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Modern Perl for the
Unfrozen Paleolithic
Perl Programmer
John SJ Anderson ⭐ Infinity Interactive ⭐ @genehack
DC-Balmer Perl Workshop ⭐ 16 Apr 2016
I'mma talk pretty fast. Feel free to ask questions particularly if I'm moving too quickly
I was inspired to give this talk by a few online friends who happen to be Perl programmers -- but they're not engaged with the community, they're just using Perl to get a
job done, and there's a widening gulf between what I think is reasonable and what they're doing -- so I wanted to put together sort of an info dump
to 2016!
So, hi, unfrozen caveman Perl programmer! Welcome to 2016!
Quite a few
things have
Many things have changed since you fell into that glacier in 2001,
There's a Clinton
running for
Perl6 is still just about going to be released!
We're still
using Perl5!
Most of us are still happily coding in Perl5, however
Perl 5.6
When you slipped into that big hole in the ice, perl 5.6 was the latest and greatest
Perl 5.22
But we're all the way up to 5.22 now
Perl 5.22
4But we're all the way up to 5.22 now

You probably don't remember Unicode -- it was around in 2001, but not terribly important or very well understood. It's way too complicated to get into here, just know
that now we can get _really_ expressive in our Perl code
😀So it's much easier to tell if we're happy...
💩... or when things aren't going quite as well.
This should be a familiar way of communication for you!
defined($this)	?	$this	:	$that
We got a great new feature in 5.10 called defined-or.

You've probably written code much like this hundreds of times.
$this	//	$that
Now, we can just write this! 

Which is pretty awesome. Defined-or was my favorite new perl feature of the 2000s
Finally, we've also recently gotten support for subroutine signatures
sub	add	($one,	$two)	{	
			return	$one	+	$two;	
so we don't even have to unpack @_ ourselves!

Who has started using subroutine signatures?
new tools
It's not just language level features, we also have a host of new tools to make it easier to work with Perl
"system" perl:

These days, we make a distinction between the Perl that comes with your OS
"system" perl:

just say no
and encourage people not to use it for their development projects
Yes, that means good old /usr/bin/perl...
is no more. Instead, we use tools to install new Perls, outside the control of the OS
The first tool that was developed for this purpose is called Perlbrew
which you can get at
there's also a newer option, plenv
it's website isn't quite as snazzy as perlbrew's
• Solves "vendor Perl lockin" issues

• Install multiple Perls in your home directory

• ... or elsewhere

• Trivially switch from Perl version to Perl version

• Able to install modules without special permissions

• Easy to stay up to date with Perl development
either one of these tools will give you numerous advantages over using the system perl
plenv > perlbrew
• Less magic messing around with PATH 

• Can "pin" Perl different ways: globally, per-shell, or
personally, i'm using plenv these days -- the ability to easily specify a Perl version for a particular project is particularly useful to me
perlbrew > plenv
• Kickass website
speaking of installing in
your $HOME…
• Install your own copies of modules

• In your $HOME (so no special permissions needed)

• Can also install per-project modules

• Integrates well with other tools
speaking of installing stuff…

We've got a new CPAN client these days
%	cpan	Git::Wrapper	
CPAN:	Storable	loaded	ok	(v2.54)	
Reading	'/Users/genehack/.cpan/Metadata'	
		Database	was	generated	on	Sat,	10	Oct	2015	01:17:02	GMT	
Running	install	for	module	'Git::Wrapper'	
CPAN:	LWP::UserAgent	loaded	ok	(v6.13)	
Fetching	with	LWP:	
CPAN:	YAML	loaded	ok	(v1.15)	
CPAN:	Digest::SHA	loaded	ok	(v5.95)	
Fetching	with	LWP:	
CPAN:	Compress::Zlib	loaded	ok	(v2.068)	
Checksum	for	/Users/genehack/.cpan/sources/authors/id/G/GE/GENEHACK/Git-
Wrapper-0.045.tar.gz	ok	
tmp-47326	for	tmp-47326:	No	such	file	or	directory	at	/opt/plenv/versions/5.23.2/lib/
.pm	line	468.	
CPAN:	File::Temp	loaded	ok	(v0.2304)	
CPAN:	CPAN::Meta::Requirements	loaded	ok	(v2.133)	
CPAN:	Parse::CPAN::Meta	loaded	ok	(v1.4417)	
CPAN:	CPAN::Meta	loaded	ok	(v2.150005)	
CPAN:	Module::CoreList	loaded	ok	(v5.20150820)	
Configuring	G/GE/GENEHACK/Git-Wrapper-0.045.tar.gz	with	Makefile.PL	
Locating	bin:git...	found	at	/opt/git/bin/git.	
Checking	if	your	kit	is	complete...	
Looks	good	
Generating	a	Unix-style	Makefile	
Writing	Makefile	for	Git::Wrapper	
Writing	MYMETA.yml	and	MYMETA.json	
this is the output from using the default 'cpan' client to install something.
		/opt/plenv/versions/5.23.2/bin/perl5.23.2	Makefile.PL	--	OK	
Running	make	for	G/GE/GENEHACK/Git-Wrapper-0.045.tar.gz	
cp	lib/Git/Wrapper/File/	blib/lib/Git/Wrapper/File/	
cp	lib/Git/	blib/lib/Git/	
cp	lib/Git/Wrapper/	blib/lib/Git/Wrapper/	
cp	lib/Git/Wrapper/	blib/lib/Git/Wrapper/	
cp	lib/Git/Wrapper/	blib/lib/Git/Wrapper/	
cp	lib/Git/Wrapper/	blib/lib/Git/Wrapper/	
Manifying	6	pod	documents	
		/usr/bin/make	--	OK	
Running	make	test	
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1	"/opt/plenv/versions/5.23.2/bin/perl5.23.2"	"-MExtUtils::Command::MM"	"-
MTest::Harness"	"-e"	"und	
ef	*Test::Harness::Switches;	test_harness(0,	'blib/lib',	'blib/arch')"	t/*.t	
t/00-load.t	...............	1/6	#	Testing	Git::Wrapper	0.045	
t/00-load.t	...............	ok	
t/author-err.t	............	skipped:	these	tests	are	for	testing	by	the	author	
t/basic.t	.................	#	Testing	git	version:	2.5.2	
t/basic.t	.................	ok	
t/git_binary.t	............	ok	
t/parse_args.t	............	ok	
t/path_class.t	............	#	Testing	git	version:	2.5.2	
t/path_class.t	............	ok	
t/release-pod-coverage.t	..	skipped:	these	tests	are	for	release	candidate	testing	
t/release-pod-syntax.t	....	skipped:	these	tests	are	for	release	candidate	testing	
All	tests	successful.	
Files=8,	Tests=67,		1	wallclock	secs	(	0.04	usr		0.02	sys	+		0.39	cusr		0.31	csys	=		0.76	CPU)	
Result:	PASS	
and this is more of the output...
(still not done
but I got tired
of pasting.)
%	cpanm	Git::Wrapper	
-->	Working	on	Git::Wrapper	
Fetching	...	OK	
Configuring	Git-Wrapper-0.045	...	OK	
Building	and	testing	Git-Wrapper-0.045	...	OK	
Successfully	installed	Git-Wrapper-0.045
this is the output from cpanm installing the same thing
speaking of stuff on CPAN…
we have a whole new website for interacting with CPAN is still around...
but metacpan integrates and visualizes a bunch of information in a really useful way
things like a syntax-highlighted source view, linking to home pages and code repos, showing test results, and the amount of activity in a project
it's also open source, so if you can think of a way to make it better, you can
Duck Duck Go 

we also have a new search engine here in 2016. it's cool, and it's partially written in Perl
Duck Duck Go 

The most useful feature, though, is ability to use 'bang searches' to restrict your search to a particular site - this is how you search metacpan
speaking of modules...
if you haven't been playing close attention (and since you were frozen, you haven't been!) there are a few new modules you may have missed
anybody doing web development these days needs to interact with JSON - using JSON::MaybeXS will make sure that you have a JSON library available, picking the best
one from a number of alternatives

To get a handle on how we do OOP in Perl these days, you should look into Moose -- and then when you're ready to write some code, you'll probably be able to get
away with dropping down to Moo
I do have some bad news for you -- has been pulled out of core
(not really)
don't worry, you can still find it on CPAN
But the current standard for web development in Perl is Plack/PSGI. Offers a number of advantages over CGI, and is the basis for all modern Perl web frameworks
speaking of Perl websites…
we have quite a few new websites these days, which make it easier to keep up with the current state of things
one of the problems with cpan is there's just _so_ _much_ _stuff_ there. it can be hard to decide which one of a dozen different modules to use. cpanratings helps with
this problem
you can see individual reviews, which version they're reviewing, and so on.
MetaCPAN links to reviews as well as showing an average review score
we also have CPANTS - automated testing of some best practices around module development
here's what that looks like for a particular module. super useful if you're not sure you're doing things the "right" way
MetaCPAN links to CPANTS too
We also have PrePAN, which is a place to get feedback on module ideas you haven't even written yet
speaking of staying up to
date on Perl news…
we also have some sites that make it easier to keep up to date with what's going on in the perl world
there's perl weekly, which is a once a week email newsletter aggregating perl related news from all over the web
and in a recent development, sawyer has revived the p5p weekly email summary -- excellent if you want to keep up with what's going on with perl5 development but
don't have time to follow the email list yourself

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