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                             TINGKAT SMP
                       BAHASA INGGRIS
                                    JILID 2
                            Iin Hermiyanto S.Pd

                           (CETAKAN KE 1 TAHUN 2008)
                              SMP AN-NISAA’ PRESS

Read the text carefully to answer the questions from 1 to 4

        The growth of industry during the 1800s gave an influence on agriculture revolution.
Inventors found ways to make machine do farm work. There are machines that plough the
land and the others destroy weeds, pick up the crop and so on.
        Before the invention of the tractor, farm machines were almost run by animals. Farm
tractors are far more efficient and powerful than animals. They do not require as much care
as animals. Besides, tractors can work all day without a rest.
        The farm tractor is the most useful single piece of farm equipment. It can pull ploughs,
seeders, cultivators, and many other kinds farm machines.

1. The suitable title of the text above is …
   A. Agriculture                              C. Farm Machinery
   B. Industry                                 D. Invention of the tractor.

2. Which statement is not true according to the text?
   A. Tractors can work all day without a rest.
   B. Inventors found ways to make machines do farm work.
   C. The farm tractor is the most useful single piece of farm equipment.
   D. Before the invention of farm machines, farm were almost

3. “They do not require as much care as animals” (paragraph 2, line 5). The italic word means …
   A. make                                    C. develop
   B. prepare                                 D. need

4. “It can pull ploughs” The italic word means …
   A. push                                     C. bring
   B. move                                     D. draw toward

For reading text no. 5 to 8

        Culture is the improvement of mind or body by training. In Indonesia, the culture of
people includes their whole way of life.
        Most of the Indonesians can speak Indonesian because very well because
Indonesian is the national language. Only a few cannot speak Indonesian. They live on small
islands, coastal areas, or remote places. They speak their own regional languages. So, if we
want to know more about their customs and culture, we should live with them and try to learn
about their customs, culture and language. By doing so, we are ready to learn all the different
things of such a culture. Having close communication with them will help them improve their
way of life.
        What do people do for a living, hunt, fish, farm, and trade? The answers may be
simple, but the work affects every aspect of their life. People who live in coastal areas or
near a lake may fish for food, but people whom l near tropical forests may hunt for food.
People who live on far away lands may farm their pieces of land. They also go to markets to

5. Which statement is not correct according to the text?
   A. Indonesian people only live in coastal areas.
   B. The culture of people includes their whole way of life.
   C. Indonesian is the national language. So, most of the Indonesian can speak it very well.
   D. If we want to improve way of life, we should be in close with them.                                                                          2
6. “ _______we should live with them_________.” (Para. 2) What does the word ’them’ refer to …
   A. customs                              C. regional languages ]
   B. Indonesian people                    D. coastal areas

7. The suitable text for the text above is …
   A. culture                                    C. way of life
   B. customs                                    D. customs and cultures

8. “They live on small islands, coastal areas, or remote places.” (paragraph 2, line 4)
   The meaning of ‘remote’ in the text is …
   A. near from                                   C. very close to
   B. far away                                    D. crowded

Reading text for questions no. 9 to 12

         When ancient people went from one place to another, they walked. When they had a
heavy load to move, they carried it. Then people learned to train animals to carry packs. The
oxen, the donkey and the camel were trained to be the beast of burden in the middle East. In
the Arctic, the dog and the reindeer were used. In India, humped cattle and elephants were
the burden carriers. The horse, a common transport animal today, was one of the last
animals to be trained.
         Nowadays, wheeled vehicles for land transportation such as buses, trucks, cars, and
motorcycles are generally used. People can also go from one place to another by train. The
railway carriages are pulled by a diesel locomotive or high-speed electric locomotive. In early
19th century. the carriages were pulled by a steam locomotive.
         People who want to travel may choose to go by train or by bus. They may prefer the
first-class compartments to the third-class ones because of the services. The first-class
passengers are served better than the third-class passengers. The facilities provided are
also different. Air conditioners are equipped in the first-class compartments but not in the
third class. For the better services they get, they have to pay the fare higher of course.
         In big cities, city buses become people’s choice. Not all buses put the same fare into
effect. Distance does not a matter, but services provided are considered to determine it. The
better services given, the more the fare has to be paid. For example, BUSWAY as inner city
bus that serves a route from Blok M to Kota put the tariff higher than other inner city buses
because of its punctuality and comfortable shelters for passengers.

9. The suitable title for the text is. …
   A. Kinds of transportation                    C. Land Transportation
   B. The first-class Train                      D. Traveling by Bus

10. Which statement is not true according to the text?
    A. The horse was one of the last animals to be trained.
    B. Some buses applies different tariff.
    C. Passengers have to pay more fare for inner city buses if they go far.
    D. Services determine the fare that passengers have to pay.

11. “Not all buses put the same fare into effect. Distance does not a matter, but services provided are
    considered to determine it.” The word it in the sentence refers to …
    A. distance                                   C. service
    B. matter                                     D. fare

12. ‘One of the parts of a train where passengers sit’ is called a …
    A. vehicle                                   C. locomotive
    B. carriage                                  D. railway                                                                             3
13. There are seventeen students in the class. … of the students have to bring dictionary for English
    A. each                                     C. both
    B. all                                      D. every

14. This truck uses… petrol.
    A. none of                                    C. a large number of
    B. a small number of                          D. a large amount of

15. The head master is … among the teachers at An-Nisaa’
    A. the most young                          C. younger
    B. the more younger                        D. the youngest

16. Harry and Terry haven’t seen the island, …?
    A. do they                                  C. have they
    B. don’t they                               D. haven’t they

17. You have to join the club, …?
    A. do you                                     C. have you
    B. don’t you                                  D. haven’t you

18. I think the boy is …young to have a girlfriend.
    A. very                                      C. too
    B. enough                                    D. quite

19. He felt …tired after working the whole day that he is having a rest in his room now.
    A. so                                       C. enough
    B. very                                     D. rather

20. My father … weekly magazine. So, it helps me in working out clipping.
    A. publish                                C. edit
    B. print                                  D. subscribe

21. Fathia       : Can I have two tickets for the eight o’clock train to Kuala Lumpur, please?
    Ticket seller: …, there is no more seats, mom.
    A. I am sure                                   C. I think so
    B. I am afraid                                 D. Certainly

22. Irien     : When will you leave for Canada, Mr. Ambassador?
    Ambassador: …Maybe next Sunday.
    Irien     : Are you going by Jet or Airbus, sir?
    Ambassador: I’m still thinking about it. I’ll let you know later.
    A. I hope so                                   C. I’m certainly sure
    B. I’m not sure                                D. Of course, I will.

23. The road is not only narrow… bumpy.
    A. and also                                   C. but also
    B. and both                                   D. although

24. METRO TV …the program of ‘Padamu Negeri ’ every Tuesday and Thursday.
    A. composes                         C. possesses
    B. publishes                        D. broadcasts

25. To hang a picture on the wall, you need a ……………to hit a nail into it.
    A. plough                                  C. pliers
    B. hammer                                  D. saw                                                                           4
26. Vea          : I didn’t have much time to read that book.
    Raissa       :…
    A. I did either                      C. I didn’t either
    B. Neither didn’t I                  D. I did too

27. Iqbal     : Were you at home last night when I was calling you up?
    Intan     : No, I wasn’t
    Iqbal     : What about your sister?
    Intan     :…
    A. Neither was she                C. She wasn’t neither
    B. Neither did he                 D. She didn’t neither

28. Alvin    : …people do not stop cutting the trees down, we will have big flood in the future.
    Dhnny    : Government must punish them.
    A. Because                      C. although
    B. When                         D. If

29. Both Snada ………. Raihan are successful nasyid groups.
    A. or                          B. also
    B. and                         D. but

30. Look at the number of people who read three popular newspapers in three big cities!
                           KOMPAS             MEDIA IND           REPUBLIKA
      Jakarta               2 million         2 million           around 1.5 million
      Medan                 750 000           1 million            750.000
      Surabaya             1.5 million        1.5 million          1 million
    Based on the table we can say that …

    A. The number of people in Jakarta who read Media Indonesia is less than those who read
       Republika in the same city.
    B. The number of People who read Republika in Jakarta is more than those who read that
       newspaper in Surabaya.
    C. The number of people who read Media Indonesia is less than those who read Republika in the
       three big cities altogether.
    D. The largest number of people in the three big cities are more interested in reading Kompas.

31. The statements below are correct, except …
    A. People who read Kompas are as many as those who read Media Indonesia in Jakarta
    B. The number of people who read Media Indonesia is more than those who read Republika in
    C. Over two million people in Jakarta read Republika
    D. In Medan, people who read Republika is not as many as those who read Media Indonesia.

32. “Batara Kala was angry with batara Surya and Batari Chandra and tried to swallow them, but
    the god and the goddess escaped. Then Batara Whisnu wanted to protect them.” The short script
    is taken from a story related to …
    A. a fable           B. a legend          C. a folklore         D. a fairytale

33. Alex        : We have to stop at the next gas station. There is only …fuel in the tank.
    Sally       : Ok. Don’t worry, it’s still enough for 5 more kilometers
    A. any              B. a little               C. a few                 D. some

34. We had … to do yesterday so that's why I missed the party.
    A. lots of working                         C. many works
    B. much work                               D. a lot of works                                                                           5
35. Some people make … money in the Internet boom that they became rich quickly.
    A. very much                             C. so much
    B. such much                             D. too much

36. If you … harder, you will pass the exams.
    A. study                                           C. are studying
    B. studied                                         D. studies

37. The box was … heavy that I can’t lift it up myself.
    C. so                                        C. very
    D. quite                                     D. too

38. The audience waited … for the show to begin.
    E. patient                                 C. patiently
    F. with patient                            D. patiencely

39. He works … to reach his obsession.
    G. hardly                                          C. hard
    H. with hardness                                   D. hardnessly

40. He was the only guest … I found strange at the party.
    I. who                                      C. which
    J. where                                    D. what

41. I will bring you to an island ….we can relax and out of our busy work.
    K. when                                      C. where
    L. which                                     D. who

42. … you call me by Monday, please!
    M. Don’t                                           C. can
    N. may                                             D. couldn’t

43. My wife lived in the small town ten years ago, and …
    O. so did I                                 C. I did either
    P. so did me                                D. so do me.

44. His illness is getting … although he is taken to the hospital.
    Q. good                                        C. better
    R. worse                                       D. bad

45. It's … that I don't have to do much to keep it clean.
    S. such a small kitchen                        C. such big kitchen
    T. so a big kitchen                            D. so big kitchen

46. Rearrange these words into a good sentence!
    police – information – accident – journalist – station – a – to – more – get – was – about – the – at
    The right arrangement is ……..
    A. A police was at the station to get information about journalist accident
    B. A journalist was at the police station to get more information about the accident.
    C. At the police station was a journalist get more information about the accident.
    D. To get more information about a journalist the accident was at the police station

47. The ………… in the whole parts of Indonesia is dry and wet.
    A. rainfall                            C. wind
    B. temperature                         D. season                                                                                    6
48. Choose the right order of the following sentences!
    1. It takes place within three or more days.
    2. The more important the person who dies, the more buffaloes they have to prepare.
    3. It is carried out in honour of the dead person.
    4. One of the the Torajan tradition is funeral procession.
    5. It is done by slaughtering one or more buffaloes.

   A. 2, 5, 4, 3, 1                             C. 4, 3, 1, 5, 2
   B. 2, 3, 5, 4, 1                             D. 4, 3, 5, 2, 1

49. Berly      : Indonesia has to import rice this year.
    Cellina    : I don’t believe it! Indonesia is an agricultural country.
    Berly      : There are some reasons for that
    Cellina    : Like what?
    Berly      : The harvest failed ….natural disasters have occurred in several areas
    A. although                                    C. but
    B. because of                                  D. because

50. Area of land between two rows of hills or mountains and with a river flowing through it is called
    A. avenue                                  C. lake
    B. valley                                  D. island

                                                                         SCORE                                                                           7

Read the following passage to answer the questions 1 – 6
        Television is not only a source of entertainment but also a source of news and
entertainment. It is also a valuable medium for science education and industry. Television
can show a lesson to thousands of students at once. Television allows us to watch over the
battle or the spread of contagious diseases from a safe distance.
        A television station may provide a satisfactory picture for a distance of only 50 miles or more
by antenna. Many stations van be linked in a network making it possible for people all over a large
country, like Indonesia to watch a particular program at the same time.
        Some communities have poor reception or none at all. Distance may be the reason or
mountains may block the signals. Artificial satellites are used for transmitting television signals to
around the world. Nowadays internationally owned Intelsat provide worldwide television.

1. The suitable title for the text is …
   A. television                                 C. entertainment
   B. a source of news                           D. a particular program

2. A television is …
   A. only a source of entertainment
   B. a valuable tool for science, education and industry
   C. only a source of music and news
   D. able to show a lesson to some students

3. … are used for receiving signals from the earth and sending them out back to it.
   A. Networks                                  C. Many stations
   B. The signals                               D. Satellites

4. The following sentences are correct according to the text, except…
   A. Television is not only a source of entertainment
   B. Television can also be useful for education
   C. Satellites are needed at home to receive signals.
   D. Pictures on television may not be clear because of distance.

5. ‘It is also a valuable tool ______’(paragraph 1). The word it refers to …
   A. Television station                         C. Entertainment
   B. Information                                D. Television

6. The word ‘valuable’ in the first paragraph means …
   A. attractive                               C. impressive
   B. important                                D. interesting

Read the following passage to answer the questions 7 – 10

         Woodcarving is one of the oldest crafts. People in Jepara use teakwood to make
decorative chairs. The chairs are made of wood or rattan. Some of the Balinese People are
also very good at carving. For decades, beautifully carved figures have been fashioned by
folk artists.
         Madura is a home for fine carvings. Carvers and artists from Madura are mentioned in
the stories and chronicles in the golden era of the Majapahit Kingdom. Some carvings from
Madura show Chinese, Middle Eastern, and European influences. They are not yet as
popular as those are from Jepara and Bali.
         Mats, umbrellas, embroideries and woman’s wooden clog from Tasikmalaya, West
java, are well-known throughout Indonesia. Mats and embroideries from West Sumatra are
well-known as well.                                                                             8
The Batik designs are one of Indonesia’s most famous handicrafts and often imitated
by western textile designers. There are two kinds of batik cloth, the first is decorated with
designs drawn on the cloth and the second is handstamped on the cloth as part of the Batik.
dyeing process. Solo, Yogya, Pekalongan, Cirebon and Indramayu are very famous for local
batik handicrafts.

7. Which statement is true according to the text?
   A. There are influences from many countries in some Madura carvings.
   B. Some carvings from Madura are influenced by Japanese style.
   C. Handicrafts from tasikmalaya are not really famous in Indonesia
   D. Jepara and Bali carvings are more popular than the ones from Madura.

8. The suitable title for the text is …
   A. kinds of carvings                         C. well-known carvings
   B. carver and artist                         D. local handicrafts

9. ‘Carvings from Madura are not yet as popular as those from Bali’ (paragraph 2)
   The word ‘those’ refers to ...
   A. carvings                                C. Madura carvings
   B. Madura                                  D. European influences.

10. “ ....and often imitated by western textile designers.” (paragraph 4)
    The underlined word means …
    A. taken as example                            C. explained by example
    B. taken notice of                             D. made new as example

Read the following passage to answer the questions 11 – 13

                           A NEW FREEDOM WITH AIR FRANCE

 When it comes to flying to Paris from Jakarta, we realize you do not want to be
 restricted by schedules. Air France now takes off for Europe on Wednesday
 every 18.20 precisely. Once you arrive at our Paris-Charles de Gaulle Terminal 2,
 we will have you get off to one of 53 destinations in Europe and 170 throughout
 the world almost as soon as you have landed. When you need to fly to Paris and
 beyond, remember that we have adjusted our schedule. So, you can make the
 most of yours.

11. This advertisement tells us about …
    A. the accommodation facilities
    B. the European countries.
    C. the flight service
    D. the tourist spots

12. ‘We realize you do not want to be restricted by schedules’. The underlined word means ...
    A. allowed                                   C. obeyed
    B. forbidden                                 D. limited

13. What is the main idea of the text?
    A. To let you go to France freely
    B. To announce the interesting place
    C. To promote the countries in Europe
    D. To introduce a new service of the company                                                                        9
Read the following passage to answer the questions 14 - 16
                                A TRIP TO MIAMI, FLORIDA

        When foreigners think about Miami, Florida, they usually think of The United States.
As we know, Miami is not in our beloved country. It is far away from Jakarta. Let us take an
imaginary trip to Miami, Florida, in the United States.
        The gateway to the United States for most Americans who travel by plane is Miami.
This city is beautiful, situated on the southeastern coast of the state of Florida. Miami itself is
not on the ocean, but on a large bay called Biscayne Bay. Its wide streets are lined with
palms, and its white cements houses are covered with bougainvillea. Across the bay is its
neighbour, Miami Beach, which can be reached by road over a long causeway.

14. Jono: What is Miami according to the most Latin Americans ?
    Umar: It is ... to the United States.
    A. far away                                C. gate away
    B. getaway                                 D. across the bay

15. Which statement is not correct according to the text?
    A. People think that Miami is in US
    B. Indonesian people know that Miami is not located in Indonesia.
    C. Miami is a beautiful island in America
    D. Tourist can visit Miami by car from the nearest cities.

16. In Indonesian language, ‘bay’ means ……………..
    A. pulau                               C. pesisir pantai
    B. teluk                               D. selat

Read the following passage to answer the questions 17 - 20

                                                            45 King Road
                                                            Perth, Australia
                                                            January 10, 2009
          Dear Kenzi,
                   Thank you for your second letter. It is very interesting to read about the
          farming tools used by the farmers in your village.
                   Now I would like to tell you about the tools that the farmers in my area
          use. Most farmers here use tractors till and loosen the soil. They help us do the
          tilling work quickly. To make holes in the ground we also use a machine called a
          seed drill. It is also used to drop seeds into the holes and their fertilizer. For
          larger rice fields we plant seeds by airplane. We also use the airplane to spray
          chemicals on to the rice fields. When harvesting period comes, we use a
          combine. It can cut the rice and separate the rice kernels from the stalks. This
          machine can harvest more grain than 200 people working by hand.
          Well, that is all for now. I am looking forward to receiving your other letters.

                                                            Samantha                                                                         10
17. The letter tells us about …
    A. The tractors used by Australian farmers.
    B. The offer to buy tractor for framing
    C. The use of chemicals for farming.
    D. Modern farming tools used by Australian farmers

18. Which one is not categorized as a tool?
    A. seed drill                                  C. tractor
    B. combine                                     D. kernel

19. ‘It can cut the rice and separate the rice kernels from the stalks’ (paragraph 2)
    The word ‘It’ in the sentence above refers to …
    A. airplane                                     C. tractor
    B. combine                                      D. seed drill

20. The farmers used to use buffaloes to plough the field. But now they use tractors instead.
    It means they are more … of using technology
    A. advanced                                  C. traditional
    B. conventional                              D. common

Read the following passage to answer the questions 21 – 25
        It is dangerous to ride too close the car in front of you. if it stops suddenly, you may
not be able to brake in time and then you will collide with it.
        If you want to turn to the right, you must be careful. Look back to see that no other
vehicles are coming from behind. Before you turn right you must give a signal by waving your
right hand. Do not cycle more than two rows, especially on narrow streets. And do not play
jokes along the way. You must keep your attention close to the traffic around you.
        Be careful with passer-by in front of you. Some people are careless when they walk
along the street. Sometimes we find children playing on the street, So, you must slow down
in places where there are many children.
        Last but not least, you must make sure that your bicycle is in good condition. If the
brake does not work, it will be very dangerous. If you cycle at night, you must make sure that
you have a light on your bicycle.

21. The word you and your refer to …
    A. the writer                                  C. the passer-by
    B. the readers                                 D. the children

22. The meaning of ‘passer-by’ in the text is …
    A. someone who is walking past a place
    B. someone who is driving on street
    C. someone who helps people cross the street
    D. someone who is riding a bicycle

23. The most probable right thing to do is …
    A. ride too close                              C. brake in time
    B. stop suddenly                               D. collide with something

24. This is not a good advice according to the text ……….
    A. wave hand before turning                  C. slow down in busy places
    B. use light at night                        D. be close with car in the front.

25. In general, the text tells us about …………….
    A. the way to ride bicycle and car       C. advices on how to cycle safely
    B. using brake is necessary              D. problems of cycling                                                                        11
Read the following passage to answer the questions 26 – 29

         The first Olympic Games were held at Olympia in 776 BC. The games were also called the
ancient Olympic Games. There was only one sport event, a running race. The competitors of the game
were only men, while women were not allowed to join. Later on more events were held, for example,
long jump, javelin throw, boxing, etc. The winners of the game just received a crown of leaves, but it
was a great honor.
         The Olympic Games were then stopped. However, in 1896 a Frenchman, Barron Piere
Coubertin, revived them. They were held in Athena, Greece. The games became the first modern
Olympic Games. There were thirteen countries joining these games and nine sports were on the
         The purpose of joining the game was not merely to be the winner but to take part. The winners
of the competition do not get crown of leaves but they get medal instead.

26. The information about when the first Olympic Games took place is stated in …………
    A. paragraph 1                             C. paragraph 2
    B. paragraph 3                             D. paragraph 4

27. In the modern Olympic Games, the first winners receive ……………
    A. a crown of leaves                       C. silver medals
    B. gold medals                             D. bronze medals

28. ‘…but it was a great honor.’ (para. 1) The underlined word means a feeling of ……
    A. disappointment                            C. sadness
    B. happiness                                 D. pride

29. ‘…a Frenchman, Barron Piere Coubertin, revived them’ (paragraph 2)
    The opposite of underlined word is …………….
    A. stopped                                C. generated
    B. forbade                                D. continued

Read the following passage to answer the questions 30 – 33
                           TAKASIMURA RICE COOKER

    1) Measure out required quantity of rice using measuring cup provided. Wash
       rice in pan, then put rice in the cooking pot and add water up to the level
       as recommended by the marking. However, the quantity of water used will
       depend on the age and strain of the rice, as well personal taste. Do not
       exceed the maximum water level mark.

    2) Set the cooking pot inside the rice cooker. Make sure that the base is dry.
       Ensure that the cooking pot is in direct contact with the heating element by
       rotating it slightly until it seats properly. The rice cooker will malfunction if
       the cooking pot is incorrectly positioned. Always keep the exterior bottom
       of the cooking pot and heating plate clean and dry.

    3) When ready to cook, plug the power supply cord into an AC wall outlet.
       Press COOK. Once rice is cooked, built-in heat censor will automatically
       switch the COOK mode to WARM mode. Allow rice to rest for about 15
       minutes before being served.

30. You have to ………………. before you push COOK button.
    A. connect the cord to electrical socket
    B. warm the rice in the pot
    C. cook the rice in the rice cooker
    D. switch the COOK mode to WARM mode                                                                           12
31. Describe briefly how to cook rice using TAKASIMURA RICE COOKER!
    A. Plug the power cord into the rice cooker socket, push the cooking switch, and wait for 15
    B. Plug the power cord, press COOK, and switch the cook mode for 15 minutes.
    C. Measure the quantity of rice, set the cooking pot inside the rice cooker, plug the power cord,
       and clean and dry the heating plate.
    D. Wash rice, put it in the cooking pot with water in, plug the power cord, and press COOK

32. ‘The rice cooker will malfunction if the cooking pot is incorrectly positioned.’ The underlined
   word means …
   A. It fails to work properly
   B. It can’t warm the cooked rice
   C. It automatically switches off the cook mode
   D. It needs over 15 minutes to rest before serving

33. The text is about …
    A. An advertisement of a rice cooker
    B. A manual instruction of using the rice cooker
    C. An introduction of a new product
    D. The use of rice cooker.

34. Shanti: Wow! It's cool and nice. Look at this seat and that TV!
    Rinto : Yeah, you're right. …!
    A. What is a luxurious train!
    B. What train is luxurious!
    C. What a luxurious train it is!
    D. What is it? A luxurious train!

35. Which one of the following expressions of using ‘too’ is incorrect?
    A. There are too many tigers hunted for their fur.
    B. Too many wind blows into the house during the day.
    C. It does not need too much water to irrigate the small farm.
    D. It’s not good to start planting in October. Too much rain falls in that month.

36. My dictionary is not new and …
    A. neither is his dictionary
    B. his dictionary is too
    C. so is his dictionary
    D. his dictionary is either

37. The basketball game was spectacular. We enjoyed it very much.
    The correct combination of the sentences above is …
    A. The basketball game was spectacular, but we enjoyed it very much.
    B. We enjoyed basketball game very much so that it was spectacular.
    C. The basketball game was so spectacular that we enjoyed it very much.
    D. That the basketball game was so spectacular so we enjoyed it very much.

38. Perry and Natasha have to take Cambridge Test this week, …
    A. have they?                             C. don’t they?
    B. do they?                               D. haven’t they?

39. The exploration of oil was … by a team consisting of some experts.
    A. reached                                 C. produced
    B. conducted                               D. implied                                                                          13
40. ………… a place where ships depart and arrive.
    A. A petrol                             C. An airport
    B. A harbour                            D. A platform

41. A tourist is in the receptionist desk of a hotel.
    Tourist       : Can I have a reservation for today?
    Receptionist: I’m sorry sir. it’s fully booked.
    Tourist       : What about tomorrow?
    Receptionist: would you like me to call another hotel?
    Tourist       : No, thanks. I’ll go and find one.
    A. That’s right                                 C. That’s fine
    B. you’re right                                 D. I doubt that

42. My father … to The Jakarta Post daily newspaper. It is delivered right to the door early in the
    A. edits                                   C. publish
    B. sends                                   D. subscribes

43. Sony : Well, I think this T-shirt is good and everybody should take one.
    Genta : .... We’d better take sweater. The city is cold enough.
    A. I think you’re right                        C. I disagree with you
    B. You don’t have T-shirt                      D. That’s good idea

44. This tool is used for holding small things, bending and cutting wire. It’s …
    A. hoe                                        C. plough
    B. saw                                        D. pliers

45. Lina : I’m sure Tuti has forgotten to come here.
    Murni: … she always keeps her promise. I know her well.
    A. I doubt that                              C. I’m sorry
    B. I’m sure                                  D. I agree with you.
46. The …important member of the crew is the pilot.
    A. less                                   C. more
    B. better                                 D. most

47. Ludlow is a good place ….people can see old British castles.
    A. when                                    C. where
    B. who                                     D. which

48.                               What sport is it in the picture?
                                  A. discus throwing
                                  B. fencing
                                  C. hurdling
                                  D. pole vault

49. Which sport belongs to jumping event?
    A. discus throwing         C. hurdling
    B. pole vaulting           D. sprinting
50. If you don’t take that chance, …
    A. You will regret it                          C. you would regret it
    B. you don’t regret it                         D. you didn’t regret it.                                                                              14
Text for no. 1 - 5
         In 1956, a Brazilian scientist imported some special bees into Brazil from Africa. The
African bees were the same size as ordinary bees, but they were much stronger and
dangerous. A sting from one of these bees can kill a man or even a buffalo very quickly.
         The scientist imported the bees because he wanted to breed a new type of bees,
using the African bees and ordinary European bees. He wanted to combine the strength of
the African bees with the safety of the European bees. Unfortunately, in 1957, 26 queen
bees escaped and began to breed in the jungles of Brazil. They spread very quickly. And
since that time they have been moving slowly northwards, covering 300 to 400 kilometers a
year. Over 200 people have died after being stung by the killer bees, and thousands of
animals have also died. By March 1978, the killer bees had reached Venezuela and in1980
they arrived in Panama.
     The scientists from many different countries had tried hard to find ways of stopping them.
If they couldn’t be stopped, the Americans and Asians, like the Brazilians, they would have to
learn how to live with the new and dangerous visitors.

1. Which bees kill people?
   A. The African bees
   B. The European bees
   C. The new type of bees
   D. The ordinary bees

2. Which sentence is TRUE according to the passage?
   A. The imported African bees are stronger, but not as dangerous as the European bees.
   B. The African bees are smaller, but more dangerous than the European bees.
   C. A sting from the African bees is so poisonous that it can kill an animal with big body in a short
   D. Just some American scientists had tried hard to stop the bees.

3. Which sentence is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
   A. A Brazilian Scientist wanted to have a new type of bees.
   B. The killer bees had killed more than 200 people.
   C. The dangerous bees moved to Venezuela before reaching Panama.
   D. The African bees were bigger than other ordinary bees.

4. The main idea of paragraph 2 is …
   A. Over 200 people have died after being stung by the killer bees.
   B. the killer bees had reached Venezuela and Panama.
   C. 26 queen bees escaped and began to breed in the jungles of Brazil.
   D. The scientist wanted to breed a new type of bees.

5. “The scientists from many different countries had tried hard to find ways of stopping
   them.” The word “them” in the sentence refers to …
   E. The scientists                        C. The Brazilians
   F. The killer bees                       D. The European Bees

Text for no. 6 – 7
Flora and Fauna Exhibition and Festival
   Held         Place             program
 Every        Taman         1. Workshop
 year         Suropati      2. Competition
                            3. Painting
                            4. Photography
                            5. Miss. Flora contest                                                                            15
6. How often is flora and fauna Exhibition held?
   A. Every week                               C. Every month
   B. Every year                               D. Every Sunday

7. Some of the activities of Exhibition are …
   A. Workshop, competition, hunting.
   B. Photography, painting and playing
   C. Trading and painting
   D. Painting, contests and workshop.

Text for no. 8 – 10
HAI Magazine is for young people. Most teenagers (8) …to the magazine. Some others just
read it at their school library. The (9) …of the magazine are about culture, music, lifestyle and
entertainment. It is (10) … twice a month.

      A. subscribe       C. buy
      B. read            D. get

      A. writings        C. articles
      B. illustrations   D. readers

      A. written         C. edited
      B. published       D. given

Text for no. 11 – 12
                                        The other way around
         Have you ever been to safari Park? It’s like a zoo but the animals are not put in cages.
Giraffes, monkeys, hippopotamus, lions and tigers wander around freely. Perhaps you might think
what if these animals attack visitors? No, they won’t. It’s because you look at them from inside of
your car or bus. Here it is the way around. At the zoo, the animals are locked in cages. At the Safari
Park, you are the ones who are locked inside your vehicle.          In our country, the only Safari Park
is located in Cisarua, Bogor.

11. Find a word which has the same meaning of this! ‘shelter for animals where they are taken care’
    A. lock                                    C. attack
    B. cage                                    D. attraction

12. ‘It’s because you look at them from inside of your car or bus’. The word ‘them’ refers to …
    A. visitors                              C. cages
    B. the animals                           D. Safari park

Text for no. 13 - 15
                                           Bees and Honey

          Ahmad is a beekeeper. He learned about bee keeping from his father. He earns
money from his bees. His bees produce honey. Everyday people come to his apiary. He
shows them the beehives and lets them taste the honey. Then, they buy it from him.
          How do bees produce honey? First, a bee takes nectar from a flower. The bee carries
it to its hive. In the hive, the nectar is given to worker bees. Then, the worker bees put it into
a cell of the honeycomb. The worker bees fan the nectar with their wings and the breeze will
ripen the nectar. When the nectar has ripened, it turns into honey. Finally, the bees cover
each cell with wax until it is ready to use. The bees only eat half of the honey they make.
Ahmad collects the leftovers.                                                                               16
13. Honey that bees produce actually comes from …
    A. hive                                    C. cell
    B. honeycomb                               D. nectar

14. The process of producing honey is shown by one of this flowchart. Which one is correct?
    A. taking nectar  putting it in cell  covering the cell with wax  bringing it to hive 
        breezing it  the nectar ripen  turning into honey
    B. taking nectar  bringing it to their hive  putting it in cell  breezing the nectar  the
        nectar ripen  tuning into honey  covering cells with wax.
    C. taking nectar  bringing it to their hive  breezing the nectar  putting it in cell  the
        nectar ripen  tuning into honey  covering cells with wax.
    D. taking nectar  bringing it to their hive  putting it in cell  covering cells with wax
        breezing the nectar  the nectar ripen  turning into honey

15. The main idea of paragraph 2 is …
    A. Ahmad collect honey                      C. The process of producing honey
    B. How bees produce nectar                  D. Ahmad is a beekeeper

Text for no. 16 - 19
         The first Olympic Games were held at Olympia in 776 BC. The games were also called the
ancient Olympic Games. There was only one sport event, a running race. The competitors of the
game were only men, while women were not allowed to join. Later on more events were held, for
example, long jump, javelin throw, boxing, etc. The winners of the game just received a crown of
leaves, but it was a great honor.
         The Olympic Games were then stopped. However, a Frenchman, Barron Pierre Coubertin,
revived them in 1896. They were held in Athena, Greece. The games became the first modern
Olympic Games. There were thirteen countries joining these games and nine sports were on the
         The purpose of joining the game was not merely to be the winner but to take part. The
winners of the competition do not get crown of leaves but they get medal instead.

16. The information about when the first Olympic Games took place is stated in …
    A. paragraph 1                             C. paragraph 2
    B. paragraph 3                             D. paragraph 4

17. In the modern Olympic Games, the first winners receive …
    A. a crown of leaves                       C. silver medals
    B. gold medals                             D. bronze medals

18. ‘………but it was a great honor.’ (paragraph. 1) The underlined word means a feeling of ……
    A. disappointment                         C. sadness
    B. happiness                              D. pride

19. ‘……….a Frenchman, Barron Piere Coubertin, revived them’ (paragraph 2)
    The opposite of underlined word is …
    A. stopped                             C. generated
    B. forbade                             D. continued

Text for no. 20 – 22
   More than 70 % of the Indonesian Archipelago is covered with water. Water is essential
for our daily lives. We need it to wash our bodies, clothes, to irrigate crops, to cook,
transport, electricity, etc. Water falls freely from the sky. Then it is absorbed by land. Trees in
forest help water remain in the land long. The people who live in the area which does not
have any forests always find difficulty in getting water.
    In the rainy season water is everywhere. Too much water causes flood. It often causes
great problem. It can destroy crops, environments, and even can make a big disaster like                                                                            17
landslide. To prevent flood we have to keep our forests green and build dams. By doing so
we can save our lives and can use water economically.

20. Water is not used for ....
    A. our body                                       C. Flood
    B. Paddy field                                    D. Electricity

21. What should we do too use water economically?
    A. never use water                        C. cut trees
    B. make more swimming pools               D. keep forests green

22. It often causes great problems. The underlined word refers to .......................
    A. land                                      C. forest
    B. flood                                     D. crops

Text for no. 23 – 25
         Most people like to live in the city better than in the (23) .... In the city, it is easier
to find many kinds of facilities which make our life more comfortable like many kinds of
shopping centre which (24) ... our daily needs and public (25) .... such as cinema,
recreational areas, discos and many more. No wonder the number of people who move to
to the cities are getting bigger and bigger every year.

23. A. urban area                                     C.suburban
    B. downtown                                       D. countryside

24. A. buy                                            C. provide
    B. send                                           D. give

25. A. amusement                                      C. services
    B. transportation                                 D. places

26. Dessy: The weather is cloudy today. Do you think it will rain soon?
    Asta : I think so. will rain soon.
    A. I’m not sure                                     C. I’m sure
    B. I’m not certain                                  D. that’s a good news.

27. I had a planer ticket for the first flight, but IO failed to flybecause of bad weather. The dflight was
    ... for more than 3 hours.
    A. cancelled                                      C. crashed
    B. postponed                                      D. withdrawn

28. We were ... to hear the disaster which happened in Papua.
    A. proud                                     C. delighted
    B. shocked                                   D. lucky

29. Look at the map! Some of the islands lie on ..., so they have tropical climate.                                                                                 18
A. pole                                       C. longitude
   B. latitude                                   D.equator

30. Tono        : Where shall we go for the weekend?
    Jack:y      : What about watching movie?
    Tono        : That would be lovely.
    The underlined utterance shows ...........
    A. an apology                               C. an invitation
    B. a disagreement                           D. a pleasure

31. I don’t think Edelweiss can grow in any soil. Which one of the following sentences has the same
    A. Perhaps Edelweiss can grow in every kinds of soil.
    B. It’s possible that Edelweiss can grow in every kinds of soil.
    C. It’s impossible for Edelweiss to grow in every kinds of soil.
    D. Maybe Edelweiss can grow in every kinds of soil.

32. Which one of the following expressions of excessive quantity is incorrect?
    A. There are too many tigers hunted for their fur.
    B. Too many wind blows into the house during the day.
    C. It doesn’t need too much water to irrigate the small farm.
    D. Too much rain falls in October.

33. My dictionary isn’t the newest version and …
    A. Neither is his dictionary.               C. So is his dictionary
    B. His dictionary is too.                   D. His dictionary is either.

34. ….and he hasn’t either.
    A. I didn’t watch the movie                  C. I haven’t done my homework
    B. Sally has to come                         D. George has come

35. The subway train will depart at 06.30 this morning. The underlined word has the same meaning as
    A. arrive                                    C. leave
    B. late                                      D. land

36. The listeners will easily recognize the voice of their favourite announcer, The underlined word
    means …
    A. identify                                    C. get
    B. understand                                  D. hear

37. We usually brush our teeth ….we go to sleep.
    A. after                                   C. during
    B. when                                    D. before

38. Which sentence is correct?
    A. The athletes won the gold medal although they had trained very hard.
    B. The athletes had trained very hard but they won the gold medal.
    C. The athletes won the gold medal unless they had trained very hard.
    D. The athletes had trained very hard so they won the gold medal.

39. … radio and TV are mass media.
    A. Each                                      C. Both
    B. All                                       D. Only                                                                              19
40. Japan is an industrial country, but Indonesia . ….
    A. isn’t                                       C. doesn’t
    B. aren’t                                      D. don’t

41. John makes you happy, …
    A. hasn’t he?                                 C. has he?
    B. does he?                                   D. doesn’t he?

42. Perry and Natasha have to take Cambridge Test this week, …
    A. have they?                             C. don’t they?
    B. do they?                               D. haven’t they?

43. Which one is the correct question tag?
    A. He will continue his study in Singapore, will he?
    B. She is staying with you, doesn’t she?
    C. John visited you last week, did he?
    D. Franco and Isabel come from Brazil, don’t they?

44. The football match was extremely impressive. The underlined word means …
    A. boring                                  C. popular
    B. spectacular                             D. very bad

45. The population of Indonesia has ….220 million by 2009.
    A. produced                                C. conducted
    B. brought                                 D. reached

  Like the camel, the animal can go for a long time without drinking water. One
  source of water is the leaves which the animal eats from trees. Because it is so
  tall, the animal can reach the tender leaves at the top of a tree. Which picture
  goes with the description?

      A.                                          C.

      B.                                          D.

47. Arrange these sentences into a good order!
    1) Traditional farmers had to do most of their work with hand tools, such as hoes and spades.
    2) They also used a buffalo to plough the field.
    3) Before the invention of farm machines, an average farm was small in size.
    4) It is different now.
    5) Nowadays, large tractors have changed the use of the hand tools

      A. 2 – 4 – 5 – 1 – 3                        C. 4 – 5 – 3 – 1 – 2
      B. 5 – 4 – 1 – 2 – 3                        D. 3 – 1 – 2 – 4 - 5                                                                            20
48. Arrange these sentences into a good order!
    6) To avoid this, there are laws to prevent people from killing the animals.
    7) In Indonesia, there are some reservations where the animals can roam freely.
    8) So the animals which are left in small numbers can be protected from the irresponsible
    9) A number of animals are getting extinct throughout the world.

    A. 3 – 4 – 2 – 1                            C. 2 – 3 – 1 – 4
    B. 4 – 1 – 2 – 3                            D. 1 – 3 – 2 – 4

49. AA Gym : I think horror films cause bad influences to teenagers. They must be stopped
    Megan      : … Moreover, they don’t show any aesthetic and moral values at all.
    A. I don’t think so                      C. I agree with you
    B. I disagree with you                   D. I’m sorry about it

50. Area of land between two rows of hills or mountains and with a river flowing through it is called
    A. avenue                                  C. lake
    B. valley                                  D. island

                                                                        SCORE                                                                          21

Passage for number 1 – 5

     Computers are machines that handle information automatically. They can perform calculation and process data.
Computers can work with numbers to solve the problems in a few second. Computers are widely used in places
such as banks, offices, and companies. Computers work like calculators, but most calculators can do only one thing
at a time. We tell them what to do by pressing various buttons. To do the same work, we can give a series of
instructions to a computer program. If we set up a program, the computer can provide other information such as
lists, numbers, letters, words, or even graphs of pictures. Once we provide a program, the computer can do all these
works automatically without further help or instruction.
     A computer stores and handles numbers. The numbers may be mathematical formulas or column of
figures. The numbers may also be codes that stand for letters of the alphabet, word, or instructions to the

1. From the text we know that a computer is for__ .
   A. giving us codes                          C. making calculation
   B. handling information                     D. typing automatically

2. Paragraph two tells us about ___ .
   A. how a computer works                       C. what a computer can do
   B. how to give instructions                   D. how to set up a program

3. ”We tell them what to do by pressing various buttons” (paragraph 2).
   The word them refers to ___ .
   A. computers                                C. calculators
   B. various buttons                          D. series of instructions

4. They can perform calculation and process data, (paragraph 1).
   The word perform has the similar meaning as ___ .
   A. do                                       C. tell
   B. write                                    D. inform

5. ”… the computer can do this work automatically,”(paragraph 2).
   The antonym of the underlined word is ___ .
   A. specially                                C. generally
   B. manually                                 D. gradually

Passage for number 6 – 10
                                                 ANNE FRANK
    Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt, Germany, on June 12, 1929. Her family was Jewish.
    In 1933, the Nazi Party came to power in Germany. The Nazis blamed Jews for the nation’s problems
and began a campaign against Jews. The Frank family moved to Amsterdam in The Netherlands to
escape the Nazis. But in 1940, Germany invaded The Netherlands, and Jewish people there began to
suffer under anti-Jewish policies.
    Anne was 13 when she started to write. Her diary reveals that, just like other teenagers, she looked
forward to adult life. She hoped to have a career as a writer, and she longed to find love. She had high
ideals and wished “to be useful or give pleasure to people around me.”
    During World War II, Anne Frank and her family spent two years living in a small hidden room,
trying not to be captured by German troops. They were hiding because German Nazis were killing
millions of Jewish people like the Franks. Anne died in 1945, when she was only 16 years old, but her
diary survived to tell her story.
    Anne Frank’s life was short and tragic. Yet her brave spirit has survived in her diary. She wrote this
diary while hiding from the Nazis during World War II (1939-1945).
(Adapted from: Microsoft ® Encarta ® Reference Library 2005)                                                                                         22
6. Why did Frank family move to Amsterdam?
   A. Because they joined anti-Jewish action
   B. Because Germany had a lot of Jewish.
   C. Because Anne wanted to be a writer.
   D. Because they wanted to avoid The Nazis

7. Which information is not true according to the text?
   A. Ann’s family was Jewish
   B. She moved because of The Nazis’ anti-Jewish action
   C. She wrote a novel during World War II to tell about the Nazis’ cruelty.
   D. Anne’s life wasn’t happy

8. How old was she when she died?
    A. 16 years old                             C. 13 years old
    B. 19 years old                             D. 45 years old

9. “During World War II, Anne Frank and her family spent two years living in a small hidden room, trying not
   to be captured by German troops” The underlined word means …………
    A. brought                              C. saved
    B. shot                                 D. caught

10. Where did she write her life story?
    A. In Jewish camp                           C. at school
    B. In her hiding place                      D. In Frankfurt

Passage for number 11 – 15

11. When do platypuses usually appear out of their burrow?
    A. Anytime
    B. Early in the morning
    C. Early in the morning until late in the evening.
    D. Early in the morning and late evening.

12. Why do platypuses only appear at that time? Because ...
    A. They don’t like sunlight
    B. They are afraid of tigers and lions.
    C. They are shy.
    D. They don’t want to be seen.

13. What do they usually do when they are out of their burrow?
    A. Climbing tree.                           C. Sunbathing
    B. Diving                                   D. Observing streams                                                                                   23
14. Where do they build their burrows?
    A. In the blocked earth
    B. in the field
    C. In the banks of rivers or streams
    D. In streams, rivers, and lakes

15. The word ‘young’ (line 14) have the closest meaning to………….
     A. Fresh                                   C. light
     B. Infant                                  D. big

Passage for number 16 – 19
Complete the paragraph correctly!
London has all the advantages and disadvantages of a big city. There are some clean places, but in the other side,
there are also places with a lot of …(16)… The streets are narrow, so there are many …(17) …. At night, you
shouldn’t walk in quiet …(18) …because there is a lot of …...(19) ….. happen.

16. A. litter           B. people                C. shops                 D. noise

17. A. parks            B. traffic jams          C. homeless              D. noise

18. A. shops            B. capital               C. discos                D. parks

19. A. people           B. homeless              C. tram                  D. crime

20. William Wallace rested in the country after the battle. The underline word has similar meaning as ………
    A. town            B. capital                C. state                 D. village

21. This animal has a flat tails and webbed feet. Its body length is 30 to 45 cm and covered with a
    thick, soft and wooly layer of fur. The eyes and heads are small. It has no ears, but it can sense
    sounds and light.
     The animal which is described above is ………..
     A.                                       C.

     B.                                          D.

22. There are seventeen students in the class. ………of the students have to bring dictionary for English class.
    A. each              B. both                C. all                 D every

23. Ms. Ayu is … teacher at An-Nisaa’
    A. the most young                            C. younger
    B. the more younger                          D. the youngest

24. Harry and Terry haven’t seen the island, …………?
    A. do they                                 C. have they
    B. don’t they                              D. haven’t they                                                                                             24
25. You have to write that film review, ………..?
    A. do you                                 C. have you
    B. don’t you                              D. haven’t you

26. Which one is categorized as a biography? …………..
   A. Romeo and Juliet                        C. Mother Theresa
   B. An Ancient Chinese                      D. The hare and The Tortoise

27. My father … weekly magazine. So, it helps me in working out clipping.
    A. publish                                 C. print
    B. edit                                    D. subscribe to

28. Vindy        : Can I have two tickets for the eight o’clock train to Kuala Lumpur, please?
    Ticket seller: …, there is no more seat, mum.
    A. I am sure                                   C. I think so
    B. I am afraid                                 D. Certainly

29. Wishi        : I didn’t have much time to read the novel.
    Abi          :…
    A. I did either                               C. I didn’t either
    B. Neither didn’t I                           D. I did too

30. Nadia      : Were you at home last night when I was calling you up?
    Tari       : No, I wasn’t
    Nadia      : What about your sister?
    Uthie      :…
    A. Neither was she                         C. She wasn’t neither
    B. Neither did he                          D. She didn’t neither

31. Anin : …the people do not stop cutting the trees down, landslide will happen in this area.
    Rian : You’re right. Government must punish them.
    A. Because                                   C. although
    B. When                                      D. If

32. Both Snada ………. Raihan are successful nasyid groups.
    A. or           B. also                 C. and                        D. but

33. “….. Kay saw the sword, he thought Arthur had stolen it. he told Arthur to put it back. Arthur put it back, then
    Kay tried to pull it out, but he couldn’t” The short script taken from an English story is related to …………
    A. a fable                                     C. a memory
    B. a legend                                    D. a fairytale

34. Melly and Zahara are having cooking class.
     Melly : The soup smells delicious. Let me try it.Uh! It’s taste too salty.
     Zahara : I’m sorry. I guess I have put …….salt in it.
    A. Too many                                C. too much
    B. Some                                    D. enough

35. Alex : We have to stop at the next gas station. There is only ………….. fuel in the tank.
    Sally : Ok. Don’t worry, it’s still enough for 5 kilometers more
    A. any                                         C. a few
    B. a little                                    D. some

36. Monica went on working until late at night. The word which has the same meaning as ‘went on’ is …..
   A. stopped                                   C. continued
   B. refused                                   D. cancelled                                                                                         25
37. My wife lived in the small town ten years ago, and ____
   A. so did I                                  C. I did either
   B. so did me                                 D. so do me.

38. His illness is getting …………….although he is taken to the hospital.
    A. good                                C. better
    B. worse                               D. bad

39. Ms. Tanti sometimes ……………. to visit her parents in Japan twice a year.
   A. came                                C. was coming
   B. comes                               D. will come

40. I ….exercises everyday because I don’t want to get fat.
   A. Takes                                     C. take
   B. am taking                                 D. took

41. Mike       : Where did you get the novel from?
    Steve      : I borrowed it from the British Council Library last week. I want to return it now because I …
   A. read                                       C. am going to read
   B. am reading                                 D. have read

42. Do you know who … the famous book “treasure island”?
   A. writes                                C. wrote
   B. is writing                            D. write

43. Arrange the following sentences into correct paragraph!
     1) Enjoy your holiday and have fun there!
     2) There is also an Art Gallery which displays impressive modern and historic paintings
     3) Manchester is located in the north-west of England.
     4) There are some magnificent Victorian buildings near Albert square.
     5) It has something for everyone.

    A. 1 – 5 – 3 – 4 – 2                         C. 3 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 1
    B. 1 - 4 – 2 – 3 – 5                         D. 3 – 5 – 4 – 2 - 1

44. The basketball game was spectacular. We enjoyed it very much.
    The correct combination of the sentences above is …………….
    A. The basketball game was spectacular, but we enjoyed it very much.
    B. We enjoyed basketball game very much so that it was spectacular.
    C. The basketball game was so spectacular that we enjoyed it very much.
    D. That the basketball game was so spectacular so we enjoyed it very much.

45. Lina : I’m sure Tuti has forgotten to come here.
    Murni: …she always keeps her promise. I know her well.
    A. I doubt that                              C. I’m sorry
    B. I’m sure                                  D. I agree with you

46. Ayik        : There is an English debate in our school tomorrow, is that right?
    Anin        : Yeah, I also heard about it.
    Ayik        : Let’s join then. We can get a lot of experience from it.
    Anin        : … Let’s practice together.

   A. That’s too bad.                            C. Yes, there is.
   B. I don’t think so.                          D. Why not.                                                                                         26
47. Look at this sign and choose what it means!

                 THE LIBRARY

   A.    Return your books before you leave the library.
   B.    The librarian needs to see your books before you go.
   C.    Make sure you take all your books with you.
   D.    The librarian will show you where you have to put your books.

48. 1st tourist : Look at those birds!
    2nd tourist : …
    A. How beautiful are they!
    B. How are they beautiful!
    C. How beautiful they are!
    D. How they are beautiful!

49. Susie       : Which magazine do you want to borrow, ‘National Geographic’ or ‘Newsweek’ ?
    Jason       : I would like ….May I?
    A. both of them                           C. all of them
    B. none of them                           D. either of them

50. Read the text below!

                The Place – Record your voice!
        We have created the ultimate state of the art tracking
        facility. Ideal for Indy Label album projects who need
        to make a first class CD at half of the usual cost. Otari
        MTR=90 II Track Tape Machine. Neve and Tubetech
         Mic Pre’s, Digital Editing and Mastering. Lots More
                              Outboard Gear!

     Panglima Polim Street E3/8 – South Jakarta
     Call us at: (012) 722-2193 - 94

   What is the purpose of the text?
   A. To offer a product
   B. To inform people the location of recording studio .
   C. To advertise a service of recording
   D. To invite people to an art show.

                                                                         SCORE                                                                        27
Text for no. 1 – 3

Alexander Graham bell is famous for his invention of the telephone, one of the important devices that
have helped build modern life. Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, on March 3, 1847 Bell was educated in
Edinburgh high School and at the university Edinburgh and London. He was the son of Mileville Bell,
who devoted his time to teaching deaf people. At the age of 23, being threatened with tuberculosis,
Alexander moved to Canada with his family in 1870. The following year, following his father’s profession,
he started teaching deaf people in Boston. Teaching deaf people was the Bell family’s profession. His
grandfather also taught deaf people in Scotland. Alexander Graham Bell taught not only the deaf, he did
even more than that. He opened a private school to train teachers for the deaf.

1. Why did Alexander move to Canada with his family? Because ___ .
   A. he taught the deaf there
   B. he wanted to invent a device to help the deaf
   C. he followed his father to teach the deaf
   D. he was threatened with tuberculosis

2. When did Alexander start to teach the deaf in Canada?
   A. 1847                                      C. 1871
   B. 1870                                      D. 1875

3. “Alexander Graham Bell is famous for his invention of the telephone.” The word “famous” has the same
   meaning with ___ .
    A. very good                           C. surprised
    B. well-known                          D. extra ordinary

Text for no. 4 - 7
         The first Olympic Games were held at Olympia in 776 BC. The games were also called the
ancient Olympic Games. There was only one sport event, a running race. The competitors of the game
were only men, while women were not allowed to join. Later on more events were held, for example,
long jump, javelin throw, boxing, etc. The winners of the game just received a crown of leaves, but it was
a great honor.
         The Olympic Games were then stopped. However, a Frenchman, Barron Pierre Coubertin,
revived them in 1896. They were held in Athena, Greece. The games became the first modern Olympic
Games. There were thirteen countries joining these games and nine sports were on the agenda..
         The purpose of joining the game was not merely to be the winner but to take part. The winners of
the competition do not get crown of leaves but they get medal instead.

4. The information about when the first Olympic Games took place is found in …
   A. paragraph 1                             C. paragraph 2
   B. paragraph 3                             D. paragraph 4

5. In the modern Olympic Games, the first winners receive …
    A. a crown of leaves                      C. silver medals
    B. gold medals                            D. bronze medals

6. ‘_____but it was a great honor.’ (paragraph. 1) The underlined word means a feeling of …
    A. disappointment                           C. satisfaction
    B. happiness                                D. pride

7. ‘_____a Frenchman, Barron Piere Coubertin, revived them’ (paragraph 2)
   The opposite meaning (the antonym) of the underlined word is …
    A. stopped                               C. generated
    B. started                               D. continued                                                                               28
8.   Mr. Ahmad : The price of fertilizer will increase next mouth.
     Mr. Shihab :       Oh I don’t think it’s good. It will need more money to spend.
     The underlined expression shows …
      A. agreeing                                C. offering
      B. disagreeing                             D. requesting

9. We were hear the earthquake which happened in West Sumatera
   A. proud                                    C. delighted
   B. shocked                                  D. glad

10. Peter       : Where shall we go for the weekend?
    Dilla       : What about watching movie?
    Peter       : That would be lovely.
    The underlined utterance shows ......
     A. a refusal                               C. a disagreement
     B. an invitation                           D. a pleasure

11. Nani : Are you free this evening?
    Watik : Why?
    Nani : What about going to the school yard. I want to watch the volley ball match.
    Watik : I have to do my history project.
     A. I’d love to                          C. I’m very sorry to hear that
     B. You are very kind.                   D. I’m sorry, I can’t

12. My Microsoft Suite software isn’t the newest version and … …………………………..
    A. Neither is his software                  C. So is his software
    B. His software is too.                     D. His software is either.

13. … and he hasn’t either.
    A. I didn’t watch the movie                  C. George has come
    B. Sally has to come                         D. I haven’t done my homework

14. The subway train will depart at 07.30 this morning. The similar meaning of the underlined word is …
    A. arrive                                    C. leave
    B. late                                      D. land

15. The listeners will easily recognize the voice of their favourite announcer, The underlined word means
    A. identify                                   C. get
    B. understand                                 D. hear

16. Which sentence is correct?
    A. The athletes won the gold medal although they had trained very hard.
    B. The athletes had trained very hard but they won the gold medal.
    C. The athletes won the gold medal because they had trained very hard.
    D. The athletes had trained very hard if they won the gold medal.

17. Dhana : Do you like listening to the radio?
    Putri : Yes. I like it very much.
     Dhana : Because the programs give me not only pleasure … also a lot of information.
     A. but                                     C. and
     B. with                                    D. or

18. Nina : How long have you been waiting Mira?
    Jake : For an hour. I’ve been waiting since eight o’clock this morning.
    Nina : …                                                                                    29
Jake : No, I don’t think so. She always keeps her promise. We have promised to see computer exhibition in the
           city hall.
     A. I have no doubt she keeps her promise.
     B. I doubt she won’t come here.
     C. I’m certain she will come.
     D. I’m sure she will come.

19. Istiqomah : Is our education the same as the one in Brunei Darussalam?
    Hulailah : I don’t think so. Education in Indonesia is expensive ___ education in Brunei is free of charge.
     A. although                                  C. therefore
     B. but                                       D. so

20. Emir makes your life happy, …
     A. hasn’t he?                                C. has he?
     B. does he?                                  D. doesn’t he?

21. Mila and Hanif will take part in the Math competition, …
    A. will they?                                C. don’t they?
    B. do they?                                  D. won’t they?

22. Which one is the correct question tag?
    A. Haikal will continue his study in Singapore, will he?
    B. Monica is staying with you, doesn’t she?
    C. Fikri visited you last week, did he?
    D. Vindy and Anin come from Indonesia, don’t they?

23. The population of Indonesia …230 million by 2010.
    A. will reach                             C. has reached
    B. reaches                                D. reached

24. I think learning French isn’t as …as learning English
     A. more easy                                 C. easier
     B. the easiest                               D. easy

25. Nadia : ”Would you like to come to Ray’s
             birthday party?
    Dipo : ”I am not sure yet, but I will come
     A. he invites                           C. he has invited
     B. he invited                           D. he is going to invite me

26. John : Have you done the last assignment?
    Edy : No, I haven’t. What about you?
    John :…
     A. I do too                                  C. Neither have I
     B. I have too                                D. I don’t either

27. Zahara : Some people like to stay in small town. How about you?
     Kholil : I do too. Staying in a small town is … .than in a big city.
     A. the most peaceful as                      C. not so peaceful
     B. as peaceful as                            D. more peaceful

28. 1st tourist : Look at those birds!
     2nd tourist : Yes, …
     A. How beautiful are they!                   C. How beautiful they are!
     B. How are they beautiful!                   D. How they are beautiful!

29. Ms. Vina  : What is your opinion about using a washing machine?
    Ms. Yayuk : Well, I think it’s very practical.                                                                                          30
Mr. Vina   : I’m afraid … In my opinion, it spends too much electricity.
    A I agree                                 C. I don’t agree
    B That’s right                            D. I can’t decide

30. Miftah : “Where is the half past six bus to Semarang?
    Wawan : “Sorry, but the bus ,,,,.
    A. has departed                              C. departed
    B. departing                                 D. is departing

31. Berta : What does … consist of?
     Fitria : It consists of long jumping, sprinting, javelin throwing and many others.
     A. wrestling                                 C. ice-skating
     B. athletics                                 D. cycling

32. Based on the table below the correct information is …
        Destination              Cost                 Days             Tourists objects
     Bali                 Rp 350.000,00                 5                     7
     Jakarta              Rp 280.000,00                 4                     6

    A    Going to Bali needs less money than to Jakarta.
    B    Traveling to Jakarta covers less time than to Bali.
    C    There are more tourists objects in Jakarta than Bali.
    D    having holiday in Bali can visit few tourists objects than Jakarta.

33. Mother : What do you want to eat for breakfast, bread or rice ?
    Prita : Well, some bread, mum.
    The underlined sentence means … .
     A asking bread and rice
     B giving something to eat
     C having bread for breakfast
     D offering something for breakfast

34. Gilang : Please tell me how to make this new plant grow well.
    Adrian: Oh, I’m sorry ….
    Gilang : That’s all right.
    A. I have no idea
    B. I’m sure it will do well
    C. I know how to deal with it
    D. Don’t worry it’s easy to do

35. Arif : What will you do when you graduate your Junior High school next year.
    Dian : I … my study at an International Senior High School.
     A have continued                           C. was continuing
     B will continue                            D. continued

36. Myra : Can you operate a computer ?
    Dimas : Sorry. I can’t. What about you ?
    Myra : “ … “
    A I can’t too                                 C. I can’t either
    B So can I                                    D. Neither can’t I

37. Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph!
    1. This rhino is famous for its horn.
    2. Java Rhino always live in a very small group, even sometimes live alone.
    3. If this continues to happen, in the next few years, we cannot find rhino anymore.
    4. Many hunters kill the animals for their horns; they sell them at very high price.
    5. Other people make medicine from rhino’s horn.
    6. Many rhinos die at the hand of the hunters.                                                                   31
The correct arrangement is …
     A 6-3-4-5-2-1                                C. 2-1-4-5-6-3
     B 4-5-6-3-2-1                                D. 1-2-4-5-3-6

38. Arrange the sentences below into a correct paragraph!
     1. As we know Rick Leach and Scott Melville play tennis attractively.
     2. They can work together in the tennis court so they can beat their opponent.
     3. Here is a report on the final international tennis tournaments.
     4. They become the champion pair, defeating American compatriots Kent Kinear and Dave
     The correct arrangement is …
     A. 3 - 1- 2 - 4                             C. 1 - 3 - 4 -2
     B. 3 - 2 – 1- 4                             D. 2 – 3 – 1 – 4

For questions from no. 39 to 41, choose the suitable words to complete the following passage!
Having regular exercise can make you (39) … especially if you are 40. However, it’s very good idea to see your
doctor before you start your exercise program if you think you are not very fit. Some people try to exercise too
hard. As a result, they cause themselves (40) … which can take a long time to (41)…

39. A. healthy                                    C. dangerous
     B. hard                                      D. sporty

40. A. injuries                                   C. fit
     B. hurts                                     D. tired

41. A. protect                                    C. operate
     B. treat                                     D. heal

42. I saw Melly standing on the other side of the busy street. I had to wait five minutes to cross the road to see her
    because …………
     A. the traffic was so heavy.                 C. I didn’t know the way.
     B. it was so cold.                           D. She didn’t see me.

43. Stella : We’ll have a computer course this semester, mom. Could you buy me a laptop, please?
     Mother: … because we don’t have enough money to buy it.
     A. I’m not sure                             C. That’s very kind of you.
     B. That’s all right.                        D. There is no doubt about it.

Text for no. 48 – 50

       D o you know how blueberries grow? They grow on bushes. Each blueberry is small and round.
Many blueberries can grow on one bush. At first, the blueberries are green. The green berries are
not ready to eat yet. They need a lot of sun and rain to help them become fat and sweet. When the
berries turn blue, they are ripe and ready to be picked.
         Some farmers grow blueberries in big fields. The people who live nearby can earn money
by helping to pick the blueberries. Each one takes a pail out to the field and fills it with
blueberries. They work fast so that they can fill many pails. They want to earn as much money as
they can. When they are done picking, their fingers are blue from the juice of the berries!
        After the blueberries are picked, they are put into boxes and sent to stores. People buy
the blueberries and take them home to eat. Some people like to wash the berries and eat them one
by one. Other people like to cook with blueberries. They make blueberry muffins and pancakes.
         No matter how you eat them, blueberries taste great!                                                                                             32
44. What color are the blueberries before they are ready to be picked?
    A. blue                                      C. red
    B. green                                     D. brown

45. What could be another title for this story?
    A. All About Blueberries                      C. Eating Blueberries
    B. How to cook with Blueberries               D. Blueberries and Bush

46. What happens to blueberries after they are picked?
    A. They are put into boxes                   C. Farmers plant them.
    B. They need sun and rain.                   D, They become sweet and ripe.

47. … Anggie and I have visited the art exhibition.
    A. Both                                      C. Neither
    B. Either                                    D. Not only

48. Wahyuni keeps working … her condition is till weak.
    A. and                                    C. but
    B. so                                     D. although

49. Zakaria : Some people like to stay in small town. How about you?
    Khaidir : I do too. Staying in a small town is … than in a big city.
    A. the most peaceful as                       C. more peaceful
    B. as peaceful as                             D. not so peaceful

50. The best arrangement of the following sentence is ...
    1. We have to jog at least three times a week or every other day.
    2. We can jog on the streets, in the big squares, in the park, etc.
    3. We only need a pair of running shoes, a sport shirt, shorts, and socks.
    4. So, don't jog only on Sundays.
    5. Jogging does not need a lot of money.
    6. If we want to make our body fit.

    A. 5-3-2-6-1-4                                C. 5-2-6-1-3-4
    B. 5-1-6-3-2-4                                D. 5-3-6-1-4-2

                                                                                  SCORE                                                                  33

Read the text carefully and answer questions 1 and 2!
                                                 A Family Business

         In most families, the parents go off to work every morning and come home at night. The children go to
school all day, and then hang out with friends or go to after-school activities. The Ellis family is unusual. The
children and the parents work in the family business every day. They have a flower shop called Flowers by Ellis and
they all have jobs to do.
         The parents, Howard and Heidi Ellis, spend all day at the store. Howard drives the delivery truck. He also
takes phone orders and talks to customers. Heidi arranges the flowers into beautiful bouquets. She is also the
business manager. She keeps business records and does the banking.
         Sixteen-year-old David is the after-school delivery person. On weekdays, he picks up orders at the store
and delivers them to customers. He just got his driver's license last month and he likes driving. He also helps unload
the delivery trucks that bring the flowers to the store.
         Twelve-year-old Tara is the cleaning person. Every day after school she cleans the floor and collects the
trash. She washes the windows once a week. At 6 o'clock the store closes, the family goes home and has dinner
together. The children do their homework and the parents take care of household duties. David says, "We all work
hard. We know that each one of us is important to the success of the business. We are proud of what our family has

1. Who does half-day work in the flower store?
   a. Howard and Ellis
   b. Ellis and Tara
   c. Howard and David
   d. David and Tara

2. How many people work in the family business?
   a. 2
   b. 3
   c. 4
   d. 5

Read the following text and answer question 3!

                              Fashionable Fabrics
                                     555 -1555
                            Hairpin Drive, Mountain
                             We are pleased to offer
                                the best selection
                            Competitive pricing and
                                  a friendly and
                              knowledgeable staff.
                            Offering Great Deals on
                    Quilting cottons, bridal fabrics, drapery
                Upholstery, polar fleece, and cross stitch supplies.
                   Check out our weekly "In Store" Specials
                          We ship anywhere by mail.
3. What is being sold in the advertisement?
   a. Modern factories which are located in Mountain
   b. Cars which have been used by the factory.                                                                                           34
c. Ships which have been used to send mail
   d. Materials which can are used to make quilts, clothes or any other crafts

Read the following text and answer questions 4 to 8!
                                      A visit to a sheep property

        Last holidays I visited a sheep property. I helped in the shearing sheds and in the yards.
        On the first day, the Merino weathers were bad. I helped by sweeping up after the roustabouts
picked up the wool pieces. Shearers usually start working early at 7.30 am.
        After lunch, I started shearing the lambs together with them. There were more than 400 lambs so
we didn’t finish until the next day. Once again I swept and picked up the wool pieces
        I was tired by the end of the day in the shed but our work wasn’t finished. We all had to help to get the
lambs back into the paddocks. We also had to get a mob of ewes and their lambs into the yards for shearing the
next day. Then it was time for tea.
         This was a very long day but I enjoyed it a lot.

4. When did the writer start helping cutting the wool off sheep?
   a. In the morning
   b. By the end of the day
   c. At 7.30 am
   d. After noon

5. How many lambs did they have to shear on the writer’s visit day?
   a. 400
   b. Over 400
   c. Less than 400
   d. Not more than 400

6. “After lunch, I started shearing the lambs together with them” (paragraph 3)
   What does the word “them” refer to?
   a. Lambs
   b. Roustabouts
   c. Sheep
   d. Shearers

7. What did the writer feel after spending his holidays in the sheep property?
   a. He felt bored.
   b. He was tired.
   c. He loved it.
   d. He didn’t like it.

8. It is a small field where someone keeps sheep. The place is ……………..
   a. Paddock
   b. Yards
   c. Property
   d. Shearer

9. Tata     : It’s too hot these days?
   Ayu      : That’s why the forest can easily catch fire.
   Tata     : Unluckily, some people do not understand the danger of forest burning.
   Ayu      : ………, should we keep silent and not do an action?
   Tata     : Of course not.
   a. So
   b. But
   c. However                                                                                      35
d. So that

Read the following text and answer questions 10 to 12!


        Things you need:
        1 egg
        1 small saucepan
        0,5 litre of water

        What to do:
        1. Fill the saucepan with half a litre of water
        2. Bring water to boil
        3. Put egg in water with spoon
        4. Boil for 4 minutes
        5. Turn off the stove
        6. Drain saucepan.
        7. Serve egg in an egg cup

  Serving suggestion: Warm buttered toast, cut into slices and
  dip into the egg. Make a tasty treat

10. Which of the following is in the correct order?
    a. Boil for 4 minutes, place egg in saucepan, bring water to boil, drain saucepan.
    b. Bring water to boil, place egg in water, boil for 4 minutes, drain saucepan.
    c. Bring water to boil, place egg in saucepan, drain saucepan, boil for 4 minutes
    d. Bring water to boil, place egg in saucepan, boil for 4 minutes, drain saucepan.

11. To avoid the egg being broken, what should you do?
    a. Drop the egg in water as fast as possible
    b. Drop the egg in water as fast as possible
    c. Put the egg in a drain saucepan
    d. Put the egg in water with a spoon

12. " ... makes a tasty treat."
    The synonym of the underlined word is ……………..
    a. Decorated
    b. Delicious
    c. Hot
    d. Salty

Read the following text and answer questions 13 to 15!

Can we see that the earth is a globe? Yes, we can. When we watch a ship that sails out to
see, we see the ship begin to disappear. The bottom of the ship disappears first, and then
the ship seems to sink lower and lower, until we can only see the top of the ship, and then
we see nothing at all. What is hiding the ship from us? It is the earth. Stick a pin most of
the way into an orange, and slowly turn the orange away from you. You will see the pin
disappear, just as a ship does on the earth.                                                                   36
13. This story is mainly about …………….
    a. the shape of the earth.
    b. traveling to the New World.
    c. sailing ships in the old days.
    d. the shapes of fruits, such as oranges.

14. The ship in this story ….
    a. probably sank to the bottom of the ocean.
    b. was going farther and farther away.
    c. was actually a toy.
    d. was a sailing ship.

15. The pin on the orange is like ….
    a. the ship on the earth.
    b. a person watching the ship.
    c. a sailor on the ship.
    d. a needle for mending a rip.

16. Look at the picture!
      Rp.1.500.000                              Rp.1.350.000                      Rp.1.600.000

    Which statement is NOT TRUE based on the pictures?
    a. Hand phone is the smallest thing of all
    b. TV is bigger than mini compo
    c. Mini compo is cheaper than TV
    d. Hand phone is cheaper than mini compo

Read the following text and answer questions 17 to 19!
It was a man who lived before the time of Christopher Columbus. He was the world's first great
traveler. His name was Marco Polo. With his father and his uncle, he traveled from Italy to China,
crossing mountains and deserts to get there. In China a king, Kublai Khan, was pleased to see the
Polos and asked them to live near to him. They stayed for twenty-three years. Kublai Khan sent
Marco to other countries to do business for him. When Marco finally returned to Italy, he wrote
all about his adventures in a book. Then Columbus and many other people read it and he also became
interested in traveling to strange countries.

17. The main idea of the story is ….
    a. the world's first great traveler.
    b. traveling from Italy to China.
    c. the Polo family.
    d. Marco Polo and Kublai Khan.

18. Why was Marco Polo called as a great traveler?
    a. Because he traveled very far to reach China.
    b. Because he wrote about his adventures in a book, which many people read.
    c. Because he was loved by the king of China.
    d. Because he met Columbus to travel around the world.                                                                         37
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Modul Un Bahasa Inggris Jilid 2

  • 2. PAKET 8 Read the text carefully to answer the questions from 1 to 4 The growth of industry during the 1800s gave an influence on agriculture revolution. Inventors found ways to make machine do farm work. There are machines that plough the land and the others destroy weeds, pick up the crop and so on. Before the invention of the tractor, farm machines were almost run by animals. Farm tractors are far more efficient and powerful than animals. They do not require as much care as animals. Besides, tractors can work all day without a rest. The farm tractor is the most useful single piece of farm equipment. It can pull ploughs, seeders, cultivators, and many other kinds farm machines. 1. The suitable title of the text above is … A. Agriculture C. Farm Machinery B. Industry D. Invention of the tractor. 2. Which statement is not true according to the text? A. Tractors can work all day without a rest. B. Inventors found ways to make machines do farm work. C. The farm tractor is the most useful single piece of farm equipment. D. Before the invention of farm machines, farm were almost 3. “They do not require as much care as animals” (paragraph 2, line 5). The italic word means … A. make C. develop B. prepare D. need 4. “It can pull ploughs” The italic word means … A. push C. bring B. move D. draw toward For reading text no. 5 to 8 Culture is the improvement of mind or body by training. In Indonesia, the culture of people includes their whole way of life. Most of the Indonesians can speak Indonesian because very well because Indonesian is the national language. Only a few cannot speak Indonesian. They live on small islands, coastal areas, or remote places. They speak their own regional languages. So, if we want to know more about their customs and culture, we should live with them and try to learn about their customs, culture and language. By doing so, we are ready to learn all the different things of such a culture. Having close communication with them will help them improve their way of life. What do people do for a living, hunt, fish, farm, and trade? The answers may be simple, but the work affects every aspect of their life. People who live in coastal areas or near a lake may fish for food, but people whom l near tropical forests may hunt for food. People who live on far away lands may farm their pieces of land. They also go to markets to trade. 5. Which statement is not correct according to the text? A. Indonesian people only live in coastal areas. B. The culture of people includes their whole way of life. C. Indonesian is the national language. So, most of the Indonesian can speak it very well. D. If we want to improve way of life, we should be in close with them. 2
  • 3. 6. “ _______we should live with them_________.” (Para. 2) What does the word ’them’ refer to … A. customs C. regional languages ] B. Indonesian people D. coastal areas 7. The suitable text for the text above is … A. culture C. way of life B. customs D. customs and cultures 8. “They live on small islands, coastal areas, or remote places.” (paragraph 2, line 4) The meaning of ‘remote’ in the text is … A. near from C. very close to B. far away D. crowded Reading text for questions no. 9 to 12 When ancient people went from one place to another, they walked. When they had a heavy load to move, they carried it. Then people learned to train animals to carry packs. The oxen, the donkey and the camel were trained to be the beast of burden in the middle East. In the Arctic, the dog and the reindeer were used. In India, humped cattle and elephants were the burden carriers. The horse, a common transport animal today, was one of the last animals to be trained. Nowadays, wheeled vehicles for land transportation such as buses, trucks, cars, and motorcycles are generally used. People can also go from one place to another by train. The railway carriages are pulled by a diesel locomotive or high-speed electric locomotive. In early 19th century. the carriages were pulled by a steam locomotive. People who want to travel may choose to go by train or by bus. They may prefer the first-class compartments to the third-class ones because of the services. The first-class passengers are served better than the third-class passengers. The facilities provided are also different. Air conditioners are equipped in the first-class compartments but not in the third class. For the better services they get, they have to pay the fare higher of course. In big cities, city buses become people’s choice. Not all buses put the same fare into effect. Distance does not a matter, but services provided are considered to determine it. The better services given, the more the fare has to be paid. For example, BUSWAY as inner city bus that serves a route from Blok M to Kota put the tariff higher than other inner city buses because of its punctuality and comfortable shelters for passengers. 9. The suitable title for the text is. … A. Kinds of transportation C. Land Transportation B. The first-class Train D. Traveling by Bus 10. Which statement is not true according to the text? A. The horse was one of the last animals to be trained. B. Some buses applies different tariff. C. Passengers have to pay more fare for inner city buses if they go far. D. Services determine the fare that passengers have to pay. 11. “Not all buses put the same fare into effect. Distance does not a matter, but services provided are considered to determine it.” The word it in the sentence refers to … A. distance C. service B. matter D. fare 12. ‘One of the parts of a train where passengers sit’ is called a … A. vehicle C. locomotive B. carriage D. railway 3
  • 4. 13. There are seventeen students in the class. … of the students have to bring dictionary for English class. A. each C. both B. all D. every 14. This truck uses… petrol. A. none of C. a large number of B. a small number of D. a large amount of 15. The head master is … among the teachers at An-Nisaa’ A. the most young C. younger B. the more younger D. the youngest 16. Harry and Terry haven’t seen the island, …? A. do they C. have they B. don’t they D. haven’t they 17. You have to join the club, …? A. do you C. have you B. don’t you D. haven’t you 18. I think the boy is …young to have a girlfriend. A. very C. too B. enough D. quite 19. He felt …tired after working the whole day that he is having a rest in his room now. A. so C. enough B. very D. rather 20. My father … weekly magazine. So, it helps me in working out clipping. A. publish C. edit B. print D. subscribe 21. Fathia : Can I have two tickets for the eight o’clock train to Kuala Lumpur, please? Ticket seller: …, there is no more seats, mom. A. I am sure C. I think so B. I am afraid D. Certainly 22. Irien : When will you leave for Canada, Mr. Ambassador? Ambassador: …Maybe next Sunday. Irien : Are you going by Jet or Airbus, sir? Ambassador: I’m still thinking about it. I’ll let you know later. A. I hope so C. I’m certainly sure B. I’m not sure D. Of course, I will. 23. The road is not only narrow… bumpy. A. and also C. but also B. and both D. although 24. METRO TV …the program of ‘Padamu Negeri ’ every Tuesday and Thursday. A. composes C. possesses B. publishes D. broadcasts 25. To hang a picture on the wall, you need a ……………to hit a nail into it. A. plough C. pliers B. hammer D. saw 4
  • 5. 26. Vea : I didn’t have much time to read that book. Raissa :… A. I did either C. I didn’t either B. Neither didn’t I D. I did too 27. Iqbal : Were you at home last night when I was calling you up? Intan : No, I wasn’t Iqbal : What about your sister? Intan :… A. Neither was she C. She wasn’t neither B. Neither did he D. She didn’t neither 28. Alvin : …people do not stop cutting the trees down, we will have big flood in the future. Dhnny : Government must punish them. A. Because C. although B. When D. If 29. Both Snada ………. Raihan are successful nasyid groups. A. or B. also B. and D. but 30. Look at the number of people who read three popular newspapers in three big cities! KOMPAS MEDIA IND REPUBLIKA Jakarta 2 million 2 million around 1.5 million Medan 750 000 1 million 750.000 Surabaya 1.5 million 1.5 million 1 million Based on the table we can say that … A. The number of people in Jakarta who read Media Indonesia is less than those who read Republika in the same city. B. The number of People who read Republika in Jakarta is more than those who read that newspaper in Surabaya. C. The number of people who read Media Indonesia is less than those who read Republika in the three big cities altogether. D. The largest number of people in the three big cities are more interested in reading Kompas. 31. The statements below are correct, except … A. People who read Kompas are as many as those who read Media Indonesia in Jakarta B. The number of people who read Media Indonesia is more than those who read Republika in Jakarta. C. Over two million people in Jakarta read Republika D. In Medan, people who read Republika is not as many as those who read Media Indonesia. 32. “Batara Kala was angry with batara Surya and Batari Chandra and tried to swallow them, but the god and the goddess escaped. Then Batara Whisnu wanted to protect them.” The short script is taken from a story related to … A. a fable B. a legend C. a folklore D. a fairytale 33. Alex : We have to stop at the next gas station. There is only …fuel in the tank. Sally : Ok. Don’t worry, it’s still enough for 5 more kilometers A. any B. a little C. a few D. some 34. We had … to do yesterday so that's why I missed the party. A. lots of working C. many works B. much work D. a lot of works 5
  • 6. 35. Some people make … money in the Internet boom that they became rich quickly. A. very much C. so much B. such much D. too much 36. If you … harder, you will pass the exams. A. study C. are studying B. studied D. studies 37. The box was … heavy that I can’t lift it up myself. C. so C. very D. quite D. too 38. The audience waited … for the show to begin. E. patient C. patiently F. with patient D. patiencely 39. He works … to reach his obsession. G. hardly C. hard H. with hardness D. hardnessly 40. He was the only guest … I found strange at the party. I. who C. which J. where D. what 41. I will bring you to an island ….we can relax and out of our busy work. K. when C. where L. which D. who 42. … you call me by Monday, please! M. Don’t C. can N. may D. couldn’t 43. My wife lived in the small town ten years ago, and … O. so did I C. I did either P. so did me D. so do me. 44. His illness is getting … although he is taken to the hospital. Q. good C. better R. worse D. bad 45. It's … that I don't have to do much to keep it clean. S. such a small kitchen C. such big kitchen T. so a big kitchen D. so big kitchen 46. Rearrange these words into a good sentence! police – information – accident – journalist – station – a – to – more – get – was – about – the – at The right arrangement is …….. A. A police was at the station to get information about journalist accident B. A journalist was at the police station to get more information about the accident. C. At the police station was a journalist get more information about the accident. D. To get more information about a journalist the accident was at the police station 47. The ………… in the whole parts of Indonesia is dry and wet. A. rainfall C. wind B. temperature D. season 6
  • 7. 48. Choose the right order of the following sentences! 1. It takes place within three or more days. 2. The more important the person who dies, the more buffaloes they have to prepare. 3. It is carried out in honour of the dead person. 4. One of the the Torajan tradition is funeral procession. 5. It is done by slaughtering one or more buffaloes. A. 2, 5, 4, 3, 1 C. 4, 3, 1, 5, 2 B. 2, 3, 5, 4, 1 D. 4, 3, 5, 2, 1 49. Berly : Indonesia has to import rice this year. Cellina : I don’t believe it! Indonesia is an agricultural country. Berly : There are some reasons for that Cellina : Like what? Berly : The harvest failed ….natural disasters have occurred in several areas A. although C. but B. because of D. because 50. Area of land between two rows of hills or mountains and with a river flowing through it is called … A. avenue C. lake B. valley D. island SCORE 7
  • 8. PAKET 9 Read the following passage to answer the questions 1 – 6 Television is not only a source of entertainment but also a source of news and entertainment. It is also a valuable medium for science education and industry. Television can show a lesson to thousands of students at once. Television allows us to watch over the battle or the spread of contagious diseases from a safe distance. A television station may provide a satisfactory picture for a distance of only 50 miles or more by antenna. Many stations van be linked in a network making it possible for people all over a large country, like Indonesia to watch a particular program at the same time. Some communities have poor reception or none at all. Distance may be the reason or mountains may block the signals. Artificial satellites are used for transmitting television signals to around the world. Nowadays internationally owned Intelsat provide worldwide television. 1. The suitable title for the text is … A. television C. entertainment B. a source of news D. a particular program 2. A television is … A. only a source of entertainment B. a valuable tool for science, education and industry C. only a source of music and news D. able to show a lesson to some students 3. … are used for receiving signals from the earth and sending them out back to it. A. Networks C. Many stations B. The signals D. Satellites 4. The following sentences are correct according to the text, except… A. Television is not only a source of entertainment B. Television can also be useful for education C. Satellites are needed at home to receive signals. D. Pictures on television may not be clear because of distance. 5. ‘It is also a valuable tool ______’(paragraph 1). The word it refers to … A. Television station C. Entertainment B. Information D. Television 6. The word ‘valuable’ in the first paragraph means … A. attractive C. impressive B. important D. interesting Read the following passage to answer the questions 7 – 10 Woodcarving is one of the oldest crafts. People in Jepara use teakwood to make decorative chairs. The chairs are made of wood or rattan. Some of the Balinese People are also very good at carving. For decades, beautifully carved figures have been fashioned by folk artists. Madura is a home for fine carvings. Carvers and artists from Madura are mentioned in the stories and chronicles in the golden era of the Majapahit Kingdom. Some carvings from Madura show Chinese, Middle Eastern, and European influences. They are not yet as popular as those are from Jepara and Bali. Mats, umbrellas, embroideries and woman’s wooden clog from Tasikmalaya, West java, are well-known throughout Indonesia. Mats and embroideries from West Sumatra are well-known as well. 8
  • 9. The Batik designs are one of Indonesia’s most famous handicrafts and often imitated by western textile designers. There are two kinds of batik cloth, the first is decorated with designs drawn on the cloth and the second is handstamped on the cloth as part of the Batik. dyeing process. Solo, Yogya, Pekalongan, Cirebon and Indramayu are very famous for local batik handicrafts. 7. Which statement is true according to the text? A. There are influences from many countries in some Madura carvings. B. Some carvings from Madura are influenced by Japanese style. C. Handicrafts from tasikmalaya are not really famous in Indonesia D. Jepara and Bali carvings are more popular than the ones from Madura. 8. The suitable title for the text is … A. kinds of carvings C. well-known carvings B. carver and artist D. local handicrafts 9. ‘Carvings from Madura are not yet as popular as those from Bali’ (paragraph 2) The word ‘those’ refers to ... A. carvings C. Madura carvings B. Madura D. European influences. 10. “ ....and often imitated by western textile designers.” (paragraph 4) The underlined word means … A. taken as example C. explained by example B. taken notice of D. made new as example Read the following passage to answer the questions 11 – 13 A NEW FREEDOM WITH AIR FRANCE When it comes to flying to Paris from Jakarta, we realize you do not want to be restricted by schedules. Air France now takes off for Europe on Wednesday every 18.20 precisely. Once you arrive at our Paris-Charles de Gaulle Terminal 2, we will have you get off to one of 53 destinations in Europe and 170 throughout the world almost as soon as you have landed. When you need to fly to Paris and beyond, remember that we have adjusted our schedule. So, you can make the most of yours. YOU WILL ALWAYS HAVE A REASON TO FLY BY AIR FRANCE 11. This advertisement tells us about … A. the accommodation facilities B. the European countries. C. the flight service D. the tourist spots 12. ‘We realize you do not want to be restricted by schedules’. The underlined word means ... A. allowed C. obeyed B. forbidden D. limited 13. What is the main idea of the text? A. To let you go to France freely B. To announce the interesting place C. To promote the countries in Europe D. To introduce a new service of the company 9
  • 10. Read the following passage to answer the questions 14 - 16 A TRIP TO MIAMI, FLORIDA When foreigners think about Miami, Florida, they usually think of The United States. As we know, Miami is not in our beloved country. It is far away from Jakarta. Let us take an imaginary trip to Miami, Florida, in the United States. The gateway to the United States for most Americans who travel by plane is Miami. This city is beautiful, situated on the southeastern coast of the state of Florida. Miami itself is not on the ocean, but on a large bay called Biscayne Bay. Its wide streets are lined with palms, and its white cements houses are covered with bougainvillea. Across the bay is its neighbour, Miami Beach, which can be reached by road over a long causeway. 14. Jono: What is Miami according to the most Latin Americans ? Umar: It is ... to the United States. A. far away C. gate away B. getaway D. across the bay 15. Which statement is not correct according to the text? A. People think that Miami is in US B. Indonesian people know that Miami is not located in Indonesia. C. Miami is a beautiful island in America D. Tourist can visit Miami by car from the nearest cities. 16. In Indonesian language, ‘bay’ means …………….. A. pulau C. pesisir pantai B. teluk D. selat Read the following passage to answer the questions 17 - 20 45 King Road Perth, Australia January 10, 2009 Dear Kenzi, Thank you for your second letter. It is very interesting to read about the farming tools used by the farmers in your village. Now I would like to tell you about the tools that the farmers in my area use. Most farmers here use tractors till and loosen the soil. They help us do the tilling work quickly. To make holes in the ground we also use a machine called a seed drill. It is also used to drop seeds into the holes and their fertilizer. For larger rice fields we plant seeds by airplane. We also use the airplane to spray chemicals on to the rice fields. When harvesting period comes, we use a combine. It can cut the rice and separate the rice kernels from the stalks. This machine can harvest more grain than 200 people working by hand. Well, that is all for now. I am looking forward to receiving your other letters. Sincerely, Samantha 10
  • 11. 17. The letter tells us about … A. The tractors used by Australian farmers. B. The offer to buy tractor for framing C. The use of chemicals for farming. D. Modern farming tools used by Australian farmers 18. Which one is not categorized as a tool? A. seed drill C. tractor B. combine D. kernel 19. ‘It can cut the rice and separate the rice kernels from the stalks’ (paragraph 2) The word ‘It’ in the sentence above refers to … A. airplane C. tractor B. combine D. seed drill 20. The farmers used to use buffaloes to plough the field. But now they use tractors instead. It means they are more … of using technology A. advanced C. traditional B. conventional D. common Read the following passage to answer the questions 21 – 25 It is dangerous to ride too close the car in front of you. if it stops suddenly, you may not be able to brake in time and then you will collide with it. If you want to turn to the right, you must be careful. Look back to see that no other vehicles are coming from behind. Before you turn right you must give a signal by waving your right hand. Do not cycle more than two rows, especially on narrow streets. And do not play jokes along the way. You must keep your attention close to the traffic around you. Be careful with passer-by in front of you. Some people are careless when they walk along the street. Sometimes we find children playing on the street, So, you must slow down in places where there are many children. Last but not least, you must make sure that your bicycle is in good condition. If the brake does not work, it will be very dangerous. If you cycle at night, you must make sure that you have a light on your bicycle. 21. The word you and your refer to … A. the writer C. the passer-by B. the readers D. the children 22. The meaning of ‘passer-by’ in the text is … A. someone who is walking past a place B. someone who is driving on street C. someone who helps people cross the street D. someone who is riding a bicycle 23. The most probable right thing to do is … A. ride too close C. brake in time B. stop suddenly D. collide with something 24. This is not a good advice according to the text ………. A. wave hand before turning C. slow down in busy places B. use light at night D. be close with car in the front. 25. In general, the text tells us about ……………. A. the way to ride bicycle and car C. advices on how to cycle safely B. using brake is necessary D. problems of cycling 11
  • 12. Read the following passage to answer the questions 26 – 29 The first Olympic Games were held at Olympia in 776 BC. The games were also called the ancient Olympic Games. There was only one sport event, a running race. The competitors of the game were only men, while women were not allowed to join. Later on more events were held, for example, long jump, javelin throw, boxing, etc. The winners of the game just received a crown of leaves, but it was a great honor. The Olympic Games were then stopped. However, in 1896 a Frenchman, Barron Piere Coubertin, revived them. They were held in Athena, Greece. The games became the first modern Olympic Games. There were thirteen countries joining these games and nine sports were on the agenda.. The purpose of joining the game was not merely to be the winner but to take part. The winners of the competition do not get crown of leaves but they get medal instead. 26. The information about when the first Olympic Games took place is stated in ………… A. paragraph 1 C. paragraph 2 B. paragraph 3 D. paragraph 4 27. In the modern Olympic Games, the first winners receive …………… A. a crown of leaves C. silver medals B. gold medals D. bronze medals 28. ‘…but it was a great honor.’ (para. 1) The underlined word means a feeling of …… A. disappointment C. sadness B. happiness D. pride 29. ‘…a Frenchman, Barron Piere Coubertin, revived them’ (paragraph 2) The opposite of underlined word is ……………. A. stopped C. generated B. forbade D. continued Read the following passage to answer the questions 30 – 33 TAKASIMURA RICE COOKER 1) Measure out required quantity of rice using measuring cup provided. Wash rice in pan, then put rice in the cooking pot and add water up to the level as recommended by the marking. However, the quantity of water used will depend on the age and strain of the rice, as well personal taste. Do not exceed the maximum water level mark. 2) Set the cooking pot inside the rice cooker. Make sure that the base is dry. Ensure that the cooking pot is in direct contact with the heating element by rotating it slightly until it seats properly. The rice cooker will malfunction if the cooking pot is incorrectly positioned. Always keep the exterior bottom of the cooking pot and heating plate clean and dry. 3) When ready to cook, plug the power supply cord into an AC wall outlet. Press COOK. Once rice is cooked, built-in heat censor will automatically switch the COOK mode to WARM mode. Allow rice to rest for about 15 minutes before being served. 30. You have to ………………. before you push COOK button. A. connect the cord to electrical socket B. warm the rice in the pot C. cook the rice in the rice cooker D. switch the COOK mode to WARM mode 12
  • 13. 31. Describe briefly how to cook rice using TAKASIMURA RICE COOKER! A. Plug the power cord into the rice cooker socket, push the cooking switch, and wait for 15 minutes B. Plug the power cord, press COOK, and switch the cook mode for 15 minutes. C. Measure the quantity of rice, set the cooking pot inside the rice cooker, plug the power cord, and clean and dry the heating plate. D. Wash rice, put it in the cooking pot with water in, plug the power cord, and press COOK button. 32. ‘The rice cooker will malfunction if the cooking pot is incorrectly positioned.’ The underlined word means … A. It fails to work properly B. It can’t warm the cooked rice C. It automatically switches off the cook mode D. It needs over 15 minutes to rest before serving 33. The text is about … A. An advertisement of a rice cooker B. A manual instruction of using the rice cooker C. An introduction of a new product D. The use of rice cooker. 34. Shanti: Wow! It's cool and nice. Look at this seat and that TV! Rinto : Yeah, you're right. …! A. What is a luxurious train! B. What train is luxurious! C. What a luxurious train it is! D. What is it? A luxurious train! 35. Which one of the following expressions of using ‘too’ is incorrect? A. There are too many tigers hunted for their fur. B. Too many wind blows into the house during the day. C. It does not need too much water to irrigate the small farm. D. It’s not good to start planting in October. Too much rain falls in that month. 36. My dictionary is not new and … A. neither is his dictionary B. his dictionary is too C. so is his dictionary D. his dictionary is either 37. The basketball game was spectacular. We enjoyed it very much. The correct combination of the sentences above is … A. The basketball game was spectacular, but we enjoyed it very much. B. We enjoyed basketball game very much so that it was spectacular. C. The basketball game was so spectacular that we enjoyed it very much. D. That the basketball game was so spectacular so we enjoyed it very much. 38. Perry and Natasha have to take Cambridge Test this week, … A. have they? C. don’t they? B. do they? D. haven’t they? 39. The exploration of oil was … by a team consisting of some experts. A. reached C. produced B. conducted D. implied 13
  • 14. 40. ………… a place where ships depart and arrive. A. A petrol C. An airport B. A harbour D. A platform 41. A tourist is in the receptionist desk of a hotel. Tourist : Can I have a reservation for today? Receptionist: I’m sorry sir. it’s fully booked. Tourist : What about tomorrow? Receptionist: would you like me to call another hotel? Tourist : No, thanks. I’ll go and find one. A. That’s right C. That’s fine B. you’re right D. I doubt that 42. My father … to The Jakarta Post daily newspaper. It is delivered right to the door early in the morning. A. edits C. publish B. sends D. subscribes 43. Sony : Well, I think this T-shirt is good and everybody should take one. Genta : .... We’d better take sweater. The city is cold enough. A. I think you’re right C. I disagree with you B. You don’t have T-shirt D. That’s good idea 44. This tool is used for holding small things, bending and cutting wire. It’s … A. hoe C. plough B. saw D. pliers 45. Lina : I’m sure Tuti has forgotten to come here. Murni: … she always keeps her promise. I know her well. A. I doubt that C. I’m sorry B. I’m sure D. I agree with you. i. 46. The …important member of the crew is the pilot. A. less C. more B. better D. most 47. Ludlow is a good place ….people can see old British castles. A. when C. where B. who D. which 48. What sport is it in the picture? A. discus throwing B. fencing C. hurdling D. pole vault 49. Which sport belongs to jumping event? A. discus throwing C. hurdling B. pole vaulting D. sprinting SCORE 50. If you don’t take that chance, … A. You will regret it C. you would regret it B. you don’t regret it D. you didn’t regret it. 14
  • 15. PAKET 10 Text for no. 1 - 5 In 1956, a Brazilian scientist imported some special bees into Brazil from Africa. The African bees were the same size as ordinary bees, but they were much stronger and dangerous. A sting from one of these bees can kill a man or even a buffalo very quickly. The scientist imported the bees because he wanted to breed a new type of bees, using the African bees and ordinary European bees. He wanted to combine the strength of the African bees with the safety of the European bees. Unfortunately, in 1957, 26 queen bees escaped and began to breed in the jungles of Brazil. They spread very quickly. And since that time they have been moving slowly northwards, covering 300 to 400 kilometers a year. Over 200 people have died after being stung by the killer bees, and thousands of animals have also died. By March 1978, the killer bees had reached Venezuela and in1980 they arrived in Panama. The scientists from many different countries had tried hard to find ways of stopping them. If they couldn’t be stopped, the Americans and Asians, like the Brazilians, they would have to learn how to live with the new and dangerous visitors. 1. Which bees kill people? A. The African bees B. The European bees C. The new type of bees D. The ordinary bees 2. Which sentence is TRUE according to the passage? A. The imported African bees are stronger, but not as dangerous as the European bees. B. The African bees are smaller, but more dangerous than the European bees. C. A sting from the African bees is so poisonous that it can kill an animal with big body in a short time. D. Just some American scientists had tried hard to stop the bees. 3. Which sentence is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A. A Brazilian Scientist wanted to have a new type of bees. B. The killer bees had killed more than 200 people. C. The dangerous bees moved to Venezuela before reaching Panama. D. The African bees were bigger than other ordinary bees. 4. The main idea of paragraph 2 is … A. Over 200 people have died after being stung by the killer bees. B. the killer bees had reached Venezuela and Panama. C. 26 queen bees escaped and began to breed in the jungles of Brazil. D. The scientist wanted to breed a new type of bees. 5. “The scientists from many different countries had tried hard to find ways of stopping them.” The word “them” in the sentence refers to … E. The scientists C. The Brazilians F. The killer bees D. The European Bees Text for no. 6 – 7 Flora and Fauna Exhibition and Festival Held Place program Every Taman 1. Workshop year Suropati 2. Competition 3. Painting 4. Photography contest 5. Miss. Flora contest 15
  • 16. 6. How often is flora and fauna Exhibition held? A. Every week C. Every month B. Every year D. Every Sunday 7. Some of the activities of Exhibition are … A. Workshop, competition, hunting. B. Photography, painting and playing C. Trading and painting D. Painting, contests and workshop. Text for no. 8 – 10 HAI Magazine is for young people. Most teenagers (8) …to the magazine. Some others just read it at their school library. The (9) …of the magazine are about culture, music, lifestyle and entertainment. It is (10) … twice a month. 8. A. subscribe C. buy B. read D. get 9. A. writings C. articles B. illustrations D. readers 10. A. written C. edited B. published D. given Text for no. 11 – 12 The other way around Have you ever been to safari Park? It’s like a zoo but the animals are not put in cages. Giraffes, monkeys, hippopotamus, lions and tigers wander around freely. Perhaps you might think what if these animals attack visitors? No, they won’t. It’s because you look at them from inside of your car or bus. Here it is the way around. At the zoo, the animals are locked in cages. At the Safari Park, you are the ones who are locked inside your vehicle. In our country, the only Safari Park is located in Cisarua, Bogor. 11. Find a word which has the same meaning of this! ‘shelter for animals where they are taken care’ A. lock C. attack B. cage D. attraction 12. ‘It’s because you look at them from inside of your car or bus’. The word ‘them’ refers to … A. visitors C. cages B. the animals D. Safari park Text for no. 13 - 15 Bees and Honey Ahmad is a beekeeper. He learned about bee keeping from his father. He earns money from his bees. His bees produce honey. Everyday people come to his apiary. He shows them the beehives and lets them taste the honey. Then, they buy it from him. How do bees produce honey? First, a bee takes nectar from a flower. The bee carries it to its hive. In the hive, the nectar is given to worker bees. Then, the worker bees put it into a cell of the honeycomb. The worker bees fan the nectar with their wings and the breeze will ripen the nectar. When the nectar has ripened, it turns into honey. Finally, the bees cover each cell with wax until it is ready to use. The bees only eat half of the honey they make. Ahmad collects the leftovers. 16
  • 17. 13. Honey that bees produce actually comes from … A. hive C. cell B. honeycomb D. nectar 14. The process of producing honey is shown by one of this flowchart. Which one is correct? A. taking nectar  putting it in cell  covering the cell with wax  bringing it to hive  breezing it  the nectar ripen  turning into honey B. taking nectar  bringing it to their hive  putting it in cell  breezing the nectar  the nectar ripen  tuning into honey  covering cells with wax. C. taking nectar  bringing it to their hive  breezing the nectar  putting it in cell  the nectar ripen  tuning into honey  covering cells with wax. D. taking nectar  bringing it to their hive  putting it in cell  covering cells with wax breezing the nectar  the nectar ripen  turning into honey 15. The main idea of paragraph 2 is … A. Ahmad collect honey C. The process of producing honey B. How bees produce nectar D. Ahmad is a beekeeper Text for no. 16 - 19 The first Olympic Games were held at Olympia in 776 BC. The games were also called the ancient Olympic Games. There was only one sport event, a running race. The competitors of the game were only men, while women were not allowed to join. Later on more events were held, for example, long jump, javelin throw, boxing, etc. The winners of the game just received a crown of leaves, but it was a great honor. The Olympic Games were then stopped. However, a Frenchman, Barron Pierre Coubertin, revived them in 1896. They were held in Athena, Greece. The games became the first modern Olympic Games. There were thirteen countries joining these games and nine sports were on the agenda.. The purpose of joining the game was not merely to be the winner but to take part. The winners of the competition do not get crown of leaves but they get medal instead. 16. The information about when the first Olympic Games took place is stated in … A. paragraph 1 C. paragraph 2 B. paragraph 3 D. paragraph 4 17. In the modern Olympic Games, the first winners receive … A. a crown of leaves C. silver medals B. gold medals D. bronze medals 18. ‘………but it was a great honor.’ (paragraph. 1) The underlined word means a feeling of …… A. disappointment C. sadness B. happiness D. pride 19. ‘……….a Frenchman, Barron Piere Coubertin, revived them’ (paragraph 2) The opposite of underlined word is … A. stopped C. generated B. forbade D. continued Text for no. 20 – 22 More than 70 % of the Indonesian Archipelago is covered with water. Water is essential for our daily lives. We need it to wash our bodies, clothes, to irrigate crops, to cook, transport, electricity, etc. Water falls freely from the sky. Then it is absorbed by land. Trees in forest help water remain in the land long. The people who live in the area which does not have any forests always find difficulty in getting water. In the rainy season water is everywhere. Too much water causes flood. It often causes great problem. It can destroy crops, environments, and even can make a big disaster like 17
  • 18. landslide. To prevent flood we have to keep our forests green and build dams. By doing so we can save our lives and can use water economically. 20. Water is not used for .... A. our body C. Flood B. Paddy field D. Electricity 21. What should we do too use water economically? A. never use water C. cut trees B. make more swimming pools D. keep forests green 22. It often causes great problems. The underlined word refers to ....................... A. land C. forest B. flood D. crops Text for no. 23 – 25 Most people like to live in the city better than in the (23) .... In the city, it is easier to find many kinds of facilities which make our life more comfortable like many kinds of shopping centre which (24) ... our daily needs and public (25) .... such as cinema, recreational areas, discos and many more. No wonder the number of people who move to to the cities are getting bigger and bigger every year. 23. A. urban area C.suburban B. downtown D. countryside 24. A. buy C. provide B. send D. give 25. A. amusement C. services B. transportation D. places 26. Dessy: The weather is cloudy today. Do you think it will rain soon? Asta : I think so. will rain soon. A. I’m not sure C. I’m sure B. I’m not certain D. that’s a good news. 27. I had a planer ticket for the first flight, but IO failed to flybecause of bad weather. The dflight was ... for more than 3 hours. A. cancelled C. crashed B. postponed D. withdrawn 28. We were ... to hear the disaster which happened in Papua. A. proud C. delighted B. shocked D. lucky 29. Look at the map! Some of the islands lie on ..., so they have tropical climate. 18
  • 19. A. pole C. longitude B. latitude D.equator 30. Tono : Where shall we go for the weekend? Jack:y : What about watching movie? Tono : That would be lovely. The underlined utterance shows ........... A. an apology C. an invitation B. a disagreement D. a pleasure 31. I don’t think Edelweiss can grow in any soil. Which one of the following sentences has the same meaning? A. Perhaps Edelweiss can grow in every kinds of soil. B. It’s possible that Edelweiss can grow in every kinds of soil. C. It’s impossible for Edelweiss to grow in every kinds of soil. D. Maybe Edelweiss can grow in every kinds of soil. 32. Which one of the following expressions of excessive quantity is incorrect? A. There are too many tigers hunted for their fur. B. Too many wind blows into the house during the day. C. It doesn’t need too much water to irrigate the small farm. D. Too much rain falls in October. 33. My dictionary isn’t the newest version and … A. Neither is his dictionary. C. So is his dictionary B. His dictionary is too. D. His dictionary is either. 34. ….and he hasn’t either. A. I didn’t watch the movie C. I haven’t done my homework B. Sally has to come D. George has come 35. The subway train will depart at 06.30 this morning. The underlined word has the same meaning as … A. arrive C. leave B. late D. land 36. The listeners will easily recognize the voice of their favourite announcer, The underlined word means … A. identify C. get B. understand D. hear 37. We usually brush our teeth ….we go to sleep. A. after C. during B. when D. before 38. Which sentence is correct? A. The athletes won the gold medal although they had trained very hard. B. The athletes had trained very hard but they won the gold medal. C. The athletes won the gold medal unless they had trained very hard. D. The athletes had trained very hard so they won the gold medal. 39. … radio and TV are mass media. A. Each C. Both B. All D. Only 19
  • 20. 40. Japan is an industrial country, but Indonesia . …. A. isn’t C. doesn’t B. aren’t D. don’t 41. John makes you happy, … A. hasn’t he? C. has he? B. does he? D. doesn’t he? 42. Perry and Natasha have to take Cambridge Test this week, … A. have they? C. don’t they? B. do they? D. haven’t they? 43. Which one is the correct question tag? A. He will continue his study in Singapore, will he? B. She is staying with you, doesn’t she? C. John visited you last week, did he? D. Franco and Isabel come from Brazil, don’t they? 44. The football match was extremely impressive. The underlined word means … A. boring C. popular B. spectacular D. very bad 45. The population of Indonesia has ….220 million by 2009. A. produced C. conducted B. brought D. reached 46. Like the camel, the animal can go for a long time without drinking water. One source of water is the leaves which the animal eats from trees. Because it is so tall, the animal can reach the tender leaves at the top of a tree. Which picture goes with the description? A. C. B. D. 47. Arrange these sentences into a good order! 1) Traditional farmers had to do most of their work with hand tools, such as hoes and spades. 2) They also used a buffalo to plough the field. 3) Before the invention of farm machines, an average farm was small in size. 4) It is different now. 5) Nowadays, large tractors have changed the use of the hand tools A. 2 – 4 – 5 – 1 – 3 C. 4 – 5 – 3 – 1 – 2 B. 5 – 4 – 1 – 2 – 3 D. 3 – 1 – 2 – 4 - 5 20
  • 21. 48. Arrange these sentences into a good order! 6) To avoid this, there are laws to prevent people from killing the animals. 7) In Indonesia, there are some reservations where the animals can roam freely. 8) So the animals which are left in small numbers can be protected from the irresponsible people. 9) A number of animals are getting extinct throughout the world. A. 3 – 4 – 2 – 1 C. 2 – 3 – 1 – 4 B. 4 – 1 – 2 – 3 D. 1 – 3 – 2 – 4 49. AA Gym : I think horror films cause bad influences to teenagers. They must be stopped Megan : … Moreover, they don’t show any aesthetic and moral values at all. A. I don’t think so C. I agree with you B. I disagree with you D. I’m sorry about it 50. Area of land between two rows of hills or mountains and with a river flowing through it is called … A. avenue C. lake B. valley D. island SCORE 21
  • 22. PAKET 11 Passage for number 1 – 5 COMPUTER Computers are machines that handle information automatically. They can perform calculation and process data. Computers can work with numbers to solve the problems in a few second. Computers are widely used in places such as banks, offices, and companies. Computers work like calculators, but most calculators can do only one thing at a time. We tell them what to do by pressing various buttons. To do the same work, we can give a series of instructions to a computer program. If we set up a program, the computer can provide other information such as lists, numbers, letters, words, or even graphs of pictures. Once we provide a program, the computer can do all these works automatically without further help or instruction. A computer stores and handles numbers. The numbers may be mathematical formulas or column of figures. The numbers may also be codes that stand for letters of the alphabet, word, or instructions to the computer. 1. From the text we know that a computer is for__ . A. giving us codes C. making calculation B. handling information D. typing automatically 2. Paragraph two tells us about ___ . A. how a computer works C. what a computer can do B. how to give instructions D. how to set up a program 3. ”We tell them what to do by pressing various buttons” (paragraph 2). The word them refers to ___ . A. computers C. calculators B. various buttons D. series of instructions 4. They can perform calculation and process data, (paragraph 1). The word perform has the similar meaning as ___ . A. do C. tell B. write D. inform 5. ”… the computer can do this work automatically,”(paragraph 2). The antonym of the underlined word is ___ . A. specially C. generally B. manually D. gradually Passage for number 6 – 10 ANNE FRANK Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt, Germany, on June 12, 1929. Her family was Jewish. In 1933, the Nazi Party came to power in Germany. The Nazis blamed Jews for the nation’s problems and began a campaign against Jews. The Frank family moved to Amsterdam in The Netherlands to escape the Nazis. But in 1940, Germany invaded The Netherlands, and Jewish people there began to suffer under anti-Jewish policies. Anne was 13 when she started to write. Her diary reveals that, just like other teenagers, she looked forward to adult life. She hoped to have a career as a writer, and she longed to find love. She had high ideals and wished “to be useful or give pleasure to people around me.” During World War II, Anne Frank and her family spent two years living in a small hidden room, trying not to be captured by German troops. They were hiding because German Nazis were killing millions of Jewish people like the Franks. Anne died in 1945, when she was only 16 years old, but her diary survived to tell her story. Anne Frank’s life was short and tragic. Yet her brave spirit has survived in her diary. She wrote this diary while hiding from the Nazis during World War II (1939-1945). (Adapted from: Microsoft ® Encarta ® Reference Library 2005) 22
  • 23. 6. Why did Frank family move to Amsterdam? A. Because they joined anti-Jewish action B. Because Germany had a lot of Jewish. C. Because Anne wanted to be a writer. D. Because they wanted to avoid The Nazis 7. Which information is not true according to the text? A. Ann’s family was Jewish B. She moved because of The Nazis’ anti-Jewish action C. She wrote a novel during World War II to tell about the Nazis’ cruelty. D. Anne’s life wasn’t happy 8. How old was she when she died? A. 16 years old C. 13 years old B. 19 years old D. 45 years old 9. “During World War II, Anne Frank and her family spent two years living in a small hidden room, trying not to be captured by German troops” The underlined word means ………… A. brought C. saved B. shot D. caught 10. Where did she write her life story? A. In Jewish camp C. at school B. In her hiding place D. In Frankfurt Passage for number 11 – 15 11. When do platypuses usually appear out of their burrow? A. Anytime B. Early in the morning C. Early in the morning until late in the evening. D. Early in the morning and late evening. 12. Why do platypuses only appear at that time? Because ... A. They don’t like sunlight B. They are afraid of tigers and lions. C. They are shy. D. They don’t want to be seen. 13. What do they usually do when they are out of their burrow? A. Climbing tree. C. Sunbathing B. Diving D. Observing streams 23
  • 24. 14. Where do they build their burrows? A. In the blocked earth B. in the field C. In the banks of rivers or streams D. In streams, rivers, and lakes 15. The word ‘young’ (line 14) have the closest meaning to…………. A. Fresh C. light B. Infant D. big Passage for number 16 – 19 Complete the paragraph correctly! London has all the advantages and disadvantages of a big city. There are some clean places, but in the other side, there are also places with a lot of …(16)… The streets are narrow, so there are many …(17) …. At night, you shouldn’t walk in quiet …(18) …because there is a lot of …...(19) ….. happen. 16. A. litter B. people C. shops D. noise 17. A. parks B. traffic jams C. homeless D. noise 18. A. shops B. capital C. discos D. parks 19. A. people B. homeless C. tram D. crime 20. William Wallace rested in the country after the battle. The underline word has similar meaning as ……… A. town B. capital C. state D. village 21. This animal has a flat tails and webbed feet. Its body length is 30 to 45 cm and covered with a thick, soft and wooly layer of fur. The eyes and heads are small. It has no ears, but it can sense sounds and light. The animal which is described above is ……….. A. C. B. D. 22. There are seventeen students in the class. ………of the students have to bring dictionary for English class. A. each B. both C. all D every 23. Ms. Ayu is … teacher at An-Nisaa’ A. the most young C. younger B. the more younger D. the youngest 24. Harry and Terry haven’t seen the island, …………? A. do they C. have they B. don’t they D. haven’t they 24
  • 25. 25. You have to write that film review, ………..? A. do you C. have you B. don’t you D. haven’t you 26. Which one is categorized as a biography? ………….. A. Romeo and Juliet C. Mother Theresa B. An Ancient Chinese D. The hare and The Tortoise 27. My father … weekly magazine. So, it helps me in working out clipping. A. publish C. print B. edit D. subscribe to 28. Vindy : Can I have two tickets for the eight o’clock train to Kuala Lumpur, please? Ticket seller: …, there is no more seat, mum. A. I am sure C. I think so B. I am afraid D. Certainly 29. Wishi : I didn’t have much time to read the novel. Abi :… A. I did either C. I didn’t either B. Neither didn’t I D. I did too 30. Nadia : Were you at home last night when I was calling you up? Tari : No, I wasn’t Nadia : What about your sister? Uthie :… A. Neither was she C. She wasn’t neither B. Neither did he D. She didn’t neither 31. Anin : …the people do not stop cutting the trees down, landslide will happen in this area. Rian : You’re right. Government must punish them. A. Because C. although B. When D. If 32. Both Snada ………. Raihan are successful nasyid groups. A. or B. also C. and D. but 33. “….. Kay saw the sword, he thought Arthur had stolen it. he told Arthur to put it back. Arthur put it back, then Kay tried to pull it out, but he couldn’t” The short script taken from an English story is related to ………… A. a fable C. a memory B. a legend D. a fairytale 34. Melly and Zahara are having cooking class. Melly : The soup smells delicious. Let me try it.Uh! It’s taste too salty. Zahara : I’m sorry. I guess I have put …….salt in it. A. Too many C. too much B. Some D. enough 35. Alex : We have to stop at the next gas station. There is only ………….. fuel in the tank. Sally : Ok. Don’t worry, it’s still enough for 5 kilometers more A. any C. a few B. a little D. some 36. Monica went on working until late at night. The word which has the same meaning as ‘went on’ is ….. A. stopped C. continued B. refused D. cancelled 25
  • 26. 37. My wife lived in the small town ten years ago, and ____ A. so did I C. I did either B. so did me D. so do me. 38. His illness is getting …………….although he is taken to the hospital. A. good C. better B. worse D. bad 39. Ms. Tanti sometimes ……………. to visit her parents in Japan twice a year. A. came C. was coming B. comes D. will come 40. I ….exercises everyday because I don’t want to get fat. A. Takes C. take B. am taking D. took 41. Mike : Where did you get the novel from? Steve : I borrowed it from the British Council Library last week. I want to return it now because I … already. A. read C. am going to read B. am reading D. have read 42. Do you know who … the famous book “treasure island”? A. writes C. wrote B. is writing D. write 43. Arrange the following sentences into correct paragraph! 1) Enjoy your holiday and have fun there! 2) There is also an Art Gallery which displays impressive modern and historic paintings 3) Manchester is located in the north-west of England. 4) There are some magnificent Victorian buildings near Albert square. 5) It has something for everyone. A. 1 – 5 – 3 – 4 – 2 C. 3 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 1 B. 1 - 4 – 2 – 3 – 5 D. 3 – 5 – 4 – 2 - 1 44. The basketball game was spectacular. We enjoyed it very much. The correct combination of the sentences above is ……………. A. The basketball game was spectacular, but we enjoyed it very much. B. We enjoyed basketball game very much so that it was spectacular. C. The basketball game was so spectacular that we enjoyed it very much. D. That the basketball game was so spectacular so we enjoyed it very much. 45. Lina : I’m sure Tuti has forgotten to come here. Murni: …she always keeps her promise. I know her well. A. I doubt that C. I’m sorry B. I’m sure D. I agree with you 46. Ayik : There is an English debate in our school tomorrow, is that right? Anin : Yeah, I also heard about it. Ayik : Let’s join then. We can get a lot of experience from it. Anin : … Let’s practice together. A. That’s too bad. C. Yes, there is. B. I don’t think so. D. Why not. 26
  • 27. 47. Look at this sign and choose what it means! PLEASE SHOW THE LIBRARIAN ALL BOOKS WHEN YOU LEAVE THE LIBRARY A. Return your books before you leave the library. B. The librarian needs to see your books before you go. C. Make sure you take all your books with you. D. The librarian will show you where you have to put your books. 48. 1st tourist : Look at those birds! 2nd tourist : … A. How beautiful are they! B. How are they beautiful! C. How beautiful they are! D. How they are beautiful! 49. Susie : Which magazine do you want to borrow, ‘National Geographic’ or ‘Newsweek’ ? Jason : I would like ….May I? A. both of them C. all of them B. none of them D. either of them 50. Read the text below! The Place – Record your voice! We have created the ultimate state of the art tracking facility. Ideal for Indy Label album projects who need to make a first class CD at half of the usual cost. Otari MTR=90 II Track Tape Machine. Neve and Tubetech Mic Pre’s, Digital Editing and Mastering. Lots More Outboard Gear! Panglima Polim Street E3/8 – South Jakarta Call us at: (012) 722-2193 - 94 What is the purpose of the text? A. To offer a product B. To inform people the location of recording studio . C. To advertise a service of recording D. To invite people to an art show. SCORE 27
  • 28. PAKET 12 Text for no. 1 – 3 Alexander Graham bell is famous for his invention of the telephone, one of the important devices that have helped build modern life. Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, on March 3, 1847 Bell was educated in Edinburgh high School and at the university Edinburgh and London. He was the son of Mileville Bell, who devoted his time to teaching deaf people. At the age of 23, being threatened with tuberculosis, Alexander moved to Canada with his family in 1870. The following year, following his father’s profession, he started teaching deaf people in Boston. Teaching deaf people was the Bell family’s profession. His grandfather also taught deaf people in Scotland. Alexander Graham Bell taught not only the deaf, he did even more than that. He opened a private school to train teachers for the deaf. 1. Why did Alexander move to Canada with his family? Because ___ . A. he taught the deaf there B. he wanted to invent a device to help the deaf C. he followed his father to teach the deaf D. he was threatened with tuberculosis 2. When did Alexander start to teach the deaf in Canada? A. 1847 C. 1871 B. 1870 D. 1875 3. “Alexander Graham Bell is famous for his invention of the telephone.” The word “famous” has the same meaning with ___ . A. very good C. surprised B. well-known D. extra ordinary Text for no. 4 - 7 The first Olympic Games were held at Olympia in 776 BC. The games were also called the ancient Olympic Games. There was only one sport event, a running race. The competitors of the game were only men, while women were not allowed to join. Later on more events were held, for example, long jump, javelin throw, boxing, etc. The winners of the game just received a crown of leaves, but it was a great honor. The Olympic Games were then stopped. However, a Frenchman, Barron Pierre Coubertin, revived them in 1896. They were held in Athena, Greece. The games became the first modern Olympic Games. There were thirteen countries joining these games and nine sports were on the agenda.. The purpose of joining the game was not merely to be the winner but to take part. The winners of the competition do not get crown of leaves but they get medal instead. 4. The information about when the first Olympic Games took place is found in … A. paragraph 1 C. paragraph 2 B. paragraph 3 D. paragraph 4 5. In the modern Olympic Games, the first winners receive … A. a crown of leaves C. silver medals B. gold medals D. bronze medals 6. ‘_____but it was a great honor.’ (paragraph. 1) The underlined word means a feeling of … A. disappointment C. satisfaction B. happiness D. pride 7. ‘_____a Frenchman, Barron Piere Coubertin, revived them’ (paragraph 2) The opposite meaning (the antonym) of the underlined word is … A. stopped C. generated B. started D. continued 28
  • 29. 8. Mr. Ahmad : The price of fertilizer will increase next mouth. Mr. Shihab : Oh I don’t think it’s good. It will need more money to spend. The underlined expression shows … A. agreeing C. offering B. disagreeing D. requesting 9. We were hear the earthquake which happened in West Sumatera A. proud C. delighted B. shocked D. glad 10. Peter : Where shall we go for the weekend? Dilla : What about watching movie? Peter : That would be lovely. The underlined utterance shows ...... A. a refusal C. a disagreement B. an invitation D. a pleasure 11. Nani : Are you free this evening? Watik : Why? Nani : What about going to the school yard. I want to watch the volley ball match. Watik : I have to do my history project. A. I’d love to C. I’m very sorry to hear that B. You are very kind. D. I’m sorry, I can’t 12. My Microsoft Suite software isn’t the newest version and … ………………………….. A. Neither is his software C. So is his software B. His software is too. D. His software is either. 13. … and he hasn’t either. A. I didn’t watch the movie C. George has come B. Sally has to come D. I haven’t done my homework 14. The subway train will depart at 07.30 this morning. The similar meaning of the underlined word is … A. arrive C. leave B. late D. land 15. The listeners will easily recognize the voice of their favourite announcer, The underlined word means ………………….. A. identify C. get B. understand D. hear 16. Which sentence is correct? A. The athletes won the gold medal although they had trained very hard. B. The athletes had trained very hard but they won the gold medal. C. The athletes won the gold medal because they had trained very hard. D. The athletes had trained very hard if they won the gold medal. 17. Dhana : Do you like listening to the radio? Putri : Yes. I like it very much. Dhana : Because the programs give me not only pleasure … also a lot of information. A. but C. and B. with D. or 18. Nina : How long have you been waiting Mira? Jake : For an hour. I’ve been waiting since eight o’clock this morning. Nina : … 29
  • 30. Jake : No, I don’t think so. She always keeps her promise. We have promised to see computer exhibition in the city hall. A. I have no doubt she keeps her promise. B. I doubt she won’t come here. C. I’m certain she will come. D. I’m sure she will come. 19. Istiqomah : Is our education the same as the one in Brunei Darussalam? Hulailah : I don’t think so. Education in Indonesia is expensive ___ education in Brunei is free of charge. A. although C. therefore B. but D. so 20. Emir makes your life happy, … A. hasn’t he? C. has he? B. does he? D. doesn’t he? 21. Mila and Hanif will take part in the Math competition, … A. will they? C. don’t they? B. do they? D. won’t they? 22. Which one is the correct question tag? A. Haikal will continue his study in Singapore, will he? B. Monica is staying with you, doesn’t she? C. Fikri visited you last week, did he? D. Vindy and Anin come from Indonesia, don’t they? 23. The population of Indonesia …230 million by 2010. A. will reach C. has reached B. reaches D. reached 24. I think learning French isn’t as …as learning English A. more easy C. easier B. the easiest D. easy 25. Nadia : ”Would you like to come to Ray’s birthday party? Dipo : ”I am not sure yet, but I will come A. he invites C. he has invited B. he invited D. he is going to invite me 26. John : Have you done the last assignment? Edy : No, I haven’t. What about you? John :… A. I do too C. Neither have I B. I have too D. I don’t either 27. Zahara : Some people like to stay in small town. How about you? Kholil : I do too. Staying in a small town is … .than in a big city. A. the most peaceful as C. not so peaceful B. as peaceful as D. more peaceful 28. 1st tourist : Look at those birds! 2nd tourist : Yes, … A. How beautiful are they! C. How beautiful they are! B. How are they beautiful! D. How they are beautiful! 29. Ms. Vina : What is your opinion about using a washing machine? Ms. Yayuk : Well, I think it’s very practical. 30
  • 31. Mr. Vina : I’m afraid … In my opinion, it spends too much electricity. A I agree C. I don’t agree B That’s right D. I can’t decide 30. Miftah : “Where is the half past six bus to Semarang? Wawan : “Sorry, but the bus ,,,,. A. has departed C. departed B. departing D. is departing 31. Berta : What does … consist of? Fitria : It consists of long jumping, sprinting, javelin throwing and many others. A. wrestling C. ice-skating B. athletics D. cycling 32. Based on the table below the correct information is … Destination Cost Days Tourists objects Bali Rp 350.000,00 5 7 Jakarta Rp 280.000,00 4 6 A Going to Bali needs less money than to Jakarta. B Traveling to Jakarta covers less time than to Bali. C There are more tourists objects in Jakarta than Bali. D having holiday in Bali can visit few tourists objects than Jakarta. 33. Mother : What do you want to eat for breakfast, bread or rice ? Prita : Well, some bread, mum. The underlined sentence means … . A asking bread and rice B giving something to eat C having bread for breakfast D offering something for breakfast 34. Gilang : Please tell me how to make this new plant grow well. Adrian: Oh, I’m sorry …. Gilang : That’s all right. A. I have no idea B. I’m sure it will do well C. I know how to deal with it D. Don’t worry it’s easy to do 35. Arif : What will you do when you graduate your Junior High school next year. Dian : I … my study at an International Senior High School. A have continued C. was continuing B will continue D. continued 36. Myra : Can you operate a computer ? Dimas : Sorry. I can’t. What about you ? Myra : “ … “ A I can’t too C. I can’t either B So can I D. Neither can’t I 37. Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph! 1. This rhino is famous for its horn. 2. Java Rhino always live in a very small group, even sometimes live alone. 3. If this continues to happen, in the next few years, we cannot find rhino anymore. 4. Many hunters kill the animals for their horns; they sell them at very high price. 5. Other people make medicine from rhino’s horn. 6. Many rhinos die at the hand of the hunters. 31
  • 32. The correct arrangement is … A 6-3-4-5-2-1 C. 2-1-4-5-6-3 B 4-5-6-3-2-1 D. 1-2-4-5-3-6 38. Arrange the sentences below into a correct paragraph! 1. As we know Rick Leach and Scott Melville play tennis attractively. 2. They can work together in the tennis court so they can beat their opponent. 3. Here is a report on the final international tennis tournaments. 4. They become the champion pair, defeating American compatriots Kent Kinear and Dave Randall. The correct arrangement is … A. 3 - 1- 2 - 4 C. 1 - 3 - 4 -2 B. 3 - 2 – 1- 4 D. 2 – 3 – 1 – 4 For questions from no. 39 to 41, choose the suitable words to complete the following passage! Having regular exercise can make you (39) … especially if you are 40. However, it’s very good idea to see your doctor before you start your exercise program if you think you are not very fit. Some people try to exercise too hard. As a result, they cause themselves (40) … which can take a long time to (41)… 39. A. healthy C. dangerous B. hard D. sporty 40. A. injuries C. fit B. hurts D. tired 41. A. protect C. operate B. treat D. heal 42. I saw Melly standing on the other side of the busy street. I had to wait five minutes to cross the road to see her because ………… A. the traffic was so heavy. C. I didn’t know the way. B. it was so cold. D. She didn’t see me. 43. Stella : We’ll have a computer course this semester, mom. Could you buy me a laptop, please? Mother: … because we don’t have enough money to buy it. A. I’m not sure C. That’s very kind of you. B. That’s all right. D. There is no doubt about it. Text for no. 48 – 50 D o you know how blueberries grow? They grow on bushes. Each blueberry is small and round. Many blueberries can grow on one bush. At first, the blueberries are green. The green berries are not ready to eat yet. They need a lot of sun and rain to help them become fat and sweet. When the berries turn blue, they are ripe and ready to be picked. Some farmers grow blueberries in big fields. The people who live nearby can earn money by helping to pick the blueberries. Each one takes a pail out to the field and fills it with blueberries. They work fast so that they can fill many pails. They want to earn as much money as they can. When they are done picking, their fingers are blue from the juice of the berries! After the blueberries are picked, they are put into boxes and sent to stores. People buy the blueberries and take them home to eat. Some people like to wash the berries and eat them one by one. Other people like to cook with blueberries. They make blueberry muffins and pancakes. No matter how you eat them, blueberries taste great! 32
  • 33. 44. What color are the blueberries before they are ready to be picked? A. blue C. red B. green D. brown 45. What could be another title for this story? A. All About Blueberries C. Eating Blueberries B. How to cook with Blueberries D. Blueberries and Bush 46. What happens to blueberries after they are picked? A. They are put into boxes C. Farmers plant them. B. They need sun and rain. D, They become sweet and ripe. 47. … Anggie and I have visited the art exhibition. A. Both C. Neither B. Either D. Not only 48. Wahyuni keeps working … her condition is till weak. A. and C. but B. so D. although 49. Zakaria : Some people like to stay in small town. How about you? Khaidir : I do too. Staying in a small town is … than in a big city. A. the most peaceful as C. more peaceful B. as peaceful as D. not so peaceful 50. The best arrangement of the following sentence is ... 1. We have to jog at least three times a week or every other day. 2. We can jog on the streets, in the big squares, in the park, etc. 3. We only need a pair of running shoes, a sport shirt, shorts, and socks. 4. So, don't jog only on Sundays. 5. Jogging does not need a lot of money. 6. If we want to make our body fit. A. 5-3-2-6-1-4 C. 5-2-6-1-3-4 B. 5-1-6-3-2-4 D. 5-3-6-1-4-2 SCORE 33
  • 34. PAKET 13 Read the text carefully and answer questions 1 and 2! A Family Business In most families, the parents go off to work every morning and come home at night. The children go to school all day, and then hang out with friends or go to after-school activities. The Ellis family is unusual. The children and the parents work in the family business every day. They have a flower shop called Flowers by Ellis and they all have jobs to do. The parents, Howard and Heidi Ellis, spend all day at the store. Howard drives the delivery truck. He also takes phone orders and talks to customers. Heidi arranges the flowers into beautiful bouquets. She is also the business manager. She keeps business records and does the banking. Sixteen-year-old David is the after-school delivery person. On weekdays, he picks up orders at the store and delivers them to customers. He just got his driver's license last month and he likes driving. He also helps unload the delivery trucks that bring the flowers to the store. Twelve-year-old Tara is the cleaning person. Every day after school she cleans the floor and collects the trash. She washes the windows once a week. At 6 o'clock the store closes, the family goes home and has dinner together. The children do their homework and the parents take care of household duties. David says, "We all work hard. We know that each one of us is important to the success of the business. We are proud of what our family has done." 1. Who does half-day work in the flower store? a. Howard and Ellis b. Ellis and Tara c. Howard and David d. David and Tara 2. How many people work in the family business? a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5 Read the following text and answer question 3! Fashionable Fabrics 555 -1555 Hairpin Drive, Mountain view. We are pleased to offer the best selection Competitive pricing and a friendly and knowledgeable staff. Offering Great Deals on Quilting cottons, bridal fabrics, drapery Upholstery, polar fleece, and cross stitch supplies. Check out our weekly "In Store" Specials We ship anywhere by mail. 3. What is being sold in the advertisement? a. Modern factories which are located in Mountain b. Cars which have been used by the factory. 34
  • 35. c. Ships which have been used to send mail d. Materials which can are used to make quilts, clothes or any other crafts Read the following text and answer questions 4 to 8! A visit to a sheep property Last holidays I visited a sheep property. I helped in the shearing sheds and in the yards. On the first day, the Merino weathers were bad. I helped by sweeping up after the roustabouts picked up the wool pieces. Shearers usually start working early at 7.30 am. After lunch, I started shearing the lambs together with them. There were more than 400 lambs so we didn’t finish until the next day. Once again I swept and picked up the wool pieces I was tired by the end of the day in the shed but our work wasn’t finished. We all had to help to get the lambs back into the paddocks. We also had to get a mob of ewes and their lambs into the yards for shearing the next day. Then it was time for tea. This was a very long day but I enjoyed it a lot. 4. When did the writer start helping cutting the wool off sheep? a. In the morning b. By the end of the day c. At 7.30 am d. After noon 5. How many lambs did they have to shear on the writer’s visit day? a. 400 b. Over 400 c. Less than 400 d. Not more than 400 6. “After lunch, I started shearing the lambs together with them” (paragraph 3) What does the word “them” refer to? a. Lambs b. Roustabouts c. Sheep d. Shearers 7. What did the writer feel after spending his holidays in the sheep property? a. He felt bored. b. He was tired. c. He loved it. d. He didn’t like it. 8. It is a small field where someone keeps sheep. The place is …………….. a. Paddock b. Yards c. Property d. Shearer 9. Tata : It’s too hot these days? Ayu : That’s why the forest can easily catch fire. Tata : Unluckily, some people do not understand the danger of forest burning. Ayu : ………, should we keep silent and not do an action? Tata : Of course not. a. So b. But c. However 35
  • 36. d. So that Read the following text and answer questions 10 to 12! HOW TO BOIL AN EGG Things you need: 1 egg 1 small saucepan 0,5 litre of water What to do: 1. Fill the saucepan with half a litre of water 2. Bring water to boil 3. Put egg in water with spoon 4. Boil for 4 minutes 5. Turn off the stove 6. Drain saucepan. 7. Serve egg in an egg cup Serving suggestion: Warm buttered toast, cut into slices and dip into the egg. Make a tasty treat 10. Which of the following is in the correct order? a. Boil for 4 minutes, place egg in saucepan, bring water to boil, drain saucepan. b. Bring water to boil, place egg in water, boil for 4 minutes, drain saucepan. c. Bring water to boil, place egg in saucepan, drain saucepan, boil for 4 minutes d. Bring water to boil, place egg in saucepan, boil for 4 minutes, drain saucepan. 11. To avoid the egg being broken, what should you do? a. Drop the egg in water as fast as possible b. Drop the egg in water as fast as possible c. Put the egg in a drain saucepan d. Put the egg in water with a spoon 12. " ... makes a tasty treat." The synonym of the underlined word is …………….. a. Decorated b. Delicious c. Hot d. Salty Read the following text and answer questions 13 to 15! Can we see that the earth is a globe? Yes, we can. When we watch a ship that sails out to see, we see the ship begin to disappear. The bottom of the ship disappears first, and then the ship seems to sink lower and lower, until we can only see the top of the ship, and then we see nothing at all. What is hiding the ship from us? It is the earth. Stick a pin most of the way into an orange, and slowly turn the orange away from you. You will see the pin disappear, just as a ship does on the earth. 36
  • 37. 13. This story is mainly about ……………. a. the shape of the earth. b. traveling to the New World. c. sailing ships in the old days. d. the shapes of fruits, such as oranges. 14. The ship in this story …. a. probably sank to the bottom of the ocean. b. was going farther and farther away. c. was actually a toy. d. was a sailing ship. 15. The pin on the orange is like …. a. the ship on the earth. b. a person watching the ship. c. a sailor on the ship. d. a needle for mending a rip. 16. Look at the picture! Rp.1.500.000 Rp.1.350.000 Rp.1.600.000 Which statement is NOT TRUE based on the pictures? a. Hand phone is the smallest thing of all b. TV is bigger than mini compo c. Mini compo is cheaper than TV d. Hand phone is cheaper than mini compo Read the following text and answer questions 17 to 19! It was a man who lived before the time of Christopher Columbus. He was the world's first great traveler. His name was Marco Polo. With his father and his uncle, he traveled from Italy to China, crossing mountains and deserts to get there. In China a king, Kublai Khan, was pleased to see the Polos and asked them to live near to him. They stayed for twenty-three years. Kublai Khan sent Marco to other countries to do business for him. When Marco finally returned to Italy, he wrote all about his adventures in a book. Then Columbus and many other people read it and he also became interested in traveling to strange countries. 17. The main idea of the story is …. a. the world's first great traveler. b. traveling from Italy to China. c. the Polo family. d. Marco Polo and Kublai Khan. 18. Why was Marco Polo called as a great traveler? a. Because he traveled very far to reach China. b. Because he wrote about his adventures in a book, which many people read. c. Because he was loved by the king of China. d. Because he met Columbus to travel around the world. 37