SlideShare a Scribd company logo

Zef Hemel
230,000   300,000
Objective-C      Java   J2ME/C++

HTML/Javascript   Java     .NET
Objective-C      Java   J2ME/C++

HTML/Javascript   Java     .NET
Webkit browser    Webkit browser   J2ME/C++

 Webkit browser   Webkit browser     .NET

Location information

Location information


Location information



Location information
                       Offline support

                 Full-screen support
Location information
                       Offline support

                 Full-screen support
Location information
                       Offline support
                 Accelerator support
Address book
Address book
Address book
Address book
   File IO
Address book
   File IO
Address book
   File IO
mobl program
1. language

2. behind the scenes
user interface


data modeling


web services
user interface
ui syntax

screen name(farg*) : ReturnType? {

control name(farg*) {
screen root() {
screen root() {

screen promptString(q : String) : String {
screen root() {

screen promptString(q : String) : String {

control button(s : String,
               onclick : Callback = {}) {
control calls

variable declarations

  control structures

      inline HTML

      script blocks
control calls
button("Click me")
control calls
button("Click me")

button("Click me", {
control calls
button("Click me")

button("Click me", {

button("Click me", onclick={
control calls with body

  group() {
    item() { "Item 1" }
    item() { "Item 2" }
control calls with body

  group {
    item { "Item 1" }
    item { "Item 2" }
variable declarations

var b = true
variable declarations

var b = true
var b : Bool = true
variable declarations

var b = true
var b : Bool = true
var newTask = Task()
variable declarations

var   b = true
var   b : Bool = true
var   newTask = Task()
var   newTask : Task = Task()

var b = true


when(b) {
} else {

var nums = [1, 2, 3]

group {
  list(n in nums) {
    item { label(n) }
inline HTML

<img src="img/icon.png"/>
inline HTML

   <img src="img/icon.png"/>

<div class=selected ? selectedStyle
                    : notSelectedStyle>
script blocks
         avoid if possible

var n = -1
script {
  n = Math.sqrt(9);
higher-order controls
style bigAndBlue {
  color:     blue;
  font-size: 40px;
style bigAndBlue {
  color:      blue;
  font-size: 40px;
control block(style : Style) {

block(bigAndBlueStyle) {
  label("I am big and blue!");
style $baseColor = rgb(100, 100, 100)

style myStyle {
  color:     rgb($baseColor.r+10,
  font-size: 20px;
style mixin borderRadiusMixin($radius) {
  -moz-border-radius: $radius;
  -webkit-border-radius: $radius;
  border-radius: $radius;
style mixin borderRadiusMixin($radius) {
  -moz-border-radius: $radius;
  -webkit-border-radius: $radius;
  border-radius: $radius;

style myStyle {
  color:     $baseColor;
data modeling
   & query
entity   Task {
  name   : String (searchable)
  done   : Bool
  tags   : Collection<Tag> (inverse: tasks)

entity Tag {
  name : String (searchable)
  tasks : Collection<Task> (inverse: tags)
var newTask = Task(name="New task");
newTask.done = false;
var doneTasks = Task.all()
var doneTasks = Task.all()
var doneTasks = Task.all()
                .filter("done", "=", true)
                .order("date", false)
var tagDoneTasks = tag.tasks
                .filter("done", "=", true)
                .order("date", false)
var doneTasks = Task.all()
var doneTasks = Task.all()
                where done == true
                order by date desc
                limit 10;
var tagDoneTasks = tag.tasks
                   where done == true
                   order by date desc
                   limit 10;
var searchTasks ="task")
                  where done == true
                  limit 10;
screen root() {
  group {
    list(t in Task.all() order by date desc) {
      item { label( }
script in ui

label("Total tasks: " + Task.all().count())
script in ui

label("Total tasks: " + Task.all().count())

button("Click me", onclick={
   alert("You clicked me!");
var n = 7;
var n2 = Math.round(n/2);

if(n2 > 3) {
  alert("More than three!");
} else {
  alert("Less than three!");
type inference
var n = 7;
var n2 = Math.round(n/2);

if(n2 > 3) {
  alert("More than three!");
} else {
  alert("Less than three!");
var done = 0;
foreach(t in Task.all()) {
  if(t.done) {
    done = done + 1;
var done = 0;
foreach(t in Task.all()) {
  if(t.done) {
    done = done + 1;

var done = (Task.all()
            where done == true)
function sqr(n : Num) : Num {
  return n * n;
demo: todo list
web service
service SomeService {
  resource tasks() : JSON {
    uri = "/tasks"

    resource search(query : String) : JSON {
      uri = "/search?q=" + escape(query)
ajax same-source restriction

service Twitter {
  resource trends() : JSON {
    uri = "/_proxy/"

    resource search(query : String) : JSON {
      uri = "/_proxy/"
            + escape(query)

type Trend {
  name : String
  url : String

function trendsMapper(json : JSON) : [Trend] {
  return json.trends;
resource trends() : JSON {
  uri = "/_proxy/"
  mapper = trendsMapper
screen root() {
  var trends = Twitter.trends()

    header("Twitter trends")
    group {
      list(topic in trends) {
        item {
user interface


data modeling


web services

slower than native

   no native UI

not great for games
behind the scenes




 portability   web



 portability   web

completeness   100% code gen

design bottom-up
1. design core abstractions + native interface
1. design core abstractions + native interface

2. enable user land abstractions
1. design core abstractions + native interface

2. enable user land abstractions

3a. support successful ULAs with syntax
1. design core abstractions + native interface

2. enable user land abstractions

3a. support successful ULAs with syntax

3b. support common native interface cases
    with core abstractions
1. design core abstractions + native interface

2. enable user land abstractions

3a. support successful ULAs with syntax

3b. support common native interface cases
    with core abstractions
core abstraction:

synchronous programming

      no more asynchronous
          spaghetti code
synchronous programming

var results = Task.all().list();
for(var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
render page

query database
 and process

render page

                 query database
browser freeze    and process

render page

 send query


process query

asynchronous programming

Task.all.list(function(results) {
    for(var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
Task.all().list(function(results) {
  alert("Hello, ");
Task.all().list(function(results) {
  alert("Hello, ");
});                      breaks sequential
                     execution assumption
Task.all().list(function(results) {
  // make changes
  persistence.flush(function() {
    alert("Changes saved!");
continuation-passing style
function displayLocationAndReturn() : Coordinates {
  var position = mobl::location::getPosition();
  log("Lat: " + position.latitude);
  log("Long: " + position.longitude);
  return position;
function displayLocationAndReturn() : Coordinates {
  var position = mobl::location::getPosition();
  log("Lat: " + position.latitude);
  log("Long: " + position.longitude);
  return position;

function displayLocationAndReturn(callback) {
   mobl.location.getPosition(function(position) {
     console.log("Lat: " + position.latitude);
     console.log("Long: " + position.longitude);
function displayLocationAndReturn() : Coordinates {
  var position = mobl::location::getPosition();
  log("Lat: " + position.latitude);
  log("Long: " + position.longitude);
  return position;

function displayLocationAndReturn(callback) {
   mobl.location.getPosition(function(position) {
     console.log("Lat: " + position.latitude);
     console.log("Long: " + position.longitude);
function displayLocationAndReturn() : Coordinates {
  var position = mobl::location::getPosition();
  log("Lat: " + position.latitude);
  log("Long: " + position.longitude);
  return position;

function displayLocationAndReturn(callback) {
   mobl.location.getPosition(function(position) {
     console.log("Lat: " + position.latitude);
     console.log("Long: " + position.longitude);
core abstraction:

 data binding

no more copying data from and
            to UI
screen root() {
  var n = 8
  label(n * n)
  button("Inc", onclick={
     n = n + 1;
var n = 8

var n = ref(8);
var n = 8

       var n = ref(8);

- set(value)
- get()
- addEventListener(eventType, callback)
label(n * n)

var node = $("<span>");
node.text(n.get() * n.get());
n.addEventListener("change", function() {
    node.text(n.get() * n.get());
label(n * n)

var node = $("<span>");
node.text(n.get() * n.get());
n.addEventListener("change", function() {
    node.text(n.get() * n.get());
label(n * n)

var node = $("<span>");
node.text(n.get() * n.get());
n.addEventListener("change", function() {
    node.text(n.get() * n.get());
button("Inc", onclick={
     n = n + 1;

var node = $("<button ...>");
node.text("Inc"); {
  n.set(n.get() + 1);
button("Inc", onclick={
     n = n + 1;

var node = $("<button ...>");
node.text("Inc"); {
  n.set(n.get() + 1);
screen root() {
  var n = 8
  label(n * n)
  button("Inc", onclick={
     n = n + 1;
screen root() {
  var n = 8
  label(n * n)
  button("Inc", onclick={
     n = n + 1;
screen root() {
  var n = 8
  label(n * n)
  button("Inc", onclick={
     n = n + 1;
core abstraction:

data modeling & query

       no more SQL
uses persistence.js
entity Task {
  name          :   String (searchable)
  description   :   String (searchable)
  done          :   Bool
  date          :   DateTime

var Task = persistence.define('Task', {
  name:        'VARCHAR(255)',
  description: 'VARCHAR(255)',
  done:        'BOOL',
  date:        'DATE'

foreach(t in Task.all()) {

Task.all().forEach(function(t) {
foreach(t in Task.all() where done == true) {

Task.all().filter("done", "=", true).forEach(function(t) {
native interface
external entity MyEntity

external type MyType

external control contextMenu()

external screen specialScreen()

external sync function add(o : Object) : void

external style myStyle
external sync function add(o : Object) : void

__ns.add = function(o) {
load styles/default.css
load js/persistence.js
where do abstractions
    come from?
where do abstractions
    come from?

where do abstractions
    come from?






screen              entity


screen              entity



screen                 entity


 event              web service
other DSLs

other DSLs


other DSLs                 annoyances


1. design core abstractions + native interface

2. enable user land abstractions

3a. support successful ULAs with syntax

3b. support common native interface cases
    with core abstractions

       compiler small

library large (and extensible)

- built-in types
- built-in controls

+ native interface
+ sufficiently low-level primitives
+ abstraction mechanisms (screens,
  controls, functions, types)
native interface
external type Object {
  sync function toString() : String

external type String : Object {
  length : Num
  sync function charAt(index : Num) : String
  sync function charCodeAt(index : Num) : Num

external   type   Num : Object { }
external   type   Bool : Object { }
external   type   Dynamic : Object { }
external   type   Style : String { }

external type Array<T> {
  length : Num

    sync function get(n : Num) : T
    sync function push(item : T) : void
    sync function join(sep : String) : String
low-level primitives

control image(url : String, onclick : Callback = null) {
  <img src=url onclick=onclick/>
low-level primitives

control slideupBlock() {
  div@<div onclick={


slideupBlock {
  label("Click me to slide up")
low-level primitives

     control slideupBlock() {
JQuery div@<div onclick={


      slideupBlock {
        label("Click me to slide up")
1. design core abstractions + native interface

2. enable user land abstractions

3a. support successful ULAs with syntax

3b. support common native interface cases
    with core abstractions
var doneTasks = Task.all()
var doneTasks = Task.all()
                .filter("done", "=", true)
                .order("date", false)
var doneTasks = Task.all()
var doneTasks = Task.all()
                where done == true
                order by date desc
                limit 10;
1. design core abstractions + native interface

2. enable user land abstractions

3a. support successful ULAs with syntax

3b. support common native interface cases
    with core abstractions
load styles/default.css
div.header {
  background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0% 0%, 0% 100%,
                 from(rgb(72, 100, 180)), to(rgb(32, 60, 140)));
  background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgb(72, 100, 180),
                 rgb(32, 60, 140));
  padding: 0;
  height: 2.3em;
  font-size: 1.3em;
  line-height: 2.3em;
  font-weight: bold;
  text-align: center;
  text-shadow: #477 0px 1px 1px;
  color: white;
  font-weight: bold;
  margin: 0;
  z-index: 2;

out of sight,
                        no checking
out of mind

    <div class="headerr">
little abstraction

div.header {
  background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0% 0%, 0% 100%,
                 from(rgb(72, 100, 180)), to(rgb(32, 60, 140)));
  background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgb(72, 100, 180),
                 rgb(32, 60, 140));
  padding: 0;
  height: 2.3em;
  font-size: 1.3em;
  line-height: 2.3em;
  font-weight: bold;
  text-align: center;
  text-shadow: #477 0px 1px 1px;
  color: white;
  font-weight: bold;
  margin: 0;
  z-index: 2;
little abstraction

div.header {                                             mixins
  background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0% 0%, 0% 100%,
                 from(rgb(72, 100, 180)), to(rgb(32, 60, 140)));
  background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgb(72, 100, 180),
                 rgb(32, 60, 140));
  padding: 0;
  height: 2.3em;
  font-size: 1.3em;
  line-height: 2.3em;
  font-weight: bold;
  text-align: center;
  text-shadow: #477 0px 1px 1px;
  color: white;
  font-weight: bold;
  margin: 0;
  z-index: 2;
1. design core abstractions + native interface

2. enable user land abstractions

3a. support successful ULAs with syntax

3b. support common native interface cases
    with core abstractions

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