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Table of content

Development process
 Development process overview	                      5
 Consultative approach & project recommendations	   6
 Online collaboration	                              7
 Stakeholder interviews	                            8
 Wireframes & UX (user experience) design	          9
 Graphics & UI (user interface) design	             10
 Prototyping	                                       11
 Technical specifications	                          12
 Project timeline 	                                 13

Code modules
 Code library	                                      15
 Augmented reality	                                 16
 Brand building	                                    17
 Calendar functions	                                18
 Charts and graphs	                                 19
 Cloud computing	                                   20
 Coupons	                                           21
 CRM	                                               22
 Data transfer	                                     23
 Database integration	                              24
 Facebook	                                          25
 Flickr	                                            26
 Games	                                             27
 GPS functions	                                     28
 Interactive communications	                        29
 LinkedIn	                                          30
 Mapping systems	                                   31
Table of content

 Music	                             32
 Networking interactivity	          33
 Office documents	                  34
 Photo and camera	                  35
 Radio	                             36
 Rating and review systems	         37
 Registration	                      38
 Reservations	                      39
 RSS newsfeeds	                     40	                    41 chatter	            42
 Security	                          43
 Shopping cart	                     44
 SMS text capabilities	             45
 Social media	                      46
 Surveys and polls 	                47
 Ticket purchasing	                 48
 Voice messaging	                   49
 You Tube	                          50

Promoting app
 iPhone	                            52
 iPad	                              53
 Android market	                    54
 Blackberry app world	              55
 Windows Mobile apps marketplace	   56

Contact us
 Contact us	                        58
development process

Development process overview
Mobilezapp can generally build custom mobile apps for half the cost and twice as fast as our competition. Our approach
to mobile application development is radically different from other mobile application developers. Prior to writing the
first line of code, we speak with numerous stakeholders within your organization to determine their goals for the mobile
app. We discuss ways to leverage various technologies and understand your platforms to create apps that can assist
your organization toward its end goals. Once we acquire good understanding of the core functions of the app, we create
wireframes and design the flow & interaction for app functions. Our creative team then develops a user interface that
is intuitive, easy-to-use and understand and is your brand extension. We develop a working prototype which you can
interact with and understand how the real app will work. The prototype and technical specifications are then used by our
development team to code up the mobile app.                                                                                                         5
development process

Consultative approach & project recommendations
Prior to developing the application prototype and writing the first line of code, we speak to each of the stakeholders
within your organization responsible for your mobile apps. We spend time learn their primary and secondary goals
and determine a mobile strategy to deliver same. We gain an understanding of your competitors and study their
mobile strategy. Mobilezapp provides a competitive strategy that analyzes the features, advantages and benefits your
competition brings to the market. We provide a detailed report to empower your team with a way to achieve competitive
superiority in the mobile application space. We provide advice on how we can proactively promote your application to
achieve maximum penetration. Ultimately, we work with you to ensure you receive a tremendous return for your mobile
app investment. We are not a mobile application development company - but a mobile app strategy and consultancy
company that delivers mobile applications.                                                                                                   6
development process

Online collaboration
Throughout the entire process we work closely with your team. In many ways, your team creates the prototype with
Mobilezapp. At each step along the way we demonstrate to your stakeholders the process. You can participate as much, or
as little, as you wish. If you are so inclined, you can work with us to even go so far as to work with us on deciding which of
the icons we are goiing to use. For example, if we are adding email functions to your app, there are five different buttons
in our icon library representing the email function - you can tell us which one you like the best. This is also true for the
great majority of the functions - we have numerous different colored and different sizes of icons. We have a wide variety of
ways to to lay-out the buttons on the mobile app device - we can have the functions vertically or horizontally, the order of
the icons can be changed, we can have a number of validation features, security options and the like. Through our online
approval process, you can see the other comments other stakeholders have.                                                                                                          7
development process

Stakeholder interviews
Prior to starting stakeholder interviews, we request you fill out a detailed questionnaire. Based on the responses from your
team, we identify the areas where we need more information and we focus the interviews around those areas. During the
interview process, as needed, we ask your team to provide us with working demos of the products, services and various
backend components. We brainstorm your team about various app functions. Once we are finished with stakeholder
interviews we will provide your team with a summary of all the goals and objectives for the app. These interviews are key
to our ability to deliver an application that meets or exceeds your expectations.                                                                                                        8
development process

Wireframes & UX (user experience) design
Based on the collected information, we identify the core use cases, functions and primary scenarios for the app. We
put together these core use cases and develop a flow to accomplish the desired app functionality. We carefully analyze
how a mobile user will perceive, learn and use the app. We create wireframes for various steps in the flow and analyze
issues like workflow and navigation. We carefully design the user interactivity and experience as the user steps through
this flow in the application - taking into account the on-the-go nature of the mobile user and making each step easy,
efficient and relevant.                                                                                                     9
development process

Graphics and UI (user interface) design
Mobilezapp will deliver a mobile application that is not only functional, but looks great too. We believe our creative team
is a secret weapon in our arsenal. We give extensive attention to the needs, wants and limitations of the mobile user at
each stage of the design process. We design the user interface such that the visual precedence relates clearly to the task
importance. When user directly manipulate onscreen objects instead of using separate controls to manipulate them, they
are more engaged with the task and the app and readily understand the result of their actions. We understand that the
look and feel of the graphics should be an extension of your existing brand. We work with your marketing department to
ensure that the mobile app visually integrates harmoniously within your brand.                                                                                                       10
development process

We take the interaction and interface design and create a working prototype of the mobile app. We develop a web
browser based prototype as well as a high fidelity prototype that runs directly on the device and incorporates the device
form factor. The prototype lets you interact with the application interface just like a real app. You can interact with the
interface through clicks, taps, gestures etc just like in a real app. You can get the feel of the scenario flow as you move from
screen to screen and can evaluate the navigation and various interactions.                                                                                                           11
development process

Technical specification
Prior to beginning the code, we must write your technical specification document. The technical spec document are quite
boring to read, extremely detailed, but essential for the development team. While the prototype is an easy way for your
team to understand the functionality of your app, and can be useful for the development team to understand what you
are looking for - the tech spec document is the coding blueprint. This tech spec describes in great detail the type of code
to be written - what sort of databases we will access, what methodologies and algorithms are needed. We spend a great
deal of time working on the technical spec prior to beginning the coding process. Your team will receive, and approve, the
tech spec document prior to us developing the code. This also allows us to provide you with a realistic cost for the build of
your mobile app. Because we spend such a great deal of time on the prototype, it makes it easier to write an accurate tech
spec doc.                                                                                                        12
development process

    Project timeline
    A typical timeline for the development of your mobile application is given below. Of course, each app is different in
    terms of functionality, requirements and complexity. Each addition of features, or deletion of features, can alter the
    timeframe and timeline. Once we receive funding for the proof of concept process it generally takes us a week to
    collect the needed information for the application requirements through questionnaire and stakeholder interviews.
    The wireframe and interaction design is delivered within two weeks after finishing the interviews. The graphics and
    the user interface is delivered by fourth week. And the working prototype is delivered by the end of fifth week. The
    technical specifications are finalized during the sixth week. Thus - generally within 42 days - we are ready to begin the
    coding. The code process will take roughly 6 more weeks. Thus the entire process can be delivered within 90 days.

Prototype      Stakeholders        Wireframe &        UI design      Functional         Technical        Mobile App        Project
 Funded          Interview          UX design                         Prototype       Specifications       Coding          Finished
                  - 1 week -        - 2 weeks -      - 2 weeks -       - 1 week -        - 1 week -      - 6 weeks -                                                                                                      13

Code library
There is no need to reinvent the wheel. We have developed hundreds of applications for mobile devices. Mobilezapp can
leverage our existing code libraries to built an app much faster and cheaper. For elements of code we will have to write
from scratch, we have two options. If you would allow Mobilezapp to add your custom written code to our library for
reuse, the cost is roughly half the investment required should the code only be used for your project. You can provide us
with an exemption list of competitors, to ensure anything we provide for you would not wind up in the wrong hands.

21 CFR part 11                 Customizer                     Location based services         QR code/Bar code
3rd party API integration      Facebook/Twitter               Loyalty programs                Radio
Audio messaging                Form builder                   Maps                            Ratings
Augmented reality              Four square                    Music library                   Registration
Brand builder                  GPS capabilities               MySpace integration             Surveys/Polls
Calculator/Cost estimator      HIPAAcompliance                Online reservations             Text messaging
Coupon delivery                LinkedIn                       PCI compliance                  Ticket purchasing
CRM connectivity               List builder                   Photo gallery                   Web browser                                                                                                      15

Augmented reality
Augment reality (AR) combines real-world and computer-generated data, taking information retrieval to another level.
AR takes full advantage of the smart phone hardware, including the compass, accelerometer, and GPS location, to show
relevant information, typically superimposed on the display, as shown in the Stella Artois app.

Augmented reality provides users with the capability to point their mobile device toward a direction and for the mobile
phone to automatically pick up icons with geospatial coordinates. For example - if you were standing on the street corner
in New York City at Times Square you could quickly and easily find all of the bars selling Stella Artois beer - or if you were
on a freeway you could find the closest gasoline station and the price of the gas for each and the mileage to reach the gas
station, or you could point your mobile device in a mall and find stores with special offers pertinent and relevant to the
types of products you are looking for. The ways to use augmented reality is only limited by your imagination.                                                                                                          16

Brand building
Mobile apps are your brand extensions and properly executed mobile app can add to your brand equity. Many brands
have successfully created mobile applications to enhance customer experience in a way that cannot be achieved through
websites. For example, Disney World, has created apps that allow visitors to upload line wait times in real-time. Yahoo! cre-
ated a fully functional application for Fantasy Football season, which let customers trade players and make adjustments to
their fantasy teams up until kick-off. Use mobile apps as tool to extend your brand. Mobile apps can enable enhanced and
more engaging experience for your customers with your brand. You can translate the services that your business provides
into a value that consumers can benefit from when they are on-the-go.                                                                                                        17

Calendar functions
Our code library includes calendaring functions. View your schedule on-the-go. Our calendaring functions support all the
required operations like scheduling appointments, storing and managing contacts and reminding their users of significant
facts and events through configurable alerts. The calendar acts as a companion to your existing Outlook, Google Calendar,
iCal or any other electronic calendar management system. It automatically syncs up with all your calendars, so you
have your mobile calendar anywhere everywhere. It acts like your virtual mobile assistant, automatically notifying your
appointment by customized alerts, text or one-click phone call. Think of it as your high productivity mobile Swiss army
knife - a bundling of variety of helpful tools in a single application using your existing calendar.                                                                                                    18

Charts and graphs
Charts and graphs are used daily in the business world and continue to be an important visual presentation technique.
Graphics are meant to sell, to inform, to motivate, to persuade. Charts and graphs can take any boring looking statistics
and display them in a beautiful and easy understandable visual format which is very important when you dealing with the
data on-the-go.

We can create dazzling charts and graphs based upon data from your existing data sets. The mobile device provide a
fantastic vehicle for your organization to be able to analyze and understand sales figures, returns, sales. We can provide
your organization with pie charts, bar charts and line charts for any set of data. You can click on any of the images to have
them blown up or see another view of the data. If you are looking for innovative and creative ways to arm your internal
personnel with graphical representations of your information directly to their mobile device - give Mobilezapp a call.                                                                                                         19

Cloud computing
Cloud computing is one of the killer applications for mobile apps. Generally speaking, invariably all data being used for
mobile computing is stored in a cloud. As mobile devices proliferate, they will be assessing federated clouds of resources
running on both public and private infrastructure. Many apps require access to computationally intensive resources like
large database management systems, interactive 3D games, location and mapping services - these are all stored in the
cloud. Faster network connections and advanced technologies like AJAX, Adobe Flash utilized by browsers provide means
for efficient data processing, fast graphics and user interfaces by utilizing backend servers. We offer apps that use all of
these advanced technologies and provide tight integration with the backend services in the cloud.                                                                                                       20

The days of cutting coupons out of the newspaper are gone. Printing coupons from Internet is an old style. Now you can
find the best deals while you’re on the go.

One of the most exciting uses for mobile apps is the distribution coupons. Coupons can be delivered based upon location
of the mobile device through SMS text messaging. We can create great looking coupons to promote your goods, products
or services. We have built a number of coupon delivery systems. The code we have built can be leveraged to provide an
effective and less expensive way for your organization to offer discounts and special deals. We can track the number of
individuals who are looking at your offers, those who accept, and the locations the coupons where redeemed.                                                                                                   21

Customer relationship management (CRM) is all about managing the relationships with your customers, including
potential customers. CRM combines business processes, people, and technology to achieve single goal: get and keep
your customers satisfied. CRM is a strategy to help you learn more about your customers so you can focus and develop
stronger, lasting relationships that will benefit both you and your customers. It’s very hard to run a successful business
without a strong focus on CRM. After all, it’s all about the customer. Successful CRM involves many different areas of your
company, starting with sales, of course. But also various other customer-facing areas, like marketing and customer service.

View opportunities, track leads, and manage your pipeline to grow your business while on the go. CRM mobile app
does more than help you manage sales prospects — it keeps you up to date with critical information and services for
your customers. Let us know what features and functions you would like to see in regards to CRM. We have a number
of different elements that can assist an organization with keeping track of sales leads and opportunities. We can build
enhanced integrated functionality to CRM.                                                                                                        22

Data transfer
Over the past four years, we’ve built a number of different vehicles for transferring data from mainframes, PCs, and
servers to mobile devices. There is no limit to the amount of data we can transfer - however speed is always important.
Thus, we have developed a data transfer module that takes information such as large image files and compresses the
files prior to their transfer. A 20 MB file can be compressed to less than 2 MB - thus what would normally take minutes to
transfer can be accomplished in seconds. We also built encryption algorithms to ensure the data could not be read by
anyone “listening the airwaves.” This is particularly useful with military or financial data transfers. Our code takes the files,
compresses and then encrypts, when the mobile device receives the information, it validates the user based upon their
unique user ID and then downloads the data - we can require unique passwords for each file, can validate the user based
upon their GPS settings, and can provide summary reports to officers, managers or others.                                                                                                              23

Database integration
Mobilezapp has extensive experience working with backend databases and offer streamlined mobile app integration with
backend corporate databases. We understand the issues involved in deploying a distributed mobile solution and database
synchronization. There are times when programming successful two-way data synchronization between mobile client
and backend server is too complex and other times configuring the database management system to filter relevant data
to mobile database is a challenge. Mobilezapp has experience in technology to solve such issues and provide a seamless
integration between mobile clients and backend databases.                                                                                                 24

Facebook has an enormous user base. With Facebook you have an ability to reach more than 500 million potential
customers world-wide, choose your audience by location, age and interests, test simple image and text-based ads and
use what works. People treat Facebook as an authentic part of their lives, so you can be sure you are connecting with real
people with real interest in your products.

No wonder that Facebook addition and integration to the mobile app is one of the most requested features. The ability
for individuals to “Like” a product, feature, or location via their mobile device can assist with promoting any brand, product
or service. In Mobilezapp we can integrate the Facebook to your app.                                                                                                         25

Flickr is one of the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. With its photo management
and organization technology it becomes easy to share your photos and videos with other individuals. Flickr can
indirectly assist your business in promoting and selling your products and goods and create overall good impression
about your brand.                                                                                                    26

While games are not a mainstay with Mobilezapp, we have created a number of games for branding purposes. We can
leverage our library of code to assist your organization with innovative and creative ways to enhance your brand. We
can develop any type of game you might wish either through our in-house development team or through our partners
- these games can range from simple single player stand-along gaming system to a sophisticated multiplayer game
with complex 3D experiences.                                                                                                27

GPS functions
Mobilezapp has created number of mobile apps that leverage the GPS capabilities of the mobile devices. The app can
include functions like getting maps, directions, ability to pinpoint your current location, ability to find things nearby. For
example one of the app that we have built allows us to receive a listing of each of the retail location of the chain store and
provide directions to each store. Our extensive library of code can empower your organization with the ability to release
your mobile app in half the time and half the half of cost.                                                                                                          28

Interactive communications
One of the primary reasons users have a mobile phone is to stay connected with friend, family and colleagues. Many apps
in this category use the built-in functionality of smart phones, specifically the phone text messaging and email. Other
widely used communication apps, such as Skype, Tweetie, and Facebook, support social networking and collaboration.
Common features in such apps are message creation, message management, contact management and alerts. At
Mobilezapp we have built many apps in this category.                                                                                                   29

LinkedIn is one of the most popular networking site used by business executives in the world. LinkedIn mobile app
is a good example of an app in productivity category. The users turn to LinkedIn mobile app to find information, get
references, stay connected with other people in their network, search for prospective job candidate - all this while on-
the-go. We have built many customized productivity applications like LinkedIn and we can utilize our extensive software
library to build your productivity app.                                                                                                    30

Mapping systems
Mapping applications are one specific use case that is built on top of the GPS capabilities of the phone. The built-in GPS
capabilities in the phone provide accurate location information which form the basis for many applications that can be
engineered around it. Mapping is one such popular application which can deliver things like directions to any location
relative to you phone location, things of interested relative to your phone location etc. In many such applications, the
mobile app uses the phone location information and communicates with a backend server with mapping database which
does computations, which are then visually displayed on the phone. At Mobilezapp, we can deliver a customized mapping
system for your needs.                                                                                                     31

Mobile apps for music player fall into category of immersive apps which often provide fully customized user experience
for which there are no standard controls outlined in the interface guides for any platforms. Other music apps like music
storage, music sharing are more utility apps which allow users to quickly do a well defined tasks. At Mobilezapp, we had
built mobile apps with multiple use cases for music and can utilize our software library to build your app at half the cost
and twice as fast.                                                                                                            32

Networking interactivity
Social networking is the byword of the present times. Users are becoming part of the ever-increasing social networking
communities and often times having multiple virtual identities. And most users are mobile and on-the-go. At Mobilezapp,
we have software libraries for social networking apps which can take the whole experience of networking to a higher
level. We can do custom social networking apps for any platform. We can do custom application where multiple users
collaborate, participate and work on various functions simultaneously in a network.                                                                                                   33

Office documents
There are mobile apps that let you view and edit office documents on your phone. OfficeSuite Pro is such example.
It is a complete feature-rich mobile office solution, allowing you to create, view and edit Microsoft Word, Excel and
PowerPoint files and attachments, as well as to view PDF files on your Android based phone. The software utilizes the most
commonly used desktop document formats and also includes a File Browser and integration with Google Docs to help
you manage your local and remote files. Another example is Documents to Go, which also allows to keep the document
formatting intact between iPhone and PC. It also offers features like predictive text, landscape viewing and editing,
character formatting, bullets and numbers, tables, embedding graphics etc. At Mobilezapp, we have extensive experience
developing such productivity apps for custom business use and can integrate the app with the specific business
workflows as well.                                                                                                     34

Photo and camera
At Mobilezapp, we have capability to develop highly customized mobile apps for camera and photo functionality. We
can build apps that let you take photo from your built in camera, manipulate photos like apply various fun and beautiful
filters and share online with your friends on Facebook or Tweeter or any networking site – all this while you are on-the-
go. Some of this functionality is highly desirable and is an effective tool for real estate agents, apartment managers, sales
representatives or anyone who wishes to show products or services in a picture format.                                                                                                          35

Mobilezapp has the ability to quickly and easily add radio functions to your mobile app. We can build custom audio
players that use the FM radio streams and also develop apps that use internet radio streams. The apps allow users to select
their station by directory and category or add their own favorite streams. Users can also pick from their favorites or their
recently played stations. We can also integrate social networking features to let users share links to a station stream with
their friends. We can integrate various other streams like fire and police scanners, hazard warnings from National Weather
Service, sports talk radio and various international stations from Europe, Australia, Canada and Asia.                                                                                                       36

Rating and review systems
At Mobilezapp, we have built custom apps that allow users to review and rate services and products. The mobile app
seamlessly integrates with the backend system and provides an extended way for users to give their inputs. As an exam-
ple, Yelp mobile app let users search for places to eat, shop, drink, relax and then read reviews from the active community
of locals in the know. We can provide customized rating systems that are more intuitive and visually easy to understand as
well as can apply charts, graphs to represent the rating metrics.                                                                                                      37

Imagine tradeshow participants and exhibitors being able to register for the show using the mobile app and being able to
capture, qualify and manage the tradeshow leads anywhere with their mobile devices. Exhibitors can follow up instantly
with tradeshow leads via a text, email or phone call and can send updates right from the tradeshow floor to headquarters,
customers and prospects. At Mobilezapp, we can build a custom app that lets users register online and manage the data
in a highly productive way which integrates with the any business workflow. And we can do this all much faster and at far
less cost than any other mobile app development company in the world.                                                                                                    38

At Mobilezapp, we have extensive experience building custom reservation systems for restaurants, hotels, airlines, rental
cars, cruise liners and multiple other industries. Choose your route and itinerary from the app and book your flight tickets
on-the-go, get flight schedule notifications on mobile. Choose the hotels displayed on an interactive map, browse the
hotel slide tours and book the room, share the information via email or text and even update the calendar with your
travel information. The mobile reservation system for your business extends your brand and provide today’s’ ultra mobile
consumer the critical means of reaching your services while on the go. At Mobilezapp, we can develop a customer
reservation system for your needs and can seamlessly integrate with any backend database that you current run.                                                                                                        39

RSS newsfeeds
We can integrate various RSS feeds to your mobile app. We can also develop a customized mobile news reader application
or a customized news and feed reader module within your mobile app. And can optimally integrate various relevant RSS
feeds to the app. The capability of RSS integration provides for instant and constant access to relevant news and articles
and our customized RSS feed readers make it easy to consume the news on-the-go. Having relevant information and news
on the finger tips at all times is powerful tool to enhance the business productivity.                                                                                                     40
We have a solid understanding of and the API’s available for mobile app developers. We can build custom
mobile applications that meet the specific requirements of your sales staff. We can leverage multiple features, advantages
and benefits provided by platform to integrate the single cloud computing platform to any mobile app
platform. The platform provides a true hybrid mobile experience by combining the reliability of the device
based application with the broad capabilities of the web.                                                                                                      41
codemodules chatter has recently introduced a new business technology called Chatter. It is a way business and sales executives
can collaborate and communicate on sales deals, much in the same way as end users use Facebook. With Chatter stay
connected to the people and records that matter the most and never miss any important development even when you
are on the move. Chatter also provides a feed reader - get instant access to your feed no matter where your business takes
you. Quickly look up contact information for the co-worker and connect with email, call or text right from your mobile
device. We have experience working with APIs and can build a customized version for sales collaboration
for your sales teams.                                                                                                     42

With the proliferation of the mobile devices and use cases, security is becoming an increasingly important aspect in
mobile application development. At Mobilezapp, we take a systematic approach to mobile security - maximizing isolation,
locking down internal and removable storage, working with sandboxing and signing and encrypting sensitive user
information. Where possible we use APIs in the OS to build safeguards for example, iPhone APIs to prevent overflow and
SQL injection attacks. We employ private and public key cryptography and enforce fine-grained security policies while
building applications for any mobile platform.                                                                                                  43

Shopping cart
How can you make sure that your products are available to buy from whenever you customer are and anytime?

Mobilezapp offers the ability for you to add a shopping cart function to your mobile device for far less investment than
you would spend working with any other developer. We can assist your efforts to find a capable host, payment gateway
or merchant account. We have the ability to integrate with your existing accounting systems or merchant account. Our
shopping cart code and system can integrate with real-time order management solutions as well as your warehouse to
provide shipping information. We offer detailed reporting for the number of transactions per day, average sale price and
much more.                                                                                                     44

SMS text capabilities
We can leverage the power of mobile phone’s SMS capabilities to build data exchange and control capabilities for
various application control functions. We can build user-to-user SMS messengers, phone-to-server communications via
SMS, SMS notifications to another mobile phone and even SMS voting systems. We can use SMS commands to allow
the user to control the application on one mobile phone from another mobile phone. We can leverage SMS capabilities
to build custom mobile marketing campaigns. There are multiple ways we can build custom apps and functions around
the phone’s SMS capabilities.                                                                                              45

Social media
At Mobilezapp, we understand social media better than anyone else. We have extensive experience building and
integrating social media functions into mobile applications across most any mobile platform that exists today. We can
build custom social media widgets for your mobile applications or integrate with most any well known social networking
sites like Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, LinkedIn, Myspace and others. You can be connected and share information with
friends, co-workers, check status, look up information while on-the-go.                                                                                                   46

Surveys and polls
Surveys and polls are the most widely used and effective ways to reach a large audience and elicit their preferences.
Common high-level goals addressed in user surveys include these: assess interest in proposed features, assess preference
for an overall product/service/feature direction, gather demographic information, qualify qualitative research findings
which can be useful if you are making critical decisions based on qualitative data and would like to understand the
pervasiveness of the findings.

If your organization wishes to leverage the power of the mobile devices to provide surveys and polls, Mobilezapp can
assist your efforts. We’ve already built a wide variety of polling applications and the ability for users to take surveys. We
can integrate this system with SMS text capabilities to alert users who sign up with your systems to take polls by location
or time and date. We offer the ability to take surveys and polls directly to the pockets of billions of consumers to get
their true reaction to a good, product or service vs. waiting for them to sit at their computer and answer questions. The
information you can obtain through a mobile device is more timely and thus more valuable.                                                                                                          47

Ticket purchasing
At Mobilezapp we have designed ticketing software for airlines, concert halls, promoters, sporting events and toll road
systems. Provide your customers with an ability to purchase tickets, vouchers or prepay any sort of event right from their
mobile devices while on-the-go. Our software can tie into any back end database you may have. We work with Oracle,
SAP, MYSQL, MSSQL, and dozens of other databases. We can process payments through American Express, Discover,
MasterCard, VISA, PayPal and other payment gateways. Our extensive experience and existing code allow us to deliver a
mobile app faster and less expensive than any other mobile app developers would offer.                                                                                                       48

Voice messaging
Mobilezapp offers integration with voice recognition functions in your phone. Enabling voice recognition in mobile apps
can result in better user experience and the user can rely on speech input. This opens up many new use cases and apps
like voice search apps, voice to text apps, voice command apps etc. As an example, you can send “tweets” to your Twitter
account from your mobile app just by speaking into the phone.                                                                                                     49

YouTube for mobile means having millions of videos right in your pocket. Features like browsing, uploading and searching
videos make the app as a must-to-have tool. If you are real estate agent, fashion designer, architect, builder or the one
who wishes to quickly and easily share the videos then look no further - Mobilezapp can integrate YouTube directly
from your mobile app. We can customize the YouTube integration to fit seamlessly from your mobile app functions and
platforms and leverage the immense capabilities of this “cloud” service.                                                                                                    50

Apple iPhone app store has the World’s largest collection of mobile apps. It has more than 425,000 apps for iPhone and
the number is only growing. Mobilezapp has extensive experience developing apps for iPhone across various industries
and categories. We have also assisted multiple clients in having their apps made available through Apple app store and in
promoting the app such that it is among the top rated apps in the store.                                                                                                     52

Apple’s iPad app store also has growing number of apps for iPad - 90,000 apps and growing rapidly. iPad apps enable
multiple fun use cases likes movie editing or writing a book. There are great opportunities to create new cool apps in this
category of devices. It presents yet another option for you to extend you brand experience to your customer in ways that
has never been done before. We can assist with developing and promoting your iPad app so that you get top return on
your investment.                                                                                                       53

Android market
We’ve got a long-standing relationship with the Google team. Thus, when Google announced they were going to bring
the Android platform to the smart phone category, we were amongst the first developers to embrace the technology.
In less than two years we have successfully launched dozens of Android apps. In addition to creating your Android
prototype and writing the code for your Android mobile app we offer turnkey promotional services. One element of
these promotional programs is to ensure your app is prominently featured in the Android Market. We understand the
application and approval process. We can save your organization time, and effectively ensure your Android app is a
tremendous success.                                                                                                   54

Blackberry app world
Once your BlackBerry app is created, we will work with you to ensure it is prominently featured on the BlackBerry App
World site. We have long-standing relationships with Research In Motion, makers of the BlackBerry. We understand how
the organization works and what they are looking for when promoting apps on their website. We have the ability to
take your finished product, upload it to the BlackBerry App World site and fill out the proper paperwork so your app is
admitted, and promoted quickly and easily. There are also a number of different sites that promote new BlackBerry apps.
Mobilezapp not only can create your app, but can also work with you to promote it globally.                                                                                                    55

Windows Mobile apps marketplace
Windows Phone marketplace has been making continuous progress over these recent years and has been adding growing
number of apps also. With the Microsoft’s on the verge of releasing new version of Windows Phone with improvements
in user interface - the marketplace is going to be abuzz with new apps and new opportunities. We have working relation-
ship with engineering teams in Microsoft Windows Phone project. We can assist in promoting your app in Windows Phone
marketplace as well.                                                                                                  56

Let’s get this party started
Give me a telephone call, send me an email, text me, hit me up on Facebook, tweet me, connect with me on LinkedIn,
send me a smoke signal - but let’s hook up.

Mike Wickham
Executive Vice President of Business Development

Houston, TX
skype - gauche2936
Linked in -                                                                                                   58

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Mobilesapp review

  • 2. Table of content Development process Development process overview 5 Consultative approach & project recommendations 6 Online collaboration 7 Stakeholder interviews 8 Wireframes & UX (user experience) design 9 Graphics & UI (user interface) design 10 Prototyping 11 Technical specifications 12 Project timeline 13 Code modules Code library 15 Augmented reality 16 Brand building 17 Calendar functions 18 Charts and graphs 19 Cloud computing 20 Coupons 21 CRM 22 Data transfer 23 Database integration 24 Facebook 25 Flickr 26 Games 27 GPS functions 28 Interactive communications 29 LinkedIn 30 Mapping systems 31
  • 3. Table of content Music 32 Networking interactivity 33 Office documents 34 Photo and camera 35 Radio 36 Rating and review systems 37 Registration 38 Reservations 39 RSS newsfeeds 40 41 chatter 42 Security 43 Shopping cart 44 SMS text capabilities 45 Social media 46 Surveys and polls 47 Ticket purchasing 48 Voice messaging 49 You Tube 50 Promoting app iPhone 52 iPad 53 Android market 54 Blackberry app world 55 Windows Mobile apps marketplace 56 Contact us Contact us 58
  • 5. development process Development process overview Mobilezapp can generally build custom mobile apps for half the cost and twice as fast as our competition. Our approach to mobile application development is radically different from other mobile application developers. Prior to writing the first line of code, we speak with numerous stakeholders within your organization to determine their goals for the mobile app. We discuss ways to leverage various technologies and understand your platforms to create apps that can assist your organization toward its end goals. Once we acquire good understanding of the core functions of the app, we create wireframes and design the flow & interaction for app functions. Our creative team then develops a user interface that is intuitive, easy-to-use and understand and is your brand extension. We develop a working prototype which you can interact with and understand how the real app will work. The prototype and technical specifications are then used by our development team to code up the mobile app. 5
  • 6. development process Consultative approach & project recommendations Prior to developing the application prototype and writing the first line of code, we speak to each of the stakeholders within your organization responsible for your mobile apps. We spend time learn their primary and secondary goals and determine a mobile strategy to deliver same. We gain an understanding of your competitors and study their mobile strategy. Mobilezapp provides a competitive strategy that analyzes the features, advantages and benefits your competition brings to the market. We provide a detailed report to empower your team with a way to achieve competitive superiority in the mobile application space. We provide advice on how we can proactively promote your application to achieve maximum penetration. Ultimately, we work with you to ensure you receive a tremendous return for your mobile app investment. We are not a mobile application development company - but a mobile app strategy and consultancy company that delivers mobile applications. 6
  • 7. development process Online collaboration Throughout the entire process we work closely with your team. In many ways, your team creates the prototype with Mobilezapp. At each step along the way we demonstrate to your stakeholders the process. You can participate as much, or as little, as you wish. If you are so inclined, you can work with us to even go so far as to work with us on deciding which of the icons we are goiing to use. For example, if we are adding email functions to your app, there are five different buttons in our icon library representing the email function - you can tell us which one you like the best. This is also true for the great majority of the functions - we have numerous different colored and different sizes of icons. We have a wide variety of ways to to lay-out the buttons on the mobile app device - we can have the functions vertically or horizontally, the order of the icons can be changed, we can have a number of validation features, security options and the like. Through our online approval process, you can see the other comments other stakeholders have. 7
  • 8. development process Stakeholder interviews Prior to starting stakeholder interviews, we request you fill out a detailed questionnaire. Based on the responses from your team, we identify the areas where we need more information and we focus the interviews around those areas. During the interview process, as needed, we ask your team to provide us with working demos of the products, services and various backend components. We brainstorm your team about various app functions. Once we are finished with stakeholder interviews we will provide your team with a summary of all the goals and objectives for the app. These interviews are key to our ability to deliver an application that meets or exceeds your expectations. 8
  • 9. development process Wireframes & UX (user experience) design Based on the collected information, we identify the core use cases, functions and primary scenarios for the app. We put together these core use cases and develop a flow to accomplish the desired app functionality. We carefully analyze how a mobile user will perceive, learn and use the app. We create wireframes for various steps in the flow and analyze issues like workflow and navigation. We carefully design the user interactivity and experience as the user steps through this flow in the application - taking into account the on-the-go nature of the mobile user and making each step easy, efficient and relevant. 9
  • 10. development process Graphics and UI (user interface) design Mobilezapp will deliver a mobile application that is not only functional, but looks great too. We believe our creative team is a secret weapon in our arsenal. We give extensive attention to the needs, wants and limitations of the mobile user at each stage of the design process. We design the user interface such that the visual precedence relates clearly to the task importance. When user directly manipulate onscreen objects instead of using separate controls to manipulate them, they are more engaged with the task and the app and readily understand the result of their actions. We understand that the look and feel of the graphics should be an extension of your existing brand. We work with your marketing department to ensure that the mobile app visually integrates harmoniously within your brand. 10
  • 11. development process Prototyping We take the interaction and interface design and create a working prototype of the mobile app. We develop a web browser based prototype as well as a high fidelity prototype that runs directly on the device and incorporates the device form factor. The prototype lets you interact with the application interface just like a real app. You can interact with the interface through clicks, taps, gestures etc just like in a real app. You can get the feel of the scenario flow as you move from screen to screen and can evaluate the navigation and various interactions. 11
  • 12. development process Technical specification Prior to beginning the code, we must write your technical specification document. The technical spec document are quite boring to read, extremely detailed, but essential for the development team. While the prototype is an easy way for your team to understand the functionality of your app, and can be useful for the development team to understand what you are looking for - the tech spec document is the coding blueprint. This tech spec describes in great detail the type of code to be written - what sort of databases we will access, what methodologies and algorithms are needed. We spend a great deal of time working on the technical spec prior to beginning the coding process. Your team will receive, and approve, the tech spec document prior to us developing the code. This also allows us to provide you with a realistic cost for the build of your mobile app. Because we spend such a great deal of time on the prototype, it makes it easier to write an accurate tech spec doc. 12
  • 13. development process Project timeline A typical timeline for the development of your mobile application is given below. Of course, each app is different in terms of functionality, requirements and complexity. Each addition of features, or deletion of features, can alter the timeframe and timeline. Once we receive funding for the proof of concept process it generally takes us a week to collect the needed information for the application requirements through questionnaire and stakeholder interviews. The wireframe and interaction design is delivered within two weeks after finishing the interviews. The graphics and the user interface is delivered by fourth week. And the working prototype is delivered by the end of fifth week. The technical specifications are finalized during the sixth week. Thus - generally within 42 days - we are ready to begin the coding. The code process will take roughly 6 more weeks. Thus the entire process can be delivered within 90 days. Prototype Stakeholders Wireframe & UI design Functional Technical Mobile App Project Funded Interview UX design Prototype Specifications Coding Finished - 1 week - - 2 weeks - - 2 weeks - - 1 week - - 1 week - - 6 weeks - 13
  • 15. codemodules Code library There is no need to reinvent the wheel. We have developed hundreds of applications for mobile devices. Mobilezapp can leverage our existing code libraries to built an app much faster and cheaper. For elements of code we will have to write from scratch, we have two options. If you would allow Mobilezapp to add your custom written code to our library for reuse, the cost is roughly half the investment required should the code only be used for your project. You can provide us with an exemption list of competitors, to ensure anything we provide for you would not wind up in the wrong hands. 21 CFR part 11 Customizer Location based services QR code/Bar code 3rd party API integration Facebook/Twitter Loyalty programs Radio Audio messaging Form builder Maps Ratings Augmented reality Four square Music library Registration Brand builder GPS capabilities MySpace integration Surveys/Polls Calculator/Cost estimator HIPAAcompliance Online reservations Text messaging Coupon delivery LinkedIn PCI compliance Ticket purchasing CRM connectivity List builder Photo gallery Web browser 15
  • 16. codemodules Augmented reality Augment reality (AR) combines real-world and computer-generated data, taking information retrieval to another level. AR takes full advantage of the smart phone hardware, including the compass, accelerometer, and GPS location, to show relevant information, typically superimposed on the display, as shown in the Stella Artois app. Augmented reality provides users with the capability to point their mobile device toward a direction and for the mobile phone to automatically pick up icons with geospatial coordinates. For example - if you were standing on the street corner in New York City at Times Square you could quickly and easily find all of the bars selling Stella Artois beer - or if you were on a freeway you could find the closest gasoline station and the price of the gas for each and the mileage to reach the gas station, or you could point your mobile device in a mall and find stores with special offers pertinent and relevant to the types of products you are looking for. The ways to use augmented reality is only limited by your imagination. 16
  • 17. codemodules Brand building Mobile apps are your brand extensions and properly executed mobile app can add to your brand equity. Many brands have successfully created mobile applications to enhance customer experience in a way that cannot be achieved through websites. For example, Disney World, has created apps that allow visitors to upload line wait times in real-time. Yahoo! cre- ated a fully functional application for Fantasy Football season, which let customers trade players and make adjustments to their fantasy teams up until kick-off. Use mobile apps as tool to extend your brand. Mobile apps can enable enhanced and more engaging experience for your customers with your brand. You can translate the services that your business provides into a value that consumers can benefit from when they are on-the-go. 17
  • 18. codemodules Calendar functions Our code library includes calendaring functions. View your schedule on-the-go. Our calendaring functions support all the required operations like scheduling appointments, storing and managing contacts and reminding their users of significant facts and events through configurable alerts. The calendar acts as a companion to your existing Outlook, Google Calendar, iCal or any other electronic calendar management system. It automatically syncs up with all your calendars, so you have your mobile calendar anywhere everywhere. It acts like your virtual mobile assistant, automatically notifying your appointment by customized alerts, text or one-click phone call. Think of it as your high productivity mobile Swiss army knife - a bundling of variety of helpful tools in a single application using your existing calendar. 18
  • 19. codemodules Charts and graphs Charts and graphs are used daily in the business world and continue to be an important visual presentation technique. Graphics are meant to sell, to inform, to motivate, to persuade. Charts and graphs can take any boring looking statistics and display them in a beautiful and easy understandable visual format which is very important when you dealing with the data on-the-go. We can create dazzling charts and graphs based upon data from your existing data sets. The mobile device provide a fantastic vehicle for your organization to be able to analyze and understand sales figures, returns, sales. We can provide your organization with pie charts, bar charts and line charts for any set of data. You can click on any of the images to have them blown up or see another view of the data. If you are looking for innovative and creative ways to arm your internal personnel with graphical representations of your information directly to their mobile device - give Mobilezapp a call. 19
  • 20. codemodules Cloud computing Cloud computing is one of the killer applications for mobile apps. Generally speaking, invariably all data being used for mobile computing is stored in a cloud. As mobile devices proliferate, they will be assessing federated clouds of resources running on both public and private infrastructure. Many apps require access to computationally intensive resources like large database management systems, interactive 3D games, location and mapping services - these are all stored in the cloud. Faster network connections and advanced technologies like AJAX, Adobe Flash utilized by browsers provide means for efficient data processing, fast graphics and user interfaces by utilizing backend servers. We offer apps that use all of these advanced technologies and provide tight integration with the backend services in the cloud. 20
  • 21. codemodules Coupons The days of cutting coupons out of the newspaper are gone. Printing coupons from Internet is an old style. Now you can find the best deals while you’re on the go. One of the most exciting uses for mobile apps is the distribution coupons. Coupons can be delivered based upon location of the mobile device through SMS text messaging. We can create great looking coupons to promote your goods, products or services. We have built a number of coupon delivery systems. The code we have built can be leveraged to provide an effective and less expensive way for your organization to offer discounts and special deals. We can track the number of individuals who are looking at your offers, those who accept, and the locations the coupons where redeemed. 21
  • 22. codemodules CRM Customer relationship management (CRM) is all about managing the relationships with your customers, including potential customers. CRM combines business processes, people, and technology to achieve single goal: get and keep your customers satisfied. CRM is a strategy to help you learn more about your customers so you can focus and develop stronger, lasting relationships that will benefit both you and your customers. It’s very hard to run a successful business without a strong focus on CRM. After all, it’s all about the customer. Successful CRM involves many different areas of your company, starting with sales, of course. But also various other customer-facing areas, like marketing and customer service. View opportunities, track leads, and manage your pipeline to grow your business while on the go. CRM mobile app does more than help you manage sales prospects — it keeps you up to date with critical information and services for your customers. Let us know what features and functions you would like to see in regards to CRM. We have a number of different elements that can assist an organization with keeping track of sales leads and opportunities. We can build enhanced integrated functionality to CRM. 22
  • 23. codemodules Data transfer Over the past four years, we’ve built a number of different vehicles for transferring data from mainframes, PCs, and servers to mobile devices. There is no limit to the amount of data we can transfer - however speed is always important. Thus, we have developed a data transfer module that takes information such as large image files and compresses the files prior to their transfer. A 20 MB file can be compressed to less than 2 MB - thus what would normally take minutes to transfer can be accomplished in seconds. We also built encryption algorithms to ensure the data could not be read by anyone “listening the airwaves.” This is particularly useful with military or financial data transfers. Our code takes the files, compresses and then encrypts, when the mobile device receives the information, it validates the user based upon their unique user ID and then downloads the data - we can require unique passwords for each file, can validate the user based upon their GPS settings, and can provide summary reports to officers, managers or others. 23
  • 24. codemodules Database integration Mobilezapp has extensive experience working with backend databases and offer streamlined mobile app integration with backend corporate databases. We understand the issues involved in deploying a distributed mobile solution and database synchronization. There are times when programming successful two-way data synchronization between mobile client and backend server is too complex and other times configuring the database management system to filter relevant data to mobile database is a challenge. Mobilezapp has experience in technology to solve such issues and provide a seamless integration between mobile clients and backend databases. 24
  • 25. codemodules Facebook Facebook has an enormous user base. With Facebook you have an ability to reach more than 500 million potential customers world-wide, choose your audience by location, age and interests, test simple image and text-based ads and use what works. People treat Facebook as an authentic part of their lives, so you can be sure you are connecting with real people with real interest in your products. No wonder that Facebook addition and integration to the mobile app is one of the most requested features. The ability for individuals to “Like” a product, feature, or location via their mobile device can assist with promoting any brand, product or service. In Mobilezapp we can integrate the Facebook to your app. 25
  • 26. codemodules Flickr Flickr is one of the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. With its photo management and organization technology it becomes easy to share your photos and videos with other individuals. Flickr can indirectly assist your business in promoting and selling your products and goods and create overall good impression about your brand. 26
  • 27. codemodules Games While games are not a mainstay with Mobilezapp, we have created a number of games for branding purposes. We can leverage our library of code to assist your organization with innovative and creative ways to enhance your brand. We can develop any type of game you might wish either through our in-house development team or through our partners - these games can range from simple single player stand-along gaming system to a sophisticated multiplayer game with complex 3D experiences. 27
  • 28. codemodules GPS functions Mobilezapp has created number of mobile apps that leverage the GPS capabilities of the mobile devices. The app can include functions like getting maps, directions, ability to pinpoint your current location, ability to find things nearby. For example one of the app that we have built allows us to receive a listing of each of the retail location of the chain store and provide directions to each store. Our extensive library of code can empower your organization with the ability to release your mobile app in half the time and half the half of cost. 28
  • 29. codemodules Interactive communications One of the primary reasons users have a mobile phone is to stay connected with friend, family and colleagues. Many apps in this category use the built-in functionality of smart phones, specifically the phone text messaging and email. Other widely used communication apps, such as Skype, Tweetie, and Facebook, support social networking and collaboration. Common features in such apps are message creation, message management, contact management and alerts. At Mobilezapp we have built many apps in this category. 29
  • 30. codemodules LinkedIn LinkedIn is one of the most popular networking site used by business executives in the world. LinkedIn mobile app is a good example of an app in productivity category. The users turn to LinkedIn mobile app to find information, get references, stay connected with other people in their network, search for prospective job candidate - all this while on- the-go. We have built many customized productivity applications like LinkedIn and we can utilize our extensive software library to build your productivity app. 30
  • 31. codemodules Mapping systems Mapping applications are one specific use case that is built on top of the GPS capabilities of the phone. The built-in GPS capabilities in the phone provide accurate location information which form the basis for many applications that can be engineered around it. Mapping is one such popular application which can deliver things like directions to any location relative to you phone location, things of interested relative to your phone location etc. In many such applications, the mobile app uses the phone location information and communicates with a backend server with mapping database which does computations, which are then visually displayed on the phone. At Mobilezapp, we can deliver a customized mapping system for your needs. 31
  • 32. codemodules Music Mobile apps for music player fall into category of immersive apps which often provide fully customized user experience for which there are no standard controls outlined in the interface guides for any platforms. Other music apps like music storage, music sharing are more utility apps which allow users to quickly do a well defined tasks. At Mobilezapp, we had built mobile apps with multiple use cases for music and can utilize our software library to build your app at half the cost and twice as fast. 32
  • 33. codemodules Networking interactivity Social networking is the byword of the present times. Users are becoming part of the ever-increasing social networking communities and often times having multiple virtual identities. And most users are mobile and on-the-go. At Mobilezapp, we have software libraries for social networking apps which can take the whole experience of networking to a higher level. We can do custom social networking apps for any platform. We can do custom application where multiple users collaborate, participate and work on various functions simultaneously in a network. 33
  • 34. codemodules Office documents There are mobile apps that let you view and edit office documents on your phone. OfficeSuite Pro is such example. It is a complete feature-rich mobile office solution, allowing you to create, view and edit Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint files and attachments, as well as to view PDF files on your Android based phone. The software utilizes the most commonly used desktop document formats and also includes a File Browser and integration with Google Docs to help you manage your local and remote files. Another example is Documents to Go, which also allows to keep the document formatting intact between iPhone and PC. It also offers features like predictive text, landscape viewing and editing, character formatting, bullets and numbers, tables, embedding graphics etc. At Mobilezapp, we have extensive experience developing such productivity apps for custom business use and can integrate the app with the specific business workflows as well. 34
  • 35. codemodules Photo and camera At Mobilezapp, we have capability to develop highly customized mobile apps for camera and photo functionality. We can build apps that let you take photo from your built in camera, manipulate photos like apply various fun and beautiful filters and share online with your friends on Facebook or Tweeter or any networking site – all this while you are on-the- go. Some of this functionality is highly desirable and is an effective tool for real estate agents, apartment managers, sales representatives or anyone who wishes to show products or services in a picture format. 35
  • 36. codemodules Radio Mobilezapp has the ability to quickly and easily add radio functions to your mobile app. We can build custom audio players that use the FM radio streams and also develop apps that use internet radio streams. The apps allow users to select their station by directory and category or add their own favorite streams. Users can also pick from their favorites or their recently played stations. We can also integrate social networking features to let users share links to a station stream with their friends. We can integrate various other streams like fire and police scanners, hazard warnings from National Weather Service, sports talk radio and various international stations from Europe, Australia, Canada and Asia. 36
  • 37. codemodules Rating and review systems At Mobilezapp, we have built custom apps that allow users to review and rate services and products. The mobile app seamlessly integrates with the backend system and provides an extended way for users to give their inputs. As an exam- ple, Yelp mobile app let users search for places to eat, shop, drink, relax and then read reviews from the active community of locals in the know. We can provide customized rating systems that are more intuitive and visually easy to understand as well as can apply charts, graphs to represent the rating metrics. 37
  • 38. codemodules Registration Imagine tradeshow participants and exhibitors being able to register for the show using the mobile app and being able to capture, qualify and manage the tradeshow leads anywhere with their mobile devices. Exhibitors can follow up instantly with tradeshow leads via a text, email or phone call and can send updates right from the tradeshow floor to headquarters, customers and prospects. At Mobilezapp, we can build a custom app that lets users register online and manage the data in a highly productive way which integrates with the any business workflow. And we can do this all much faster and at far less cost than any other mobile app development company in the world. 38
  • 39. codemodules Reservations At Mobilezapp, we have extensive experience building custom reservation systems for restaurants, hotels, airlines, rental cars, cruise liners and multiple other industries. Choose your route and itinerary from the app and book your flight tickets on-the-go, get flight schedule notifications on mobile. Choose the hotels displayed on an interactive map, browse the hotel slide tours and book the room, share the information via email or text and even update the calendar with your travel information. The mobile reservation system for your business extends your brand and provide today’s’ ultra mobile consumer the critical means of reaching your services while on the go. At Mobilezapp, we can develop a customer reservation system for your needs and can seamlessly integrate with any backend database that you current run. 39
  • 40. codemodules RSS newsfeeds We can integrate various RSS feeds to your mobile app. We can also develop a customized mobile news reader application or a customized news and feed reader module within your mobile app. And can optimally integrate various relevant RSS feeds to the app. The capability of RSS integration provides for instant and constant access to relevant news and articles and our customized RSS feed readers make it easy to consume the news on-the-go. Having relevant information and news on the finger tips at all times is powerful tool to enhance the business productivity. 40
  • 41. codemodules We have a solid understanding of and the API’s available for mobile app developers. We can build custom mobile applications that meet the specific requirements of your sales staff. We can leverage multiple features, advantages and benefits provided by platform to integrate the single cloud computing platform to any mobile app platform. The platform provides a true hybrid mobile experience by combining the reliability of the device based application with the broad capabilities of the web. 41
  • 42. codemodules chatter has recently introduced a new business technology called Chatter. It is a way business and sales executives can collaborate and communicate on sales deals, much in the same way as end users use Facebook. With Chatter stay connected to the people and records that matter the most and never miss any important development even when you are on the move. Chatter also provides a feed reader - get instant access to your feed no matter where your business takes you. Quickly look up contact information for the co-worker and connect with email, call or text right from your mobile device. We have experience working with APIs and can build a customized version for sales collaboration for your sales teams. 42
  • 43. codemodules Security With the proliferation of the mobile devices and use cases, security is becoming an increasingly important aspect in mobile application development. At Mobilezapp, we take a systematic approach to mobile security - maximizing isolation, locking down internal and removable storage, working with sandboxing and signing and encrypting sensitive user information. Where possible we use APIs in the OS to build safeguards for example, iPhone APIs to prevent overflow and SQL injection attacks. We employ private and public key cryptography and enforce fine-grained security policies while building applications for any mobile platform. 43
  • 44. codemodules Shopping cart How can you make sure that your products are available to buy from whenever you customer are and anytime? Mobilezapp offers the ability for you to add a shopping cart function to your mobile device for far less investment than you would spend working with any other developer. We can assist your efforts to find a capable host, payment gateway or merchant account. We have the ability to integrate with your existing accounting systems or merchant account. Our shopping cart code and system can integrate with real-time order management solutions as well as your warehouse to provide shipping information. We offer detailed reporting for the number of transactions per day, average sale price and much more. 44
  • 45. codemodules SMS text capabilities We can leverage the power of mobile phone’s SMS capabilities to build data exchange and control capabilities for various application control functions. We can build user-to-user SMS messengers, phone-to-server communications via SMS, SMS notifications to another mobile phone and even SMS voting systems. We can use SMS commands to allow the user to control the application on one mobile phone from another mobile phone. We can leverage SMS capabilities to build custom mobile marketing campaigns. There are multiple ways we can build custom apps and functions around the phone’s SMS capabilities. 45
  • 46. codemodules Social media At Mobilezapp, we understand social media better than anyone else. We have extensive experience building and integrating social media functions into mobile applications across most any mobile platform that exists today. We can build custom social media widgets for your mobile applications or integrate with most any well known social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, LinkedIn, Myspace and others. You can be connected and share information with friends, co-workers, check status, look up information while on-the-go. 46
  • 47. codemodules Surveys and polls Surveys and polls are the most widely used and effective ways to reach a large audience and elicit their preferences. Common high-level goals addressed in user surveys include these: assess interest in proposed features, assess preference for an overall product/service/feature direction, gather demographic information, qualify qualitative research findings which can be useful if you are making critical decisions based on qualitative data and would like to understand the pervasiveness of the findings. If your organization wishes to leverage the power of the mobile devices to provide surveys and polls, Mobilezapp can assist your efforts. We’ve already built a wide variety of polling applications and the ability for users to take surveys. We can integrate this system with SMS text capabilities to alert users who sign up with your systems to take polls by location or time and date. We offer the ability to take surveys and polls directly to the pockets of billions of consumers to get their true reaction to a good, product or service vs. waiting for them to sit at their computer and answer questions. The information you can obtain through a mobile device is more timely and thus more valuable. 47
  • 48. codemodules Ticket purchasing At Mobilezapp we have designed ticketing software for airlines, concert halls, promoters, sporting events and toll road systems. Provide your customers with an ability to purchase tickets, vouchers or prepay any sort of event right from their mobile devices while on-the-go. Our software can tie into any back end database you may have. We work with Oracle, SAP, MYSQL, MSSQL, and dozens of other databases. We can process payments through American Express, Discover, MasterCard, VISA, PayPal and other payment gateways. Our extensive experience and existing code allow us to deliver a mobile app faster and less expensive than any other mobile app developers would offer. 48
  • 49. codemodules Voice messaging Mobilezapp offers integration with voice recognition functions in your phone. Enabling voice recognition in mobile apps can result in better user experience and the user can rely on speech input. This opens up many new use cases and apps like voice search apps, voice to text apps, voice command apps etc. As an example, you can send “tweets” to your Twitter account from your mobile app just by speaking into the phone. 49
  • 50. codemodules YouTube YouTube for mobile means having millions of videos right in your pocket. Features like browsing, uploading and searching videos make the app as a must-to-have tool. If you are real estate agent, fashion designer, architect, builder or the one who wishes to quickly and easily share the videos then look no further - Mobilezapp can integrate YouTube directly from your mobile app. We can customize the YouTube integration to fit seamlessly from your mobile app functions and platforms and leverage the immense capabilities of this “cloud” service. 50
  • 52. promotingapp iPhone Apple iPhone app store has the World’s largest collection of mobile apps. It has more than 425,000 apps for iPhone and the number is only growing. Mobilezapp has extensive experience developing apps for iPhone across various industries and categories. We have also assisted multiple clients in having their apps made available through Apple app store and in promoting the app such that it is among the top rated apps in the store. 52
  • 53. promotingapp iPad Apple’s iPad app store also has growing number of apps for iPad - 90,000 apps and growing rapidly. iPad apps enable multiple fun use cases likes movie editing or writing a book. There are great opportunities to create new cool apps in this category of devices. It presents yet another option for you to extend you brand experience to your customer in ways that has never been done before. We can assist with developing and promoting your iPad app so that you get top return on your investment. 53
  • 54. promotingapp Android market We’ve got a long-standing relationship with the Google team. Thus, when Google announced they were going to bring the Android platform to the smart phone category, we were amongst the first developers to embrace the technology. In less than two years we have successfully launched dozens of Android apps. In addition to creating your Android prototype and writing the code for your Android mobile app we offer turnkey promotional services. One element of these promotional programs is to ensure your app is prominently featured in the Android Market. We understand the application and approval process. We can save your organization time, and effectively ensure your Android app is a tremendous success. 54
  • 55. promotingapp Blackberry app world Once your BlackBerry app is created, we will work with you to ensure it is prominently featured on the BlackBerry App World site. We have long-standing relationships with Research In Motion, makers of the BlackBerry. We understand how the organization works and what they are looking for when promoting apps on their website. We have the ability to take your finished product, upload it to the BlackBerry App World site and fill out the proper paperwork so your app is admitted, and promoted quickly and easily. There are also a number of different sites that promote new BlackBerry apps. Mobilezapp not only can create your app, but can also work with you to promote it globally. 55
  • 56. promotingapp Windows Mobile apps marketplace Windows Phone marketplace has been making continuous progress over these recent years and has been adding growing number of apps also. With the Microsoft’s on the verge of releasing new version of Windows Phone with improvements in user interface - the marketplace is going to be abuzz with new apps and new opportunities. We have working relation- ship with engineering teams in Microsoft Windows Phone project. We can assist in promoting your app in Windows Phone marketplace as well. 56
  • 58. contactus Let’s get this party started Give me a telephone call, send me an email, text me, hit me up on Facebook, tweet me, connect with me on LinkedIn, send me a smoke signal - but let’s hook up. Mike Wickham Executive Vice President of Business Development Houston, TX 281.716.5606 skype - gauche2936 Linked in - 58