable to read. Germany 2. If a blind person uses one finger to Early read Braille, the brain area Braille 1800 s 1800’s dedicated to that finger expands. bumps = mental 3. Adult humans cannot generate new abilities brain cells. 37 traits 4. Some people have had the hemispheres of their brains split with no apparent ill effect. HOW DOES THIS… LEAD TO THIS? We are… We are… Systems: A group of interacting, What is the smallest level of interrelated, or interdependent analysis? elements forming a complex whole. Biological. Bi l i l Biological, Psychological, Social We will examine how at this level What is the smallest level of “we” take in information: organize, analysis? interpret, and store it; and use it. 2
  • 3. 9/21/2009 Neuron = Nerve Cell Efferent Neuron = Motor Neuron -processes and transmits information (innervates muscles or other organs) Afferent Neuron = Sensory Neuron Interneuron = (receives information from sense organs) (sends and receives information between neurons) How do these nerve cells How to neurons communicate exchange information? with each other? Electrochemically. – Neurons are not physically joined – Between neurons, a signal travels together. chemically. – Therefore how do they pass a signal – Within the neuron, a signal travels neuron across a physical space known as a p y p “electrically” via the movement of ions. synapse. The word "synapse" comes from Greek: "syn" "syn" meaning "together" and "haptein" meaning "to "haptein" clasp." 3
  • 4. 9/21/2009 How Neurons Communicate Neurotransmitters (NT) “You are your – Released from the axon terminal buds. – Cross synapse. y p synapses.” – Connect to correct receptor-channels on dendrites receptor- – Unlock channels at the receiving site allowing Na+ ions into the receiving neuron. neuron. -Joseph Le Doux How Neurons Communicate Two Categories of Neurotransmitters (NT) – Excitatory: allow positive Na+ ions allowed in causes firing – Inhibitory: allow negative ions allowed in prevents firing Examples: – ACh (acetylcholine): excitatory NT – GABA: inhibitory NT – keeps brain calmed down and not firing out of control DRUGS Every drug that affects behavior works at the synapse – Agonist: excite the receiving neuron. They are similar enough the NT that it mimics its effects. They block the reuptake of the NT in the synapse – Antagonist: inhibit the receiving neuron. They can block receptor site, block release of NT from sending neuron. 4
  • 5. 9/21/2009 Examples Curare: – Stops ACh from fitting into receptor sites (used by natives on poison darts) darts) Botox aka Botulin – Blocks the release of Ach from the sending neurons (paralysis) Black Widow venom: – Is similar to Ach and activates receptor sites (seizures and convulsions) convulsions) DRUGS cont. DRUGS cont. Dopamine (NT): excessive levels in Endorphins: natural pain killing NT the brain associated with – Toughens the membrane of schizophrenia and low levels neurotransmitter sacs preventing them associated with Parkinson s disease Parkinson’s from breaking o b ea g Pain signal is stopped – Thorazine used for schizophrenia patients b/c it blocks – Morphine and other opiates: mimics dopamine (antagonist) endorphins (agonist) – L-Dopa used for Parkinsons (agonist) Patients develop tolerance Seratonin (NT) Questions – Low levels associated with depression With so many NTs, are some found – Administer prozac – prevents reuptake only in certain places? (agonist) – M.A.O.’s breakdown seratonin M.A.O. s How d they affect mood, memories, H do th ff t d i – S.S.R.I. (selective seratonin reuptake inhibator) and mental abilities? M.A.O. inhibitors help seratonin (agonist) Can we boost or diminish these effects through drugs or diet? 5
  • 6. 9/21/2009 How do these nerve cells Pathways exchange information? Certain pathway uses 1 or 2 NT’s and Electrochemically. that NT has a particular effect on a – Between neurons, a signal travels behavior and emotion. chemically. – Within the neuron, a signal travels neuron “electrically.” We are going to go backwards to see the process. Question: What makes the NTs release from the axon terminals? How do these nerve cells exchange information? Question 2: Where does this electric message come from? It’s the movement of ions (charged particles) across the cell membrane of the axon. This movement is called an action potential. Neural Impulse or Action Potential Worth Archive Video Video Animation of an Action Potential Another more detailed lesson lesson. 6
  • 7. 9/21/2009 Neural Impulse or Action Potential Neural Impulse or Action Potential Resting potential: potential: Action potential: – Ratio of – Positive Na atoms rush in and trigger a domino 2 Positively charged K+ atoms inside effect down the axon. The region inside 3 Positively charged Na+ atoms outside becomes slightly positively charged. – Therefore, outside the neuron, it is Therefore neuron In other words, the cell becomes words positively charged and depolarized. – inside the neuron, it is negatively And guess what? It’s like dominoes. charged (-70 mV) (- Once it starts, it can’t be stopped. In other words, the neuron is – This is called the all-or-none principle. all-or- polarized. Neural Impulse or Action Potential Question… Refractory period: Question: What starts the action – A period of time when the neuron must become polarized again potential down the axon? – In other words… Demonstration perhaps? – Positive Na atoms go back out *Can happen 1000 times per second This is our answer. Question… Question: What starts the action potential down the axon? Demonstration perhaps? Answer: The cell body and axon A Th ll b d d hillock are like a water gun, clown’s mouth, and a balloon. In other words, it’s an adding machine. 7
  • 8. 9/21/2009 A Little (New) Order Keep these in mind… 1. Get into groups of 3 or 4 Depolarization 2. I will give you an envelope. All-or- All-or-none principle 3. It contains events and ideas Direction of impulse involving neural communication. i l i l i ti Refractory period 4. Put them in the correct Threshold chronological order. Resting potential 5. Some terms may or may not fit. Action potential Level of Analysis Neural Chain (radio) From the molecular and cellular level 1. Receptor Cells (antennae): - Skin on fingers 2. Sensory cells (wires connected to radio) Tissue - Send impulse to brain Organs O 3. Interneuron cells (radio) - brain Organ Systems 4. Motor cells (wires to speaker) - Back down arm to hand 5. Effector cells (speaker) - Control muscles that retract fingers Reflexes caused by inter-neurons in Central Nervous System the spinal cord (demos) Neural Networks form from learning and practice – Increases the speed messages are sent 8
  • 9. 9/21/2009 v=DF04XPBj5uc You versus a computer 40 billion neurons X 10,000 connections/neuron = 400 trillion synaptic connections!!! Level of Analysis Lou Gehrig From the molecular and cellular level 4msaZTJrTA Tissue Organs O Organ Systems DIVISIONS OF THE NERVOUS Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis SYSTEM 6 out of 100,000 people usually Central Nervous System between ages 60 to 75 – brain and spinal cord Death within 5 years – billions of neurons Reason: D th of motor neurons. R Death f t Peripheral N P i h l Nervous S t System Possible causes: – Sensory and motor neurons that connect the brain to the rest of the body – Death of microtubules in those axons – A few millions for each. – Buildup of toxic chemicals within neurons – Toxic chemicals from other neurons 9
  • 10. 9/21/2009 DIVISIONS OF THE NERVOUS Peripheral Nervous System SYSTEM (2 components) NERVOUS SYSTEM Somatic Nervous System: – voluntary control of skeletal muscles Autonomic Nervous System: PERIPHERAL CENTRAL – controls th glands and muscles of t l the l d d l f internal organs Sympathetic nervous system arouses (3 F’s) AUTONOMIC SOMATIC Parasympathetic nervous system calms SYMPATHETIC PARASYMPATHETIC Tell me what’s happening within your nervous system. Tell me what’s happening within your nervous system. 10
  • 11. 9/21/2009 Neural Chain (radio) Reflexes 1. Receptor Cells (antennae): - Skin on fingers 2. Sensory cells (wires connected to radio) - Send impulse to brain 3. Interneuron cells (radio) - brain 4. Motor cells (wires to speaker) - Back down arm to hand 5. Effector cells (speaker) - Control muscles that retract fingers Reflexes Central Nervous System Neural Networks form from learning and mNQdLkkJHM&NR=1 practice – Increases the speed messages are sent Class example You versus a computer You are complex 40 billion neurons Neurons X Reflex arcs 10,000 connections/neuron 10 000 ti / Networks Pathways = Specialized regions 400 trillion synaptic Brain Systems connections!!! The Brain 11
  • 12. 9/21/2009 Exit Question On a strip of paper, What do you think has more lasting effects? –write down one question you have from today’s today s lecture and –drop it off in the black tray by the door. A text that reads “143” OR The Endocrine System • Glands that produce hormones that travel through the body to y affect certain tissues • Pituitary gland (master gland) gland) The Endocrine System NT’s and hormones are chemically similar if not the same. Feedback System: Brain (Hypothalamus) pituitary other glands hormones brain behavior E.g.: puberty 12