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1- Short biography
- Write a paragraph about a famous character.
1- Dr. Ahmed Zewail is famous Egyptian scientist. He lives in
California as an American citizen. He discovered the femto-
second in 1997. it is the smallest unit of time. His discovery
helps scientists to produce new and better drugs. He won
Franklin Institute Award in 1998. he was awarded Nobel
Prize for chemistry in 1999. he was also awarded the Order
of Merit by President Hosney Mubarak. We all very proud of
2- Dr. Farouk El Baz is a scientist and a geologist. He is
the director of remote sensing at Boston university in the
USA. He is the world greatest expert in remote sensing.
Water was found in the Western Desert and in Sinai thanks
to photographs which he took from satellite. Dr El Baz
worked on the American Apollo space project, which landed
men on the moon.
3- Someone you know well (admire)
- My uncle is a very good man. He isn't famous or rich. He
was born in 1950. He is funny and intelligent. He lives in
my home town and works as an engineer in a big factory. I
admire him most because he works hard for his family. He
is often tired but he is always happy and cheerful. He helps
his children with their homework. He showed me how to do
a lot of things, like first-aid. He told me about my family in
the past. He influenced me greatly so I 'd like to be an
engineer like him
4- - (The first paragraph of a story)
Oliver Twist is a very exciting story. It tells us the life
story of a poor boy. Oliver grew up in a workhouse
because his mother had died when he was born. Life for
the young boy was hard. When he asked for more food
because he was hungry, he was punished. So he ran away
to London. There he met a boy called Jack Dawkins who
was in a gang of thieves. An old man, Fagin, had taught
the gang how to be thieves, and Oliver went to live with
5- The importance of reading
Reading provides us with knowledge we need to succeed in
our lives. It’s a very useful hobby.
People's tastes vary, some like arts while others prefer
science fiction. The sort of books one reads is an important
factor in forming his /her character. As a result of the
state's efforts, libraries are open everywhere. People can
increase their information in many branches of knowledge
for free. Young people can spend wonderful time reading
exciting books. Parents should encourage children to read
from an early age
6- 1) An E-mail
- Write an E-mail to your friend telling him about your
problem with learning English, and asking for suggestions.
Dear ……..,
How are you? I hope you are doing well. I did very
badly in my last English test because I didn't know enough
words and phrases. My parents were very disappointed. The
problem is I am terrible at learning and remembering
vocabulary. Do you have any suggestion? I hope you can
help me.
Best Wishes
Thank you very much for your e-mail. I felt sad when I read
your bad news. I promise to help as much as I can. I think
you should learn few words and phrases in writing every
day. Learning a new words in phrases makes them easier to
remember and use. If I were you, I would use pictures as
possible as I can to help me memorize new vocabulary.
Why don't you write new words many times to help you
spell difficult words correctly? You could use English
learning tapes to learn how to pronounce words correctly. It
might be useful if you write lists of words that you revise
every week. You shouldn't learn vocabulary orally. These are
my suggestions, I hope you can make use of them.
7- Write a paragraph on how we can learn a foreign
Learning a foreign language can be enjoyable and funny.
You can achieve that if you learn few words and phrases
through interesting texts. If these texts have pictures, they
can help you remember words easily. You can remember
how to spell difficult words correctly by writing them down
many times in a vocabulary book. The best way to learn
how to pronounce words correctly is that you can listen to
native speakers on TV. And radio. It is helpful to write a list
of words that you want to learn by the end of the week.
Using a vocabulary book is important to keep new words
and phrases. You can check new words up in your
dictionary to learn their right usage. You can always ask
your friends' advice and help. You can practice new
vocabulary, phrases and expressions.
8- Learning foreign languages (SB 15 / 21)
Learning foreign languages is very important to
understand what other nations have achieved. English in
particular is essential because it is the principle second
language all over the world. We will be able to
communicate with anyone from any country in the world.
This will enable us to enjoy the achievements of other
countries. We can communicate with people of our age
through the internet. As all people can communicate
together, there will be better chance for world peace.
People from different countries can make friends together.
9- The invention of computers is considered one of the
modern wonders of the world. Computers have caused great
progress in all fields. They can do very complicated
operations quickly and accurately. They are used in banks
to provide information about people's accounts. In science
they solve a lot of problems. In space they help reaching
the most accurate conclusion. In medicine, they help
doctors to diagnose diseases. We can't do without
Review A
10- (Friendship or your best friend)
Friendship is a very important value in our lives. A good
friend should be honest, co-operative and wise. Good
friends should be frank with each other. Although they don't
always agree with each other, they stay sincere friends. It is
important for us to have good friends who support us in
time of need.
My best friend is Sameh. We are the same age and I've
known him all my life. Our families are good friends. We
both go to the same school and we want to go to the
same university. Sameh and I like doing the same things.
We both enjoy athletics. At school I m good at English, but
he is better at Maths.
11- Writ a paraghraph about "A famous athlete":
I am going to talk about one of the best swimmers ,
Abu-Heif was one of the best Egyptian athletes ever. In
2001, he won a prize as the best swimmer of the 20th
Abdel-Latif Abu-Heif was born in 1929 in the Anfoushi area
of Alexandria. His father was a primary school teacher and
Abu-Heif was the tenth of twelve sons in the family. As a
boy, he spent a lot of his time swimming in the sea. At the
age of ten, he won the Egyptian primary school swimming
championship. After this, he moved to Cairo and worked
with a professional trainer at al-Ahli Club.
In 1951, Abu-Heif became internationally famous when he
swam across the English Channel. In 1953, he crossed the
Channel again. This time he broke the record by crossing in
13 hours and 45 minutes. When he returned to Egypt, the
people welcomed him as a national hero.
Abu-Heif continued to train for seven hours a day and to
swim in long-distance races ‫اﻟﻄﻮﯾﻠﺔ‬ ‫اﻟﻤﺴﺎﻓﺎت‬ ‫ﺳﺒﺎﻗﺎت‬ all over the
In 1963, in Toronto, he beat Harry William, one of the
greatest swimmers in the world. In the same year, he won
the Montreal swimming race after he swam for 30 hours
without a break. All the other swimmers had given up
because they were exhausted. Egypt was so proud of its
world-famous swimmer that they gave his name to a beach
at al-Anfoushi.
In 1966, Abu-Heif decided to retire from swimming. However,
President Nasser asked him to think again. So Abu-Heif
continued to swim and win prizes.
Abu-Heif was also famous for his generosity. He gave his
prize money for swimming the English Channel to the family
of a British swimmer who had drowned while he was
crossing the Channel. He also gave money to the family of
a French swimmer who injured his back during a race in
France. Abu-Heif died in April 2008.
12 - How do you spend your free time? (SB 21)
Free time is a gift which should be used wisely. I
invest my to improve my abilities by learning new things.
When I am free I follow new computer programs, read more
about my school subjects, do my favourite sport or listen
to music. All famous and successful people advise us to
make the best use of our free time. So, I invest my free
time to add up new good skills. Sometimes I work in my
free time to make some money.
13 - What are your favourite sports? (SB 21)
A sport you have played: (SB 22)
Sport is very important in forming one's mind,
character and body. My favourite sports are football and
body building. I like football because I find it exciting.
Football matches are enjoyable and interesting. Body
building is important to be fit and in a good shape. It gives
me self-trust to do hard tasks. All my family members are
14 - A historical place you have visited. (SB 22)
Luxor is one of the most famous historical cities in
Egypt. There are many beautiful temples and tombs. There
are Al-Karnak and Abu-Simbel temples. There are also the
valley of the queens and the valley of the kings. These are
very ancient and most famous historical sites in the world.
There are amazing huge statues of ancient Egyptian
Pharaohs. It is really an interesting city in Egypt that all of
us should visit.
15 - Dangerous jobs (SB 29)
Some jobs are dangerous because they may cause you
injury or death. Firemen, soldiers, policemen and astronauts
are people who may face danger. The dangers they face
sometimes are great, but they welcome them. They enjoy
they their work and the fact that they offer humanity great
services. The reasons why some people like these jobs are
various. Some people are adventures by nature. They adore
doing things that need risk. Others are fond of helping
people so that they can feel happier. Some people look for
greater income. Others want to be popular.
16- A story summary – news story
- Man's fight against nature. - Lost for a week in the
A team of six archaeologists, who are interested in
discovering ancient tombs, have been lost in the desert.
They received orders to go to the western desert to look
for an ancient tomb. They went on an expedition last week
with a nomad as a guide. The surviving team said there
was a desert storm on the first day. Their guide
disappeared and they didn't know what to do. For seven
days they slept in a cave during the day and looked for
food in the evening. They had to eat desert rabbits and
rats. They were finally found by a rescue team last night.
17- "Cars and Pollution" "SB p. 35/ WB p. 28"
Cars are important means of transport both inside and
outside cities. However the increasing level of pollution
specially in industrial countries made governments think of
solutions to decrease pollution. One of these solutions is a
suggestion that people can use their cars for four days a
- One advantage of this suggestion is that gas fumes will
be decreased. Another advantage cities will quiet and more
beautiful when they aren’t jammed with traffic. There are
also disadvantage to this suggestion. In my opinion private
cars save time and effort for business men. I think some
people can't use public transport for many reasons. This
means that we should adjust the suggestion to suit
18- Industry and Pollution:
Industry is very important in our life. We can't do
without it. However the problem with industry is that it
depends oil which increases pollution. The more the volume
of industry increases, the more volume of pollution
increases. Big cities suffer from high levels of pollution
which affect people's health. Perhaps we should use other
forms of clean energy like solar energy and wind power.
One day we might be able to do without oil to decrease
19- Pollution and its effects on the environment (SB 33)
Pollution is the worst enemy against all living things.
It affects the environment badly. The badly maintained
vehicles, the smoke from factories and the heavy smoke
from volcanoes causes air pollution. Too much use of
insecticides affects our corps. Water pollution caused by
throwing chemicals waste into rivers and seas destroys
marine life. Strict measures should be taken by governments
to eliminate pollution in all times.
20- Forms of natural energy: (WB
Natural energy forms like the sun, the wind and the
water are very important to us. These forms of energy are
renewable, clean and cheap. People can get them for ever.
They do no harm to the environment. They are also
cheaper than other forms of energy like fossil fuels. In the
future there will be no more oil, coal and natural gas. We
have to get ready to depend on the sun, wind, and water
as a resources of energy.
21 - Modern inventions (SB 31)
Scientific wonders.
There are many amazing modern invention in our
world. There will be more amazing inventions in tomorrow's
world. Today we have remote sensing which helps us locate
underground water and valuable deposits. Computers helps
us to solve difficult problems and store information. Cars
are supplied with satellite navigation systems to guide them.
Astronauts are capable of walking on the surface of the
moon and other planets. In addition to all that there are
communication satellites, jet planes and mobile phones.
Review B-
22- - The house / place where I live
(SB 36)
I live in a small town, in upper Egypt. My house lies in a
nice area. My neighbours are nice people. They are funny
and friendly. They always invite me to their parties. My
house is by the bus stop. It is near my school. There are
many facilities nearby. There is a cinema in front of our
house and youth club behind it.
23- What qualities are needed for important jobs?
Important jobs need special qualities. A doctor needs to be
patient and intelligent. A nurse needs to be kind-hearted
and hard working. An officer needed to be decisive and
determined. A fireman needs to be brave and careful. A
scientist need to be accurate and persistant . a teacher
needs to be cheerful and helpful
24- How to keep healthy and safe?
How to avoid illness? Rules of cleanliness.
1- Cleanliness is very important because it protects us from
infections. 2-3- Cleanliness includes hygiene "personal
cleanliness" and sanitation "public cleanliness".4- Bad
hygiene causes many stomach infections and bad sanitation
leads to spread of viruses. 5-We should follow rules of
hygiene such as washing hands before meals, having a
shower at least twice a day, keeping food covered to stop
files landing on it and boiling water before drinking it. We
should follow rules of sanitation such as cleaning
restaurants, schools and cinemas and sanitizing hospitals.6-
Parents should teach children rules of hygiene and
sanitation to protect them from infections.
25- Write a paragraph of seven sentences giving advice
through set of instructions about driving. Or How can you
keep safe on the roads? Or what should you do to be a
safe driver?
In every country, every year, there is an increasing number
of road victims. The number of car accidents is increasing.
There have been solutions to this problem, but there are no
concrete results, yet. One of these solutions is new traffic
laws which punish lazy rash drivers. Another solution is
teaching children from an early age about safe driving.
Every driver or motorist should follow safe driving rules to
protect his life and others` lives. He shouldn't use mobile
phone while driving. A driver should always tie his seat belt.
He mustn't drive at high speed. He must have all equipment
needed for accidents. A driver must have his car checked
regularly. Finally follow traffic signs and obey traffic lights.
26- What must you do to be a good: (SB 42)
1- Egyptian
2- a friendly neighbour
3- a student
To be a good Egyptian I must do somethings. Firstly,
I should do my best in my work. Secondly , I should
encourage development plans and take part in achieving
them. Thirdly, I should do all I can to keep the picture of
my country clean and bright. There are also few little things
which everyone can do. We should all work together to
keep our country clean and healthy. We can grow plants
and trees in front of our houses to make our country look
more beautiful.
To be a friendly neighbour, I should do some things.
Firstly, I should share my neighbours their sad and happy
occasions. Secondly, I shouldn't disturb them in any way
either by making noise or dropping litter in front of their
houses. Thirdly, we should have mutual visit and invitations
to meals from time to time.
- To be a good student, I should do the following.
Firstly, I should do all my best to learn well. I should be
quiet in class, organised in work and polite in my behaviour.
Secondly, I should manage my time and effort wisely. I
should divide my time fairly among my school subjects.
Thirdly, I should listen to my parents' and teachers' advice.
All these things will make me benefit from time well.
27- Write a story about learning from past mistake (wb
(1)King Lear decides to give up his country
because he is old. (2He wants to know from his daughters
how much they love him. (3)Goneril and Regan tell their
father that they love him much more than they really do.
(4)Cordelia is sent to France because she doesn't know how
to describe her love for her father. (5 King Lear makes a
terrible mistake, he gives his country and money to his two
daughters who don't really love him. (7)The truth about
Goneril and Regan is that they said that they loved their
father so that they could have his money and his country;
they don`t love him at all. (8)King Lear wanders around the
country with his last two good friends until they arrive in
Dover.(9) Cordelia comes to England with French soldiers to
try to save her father and take his country back from her
two sisters.(10) English soldiers arrive in Dover and beat the
French; Cordelia and Lear are captured and taken to prison.
(11) Cordelia tells her father how much she really loves him
when they are captured and taken to prison.
28- Write a paragraph of seven sentences about the job
you'd like.
I would like to be a tourist guide. I like this job because I
enjoy being with foreigners. I am good at English, German
and French. I am always cheerful, co-operative and patient. I
am knowledgeable about our history and historic places. I
like to show tourist the greatness of our civilization. I am
also fond of learning about other countries. A tourist guide
can be a peace maker among different nationalities
29- Write a paragraph on traveling abroad: TG. 134,
Most young men are interested in travelling abroad. They
like to see much of the world around them. Travel helps
them to gain knowledge and experience in life. It teaches
them to depend on themselves and develop their
personality. Travel to foreign countries gives them the
chance to know the customs of their peoples and the
progress they have achieved. They can visit the symbols of
every city and know their history. Travelling abroad is
important to achieve peace between peoples as they can
understand each other better.
30- Write a paragraph on "The advantages and
disadvantages of "life in a big city"
SB 51/54
Life in a big city is not as attractive as it looks. It has
advantages and disadvantages. There are a lot of
entertainment, sports and transport facilities. You can get
your needs at any time, day and night. You can get the
best education in famous universities. Yet some people
don't like life in a big city. The cost of living is high, the
traffic is overcrowded and the air is polluted. Moreover
stress and speed of city life cause a lot of diseases.
31- Why is it important for tourists to visit Egypt?
How can we help tourists enjoy their stay / visit
in Egypt?
- It is important for tourists from all over the world
to visit Egypt to see its wonderful historic treasures. Many
tourists take a Nile cruise stopping at Luxor to visit the
famous tombs in valley of kings and in the valley of
queens. They can visit the fantastic temples of El Karnak
and Abu-Simble. In Cairo there are many things which
tourists can enjoy. They can buy souvenirs at Khan El
Khalili market. They can also visit the pyramids at Giza.
- We can help the tourists enjoy their visit / stay in
Cairo by doing many things. Firstly, they should see our
country clean and beautiful from the moment they reach
Cairo Airport. We can do that by cleaning the streets and
planting trees on sides of roads. Secondly, we can prepare
the safe, wide roads, the comfortable clean means of
transport and the luxurious hotels. These things can make
tourists feel happy. Thirdly, tourists should feel welcomed,
loved and celebrated. Our citizens should be kind to
tourists and treat them friendly.
32- The importance of tourism:
Tourism is one of the most important source of our
national income. It is the second earner of hard currency
after petroleum products. It creates a lot of jobs for the
youth. It builds and strengthens friendly ties among nations.
Tourism can take part in promoting peace in the world by
developing understanding between peoples. As a result , we
should encourage tourism by building more comfortable
hotels and increasing the citizens’ awareness ( explaining to
them how to treat tourists )
Review C-
33- What people in your town can do to help the
The main problems that face big cities are heavy traffic, air
pollution and litter those problems have bad effects on the
environments. They affect people's health. There are steps
that should be taken to treat these problems. Firstly; people
should use public transport more often and car parking
should be outside cities. Secondly; means of transport
should use clean fuel and factories should be moved
outside cities. Thirdly; there should be bins in every street
and the litters should be collected and recycled. Lows
should be issued to punish those who violate these rules.
That how we can help the environment for our safety.
34- Public transport for and against ( advantages and
disadvantages (SB 60)
There are advantages and disadvantages for public
transport. People who are for public transport say that the
advantages are:
firstly; they are cheap for everyone. Secondly; passengers
can sit down, relax and enjoy their time reading or listening
to music. Thirdly; public transport can help the environment
to reduce air pollution. People who are against public
transport say that the disadvantages are: firstly; buses are
slow and take a long time as the street are full of traffic.
Secondly; some bus drivers don't stop at bus stops and
most of them are late. Thirdly; the underground stations are
not available everywhere. However, we should treat the
disadvantages of public transport to encourage more people
to use them. That will be better for both the environments
and our health.
35- bad habits; smoking, overeating and sunbathing. (SB
There are bad habits that can harm man's health. Some of
them are smoking, overeating and sunbathing. We'll discuss
each of them in detail:
Smoking is a very harmful habit not only for smokers
but also for those who sit with them. Researches have
proved that smoking is responsible for many dangerous
diseases. Heart disorders, lung cancer and respiratory
diseases. It is great that there are laws that ban smoking in
public places.
Overeating is another bad habit. It can lead to many
diseases, such as obesity, blood pressure and arteries
disorders. People who eat too much fats carbohydrates and
sugar are liable to serious diseases. People should eat
more vegetables and fruit to keep healthy. They should also
take exercise to keep fit.
Sunbathing is also a bad habit if it is too much. When
the weather is hot, you shouldn't stay in the sun for more
that 15 minutes. If your skin get burnt to often, you may
have skin cancer. So you can have sunbath only when it is
not too hot; early in the day or in the late afternoon.

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1st year sec first term paragraphs

  • 1. Unit1 1- Short biography - Write a paragraph about a famous character. 1- Dr. Ahmed Zewail is famous Egyptian scientist. He lives in California as an American citizen. He discovered the femto- second in 1997. it is the smallest unit of time. His discovery helps scientists to produce new and better drugs. He won Franklin Institute Award in 1998. he was awarded Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1999. he was also awarded the Order of Merit by President Hosney Mubarak. We all very proud of him. 2- Dr. Farouk El Baz is a scientist and a geologist. He is the director of remote sensing at Boston university in the USA. He is the world greatest expert in remote sensing. Water was found in the Western Desert and in Sinai thanks to photographs which he took from satellite. Dr El Baz worked on the American Apollo space project, which landed men on the moon. 3- Someone you know well (admire) - My uncle is a very good man. He isn't famous or rich. He was born in 1950. He is funny and intelligent. He lives in my home town and works as an engineer in a big factory. I admire him most because he works hard for his family. He is often tired but he is always happy and cheerful. He helps his children with their homework. He showed me how to do a lot of things, like first-aid. He told me about my family in the past. He influenced me greatly so I 'd like to be an engineer like him Unit2 4- - (The first paragraph of a story) Oliver Twist is a very exciting story. It tells us the life story of a poor boy. Oliver grew up in a workhouse because his mother had died when he was born. Life for the young boy was hard. When he asked for more food because he was hungry, he was punished. So he ran away to London. There he met a boy called Jack Dawkins who was in a gang of thieves. An old man, Fagin, had taught the gang how to be thieves, and Oliver went to live with them. 5- The importance of reading Reading provides us with knowledge we need to succeed in our lives. It’s a very useful hobby. People's tastes vary, some like arts while others prefer science fiction. The sort of books one reads is an important factor in forming his /her character. As a result of the state's efforts, libraries are open everywhere. People can increase their information in many branches of knowledge for free. Young people can spend wonderful time reading exciting books. Parents should encourage children to read from an early age
  • 2. Unit3 6- 1) An E-mail - Write an E-mail to your friend telling him about your problem with learning English, and asking for suggestions. Dear …….., How are you? I hope you are doing well. I did very badly in my last English test because I didn't know enough words and phrases. My parents were very disappointed. The problem is I am terrible at learning and remembering vocabulary. Do you have any suggestion? I hope you can help me. Best Wishes Dear… Thank you very much for your e-mail. I felt sad when I read your bad news. I promise to help as much as I can. I think you should learn few words and phrases in writing every day. Learning a new words in phrases makes them easier to remember and use. If I were you, I would use pictures as possible as I can to help me memorize new vocabulary. Why don't you write new words many times to help you spell difficult words correctly? You could use English learning tapes to learn how to pronounce words correctly. It might be useful if you write lists of words that you revise every week. You shouldn't learn vocabulary orally. These are my suggestions, I hope you can make use of them. 7- Write a paragraph on how we can learn a foreign language: Learning a foreign language can be enjoyable and funny. You can achieve that if you learn few words and phrases through interesting texts. If these texts have pictures, they can help you remember words easily. You can remember how to spell difficult words correctly by writing them down many times in a vocabulary book. The best way to learn how to pronounce words correctly is that you can listen to native speakers on TV. And radio. It is helpful to write a list of words that you want to learn by the end of the week. Using a vocabulary book is important to keep new words and phrases. You can check new words up in your dictionary to learn their right usage. You can always ask your friends' advice and help. You can practice new vocabulary, phrases and expressions. 8- Learning foreign languages (SB 15 / 21) Learning foreign languages is very important to understand what other nations have achieved. English in particular is essential because it is the principle second language all over the world. We will be able to communicate with anyone from any country in the world. This will enable us to enjoy the achievements of other countries. We can communicate with people of our age through the internet. As all people can communicate together, there will be better chance for world peace. People from different countries can make friends together. Computers
  • 3. 9- The invention of computers is considered one of the modern wonders of the world. Computers have caused great progress in all fields. They can do very complicated operations quickly and accurately. They are used in banks to provide information about people's accounts. In science they solve a lot of problems. In space they help reaching the most accurate conclusion. In medicine, they help doctors to diagnose diseases. We can't do without computers. Review A 10- (Friendship or your best friend) Friendship is a very important value in our lives. A good friend should be honest, co-operative and wise. Good friends should be frank with each other. Although they don't always agree with each other, they stay sincere friends. It is important for us to have good friends who support us in time of need. My best friend is Sameh. We are the same age and I've known him all my life. Our families are good friends. We both go to the same school and we want to go to the same university. Sameh and I like doing the same things. We both enjoy athletics. At school I m good at English, but he is better at Maths. Unit4- 11- Writ a paraghraph about "A famous athlete": I am going to talk about one of the best swimmers , Abu-Heif was one of the best Egyptian athletes ever. In 2001, he won a prize as the best swimmer of the 20th century. Abdel-Latif Abu-Heif was born in 1929 in the Anfoushi area of Alexandria. His father was a primary school teacher and Abu-Heif was the tenth of twelve sons in the family. As a boy, he spent a lot of his time swimming in the sea. At the age of ten, he won the Egyptian primary school swimming championship. After this, he moved to Cairo and worked with a professional trainer at al-Ahli Club. In 1951, Abu-Heif became internationally famous when he swam across the English Channel. In 1953, he crossed the Channel again. This time he broke the record by crossing in 13 hours and 45 minutes. When he returned to Egypt, the people welcomed him as a national hero. Abu-Heif continued to train for seven hours a day and to swim in long-distance races ‫اﻟﻄﻮﯾﻠﺔ‬ ‫اﻟﻤﺴﺎﻓﺎت‬ ‫ﺳﺒﺎﻗﺎت‬ all over the world. In 1963, in Toronto, he beat Harry William, one of the greatest swimmers in the world. In the same year, he won the Montreal swimming race after he swam for 30 hours without a break. All the other swimmers had given up because they were exhausted. Egypt was so proud of its world-famous swimmer that they gave his name to a beach at al-Anfoushi. In 1966, Abu-Heif decided to retire from swimming. However, President Nasser asked him to think again. So Abu-Heif
  • 4. continued to swim and win prizes. Abu-Heif was also famous for his generosity. He gave his prize money for swimming the English Channel to the family of a British swimmer who had drowned while he was crossing the Channel. He also gave money to the family of a French swimmer who injured his back during a race in France. Abu-Heif died in April 2008. 12 - How do you spend your free time? (SB 21) Free time is a gift which should be used wisely. I invest my to improve my abilities by learning new things. When I am free I follow new computer programs, read more about my school subjects, do my favourite sport or listen to music. All famous and successful people advise us to make the best use of our free time. So, I invest my free time to add up new good skills. Sometimes I work in my free time to make some money. 13 - What are your favourite sports? (SB 21) A sport you have played: (SB 22) Sport is very important in forming one's mind, character and body. My favourite sports are football and body building. I like football because I find it exciting. Football matches are enjoyable and interesting. Body building is important to be fit and in a good shape. It gives me self-trust to do hard tasks. All my family members are sporty. 14 - A historical place you have visited. (SB 22) Luxor is one of the most famous historical cities in Egypt. There are many beautiful temples and tombs. There are Al-Karnak and Abu-Simbel temples. There are also the valley of the queens and the valley of the kings. These are very ancient and most famous historical sites in the world. There are amazing huge statues of ancient Egyptian Pharaohs. It is really an interesting city in Egypt that all of us should visit. Unit5- 15 - Dangerous jobs (SB 29) Some jobs are dangerous because they may cause you injury or death. Firemen, soldiers, policemen and astronauts are people who may face danger. The dangers they face sometimes are great, but they welcome them. They enjoy they their work and the fact that they offer humanity great services. The reasons why some people like these jobs are various. Some people are adventures by nature. They adore doing things that need risk. Others are fond of helping people so that they can feel happier. Some people look for greater income. Others want to be popular. 16- A story summary – news story - Man's fight against nature. - Lost for a week in the desert. A team of six archaeologists, who are interested in discovering ancient tombs, have been lost in the desert. They received orders to go to the western desert to look for an ancient tomb. They went on an expedition last week with a nomad as a guide. The surviving team said there was a desert storm on the first day. Their guide disappeared and they didn't know what to do. For seven days they slept in a cave during the day and looked for food in the evening. They had to eat desert rabbits and rats. They were finally found by a rescue team last night. (7)
  • 5. Unit6- 17- "Cars and Pollution" "SB p. 35/ WB p. 28" Cars are important means of transport both inside and outside cities. However the increasing level of pollution specially in industrial countries made governments think of solutions to decrease pollution. One of these solutions is a suggestion that people can use their cars for four days a week. - One advantage of this suggestion is that gas fumes will be decreased. Another advantage cities will quiet and more beautiful when they aren’t jammed with traffic. There are also disadvantage to this suggestion. In my opinion private cars save time and effort for business men. I think some people can't use public transport for many reasons. This means that we should adjust the suggestion to suit everyone. 18- Industry and Pollution: Industry is very important in our life. We can't do without it. However the problem with industry is that it depends oil which increases pollution. The more the volume of industry increases, the more volume of pollution increases. Big cities suffer from high levels of pollution which affect people's health. Perhaps we should use other forms of clean energy like solar energy and wind power. One day we might be able to do without oil to decrease pollution. 19- Pollution and its effects on the environment (SB 33) Pollution is the worst enemy against all living things. It affects the environment badly. The badly maintained vehicles, the smoke from factories and the heavy smoke from volcanoes causes air pollution. Too much use of insecticides affects our corps. Water pollution caused by throwing chemicals waste into rivers and seas destroys marine life. Strict measures should be taken by governments to eliminate pollution in all times. 20- Forms of natural energy: (WB 27) Natural energy forms like the sun, the wind and the water are very important to us. These forms of energy are renewable, clean and cheap. People can get them for ever. They do no harm to the environment. They are also cheaper than other forms of energy like fossil fuels. In the future there will be no more oil, coal and natural gas. We have to get ready to depend on the sun, wind, and water as a resources of energy. 21 - Modern inventions (SB 31) Scientific wonders. There are many amazing modern invention in our world. There will be more amazing inventions in tomorrow's world. Today we have remote sensing which helps us locate underground water and valuable deposits. Computers helps us to solve difficult problems and store information. Cars are supplied with satellite navigation systems to guide them. Astronauts are capable of walking on the surface of the moon and other planets. In addition to all that there are communication satellites, jet planes and mobile phones. Review B- 22- - The house / place where I live (SB 36) I live in a small town, in upper Egypt. My house lies in a nice area. My neighbours are nice people. They are funny
  • 6. and friendly. They always invite me to their parties. My house is by the bus stop. It is near my school. There are many facilities nearby. There is a cinema in front of our house and youth club behind it. 23- What qualities are needed for important jobs? Important jobs need special qualities. A doctor needs to be patient and intelligent. A nurse needs to be kind-hearted and hard working. An officer needed to be decisive and determined. A fireman needs to be brave and careful. A scientist need to be accurate and persistant . a teacher needs to be cheerful and helpful Unit7- 24- How to keep healthy and safe? How to avoid illness? Rules of cleanliness. 1- Cleanliness is very important because it protects us from infections. 2-3- Cleanliness includes hygiene "personal cleanliness" and sanitation "public cleanliness".4- Bad hygiene causes many stomach infections and bad sanitation leads to spread of viruses. 5-We should follow rules of hygiene such as washing hands before meals, having a shower at least twice a day, keeping food covered to stop files landing on it and boiling water before drinking it. We should follow rules of sanitation such as cleaning restaurants, schools and cinemas and sanitizing hospitals.6- Parents should teach children rules of hygiene and sanitation to protect them from infections. 25- Write a paragraph of seven sentences giving advice through set of instructions about driving. Or How can you keep safe on the roads? Or what should you do to be a safe driver? In every country, every year, there is an increasing number of road victims. The number of car accidents is increasing. There have been solutions to this problem, but there are no concrete results, yet. One of these solutions is new traffic laws which punish lazy rash drivers. Another solution is teaching children from an early age about safe driving. Every driver or motorist should follow safe driving rules to protect his life and others` lives. He shouldn't use mobile phone while driving. A driver should always tie his seat belt. He mustn't drive at high speed. He must have all equipment needed for accidents. A driver must have his car checked regularly. Finally follow traffic signs and obey traffic lights. 26- What must you do to be a good: (SB 42) 1- Egyptian 2- a friendly neighbour 3- a student To be a good Egyptian I must do somethings. Firstly, I should do my best in my work. Secondly , I should encourage development plans and take part in achieving them. Thirdly, I should do all I can to keep the picture of my country clean and bright. There are also few little things which everyone can do. We should all work together to keep our country clean and healthy. We can grow plants and trees in front of our houses to make our country look more beautiful.
  • 7. To be a friendly neighbour, I should do some things. Firstly, I should share my neighbours their sad and happy occasions. Secondly, I shouldn't disturb them in any way either by making noise or dropping litter in front of their houses. Thirdly, we should have mutual visit and invitations to meals from time to time. - To be a good student, I should do the following. Firstly, I should do all my best to learn well. I should be quiet in class, organised in work and polite in my behaviour. Secondly, I should manage my time and effort wisely. I should divide my time fairly among my school subjects. Thirdly, I should listen to my parents' and teachers' advice. All these things will make me benefit from time well. Unit8- 27- Write a story about learning from past mistake (wb 40) (1)King Lear decides to give up his country because he is old. (2He wants to know from his daughters how much they love him. (3)Goneril and Regan tell their father that they love him much more than they really do. (4)Cordelia is sent to France because she doesn't know how to describe her love for her father. (5 King Lear makes a terrible mistake, he gives his country and money to his two daughters who don't really love him. (7)The truth about Goneril and Regan is that they said that they loved their father so that they could have his money and his country; they don`t love him at all. (8)King Lear wanders around the country with his last two good friends until they arrive in Dover.(9) Cordelia comes to England with French soldiers to try to save her father and take his country back from her two sisters.(10) English soldiers arrive in Dover and beat the French; Cordelia and Lear are captured and taken to prison. (11) Cordelia tells her father how much she really loves him when they are captured and taken to prison. 28- Write a paragraph of seven sentences about the job you'd like. I would like to be a tourist guide. I like this job because I enjoy being with foreigners. I am good at English, German and French. I am always cheerful, co-operative and patient. I am knowledgeable about our history and historic places. I like to show tourist the greatness of our civilization. I am also fond of learning about other countries. A tourist guide can be a peace maker among different nationalities Unit9- 29- Write a paragraph on traveling abroad: TG. 134, 139 Most young men are interested in travelling abroad. They like to see much of the world around them. Travel helps them to gain knowledge and experience in life. It teaches them to depend on themselves and develop their personality. Travel to foreign countries gives them the chance to know the customs of their peoples and the progress they have achieved. They can visit the symbols of every city and know their history. Travelling abroad is important to achieve peace between peoples as they can understand each other better.
  • 8. 30- Write a paragraph on "The advantages and disadvantages of "life in a big city" SB 51/54 Life in a big city is not as attractive as it looks. It has advantages and disadvantages. There are a lot of entertainment, sports and transport facilities. You can get your needs at any time, day and night. You can get the best education in famous universities. Yet some people don't like life in a big city. The cost of living is high, the traffic is overcrowded and the air is polluted. Moreover stress and speed of city life cause a lot of diseases. 31- Why is it important for tourists to visit Egypt? How can we help tourists enjoy their stay / visit in Egypt? - It is important for tourists from all over the world to visit Egypt to see its wonderful historic treasures. Many tourists take a Nile cruise stopping at Luxor to visit the famous tombs in valley of kings and in the valley of queens. They can visit the fantastic temples of El Karnak and Abu-Simble. In Cairo there are many things which tourists can enjoy. They can buy souvenirs at Khan El Khalili market. They can also visit the pyramids at Giza. - We can help the tourists enjoy their visit / stay in Cairo by doing many things. Firstly, they should see our country clean and beautiful from the moment they reach Cairo Airport. We can do that by cleaning the streets and planting trees on sides of roads. Secondly, we can prepare the safe, wide roads, the comfortable clean means of transport and the luxurious hotels. These things can make tourists feel happy. Thirdly, tourists should feel welcomed, loved and celebrated. Our citizens should be kind to tourists and treat them friendly. 32- The importance of tourism: Tourism is one of the most important source of our national income. It is the second earner of hard currency after petroleum products. It creates a lot of jobs for the youth. It builds and strengthens friendly ties among nations. Tourism can take part in promoting peace in the world by developing understanding between peoples. As a result , we should encourage tourism by building more comfortable hotels and increasing the citizens’ awareness ( explaining to them how to treat tourists ) Review C- 33- What people in your town can do to help the environment? The main problems that face big cities are heavy traffic, air pollution and litter those problems have bad effects on the environments. They affect people's health. There are steps that should be taken to treat these problems. Firstly; people should use public transport more often and car parking should be outside cities. Secondly; means of transport should use clean fuel and factories should be moved
  • 9. outside cities. Thirdly; there should be bins in every street and the litters should be collected and recycled. Lows should be issued to punish those who violate these rules. That how we can help the environment for our safety. 34- Public transport for and against ( advantages and disadvantages (SB 60) There are advantages and disadvantages for public transport. People who are for public transport say that the advantages are: firstly; they are cheap for everyone. Secondly; passengers can sit down, relax and enjoy their time reading or listening to music. Thirdly; public transport can help the environment to reduce air pollution. People who are against public transport say that the disadvantages are: firstly; buses are slow and take a long time as the street are full of traffic. Secondly; some bus drivers don't stop at bus stops and most of them are late. Thirdly; the underground stations are not available everywhere. However, we should treat the disadvantages of public transport to encourage more people to use them. That will be better for both the environments and our health. 35- bad habits; smoking, overeating and sunbathing. (SB 56) There are bad habits that can harm man's health. Some of them are smoking, overeating and sunbathing. We'll discuss each of them in detail: Smoking is a very harmful habit not only for smokers but also for those who sit with them. Researches have proved that smoking is responsible for many dangerous diseases. Heart disorders, lung cancer and respiratory diseases. It is great that there are laws that ban smoking in public places. Overeating is another bad habit. It can lead to many diseases, such as obesity, blood pressure and arteries disorders. People who eat too much fats carbohydrates and sugar are liable to serious diseases. People should eat more vegetables and fruit to keep healthy. They should also take exercise to keep fit. Sunbathing is also a bad habit if it is too much. When the weather is hot, you shouldn't stay in the sun for more that 15 minutes. If your skin get burnt to often, you may have skin cancer. So you can have sunbath only when it is not too hot; early in the day or in the late afternoon.